rSSTTTIAN GTJAffO SUBSTITUTE! BAUGXI'S I303STE SUPERPHOSPHATE OP LIME. BATTOK ? BO 1ST S, 1 Solo Manufacturers A Proprietors, DELAWARE RIVER CHEMICAL WORKS, PHILADELPHIA, U. S. A. For Wheat, Rve, Barley, Corn, Outs, Po tatoes, Tobacco, Buck wheat, Sorghum, Tiir ' nip, Hops. Oarddu Vegetables, and every Crop and Plant. Especially recommended to Ihe growe ra of TRAWBERRiEf, RA9PBKRR1HS, BLACKBER RIES, AND ALL SMALL FRUITS. More then 13 yeara of regular ix upon all description of Cropa growu in the Mnidle and Southern Plates, Jim ' given a bieh degree 01 popularity hi Mia MANURK, whiofc place! ill application uow, entirely beyond a mere experiment. , BAtOHS'S RAW BONK SiipeitPlioppliate oi" I .line, la eminently a suceeu nea Substitute for Peruvian Guano and Stable Manure and ia ottered to the Aericullurim of the Nonhemanl taaiern Statea aa a fertilizer that will ehenntv restore to the Soil. Ilniae essentials which have heen diuincd from ll by couatunt cropping nnd light malm. IT ia very prompt in Ha action la Inning in effect to a ' i1,.tfrimniiniiMMl l,v miv eommeieial manine ill llic market ' and ia afforded nt a mueh less coat than bought Stable Ma-, nure, or Peruvian Uuano. The Laiair involved in ita use iafnr Iraa than Hint of applying stable mnunre, while there la n" rink from the introduction of noxioua weedt. rV'Karmers nre recommended to putchaae of the denier loaded ill their in-ithlHirhood. Ill reclinna where no dea ler ia vet eatulilithrd. the I'hosnlinte mav be procured direct. ly from ihe undersigned. A 1'iiced Circular will be sent to all who npplv. Our NKW r'AMPHLF.T, "Howlo Maintain the Far. tiltly nt American Furms." W) pages, giving full informa tion in regnrd to the nae of manure Ac . will be furnished gratia on application. BAUGn & sons, Office JVo. 20 S. Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. BAUGII BROTHERS & CO, General W'lwlctaU Agentt, No. 181 Pearl St., oornorol Cedar. NEW YORK. GEORGE DUG DALE, Wholetah Agent for Maryland & Virginia, No. 104 Smiths Wharf, BALTIMORE. MD Sold by SMITH GEXTHER, Sunbury. Jnly 28, I860. ly POLAND ic Bilious Powders. THIS PREPARATION is the discov ery of the Rev. J. W. Poland, for inerly the Pastor of the llaptiat Church in QiaTetown, N. U., and a man dearly beloved by that denomination throughout New Eniwland Me nam bliiced to leave the pulpit and atmly medicine to anve hiaown life, and his Mncic Powderaute one of the moat w-uiderful difovtries of modem tiuiea. It ia THE GEEAT LIVER AND BILIOUS REMEDY! which completely throws in the ahude all other discoveries tn medicine ; and it niforda him much gralilicntion that they receive the unanimous approbation of all who have teatedthein. The Magic llilious Powders ore a Positive Cure lor Liver Coiuplaliit ! in ita muat agravaled form, and an immediate corrector of a II iiiimoj-m nrariSGESiu.vrs ! nxcelleut for IIHADACHK, CONSTIPATION, PIHI'I.Kft, BLOTCH KS, A SALLOW SKIN, DROWBINKtft. DI.ZINESS. HEAKTBI RN, PALPITATION, And u most wondcrlul CURE i. PREVENTIVE OF FEVER & AGUE; (Wendvise all who ate troubled with this feaiful mala dy to elways keep the Powders on hand ready for imme diate use ) Here nre a few important paiticulnrs: lat. They ate Ihe Urcat Specific for all Bilious Affec tions. 2d They are the only known remedy that will cure Liver C mplmnt. 3d. The) are the only known remedy that will cure Constipation. 4th. The Powders are so thorough in their operation that one package will be all that the majority ol those niiug them will retjuiie to ellect a cure. Atri Tliey ale mild and i'eaiant yet the most eftec- tnal eathnrtic known. 6th. They are the cheapest and best medicine extant, asthcycanbe sent by nmil to any puit of the globe for the priee. 50 cents. Circulars, containing certificates, information, &e., lent to any part of the woild free of charge. SOLD BY ALL DRIUUISTS, or by mail on applica tion to C. G. CLARK A; CO., CiKNEaAL AOKNTS, New Haven, Conn. Price, 69 Ceult tr liox. February 21, 1867. I y. I.yon'a Periodical Itropat, THE GHKAT FEMALE REMEDIES FOR IRRE GULARITIKS! 1 have tuitiMl these Drops in my own ,iacf, over ten yen t if a 1 til do iml herniate to say, limt nothing titis yet bert tlevcl (WJ by medical research, Unit acts so powerfully, positively, Mud iiarmlesfcly, iu cases ot' female iiregularily, as thm medicine. In all recent cases it never lulls, wliite thtrutaudtt wht Irive been lung sufleiers, are indebt ed tn it lor the boon of health to day. AltUouffh so powerful and positive, tliev are perfectly iannlemt and may le used at ull, except wlieiiS cmlly lurUidtieti in thedirections They h.iva Ixten extensively employed hy eminent phy sicians in France and Knland, as well as in my mvn pruc lice, over ten years, and l have yet in near or Ihe brs instance of fuiluie. 1 tuld gtyeyoa teattmnniata of tbit ' eiftimcy tfoin ladies all over the northern and western I HtHtes, were Utey ikH in their nature private. Over HMi,. KHJ boll lea have been a ld the past year, and I hope and trust as until y aullYrers huve been benefit ted. 1 ainweli aware that a remedy s potent to remove nil oli- ' siructioiit, may be used for a bad purpose, but trust that I whereono Utttle is thus used, teu may full into the hands j nt really needy antiereis. I To all woo suffer from any irregularity; painml, dim cult, excesmve, olleiisive or oltstruuted Menstiuntion, l.u eorrlien, or the train of diseanea thut follow, I would suy, try a lollle ol Dr. Lyon s Kreuch Periodic d Drops, liemg a tluid preHiratiou, their aelion is mine direct and posi tive than any mils 01 powders. Kxphcit directions, bear i n2 my fuciuniie, accomjiuny each boille. i'tiey may beotiUiined of nearly every druggist in the country, or by inciting the puce tuC. O Cl.AUK V CO , New llavenCt., Ueiieral AgenU lot the I uited Slates ai.d Canada DR. JOHN L l.YOV. rBuciiia Physimn, Price, 91 50 per Bottle. New liaveu, Conn. Felnuary U3, 11-07 ly There corneth g'.ad tiding of joy to all, To youiiK and to old, to greul and to small ; The beauty winch once was piecious and lais, Is free for all, and all may be fair, Iky Hie iimc ot CHAS7ELLAES VTHITB LIQUID For Improving and Beautifying ths Complexion The most valuable and perfect preparation iu use, for living the akm a beautiful pearbiike tint, that ia only found in youth. It quickly removes Tun, Kietkies, Pim ples, HltAchea, Mota Patches, tulluwneas, ErupUona.aud all impurities ot the akin, kiudly healing the same leaving the skin while and clear as alultuster. Its use can not be detected bv Hie closest scrutiny, and Iveiiitj a veaetable pre paration is perfectly harmless. It is the only article ot the kind used by Ike 1 renca, and ia considered by the Pa risiun aa mdispeusable to a perfect toilet, t'pwarda of 30,0uo bottles were sold during lha past year, a suftieient guarantee of itseiliuae. Price only 75 cents. Ifcmt by mail, posj-paid, on rece Mi f uurder, by fBt.BCKR,tWUVT4CU., Chemists, M River ttt , Tioy, N Y Fabniary l, NT-ly CJAVLS Time, tabor. Money Makee WASHING U j rAciiiir. a.m)".m)ji a iteiiiAu. Sold Everywhere. THY IT . ,: address alt orders to the Manufacturers ZIEQLEK A SMITH, Chemists and Wholesale Druggist. 157 .Hoi-lb Third Hlrel, I'hll'M. November 21, 18. ly Mag BOOKS, STATIONERY 1 "..' and iVi n i: , iVARIETIES,! Always en band a large nd eomplot stock of j ALBUMS, Juvenile, Blank,"." Boboel, Hymn aud Prayer BOOKS. I Note, Ijettr, IOsral and Cup Paper, C10LD PENS AND HOLDERS. Pent, Inks, Pencils, Port-Folloe, Flotures, Piotur Frsmes, Musical Instruments, Strings, Music, Lamps, Shades, Globes, Ao. ' BoApa, Chain. Bledi, Canes, Gaines, Brushes, Fort- monaiea, and Fanoy Artioloa of all kinds. Wall Paper, ltorder and Wlndavi Shade. Agent lor "La Rose's Hoir Reatorative," and "Enamel of America." Drnfta on Europe and Tickota for Steam Vessels QUICK BALES AND SMALL PROFITS tha motto at 1 LIOUTNER'S Book Store and News Depot, Feb. 2, 1807. Market Square, Bunbury, Ta. PH 0TOORAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AND STATIONERY, Monthly Time Booka Drawing Book and 81 nice. Bocks, Hrmn Booka, Blink Booka. Memorandum Book', Diaries, Pocket Hooka, Ink Stands, Pens, Fertile, a fine assortment of Paper, Ink, Ao. For sale bv ANNA PAINTER. 1467. Philadelphia V I6. Erie Itnllrond. THIS great line traverses the Northern and North west ennntica of Pennsylvania to tbc city of Erie on Lake Erie. It bnsbcen leased and Is operated by the Pcnnsyl vania Railroad Company. , Time of Vtmxtiiger Train.' at Sunbitry. Leave Eastward. Erie Mail Train, Erie Exprcfs Train, Llmiia Mail Tniin, Leave M'eatward Erie Mail Train, Erio Exr"1 Train, Klmira Mail Train, 11. 68 p. tn. 6.35 am. 10.25 a ra. I K, am. 6.35 pm. s.jia p. m. Passenp-or onrr run through on the Erio Mail and Express Trains without change both way: between rmiaaeipiiia ana trie. ."ew YorU Connection Lcavo New York at 9.00 a m, arrive at Erie Jh.00 a m. Leave New York at 6.00 p. m., arrive nt Erio 7 15 p.m. Leave Erie nt &. 30 n. 111.. arrivo at New York 4.40 p. m. Lenve Erie at 10.25 a. in., arrivo at jew lorn in. 10 a. m. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS on all Kfc-ht Trains For information respecting Passenger business apply at uor. amn and Market PL, Philadelphia. And for Freiirht htisinrs of Ilip Comtinnv's A-rents. 6. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. loth uud Market St., rnitaxietpnta. .1. W. Reynolds, Erie. William Brown, Agent N. C. R. R., Bulliinoro. II. H. IIoiTKTO!!, Gon'l Freight Agt. Philndn. II. W. 0 WINNER, Oen'l Ticket Ag't., Philada. A. L. TYLER. Ucc'l Mannzor, Wiltiaingport. Jnnunry 20, LW. Greaf Allraction, NEW TIN -WARE, Nlicet Iron and Store Store ol" SMITE & GE1TTEEP, STTIN-BTTrRTZ-, JPJ.., Where they keep constantly on hand and manufac ture to order at snort notice. TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE or nil descriptions. They would especially cull the attention of pur cliiifciB to tbeir large and well selected stock of C00E AND PARLOR STOVES. The subscribers huro made arrangements to have ull their best stoves made to order, and those who would have a good stove would do well to go and examine their large and well selected slock. First. They defy competition on the following tried Brands of Cook iStoves, vii : t Combination a lturncr. C00U. 1 Governor IVnu-Cook. WABASH AND IRONSIDES, and the well known Antidust Cook Stove culled SPEAK S ANTIDUST. Also. Parlor nud ofliuo Stoves In great variety oiu bracing ull tho best luunufHcturae and uui8t fiwhion able designs, uusurpuiised for beauty of flulfh simpli city of nrraniscmcnU combining cbcapnuss. durability and each stove wurruuted to perform Hbat they are represented. Also, The celebrated Eultimore Fire Tluce Stove, for henting first, sccoud mid third stories by Regiuters. Also, VULCAN HEATER. Alw,lhe cclcbnitod MORNING GLORY. Corel Oil, Coal OH I.mnpH, Shaden, CliimnicM, and ull art clew usually kept in an establishment of this kind. They nre iibo prepurcd to furnish Slutound do slating in the best workmanlike niunuer. Also, to do Tin Roofing, Spouting. Rnngo and Furnace Work, Gas Fitting, Ac. Repairing neatly and cheaply executed. Also : "Uaiigli'st Raw Hone Super-Pliotta pliate. " Remember the nlace. Samnle and Sales Room nearly opposite Conly'i Hardware Store, Market street, bet weeu Third and Fourth atreetn. Building UurK painted. August 25, 1806. EXPENDITURES AND RECEIPTS OF Northumberland Co., FROM The First Pay of January, A. D. 1806. to the Lost Day of December of the suae year, both days inclusive. OllDEltS. DR. cts 1 order Kasttm Pinitcntiary, 45 do for building aud repairing bridges CO CO 4202 38 4S0 75 22 1)3 1003 81 QUO OS 204 SO 117 00 15 00 96 00 205 50 3 do met 13 do Fox Scalps 57 do Elections 30 do Constables pay 7 do IMuudiog 1 do County Auditors 1 do J. Furaswortb, Auditing County Olricere, 10 do Court Uikt 1'rinting Uoud damages Prison Expenses blieritfe Fees District Attorney Jurors Pay - - Couimouweulth costs Attorucy for County Koatl and Uridge Views Stationery Seated aud unseated landa Public Kuildinga lusuue Asylum Inquisitions, As&eiisor's Puy Mercliaodizo Win. K. Martz, back pay Incidental expenses E. T. Drutrhcllurfiir board 7 do 8 do 2 do 4 do 4 do 20 do 78 do 2 do ii do 10 do 1 do (10 do 10S1 25 44 07 8128 00 10U 0(1 808O 72 1307 27 150 00 245 00 235 73 181 50 5120 24 135 05 03 20 405 00 41 14 140 00 040 SO do do do do do do do ing jurors iu tlio Ulioads Triul 280 804 40 8150 00 850 00 805 00 400 00 61 25 210 33 740 00 201 85 80,000 00 28,683 45 20 do 13 do Interest Loans to County Jos. Class, Cotumib'rt pay II. Martin, do ' do J. Etkuian do do 8. llillman do do T. M. Pursel, Jacitor do Charles Weaver, Clerk do do do do do do 15 do 1 do S do 3i do Protuonotary a feea Ileal Estate Court House ' 160,801 40 To Treasurer's commission on 159,008 80 To amount oi outstanding orders for 1805, and previous years To amount of outstanding Boun ty Orders To Depreciated Moneys 1475 08 18108 48 725 00 07 00 167,884 81 CR. Bv cash received from Collectors for 1869, and previous years 1 17,480 04 Bj cash race! red from collcctori'7;;:".."7' for Bounty Tax , tf 8 By cash' rfJteFT'ed from' tokwr10 tUv" Augusta townsmp lor Keep- tn.. UnMnhH flnvblnil ' " 103 fi Redetnetton 'tnooea " from Wm. J. McWllllaina Bt Ch rccctrea from H. Martltf1 . a . a ' ' v' . . . ' 0 1 1050 0C By cash ree'd from. E. T. Droov r ! ' hMllfir: aa loan to Connt 8800 00. By caau ree'd for Rent for public v : building , -r : : By caau received for material! told By exoneration ta received, 1 -By cash received from Benjamin llcndricka, aa loan to County By cash received from Maeonio Lodge for old Court House ' By redemption money from R. . Mosea . . . . 29 Ed , 78 00 v 8 03 1000 00 ' 794 00 5 21 8 84 75 00 1500 00 000 00 400 00 25 00 By redemption money from Simon KOUIO By ciish received from J. riiuigh- awout aa loan to County By cash received from Daniel lleiin, as loan to County By cash received from Mrs. D. Woiverton, aa loan to county By caah received from Peter II. Snyder, as loan to County ; By Court Fine By cash received from J. B. Masaer lor Deed By cash received from R. II. Awl, former Treasurer ' By cash received for Militia Tax By cusli received for Seated Landa 'I " " Unseated " 4 83 68 11 87 91 850 03 3903 89 Bv excess of Expenditures above the Receipts 27,789 CO 137,884 91 Treasurer m account with R. H. AYVI, F.sq., former Northumberland County : DR. To balance due County on State Tax as per Auditors Report of lsG5, Tobaianc-e due County foi Militia Fines aa per Auditor's Report or IHOS, To Uilance due County fir Buuuty Tax aa per Auditora Report of lb65, . . , . . CR. By rnlnnce due from County on Comity lax &c., as per Auditors Report of 1863, By cash paid John Famsworth, Treuiurcr SI33 00 810 60 9137 18 5,3SS 78 8,317 07 (to 11 V , . aW.OSJ 78 JOHN rARNSWOnTH. Ksa.. Treasurer in account with ihe dutitv of Northnmueilund from Hie Istilnyof January, A D IHIIO, toihe last ilay of December of the same year, both day inclusive, respecting county lax Ac. . . Dll. To nmonnt of outstanding County Tnx for 1605, mill previous years 33,537 07 Toionouittof ouiBtundiug County Duplicates (Tir IM.. 3?,271 81 To amount overpaid by Wm Cooner. Collector 1(1 To eah received from Iiwer Auttu&ta Town ship lor keepinir Hannah Savidiie l"7 f To redemption money Id 65 l o earn received Iroin sundry persona aa loan to Comity "121 Of) To ensh received f 'r rent of puMic buildinga, S 43 TocaMi received for materials sold ?d IM) Toenail received on Kxonerated taxea, .. a 05 To cash received from Masonic Lodge for old Court House 704 00 To cafh received for Court fines B5 00 To cnidi received from J B. Masser, for Peed 4 38 To cafh leceived from R. H. Awl, foi mer Trea sons 89 11 To amount received on unseated lands for 1864 and MM. 1.924 CO Tonmoutit received on seated landa for 1964 and l'll.i, 131 30 To amount due Treasurer 'i-'AS 67 S4,D44 32 CR. By amount of Countv Taxes outstanding on the 1st dav of Januarv, 1F67 (15,065 30 By amount of Kxoiieintinns allowed collectnia 6UM 19 By amount of percentage allowed collectora 3201 76 By errors in Duplicates" i ti7 61 Hy ilepreeinted money 07 00 By nmouni of County ordera paid 6t)03 311 Hy Treasurer's commission on f .59,003 CO, ' H7S 18 a.CIt 31 JOHN FARNSWORTH, F.sq.,Treasuret, of Northnm bciland County in account with the aame for Slate Tax : DR. To amount of outstanding Suite Taxea for 1805, and nreviotia yeara . To am"uut of State Tnx Duplicate for 1WS6, To nmonnt of Plate Tax overpaid by J. teller To amount received on Unseated Lands foi IW)4 uud Ie05 To amount received on Seated Lands for ISC and 1863 27S-.1 70 4317 !fi 3 16 1041 SO 218 78 60,3'M 17 CR. By amount of State Taxea outstanding on the 1st day of January, Ib67 for lbU, and previous years By amount of Kxoueratinns allowed eollectora By amount of percentage ullowed collectors Hy eimrnon Duplicates Hy State Treasurer's Receipt ol February 5th, l7 Ry balance due County 8P.V 99 607 II 74 S 76 16 06 mm as 2-215 45 60,306 17 JOHN FARNSWORTII, Esq., Treasurer, in aeeoun. with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for Licence OUTSTANDING TAXES FOR Ytart. Collector!1 Name. 1855 A. J. Cocrad 1858 J. B. .Masser " George Zimmerman " Jacob Miller 1850 .Tames Ouks . 1 SCO Solomon Shindel 1801 Josep'u Snyder 8. Blair 18G3 Jl. Header " Joseph Snyder 1SG3 II. Wagoner " Joseph Snyder " M. Shade 1804 William Hoover John Q. Bright " F. McCarty " D. Hain 1805 William Hoover W. Lake " H. Header " E. Artman " J. Hibsel " Isaac Sober " P. Hester " ; .' , C. li. Weikel ' E. Shaffer " E. Howarter 1SG6 Charles F. Martin " II. Reader " II. Morgan " J. CI. Hitter " J. Itissel " E. Artuian " 8. LanU ; ' . " ' .1. Snyder ! ' " : John Huugbawaut " William Johnson " M. McDonald " William Ewing " E Long " D. Wagoner " S. Bonner " John West I. Sober , " J Johnson " J. Uitchfield " J. Ditcutield " William Kakcr " John Seiler " C. Creamer Dintriel. Zerbe Mt. Carmel Tp. Upper Augusta Point Delaware Sunbury Coal Milton Turbutville Coal Cameron Coul Lewis Sunbury Upper Augusta Mt. Carmel Tp. Lower Mahonoy Sunbury Shamokin Borough McEwensville Turbutville Chillisquaque Shamokin Tp. Mt. Carmel Tp. ..- Cameron Jordan Upper Mahanoy Sunbury McEwensville Point Turbut Chilisquaque, Turbutville Delaware - Milton Upper Augusta Hush Mt. Carmel Tp. Mt. Carmel Borough Cameron Little Mttbahoy Jackson Jordan Shamokin Tp. Northumberland Shamokin Borough Coal Lower Augusta Lower Mabanoy Zerbe ... . . ,-. ., - OUTSTANDING 1803 James Beard Joseph Snyder Jonas Stlue - McEwensville Coal Mt. Carmel Those marked with since paid. .We, the undersigned Auditors of Northumberland county, Slate' of Pennsylvania, do certify, that in pursuance of the 4th Section of an Act. rerulatino- CVmntlea and Town- ships, the 6th day of April, 1834, we met """"ji vu tun sist uay ui uauuary, m.. did audit and settle the several accounts judgmenta and bilitiee ; sac we do further certify, that upon due examination of tbe Etpeosts Book of the County, the indebtedness of tbe County In unpaid County Orders is 30.834 68. "Also, thai thai amount nt nataill llnn rt..l. f. m iui In wunesa whereof, we have hereunto set Tin Hi f-f 1.-.. V. ... A Tt Ad4 ....., v, ,,viU.ii,a.j,,, ' " fro- tee lei day 4 Jeaaery, WM, Im a etf JJm aanaa year, sns ears mawri. -ttn-f' .-r-r rt ! "' it! "TS, amoant saeeived fot Liceneae foe Tavarne . - fos IW " ' tleWl 00 Taaaa earns laaetwai or Law Warn ie eg j 00 To amuent received for Hettattraaua for laa, -7S 00 Toamoent reeetvea for Retslleraof Mere ha a- 1 Jw dtaM, Tw-ala AHayet- PMent MaHiaiaea, i ..( ...( I , . V U J L - LanrorieM S,3M 90 w, ') i' e! a !-. ' 3,764 ao . i-. n en , II 85 " 38 as By 6 eet eent Onmmiaaton on (1,000 and 1 per vm vm k ...... . BV 8 per cent Commission on f?23 00 , By 6 per cent Commisaion on flivaa, By exonerations aa pet eertificatea, ' By 8 percent commission on 1U00 and 1 per et on t'2,K'l 60 By State Treaaurera receipt of April 18th, IFAS, By T. H. Pardy'a receipt fur publishing Mer cantile Appiaiser'a List in English and Ger man, SM namea ' By State Treasure 'a Receipt of Feb. 9th, 1867, a oo 13 01 078 00 70 8ft 4,440 38 VM 80 JOHN FARNSWORTII, Kni., Treasurer, tn aoeonnt witn me county 01 norinumoenaoa, reapeeung Aiuitu 1 inea lor isoa, ana previous yean DR. To amount of outstanding Militia Finos. $W2 48 CR. By amount of outstanding Militia Fines on the 1st day of January, 1867, By ain't of pe re outage allowed oolleotora, $315 72 12 36 6 00 10 60 Hy am nt ot f.xonerationa auoweo By errors in Duplicates, 1 By order paid Harrison Wagoner By amount due County - 1 42 266 49 (652 48 JOHN FARNSWORTII, Esq., Treasurer, in account witn tfte Treasurer 01 Bcnool uoaras, Duperrisors of Roads. Overseers of the Poor, and with Town. ships respecting Bounty, for Taxes on seated and unseated lands lor lt64 and IbOo. DR. To amount reocived for Road Tax To amount received for School Tax To amount received for Bounty Tax To amount received for Poor Tax $2081 84 8726 70 8013 1124 45 f 18,120 37 CR. By amount paid Supervisors of Boads, Treasurers of School Boards. Ao.. as per receipts $14,(175 46 Bv Treasurers' commission on $16,128 27. rM6 Ml By balance in hands of Treasurer A44 49 $10,120 27 JOHN FARXSWORTn, E.q., Treasurer, in account with the County of Northumberland, from the first day of Januarv, 1866, to the last day of December of the same year, bMh days inclusive, respecting Bounty lax. . DR. To amount of outstanding Bounty Tax, full 91 CR. By amount of Bounty tnx outstanding on the 1st day of January. 1K67, By amount paid by E. Shaffer, due Coun . ty from Treasurer, 4U 02 37 92 $511 94 JOHN FARXSWORTH, Esq., Treaeurer In aocount with Northumberland County : DR. To balance duo County on Militia Tax To balaneo due County on Bounty Tax To bul. due State Tux nnd for Mate Taxes on seated and unseated lands for lout $267 49 37 92 and 1865, 2,215 4 To balance due Treasurer 26 01 $2,545 87 CR. By bal. due Treasurer on County Tax, Ac. $2545 87 Statement of tho Finances of Northumberland Coun ty, on tbe first day of January A D. 1S67. DR. To amount of outstanding County Orders for 1S66, and previous yeara, $.10,334 51 To amount of outstanding Bounty Orders 725 00 $.11,059 53 CR. By amount of outstanding County Tax for 1866, nnd previous voars, $16,065 36 By amount of outstanding Bounty tax 474 02 By amount of outstanding Militia tax for 1864 and previous years. By amount due from Wm. E. Irwin, for mer Treasurer, as per last Auditor's report By smount due from Francis Bncher. for mer Treasurer, as per Auditor's re port of 1S02, By exeesa of Ccunty Indebtedness above asaetls 855 72 80 56 50 00 15,033 P7 $.11,059 53 County of Northumberland in accoui't with the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania for 1866, DR. To amount of State tax duplicate for 1866, $2,347 22 CR. By am't of exonerations allowed collectors $53 42 By pereentage allowed collectors 73 92 By State Treasurer's receipt of Feb. 5th, '67, 1933 25 By Countv Treasurer's commission on $1952 77, 19 52 By balance due Commonwealth 207 11 $2,347 1866 AND PREVIOUS YEARS. Mate. Counts. Militia, 18 42 29 03 80 18 77 00 08 21 00 70 00 61 60 13 00 18 00 16 50 1 00 50 00 40 75 14 00 10 87 12 122 80 43 81 20 23 44 54 723 13 41 65 27 73 872 G9 00 21 180 01 200 78 213 81 208 88 84 60 41 21 208 71 09 01 1433 03 46 69 212 03 C09 97 472 86 1373 10 17 80 800 05 20 83 1037 51 1259 08 11 18 601 06 21 10 466 28 400 05 48 53 150 08 160 66 884 44 88 87 871 87 000 83 ' 484 74 419 88 600 51 V 85 60 683 20 v 16 87 . 453 63 , . 953 eo f iao65 86 BOUNTY TAX. - $355 73 13 00 .'. -04 r 458 08 1474 02 at the Commissioners' Ollicc, In tbe Borough of u., ooy, ana adjourned rrom time to time, anu as required of us anreeablv to the beat of our pur hsnds and seals at tbs office aforesaid, this n . . . . t. V, UKAl, ) L. O. I ; ". U.K. CUI.P, ) L. 8. Auditor.. C. F, LITTLE, ) L. 8. ) illEa-GROCEnYI !r T ,1 :i I m arar t f. ,y ; 1 ,.-). - - It '-, .1: i f J , OALL AT FURMAM'B OLD STARS.- , I. i TOMB & !BEG)WHa e-.- wtO t ; .t i.J .. ; WHOLESALE A RETAIL -"'" ' ' -'AND ' Provision Store FOR CHEAP GOODS I Their Stock la complete, comleting In part of BtMARB, C0FPEE8, TEAS, SPICES, COAL OIL, . Tobaeoo, Cigars, Flour, Feed, Fish, Salt, Hams, Shoulders, Cheese, Fruit, Glass, Lamps, Ac., Ao. Country Produce taken In exchange for Goods. lyCall and examine our Stock, and satisfy your selves. Sunbury, May 12, 1866. MUSGR0VE & SHAFER, Wholesale Dealers in FLOUR & FEED, aianlaolurers or CANDIES, BREAD, CAKES, &c, Throa Doors East of P. A E. R. R. Depot, Front St.. NORTHUMBERLAND, PENN'A. The Baker Wagon will run daily to Sunbnry and Selins urove, to serve customer, vraera soltoltea. Northumberland, Nov. 17, !b6. ly FANCY DRY GOODS STORE MISS KATE BLACK, Market street, four doors west ofWm. II. Miller's Boot and Shoe store, tjUJNUUHX, 1'a. T ESPECTFULLY informs her friondsin Sunbury Xv and vicinity, tnat sue baa just opened tier WINTER GOODS. oi Notions and Fancy Dry Goods, Her stock consits of All-Wool Delaines, Embroide ries. Laee Collars, Bleaobed and unbleached Muslins, Sheetings, Drilling, Uaribaldi Muslins, Hird-tje Linens, Aiapacas, ropnns, i;rape anu ijaoe v ens. Ladies' Winter HATS, Ladies' Woolen Caps, Break fast Shawls, Sontags. Children's Woolen Circulars, Children's Woolen Skirts. Mine. Demoreet's Hair Curlers, Hair Colls and Curls, Gloves, StockiUKS, Collars, Corsets, Aa. Uents' Collars, Neckties, half Hose, Uandkcr chiefa and Suspenders. Bradley's new Patent Duplex Elliptic (or double Un.inM Ul.' I 11 TO 1 HOPKIKS Elliptic Skirts. Perfumery, Toilot Soaps, Hair Brushes, Combs Toys, anu a general variety of Otlu5. KATK BLACK. Sunbury, Nov. 24, 1866. TCE CREAM FREEZERS and Haley's Patent L Ulotne w ringers, lor sale bv i$. ZETELMOYER. Sunbury, July 7, 1866. a .m;w AismvAi, of FALL & WINTER GOODS AT THE STORE OF J II ENGEL, Market Street, SUNBURY, PA. JUSTrcoeived from New York and Philadelphia, a Urge lot of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, which be will sell at small prohts, lor cub or coun trv Droduce. Ilis line of Goods for Gentlemen's and Boys' wear is good Fine Black and Blue French Cloth, Fine Beaver Cloths for Overooats. the very best ot Black and Fancy Cassimeree, Good Sutinett and Kentucky Jean, an at low prices. His lino of Lndics' and Misses' Dress Goods can'i be beat in this little borough. II i: N T or III.ACK NIL K Plain and Figured Silk and Wool Poplin, all-wool Poplin, Plain and Fancy French Merino, from one dollar per yard upwards, of all Shades and Colors, all-wool Plaids, Alpaca, all colors, Plain and Fancy Mohair Lustres, all-wool Delaines, Fancy and figured fenglisb Merinos, vory nanusome, Delaines Cuiicoes and Muslins, all prices. Ladies' Cloth for Dresses, Ladies' Cloth for Sacks Sacking Flannel, all shades, Ladies' Shawls, plain ana lancy. BEST WOOL BLANKETS, White Marseilles Quilts, Bed Spreads, Bulmoral Skirts. Yankee Notions in Great Variety Hosiery, of all description, Gloves, forLadics and Genus, Dress Trimminis, Fanoy Brttons. Ao., Ladies French Corsets, Ladies' Hoop Kkirta, Gents' Shirts and Drawers, fames' est aud Drawers, Ladies Misses and Children s canov Hoods, Wool Scarfs Ladies' Fanoy Scarfs, and a variety of othor goods CARPETS, Wove Floor Cloths, Stair Carpets Floor Oil Cloths, all widths, Carriage Oil Cloth, Tablo Oil Cloth Willow Shades, Plnin Groen aud Brown Oil Cloth and Fixtures fur Windows. Sugar. Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Crackers, Spices, Salt Fish, Cheese, Ac. Uueensware,Ulassware. splendid setts of ieawarc, at low prices. BOOTS A SHOES IN GREAT VARIETY. Hats and Cut, Oil, Paint. Glass. Putty. School Books, Paper, Slates, Ao. HARD W A 11 E . Shovels, Forks, Nails, Locks, Ilinges and Screws A Laree assortment of WALL PAPER and Bor der, at all prices. All persons desiring to get good goods will please give him a oall. J. it. f..NUr.L,. Sunbury, October 20, 1866. Lackawaaaa fc Uloositaburf Uuil road. ON and after Jan. 1st, 1807, Passenger Trains will run as follows : 60UTHWARD. A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. Leave Fcranton, 6.60 10 00 7.10 4.40 Kingston, 0 -. 11.20 B.Z0 6.00 Rupert, 9 20 8 17 Danville, 9.M . 8.60 Arr. Nurth'd., 10 H5 10 16 NORTHWARD. Leave North 'd., 7.00 8.20 Danville, . 7. 40 6.1)0 Rupert, 8.16 A.M. P.M. 6 36 " Kineston, 10 60 8.30 160 U.06 Arr. at Soranton. 12.00 9.S5 4.00 10.16 Trains leaving Kineston at A, Al. for Beran- ton, connect with Train arrivini at New York at 5.20. fajsengers taking Train boutn lrcm bcrantnn at 6 60 A.M. via Northumberland, reach HarrUburg li M v. M., uaiuuiora r. m., auington 10. 00 P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7.00 p. m. 11. A. 1U.MJA, bup t. Kingston, Jan. 19, 18C7. NEW MUSIC STORE. Call at our New Musio Store in ' ELIN'8 OROVB, and buy one of Haikbs Bbothbr's New Scale Piano Fortes. Every instrument is Warranted fur five years. We also keep constantly on hand a good slock ot the eelebrated HELOLBET'S MELODKONS, CABI NET and CHURCH ORGANS, and challenge others to sen eneaper man ws are selling. We also keep all kinds of Musical Merchandise and receive all the latest music as soon as published. A liberal discount to teachers of Schools and Semi naries. j IjiTalaoond hand Instruments taken la exchange for new ones. Pianos eorreeUy turned asd repaired. Send fcr Circular. . . . , BALEM BROTHER. Selluagrove, Snyder se., Pa , July 18, i860 -ly ' HA.'v'lUA ItlAKEH. Mrs. A. TWEED. Market street, S doors East ef the New Bank Build ing,6UNBURY. PA RESPECTFULLY informs bar friends and Ihe pabiie that abe has again opened a shop, in Market street, Sunbury, where she is prepared to suss ui uraer uaaiee- ureases, in aa enure Dew style, ladies' Cloaks, e. Also Gentlemen's shirt. Ordera respeettully solicited. Bunoury, Jan. 19. 1867 ly FINK Myrtle Pomatum, at the Fancy Store of " , ANKA PAINTER. SREAD &; FANCY CAKES. Tw4oejt wartef lbs Peat OCM, STJWBURt, fa. RKSPKCTVITLI.T iarrrnstbe eltltml xr 9na hairy and Tieiuky, Uta It UI hake te ardsr aU indaof , , . irr- m ?-, . CtUeafWr Ilalln, Partln, &e. - i Families ire supplied with FRESH BRS AD, Twist Bolls, Ruska. To Buns, As., and also kept on band nanafaetnreei ABl ef the beat materials.' ; 1 All orders vrill meeiith prompt attention. i Uavins had larae exner.ene I hop to rlre 5sneral satisfaction to all who may favor me with islr patronage. .. . DAVID FRY. Bunbury, lleo. 9, IBBtt. ' SI. C. UlIAnilAltT'M onfectionery, Toy and riTJIT STORE Market Htret, Hunbaary, la. CONFECTIONEKY OF AIL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the above establishment at wholesale and retail, at reasen- able prices. He Is manufacturing: all kinds of Confectioneries to keep up a full assortment which are sold at low rates. Tobacco, Seirars, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other a.tls'.es, allot whiah era ofleieo. Wholesale and retail. U-ltemember the name and place. .rv M. C. GEARHART. Market street, 8 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son's tore. Sunbury, Sept. 19. 1863. tf THE VERY LATEST ARRIVAL 1 1 Fall and Winter Goods ! JOSEPH EYSTER, (Suecefeor to Jolin fioicen.) Corner of Market and Fawn Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Invites the publio to call and examine bis elegant assortment of WINTER GOODS, which he will sell at greatly reduced prices. His stock eonsists in part of CASSIMERE3 CLOTHS, ScC Silks, Delaines, Lawns, Ginithams, Calicoes, Muslins, Sheeting. Tickings, Jeans, and a full assortment of Cotton and oolen goods generally. Hosiery, Gloves, Hoop Skirts. Handkerchiefs, Brushes, Combs. lata) iintl Cnps, Hoots nnd Shoe, His assortment of eoods will not, lis Is nre sure fail to please the fancy and euit the wants of any do, sirous oi puronasiug. ilia siock oi HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, and Groceries is large in quantity and choice in quality, comprising generally overylbing needed in the household either lor use or ornament. He is always ready and glad to see his friends and takes pleasure in snowing mem nis goods even though no sales aro made. He only a.ks a call, and Is sure that the stock will compare favorably in price and quality witn tnc cnenpest. JOSEPH EYSTER. Sunbury, Nov. 3, 1866. TOWN LOTS TN ihe Borough of Funbury, desirably aituatufj, in ,s oiga sou ocnirni locauoiis, I'OIC WALK, on such easy terms as will enable persons, with limited amount of available money, to purchase nomes. i-crsons navmg Jlineral or Timber I.uimIm, Farms, Dwellings, or other Real Estnto, for sale or lease, as well as thoso dnsirmg to purchase or rent, aro invited tn consult the eubscrioer. His connec tion wilb reliable firms in New Vork, Philadelphia, and elsewhere, aflord unusul advantage. Conveyancing correctly and neatlv executed. JNO. KAY CLEMENT, Attorney nt Law, Third door west of Smith A Gentber 's Stove Store, Sunbury, Pa Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1866 tf. jF you rant good Tin-Wore, go GENT Hill's New Shop. SMITH dr 8 AFFLICTED ! S U P Jj' E It NO MORE! When by Ihe use of DR. JOIN VII.I.I'.'S F.I.1XIU you can he cured nernianeiilly, and at u trilling cost. The ustoulthiiig success which has attended this iiivatu. able medieine for I'hysieul and Nervous W'enkneMi, Gene ral Dehihty and Prostration. Loss of Muscular Kueifry, Impotency, or any of the consequences of youthful India- eretioii, reudeia it the must valuable prermratioii ever din- ivereo It will remove ntl nervous nfTeetions, depiesjio;i, excite meat, lucapecity to study or liusineis, kisa of tneinory, confusion, Itv-uglits of aelf-deairuction, fenrs of iiiaamtv, Ac. It will restorethe appetile, renew the health of ih 'Be who li.ive destroyed it hy sensual excess or evil practices. Ynuiiji Men, he huumucgeu ihi more hy "Ounck Doc tors" and ignorant practitioners, hut send without delay for the l-.lixir, unit lie al once restored to heullh aud happi ness. A Felled Cure is Guaranteed in every instance. 1'rica, ISI, or four Imttlcs to one addiess, SJ. (lite bottle is stiuicieut to eucet a cure in all ordinary ensea. AUSO, DR. JOINVILLKM 31-KCIFIC PILI.S-. for the apcedy and pcnnaiieiitcure of (ionarhn, Uleel. Ure thral Uira-hiiraea, Gravel, IMrictuie, aud all anectioiia of the Kklneya and Bladder. Cures effected in from one to five days Thuyare prepared from vegetable exlrurta that arehnriniesa on the avtiem, end never nausmte ihat"in ach or iinprcfuate the breath No ehanee of diet ia necea- aaiy hite usiiia: them, uordieBtlietra.:tion in any ina-iiirr interlere Willi busineFa pursuits rriee. stl per lwx. Kilhei of ihe nlhive mentioned articles will be sent to any address, eloselv sealed, nnd poat-pnid. I,y mail or ex- preaa, ou receipt of price. AiWIrem all oi iters in iif.itui-.n, mil rrs . uo., t.heni'sta. No. 8s5 River Street, Troy, N. Y. February 1, 1867. ly ASTP.OLOGY. THE WORLD ASTONISHED AT TUB WONDERFUL REVELATIONS MADE BY THE GREAT A8TROLOGIST, Madame II. A. Ii:itltl.0. She reveals secrets no mortnl ever knew. She reatorea to happiness those who, from doleful eveuia, eaustiophes, crosaes in love, loss of relations and fiiends, kiss of money, &e , liuve become deSKiiuleut. Dhe briuas toeclher those kina aeparated aivea iiilninialioii onreeritina absent frienda oi lovers, restores hist or stolen properiy.tells you the busi ness you nre best qiiauntni to pursue anu in wntu you will be roost successful, causes speedy niairiagea aud telle you the very day you will marry, givea you the .tame, likeness and ehaiaclenslica of the person, bhe reada your very Ihooahta, and hy her almost supernatural powers unveils ineoaia auuhiddeu mysleues ol the luture. rrom the stuis we see iu the hrmuinent -the inuletic starB that over come or predominate in the confiiimatiou from the aapecta annpoai'iiHiaof the nlaneu and the fixed atara in the ueuveua at the time uf Lirth, she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail not to consult the greatest Aslrolo Kist on earth. It eoata you hut a trifle, ami you may never again have ao favorable an opportunity. Cousulution fee. with likeness aud all desned information, 81 Parties living at a distance can consult the Madame by mail with equalnufety and satisfaction ui themselves, as if in neiaon. A full and explicit chart, written out, with all inquiries answered and likeaeaa enclosed, aent by mail on receipt of price above Mentioned. The strictest aeuiesy will be maintained, and all correaptuideiice returned or destioved. Ke'eretiecBof the kiaheal order furnished those desiring them. Write plainly the day ef the month and year iu which you were bom, enclosing a small ka-K ol hair. Address, Madams II. A. I'EKRIGO, P. O. Dkawsb S93, BorfALO, N. V. Febiuaiy It, ISOT. ly CRISPER COMA. Oh ! slis wst beautiful and fsir, With starrjr yes, and radisiil hair Vti"se cui liiijj leiulnis sssii, sulwineil, Kiicliaiiiet) the very heart aud niiuil. CRISPER COMA. Pur Curling the Hair of titber Sex into Wavy and Glossy Hinleta or Heavy Massive Curls, By using tkiaartlele Ladies aud Gentlemen een beautify themselves a thousand fold It m the ouly article lu the world thai willeuil atraiaht hair, and at the aame lima give it a beautiful, gloaav appeaiauce. The Criaper Coma not only rurla Ihe hair, bul invigorates, baautiliea and cleanses it; la highly aud delightfully peil'umed, and ia Ihe most e iwiBlete article is the kmd evar odered uiiae Ameri- ran public, lue vnaper coma will beaeut louuy atkiiaaa, Addreas all ordera to W. I.. CLARK A CO., CkemisU. Nn. S Weal Fayette B4re.t)8BACuss, N. V. Feb. ! 8,117. ly ' BEAUTY! AUBURN, GOLDEN, FLAXEN SILKEN CURLS PRODUCED by the ae of Piof. DKBREUX FKI 8KH LE CHtVKUX. One apiWicatiou wanauted to curl ike moat straight aud stubborn twit of either aex iiiui wavy imgieta, or keavy mnasive euils. lias oeeii eesd by the Uatnuualika of raria and Lnaarai, with Ike a r sns laaaionaoata ol rarie ana uiawia, wits moat gratifying reaulia. Does no injury lo the kau. t by mail, aealerfand poei-iiaid, SI. Drsi'riptive Cirei aaukMifree. Adoieaa BfcHGtR, 8HTT W A CO , I iu frlee Circulaia ;o . Cnc ausia. No SHi Kivet aU , i'roy, N, X., Boks Agaaiafui tba United ISUtea. ' , Fetweary IS, skW-lr ' - ' " ' 'BREAKFAST BnAwiiTtor'aale at' the Fanev Skaretf- ANSA PAINTER. To procure a family group 1'botograpb, go te BYERLl"al Room ia Simpana Building up atatrs NiEWuG R G,C;E RT TAB evtbscvlnfjis htff loara armonnee to the eitivmi i of Snnbwry and u ylolnlty, that tbsy have opened . . . . . . . ' Two Awti ifwt J. II. KnyU'i Storii in V'. V, MtrM ffjHeJJJ 1 Where Iftcy ar"prepared to furnish every variety of grooerlee, and will keep constantly on band the ehoieeas varieties ef .. r i-' "l ' r F L 0UJR & EE E D, Fish, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, 'Cheese, Salt Spicea of all discription, Soaps of every variety Candles. Smoking and Chewing tobaeoo, Segars. Hams. Shonlders, Bason, Butter, nnd Eggs. Also Dried fruits of all kinds, Caned Peaches and Toma toes. Piokele, Ketchup, Pepper Sauoe, Raisins, Lemons. Ao., of bestaualitv. and in fact ever ilvle of articles kept in a well stocked Groeory. Also Cider Vinegar. All kinds ot country produoe taken in exchange. The patronage ef the publio Is re speotfully solicited. GEORGE E. BEARD A CO. Sunbnry, Nov. 11, 1B65. ' Dim rjnrjui STORE. W.-A. liENNKTV : Market Nqnarr, NII.RI'RY, Pa, HAVING recently purchased the Drug Stora formorly conducted bv R. A Fisher. I bear leave to inform the citisens of Sunbury and vi cinity, that I have entirely replenished my stock of mo bm. -c; sra- S3 ' AND FANCY ARTICLES ! such as Combs, Brushes, Pocket-Booka, Soaps, Per lumery, iiair-uu, Knives, iscissors, Coal-Oil Lamps, Tobacco and Cigars, Inintis, Oils, Oluc, CHawa, Pntty. Varnisilies, I'nlcut MealU-iuea, Ac. All my Tinctures, Syrups. Ointments. Ceratna. anil other preparations ate manufactured by myself, and from the best material I can procure in Market. Having had quite a number of years' experience 'o the " Drug and PiecriptioH Uusinm, both in Philadelphia and the country, nnd also the advantage of the College of Pharmney. I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PREisCRIPTIO.Vf that the Physicians and publio may favor me with,' All my preparations as I have above asserted, aro made from the best material, and apon honor I assert, they aro of officinal strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on hand the very best WINE3, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and convinoe your own mind. W. A. BENNETT. Sunbury, Nov IS, 1805. "NEW LlQUORTOREr ' WM. HOOVER Ituilrond Nt rcct, above Market, - KBAn vne central botkl, SUNBURY, PA. RESPECTFULLY invites hi frienda and tho puhhc generally, to call and examine his large , assortments of liqi .-bfore purchasing elsewhere, lilt Motk con Ikh ol Itrnmllt'o, WliiMkcy, Ilollsind !, Vim kec Itiain, .vloniirnblu nnd Ilourbon ol'llic Urnt aali ty. Wlnrai, Sjidrr, Tint Car, Ac, aVc. Farmers, Hotel Keepers, and others are invited to call, as his stock is genuine, and will render gtnerol satisfaction, bunbury, Fobrunry S, 1866. RESTAURANT & BOARDING HOUSE. CHAM. ITZi:i Proprietor. In Cake's Additltn lo SUNBURY, near the Poen a. Railroad Company's Shops. LAGER BEER, Porter and Ale of Ihe very best brands, cxoollent German Wines, Schweitze Cheese, Tripe, Ao., always on hand. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept who will find ample accommodations. Good cooks and waiters, boarders can enjov the quiet com forts of home with fnre equal to the best hotels. Sunbury, May 26, 1866: i SUiBUliYnUDItV i:0. ICOIIRIIAC1I Ac KO."f, ARE now carrying on busmen at this old estab lishment with renewed vigor. Casliugs of every description, promptly furnished to older. Tho Stoves manufactured at this Foundry have avouirvu luu uiguesi. repuutuoil. . i-ariicuiar attention paid to .MILL lAM I.XUS. Farmers should not forget that tbe PLOWS mnilo at the Sunbury Foundry nave never been equalled. Agricultural implements repairod at short notice. Small caalii2S. including Cookinz utensils, of tbe most improved and most useful patterns. a no ousineaa win oe oonouoton on an enlarged j cale. Old customers will be accommodated is usual, and new ones are respectfully solicited. Sunbury, May 12, 1806 "aim XIH EX Pill 'rw;MFiA m V. REDUCTION OF RATES ON PRODUCE, 0Y8 . TERS, AC. TriK rates on Fresh Fish, Oysters in the Shell, and Truck of all kinds, to places in this Division, where the rate is 76 cents per 100 lbs or over, has been reduoed 26 oenta per 100 lbs. At places where tho rate is between ou ana 73 cents per lou lbs, the rate win ne au cents per luu ins. liarrels ol truck weighing less than 100 lbs will he chnrced as 100 lbs in weight. r resh t uh will require to be packed in tieht bar rels or boxes. Prompt attention to the collection of Bills. Drafts. Ac. N. FERREE LIGHTNER, Agent. Sunbury, June 16, 1S66. JI'LIIN JAREU'ii IF.maII de Pai-I," THE NEW BEAUTIFIER OF THE SKIN. TESTIMONIALS FROM CELEBRATED LADIES. Ibis secret of beautifvmat tbe bktn l.eine known only to Messrs. Jarod A Rene, they honorably state that it differs from all other preparations. It gives to tnemost Darin and Ireoklcttskin both the texture and color of polished ivory, removing all disoolora tions, whether appearing as frooklcs, tan, morphew, moth or blaokwortn specks, and is especially suc cessful in smoothing out the marks left by the small pox. The scents of "L'EMAIL de PARIS" moatconB- dently submit to the publio tbe earnest endorse ments ot such distlnguuced ladies as Signora RISTORI, M ddlerKMCITA VESTVALIA, Miss MAGGIE MITCHELL, Mrs. D. P. BOWERS, LUCILLE WESTERN. Madame PON ISI, Mrs. EMMA WALLER, LUCY RUSHTON, NOEMIE Da MARGUERITTES, Miss A. PERRY and many others whose high standing in ths profes sion give the stamp of truthfulness to their intelli gent and genuine approval. The beautiful Lucille Western says : 'I find that tbe ''Email" produces all thebrillian. ey of rouge and lily-white, with the greut and pecu liar advantage of total harmlessness. It really adds to the softness and beauty oi the skiu." The magnificent Yeslvulia says : 'I have suffered so much from the various wbito lotions, Ae., which my theatrical profession obliges me to use, that I consider it a perfect benefaction to find a preparation which gives tho necessary white ness to the skin, and leaves the skin cool and smooth.' Miss Maggie Mitchell suya : 'I have tried ths skin besntifier, ' L'Einsll de Paris,'1 and fuuud that it inalautly imparl a natural bloom and freshness to the oouiplexion." "Jared's Email de Paris" is used ss a delicate beautifierof the skin for Theatre, Saloon or Ball Room, by the most refined and scrupulous ladies, firoduoing all tbe beautifying eS'ecu of roags and ily-whilc, without their vulgar glars or injury to ths skin. Sold by all first-class Druggists, Perfumers and Ladies' Hair Dressers. L. Issbeau, Ml Broadway Demas Barnes A Co. and F. C. Wells A Co., New York ; aud Eugene Jouin, 111 South Tenth street, and Juhnson, Hollo way A Cowden, Philadelphia. Agents. . ' JARED A 11EXE, General Agents sad Importers, New York. Jan, 26, 1667 but CIIAIMJE OF DEPOT. fTUIB undersigned respectfully Informs his friends X and Ihe public that he has clanged his placs of loading Freight in Philadelphia from Freed, Waid A Freed, No. 611 Market Street, lo. ., A.. TJ. AOHE30N oramLasioa Merchant, dealer in Flour, Grain, Seeds, 1015 Market IM.. Pblladelphlt where all freight will be loaded oa oars of the un dersigned, for Dauphin, Sunbury, Shsmukio, and all intervening points. AU AvigU will st curled as low aa on any ether line. Orders to carry freight reepeoUully solicited, icliiWrv.,ropt.uuo..B Sunbury, Jan 1.1, IS'W Jm