Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 03, 1866, Image 2

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    , H, B. UAB8XB, Editor Proprietor.
' 3f" Bogos advertisements of wntclici,
jewelry and gifti, ometitnes get Into newt
papers, notwithstanding the care end caution
of . the publishers. All advertisements of
this character should be looked upon with
suspicion. ,
tW The new railroad built In Tucknhoe
valley, Point township, which intersects the
Philadelphia Erie road, about a mile
above Northumberland, by Messrs. Bright.
Rockefeller & Seasholtz, of this place, for
the purpose of carrying lime and limestone,
has been completed, and the limestone quar
ries have been opened. The projectors of
this Improvement deserve great credit for
their enterprise in developing the limestone
quarries of Point, and we trust their invest
ments fftll provo as profitable as they are
advantageous to the community.
SFTlie experimental surveys of the Mid
die Creek Railway, under a charter which
authorizes the construction of a railway
from Lcwistown, on the Pennsylvania rail
road, to the cast bank of the Susquehanna,
at any point between Port Trcvorton and
Northumberland, have been so far comple
ted by F. C. Arms, Esq., as to show that
several lines are well and favorably adapted
for this new route. The distance from Lew.
istown to Selinsgrove, by the southern route,
is about 43 miles to that place, and about
48 to Suubury. The more northern route
from Middlt-burg, which strikes the Susque
hanna about one and a half miles above
8clinsgrove, makes the distance to Suubury
only 40 miles. The charter makes Selins
grove apoiiit. The grading is of the most
favorable character. The abundance ot iron
and iron ore on the Juniatta, which will be
exchanged tor the coal of Shamokin, will
make it not only a proCtable road, but one
of great importance to our coal region and
the great iron and agricultural interests on
the route. Mr. Anns is now engaged in
making other surveys near Lewistown.
EifPRoeREssiNo Backward. We un
dcrstond the Town Council have passed a
resolution prohibiting the publication of
their proceedings. We trust there is some
mistake in this matter. We can hardly be
neve, that in this enlightened age, any
representative uody would undertake to
cover up their proceedings, and prevent the
people, w ho have a right to know what they
are doing, from criticising their actions or
conduct. In the cities of Philadelphia and
New York, Councils are compelled by law
to publish their proceedings, and pay the
cost of pubHcntioc. This is done for the
protection and safety of the community. In
this place we publish the proceedings gratis,
and we con dardly believe that any intelli
gent member of the Council would support
a proposition characteristic of the darkest
ages of despotism. The mere offer of such
proposition by Congress, or in the State
Legislature, would create a revolution.
OfDcIal Itelnrns or the Late
IIarrisburg, Oct. 30. Tho following
gives the official vote for Governor:
Office of tihc Secretary of the Com
monwealth, IIarrisburg, October SO, 1800.
Returns received to-day complete the of
ficial vote as follows :
Geary 307.274
Clvmer 200,1)00
Geary's majority 17,178
The total vote for Governor at the lust
election was 097,270.
En Smker,
Sccretury of the Commonwealth.
Laical from Ualtimorc.
Baltimore, Nov. 1. Gov. Swann has re
moved the Police Commissioners. He says
lie win call on the President for troops, if
It is uot yet ascertained who arc the new
Co.nmissioners. It is remored thot the now
lorce have alrendy organized and will niuke
tueir appearand in the course of the day.
A Ixxly oi 400 dismounted cavalrv. who
arrived here yestenbiv to embark for Texas.
are now at Fort M'llenry, and rumor says
they will bo retaiued here to net in case ot
an emergency.
Offcial neport of the Battle "of Itiniquiljiam
J he Belgian Legion Entirely Cut to I'Ucet.
Washington, Oct. 23.
i ne Mexican minister has received dis-
pucues rrora tno city of Fuebla, Mexico con
mining mo omciai report ot tlio buttle of
if miqunpara, where the Belgian legion was
entirely cut to pieces. Colonel Vun.'ersnii.
en. with the Belgian command, attacked
Ixmiquilpam. place thirty leagues from
y"J u jiieico, nnu was deieated by th
ieiicaiia. lue legion lost tweuty officers,
kil ed on the spot. The legion retired to
I ula. leaving their artillery and train in the
J)ands of the Mexicans. Their officers who
survived that battle have siuce embarked at
m u hit ouiLMum.
fri... r .ii r ...
i i.c luiwwing it t tjuoiutien of a letter
Vera Crcz, Oct. 18-lt p. m.TI)0 St
7M fl Tit 1 1' A as ret a,I I,... ...
"'' ny mis morn inc.
General Ou&r nun . i .
u uuurrJi 1Jls j
Btructions ara to send tn i- ,
tachments, all the troops that are here. He
bnntts l-esides a message from Napoleon to
""" """. -"-vising mm to abdicate in fa
yor of anyboriy he pleads and to cn home
ue is autnorrzed to offer Maxitnillian the
P.ulKii.iani iuerencii flap, with a view
that he may return safely to Meramar.
The Marouis de Onllit :
m I I W IlltSSlllll
or any kind, and he onlv comes to join his
regiment and return to France.
General Castelnaa feels very sore against
....,u..i.u ,r me very discreditable re
rn Europe P"" Carlotta has spread
.tBta!!jr? lL beif ,ru." h bee"
stated, that the French Uovernment has in
timated an extension of time for the with
drawal of the French troops from Mexico,
the account. reo.ive i. Hi. dr, indit.te
that they will all be removed from that coun
try fa a much shorter period of time than
that heretofore mentioned by the French
.v1! 0arKK. Oct 28It is thought
that General Ortega and suite, of the Mexi
can army, will be prevented front going to
Mexico, via Brownsville, Texas.
Sa Fbanckco, Oct. 87. A letter from
eo. Montenegro, dated Acapulco, October
15th, informs the Imperial consul here that
csuipaigns agaiust the Liberals in Guerrero
were about to be opened vigorously.
New Orleans, Oct. SO.
The following important letter appears
this evening : ' S
Gulf, New Orleans, Oct. 2 J. General
I am satisfied that there is only one way in
which the state of affitirs on the Rio Grande
can be settled, and that is by civing the
heartiest support to the only Uovernmeut ot
Mexico recognized by our own, the only one
which is really favorable to us. You will,
therefore, warn all adherents of any party or
a pretended Government in Mexico, or the
State of Tamaulipas, that they will not be
permitted to violate the neutrality laws be
tween the Liberal Government of Mexico,
and the United States, and also, that they
will not be Dcrmiltcd to remain on our ter
ritory, nnd recti ve the urotectierJ of our flair,
in order to complete their machinations for
the vuilnlinn nt our neutrality laws.
These Instructions will be enforced againr-s
the adlmrunts of the linucrini buccaneer, re
fjresentiiiR the so-called Imperial Govern-
Iircni or .Tiexu-" , ami
rra ttanrn. Anna Hilt other tactions. Prcsi
dent Juarez is the acknowledged head of
the Liberal Government of Mexico. Iam,
General, very respectfully, your obcdieut
servant, 1'. H. Khbridan,
Major uenerai voniiiinnuing.
To Brevet Brigadier General E. T. Sedg
wick, commanding tul district of the Hio
Gruode, Browusville, Texas.
New Orleans, Oct. 20. Gen. Ortega,
who claims to be the constitutional Presi
dent of the Republic of Mexico, in place of
Juarez, arrived here to night Irom rew irK.
and requests the papers to announce thut be
win luavu iq h lew iiuv lor urow limine,
whence he will enter Mexico, with the ob
ject of re-establishing the constitutional
Government. When this is accomplished,
he Says he will send a minister to Washing
ton. Iiis stall, and a number ot officer who
have Lc-cn awaiting him, will accompany
From the lMuiim.
The Omaha Daily Uerald, of October 10th
has the following :
The following account of a desperate en
counter with Indians on Milk River is just
received. It appears that alter a bloody
tight of five hours against vastly superior
numbers, four brave fellows fell in the con
test. The whites killed were T. A. Kent,
John Ross, James Smith and William liur
ber. It appears the party were on their way
from Benton, in a large skill", and had camp
ed for the night when attacked. The letter
is from John Coben, of New York, who has
survived with serious, though not dungerous
wounds, and is dated at Ft. Union, October
1st, and mailed at Sioux City the 15th. It
is as follows :
Fort Union, Oct. 1, 18C0.
2fessr$. Editors Herald Sius : Please no
tice the deaths, by Indians, of T. A. Kent,
John Ross, James Smith and William Bur-
bar, who were killed at the mouth of Milk
river, after five hours' hard fighting with the
Sioux. Kent killed thirteen of them shoot
ing ten and killed three with his knife-
When be clinched with the thirteenth, one
of the cursed savages killed him with a bil
let of wood, striking him on the head. In
all, we killed twenty-one of them. I receiv
ed five wounds in the body, from arrows,
but nothing fatal, I hope. We left Benton
on the 6th of September, in a large skiff.
a: the time oi attack we were in camp tor
the night. Hoping the friends of the de
ceased may hear of the sad intelligence, I re
main, Your, &.c. John Coben.
the; i ii.u.s.
Buffalo, Oct. 3). Another great Fenian
meeting was ueiu nere last night. The it
nian Senator Morrison and others spoke,
Great enthusiasm prevailed. The Irish mil
itary organizations are recruiting uicd, and
money is being collected. Even the womeu
are said to be at wort. The w ar tpuit is
Cincinnati, Oct. 33. The Fenians assem
bled in large numbers at the armory last
evening. Head Centre Fitzgerald mustered
into service lour full companies of men. Ar
rangements are completed for uniforming
and arming as many as may be mustered
Cornwall, C. W., Oct. 30. non John
Hilllard Cameron, counsel for the Crown,
baa applied for a writ of habeas corpus, to
take the three Fenians from here to Toronto,
to be tried with those now at Toronto.
The Crown counsel has also moved for a
sentence of outiawiy against Mike Murphy
and the other Fenians who escaped by break
ing jail.
The names of those sent to Toronto are
Keys, Hurt well and Kelly.
Luteal Irons Auuapolia.
Annatolis, Md., Oct. 81.
The examination of the charges against
me ronce Commissioners whs continued
until 0 o'clock last night, and resumed again
this morning st 10 o'clock.
I lie defense expect to get through their
eviueuce by noon, when there will probably
be some rebutting evidence introduced by
the prosecution.
commissioner llinds was called to the
stand yesterday by tho counsel lor the de-
ienss, in order that the Governor might ques
tion him, but he declined doing so and tid
if he desired to examine the Commissioners,
he would do so at their office, in Baltimore.
The same conversation took place lust
nigut, relative to the argument of the case.
Mr. Alexander, for the Commissioners, an-
n.imw.ji.l 1.1.. I... .. ...
ir . ""eniiou io argtltt t lie C6B.
ir. Lairooo urged the importance of dispos
ing ot the case without delay. He said they
represented 14,000 disfranchised people of
tuitimorc. Time pressed. If the Commis
sioner were removed, as they hoped and be
nevcu iney would be, there wns much to be
done many changes to be made before next
i uebiiuy, mo nay ol election. The counsel
tor the defense said they did not wish to de
lay unnecessarily. Mr. Alexander said thv
represented the Union men of Baltimore and
the Union sentiment of the country. The
u.cmur xui. mm in onier to accommodate
the counsel, he would sit up to 12 o'clock
to-night if necessary.
fr'orelffu icws.
The steamships Alleinania and Deutchland,
rrou, MutLampton October 17th, arrived at
New York on Saturday.
Tho Queen of Denmark bed visited the
Ho'u, Lnodndon'UCt" 0t' W " Mu'lb'
More reform demon.trations are to be held
in London, Glasgow and Edinburgh.
The English volunteer, in flrulsel. have
been feted in a most princely manner.
Napoleoo is still very ill.
At a recent meeting of representatives
from all quarter, of Northern 6chle,w
resolution for the immediate establishing
at &!??Ma f"r, OPpOSinS
of 8ch Io wig was adopted.
DiiT '.f" ' ' "'iptiorj for a wedding
gi t to the PiuceMDagIDHry the
inhabitant, ha. been prohibited by the Prn.
sian Governor ot Schleswig.
On the 15tb of November the Hungarian
Diet will open.
The Russian, have .uroressed th In.,,..
rectioos in Abasia and Doghestan.
i ue war in uandia still continues.
The unostentatious manner In wldrh ML.
Burdett Coutts. of London, ministers to the
Eoor and afflicted, is an illustration of the
livine truth, that the love of God it the
lite of hit creature.
IIarrirbcro, Oct 80. Governor Curtin
yesterdsy issued sv latk-wafTant to the
sheriff of Lycoming county, for the execu
tion of Peter Bota, on Tuesday, the 4tli flav
if rwi-mtxT. between the hours of 10 o'clock
A. m. and I P. if. Bota was convicted of the
murder or Phoebe Ann Bots, his wtt'e, on the
4th or March, 181)0, near Williamsport.
Colonel Jainee Worrall, commissioner ap
pointed to secure the improvement of dams
In the Busquchsnna for the passage r Hah,
has announced that the dam ut Columbia has
been thus Improved, and that the corpora
tions owning dums lately purchased from the
State have aa yet tailed to comply with the
law. It is contemplated that come import
ant litigation will be had before the immense
fisheries heretofore existing in the Susque
hanna can be restored.
The ltlai of I lie Kvenlnsg Star tn
la Florida.
Sananeah, October 15. A privato letter
from Moyport Mills, Florida, says that Go
ncdsby, the mate of the Evening Star, had
arrived, having lettthe steamer with a Inmt
lond of ladies. All but two were lost before
getting near shore. In landing, the latter
were lost one named Annie, from Rhode
Island, and the other Rosa Howard, of New
York. Both became insane from want and
starvation. The bodies were washed ashore
that of the latter nearly devoured by
sharks. The mate is barely alive.
ut:.cit.tL ii:v
Bear arc quite plenty in Cleatfield county,
The fast horse ''Boxer." of Newport, Yt.,
has been purchased for (25,000.
Five thousand men were recruited for the
regular army last month.
It is reported that Lord Lvons i. to be
the British Minister in Paris.
Most of the Paris journals cive up the
cause of Maxitnillian in Mexico,
A bov in New Orleans shot his mother
dead, with a toy cannon, a few days since.
John Briuht advocates an ultimate union
of the people of England and America.
Fourteen inches of snow fell in the Lake
Superior mining legions on Friday night
A girl thirteen yesrs of age is on trial at
Adrian, Ohio, for attempting to poison her
A wealthy planter of Mississippi is at
New York urging emigrants to go South
instead of West.
"The Confederate Spelling Book" is ad
vertised by a Richmond publisher as "just
The first New Jersey cavalry regiment
claims to have participated in ninety-seven
A new feature of racedom is a purse for
the best walking horse.
Nine hundred dead bodies were picked up
in the streets of Bulume, India, in one morn
ing. Fuminc.
The value of Government property stored
at Jefi'ersonville, Indiana, is estimated at
Four thousand happy children bands of
hope met in one hall in Manchester, Eng
land, on the 22d ult.
A cheap and poor coffin, that was easily
broken open, saved a man iu Brussels from
being buried alive.
Mariiu i;ua, of Pj:"3, rr.urdere.l ls bro
ther, two wives and his daughter with poison
before lie was detected and hung.
It is estimated that the corn crop of Penn
sylvania for the present year will amount to
30,000,000 bushels,
Bishop Coin-so in about to publish a vol
ume of sermons which is likely to make a
sensation in Evangelical circles.
A 000 pound bear was killed at Stoneham,
Muss., on Monday. The spoils and Statu
bounty netted his captors $100.
It is stated that there are upwards of
million children iu Great Brituin unprovi
with schools.
Eighty-five prisoners in Libby Prison,
luciiinonu, va.
George D. Prentiss, of the Louisville Jour
nal, is seriously ill with bronchitis.
The people of Emporium. Cameron county,
are exulting over the fact that at the last
flection they polled 103 votes, while Smith
port, the county seat, polled only 57.
There have been two millions of dollars,
oriu in propeny, in tne oil region, destroy
ed by fire within a year.
Last week, by order of Lict. Thompson,
ouiiin, arKunsus, cannon were tired
through the streets to drive away the cholc
I he London Timet thinks the Rebels of
tne toutli ought to vote, but that the work
ing men oi tngiaud should not huve that
a company is lorming in New York to
supply that city with cabs, such as they
iin.B iii lii.uuuu, auu w uicu are a great cou-
M. Gamier Pages has addressed to the Pre
c,tl..i,r i,f tl... T-..:....l o. ... .
biiitcu cuaie. a letter III luvor
oi i ne : auiiiiiioii ot capital punishment in the
duieriean repuiuic.
A pill box factory in Bristol. Vermnnt.uses
up three hundred cords of birch wood utr
nuniim . n . I .1... . :n.. . , . .. r
mi.wui,,, nnu me puis create a acmand tor as
many mure cords lor Collins.
Mrs. Gladstone, with her own hands, has
rescued hundreds of children from the pes
tilenliul alleys of London, whom thocholeri
nas deprived ol parents and home.
ine remans are again astir. Mcetincs
ncie nem in a numner or cities on the SSth
t,lr in . .. i -A r . . ..
... ,111,101.111111 in regard to the recent
sentence to death in Canada of two of their
It is rumored in Louisville that the Court
or Appeal has decided that Gen. Palmer
was guilty of felony Tor assisting in the
7"l,p oi naves winist he was in command
ui uiui innuary district.
A ftpfti,n . r ... ,1 ....... '. . r a . .
. - currwim iree irom ualilornia
has been received at the Department of the
Interior at Washington, intended for the
Paris Exposition. The piece is about eight
ce Jn iiinnieter and about two and a liulf
m inicKmss, and is liuished oil with a
biimhiiii Buruiee.
Lieut 8. P. Stephens, of Norristown, and
an attache of the Auditor General's office
has been indicted by tho Democracy of
Monrr,,. ,,,. r - . - .
, . V j iur rciusing to receive
inu vine oi ueseriers.
General Woodward, of Mississippi, ad
dressed the colored citizen of Harrisburir
ou Friday evening, 20tij ult.
The citizen of IIarrisburg intend shortly
to commeuce the construction of a new
bridge over the Susquehanna.
The nroDertv exemnt from iu..ii. t
Philadelphia at the assessors' valuation.
wuicu i aoout one-fifth its real value a
mount. to over twelve millions of dollar.
Durlnr a recent flood in riiir,. .k
, , , ..... - ..... ,n,i,i-
sand puaons and au immense herd of mill.,
were drowned. Forty men were killed by
the falling of a wall. '
An Encliahman In A lk..
Mf ...... . . recently, ate
877 oyster, measuring more than six oliaria
oua meat, at one aittini ti.. .
Cold Weather T..-.n i ... ... .
LU.vfa.?arMoi,d; .T
-JL fmuf-Uilj'lA .'MalnOfteriWeriaff r.
two years from ft severe lung disorder, 1
coughed up a needle, and is recovering,
Princess Murat has arrived in Boston from
Europe, on her way horns to Florida, ir. com
pany with the late Commodore Dallas. Slio
is the descendant of Joachim Murat, King
of Naples, and belongs In Florida, where
sho has long resided. ,
A noted horse thief has just been senten
ced to live year In the penitentiary of Wis
consin, who jo criminal career is remarkable.
Though only S7 years old, lie lias had pnsed
upon him sentences Tor crimes committer
in France, England, Canada and America,
amounting in the aggregate to 60 years of
A young man in Newbury port, a me
chanic, received the intelligence the other
day that he w as the heir to half a million by
the death of his aui:t. The pleasant news
did not prevent him from finishing hi day's
work ; and alter making a visit to New York
tn confirm the facts of tho case, he returned
to his d lily labors to await the administra
tion of the estate. - .
The Paris Museum of Artillery has jus'
been enrijhed by a historical cannon; it i
an inimo isu culverin, twelve feet long, and
weighing twenty-six thousand pounds, and
tii-aiiui; an inscription in German, declaring
''My name is Griilin ; I pierce walls. Sir
Von Gatz cast me In 1520.
A Hundred BABtna in a Stable. An
English paper : ''An old stable with
one hundred little babes nestling in the
horse troughs is something of a novelty,
but the spectacle is daily to be seen in the
locality of Union street, Borough road,
London. The work has been somewhat re
cently undertaken by the Rev. George Al
dington, who at his own expense secured
an old stable to form a nursery, nnd fitted
it up for taking rare of the babes of women
obliged to go to char or work away from
home. The hay cribs remain and serve as
A thunderbolt from a perfectly cloudless
sky struck a church and three dwelling
houses at Rising Sun, Indiana, a few days
ago. it killed a girl outright and stripped
all the clothing from a boy, whom, strange
to say, it only stunned. A more remarkable
electrical phenomenon has rarely occurred.
Nearly 2,000 Germans leave Europo every
week for the United Stutcs, in t lie Bremen
mid Hamburg mail steamers. A company
is established at Copenhagen to encourage
the emigration of banes, Norwegiou and
sweats to l tie united states.
An express train carried the twenty mil
lions of thulers which form the war indem
nity Austria must pay Prussia. The whole
amount was paid in silver. It was loaded
by the ton and took twenty men six days to
count it.
In pumping out an old marble ounrrv in
Rutland, Yt., recently, which had neither
outlet or inlet, severul lurge speckled trout
weie taken out, one of which weighed two
pounds and a halt. How the trout got in
mere must ever remain n mystery
A convention of ministers of various de
nomination), was held in' Brooklyn, N. V
or. Thursday evening. The object of the
convention whs io tuKe steps lor the more
ctlccluul preaching of the Gospel to the
masses oi ine people,
The match for $.100 between Mr. F. G,
Brooks, formerly a United States telegraph
operutor, and P. H. Burns, of Worcester, the
champion telegraph operutor of New Eng
land and New York, is arranged to take
place in November, between Boston and
L (Vc:ii ' Iri .va'.l t-ays ,,t!ie mi'.tMry
rather make mo smile, ut'ur having seen a
sudor with bis fists whip five fully armed
soldiers who uttemptcd to arrest him."
It is said that a young and pretty woman
fell in love with Pellicier. the murderer,
while he was in jail, wrote him notes, and
wished to marry him, but was prevented.
The B und of Health of New York say in
their report, that as the c holeru continued so
lute in ihe season it will return again with
the appearance of warm weutht r.
A distinguished West African traveller has
met savages who were perfect "L'hesterfi dds
ir. manner and speech, which however, did
not prevent them tiom beiug iiurs and
It has been decided bv a school commit
tee in the interior that the personal pronoun
''1" is not Government.
Considering the sneers and jeers of the
Democrat!.-, press at the Rump Congress,"
it is surprising how many Democrats are
unxious to secure seats therein.
There is a mystery connected with the
ways or habits ot the grasshopper that
s win in on our western pruiries. A Colorado
paper says: hen the wind blow, from
the southwest tliew lty with it. When from
m.j uiner uireeuon iney alight and cover
the ground in places to the depth ot au
Since the fire at Portland, on July 4lh,
there have between six and seven hun
dred buildings erected, including fifteen
three story brick and granite blocks, con
taining in all twenty-four stories. The total
contribution, received by Mayor Stevens, of
Portland, for the relief of tliu sollerer by
fire lack but f 12,000 of half a million.
Larry Coffin, a r.otorion. desperado and
murderer, who had served two terms in Au
burn Prison for manslaughter and assault
with a deadly weapon, was shot dead by
James Hamilton, at the resilience of the lat
ter, in Aubuin, on Tuesday morning, 2:)d
lilt. Collin was trying to break intfi the
house of Hamilton, and the latter shot him
in self defense.
The cost of living in New York at the
present time ia almost incredible, and it is
astonishing where all the money comes from
Jo support such extravagance. Furnished
houses in fashionable avenues rent for $1,000
per month. A family living at one of the
large hotels pays f 700 per week for room
and board. The average prlee for large
rooms and board in the principal hotels can
not be less than $150 per week for man and
A Boston Dickinson
a a beautiful and well-dressed lailv, and
says the heart ol many a bachelor in iter au
dience was caused to .beat violently at a
recent lecliiro as she gracefully pneed up
and down the stage. A correspondent ol
the Louisville (Ky.) Journal heard her
speak in Boston, and writes: J. left, won
deririg how a human female could be so
beautiful aud bewitching, and tell such
whoppers." '
A young lady res:ding in Lansing. Mich.,
was stunjj on the forehead by a honey bee. in
August lat. The poison ofthe siiiiL- cauwd
a severe .welling, and so prostrated her ner
vous system as to confine her to her bed nA
eventually caused her death on (ho 10th inst.
1 he Chicago Itmee states ilmt man. .
terfeit $100 bills on the Naiior.-! Itu r
ooMon are oeing circulated iu Chicago. It
i difficult to detect tho counterfeit from the
genuine, a the former are admirubly execu-t-d.
... ..-. ...... .
The whole number of 1pi1i in n..
the week ending at noon. 0, i.,i.. in
8'i. Of which 48 were of male, ami 88 of fe-
b ales, American liartnLige. Eai ior..,,
pauutuge, 03; Sij were ot children under 6
year ot age; 10 were by coMumpiion j dv
tunterv. i chokra wurbua. & t.VIkk.ti1 fun.
One of our eiclunrreiL In notieinir
sernation of a silver cup to a contemporary,
say.i "He teeds nocup.-IUc.o drink from
any vessel that contain, liquor, whether
from the neck of bottle, the month of a
demijohn, the spile of a keg, or the bung of
barrel." ; ..... ,....,." , ...,-
- IT W Iml troirtwi ef Bolm M(r, had
squirrel bunt on the 12th tilt. One party
I returned with 6853 acalp end heads, and
the other party with 41V3 acalp. and head.
Mr. 0. W. D. Eastman, ef Del mar, Tioga
county, Pa., bow in hi fifty eigth year, dug,
the other day, 120 bushel of potatoes. Be
sides this, Lo .hot aix squirrel, and one
weasel. v - ' '
The claim of Trinity Church, in New
York city, to about sixty millions of dollar,
worth of real estate is about to be tested in
the courts of that State. The heir, of Anneke
Jan. claim the Property.
Absalom Williamsi who live, near Rich
mond, Indiana, 'i ninety-tour years of age,
and has never seen a railroad car. although
train, have been running within a mile sif
hi. uonie lor ten year.
More than one hundred vessel, have been
wrecked or disabled during the recent
storms, and probably a. many a. five hun
dred person, who were in them have found
a watery grave." ' '
- A project i in contemplation to erect a
monument in honor oi the lallen soldiers
and sailor from Crawford county the cost
of the shaft to be in the neighborhood of
fiKMiUU. ......
The people of Victoria, Vancouver' Is
land, have petitioned Queen Vict rin to
allow the colony to withdraw from the Bri
tiah and annex itself to the United States
Dr. Blackburn, of yellow fever Infection
notoriety, i in Washington, pressing his
claim for pardon and forgiveness with
mucti peristency.
Wc would call attention to tb opinion of one of
the feeding papers of Canada on this lubjtet :
Moit of our readers here, no doubt, read some of
tbe numerous advertisements of Uilt fcnterpriru,
Ui ft Concern, io., which appear from time lo time
in ine puouo prints, ottering moit tempting bargains
to tuose wdo will patromte them, in most canes
three are genuine bumbuge. Hut there are a few
rerpeolable firms who do buiineee in thie manner,
and tney do it at a means of incroaaing their whole
sale bu.inrse, and not to make money. From euch
Druii, It is true, bandsome and valuable articles ara
procured for arerytmnll sum. and what is more
important, no one Is evercbeated. fcvery person
gen good value forhisdollar: became, as we have
stated, it is intended to act aa an advertisement to
inereaee tbeir ordinary business.
We have seen numbers of prises sent out in this
way by buemiAN, Watsor k C'ompanv, or Nassau
Street, N. Y., and there is no doubt that some of the
articles ar worth eight or ten times ibo money paid
for thein, while wc bare not seen or heard of a single
article which was net fully worth the dollar which it
cost, but this is oniy one of the exceptions of this
rule, for as a general thing the parties engaged in
this business ara nothing but clover swindleis.
(Saturday Readrr, Montreal, C. U , Jan. 13, 1M8.)
Oct. 20. eow-St
QV Eaa A Woaaa, in another column, picking
Samburg grapes for Speer's Wine. It is aa admira
ble article, need in tho hospitals sod by the first
class families in Paris, London and Now York, in
preference to old Port Wine. It is worth a trial, as
it gives great satisfaction. For sale by W. A. Ben.
nelt, Market street.
Crosby Art Association.
ATTiarr to tarAia fcblio cosriDiirca la rns
From Chicago Post, Augurt 22 J
Aa attempt has just been made to impair public
confidence in th integrity of purpose of Mr. Crosby
in the great Art Association enterprise. Some ir
responsible individual mulliciously, aud certainly
without any grounds, had telegraphed lo severul
eaaierauiewapapers that tbe people here lost confi
dence in the scheme being carried out, or tbe prises
ever awarded. Now tb people in Chicago know
that no on has aver expressed the slightest doubt
of tbe integrity of Mr. Crosby, or bis ability to enrry
out to the iejler the advertised project of tbo Asso
c'utioh. Tbersloof tickets bin been, within the
pnst two weeks, brisker, than ever, and never has
there been the slightest indication of tlieir depre
ciating in value. In the Tollowing oard Mr. Crosby
reiterates his ability and determination to carry out
tbe plan of the Association. Mr. Nickerson guaran
tees his undertaking and tbe committee appointed
lo superintend tb awarding of premiums endorse
bolb. The people of Chicago require no such guar
antees, but on the contrsry ihe whole city would be
ready, 11 required, to guarantee both the committee,
Mr. Nickerson and Mr. Crosby himself, who origi
nated, and who is successfully carrying out the Art
Asrociaiion scheme. To the members of tb Crosby
Upera Art Association :
The sale of certificates in the Association has
already been so great as to enaole me to stale that
Ihe dirtribution ot premiums heretofore announced
will be mad to tbeir satisfaction, or the money re
funded. U. It. CROSBY, Actuary, A. A.
Having the utmost eonGdenoe in the abilitv of Mr.
Croby to carry out bis enterprise, hereby guarantee
uis uuavrinaing, asaoove announced.
. 6iS'l M. NlCKESSOH.
Chicago, Aug. 21, 1855.
The undersigned, members of the Committeo ap
pointed lo superintend the awarding of premiums to
me moiuDersot ine vrosoy upera ilouao Art Asso
ciation, take iileasure in statin that we have full
confidence in the integrity of Mr. Crosby, and in the
responsibility of Samuel M. Nickerson, Esq., bis
auarauiur, aoa assure sue puDllo iua( we oeiiev me
anove personal will be earned out in good faith.
James ii Uowen. President Third Naiionnl Bunk.
J. O. Fargo, Superintendent American Express Com
Amos T. Hall, Treasurer C. B. A Q. R, R.
J. U. Dore, President Board of Trade.
J. A. Ellis, President Second National Bank.
Clinton Briggs, Kwin Iiriggs A Co.
K. a. 11.11, Uell, Kimbalk A Co.
1'rancis A. Hoffmen, Kx-Lieut. Governor- .
(From New York Sunday Times. I
It is very rarely that wo feel inclined to call tba
attention of cur readers to any ol the 'gilt' arrange
ments with which our Daoers have latelv been flood
ed ; hut Ibis scheme; of what ne may call tbe Crosby
Art I'nion, is so largely and generously conceived,
as well as so handsomely and unequivocally indorsed
by the leading eitisens of Chicago, that we unhesita
tingly cive it our cordial approval. The cost of Ibo
Opera House was $600,000, and the individuals who
are disposed to purchase such a property, at guch a
price, aie raio, even when iu accompanying stores,
offices ,and studies rent for So,0u0. What in this
ease was to be done? Mr. Crosby, or tboso who
may be associated with him. are sagacious men.
They originated this "art association; so broadly and
liberally arranged it can scarcely fail of insuring
itself a posiiiv success. In th first place they oiler
to every subscriber, not alone a share in th Opera
House, with the chance of ultimately becoming it
sole proprietor, but a possibility of obtaining also
o'.ber very valuable premiums. These consist of
iiiersiaoi great painting, "Tho Yo Semite Valley;"
Croiwey1 '-American Autumn :" achusseel's nation.
al wotk, "Irving and his Friends;" aa well as w.u-k
oy an icaniag artists ol tbe country. The first seven
are in actual value $1-1,1100. That ibis a positively
genuiue ofier no doubt can exist, as tbo ariuts give
it their unhesitating and cordial approval. Under
any eirc uuislanee this ought to guarantee its purity
of intention ; but when each a serin of prominent
vmacus oi toe n eeiera metropolis permit Mr. Crosby
to use melr names in bu advruacmnia a n,mr
" aivu iMiiD, sucu a guarantee is immeasurably
strrngtheoed. At th sum time we may call th
attention of tb timidlv sneaulative tn tha ri ih.t
..r j .... i r . .
every purchases of a share receive an engraving of
uluuh ui Taiae oi me money wmcn He nas
paid. Tb whole scheme is so magnificent in all iu
arrangements tbat we shall indacd ha omrirxl
should Mr. Crosby not speedily realise tb whole of
iu ruiuuui required oy AID.
U. tl. CKOsHV. itntuuT K art rt.j
No. 20 Opera House Chicago.
For further particulars send at one for a catalogs
to Aaw York Oflice.
ao Saim.a, 8unbnrv, P... Is th authorized
Agent for tb abev Association.
Ixt or Htolesa.
About th 15th of OalAkr a kl..b t.J -LI..
spotted 6LI1T, hound, Unned head and oars, and
answers of Rose. A reward of Five Dollar will be
Pid by tb undersigned on her being retornad to
a - ' . . . J011NBOURNB.
iOV. O, IOOO. l
lor Aeanla in trarr Cnuntw nn lnvlnna
t'..t" .. .. .T - V . " . "
riiiuit, hihii our oiaps, vnarts, ana 1'nniograpus.
Uond Agents sr making tiuO a month. New charU
iued monthly. Everybody will find thie a reepect.
aaleajte) produiblebueiaese, asweoSer large) indaoo.
menu, eonl tor circular and particulars. Address
Pabllthers of popular Maps, Chans, etc.,
t Liberty St., N, York.
NoewmW I. lfl.-n -
' Proeareeneof BYERLY'8 Free PhotorrsDh Pie.
stir aihU Kooms In Biapeoa' BuildinV- T
LADIES Mil and see U Butgiu Baakae.
Bracket sdr is Work Boaaa, a"t
-t&e Very latest arrival tt -
Fall and Winter Goods!
i (Succeuettor tt John Bowen.)
Cornar of Market and Fawn Strset,
larltes th publlo U sail and axamin hi slef sat
which b. will sell at rreally reduosd prises. Ills
took consists !n part of
Hilke. Detainee. Lawni. Oinshams. Calieoef . Mailiaa.
Mieetinit. Ticking!, Jeens.and a ran eesonmeni oi
Cotton and Woolen goods generally. '
rfostery, Otorea, Uoop Bklrta. AUo IlandkerohieCi,
Braebes, Combs.. , r
lint and Cap, note and Shoe,
Ills Senortment of coodi will not, ho le are lure
fnil to nleate the Taney end lult the wants of any de,
iiroue oi puronMinn. jiii hoc oi
and Oroccriea is large in quantity and ehoies In
quality, comprising generally everything needed in
Che houichnlil either for uee or ornament.
He ii nlwnyi ready and gled to tee hit friends
end tnkes pleaeuro in rhowing tbem bif goodi eren
thouch ne Mien ar made, lie onlv arks a cull, and
Ii sure that lb slock win compar laroraoiy in
pries and quality wita tbeebeepeet.
Suabary, Nov. 3, jS5A.
in Cake's Addition,
TOPEPH Bacher resnectfullv informs tks eltiiens
ej of Northumberland, and adjoining counties, tbat
ne nas commenced the brewing of
Having procured th services of an excellent
Brewer, and having long exneriane himself, i
the business, he flatters himself that he will be able
to manufacture an nrtiole that will compare with
any mid in this section of the country.
Landlords. Restaurant keepers, and otbers, will
be supplied at short notice.
Send in your orders and give it a fair trial.
October 27, 18n.
FALL TRADE, 18(16 ! FALL TRADK, 1868! ! p
.1I.L.MZAK1M ',h
B XTTOULD respectfully call th attention of g
VY the publio to her LARGE and NEW P
a Fancy and Domestio Dry Goods-"o
o lrcBK ootai, p
P Of all kinds and styles in great Variety.
Black, tireen, Blue, Wine, Brown, Purple, Ac, ag
q In All-Wool Plaids, ileluins, Calicoes, g
Ac, we have an assorment. o
S Th best Black Allpaecas, all-wool Delaine,,
g Poplins. ?
"Whito Goods.
D Cambric, Swiss. Nainsook and Jaconet Mus- Q
lins, Dimity, Bird-Eye Linen and Towling. g
ci Berlin and American Zephyrs, Shetland g.
Wool. Cashmere Varus. Ac. -
II, kil,li- tj
JB1 sr v w a-e an SB anf
o (Inm Cloth, I)ren Trimming Hoiiery,
Q mA.a. llnn.Qlrlrlss rwsraettss VIklvsa.
uiVeiai isuui-lbii M vviivii) suwii auu j.
vw.'-a. r-
g Red Gloves, of the best quality, and a great B
variety of goods too numerous lo mention, all 5
, of which will be sold at Ihe very lowest for 5
Heath. M. L. LA7.ARITS
u Snnhnr. Oet. 17. 1.1. r
a '
Regular and Transient boarders kept on the most
rra-onaoie terms,
Sunbury, Oct. 27, 1868. St.
TTA VING purchased properly in tho West, I now
XA propose selling my Two ruruil nere. vis : Tin
one centniuing 110 acres, of the best red shale, situ
ate in Bhamokiu township, Northumberland eountv
within a miles of Shamokintown, and 2t miles of the
Railroad. 1
The improvements are a good, large, Cummodiocs
i w i: i, i. ri nous i: .
with all the necessary outbuildings, a Fountain of
good water at lb dour. A Urge frame Bank Barn,
with Sheds. Straw Houses, and Cider Works attached.
Two good bearing Orchards of excellent fruit, to.
gether with reaches, rears, Cbcrrios, Plums,
Urapes, Ac., and about twenty acresnf good mea
dow. About ,"0 aerrs of good Timber Land. A
Water-Power Snw Mill, Ae.
The other Farm of till acre", be tbe more or
less, lying- contiguously and ad joining, with snod neat
and commodious buildings, two never-failing springs
of excellent water near the house, with good mea
dow and meadow ground, about 4(1 acres ol excellent
liuiDerLuna a young thriving Orchard, Ac, Ac.
I'crsons wishing to purchase good farms, near the
ton! Regions, will do well to call and see my pro
perty. The terms will be reasonable. If no, sold
within two months, the saino will be offered for rent
riensant Dale r nrm, 1
lOtb mo. 10th, 1S66.
Market Square, 2 door east of tb New Court House,
HAVE received a large quantity of new FALL
and WINTER UOODS. which they offer to th
uraae at me lowest possible prices.
Their stock of Ladies' Dress Goods is large, and
contains a greater variety than can be fouud in any
country establishment. Call and examine.
Black and Fancy Silks, Gros de Grain, Gros d
It nine, Tanetas, Ac, of every width and prioe. Me
rinos of all shades and colors, all-wool Plaids. Irish
and trench roplins, Black Figured and Striped
Alnpaocas, Empress Cloths, Sills and Wool Plaids,
Mohair Lustres, all-wool Pelaines. Mousselaiua Da.
laines, Blaok and Whit Checks, Ac.
Deserves particular attention. Shawls, Cloaks.
Opera Flannels, Mantillas, Hoop Skirts, Ac
Contains iu more than usual surnlv of Laeea. IIo.
eiery, uiovea, etc.
Comprises a new assortment of Gentlemen's Far
Dishing Uoods, Cloths, Calico, A.
Th large Carpet Department of ihe establishment Is
bow tiled with fresh and elegant lot f aew stylos
and pattern.
Embrace WALL PAPER of all kind and prices.
n iiiwr ktjwwv - mymr
do .. Oil larg, new Msottmtnt.
Drags, Oils, Paints, Coal Oil ass
' - - Idmna.
Fish. Pork, Coarse and Fins Salt, Coffee, Tea, Su
gar, Molaase Syrap, Spiow, A.. . ,
Groceries. Tobacco. Sceara and Snun. toe-ether with
large variety of misoellaneoa goods at prioe that
wsuaoe iwi to aatuuy purcnaaer.
v . rv . axvilSiaur ei ouif .
Banbury, October IS, 1H64.
T UILDKRd and thai
alaun plating smilding,
see tho largo assort-
AJ would as vail te aali aad eee tho lares assort-
uaatai Lbaks. Lalohaa. Bolt, Buus and fiorows.
trap aad T. Iliage. Winsoer Apringa, saA stwt
iking wasted Ssoosspleesshesi, at the nsn Barel-
Of l lot hint;, & rrr,hle
. . axi
TDK undersigned takes pleasure In TainTST0,1!'! to
th publio of Sunbury, and vicinity, thai he Aa
opened bis
with a welt selected stock of
which he Ispfipnred tniell at antonlshing low prlees.
As I am determined to bring down prices as muoh
as possible, ad as I am doing no credit bninees
and sustain no losses, it will bo to tbo advantage
of Cash Bursas to glvs m a eall.
: i Bi ikiUjr.iMiitiiu.
Next door to Geo. firigbt's Drug Store.
Sunbury. October 20. I860. -
IIOO'I'H, NIIi:N, A.lil 'l ltl'.lKSr
n. a. TH ACHER,
W . W . A. P B LET,
A large lot of Roots and Shoes just received. A
fine lot of TRUNKS on band. A gene
ral assortment of Uent's Travelling
Ealebels, K U. Bags. Valises,
Ac, Ac, Ac, Ac
At th well-known hooso of Mrs. Boultcm. Market
Street, between Third and Fourth f-treels.
Sunbury, Sept. 20, 186ft. '
Great Distribution
American JevTelf-rs' Ansoclnllon,
Dsrors : 37 A 39 Navsab, St, 59 A 58 Lis
unit Siasir,
Of Rosewood Piano and Melodeons, Fine Oil Paint
ings, Engravings, Silver War, Hold and Silver
Watches, and elegant Jewelry, confuting of Dia
mond Pins, Diamond Rings, Gold Bracelets, Coral,
Florentine, Mosaic, Jet, Lava, and Catnco Ladies'
Sets. Gold Pens, with Gold and Silver Extension
Holders. Sleeve Buttons. Sets of Studs. Vest and
Neck Chains. Plain and Chased Gold Chains, Ac,
Ac, valued at
U 000,000, FOR ONE COLLAR,
hich thev need not Da until it is kuown what is
drawn and its value.
calls your attention to the (net of its being the lar
gest and most popular Jowelry Association in tne
United States. The business is and always has been
conducted in the most candid and honorable man
ner. Our rapidly increasing trade is a sure guaran
tee of the appreciation ot our patrons fur Ibis method
of ohtnining rich, elegant and cosily goods. The
sudden stngnntion of trade in Europe, owing to the
late Uertnan War and recent disastrous financial
crisis in England, has caused Ihe failure of a large
number of Jewelry Houses in London and fans,
obliging them to sell their goods at a great anoritke,
in some instances less than one-third the co-t of
manufacturing. We bavo lately purchased very
largely of these Bankrupt Goods, at such extremely
low prices, that we can afford to send away Finer
Goods and give better chance to draw the moss
valuable prises than any other establishment doing
a similar business. OUR AIM IS TO PLEASE, and
we respectiully solicit your patronage, as we nio
confident of giving the utmost satisfaction. During
the past year we have forwarded a number of the
most valuable prises to all parts of the country.
Tho'O who patronize us will receive the full valuo
of Iheir money, as no article on our list is worth li-ss
than One Dollar, retail, and there are no tlunks.
Parties dealing wilh us may depend on having
prompt returns, and the article drawn will be hu
uiediately sont to any address by return mall or
express. ,
The lollowing parties have recently drawn valua
ble prises from the American Jwelers' Association,
and have kindly allowed the use of their namos : j
Charles J. Hunter. Ksoj., TreRJO'v lier.utn.Ci.t',
Washington, D. C, Piano, value $ J0 ; A:..,i
O. Yates. &2 St. Mark's Place, N. Y.. Si-ving .Mi
chine, value fS ; Brig. Gen. h. L.Hanson. t.
Vols.. Nashville, Tenn., Silver Tea Sot. value Slil
Miss Emma Hunter, 63 Front St.. IIarrisburg, IV
Hewi-ag Machine, valve $30; Lieut -Col. Waittt
Chittenden, Quartermaster, Louisville. kenlucM.
Gold Watch, value $ti0; Wm. S. Haines. 21? Kit;
St., Charleston. S. C, Silver Watch, valuo $V'
Alexander Johnson, Esq., Editor Mii.ilattur
veer, Mtiskatcur, Minn., Ladies' Enameled Wut-.i.
value (IM) : Samuel Lee, Esq . President Colonel
end Red Bank Mining Company, San FrancNn
Cal., Melodeon, value f20 ; Aaron S. Long. E-i)
Principal Eikhart Collegiate Institute, Elkhart,
J., Diamond Pin, Value 300 ; R. M. Lotigstrtv
Montgomery, Ala., Musi? Box, value $75; la
Isaac Van Daier, Albany, N. Y., Gold Lined 1
ning Set, value $300 ; Miss Clara Lucuuer. Dayt
Ohio, Pianoforte, value $100, and Diamond 1'
value $175.
Many names could be placed on the T.iri. but
publivb no names without ermiuinn. Our pair
ar desired to send United Elates Currency 1;
is convenient.
ts as
S11 for One Dollar I-Incli,
Without regard to value, and not to be paid
until you know what you ar to receive :
13 F.lreant Karw,rl Piatina. wirlh from S'-im 1-
IS Kleeaot Mel ale tt'icw.Mri Caier, K-
So Furl CarS wing Mael'iues, 4 o
.l Fine Un I'hooihi:., 3ii tn
150 Fine Hterl Kngiaviags, framed, 'JO t-i
SO Music U-'irr, K.i I.
ISO Rrv.ilviiia- ratmt Caatire, Silver, an t
50 Silver Fruit ainf Pake Haski-la, V- :-
JlMi Hrlr of IVa and Table p.aia, VI- I.
ISO Onld Hunting Case Walrhrs. warianleil, Mi !
lofl Diam'oid Rings, eluslcr aud single stone, ?. i, Sit
.110 Lailirs' Watrlirs, S '
SOU -"ilver Waiehre, : t
Diamond Pins. Brooches and Ear Prop'. I
R. la or Gold and Coral. Jet and Gold. Fl n
Mosaic. Lava and Cameo: Sets of Stud. V
Neck Chains, Plain and Chased Uold Uin
Thimbles, Lockets, New Style Belt lJuckk
Pens and Pencils, Fancy Vork Boxes. ti"l
with Gold and Silver Extension Hnldcrs. and
assortment of Fine Silver Ware and Jowelrv o
description, of tb best make and latest styles
17 A ehanre la obtain any one of r.i
Artielit far OXE DOLLAR, by pureln
sealed enx elopt for ii cts.
I if Five Sealed Envelope will be sent
Eleven for 2; Thirty for $5 ; "sixty-five I
On Hundred for $15
Agents wanted everywhere.
Unequalled inducements oflired to Lai
Gents who act a such. Our descriptive
will be sett oa application.
Distributions ar mad m the followini;
Certificates naming each article and iu '
placed in sealed envelopes, which are wc!
On of these envelopes containing the Cei
Order for some article, will be deliver!
oflice, or sent by mail to any address, witln
to choice, on receipt of 23 cents.
On receiving the Certificate the purcbrsi
wbatarlielo it draw and its value, and
send On Dollar, and receive the article
can choose any other article on our list ul
Purchasers of our Sealed Emelopet n
manner, obtain an article worth from
hundred dollar. . . .
Long Letters ar unnecessary. Have
ness lo write plain directions, and in cbi
ant article from thee drawn, mention t
every ease be acompanied with Ihe oas
aanie of the person sending, and Town,
State plainly written.
Letters should be sddressed to than
follows :
Sr V 80 rVnnsnii .t -teiv
October 20, 1864. 3m p.
Valuable Farm foj .
THE subscriber, desiring to move
sal hi r ARM, situate in Lenw to
tbumberland county, near McKwet?.
road leading to Turbutville, (two oiilv
place.) and about three miles from Wi
tion. oa the Pbila. A Erie Railros
Two llssssolrcd Acres or
Quality of I'arsnias
twenty acre of wliieb is woodland, i
in th highest state of cultivation.
Th land ir well irrigated by a strc.
water and two saver-failing springs,
saen i ar a large two-el ory Briek D
a largs Bank Barn.WflO br 100 fee
Wagon Sheds. Spring House, and oih
Also, a good Tenant House. Staldin
ssaary sulbsilding TWO Apr Li
and a large nuaakerof Peaeb and oth
in tenn will be reaaesablo. Fu
matien inquire of Ihe subscriber, sear
Korthuttibarlaad oounly, fa.
September 22, 1S08 3us
tOnrt S"1 Mkr Wanted I
lyUU Spoke, Hubs, Axles, bprtn
and sverything pertaining to tbe
dssssiiariwarssBd Iron Store of
. J. II t'C
pINS Fsatk Bnkib,
. t. uuaiai aw..