H. B. XAMEB, Editor Proprietor . SATURDAY, APUIL 7, 1807.- (JST Och Nbioitbohs ard urbelvrs. During our . absence In. I'liila51pliia, two weeks lince. Our local editor notlcod an illiberal And ungeiitlemAn?; article in tbe Democrat, in relation to tbe miscarriage of our package for Northumberland. Tbe re ply to that article, though explicit, vraa, in its tone and temper, courteous and rospect fol, and would bare been received in tbe atne oplrit by any one capable of apprecia ting tbe am enitiet and courtesies tbat necct aaiily exist among men of intelligence and good breeding. But tbe fellows who now run tbat concern never made any pretense to any such qualifications and we are not disposed to bold them responsible for tbat which nature and the want of proper culture baa denied them. Their rejoinder was just what might have been expected, and perfectly in character with tbe tone and temper of a sheet tbat causes intelligent democrats to blush when bound to recognize It as the organ of tbeir party. TrrrlkU XbtpWaUost Fir jkmtcsi jnur Hiiieo. TVs copy tbe following from tbe PottsvlUs Journal of tbe 30th Inst I An explosion of fire damp attended by a sad loss of life, took place at the "Pioneer" Colliery, Bancroft, Lftris & Co., near Ash land, on Friday sight, April 12th, at 8) o'clock. It appeara that at tbat hour two boys and a. laborer la the gangway, were going out with a trip of wagona. When about one Hundred and titty yards irora toe race or tbo alopo tuey felt tbe shock oi a light explosion. This was Immediately fol lowed by a beavy explosion which knocked tbem down. They arose, Tan out and In formed Mr. Mr. Eltringham, tbe Superinten dent of tbe Colliery, cf the explosion. He got some men and went down into tne mm. They found all tbe batteries blows out, and that it was verj dangerous to do anything. Thnv not tin tcmnorarv canvass batteriea and r. -r :r-- - . . thus endeavored to get to me miners wuu wira In at the time of tbo explosion. While making the attempt they heard a cry and stopped to listen. The cry Was repeated, but fainter. ' Supposing tne uniorrunaie men in Iw in there and all alive, tbey stopped work and went in at the risk of tbeir lives tn rescue them. Tbcv found a miner named John Kennv. alive but frantic from pain. Thev eot him out. and seeing tne rcsc lying there dead they went in again and brought all out but two. Harrison Huddert and Michael Snellman. who were in the air- course and could not be got at, Tbe bodies of the nine men recovered were brought up about 1 o'clock on Saturday morning. 1 tie Aa tbe editor of tbe Gatettt, with bis usual magnanimity, forgetting the personal other two were not brought out until 2, laudations of himeelf in the Democrat, has r. ., or. tne same any seen fit to act in concert with the editor in this smalt business, it may be proper to explain why it is that our Northumberland pack is not as large as it was several years since. A few years ago, it will be remembered, quite s spirit of rivalry existed between Sunbury and Northumberland, growing out of tbe removal of tbe Bank, and tbe Iocs tion of the Machine Shops. Tbe editor of this paper was more than suspected of bo ing an active and open supporter of the interests of Sunbury. From that period our package for Northumberland began to "grow small by degrees, and beautifully less" while that of our neighbor of tbe OatctU was proportionally enlarged. The inference nay be readily drawn by the dullest Intel ect. But, as we profess to be independent ,nd fed nnder no obligations, for special avors, to any one, we never complained. ret we do not think it entirely magnoni ions on tbe part of tbe Gazette to exult ver what was designed as a benefit to lemselvcs and a punishment for us, while taping tbe reward of their prudential course that exciting controversy. The New Rail Koad. The con cnplated new rail road, from this place to ilkesbarre, by way of Danville, is an im ovement of tbe utmost importance. A rps of able engineers, nnder Col. F. C, nis.of this place, late of tbe Northern Cen 1 Railway, commenced a survey of tbe te, from this place, on Monday last. is road, we presume, is intended to con t with the Delaware, Lackawanna & stern road, In Luzerne county, and with Northern Central, at this place, and will constructed to developo tbe extensive i lands through which it passes, as it be tbe shortest route between New k, Pittsburg and tbe Lakes between commercial centres of tbe Atlantic and great West, which will soon make it tbe l route between tbe East and tbe t. le Danville, Uazlcton and Wilkesbarre ., as it is called, will bo made on the b or East side of the river from Sun to Danville. Iluzlcton and Wilkes , ... icb of the stock bas already been sub 3d, and five dollars on each share bas paid. The names of the dead are, James Mather, James Hood, Geo Ross. Harrison Mudriert, Micbeal Spellman, Thomas Stanton, John Docan, Edward Hop kins. Thomas Eltringham. Thomas Welsn and Joseph Shetzly the two last being boys. They were all more or less mutilated, but taose tn tne air-courses seemed to nave been smothered as they were not burnt much The appearances show that the men in the gangway were about getting tbeir supper. The only men who came out alive, were John Kenny, the two drivers and tbe laborer who was on bis way out to a sate place witu some lamps to be lighted, iieuny is recov ering. Ross and Spellman were single men, The others with the exception of tbe two boys and probably, Dolan and Hopkins, wero married and leave large tamiues in destitute circumstances. . Tbey were all ex eel lent miners and reliable, worthy men, With the exception of James Mather, all were under 40 years of age. From what we can learn we incline to Hie opinion that tbe accident was the result o carelessness, as tne ran never stopped, and tne men who came up from tbe previous shift, said that at tbat time there was as good air as ever was seen, but tbat there were large quantities of fire damp coming down on the gangway from tho breasts, and tbat it had been tailing all tbat day. Tbe place uas not been thoroughly explored lince the ex- piosiua. r ive suieiy lamps uuve ueen iuuhu in the gangway, all of them closed and in good order. Henoe it ia thought that tbe gas was fired in an air-bole and from there communicated to the gangway. It is antici pated that when the air-hole can be reached, an open lamp will be found. If this should be tbe case tbe cause of tbe terrible occur rence will at once of course, be made clear. James Mather, one of the miners killed by this explosion, was an Englishman, and s member of the Pottsville Cricket Club with which he played on several occasions iu tbeir matches in this Borough and at Philadel phia, with tho Young America and other c'.abf . - He was a fine player, although some what advanced in years, and a general favor ite with all for his worth aa a man and his gentlemanly qualities as a cricketer. He leaves a large family, all of them cirls, :n straightened circumstances, and we are pleased to learn tbat tne Club is subscribing a fund for presentation to tbem. Tho ex plosion also killed bis son-in-law, James Hood, leaving one of Mr. Mather's daugh ters to mourn the loss ot both father and husband. We understand tbat as all of tho families of the unfortunate miners are left in desti tute circumstances, collections for tbeir re lief will be taken up in all of the churches of Ashland to-morrow, and that it is desired that the churches of Pottsville will take up collections to-morrow for the same benevo lent object. We should be gratified to be. able to record the fact in our next tbat all tbe congregations in this Borough had acted upon tne suggestion. What Ik CWaaimlcat Dtiusd Ms) KldL Tbe n.rtford Timet, which la the Cincin nati Enquirer of Connecticut, bas paraded s long list of tbe tbinga tbe Connecticut Dem ocrats did last election day. We quote the sbief oi tbem, with such explanatory as ars necessary to maite tsoir iuu . li . v. I t . . J n.,teMttM msm of I "ioi usmocrsi una vuue " r ei -a .t. Mriintri to inGir prriu- em throughout tbe Union to wit I JetTer son Davis, Andrew Johnson, O. L. Vallan- dlgham, James uucuanan, , eto. m;'.-'. ' . ' . They nave sustained , tne prmcipiew ui tbe Constitution," as misreprescuvcu uU wi lled by Calhoun, Yancey, Frank Pierce and Rrirlr PnmernV. , "Thev have sustained the constitutional course, of President Johnson," and also bis unconstitutional course, wnicn cuieuy nceus sustaining. . - 'They fought tbe battle on great national issues," under tbe leadersnip oi ltoDort Lee. They demanded the Union for which our soldiers louglit." This must be understood InaPickwickianser.se. Taken literally, it implies tbat our soldiers don't know what they fought for, since they don't demand any such Union as Copperheads are striving lor. . "They demanded representation in Con gress for all tbe States," but emphatically demanded it for disloyal communities not yet recognized on a constitutional basis. "Ibey demanded tbat tbe rights ot states should not be subverted," and tbat all rights of their inhabitants forfeited by treason should be restored immediately without condition, Bsc) Almost Dsspalrs-4 Of PRUSSIA QVXB7XT AB1CXNO Lokdow, April 83 Monday Evening. U 8. bonds St Frankfort are quoted at 721 Peace la almost despaired of and there is a tendency to S panic. Prussia, it is said, la quietly arming, Pakib, April S3. It Is reported on very o-ood authority here tbat tbe Emperor Na poleon, In bl preparationa for war, ia en gaged in an endeavor to purchase arms in tho united Mtatea. . i . , , . Tbe chances are apparently in favor of war on the Luxembourg Question. The neutral great powers have, it is said, proposed a compromise of the difficulty, but Prussia disapproves or it. ' ' London. April 83 moon. reace oeiwecn France and Prussia is now almost despaired of. Tbe Prussians are quietly arming and preparing for the expected shock of arms. The warlike aspect of things has caused con siderable alarm on the London stocK i.i change, and the tendency of affairs is to wards a Qnanolai panic. I a ... Mr. Gladstone is mucb censured oy tne members of the Liberal party acd of the Lebcral cause, for what they term bis mis- management of tbe reform movement, Frankfort, April ssa Evening. tnneu States five-twenties closed at 73J- Nrw Orleans, April 19. Advices from Natamoras. ltb inst.. say tbat tbe Liberals captured Puebla, and that Maximilian is ottering to surrender, out bis overtures are rejected. 1 bo Liberals ret use to grant tue terms demanded by Maximilian i iicy protested against toe centralization -HB j,iBK!,xt, victory ATTEMPTED REVO- ot power," except it be centralized in tne i , nTI0IID president, "and tue unsurpation oy congress of authority not delegated by the Constitu tion," but endorsed tbe constitutional usur pation ol legislative powers by the Lxecu live. "They opposed negro suffrage," tbat is, tbe extension of negro suffrage to loyal black soldiers, but favored giving tbe ballot to usrepuntant wbite traitors. "They protested against tbe assumption of power by an arrogant and fanatical Con gress to repeal a section of the Constitution of Connecticut, in order to open tbe ballot boxes of this State to the African race." No such assumption of power having been made, and no arrogant and fanatical Congress ex isting, this protest must be considered an ebullition of ignorant zeal. "Thev have redeemed tbo 8tate." To re deem : to gain possession of by payment uf a price. M dulcr $ JJictumaru. They achieved tbe victory against greut odds; viz., tbe natural impulses of buman- ity, patriotism, and justice ; but a victory over tbem is never more than temporary. 'Glorious and heart cheering to the Union men of every state is tbe result." This is either an intentional cruel wrong, or, what is a more charitable supposition, suggested by the evident confusion of ideas, the wri ter's mind was aauiy muddied, and no inad vertently wrote Union for disloyal. Cinein- uan Uatcue. The Republican Congressional Committee. The following is a list of tbo Republican Congressional Committee, selected from the general Congressional Committee, which is now engaged in Washington city in aiding tbe loyalists of the South in carrying through tbo coming political reconstruction cam paign. Any of our friends who may desire to aid the committee in tbe discharge of the great duty devolved upon it, can do so effect n ally by contributing pecuniary assist ancc tbrousb its chairman : Robert C. Scheiick, Representative, Ohio, Lhairnian. John Counesa, Senator, California. Zacharia Chandler, Senator, Michigan. William D. Kelley, Representative, Peon syivania. John A. Logan, Representative, Illinois, John M. Broomall, Representative, Penn syivania. Oakcs Ames, Representative, Massachu setts. Thomas L. Tullock, Secretary. William S. Huntington, Cashier First Nu iional Bunk, Washington, D. C, Treasurer LUTION DARTWtS TAEEN AND ORDERED TO BE SHOT. . San Francisco, April 17. The reported egress of Maximilian's forces from Aucretero without a battle, and tbe rumors that tbe Liberal forces were in part defeated, and were Buffering from s lock of aupplies, are all directly contradicted. The report of revolution, beaded by iiercra, in Kan luis Potosi, is also denied. Letters from Presl dent Juarez, received to-day, make no men tion of disturbances having taken place or being anticipated. Consul uodtrey bas received a letter iron. General Corona in reference to the opera tions at Queretaro. dated March 16, which states tbat tbe Liberals made a reconnois sance in force, bringing on an engagement. which lasted eight hours, resulting in tbe Imperialists being driven from some of their positions., 1 he Liberal torces number kd,- 000, and the Imperialists 10,000 Jflacedo Vega was at Alazatlan lonr days in disguise, engaged in conspiring with bis political friends, being impressed with the belief that bis party in Siualoa would pro claim him governor. Tbe arms taken from here by Vega have been bidden in the moun tains, except s small portion given up to lien, jfarras. Letters from Lower California give an ac count of an attempted revolution. On tbe 1st o! April, Uoston Dartwis landed ot La Paz from Mazatlan, and proclaimed that Navarctte, s revolutionary exile, would reach the former place by the next steamer with two hundred men, and reinstate him self aa Governor of the Territory. On the route from San Antonio by surprise, and made prisoners of tbe officials. From San Antonio be went to La far, at' tacked tbe bouse of the governor, and found himself surrounded bv soldiers, uartwis small band fled, were pursued and ovcrta ken, and Uartwis was ordered to be shot on the 9th of April. According to the facts stated, this petty revolution contemplated a scheme ot plunder, and in tbo event ot success would have made tue American residents suffer among the rest. His designs were not countenanced by the Juarez go vernment,' and the story of the coming of Navurette was without foundation. THE CAPTUBE OF PUEBLA CONFIRM ED. Tbe Rfcbtnmtd. Dispatch notices an In creasing disposition on tbe part of northern capitalists to Invest In Virginia lands. Tb Treasury T3eprtmot sae sent officer to Middle Tennessee t close tbs distilleries for violation of tbe revenue law, ' : A Vennonter, taking hie family West, re cently bought 29 railroad tickets, tie goes with bis wife and 24 children tbe .latter including 11 pairs of twins. A watch baa been manufactured is . PAit which is wound op by simply 'opening the case to note tbe time. It only requires to. be opened once a Oionth ttf keep 4lfay going, and it is perhaps "the nearest ap- prouch to perpetual motion yet Invented. The Austrian Minister hns sent Secretary sewaru s noie oi tuaoKS ior bis prompt ,W' tcrvention in behalf of Maximilian's person, al safety. . . - Over KXBivnoN, either of body or mind, prod aces debility and disease.' . The usua! remedy is to take some stimulant, tbe effect of which is the same as giving a tired horse tbe whip instead or oats. Tbo true way is to fortiiy the system witn a permanent tonic like tbe Peruvian Syrup, (a protoxido of iron), which gives strength aud vigor to tbe whole system. An eccentric woman in Berwick starved ber cow, remarking that as it gave no milk of course it needed nothing to cat. Twenty-seven colored persons were Imp tised. bv immersion, in Mountain Hun cear Culpepper Court House, Vs., on Sunday last. A newly married lody attempted suicide in Norfolk, recently, but took three times too much laudanum and bad to give it up again. The Missouri river is higher than at any time since 1844. Everything movable near its banks ia being swept away. Two miles of the Pacific Railroad is impassable for trains, nasseneers being conveyed in boats. The Omaha Union Pacific Railroad is flood ed for miles, and so badly damaged that it will take several weeks to prepare it for tbe passage of '.rains. The pastors of the several churches at Oil City and Franklin, and of Lancaster, have tendered their thanks to uovcrm.r ueary. for bis decided stand ou tho subject of in tcmpeiance. . A Wisconsin lady bas a beard two inches in length, which commenced growing four months since. A terrible riot occurred among the miners ut Belmont Nevada, on the 18th inst. Twen ty men were killed. A government train was destroyed recent ly Colorado, and two' men were drowned by a sudden flood ruBhing down the defile in which they were camped. General Hancock held a council at Fort Larncd on tho 12th instant, with the Chey enne chiefs, which amounted to nothing. The next night they abandoned their village, and Gen. Custer was despatched in pursuit. It is thought they will join the Siour, against the whites. In view of tho possible return of the cho lera this summer, the Surgeon-General, thro' tbo war Department, has issued instructions to medical officers requiring a "quaratinc of observation" in all the departments, for the prevention or extension of the disease should it appear. The circular contains many ex cellent suggestions, as well for tbe public generally, as for tbe militury commanders of posts, xc. New Hampshire furnishes grog shops fur citizens of Maine and Massachusetts living near the boundaries of that State. Tbe Denton (Md.) Union says, our fishe ries are doing a thriving business. Sbad are more plentiful than they have been for years past, and are selling at $10 per Uun died. NE17 GROCERY! I'; V i! Y Mark tUMti IhreV.sso sasV of the Railroad, j , , j ssttaaide, IVHIvKT, PA. j WHOLESALE RETAIL AND Provision' Store TOR CHEAP GOODS ! . Thtis fetoek is MBiU, esMtitiof Id sari of BCUARS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICE8, COAL OIL, Tobaeeo, Cigars, Flour, Fe4, Fih, Salt, , . O i. . UsnM, .Vhooldsn, Cbmm, Fralt,- ' i , ' J ; ' 01M, Lstnpj, Aa.,A. . j . Country Produce taken In etching for Ooodt. Ijp'Call and examtnt our Stock, and latlufy your eslvse. ' ' ' ' , ... Snnbury, Aarll IT. 1887. :" '' - ' ' ' 4 DREEEL & CO., Rests Thlr4 Htrset, (BKVWSK SABtST 4 CKMHtT,) . PHILADELPHIA, B ANKERS, I : Md DEALERS IN GO VEKHHEST SECURITIES. ,7:808,, FANCY DRY GOODS STORE MISS KATE B1AOK, If arkot su-Mt, four doors west ofWm. II. Millers Boot b Shoe More, SUNBURY, Pi. -r- RESPECTFULLY Uformnhcr frtoadiin Runbury and vlolnity, that she baa juat opened her 81'RINQ SUAflfEIij DliKSS GOODS, of eirerj dwriptinn., --!:, . 1'aahlonable ftrewa Trinmlicn, '' Head DrM, OIovm, Hosiery, Embroideries, Lse Collars, Bleaohod and unbleaoned Muilina, Sheeting!, Drilling, Alapaeas, Poplins, Crap and Lace Vtili. EAditw Hats, Children's Hals find - i - ' ajaps, of ovary variety. Mais. Domorert'f Hair Cnrlen, Hair Colli and Curia, Glove, Btoeking. Collar, Const, So. Oinli' Collar, Ntokti, half lio, Handker chief and 8upnder. Bradley's now Patent Duplet Elliptis (or dcubl . Spring SK1RXH ) HOPKINS Elliptis Skirt. . , ; Perfutnary, Toilet Soap, Hair llrnilie, Comix, Tot, and a central varietyof SOTlON.S. . KATE BLACK. Sunbury, April 27, 1M7. T V t JL.XaC, JILYriAAD AsTOI'MT .'-.' COXTIIf 10' INTO '' 6-208 Without tbarge, and at pretest with a TROFIT to the HOLDER, QOLD, SILVEK, n c i , - 7 . compound; interest notes a WANTED. Application by mall will reoelrs prompt atten tion, and all information oheerfully furnuhed. - Btock (inrl Bond bought and sold on oommusion Bert or in New York. Orders aolioited. - February 3, 1987 .3m A NKW AHHIVAL UF SPRING AND "SUMMER, MASONIC HALL BUILDING. DBBIBBAOH BBOTHEBS, i T EPECTFCLLY inform their Iriend and cut Ik, toman, that thev hara removed their Store into the touthend room of Ihe'Muonio Building, on Third treet, opposite tho Depot, Sunbury, where they will be bappy to wait upon them, . Their largo anortment of t Groceries, Provisions, AC. are all froah and of the bent quality, confuting of Teas, Coffee, Sugar, and Sploe. Dried and Canned Fruit, fPrune. Ralrini, Chete and Cracker, and in raot ereryuung usually kept tn tho Qroeery lino Tbe would alo eall attention to their large and cheap lot of Good Family Flour, tireen Tea, Ham, fthoulcien, ore., wnicn are eonnnniiy arpi on nana. FRESH FISH and Vegetable, every Tueday and Friday evening. uit tbem a oii ana lee ior youracivee. Sunbury, April 27, IbM. . Surrender or Vera Cms Demanded. UoIm Joseph W. Cakk. Wo are ed to learn tbat Col. J. W. Cake, of ville, has been appointed Collector of 'ort of Philadelphia, which appoint- was duly confirmed by the Senate by cjj vote. Col. Cake is a practical end adc man, of nioro than ordinary abili- is an. intelligent business man, he ses tbe requisite qualifications neces. r the discharge of the duties of his His numerous friends in this, his county, will be pleased to hear of poiutmcnt. ' In our advertising colnmns will be a notice of Jay Cooke &Co., Drcscl and E. W. Clark & Co., In relation to v Pennsylvania State six per cent, majority of which was subscribed by artics. The loan is for twenty-three of dollars, and is entirely free from e, county and other local taxation. lebt of Punusyivauia does not exceed :nty-tbrce millions of dollars when ts applicable to tbe sinking fund are d from the total indebtedness, and eiog paid off annually at the rate of me and a half millions. It is calcu at in less tban seventeen years, at the rate of liquidation, we shall be en ib from State debt. security can be better than this ? le Commonwealth is probably the is it is the keystone of tbe arch of an, and this debt is but s trifling wmpared to the immense resources ople. When it is remembered that he borders of tlie State there are ,flOO,KH invtetod In railroada and ;ot bonds alone, and many hundred more in manufactures, coal and , Sec., tc, and that tbe Legisla- suprems control over all these taxation (excepting -government one can fail to agree with us that loan is the safest of all investments ciliated that at the present rate of i, not s dollar of this loan will re ily or ninety days. Parties hold st due loan can, if promptly pro re it paid ia, face and iu teres t in f tbo new loau. juuii uwfi ueciarea tuat it i ion of the Queen's Government to at no distant time all British I tue American continent" npblsus have as old fashioned Uuing pickpockets and thieves, as arrusted there tbe other day 45 and sentenced to fifty three b to tli tb.ig cof, and to e was then JsUleJ n.i paraded tr v ts l Mcmpliii. THE WAR FIXRHV Kl -ROPE. It seems to be somewhat difficult to un derstand the precise atatus of tbe Lux embourg question. We . have accounts stating distinctly tbat the treaty for the transfer of the Ducby from Holland to France bas actually taken place, subject however to two conditions, 1st tbat it shall be ap proved by the people of Luxemburg ; 2d tbat it shall meet the consent of Prussia. It such be tbe case France can have no cause of war in tbe event of the two remaininir ratifying parties, or either of them, refusing to do so. On the other band we have an official assurance from the Hague tbat the sale bas not been effectual and will not be without the consent of the great powers, and especially the consent of Prussia. In this state of the ease it is absurd for France to get angry aud make preparations for war, &c. Dut we refer more in detail to the question ns it would appear to stand. A nerlin telegram of tbe 4tb of April says : "Intelligence received here from tbe Hague announces tbat tbo Dutch Govern ment has officially informed the Prussian Cabinet that the sale of Luxembourg has not yet been effected, and will not be carried out without tbe consent of Prussia." The London Timet says it is a dissrrace to rrencn statesmen tnat tue Luxembourg scheme should ever have been entertained. France will show her deference for Europeau opinion by abandoning this' ill-omened ne gotiation, which would not only units all Germany against ber, but break off the le ttmate friendship which prevails between ner ana otner European rowers. a i-ans telegram or tbe 5th April says "1 lie J rencb Government has still under consideration the question of tbe cession of Luxembourg to France. It cousidcrs that the engagements entered iuto by the King ui iiuiiuuu are too umaing tor turn to with draw without the consent of France." Lord Stanley, in giving some explanations in the House of Commons, said "tbat the consent or tbe Kin of Holland was from tbe first made conditional opon that of tbe peopia oi ivaxemoourg ana also upon tbe conseot of Prussia. What tbe feeling of tbs people or Luxembourg might be, he would not undertake to say, but lie stronsly doubted whether the consent nf Prussia would be given, and if these conditions were not fulfilled, tho transaction Would fall to tbe ground. He had returned s rerdv to that effect to Prussia, and he had sines learned, from the official representatives of t wrl 4 . 1 , .a a .a ... ids rung oi tne newerianas, id at tue oegO' tiations were at an end. Lord Stanley aaid be had not considered it necessary on tbe part of the Government in communicate with Holland and Fiance on tbe subject. wben s pickpocket pulls at your watch tell him plaioly that you bsv no tlmsto spare.. .. , ,. .... ...... .. . Wisconsin supports one hundred and tniity-tliree newspapers, of which eighty SIWSJ SSI V UUlIIa. JreS.tb!' for th' reoPle r b,,,,y t- cd in Philadelphia. City raissionsries think they would reduce crime. The Indians. St. Louis, April 22. Tho Demornil't special correspondent with General Uun. cock's Indian expedition gives an account of a council held at Fort Larncd on the 12th instant, between General Hancock and fir teen Cheyenne chiefs. Tbe council amounted to nothinir : only a part or tue chiera or tbe tribe was in attend ance, and those present gave but an equivo cal reply to Uen. Hancock s speech to tbem, I ue next clay General Hancock moved to ward the Cheyenne camps, and wben about half way was met by over three hundred chiefs and warriors, who professed peace; but that night the whole tribe abandoned village, leaving tbeir wigwams, but taking everything ol value. General Custer s conv maud was sent in pursuit, but had not re turned when the letter closed. The indications point to s confederation lctwt-en the Cbeyennes and the Sioux for evil purpose. General Hancock intended to burn the Cbeyennes' village on the 14th. Uen. Sully Holds u Council With Indians. 850 LODGES EEPBE3ENTED. California Crossing, 25 Miles East or Fort Sedgwick, April 21. About eighty of tbe chiefs and head men of the Brule and Ogalala bands of Sioux, representing three hundred and fifty lodges, met General Sully's commission in council at this point to-day. '1 ney nave promised to remain at peace with the whites and to go upon a reservation. Increased depredations are reported on the road between forts Sedgwick and Lara mie. , . St. Louis, April 23. A train loaded with Government freight was recently attacked by Indians, near Fort Mitchell, Dakotab, and one hundred and twenty mules were driven off, and the wagons left stauding ou tue road. Havana, April 25. Letters from Vera Cruz to tbe 18th inst. confirm the capture of Puebla by tbe Liberals. Some 140 offi cers, who had strengthened themselves in the Defenses of Gaiidalnupe and Lorcto were allowed to capitulate at dUurutiou, and their lives were spared to them. Immediately on tbe capture ot ruubla, Disc sent three tliouBacd men and a battery to attack Vera Cruz. On the 12th insL a messenger was sent by the Liberals to de- demand the surrender of Vera Cruz. He returned to the Liberal camp on the 13th inst., and on that day tho Imperial' chiefs in that city had s council of war, and no doubt is entertained but that tbey would agree to capitulate. The expected arrival or the JNcw Mexican man-of-war from Tampico, and a battery, under General Alatufrv, sent by Diaz, it is expected, will induce Gen. Landero, the Im perial commander at V era Cruz, to surrender unconditionally, so as to avoid bloodshed. Maximilian Is reported to have escaped from Queretaro in disguise, to tbo city of Mexico, Hut tins report is not credited. The Imperialists bad made another sortie from Queretaro, and were defeated. Farther sadism Outrages. Washington, April 23. Dispatches from Denver city say the Indian war appears to have spread vigorously. Tbe Cheyenne Indians, after their consul tation with Hancock, captured and burned Lookout station, about three hundred miles east of tbe Smoky Hill route, and scalped three employees of the United btates Ex press Company. uenerai ttancocic lost tueir trail at t ort Lcara, and, on surrounding their late camp, louna it deserted. A government train was captured near Fort Mitchell, in Dakotab, and 100 mules were stolen. Tho Legislature of Wisconson adjourned tine die on the 11th instant. Tbe Itepubll can papers gcuerully allude to the resolution submitting to the popular vote thu question of female suffrage as more of a joke than any thing else. (Joe paper, pui.liHlieU at tbe State capital, says it was passed more in a spirit of pleasantry, and tlirougb coinpiai sance toward a member of the Assembly, who made it his pet bobby, than in coinpli anco with any populai demand for the m fut ure. A burcler in Isew t ork having uccotnc disgusted with his profession recently, sent Captain Jordon, of the police department, bis entire collection ot burglars' tools, sc companied with a note, stating that he intended liereatter to try and muuc ui living honestly. Thine of our reader who lack a zrowtb of hair upon the face, or thoee wboae hair i lalliDg out, or havo become bald, would do well to try "Dr. Bcvigne Restaurateur Capillaire." Thi preparation ha been uted by thouninU in thii country and Europe, with tbe niut nattering character have been received irom the molt wealthy and influential cilixen of Ihs country, and will beaent free to any Co., Chemiil, of Troy. N. Y., tho only agent in America for the aale ol the ume. Read tbeir adrertuement in thu paper. Or the many Cosmetic and Toilet Article now advertised, but few prove to b what they are rep resented. Messrs. Herger, bbutu uo , lbemlste, of 1'ruy, N. Y ., are advertising extensively several article that have proved theinielve just as re pre ser.tea, ior wnicn iney are acting a agent, nitx liev them to be perfeotly trustworthy, and that par tie using their preparation will find them fully up to toe recommends given. Bee tneir advertisement in another column of thu paper. NEW GROCERY STORE. W, 3. & CO , Market Street, Six door East of Third atreet, north aide, SUNBURY, PA , . RESPECTFULLY inform their friend and the publis, that they hare opened a 1STEW GROCERY AND PROVISION STORE, and will be happy to have tbem eall and examine their atoek, which ha Juat been opened, embrac ing everything in the Urocery line, such a Coffee, Tea, Sugar, syrups, Spice, Canned and Dried fruit, Bean, lloimny, uneeae, iraoacr, Bacon, Haul, Finn, Salt, Potatoes, etc., together with Soaps, Caudle, Soda, Ac, nd iu fact everything in the Urocery and Provision Line. FLOt'K AND FEED, Queenawarc, Willow-ware, Glaasware, Coal Oil Lamp, Coal Oil ia. Call and see before purchasing elsewhere. Sunbury, April 17, 18T.7. JJTTnB Coal Tbadk. The Pottsville ilinert" Journal ol last Saturday, says : Tbe quantity sent by Railroad thia week Is C2, 175 11 tons; by Canal, 35,819 10; for tbe week 87,093 01 against 114,859 tons for tbe corresponding wsek last year. - The trade continues dull. At many of the collieries tbs men are standing out for higher wages. Tbs truth is that wages for laborers particslarly srs too low st the col lieries, snd tbey can scarcely live st present prices of provisions, but it is well known tbat ths pries of coal has fallen more tban any other commodity in tbe market, snd even st present wages tbs operators can scarcely save themselves from less. We have jnst learned that the collieries are nearly all standing idle st Locoat Gap snd in the Bhar.okio region in consequence of turcouis. ns Dave not learned net ner ths collieries in tbe Lehigh region are In operation yet or sot. Several were to atart tail week. From present appearances the supply of eoal from this region this year will sot he increased, but may be consider ably diminished, unless s better demand springs up than at present MsT.y of tbe collieries were "robbed" last jssv snd searee- ly sny preparations mads for working tfaks year, which will also tend to diminish thu quantity. . IIUEVITIEN. Hoops surround what ruin men wine snd women. Ths State appropriation for common schools is, 355,000. A Maine genius has inventod s machine for making hotel bash. Tbe interest on the funded debt of tbe State is, 4)1,806,134. A man in Pittsfield, Vt., killed twenty six crows at s single shot. Pittsburg is happy over tbs first railway locomotive ever built there. Tbe majority for tbe State Convention in Maryland is about 10,000. During tbe past year there were 880 fires is Chicago. Lot, 3,90,OUO. Augusta, O., has s colored theological scnnoi wim inirty members. King Victor has decorated Bismarck with tbe order of the Annunxiata. Mrs. Dewltt C. Smith, s soldier's widow,' 14 stats librarian ior Minnesota, Tbs pay, expenses, etc., of tbs Legislature or tui state, just cioseu, was f m.ouo. . A young man employed st ths rolling mills st Bethlehem, Fa., fell heir to so estate ia Holland valued st 8,000,000. Annis Durham, s seamstress of 8t. Locis cut her throat last Saturday because she could not earn as hotisst living. i It is proposed to change the name of the PuilarMphiiV Corn Exchange Association to Commercial Kfchengc." ' Eitts floor" in Utah'sdl for seven dollars s bam I, jrj California six dollar-. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DH. J. 8. ANGLE, GRADUATE of Jeffenon Medical College, with five year praotioe. offer hi professional er. vice to the oitiien of Sunbury and vicinity will auena an oaiis promptly. OFFICE Market 6treet, opposite Weaver' Hotel Orrica Ilocas ) from T to 9 A. H. ( " 3 tot P.M. Sunbury, April 27, 1867. $23,000,000. THE NEW SIX PER CENT PENNSYLVANIA STATE LOAN FREE FROM ALL .STATE, COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL TAXATION. will be furnished in sum to suit, on applioatlos to tbs nearest Bank or Banker ; also by either of tbs uuuvrsiguea, JAY COOKE CO, DREXKL A CO. K. W. CLARK CO. Bankers, Philadelphia. April 27, 18T. V ORPHANS COURT SALE, T N pursuance of an order of the Orphan' Court of jl " orwumoeriana county, will De ipoM to pub. lie sale, a tbe Ventral Hotel, is the Borough of Sua. bury, en Saturday, June Ut, A. 1. 1M7. The M lowing- described real estate to wit : A eertaia lot of oigrouna.iitoat In John VT. Fryling' Addition to the Borough or Bunbury, aforesaid, numbered It, bounded ea tho North bv and Allev : on the South by lot No 1 J oa Ike East by aa Alley, sad an the West by Broadway, ostaining S3 feet mot or lees in iront on aroaaway, ana JW feet mors or leas aepm, w an Alley, Hereon I erected a two itor frame dwelling House, and frame kitchen attaches' Late tbo property of Robert W. Brook, deewaaed sal to oomaiano at 2 e'olock P. M. of said day. wbea tbo term and condition of al will be mad nnownuy . j. jj. MAhiShll, Adm r Ky order of tbs Court, T- J A'. Cv CI k Q C tfuoiiuy, April ZI, l6o7. ' TiSStas.aJ9 AT THE STORE OF J. H X3NGSZ., Corner of Fourth and Market Streets, 6UNDCRY. JUST received from New York and Philadelphia, a large rapply of BPRINO AND SUMMER U00D3, which he will sell at amall profit, for cash or country produo. Ilia Dry Goods department la full of every descrip tion. A splendid line of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, and White Goods at all prioe. Fancy Sacking for Ladle, and Shetland Wool Shawl Yankee Notions in Great Variety A lo, Ladle' French Corset and Hoop Skirts. - O A. RPBTS. Wove Floor Cloth, 8talr Carpet Floor Oil Cloth, all widths, Carriage Oil Cloth, Tablo Oil Cloth Widow Shades, Plain Oreen and Drown Oil Cloth and Fixture fur Window. QHOCERIE 0 , .Sugar. Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Craoker, Spioea, Salt Fish, Cheese, Ae. Queenware,Ulaware. tplendid Eottaof Teaware, at low price. BOOTS ck SHOES IN OBEAT VARIETY. lint and Cap, Oil, Paint, Ulan, Putty, School Book, Paper, Slate, de. , H A R D W A Jl E . Shovel, Fork, Nail, Locks, Hinge and Screw A Large assortment or WALL PAPER and Bor der, at all prioe. All perrons desiring to get good goods will please giro him a oall. J. II . ENOEL. Bunbury. April 20, 187. ifrnw . SHOE Market Street, adjoining G ear hart s Confectionery Store, SUNBURY, Pa. rTAHF undenignod respectfully informs the citijens X of Sunbury and vicinity, that he ha opened a NEW SHOE STORE, for the tale as well as for the manufacture of the finest and beat quality of Ladies' Shoo, vii : C!lovKi, MorTOcco,diir-kJnand Iatlnt Walters, &-r. Children's Shoes of all kinds. Hi stock it entirely new and well aeleoted. He alio manufacture fine French and other Calf akin Boot and Shoe for Gentlemen. Order for Iodic and gentlemen' custom work will he promptly attended to and got up in the best style by skilful mechanics. ehoe Bndmg sc., constantly aepi on nana ana J. n. JEFFRIES. W.S t'UKMAN ACO- The Jndlcinry t'omiuHler .f the Senate meet at Harrisburg on Monday, May 13th, prox., at two o'clock. P. M., to bold a Semen for lb investigation of tbe charge made agiit Rail- Road Companio or Illegal extoruonai onarge upon freight and pasenger. Parties interested are no tified to attend. J.. V. SUOKMAkKH, April 27, 1WI7. 'It Chairman Committee. it expel disease and res ' the organs of life into vig auu.vi v..:vri:i roit GENERAL L. C. BAKER'S HISTORY OF THE SECRET SERVICE. This work wa announced more tbau a year ago. but owing to the attempt of the Government to sup press it, it publication waa delayed. It will now Le iaiued, Unaltered and Uuabridged, under the SupervUioo of Uenerai linker. The marvelou narrative arc all atUMod by the highest otfioial authority. - Tbe Moral of the National Capital are thoroughly ventilated, and there are so tne Strange Revelation conoermng Head of Department. Member of Con grew, FEMALE PARDON BROKERS, and distin guished military obaraoter. atna lor a vircuiar ana see our icruis, sua a run description of the work. jtauree r. u ajwica i a. x-w.. "til Ckesnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. April 27, 1887 lm Fashionable Dress TRIMMINOSl AND Millinery Goods, Just opening at tho Millinery 5tor of Miss M. L. GUSSLER, Fourth Street, two door below tbe Railroad, West side, SUNBURY, PA. Such as Drctf-Trimminga. Head-Dreae, Glove, ' Hosiery, . Ribbon, Flower, Collar, Uandker '' chiefs, Ac, ., whioh have been carefully seleoted. Mi M. L. Quseler hu Just opened a large assort ment of Millinery Uoode. Ladie should not foil to go and see the latest atyle as it will pay to not delay to for aale to the trade. Sunbury. April 20, 1807. CLEANSE THE BLOOD. WITH corrupt, or taint ed Blood. you are sick all over. It rmy buret out tu Pimples, or Sores, or in some active disease, or it may merely keep you list less, depressed and good for nothing. Rut you can not have good health while your blood is impure. Ana Sarbaparilla. .purges outthese impurities. restores health and atiinulatos orenns of life into vigorous action. Hence it ra pidly oures a variety of oomplaiut which are caused by impurity of tbe blood, aucb a Scrofula, or King' Kvil, Tumor, Uloer, Sore, Eruption, Pimples, uioienos, nous, Pi. Aotnony a nre, nose or tryst -pelaa, Tcttor or Salt Rheum, could Head, King Worm, Cancer or Cancerous Tumor, Sore Kyes. fe male Disease, such a Retention, Irregularity, Sup- rreeeion, White, Sterility, alto Syphilis or Yoncrcnl liseases. Liver Complaint, and Heart Diseases. Try A van's. S arba r a rill A, and see for yourself the surprising active with which it cleasea the blood and sure these disorder. During late year the public have been misled by large bottle, pretending to give a quart of Extract of carsaparilla for on dollar. Most of theso have been frauds upon th lick, for they not only oontain little, if any, Sarsparilla, but often no curative in- i gredient whatever. Hence, bitter disappointment tins followed the use of the various extracts ofSaraa- parilla which flood the market, until the name itself ! tins become synonymous with Imposition and cheat. Mill we eall ton compound, "barsaparilla." and in tend to supply such a remedy a shall rescue the name from tbe load of obloquy which rest upon it. n e mm we nave ground ior ucuevtng it na virtue whioh are irresistible by tbe class of disease it ia in- vMtiss her store Call and examine for voureelve how goods SttBbary, April 20, 1647. No troubl to SPRING AND SUMMER MILUNEBY AND FANCY GOODS, J ul opening at the Store of Mia LOUISA BHI38LIB, South aids of Market Square, BUNBURY, Pa. MIS3 6UISSLEH ha juat returned from th cities with echoic and fashionable seleotioo of .. . BONNETS, BATS, SHAKERS, SUNDOWNS, RIST0R1, COMET, AC, of the latest atyle and patterns, to which she invite Ihs attention of lady purchasers- Alo, Mis and Children Hat cf different varieties. A ass assortment of Ladle' Hosiery, Ulore, Fan, Paraaola, Bugle Trimming, Flower, Ribbon, Belt Ribbon, Velvet Ribbon, Braid. Ladle' Neck Ties, Drees Comb. Head Dreatei, FANCY GOODS, Lace. Handkerchief. Laoe Collars, Zephyrs, Buttons, sad all good found la a lady' furnishing Store. Aba, reoelved aa excellent aasortmest of Perfu cry, Toilet Hasps, Tooth and Hair Brush, with a diflcrent variety of collar (paper and linen,) and Neok-Tiea, Ual&Hoss, 6upeaderc, Sc., foe U alle le. A rood assortment ( htatiraerv. . - Thankful for put favors sb hop by a further i.rnVLTiwTV m a"Z ,V deair.U, pi tbs public, th. eonSTu.no. of th.ir i'lJ J.' Ji1. pawouge, LOUISA SH1BSLER. April 13, I8S7. ' - tended to cure Wc can aasurc the iuk, that we offer thcra th beat alterative we know how to pro duce, and we have reason to believe, it i by fur th. most effectual purifier of the blood yet discovered. Avta Cherry pectoral is so universally known to nrpaa every other medicine for th. our. of Coughs, voms, muuenaa, noaraene, r-roup, nroncnitis, in cipient Consumption, and lor th. relief of Consump tive Patient in advanced stage of the disease, thai, i, i ukiw ui w i nuuui miv vTiuvaue oi iu virtue. The world kbow thm. Prepared by Da. J. C. Aran A Co , Lowoll, Mas, and sold by all Drue cist and dealer in medicine everywhere. April zu, 1807. zin steading KsUkrtadI SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. April 8th, 1867. GREAT TRUNK LINE from tbe Jforth and. North-Weet for Philadelphia, Now York, Read--ing, PotUvllIe, Tamaqua, Asblaud, Lebanon, Allen town, Eaaton, Ephrata, Litis, Lancaster, Columbia, Ac., Ac. Train, leave UarrUburg for New-York, aa-fol-Iowa: At 3.00, 8.10 and i.2b A M. and 2.10 and .0u P. M, connecting with similar Trains on the Penn sylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at Ou and 10.10 A. M. and 4.40, 4 20 and 0.2a P. M. Sleeping Can accompanying the I 00 A.M. and 9.00 P. M. Train, without ohange. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottavill,1 Tma. qua, MinersviUt, Ashland, Pia. Grove, Allentown and Philadelphia at b.10 A.M. and 2.10 snd 4.10 P. M., stopping at Lebanon aud principal way' tation : the 1. 10 p m. making eonneotion for Philadelphia and Columbia only, For Pottsville. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad, leave Harrisburg at 3.20 p. m. Returning : Leave New York at O.uO a. m., 12.00 Noon and S.OO and 8 00 p. m.; Philadelphia at 8.14 a. m. and 1.30 p. m. Way Pa.ngr Train leave Philadelphia U7. 30 a. m , returning from-Reading at t.JO s. m. stopping al all Station ; t'otUvilla u 8.43 a. m. and 2. 44 p. m.; Ashland 6.00 apd 11.30 a as. aad 1 04 p an.; Tamaqua at 9 44 a m. sod 1 Oil and 8 44 p. m. Leave Potuville for Harrisburg via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Railroad at I 00 a. in. Reeding Accommodation Train leave Reading at T.30 A. M. returning from Philadelphia at YOu "'' if,. i Columbia Railroad Trains leave heading at T OO A. M , aad t ilt P, Al.. for Ephrats, Litis, Lancas ter.' Columbia, , 17EX7; IIAEBLE 1 YAED ! TMs-4 slreec, Norsk r ttisj , BUNBURY, PENN'A., .' -i i Wsf. BOSH. Prepadstsr. MONUMENT). Tomh-itou, and Ora.ms.tal aad Plain Work ia MarU. promptly executed tta. loweel prie. Th aubtcribar havlpc had experiens ia ihs beet establish meet of Philadelphia, feel confident ef being (bl. teiura oui Ihebr) styles of work A li PlfU. Ag-st. April y 157 u SuBd.yc: Leave JVew York at 8 00 p m., Thila, ilpbia 8 00 A. M., aad S.14 P M. th. Roil. n. train running aaly t. lUaiutg, PotUvlll. 8 00 am., Harriaburg, 9 34 a a. aad Reading at 1.20 and 7 2(1 a. m, fey Harrisburg, and 1 1 2i a. is. for New York , and 4.23 p m. for Philadelphia . Commutation, Mileage, (iaaaon, School and Kx euraioa TtcktU. at red used ratae la anil w.u t poinu. ' " I . eke.hW thresh : 60 Pound Brggaga al- i lowed eaoh I'amnger. I 0. A. NIC0LL8, Heading. Pa.. April 8. 187. Heading. Pa., i - CAIirENTKKS. U'lt t m-A :.. ..... i.M una in nur MtexiUbitirtit a u i I i.nes. saws, Augers, tf.tehets. II t hisels, f , e ,,. .at. Kv irerif tnek dicraj Pile, J II. I'f'NLF.Y A rn