Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 08, 1866, Image 3

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' 8ATL'HOA1?,"!UECE3TBEll 8, 1866.
. ' a LULL1!
There is an uucaslnwia arnoog f. -opr"
tort la coal, and tbt Veda at-.tlia. tnlues it
Imoet at a "tttind-illll."- Cool Mid to New
Torlr, during hit , vcelr'; "t tgtiret'lilch
tfould acarcely cnrer tbf . tJU.,nd frciglit,
i leaving llie coat of mining and tie operator's
protit out i'f the question altogether. Tlie
' market appear to lie liver stocked j and tba
general atagnation of butineaa, together with
the usually niitd weathef, cornblne to limit
tbe demand. The Anthracite Jotfrnal of tba
let lint., save "many of tbe operator in that
region talk if euspendinff operation I for t
. time altogether.1 In fact, there appears to
be do other, course, left. : Operators canuot
'wo'ik their minea at' a Ins tf;a fconple of
'dollars on every ton of coal tukun .out, and
tides Ui5nvrv, ill; work at wage! low cnougb
. find railroad compnniia reduce their freights
to lluurea which w ill enable tbe operators
a r. . ...1. . ...... I,... -l, tm tint .trtlt-'
ble, a temporary stoppage appears to be in
evitable." ; ; ' ' :" ' '' '
. It has long been known that tbe miners,
nut the men w ho delve and dig the coal out
of tbe bowels of the earth, but those who
.' . i i 1. - , .
merely eHpcTimrnu euuu uireiauuiie, nuu tue
railroads reap the largest share of tbe profits
from the productions of coal. It is not tlio
jictual cost at coal, but the expanse of get
ting the article to market which bears hea
vily ,on tbe people. If it were not for these
.causes the present decline in tbe price of
.coal could be rendered permanent, but the
BiispuMioa of operations at tbt mines and
tbe increase tif demand will speedily enhance
.tbe price of coal to its old figures.
ESP A Trial Ukpeu tub State Dsser
TEU Law. At the recent court in Lycoming
.count), two election ollicers in Xippenuse
township were prosecuted foi having refus
ed to take the vote of a deserter from tbe
- draft. ' After a patient and searching trial,
and an aniiuuted contest between the op
pnsiujj counsel, the jury returned a verdict
-of not guilty. Hon. A. Jordan, tbe Law
Judge of this district, charged the jury that
the officers hud only obeyed their oath, and
that the State law had disqualified deserters
from voting; and lienco tho verdict ren
dered. td""The New York Herald takes tbe
high and just ground that three-fourths or
the loval or adhering Stales are sufficient
for the ratification of the new constitutional
amendment, aud that it is the duty of Con
gress to pass enabling acts, under which the
communities that acceded from 'and fought
to destroy the Union, and in their failure to
- do so bevumo thereby subjugated, may be
organized for the purpose of securing "re
publican government" to audi of their in
habitants as were true to the Republic. In
this position the Herald is sustained by the
ablest jurists of the country. 1 '
Arrcat ol'Joliu 11. Murratt.
Washington, Dec. 2.
The Government hud information as long
ao us lust winter that Julio II. Surratt bad
U"tie to Europe. The person who communica
ted tint llirta eonvrrsid with him during the
ovtige acions the Atlantic, and also report
en ti. it (Miirutt, believing be .was far reinov
til l.'iiin thitiuff. wast, lieu and outspoken
nbi ut liii eiiniii-t'tiun with the assassination
ennrpirucy. Tonight Secretary Se aid re
ceived it despatch by th -Atlantic cable,
tinted to-day. its follows:'
I have arretted John II. Surratt, one of
President Lincoln's assassins,.. Nu tluubtof
identity. Hale, U. S. Cosul 0 neral, : '
" - -Alexandria, Egypt. .
Pork is sold iu Bucks county at $11 per
hundred. . . ;
Heavt Faii.che. One of the largest of
the provisiou houses of Nuw York city fuil
:d oi Monday week, and. its liabilities are
riven at over live hundred thousand dollars,
'our other bouses in that city recently sus
luitded. . , ..,..
Crude petroleum nil is selling at 10 cents
gallon in the oil regions.
Henry Ward Ceeeher declines to lecture
his winter, mid hub returned the money ud
anceil to him by committees aud assi.c'm-
41118. . ;
The New York Sun warns' mechanics, la
irers and others seeking employment r.ot
come to that city. It says tbe supply
ore than equals the demand.
The most astonishing fish story yet told is
e itate-iuarit by Professor AgasMilhut in they Jiave a species of fish which can
mb trees. . , , ' v
A letter from California says many of the
hways of that State are infested by gangs
robbers, who overhaul stage coaches and
ieve the passengers of their money, and
j every. one. who cymes in llu-ir way.
Two merchant at Jitusvillp, Pa who
e charge of tlm.Pirker oil rennery, were
tntlv Hr rest ed on suspicion of having com
ted heavy frauds un- tba Government by
ding the internal revenue laws. ,
t is reported that on the death nf theTy
n of Japan, ten high dignitaries demand-
tie tinepeaKatiie javor tt oetng unoweo
ii themtelvet up in uooor ot the dectus
uler. Five only were deemed worthy,
others not being sufticlcntlv noble to re-
elt. ;
!ie house at Annoniatax, in which Gen'.
Lee surrendered to Grant, ts advertised
ale. Some enterpri.-ing Yankee should
una make it up into caues. una tnutt'
e Sand Patch tunnel on the Pittsburgh
Counelsville. Kail way ' ia at last 'cut
uh. Its total length Js 4,700 fett, be
,000 feet more than tho long tunnel on
ennsylvanit Central Railwuy through
.Jlrcheuies between Aitoona and Cres
It ia intended for a double track, and
feet wide by 19 leet in height. '
re is now in the Treasury gold
iting to tD3.o00.000, 123.000,000 of
la represented by cold certificates.
ovcrnment daily receives from various
goltl amounting to over 1300,000
. Gear will lie inaugurated on tbe 13th
nary next. Oa-tha same day a United
tw oator will 'be botro to succeed tbe
tla Cowan. ' "" ' '
reported thatn rliedeath.of the Ty
f Japan, ten high .sligaitaries demand
leakable favor jof Jeing allowed to
mselves up ia boaw o the deceased
Kive inly were Heemed tvorlby, the
pot .beipo aufiiaienl. noble to re-
ig tha wealthy dl ne of Pennayl
uld John Bennelioff,- whoae Intatne,
..l from the nresent Dro'luction of
larrn. la a or , t
Ieatill live in
Ilia antioaaUei fjotch
I&.IJL ItllUUl-iJ "m,IW,,1cew TOlttla ataarar
ad, frr tba haavi.Jf.iJktiaho5 Bua.
Ic rolit to a 1 8riidi juau- for a;pilo
Freemasonry t rhtrtttlncN) Into this
country In 1780. "- - j
Tba herring Csbeilc of Eastern Maine
bava ijrortd highly froptable. tbt present
Tba Nsw York Oaa all abnw an incroaaa
I toll ore lut year of $919,160 87. J J !
Hew rich gold mine fa art. beta dlscorer
4 to CLili, soar Poplapo. . , ...
Tbe eeatu of ClilH, taken In April and re
cently published, shows a population of 8,
100,000. - .
' btKOCVA tiuii oV ACnkkl Woman
living in the vicinity of MawsUestor, Ohio,
recently went into a cornfield to gather some
vegetables, and while doiag ao, aat her in
fant child, abont shr moDths' old, Carelessly
on the ground, -When aba again took it up
tba child appeared very tick. A physician
was sent for, and thinking it bad taken poi
son, an emetic was administered, when the
Child threw up a targe, live; green worm,
known aa a tdbacco, or coin worm. 'The
child, lingered in agony for. sometime and
died, 'j .., .'. .,. ... ...,..,'.. , 1
Dnring the recent war Judge Alexander
"Walker, of New Orleans, succeeded in sav
ing for Mrs. Acklin a million dollars worth
of cotton. General Polk bad determined to
burn it,' but through the interposition of
Judge Walker he did not do so. Mrs. Ack
lin offered $.100 as the payment for the ser
vice, but tbe Judge claimed $25,000, which
he Las Just bbtulned by law. ; , '
1 Owing to the depressed state of the markets
some of the woollen manufactories at Pitta
field, Mass., propose to rue. but three-quarters,
time during' tbe coming winter, and
some would close, entirely were it not for
keeping their operative from suffering.!
Hbtal .' affairs.
Uf Tbb weatubb during tbe past few days has
bean sxceedingly mild, and had more the appear
anee of spring than wtntor. -
Or Or ii representative in Coagreaa, lion. George
F. ililler, baa takeo Quarters at the W'aihiOEton
Ilouie, in Washington.
' C7 AppoiRTaaaT. Capt. D. N. Irwin, or Mif
Diuburg, Union oounty, Assistant Aneasor of Inter
nal Kevenne at llarriaburg for Dauphin county, baa
been appointed a Lieutenant in the regular arm;.
. ty Electkik or DinacTona. The atookbolders
of tbe Kortbumberland County National Bank, of
Bbamoktn,' will hold an election for nine Directors,
to aerre for one year, at the banking house, on tho
8th of January next. '.
CySETB Kiaaaa, the celebrated rooky moun
tain buntier and trapper, recently paid our town a
risit, stopping at the Central Hotel. Eeth bat been
appointed an Indian agent, and will be stationed iu
tbe far West.
13" Ilian Wateb. Tht rains during the past
week caused the rirer to riae rapidly. On Saturday
and Sunday last It tu bank full, and wo observed
that aereral of tbe islands below tbia place were
entirely submerged.
5r Woollen Factobt. Tho maohinery of Mr.
nalfpenby't woolen factory, at Lewisburg, is rapidly
being put into proper condition for work. Tbe ma
chinery Is said to be of a moat superior order, finely
finubed, and It will doubtless make the beat of
work. -' '.
tf a direct tht attention of our readers to tho
sble termor), on our first page, delivered in the
Presbyterian Churoh, in this place, on Thanksgiving
day. Aleo to tbe barren and lifsleaa message, on
our second page, of President Johnson, which we
publish in full, In order to tot tbo publio judge of
Its merits thematlToe. ' " ,
(7 ExEcnrioa at Williamsi-ort. refer Bota,
who was eonvioted .lost summer in tbe Lycoming
county oourt of murdering bis wife, in March lasr,
was bung at Williamsport on Tuesday, 4tb just -In
his oonfuwion ho stated that ht killed two men
previous to murdering bis wife, one In Iluugary
and tbt other at Eltnira. N. Y.
fj?' Local Sm.-lVo could make our local
columns a great deal more interesting if each of our
readers would take the tronble of sending us a few
lines when anything occurs in lhair neighborhood
that would bo of interest to persons in the county.
We hope some out in eaoh township will follow .tbe
suggestion. '
Or Toe New Bninaa at AIii.ton Our Milton
co temporary says that tht work on tbo river bridge
at that J. lace, which hat not progressed fast of late,
owing to the high water, is now being carried for
ward most vigorously. Tbe nioaana finished tba
stone work tome time sinoe, and the.bridga will be
in oondltlon to cross by the middlt of December, if
Bulbing enforseea oocurt. v
X ! . m mm m , .
13"Tbb Rousb abo Ready Rolmmo Mill, at
DauYille, ii in full operation. It it .nojv manufac
turing a lot of railt for tht Atlantic & Great Western
Railroad. Tbt machine abop it also going ahead
and turning out exoellent work. ,
Tht Pennsylvania Rolekog Mills art undergoing
general repairs and fixing up for the winttr cam
paign. ? , n .
fa" Fiaa at Williabspobt. Ob Tuesday,morn-
log of laat week, about balf-paat one o'clock, .a lire
broke out in the grocery ttore of John A. Vnder-
alice, on Uilmore street, Wi.liam-port, and tpread
with tuch rapidity that all tbe building! on tht
corner, three in number, were consumed In a very
short time. Mr. Vaudcralict lost everything, even
bit account books, receipts, Ao. Tht property sua
partially insured. ; t , . ,
Qr.Taa Post Masteb at Lewissdro. Tht
tppoiutmcut of John Reala, a "My Policy" man,
as Pott Master at Lewisburg, tn plaoe of Cspt. Fort
rest, baa been revoked, tbua continuing Mr. Forrest.
Tht Cireniti, of that place, give Maj. Charlet 11.
Shriutr tbo credit of having tht appointment re
voked, it having been made without bis knowledge
or consent, and thiuka this aot should bide a pretty
large package of tbt Major 't political tint.
ladies of tht Presbyterian Church, at bhamokin,
will bold a fair- aad festival in tht second story of
T, Fagely a new building, during tht ooening holi
days, commencing' oa futurdoy before Christmas.
Resides a large assortment of fancy goods, a variety
of holiday toys and gifts will be offered for aale.-
Oo Cbriatmat day a dinner will bt aerved, far which
tickets are now beipg sold, at 1 each. , ,
tjf Fobs abb Poetet. The gentlemanly agent
of tbt Adamt Expreat Company, at this plaoe, hat
furnished as "with tht following rertiatim oopy of
poetry, writtea on a box eoataiaiog two lira juvenile
porkers, ' trajuitn from up tbt North Branch to
MeobAQlosburg, Cumberland aouoty, Pa,,' la aa
axpreas tar ahioh patted through this place recently .
It at aertainly aot without astcit, and worthy of
publication i , ' ' ; '
Wa art two piggies, Jackie tad Beat, " " ' i
Bound to Mwhaniosburg by Adams' Fipreaa; , n.
If with any delay we should happen to maet,
Tbe ageut will please give ut something to aat.
Taktaooicaraaf us; ifutratxpenae tberatbonlsl bt,
Tbt same must bt charged to tht eoaalgnaa.
- t i.iiiiaeei lL
X3F IaAT r 4 8oiita.i-OB Bataeday week
iut tt remaiM ft, Wat, Markel,,, of Co. I,. 12th
Unitad EUtet tofantry,. who died at Post IlospiUl,
M'aabiogtoa, a tba lot alt,, af ebrooio diarrbota,
arrived at Bhaatoltia by the tvening train. :Pf
etased.was agtd .tl yean, aad bad baea ia tba
servioe of bit eounlry tinea tba tomDtaotastat af
tba reboll'tt). Ia April, 1861, be talltta. ia Ce 0,
1st f V,; aad aftor tht aaustortaaj af that rogS
tatat n tared tbe regular aerrlet. The ltatato4
tins than 500.000 pw4tas hatted a Taeadaveitosua with tit boawrf af
I war, y tba Bessbet of Cs. K ft ..,. aa4
- ' - atrsj. tiers ..: , ,. , . . ,,
nittif-: m aaat. ?.:'"r: it TT " !
. iioniIisMo for Ciilomrl. T
Upper Augusta township, to eote on the question (of
reuiOTlbg tbf K)lls itretoferaheld atb Janus of
Uartln Uaaa, to tbt Augusta lloUi.l ia Caie'a addl
Uoo. loara tht the contest was quit spirited.
The 'election resulted la a small majority for remo
vsl.' TbrolUwlasjUa vtoaat ;;,i:T .! 'i
For rosnotal, T1
( AgalON -.ff ti I e ::... a
f ajoftty for
tPtJtrerf At F&T-Msart4a Aatarisyoaralog
week last a Oar bateagiag to tba Peipfcer Vrtlght
Trarnporutloa Line, took Ire Creai the stott la tba
ear, oeatlUadlng, anal was eaaasnvsa with all Its
ooattats. The ear was leaded with goods for differ
at Individuals along tbe llae, ameef waeta were a
few from Buobarjr. The lots (a (L proprietore af
the Una amounted to trcra 9l,000 to $15,C0P, ahioh
tn promptly paid ever to the twnen of tba goods
within a week after the ooenrrene. Tht prompt
nats With which tht line adjusted thlt heavy lest
la tommeudable, and provtt It to bo ana of the best
ami Saett affaire of tbt kind la tba country.
OTQaAKO CoacEBt or Tooat Katie. Tht
Welsh Harmonlo 8ootety, of Sbamokln, will givt a
grand conoert In the new Court House, In this plaoe,
on Monday tvening next. Tht frogrammt will
consist of duetts, trios, glees, anthems and ohorusts.
Priot of admission ad alia, &0 tents; children,"!
teats. As tho object for which tho concert it to bo
given ia a most laudable one for siding in tht erec
tion of a Welsh Presbyterian Churoh at Sbamokln
we hope tho houst will bt filled on tba occasion.
The Uarraouios have the reputation . of being first
olats.siBgerS, and we oheerfully append tht follow
ing endorsement of tbtlr merits, from sems of the
loading ottiaeaa of Sbamokln :
1 Sbamoeib, Pa., Dse. 4, 1886.
The undersigned, having heard the Welsh liar
mnnio Bociety on several occasions, do most cheer
fully pronounce their ringing to be of tht very best
and must entertaining kind. True Welshmen only
can sing as they do. Having onoe heard their grand
and soul stirring strains, thoy will never be forgot
ten, and all lovers of good mnnio will long to hear
them a second time. . , . Kav. A. D. Hawn,
F. tV. Pollock,
W. P. WitrinotoM,
' War. II. Ductv.
I3r" Recaptured. One of tht prisoners who es
caped from tho jail at Danville, last winter, haa been
recaptured by ex-Sheriff Young. There was a re
ward of $2i offered for his apprehension.
Editor't Table. ' .
, Taa Loxdon Quabtiblt Review, The Octo
ber number of tbia lteview bat been republished by
tbt Leonard Scott Publishing Company, S3 Walker
atrect, New York. The oontcnte are ; Ancient Lite
rature of France; Dr. Badbam and tho Dutch
bvhool of Criticism ; ilomn without Hands J Uitof
our Lord ; History of Architecture; Central Asia
Operations of Modern Warfare ; England and ber
I Institutions.
Taa EdinSduo Review. The Leonard Scott
Publishing Company bos republished the October
number of tbia atcrling Review. Tbo contents of
great interest and excellence, are: Kaye's History
of the ei'poy ar ; arictics of History and Art ;
International loinnge ; iNapoieon a Juliua locsar;
Felix Holt, the lludioul ; Strauss. Kenan and 'Eoe
Homo;' Froune'a Heign of Klitabetb; Antique
uems; ane tunicary uruwui oi i russia.
Tbe PBntNOLoeieAL Jocbsal, for Dccemlor,
oontaint lino portraits of Dore, tho great Freneb
Artist ; tbe King and Queen of Prussia ; twelve dis
tiniruifhrd Amerlonn Clergymen ! Miss Kate Date.
man, with bioeranhies and sketches of character.
Also other interesting matter, including What is
tduoationr oy joun aeai; vuaraotera oi fthaKs
rieare ; Thiers, tbe French Statesman ; Oranir.-Ou
tonga, ett.: Only 20 cents: $2 a year. Now ia tht
time to subscribe. A new volome begin with tht
next nnmbrr. - Addrrsa, fowler nells, bv Uroad
way, New York.
To the Court and Bar of NorthnmUrani Co.
Obntlemeb : I received with tarprise, and have
read with gratification, tht prnceedinga of your
meeting of the 14th inst., placed in my hands by the
committee appointed for that purpose, arid also made
publio, at your request, through tbt medium ol tbe
Tbit publio testimonial demands a publio ac
knowlediteuient. I thank you fur tbe omitting ex
pressionsofyour kind sentiments, but cannot oonsidi-r
myself entirely worthy of the indulgeut teruia In
which you have been pleated to speak of me, and
of my otficiai acts.
If, iu your animation, and in the estimation of
my follow citiseits, 1 did my duty, my purposa nas
becu accomplished and my ambition gratified. J
expected no greater or other reward lhan the appro
vai of my own cousoience. - I could have anticina-
ted no recompense more consoling or higher than
this. f t ' '
i When I assumed tht multiplied responsibilities
of the bberifl a Office, action under my official oath,
1 became IS well tut servant ot tne people as the
agent of the law. Aa Sheriff. I eould not know or
be biaaed by politioal parties or personal friendships ;
nor oontroilod by any, tyuiputhiea, inclinations of
leeling, or prejudices. All outer itilluenoes were
merged in tbo paramount considorttiom of duty
My work was to be done accarding to law. but, also.
without forgetfulneee of the great Christian law of
ttneroience. frankly, but not boaaiiulty, 1 la
bored to the utmost of my capacity, albeit foebly,
nevertbeleot, to discharge my duty faithfully ; yet,
X oouni myseii out an uuproutanio aervanc. .
leu, icemiemrn, were wutoatul and critical wit
pesaes, competent to nulioe errors in tba diachargo of
me fliversined obligations ot duty devolved upon
me. lo have reamed tne testimony ol your appro
bation and the respeot of my fellow citisons, ia mora
than compensation for my earnest efforts over
nawment taa iliAnita abundance. ' .
I an grateful to my fellow eiliiena for tbe uniform
kindneas and courtesy with wbioh I waa everywhere
received, notwithstanding tne unpleasant, and un
popular cbaraoter ol a blierifl'a functions.
The businest of my term ia fully settled ; I have
taken final leave of the office; and now diachargo
the laat dutiea of tbt place by announcing to tbe
publio thai all Cpinwunaealth ousts which had re
mained unclaimed in my hands, have been left with
the Prothonolary, Mr. Reiuienanyder, from whom
ttiincsaei and others entitled to auob oottt oaa at any
time -cMivt tbem.
Repeating expreeaions of eineera thanks, I remain,
with entire respect and regard,
Your obedient servant.
I fSunoury, Nov. 28th, 1346. , , , , , , ,
'V. . ' ...... t I. r-
' ; . Far tbe e'unbury Amtrioan,
the "Oil Kettton."
Ebtdebtowh, Dee. 4. 186.
Mb. Editob : The operations at tht Duquesnt
Well are still progressing rapidly. In my laat lettw
I stated that they were -boring 4a alate-eoal, and
that the prospects for striking coal of a Una quality
ware good, ciinte then their anticipations have been
luny realised, un csaiuruay laat, a a uepiu oi
440 feet, they struck a vein of coal some tight and a
half feet in thioknesa.. '
Specimen! of it have been teated In various wayt,
and U ia been proved, beyond a doubt, to bt tht
aimon pure article. It boa been generally supposed
that if they were so fortunate at to ttrikttual it
would bt tbe outcropping vein of tbt anthracite
Sheimikin coal bed. But oa a thorough examina
tion the conclusion arrived at it that it at of a bitu
minous nature. ' r . .'i
On Tuaaduy afternoon laat, about i o'clock, tbey
got through tbe ooal vein, 11 foet in tbicknesa.
Cnderaenah at, ,th,, e strata .of, y try bard
slate-coal., , ."
Tbit last development has given new energy to
the operators, and is oreating an unusual excitement
in tbia neighborhood. Many persona visit the .well
daily, eager to procure specimens of tbt bidden trea
sures from tbe bowels of mother earth. Tbe stock
holders of tht company bavt reason to congratulate
themselves oa the success, thus far, pf tbe enter
prise. - .
- - - - PETROLIA.
BUSIKIBtJ soticjesT
Holiday Pbesests. N. P. Lightner bat just
received at hit ttootutore, PlaaaaiuV building, Mar
ket strett, a large and Ant lot of Prayer and Ilyma
Books, Diaries, Toy Books, Toys, Ditaoeting Pie.
tures, eYo.j . tnt largest aad Ineettver brought
to this place. , r
Tea Fibit Baow. Wt have bad the trtt enow
ef the eeeoa.nd It w4 we(ctsad yitk all tht tret
ihat ntw things give as. but like most other thiagt
it lotta its attraetioaa f bt wt get toe muck of it.
Tht only aew taing that wa know of at present that
hat aot lost its ' atuactivenest It Miller's KxotUlor
Boot aad Ehae. Btort, Market strett. It hat tbt
enntlwtal treat teas of novelty ajwtyt aboet it.
PaarAae rea WiBa.Tate dis poet Liea of tbt
wtattber sooali saggtst te tbeoe wbeaa Bsitds are
amdaatl loclioad te prepare Car tkaeoajting srbster.
JaoobO. Beok.'at ala aaUhliahmtLt oa 'earth si.,
hat U store acboioe steak ef seasonable lothe, eea-
tLoeres, t wbiok ke will attkt u last thsjaeUj
.NHM.tWi.rj- u - ?
Fpr;BB. .ta.WAsawerj) s.,'-hit.-iinportaal!, in,-
foaaiiaueUBOovea.tha .wltea laat MtJ Cb'CS
Mr. W abater ' time, wa have beta looking of ah
ex-peaoder at Waanlngtoo, and bow wt have if.
Tba arrival at the Whits TJoaaa of a new suit of
Oh) that for the President, treat tba Continental Clo
thing Baaaer, Market ttrtot, Saakcry, weald hardly
tjaottooere attenttoay : " i tn-it
j - a) tm- bid -' i
Tsraed! tor vrbo wrota Lit editorial with ehalk ee
tht tola of his sboat, and treat btfefooUd WhUe the
boy ett ap Cbeeopf, fata pnrobaaed a roam of see
and bud envslopte, and falrtd a girl to tnra lb era
Inside eat. Wt woald rooommesd tans paraiuobloas
qaiU-drlrer to patronise Uurj loaahar't Boot and
Shot Store, In tba oM Boat tea ttaad, Market strett,
if ha dealret a good pair of boots or ahoea for a nitre
song, Harry kaows how to take ears of editors aad
p'--.-..-,-,', . ;: - , , " , r ;
Qnnthtu.!. B. Bmlek hat received hit win
ter stook of goods, whlob yon are Invited to oall aad
tee. It It not neoettary to enumerate, as all who
Visit bis establishment art satisfied that John ttleots
with good ttstt, tad always hat a oboict for all who
may ohooat to tail, aad it turt to make a fit . '
Labob as Lira.-1' Large as Ufa and twice as
natural,'' Is sn old saying'.. It ts not a mere fanciful
expression, or a figure of rhetoric,' for wa know,
from observation, that the life-aitt likenesses taken
at fiytrly't Gallery, In Simpson's building, Market
street, will abow oertain linetmentt and expres
sions more accurately than they stn bt detected In
tbt living subject. Thlt ia true, and If yoa doubt
It, go and sot them.
Fob Winteb. J. II. Engel bat juat rtoeivtd tht
tteood supply of Ladies' Fobs at greatly reduced
prices. Victorinet and Muffs at tiO and upwards.
Handsome setts for children.
'! n7To Claim AomTS Blanks for the collec
tion of "Claims of Private Soldiers and Non-Com
missioned Officers," under tht late Act of Congress,
equalising bounties, have been printed and are now
for sale at tbe American offioe. ,Wt keep oa hand
a full supply of all kinds of military blanks, whiob
wt sell very oheap. They sra topied from blanks
prepared la tho Departments at Washington, and
can be relied on for correctness. Orders from a dis
anct will rtceivt prompt attention. . ' '
. '..- B I l l. ' ;
Lira IxscBARCe. "It must be a poor Invest
ment for me, as tbe Company makes money by insu
ring my life." ' But by insuring in The Mutasl Life
Insurance Company of New York, you become a
member of the Company, and share in tbt profits.
Thia Company it established on tht mutual plan,
the entire profits, deduotipg necessary expenses
alsnt, being divided among tbo assured In tht most
equitable manner.
Jacob Sitipmak, Fire ana" Life Lnuranre Agent,
Suubury, Pa. -
A Few Reasons why everybody should buy at
S. Kronenberg's Cheap Clothing Store :
1st. lit tells eheuper than anybody else in thit
pi act. i . r ' ,
2d. lit lias better goods than anybody elss in tbit
3d. He tells more than anybody else in this place,
and consequently oaa tell obeaper.
Any man who it in need of clothing can savt
twsntt-fivb mem.!!
by buying at tbt Cheap Clothing Stare of '
8. Krukknbero,
Next to Geo. Br igbt't Drug Store,
i i i ii i j
Corrected Weekly for the "Amerloan."
Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrel,
$16 00
8 0U
10 DO
6 0
3 U0
do do do do
per owt.
per bbl.
per ewt.
per bushel ,
' do
Rye Flour,
Wheat, prime red '
Corn, old
Corn, new
Dried Peaches, pared
do do unpartd
per round
xinea Apples.
Dried Cherries, (unatoned.) per bu.
per pound,
Beef, hind quarter,
' front "
Mutton, 1
per uoien,
par pound,
per pair
tSkatnoktsE Coal Trade.
Euamoeik, Dec. J, 1846.
To'. Cint
Sent for week ending Dee. 1,
Per last report,
11.340 11
el 7,793 10
029.134 01
434,044 Id
To same time last year,
Increase, - -
yO.OSM 03
Special IN otitis.
Stbasoe, but Tbub. War, disease and famine
are considered tbe moat powerful emissaries of death.
There are othera, more destructive than the three
united. Wt allude to the dtadly poiaont told at
rum, gin, brandy, whUkey, wine, to. A glanoe at
our criminal calendars, police reports and medical
atatistiea proves this. Ia the Etate of Maine, the
headquarters of tbe temperance movement, there is
no restriction on the sale of Spear's Samburg Wine
a flattering testimonial of its worth and purity . In
our opinion its sale should be encouraged in every
Section of tbe country, not merely for Its non-intoxicating
properties, but for its rars and valuable me-
dicinal virtues, approved by eminent members of
tba faculty ia Europe ami America.
Tbit wint can be bad at tho Drug Btort of W, A.
Bennett, Market atreet, Suobury.
To CoEsMtiniplIresj. !
. Tbt advertiser, having been restored to health In
a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having
Buffered for several yean with a severe lung affection
and that dread disease, Contump'ion It anxious to
make knows to kit fellow tutferert the means of
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the
preaoriptioa used (fret of tharst), with tbe dires
Lions for preparing" aad using the same, whiob they
wiUfiodasuaa Cobb for CoaaoarTio.i, Asthma,
BaoacniTia, Coiqms, Colds, apd all Throat and
Lung Affeatioet Tbe only object "of tbt advertises
in tending tht prescription it to benefit tbt afflicted
and apread Information whiob be eonoeivea to be ia
valuable, and he hopes tvtry sufferer -will try hi
remedy, is it will east them nothing, snd may prove
a bleating, t ' - - - - T !
PaUut wishing the prescription, raaa, by return
mail, please address . -.
.... WiUlaansbargh, Siags Ce , New Turk. !
Jaauary IS, lWioV-ly, ,. ; .; j
Krrorst of,
X gentleman trbo suffered for ytart frea Nervous
Dtbility, Prttaatura Decay, aad tbe effect tf youth
ful loditeretioa, will, for tht sake ef Buffering hu
manity, tend free te aU who need It, tbe recipe and
4 ireat ion for making the simplt rtmady by wbioh
he was eared. - Euferert witbiag te Broil by the ad
vertiser's experience, Saa do ao by addressing u
. , . JOHN 8. OdDES. j ,
Vt. It, Cham ban 8L, Ntw York.
. Jaaaary II, IBfle.-ly ' -
"- Slrastavea lt ; Traaei.' '-:
Ivery yeang lady aad geaUtataa la the raited
BtaUt oaa heat aetaetklog te their advantage by re
tare aail, (tn af ebarge.) by addrtesiagtha nodar
signed.' These having faere ef being kumbeggad
wUI oblige by aot BettciagthUeard. AUuthtrtwiU
please address their ehedleat servaat, ' '
VI jBwed"V. Kfj Terk
Tht-Xpf;tkae ip(.liDrulu hnvtnj r
ie paws, W rtug tba esn-tig,, .livor l
-inriljt nad tffcolually jt blue pill or -nTury,
and without producing any of those dirtgrecablc or
daAgersiis eftSott which often follow the use of the
Utter. . l r.,v . ) ' . t ' i '
tn all Lljroet dimrdert Uiaea Pills may be ated
wttb eotirldteoe, as tbey preenoto the ditabsrgt af
vitiated bile, ana remers tboee ohttruoUoot from the
lire end billnry datla, wbiak are tht eaon of
blllooe efJootloee In general.
.i MCHCCi MANDKARC PIXL8 enre tick
hnadaelie, tad all disorders of the Liver, Imlloated
by tallow nam, tueled louguo, ooxlivanesa, drowal
neat, and t general feeling of weariness and lassi
tude, showing that tht llrer Is in a torpid or eb
taraated condition.
In abort, thett rills may be used with advantage
tn all taeei when a purgauvt or alterative medicine
ia required.
Pirate ask for "Sr. SchencV't Mandrake Plllt."
and observe that the two likenesses of tbe Doctor are
on the Government ttamp one when in the laat
stage of Consumption, and tht othtr in bis present
Sold by all Druggists and dealer?. Price, 2.1 cents
per box,. Prinoipal Office, No. 14 North Sth Street,
Philadelphia, Pa.
General Wholesale Agents : Demat Barwt Co.,
21 Park Row, New York) S. 6. Hnnoe, 108 Bxlti
moreSt., Baltimore, Mil. ; John D. Park, N E.cor.
of Fourth and WalnutSt , Cinoinnnti, Ohio ; Walker
A Tnvlnr. 134 tnd 13S Wabash A venue. Chicago.
111.; Collins Brothore, southwest ooraer of ltd and
Vine Sis.. f?t. Louis, Mn.
Oct. 20, 1866. '
A Cough, A Cold or
- 8 ore Throat
RaqcinEt immediate attebtio,
Irrllntiott of llin Lnns,
A IVrmnnent Xliroat
lUense, or Con
It It O W
a aviso a ninecr iitrLrEca to ins fabis,
Tor Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, Consump.
tive and Throat Diseases, '
Troches ars used with always good success.
will find Troche useful In clearing the voice when
taken before Sinking or rjpenklnjr. and relieving the
throat after an unusual exertion of the vocal organs,
The T'orhm arq recommended and prescribed by
1'hvsioiaiit, and hnve had testimonials from cuiinc
men throughout tho country. Heine an article of
true merit, and having proved their efficacy by a test
of ninny years, each year finds them in new locali
ties in vorious parts of tbe world, and the Troeiet
are universally pronounced better than other ar
ticles. OnrAtaonly ,:Bbowb's Bronchial Trocbes,"
and do oot take any nf the Worthless Imitations that
mav be offered iold Everywhere.
November 24, lifl&.-ui
We would call attention to thoopinion of one of
tbe leadirg papers of Canada on this subject :
Most of onr readers hnve, no doiiht, read some of
the numerous advertisements of Uift Enterprises,
Gift Concerts, Ac. which appear from time lo time
in the publio prints, ofluring most tempting bargains
to those who will patronise them. In most eases
these are gcmiino humbug. Lut there are a few
respectable lirms who do business in this manner,
and they do it as a me, ins of inornnsing their whole
sale bu'iiti-m, and not to make money, i-roiu such
Arms, it it true, handsome and valuable articles aro
procured for a very small sum. and what ia ir.oro
important, no one is ever cheated. Every person
gets good Ttitim f-.r hisdolliir ; becanf". a wo h'iv
stated, it is intended to act aa au advertisement to
increase their ordinary business.
We hare seen number of s.-nt out iu this
way by (mikhmax. Vatso! 4 Company, of Nassau
Street. N . Y . and there i1 no doubt that romeuf the
articles nre worth eiirht or ten times the money paid
for them, while we have not seen or beard of acirgle
article wbioh was net fully worth the dollar which it
cost. Hut this is on.y one of the exceptions of this
rule, for as a general thiug the parlies outraged in
this business are nclhiu but clover swindleis.
(Saturday Jieatlrr, Montreal, C. K , Jan. I I, 160.)
Out. 2t). euw-Ot
lit II! ITCH ! ITCH!
Will Cure ll Itt li lit 4M Hours).
Dl..lX.S. aud all RUITfON.S OF UHE flilN-1'rit-e
ill cents. Fi.r 'ale by the rtrUL'Rist'. By sen l
in il'i cents tn WE EKa .t Pui'lhit, Solo Apeii's
170 W'Hshingtnn afreet, llostun. it will be lorwar-l.-d
hy mail, li ce ot putagc, tu any part of the luited
tfltttis. j ill liii-y
j JNo. IA kiiiuU Mrei-l ew Vorlt.
Full information, with the highest testimonials I
also a Book au Special Diseases, in a scaled envclnpo
sent free, IV' Be sure and send for them, and you
will not regrut it ; fur, at advertising physicians are
generally impostors, with references no stranger
should be trusted. Enclose a stamp tor postage, and
direct to1 Dlt. LAN HENCE, Ho. 14 Bond slret,
New York.
Nov. IT, 1886. ly
viifait'N, IIIiudiat'tiK nsid Cntnrrli,
TreateVwith the utmost suooess by Dr. J. ISAACS
Oculist and Aurnt, (fuiuierly of Lujdtn, Holland.)
No. 19 Pine street. 1'hiludelphiu. Testimonials
from the mnet reliable sources in the City and Couu- L
try can be seen at his omco. I tie meuical faculty are
invited to aooonipuuy their patients, as ho hat no se
crets in bis practice. Artificial Eyes, iusertvd with
out pain. No charge tuadt for exumiualion.
Sept. 29, teHlft ly
Cotr-iou nnd I'xprrlenre
Published for the benefit and as a caution to young
men aud others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, I
f remuiure J'coay ot .viuiiuool, Ac, supplying at ttie
san. a tiino the means of self-cure. By one who nut
oured bitutelf a'UT undergoing considerable quack
ery. By euclojiinr a post-paid adJrcsscI euvelupe,
single oopiee, tree of charge may bu bad of tbe au
thor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIIt. Esq., Brooklyn, Kings
Co. N. V.
January 27, 18! ly.
P . 31. 1 LtZAUI N
B TTOL'LD respectfully cull the attention of g
g V the publM tuber LARGE i.ud NEW fj
Fancy and Damestio Dry Goods, y
8 - - ISrrHa daootlas, p
AO! all. kinds and styles in great Variety.
Blaok, Green. Blue, Wine, Brawn, Purple, 4c,
la All- Wool Plaid, Delaiua, Caliuoea, p
M. - 1. . J
v e., we nava au aaeoi uicol.
SThe best Black Allpsceas, all. wool Pelains,,
S 1'oplina.
k 'White Goods.
O Cambric, Swiss, Nainsook and Jaconet Mus- q
line, Dimity, Bird-Eye Linen tnd Towling, o
a Berlin and American Zephyra, Shetland g
Wool, Caahmrro Yarns, Ao. -
. llwliuorul Mkli-t, ?
v Oum 'iloih. Dress Trimaiingt, Hosiery, S
A Glove, Uuop-Skirl, Cortelta, Ribbons, aud
m Woolen Ooods. t?
J Red Glove, of tba beat quality, and a great
variety of good top numeroua to meiiliou, all pf'
, of which will be tuld at the very lowe.t for 5
H eh. ' M, U LAZARLS. ?
St Suubury Oct. If, ISM. .
Of Clotklue, fe jiotatS) I'tirnlaltlox;
'"" . ' 4aolav. . -
nUTE pndersigned Is lie pleasure in announcing to
X the publio of Sunbury, and vicinity, that ht hot
opened bU)
wlta a well teleoted atook of
uita-M i i icisiiict noons,
which bt Urmpartd tntell tt astonishing low price.
At I aro determined to bringdown price a niuao
at possible, and at I ant dutng aredit buwne
andaustain bo loose, it will bt to tho advantagt
ofCtaa Bortat to glvt mt a eall.
' Next dnor te Geo. Jlright't Drug Store. ,
laokory, Ootobtr 0. Ibfld.,
CALL and tea tbor Wautiful Bird Cagt at tht
w liardwaa-tttereef .
J H ttVJJr W
ROOTr, atIMM;, AIM TU,'.''IsM.
Ifr u . Qi T tlktl ItH H " j ?
' ' '
f tccr.saoB ro
MAftKf-T etREKT, eCKfltJltY, Pa
A targe lotef Knott end Mhoet just rewired. A
A. finelot of TRONKiJ -n hand. A gone
ral aaaortment of Wenl'a TrtreliTog
Isatcnela, It It, Page, Valitea,
ate., ate., At., ato.
" ' - COM B AlfD SEUt:
At tbe well-known ttrmt of Km. flfralton, Market
Street, between iuird and tour lb ftrtctt,
, 'Sanknra, Sept. 10. 18&8. -
. WlioleaaJt Dealers la
Manfaotarers of
Tbitt Doors Eat of P. A E. R. R. Depot, Front St.,
The Baker Wagon will run daily to Runbory snd
Seiina'Orove, tn serve customers. Orders solicited.
, Northumberland, Nov. 17, lbti6. ly
Fall and Winter Goods!
(SuccuesMr to John Butttn.)
Corner of Market and Fawn Street,
Invites the pnUis to Cull and pxamint his elegant
aajoriine nt ot
whii-h he will sell at greatly reduced prices. Els
stock consists :n part of
CIiOTHS, &C - '
Silks. Delaines. Lawns. Ginghams. Calicoes. Muslin.,
Mierting. 1 'ckii.ii. .loan, and a full assortment of
Cotton and vt oolen goods generally.
Hnslcry, Olove.. Hoop Skirts. nandkerahlers,
Pirtishes, Combs.
II:its iiinl Cnpii, Root nuil Sliocfi,
Ilia assortment of goods will not, he is are sure
fail to plnaro the fnuoy and tuit the wants of any do,
Biruuf ui urcuaaing. ins sinca Ol
and Groceries is lurgo in quantity and choice In
quality, comprising generally everything needed in
the housctiniii either lor use or ornament.
Ho is ulnrays ready and glad to sua his friends
and takes pleasure in shotting them his goods even
though no sales arc made. He only asks a call, aud
is sure that the stock will compart favorably in
price and quality with theoheapest.
Sunbury, Tsar. 3, 1S68.
ATYOR.'vKY AT 1,11V,
East cud of Pleasant's Building, Vp Stairs,
All professional business in this and adjoining conn
tic? promptly attended to.
Suubury, November 17, 1R0C ly
Mntkut Street, frLNLLUY, PA.
JL'ST reoeived from New York and Philad Ipl.i.t,
n lunrn lot of FALL AND WINTER ODODS,
which he nrll sell at small profits, for caon or coun
try pi't'lnoc.
i 1-i it- lino of Goods for Gentlemen'? and Boya' wear
, ia good Kino Lluck and blue t rench Cloth. Fine
j Heaver Chillis lor Overcoats, the very best ot l!la.-k
- and Fancy Cuaeiiueres, Good Sulinctt and Kon'ucky
Jean, all ut lotv pricca.
I His line of Ladies' and Misses' Dress Goods can't
ho beat in this littlo borough.
: Hi: ST V II I. A C ii. Nil, K,
I Plain and Figureil Silk and Wool Poplia, all-wool
Poplin, I'luin and Fancy French Merino, from one
I dollar per yard upwanrs, of all Shades and Colors.
I a!l-oul Plaids, Alpnev all colors. Plain and
j Fancy Mohair Lustre, all-wool Delaines, Fancy and
Figured Knglih Merinos, very hantWiue, LH-liincs,
I Calicoes and .Muslins, all prices.
I Ladies' Cloth for Iircne, Ladies' Cloth for Sacks,
. Hacking Pl-tnnol, ail shades. 1 adiei' Shawls, plaiu
I and fnnoy.
: While;i!U-s '.luilt. Led 5prexds, Rulmorul
Yaakco Notions iu Grut Varfsty
Iiu6icry, of nil description. Gloves, furLiulies nnd
tlciitt, Drens Trimmings. Funoy lit ttona. ic .Ladies'
French Corsets. Ladici' Uonp Skirls, tici ts' Shirt
and lirawvrs, Ls.itue VeU aud lira wars, Ladies',
Minis' and Children's Fancy Hood. VYnol i-'ciirfs.
Ludies' Fancy Scarfj, and a vurietv of other goods!
C .A. R P E T S ,
Wove Floor Cloths, Stair Carpets Floor Oil Clotht,
all widths, Carriage Oil Cloth, Table Oil Cloth
Widow Shades, plain Green and Brown Oil Cloth
and Fixtures fur Windows.
5ugar. Coffee, Molasaea, Rice, Crackers, Spices, Salt
Fi'b, Choeee. Ac
Queenswuro, Glass ware, splendid Setts of Teaware,
at low prices.
Hats and Caps. Oil. Paint. Ula;s. Puttv. School
Books, l'uper, Slates, Ac.
hard ir
Shovel, Foiks. Nails, Looks, Hinges and Screws.
A Large assortment of WALL PAPER and Bor
dcr. at all price.
All persons desiring to get good goods will pltaae
give him a cull.
Sunbury, October 20. 1SC9.
Old F I'Tt
No. 714 ARCH Street,
above 7th, l'lliL'A.
Hove now in Store of ;
my own Importation ao-1 j
Manufacture one of the I
-i"-VVV i -' Lirirnr .nit ,.,.! ti.ttkli.
't'l'k5.-!i'7 f lanlmlhunnr
?5ffc -'StKi FANCY FURS.
SBr- tjL'erW 6 Ladies' and Chil-
'W?f?; JiJ.lren's Wear in the City.
';-ri?:SfStiSi3": Alto, a lino assortment of
Gant'a Fur Ulovct and Collar.
I atn enabled to dispose of my giods at very rea
sonable prices, and I would therefore solicit a call
from my fl iends of Nurthumbeilaud county ao 1
llemember tbo Name. Number and Street !
an i,Aiti:nti,
No. ? m ARCH St., above 7th, south aide,
Oetober , 1K6. 4mw.
THE subscriber begs leave to oall the attention of
his customers, aud the community In general, to
lUd fact that be bas now received hia second lut of
tontittipg, in part, of a complete lint of
i'apek and envelopes.
Blank, School and Juvenile Books, Faney Toilet
Sc-ape. P.rfuine. Picture Frtmet, Lavaand Willow
Hanging Uosketa, Bird Caget,
llnud uud Nlaad tilaites,
Fine Vases, Handsome Glove Jewelry tnd Work
Boxes. Traveling and other Porlfoliot. Carved
tiravkott, Feather Dust Bruabaa,
Balls, Bats,
Fishing Tackle,
Toys of all descriptions, a largt stock of
Window-Bliuds, Taper Shade, Coal Oil Lamps and
Pixtores, it. Thankful for paat patronage, aud bepe,
by ttriot attentioa lo busineas, lo eantinu the earn.
M. r. LitlUINER.
fluabary, June. I8A.
IP tow want a good Liken for ynar friends, go
to , B V SttLY'S tstiitry la Siuptoo't Building.
SHOE Findings. Sol Ltatber and all gooda be
knieg to aaue auaktrt buini (or tale by
J. U. CQ,N Lit j CO,
f ATKOSG B Utir lUttoraUva, lb btst ia as, for
j ; . LIOlfTIl.aiB.NtrV.aK;
REaPECTFL'LLY Ir.ftiTmtbeoKIatwrof frwrtwry
and vioiailr. Lust that- bavt lust esesed a Ufira
stock of
la the ttore room lately oocapM ly vTeavav ft I
gely, opposite tht Old Court House,
ItnTEMRER that time O-edt btra jre ttn
porohaaed at rednoed prices, and art told tueordiog
ly, eompritmg of
of tvtry style tnd variety, n?h M '.-'
Drees Ooodt, Printt, Muiliut VouiMUa
Ooods, Kotlont. Ac., At.
Iloaiickerptiig GooiIb,
Tbe attention of the publio la rtpectrnllv invited
to tbe advantoges offered at this ettablishment.
Call and txamiut fur yourselves.
A. 3. RXCEBEt.
U P. K0BjJI.8.
Bunbtry.Juty 21.18CC.
THE tubtcriber having opened In SUNEUR7,
Pa., anew large, and well tamrted tlock of all
4c, laid in at lowest Xew York and Rostem pricet
which tbey will he plcasod to. tell for Cash at tbe
lowest Eastern prise).
Intending to do business in tbe honest principles
of staull p:oftla and quick sale for Cash.
Sunbury, June 13, ISM.
'nta '. Cus.ii : ! Caata ! ! ! j
80,000 wanted In exehnnn for all kinds r-l
llardwaro, Irons, Nnils. Ac, at the now Hirdnate
Store of J. H. CON1.KY A CO.
Sunbury, June 10, 1SHR.. -
Call at out Xew Music Store in
and buy one of Haixes BaoisEn's New 3a!e
Piano Fortes. '
Every instrument ia Warranted for five years. We
also keep coiislautlv on hand a good stock ot the
NET and CHI KC11 ORGANS, and challenge others
to seil cheaper than we are selling.
We aUo keep all kinds nf Musical Merchandise,
and receive all the latvst music as soon aa published.
A liberal discount to leader ( f Schools and Smil
nsr'ea I "c Second hand icstruiuoMa taken in exchange
for new one.
1'ianos coi recti v turued as ) repaired. Send f-.-r
-Velin'grove. ?nyd,r Co., IV.duly i IPGS. ly
Great Attraction,
at tho
Shoot Iron nnd Stove Store or
Where tbey keep cnrstanlly on hand and rnanufM
ture to order at short notice.
TIN AND SHEET Ilt'X WARF. of all descriptions.
They would especially rll the attention of put
chufcer- to Ibeir large and Well selected ,-Uock of
The .subscribers huvo maile iiriMigcineiHS to hare
all their best btoves miule t- order, and those who
w.-ul I hrive a ;.-or..l tiry would do well to go and
examine their lirtre and well selected stock.
First. They defy competition on the following
tried Bt'md of Cook iStoves, via :
d'oiiilsinnttuu tjiusi Uuriior, Cook.
(iorri-Br IVnn-CooU,
and tho well known AntiJust Copk Stuve callod
Also. Parlor and office Stoves in great variety em.
bracing all the beet iniiuufacturet and most fn.-l.ion.
tble dvaigns, unurpoosed for beauty of finish aiuipli
city of arrangements combining cheapness, durability
and each stove warrantod to perforin what they are
Also, The celebrated Baltimore Fire Place Stove,
for heating first, second aud thud atoriue by Registers.
Also, the celebrated MQRNIXU GU'ttY.
Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamp, Khndrt,
CkintnicH, and all arltcIoN
usually kept in an ettablishment of this kind.
Tbey nre iiImi pteparedlofurnUh Slate and do aluting
ip the bext worktiiiinlike manner.
Also, to do Tiu Hoofing, Spouting, Range and
Furnace Work, Go Fitting, Ap. Repaying neatly
and cheaply executed.
AUo :
Ilnugh'M Uuir Ikone SnprrI'hot
' phntc."
Remember the place. Sample ar.d Sales Room
nearly oi-po-ite C'onlv' Hardware Store. Market
street, between Third and Fourth ttrevta.
dark puiitr l.
Autiit 2b, l".8.
l'uloiitotl .Hay at, 1UU.
This is an artiole for washing without ruhbinj,
txo.jt tu very dirty plao auwli will require
very sllghf rub, and unlike otlmf preparation offered
for a like purpose, will xot bot tu rxor b ei, but
will leave them much wiiiteh than ordinary meth
ods, without tho usual wear and tear.'
It removes grease spott as if by magic, and softens
the dirt by soaking. m that rinsing will iu ordinary eutiiely remote it
This powder is prepared in accordance with chemi
tal science, and upon a prooeoa peculiar to itself,
which secured by Letters 1'atcLt. 1 1 has been in use
for more than a year, snd has proved itself an univi r.
tal favorite wherever it hai been uaed. Among tb d;
vantage claimed are th following, vis :
Itauveeall the rapena of aoap osually used on
cotton and liuen goods.
It save must of the labor of rubbing, and wear
and tear.
Also, fur oleaniiig window it la unaurputod.
With one quurter the time and labor wuaJly-ra.
quired it Imparta a beautiful (.-loss and lustre, uiujh
superior to any other nivde. No water required ex
tent to moinUMi th powder.
Direotoot with each package - ' -
And can be readily appreciated fry a aiaglt trial.
TheooHtof washing for a family ot Svoortiapw
tone will not exaned luasa c it sra.
Th manufacturer of this powder are aware that
many usolea com pound have broa istrotluord to
the publio whiob have rotted th cloth, or failed in
removing tbe diit. but knowing th iuuuuia txoel
lane ml that artiola, tbey oti6dtiUy proelatto it
a being adapted to maat a aauaana auiob bet long
txitttd, and ku htxelofor icmaiued uusupplled.
MABrrAcrcaan bt
notvi: &. tair.t r..t,
S40 HroadwaT, Itoetoat.
. COLOitSo.
Tor aai by Oreeart tnd Dual era avarwbtre
0toar 13, 14 Imp.
1,1 r 1 1 1
BUILDER and tboee eoaUmplating building,
would da well to oall and tot the largo ataort
luentof Lks. Latobw. boll. Butut nd Sors.
Straps and T. Uinc. Window nrtcn. nd
I thig vacted atooatpltt b'Hnt, n ttMntw ttani
.war ttore af J V. "xVLll',"
fasfcVr- -jtaa
TrSaM '
. rv t u ' t t.
,.., t I'm r
t i