AH Old Woiift ! n Hew Tte. ' 11 Assprlng approaches . . - , ' 1 ' '' 'AnlsStid Roaches' "'"''' '' From tholrholie '-' "1 And Mice and Rnts, In spileof cats. "' Oally okl about-1" "Itfyoarscsi.ililished InN. Y. City," "Only Infallible remedies known,'' "Frco from Poisons," "Not dangerous to Iho Human Family." 'Rat oouio out of their holes to die. " Oostar'a Rat, lloach, &o Exterminator, In a paste used for Rats, Mioe, Uoacbca, Black and Rod Ants, Ao., Ao., 4c. ,. Costar's Bed-Bug Exterminator. , la a liquid or wah used to destroy, and also as a provenlivo for Bcd-Bngs, Ao. Costir'a Eleotrio Powder for Insects is fi-r Moths, Mosquitoes, Fiona. Dcd tugs insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, Ac. ty ! ! ! Beware! ! ! of nil worthies Imitations, bin that ''Costar's" nnine is on ouch Box, Bottle, and Flask, befuro you buy Address, , 1IKNRY R. COSTAR, 482 Broadway, New York Of Sold In .Sunbury, Pa. By Frilino A Son, and all Druggists and Retailers loOO rr- i INCREASE OF RATS Tho Farmer's Oniclto (English) asserts and proves by figures that one pair Rata will have a progeny and descendants no less than nM,(l0 in three years Now, unless this im mense family can be kept down, tbey would con sumo more food than would sustain 6,00U human beings. goo "Cjstab's" advertisement ubore. RATS versus BIRDS. Whoever engages in shoot ing Bmall birds is acruol man; whoever aids in ex terminating rats is a benefactor. We should liko souio one to give us the benefit of their experience in driving out these pests. We need something besides dogs, cat, n id trap for this business. Scieutijia American, iV.'K. Soo "Costaii's" advertisement above. ISGG COSTAU'S RAT EXTERMINATOR is slmplo, piifo, and sure tho most porfcat RAT-iflcation meet ing we havoevor attundud. Every Rat that can get it, propurly prepared, will oat it, and every one that cats il will die, generally at some placo as distant as powiblo from where it was token. LuAe iftore Mich Alirrar. tSva "Costar's" advertisement above. I860. Houpckocpcrs trouble with vermin nee I bo so no longer, if they uso '-Costar's ' Exterminator. Wo have used it to our satisfaction ; and if a box cost 15, wo would have it. Wo have tried poisons, but they effected nothing; but "Costur's article knocks tho breath out of Ruts, Mice, Roaches, Ants nnd Bud bugs, quicker than wo onn write it. It is in groat demand all vvur tho oouutry Medina, Uhio, lia- Boo "Costar's" advertisement abovo. 18GG. A VOICE I'ROM THE FAR WEST Sneaking of Costur's" llat, Roach, Ant, Ac-, Exterminator 'lunro grain nnd provisions are destroyed annually in (irant County by vermin than would pay for tons of this Rut nud Iusoct Killer. "Lanaisler Wit. Hi.rald. Suo "Coetar's" advertisement above 18GG. FARHRns Ann Housekeeper should rocolloet Hint hundreds of dollars' worth of Urn in, Provisions Ao., are annually dostroy.by Rats, Mice, Ants, and other insects and vermin nil of which can bo pro vented by a few dollars' worth of "Costar's" Rat, Koach, Ant, Ao., Exterminator, bought nnj used freely. See "Costar's" advcrtiscinont ahovo. Sold In Sunbury, Pa., by J. W. Filling A Son, and nil Druggists and Doalerf . April 7, IHtitf. Bin SAULEU AM) HARNESS . M A N U F A C T U It E 11 . -A.- J", STROH, - Deer Street, opposito tho Central Hotel, . s u n n U K y , r E N N ' A. INFORM."! his friends nnd the pulilio that having removed to his new establishment, and extended his lino of bmnncs. is now prepared to nianufucturo more cxtonsivoly, and invites ull to call and examine his largo assortment of Sndlos, Harness, Collars, Whips, Common and Fancy Fly-NetU, Blnnkets, Bullaloe and Fauoy Hobos, lloivo Combs, SIcih-Bulls, Saddle, Huruciis nnd Couch Trimmings for munufucturers. LIVJ2UY! LIVEUY1! LI VERY 1 ! ! Tn connection with the above he has also a Livery Stable, good and safo Horses, Buggies, and Convey ances, which arc hired at reasonable rates. AUCTIONEER ! lie Is also a Licensed Auctioneer, and will attend I all business entrusted tobis care. .Nimbury, March .1, lSWi. in luvcnlorn klllcH. D'EPINUEIL A EVANS, Civil Kxginkkus and Patknt Solicitous. No. 4,'& Walnut stroot, i'liiladolj.hia. Patents solioited consultations on r.nginoering Draughting and Sketches, Models and Machinery oi all kinds made and skilfully attended to. Special attention given to rejected oases and Interferences. Authentic copies of all Documents from i'utcnt Of fico procured. N. B. Save yourselves useless trouble and travelling oxpsnses, as there is no actual nocd for personal interview with us. All biuiness with tlicso Odious can be transacted in writing. Fur fur ther information direct above, w ith stamp enclosed, for Circular with refcroneos. February 3, I SCO ly. . . Proscription Arofuliy compounded of the best DULUS ut la Mammoth Hiore of J NO. FBI LINO ASOJf. SuLbury, May 20, 18o&. NEW GROCERY! CALL AT FURMAN'S OLD STAND. WHOLESALE A RETAIL . . w '. AND ; -; Provision Store FCIt CHEAP GOODS ! Their Stock is eoniplcto, oomistin in part of t ItiAltS, COFFEES, TEAS, SPICEB, COAL OIL, Tobneuo, Cigars, Flour, Food, Fish, Salt, - Hams, Shoulders, Cheese, Fruit,. 1 '. tilass, Lamps, Ac, Ao. Country Produco taken in exchange fur Uoods. (V Call and examine our Stuck, uud uatUfy your tclvos. Sunliury, May 12, ISflfl. ('ii.i.uu tv ii:iM r. fllllE undcrdinod respectfully Informs bis friends X and the public that bo bus changed Lis place of luading Frigbl in Philadelphia how Freed, Ward A Frocd, No. Ml Market Street, to A. 3D. AOHESON (Coiuuiustiou Merchant, dcalur iu Flour Uruin, Seeds. Ao.) "o. lOIS iiiurltrl Wt IMiiliiArlphlu, whero all freight will bo loaded en ears of the un- deragned, lor Dauphin, Suubury, Shuuiokip, and all lulorveniuK rxiinOj. All freigU will beoarrlod as low as on any otior Ji't'i, - -Ir" " eaXT' ,ri''KUt "Petlulv auliciled, wiiicn will raouiva ,,r,,i..i,i ' - - ..M-uitiui. BunWy, Jan. 13, 186a.3u.. J" B' WEIS; ( LADIES' LAbTiNO CATmtsVut l.7, ul i " ' , ; W.W. Arlsv. BREAKFAST SHAWLS, f.a- sale at the Ifll K'ore if ANNA PAINTER. (1AKPENTKKS, Saddlers, Blacksml'.hs, Carriag. J Makers, Shuemakers, Merchauts, Miuers, Far. nirrs and the eitisens generally. Look to yuar inteiul and buy at the new Hard Hunl'ury, June IA, lMn . . . :b-a.xti3seoiwb LOCK IIO S PI T A L." ESTABLISHED A3 A REFUUE FROM QUACK ERY. run only vlace whkru a curb VAN ti. QBtAllftiV DR. JOHNSTON has discovered the most Certain, Speedy and only Effectual Remedy In th World feir all Private Discs, Weakness of the Back ir Limbs, Strictures, Afl'ootiona' of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, Iinpotoncy, Gene ral Debility, Nervousness, Dyspepsy, Languor, Low Spirits, Confusion of Idea. Palpitatina of ill Heart, limluity. Tremblings. Dimness or hignt or uinmneas, Disease of the llcail. Throat, Nose or skin, Afloetions of the Liver. Lnnirs. Stomach or Bowels those Terri- Mo Disorders arising -front Ihe Solitary Habits of onlh thoso secret nixl solitary practice more lata! to thoir victims than the smig of Hyrcns to the Ma nners of I'lyssoS, blighting thoif Mnst brilliant hopes or anticipation, rendering marriago, ao., impossi bio. ) J " INpcelally, who have bcoouie the victims of Polltsrv v:: ai..:. .l-..ir..l .l-aatK-A hnhlt Which annually sweeps to an untimely grave t""""' " Young Men of ins most exaitca wai Intellect, who might otherwisebave entranced listen ing Senates with the thunders of 11uc,VruH eon to ocstaty the living lyre, may eatl with full oon- Married Persons, or.Young "'mP'""n. anil confiilently BnitMi:,KXFIl r,lll,-l Cured, and Full View RosUircd. This Distressing Affection which renders Lifo miserablo and marriago impossible is the penalty nnid bv tho victims of improper indulgences. Younir persons aro too apt to commit excosses from not being aware of tlie drcautul consequences that may ensue Now, who that understands the subject will pretend to deny that tho power of procreation is lost sooner by those falling Into improper habits than by the prudent ' Besides being deprived tho pleasures of healthy offspring, tho most serious and destructive symptoms to Doth body and mind ariso. The system becomes Dcranzcd, tho I'hysical and Mental Func tions Woukoncd, Loss of Prmreativ Power, Nervous lrritubilitv. Dvspciissa, Palpitation of the Heart. Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of tho iramo, Cough, Consumption, Decay ana Death, Mil cc, Ao. 7 Noulli l'roIoi-icU St rod Left hand side goiug from Baltimore street, a few doors from tho corner. Fail nut to obscrvo nnme and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor s Diplomas Dang in iiisomce A H HI) WAItRiMTlin I TWO DAIS. No Merevry or Kaumoui Dnigt, iit..ioinsTO. Momber of tho Royal College of Surgeons, London, 'Jrnduate from one of tho moat ominont Colleges in tho United Statos, and tho greater part of whoso lifo hnfbccn spent in the hospitals of London, Paris, Philadelphia and elsowhere, has effected somo of tno most astonishing cures tnai woro over Known ; many troubled with ringing in the hoad and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alurmod at ludden sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, ittended sometimes with derangement of mind, wre :urco) immediately. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured them, Iclves liy imprnpor indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for cither business, study, society or marrlnjrc. - - Thksk nrn sntnn of tlm sail nnd lnelancbolv efTccts rroduccd by early habits of youth, vis: Weakness of I c Back and Liiiibs, Pains in tho Head, Dimnees of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation oitho ;heart, Hyspcpsy, Norvous Irritability, Derangement or the iiigestivo enneuons, uenorni ueuiiuy, oymp' turns of Cun8umTtion. Ac. Mkntam.v. Tho fearful effects on Iho mind aro much to bo dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of iilcus. Depression of Spirit, Evil-forebodings, Aver ?ion to Society, Solt'-Diftrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ao arc soineol the evils produced. Tiioukamus of persons of all ages can now judge what is the cnuso-of their declining health, losing t'leir vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous nnd onaciatcd, having a singular appenranoe ubout the eyes, cougti and symptoms oi consumption - VUI .U K A'lio havo injnrcd themselves by a certain practice Indulecd in when aluno, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which aro nightly lelt, even when asleep, and tt no cured renders uiiirringo impossiblo, and destroys Dotn mind and bony, snouiu apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, tho hope of his country, tho darling of his parents, should bo snatched from ail prospects and enjoyments of lifo, by tho consequence of devinttng from the path of nature and indulging in a oertain secret habit. Such persons hust, before contemplating ItlA It KM -?. reflect that a sound mind and body are tho most necessary requisites to promoti connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through life bo ionics a weary pilgrimago; tho prospect hourly darkens to tho view; tho mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled. with tbo melancholy reflec tion that tho happiness of another becomes blghted w ith our own. insr.Asi: op iiiiii ii:x i;. When tho misguided nnd imprudent votary of pleiunirc finds that ho has imbibed tho seods of this painful disease, it too often happens that an ill-timed louse of ahnme, or dread of discovery, doters him from applying to those who, from education and respectability, can ulono befriend him, delaying till tho constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease mnko their appcuranco, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the shin bones and arms, blotches on tho head, faoe and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, tili at latt the palate of the mouth or the bonos of the no.se fidl in, and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to "that Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns. " It is mrlanrhvlv fart that thousands fall viotims to this terrible disease owing to the unskillfulnoss of ignorant pretenders, wno, oy toe use oi mat utaaiy Poiton, Mrrrnry, ruin the constitution and wake the residue of life miserable. NllllAUIiltH Trust not your Uvea, or health, to the care of the many Unlearned and W orthless Pretenders, destitute of knowledge, name or character, who oopy Dr. lolinstou's advertisements, or style themsulvos, in the newspapers, reguluxly Educated Physicians, incapable of Curing, they keep you trilling month after month taking their filthy and poiaonus com pounds, or as long as thesmallest foeoan be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruined health to sigh over your galling disappointment. Dr Jobuston is the only Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas always hang in his office. His reiuidies or treatcuiont are uukuown to all others, preatred from a lite spent in the great hos pitals of Europe, tho first in the country ai d a more iMcru,i o J'l tvute J'laciice than any other Pbysiuian in tbo world - iiMit!i:!Hi:vr of tiii; iri:nm The many thousands cured at this institution year al'ler year, and the numerous important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of the ''Sun," "Clipper," and many other papers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, bcidos his standing as a gentleman of character and responsibility, is a suuicicnt guarantee to the aftlieted. mil jisi: kii:i:iily 'i itt:i. Persons writing should bo particular in directing their letters to his Institution, in the following manna joii m. joii.N'ro.-, HI. I. 01 tho Baltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Md. June ao lrtoo ly. A New and line lot of PERFUMES, to , for tho Holidays, at UtiUTNEK S. M I NOK'SPatont Poeketanterus for sale at th imix and tMatiouory store of m. r. LluijTN mi LADlEd' UL'Al SUCEd for SI.IX). at W. W.Apslcv's. SARATOGA TRUNKS at V W. Apslej-'f, Support Home Industry! II n I h of livery -Description! A FULL ASSORTMENT Just oraB by SAMUEL FAUST, Two doors west of Bennett's Drug Store, Market sL 1ALL and examine Ihe lurire assortment f lb J latest New York and Philadelphia stylos of Silk, Cassimere, Petto Derby, Wire Brim, Soft Fur, cunw nun i,uy s jiais won n ior beauty and du rability cannot be excelled. Being a practical Hat ter, ho flatters himself that his stock has been select ed with more euro than any ever before brought to this place, j . .. , He also manufacture to order all kinds of soft Fur Huts, all of which will be sold at wholesale and retail, at reasonable rates. i , - i. . Dyeing done at shun noliop and at the lowest rates Suubury, May IJ, lbo4. . , . ,., . ANVILS, Vices, Hollows Stocks, and Dies, and all goods bolonnuii to Ihe Uliuikuuiihln. bUIS Hir Aula l.iw I. .r t ..A, L,- I. U. COSLRY A J0. l)ClLUKKij and ttuw oeuloinplatiug building, iibi. i -T, i' "mow springs, ana eserw 1 iif ,?,-r? "A0I.lutei hume, Vt lfi.'.w Ul i. si- CUrlLtK CO. mnrringe, being aware oi PDy"Yn" "., debility, deformities, Ao., "PelilT c , He who places himself under the oare of Dr. J. may religiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, TCI? U I "III UID BHlll aa m . HJHUIMI, i) ui ILT B B iJ 3 0 J il ii i STORE y t V j , ;W. 'A. DENNETe Olnt-Kct Wgtmrf, WlfryniJItY, !. T T AVINtlenTfyroTissea th, Iof 11 formerly oonduoW by . A A iaveto Inform the eitltmiS fJ' JL elnlty, that X bar Kptiroly replentsnod my stoet ..,.), u Combs, Brushes, rockot-Books, Soaps, Per fumery, Hairll, Knives, Scissors, Coal-OU "Limps, Tobaooe and Cigars, - , , . IhIss(i, Oil JIo, Ulmaia, l'ully, Varnlsihsns, lnlrnt .tlcdlclnris. At. All my Tincture, Symps, Ointments, Cerates, and other preparations ate manufactured by myself, and from the best material I ean procure in Market. Having had quite a number of years' experieno in the ' "' : -r i -t- j i ( l)rug'ahi Frecrq'tion Butinett' both In Philadelphia and Ihe country, and also the advantage of the College of Pharmacy, I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that the Physicians and publio may favor me with. All my preparations as I have ulsive assorted, are mado from the best material, and upon honor I assert, they aro of officinal strength. For medicinal purposes, I keep on hand the vory best WINE9, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I ean procure Before purchasing elsewhere, call and eonvinee your own mind. , W. A. BENNETT. Snnbury, Nov 18,1865. ' N'E W G 1! 0 C E R Y alUE subscribers bogs loavo-to annnuhco to th . citisens of Sunbury and its vicinity, that they have opened a NEW GROCER Tico doort wed of J. 11. JCmjle' 8tt ct in . Market Square, where they aro prepared to furnish every variety of groceries, and will kcop constantly on hand tbo choioest varieties of . FLOUR & FEED, Fish, Coffee, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Chccso, Salt. Spices of nil discription, oaps of every variety, Cnndlos, Smoking and Chewing tobacco, Scgnrs, Hams. .Shoulders, Bacon, Butter, and Eggs. Also Dried fruits of all kinds, Caned Peaches and Toma toes, Pickels, Ketchup, Pepper iSauce, Raisins, Lemons, Ac, of best quality, and in fact evory stylo of articles kopt in a well stocked Uroccry. Also Cider Vinegar. All kinds of Country produce tnken in exchnnge. The patronage of tho publio is ro speotfully solioited. OEOROKE. BEARD ACO. Sunbury, Nov. ll.JSft JEWELRY ! JEWELRY! JOSEPH KESSLER, . lVntchmalter and Jevrrlcr, Markot Street, Sunbury, Pa. RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the publio, that be has just received a large assort ment of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Spectacles, Silver and plated sjHxins, Forks. Ao. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry repaired, and war ranted Sunhury, Jan. 13, 1366. ly JOHN WILVE, BOOT SC STrlOE MANUFACTURER, Ono door East of Friling s Store, Markot Squaro SUNBURY, PENN'A. RESPECTFULLY Informs tho oitisensof Sunbury and vicinity, that he is prepared tn manufac ture to order all kinds of BOOTS A SHOES, at the shortest notice and in tho best workmanlike manner, of the best material and at the lowest Cash prices. He hope to recoire a full share of patronage Suubury, June 2, 1S66. SUNHURY FOUNDRY .'i;0. ItOIIKIIAC'II & MU, ARE now carrying on business at this old estab lishment with ronewed rigor. Castings of every description, promptly furnished to order. Tho Stoves manufactured at this Foundry hnvo acquirod the highest reputation. Particular attention paid to MILL CASTINGS Farmers should not forget that tho PLOWS made at the Sunbury Foundry havo never been equalled. Agricultural implements repaired at short notice. Small eastings, including Cooking utensils, of the most improved and most useful patterns. Tho business will bo eonduotcd on an enlarged Kale. Old customers will be accommodated u usual, and new ones are respectfully solicited. Suubury, May 12, 1S88 A. LECTURE TO YOUNU MEN. Just Published, in a k'oulcd Envelope. Price Oocnts, A Lecture on the Nature, Treatment, and Radical Curouf Spermatorrhea, orScmiual Weakness, Invol untary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and Impediments to Marriago genorallv. Nervousness, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fits ; Mental and Physical incapacity, resulting from Self-Abuse, Ao. By ROBERT J. CULVERWELL, M D., Author of the "Urccn Book," Ac. Tho world-renowned author, in Uils admirable Lceturo, olearly proves from his own experience that the awful consequences of .Self Abuse may be cfluctually removed without mcdionie, and without dangerous surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings, or cordials, pointing out a mode of eure ut onoe cortaiu and eflectual, by which everv sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may eure himself coeapiy, privaieiy, anu ruuiealiy. ibis Lecture will prove a boon to Thousands and Thousands. Sent under seal, to any address, in a plain sealed envelope, on the receipt ut six cents, or two postage CflAS. J. 0. KLINE A CO., ' 127 Bowery, New York, Post Oflloe box 4,6o. March 17, lb68. ly 1 AAA Carriage Makers Wanted to buv Ft.llr.na J tJJ Spokes, Hubs, Axles, Springs, Bands, Bolts and everything pertaining to the business at the vneup uaraware ana iron more or J. 11. CONLEY & CO CHILDREN'S Carriage or tho newest and most a hisfonablo stylos at the Cheap Hardwaro store I. II. uuLtr. i a NEW LIQUOR STORE! WE HOOVEB , KuilroiMl (Street, ulrave Market, KAB TUB CKNTRAL HOTEL, SUNBURY, PAt . T" ESPKP.TIflTl.I.V I.:- rj..i. i a. . " " ... , m ,4ivaui nun tag j public generally, to oall and exainiue his lareo iuM,,rh,,nla nl II. . . , , , , m M-.ui .uiuaninug eisow nere. "-'J. iack vo" " MronslloM, liiMkey, Ilulluud 4.in, 1 Un. U' ilsiiis, illononrAlss-lu uad JIosss'Imssi of I lie Isettt isali J . WIim!. t id-r, iuv. ttur, 4te.t . FaTTnerfl. Itnlnl V nnxnni ...1. ... I ti . I 7 . ' " l ' - " uiiicii arc uiTlteil vu cull, as bis slock is genuine, and will render amoral liri.,lnH Suubury, Februarys, 1866. ' ' FANCY DRY GOODS STORE " MIB8 KATB' BliAOK;1 Haikut street, four door west of Win. H. Miller' Boot and Shoe store, SUNBURY, Pa. RESPECTFULLY inform hor friends in Sunbury and vicinity, that she has Just opened her BrUlNO AND BUMMED, GOODS, i v ol Notions and Fancy Dry Goods,. ll. ti.b .ihh i t u ..r in w . , r.,t , l . i Oinghaus, Embroiderie, Lace Collars, Fans. HATS, . U..MM, ui uiiub, varivaiui juuaiins, mra-Cye Linens, Linen Lawns Crae and Lace Veils, Ac. Muia. DmnrfHil'a lluiv PhvUm II ui i..li J ". VM..V,., .(Ml, VVO WIU Curls, Gloves, Stockings. Collars, Comets, Ae. Gents' Collars, Neemies, half Hose, Handkor- ehiefs and Suspenders. Bradley' new Patent Duplex' Elliptic (or double Spring 6K1RT8 ) Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Hair Brushes, CoiaU, ft ifULt Sfv"1 vafio'y of NOTIONS. uavtiutuu UOua naudaaiiiul ,,.l -I tinliua. KATE BLACK. Suubury, April 28, mi EESTATJEANT & BOAEHUQ HOUSE iJIIA. I IZi:iH 1'r.prletor. In Cake' Additiin to SUNBURY, near the Petn'a. huilroad Company's Shop. " j TAGEK BEER, Porter and Ale bt the vwy it J brands, exoellent Genu a u Wiue. cieLiUer Cha,41'tipe, Ae., el ways ea hand. PERMANENT ANp TRANSIENT BOARW318 V j" "'P'e aeeommodations- Uuod eoois and waiters, boarder tmt enjoy the sjuiot ooiu Suubury, May 2tl, Iboti. i '- . . Aycr'sSarsaparilla Aiwrp'u"' remeflyT AcjlfrntA ft bff"thOH AeMial Altonthv thal rm bw rnW-lt hi a concentrated extract tL jTara, Barsaparilla, so combined with other svbstance of still greater altoTativw "pb vrer as to AfThvd tm -ffee. tive antiiloto for the ellraes Sarsaparilla I wputcd to euro. It fcr believed that uch a icmedyti wanted by tliossj -who ttiflcf ftim Strumous complnints, tttid that fine 'itch will . Bccomplislt their cure muat prove of imnaonse service to this large class of our afflicted fellow citizens. How completely this compound will do It has been proven by experiment on many of tho worst ease to be found of tbe following complaint: 1 " , - ' ScUOFUtiA AND StltlOPUtOU CoMPLalHTS, Euuitions and Euerrtva DtsiAaus, Vi.obks, 1'lMl'I.RS, HLOTOlltW, Tuhoh. 8a.t RltRUX, Bcat.d IIbao, BrrttiMa ano grpntLrtie) Ar . PECTtoxs, MEiteuftiAi.DiRAsB, DitoraY, New iuloia on Tic Doulouukux, DEnit.lTf, Drt ' rspgiA and Inuioestion, Eiusu'ei., Roan . on St. Anthony's Fiuc, and indued the wbolo class of complaints) arising from Imfuhitx or thh Blood, i . i i 1 This compound will be found ft great pro motor of health, when taken In tho spring, to expel the foul humor which fester in the blood at that season of the year, liy the time ly expulsion of them many mnkling disorders ore nipped In the bud. Multitudes can, by tho aid of this remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous sores, through which the system will strive to rid itself of corruptions, if not assisted to do this through tho natural channels of tho body by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the akin in pimple eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you And it is ob structed nnd sluggish In the veins) cleanse It whenever it Is foul, and your feelings will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people erijoy better health, and livo longer, for cleansing tho blood. Keep the moon iieamiv, mm all is well but with this pabulum of lifo disordered, there can be no lasting health. Sooner or later something must go wrong, and the great machinery of life is disordered or overthrowii, " Sarsnparilla has, and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these ends. But the world has been cgrcgiously deceived by preparations of it, partly because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to bo concentrated extracts of it, contain but little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla. or any thing else. t i ' During late years the pulilio have been mis led by large bottles, pretending to give a qunrt of Kxtract of Sarsnparilla for one dollar. Moat of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsnpa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of tho various extracts of Sorsaparillrt which flood the market, until the namo itself is justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition nud cheat. Still we call this compound Snrsaparillu, and intend to supply such a remedy as shall rexcuo the name from tho load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think wc have ground for believing it has virtues which are irresistible by tho ordinary run of the diseases it is Intend ed to cure. In order to Secure their complete eradication from the system, tho remedy should be judiciously tnkeu according to directions on the bottle. l'REPARBI) DY OH, J. G. A YE II A CO, LOWELL, MASS. Price, $t per Bottle Six Uottle for $9. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such a renown for Iho eure of every variety of Throat nnd Lung Complaint, tliut it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has been em ployed. As it has long been iu constant use throughout this section, ire need not do more than assure the people its fluidity Is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may he relied on to do fur their relief all it has ever bceu found to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, - tou Tns cum or Cottiveneu, Jaundice, ts;x;)in, Indigestion, Vijtenlery, Foul Stomach, livniielta. Headache, Vih t, RheumaiUm, ICi njttimit ami Skin Uueatet, Liver Complaint, Vropny, Tetter, Tionon and Salt Itheum, IPbran, 6', Neuralgia, at a Dinner nil, anil for Vitrifying the Mood. They arc sugar-coated, so that the most sensi tive can take them pleasantly, and they are the best aperient in tho world for all the purposes of a family physic. Frio S3 oent per Box ; Five boxes for $1.00. Great number of Clergymen, riivsiciuns, States men, and eminent personages, hare lent their names to certify tho unparalleled usefulness of these remedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our Ambuican Ai.manab in which they are given; with also full descriptions of the above complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not be put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Aybu'h, and take no others. Ihe sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. , . All our remedies are for sale by FRILINU A SON, .Sunbury, Pa. R. B. McOay, Northumberland, and all Prugglsl and dealers everywhere. At wholesale by J, M. MORRIS A CO., Philadelphia. Dooomber 2185. I y CEN'KRAL ASSORTMENT R. iF llAGSat , W. W. Apsley's. i.auii;s- KINK LEATUER SATCHELS at t W. W. apslejr's. Rwil.ury, March 31, IRoa. GEN Tts CALP BOOTS PUR 3,00, at . W. W. Ansley's. I'll re I.iUt-rly Whlt Ind, ill do more and better work at a given Cost, than anyotner: xryii: juanutacrurea only liy 11 KllLfcH A SMITH, ' -'' Wholesale Drur, Paint A Ulass Dealers, No. 137 North Till It D Street, Philadelphia. January 27, 18(10 ly. CDQO A JlO.Vril ! AtlENTS wanted for six entirely new articles, just out. Ad dress 0. T. (JAREY, City Uuilding, Biddcford Maine. decSI ly faOTOOSAPfl ALBUMS BOOKS AND STATIONERY, ; Monthly Time Looks. Drawing Book and Slates. Iloeks, Hymn Books, Blank Books, Memorandum uianes, rocket liitulcs, Ink Stands, Pons, Pencils, a flu assortment of Papor, Ink, Ae. jFurale by ANNA PAINTJaR. Washington House. SAMUEI SNYDEE, , : OrrOBlTK TUB MW GOI'UT UOUOK, ; SUNBURY,, PA., : . THUS popular and comfortable Hotel ha been A. fitted up in super order for th aceeusneda tion of Strans;en, 'travellers, and the publio riner ally. N effort will be spared by the Proprietor to make it a favorite resort and a pleasant home for every guest His table, his bar, and the lone ex- fiorienco of the proprietor, warrant him lu autiolpa inx a liberal share of public patronage. Rxteiuiiv stable, and every doalrabl conve nience. , Sunhury, April T,1806.-Ij , '. TAILORING , 4 ' J. F. SCHAFFER, JiESPECTFliXLY Informs the eltliens of BUN i Vl 'llUUV and vicinity, that h has opened a Xullorisr Nlsofs, the room over Farosworth's Grooery, opposite the Cental Hotel, Suubury, where be is ready to make ap xarmenU of all kuula iu. the latest style and bust workmaulik warmer.. r r. i . j, Having had experience in the basinesa for a Bum bor of years he hopes to render general U.faofion Custom work is respoetlully solicited. , w ciir i,nft Punbury;JUayJ J, ISoSly e. pvuarrAa. AIMMN KXriCi: VOMPA.I Y, REDUCTION OF RATES ON PRQDCCJ5, QYS , TLBS, AC, , , ...,', rpHE rates on Fresh Fish, Oyster In the Shell, and X Truck of all kinds,' to places' is Uik DK-isr.n, w here the rate is 76 cent ner 100 lbs or over, has been redueod 14 cents per 11)6 lbs. At places whore the rate is between 50 and T5 eenl per 1U0 lb, the rate ill be u eenU per 100 lb. Barrels of truck weighing less than loo lbs will be charged as 1U0 lb in weight. reu'oT bo."illWUU,'l?-V Ug,,t bM" Prouipt aUenUt fo'the eenrfctlAl of 'tutrtffcifu, j :UJ If. f ERR'eK UOUTNER 1 Aei,l Allllhiirer Inn. 1st 1 t 4 1 Jl' .J"' I BU , llABIIABrH Corifectioncry.' Toy,, and ; T MnrkelMlntlt dstekbsiry, Pa. CONFECTIONEhY OF At 1 rtlNDS,"' i TOY dF EVEnV ftlifttilUnfoM' ' ":FUUIT,&o.,&c, CONSTANTLY en hand and for sale at th above establishment at wholesale and retail, at reason ableprioes. , j, ,; , ' He Is manufacturing all kinds of OonfHUotiartoa to keep up a full assortment which are sol at low rates. 1 m,. . , i ..... . Tobacco, Begars, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, 4 variety or otfcer articles, all of whioh are etTi led Wholesale and retail. L" Remember the name and place sT i M. C. OKARHAKT,' Market street, S doors west otSi Y. Bright Sea 'I itaro. j.. .ii I Sunbury. Sept. 19, 18fl,1. tf .,i NEW ESTABLISHMENT ! a: e: savage, Watchmaker 5, V AND "fci3sdaj JEWELER. '- In Simpson's Building, Market Square, 1 ; stutbtot, P3:itita. HAS constantly on hand a fine assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY, Spee taoles, Silver and Plated Spoons and forks, Ao. Wutcliesi, Clock nnd Jew elry, rca paired and WAKRA.Vri;!. ' Sunbury, Sept. 80, 1885. 'r ' ' TilARMKRS call and look at the stock of Brass and J? Oraln Scythes, Mannre, Hay and Straw Forks, strain Cradles, Cradle Fingers, Trace, Log.Piflh,. Tongue and Halter Chains ; Scythe Stones, tlrindt stones nnd fixtures, and everything to make harvese ing pleasant and agreeable at the new Hard war storo of J. II. CONLEY A C0- Par IJbcrty- U liltc Iad. Preferred by all practical Painters! Try it ! and yon will have no other. Manufactured only ' by Zl Ell LEU A SMITH, Whtlesalo Drug, Paint A Ulass Dealers, "; No. 137 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia. January 27, 1886 ly. The illusion At llumlin 4'ablnet Orit'finn, forty different styles, adapted lo saored and secular music, for $S0 to r00 each. FIFTY ONE UULD r SILVER MEDALS, or other first premiums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogues free. Address, MASON A HAMLIN, Boston, or MASON BROTHERS, Now York. , Hmitcmbcr 9. Ibtli ly " rklNQ's"' pout a iil.ii i.i:noAiii Ts Iho only prepnrtion of the kind made from Ihe fruit. As an article of economy, purity, and deli snciucss, it cannot be surpassed, and is recommend ed by physicians for invalids andfainily uso. It will keep for years in any climate, while its condensed form enders it especially convenient for travelers All who use lemons aro requested to give It a trial Entertainments at homo, parties, and picnics should not bo without it. For sale by all Druggist and first-class Grocers. Manufactured only by . LOUldJ. METZUER, . No. 619 Pearl Street, NewYork. Sept. 16,1865. ly TOILET SOAPS, Tooth-Blushes; Hair Brushes Ae., Ao. For sale by ANNA PAINTER. lum m KirnlElTK ad; MESSRS. D. C. Disslnger and John A. Taylor, would respectfully announce to the citisons of Suubury, and surrounding eountry, that having formed a co-partnership, they are now prepared to furnish ornamented and plain (ravesiloncM, Tombs A. 31onnm-ns, of Iho. best Italian and American marble, at prices that cannot fail to give entire satisfaction, and re spectfully Solicit the publio patronage. DISSINUER A TAYLOR. Sunbury, March 31, ltttM). ly. PACiriCHOTBL 170, 172, 174 & 170 Ukkhnwich St., 'One Square wost of Broadway,) Butwocn Courtlandt and Bey Streets, New York. JOHN PATTEN, Jr., Proprotor. The Pacific Hotel is well and widely known to the traveling public. The halation is especially suiUblo to merchants and business men , it is in oluse Croximity to the business part of the City is on the igbway of Southern and Westm travel and adja cent to all tbe principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. The l'acifio has liberal accommodation for over 3011 guests; it is well furnished and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort and entertain ment of iu inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated ; provided with gas and water J the attendance is prompt and respectful ; and the tablo is generously provided with every delicacy ut the season. The subscriber, who, f r tho past few years, has been the lessee, is now sole proprietor, and intends to indentify himself thoroughly with the intureslsoi his houso. With long experience as a hotel-keeper, ho trusts, by moderate charges and a liberal polity, to maintain the favorable reputation f the PaoiDu B'el. JOHN PATTEN, Jr. September 9, 1865. ly (Lata Buehler House.) IIAHRlSRL'nO, PENN'A.- TIIIA well-known hotel has not only been extend ed bat has been greatly altered and newly fit up by th present proprietor, and is now one of tbe nint comfortable and convenient hotels in Harris bnrg. . Maroh 10, 1868. ly l'sire Libvrly M bite I-ad. The Whitest, Ihe most durable and' th most eoo nouiioal. Try it! Manufactured only by ZIEULER A SMITH, Wholesale Drag. Paint A Ulass Dealer, No. 137 Nojth THIRD Street, Philadelphia. January XI, I860 ly. . , SOLE LEATHER TltlWKS at W. W. Apsky DIARIES for 1800. An assortment of Diaries, large and small, for Sale ly ANNA PAINTER. Sunbury, Jan. 6, 1800. VAB0rT0VL0TS FOB WALK. ' EIUUT (8) valuable town lot are offered for sale ehoap, on Dewberry street, opposite Fri ling' addition, in Ik Borough of Suubury. Ir 1ulfe Vf . MASSER. Aunburv. Februarv 3. lfiort - , II Aft K OkV niUK rillllilllUKIAftlK WHEREAS the Auditor General a required by the 11th Section of the Aot, entitled 'Aa Act enabling the Banks of this Commonwealth to become Associations for the purpose of banking under the laws of the United Statos." passed on tbe 22d dy of August A D. 1884, ha certified to me that the "Jiauk of Northumberland." located in the Borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, has furnished satisfactory evidence to bim that all the requirement of said Aot have been complied with by the said Rill If -nil lli. i I L.. Lu,,.-. - r ... purpose of Banking under the Laws of the United 1 do therefore, cause the notice thereof to be pub lished in accordance with the provUinaa of the said 1 1 th (eetivn of th laid Aot, aud do declare that Ihe um saui jsaux oy us terms oi sua Mi. is deemed aud IalLtm lit K- 1S. -. j . ', . . . - n-i.,m, -ui.'uunni SUO" ject to the provision of the first section of said aot. Exec'utiv. Chamber, uo"" Jlarrisburg , Aug. Si, 1865. I ' lalmatlaaal' s..f 365 and m Broadmry, Vomer Vranili StnM NL'W VIIHlf rrUIIS Inaelass Hoase the most aaiet, aomelik 1 Aiwl n Au.nl II ... ..I u .1.. u . ; - I- ... .-i ui wy oour superior - .iti lura ior Diuiucs or pleasure. It is central iu it location, and kept oa thai k 1 1 1 . . II . a. I . . 1 .. . r - - -- " oouneouon WIIB llVLoa AMHix, where refreabmenU oaa be bad all hour, or served in their own rooms. Tbe charge ars mo- bUM, and all th aiodern onvninei tUUebed ' ' , .lilllVT fl'lVMiu lt ;. kov , ions, ,r ; ; : .ttt. raovao SX R-Wi,.tf Uu.,i.;NW, n I'nper and spiwr feed. Warranted five yean A hove salary or large commissions paid. Th oL BDachiMM ia United titase tor ten thaa 40 which are fully licensed by Howe, Wheeler A Wil son, Usurer 4 ilaker. Singer A Co., aad Bsauheldel- A II nkllaW tahnaM ma.filni- -raa 1 t . - 1 . .... wwHaajws mm m ..... UIUUiDUI. aUU UT, seller or user ars liable to arrest, tut, aad impriso. meat. -Circular free. - Address, or eall A Cisrk, Biddulerd. Main, or Chloago, HI. decU ALL KINDS OF TRL'NkSai riirrr U an,. v ant good 'MituWrn; go 10 1 UsUTH'4 GOLD. r , l8.0J?0?v,??7-i HLTa 1 id 76000 1 ! li'ir iii ,p. .to rMf. ijgO't ! ' ?82 ! 1 t MnnnlUlirer Aft casta I i Z-'' oii Hew-Itbde- tVl':, l:o 1 -t"i. . - . ' . ' )r. . .;:".) i ,ia Oi of owr Uol.t ' or MLVKH Wnt lio, oi'lilver Ten Set lbr $4,' nit bclosV Mated. ! i 1 ll.i v ir ' One of oar tea' swtta or mi nleee of ear Gold br Silverware sr Worth a bush of th cheap dollar jowoiry::- -,. , .- We have adopted the following mode of , , , D I S.T.U.I B U T I O N ' i . i by snleot 74,600 articles of valu ! , ,, ..' Our New lffoslA 1 ' r . The articles of goods are numbered from 1 to 75.' AAO ! 37,500 consisting of Pianos Molodeons, Gold A Silver Watches, Sewing Machines, Tea A Table Sett. Solid Sliver tea and tahle spoon and Forks; etc., etc., and the other 37,500 article of value Jew elry. Work A Toilet Cases, Photograph Albums, OpenOiee Silver Watches, and fancy article in great variety. 75,000 aotlee numbered from 1 to 75,000 are printed and put into sealed envelopes and well mixed and one of these is taken out and sent to the person sending to ns 25 oent to cover expense of postage, eorrespennence eto., ana me article oi gnous corresponding with the number on th notice will be ont to the bolder of the same immediately (if he desire to purchase the article) on the receipt of two dollars. For Instance; If tho number on in e notice sent to yon should be 600, and a piano or diamond sett or gold watch should be numbered 500; it will be sent to yen should be 600, and a piano or diamond sett or gold watch should lie numbered 500, It will be sent to you for $2, and so oa for every artiola in our list of 75,000 nrtioles. ' t'After receiving the articlo, Ifttdoesnot please you, you can return it, and year money snail be re united. 25 cents must bo sent to pay expense of postage, Correspondence etc., on one notioe. . Remember : that whatever article corresponds With th number on your notice, you can have it by paying Two Dollars for it, whether it be worth $100 or fSOO. And it is for our interest to deal fairly, and send out our fine articles, as it gives confidence to too public, and thereby increases our sales. TRY OUR NEW MODE ! ! Upon receipt of 25 cts., which pays for correspon dencc. tiostairo etc.. we send one notice. . Upon receipt of $1, which pays for correspondence, nostuze, etc.. we send six notices. I miii receipt of $5 which pays for correspondence, postngo, etc., we will send 40 notices, and a fine pre sent valued at not less than $15, as a sample of our goods. Upon receipt of $IS which pavs for correspondence postage, etc., wo will send 150 notices, and a solid kiivvr n atcn. bv return mall. AO ENTS WANTED. Send for a circular ! Agents Allowed a Large Caah Commission by which they make $25 Weekly. Address plainly Salesroom SI Liberty street Sept. Zl, IbOi. Ijr HEED A BROTHER, Box 51 38, New York City, N. Y. gl'EER'S 8A.MBURU ropaiGRAPE WINE. lii ri usisl I'our Year) Old. FOR THE COMMUNION TABLE A FAMILY USE Prescribed by Physicians for Females, weekly persons aud INVALIDS ! 3wV 75TsL.i V&&&&8 EXCELLENT WINE FOR FEJIALE5S Every family at Uiis season, should uso SPEER'S WINE, celebrated in Europe for its medicinal and beneficial qualities, highly esteemed by eminent phisieians, used in Euroiean and American Hospitals, and by some ul luo lirsi 1 tunnies in Europe anu America. . AS A TONIC if has no equal, causing an appetite and building jp the system, being entirely a pure wine of a Uiejt valuable grape. AS A DIURETIC it imparts a healthy action of the U lands. Kidneys, and Urinary Organs, very beneficial in Dropsy, Uout, aud Rheumatic Affections. SPEER'S WINE is a pure artiolo from tbe Juice of the Port Urapo, possessing medicinal pmporties superior to any other wine in use, and an exel'cnt artiolo for all weak and debilitated persons, and the aged and Infirm, im proving the appetite, and benefitting ladies and children. Try it on rf. and fnn trill not be deceived. LV'Besura tbe signature of Aubid 8m i a 1 over Ihe eork ofeaob boule. -. . Sold by W. A. Bennett Sunbury, and all first class dealers, who also sell tbe AM'I'II.I.A POUT lift :IV. a choice eld article. Im- ported only by Mr. Speer, direct from the valley of upuriu. j-Trade supplied by Wholesale Druggists. . Lrl!y A. Si'EKIl, at his vineyard in New Jersey. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 208 BROADWAY, N. Y. Suubury, Jan. 16, 1806. ly. E3TEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS. : A RE not only unequalled, but they are absolutely ii unequalled, by any other Reed Instrument ia umwuuirj. Arwignea eapressiy ior vnurene anu fi.ltll.al. IVaaaf..aill. H 1 1 . II . .l '""J v avaaaau w arw nj . a. a Nfuwg to the parlor and drawing room. For sal only bv . R M HP'"-' . Kn IP. Vorlh fiaaVAnlfi alvaaaa I.. ' .-.' Vt . l-ir-Also Bradbur-'. "A ' "r? J'r , . . -on complete as sortment ol tne PeTifJELODEON. L bept. S3, 1805. lyw - . . - . , t v, PERSONS having unrecorded Deeds are reminded that tbey mast be recorded, according to Ihe Aot of Assembly which requires that . , . "All deeds and euuveyanoe (ur real estate in this Commonwealth, shall be recorded in the office for "Tul eeus in u County where Ihe lands lie estMsa utki after th execution of sack deeds and ounvevaufi : anal . a. i a f a . pill WHTVT. ,?.,,.r.econ,,l " aforesaid, shall be judged FRAUDULENT AND VOID against anysuluant . , " - w,w vpunusniiuu. uuiew won wvmmm v U UCrajU or conveyance under whioh such subsequent purchaser or mortiraire alxll olaian .. 1 " ABgunt xa, I6 w 1 i ,j , Ti' ..4;-y . BREADS FANCY CAKES. sUAVID FRY, J odoor west of Um Pert Office, SUNUUHY. Pa. L ; i ESPECTF I'LL Y informs tka eMuuws of fs. A aary aad vicsnite. uW k -in k.k. a. aU k ds of -"" C lie VVS llnlla. A,- ;:Jfoj) Families sr lupplled with FRESH BREAD, Twist Rolls, Rueks, Tea Buns, Ac, and also kept oa hand manaTaetured out of tho best saaMwiass. ' All orders will meet wHti prompt attenUoa. ! ilaviug had laigv -expenene I hope to give general saiislaclioa to all who saay favor sae mh their MlMage. ' ' DAVID FRY. SlUry, Ihtt. u looi . P E RU V I A N ,'i 1 '. ;' i'l ;'-. . ; - IS A PROTECTED SOLUTION OF TUH Pretotlde al ltts, a new discovery In medicine" which BTBJKE8 AT TBI BOOT OT P1SEA8K, by supplying the Blood with it vita l i Bisciri.n, OB LirS SLISIIIT--inUfll I This Is th secret of the wonderful success of this remedy ia curing .i . Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar rhoea. Boils, Nervous Affections, Chills snd Fe vers, Humors, 1.0SS ot uonstitutmnal V Igor, : Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladder, ' remaie vompiaints, 1 . and alt dlsoase originating In a ' BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD or accompanied by nKBfi.tTv or a low itati or TH SVSTBM. . " Being free from Alcohol in any form, Its energi sing eflect ars not followed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, infusing STitKNiiTH, viunit and saw Lira into all parts of tbe system, and build ing ap an IRON CONSTITUTION. , DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY. Frm tht Venerable Archdeacon SCOTT, V. V Dosbasi, Canada East, March 24, IS63. "I am an inveterate Dyspeptic of mora than 2& years standing. " 1 "I have been so wonderfully benofiUei) tn the three short weeks during which 1 have used the Peruvian Syrup, that I can scarcely persuade myself of the reality. People who have known mo are astonished at the ehango. I am widely known, and can but recommend to others that which hiu done so much for me " One of tbe most Distinguished Jurists iu ' New England Writes to a Friend as , ,. . ; follows: I have tried th PERUVIAN SYRUP, and the result fully sustains yonr prediction. It has made a new man of me ; infused Into my system now vigor nd energy ; I am no longer tremulous and debilita ted, as when yon last saw me, but stronger, heartier, and with larger oapaoity for labor, mental and physical, than at any tiino during the last live years." An Eminent Divine of Boston, tay: 'I have been using the PERUVIAN SYRUP fur some time past; it gives mo xr.w vioon, bl'ovascv or SPIRITS, SLASTICTV Of MUSCLH." Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy; from weak, sickly, suffering creatures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and women ; and invalids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. A pamphlet of 32 pages, contHlnintf certificates of cures and reeommonuations from some of the most eminent physician, clergymen, and others, will be sent free to any address. LeTSee that each bottle has PERUVIAN S KIT blown in the glass. . For salo by J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 'ii Dey Street, New York. AMD BV ALL DRI'SGISTJ. SCROFULA. All Medical Men agree that IODINE is Ihe Res Remedy for Scrofula and all kindred disease ever discovered. Tbe difficulty has been toubtain a Pure Solution of it. Sr. H. ANDERS' IODINE WATER. Is Pure Solution of Iodine. Without a Solvent!! Containing a full grain to each ounce of water. A most Powerful Vitalising Agent and Restorative. It has cured and will euro SCROF I LA in all it inani fold forms. t'lrrrft, Cnicers, Ky rtliiliw, Sn.t ltliciim ; and it has been used with astonishing success in cases of Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Consumption. Feuiulo Complaints Heart, Liver, and Kidney Diseases, Ac. Circulars will besent free to any ouo sending their address. Price f 1 .00 a bottle, or 6 for f 5 Of). Prepared by Dr. 11. ANDER.S, Physician and Che mist. For sale by J. P. DINSMORE, 38 Dey Street, New York. And by all Druggists. Wistar's Balsam or WILD C H ERY. has been used for nearly HALF A CENTURY, with the most astonishing success in curing Coughs, C?lds, Hoarseness, Soro Throat Influenza Whooping Cough, Croup, Liver Complaint, jjrucuiu, xouiuuiiy 01 isroititiing, Astu ma and every s Heel ion of Tlae Throat, I.uiiksi, uud Ckoot. CONSUMPTION, which carries off more victims shan other disease, and which baffles tho skill of the Physicians to a greater extent than any other malady, often YIELDS TO THIS REMEDY ! when all others prove ineffectual. AS A MEDICINE, rapid in relief, soothing in effect, safe in its opera-. tion.lt is unsurpassed'! and is entitled merits, and' receives the general confidence of the publio. SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., of Herman, N. Y., writes as follows : ' " Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry gives universal satisfaction. It scums to cure a Cough by loosening and cleansing the lungs, and allaying irritation, thus rsmovingtbe cause, Instead of drying up the cough aud leaving tbe cause behind. I oonsidor the lial sam .as good a any, if aot the best Cough medicine with which I am acquainted." From Hon. Judge SHI A KE It, of Canaiuharie, N. Y Gentlemen. This is to certify that luisclf and family have used Dr. Wistar's Balsam of VnldChery, for several years, and that I take great pleasure in rooommondiug it in preference to anything of the kind for the purposes for which it is intendod. In easesof Asthma, Phthisio, or affections of tho Throat, I have never met with anything equal to it, .. Very resiKMjitully, DAVID SrRAK.EE. The Rev. JACOB SECULER, of Danovor, Pa., Well known and much respected among tho (loruiaq population in this eountry, makos the following statement for the benefit of the alllioted. Dear Sir (laving realised in my family taper. tant benefit from the use of your valuable prepara tion Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry it aflord me pleasure to reoommond It to fbe publio. Somo eight years ago one of my daughters seemed to be in odeeliue.and little hopes of her recovery were enter -taiued. I then procured a buttle of your exoellent Balsam, and before she had taken the whole of the contents of the bottle there was a groat improvcji ia her health. I have, in my individual w' '"""t frequent use of aw r-'--'' madu - : , atniu luudioiuo, and havo aiways been benefitted by it. JACOB BECHLER. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE. ' For sals by J. P. DIN.SMORE, 36 Dey Stroot, New York SETU W FOWLE A SOtf, Proprietors, Lustou And by all Druggist. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE ' . ' , Cure Cuts, Burns, ScalJs, GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE . 1 - Curs Wounds, Bruises Sprain , BRACK 8 CELEBRATED 8ALVB .. . , , ' 1 . . Cures Boil, Ulcers', Cancers, u , ORACH'S CELEBRATED SALVE Care Salt Rheam, Erysipelas. UUACE CELEBRATED SALVE . Care Chapped Head, Chilulaia. . . ORAM'S CELKARATEO HALVE , . ..; :'u 1 BeaUOld Soies, Flesh Wounds, Ao. ' 1 It i nroasU la SMliun. reioovas Dai a ai ouoa. aad radueeiUie most tngry-luokiug swellings aud hilia mations, as if by magic, thus aJSordiug relief and complete care. ' - uly iJ eenU a box ! (Sent by mall fir 8 cents ) I'srSal bv J. P. niNMMIIkK XA Iu. Simi. New York. .bV.W.. FOU l.K A. Mn. i'r.i,,.a.. Bosioa. aad hv all briciaiu. (s iiuf r an. fRsV Store ' r ---"I y UiiNtlEtt'B' atwbhep. dr'i. 1 JaaaarylT, 196 ly ' ' -j - n