Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 26, 1867, Image 3

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    f)e unfcur American.
WiWn.VTRT.l-, ....
N. B. KNOtK, fubllihersa
The President ef lie Company wUl aneet the
eitltenj of Snnbury (nil vtctnity, Interested In tL
construction of the Middle Creek Railroad, at tb
Court Uouse, in Sunbury, on thil (Friday) even log,
January 25th, at 7 o'clock, P. M.
Let nil Interested io making Sunbury the terml
nti of thii Important Road, attend. Hasds. John Bilger, Esq., hat
told tho Middleburg Tribun to Uettri. lumbard
A Smith.
tPTECEAD. Mr. Frederick Spaeth, well
known In this ptnee, and for a long time proprietor
of the Union Hotel, died In Lower Angaria town
ihip on Tuesday of last weok
tylloTi. CiiANoa. ilr. J5. W Blgoney, late
ttt tbo Fallon lions.-, in Look Karen, hae taken
charge of the Danville Hotel. Thil bouse bai been
old by the late proprietors to Mr. John Wighluian,
syho U the owner of several fin hotels In thii State.
UrRcv. Mil. KnonEg. We tee it announced
in the Lobanon Courier that the Rev. M. Rhodes,
Into pastor of tho Lutheran Church, In this placo,
will preach bis introductory sermon to-morrow (Sun
day) morning, In Zion's Evangelical Lutheran
Church, Lebanon.
QPTnR Lath Robbery The burglar who en
tered the dwelling of Mnj. W. L. Dewart, early on
.(Sunday morning week last, has not yet been ar
rested. He was trnced to Philadelphia, where be is
(aid to reside The scoundrel was formerly in the
employ of the Major as a hostler. A great many of
the stolen articles have been recovered.
tjgr'A I! hole st to Subscribers. Subscribers
to the Ahebicax are particularly requested not to
-allow their indebtedness to overrun one year. All
subscriptions itouJ be paid in advance ; but under
S3 cotr!deru:ion should the year pass around with
die subscription unpaid. A strict attention to this
mill save us an immense umount of trouble and a
wery heavy loss.
itjy BIilto Brines (Compaxv. Tho following
"pereocs wero elected, ao I.nctjay of last week, offi
cers and managers of ilio Jlilion Bridge Company,
for the present year : ilrarfioot, Thomas tiwenk ;
Treasurer, Josoph Bound.; Managers, William Cam
eron, John Dutcsman, Jacob Ketser, D. L. Ireland,
I. B. Dav, William ilcCleeiy., Lenai Stout end
Join Iiouls.
CP" XonTni'MDERLAND Itemc, lie Steam 6aw
and Pinning Mill suspended operations on account
of tho continued cold weather, during tbo past
Regular prenching, every eramug, slill eon
tinucs at tho Methodist Church.
A special meeting will comment in the Uni
tarian Church, this (Friday) evening.
EpSiLvsn, Wkomno The twenty-fifth annt-
crsnry of the wedding of Henry Quittcrmu, Esq.,
was celebrated at his residence in Port Carbon,
Schuylkill county, on Wednesday, the Iflth inst.
A large number of friends and relative wore in
attendance, who were well pleased with the reunion,
and from what we learn left with the happy a&d
prosperous couple numerous silver remouibrunee as
keepsakes. Mr. and Mrs. Oietterman have con
unions in this neighborhood.
tfi Tun following persons were elected, oa Tues
day last, Directors of the First National Bank of Sun'
bury, for the ensuing year: J. B. Packer, Jos. K
Davis, J. C. Horton, W.ll. Waplcs, Simon Cameron
AVm. I. Grecnough, Jno. Haas, Wm. M. Kocktfullcr,
ueo. i . tuner, ui. t-.imeron, A. li. Warlord, Weo
Sinuller and A. Jordan.
At a meeting of the Directors on Thursday lant
J. B. Packer. Esrj., wc rc-clected President, and S.
J. Packor, Esq., Cashier.
y Discoverv or a Veisc or Coal. W ar
indebted to Wm. R. Junes, Esq., for some specimens
of coal, taken from Iba Muhunoy mountain, below
FUher's Ferry, in Lower Augusta townrbip, this
co'inty. Mr. Jonrs ij at present engaged in sinking
a thaft in tho n.cintain, in order to ascertain tho
extent of tbo coal vein, which, we learn, ns far as
.discovered, is about twenty-seven inches in thick
jirtf. Tho aprciuivns sent us were of a soft or bitu
minous n-.lurc. TLU discovery has naturally crea
ted roue cxjiten'.cn: in the neighborhood.
US" Sals tr Valuable Rial Estate. We
letrn that Mnj. W. L. Dewart has; sold th stone
dwelling Louse on tiie cornor of Market and Third
streets, in this place, at present occupied by him as
a residence, to Wm. U. Miller, fur the sum of $7,500.
We are informed that the Major Intends building on
th lot occupied by his office, on tb north lid of
Market squuro.
fp The ConHKiFioNEna' Clehk. In th list of
tppninl incuts ma Jo by tbo Commissioner! of thil
loiiLty frr the yearlSCT, vihieh was published in
id AiieniCA of the 5th iust., tb suae at Charles
Yavr was, by an ovcrs.'glil, omitted, be hat ing been
e-appointcd by the Board. Mr. Weaver has held
position for several years past, and ha proved
a efficient and obliging olork.
CP Election or Orleans. Tba following
oard of Directors was elected at a meeting of the
ockhulders of th Middlo Creek Railroad, held at
ewijtono on the 15th inst. .-President, Abner
aompson, of Lewistown ; Directors, Joseph Alexan
r, Lewutown ; Thomas Beaver, Danville ; John
ayes, Jr., Lenistowu; John A, MeKee, Lewis
wn; David Morgan, Pittiton; Amos Mitchell;
C. Simrsoo, Selinsgrov-; JohnD. Romig.Adauu
:g; John Smith, Adumsburg; John W. Shaw,
wis'.Qwn; Joseph Ecranton. Scranton; Moses
ecbt, Beavertown.
'Zsi' Ei-: ri bt Odd Fellows' Ball Associa
e. Tbo order of I. O. of O. F., of thil place,
'U-ir.j their preotnt lodge room too small to ao-..(-
dt-tc largely increased numbers, have
ar 1 a bu.Hiii).' asaosiation, for th purpose of
tio'g a new klu I lore commodious Hall, during
iourio of L'xt seuson. Application was made to
lost court, and a charter as granted for that
yst. fb palitlonrn met PO th first Monday
jing in January tod sleeted tba following per
ns managers: S. B. Boyer, C. J. Bruner, Solo
Ktrih. J. W. liuuher, Henry Clement, Jacob S.
Licks and C'baiku Sarvis.
uo following persons bay been chosen as oCcer
be association : President, S. B. Boyer ; Score
t.r, J. W. Bucher; Treasurer, Henry Clement.
lVTnr. Oil Weli. At SKTotnTowf. Our Soy
srtown coircixindcnt informs us that the cjo'.roo'
rs for borir g th well on tba Klase form received
r lo'ccsary tools for taking out th drill and rop
otu Ui bottom of th wall, on Wednesday of last
k. -The accident Vy which they wr compelled
suspend operations occurred about tbre weeks
ce, avl w eaustd by th breaking of the rope
endeavoring to draw ap tb drill, leaving th
ter and SO feet of rope at th bottom,. Tbey ex
ieneei considerable difficulty In tb operation,
on Friday succeeded in their efforts, when tU
and rop .war saely removed, Tbey war
in delayed a few days in starting th work. In
er to perfect eoroo arrangements, but azpact to
under full headway by an latter part cf thil
k . 1 ho contractor. Meant. Ilaugfaawoat, Jack
no 1 Thjurjby, desrrv r dit for tb prompts!
. wbiob thy otmsub th Btithap, aad getting
p la working dr agate.
I3".T" following letter written ,ky Jady, de
scriptive of lb severe snow storm which oeeexrod
in Massachusetts, on the S7th ult.,tq a Mend In this
plaoe, will, no doubt, b Interesting to many. Tb
sow (term is prenoenoed tb most severe vr known,
and a! vest, If not quit, without B poraUil la oar
history t . . i '
PirrsriBLD, (Mass. Thursday, Dm. ST, WW.
I Intended to take this letter to the offioe arl r this
morning, bat when t ewoke, I found the air perfeot
ly full qf beautiful lhiht fleeoy now flakes, and they
have oontlnaed to dosoead without a moment's Inter-
mission as rapidly as on oouid follow another aver
since, sole 11 be obliged to wait antil tb snow-
ploughs save prepared in way neior m. w
Friday. Dee. 2d Sine writing: tn above, th
storm has inoroased to a fearful extent, and a great
quantity of mow bas already lallen. v loomed
here completely buried and I was obliged to send tor
Patrick to com and dig us out. Instead of on of
those quiet, gentle storms, In which th big Bakes
deseend so gracefully , beautifully elothing th bar
branches of lb trees, a it war with th white dra
pery of purity and innocence ; it has become a per
fect temnest. Kins Knlus, it would seem, had rashly
released from their prison-house, all th winds of
heaven ; and exulting in to tneir newiy-acqutrea
freedom, with unbridled fury, they are fantastically
whirling op th snow a their capricious fanoy dic
tates; beaulfiully diversifying the winter landscap
with every variety of bill, valley, and mountain.
Th mercurv begins to descend : Jack Frost is dan
cing round the bouso to the music of tho old Boreas ;
saucily peeping tn at an in winaowe, at tn sain
time slyly drawing bis thick white curtain over the
)ncs ; and sunn nothing visible will be seen. W in
er In all its sublimity reigns supreme.
Saturday, Deo. 211. I did not send my letter to
tho oDice to-day, knowing that th unuaally heavy
fall of mow. during th two days past, would pre
vent the transudation of the mails.
The storm has ceased, aud to-day may occasion
ally be heard the slew jingle of bolls, anil now and
then may be seen a man or a boy. or forlorn woman,
staggering and pitching through the snow in the
miditlo ot the street. Ju on nas as yet nnu courage
to attempt the formidable task of opening the side
walks. Tbo Albany train lor th East remained
her over night, anil all the next day until four o'
clock, when it started nut with four engines nn 1 a
hundred men witn shovels, i nave not neara
whether or not they succeeded in making their way
through to bpriiighuld.
EjfSnAMOKis Division of Tn Norther Can-
tral Rau.wat Tho quantity of coal carried over
the Shamokin Division of the Northern Central Rail,
way during 1866, was 657,160 tons, 11 cwt. In the
year 1865, 457,161 tons, 17 cwt.
Amount of coal shipped by each operator ovor the
Shamokin Division Northern Central Railway du.
ring 1S03 :
Names of Collieries and Lessees.
Cameron John ftaaa A Co.
Burnside S. Bittenbcnder Co.
Bear Val. Shamokin A Bear Val. C. C.
Henry Clay John B. Douty, Agent
Big Mountain Bird Coal A Iron Co.
Tons, cwt
81,447 17
S4.671 Kg
Villi 07
4.1.517 07
60,(02 00
6,lu7 U7
12.221 03
12,823 10
42.755 04
25,764 01
VUd 13
S5.UI0 09
31.819 09
15.849 19
1.290 11
11,22 03
29.499 07
7,373 03
2t7 Oil
10,120 02
Buck Ririmi Mnv. Patterson A Bro.
Luke Fidlcr Burutide Coal A Iron Co.
Lambert John 11. Bewees A Bro.
l.nncastor Shamokin Coal Co.
Brady John I). Douty A Co.
Continental Tilcy, Dore A Co.
Excelsior Excelsior Coal Co.
Enterprise R. A. Aromerman. Agent.
Ureen Mountain S. John A Sous,
Isaae Taylor Hoover A Starr.
Coal Mountain W. F. Patterson, Agent
(?tuartvillu Wm. Montolius.
Dnn Webster Sutton A Henry.
Coal Ridge No. 1 James Kclley.
Coal Kidgo No. 2 Coal Ridge Imp. Co.
ToUl (gross ton?)
657,100 15
Editor's Tablo.
Tub Atlantic Moktult. The February num
ber of this excellent magazine has been received,
aud contains, ns usual, a large amount of useful and
interesting matter. Th contents are : "The Guar
dian Angel," part II, a story of New England life
of to-dny, by Oliver Wendell Holmes; "Mona," a
poem by Alice Carey ; '-Clinrnctcruticaof tho l'litn
belbiin Literature," tlio first of a series of articles on
English literature, by E. P Whipple; "George Bo
dillion's Kuight ;" Comic Journulinn ;" '1Iizh
In'th's Chrmber;" ' Katharine Mornc,:' part IV;
"A Drift-Wood Fire;" "Heul Estate,'1 a poem ;
'How Mr. Frye would have preached it ;" Glacial
Phenomena iu Maine, by Prof. Aeassis ; 'Foria
Maggiore," a chapter of Italian experience ; ''The
Guerdon," a poem ; Recollections of John Vamler
lyn; The Republican Alliance; "The Stand-Point
of the Boarding House:" Reviews and Literary
Notioes, Ac. Publihed by Ticknor A Fields, Bos
ton, Mass.
Uarter's Maqaxike. Tba February number of
this sterling monthly magaxin is on our tublo. It
is unquestionably on of tho best periodicals pub
lished in this country, and contains from fifty to one
hundred per cent, more matter than any other Auic
rican or EnglUb periodical of its class. A scries of
illustrated papers is in courso of preparation, de
scribing the resources and character of tb mineral
regions of Culorudo and Montana. Tho following
are the contents ol this number : "Vt ml Dill," (il
lustratcd) ; "Something About tislies," (illustrated;)
"Calcutta, the City of Palace." (illustrated ;) "Old
Aunt Matilda," part II ; "A Talk about Talking ;''
' Knickerbocker's Visit ;" '-The Virginians in 'lex.
ns." continued ; "Struggles for Li!'c ;" "Old Mrs
Hunter;" "Civil War and Social Beneficence;'
"Aunt Sarah' Outfit;" '-Now Yurk to Washiug.
ton;" "Two Hopes;" "In a Street Car;" "My
Lost Alice ;'' "Courtship and Marriage;" Editors
Easy Chair ; Monthly Record of Current Events
Editor ' Draiver. &., Ao. Published by Harper A
Brothers, Franklin Squaro, New York.
Godey's Lady's Book, for February, has
been received. This is the second numbor of vol
uuic seventy-four, nnd one that the publishers may
well take pleasure in presenting to the public.
Tho illustrations are of the very highest order of
the art, and tho literary matter cannot be excelled
by any other uiugaiine. Amoug the contend is a
beautiful ateel etigraviiig. untitled "Tho Lost
Money" n duuble-pugod colored fashion-plate, two
Valintine wood-cngruvings, nnd great variety of
fatternn, dresses aL.l other ladiea' gear. Marion
lurlund concludes a story beuu iu the January
number, besides which tire "The Two Valentines,
by Mary Forman;" "The Little Strategist," by no
unnamed writer; "Ten Years and Two ilearls," by
Bella RutU-dge, and much other interesting rending
mutter, iu addition to tho Editor's Table Godey 's
Arm Chair fue Domestic Department, Ac. Pub
lished by L. A. tiodey, Philadelphia.
fyjolt I's-inlirtsr. Having received a
large supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new
styles, Posters, Handbill!, Circulars, Cards, Letter
Uaads, Bill Ucads, LakeU, Ao., can b printed hi
the latest and best stylet, and on short notice.
Orders by mail promptly attended to.
Geeeoai, Sutler's Expemitb Erin. The
two suits now in progress In th New York court.
if decided against Ben, will eost him $275,000.
How much better is it to try on your suits in this
place, at John E. Smick's fashionable tailoring es.
tablishment, -an Fourth itreet It cost nothing to
try your eat in one of them, and vary little to carry
the suit with you to any court.
' .
We hav all heard of asking for bread and re
eelving a stone, but th young gentleman may be
considered still worse treated when b asked for a
young lady's hand and got her father's boot. He
deserved it for not going to Harry Tbaeher's, in tb
old Boulton stand, Market street, and getting a
pah-, that would bar set much easier, mad before
ha put th quettioa.
Wob't Tbocsle Yob. th wet and told
Inflict distress upon your body, let us giv you a
hint In that connection, which may prove of value in
averting th evils arising from these eauses. D
order won't trouble yon if yo always observe th
requisite precaution! j therefore, go to Wm. U. Mil
'er's Excelsior Boot and Shoe Store, Market street,
Sunbury, and provlda yourself with a substantial
pair of Boots or Shoe get th best and yon will
find that they will add very much to your om(ort.
But if you ar satisfied to paddle about in th eold,
with insufficient covering to your feet, just go on,
and If you don't get "pains for your pay," then na
ture will play a Strang freak of weroy to your
intercity , ,
Hob. U. J. Raj uoota presented a petition to
Congress, signed by Philadlpuiana, aking for
reduotivn of th tax ea "dratted iklm." Th btst
way to reduct that tax Is to dress your ikint with th
beautiful elothing tnanjifaotared at tb tailoring es
ablishmaat of Jacob 4. Bask, job Fourth street
Judging from th modern price at which Back sells
his cujtbjng, four skins anu arassea eneapiy
enough, sad yen U1 surer mmb plain of th tax io
that diraotioD.
kfr. Back offers his large ana axUuaiv (task
VIIHH, VMPr" --o- --- f i I
tary to elaeiag ap hi butinaas in tb spring. Grt I
haifahu Bty be Ui bj prfcif it, I
tjT To Claim Aoirti. Blank for th oolleo
tlon of "Claim! of Print 8oMlr and Koo-Oom-snissloaed
Officers, dor th bit Act of Congress,
equalising bounties, hvs beeo printed and are now
for sal at tb Ambbicab oftto.. W keep on hand
full supply oi all kinds of military blank, whloh
w sell very eheep. They ar eopiod from blank
prepared In th Department a Washington, and
eea be relied a for eosTOoluean Order front a d li
ana will reolv prompt attention.
"1 cocld a tale asfold who narroTest word
would harrow ap thy soul, frees thy young blood,"
in th words of nntalefa ghost, and indeed In these
winter days it would k nothing difficult to frees
one's young or old blood either. To so cur ourselves
against such a mishap w should wear a suit of th
elegant ready-made elothing for aala at the Conti
nental Clothing Baaaar, Market street. Everybody
should sail Immediately and select from th oaten
siv stock at that estoUkthment.
"I A too old it will oot too much."
But If lb duty b on that yon feel yon ought to
perform, th only way to meet th ease is to insur
for a less amount than you would li you were young-
Th rat of premium is in exact preportloa to
th increase of rinl, and admonishes you to no longer
delay th performano of duty So important to
those dependent on you.
Jacob SntpMAK, Firt and Lift Insurant Ajrent,
Sunbury, Pa.
Specimens. The beautiful specimens of the pho
tngraphio art, on exhibition Iu Simpson's building,
Market Square, Suubury, tell tho passer by, in un
mistakable language, that S. Byarly Is a first-clan
artist. Call op and get a life-like pictur.
In Point township, on the 16th inst., of typhoid
fever, Mr. NICHOLAS STRASSER, aged 23 years
6 months aud 9 days.
fSI'.'M.I KV nARHIilN.
Corrected "Weekly for the "American."
Wheat Flour, extra family, par banal,
$15 00
8 00
10 00
6 60
2 ;o
1 10
1 00
3 00
do do do do
per cwt.
per bbl.
per cwt.
per bushel,
do .
Rye Flour,
Wheat, prim red
Corn, new
Dried Penches, pared
do do unpared
Dried Applet,
Dried Cherries, (unttontd,) per bu
per pound,
Beef, bind quarter,
" front "
per docen,
per pound,
per pair -
jtlinutoUIn Coal Trade.
Shakokin, Jan
23, 1867.
Tim. Cfri.
6,560 19
4,661 03
11.222 02
11,919 12
Sent for week ending Jan, 10th,
Per lost report,
To tame time last year,
697 10
Sytctal Notices.
lUmrfctal institute
Io. 1 1 Mo it a Mrcct New Turk.
Full information, with the highest testimonials;
also a Book on Spcciul Diseases, in a sealed envelope
sent tree. LjBe sure and send for them, and you
will not regret it ; for, as advertising physicians are
generally impostors, with references no stranger
should be trusted. Enclose a stamp for postage, and
direct to DR. LAWRENCE, No. 14 Bond street,
Now York.
iiov. 17, 1363. ly
I. U I! It I C A T O It N 1
remedy for Coughs, Colds. Croup, Catarrh, Asthma,
Bronchitis. Diphtheria and all
Pulmonary diseases.
The Lubricator is a medical preparation in tho
form of a Lotengo, which of all modes is the most
pleasant and convenient. They contain no deleterious
ingredient, and are Warranted to be always safe
even tor the weakest nnd most sensitive stomach. In
Croup they give immediate relief. For Coughs and
Colds they nre iuvnluablo.
F'or Catarrh, Asthma, and Bronchitis they have
no equal in the market. (vide certificates accompany
ing euch box.) Diphtheria, that dreaded and deso
lating disease, they control wonderfully and almost
Ko Publio Spcuker, Singer or Teacher, should be
without them, aa they remove hoarseness und
strengthen and elenr the voice.
Ijjr- Always use tb em in lime, and if thcSymptoms
are severu use very freely.
J. U. BLADES A Co., Prop's.
Elinira. N. Y.
Agents, rtiiiuuelphia.
f or sale nv all Druggist.
Jan. IK, lou7.
lr. HHmiioU'sj Jlnndrnke IM1U.-
A (Hiibklllule lor ('iloii.-l.
These Pillt are composed of various roots, having
the power to relax the tccrctioni of the liver as
promptly nnd effectually as blue pill or mercury,
and without producing any of those disagreeable or
dangerous eii'ocU which often follow the use of the
Iu all biliout diinrdcrt these Fill may bo used
with confidence, as they promoto tho uiaohurgo of
vitiated bile, and remove tboo obstruction, from the
liver and biliary ducts, which are tba cause of
bilioui u (Tedious in general.
btutMas tiAKUHAhii ribbs cure iex
headache, and all disorders of tb Liver, indicated
by sallow skin, coated tongue, costivaness, drowsi
ness, and a general feeling of weariness and lassi
tude, showing that the liver is iu a torpid or ob
teructed eondition.
In short, these Pills may be used with advantage
in all cases wben a purgative or alurativ medicine
is required.
rioase asa tor "vt. oonenoa aianuraa nut, -and
observe that tb two likeucttet of tb Doctor ar
on the lioveruuieut tamp one when in the last
stage ol tuusumption, and laeewer In nit present
Sold by all Druggists and dealer!. Price, 25 cents
er box. Prinoipal ODice, No. li North UUi Struct,
'hiladelphia, Pa.
General Wholesale Agents : Demas Barnes A Co.,
21 Park Row, New York ; S. S. liance, 108 Balti
more St., Baltimore, Md. : John D. Park, N E.eor.
of Fourth and Walnut St., Cincinnati, Ohio : Walker
A Taylor, ids and US Wabash Avuuue, Chicago,
III.; Collins Brothers, soutbwutl corner of ltd and
V in BU., bt. Louis, Mo.
Oct. 2t), loOo.
To Conaiiinpiives).
Th advertiser, having been restored to health in
a few weeki by a very simple remedy, after haying
suffered for several years with a sever lung affection
and that dread disease, Consumption 1 anxious to
make known to his fellow suflarers the mean or
To all who 4lro it, be will ton; a opy of tb
prescription used (fro of charge), with th dlreo
tlons for preparing and using th same, whloh they
will find a . sues CjM for CuasiMi-Tioij, Astbua,
Bboeceitis, Cvusbs, Colds, and all Throat and
Lung Afieetions. The only objeot ol the advertise
in sending the prescription is to benefit the afflicted
and spread Information wbieh he eneive to b in
valuable, and be hopes eaary suffer will try his
.lemedy, a it will ust thsm nothing, and may prove
a blessing. t
Par Lis wishing th preripUoa,aBB, by return
mail, pleas tddrett
: a'illianuborgh, King Ce, New York.
JtMtVJ 13, 1654 ly.
Ialueaa, IllBidB)e3 etctd Cturrh
Treated with tb utmost aneai by Dr. J. ISAACS
Oculist and Aurist. (foimerly of Leiden, Holland,)
No. 611) Pine street Philadelphia. Testimonials
from th most reliable sources in th City and Coun
try eau be Ken at hi office. The medical faculty are
Invited to aoeompany tbelr patients, aa k ha ao sa-
eret la hi praetloe. Aruooiai eyes, uuwriee: wu.
out pain. No oharg BtA lor eaaaaisatioBj.
tf, 19, itsM -ry
A Cougbt A Coli er
1 Bore Thipoat.
f Irrltatlvit f the Iu"K
f' ..ttsAtX A Permanent Tbront
1" ..HtCls- 1
Ilaesiao, or Cost
1 ortBE rue aatciT.
For Broncb.HU, Asthma, Catarrh, Consump
tive and Throat,
Troohet are Bted with always good lucoess.
will find TtorAet useful rn dearbig the voice when
taken be for Singing or Speaking, and relieving the
thront after an unusual exertion of tbo vocal organs.
The Troctr ar recommended and prescribed by
Physicians, and hav had testimonials from eminent
men throughout th country. Being an article of
true merit, and having proved then- cllicacy by a tent
of many yean, each year finds them in new local!
tict in voVloui partt of the world, and the Trocht
are universally pronounoed better than other ar
tioles. OnrAiifonly "Brown's Broschiai. TnocHtta,"
and do no) tnke any of the Worthless Imitation! thut
may be offered .Sold Everywhore.
November 24, ltfl6. 6m
W would oall attention to the opinion of one of
the lending paper of Canada on this ttilject :
Most of our rctidcrs have, ni dcubt. read om of
the numerous nrlverlitements of d't1- Enterprises,
Uift Concerts, Ao., which appor.r from lime to time
in the publio prints, offering most tempting bargains
to those who will patronize tiienT. in most cases
there are gopnine humbugs. But there nre a few
respectable firms who do business in t hi ina-iner.
and they do itai'a means of incroaaing their whole
sale business, and not to make money. From such
firms, it is true, handsome and valuable articles ar
procured for a very small sum, and wbnt it moro
important, no ono id ever cheated. Every person
gets good valuo for his dollar ; because, us wo hnvo
stated, It is intended to act at an advertisement to
Incroase their ordinary butincse.
We have seen numbers of prizes sent out In this
way by Srebiiab, Watsob A Compakt, of Nucjau
Street, N. Y., and there it no doubt that tome of the
articles are worth eight or ten times tho money paid
for thorn, while we hav not seen or hoard of a single
article which was net fully worth the dollar which it
cost, Ilut tnui M only or.eot tlie exceptions: ot tins
rule, for at a genernl thing the parlies engaged in
thii business are nothing but clever swimllois.
(Saturday Header, Montreal, C. E , Jan. 13, 1806.)
Oct. 20. eow-8t
Klrnuge, but True,
Every young lady and gentleman In the United
States can bear something to their advantage by re.
turn mail, (free of charge.) by addressing the under
signed. Those having fear of being humbugged
will oblige by not noticing thtseard. All others will
please address their obedient servant,
831 Broadway, Kw York
January 13, 18C0. ly
rrihe t'onl'cHxfotiM ond ICxisertciice
Published fur the benefit and as a onution tn young
men and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility,
Preinnture Decay of Manhood, Ao., supplying at the
same timo the means of self-cure. By one who nni
cured himself arter underioinz considerable quack
ery. By enclosing a poet-paid addressed envelope,
single copios, tree of charge may no naa ot me au
NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq,., Brooklyn, Kings
wo, a. x.
January 27, 18S8 ly.
Will Cure Hi I toll In SH Hour.
Price 60 ceuts. For sale by the druggists. Bv send
ing 60 cents to WEEKS A POT'lEK. N.lo Agcnin.
170 Washington street, lioston, it will bo lurwarien
by mail, ireo of postage, to any part of the (united
Btatcs. jo tit'i-y
i:rroi- ot Voiills.
A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous
Debility, Premature Decay, and the effects ot youth
ful Indiscretion, will, for the sako uf sufTuriug hu
manity, tend froe to all who need it, the recipe nnd
direction! for making the liuiplo remedy by which
he was eured. Sufferers to profit by the ad
vertiser's experience, can do so by addressing
No. 13, Chambers St., New York.
January 13, 1868. ly
ICcadius: i:ailroal.
December 1st, 18C1.1.
MDrir Tiirv 1 i l v i.' r, , v, - v - i.
North-West for Plaladolptiiu, Now York, Ucnd-
ing, Pottsville, Taiuatiua. Ashland, Lubanon, Allan
town, Easton, Ephratu, Litis, Lancaster, Columbia,
Ac, Ac.
Trains leave llairhiburg for "Sew-icrk, as fol
lows : At 3.1)0. 8.10 and It. 35 A. M. and 2. It) and V.ud
M. eonnectinir with similar Trains on the Peuu-
ylvania Railroad, and arriving at New York at 5.01)
oa iu.iu A. ill. ana 4.411, 0.211 anu iu..a 1-. ai.
Sleeping Cars accouip.40yiig tbo 3.00 A. At. and v.00
1'. M. irains, without change. '..
Leave HnrriKburg fur Ucading, Pottsville. Tain a-
qua, Minersville, Ashland, Pin Uruve, Allentown
and A.m. nuu t-iv i.iv
M., slupping at l.cbation and principal way
stations: the 4 10 p ni. makiug couLoctions for
Philadelii'uia nnd Clur. Li:i culv. V r P3ltville.
Schuylkill Haven aud Auburn, via Schuylkill and
Su!.(iii lianna ll ii'road, leave llarrisburg at 3.2u p. 10,
Itcturntii 1.1 ave .w lore at .uu . u., is.uu
Noon und o.OO and 8.1H) p. iu.j Pbilailelphia at S.15
. m. anrlJ .IU y. m. Vt ay t'sssenger Irani leaves
Philadelphia hi 7.u0 a. rn,, rclnriiing frm Raudiug
nt 8. .10 p. in. stopping al ail siuawbs ; J' ittsvilk at
8.45 a. m. and 3 45 p. 111 ; Ashlan l 6. 00 uud 11.30 a.
ui. iii J I 0 j p in.; Tamcqua at a.m. aud 1.00
amt 3 J3 p. m.
Leave Pottsville for ll.irrlibare via Schuylkill and
Susquehanna Railroad at T 00 a. m.
I.eauiUK Aoeommouuiiuo raio leaves j'-Tuing ni
(1.30 A. Si. returning from Philadelphia at 4.30
, M.
Columbia Railroad Trains leave Sending at 7.00
A. M , and 6.1j P. M. for Epbrata, Litis, Lancas
ter, Columbia, Ao.
On Sundays: Leave New Yolk at 8 00 p in.. Phila
delphia s.OO A. M., and S.15 P M. the 8.00 a.m.
traiu running only to Reeling, Pottsville 8 00 a m ,
Uarrisburg, V.Hi a m, and Rending at 1 .2n and 1.30
in, for Uarrisburg, and 11 zi a. tu. for New lork.
and 4.25 p m. for Philadelphia..
lominulaiion, Aliiraze, benson, bchool and tx-
eursion Tickets, at reduced retes to and from all
Bsggags checked through : 80 Founds Br ggage al
lowed each Fss&euger.
Oaneral 6uptiruutendtMt'
Reading, Pa., January HI, iC07.
l.uchun auutt &, IIIooiAubarc Utsll-
ON and after Jan. 1st, 1807, Pausngor Trains
will run as fjdloKt :
A. U. A M.
P. M
T 10
P. M.
O 03
8 17
8 60
10 14
ft JO
6 vO
Lv Sornnton, ; 5.50 10 bt
' Kingston, 0.51 11.20
Rupert, 20
' Danvill. 5 '
Arr. NoiOi d., 10.15
LeavNoHh'd., 7.00
11 Danville, 7. 40
t Rupert, 8.15 A.M.
Kinzston, 10. '0 8.30
0 35
Z 30
V 04
Arr. at aWautua, 12.00 t.ft
4 00 10.15
Trains lea 11111 kinntoa at B.iM) A
. ii. for Sorun-
ton. connect with Train arriving at New York at 3.20
Pajsengert taking Train South from rorumaiat
5 50 A M. via Northumberland, reach Iinrruburg
12 30 P. M., Baltimor l:l P M , Washington 10.
00 P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at T 00 p. m.
r ' H. A. FONpA, Sun t.
Kingston, Jan. If, 1887-.
AVERY desirable HOUSE and LOT. situate on
Walnut street, (u tbe Borough of Sunbury, is
ottered at private sale. The house is almost new and
well finished. Persons desiring to buy, will do well
to examine lis desirable residence.
For partisulars apnly at the Root Shoe Store ef
W, U. JslLLER.
Bunbury. Sor. li, ISM.-st
WATCH Chains, Sleeve Buttons, Sln4. St , tt.
at noaixEua.
CALL and see those beautiful Bird Cages at lbs
as Hardware store of
ft yoa -east food Tie.. Wars, ge to
: -;' ' liENJAjMIf BAHNEK,
I'riiit, nnd Ornnmratal Xrcca,
Mriiblery. Vlus-ti, xnt
THE suwi iher roipectfully announces to tho fill
tics of Northumberland and ndj lning counties,
tai ua ia iiri-paceii to luinitu an ,arieiies ui riuit,
and ornamental trees, ribrubberry, Vine, Ao., of
tb very best quality, which he will warrant to be
healthy and vigorous, from the most rcsponnible nur
scric in th country. All trees, Ao.,nrdurcd during
the winter, will be delivered at Ui nearest railroad
stations free ol cbnrges. iu the spring of lHflf.
tue ceicoraiea biij-.iijtt iiim. t'l.Am r, a vxost
excellent variety, Is offered fir snl by him.
Purchasers will find it to their advantage to patro
nise him, at be hat had great deal of cxperienco
in the business, and tells on the most reuonebl
Paxinos P. O.,
Northumberland County, I n.
January &, 1867. 3m.
Itatnte ol Henry Ilcrltcrt, l)ect.
NOTICE Is hereby given, that lellcrt of adminis
tration having been granted to the undersigned.
on the estate of Henry llcekert, late of Loner
Mahanoy township, Northumberland county, Pa.,
deceased All persons knowing themselves indebt
ed nre requested to ninku immediate payment, nnd
those having claims will present them duly authen
ticated tor settlement.
WILLIAM DEPPIN, Administrator.
Lower Mntuiooy, January, i, 181.7. 6t.
W . W . A PSLE V ,
TN addilinn to our largo stock, already on hand, we
X. ar now receiving a tuil supply id r all and V) in
ter goods for Ladiut, Gentkuien, A'wseiaud Chil
dren's wesr.
Alsu n good assortment of Trunks. A laro lot of
It. R. Hags, lien's' 4i-u leather Snlvliel. We with
itdiHiii'"ly undei-Mtood that we intend selling our
gjnds at tnall profits, nclmively for th obsH.
J)nn't forget t; c ;lucc. Apsloy's old stand, in the
well-known house of Mn. Boulten, Market street,
Suuburv, Pa.
NOTICE Bonti and Shoet neatly repaired nt
short no: ice. If nny bought of ut should rip they
shall bo fixed for nothing.
Sunbury. Dee. 8, lSCfi. tf.
Business in this and adjoining counties carefully
and promptly ntttended to.
DfUc in Market Street, Third door west of Smith
A Uentlicr's stove and Tinwure Store,
Mgifrnrrev r.."wv.
IN tho Borough of Sunbury, desirubly situated, in
hih nud contrnl locations,
bV'ok ni.n.i:,
on such easy terms as will enable persons, with a
limited amount of avuilublo money, to purchase
homes. Persons having
linerul or 'I'lmbor O.nmli,
Farms, DwellingK. or other Real Estate, tor Jjor
lease, as well as tboo desiring to puruhnse or rent,
nro invited to consult the subscriber. His connec
tion with reliable firms iu New York, Philadelphia,
nnd elsewhere. Hfibrd nnupul advantage.
Convcynnoing correctly and neatly executed.
Attorney nt Law,
Third door west of Smith A Genthcr I A'tove Store,
Suubury, Pa
fcunUury, Dec. r, mull. tr
I'tiiiillM. Ula, Puttv, White Lead, Varnish'
X Ac. Everything that Painters uso at unheard
of prices at the ilurdwaro Store of
Sunbury. June In, IBM.
Market strcot. four djon? wea; ofWni. II. Miller's
Boot and Shou store, SCNiiCRY, i'u.
r ESPECTFULLY informs her friends in Sunbnry
and vicinity, that she has just opened her
ol Notions and Fnncy Dry Hoods,
Ilerstoek cnnslts of All-Wod Delaines, P.tnhroile
r!f. Lace Collari, Blc lied t:.l iintiloncUed Mu;',in8,
Wicctings. Drilling'.-, Uaribaldi MuJius, I!tr.l-l-.yo
Linens, Alnpncas. 1'uplint, Crape and Lnco Veils.
I Lndies' l inter HATS, Ladies' Vt oolen Caps, iircuK
iiuit shawls, Suntags,
Children's Woolen Circnlurj,
Children's Woolen Skirt'.
Mine. Dcmormt's Hiir Curlers. Hair Onils and
Curls, (il'j'.e?, atoekingJ. Collurs, Cursou, Ac.
CieuU' C.ll'ir?, Necuiics, half Hose, Handker
chiefs and Sufpcn lcrs.
Bradley's new Pntant Duplex El'tptio (or double
Spring SKIRTS )
HOPKINS Elliptic SliirU.
Perfumery, Toilet Iv.aps, Hair Brii'hes, Combs,
Tovs, and n general variety of NOTIONN.
Pritibnrv. Nov, 21. 18oll.
i-tiui !wliii-i'M yt uuuaitvut
At UN10 HALL, MUXCY. PA., on Frllay Even
ing. Feb. 2J.I. t,-iii7 lO.'.UO Tickets nt $1 each. .Tit
i'r'eiiu'. wortli V-l".''!'. ii.O'ltMi. he npprofria-te-.i
ton ar!s a suitabio MONUMENT, to bo erected
in tho Muney Cemetery in memory of our Noble
Soldiers who fell while defending tho Re nblij. ;.' j
cheap Jewelry or trilling Presents. The lo.vo'tf j.
All are rated at their their true value, nnd counts
of Fuperioi Pianos, Organs and Mclodoous, Uroen
backs, FbircLJO Setting JIaehiues, first class Spy
Glasses, Micro.-copes, Stereoscopes, Muio Eoxet,
Photograph Albums, are rare nnd oostly L' j.ili. 0.,
A'fl. See thedcooriplive Sclieme, nnd thesatirfaotory
Tcstimoi.ini appended. Plan of drawing same us
that adopted by tho Crosby Opera Koiifo A?wocialiou.
Scheme sent to any address on applicntion and receipt
of two cent stamp.
Address, J. M. M. QER NERD, Manager.
Money. Lycoming Co . Pa.
Tickots forsnlebr J. SU1PMAN, Agent, Sunbury.
Deinnibcr 22, Isiii).
Old Estubl'ished FUU
No. 71S ARCH Street,
nlKve7th, PIKL'A.
Havu now in Stoiu of
myown luipcrtnlionand
i. y - .Tiaiiuiaoiui wiiv vt
'a--;"- l"riest una luost ucauti
t r-t-. i.-i 1 -r - - .
for Ladies' aud Chil-
,:3S12sSi3" Also, a line assortment of
Gent's Fur U loves and Collars.
I nm enabled to diuoee of my goods nt very ret
annable prices, and I would therefore s-dicit a e ill
from my fiio(ids of Northumbcrliuid couuty aud
vicinil v .
Remember tbo Name, Number nni Street!
' .ioii-v iiit-i:i ,
Mq, T IS Ar.CII i't., ar..,vo 7th, south side,
Octoticr tt. IVA-linw.
?' 1
THE subscriber begs leave to oall the attention or
his customers, and tho community in general, to
tbe faot tbat be has now received bis second lot of
consisting, in part, of a complete line of
Blank, School and Juvenile Books, Fancy Toilet
Soaps. Porfuuiet, Picture Frames, Lava ami Willow
Hanging Uuskeui, liird Pages,
Hand ttssU Ml and (.lassvs,
Fine Vases. Handsome Ulove Jewoiry and Work
Boxes. Traveling ami other Portfolio, Carved
Brackets, Feather Dust Brubes,
Balls, Buts, '
Fishing Tackle,
Toys of all descriptions, a large stock of
Window-Blinds, Paper Shades, Coal Oil Lamps aud
Fixtures, Ac. Tbanklul fur past patronage, and bopu,
by strict attention to business, to continue the tame.
hunfaryj June , ISM, j
. p. a. TiiAcnu,
" , tuccBsson to
A large lot of Boots and Ki.oei just received. A
floe lot or ll'.l'Nko oa baud. ' A gue
ral assort iu.ent of Usui I Travelling
t'cuels, U R, Bsgt, Valises,
... e.,'e U..
At the woll-koowa bouse of Mr. Beoltoa, lawket
bwvei, betweset Third end ssrta) Sweets
pkury,By.Xpl i
J. w. rmi.i. mix,
Markot Srjuare, I doors east of the New Court Houso,
TTAVE received a large qtinntity of new FALL
11 and Vi'INTER U()D3. which they c
offer to, tba
trad at in tow est possioi prroca.
Their stock of Ladies' Drest Uoods It large, and
contains a greater variety than enn be found in any
country catablU'hmcnt. Call nnd exninine,
Black nnd Fancy Silks. On de Ornin, Gros de
Rhine, TnllcUs, Ac, of every width and priu. Me.
rinosnf all shades ond colors, nil-wool Plaids, Irish
and French Poplins, Black Figured nnd Striped
Alapnceaa, Empresi Cloths, Silk and Wind Plaids,
M'jUair Lustres, nil-wool Delaines, Mousfclaino Do.
luines, Block aud White Checks, Ao.
Deserves particular attention. Shawls, Clonks,
Opera Flannels, Mantilla", Hoop Skirts, Ao.
ConUir its more than usual supply of Laoes, Ho
siery, Uluves, At).
Comprise.! a new a:sortinent of Ocnilemeu's Fur
nishing Uoudi.tluhs, Ciiiicoj, Ao.
Tho large Carpet Department of tbo establishment Is
now filled with a fre.-b and elegant lot of new styles
aud paturns.
Embraces WALL PAPER of all kindi nnd prices.
Window Mimics, Paper. i
do d-i Oil largo, new assortment.
Iti tiss, OIU, pnlcts, Coul Oil nn
Fl'h, Porlt, Conrco and Fine Salt, Coffee, Tea, Su
gur, jioliscs Syrup. Spices, Ac,
(irocerics, Tobacco. Scgnrs and Sniiff, togcthei with
n l;T!ro variety of miscellaneous goods at prioos that
cuuuot full to satisfy purchasers.
Suuburv. October 13. 105.
m. u. a-.ast
T70ULD respectfully cull tlie attention of"
V the public to hcr'LAUUK and NEW g
Fancy nnd Domcstio Dry Goods. '
f Sirent 4JoIh,
R Of .all kinds and stylet in great Variety, a
o Black, Ureen, l!!ue, Wine, Brown. Purple, Ac,
5 In All-Wool Pluidi, Deluins, Calicoes, g
B Ac, wo hnvc an as.ormcut. S
"Tho best Bluck Allpneeas, all-wool Delaiut,'
g Poplins. t)
, "Whitp Goods.
a Cambric. 8wi.. Niiinnook aud Juconct Mus- Q
lins, Dimity, Biid-1'yc Lfncn nnd Towling. o
g Berlin und American Zephyrs, Shetland Q
Wool, Cnshinero Yarns, Ao.
lialiuoi-nl Miii-to,
0 flum, Cloth, Dre Trimmings, Hosiery, S
P Cloves, Hoop-Skirts, Cvrsetls, Ribbons, and L
Woo'.ru Uoods. J?
g Red Gloves, of the best quality, nnd a ercat 3
variety of goods too numerous to mention, al! 3
1 of which will bo sold nt the very lowc5t fur"
cnh. m. l. Lazarus.
M Sunbnry Oct. 17, lbOfl. g"
Call at our New Mu.-io Store in
and buy one of Haines Biiotueu's Xcw Scale
Piano Fortes.
r-...... mats .
Every Instrument is Warranted for five years. Wo
nl.M keep cont.iiitlv on band n good sock of the
coW-braled 11.LOIB1.TS JW'.LODEOXS, CA1U
NLT and CHI .iCU ORGANS, and chalieno others
to icll ehotipe i'lHi. v e nro scllin;;.
Wcalfo keep nil kin la of Musical Mcrchnndise.
nnd receive nil the latc-t music nf soon ns publbed.
A liberal discount to teachers of Schools and Semi
naries Second hand instruments tnken In exchange
fur new ones.
l'lnuos cuiicct.'y turned and repaired, feed for
'eliii?grore. Snyder en. , i'u., July 2.S, istl'J. rly
A AtSV.lB. iV
J. H- SJIw-GRIj,
JJarktt Street, SUNBURY, PA.
JUST received from Nw York nnd Philadelphia,
a large lot of FALL AND WINTER UOODS,
which he will sell at small profits, fur cash or coun
try produce.
ins lino ol uoous lor uer.ilcmeu i ana loys wear
is good Fine lll.ivk nnd Blue French Cbuii, Fino
Leaver Cloths lor Overoonts, the very best ot Block
and Fancy Casaiuierct, Uood eatineit ond Kentucky
Jean, all at low price.
Hi lint of Ladies' and Misses' Dress Uoods can't
ba beat ui this litilo broui;L.
IHEXT H" EIS.ACB-I N 1 1, Is ,
Plain and Figured Silk nnd Wool Poplin, ull-wool
Poplin, Plaiu und Fancy French Merino, from one
dollar per yard upwards, of all Shades and Colors,
all-wool Plaids, Alpaca, all colors. Pluin and
Fancy Muhnir Lustres, ull-wool Doluiiies, Fancy nnd
Figured Ki.j.'lich Meriuoa, very handsome, Dclajuos, an. I iklublins. all prioes.
La.liea' Cloth for Drosses, Ladies' Cloth for Sacks.
Sacking Fiauucl, all tbudvo, Lawiies' Shawls, plain
sua i.un'y.
Whitu Mur-tuiUcs Quilts, Bed spreads, Balmoral
Yankco yotions in Ucat Variety
Hosiery, uf all desoription, Uloves, forLadies and
(iente. Drew Trimmings, Fancy Btttuus, Ao., Lmlitui'
Fronch Corsets, Ladles' Hoop Skirts, Ucuts' Miins
and Drairers, Ladies' Vests and Drawers, Ladies',
Mimcs' nnd Children's Fancy Hoods. Wool Scarfs
Ladies' Fuuvjr Scarfs, and a variety of other guodgi
Wove Floor Cloths, Stair Carpets Floor Oil Cloths,
all tiil hs, Cariiage Oil Cloth, Tablo Oil Cloth
Widow Shadei, Plain Ureen and Brown Oil Clotl)
and Fixtures fur Windows.
Sugar, ColTee, MulosstM, Rwo, Crackers, Spices, ult
Fish, Cheese, Ac.
Quceiiswiux.Ula-iswore, tplcndid Setts of Teawarc, 1
at low prices. 1
'"".t, c t .
sand Caps, Oil, Paint, Uluss, Putty, bebool
Paper, Slates A.
it iy r I l ii 1
Shovels, Forks, Nails, Locks, II in gee and Screws.
A Lsrge assortment of WALL PAPER and Bur'
der. at all prices,
All persont desiring to get good goods will please
give him. call. J. Jl. ENGEL.
Sunbury, Otilober ?r), 1S80?.
T AND rOR MALE. Oa tbe Line Mountain just
J south of lbs Mahonoy creek in vameron town.
slup, Kortbumberlond eounty, re., ana near toe
Shamokin and Mahonoy Coal fields.
Apply to
Engineer of Mines, PoUsville, Pa.
December 22d, lboo. Su
BKEAliFAfcT bUAWLH, for sale al the Fane
LADIES call and See tbe Hanging Baskets,
Brackets sod fine Wstli Boxes, at
-.-TV la
Great Distribution
Amrrlrnn .1 vwtvlrr paoclallon.
Depots: 37 C Naciaii, Bi, 00
Of Rosewood rinnos and Molodcons. Fine Oil P,''',
Ings, Engravings, Silver War, Hold and fcilver
Watchee. and elegant Jcwolry, oonsisting ot '
mond Pins, Diasnoad Rtoga, Uold Bisoelols, Corel.
I'lorcmhie, Monio, Jot, Lnva, nnd Cameo Lndies
Pets. Gold Puns, with Odd and Silver Kxtensloa
Holders. Sleeve Bullotis, Wets of Studs, Vestsnd
Nuck Chains, Plain and Chased Uoid Chains, Ao.,
Ac, valued at
$1,000,000, TOR ONE COLLAR.
which they need not pay un'.il it is known what It
drnwn ana its value.
calls your attention to the fact of its being the 1st
gest ond most popular Jeweliy Association in the
United States The businese la and nlwnys hat been
conducted in tho mort candid nnd honorable man
ner. Our rapidly increasing trade is a sure guaran
tee fxf tbe npyrcoiatinp ol our patrons for this method
of obtnining rich, elegant and cosily goods. The
udden stagnation of trude in Europe, owing to tbe
Into German War and recent dUiartrun financial
crisis in England, has caused (ho failure of a lnrKe
number of Jewelry Houses in London and Pant,
obliging them to soil their goods at a ureal saorifice.
in toitie instances let than oue.lbird tbe cost of
manufacturing. We have lately purchased very
largely of these Bankrupt Uooda, at such extremely
low prices, tbnt we enn utlord to send away Einer
Uoods and give better chances to draw the most
valuable priiei than nny othur estnblihmcnt doiiiE
a similar business. OCR AIM IS TO PLEASE, and
we respectfully solicit your patronago, ns we are
confident of giving (lie ntmo't sntisiuelion. Diu'.iig
the pat yeir wo have forwarded a number of tbe
tnon vaiuubla 1 r.r.n to nil partt of tho country.
Tbvso who pnlrouize lis will receive the full valuo
of their money, as no article on our usi is norm ivi
than Ouo Dollar, retail, and tliero are no blanks.
Parties dealing with us way depund on having
prompt returns, nnd the article drawn will be im
modintely tent to any nddresi by return mail or
The following parties have recently drnwn valua
ble prir.os from the Anierienn Jwelers' Association,
und hno kindly allowed tho use of their names:
Charles J. Hunter, Efq., Treasury Department,
Washington, D. C, Piano, vnluo S;;oO ; Miss Anun
O. Yates, 52 't. Mark's Plnce, N. Y.. Sowing Ma
oliino, value $75 ; Brig. Ueu. I.. L. Huntrn. V. .S.
Vols.. Nashville, Tenn.. Silver Ten Sot, value 1150 ;
MisaEinmn Hunter, lid Front St., Uarrisburg. Pa.,
fowing Alaohiiiu, value' $ii0 ) Lieut.-CoL nitor
Chittenden, Uuiirtennastcr, Louisville, Kentucky,
Uold Watch, value $150 ; Wm. S Haines, 247 King
St., Charleston, 8, C, Silver Wntoh. value 550 ;
Alexantler Jvhoson. E?q., Editor MiiUateitr Pio
neer, Musktiti 'nr. !inu.. Ladies' Enameled Watch,
value SliO : Samuel Leo, L-q.. President Colorado
nnd Retl Bank Milling Company, San Francisco,
.'al.. Mclocleon. value 200 ; Aarou S. Long, Esq.,
Puiicipal Eikhnrt Collegiate Institute, Eikhnrt,
.)., Diamond Pin, value :00; R. M. Longstreet,
Montgomery. Ala., Muic llox, value $75; Rov.
Isaac Van Duscr, Albany, N. Y., Uold Lined Di
ning Set, valuo :;00 ; Misii Clurn Lueuguer, Duyton,
Ohio, Pianoforte, valuo $100, and Diamond Piu,
valuo $175.
Jrlnny names could be placed on tho List, but wo
pulilieli no names without remission. Our patrons
nre desired to send, United Mates Currency when it
is convenient.
Sold for One Sullnr I--!,
Witjiput regard ta vulue, nnd not to be paid for
until you, (inow what you nro to receive :
15 Elecunt ftofciviNil Pianos, wuitlitrum SJ to 8tS0
1.) kU-uaut Alel'Kte'iiiM, Knicwuoil Cases, 175 to V.'tO
SI) Fllt CJ !ewll g Marninrs, 40 til 3111
"S Fine I'll I'aiiilnied, 3 I to 100
130 Fine Steel F.ugiuvmgs, framed, SO to 3'J
SO Music H.'Xei, Silo 40
I.O Revulvii-g Patent Custins, Silver, to SO
So Silver I'ruit anil Cake Hak ib, ao ui AS
JIMi Sets of Ten nnd Table Senilis, Solo 411
IjO Uold tiuiiluig Cine Walehes. warranted, 60 to '50
InO Dliiniond Ring', elu.ler and single Hone, 7 j to S60
174 (Sold Watrhea, f 5 to til
300 Ladies' Watches, 60 to 100
aim Silver XYatrhes, to 71
Diamond Pins, Brooches and Ear Drop. Ladies'
Sets of Uold and Coral, Jet and Gold, Florentine,
Mosaic Lava und Cameo ; bets of fctud, est ana
Nook Chains. Plain and Chased Uold Rings, (Jolt
Thimbles, Locke's, New Stvlo Bolt Buckles, Uold
reus nnd I'enei s. fancy Horn Iioxes, Uotu reus
with Oold nnd Silver Extension Holders, and a large
n?orlinent of Fine Silver Wnro nnd Jewelry of oveiy
description, of tbe best make uud latest styles.
A chance Io obtain any out of t'lt abot
iriirr. for UXE DOLLAR, by purckatuig it
stale i euveloyt for 25 ets.
fas Vivo Sealed Envelope! will be lent for l ;
Eleven for $2 ; Thirty for i-5 : Sixiy-five lor J10;
(J1.0 Hundred for f 13.
Agents antod everywhere.
Vnequnllod inducements offered to Ladiei and
Uents who net at such. Our duscriptivo circulars
will bo sett on application.
I.'inributioni nro mads in the following manner 1
Certificates naming each article and its vn'uo ar
placed in exiled envelopes, which nro well uvxed.
iV-c itf tliero envelopes containing the Certiijcnte or
Order fjr soiiiu article, will bo dcl'vercil nt our
ouice, or sent by mail to any addl c?s, withi ut t egnrd
to i:hoico. on receipt of 25 cents.
On receiving tlio Certificate the purchrser aill tee
what article it draws and its value, aud can then
send Ono Dollar, and receive tho nriicle named, or
can choofu uny other article ou our list of tbo same
Purchasers of or.r Ptale.i Envrlnyci may, in this
manner, obtain an article worth from ouo to lire
hundred dollars.
Long Letters are ui. necessary. IJsve llio Hnd
ness to write plain directions, and in chosing differ
ent articles liom those drawn, mention tbe style de
sired. Ordors for SEALED ENVELOPES must Is
every case bo ncofupanicd with the cash, with the
nauie of the person sendipg, and Town, County and
Stnto pluinly written.
Letters should bs addressed to the managers, as
follows ;
f8H-fII A, W ATSOX A. .,
3? & SO . jiNMtn tit., Voik City
October 20, UtiO. mp.
1 "A. Il'l'JC Ai 1"V
FallT I.t(wau. v1bsVsi trrilns-w
raj no 10 u 10 9MU
tnisu a iroutskrst. sv
' PtfrtniltOTIiERS.rrrn'l tornts,
It ChrMnm at., pni1., rtun.
liflt Sm
Ir. Lvou't
Tr. Leon's Electric Hair Seper,
It is a posilivo cure for Baldness
It rtturi Urey Hair (o its Original Color.
It is a Tonic, not u Dyt. aud acts upon the secretion.
Il iniuiediutcl v arrests falling out of the Hair.
It alleviates Neuralgia and Headache.
It rsdiaully euros Dandi utl'and Humors
it kdps the scalp beaithy, clean and oool.
it is an elegant and exquisitely fragrant Hair
It natures, Cultivates and Beautifies tbe Hair.
It makes har.h li.iir !le.iu!o and Lustrous.
Jr. Leon's I'.i--irit' llaii ltneir
fr hat enjoyed a high local reputation tor many
years. Its woudurful restorative and iuvigoraling
pmperties are well known to tbe JJrdieal Faculty
of Philadelphia.
Being; fully satisfied of the merits of Leon's
;ictirlr Hair Itriirsvrr we have pio
utired exclusive ownership and are determined that
every tiouKchold in our land shall have opportunity
to reap )U benefits.
A most delightful snd efficacious euro for the w
riuus ills to which Infants and Young Childreu ar
It softens the gums, abates inflamatioa, inviioratea
'"e stomach and bowels, eorrects acidity, and is a
1 4U1, MUd speedy ouro for
L f
I A most excellent preparation for children of a
restless and fretful lialut end iu all eases of
I ,oo4-u. 4ilriisijcr, YuiullinK or
other inward grief, it guvea immediate ease.
Used for more than half a century in the private
Froctice of one of ibe luost eminent pbvaicians in
hiladelphia. '
la now placing this article within tbe reach of all
our oountryinen, we would remark that we kaow it
to be a Remedy of unrivaled exoelleuoe and that it
has proved iu thousands uf eases, as we are resolved
it shall iu millions, a priceless boon.
For Sale by Druggists Everywhere. Address al)
orders to
J3T .torih Tklrl Ki l-kU'a.
SAVES Time. Labor, Money: makes WASHINQ
, Sold Everywhere. TRY IT !
tarrt Lnrr gi'ejuu m Ij
10 a
XiiltL, Vor UTUIt, illUsV 3 ,
D cftsg,
A tK
kdreaBvVUB ianii, mcir n f
i 6
D. 1