ttftt iStmbmg ft mental. in sibb inns' i 1 1 Kiinuim, pa, i,.. 8 ATUUft At, A tKIL t7," 1 Bf . j t:f , Roam Jiav iwl.tW iffMtM ad Ik fooil Bra trsouaa'kog frith fajlr fclft t '1. j '" OdotB H. Onnnii "bM tppolnttd by President Jonnsrt; yortmasttr eijtaV-ua, Pa.' Babbe Facir . ltEfc--Tar It faothlog better t revlv fruit trat aad Ink lbnv produo tlv than unleashed bt, fit I a, tlroalar trench around tb root.', ',' ,. " i , 1 nl.m .' f.i :? ' a T i n't Cbanqb or Tike Th train aav rail road will run ander a mi schedule or Urn tabl oa Mood; next. Thr trill a lfiothcr train from this placs to Bsrrisburg and Philadelphia, leaving Sub. bury about 6 in tb vnlng. ?b morning train Kill arriv about I and 6 o'clock. A. M. . r , . . . Taa Good Templars, of tbli plae, Intend going to 6llnsgrov oa Wednesday next.' to perllalpat la th dedioaUon of a Hall, at that plao. . lb dota tion ni to bar taken plao oa Ttesday of last waak, but was postpoacd oa aaaoaat of tfcs) wafavor able ttate of tha weather. ' - X " 11 4, Orrict Rbbovbd. P. M. Sblndal, JuiUe oftho Peace, and Aaaiatant Assessor of thta Division of tba Distrtot, bai moved bli offioa to tba room reoently occupied by tba Bask, in Marital Bquara. Card . Wa Invlt tha attention of oar raadara, and especially thoae In this plaoa -and vicinity who jnaj require tba services of a physloian, to taa oard of Pr. J. S. Angle, who bat recently opened aa offioa In Mn. Gibson's building, two door west of the Oa- xelli offioa. Tba Doctor la a praotitionar of oonalde jable experience, and wat a Sargeon la tbe arm glaring the late rebellion. He eomet Wall reoom- jnondod. Hotel. Some of oar oltixens hare in view a pro jeot of getting op a company for the erection of a viarge hotel in this plaoe. There If nothing that eon duces mora to the prosperity of a place than good hotel accommodation!. In the new and growing towns in the West,. a Urge otel la onesf the Snt institutions deemed nocossary to taooem. ' i hi Etoxb Buildi-io Blocks. Wa . observe .to the office of Gta. J. K. Clement several beautiful tpect. mens of artificial atone, beautifully moulded into blocks', of Varions patterns, about three times tba site of brick. They resemble, In appearance, hand eomely dressed blocks of brown and sand stone. These blocks are composed, principally, of sand and llme by tbe Amerloaa Building Bloek Company, at Albany. The intention la, if possible, to get up a company for the manufacture of these blocks,, here, whioh cost about the same as brick. They are hand- some and durable. It is estimate that the Susquehanna boom, at Williamsport, contains over 75,000,000 feet of logs. This vast amount of lumber will keep the mills at that plaoe running to their fullest capacity daring tbe coming summer, and will furnish employment to a large number of laborers. ' Frcit Tries, Vises, Ac Oar people should be cautious in making contract for fruit trees, grape vines, Ac, and not trust every traveling agent who may approaoh tbem. We observe that a Urge nam ber of fruit trees, vines, Ac, have been recently distributed In this place. Some of these were In a bad condition, and had not been properly pat np. Besides the prices, in someVases, ware exborbitant. A friend paid $4.50 for two grape vines, which we could furnisb, in a much better condition, for less tb an half tbe money . S.iow. On Wednesday morning we were sur prised with a snow storm that would have dona credit to the clerk of the weather in January or February. Our gardens, in which early vegetables, Ac, wcro growing rapidly nnder tbelnfluenoeof the previous mild weather, were entirely draped in a mantle of snow, wbioh continued falling three or four hours It disappeared mostly during the day. We hope it may be tbe last of the season. Caterpillars. Now is tbe time to destroy those marauders while young. In tbe crotches of .rees will be found the nosts. They may be readily removed and orushed in the baud while yet small and few in number. Tbe Lewisburg ChronicU ha been informed that eeveral head of eattle, in Buffalo Valley, Union county, have recently died from the effects of eating damaged cucumber pickles. Tbe brine is fatal to nnimal life if taken in large quantities. . Where pickles are thrown out, care should be taken to place .hem out of tbe reach of cattle. Accidext. We learn from tbe Democrat that Jr. Jacob Marti, of this plaoe, met with a painful iccident at Clement's saw-mill on Wednesday of last week. He was engaged in moving lumber from tb nill to tbe yard, over a kind of railroad, about welve or fourteen feet above tbe ground, and while easing ovor it the trestle work gave way, throwing im to tb ground. His arm was fractured in a poking manner. Dr. Awl dreaaed tb wound, and le patient is doing as wail as oan be expected. Prowhed. A young school teacher, named Sny :r, from Wayne township, Clinton county, wa -owned in the river, at BenHummel's, below Sha. okin Dam. lie was engaged on a raft, and about o'clock In tbe morning as they war about to start om shore on their day's Journey, he walked over e raft by mistake. His body has not yet bean re, vcred. The cause of the mistake is supposed to this : Two rafts ware lashed together, and on of em waa considerably shorter than th other. H ,s walking towards th rear end of th short raft J kept bis eyes on the long rail, not noticing or liking of tbe difference of tb lengths of th two 'ta and thus, whilst looking at th on, he was .eived and walked over lb and of tb thr. 'intsrov Tivut. ,'ibs .at W'Vtok. A fir occurred at Milton on sday afternoon of last week, A dwelljpg boo, nod by Isaac, Brown, and occupied bytwefami , yas.eqtv'aiyiuinsiimod, together with all th niture, clothing and bedding. . Mr. Deival, ane b tenants, is said to have lost about $400, mostly -reenbacks, which wa In a bursa In th second y. It wss only by tbe most strenuous efforts on part of th firemen and eittaens that th sur iding buildings were preserved. Th fir is sup d to bare originated from a defect la a chimney. Brown's loss is about f 1000, on which there wss nsuranoe. cb Railroads. From th Auditor General's ort on Railroads, w glean tb following la rf- oo to th Northern Central and Philadelphia , Railroads, whioh bar their terminus at Sua 'orthirn Ctntral Railroad. i-Langth of road, miles ; number of aoglo boose and shops, 4 ; nor of engines, 68 ; first-class paaeeager cars, baggage, mail and express cars, 37 i freight do., i ; coal do., 1,451; iron bridges, ti ; wooden 129 ; stone do., 19 ; railroads oroased, I ; station cain road, 122; wood and water stations, IT; ls, 1. Total passengers .oarrlsd, W1 i I" 'vg. 891,093. KilM-ppUyas, Ml ataer. ujured employee, U; others, 11. Ho pastes killed or injured. , Uadtlyhia 4 J?rita7r,.-Unthf maia 287 miles ; number of engine houses and shops, b ; snglnee, 80 ; first-class passenger ears, ST j go, mail and express ars, lT; freight do. , ; coal do , M; iron bridges, t3; culverts, railroads eroa-wd, J; stations oa main road, 71; and water stations, l ; total fassgrt ear: 95,15 ; grose tonnsg. f Kllld s, V liint4f-yyi;rrr f; mplnyecs' "s, ! ' Matte la tb law MeeeUf pasMt 7 Vt fcMier UrUlag ilia 2orimk (AHr; iate twe sraraa, Ae.,saay be feaad ajftaaatast It wMr readers : rWWoar-TaeilW the) MiUM wf . sail ruts (rasa Coeda aa .iber eaaqaonaaiifc, tb Barrea, AatlsUart Barges, d Oaaaeeoa 'watL la Tow CMll aaeaaaaled. abaU b full toewei and authority to aus to We saad and eomtraeUd a river bank upon or along tb pabll highway la aaid Boroagh, tailed front tri, formerly Broad way, f SDeb height, form, slop and grade, as th laid Tow Ooancll may direct, and all work end oootreeta for workaat materials wbteh h said Towa CaaeU bare Berttotbrt don and toads, for and abtat the ermtoe and onstraetioa of a river bank la, upotaev along said stioet, U hereby made an aenarea w valid and bkidtng, and tb aald Twa CewaeH are hereby authorised and empowered to pay , cause to paid, all sums f BJOney which may hav beea heretofore ontraetd, for the grading and erecUo fsaehrtver bank, and all orders hrtofor drawn by tb Chief Burgess, and attested by the Town dark, aa th Boroairh Traasarer. fct payment of money for work, labor and materials heretofore con tracted for by th Civil Koclor (elected by the Chiaf Burraa. la ranaim of an resolution f th Towa Council, for and about tb rection and eon struetlon of said river bank, are hereby declared to be valid and binding, and th Borough Treasurer la hereb autkorisad aad amBewered to par th said orders out of any moneys that may as in his hands for Borough purpose. . Section 6. The said Town Council shall have power and authority to lay aad collect annually for . J .Im fn h nntnnaa rf 1 in til. dating the debt of tbe Borough, any tax not exceed ing ten mills on tb dollar : for road purpose any tax not exeeedlng ten mills on the dollar; for poor purposes any tax not exceeding ten mills on th dol lar, on th valuation asseased for County purposes, a is bow or may be provided by law, and all proper ty, offices, professions, and persons made taxaol by the laws of this Commonwealth for the County rates aad ieviee, shall be taxable after tb same manner, for Borough, Road, and Poor purposes. Editor Tablo. ' J ' 1 -Habfib'i MiOiilHt W hare received the May number of this excellent magatine, which con tains its usual amount of Interesting reading matter. Th contents ar : The Pictured Rocks of Lake Su perior, (illustrated ;) Last liaya, a poem ; The Im eniing -jneoK-Aiate ; rue Aiodge Vlub : or, Italy n 1UDCCCLIX. (continued :) Sucar-Maklna : Per sonal Recolleeltons of the War, (oontlnued;) Jose phlno; Pistorl; Tbe Pond; Disraeli; Crete; Anti podes : Tbe Virginians in Texas, (oontlnued ;) At Bay The Jim-Jims; Uood-Manners ; New Aspects ot toe Amerioan ruinu ; bailor s asy Luair ; nonto ly Record of Current vents ; Editor's Drawer. fubllshed by Harper A JJrothera, r'raokhn (Square, New York. , Beadle's Moktblt. Th May number of this popular Amerioan magaslne Is before ns. The con tents ar aa follows : Th Crescent City, (Illustra ted ; ' From Post to Pillar, V-VII ; Ancient and Modern Kmbalraing ; Tbe Fight at Kenesaw ; Who Was He ? XIV, XV ; Amor Vinoit, a poem ; New Ensjlandisms, (illustrated ;) Autnbiograpbio Motes ; Conversation ; Our First Cause; Wonders of ths Whale : Ureenblow In Gotham, X, XI ; Words from the People ; Notes, Notioes and Gossip. Published by Beadle A Company, New York. Godev's Lady's Book. Th embellishments of the Msy number consist of the following : Play Hours, a most excellent design, and a first-class steel plate ; Colored Fashion-plate ; Patterns in Patch work, printed in blue ; Sleeping in Church, an en graving for th Juveniles. Among the latest fash ions will be found two new riding ooetumec, five full length Spring dresses with gored skirts, and thirteen new styles of bats and caps, Ac In the litorary de partment will be found articles from some f our best writers Marion llarland, Belle Rutledge. Mrs. Goodwin and Mrs. II. J. Rowe. Published by L. A. Godey, Philadelphia, Tub Pbbb.xoloqical Jocrhal, for May, oontains biographies of Franklin and Jackson, tbe Man of Thought and tbe Man of Action, with portraits ; Mark Lemon, of the London Pnnch ; portraits of nineteen Kings and Queens of Sweden ; Allle Ar nold, poetess ; A Cherokee Legend ; The Origin of th Human Race, of Game and Indian Corn, by K. Q.Squier; Phrenology in Schools ; The We trio System ; Tight Laoing, (illustrated ;) Muscular Pow er; Effects of a Bad Dream; National Salutations ; Shopping, by Mrs. Wyllys ; Charity, by Hope Ar lington; lotal Depravity of infante; rue Aouv and tbe Passive; Origin of Life; Pope's Essay on Man. Fowler A Wells, Publishers, 3b Broadway, New York. Tbe Lady's Fbibkd, for May, is on our table. Th Recognition, a pretty and pleasant steel engra ving, leads off this number. Then we have the usual elegant steel fashion plate, followed by a toi let for tbe opera, a ball-dress, a young lady's dinner or evening dress, a carriage dress. Ac The musio for this month is "Isn't it Provoking?" Among tb literary contents ar th continuations of How a Woman Had Her Way, Orville College and No Lon ger Young all first-rate stories ; and Fire in Flint, Skeleton Leaves, or Phantom Bouquets, a new poem tiy rierenee reroy, editorials, so. ruonsnea ny Deacon A Peterson, 31s Walnut St., 1'biladelpnta. BUBINES8 NOTICES. OJob Print Istjf. Having rtoeived a large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new styles, Posters, Handbills, Circulars, Cards, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Labels, Ac, can be printed in tbt latest and best styles, and on short notice Orders by mall promptly attended to. To Yodno Man. Do you wish your father's approbation? Do you want your mother to he proud of ber son ? And most of all, do yen wish that sweet duck of yours to be better pleased with your appearance T If you wish all this, then be sure to gel one of those fin Spring and Summer bats at S. Faust's Hat and Cap Store, in Market Square where everybody oan be suited in price, quality and style. Ill 'HSLL- It la an old saying that what everybody ssyt must be true. Such being the ease, J. E. Smick, mer chant tailor, Fourth street, must have the largest and handsomest stock of Spring goods ever brought to Sunbury. Customers are invited to call Immedi ately and make their selections. ----- 'Peat," Inquired one minister of another, seeing so many ladies attend bis church, "why do you In. variably address your congregation as 'dear breth ren?' " "0, the answer is easily given," hero plied ; "the brethren embrace tbe sisters." Tbe gentlemen of this place always embraoe tha opportu nity of getting themselves oheap Spring suits, mad to order at tbe Continental Clothing Baiaar, Mar ket street. Jl-sii m " Comb dowa with tbe dust," which we will be very apt to do if we com dowa at a), tU windy weather. The moat pleasant way to oomedpwn with the dust s when you ar ptjjpg for a new suit of Spring clothing, at J. O. Beck's establishment, oq Fourth street. -M-----ea-sat---- Too Good to Tact. It is very evident that ther txist tome attraction at tha N. W. corner of Third and Market streets, In this plaoe. Every day witnesses a large assemblage congregated at that place, and upon Inquiry it was atoertaintd that J. F. Shaeffer, th merchant tailor, had just opened his Spring stock of cloths, casslmsrss, A., and was busily engaged taking measure for fashionable and cheap Fprlng suits. si ( is 1 -"Settled at Last." Not the tariff or enrrenoy question, but tht weather and th price of the suits of Spring Clothing mad at 6miek's, Fourth strttt, Bunbary. Tht former, beautifu and bright th latter, beautiful and aheap. , Fob a Mab to say that be oaa never change his opinion If either ta imply that b is too ohstinat to be taught by xprtepp, or tnat Bt claims inuiu bility. It It hut Btotssary to visit Harry Tbacher's Boot A She Store, is Pleasants' building, Market street, to ooavlnc tb most obdurate parson that ha kp th cheapest and best stock la Sunbury. s 8 aw : Marbieb o Sieole, tb "engaged" or raga (lag, wh ar aaxioas to preeare a faithful aad 1 gnat likeness, at th smallest outlay or money, would do well to ell at Byerly's Photograph Gallery, la Bimpaoa's building. Market street. Hit picture ar pronounced by eompatont Judget to be equal to any produced by th beat operators U ear lrg llisf. . .' ' Great Eicitixekt and astonishment u bv th wonderful euro of eroup by tb us of Btadt'i iMtttitator: la ease where vry othar remedy has failed they bav provd suoctesful. Fi!.tt bsving children suojeci to croup & joao'p iS ? 'hou!" b wit0?u.- to f V I" br.catera. JVy sis told by ell ggiftf 3t , bit a IoaBO Asaeagaltta-s sejertrtfaats ff flo to arvtoot lh Butdlf irlf tea ts;ti smsm aa be feud soar lsapl la Ms aharaatar, smWj SB Mia ta Its reealta. thaa LHe lasa- U U tttf- ke Jraie b dytag Mst toav to eepport tat wtr a hit koteca. tt I ha tSateasUadotlheTUeaA rattterreeLleg freje lb graVa,' W'tnill aourUilag hit aatspHog'-aatf keeplag 4beaJsk4ssaUf ,rop. Dy It .'tie faitbiul soa proteota bit aged parent. re wkr h has praeadel tbea Into teraity ; through it'tsit boa eat debtor aatlsfiea -bit aenfidlog erediteta, jerbeei feUsWtnued least pi-tf itianas- J moral aad world ly tBsa. A it. to 4Tsat waapea'ky whtok to rob death of Hatting." Jaco Bbifba) Mrs and tift Inturann A&nt, Sunbury, Pa. . . , . .- I'V1 r- . ,.' vlJ j : t?"To Claim Aatxti Blanks for tba collec tion of 'Claims of Private Soldiers and Non-commissioned OfEoars," aader th 1st Act of Uongresa, qnalitlag bottaties, have aa prlntod aad ar bow tor sal at th Ambrioab offict. . Wt keep on hand a full supply of all kinds of military blanks, - which w sell very cheap. ' They ar Copied from blanks prepared la the Departments at Washington, and an bt felled on for correctness. Orders from dlt anoe wilt receive prompt attention. vlUL'K NARKE-1'N, ; " Oorrtoted Weekly for the) "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel, tin 00 8 00 10 V0 6 00 I 90 . 1 20 90 50 SO 40 25 15 3 00 20 25 20 22 15 14 . 13 1H eo do do do do perewt. per bbl. perewt. per bushel , d . ; - d ' da do per pound Rye Flour, do Wheat, prim red Rye, Cora, ' . aew : Oats, Potatoos, Dried Peaches, pared do do anpared Dried Apples. do Dried Cherries, funstoned,) per bu. Butter, per poand.' "Rgs, ' Cbeese, Hams, Shouldont, Baof, hind quarter, " front " Mutton, Chickens, per doten, per pound, do . do do do do, 1 do par pair . SlaamoUItt Coal Trade. Ebamokik, April 22, 1847. Tn: Vtft. Sent Tor week ending April 20, Per last report, 8,777 00 109,855 04 118,632 04 120,469 11 8,037 07 To same time last year, Decrease, Special Notices. Bad Breatb Is often on of th attendants of a disordered stomach, and may be speedily obviated by the use of Cot's Dyspepsia Curb. By remo ving the oause tbe effect Is romovsd. Our druggists all tell It. Kike-Tentm of all Hair Preparations oontaln injurious substances which sooner or later will en tirely destroy the healthy growth of the hair. Tbe best chemists testify that "Barrett's Vegetable Hair Restorative" possesses no IkjCrioDI icistafices WHATEVER that tan by an possibility unfavorably j affect the hair or scalp, but that, on the contrary, Its ingredients are the best known to soience for tbe growth, beauty, and preservation of the hair, and a healthful preservation of tbe scalp. It is told by all druggists. ' lirmrtiial Jnstttutc FOR SPECIAL OASES, .o. 14 llositl Ktrt-ct iew York. j Full information, with the highest testimonials also a Book on Special Diseases, in a sealed enrelopo sent free. LsBe sure and send for them, and you will not regret it; for, as advertising physicians are generally impostors, without references no stranger should be trusted. Enclose a stamp for postage, and 1 direct to DR. LAWUENCK, No.. 14 Bond street, Hew lork. Nov. 17, lSSO.-ly 0 NE PRICE CLOTHING. JONES' OLD ESTABLISHED tXK PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market Htreet, One door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For many years this Establishment has done busi ness on the One Price Sys:em, and we believe we are tbe only Clothing House in the city that strictly adheres to this principle. We have earned a repu tation which we arc proud of, for good taste in select good styles and substantial materials, and not leas important, for having all our goods, EXTRA W 1:1.1. MADE. We employ the best talent, for Cutters, and our Goods are of both kinds Fashionable and plain so that all tustcs can be suited. The prices are tbe very lowest, as any one by a moment's thought must see, or otherwise we could not meet the competition of our neighbors, for as no deductions are ever mad, we must put our prices down to the advantages we promise. ine people msy aepena, in is is tne true pian upon which to do business, and manv a dollar can be saved to Clothing buyers by keeping in miud JONES' OXE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, 604 Market Strreot, Philadelphia, Not on the Corner, but one door abov Sixth. March 23, 1867. ly 1ST A Yoi-ho Lady returning to htr country home after a sojourn of a few months in tbe City, was bard ly recognised by her friends. la plaoe of a soars e. rustic, Bushed face, she bad a soft ruby eomplexioa of almost marblt amoothnest, and inttetd of twenty, three tbt really appeared but eighteen, Fpon in. quiry aa to tht cause of to great a change, she plain ly told them, that she used tbe Circui-xiilti ill Im, and considered it an invaluable acquisition to any Lady's toilet. By its use any Lady or Ueutle. man can improve their personal appearance an hun dred fold. It is simple in its combination, aa Nature herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its effsoaoy in drawing impurities from, also healing, cleansing and beautifying tbe skin and complexion. By its direct action on the cuticle it draws irom it all it impuri. ties, kindly healing th earn, and leaving tha sur. face as Nature intended it should be, clear, toft, smooth and beautiful. Prioe (1, sent by Mall or Express, on receipt of an order by W L. CLARK A CO., Chemists. No. S West tayetle bt., (Syracuse, N. I . The only Amerioan Agents for the sale of theisms. February 16, lo67 ly TAKE NO MOBE UNPLEASANT AND UNSAFE ft EM KOI l- for aupleaaanl anal lpfe.tu diseaara. Uta UaLHtoLa'a KTaer uccu aa lau-aova It oaa waa. March 8, Ifae?. ly Dr, Hchtack't Mandrake Ptlla. A tjabatllale Tor 4'Mlotnel. These Pills ars 00m posed of various roots, having the power to relax the teeretlono of the liver as promptly and effectually aa blue pill or mtroary, and without producing aoy of those disagreeable or dangerous tffMtt which oftoa follow thy bs of th lattey, ! In all bllUus disorders these Pills may be nsed with eonideao, aa they promote the discharge of Tlttated bile, and remove (bote obstructions from the liver aad biliary duets, ' whioh ar the cause of bilious aneotioae In general. SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS our sick headache, and all disorders of tha Liver, IndieaAed by sallow skin, coaled tongue, eostiveuees, drowsi ness, and t aaneral feeling of weariness aad Ussi- tudt, sbowmg thai tht lirr it la torpid ar ob taruotad eonuilioa. In short, thaa Pills may be ated with advantag Iq all oases when a purgative ar alterative aiedtoiae Is required. Pleas ask for "Dr. Schenok's Mandrake Pills,' aad observe that th two likeneatet of the Doctor are oa the Government at np oa wha ia tha last stag of Consumption, j4 th other to hi present health. Sold by all Druggist and dtaltrt. Prlo. 5 eqts per box. Principal umoe, no. 13 norm ota oireet, Philadelphia, P. Oeneril W olale Agents t Dome Barnes A Oo., 21 Park Row, New York ; S. 8, Han, lo Haiti, ranretit.. Baltimore. Md. ; John D. Park, N. K.eor of Fourth and Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio ; Walker A Taylor, 124 aad 13a Wtbaxb 4 venue, Chieigo, III ; Collin Brothers, aouthwtet rorae 4 24 sfj Vine tilt ., I. Louie. Mo. 1 R tibaJihw ta aie ly. ttMnfm tteaJfessVva'ortTtM CtsewTT CtwfAil Got; Btuituii, XarXxM, Cvi, aV Ceattf, ?, ta aU W-eeWia , wall at dace-rasa aiMata tt th TV-mi, CAurt sal tatwrr,'srrvll Mr 'tAtsvaW elloUfe'tt all eesiyWVrWrrortaUehtoe. rfM tt battel; snZVrW , Dow irl,i thaa tobavkthaida -kUU itld(-to to U tos eoea plaints. EapvUaw prevee that eai mast ta 1 Wt: ar1 Bottom ta a stttM att fewad la any (other remedy ; Vwvr ttrtr th luffttiag, tht tppll. ilM of UU aeolhing, healing aad troadarfal Balsam I one raaqainket th disease aatd raMra th aaf. fcrtr to wanted bealtli. ''' , ' " j :.; Mr.'JOHlT BTJSTO, , . 1 1 Or Baldwim, Cbebub Cobhtt, N. V. wrkes ':' "I was argod by neighbor to rt one bnUle of the Balaam for any wife, being assured by Mm that la case tt did not produce good oueote, he weald pay for the bottl himself. Oa the strength of such prac tical evidaeo of Its merit, I rirooared a bottle. My wife at this time was as low with What the Physieiana termed 6 atxb Corromptto a to be uaaUe to raia herself from th bed, oougblag eoostssttty aad rais ing more or less blood. I aommeneed gtvitig the Baisaat as directed, and wa to maeh pleased with ill operation that I obtained another bottle, and con tinued giving it. liafor this bottl Wat entirely used, ahe oeaaed eougbiag and wu strong enough to sit up. Tbe fifth bottle entirely bestorrd bbr to braltb, doing that whioh several physicians had tried to do but had failed." Prepared by SETH W. FOWLK A SOX, 18 Tre mont St., Boston, and for sale by Druggists generally. 8CROFtn.A. Dr. L 110 or,, of Paris, one of th most eminent Chemists of Europe, aaid : ' . "The most astounding result may be anticipated when Iodine can be dissolved in pure water." Dr. U. Anders, after fifteen years of teientlfie re earch end experiment, bas suooeoded In dissolving one and on quarter grains of Iodine to aoh fluid ounce of water, and the most astounding results hare followed its ase, particularly In Scrofula and disoaset therefrom. Circulars free Dr. U. Anders' Iodine Water It for aalt by J. P. Dluamora, 36 Dey Street, New x'ttk, and by all Druggists. ILELMBOLD tJ FLUID EXTKACT I t certain curt fot diseases of ths BLADDER, KIDNEYS, OKAVKL, DROPSY, OR. OANIC YEAKXE9S, FEMALE COMPLAINT"", GENERAL DEBILITY, 1 and all diseases of the URINARY ORUAN9, wbethrj existing ia .... MALE OR FEMALE, from whatever cause origuieting end no matter of HOW LO.NU 8TANDIN0. Dlseaaee of these organs require the uae of t diuretic. If no treatment ia aiibmitte to, Conauraptinn or Insan ity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are suppotted from these sources, end lbs HEALTH A.N'D HAPPINESS, , and . tliatofpoeteiity, depends upon prompt oa of a reliable lemedy. HELMDOCD'S EXTRACT BUCHl', Established upwarda of IS jreaia, prepared by ii. x. iii:i.uuoi.i, DRUeOIST, . ti nmadway, New York, end H4 South luta Street, Pbilaoeipkia, Pa. March j, im.lf . . ITCH t ITCH I ITCH I SCRATCH! SCRATCH! SCRATCH J WIIEATON'S OINTMENT Will Cure the Itch In 4 Hear. Also cures SALT RHEUM, ULCERS, CHIL BLAINS, and all ERUPTIONS OP THE SKIN Price 60 eeutt. For sale by the druggists. By send ing 80 cents to WEEKS A POTTER, Sole Agents, 170 Washington street, Boston, tt will be forwarded by mall, free of postage, to any part of tbe United Statee. jeJ3 '6o-y Ktiovr Thy Oeaiilrjy. Madabe E. V. Tnoa-iTO-i, tht great English At 'rologist, Clnirvoytnt and Psyehometrieiau, who has astonished the scientific classes of the Old World, has now located herself at Hudson, N. Y. Madame Thornton pososses suoh wonderful powers of seoond sight, as to enable her to impart knowledge of the greatest importance to the single or married of either sex. While in a stute of trance, she dolineatea the very features of tbe person you are to marry, and by the eid of an instrument of intense power, knows aa tbe Paychomotropa, guarrantees to produce a life likepioture of the future husband or wife of the applicant, together with date of marriage, position in life, leading trail of character, Ac This is no humbug, as thousand of testimonials oan assert. She will send, when desired, a oerlilled certificate, or written guarantee, that the pioture ia what it pur ports to be. By enclosing a small lock of hair, and stating plaoe of birth, age, disposition and com plexion, and enolosing fifty cents and stampod en velope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture and desired information by return mail All communications sacredly confidential. Address in eonldenoe, Maoabb K. P. Tuokxto, P.O.Box M3, Hudson, N. V. fcbl6- o7.1y. A Cough A Cold or Sore Throat, RXQL-IBKS IMMEDIATE ATTENTION, AND SnOCLD BE CBKCEED. If ALLOWED T0COKT1KCE, Irritation of the Luagt, A PrrmnneBt Throat JUiat-uwe, or Con wutuption It OriX TBE BEftl'LT. B II O W X H BRO.HC1I1AL T It O V II U BAT1K0 A DIRECT trt.rB!CE TO TI1E TAETt, SIVB IMMEDIATE BELIEF. ForBronehitia, Asthma, Catarrh, Conaump tive and Throat Diseasea, Troches ar nsed with always good success. SIXGERS AXD PCBLIC SPEAKERS will find Trorhet useful In clearing the voles when taken before Mnging or Kpeaking. aad relieving the throat after an unusual exertion of tbe vocal organs. The Traehtu are recommended and prescribed by Physicians, and bave had testimonials irom einmoni men throughout tbe country. Being an article of true merit, end having proved their efficacy by a tett of many years, eaoh year finds them In new locali ties in vorioos parts of the world, and the Troehf are universally prononnoed better than other ar tioles. OsTAtnonly "Bbowm's TlRoxrnUL TaocnBt," and do not take any of the Worthiest Imitations that may bt offered 'ld Everywhere, November 24, 1HB8. (jm liEI.MUOLU'a CONCENTK ATI 1) EXTRACT Bl'CllU Is tbe Great JIchnMXt Concentrated Extract Sirnparilla Is the Great Bawd Punter. Both are prepered according to rules of Pturnw-y and Ckemialr, an tie the anus unlive that taa be made. Mt'ebji toW-1-' Vondertttl lnt True. Hapame Reminotob, the world-returned Aatrolo gist tod Somnambulittio Clairvoyant, whilt In a clairvoyant state, delineate the very features of the person you are to marry, and hy tht aid of aa inttrumtnt of intense power, known at the Psycho motrope, guarantee to produce a perfect and life like picture of th fulur husband or wife of tbe applicant, with dale of marriage, occupation, lead ing trait of character, Ae. This is no imposition, as testimonials without number eaa assert. By stating place of birth, age, disposition, oolor of eyes and hair, and euoloaing fifty cents, aud stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive the pioture by return mail, together with desired Information. rV-Address ia confidence, Madabb Ubbvbdde Rbmibotoi), P. O. Box W7, West Troy, N. Y. foblo-' HELMHOLD'tt EXTRACT BllCHU end Improved Roae Wash earea eeoret and (telltale diaordar ia all their aiafee, at liitle expena, liule Of no rhange In diet, no in owvciMieneeaad no eapoaare. II mi pleasant in taste and oouc, Muaednie lu ite aetion, aa i:ee rrnoi lioue prf-eruee. mna t7 ly 1'ree to Everybody. A Large 6 pp. Circular, giving Information of tht greatest importune to th young of both sexe. . It Uachaa hew the homely nay aeeom beautiful, th despised respected, and tb forsaken loved. No young lady or gentltmaa should fail to send thsir addrtst, aad reoelve a ropy, post paid, by re- tura mall. '' Address P. O. Drawer, 21, Trey.N. Y. new Tdvertiseme'nts? .ATAKIATOIAt;CP, . INTRODUCED by tht celebrated Traveler, Bayard Tavlor. from Mt. Lebanon. Tb 6uest Bmolln Tobacco knowa it I described by Mr. Taylor as ''soft, artmatio, aad of delicious odor, resembling that of dried rqa;" maturitg eery early, So1 sown a lata as Jun will perfect a .crop. . W ecTer holie d of this valuabl variety from teed of Mr. Tty ior'wnrailng. 1 Price by mall, pnattgt paid,) 25c per packtg. EDW'D. J. EVANS A CO., No 9 N Oeorgt Nratt, York. Pi March Z I Im 1 .; ; 1 TnbRoaoH cnainnAN edpcatwi 'Ths Brat qeartar ef Sammer Seaaioa tt th second year of SUN BOR t CLASH-CAl, INSTfTUTB will pea jHottday,. Aarll Ba ltr- 1 Ths lam InaUtat torn aet aeaseatsarttaiy be lleve) a paroobial oharotor or daoomioattonal bis. Itlsopea toajl.. . . .. . TERMS: . Primary Department perqu'f. of 101 weoks M to ft Academical " " Its I Claaaical.i -j a 10 00 , N received far tea time thaa a quarter. No aeaaoUon for abaeoee ear by tickneH, Applleaati for adnrbttcm will be reeotved eo Thrsdy tnd Friday prvroni. ITnankfal for past patrocag, a ocotinuanoe f the (am It asktd. .. 8. 8. MILLER, Principal. April , mnr t xv n 0 vtia FIRST PREMIUM Of s Kltver BCod4 ff ll iiBMa rt tf ' BARRETT'S HAIR RESTORATIVE 4 " B' 'fJi:JH' AirrteeBetal tot a fralr haMen la Nuhua, Sept. 90, ' BA.nxt.BTT' Vegetable Hair Restorative llttorM Qrnj Tlftlrto lit nataral color. pi iwwm m mwin 01 ins iikir. Uhairt the . rttviai wMwironniM orvmnio Mtlon. Kraut- eatf Innlrun and I In mom. lrtntt tUlrhtltli'f on. It aSnpriior Dremirtf .ytf. a Tuuiaiirw so injunmin inf;rruif (Mil, JW tBiti st ti.w nrwi pTTpvimr ana ren -w . ab.t artJrla throuf hout Ui A avuv WfM, NurlH end V9 J. R. BARRETT A CO., Proprietor, BTAHOnStTKR, X. It. Sold by W. A.' BENETT, Sunbury, Pa., and Druggiat generally. ApriiS, 1807 4m THE GENUINE ' Ollartlett Hctvlng Machine. Vt) WANTED Agents, $150 ptr month and all ex. ptntetpaid. to sell tbe Oenuine Bartlett Sewing Ma chine. This Machine will do all tha work that can be done on any high-priced machine, and is fully patented, licensed and Warranted for live years. We par the above wages, or a commission, from wbioh twice that amount can be made. For Circulars and terms address ' . , Ii. HALL A CO., i i 724 Chestnut Stroct, Philadelphia, Pa. , Aprll li, 180T. 4t - ALL persons are hereby eeutioned, not to harbor or trust my wife FANNY, on my aooount, as I will pay no debts of her contracting, unleaa compelled to by law. THOMAS E. METZQAR. Sunbury, April ft, 1807. 4t .pHE undersigned ofTur for sale their stock of goods. JL as also the furniture end fixtures, in the Store at FULTON STATION, four miles from 6HAMO KIN, on the Shamokrn Branch N. C. R. R. Th Stock oonslstt of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, Qutentware, Hard waro, Drugs, Boots -.nj Sheet, Heady-Made Clothing', and other articles usually kept !r. a Country Store. The location offers many advantages, as It Is with in a few rods of the Railroad Station, it immediately at Excelsior Colliery, and within a quarter of a mile of two others, the Enterprise and Continental Collie ries. In addition, tt is tbe only Storo, and a good cus tom is secured. For further particulars apply tn undersigned at the Store or at their residence in Shamokin. Poet office address, Sbsmokin, Pa. C. II A CD. Hammed. March 3T, 167. 1 mot. THE VEKY LATEST AEEIVAL ! 1 SPRING AND SUMMER Joseph Eyster, Corner of Market and Fourth Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Invite the publio to eall and examine hie elegaut assortment of SUMMER OOODS, whioh he will sell at greatly rodueeJ prices. Ills stock eoneists !n part of CASSIMEEE8. CLOTHS, &C . Silks, Delaines, Lawns. Oingbami, Calicoes, Mutlins, .Sheeting, Tiokingt, Jeans, and a full assortment of cotton end n oolen goods generally. TfTTrMMTiJ? Hosiery, Gloves, Hoop Skirts. Alra Handkerchiefs, Brushes, Combs. Ilntis and Cnps, Boels and Nhoew, His assortment of goods will not, he is sure fail to please the fanoy and suit the wauta uf any desirous of purchasing. His stock of HARDWARE AND QtEENSWARE, and Groceries is lurge in quantity and choice in quality, comprising generally everything needed in tne household either tor use ur ornnmunt. He is always ready and glad to sec his friends and takes pleasure in showing them bis goods even though no sale ar mad. He ooly asks a call, and ia sur that the stock will compare favorably in price and quality with the cheapest. JOdEni EYSTER. " funbury, April 13, 1867. J. XV. H'rUXKMHVX, WATCHMAKER A JEWELER, Market 8quara, near the Court House, SUNBURY. Northumberland Countv. Pa. Ha nas just opened an assortment or uold I and Plain Patent Watohes. CLOCKS ' for Railroads, Banks and Dwellings, Fint Uold Rings, Finger Rings, Bracelets, Minia ture Cases, Medallions, Lockets. Pencils. Thimbles, Spectaoles, Silver Table, Dessert, Tea Suit and Mustard Spoons, Sugar Spoons. Cups, Napkin megs, cruit ana uuuer rvnivus, nnieias, uoroos. Diamond Pointed Pens, Casters, Pitobers. Butler Dishes, Fruit Dishes, Cakt Bankets, Syrup Pitohert, 4c , Ac. He invitee tht oititent of Sunbury tnd vicinity to eall at tbt abovt plaoe, where he will be happy to wait upon them. 3r Particular attention paid to REPAIRING. April 13, 18S7. Agrlcultui-ul Itnplestientb, HOE'S Grain Bakes. Stsel and Iron Garden Rakes, Long and D Handle Spades, fhorels. Manure and Hay Forks. Grass and Grain Scythes, Grain Cradles, Cradle Fine-era, Trace, breast. Ton rue and Log Chains. Grind-stones, Panning Mill Selves of ail dies ana Etnas, a large assortment of rled Wagou Hemes, for Plowing, Farm Bells, Cultivator Teeth, forsals i by - J. II. UONLKY A CO. Adnaiolalrator'a . Roller, NOTICE it hereby gtvtp Ihtt letters of tdmlnis tratloo having been grauted to tha undersign ed, on th estate of Thomas Zrrbe, late of Lower Mahonoy township, Northumberland county, Penn sylvania, deceased. All persons indebted to said aetata are requested to make immediate payment, and thoe having olaims to present them for settle ment. P. 8. BICKLE, Administrator. Georgetow n, April 8, 1HC7 6t BOOTS, SHOES AND TRUNKS 1 II. . TIIACIII.K, tCCCESSOBVO W . W . A P S L E Y . TN addition to our large stock, already on hand, we I are aow receiving a full supply Spring and bummsr goods for Ladies, UvuUemen, Misses and Vhlldren s trear. Also a good assortment of Trunks. A large lot of R. R. Baas, Genu' tne leather Satchels. W with it distinctly aaderstood that wa iutend selling our good at small proAts, axelntirely for the cash. Don't forget lb plaee. Pleasant' Building, Mar Bet square, Dunaury, rt, NOTlUK Boot end Sheet neatly repaired at short Botio. If say bought of us shoul shall be fixed for cotliin. d rip they . H. O. TUACI1XR. Buobury, April 6. 18T.-lf. a Mr. JL. TWEED. Fourth Strati, 4 door aorta of Walnut Street, cast sidsfiUNBURV, PA. RK8PXCTFULLY Informs friends and tbe public that ah has again opened a shop, n Market tt, Susbary, whr th la prepare' to make to order Ladiea1 Drtaset, la an autira new turle. Ladie Uloaks, Ae. Alto Ceutlumeu 't shjrts. Orders rajraalully solicited. Sunbury, 30: It, lW7.-ly - IMAO I tut nii.i:. - ANDSQMF, fios iooed. new, sih) prii.e low loquii t Ihi' OtVr n Sonrothing New ! ,. , ' ' . v. Nothinf; Now !' AKT G 0 0 D NEWS! ) The rplendld tttortment of OOODd at tht MAMMOTH STORE j. iv. rniLJa a noi, IS NEW. but it is Nothing New for them at th getting op NEW GOODS. ey tre tlways GOOD NEWS, lo the people of SCNBCRY, for they have purchar ed them goods low and are telling them at very W arc determined to tell our Goods at Low Prior and defy competition. We keep the bent qnnlif y of't-loodM and tell tbem as low as tbe second qualities) are sold by other dealers. Come and examiue our Stock sod Learn our 3sTmXaCC3 BrSJSBts No cbargo for showing Goods. That is our business and we take pleasure in doing it. Feeling very thankful to the public fur their very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed npon us. we fed confident of retaining their oustom, by strict adherence to tbe rule we have adopted. REMKMBKR THE TLACE. The Mammoth Store. Murket Square, 2doora cant of tbe New Court House, SUNBURY, PA. J. W. PRILING A SON. Sunbury, March 30, 1867. ' DOTJTYliOUSji;" J. H. 11.11. 1., Proprietor, Vomer Sunbury and Rock Strecti, SUAMOKIX, PKNN'A. Minis HOUSE is now open for the reception of X. guests, and being now, spacious and attractive, has all the facilities and advantages of a UK ST CLASS HOTKL. Tbe sleeping apartments are airy and comfortable, and the furniture entitely new. The Bar and Tablo will bs supplied with tho beet iu tbe market. Tbe patronage of tbc public is rolicited. APr" IL'J?"; THE HOWE MACHINE CO'S SEWING MACHINES, fV9 Broapway, New Yobe. sVor Fintl!ies and .Hunufurturrrs, mm isS These Woild-Renowncd Sewing Machines, were awarded the highest premium at tlio World 's Fair in London, and six first premiums at the New York State Fair of 1 666, and are celebrated fnr doing tbe best work, using a much smaller needle for tbe same thread than any other niachiue.aud hy tt introduo. tlon of the mast approved niaohiuvry, we are now able to supply tbe very bast machines in the world. These manhinot are made at our new and spacious Faotory at Bridgeport, Conn., under the immediate supervision of tbe President uf the Company, Ului Howe, Jr., the original inventor of the iSewing Ma chino. They are adapted tn all kinds of Family Sewing, and to use of Sea inHreta. Dress Makers, Tsylois, Manufacturers of Shirts. Collars. Skiru, Cloaks, Man tillas, Clothing, Hals, Caps, Cornets. Boots. Shoos. Harness, Saddles, Linen Goods, Umbrellas, Parasols, etc. They work equally well upon silk, linen, wool en and cotton goods with silk, cotton or linen thread. They will aeam. quill, gather, hem, fell, cord, braid, bind, and perform every species of sewing, making a beautiful and perfect atitub, alike on bctb tides of the artiolcs sewed. Tbe Stitch invented by Mr. HOWL', and mads on this Machine, is the most popular and all Sewing Machines are subject to the principle invented by hiui. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Tho Howe Machine Company. 69V Broadway, Cor. Fourth St., N. Y. April 8, 18o7. Coachmakers. WE are selling Riius, Spokes. Hubs, Springs, Csnvaca, Bolts, Clips, Alius, Ao., very low a Large Stock at CONLEY A CO, Suubury, March Z0, lt6, FIRS T N A T I O N XT m mi & mm H. O. TEACHES, Proprietor. MARKET SQUARE, SUNBURT, P A New Goods, New StyU-e, New Trice. Tbt largest .Stock of Boots and Shoes In this Market TRUNKS OF EVERY GRADE & PRICE Oents' Traveling Satchel, HaadtBagt, Valises, Ae. A u elegant assortment of Ladies' Fiue Leather Sat ehel Caba's, As.. A. COME AND SEE, COME AND SEE. IMeiiNHnt'sj ItulldlBir, .VA HKKTSQ UA It t April . JML-r asTOtas rmc m ON or about tb 1st or March last, a MEMO RANDUM IUH1K, containing some Note and Reocipts. They ar of n value lo any on but my self, the note are all payable to my order and not endorsed. Tb finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving tb same with Q. W. Uaupt. Esq.. or at this offloe. V. W.APSLKV. April .. I8J: " WM. A. DROWN t CO., Umbrella and farasol anufacturen ' Sit Market Stbeet, lMilladelpltia. . Iovil at ten lloa to their stock of PAUABOLS, . SpN U JiJi HELLAS, OINQHAM SUN UMBRELLAS, SILK ASP O ING HAM CMBBELLAS. Tor sale St the LOW r?T I'nirE. efihe day Aptd , lh'7. 1st rtOTICE TO BfAJttJIinHtt. , T0RRIWOXOR ft, $0DaKIff B. - MA5CTACTURBR4, - - ..,;.,. I 1 Tl A. W BON!?,',: SVFKRPilOSPllA'rE Off MME. Uunbnry, Yn. AS tht tctsr.a is at hsnd, a offer t Ui farmer our Rnper-Phoephate, whioh a fertiliser far Wheat, Corn, Oat. Potatoes, Grana, to , caaoot b excelled, and warrant ll a permaant improrer of ALL KINDS OP SOIL, - ' (not excepting any.) It does not act as a simple stimulant for on oroponly, bat ia lartlng in its etTects, which oan be proved: by the farmers of Cheater and adjoining eountla of this State. Alto of tht ad iauant counties of Delaware and Maryland,' wa lave used our manufacture for the last 8 years. Ws ask a trial this spring, confident that those who purchase, will ooutinue to patronise. For Wheat 300 lbs. pot; acre drilled tt sown broad, ccst. For Corn lift lo. 2CI lbs ptr tore dropped in bill, tt planting. ForOats 150 the. po.r acrttown broadcast, For Potato" -lfn lbs per aero soattni ed in row For Grim, 200 lhs. per tore at t ton d roster i Tbh quantity on Grass lands, will produce an in, erease In first crop of 1 lo 1 1 tone per acre. GIVE IT A TRIAL. We know that tho ruuilt will be satisfactory. Sold in Barrels avid Rag, at $57 per 2000 lbs , ,t our new .llaniifuctorj-, Eits( Market Street. Also abippod to all t""'inU on the Pbil'a. A I Northern Central, Lnokawana A Bluomsburg Erie. and bbamokin Vallvy Kailioads J. E. TORRIXGTON, ED. 1I0DUKIG8. t-unbury. March 1(1, 117. . H. Conley & Co, Market Mtrcct, 1'ln.nt trth ltni,lron1, SUNBURY, IBISXrTA.. DEALERS IN PORLIOi V ATfllltlCAt, Hardware & Cutlery. THE attention of Mechanics, Farmers, Build'! and Buyers generally is invited to the foot that we are now offering a better culccted assortment of HARDWARE, CUTLERY. AC, than ever waa offered in this marked at price mnoh below those heretofore demanded by dealers. Our stock comprises all nrtiolcs in this line of hnaincaa, embracing a genoral assortment of tools and mate rials used by CARPENTERS, BLACKSMITHS, CARRIAGE AND WAGONMAKEKS, JOINERS, AC, AC, together with a large stock of Iron. Steel, Vails. Spikes. Rope,' Chains, Grindstones, Mill and X Cut Saws, Ac, Ac. Eunbury, March 30, 1847. Sheet Iron and StovQ Market Street, near Engel't Store. SUNBURY. PA AN immenso stook of tvory kind of Tin Wire, aud Sboet Iron Ware of all descriptions. STOVES, COOK, OFFICE and PARLOR STOVES of the beet Brands which art unsurpassed fur hoauty of tnish. simplicity of arrangement, combining cheapness and durability and each stove war r ml tod to perform what they are represented. Coal Oil, sL'oalOIl Iainpw, Lantern, hades, Chiranys, and all artiolos usually kept ia aa establishment of this kind. COPPKR, bRA$ aqd IRON KETTLES, of all sircJ. FRUIT JARS and CANS of tho latost Improved styles. lie is alto prepared to do all kind) of Spouting an Roofing. Range and Furnace Work. Repairing, cheaply and ueally executed. BKN'J. ZKTHLMOYER Sunbury. July 7, 1866. ly T. S. SHANNON, Pructioal Watchmaker ASP JEWELEH, Prom riilLA DELPHI A In Siinpon- Building, Market Square, STJITSTJPwT. PS1T1TV. HAVING become the uccir of Mr. A. . S vaqe, he would respectfully solicit the custom oftho citizen- in general. Hoping by strict atten tion to business that tbey will fuvor him with their patronage. Mr. b bas been eonnrotcd for the past ton ycara with soma of tho best houxes in the city, in the Watchmaking trade, and all work entrusted to his care will bo done with prouiptnes acd'dupalcb, ami warranted to give entire satisfaction. Ilia stock of American, Swiss Watchos, Clock. Jenolry and Silverware, will be sold as low as can be purchased in the oity, and of tbe first quality. Particular attention paid to tbe repairing of Fine Watches, ClocEs and Jewelry. IV" All orders promptly filled. Ms-onic Marks made to order. Sunbury. March !, !Rn7. v.iTU T H A C H E R & CO. WHOLESALE DEALER IX Boots Shoes & Trunks, Kg. IS, North 4th St., T II I L A U E I. l II I A . March 13117. Executor's Notice. T OT1CE is hereby given that letters testament Xv ry having been granted to the undersigned, oo the estate of Clurinda Grant, late of the borough uf Sunbury, Northumberland county, Pa., decoased. All persons iiidcbtoi to sid esmte are rcquestod to make immod ate payment, and thoae buvinj claims to present them lor settlement. BENJ. litCNLHK'KS, Executor. 'untiury, March 2.1, ISt7. rtt PKKSONS having unrecorded lieeds are remind ed that tbey must be rvoordeil, m'Curding to the Act of Asteuibly which requires that -All deeds and uonteynncea for real rstatt It) this Commonwealth, hal bo recorded in the crnce lor Recording Deeds in the County where the lands lie within .-u" miomli afier the execution ofsucb deeds and conveyance; and cvervanch deed and convey ance not recorded as aforesaid, shall be judged FRAUDULENT AND VOID against any auheequeiit purchaser for a valuable consideration' unless such deeds be recorded before tbe recording of tb deed or conveyance under which suoh subsequent purchas er or murtgage snail eiaiin. Uf- Thoae having old Deeds will profit by paying strict attention to the above. Slarch 23, loti?. Adntisilatrttlvr'si .oliec. IKTTKRS of admiitisiretioB on theeaiatv of Cnthaiine j Baiisliarl, dreeaad, lately ot Delaware ' townahip, Nitiiaumbeilaiid eouuty, liuvmjr been igraitUtl to lite uo-dersif-ned. by the Resiater ol eid oouaty. All paista iiMjcuiMi to the same vill niabe inimeiliHte payintut, and thoae bavuig ctanna afauist the aaine, wilt present uWtn duly authnuicaud. J. r. WM- KS, Adiilll.iatrator ' IMawaietwp.. Mitrcli Kl. l-ti? ot. 4.i:.V UA.TsV'l. 1?OR OUKKl.BVsi lliayuHV CuMfLtra. KivaansDi 1 nasi iirMaresiTv! bvrai.Li.p sice-: ! Tliia Hisi'vy eiaituiu aoeimttia of a.iit nil hundred HailhM.Mil gaurrallv fnuiul In Ilia eurlier works on lh Re svIIhhi, cvea ia tboaa nvaM widely euculau.'. Now that Oatsiai's Hisruav la eompnued, iia rr-pula'iiy ia graau-i tiiaii ever beto-it, and arlla wilt a raruriity wtiiet makea it the mot vaiiiajile wik tvr CanvasatTs rvn pulihalird. . AiUiaaa U. t. C'AtK k CO., I'u'M.h-rs, at tlaiii'ord. C'miii , t lrvijo.t,tltii.i, ut Dciiuii, Mull. Inarch J).ln7 11. RRMEMBKKTUGJ) MESSRS. D. ,C. Diatingcr and John A. Taylor, would respectluily annownot lo tiit oititeus of Suubury, and aurroundiug oountry. that hvhig formed a eo-partnerahip, li'oy art now prepared to furnish ornameutod and plain 4-lrtivcalostca, '1'oistlta Jk Jlstntstsienta of tht beet Italian and American marble, at nrleet that cannot fail to give euure satisfaction, and re spectfully solicit the public r-atmnage. . DISSlNGtR A TAYLOR. Sunbury, a,-ch 51, lb. lv SHOEMAKERS. 1 IE best emeliliea of Sole Leather, I'renc h fail -lint, .Morriieooa, Linings, l.taia Nai!.. !', 1 Toirl all kin' an t tiy thing ure l tv ira iv for salt In by .1 H l'"V I I.V m.