.EH9TH5" .hiue cmrr cine. IS THK CITT Uf NE YORK, higMy rrp-tbic Cililrn, wrl knowu wika Mm- D It. J II. SCII fc N 0 K , ' TUE CREaTLINiJ DutTOKDt' rHlLADfcWHU. tFr.ci N. Y.,AiMt Gale! l.lAU Co.,' N78 Nhih (M., N-w Ytrk, Jun I, I'Ut. T)il J II ?f RNC-l)fHr!if For ovei fitter!! yni I huvt been truutiirtl with mmvvtc i-tj.;iirtiiul uwnrilly two wihrde ibtiittt. m jr."! w W more or (cm Itcmnvr, Which Hftrttir, (r ite biM. few tiitt linn kfpt me thin la flesh AuU too Wciik to dv buftii.est ot any kind without ulTiTing. In A u mint In) I hail a very vcvcre ht?tnrr(inget nil, Bfcording lit Hi jmlffiiMMil of a giHil New Vnrk ptiy u'uiu, ( wm e In Med us twyuiifl tlm Twirli of mtiviiir lid win iiitTiird to tn prrpMied, lt ("ar ni pr-prty timt ten were e-mcaui-d, ti tmve Mill wwrlJ til shoit notice. 'Ah hhviirtnu (any injr (t'wd I n emit) aid that the firt ) lit 1 look nniftt nruv Intnl. Ktiriy in .1onu-it I fmk evfie C'.Ki.imd I'lUUiulrlv wit occupying r hub at No. fhlllo.NUtfi-rHr.Kilin-riloVtfr your uilirc. I ilmtk ftbnjt the 10th of Jninmrv I pn-runil a b-'ltle uf jvtir J'ulnwimc fcyiup and eun.itieiict- inking it irrfly. .My leet mid limin were very much s'ol!en, mid all tlie ymp ton ufn upeeily ilcjth it-rim-d to urcouipiiiiy t.-.v mid. I J eni fur my former pliym-'i in, mid itiitrt to Inni thnl I wai taking yniir mrdicnira. md atit-i aii-wing tht-in to linn, tid liuving tmtt-d of ihtrm, Ac, lie replied t "You r.-iu uke thuintf jon like, Ihry will do ou no hmi.'' Ila Paid : " You know wli:t I tM ton lust vuimner, unci 1 my the mie imw, if you have any business to flow up, do f ttiH put it oil." lie mud to othff iiieittlt itml he could ! p' mo he f"f nt' and inv ti iiids mid relmi n cuteln- j iKU my tmi" hud vm. At llii time I wn t.ikiiig freely j of youi nicdirnn , t-ut h'ldimt ircn y-u. The d-M tnroi'ted i n few times, nml fintml me (much to hi siuptiae, lie .i'.) ' idiprovitt?, nnd he t'ii'd nt umkTM did why. .My friiih , was tumbling in your mrlirine, ml I hud a wish t- J have you cX'onin my cr:ise, mid ee whit you tind t.' iriy. When yoii firtl cm tit' to my tumii and rmnle the exni(iin j lion, you jiivn ine hut htlle f lmonrnpenienf , but on tlie cotitrmy, e;tpieited wid dniibu 'f my ever Inmig lu lp'd j "ut 01 mv hru fiiiniiifr ililln-ultita. The s-omd tune that you cnlleJ. hn'i;:g me Flill tiaininfr, you finve me n- ! rouruL'iueiit irn intr. 'ipy ympt 'ina were impftvim ; ) the rulm -locfHrup Hen v I'oioc mid .Mni ihnke IMIs j hid acted like a Hinrin " My ftrculiilnni, my co-ih. my nmtetite, all Iwir ui to imprnve. mid le-uil l wnlk nlut tiiy f'Km h ntliti. in vitnfeti me nenriy tveiy iittn;i, .ltd found nir nnptoving. ad t id tnc m l to p-mut v my room ntitil the first da of Muy. I t nik u- vih wlii'e under vimr treatnifiit, tm nppeiito heenme fiit-nitn, am! you tn Id me lo cut nvervtloi I wished of n nut'ilior.s nature, tmd to exerrin tthout the ronm mftuch on piiti ble. I followed y.nr udvue, nnj to the surprise of "my old phyii'iun ! fnendti, I ceftit nu,h bi tter tli:iu 1 h:.v( bren tot seVKiid yuiiiK. and htvrt'he better linn I ever ex-nt-eied a ivranii p"nitl with one Ininr, th Ull beinc cm- pleie'y dried up. I (Vel very crntf fil to you, and coiiidefi Vour advice hiuT medicm iiiviibuuile ' Youw, truly, 1. . H1II-.LDON. T)K PrnKNrii Dtur 5it: Ah mt two years auo I wna taken with a verv troubles, cue c.n.irlt and n pin n in my hie it ; irven oi eight inoiithi p:iw'd rway wiiliont my duing anything for' myself. Then I applied lo n phvsi eimi, wh attended me for nb-iul three months without rendering me any lerviee. I utao obtnint-d the advice und treMtnieiil of a plivaieinu in one of our liofpitn'n, nndHlso had the adviee and treiitnieut o) two oilier phyneiaiw, but all to no purpone. Dining this lorg p;ue of tune I w-it tiirlv dead : several time! my friends nnie to see ir e siid wit'ies mv exit into i In- spint-woiM. I wn? eon nneif i ) my Iel two months at time. My brent hinar wna exceed in ttly fhort. I friye up several times all hope of ttetlnip h'.'tter ; ft?n) as rt:gnrilrit geltim well, thnt wai entirely out ol the question. And to tliink this day I iuu wellund hearty ! I wna ndvited by some of mv fiiemln to try Pr. S' HFcii' Xedichn s. I itrcoiiiinirlv Ihmiu'iI I ot tie rider bottle, until 1 reiu-hfd the ninth ; then J found a decided chumre in my eouuh S-r the better. I mifered vereh from jialpituti'm oi tlio heart, urd two week after I emimeneed taking your medicine this difficulty cied. When I firt went to Dr &iheneks oriVe it was with diifieulty thnt I could pet up into his leoepliou room. I was s i wenk mid so swelled ; my Bkiu was us willow as iioujh I had the junnclice; I iVlt dull, heavy imdslvepless. lir. St-iieiiek. after eximininR me. tmd lunli my lunjrs 'e'e nlT..ct-d, niul ;:ive ni but liltte h-ne ; but his medi cines, in about two weeks, t k Wight hold of me; it seemed to go rilil thronc'i Hy wh"le system The Tub tiioiiicSprup, St n-Whed Tonic and Mumlnike lMIs, nl! took r(cht hold in the rtirht plnee. The Till bnuiqht away izietit ((Uantities of bile and slime ; the Syrnp Ituwened the piatier In my lunpi, which came rfl' very free; the Sen Weed Tome gave me an appetite, and everything seemed ti' taste r-hkI To vhow want pfeat vwer the me)ieines have in puri fyiusT mv system, and to sImw how bud I was riisenfel, beside nil the bile that pushed my bowels, and thee rent qiiaiPiriea of pliu-sm und mutter I exnectorntcd, I broke cut nit over in larpebuls, thut wuld ciitinue toffnther and run for about six weeks, and I hnd atone time over twenty-five hoili. I l.ave nothing of the kind now, and feel like another person altogether. I enn rnfrtv any tlit ! have not eujo) ed such health for fire years as I do now. and cannot praise you and your medicines eunuch. May (rod abundantly bless and preserve you! isihe sincere desiro of one who has been so wonderful' relieved through your atency; and if auv one desires to know with regard to the truthfulness of this repojf. if thev will m!I upouanv of mv friends, or upon me, No 4 Drydn riee, neur Thompson street, below Cadwalader, philn tHphia, l hey will lie perfectly sntirtfied wilh the validity of the case. Yuui s, with mneh ttspect. iM MX PCHVATDT. Thenbofe cnrte. an desriljed, l oerferflr correct. I kujwittole tru. Youik, IV 11. tt I Ll.t.it. pator of Hancock M. H. Church. Dr. JM'HKNPK will be jwofrcti'inatuly at hi principal ofTie, i. t.S North Sixth Stbpp.t, comer of Commshtr. Vit LnrT,rHU, everv Sntnrdnv, from 0 A. M until 4 P.M.; N l 32 lt nd street. New Vork, erMy TucarJav, from t. H : No. !N Stiinm-r n'reet Bont-m. f'ts., every W edne d?ty. from dto 3, and every ther Friday nt 1W Rnltitnore street, Italiiui'ire, MJ. AM advice f.ee.' but for a thnfoi'nh exrniiinati'Mi f the lutigs wilh hi Bepirorieter, the eliurpe it; tiire (tollars I'rmei.f lie Pii'in'nif PviupH'-t sa-Weed Tonic, each stl AO D'-r botile, or 7 6U pur half dozen. Main'ruKi Hills. 45 cent a per b"X. FOR PAJ-K BY ALii I)RUGi3TS AND DKALKKS December "2, 1-b-V -ly SllOT.iltAImC'. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO , Mattufactnrers nf Phntfiprniihif Mntrrinlt, Wl otesale and Refill, 4U1 UltUAUWAV, New Yoik. In acMiihiit to our main businf... of Ph'itographie Mate, rialu vr are lleailqiiniiera f. r Hie foliowini:, vi. STKRF.OSCOrr.S 4 STKRKSCOPIC vikws Ot Aintiii.in uimI Fojeijrii Cities and Luiidscapes, Groups. htalUHrv, etr. hTKRKOSCOl'lC VIKWS OK THK WAR, Kroro nefiitives trnite in Hie various rninpaia.ua and f'.nuin a t.ui.lele 1'huloiaphic tnilory of llie gicul con tctl. STKREOSCfiPlC VIKWS ON CLASS, Adapted f..i wifher th Mtijjic ltitrrt' or the 8tere.'scoic. Our Caiul'igue will be srut lu any addrens on receipt of htamp. PirOGBAPIIIC ALBUMS. We manufacture more Inrireiy than buy oilier house, mU. ut !j1)0 vsri. -lies, from 5b cciiIh to 51 each, tint A!' bumfi having rue repuiHtii.ii of Lewig superior iu beauty ami durability to any oliiers. Ciii l'uorosa4rus or Gbnkkals, SrTEsxix, Actobs, Krc , i;rc. Our Catalogue embraces over yive Thousand different subjects, iiiclu'lius reproductions of llie most celebrated KliirviniEs, Paiului(t, trtuttles, etc Catalogues sent un leccipl of Htamp. Patornuaers and otliers ordeting givtils C. O. D , will pleuse reinil'5 per eenl of the amount wilh their order. IVTUt prices and quubty of uur gMU cannot fail to S4t i.f'y July 91, l!J. fm BOWMAN & LEONARD, Manufacturers and WI10LKSALE AND HKTAIL i SILVER and SILVER PLATED GOODS. 701 .rls --.t, lliilii(l'lliin. Those in want ofSilver or Silver Plated Ware will And it much to their advantage by visiting our Store bcfuia mukia tbvir puruhnsus. Our long expert euue in the maiiutHeture of tlteabov kind of goods liable us to defy com pen lion. tt'a keep no giwds but thus vrliich are of lh First rias, all of our own make, and will be sold at loiuc i jjrii- . July 7th, 1S66 Ijel GREATEST INVENTION 6INCE THE SEWING MACHINE. VA. 4 AKIIs.r.4 li.'M S A 6 II S T 0 P P K It AND L OCK, Simplicity, Durability. Cuiiviuienoe, Coiufoit and tccuilty, eonibined with Eeonouiy THK STOPPER AND LOCK supports either sash M any point. Jt can be applied to any window In a few minutes. It dous not tuterixre in taking out a sash. It is not alfi-ettd by any jarriug action, and pre vents the rattling of tub. It is self-acting in all its work, and makes it lu ' possible lo forget to look the wiudow. It allows proper vei tilaiion without leaving the window unlocked. It acts by gravity has ro spring and can never (el out uf order. Il does not wear out, but will last while the bouse stands Windows ibat Lata only one a.-h moveable, may be changed, au as to move botb, at a trilling expense. . ai'-' Mtopitrr mid Uk, Oii llollur 'ssuslle. It must eome into gouvral u H lis radical ad vinliigcj, tuaSell-Atftbg, Burglar.Pro..f Lock and Vs.ii.iua. Hailway Care. SteturW,ji. r-lc, It is texl'ect, .! ii. fast. tl:s thing Ion .Urfl,t. Jl ia emphatically ju. nbst evei vbody want, and everybody cau Lata. Vbe ucinand n.u.1 be uulimi. te I . Capitalista. Manufacturers. Builders, sal net kttg for busioess, are 14, tiled w call oo lb aab o:ibt and axaiuina it. , Jacob wilyf.r, jr.. July 21, l566.-i Etory, P4. 4 Ml by Keiloratira, lb bM lb taM. fjT J TOJjrS'KR, aole Ag.ai f, ntn,r. A DEAI.KRS NEW CROCERYI! f CALL AT FIRMAN 8 OLD STAND. WII0LF5A1.J! A RETAIL caisodKSB&v AND Provision Store FOK CHEAP GOODS! Their Stuck ii tnmplete, conflating lo part of P10AK3, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICKS. COAL OIL Tobacco. Clean, Fluor, Feed, Fiih, Salt, Jlam, i oulders, Clicene, Fruit, Ulnns, Lamps, Ac, 4c. Country Traduce taken in exchange for Good. te-Call and ezamlneour Stock, and mtiufy your teltPl. fcunbury, May 188. MUll operand liorder in great variety new nylei" juK received at the Mammoth Store of J. W.FKILINa A SON. .Sunbury, Out. 14. IMa. JS.OOUIbw. nurleil Chnrcinil Iron nt M c'l. lb. hi J. li. CON LEY A CO. .-Minl.orv. June ID. I KM. liiH'kiiu iiiciui A: itlouniniiiT Itall fond. OX and nfter Nov 27th, 1S05, Pas;cngor Trains n ill run a follows : SOUTHWARD. A. W. P. M. 10.05 11.15 . M. 4 50 8.20 8.53 8.30 10.15 l.eare Scranton, Kington, " Rupert. " I'nnvillo, Arr- XthumbiTlinJ 6.50 C.5& V 15 9.50 io no SOUTHWARD. Leiivc Northuniberlnud, 8.00 3.05 " l)anvillc, 8.40 3.40 " Rupert, D.15 A. M. 4.15 " Kiii(fnin, 2.M 8.30 ' 6.55 Arr. nt Scranton. 5.4.1 9.35 8.10 Trains leaving Kingston at 8.30 A. M. for Scrnn ton, connect with Train nrrivinj; at New York at 5.20 Leaving Northumberland hi 8.00 A. M. and Kinjcn tnn 2.30 V. M. onnnect wilh the Train arriving at Now York at 10.55 V. M. Pawcnircrs taking Train South front Scrpntonat 5.60 A. M. via Northumberland, reneb llarrieburg 12.30 P. M., Baltimore 6.30 P. M.. Washington 10. 00 P. M. via Rupert reach Philadelphia at 7.00 p. m. II. A. FONDA, Sup't. Kingston. Nor. 25, 18G5. .'Vorllirni (Viiii'til Itniltvny. F01U TRAINS DAILY to and from Baltimore and Washington city. THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from the North and Weal Iiraueh Sa'quchnnna, and 1,'orthorn and Wuftcra PeunsWranin and New Ynrk. ON and utter MONDAY, NOV. 10:h, 18o6. the Trains of the Northern Central Railway will run as follows : NORTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Rnltimore " HarrUburg, arr at Willinmsport, RufTalo Express leaven Ritltiinore ' Harrisburg, 11 Kltnirn. arr. Canandnigua, Fust Line, leaves Baltimore, " Ilnrrirburg, Elmira, arr. Cimandnigua, Erie Express leaves Baltimore, " Jlarrisburg, arr at Erie. York and ITarris. 1 leaves York, burg Aocoin. ( arr. Ilarririburg; S 0 V T II W A R D . 9.15 a in 1.20 p in 0.25 p m 10.10 p in 2.05 a in 1 1 35 am 3 00 p in 12.10 pm 4.10 p m 1.16 am 4. 0 a in 7.20 p m 2.05 a m 7 00 a m 7.10 a m 8.40 a m Mail Train, leaves Williatnvport, 8.40 am " urrihurg, 1.35 pm arr. at Baltimore, 6.00 p m Buffalo Express leaves Canandnigua, 2 00 p m ' Elmira, 5.30 p tl " llnrrisnuru, z an a m rr. at Baltimore, 7 0" a m Fast Line leave Cnmindaigua, 11.2" in. ' . Flmira, 1.05 a m " Ilarrisburg, 9.20 a m arr at Baltimore, 100pm Y'crk and Harris- 1 leaves Uurii.-burg, 5 05 p in burg Accom. j arr. York, 6.35 p m Ciuciuuutti Exp. leuve. llarrifburg, 8 40 p in arr. Bnltimore, 12.20 a m Mail Train and linrriburg Accommodation North and S'.uth will rr.:i daily, except tundny. Elmira Express NorlU daily, and South daily, except Mon day. Cincinnati Expre.-s south will run daily except Hundny. Fast Line North arrives daily noipt Sundays. Klmira Express Nnrih leaves daily, ur.d Erie Ex press North leaves daily except Saturday. For t'tirtheriniormation apply at the Ticket Office in tho Penusylvuuiu Ruilroud liegxit. I. K. DrllAKRY ticn. Supt. lEnidiiig; ltnilroasl. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Juno 11th. 18(18. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North ana North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing, Pottsville, Ttiruaqun, Asblund. Lebanon, Allen WAi. .-iou, Ephialu, Litis, Luucusler, Coluuibia, Ae., Ae. - Tmins leave Ilarrisburg for New-York, as fol lows : 3.00, 8 10 und 9.05 A. M. mid 2.10 mid 9.15 P. M, connecting with similar Tiuins on the Penn sylvania Railroad, and arming at New Y'ork at 6 00 und 10.10 A. M. and 4.10, b.20 and 10.45 P. M.; Sleeping Cars accompanying tho 3.00 A.M. and 9.15 P. M. Trains, without change. l.eiive HarrUburg for Reading, Pultsvillo, Tama qua. .Mincrsville, AMuud, Pine Grove, A'.leutown ami Philadelphia at .lu A.M. aud 2 !u and 4.10 P. M., sUipping ut Lebanon and principal way sta tions ; the 4.10 p m. Train making connections for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pottsville. Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Suequvhanna Railroud. leave litirriburg at 3.20 p. in. Returning: Leave New York at 7. IW and 9.00 a. m., 12.00 Noon und 8.00 p. in.; Puilnt'.elpbiu at 8.15 a. m. and 3.30 p. m. Way Passenger Train leaves Philiiiiclpbia at 7.30 a. tji., returning from Reading at b.3u p. in. stopping at all stations ; Potts ille at all cUati jus ; Potts, il lo at 8.45 u. m. und 2.45 p. in. Ashland 6 00 and 11.30 a. m. aud I 05 p.m.; lama 9.45 a m. and 1.00 aud 8 55 p. tn. quu nt 0 ) a m. ami 1 00 and 8.56 p. m. Leave poiusvillt lor liuri-lurg m Srcbuylkill and Su-quebanun Railroad at 7 00 a. m. Reading Accommodation Train leaves Reading at 6.00 A. M. returning from Philadelphia at 5.00 P. M. Columbia Riilroad Trains leave Heading at 6.45 A. M., 12 05 uooii and 0 lo P. .M. for Ephruta, Litis, Lancaster Colunibia,' Ac. On Sundays: Leuve New Y'ork at 8 00pm., Phila delphia b 00 a. M., and 3.15 P M. the 8.00 a..m. train running only to Reeling. Potuville 8 00 a in.. lamaqua r .it) a iu, lor tiiirnsnurg, I u in, ana Reading at 1 33 a in, for llarrisbuig 7.30 a. ui. 10.50 a. ui. for New York, aud 4 25 p m. for Philadelphia. Commutation, Mileage, Season, and Excursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and from all points. l;iji"g chucked through : 80 Pounds Brggage al lowed each Passenger. 0. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent WJE would invite the attention of Carpenters to V our large and well selected assortment of Toolcs, comprising Chisels of all kinds, Augurs. Planes, Saws, Iron und Steel Square, aud io fact every thing wauled to complete a full out6t. at the Hardware store of J. II. CON LEY A CO. I AAA Customers wanted to buy Hardware, Ao., 1 UUU at '.ho Cheap Hardware und Iruu Store of J. CONLEV A CO. Sunbury, Jun 18, Idas. To procure a family group Photograph, go lo BYLRLY'S Room iu Simpson s Building up stairs THE UltlMi (Ml Kli HUMAN MIBSRV. Just Published, iu a .Smiled t'nvelop. I'rio 6 cent. A Lecture on th Nature, Treatment, and Radical Cur of Seminal Weakneas, or SnermaUirrboca, in duced by Self-Abuse; Involuntary Emissions, J input tenry, Nervous Debility, and IrapedimanUto Mar riage generally ; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fit MeuUl and Physical Ineapaeity, Ao. By ROB. J. UlLVLRWiLL, M D., Auibor of lL - Green Book," Ac. The world-renowned author, in this admirable Leelure, olwxly pro, as from bis own xprinoe that tb awful oousequence of .Self-Abus maybe vfievtuully remote! without inodicit,, aud without ddtgerou surgical c pemU.'US, bjupas, iuiruiuei.u, ring, or cordials, pointing out a mode uf our at ono certain and etlcolual, by which every sufferer, no matter what his e.mditiou may be, may cure himself cnaaply, privalaly, eau ruuicaiiy. mi iwiur will prov a boon to Thousands and Thousands. Saul nder seal, in a plain envelope, to suy ad dress, on receipt uf six oents, or two postuge sUu.ps, by adireesiag the publisher. Also, Dr. ClLVKRVVtLL S "Marriage Guide," pne ! awita. kA.lr tha Pul,li,-I.ars. J CUAS. J. C. KLINE 4 CO , 1 117 Bowery, New York, Port OtEe boi i.tet 1 teptembsr ?. li -if , , p -BALTIMOriB LOOK HOSP XT A 1. ESTABLISHED AS A REFTJUK FROM Qt'ACK" ERY. ' : THE ONLY PLACE WJlEltE A CVltB . CAN BE OBTAINED. DR. JOHNSTON dm dlsijOTtJth "oat Certain, Spredr and only Effectual Remedy In i th World f"t all Private Diaeasea, Weaknsofth Back it Limbs. StriotnrM, Affeotiona of tha Kidnays and Dladder. Involuntary Dischargea, Impoteney, Ojna- al Debility, Nervonsness, 1'yspepjy, .nauor, now jpirita, Confusion of Ideas, Palpilntion of the Heart, Timidity, Trenibllngi.Dlmneas of Sight or Oiddineea. Disease of tho Dead, Throat, Nose or akin, Affections of the Liver, Lnngs, Stomach or Bowels those Terri ble Disorders arising from th Solitary Habit of Youth those secret and solitary practice more fatal to their victims than th (one of Syreni to tb Ma nners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hope or anticipations, rendering marriage, etc, impossi ble. Kspeolally, who hare become tha victims of Solitary Vice, that dreadful and d est motive habit which annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of Voting Men of the most exalted talents and brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listen ing Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked (o ecstaty the living lyre, may call with full con fidence. MtmtiAoi:. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating tnarringe, being aware of physical weakness, organic debility, deformities, Ac, speedily cured. lie who places himself under the care of Dr. J. mnv reliaiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, ami confidently rely upon bis skill as a Pbysioian. OROAiU; W'EAKMKSS Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. This Distressing Affection which rendera Life miserable and marriage impossible il the penalty paid by the victims of improper indulgence. Y'onng Ecrsons are too apt to oommlt excesses from not eing awnre of th dreadful consequences that may ensue Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that the power of procreation is lost sooner by those fulling into improper habits than by the prudent' Besides being deprived the ploosures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to Dilb body and mind arise. The system becomes Deranged, the Physical and Mental Func tions Weakened, Loan of Procreativ Power, Nervous Irritability, Pvspcpssa, Palpilntion of tha Heart. Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death, O flier, ?io. 7 Souili Frederick Street Left hand sido going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the comer. Fail not to obsorve name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. Th Doctor's Diplomas bang in his office. a tx'Ki: wakka:vvei two DAYS. No Slertrry or Namtoni Drugt. Ilt..lOII.KT. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London, 'Irnduato from one of the most eminent Colleges in the I'nitcd States, and the greater part of whose life b df born snent in the hnsnitnls of London, Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some of the most astonishing cures thnt were ever known ; ninny troubled with ringing in the head and ears when nsleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at Hidden sounds, bash fulness, wilh frequent blushing, l tended sometimes with derangement of mind, were lured immediately. I'AKi: PAICTICI I.AR NOTICE. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured them, lelves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, untitling them for eithor business, stud v. society or marriage. These are some of th sad and melancholy effect produced by early habits of youth, via: Wenknes of ;he Back and Limbs. Pains in the Head, Dimness of Siht. Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation oft'ie llci rt, Dyspcpsy, Nervous Irritability. Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symp toms of Consumption, Ao. MtNTALLY. Th fearful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of ldoas, Depression of Spirits, Evil-Forebodings, Aver sion to Society, Self-Distrust, Lov of Solitude, Timidity, Ao are some of the evils produced. Thoi sanos of persons of all ages can now judge what is th cause of their declining health, losing 1'ieir rigor, becoming weak, pal, nervous and naoiatcd, having a singular appearance about tb eyos, oougu and symptoms ot consumption. Ydt.Xii 11 1: Vho have injured themselves by a certain practice Indulged in when nlone. a habit frequently learned fi o,ii uvii companions, or at school, tho effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if no cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, shonld apply immediately. What a pity that a young man. the hope of bis country, the darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by the Consequence of deviating from tho path of nature snd indulging in a certain secret habit, fruco persons MUST, before contemplating 51 A IE It I AO E. reflect that a sound mind and body are tho most necessary requisites to promotr connubial happiness ludced without these, the journey through life be. 3oiues a wciiry pilgrimage ; th prospect hourly darkens to tbe view; ue imna necouie snauowea with despair and filled with tha melancholy reflec tion that the happiness of another becomes blghted with our own iHKEANE of niPRi:ni:.c(:. AVbeu the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure tinds that be Has luirjibea me seeas ot mis painful disease, it too often happeus that an ill-timed ense of skauio, or dread of discovery, deters bitn from applying to those who, from education and respectability, can alone befriend him, delaying till tbe constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the bead and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotebos on the bead, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till a, Inst the palate of tb mouth or the boots of th nosu full in, and th victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to "that Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns." It is & melancholy fart that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskillfulness of ifruorunt pretenders, who, by th us of that DtaJly I'oison, Mcmtry, ruin the constitution and mak tb residue of life miserable. H I ItA.XI'RN Trust not your lives, or health, to th care of the many Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute of knowledge, name or character, who copy Dr. Johnston's advertisements, or style themselves, in Die newspapers, regularly Kducated Physioians, incapable of Curing, they keep you trilling month after mouth taking their filthy and poisonus com pounds, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruined health to sigh oi er your galling disappointment. Dr Johnston is the only Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas always hang in bis office. His rcmidiesnr treutcinent are unknown to all ol hers, prepared from a life spent in the great bos pitals of Europe, the first in the oountry and a more extensive JVi t ars I'raetia than any other Physician in the world. lMMHtXIIEW OF THE PRENH Th many thousand cured at this institution year after year,' and th numerous important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by Ilia reporters of tb "Sun," "Clipper," aud many uthernanera. nolioea of which hav atineared asrain and again before tb publio, beside bis standing a a gentleman of character and responsibility, is suuicient guarantee to in amioteu. lililA OlMEAMEN MlEEVlLT l'llti:i). Persons writiug should b particular is directing tbeir letters to nis institution, in in following mann joh.- .11. jou.wro:. jri. i. Ol the Baltimore Lock Hospital. Baltimore, Hi. June 30 lbo6 ly. 1)1 RE Lubiu Extract and Lnbin Soap, at LIG UTN ER'8, Mark.t Square. FALL AND WIK7IE Millinery Goods, Just opening at th Millinery Stor of Miss M.L. QUSSLEB. Fawn Street, below th Railroad, BUNBL'RT, PA., Such as 3i B H VI 3 3 il a a 3 . Dresa-Trlmmings, Head-DrM, UIotm, Qosisry, Kiboons, riowrs, collars, Handker chiefs, A., A., which bar been earefully selected. Mis M. L. Guasler ha just opentd a I arc assort. mant of Millinery Goods. Ladle ahould Dot fall U So and sea tb latest style as it will pay to sot delay i visiting heritor. Call aud xamin for yoar selves. N troabla to UUW KOUIU Sunbury, Oct. li, 18M. Procure oneof BYERLY'8 Fin Photograph Pi, ture al bis Hooui in Simpson's Building. PIN E Feather Brush, at LldHTNER. T ADIES sail and e tb Banging Basktta, ,a4 visusiismib ruts nora soaee, ai LtOHTXER'S Jf yo vant good Tra-War, go t SMITH 4 OFN1 itH'S N Shop.- - . . dr 4. Vfew Wall laper mu4 DorderJwt 1 rceivDj LlliUIMSH. Ayer's Sarsaparilla A eompound rema, designed to 1 th tnowt ffectual AUtrativt that can be mad. It U conoentrated. extract of Pra Sarsaparilla, ao- combined; with other ttsbitnnce of till gTentcr alterative power as to afford an cfTec. tire antidote for the dicne Sarsaparilla it reputed to cure. It U believed that ivjch a remedy U wanted by tlioa who Buffer from Btrumou complnintf, and that one which will accomplish their cure must prove of immense lervice to thia large class of our afflicted fellow citizens. How completely this compound Will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to be found of tbe following complaints I ScMori'L.v Ann Scnorrrocs CoMPt.aiwTt, Eruptions awd Khvptivk Diseasr, Ulceus, Pimi'I.ks, IIlotciirs, Tumor, Salt Riibvh, ScAt.o Ukad, Srpuir.ts and Stfimlitio Ar rtcTios, MiiitcuuiAt. Dismask, DuorsY, New ltAi.oiA on Tic Uout.outiKt x, Dr.iui.iTr, Drs rirstA and iNiimr.sTio, Bhysii'RI.as, Rons on Sr. Amtiiovt's Finn, mid indned the whole ' doss of compluints arising from Imi'uhit or Tun Ut.oou. 1'his cninpoiuut will be found a great pro tnotcr of lictilth, when taken in the spring, to expel the foul humors which fester in the blood at timt season of tho year, lly the time ly expulsion of them ninny riinUlinir disorders are nipped in tho hud. Multitude can, by tha aid of this remedy, spate themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do tliisj through tho natural channels of tho body by an alterative medicine. Cleanso out the vitiated blood whenever you find in impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you Hnd it is ob structed mid slti;gUh in the veins; cleanse it whenever it is foul, nnd your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better hcnlth, nnd live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep tha blood hcnlthy, and nil is well ; but with this pabulum of lifo disordered, tbero enn be no lusting health. Sooner or Inter somcthins must go wrons, nnd the great inneliinery of life is disordered or overthrown. Snrsnpnrilln bus, and deserves much, tho reputation of accomplishing these ends. Hut the world bus been egregiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drua alone hits not nil the virtue timt is claimed for it, but mora because many preparations, pretending to he concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsnparilht, or any thing else. During late years the public have been mis led hylurgo bottles, pretending to give n quart of KxtriK't of Snrstipnrillii for ono dollar. Most of tlieso lmve been frauds upon tha sick, for they not only contain little, if liny, Saruipa villa, but often no ctmitivo properties whatev er. Hence, bitter und painful disappointment has followed tha use of tho various extracts of Sursnpatilta which flood tbe market, until tha lining itself is justly despised, nnd has become synonymous with imposition und cheat. Still we call this compound Snrsnpnvillti, nnd intend to supply such n remedy ns vhtill rescue tho li.iino from the loud of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground fur believing it I ins virtues which are irresistible by the ordinary run uf the diseases it is intend ed to cure. In order to sccuro their complete eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously tukcu uccording to directions on tho bottle. l'KSi'AnEi) or DR. J. C. AYE It St CO. LOWKIJi, MASS. Price, ft per Dottlo Six Uotlles for $3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won fur itself such a ronown fur the cure of very variety of 'i'liront nud Lung Complaint, that it is entirely unnecessary for u to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherover it has been em ployed. A it bus long been iu constant us throughout this section, we need not do mora than nssmo the people its nuality is kept up to tho best it ever has been, and that it limy he relied on to do for their relief all it baa ever been found tu do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, ron the curt ot Costittnest, Jiiiimiicr, Dyiieuia, htiilpnUon, Dysentery, Void Stomuvi, Kryxiitchn, Headache, Piles, Wicumattsm, r.nipltons anil Mm Diseases, hirer Complaint, Dropsy, Teller, Tumnrs and Salt llhmim, ICbvnt, Gout, Senrnlyia, as a Diiinor Pill, and fur Piirifyiny tin Bliotl. They are sugar-coated, ao thnt the most rni tive can take them pleasantly, and they aro tbe best aperient in the world for all the purposes of a family physic. Frioe 25 cents per Box ; Five boxes for $1.00. Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness (these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The A Rents below named fur nish gratis our Amkhicam Almanac in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the alxive compluints, and the treatment that ahould b fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put olf by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand AYl:n's, and tak no others. I'he sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our remedies are for salo by FRILIXU A SON, Suubury, Pa. R. B. McCay, Northumberland, and all Druggist and dealers everywhere. At wholesale by J. il. MORRIS A CO., Philadelphia. December 2d, 165. ly Pure Idbcrly While l.-iI, ' Will do mora and better work at a given Coat, than any other! Try it! Mannfacrured onlv by 2IF.ttLF.HA SMITH, Wholesale Drug. Puint A Glass Dealers, No. 137 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia. January 27, 18116 ly. $90 A JlO.Vril J AGENTS wanted for six eutirelv new articles, iust out. Ad dress 0. T. GAREY, City Building, Biddeford, Maine. decJ.i ly Washington House. SAMUEL SNYDER, OPPOSITE THK NEW COUHT HOUSE, SUNBURY, PA. .T1HIS popular and comfortable Hotel has been X. fitted up in superior order for tbe accommoda tion of Stranger, Travellers, and the publio gener ally. No effort will be spared by tb Proprietor to mak it a favorite resort and a pleasant bom for very guest Hi table, bis bar, and th long ex perience of the proprietor, warrant him io auticipa. ting a liberal share of publio patronage. Extensive stable, and every desirable conve nience. 6unbury, April T, 1866. ly TAILORING- J. F. SCHAFFER, RESPECTFULLY informs th cltiiens of SUN BURY and violnity, that ha has opened a 1'ullorlnc fsiiiop, th room ever Farnsworth's Grocery, opposite tb Cental Hot), Sunbury, wher he is ready to mak ap garment of all kind in th latest style and best workmanlik manner. Having had xprino in th business for a aum br of years n hope to render general satijfaouon Custom work Is rpotfully soioitd. J. F. SCHAFFER. Sunbury, May 13, 1865. ly Inventor' O dices. D'EPINUKIL 4 EVANS, Civil Emoincebs aid Patsst Solicitoss. Ke. 434 Walnut street, iblladlpbia. Patant solicited oonsulutlons on tngineerlng Draughting and Sketches, Models and Machinery of all kind mad and skilfully attended to. Speoial attention givra to rejeoted eases and interference. Authentic opie of all DooumenU from latent Of fio procured. N.B. Savyourslv useless u-oubl aad uavelling expenses, as thr is ao a-tual Bed tor personal interview with u. All business with the Ofhos ean b traasacUd io writing. For fur ther information direct a abov, with sump Dolod, for Ciroular wilh rfrues. Fbrury I, Iboo ly. 1 A AAA LB3- Kki' P'k at $7 Ji par lv.UUU kg, atthnw Hard war Storoof ' J. II. CONLEY 4 CO. Sunbury, Jun 16, IBM. ' BREAKFAST SHAWLS, for sal at th rase Btor.cf ANNA PAINTER. r CE CREAM FREEZER8 aad Haley's Patent VUKM W npgrs, lor sal b; . I. ietelmoyer". luabory, July 7, 1S68. FsMeviptlontj srafully eompoaaded ef the bssalDttlUila sa Mammoth W t Jho. ritiLuo 4 soy. eakssry, Hay , 1I4. st I "t i I : $: I MPEEsVa ftAMBTOdr PORT GRAPE WINE. Par a sad Four Year Old. ' FOR TUB COMMUNION TABLE A FAMILT tSI Prescribed by Physicians for Female, wk!y ptnonl and INVALIDS ! EXCELLENT WINE FOR FEMALLs Every family at this season, should ns SPEERS WINE, celebrated in Kurop for its medicinal and beneficial qualities, highly esteemed by eminent phisinians, used in European and American Hospitals, and by some of the brst lainilies in turope ana America, AS ATONIC it has no equal, causing an appetito and building up th system, being entirely a pur win of a most valuable grape. AS A DIURETIC it imparts a healthy action of tb Glands. Kidneys, and Urinary Organs, very beneficial iu Dropsy, Gout, and Kheumatio Aneotions. SPEER'S WINE is a pur article from tho Juice of the Port Grape, possessing medicinal properties superior to any other wine in use, and an exeUent article for all weak and debilitated persons, and tb aged and infirm, 1m proving the appetite, and benefitting ladies and children. Try it onee. and yott vrill not te deeeived. LfBe sura tha signature of Alfred Spier is over the cork of each boltle. Sold by W. A. Bennett. Sunbury, and all first class dealers, who also ell the CAN'l'II.I.A lOltT lilt A:IsY, a cholco old article, im ported only by &Ir. Speer, direot from tbe valley of uporto (Lr Trade supplied by Wholesale Druggists, Lar'By A. bl'thlt. at his vineyard in New Jersey. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 2ud BROADWAY, N. Y. rjunbury, dan. 16, ltititi. ly. BHEAD & FANCY CAKES. IDA.-VI3D FRY, ' -vo doors west of the Post Offio, SUNBURY, Pa. 1 F-SPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Sun bury and vicinity, that he will bak to order allk dsof , ke for llnlln. Pnrtifi. . Families ire supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist Hulls. Ru.-ks, Tea Buns, Ao., and also kept on hand manufactured out of the best materials. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Having had largo experience I hop to give general satisfaction to all who may favor m with tbeir patronage. DAVID FRY. Sunbury, Deo. 9, 1865. SlTc." KKAItllAKT'S Confectionery, Toy and FRTJIT STORE, Itlarltrt Street, iubiiry. Pa. CONFECTIONERY OF All KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, Ac, &c, CONSTANTLY on hand and fc.r sale at th abov estublishmeut at wholesale and retail, at reason able prices. IU i mnnufiicturin? all kinds of Confectioneries to keep up a full assortment which are sold at low ruitm. Tobacco, Segars, S"""nery. Nuts of nil kinds, and a variety of other r. tiel' s, all of whiah or ofleied wholesale and retail. LaRemcmbcr the name and place M. C.UKARI1ART, Market street, 3 doors west ol E. Y. Bright 4 Soa's store. Sunbury, Sept. 19. 1863. tf NW"ELiMlM"! A. . SAVAGE, Watchmaker AND ?Si JEWELER. In Simpson's Building, Market Square, S-J1T3 ''Fi.Y. PSITIT'A. HAS constantly on hand a fin assortment ef WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY, Spec tacles, Silver and Plated Spoons and Forks, Ao. IViiU'Iicm, Clocksi and Jcsvelry, ro paired and tVAHIt.l.VriO. Sunbury, Sept. 30, 1865. I FARMERS call and look at tbe stock of Grass an"" ; Grain Scythes, Manure, Hay and Straw Fork Grain Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Trace, Log. Fifth,. Tongu and Halter Chain ; Scythe Stones, Orindt stones and fixtures, and everything to make barvese ing pleasant and agreeable at the new Hurdwar store of J. H. C0NLEY4 CO- Pare Liberty Wliltc Lead. Preferred by all practical Painters! Try it! and you will bav no other. Manufactured only by ZIEGLEU A SMITH, Wbrlesalo Drug, Paiul A Glttaa Dealers, No. 137 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia. January 27, 1866 ly. KKMEMBKR TUB DEAD. MESSRS. D. C. Dissinger and John A. Taylor, would respootfully aunuunc to the citizens of Sunbury, and surrounding country, that having formed a co-partnership, they ar now prepared to furnish ornamented and plain CiruvcutoncM.I'oiuba Jc Monuments of the best Italian and American marble, at prices that cannot fail to give entire satisfaction, and re spectfully rolicit th publio patronage. DISSINGER A TAYLOR. Sunbury, March 31,1866. ly. CIIA.UE of ii:pot, THE undersigned raspeetfully informs bis friends and th publio that he has charged hi plac of loading Freight in Philadelphia from Freed, Ward A Freed, No. bll Market Street, lo A. D.A0HE80N i Commission Merchant, dealer in Flour, Grain, Seeds, te.) fso. 1015 Market Nt., Philadelphia, wher all freight will be loaded on ears of tbe un dersigned, for Dauphin, Sunbury, bhainokin, and all intervening point. All freight will b carried as low as on any other lin. Orders to carry freight raspeotfully solicited, which will roiv prompt attention. J. B. WEISER. Eunbury, Jan. IS, 1866. 3m. IB !LT OT M .OTk, (Lat Buehlr House.) HARRISRURO, PENN'A. TniS wll-kaown betel has not only beea extend, d but has ba greatly altered aad aewly fit up by tb present proprietor, and Is bow on of tb most eomforlabl and eonwatrat hotel in Harris burg. March 10, 1866.-1 y $i.oeo " YsV.AHI W wan aranta avarvwherw in aall aiiv iu raovan tX1 Besrina Maeblnea. Tbree pw kinds Upper and upper feed. Warranted tv years Abov salary or tern commission paid. TboLT maehinold in United Stela for leas than 046, wfcieb are fully lieenaed by How, Wheeler 4 Wil ton, Grow 4 Bakar. Singer 4 Co , aad Baahldl. All other ebeap maehin ar infringmnu and tr. Hilar or user ar liabl to arrst, fin, aad impriao. mant. Ciroular fr. Addrwas, or eallapoaBhaw 4 Clark. Didderord. Main, ar Chieag, III. d23 FHOTwOO&APH ALBUMS ', SQOKS AK3 oTATIOBlBT. MoaUUy line Books Drewisg Boha aad BUtei. Bocks, Brns Book, Blink Beaks, Manaoraodas) Doeks, Dtertes, rookel Book, Ink Auada, Peas, FewO, to assrtat at Ppr, lok . 4e reeesltVy AJNA FATFTXK STOKE 1 " AW A. BKNNE1Y i 1 Market Bq.nrc, i;MBi'RV, IM, SAYTJIO rtewtly 'ps-.sd tb Drag Store formarly conducted by R. A Fisher, J bg to Inform th eltisens of Sonburv and v olnlty, that I have entirely rplnUhd aay stock of FANCY ARTICLES ! such a Combs, Brashes, Pocket-Books, Soaps,' Par fumery, Hair-Oil, Knives, Soissors, Coal -Oil Lamps, Tobaoon and Cigars, Palalsi, Oils), Glue, Ola), Patty, Vnraxlahes), Patent Mediclnea, Ac. All mv Tlnelnres. Svruns. Ointment. Cerates and other preparations aio manufactured by myself, and from th best material I oan proour in Market. Having had quit a number of years' experience in tnv Drug and. Prtcription Butinm, both in Philadelphia and the country, and also th advantage of the College of Pharmacy, I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that th Physicians and publio may favor m wilh. All my preparations as I have above asserted, ar mad from the best material, and upon honor I assert, they ar of offioinul strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on band th vary best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procur. Befor purchasing alsewher, oall and convince your own mind. W. A. BENNETT. Sunbury, Nov 19, 1865. . NEW GROCERY alUE subscribers begs leave to announce to th . citir.ens of Sunbury and its vioinity, that they bav peat a NEW GROCERY. Txco door vett of J. II. Engle't Stort,, in Market Square, where tbey ar prepared to furnish every variety of groceries, and will keep constantly on hand tbe choiocst varieties of FLOUR & FEED Fish, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese, Salt. Spices of all discrlption, Soaps of every variety, Candles, .Smoking aud Chewing tobacco, Segars, Hams. Shoulders, Bacon, Butler, and Eggs. Also Dried fruits of all kinds, Caned Peaches and Toma toes. Pickets, Ketchup, Pepper Sauce, Raisins, Lemons, Ao., of best quality, nnd in fact every style of articles kept in a well stocked Grocery. Also Cider Vinegar. All kinds of oountry produce taken in exchange. The patronage of tb publio is re spectfully solicited. GEORGE E. BEARD A CO. Sunbury, Nov. 11, 1865; JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JOSEPH KESSLER. Watrhmnker and Jeweler, Msrket Street, Sunbury, Pa. RESPECTFULLY informs bis friends and th publio, thai h ha just received a larg aasort mantof Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Spectacles, Silver and plated spoons, Forks. As. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired and war ranted. Sunbury, Jan. 13, 1866. ly JOHN WILVER, SOOT 5C SHOE MANUFACTURER, On door East of Friling s Stort, Market Square SUNBURY, PENN'A. RESPECTFULLY informs the eitisens of Sunbury and vicinity, that lie is prepared to manufac ture to order all kinds of BOOTS A SHOES, at th shortest notice and in th best workmanlik manner, or the best material and at tbe lowest Cash prices, He hopes to receive a full share of patronsg. Sunbury, June 2, 1816. SUNBURY FOUNDRY ii:o. ItOllltll.tt'lI At MO. ARE now carrying on business at this old estab lishment wiih renewed vieor. Castings of every description, promptly furnkbed to oraer. The Stoves manufactured at this Foundry hav Mvuuuvu iu, uiiien rcpuiauuu. Particular attention Paid lo MILL CASTINGS Farmers should not forget thnt the PLOWS made ai in eunoury foundry nave never been equalled. Agricultural implements repaired at short notic. Small castings, including Cooking utensils, of tb most improved and most useful patterns. Tbe business will be couducted on an enlarged scale. Old customers will be accommodated is usual, ana new ones ar respeettully solicited. Sunbury, May 12, 1866 M I P01t'.S Patent Pocket anterns for sal at th Book and citatioucry store of . . null J.N M( ALL kindsof Hardware, Iron, Ao., not in stor will b sent for and delivered at the lowest prices by J. H. CONLEY 4 CO. Sunbury, Jun 16, 1866. ANVILS, Vices, Bellows Stocks, and Dies, snd all goods bolonging to tbe Blacksmitbing busi ness for sal low for Cssb by J. II. CONLEY 4 CO. NEW LIQUOR STORE! WM. HOOVEE Kailroad Mtreet, alsore Market, kcar tub cxmtral hotbl, 6UNBURY, PA. RESPECTFULLY invites his friends and th publio generally, to call and examine bis large assortment of liq j bfor purchasing elsewhere. Ills Htock cost ints) ot llruiidlCH, YAlilwhey, llollund tiiin, Yau kce It is in, KlononKalsela iisl Hourbstu ot'tlse Ief nssalia ly. WlncN, t.'lder, Tluc Cir, Ac, Ate. Farmers, Hotel Keepers, and others ar invited to call, as bis stock is genuine, and will lender gtneral Satisfaction. Sunbnry, February 3, 1S66. RESTAURANT & BOARDING HOUSE. CHAR. lTXi:i, Proprietor, la Cake's Addititn to SUNBURY, near th Penn'a. . Kailroad Company's Shops. LAGER BEER, Porter and Al of the very best brands, excellent German Wines. Schweilier Cheese, Trip, Ao., alwaysoo band. PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS, kept wbo will find ampl accommodations. Good eooka and waiters, boarders oan enjoy tb quiet com fort of bom with far equal to th bst hotels. Suubury, May 26, 1866. CHILDREN'S Carriage of tb newest and most fashionable styles autthe Cheap Hardware star J. II. CONLEY 4 CO. IVIN'S PATENT HAIR CRIMPERS FOR Crimping- and Waving Ladiei Hair. NO HEAT REQUIRED IN USINO THEM. Ask your storekeeper for them if b doe not kp tbm, write to tb manufacturer, 11. lt l.sj), 8ithSt. and Columbia A v., Philadelphia. September 28, 1866. 6ua. ADAMS KXPRESM CO.tIPAV. REDUCTION OF KATES ON PRODUCE, OYB TERS, AC. rlE rates on Fresh Flab, Oyster in tb Shell, aad Truok of all kinds, to places is this Division, wher the rat is Ti oent par 100 lbs or ever, baa bn reduced 26 cents per 100 lbs. At plsec wbr th rate is btwa U aad 74 oeats par 10 I be, the rat will be 0 sent per 100 lbs. Barrls of truok weighing hiss than lib) lbs will b charged U 100 lb Frswb Fish will require to he packed la tight bar rla or boxes. Prompt attention to th eolleotioa of Bills, Drafts, ' If. FERREB LIOUTNEK, A(at. . fiunbury. Jun it. 1866. Pare Liberty Vhlle Lead. Th Wbiteat. th moat durabi and tbe meat eee Bomiaal, Try it t Manufactured only by Z1EGLFK 4 BMITH, Whnleaal Dreg, Paint 4 Ulass Dealer. K. 1ST Ncuth THIRD otr, I'hUadslphia, January 17, looo-ly. T' TOILET 60APS, TootlUBiusbes, Hair Brush A , Ae. For sal hy ANNA PAlNTKH. fniRPINTINE.Coal OU, Fiah OuV Lbueesl 0U, X fctftaie low io Cash by ' J H OKUY CO. It wast sra4 likeaes for year rrieadt, m i I BYWLT1 Oallery la diiapcB's BuiH!f .iviinl, V..v,i. "PE.R.U.V-I-A"N IS A roOTSCTKD SOLTJTrOJT Ot TUB Pfeteilde ef Ireit, a Bw discovery io medloln wbioh STRIKES AT THE BOOT OF DISEASE, by supplying the Blood with It vital principle, oa urs ilsmist IRON. This is tbe eeoret of the wondorful sueeess of this ... f smedy is curing Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Chronic Dlar rhosa. Boils, Nervous Affections, Chills and Fe vers. Humors, Loss of Constitutions! Vigor, . ' Disease of the Kidneys and Bladder, Female Complaints, . and all diseases originating In a BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD or accompanied by Pr.ntLtTT or a low state or TBI STSTItf. Being free from Aleohol tn any form, its energi sing effect are not followed by corresponding reac--tion, but are permanent, infusing strekqtb, viooR; ana nsw Lira into an parts nt the system, ana Duiia--ing up an IRON CONSTITUTION. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY. From the Venerable Archdtaeon SCOTT, D. D Ddxbam, Canada East, March 24, 1865. "I am an inreterat DysDentio of mora, than V years standing." "I hav been so wonderfully benefitted! in tb three short weeks duriog which 1 bav usedt me reruvian fcyrup, that 1 can scarcely persuade,, myself of tb reality. People who have known me, are astonished at the change. I am widely known,, and oan but recommend to others that which has don so muoh for m " One of the most Diutinguisiied Jurists im riew tuglaud Writes. to a. f riend as ioUow. ; 'I hsv tried the PERUVIAN SYR P, and t he- result fully sustains yonr prediction. It has made a new man of m ; infused into my system new vigor and energy ; I am no longer tremulous and debilita ted, a when you last saw me, but stronger, heartier, and wilh larger capacity for labor, mental and physical, tban at any time during the last five years. ' An Eminent Divine of Boston, says: I bay been using lb PERUVIAN SYRUP for soma time paat; it gives me Raw viqor, BCoVAHcr or spirits, xlasticty or musclb." Thousands have been changed br tbe use of this remedy ; from weak, sickly, suffering creatures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women ; and invanus eannot reasonably neaitut to give it a trial. A pamphlet of 32 pagos, containing certificates of eures and recommendations from some of the most eminent physician, clergymen, and others, will be sent free to any address. l" See that each bottle has PERUVIAN Si RI P blows in the glass. For sale by J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 36 Dey Street, New Yrk. ABB BT ALL CRl'OOlSTS. S C R 0 F UL A . All Medical Men agree that IODINE Is the F Remedy for Sorufula and all kindred disease ev discovered. The difficulty has beeu to obtain a Pr Solution of it. Dr. H. ANDERS' IODINE WATER. Is a Pure Solution of Iodine. Without a Solvent Containinga full grain to each ounoeof water. A most Powerful Vitalising Agent and Rtslorati It ha cured and will cure SCROF ULA in all it uu fold forms. I' leer), Canes-rn, Syphilid, ul Kheaisi ; and it has been used with astonishing success in o. of Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Consumption, Fei: Complaints Heart, Liver, and Kidney Diseases,, Circulars will besent free to any one sending t'i address. i Price $1 .00 a bottle, or A for $5 00. Prepared by Dr. H. ANDERS, Physician and C mist. For sale by J. T. DINSMORE, 36 Dey Street, Nw Yor! And by all Druggists. Wistar's Balsam WILD CHERT has been used for nearly HALF A CENTURY, with the most astonishing success in eurin Coughs, C?lds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat In VI hooping Cough, Croup. Liver Complaii Brochitis, Difficulty ol Breathing. Asth ma and every afleotion of 'rite'l'lii-oat, l.iiuKs,uud Che CONSUMPTION, which earries off mora vlotims shan other i and which baffles lbs skill of the Physicia greater extent than any o:hr malady, oflen TIELDB TO THIS ItEVBDT ! when all othtrs prov ineffectual. AS A MEDICINE, rspid in rlif, soothing in effect, safe in iti tion.it is unsurpassed i and is entitled mei receive the general oonfidenc of th public SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., of Herman, N. Y., writes a follows: " Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cberrv gives i satisfaction. It soeins to our a Coiigh by I and cleansing tha lungs, and allaying irrita removing tb cans, instead of drying up t and leaving th eaus behind. I consider sam as good as sny, if not th best Cough with which I am acquainted." From Hob. Judge SPRAKER.of Cansjohs Gentlemen This Is to certify that m family bar used Dr. Wistar 's Balsam of W for several years, and that I take great p recommending it in preference to anylhi kind for th purposes for w hich it is inte case of Asthma, Phthisic, or affections of ti I hav Dvr mat with anything equal to it Vary respeotfuily. DAVID SPP Tb Rr. JACOB SECHLER, of Hanov Wall knowa and much respected among tl population in this country, makes thi statement forth benefit of tb afflicted. Dear Sirs: Having real i ted in my fair taut benefit from tb us of your valuab tion Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry m pleasure to recommend it to th put eight years age on of my daughters seer a deciin,and liul hopes of her roovry lained. I tben procured a b.ttl of yoi Balsam, and befor she had taken tb content of the bottle tber was a great ir in her health. I have, in my individua frequent us of your valuable medium always been bsnsllued by a. JACOB s: IRICE ONE DOLLAR A B0T1 Tor sal by J. P. DINSMORE, 34 DyStrMt, N, SITHW FOWLK 4 SON. ProprUto Aad by all Druggist. GRACE'S CELEBRATED Curst Cut, Burns, Scald: QRA0E 8 CELEBRATED SALVE Cur Wounds, Bruis Epn GRACE '8 CELEBRATED SALVE Curs Boils, Ulcsrs, Cano GRACE CELEBRATED SALVE Car Salt Khauta, Erysip. BRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Curs Chapped Hands, Chill GRACE'! CELEAKATED SALVE " Hl Old So-s, Flesh Wout It i prompt in action, remcv pa reduoas Ui most tLgry-looking su t tnaiiiMia, as tf by siaejie, tbua afford eowpUu cur. ' Oaly laeeertta has! (Rsntbymi For Kate by J. V DINSMORK, IKw Yrk. . W. FoWLtt 4 as Bastes. 4 try U, PrttHW, Great &tora, JaaaarytT, 1M5-1