Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 01, 1866, Image 4

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A BpBSTJJnr ff Oft C A.L.OME L
, 7 ; f , THY TUCflt, , ' ,V- . t
fvm lurv wrmi, . ". '
'. , .,- . tnVTtlEM..
youf it Ud,
" ' - TRV TTIEM." . ,. ' . . ,
? jo f r. t.m-y. ' '- ' -; "
, ' " f; , ' . tdv thrm
f yo tr Vow ipltiic,,, . .
v ? 1 - THT THEAf. i
Iff icm Iwvf il.. hemliphi, : ' 1 I ' ? ; ' I ,
If jruft hfira Ink en Hmp too much,
i , , TAKftA Fl'LLDOSB, .
. Tkty otily uit 15 eenw a tnx,
', ; ; I TRY THKM. ;.. ;
?). Mn, mid other prorations of MerraryriirtiiaHy
jriHtii! mnn aullVrUg mid h Uirm tlie iUtvj)t nine it
they ptplVkt w rtiie. Ami et tlii rurrtiv inmrrnln i
1 rmMiMri hy the allopathic fjfwtiui, w prewnlrrd ly
inein mm u.vertmllv tm U Vwityltiiiit, Conuiupiuu
' TfftiMANDRAKR WUS ? ' ,
re r4npi-a tntlreljr if iMtftjiivd lW..i, Vti.ii4 from
Mit-giYiit tnic!itnenf Nature, urn! Hint talnturv cllectt
' will upprar m wi at tha mnttninr w trtmigl.t t 'lh ie-t
M fnireJCTitniem. tCIl KNCK S M AMi AK K i'l Ul
ii t produce any lumnta cr it-knsfl v( tii sU'vai-i'
Hit wbeu givu Mr It ui.ijr I proper in us
- thorn in c -nnmi-Mi wuh bl'liK.N' UK'S SKAWUKD
'I'W.NIC, By tht juUictma irtrtMiirm. tue incut
ties fire fpet-dily r.nitiml ii f'leir lull1 vigor, nnd the Wvt
tuftf of iiitligt-Klii-n tuny h cureX
VV twit we iH!wt Mmt the liver is th h-c iiitorml
f;il rl t'ii iHfly, tl'it U V i tipn.t"r1 t.:-e t'l'Tt-"!
di;y of n:if'rni'( liie Ho. I iui'1 prej-Jiriitp tf;e lull.', tl;it tt
it su'tjfPL to ininy diionlprs, an; Mini wiifii it i itiiiMsed
r iHO-'tiv-tin wht!e btxiv ifl'ari ij'inpiitlietu-al!y, it iff
r;ot Birprihiiiif tt'it a Pi't'f;r wbrri cm ri-tt"" fie
henlihy upir:itioiiw of tl'tf I;vt r t'mn'tl print neu w fill
i:iii;f mtlie iroiicral hjil.h. n:id tlltcl curia which in:iy
appH-ar to lie hurt mtni-iH'i, iJttuitncli of loiijr m
tfiuutcfl, fWi) pnum in the tide, brtst qw rvmiri
ftf'-.itiT of Hie lint' j. u fcp'iiiir nt gtnt-:nl veiiK-i3 tiud
Vf ietcl:".tiK,iis1 nnl oihcr nl:uin:ng mi! dilrt .-i-intf rymp
t-:iii( ii!iC.ilu'iof itriinet or (hsrilfod ncii itt of the
" nre uppeiiifv trmoveil by khetise of OliKNCK
MANPUAKK l lr.l., p't liitirr "r mnr mictions, mul tht
tittlTCi ilrfihln (Vctinj: ot Oj)j.rcsiuMf riifntnl ntixict, hnc
giwr, k-thnrc;, Mint dtf(iroM.oM if Kpiriia which unfit o
tii iu for the iiinir(jf3ii'f MS 't- busiitevs ;tn! Hie riii'ivnciit
r f ttevfd iT tU.Ubeo. tCIIK.NCK 'S M AN
Jjr Schick. DwirSii : 1 takrplunsure inspnding ynn
n certiti'jritf mi ndihlion to nmnV you h-ive nlretKly re
rt'iV'-tl friuisuflrriiijr-liuirifliiiiy. J chii gf.-nrcely liml Inn
frungt- miflicicntlr ati'mB: to exrtER tny hoiiiiirlt grMtifin
ti.ui of the wo hleifot cyruf your MaNLjK ICK I'lLLS
ami sK 'KLl TlNli: hrive eft. ied in the entite cure
of one oi the in-iT iinhh'irii rnrrn "f th? nfttcMon of I he
ittr. Tor three i'ti 1 Piifiefnl Wjourl description j
ll my fru-iulf, n wll as m (tvli', c.une to the p nicl.niioii
thiit my time in thi wmi tho.t. tfuch wf.s the tcrnhl?
rMtttin to wlit?h I wm rnhfett tlmt life to me huil Ite-
come n hurthen : my whole system w;ia lit h fin to of in
tliiniinitioii ; 1 rouiJ n "t eat, I couM not sk--p; in wtule
body was iiiWI Willi pun; swelling woul.i orue tn my
vrista mi J tinkles, rinii'iin:r tlum totiil'y UfcVpii lot eve
tat occ istinis I wm a:tiick(vt with n tueIi of bin d to the
head, which would fell mo to the crouiul, nnl 1 would It
eHtncti uwny for duij. I npjiiicii to several enunent
pu. Chios of our civf who adtiutntftered all the medicines
tlnit they th"Ui;bt wnulil rc.irli my ne, Imt of no avail.
One of lhein saiU he couM do no moie for mp, nnd nd
vised mo, as a htt resort, to drink cd liver fit. Not
relishing th horrid ttaih 1 rhlooHl to fcike it. Accid-it
put your iijVflrtiKein-Mil hi my hand. 1 Ciillcd on you ;
Ton f.xnimncd me and told me the nitnri of my dinse.
Vou then ouleitni in the I'lLs mid Tonic with nn ohyn
oon oi diet, pledging V"UI word that in one week I
Would find mBi If Hiii'ihei nun. I followed yi nr lolvtec.
nnd, ni you predict el( an ni;tonipiiinp cure wn cljec-ttd. 1
contnuod your nnd Toiiij for pome time, and now
trrtnk tiod tor his go(dnPt;s, and yont Viihi'd1-.' nudinne,
I am onee more ientoi ed to pel feci heal.h. I moit
earnctU recoinmeiui those w!io are sutler nip from nflcc
lion of tha liver o 2ivc your. 11 s an t Tonic a' fnir triid,
lid a enra will be effected I hnvc sent many per sons to
you, nnd they have all been cured. Any information my
fellow rin at; n may require will be Ireely aiven y tha
auSxcrilicr, at his les'deucc, No. fcl'2 Federal street,, be
tween Hh ttveet and lnwrmik rnA.
Krinerly Pfinfcra' LiU .MunuUcturer
lia. SCUKNCIC w.)l ! m
FHomi!ly at his principal
ff.oe, No. ON'tHil Sixlii alreet, corner of Ciiunuerer, j
rilll.ADKI.I'iil A. every ftitortiiy, from 0 a. in. limit 1
p. m r o. :fcj tJ.n.l ptreei; fw 'nik, eveiy Tuewliiy,
(mm 7 to 'I ; No. 3 Srinnnrr mreer. It ifnn. IllBS , evei
WeHiini'tliiy, fiom 9 to 3. and evei7 tiiln-r l-'mtHV nl tn?
h'lllimore Klreef. t'allimore. Met. All nrtviee tree, but
for a Ui'VouKh exuniiiuKion of tne lu-iga Willi lint i
ronipter llit rliiirge is three (!t!l;tr
t'liee of itie Pulmonic rtvrop and fllveed Tohir. iweh
f 1.40 per ImUIi', or S7,Su per blif !. .Itandtuk
fi Ma, Q3 renin per hos.
For sale tv :itt Druggists and Deattri.
Much 'Jl,'t;(lii. 1.
CA II RENTERS, Saddler. RIneksmitbs, Carriajo
Sinkers, jlioiMiioLcri, Slerchknta, iiiutrs, Fur-lu-rfl
and the citirena generally.
Look to your iutercat and boy at tho new Hard,
ware Store of J. II. CON LEV 1 CO.
tSunbury, June IS. 1S0J.
New Spring , Styles !
Iff lt A.-V.-XA I.I.'I'5iK,
Two doorx West of the Tost OiEcp,
RESl'IiCTl'L'LLY Invites tlie attention f,f the
public to her large nud varied florlmrnt of
Eprin3 z Summer Millinery Goo"n
which he im jast received and opened. Ilcr stock
embraces FANCY 1)KE!-S UO'tDS, 1'mbroiierics,
Ciuny Laco, Lac Collars, Linen Coilurs, Press
Cordt. Zephyr., Iiultous, Ao.
A line ii'sortuient of Indies' and jrrnti-' Ilniery,
Cloves, I'anp, I'ni' RuU; 'i'riintiiinirs. Ribbon,
lielt Ribbon, Velvet Ribbon. Rrnid. Lailiea' Neck
tie. Faney iJre Con:bs. Head l), d'c.
, Irviu 3 i'uieut lluir Criuipers, liuir Coilo, Corct,
and a lace tuMortuiont of other nrti-u, too nutoe
rou to ineution.
1 have aim just riceivid a f ne lot of Perfumery,
Tdilut tfoui a. i'uoth and Hair iVe.
anna i-Ai:;Ti;u.
Fanl'Biy, April ??, lPf-S.
Manufacturers and
". an.l " :
701 Ai-ch -lr' l, Elsi!ai-Jlitla,
Those In want of Silvr or Silver Dated Wnio aiil
Bod it much to their udvantage by bitm our btore
before lueiiiHg their pu'rohafit. Our long e peri
tn:e in tha tuanuiacture of tbeaunva kind of goods
eunPles us lo d.-fy con:p'ititiou.
We koepno g od but those which are of the First
Clans, all of our own make, aud will nevoid at redua
zi prices.
' July 7tt, lEoS lycl , j
Bimplicity, Purability, Convenience, Comfort and
- roomily, combined Willi Economy
. -THE BTUPl'KK ANlt LOCK uri,Urt either sash
-.,at any point.
( It can be applied to any windo in a few minutes.
"'" It does ii.,l inieriere in taking out a sash.
It is uot affected Ly any jarring aolion, and bra
vents the raiding ot auab.
It i self-acting in all its work, kt.d miies U la
possible lu forv't lo lock the window.
. It allows proper enlilutiua without leaving tlie
A window unlocked.
. It acts by prtvity Uai r.o spring ao.t ran nerat
gel out of order.
It liocJ not araur out, but will last while the
i lioitsa aliuids
M ii.dowi that have i;!y one nh moveable, may
ts changed, o as to move both, at a trilling expense.
' V ' t es72ar
' (' Sfopprt hbi1 MAtflc, tie Iullur
' C'viispletc. ' ''
Tt must peine Into general use for Its rndical ad
vantages as a ijelf-Aotiug, llurglur-l'roof Look and
Ventilator. . ,
' For Kailwev Cars, Steamboats, eto., it is perfect,
aa t, in tael. the Ihiug long tougnt.
ll ajcuipkalieally just what everybody wants, and
everybody can bate. The demand must be unlimi
ted. .: . .
(.plutlists, Alanufauturers, Builders, and snen
looking for business, are Invited to sail oa tha sub'
teriber aud exaenuie it.
, July 21, IS64. tin tiarburj, Pa.
inutruclur. . ,-. . r
Kt-v.fl. R. Mii.Lta, 'l
" ' Us. W. C. Ckcvii, ' .
f," Wis S. H. i'ov.iaaS-.' 1
. alias Jayaisi A- Futcbsji. , . . ' ',
. F.vry faellily anorded fo si tbaramrh traiaiag ia
the English, Mathauiatlmst nd Uaaaiil IirauaUaa, . ,
Masie, Drawing aud book-keeping, extra. ' .
. lad tjuarter ot Suniuer bession opens Moo 1st,
cWpUinner 3d, 1 Si's
tENlJ Fon a ctitcri.iu
m.rbury, Pept. J, lwtj .
. ."..,wnoiESAt2'MTAii. ,
: '':. akd; 1 '
Provision Store
i for 'cheap goods: ' .
Thoir Btock It cctnpleic, eoniistlng Id port of
' Tolincco, Clsorii, Flnnr, Feed, Fiih, Bnlt, '
lUtuf. liouldera, Cheosa, Fruit,
. (llsj, Luir,i4.,4o. - '
Conntrjr I'roJuo liiksu in exebnnge for (Jood.
t-g Cnl) and cxnminc our Stock, nnd intlsry j our
olve.' , " ." .", ;. . ' "
tfuiilmry, lnj 2'': ' ' ' " '" '
Wnll I'npvr nnil Dordcr In great variety
new lylcn just received t tti MninWotli Hlnre ot
J. W.FK1L1X0 t
SunHury, Cot. U. Wi.
tt.,00 ihn. njsorted Cbarciril Iron nt M otj. lb.
hi .J - COX LEV CO.
fciSunbury, .font ift.JflCC. N , : - , - "
liiii'LuuiiiiHii in, ICIooii.Kbiii't; kliill
ON nnd. lTvt ?7ili..lB65,.rnt:eneor Trii
will run u fullows :
A. M.
p. sr..
"11.14 :
. M.
4 50
8 43
. no
Ltav Pcrsr.tori, ' .'
. " King.iton, '
" ' Rupert,
" l'iiinillc.'
Arr. Kortlmuiber'.nml.
Leave Nor'.huuilorlauil. 8.00 ' .7.05
" Dnnvlile, " 8.40 3.41
" Rupert. P. 15 A: St. 4.15
" Kingston, !!..'. 8.S0 ft.;5
Arr. rt iScrnnton, i.43 V.iiA ) H.I0
'Xruius leaving KinjSBinn nt 8. CO A. M, fur Scrtin
ton.ouuncri with Train nrrivine: nt New York ntS.20
Leaving Xortliumbiiiand n : P CO A. M. and Kins-,
ton 2. 1'. M. cxnnent with the Irnia arriving ot
New York ot 10.56 1'. SI.
rnweiigen Inking I'lai'i South from Pcrrntnn at
5,;'H A. M: rifi Northumberlnnd. renh llnrrisburg
12 :0 I' SI., Italtiuiore i.W IV SI., S a.-binnton ID..
bO 1'. SI. via Kupurl renuh rbilndclpbia at i (HI p. in.
II. A. i'OXDA, Puj. t.
Kfng'ton, Nov. 2', 1S35. .
iorllii'rn (Vnlrnl ISiiflMiiy.
FOVR TRaYXS1)AILY lo und from Ealtiniore
anl AVnchintnn city.
THREE TRAIN 5 DAILY to nnd from the North
nnd West liruncli Snnchanna, Eluiira, and all of
Northern Now York.
ON and aflor S10XPAY, SfAY 21H, 1S06,
the Passenger Trnina of tho Northern Ccutrnl
Railwny will run as follows :
Slnil Train, leaves Klmirn 4.45 p. m.
" Jlarrisburg, 1 .35 p. to.
nrr. at Rnllimore, v. 6..'.0p. m.
riinira Exprc! loaves Elmira, ft.IJU p m.
" llnrrisburg, - 2. Ml a ra.
nr tit, 7 110 a in
Fast Lino. leave Hnrrirtnira;, 8 44 p in
arr nt Itultimore, 12 tfO p m
Ilarriiburg Aecmu. leaves Uarriaburg, ! Ui p m
arr nt Rnltiinorc, 9 B7 p m
Erie Exprejij leavoiV-rie 4 45 t ui
arr at Uorri-burn. 833 t u
Stuil Train
leaves Ilnl!iinore
" Hnrritburg,
nrr at Elmira,
9 14 a m
2 (id p m
10 45 p m
V 46 p m
2 05 a m
11 S5 a i-
12 10 p ui
3 50 p in
7 20 p in
12 U0 a m
, 1 U p in
4 10 p in
V .".') a m
1 ill im
Elmira Express leaves Baltimore,
" Jiarnourg,
arr at Elmira,
Fart Line,
Erie Slail
loaves Rallimora,
arr at Hurrit-bunr,
arr at lialtimoro,
' Hmris'ourg,
nrr at Ki in.
leave llmrLburg
,ai r at iaie
Erie Ejj.rett,
llurrUburg Aao, aves York.
nrr at llt.rri.-burs
B 40 a m
Erie Express North and Hnrribnri Aocnimuodu.
tiun rioulh run daily, except feumlny. Elmira Ex
'presa North daily, and South doily, except Sunday.
F'nHt Line North arid liirribui)( Accommodation
liorth arrive daily, except Sun. lays. Elmiru F'x.
precs North arrives and t'&al Line toutb leaves daily
Slnil Nnrih laid South ruu duilv, except Sundays.
Eric Express Smith arrives daily, except .Monday".
For furtlicriiiforiniition applv ut the Ticket OUiee
in the Pennsylvania Rnilroud iepot.
For further luforuintion npplv nt the OCice.
X. N. DcIIAAUY lien. Supt.
iSoa.lins lti.ili-onl.
Juno 11th. 1800.
rREAT TRUNK LINK from the North anu
North-West for Rhiladelphia, New York, Read
ing, 1'utUvillc, Tainnqun, AabliuiU. Lebanon. Allen
town, Fusion, Ephralu. Litii, Lancaster, Coluiubiu,
Ac. Ac. ....
Trains leave Hurrisburi; for New-York, as fol.
Ions : 2.00, 8 10 and V.05 A. SI. and 2.10 nnd 0.15
P. SI. connecting with kiuiilur Trains nn the P nn
svlvnnij Railrou i, nnd arming nt New York nt 0 U0
and 10.10 A. SI. and 4 10, 5.20 and 10.44 P. SI.;
Sleeping Car accompanying tho 3.00 A. SI. nnd y.15
P. SI. Trains, without ctinnge.
Leave lliirrilurg for Rending, Potlsville, Ttuua
qua. Slinersvillo, Ashland, Pino Urnve, Allmitown
and Philadelphia at 8. 10 A. SI. und 2.10 und 4.10
P. M.. stopping at Lebanon and principal way sla
tton ; the 4.1U p m. Train making connections lor
Philadelphia ami Columbia only. For Potlsville.
bcnuylkill Haven nnd Auburn, via Schuylkill und
Susquehanna R:iiIroud. leave Hamburg at 3.20 p. in.
Returning: Leave New York nt 7.00 und 0.00 a.
ra, , 12:00 Noon ud fa.i t p. in.; Philiulvlphiu at 8 15
a. m. and H.'.O p. m. Way Passenger Train leuves
PhilnJclphia at 7. o0 a. m., returning from Rending
at 6.30 p. Li. Flopping at all fetation ; Poltnrille nt
ail .Million'. lousMileul k. ui. ai.d 2.15 p. in.
j Ashland b.Ou and il.iAi a, its . aud 1.64 p ui.i X'uUia
va3 a.m. ana tu t o ; o p. m.
qua in '.I 1 j a in. i n 1 1 00 and 8.55 p. in.
I.iove Potl'ville for linn isburg via Schnylkill uud
uiUihanioi luiiiruiid at 1 00 a. in.
Kemlir;T Accommndntion Tr lin loaves Heading at
6. ml A. ui. rcturutug tVora PLilnUciphia at 5.U0
P. SI.
Cctuin'.Ia Rfi'.lfVsd Ta'r.f lenve Sending at .45
A. 51., 12 05 noon and rt.15 P. SI. for Ephrata, Litis,
Lnner.ter t' ilumbia, Ac.
On isundny: I.euve New York at 9 00pm.. Phila
delphia b.00 A. SI., and 3.15 P M. tha 8.00 a. ui.
train running only tolletii'iig. Pottsville 8 00 a in.,
Tioi.utt J io a u, for iioxricburg. Si 04 a in. and
Reading at 1 83 a in, for llarrisburg 7.30 a, m. 10 50
a. ui. for New York, and 4 25 p tn. for Philadelphia.
Vat&stvtuti n. Mileage, Suaon, und Exoursioa
Ticket., at reduced rates lo u.ul fiuni a)! ;ioir.r:.
Raggage checked through : 80 Pound Rrggage al
lowed each Passenger. ' -' - . I
,!. ;' ; Ueneral superiutenueni-
"lYTE would invite the attention of Carpenters to
V our lurge and well selected assoruneut of
Tooles, oomprising Chisels of all kiuda, Augurs.
Planes, fcaws, Iron and bteel Equnre, and in fact
enerv thing wanted to complete a lull outtit, at tha
Huiiiwarestoraof J. il. CON LEV k CO.
1 Afi A Customers wanted to buy Hardware, to.,
lvUvf at tii Cheap Hardware and Iron Ktore of
Sunbury. June 16, JSCS.
To prncuie a fauiily ((roup Photograph, go to
BVEULV'd Room iuSimpsuu Building up stairs
I'll I'. ' lU'AT M I SU
I U JsL A. T7 MIOEIt 7,
Jnst Published, ia a Sealed Envelop. Price t cents.
A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment, and Radical
Car of Seminal Weakness, or Spermatorrhoea, in
duced by Self-Abuse; Involuntary Emissions, Iinpo"
tenty, Nervous Debility, and luipediiuenbjto Slar
riage generally ; Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits
Mental and Physical Incapacity, Ac. lly HOH. J.
CULVER WELL, M. It., Author of th "Ureen
Book," 4o. - .
The World-renowned author, tn this admirable
Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience
that the awful consequence of Self-Abuse may be
rfiectuully removed without medicine, and without
dangerous surgical operations, bougies, insiruineuls,
rings, or cordials, pointing out a mod of sure at one
certain and efleotual. by wlaeh every sullerer. no
matter what bi condition may be, may our hiiswell'
cuooply, privately, and rudically. This Lecture
will prove a Vjoon to Thntilsndl and Thousand. ,
Sent n lersHl. In a plain . auvalope. lu any ad
dress, on rooeipt of six cents, or two postage stamps,
by addressing the publisher. -,
Also, Dr. CLLtltVLLL'S "SlarrUge Uuid."
prio 25 oenui. '
' Addrea th Publisher. -i
, CUAS. J.C. KLINK?0. r
, "127 Bowery, New York, Pkl U 4,583.
, Sepwmbor H, lM.j .. . '
i- in'"-rrr -w r r- r-
Fyoit rant rood Tin-Ware, (a to SMITH A
utMilftO bnop. art.
Tw Hall j'nprr
I Herder just
rceived by
SsTABLlsirtfi as A jiefcob txoti qtjack-
.a- KRY. 4... ..
Wft. JOIINSTON has dieovered tha most Certain,
J Bpeedy and onlv Effectual Remedy In tha
World for all Prlvnle I"leaai, Weakness of the Back
jr Limbs, Strictures, Affections of the Kidneys and
m.i,ln Tnfnlnnlne lltaeharff ea. Imnotenev. O ene-
;al Debilily, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low j
ipirils, Uonlusion ot mens, l uipuauon oi ine nenri,
Timidity, Trembling. Dimnemof Bight or tiiddinees.
Dieae of the Head. Throat, Nose or skin. Aflecttons
of the Liver, Langs, Btomaoh or Rowels-Mho Terri
ble Disorder arising from the Solitary Habits of
Youth those secret and solitary practices more fatal
to their victims than tne entisj of Syrens to the Sla
tiner of Llyseos, blighting their most brilliant hopes
or anticipations, reader ing marriage, Ac, impossi
ble. , ,
Especially, who have become the victims of Solitary
Vie, that dreadful aud destructive habit which
annually sweeps to an untimely grave thousands of
Young Jlon of the most exalted talents aud brilliant
intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listen,
ing Senate with the thunders of eloquenoe or waked
la ecstaty th living lyre, may call with fall eon-udonca.i-
,,. , ,
' Married PersoDS. or Young Men contemplating
marriage, being aware of physioal weakness, organio
debility, deformities. 0., speedily oured. . '
He who plneea himself under the care ofDr.J.
may religiously oonflde in his honor as a gentleman,
and confidently rely upoTi his skill as a Physician,, (
Immedintely Cured, and Fnll Vigor Restored.-
Tbis Digressing Affection which render Mfo
miserable nnd mnrringe impolbIo--is the penalty
paid by the victims of improper indulgences. Vonng
persons are too apt to commit exces from not
being awiiro of th dreadful eonsemtencw that may
ensue Now, who that understand! the subject will
pretend to deny that tho power of procreation is lost
sooner bv those falling Into Improper linbits than by
the prudent ' Resides being deprived the pleasures
ol'hcallliy offspring, the most acriows and destructive
symptoms to both liody and mind Rriso. The system
becomes Deranged, the Physical and Mental Func
tions Weakened. Loss of Procrentiva Power, Nervous
Iri-iinhilitv. Dvsnenssa. Palpitntion of tho Heart.
Indigei-tion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of
the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Deoay and Heath,
Office, Ko. 7 SositUI'rcdcrtck Street
Left hand sid going from Baltimore street, a few
doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name
nnd number. ' 1
Letters must ne pnid and contain a stamp. Th
Doctor's Diplomas hang in hisoflieo.
a ctni: wak ic.iYi'ED n'nro
i . D.VVH.
Ke Merevry or JV'sok Drugi.
nn. jonsTof.
Memlier of Ihe Royal College of Surgeons, London,
'Iradtiate from one of th most eminent Colleges in
the United State, and the greater part of whoso life
hnrhcen snent in tha hosnitals of Iondon, Taris,
Philadelphia nnd elsewhere, has cfleoted some of
the most astonishing cures thai were ever Known,
manv troubled with ringing in the head nnd ears
when asleep.' groat nervousness, being alarmed at
ludden senuds. bn-rtifiilncss, with frequont blushing,
iltended sometimes with derangement oi mina, were
jiired immediately.
Dr. J. nddresscs all those who hav Inlured them
elve bv imnroner indulccnce and solitary habits,
which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for
either butiuess, study, society or marriage.
7 ii it si- nro soma of the sad and melancholy effects
produce' I by early habiu of youth, vi: Weakness of
II e Hack nnd Limbs, Pains in tlie Head. Dimnces of
Sight. Los of Sluscular Power, Palpitation of the
;heart. lljspep?y. Nervous Irritability, Derangement
irthe Iigestive Functions, tieneral Debility, Bymp
tums of Consumption, Ac. The fearful effects on th mind are
much to be dreaded Loss of Slemory, Confusion of
Ideas, Depression ol Spirits, fcvil-torcuoaing, Aver
sion tn Society, Sclf-Diftrust, Lova of Solitude,
Tnni.lilv ,1a are snmool the evils nroduced.
Tunc knn of persons of alleges can now judg
what is the ennseof their declining health, losing
1'ieir vigor, bocobiing weak, pale, nervous and
e naciated. liaving a singular appcaranc about the
CJ'e-j, cough tmil svmptomsot consumpiioa.
VU Jll
Vhohnvo Injured themselves by a certain practice
liululirnl In uhen alone, a habit freonently learnej
ft,, m Avil enmnaninns. or at school, the effects of
I w hich Rrc nightly felt, even w hen asleep, and if no
cured renders innrriuge impossible, and destroys
both inind nnd body, should apply immediately.
What a pity that a young man, the hope of his
country, tlie darling ofuis parents, should be snatched
froin all prospects aud uiijoyment of life, by th
cimsequenco of deviating Iroin the path of nature
snd ludulgingin a certain secret habit, fuo'o persons
must, before ooiiteinplnling
reded that a sound mind and body are tb most
ncceatury requisites to promote connubial happinei-s.
Indued without these, the journey through lifebe
jnmes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly
darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed
with despair and filled with the melancholy reflcc
tion that the happiness of another becomes blgUtcd
with our own
mss:Ai; of oirKi iirx E.
Wheu the misguided and imprudent votary of
pleasure finds thai he has imbibed the seeds of this
painful disease, it too often happens that an ill-timed
enso of shninc, or dread of discovery, deters him
from applying to those who, from education and
respectability, cau alone befriend him, delaying till
the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease
make thoir nppearunoe, such as ulcerated sore
throat, diseased noso. nooturnal pains in the head
nnd limbs, dimness uf sight, deafness, nodes pn the
shin bones nnd urms, blotches on the head, face and
extieuiiiiit, progressing with frightful rapidity, till
at lout the palate of the mouth or th bones of th
nose lull in, and the victim of this awful disease
becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death
puts a period to his dreadful suflerings, by sending
hiin lo "that Undiscovered Country from whenoo no
timelier returns."
It is a mclmieholy fact that thousands fall victims
to Uii U'rriblodies, owing lo the unskilltulueas of
i);noriiul pretenders, who, by tfie use of that Dtadly
1'uisoh, Mrrrury, ruin the constitution and make
tlie residuuof life miserable.
. -j i w rit.4ii:nM .
Trust nolvour lives, or health, to th careofli
many Unlearned and Worthies Pretenders, destitute
ol knowledge, nam or character, h copy Dr.
l.ihnston's advertisements, or style themselves, in
tho newspaper, regularly Educated Physicians,
incapable of Curing, they keep yon trifling month
sfier month taking their 61lhy and poisonus com
pounds, or as long as the smallest fe can b obtained,
nnd in despair, leave you with ruiued health to sigh
oa er your gulling disappointment. .
Dr Johnston is the only Fhysiolan advertising.
- His credential or diplomas always hang in bis utile.
' His remidicsor treatement are. unknown to all
others, prepared from a life spent iu the great hos
pitals of Europe, the first in the country and a more
eiU'iiuvtiVs't-afsiVarrtcs than any other Physician
in ihe world. '
1 iM.Ks.r.Mr.'vr of tiii: press
The many thousands cured at this institution year
after year,' and the numerous important (Surgical
Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by
the reporters of tb Sun." "Clipper," and many
other papers, notice of which hav appeared again
and aaiu before the public, besides his standing as
a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a
aumcient guarantee to the afflicted.
fcUIA mi: AHi: rl'EIZIII..Y
Persons writing should be particular in directing
their letter to has Institution, u lh following manne
JOH. 91. JOlIASTOi, 51. .
Oi the Haiti more Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Xld.
June M lboa ly.
1JURE LubiB Extracts and Lubin Soap,' ft
LIUUTNEK'S, Mn'ietSqoar.
E. H. T. ANTHONY CO., ' -Manufacturer
of Photographic Materials, Wlxklassl and
, ,toiail,SumHCLtWAV, New Vork.
In addition toout mam business of Photograph ic Male
rils wr are Headquarters for the following, vis.
f if Anieiirsn and Foteign Cities and Landscapes, Groups
gttaluurv, rtc.
' From negatives mad ia Ik various campaigns aad
forming a complete Fhotoiiepkio history of lbs great out
Aaaptest fw etisier th Magi lantern or the Stereoscopic,
our Uatalogu will b seat lu any adikaa u receipt of
We SMiiufuetur wore largely than any elhar lusasa,
atsiui WiU vunciirs, fioin 60 cents to each. Our Al
bums having Hi reiuutlou uf being superior in beauty
ami tteiabiliiy loanv .slUera.
Ci morocBArau or Ossmnxu, Sr.iuxM, Across,
Etc., Ere,
'I Our CatatofU embraee over Five Thousnad ditTerenl
suhivris, iituUmg reproductiiMis of la rnuet celebsauisl
ejinviKf, Pmiduiis, rtawea, etc. .Calajugue Mill ou
rreeiplol painp. :).. ,
' 4tinnttTsjpies ml other order ifi (ana's C. O. P.. will
plesse i. an ts per cent as ta am.HtuI with then order.
lr"'ftH puces aud quality ot war fovd eauuot fail to
July il, WI.-On .
ProouTonf BYERLY'8 Fin Photograph Pio.
lures at bis Rooms in bim neon's Buildica-. .
i.'INE Fifcrr ashes, at . - - ,
' ' "tMirrNEHi
T A DIES call and V tb Hanging BakU,
J Brackets and r"ina Work Boxes, at
. j
.,-.,,, ,.,, K M. V ,." A
A compound remedy, designed to b thtj toxOvt
effectual Alttratit tliat rah be made, - Itie
s c oncentrnted xtTsWt' Of Tm-l Saniaparihu.
6 eombitietl' with otki Hbstaic tf still
grat Iterativt) power. to afford an effect
tive antidote for, thp tliwatcs Barrxtpdrlllii i
reputed to cure.' It Is believed thnt'uelr
Temcdy it wnnterl hf tti'ose who aullVr'from
Btruinou co-rnplaitibs'nn tbnCOne viliidi will
ocohlpliah their nire, mnt provo of mraanaf
service to tlii Inrg clnas of our ndlictcd fellow
eilirens. ilow completely tlii.t compound Vt ill
do it hat been proven by epri irrtont on many
of tli worst case to be found of the following
complaints: " ' '
ScKOfVf.a, Aln ScttOrTtoOrl CoMPtailfT,
r.uurTtoxs aitt lsuurTivn Disbasbs, Ulceus,
l'lMPLKS, 11I.OTCHU9, TujtOll, S.VLT HuKl'M,
Scald IIkah, SrrniLt. and SvrttiMTio Ar
ricTtoNa, MKitouiiiAt, DisBAan, Diioi'sv, New-
or St. Antiiowv' Kmih, nnd indeed tho wliolo
class of coiii-ilaint tiHsitig from' Ii'uuiTt or
Tim llj.oot). , ... ' ': ,
,'i'iiU compound rvUl bo fottml tt grcnl pro
moter of licnltli, wlieu taken in tlia spring, to
expel tlio foul humor which fester in titer
blood at thrrt season of tho year, lly the t'nno
ly expulsion of them ninny rnnklinij disorder
are nipped In the bud. Slultitiidea can, by
the aid of tlii remedy, apnrs (hcmselvct from
the chditrnnte" of ftiitl orttptioua nnd ulcerous
sores, through wlikili th aysteni will atrivs to
rid itself of corruptions, if not nvisteU to do
thjs. through the .natural channels of tha body
bv an ulU'iiitivo medicine. Clcmisc ottt tho
Vitiated blood whenever yon find its impurities
bursting through the akin in pimple,, eruption,
or sore.; cleiniRO it when you find it is ob
structed ond aliiu-gUU in tho veins ; demise it
whenever it im foul, and your feclingi will tell
you 'when. Even where no particular disorder
is felt,, people enjoy . bettor licnltli, mid livo
longw,1 fot Clennsing' tho- blooil, . Keep tha
blood healthy, and nil i well ; but with this
pabulum, ot jifi disordered,, titer cnii be no
lasting health. - Sooner or Inter stiincthiii2
must go w roni-, and tho great machinery ot
lil'u is (lisordfi'oil or overthrown.
Bnrsnpnrilln lias, nnd deserve much, tho
reputation of accomplishing those ends. Hut
tho world Im liecn cgrcgtously uecciveil by
preparations of it, partly because the drua
nlono has not all the viitue that is cluimcd
for it, but inoio because ninny preparations,
'pCctetidiiljf to bo' ooiieeiUriited oxtrnct of it,
contain but little of tit virtus of SurxapurUla,
or any thing else. ,
liming luto years the public have beciv mis
led by lurge bottles, pretending to give n quart
of Extract of Siirsnpai illa for one dollar. Most
of these havti hem frauds upon the sick, for
they not only contain little, if nuy, Sarsapa
rillu, but often no uiirnlivc ptoficrtics whatev
er, Ilcnuc, bitter aud Kiinfnl disappointment
has followed the Use of the vmious oxtruuU of
Sarsapnrillti which llond Ihe liini kct, until tho
name itself is justly desjiised, nnd has bectnno
synonymous with itnpoMtitm nnd cheat. Still
we cull this compound ttarstipnrillii, nnd intend
to supply such a remedy as shall rescue the
name fioin tho loud of ohloipiy which rests
upon it. - And we think wu huvu ground for
believing it has virtues which nrc irrcsUlibla
by the ordinary run of the discuses itU Intend-
cil to cure. lit ortlcr In secure their coinplcto i
cnulicntiou from ihe aystein, the rcmcily should ,
bo judiciously taken uccording lo directions on
tlia bottle. ... . - !
nict'ATir.i) ut
DR. J. C. A V E It V CO.
Price, 91 per Dottle 81x Uotlles for $5.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
has won for Itself such a ronmvn for Ibo cure of
every variety of and Lung Coinpl dnt, that
it is entirely uiiueccssnry for us lo recount the
cvidenco of its virtues, wherever it has been em
ployed. As it bus lout; been in constant uso
throughout this secllsin, we need mil do moro than
assure the people its nutilily is kept up lo the best
it ever hns liccn, unil llittt. it may he relied mi to
do for their relief ull it lias ever been found to do.
Ayer's Cathartic . Pills,
' ' TOR TItB CtJltB 0
Coslittnm, Jaundice, l);sprpsit, Tiiiiitrtttieit,
DitiVite i, 1'onl SlaiiKuh, ICi isjieh, JUarfutlie,
l'ilei, lllunmali$m, Jii uptions and S'.in Disease,
Liter- Complaint, Diojhi, Tetter, Tmnort and
Salt llheum, Worm; limit, Keurnhjia, as a
Vinner Pill, ond for I'la-ifyhif tn liliml. .
Thoy are sugar-coated, no that the most sensi
tive can take them pleasantly, and they nrc the
boat aperient iu the world fur all the purposes of a
f.miily physic.
. Prlc 83 cents per Box ; Five boxes for $1.00.
Great numbers of Clergymen, Physicians, States
men, and eminent personages, havo lent their
names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these
remedies, but our space hero will not permit the
insertion of them. The Agents below named fur
nish gratisnur AMi;mrAN A ac in which they
are given; with also full description of Hue almve
complaints, and the treatment that should be fol
lowed for their cure.
Do not he put otf by unprincipled dealers with
other, prepai at ious they make more profit on.
Demand Avr-u's. and tako no others, lb sick
want the best aid there ia for them, and they should
have it.
All our remedies are fur sale by -
FRILINU A SON, Sunbury, Pa.
R. B. MoCay, Northumberland, and all Druggists
aud dealer everywhere. ' At wholesale by J. hi.
B10RRD5 A CO., Philadelphia. i .
December 23, 1S65. ly t i
Pure Liberty While I.ensl.
Will do more and better work at a given Coat, than
any other! Try it! Mnnufkerured onlv by
ZIKiiLER A SiilTlf.
, .M'lwloMle Drug. Paint A Glass Dealers,
, . No. U7 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia. :
January 27, 1866 ly. .
F90 A MO-VI'M ! AGENTS wanted for
six entirely new articles, just out. Ad
dross 0. T. GAREY, City Ruildinir, Uiddeford.
dcc2:l li
Washington House.
OPPotiTB Tnn KRvr cornT nousE, ,
,"piIIS popular and comfortable Hotel hat been
L fitted up in superior order for th accommoda
tion of Strangers, Travellers, aud tlie puhlio gener
ally. No eflurl will be spared by the Proprietor to
make it a favorite resort and a pleasant horn for
every guest ilia table, his bar, and th long ex
periene of tlie proprietor, wairanl him in anticipa
ting a libera! share of publio patronage. ,.
Extensive (tables, and every desirable conve
nience, Sunbury, April 7, 1888. ly .. . , . ",'f
v J -J. Jt 8CIIAFFERr- 1
RESPECTFULLY inform th oiiiient of BUN
BURY and vicinity, that he has opened a ;
( . - Tullorinir; Bliskp,
th room ever Famsworth' Urooery, opposite th
Cental Hotel, ounbury, whr he ia ready to make
up garments of all kinds in the latest style and beat
workmanltke'inannw. - . i j .
Having had experience In the buslnee for a Bum
ber of years he hope to render 'general satisfaction
Custom work is respectfully solicited. ,
' " . J. F. bCUAFFER. '
Bunbury, May 13, 1864. ly . svANs, i'
Civil. EaaiKEsns aid FArcat 5ouciToai.''
- No. 434 Walnut tr, Philadelphia. :
Patent solicited consultations' on r.ngtneetin
Draughting and Sketch, Model and Slacbiuery el
all kiud made and skilfully attended to. Special
attention given to rejected case and interference.
Authentic copies of all Document from 'atent Of
flee enwared. ,tl. . iavayeuiMl vesaulasa trouble
and y-avelling expenses, as there ia no actual need
for personal Interview with us. All business with
these Office oau be transacted In writing. For fur
ther information direct a above, with stamp tnoloacd,
for Circular with reference. ' -
February a, IHtioV-iy.'-i i rv.r.- .. i,.
fTTrtAf. LM N""'1 Spikes at $7 SJ per
i VsvVVi , kee, attbenew Hardware .Sior. of '
o... ' i . , i . J.U. CONLEV A CO.
faabtiry, June 18,1868. t
BREAKFAST SHAWLS, for sale at the F.ucv
ICE CKtAM FRJtEZIHB and. Haley' Patent
Clothe Wrngers,foral by . -
1 " - i, nrrELJloYER.
8unbary, Julf Tj lBoo.' -. . J. . . -
rjirearrltnloBa irefully eoapoaadd of the)
L bssrt DRUGS at ta .jriaassAolsj exoreaf
utbiuy, May JO, IM
gmavi SAMBUM . . . , , ; r -, : -, 1T ne,
- Pur) aad Fear Yar Olsl. :
. . , I - M. ,
7v: iVo.ii escribed by physicians for . .
, females, weekly persons and, ii v A.L.IV3
i f,,t
WSJ-. -".'" ae . S',- , , !,
' 1 , . i
a -' Krtry fumily at this uod hn1d ot .
celobrntod in Europe for its medicinal and beneficial
qualities, highly esteemed by eminent phislcians,
used In European and American Hospitals, and by
some of the first families in Europe and America. ,
..'.' '. ' AS ATONIC '
it has ne eaual. causing an ai petite and building op
the system, being entirely a pur win of a most
vnluabl grape. i
it Imparts a healthy action of lb Island. Kidneys,
and Urinary Organs, very beae&oial in Dropsy,
Gout, and Rheumatic Affections. ,
is a pur artiole from tbnjnica of the Port Grape,
posscsaing medicinal properties supener re any otner
wine in use, and an excllcnt article for all weak and
debilitated persons, ssndi th aged and infirm, im
proving tha appetite, aad beaefiUing ladies and
Try it onet. twit ftt trill not be deceived.
I j- lie sure the signature of ALranD SrEER is
over Ihe eork ofeach bottle. i
bold by W. A. Bennett. Sunbury, and all first class
dealers, who also sell tb 4?AW1'II.I.A
I'OItT lilt t.'Mtl .a choice old article, im
ported only by Sir. Speer,.direct from lh valley of
(jrTrade supplied by Wholesale Druggists.
1 lRv A. 8 PEER, at hi vineyard in New Jersey.
Sunbury, Jan. 16, 1S66. ly.
" w4 doors west or tb Post Offic, SUNBURY, Pa.
1ESPECTFULLT informs Ihe eititens ef Sun
V bury and vicinity, that he will bak to order
all k ds of .
C kvst for ltull. Pnrticis, c.
Families -ire supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist
Rolls, Rusks, Tea Runs, 1c, and also kept on baud
mnnafuctured out of th best materials.
All orders will meet with prompt attention.
Waving had large experience I hope to giv
general satisfaction lo all who mny favor me with
their patronage. DAVID FRY.
-Bunbury, Deo. 9, 1365. '
, n. c. uiJAitiiAinrs
Confectionery, Toy and
Blurkct Mtrrt, Kuslury, Pn.
FRUIT, &c, &c,
CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at lh above
establishment atwholesale aud retail, at reason
able prices.
He is manufacturing all kinds of Confeelionaric
lo keep up a full assortment which are sold at low
Tobacco, Sogors, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and
a variety of other articles, all of whijh arsofleied
wholesale and retail. '
Ljr-Remember the name and plao..t
Slarket street, 3 doors west efE. Y. Bright A Son'
Sunbury. Sept. 19. 1863. tf
tSg'rgjCai JEWELER.
" ' In Simpson's Building, Market Square,
HAS constantly on hand a line assortment of
lacier, Silver and Plated Spoons and Forks, Ac.
Yl'uU-Uesi, ClockM und Jewelry, re.
pairetl uud nAUILUTKl).
Sunbury, Sept. 30, 1865.
I FARMERS call and look at the stock of Grass an,
' Grain Scythes, Manure, Hay and Straw Forks,
Uiuin Cradles. Cradle Fingers, Trace, Log.Vifth,.
Tongue and Halter Chains ; (Scythe Stones, Grindt
stones and fixtures, and everything toniako harvese
ing pleiuiaut and agreeable at the new Hnrdwar
store of J. 11. CONLEY A C0-
Pure Liberty iVItlte l.entl.
Preferred by all practical Painters! Try it ! and
you will hare no other. Manufactured only
Whrlesalc Drug, Paint A Glass Dealers,
No. 137 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia.
January 27, lSdA ly.
MESSRS. D. C. Dissinger and John A. Taylor,
would respectfully announce to the oitisena of
Sunbury,. and surrounding country, that having
formed a eo-partnership, they are now prepared to
furnish ornameuted and plain
t.i-us otoBi.e, Tombs. &. Monnmcnft
of tb best Italian and American marble, at prices
that oannot fail to giv entire satisfaction, and re
spectfully solioit the public patronage. ,
Bunbury, March 31,1866. ly.
..,i,. (jiiamsL oriinpor.
fTtHK undersigned respootfulty informs bis friends
X and tha public thai he ha changed his place of
loading Freight in Philadelphia from Freed, Ward
A Freed, No. 811 Market Street, to '
Commission Merchant, dealer in Flour, Grain, Seeds,
yo. lOlS Nnrkrl fat., Pliilndelplsln,
where all freight will be loaded en ear of the un
dersigned, fur Daupbin, Sunbnry, bautiokiavand all
intervening points. , -,
All freight will be oarried a low as oa any other
line. Order to carry freight respeotfully solicited,
wkioh will receive prompt attention.
. , J.B. IVxUSER.'
Bunbury, Jan. 13, 1866. 3m.' '
(Lt Buebler Rous.) , -.
THIS wall known hotel ha not only been extend
ed but bubeea greatly altered aad aewty fit up
by tb prwai proprietor, and ia now on of th
most ooniiurlabl and eonveuicot hotels in Harris.
b"sfa'rch 10, l'8e ly ' "" ' .T ,)
ffil.050 KK VKAU! W aa
- agents everywhere to'sell our m
raovan ip Bewiug Maehinas. Tare uw kuxla
Uppur and , upper feed. . Warranted five yinue
Abovesalary or larg commissions paid. Th oMT
machines sold ia United States for less than W,
which are fully licensed by Ho., Wiealer A WiU
sua, Grwver A Kaker, swager A Co , and Baoheldsl.
All tjteer ebeapnaobiae ar infringumeDU sad w,
sllH or uf are liable to arrest, fiua. and ioiaruo
ueou Cireiilar4re. Address, or oallupoabuaw
A Clark, BukUlufd. At&iaa, ar Chicago, ill, ttc2i
)f " b6oks 'AWJ btatiohbbt, ''
Monthjiis Book Xrin Hooks tad tlatet.
BeokC Bsm 'Jfcxju,' Jluk BeosuT Mweraad
tcokt, lisriM, kH &tJ . Ink Btond. Pan.
reiKU. a la asm ansatef Paper, 1st. Ae
for tar by AKA FAINTER
9Tnrket ds'qtJdfe, JlntHT, PA. "
TTAMNO recently ' Mrahtsad the Drag Store
At rorsnsriy sonuarneu -oy iv, A isher, i beg
leav to Inferm lh eitiien of Sunbury and vi
cinity, that I have entirely replenished my stock
ttf Hnwu ra,-. J 4.IW t-'.ul . T hi', ...I' . , j! ( f- .
'1 !.'
." J i. '' L'i- AXB - ,,.
sacb as Combs, Brushes. Pocket-Book, Soaps', 1 PT
fumery, Hsir-Oll, VnlveS, Scissors, Coal-Oil Lamps,
looaeoeaBa vigsrs,- n i f ;,, j ,, , ,vl n j
ataisj.1 OiI)T eaiac, Caltsan Pntty,
YnrttUlwa, Patent .'vtedlctaeMB. 1ce
All my Tlnelorc. ffyrnns. 6inimti. Cersif et, atrd
ether preparation aid manufactured by myself, aad
from the besi material. I can procur in Market.
Having bad quit a number of year' experience in
J i j Drvg and Preeriplion Butinen, '
both la Philadelphia and the oountry, and also Ihe
aavaniage oi in ioiteg oi faarmacy. 1 leei com
that the Physicians nnd public may favor m with.
All my preparations as 1 bav above asserted, ar
made from the beat material, and upon honor I
assert, they ar of officinal strength.
Eor medicinal purposes, I keep on hand th Very
best . . ,
that I can procur. ' - "
' Defer purchasing elsewhere, call and convince
your own mind.
Sunbnry, Nov 18, 1865.'
N E W 0 C E R Y
HIRE subscribers beg leav to announce to the
X eitirens ol BuubuTy asA it vieiaity, that they
have opened a
Tvco door$ west of J. H. Englt't Stn, in
Market Square,
where they are prepared to furnish every variety of
groceries, and will keep constantly on band tho
choicest varieties of
Fish, Coffee, Tens, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese, Salt.
Spices of all discription, iSoaps of every variety,
Cnndle. Sin. iking nnd Chewing tobacco, Sugars,
Hams, ohouldenv Baeon, BuUer, and Eggs. Also
Dried fruits of alj kinds, Caned Peaches and Toma
toes. . Pickels, Ketchup, Pepper .Sauce, Raisins,
Lemons, Ac, of best quality, aad ia hot every style
of artiole kept in a well stocked Urooery. Also
Cider Vinegar .; All kinds of country produce tuken
in exchange. The patronage of the public is re
spectfully solicited.,
Sunbury, Nov. 11, 1865. ' ' '
tTnlclinitikrr nn1 Jeweler,
Starkct Street, Sunbury, Pa.
RESPECTFULLY informs bis friends and the
public, that be has just received a larg assort
ment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Spectacles,
Silver nnd plated spoons, Forks. Ac.
Watches, Clocks and" dwlry repaired and war
ranted '
Sunbury, Jan. 13, 18C6 ly
One door East of Friling's Store, Slarket Square
RESPECTFULLY informs the cilirens of Sunbnry
and vicinity, that he is prepared to manufac
ture to order all kinds of BOOTS A SHOES, at the
shortest nol ir. and in lb Km., vnrltmunlili. manner
j Of lh best materhil and at the lowest Cash prices.
lis nnpes 10 receive a tun snare or patronage.
Sunbnry, Juno it. I S6.
iil.i. ICOIIItlllCIl Ac K(K,
ARE now carrying on bnines at this old estab
lishment with renewed vior.
tastings of every descriotiou. nromntlv furnished
to order.
The Stoves manufactured at this Foundry have
acquired Ibe highest reputation.
Particular attention paid to MILL CASTINGS
Fanner ahnuld not forget that the PL0 WS made
at the Sunbury Foundry hav never been equalled.
Agricultural implement repaired at short notice.
Small oasiings, including Cooking utensils, of the
most improved and mast useful patterns.
Th business will be conducted en an enlarred
rani, old customers will baacconimodated as usual,
ami new ones are rcspectruliy solioitsd.
Sunbury, May 12, 1800
MI NOIt'.S Patent Pocket enters tor sal at th
Book and tatioury store of
ALL kinds of Hardware,
will be ent for and
prices by
buubury, June 10, 18CS.
Iron. c, not in store
delivered at the lowest
NV1LS, Vices, Uellows Stocks, and Dies, and
all goods belonging to the Dlacksinilhinir busi.
ucss for sale lew for Cash by
ltuilroad Street, above .Market,
T ESPECTFULLY invites his friends and the
isj puntio generally, to cull and examine his large
assortments oi liq a nniore purchasing elsewhere.
Ill nKm-Ic . eou isita or ItrHsssllesi,
h iiiKHey, iioiiisriu edits. Tints Ittitis, .vlwstoiisnlielat tiii.l
llonrlioii of tlie tWt iuiili.
tj'. isss-si, filler. Vine.
, B"f, Ac. As-.
Farmers, Hotel Keepers, and others ar invited to
call, as hit stuck is genuine, aud will render gtueral
au.-iuciiuu. .
Suubury, Februaiy 3, ISfitl. "
CHAM. HZEIM Proprietor.
In Cuke s AdJItlin lo SUNBURY, near the Penn'a.
. Railroad Company' Shops.
LAGER BEER, Porter and AI of th very best
brand, excellent German Wines, Schweitsar
Cheese, Trips, Ac, always on band.
kept who will find ample accommodations. Good
cooks and waiters, boarders oan enjoy the quiet Com
forts of home with fare equal to the beet hotels.
Sunbury, Slay 26, 1846.
CIIILDREN'8 Carriages of the newest and most
fashionable styles ail t he Cheap Hardware (tore
., :. ' xviisr's
. . , . FOR ' "
Crimping' and Waving ladies Hair. :
your storekeeper for them If be due not keep
them, wrilo to the manufacturer, H. II lAa,
Sixth St. and Columbia Av., Philadelphia. . .
' September !r, ltstil. Ima.
a i. us ExpitEsiis ronp.tnr. -
reduction: of rate on produce, oys
TERS, AC. ' . ,
rriHEratescnT'resb Fib, Oysters In th Shall, and
X Truck of all kind, to place ia this Division,
wberlhrioi74oui par lUu lbs or ores, baa bean
reduotd 25 cent per 100 lbs. At plsee where tb
rate is between 60 and 75 cents per 100 lbs, th rale
will be SO cent per 10 lbs Barrel f (ruck
weighing less lhaa lud lb will be shargsd a 100 lb
a weight. .
Vrtsh Fish trill require lo be packed in tight bar.
rejsorbex. . u -v
Rrompt altaatieo U tae oolleelion of Bills, Drafts,
''J''"' n! FERREE LIGHINER, Agent.
'isVaabary.Jua U. U06. i
. syr .i " .... i.. 1 . i .
i ... Psaro Jkerly M Ul 4td.
The Whitest, tha vaoMdurabl and b aostee
tiomiosl. J Try III- Manefaohired only by
' - 1 "idlEGLKR A 8M1TH, ""'
' ' '.VlH.Isale Dwv, Paint A Glass Dealer, 11
Ko. 1.17 Noith tlURD tstrees, Philadalphia,.
' aauaiyltr.lrjoo-y. ..... ,..1 , .., , .
TOIXET'BOAPS, Tooth-Bmsie, Herr Brushes
r" For ale by - ANNA PAINTER.
rill'RPENTINE, Coal OiL Fiaa 00.
X fol sal low (or Cash by
. T--" ' ' t- H. OKLET A CO. 4
TJAKD tad Steal filsaa as lien'
1 I
. Prettilde ot Iron,
"' "' a aw discovery In medicine which - '
by eapplylngth Blood with IrtrrrAt r-aiHcirtl
oa ura LaaT IRON. , .
This Is the fe of the wonderful sucsoss of th
remedy In curing , ... , s
Dyspepsia, Llvar Complsftit,' Dropsy, Chronic Ma
-' tbota. Boil, Narvoa Affaclion,. Chills and Fe
iu,en, Huacrs, Loss of Constitutional Vigor,
Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder,
r Female Complaints,
-1, . -j and all disease originating in a
or acoompaniad by debilitt or a low state oi
Being free from Afcobul in any form, its enei
sing e fleet are not followed by corresponding re
tion, but are permanent, Infusing stresotii, vn
ana wtw Lira into ail parts or the system, and bu
ing up an iku.-h uubiiiiiriuN.
From (ht Venerable. Archdeacon SCOTT, D.
.. ... . DcunAH, Canada East, Slarch 21, 1 SC
"I am an invetorato Dyspeptic of u
than 2S years stand ing." -
"I have bewti so wonderfully benefi
In the three short weeks during which 1 hare
the Peruvian St run. that I can scarcely pars1
myself of Ihe reality. Peoplo who have knowi
are asionrsnea ai ine eoange. i um wiueiv an
aad can Vat recommend to other that wlucn
den so much for me"
One of tbo most Pistingnislicrl Jurist:
' New England Writes to a Friend ri
' ' follows:
"I have tried the PERUVIAN SYRUP, on.
result fully sustains yonr prediction. It has
a new man of me; infused into my system ncu
and energy ; I am no longer tremulous and del
ted, a when you last saw me, but stronger, hoi
and wilb larger capacity for labor, menta
physical, than at any time during the lot
An Eminent Divine of Boston, lays:
I have been using tb PERUVIAN Skill
some time past ; it gives mo saw viaon, mo
or spirits, aLASTicrr or uuscls,." . .
Thousands have bcua changed by the use
remedy; from weak, sickly, suffering creati
strong, healthy, and happy men and womei
Invalids cannot reasonably heeilula to giv il
A pamphlet of 32 pages, containing oertifl.
cure and recommendation from some of tl
eminent physician, clergymen, and others,
sent free to any address.
ljs-Seo that each bottle hat PERI
SY R UP blown in the glass.
For sale by
3. P. DINSMORE, Proprie
ii Dey Street, New
axd ar AtL sBceeitTi.
All Sledieal Men agree thai IODINE I
Remedy for Scrofula and all kindred dis
discovered. Th difficulty has been toobtv
Solution of it.
Is a Pure Solution of Iodine. Withouac
Containing a full grain to each ouiiaV
A most Powerful Vitalising Agent and vt .
It has cured and will enre SCROFULA in
fold forms.
I'lccra, Caneer. ssypliilie.
It licum;
end it has been ssd with sstoniihir.g siuo
of lihouinatism. Dyspepsia, Cnnsiiuiptii.n
Complaints Heart, Liver, and Kidney De
Circulars will be sent tree to any one sect?
Prioefl OOabottlo, cr6f ir $j CO.
Prepared by Dr. U. AN DLR3, Pbysiciac
mitt. For sale bv
J. P.DINSSl'0RE,6DeySlreet,N
And by all Druggists.
Wistar's Balsai
has been used for nearly
half a century.
with tb most astonishing sucoess in
Coaghs, Olds. Hoarseness, Sore Thros
Whooping Cough, Croup. Liver Coi
Brochitis, Ditficulty of Breathing,
bi and every afteotion of
TltssTbrout, l.sinsra, nnd
which oarrlea off more victims shan n
and which battles the skill of the Fh
greater extent than any other malady, c
when all others prove ineffectual.
rapid in relief, soothing in effect, saf
tion. it is unsurpassed ! and is entitle
receive the general confidence of the
of Herman, N. Y., write as follows :
' Wistnr's Balsam of Wild Cberrv t
satisfaction. Jt seems tooure a Cniigl
and cleansing tb lungs, aad allaying
removing the cause, instead of drviug
and leaving tho cause behind, i cm
sam as good as any, if not the best Ci
with which lam acquainted."
From Hon. Judge SPRAKER. of Cam
Gentlemen. This is lo certify tin
family have usod Dr. Wistar s liulsam
for several years, and that I take gr
recommending it in preference to a'
kind tor the purposes fur which it i
cases of Asthma, Phthisic, or affections
I hav never met with anything equa
Very respectfully
WI1 known and much respected am
population in this country, make
statement for the benefit of tbe alii i
Dear Sirs : Having, realised in uv
tent benefits from tha use of your v.
tion Wistar's Balsam of Wild Ch
me pleasure to recommend it to tb
eight yean ago on of mv daughters
a deoliue. and littlv hope of her rseo
taiued. I then procured a bottle o
Balsam, and before she bad taken t
cornea Is of Ihe battle there was a gr
ia bar health. I have, ia my iadiv
frequent as ef yonr valuable me,
always been benefitted by il.
' JACf
For sal. by
J. P. DINSMORE, 6 Dey Strssf
. &II1VT FOWLE A SON. i'ropi
And by all Druggist,
, Cures Cut. Burns, Sr
- i . Curt Wounds, Braise ; '
' v Cars Boil, Ulcers, Q.
Cure Salt Rbeuw, Lrj
i i . Cera Chapp.4 Huids, C
. - . . Heals Old Sores, Flyth. W
. It it praapt la action, rei&uve
reduce tn Boat tngry-looking
snatlons, as if by tnagie, thus tT
eoaptete eure. - . i ,
nly K aeats boa ! ' (Ssnt bv
-rwiltls by J. P DlNSLoi
N.w Vork. . W, FOWLE .
!Soto4. aad by all .Druggist, n
I JsoxtarTTT.U&o-ly.