fcTljr, Sunburn : ftmcvican. , , . B. ENQL.U, ( Publishers, SATURDAY, APKIL 80, 1867. A HE QUEST TO SUBSCBIBBBB. Subscriber to lb Abbbka ar particularly T9 tjaoated not to allow their Indebttdn) to ororrun Oct yar . All subscriptions should bo paid In ad vance; bnt under no consideration should th yoi put (round trltb th Subscription anpold.' A (trtot attention to thii will av tut in I mm an amount of tronblo and a very heavy loan. " Hocal &ffatrg. Wi have been requeued to itat that RT. fl. W. Rigart, pastor of tbe Presbyterian Churoh, will roptM. hit sermon on "Temperaue," on nest 8b bth evening, In the Presbyterian Churoh. Tai not weather will toon be opon ni. Our eltl tent should at once piepar for It by olaintng their premises, the gutter and alley, and baring every partiele of filth haulod away, beyond the borough limits. Premises ihould not only be cleaned, but they should be kopt olenn. A largb Loon was ahot in the boiin, below the Sham ok in Valley Railroad, by our friend Ales. Boyd, on Thursday morning latt. It measured four feet from the tine of Its wings. It it seldom that fowla of thia species are seen in this neighborhood. Tua vocnnt lot on Arch street, belonging to the estate of the late Miss Clarioda Grant, wae sold on (Saturday last to Thomns D. Grant, Esq., for (2,990. This is a very high figure for a lot outside of Market treet. Miaa Urunt, it Kill be remembered, be queathed her estate to the Presbyterian Board of Foreign M unions. Tbe Street Chussinqh. We are pleased to see that the borough authorities are preparing to pare the street crossings a very necessary Improvement, as the late uiuddy ways fully demonstrated to tbe entiro satisfaction of many unfortunate podostriass. We hope they will be properly laid, not as mere stepping atones, but as a consenting link of pave ments. Fon tab Ladies. Mies M. L. Gusslor b as Just received an elegant assortment of Spring and Sum mer Millinery Goods at hor store on Fourth street, below the Shnmokio Valley Railroad. The laJiea should not fuil to ouil aiid soe the latest stylos, and make their selections. New Maiible Yard. Mr. A. H Rush baa re cently opened a marble yard on Third street, North of the depot, in thia place, and is prepared to furnish monuments, tombstones, Ae., at the lowed rates. Mr. Rush has bad considerable experience In some of the city establishments, and has tho reputation of boiug an excellent workman. See advertisement. Celebration. We learn that the Odd Fellows of this place intend celebrating their Thanksgiving day, ou Friday next, 26lh inst., in accordance with the proclamation of the M. W. Grand bire. A ser mon will be delivered on the occasion, in the Lu theian church, by Rev. W. C. Cremer, of the Re formed church. Sale or Real Estate in Milton. Mr. A. W Rbawn has sold his property in Miiton, known as Fiber's saloon, to Mr. Henry Huth, for the sum of 3,400. More New Goods. Mr. J. II. Enel baa Just received a large stock of Spring and Summer Goods, which tho publiu aro invited to call and examine. His prices are very low and he ia determined to sell . at a smull profit. Ruud hia advertisement. ' Tub Cocrt House Yard. We observe that tbe Court House yard bus been handsomely graded, and that evergreens nud other ornauientul trees have been pluutcd in the yard, which will greatly im prove the uppearauce of that handeome edifice. At the cntruncu on Second street, on each side of tbe walk, is a weeping-willow, euibleiuutiu. no doubt, of the muuruful churaUur of litigation. Many a suit or, a he wulhs into the Teuiple of Juatico under the shallow of t'.e e trees, will have tension, if not 'to woep, to rcSeot seriously upon the tolly which in duced him to heconc entangled in th j meshes of law. 'Super Phcsphate. We are pleased to learn that the uew Supur Phosphate of Lime manufactory, .leoeblly erected east of the borough by Messrs. Tor jinLou 4 llodgkius, of this place, is being well patronized by ugrieulturfets not oi.ly iu this vicinity, but from diilereut parts of tho country. Tbey have lately shipped by railroad several large orders, while the local demand has become quite extensive. Thisceiebiatcd phufphutu is used by the most expe rienced agricultural as the standard fertiliser, and is generally acknowledged to be the most permanent improver of all kinds of soil. We are glud that this enterprise is meeting with the success which it de serves, und hope the firm will reoeive substantial encouragement. Sqauokix Items. We take the following from - tho Herald, of this week : Tbe strike which com .mencedat several of tha oollierie lust week, be came general on Mouduy, every operation in the rcgiou standing idlo. The miners demand an ad vance of from 15 to 30 per cent , and the operators refuso to give it, us there bus beeu no advance in the in ice of prepare 1 bites. At some of the collier ies the men asked for no advance, but remaiued out at the notice of the striking parly. We trust an amicable settlement will be eflccted soon. Ou Monday morning, as fix miners were aa oending the slope at the Lnterprise Colliery in a cur, and when withiu about tweuty yards of the mouth, the ropo pulled out of tbe thimble attached to the spreader, precipitating the cur to tbe bottom, a dis tance of bO yards. Two of the party were seated on the front bumper of the car, and fell otf at starting without sudtaintug serious injury, but tho other four, Johu Dowd, Junius Rourk, Michael Gerrity and Nicholas Cumin, were curried to tho bottom and violently throw n out. Dowd received internal inju ries which caused bis death iu about four hours ; Rourk was seriously bruised in tho buck; Gerrity LuU his leg broken in two place, and Curran suf fered some internal injury, not thought to bo dan gerous. Police Arr airs. On Monday morning lost three inmates were added to Sheriff Beckley:s boarding bouse. The first two, Daniul and Adam Purvur, were charged with stealing lumber from W. G. ilerrold, noar Port Trevor ton. It appears that on Sunday night, J lull ii.Jt., the prisoners stole a lot of lumber .lying aloug the river, made it into a raft, and wera about running it down tbe river to sell, when tbey wero overhauled by a party who bud bean watching , tbeir operations. They were brought up to this ilaoe on the early train, on Monday morning, and handed over to Deputy Sheriff Hoffman. Tbe third was a man named II. D. Doyal, who bails from liurriiburg. lie was charged before Esq. Jieaxd with having stolen a wallet from Daniel Vp degraeff, of Cliutuc ooucty, containing about (100. Tb theft is alleged to have boeji committed on on of the passenger truin. Complimentary, Our cotemporary of th AM. Ionian, in a recent issue, in speaking of the parson who graduated in that office, and who are now filling honorable positions in the different avocation of life, pay a bigb compliment to a well known and highly esteemed citiien of Sunbury, which wo moat cor dially endorse. But our ootouiporary is mistaken io laying that Mr. bhipman is a graduate of tbe Miltouian, as that gentleman loomed th printing business io th American ufBoe, and wu afterwards employed on the MUtonian. We copy lb artiul, a follows; ''Jacob Shipman, Esq., U ou of th number who threw down th "rule aud shooting tick," ccj is now working bis way up to b on of tit prominent business men of Sunbury. II occu pies tb reepouaibl position at that plao of Ticket Agent for both th Philadelphia fcri and th Northern Central Railroad. He prove himself n aotiv, faithful and genttemauly tfficer, and ha tha AVonfiJvno of both oowpauie. Id addition la lb above be it tb pioneer io this vioinlty of MtablUb- i:2 a local azeoav In tb Life Jntoranc busmen, U,lr. bn for a .t-tuber of year. age.t fcr 4n. tt ;blta4iujccu)rau!elBtlicouotrT ." Tub Covxtt BatDOB. The following Is a list of the bids, and the persons to whom ware allotted the ooLraets he tonatraoting the eouoty bridges, ra- fleetly advertised by Our Couaty Commissioners Tbe letting wu made to the lOih and 12th Inst. Two Iroa bridge Were oonlr acted tor, on to bo built at Shamokln, and tha other to b plaood Of or Uie "Gut," at the Urmlcua of Market street, In this plaoe. Both vert let to Ueorg Uoaely tb former for f 2,890, Md the latter for 7T. Ths following war the bid for tha Shamokln bridge r WlUiasa A. Snyder, 13,300 laoo i.aoo t.eeo 2.8V5 S,RW 2,747 2.700 2,640 ,4fl 2,835 2,570 fl,47S 1,600 1,400 1,829 1.8K0 1,805 1,473 2.080 l,9S 1,835 afrower Myart, U, W. Brewer, 4W J do. Garman. Charles Garlogsr, faevi eeaanoiu, Jam Bachelor, D. N. Lake, Bamuel Mutchler, Adam Lenker, Philip Maaener, J. B. Lenker, Pa.xt.vos Brim.. Km. 8. Snyder, ' Brewer A Myers, Geo. W. Brewer, (allotted J J no. Garman, Levi Seasbolti, Charles Garinger, James Baohelor, Adam Lenker, Philip Masoner, Jaoob B. Lenker, Fob Stoke Work ob Bnisol At Schbobt. Andrew Deibert, $1,725 Baohelor St Mover, 1,156 A. A J. fi. Lenker. (allottodj 1.000 Andrew liauck, 1.1175 Charles Garinger, 1.5110 John Bowen, 1,700 Shinier & Bartholomew, 1,625 Philip Maaener, (bid withdrawn,) 800 J. W. Bossier, 1,525 BitiDoa in CrrEa Acocsta Tow.iiniP. Andrew Deibert, Joseph Weittel, Adam Lenker. Andrew Ilanck, Sainuol Culp, Samuel Kavidge, Joseph Arnold, L. B. Tbomns, James Baohelor, (allotted,) Lemuel Shipman, Samuel Bloom, Abraham Shipman, Charles Garinger, Samuel Garinger, 700 700 705 360 345 IV) 450 499 iVi 395 600 4!.6 550 449 CtU romp Maaener, Bbidoe in Loweb Acocsta Toitssnip. J. B. Snyder, $'(97 Peter Koefer, 360 Andrew Deibert, TOO L. B. Thomas, 419 Lemuel Shipman, 420 Adam Lenker, 700 Andrew liauck, 415 Joseph Arnold, 324 B. Culp, (allotted,) 320 Abraham Staruer, (bid withdrawn,) 274 8. Culp, " " 29S Samuel Savldge, 395 Abraham bhipman, 4X0 Charles Garinger, 400 Samuel Garinger, 347 Philip Miuener, 000 G. W. Reefer, 390 S. L. Reefer, 449 Adtertisb. Dull times are the very beat for advertiaors. What little is going on, they get ; while others are grumbling, they pay their way, and with a newspaper for a life-preserver, awiui on the top of the water, while others around nrc sinking. Merchant and others will find tbe American tho best medium through which to advertise their goods, RoBlEnr. On Tuesday night of lust week the store of John M. Rine. at McKcu's I Falls. Snyder county, was entered and robbed of about $10 In money and a considerable amount of store goods. A reward of $50 is offered for tho arrest and conviotion of tbe robbers. C. 8. Licenses. All U. S. licenses cxpiro on tho first of May. Persons doing business and de signing ita continuance, should not neglect to call at once upon the Assistant Assessor and sign their application for ronewal. The penalty for neglect of taking out the said license prior to the day above named is from S10 to $500. Ladies' New Suoe Store. We call attention to the advertisement of Mr. J. H. Jeffrie, who has opened a new SboeStoro, near Gearbeart's Confec tionery, Market street, in thisplaeo, and is prepared to furnish ladies with tbo finest quality of work. Having employed skillful aud experienced work men he is enabled to till orders for custom work for ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Jcflries was for a long time a popular and obliging conductor on the Phila delphia A Erie Railroad, und will undoubtedly sua coed in bis new enterprise. New CnURt'B. The Lutherans of Milton intend building a new bouse of worship in that pluce during tbe coming summer, on the site of their old church on Mahoning street. The new building is to bo 46 by 80 feet, and is to cost about S12.000, of ahieh a baudsomesuin has already been subscribed. For the American. TEMPERANCE. Measr. Editor : We notice in lust issue of (in zitte, resolutions passed by a certain Lodge or Order of this place, which for want of chnrity aud siinplo truth deserve a passing remark It is not our wish to diaeuss the cause of temperance as represented by that Order, nor show tbeir want of consistency from the face of those resolutions as published by them. So far from entertaining any ill-will against them , even alter this unfuir, uujust, and uncalled for at tack, upon an able and conscientions minister, we wish with bim, God speed, to their efforts. But we cannot help regretting, thut tbo nuthor or authors of those resolutions did not pay stricter attention to that eloquent and unanswerable address of .March 3d, lbfi7. Had they done so, they might have profited by ita counsel, instead of permitting their prejudices so far to overrule their discretion, as to display them in the manner they did and thus expo.se thuiuaelves to attack. How any sane mind could represent the reverend gentleman a in any way advocating tho cause of intemperance, is beyond comprehension to speak in the mildest manner possible. Suoh an as sertion on the part of this ordtr is as ungenerous as unfounded. What spirit could prompt Buch gross misrepresentation ? Do tho members of this Order think uo good man dare differ with them ! Can tbey believe that thev alono nre riuht ? Are their ret schemes the only means of redemption ? Do they not assert in these resolutions the very presumption which the speaker on that occasion deprecated the plac ing OI eartniy means aoove sticu a ire xfivine. vi nai else do tbey mean when thev say of this ad lrc-j ''that it did I not reflect our principles and our faith, the only safe and sure remedy '' for druuknesa. After such a plain positive assertion, what inconsistency to say," that you did no place the cause of temper anoe before Christianity.'' "My Friends, look be fore you leap." Again, as tbe Rev. Gentleman did not request you to endorse his views, and as tbey were conscientious ly expressed in his own cburcb, to bis own members, to professors of religion, some of whom are not per haps members of your Order, but whose habits of so. briety might contrast strangely and vastly for the better with some of your own members, we must say this attack of yours Is quite out of taste, and out of place. Then too, when we refloat, that the best organisations of your character, not many years aire struggled to attain tbe same laudubla object with yourselves, and failed; it it not enoutrli to create at least some misgivings as to Die feusibiliiy of your system ? The writer of this was once a strict mem ber of the Son of Temperance, aud fondly hoped that by its instrumentality drunkenness might be swept from the land. How terrible the disappoint ment. Surely you would not eall that error then that would prompt us to look to a higher power and His ordinance to constitute and determine the moans bv which we are to baffle this great enemy of man kind. IsitsWful to loos faith in temporal orgaui. ationi? But w do Dot wish to disparage your society. W hop you may long continue, and accomplish much good. But w do ask you, not to assume the whole ground for youraelve, and preeute those who may conscientiously differ from you. Notto be so illiberal as to misrepresent those who are your luperlor both in temperance and moral, (imply because tbey may not be member of your order. Not to exeit oppo sition and enmity where all was peaee and friendship, by uoh uncalled for exhibition of temper. Notto plac yourselves in antagonism to truth, Christianity, and rood sens. Sucb a course will only result in Injury to your order, which th writer would lament L 1 . a. 1 . ,. U .11 ,L. mA It mm r. IAS W WILD 11 ID DOUIIIUII9U -1 1 vu. Tt.mmW rov friends, if von would be successful. voahava more than enough to contend with. Do not then attack your friends, who though they may differ with you, yet would not binder you. Let us see you hMMfler nnrsn tb ouiet aven tenor of vour own way, humbly seeking to do good, that your deeda asay shine io th hearts of those you have saved, and not ia print tor th purpose of injury to other. In tb greatest spirit of kindness, w recommend in oka futur to vour whole order, for aalra and oarsful consideration, theooad golden ruleof life as taught ' t : . - L., ..m.mm. ..A iV.,,. , of 'Ji ' " j1 A Acpitob or MsaraSp, '67 P the Amtttoaa. NofBtiBRRt.Air Tb Onhoriad Ootafern omaao4 ia Koribuaibertaaul en Wtdoesday v- olng, lOlk Inst., sritb aetmnn by Rev. Dr. Fumes, of Philadelphia.. Ko report ean do juetloa to tail diaoonrae. It wu oharaoterlstio of It auUmr, lb ubjeot being the authority of tb personal oharaotor of Jesus, and It andeavorad to present a oontmea ground fur those eJUTerenoo whloh ar known to Pre vail Jn tha Unitarian denomination. On Thursday morning a prayer and aonfuranp meeting was held. Roporta, oa tho wbol favorable, wera mad from tb various ohurohe and missionary stations in the oonferente. The queaUon whether missionary work should be oarrled on undor atrioUy Cnltariaa auspi cos, or Id conjunction with tb Universalis and other liberal ohristlan denominations, excited an interesting discussion. It seemed to us that the ma jority of the oonfefenoe favored tbe latter mode. Id the evening a sermon wa preached by Rev Mr. Nowell, of Germantown. After a Tot of thank to tb people of Northum berland for tbeir boapitality, the Conforenao ad journed to meet with the cburoh in Baltimore on tb tooond Wednesday of October next. BUSINESS NOTICES. ' Settled at Lat." Not the tariff or ourroncy question, but the weather and lh price of tbe suits of Spring Clothing mad at Smiok's, Fourth street, Sunbury. The former, beautiful and bright the latter, beautiiul and cheap. Fon A Man to say that he oan never change hi opinion Is either to imply that be Is too obstinate to be taught by experience, or that be claims infalli bility. It is but necessary to visit Harry Tbacher's Boot i Shoe Store, In Plexsanis' buildiug, Market street, to convince the must obdurate person that be koeps the oheapost and best stock iu Sunbury. - i Thb Continental Ahead! Tho enterprising proprietor of the Continental Clothing Basaar, Mar kctSuuare, has introduced anew feature in that ostukli!hment in the way of a manufacturing du partuiont, by which he is enabled to muke to order the very latest styles of meu's and boys' clothing. He has eng.iged the serviced of one of tha moat ex periencod cutters, and patrons can rely on being well suited." Call at the Bntuur and see Ihebuu piles of spring and suinmor cisshueres, Ac, and learn the prices. Tns mun who "don't take the papers," but who observed one of Petroleum V. Nashya letters in a borrowed paper, expressed surprise that Naby was tibt turned out of "orfiV' for writing the way he doc Everybody should take the paper and learn the fact that Jacob O. liock, at his establishment on Fourth street, makes the oheapost and best fitting Spring suits that can be hud in Sunbury. A Mistake. A cotemporary, in a late issue, says "there is a man in our town who is too laty to catch a cold." The man has since been heard from and informs the editor that bo succeeded in catching a bad cold probably on accouut of not having one of tbe durable suits of clothing which are made to order at J. F. Sbaefler's, N. W. corner of Third and Mar ket stieots, Sunbury. PcNcn says: "We do not believe in spiritualism or magic, but the other day a veracious witness ac tually saw a young man turn into a public house " That is nothing strange. Every day hundreds of people turn into Wm. II. Miller's Excelsior Bout k Shoo Store, Market street, and they always coma out safely, notwithstanding tbe heavy loads of goods they oarry away. Married or Simole, tho "engaged" or enga ging, who aro anxious to proourc a fuithful and ele gant likeness, lit the sinullest outlay of money, would do well to call at Byerly's Pholugruph Gallery, in Siuipwu's building, Market street. His pictures are pronounced by competent judges to bo equal to any produced by tho best operators in our large cities. GiiEAT Excitrm ext and astonishment la caused by tho wonderful cures of croup by the use r.f Blade's Lubricators. In cases whero every other remedy ha failed they have proved successful. Families having children subject to croup or iWiuo;) ing cough should not be without a box of the Lu bricators. They are sold by all druggists. iil Life Insurance. ' Among nil the contrivances of men to protect the family circle from want, none can be found tuuro simple iu its cbaructor, nnblu in its features, or certain iu its results, than Li To Insu rance. It is tbe prop which the dying husband leaves to support tho wife of his bosom. It is the unseen hand of the provident father reaching from the grave, and still nourishing his offspring und keeping together the family group. By it tha faithful son protects his aged parents, even where he has precedod them into eternity ; through it the bonest debtor satisfies his conGding creditors, when fate seemed leo-st propitious. In a moral and world ly sense, it is one great weapon by v. hieu to rub death of its sting." . Jacob Siiipban, I'ire and Lift Insuranrs Agent, Sunbury, Pa. To Claim Auextm. Blunks for tho collec tion of '-Claim of Private Soldiers and Non-Coin-missioned Officers,'' under tbe lute Act of Congress, equuliiing bounties, have been printed and aro now fur ale at (ho An Blue AS office. We keep ou baud a full supply of nil kinds of military blanks, which wu sell very cheap. They arc copied from blanks prepared in tho Departments at Washington, und can bo relied on for correctness. Orders from a dis ance will recoive prompt attention. MARRIAGES. On the 9th inst., at Be ran ton, Luierne county. Pu . by Itev. T. F. Zi ltd man, Mr. James M. Anita-and Miss Slsab A. Iukiels, both of this place. fctj.MU ICV MARl.I'l'ti. Corrected Weekly fop the "Amerioan." Wheat Flour, extra family, per burrot, do du do do perowt. Rye Flour, per bbl. do par cwt. Wheat, prim red .per bushel, Rye, do Corn, sew do Out, do Potatoes, do Lried Punches, pared per pound do do unpared do Pried Apples, do $16 00 a oa 10 00 6 61) 3 VI) 1 20 00 60 B0 40 25 16 3 10 Mf 20 2o 20 22 lo 14 1.1 ID 60 lined Cowries, (unstoned,) per bu. Butler. per pound, per doien, per pound, Uo do do do do do per pair Eggs, Cheese, Lard, Hums, Shoulder, Beef, bind quarter, ' front ' Mutton, Chickens, Kbajnokln Coal Trade, Ebamobim, April 13, 1847. Tons, Cwt. Sent for week ending April 13, 9,987 00 Par last report, D,b6f) 04 109.855 04 Ul,7tl 00 To (am Urn last year, Decrease, 3,123 18 Special Notices. " Bright tb tun ber eye all gater strike, Aud lik the sun they shine on ail alike i That graceful ease, that sweetness void of pride, M 'Kb t bid her fanlu, if belle bad fuull to bid; If to her share aoue feiaals errors fall, Look to her glorious bair, and you'll forget them . all." Eb probably use "Barrett1 Vegetabl Hair R torativ," which is aa infallible remedy for prema- turo grey bair, baldness, and most of th ill th ' . 7 . . I M bw W' moat tleguit toilet articl that ' nou should b will itbout lie metrical JnsMutc FOR, HPEOIAL OABE8, fo. 14 Head f met New York. Pull Information, with tha highest testimonial also a Book oo BtmnlMl Disease, in a snaled envelop tint free. I t'lte sure snd send for them, and yon will not regret it for, a advertising phyalolana are gnnaraity Impostor, without referenoea no stranger should be LruMod. Fnolnm a ataaip for pacta;, and direct to DR. LAWHKNCK, Mo. 14 Bond (tract, New Vork. Nov. If, IBM ly 0 NB PRIOR CLOTJIIStJ. JONES' OLD ESTABLISHED O.AK PKIl'K CLOTHING HOUSE, UOA Market Street, On door above Sixth, Philadelphia. For manv vears this Establishment has done busi ness ou tbe One I'rioe hys.ein, and we believe wo are the only Clothing House in the oity that strictly dheros to this piinuiple. Wo have earned a repu tation which wo are proud of, for good taste in soleot good style and substantial material, and Dot less important, for having all our goods, mXTICA HXLIi 91 AD 12. We employ the best tulent, for Cutters, and our Goods are of both kinds Fashionable and plain so that all tastes oan bo suited. Tho prioea are the very lowest, as any one by a moment a thought must ee, or olhorwise we could not meet the competition of our neighbors, for as no deductions are ever made, we must put our price down to tb advantage wo promise. The people may depend, this is the true plan upon which to do business, and many a duller oan be savod to Clothing buyers by keeping in mind JONES' ONE PKIC1! CLOTHING HOUSE, C04 Market Strrcot, Philadelphia, Not on the Cornor, but ono door above Sixth. March 2.1, laT.7. ly Colon Meimcines should bo so compounded that they can be tnken "little and often." It is tho throat und uhest, not the stomach, that is affected. This is one great secret of the suoocss of Cob's Cul'iiii Hai.kam, Try it. All dealers sell it. tVJA Yot'KU Lady returning to her country home after a sojourn of a few months in tho City, was bard ly recognised by her friends. In p'.nce of a coarse, rustic, hushed luce, she had a soft ruby complexion of almost tuarblo smoothness, and instead of twenty three she really appeared but eightecu. Upon in quiry us to tho cause of so great a change, she plain ly told thuiu that she used ihe 4 Irclltoiilil tfi.iliil. and considered it an iuvuluable acquisition to any Lady's toilet. By its use any Lady or Gentle man can improve their persoual ap euratiue nil hun dred tol.t. it is simple in its combination, as Nature herseil is simple, ywi unsurpassed in ita efheacy iu drawing iuipuriiiea from, also bulling, cleansing and beautifying the skin and complexion. By its direct action ou tbe cuticle it draws iroui it all its impuri ties, kindly healing tho saute, and leaving tho sur face as Nature intended it should ba, clear, soft, smooth unci beautiful. Price $1, sunt by Muil or Express, ou receipt of an order by W L. CLAKii & CO., Chemists, No. 3 West Fayette St., Syruousu, N. V. The only American Agents for the sale of the sumo. February Iti, loti?. ly IlKt.MIKH.U'S KXTK MM' 111 CIIU und loiir..ved lose V,ih curi s sei-ret itml dehcute disorder m i.ll their Slimes, hi !m:e expense, hllle or no clunge III diet. I o in convenience Hud uo exi'nuie. It is iltasimt III liste mid inIoi, iiiimediiile lu its action, and f.'ee Irnin ali inju nous pr .,erhes. iitli'J'li7 ly Vis.tir'N I2alhiiin !' Wild 41iTiy. Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Croup, Whonping Coughs, Quiuy, and the numerous us well as duugcruus diseases of the Throat, Chest and Lungs, prrvuil in our changeable climate at nil seasons of tho year ; few are fortunate enough to es cape their baneful influence. How important then to have at band a certain antidote to all these com plaints. Experience proves that this exists in irj tar's Balaam to an extent not found ill any other remedy ; however severe the suffering, tho npplica- i tiouof this southing, healing und wonderful Balsam ut once vanquishes the disease and restore the suf i furor to wonted health. Mi. JOHN BUNTO. Or Raldwin, CiiEMcxh CorNTV, N. Y. writes : I was urged by a neighbor to get ono bottle of the f Ral'uiu for my wife, being assured by hiin that in 1 c.iu it did not piuducu good ellects. he would pay fortbe bottle himself. On the sircngtliof such prao ! tical evidence of its merits, I procured a bottle. My wife ut this time was so low with what the Physicians , teruie i Ska i Hi Coxsoit'TloN as to be unable to raise ! herself from (tie bed, couching constantly and ruis- I ing more or less blood, i commenced giving the Balsam ui directed, and was so much pleased with its operation tiiat 1 obtained another bottlo, and con tinued giving it. Before this bottlo was entirely usod, sbo ceased coughing and was strong enough to sit up. Tho tilth bottle entirely kestoiieii huh TO health, doing that which scverul physioiana had tried to do hut hud failed." Prepared by Sl.1'11 W. FOWLE A SON, 18 Tre muni St., Boston, und fur sale by Druggist generally. Ir. I.UtiOL, of Paris, one of tbe most eminent Chemists of Lurupe, said : "The must astounding results may be anticipated when iodine can be dissolved ill pure water." Ir. Jl. Auders, after fifteen years of scieutiflo re search and experiment, has succeeded in dissolving one und one quarter grains of iodine to eaeb fluid ounce of water, and tbo most astounding results have followed its use, particularly iu Scrofula and diseases therefrom. Circulars free Dr. 11. Anders' Iodine Water is fur sale by J. P. 1'iu-iuoie, 30 Ley Street, New Vork, and by all AUgglSlS; LILLMBOLDS FLUID KXT1UCT IS CJaX:3 st JB. XLJ Is a certain cure foi discuses of the BLAUDKH, KIDNKYt. liltAVKL, DltOPSY, OR OA.MC WBAKNKSS, FKM ALE COMPLAINTS, CtNL'KAL UKBILITY, and all diseases of the I R1NAIIY Ort5AN9, whetliij exisling in MA1.K OU FEMALE, from whatever cuuse origuiatiug and uo matter of HOW LO.0 STANDING. Diseases of thfse nrcaus require the use of a diuretic. If uo Irrutinent is sutnttitteU to, Consumption ur liisail. ily limy ensue. Our Flesh and Llood aie suppoitcd from ttiese sources, and the HEALTH AND II A P PI NESS, and lliulof Fosleiity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable leiuedy. 1111. MUOCD'B EXTRACT BUCIIC, Eiluhhklied upwutds of Iti yours, preyed by is. r. iii.i.Mimi.o, Diauuisr, blA Broadway, New Ymk. and i 4 South luili Street, I'hilaueipliia, V. March 2, IMP. ly Ii-. NclieitcU'M I'uluioulc Nyrut. This grout medicine cured Dr. J. II. Schenck, the Proprietor, of Pulmonary Consumption, when it had assumed it most formidublo aspect, and when speedy death appeared to be inevitable. His phy sicians prououuued bis ouse incurable, whenbecoin menoed the use of this simple but powerful remedy. His health was restored iu a very short time, and uo return of the disease has been apprehended, for all the symptoms quickly disappeared, aud his present weight is more than two buudred pounds. Since his recovery, he bos devoted bis attention exclusively to the cure of Consumption, and the dis eases which are usually complicated wilh it, aud tha cures effected by bis medicines have beeu very nu merous and truly wouderful. Dr. Schuuuk make professional visit to several of the lurger cities weekly, whore ho ba a large concourse of patients, aud it is truly astonishing to see poor consumptive that have to be lifted out of iheir carriages, and in a few mouths healthy, robust persons. Da Scuenck'i PULMONIC SYRUP, SEAWEED TONIC, and MANDRAKE PILLS, are generally all required in curing Consumption. Full directions acoompsny each, so that auy one oan take them without seeing Dr. Schenck, but when it is convenient it is beat to see him. He give adviue free, but for a thorough examination with bia ltespiromotcr bis fee 1 three dollar. Pleas observe, when purchasing, that lh two likenesses of the Doctor one when in the last stage of Uontumption, and the other as be now is, in per fect health are on the Uosernment stamp. bold by all Druggist and Dealers. Price $1.50 per buttle, or (7.60 the half doien. Letter for ad vice should always be directed to Dr. Schenok't Principal Office, No. 15 North oth Str eet, 1'hiladel phis, Pa. general Wholesale Agents; Dema Barnes A Co., N. Y. ; d. 8. Uanoe, Baltimore, Md. ; JohuD. Park, Cincinnati, Ohio ; Walker A Taylor, Chicago, IU. ; Collin Bros., bt. Louis, Mo. Oct. 20, 1067. 3d w. aa. mo. I yr. TAKBNU MOKR VMPI.EASAM V ANU .UNSAFE REMEDIES) fur aupleasaut and daiMratOus diseases. Us liint'u.a'sEsiAc 11 ho an lxraoisr-R m Wwa. .March J, lee).-))' i itch i i ron SCRATCH 1 SCRATCH t SCRATCH ! WHEATO'8 OINTMENT Will Car the Itch la 4 nouns. Alio eure rULT RHf.CBf, ULCER. C'lfL. PLAIN,, and all ERUPTIONS OK TUX KKIN PrioeftOeeuts. For anl by the draggtsta. By aend ing M cents to WEEKS i POTTER, hole Agents. 170 Washington (tree, Boatoa, it will b forwarded by mall, iree of postage, to aoy part of the United Stat. J W 'tinT Ltjnovr 1 by Ocallny. Madam E. V. Thorktok, the great English As trologiat, Clairvoyant And Payobomatrioian, who ha aatouuhed the (oiontil 1 ol oases of th Old World, ba now looated hersel at Hudson, N. V. Madam Thornton poaeasosiuo i wonderful powers of second light, as to enable her to Impart knowledge of the greatest importance to the single or married of either oe. While in a state of tranco, she dolinoate the very feature of tb person v'hi are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of inteua power, known aa the Psyohorootrope, guarrantees to produce a life like picture of the future husband or wife of tbe applicant, together with date of marriage, poaltion tn lire, loading trails of oharaotor. Ac This i no humbug, as thousand of testimonials oan assort. bhe will send, when desired, a certified certificate, or written guarantee, that tho picture is what it pur ports to be. By enclosing a small lock of hair, and stating plaoe of birth, age, disposition and com plexion, and enclosing fitly cent aud stamped en velope addrcased to yourself, you will reccivo the picture and dosired information by return mnil All communications sacredly confidential. Address in conlidonoe, Madam L. F. Toorrtost, P.O.Box 223, Hudson, N. i feb lfl-'07.1y. A Cough A Cold or Sore Throat, REO.CIRK IB MEDIATE ATTENTION, AND SnoOLD IB CnBCKED. IP ALLOWED TOCORTINCR, Irrltiillon of the Innsi, A IVrniiinrnt Throut UixoaMO, or Con. niatiiption IS OfTEK TUB ItESCLT. n It o XV s II It O N V. II I A I' K U UAVINO A D111ECT IHPLl'EMCE TO TDE FARTS, DIVE IMMEDIATE RELIEF. ForBronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consump. tlve and Throat Diseases, Troches are used with always good success. SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS will find Trorhf useful in olcoring tho voice when taken before Singing or Speaking, and relieving the throat after an unusual exertion of the vocal organs. The Troches are recommended nnd prescribed by Physicians, and have had testimonials from eminent nion throughout tho country. Being an article of truo merit, and having proved their efficacy by a test of lniiuy yours, each your llnds Ihcui in new locali ties in vnrious parts of tbo world, and the Trocht aro universally pronounced better than other ar ticles. OiiTAiNonly "Bnows'a Biionciiial TnocnES," and do not take any of the Worthless Imitations that mnv be offered Nold Everywhere. Nnvomber 21, 18rt0. 6m HKLMUOLD'S CONCENTUATtD EXTRACT iiueiiu Is the Great Diuretic. Ildmlold's Concentrated Extract Sitrajarilla . Is the Gieat Blood Purifier. It 'th are pieparcd acrotdinR to rules of Ph.nmary aud Clieintstr;. and aie the musiaclive that can be made. Match II, lf8?.-ly Wonder! til lnt True. Madame Remisoton, tho world-returned Astrolo uist and Somnambulistic Clairvoyant, whilo in a cluirvovaut state, delineates the verv features of tho person you nre to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense power, known as tho Psycho notrone. iiunrantecs to produce a norfect and life like picture of the future husband or wife of tho applicant, with date of marriage, oocurntion, load inir traits of oharaoler. Ac This is no imposition, as testimonials without number can assert. By statin place of birth, age, disposition, color of eyes an hair, and enclosiug fifty cents, nnd stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receivo tho picture by rulurn mail, togather wilh desired information. ljr Address iu ooufidence. MahamE Ukiitiicdb Remivgtub, P. O. Box 2J7, West Troy. N. Y. Icblti-JJ.ly Free lo Kvcrybudy. A Large 6 pp. Circular, giving information of the greatest importance to the young of both sexes. It teaches how the homely may become boautiful, the despised respected, and the forsaken loved. No young lady or gcntlcmuu shoul4 fail to send their address, and reccivo a oupy, post-paid, by re turn mail. Address P. O. Druwor, 21, Troy, N. Y. Something New Nothing New A.ND GOOD NEWSI The splundid assortment of QOOLS at tb MAMMOTH STORE or j! V. I KIMU tV SOM, 18 NEW, but it ia Nothing New for them a they are always gelling up NEW GOODS. COO ID NEWS, to the people of SUNBURY, for they have purchas ed them good low and aro soiling them at very nam smsio We are determined to sell our Goods at Low Prices and defy competition. Wekeepthe hvnl quality of 4ool and sell them as low aa the secoud quuUlies) aro sold by other dealers. Come aud exumiue our Stock; and Learu qur No charge for Bhowing Gooils. That is our business an J we take pleasure ia doing it, Feeling very thaukful to lh publio fur their very liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon ua, w feel confident of retaining their custom, by a Slriot adherence to Ibe rules we have adopted. REMEMBER THE PLACE, The Mammoth fit ore. Market Square, 2 door east of the New Court Douse, bTNBURY, PA. J. W. FRILISfg A SON. gujibury, Marub 30, 1807. Coachmakers. AT7E ar (ellins- Rims. BDokas. Hubs Spring, V Canvas, Bolu, Clips, Axle, A., very low y ion a Large Stock at CONLEY A CO Sunbury, March 30, 1W7. ChlldrH' C'urriHf-. WE would sail tb (ttenUuo or tho wanting Child ' Carriag. to our new and large aaturl ment comprising new anl beautiful style. J li CON'LEV CO NO TU U TO FAKJIICK. TOREIHOT0N & ffODOKI N 8 MAStjFAorrjRErcs or TK A. "W S O M" E SLTEJV PHOSPHATE OF LIME, A 5 the rcartn Is at hand, we offer to the farmers x 1 our super-rnoapnate, wniou a a luriuitur mr Wheat. Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Grass, Ao., cannot b, excelled, and warrant it a permanent improver of ALL KINDd OF SOIL, (not excepting any.) It does sot ant u a simple stimulant for ono crop only, but is lasting in its uffouts, which can bo proved by the fanners of Chester and adjoining counties of this fitute. Also of theal jocent oounties of I'elawars and Maryland, who nave used our manufaoturo for tho last 8 years. We ask a trial this spring, c .oti tont that those who puruhass, will continue tn patrouite. For Wheal 300 lbs. per sora drilled or sown broad cast, For Corn liO to 200 lbs. per sore dropped in hill, at planting. For Oats ISO lbs. per acre sown broadcast. For Potatoes 40U lbs. per acre scattered in row. Far Grass, 200 lbs. per acre aaa top dresser. This quantity ou Grass lands, will produo an in crease iu first crop of 1 Io 1 1 tons per sore. OIVE IT A TRIAL. We know that the rosult will be satisfactory. Sold in Barrels and Bugs, nt $J7 per 20C0 lbs , tt our new ilIiisinltK'iory, Ijist SurKrt Street. Alan shipped to all point oo the Phll'a. A Erie, Northern Central, l.nokuwnnu 4 Bloomsbuig aud Shauiukiu Valley Railroads. J. E. TORRIKOTON, EU. 1101)0 K IO d. Sunbury. March IB, 13o7. T. S. SHANNON, Protlol Watchmaker AND JEWELER, From PHILADELPHIA. In Simpson 'a Building, Maiket Sunro, S'JiTB'JP.Y. PZ1T1T'.. HAYINd become the fucecor of Mr. A. L'. Sa vauk, he would respectfully solicit the custom of the citizens in general. Hoping by atrict atten tion to business that they will lnvor him wiih tuci, putrouage. Mr. b has been counocted for tho post ten year with some ot tho best houses in the city, in tlie Watchmaking trade, nnd all work entrusted to hia caro will bo dona with promptness and dispatch, aud warranted to givo entire satisfaction. liis stock of American, Swiss Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silverware, will be sold as low as can be purchased in tho city, und of tho first qimlity Particular attention "paid to tho repairing of Pino Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. I'f All orders promptly filled. Masonic Marks made to order. j Sunbury, March 2, 1SB7 W .FSL37. WITH T II A C II E R & CO., WHOLESALE DEALER IX Boots Shoes & Trunks, No. 10, North 4th St., V II1L A DEL IMII A. March 2. 1S07. Yi.vo B'oir?riB:. HANDSOMU, Dnc-toncd, now, and price low Iufjuiro at this tlihje. CONSUMmOfJAJflji; CUiitLV THE TBL'K REMEDY AT LAST DISCOVERED. l.'plasini'H I'i-i'mIs Jlj'iit 4 lire. Prepared from tbo formula of Prof. Tr-msseau, of Paris, cure CWuiuilin,Lung Lisejscs. Lionchitij, Dyspepsia, Murusuiua, Uenerul Debility and all nmr bid ounditionsof the system depeiideni on de ficiency of vital force. It is plcunaut to tu.'te, and n single bottle will convince the most skeptical of its viiuiu us the groat healing remedy of tha ago. $1 u hot. lie, or six bottles fur fa. bunt by Express. Pold by S. C. L'PUAM, No. Hi South Ei'lilTH fticei, PhiluUulpiiiu. And all principal Druggists. Circulaii scut frc. Murcb 2, lotir. 3iu Adiuiiiilr;i tor's .Ali o. NOTICE is hereby given that letlers of admir.fs tration having been grunted to the undersigned on tho estate of Kobert W. Brooks, late of the Borough of Sunbury, Northumberland coun'y, Pa., deceased. All persons inuebied are requested to muke immedi ate payment, and thoae having claims to present them duly authenticated for settlement. J. B. MALsEU. Adiu'r. Sunbury, March 9,1S57. til AGENTS WAKTED " $200 PER MONTH Female Agents, to introduce a Now an l Useful lu- veutton, ot auoltito utility in every household Agents preferring to work on Coininitvsion can earn from $20 to $i0 per day. Eur full particulars en close stamn. and nddrefet W. U. WILSON A CO., 131 Arch St., Phila., pa. March JJO.IBOT- 2m Executor's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that letters testamenta ry having beeu grouted to tho undersigned, ou lueesluto of Clarinda tirant, late of the borough of tiiinbury, Northumberland county. Pa., deceased. All persons indebted to sail estate are requested to make iniined ate payment, und those having claims to present them for settlement. BE.NJ. 1ILNDR1CKS, Eitcutor. Sunbury, March Itf, lbtij. Ot 18G7. SFRING7 18GtV E Y U E & L A N D E L L, FOURTH A ARCH Streets, P21ILAD A , PA ARB oi'EM.sa ron si'iiinu of 1S07. 3 Cases Select Shades of SILKS. Fashionable PLAID SILKS BISM ARK. the New Color SILK. Best BLACK SILKS, in Town. PLAID INDIA SILKS. I'erfoot New Spring DliESS GOODS, New Style Spriug CHINTZES, ORGAN DILoot Newest Styles. Steel-Colored poplins, for Suits. N. B. Staple Housekeeping Gondv, Fresh Stock Cloths, Cassimeres, and Tweed, tor Youlls. P. &'. MEKCHANI'3 in search of scarce an I de sirable Ooods will finl it their interest to call aud examine our Stoek. March 30, 1S67. f,w PERSONS having unrocnrdol Deeds are remind ed that they must t o recorded, according to tho A:t of AssemOlv wliicn nquires IU. it- "All deeds nnd conveyances for real estate in this Commouwealih, shall he recoided in tiie ofUce lor Recordini: Dcods in tlie County where the lands lie within six months ufter theexeeutiouofsuch deeds and conveyance; aud everv such deed anl convey ance nut recorded as aforesaid, shall be judged FRAl'DL'LENT AND VOID agaiust any subsequent Suruhiuerfor a valuable consideration unless uch eeds bo recorded before the rocording of the deed or conveyance under wbichsuchsuUeuent purchas er or mortgage shall claim." Those having old Deeds will proht by paying strict attention to the above. March 23, 1007. Atlintullralor'H Auitt'C. LK.TTI'.Rrt of Joioiiioaii .a ou Iheetnita of CaOmrme Uiuigliarl, dveeuked, Inlrly ol DeUwaia towusiup, Nnithuiiiorilaod eouuty, navoig beeu grauled ni the un dersigned, by the Kryister of said c.'Uuiy. All peiaiis indebted lo the aamc will in-itie immediate pnyiiient, and those haviu claiuia against tlie same, will prisuil tfuni tiuly authruiicutcd. 1. W WKICKS, Adruiiilstratnr Delnwsietwp.. March 16, 1X7 H 4.i:.vi n n'Aii:ii7 I ."OR GRKK.l.EV'r) HiSToav I'usniK. EsTatoapt 1 At lirroarnaiTY! tMABi-iai u biixi: ! This History eontulna aeruuiits ol l-.ul one hundred Bttlllea not genrntllv found m tlie 4iier wurk on tha Ke belhon, evsu ia IhoM must waWly ciiculatcd. Now that OaaiLiT's Hmroav is eaupleied, us r.'uiaiiiy ia grean-i thaucver bd ne, and sell with arapulny which iiwltra il the moat vaiuahle work for Cu"VHaara vei publisiied. Addieas O l. CAbE CO., puti.ulirn, at tlailloid, Coun , CJevelaud, Ohio, or Delioit, Mu-b. March 10. 1Q7 41. JRON A largs tsaortuieot of lb beat uanufoo . lured ars. JIoop. Band, Round and fcViuure Iron, Nail Rods, Cast 6ictJ. Blistur Steel, Drill Steel, Horse Shoes, llorw Nuili, Anvil, Bellow. Vioos, Uawmeis, Sledges, Rupsmnd Files, t . . CONLEY A CO 3. 1.10R Saddler, w have Saddle Tree. Bitu. Buck lea. Gig Trees, Pad Trees, llanea, all kinds aud every thing pwlaluing lo the buiiue", for at bv J. U I'l.NlEY 4 10 I mmSfJU. P'TWIT O AM.E 5T txlt TRETV, TisisMs KtiiaM lrnllit, ftkrwlw, LCLCINq P LA NTH, AC, FOR TUB SPR1NO 0 IttfT . We offer ttt th pros- nt asun, luge ti scan blete aaeurliaeat at Hl'KsLHi' biOCK. oiWaOtX. a Ivgo variety of 'tliiift;, wntl-grtora fre, aOaxi we ul prepared Io lorniUi at II, uu.ej priors, and to w'Mclj miu it ;i-niiv:i -I 1 tun Grow ers and PiuCtora. Futit Tnrna, V'jies, j Laoh. Pr do. Pr 100 Standard apple, 4 years old, leading kinds, f.;0 13 ii 125 CO Dwarf Syeorsuld, (on Paradise.) SO 6 M) 40 00 Crab Apples, 2 and 3 year oM 64 till 4U W u, "" 'f n Sl??"11,1",nitl year. old Ut 6 .SO M Of Dwarf Pesrs, 2ye:-.ra old i'J 0 00 44 Kt Standard CbnrriH, 2 years oil 00 0 00 A'wari Vyriorrina, x years old Oil O inj Standard Peaobes, I year obi SO 3 & do do Hale' Early, 1 year old 40 4 00 do do on Plum ?.' tt 00 Dwarf du do 7i B 00 Apricots, do 75 8 CO Apriuots, on Polish do dO Van Bureu's Uoldati D'f Peath 1 lij 10 111 Noctiirines and Almonds Ml 0 00 Standard Pluuis, ou Plum 75 ft IK1 :6 c 30 Oi SO 0 40 0 61 0 Dwart do on do "i 8 00 N. II. Extra sized trees of man; of above can I furnished at extra pribo. Currants anJ G. elirries M II So Is 1 rtasptitrriesnnd BlacslieirirB td SOU Slrawl'Srne tV. Alh.iiiy,Trion'ph t Ono!, Ac t nusveil'a Prolific, Goitien 1 Soedid, ! Lion's Wlnte, Cutter I o, J M Jucuu.l (Kir-B" 7) A0-iiCjltuuji, f.a L'oiistmite, Mead's feedlini, N.J, rVmlet, 1 t CO Grspes C-ilinvba. laideila and Clinton, 1 fiai, 1st rhis, it 9 50 15 Concnid, t year, ll class, ou S OO Vt Vum, llurti.ad Prolific, e , 1 year, I si cVitt, 7S 7 00 Delaware. Helpers. 4c-. 1 vr 1st e'us 1 IKI 0 (XI Aileu's At Holer's Hybrids, i yr 1st eins t M til in loan, IsrAetl:, & Aitinud:c, 1 y, itt cuts tir le ! Fnretiru vniit'lies, leading kinds 7ft 6 00 Porenzu VKilieH. new kinds 00 to 3 to II. ()'a,cr liy d zoi ks, and StiHwrlierrw b 1 or I0D limited i'oa'ace Free, at ab ive pilees. ORAMENT.U,TrKK9 AND SHHl'Il" Shade Tites, Ltwiliog kinds, 8 to 10 fttt St each SiO 975 per tiunrlicd. Deciduous Oniiinii'Miul Treef. a fine e.ivtrri.iit f.O to J li U()M lo 0!) pi rdi. , III no i.i7.1 On j,er lis). Decido 'us tlriititiiioiuil tnratis. il'i in&Ct-i each, t if SoO per d i. ) IMi 1 40 ou per handled CIl'nli.Mi; Oruninriital Mirut, ii In "(J each, 1 JO 10 ! per d iz, 'iu 00 lo 4ti 00 per bundled. r MISCi:i.I,ANKOU9, Each Per dm Per Knelish Wslnuts k SpnlS Chesii't SO Dowiniic's Kwiherifim vlulherry I nnd Dwarf Prolific Wuluut J I 00 ANpantitis Itimts Itliularl, MyiiM'a l.lnnaes i3 Amir. Ailii-rvilre, lu heileti' & on 10 00 t on i 20 no to a Oi'igeOtuoee, lor iieaniir, $'i per 1,0' 0 Packintz d me in tiie U'sl nnii'KT, in toVi ir hns.s wlncli a tii'idcnite rh.irce is made ids are prorr forwirdfd tiv 1'ixpresp, or Kiiilroild, ttill pnm's Des tive Catularacs mailed tiisiip'ir ints. eiii-inin.ir storr-ps LDW'D J KVANt 4 YOr.lt, I'eiinsylvnu March SI, t&67 - Ira i FALL TRADE, 1M0 ! FALLTRADE.lbM cf L.L.1Z IUI S '5 70ULD r"prclfiillv oill the u'ti-rltn 3 V the public to Ler'LAKOE and NEW ASRORTSILNT or a Fancy andDomcstia Dry Good J Itrch JootI, P, 01 all kinds ur.d ftyles in great VaiL " rOPilNb AliD MKIUNOS, 3 Blajk, liraen, Bin. Wine. Brown. Purple, i I q Iu AII-NNo d I'iuidi Delaius, Culicocs, i &c, wo have au aornieul. ' S The btwt Black Allpac-ns, oH-wool IH Poplins. tm, Vhitb:--.Goodt. C Cambrio, Fwl.s. Nainsook aud Juoooel M lm?, I'iuii.y, Bird-Eye Lineu andTowlin; - Berlin and American Zephyrs, CLeil Wool, Caebmcre Vams, Ac. X 17::letioral akirlx, i (ium Cloth. L'resi Trimmings. Hofi R flluves, llu ip-Si.ii t, Coiictt.-, ItibloiK, k ooleu tioo.l. C LADIES' CI.OI II CLOAKS A.C0AT3 lied U loves, of tbo bent quality, and a pi vaiirty of goods too nnuicrous io mor.tlon j of which will bo sold at tbo very lowed oarli. M. L. L'AZARU g Sunbury Oct. 17, 1?55. FLOUR & FEED STC wuoi.i:.Lh: ..ixi) retail THE subS'Tiher respectfully informs the that he keeps constantly on hand at u WAREHOUSE, near th Sh uuokin Volley K Depot, in SL'NIll'RY, Flour by the barrel an 01 ail kinds of Feed by the ton The nliuve is all niuuiifaclured at bis owl and will be sold ut tho lowes t csh prices. .1 M. CADWALLADE Sunbury, April 1. l.HOfV iUNBUEY liuiLDISG L0T IN J. W. CAKE'S Addition to the Box Sunbury, for Salo on reasonable terms. Apply to It. K. II. AWL SOL. BROS 101 Sunbury Or P. W. BHEAFER, Potisvilio, Tu. Nov. 2t, lb66. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR rililE undersigned offers at private sale the X ing valuable real estate, tdtuiito in the 1 Sunbury. Into the property of Thomas Uobinc The Hotel Propeny on Front itrect, with outbuildings, Ac, lately occupied by F; Spacht A vulunble Hr,u?c and Lot on Market Si gutber with all the outbuildings. For further particulars apply to JOHN U. MAUKLE, Exe Feb. 10, IS07-lw Sunbur- JOHN B0WMAP No. 704 ARCH STRI rillLADELPIIIA, MANL'PACTCHCR AND DEALER I SILVER &PLATEDW- Our Goous me JtcitU-(i!y tlie ilioap. City tor Tllh'I.i: S"I.tTI.', .1 Sty. July 7tb. lS)3.-lyc ei. hoop Miners. NEW SPRING STYLES, -OLitOwsM embracing every New and Desirable size. Miape of Plain and Trail Hoop f-kirts, 2, i 2 .i-1. o. 3 1-4. :i 1-2. 3 3-4 and 4 ds.. rour . length and s t o W aiit ; in every reaped Kir j ,v, u,lJ t'"Pa"v adapted to moot the want Clots nnd most fusbionulile Trade. oik Ow n ant," of Hoop Skirts, are I more elastic, more durable, aud Really Che; uuy utber make of either Single or Doubl ! Skirt in the American Market Ihey are ! ed in every respect, and wherever introdi universal rtuiirtaotion. ihey are now beiu sively tnild by Retailers, aid every Lady them. As for ''Hopkiu'a Own M ike." at.d see t Skirl is Stumped "W. T HOPKIN S MA TUBER. 02S ARCU Street, P1I1LAD' others aro lionuine. A Cutulogue eoutaini Sue und Retail Prices, seul lo any uddrvrs. foriuaLd Liberal Discount allowed to Deal ders by mail or otberwie. promptly und Oiled Wholesaio aud Retail, at M tc.uf.ic Salesrooms, No. 623 ARC.U Street, PHILADELP. SKIRTS made to order, realtered aud re TERMS, NLT CASH. ONE PI'.IC WM. T IIOPK Marvh 23, IbS". lOmw Grace's Vl'lnilcl Sul v Auisli kv, Mas ,Oet. 13i Mr. tisit s Dmah Sih Having beei grievously lor several week with a avi upon auy side, I mod severul reundie Irr oalion without receiving ni:y relief, until your alv, which efice id a speedy and cur. I therefore fuel huppv locoiiil) my ia iu virtue. Yours w iih reep JAMts 1 certiy to the truthfu!Bes of tbe above il. S Dt.iiia-ii.-SETII W FOWLE A RON, Buiton, pro Biild by all Druggist, i 2o oi,U a bo Maich 2, Iboi. lui U It J BL tt. B I U3 H4E. Ar especially invited to call und examin of 111 1LDEKS UARDVAK, Nails and Spikes of all vurietlea But birup aud T IIiug", Lork. and Laielirs. I taring Trowels. Uiicls l row via, Plaatvr ! Ac , Co., fir a.iU b I I II COM.!