Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 18, 1866, Image 2

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    pfte 'Bunbutg American.
1 g. B. MASSaaT Bdltor rreprietw.
' ' 1 WDWBl'HT, PA.
v - , , - FOU GOVEUNOR,
. i ,ty CMmfceWani County. .
all r. :
tmlom Republican Comstt- Ticket.
JOHNB. PACMB, Bq-. of Sunburn
. (Subjeot to doWo of Coatee Contention.) -
"; ' '" ' roE ,' ' '""
; . - , , :.,FOR PnOTHOKOTAHY, . y
CHARLES J, BBPNEB, of Bunbvxry.
jgTTha "Boys in Blue" liod a Urge Geary
meeting in the old Court House, in this
place, on Tuesday night. The meeting we s
a roost enthusiastic one. During the intervals
of speaking, the brass band from Northuov
beriand discoursed excellent rouic, and en
liTened the proceedings. The speakers were
Hon. Franklin Bound, Hon. Geo. F. Miller
.nrl W. CLJLawson. Esq. In the course of
his remarks Mr. Bound came down pretty
severely on the Commissioners, for granting
the use of the new Court House for a Johnson
meeting last week, and refusing the same
privilege to the friends of Gen. Geary. Mr.
Bound's reply to the speech of Charles Shri
ller at the Johnson meeting, brought down
great applause. The speeches of Messrs.
Miller and Lawson were also well received.
The Union Republican party is growing
stronger every day.
3F0ar neighbor of the Democrat takes
exception to our remarks in regard to the
new Court House fence, and seems to ' think
we have no right to express our opinions,
or pass judgment on the same, without per
mission from the Commissioners. At a pub
lic journalist, we claim the right to express
our opinions, on all matters pertaining to
the public, and we are pretty aura the Com
missioners have no desire to restrain us from
exercising this priviledgc, if they could.
5"The Great Johnson Convention, now
in session in Philadelphia, were in great
tribulation in devising means to keep out
such men. as Val'andigham, Fernando Wood
and others of that stripe. This difficulty
hat been removed, it is said, by offering Yal
landigham a Foreign Mission if he would
withdraw., Val. knowing that he would be
Voted out at all events, wisely accepted the
bribe. If the Convention entertained a pro'
per respect for itself and for the government
it would not have hesitated, to kick out of
. Its presence such traitors as Vallandigbain
& Co., instead of buying them up.
"' t?"The Central Courier, is the title of
' a new Republican paper Btarted at Sehns
grove, by Maj. E. P. Rohback. A good Re
publican paper should be well supported in
Boy der county. ......
t m m m
- The following reference to this distin.
guishod delegate to the Fourteenth of Au
gust Convention, is from the Washington
The rebel organ of the President rushes
to the defence of tlmt immaculate UuiouUt
and patriot, Dick Taylor, lute a general in
the rebel army, Tliis U quite natural. In
the meantime a colonel who belongs at the
South, but who served in the Union attny
during the war, sends us the following':
To the Editor of the Ch ron iele :
The name of the man who heads this ar
tide is, as above stated, tuu murderer of
Union men in cold blood.
There were seven Union men of Louisiana
' who escaped through Dick Taylor's lines
and enlisted in the 8th Vermont regiment
as Federal soldiers, after 'which they were
captured in battle by Dick Taylor's com
mand, tried by bis court martial, and sen
tenced to be shot to. death. Dick Taylor
having the execution of the sentence, oader
ed them first to dig their own graves, one
sufficient to contain four men, the other to
contain three. In these two holes they stood
up and . were shot by Dick Taylor's rebels.
In regard to the facts in detail ! refer to Col.
Thomas, commanding the 8th Vermont vol
unteer regimeut. General Benjamin F. But
ler, commanding the department, and Major
Green, of New Orleans, now in this city.
- - .
Return of Vkofessob Agarsiz. Profes
sor Agassiz returned to Boston last week
, from his exploration iu Brazil. lie has been
- absent a little more than a year, and during
. that time has made many important dit-
coveries in geology and natural history,
finding abundant evidence to establish his
favorite theory of glacial' action, and adding
to the classification of the animal kingdom
several hundred species that ho will at once
begin the preparation of a scientific memoir,
embodying the results of his investigations,
and a work of popular character from his
pen, entitled "Travels in Brazil," is already
announced by Ticknor & Fields fur publica
tion in the fall.
The Prices of Licjcoiis. A New Yorker,
who is posted on the tariff of charges by re
tail liquor dealers, says that they make enor
mous profits. A glass of ale, costing three
cents, they sell for ten ; a glass of beer, cost
ing two cents, they tell for five cents; a bot
tle of soda water costing four cents is sold
for ten cents; other liquors, costing an
average of five cents a glass are sold for ten
cents, whilst cigars costiug from five to fif
teen cents are sold all the way from ten to
thirty cents. The same will apply to almost
CTery city in the Union.
The number of emigrants that arrived at
New York since 1st January is 155,709.
Compared with corresponding months last
year the increase la 100,700.
Ole Bull, who was killed so neatly by the
. obituary writers, awhile ago, icooiing with
his fiddle to America. .,
In North Carolina the rote of fifteen coun
ties show a small majority against the new
The War Department hat just issued an
muor reorganizing me various military de
partments of the country.
Gen. Richard Delaflcld, of theEngineering
Department, has been placed on the retired
list, having served over fifty-two ygars. ;
Msjor Lewis Cast hat sold bis house and
.urtmtuie tt Detroit, having resolved hence
, forward to reside in Europe.
ThaOld Bohoo! Preabyttrrtaos hava fiftv
aoven misakmariea laboring among tht freed
' men. ...........)!. . 7 ,
i A ne' Clyde, tot mad at coffee-
m.1B lu"n,D8 " H. doveandbronght
SfrfuJ1! n,m7',nd therein fgO
in tilm and pulpy mast of greenback!
, A. Tei, ?1 l1d or 1 fett tbick. estitn..
ted to yield ninety per cent, metal, has boen
opened at Kewbcrry, Green county, Ir,d. -
Speech f Horn- natrjr Lsuae
. On the return of Hon. Henry 8. Lane, U.
B. Senator from Indiana, to fiU am at
Crawfordsville, lo that State, fat) was aeren
ded, and afterward delivered' a speech la
which ha laid: j ? j H
' I am a member of this Radical Oonfree
Cheers. A member of the Congress which
la indeed radical in its loyalty to country
radical in Its devotion to the truest Interests
of all parts of the Union radical in itt 'op
position to all schemes and devices of rebels
and rebel sympathizers. But wfcat hat this
Radical Congress done 1 "flicre indeed
5 difference of opinion between the Prcsl
cnt and Concress. I believe that tho Pre
sident la wrnnc. and that fJoncres la rlflht.
and such also I believe. to be the. opinion of
almost the entire oartv which elected tne
President. Vice-President and Congress.
1 Among-other thing done . by Congress
wat the passage of the civil-rights bill, pass
ed bv a two-thirds mnloritv in both branches
of the National Lee Mature the President's
objections to the contrary notwithstanding,
This bill was a necessity created by the vie
torioua march of our clorious arm; in crush'
ing the rebellion whereby tour millions of
slaves wore maue iour rniuiuus u ireewcu,
Hut van are told in horror. VI the ormosers
of this just and necessary measure, that by
it is conferred the right to vote. This it not
true, and these gentlemen themselves know
it is not true. .
The time is comins when these frecamen
may become good enough citizens to become
voters, but perhaps that tune is not yet. I
take the position that the time is already
here when, if we must choose between loyal
colored men and red handed rebels to rccon
struct the South, tho colored man is far safer
and creatlv to be preferred.
'1 lie Kadical uongress lias also passed a
freedmen't bureau bill, which, say rebels,
Copperheads and B. and B, men, is a scheme
of plunder of white people's money for the
purposo oi lecmnc and doming negroes,
Unfortunately for these ccntlemenin their
argument the returns for the past (our
months show that nearly three-fourths of
the expenditures by this bureau were Tor the
purpose of rclicviug the sufferings' of the
South. To this no ono of the radicals ob
jects, for we have charity for all, with malice
toward none, lint let these gentlemen cease
their clamor, unless they are willing to allow
tho whites of the South to suffer in the ratio
of three to one as compared with the freed
men themselves, upon whose dclenceicss
heads the slime of their entire party is
This radical 'Congress has also passed a
bounty bill increasing the pay and euuaiiz
inn the bounty to the loyal boys in blue, to
whom, under God, we aro indebted for the
preservation of our noble Republic. This
debt of gratitude, it is to be hoped, we will
always acknowledge, but we can never dis
charge. Farther than this. Congress nns in
creased the pension of the disabled soldier,
so that he has now a nearer approach to
comfortable support.
The Committee on Pensions Senator Lane
chairman, made ninety-two reports, each of
which was acted on by the senate, and all
of which, without exception, are now parts
of the laws ot tue land.
Here the Senator made tome statements
in reference to tbU personal career intended
particularly for his friends at home. In
this statement be said that during the five
years of his duties as Senator he bad been
absent from his post but one dav. and on
that day he visited Gettysburg, in connec
tion with some distinguished military gen
tlemen, to look after the graves, monuments,
Ac, of the dead buried there. As a member
of the Military Committee he had never been
absent trom a single meeting, llo never
missed a vote on any important measure.
The Ituflinn of York, who Sallied
Forth to Welcome Ibe Rebel Uen.
Karlr Firing- on Delrullon or
IoyaI Men.
The monster Geary Meeting at York, yes
terday, as will be seen trom an account in
the local department, was not allowed to
pass off unattacted by the Copperheads of
that locality. Before we make any reference
to these outrages, we hatten to repeat the
acknowledgments of every man who left
Hanisburg to participate in tho proceedings
at lork, for the kind treatment, hospitnble
generous beyond description, which they
received from the decent men and women of
that borough. The brave and gentlemanly,
and sober, gallant twelve hundred,, who
went from Dauphin county to mingle with
their loyal brethern of York, will never for
get this treatment. It was cordial and
sumptuous, noble and manly, while the fair
hands and sweet fares which ministered to
their wants and dispensed their smiling
welcomes, will long be blessed in the memo
ries of the Boys iu Blue of Dauphin couctv.
Now fur the blackguard of York borough
tne sneaking poltroons who crawled from
York at midnight to meet the rebel Early
on his march to that borough, and to whom
tney otiered to aurreMur, because they be
lieved that the South was right. These ruf
fians attacted our boys singly wherever one
was found in the Btreots of York. A large
number bad been placed on the local police
inrce lor me purpose or preserving order.
We are told that some of these ruffians ' did
all they could to provoke a riot by brandish
tag pistols, using insulting and taunting
language, and as many ways seeking a cotil
lion with individual strangers. Just at the
train containing the Dauphin and Cumber
land county delegations was leaving the
depot it was fired upon by men concealed
iu icnce corners and corn fields. J lie car
occupied by Gen. Geary and Governor Cur-
tin was perforated by bullets and stones,
while the opon cars containing large num
bers of soldiers were also tired at and assail
ed with stones, brick bats and other missiles.
jucse are statement corroborated by a
thousand witnesses. .They illustrate the
malignity and cowardice of the genuine
Cdppcrhead. The disgrace docs not belong
to ork county. It belong to the leaders
of Coppcrheadism in York county. It is
the result of the teachings of Ileister Cly
mer, tne l orn uateite and Adam Ulossbren
uer. It is an illustration of Jerry Black's
denial of the right of preachers tb uphold
the nationality of the country, tupport tne
Union and maintain the Government. It is
a feeble kick of treason, which will be
resented at the polls in October next, and it
it an example of ruffianism which will have
no enect on tne decency and manhood com
posing the Union party of Pennsylvania.
Jlarruburg ielegrayn of lUCA tint.
Tlie Texas Legislature met on tbe 6th,
The House wat fully organized. Gorernor
Throckmorton it to be inaugurated on tLe
viu. - ...
K military commission is inrestigating
iu ais nun iu ch wrieant.
Mayor Monroe, of New Orleans, has been
juiurnieu aot to matte any more appoint
meats or perform any other official ft'ta with.
out tbe approval of tbe military authorities
R. King Cutler, and other members of the
Louisiana Convention, have made affidavit
oelore unitea ettta Commisaioner Husted,
at Mew Orleans charging Mayor Monroe
and Sheriff ilayea with being principal! in
or accessories to tbe late riota fu that city.
The latest reports are to tbe effect that one
Hundred persona were kilted and three hun
dred wounded daring tne net.
It it stated on high authority that Gener
al Grant bat requested the Secretary of War
to furnish for publication all the dispatches
of General Sheridan concerning the Mew
Orleans nota, to at to let at rest the vtriout
and tn many cases unfounded report regard
ing them, &nd to place General Sheridan
"Km neiore tne country.
Xb PhllaUlelphla Trdy-At t
f the nnrderer.
The Philadelphia papers of Saturday
morning give the details of a most atrocious
murder, committed Inthateity by a un
known man Who tliu far baa eacftpea aei
tion. This many accompanied: oj i;"'iM
slog young woman, at about oon on '
Mtlrid a room-which he btjiwrf
engaged at a house kept bf
Tvson. on . evenin sircuw ------- -
man opened the door of the; room "J
ed wilh his companion, without evincing
after regaining for an boar or more, during
which not the slightest noise was beard, he
..i. i.u ilt. closing the door sharply bo
hind him. He wat smoking a cigar at this
time, which had apparently been lighted but
a moment, and descending mo staircase, ac
costed the colored attendant as follows i
"Where is your mistress tho lady of the
house t I wish to speak with her." . '
. This brought Mrs. Tyson from her room,
when the unknown man said ! " '
Mrs. Tvson. mv ladv friend has fallen
asleep in the room I have taken. Please let
her remain undisturbed until I call again. I
shall not be cone a great white."
He then gave the lady of the house a sum
of money in payment -for his lodging and
All remained quiet in the house, and not
the slightest suspicion was aroused among
the inmates of the dwelling relative to the
terrible crime that bad been perpetrated by
the fiend who had just departed with such
a nonchalent air.
In about an hour after the departure of the
supposed murderer, Mrs. Tyson was called
up stairs, and on her way up tried tbo door
of the room alluded to, and after knocking
and receiving no answer, thrust tho door
open. Mrs. Tyson observed that the room
was very dark, and that the shutters had
been closed and locked and the curtains
drawn together to as to exclude all light.
she then opened the shutters and approach
ed. the bed. ' She observed that the sheets
and clothing were stained with blood, and
wrapped closely around an object in human
Alarmed at this siirht. she called for help.
and at once proceeded to unwrap the body
and unravel a shocking mystery, in the
clothes sho found the corpse of the young
woman w ho bad an hour before stepped into
her premises the personification ot health
and comeliness. '
At a closer examination it was revealed
that the unfortunate woman had come to her
death throunh a violent struggle. She hnd
been choked with a large portion of a sheet,
which had been forced into her mouth. Her
throat was cut from ear to car, and death
had ensued almost immediately after the
infliction of the wounds. The body was then
unwrapped and laid out straight upon the
The coroner was notified, look possession
ot the body and made preparations lor bold'
lug an inquest.
1 lie detectives have been put upon the
track of the murder, who has thus far made
good his escape, but is believed to be still in
the city. A search is also being prosecuted
for an older woman, who accompanied the
victim on a previous visit, with the assassin,
to Mrs. Tysons establishment.' What is
most remarkable is that no clew could be
discovered by which the identity of the un
fortunate being could be determined. It Is
probable that the miserable murderer made
off with everything of this kind after com
mitting the terrible deed.
The body of the murdered girl will bede
tained at the Ninth ward station house dur
ing the whole of tp-day, and persons who
may know of any facts relative to tho de
ceased are requested to visit the statior. house
and render what assistance they can to fix
the identity ot tbo deceased.
Tbe Philadelphia SI order An lr-
rext Further lartlcnlura.
Philadelphia, August 11. A man call
ing himself Champion, lato an engineer in
the navy, was arrested on tbe charge of kill
ing the girl in a house of ill fame lust night.
The victim's name is Mary Carney, a native
ot Mount nony, n. j. ...
This morning the femalo associate of Car
ncy described to the police a man who kept
company with Mary Carney. The descrip
tion tallied with that given by the keeper of
tne house.
A portrait of the man was found iu Car
ney's trunk and identified as Champion. He
was immediately arrested in his bed at his
residence, and Las since been identified as
the man who came to ' the bouse with the
murdered girl. lie is about 30 years of ago.
the joii:vso t'o.nvi:.iio..
Arrival of Iele(uteis.
In order to preserve the history of events,
we publish the proceedings of the Conven
tion, now being held in Philadelphia, as we
find them in Wednesday evening's Bulletin,
as follows j ,
"The vigor of a war does not always "stir
paas tbe sounding measure of tbe manifesto,"
and the present Johnson Convention at tbe
Wigwam, on Uirard avenue, only proves the
truth of tbe saying.
At the opening of the proceedings at a
quarter before one o'clock this afternoon the
huge barn was almost empty. Accoinuio
riations had been prepared for thousandi,
but the thousands declined to couie.
The Wigwam is what we have called it.
a huge bam. It has been put up with care
lessness, and tbe timber employed is of tbe :
poorest quality, A feeble attempt has been
made at decorating it witn painted canvass,
but the attempt would disgrace any political
headquarters in any town in the Union.
Tbe roof is so constructed that tbe rain
may find entrance at almost any point, and
the teats are so arranged as to make tbe
delegates and spectators as uncomfortable
as possible. Tbe arrangements for tbe re
porters of the press are poor, but we under
stand that better quarters will be provided
for them hereafter.
At abont 12 , o'clock, p. if., Hon. A."W.
Randall, Postmaster Genera! and President
of tbe National Union Club, opened the
J! IT. 1 .1 '
pniuvcuingu.' no aiu; ,
Gentlemen, I have to announce the dele
gate from South Caroliua and from Mat
tachusetta will now come arm and arm into
this Convention. '
Loud and hearty cheers were given, and
tbe entire body of spectators and delegates
arose to their feet, waving tbeir bats, to
greet tbeir entrance. Speedily Governor
Orr, of South Carolina, and General D, N..
Couch, of Massachusetts, "arm-in-arm," led
the filing delegations to tbe platform. After
tbe playing of an operatio air, the familiar
Southern tune of Dixie was given, and
greeted with great applause, ted by General
Custer. Tbe Battle Cry of Freedom wat
tucneeded by Yankee Doodlo, and it was
greeted with cheers. . '
Congressman John Ilogan, of Missouri,
gave three cheers for thirty six States, which
was responded to.. Three cbecrt for Reverdy
Johnson, for tbe Union, and for the Red,
White and Blue, were given impromptu
front tbe body of the ball. '
Governor Randall said : For the purpose
of the temporary organization ot this Con
vention, I propose the name of Gen. John
A. Dix, of Mew York, at temporary Chair
man. ' - ... i '
A delegate said : With the leave of the
gentleman from Ohio, I beg leave to offer
two Resolution! ; First, tha uutil otherwise
otdend, (he rate of tne Douse of Repre
sentative Of tbe Vailed States, to far at
applicable, gover a tbe proceedings of thlt
Convention i and that each State be entitled
to double the number of vote to which it la
entitled U the iS'ectr.ral College, and each
Territory and tbe District or Colombia to
two votes each, at their member ahall di
rect. Adopted, ... ,, .:..-.'.
n ft,. 1
sltlont not relating, to the organization of
the Convention be referred by the Chair to
tho Committee on Resolutions, without
debate, and that all resolutions, propositions
and question rc rating to tho. tight or olaiin 1
of any person to tit in this Convention, be
referred by the Chair to the Committee on
Credentials, hereafter to be appointed, with
out debate, and until that appointment thoy
lie on the table without debate. ( Adopted.
General Stcadman s resolution was then
read and adopted, as follows:
Senolved. That a committee or thirteen be
appointed by the Chairman, as a Committee
on Credentials. ' " s ' '
On motion of Montgomery Blair, of Mary
land, the following wat adopted t '
Jlesolted, That ft' committee or one rrom
each State be appointed by the Chairman to
appoint officers for the permanent officers of
the Convention. - "
At the suggestion of Thomas B. Florence,
of Washington, the Secretary read the call
addressed to the Democrats to attend tho
Convention as delegates, signed by tho
signers of the previous-call. An error being
made In reading the proper call, benatnr
McDougall called attention to the fact, tnd
the proper paper was read. ' ' "
1 he following committees were announ
ced :'"'- '
On credentials James B. Stcadman, Ohio;
N.'D.' Coleman, Indiana; Thomas Hognn,
Illinois f Charles K, Daly, N. Y.; David Kel
logg', Ind;; James B. Campbell, S, C.t A
Hyatt Smith, Wis. ; George M. Ives, Conn.
B. H. Jefferson. Texas; George W. Pierce,
N. H. '
On organization Ashbel Greene, N. J. :
James McJerran, Miss; John R. Franklin,
Maryland. '
' Montgomery Blair moved that tho Con
vention now adjourn until to-morrow, at 13
o'clock, and that the Committee on Creden
tials and 1 Organization will,! immediately
alter the adjournment, meet in the Commit
tee Rooms. Adopted. '
Scarcely had the Convention adjourned
ere the storm clouds that had been hovering
over the building broke, And tbe showers
descended. ' '
Tbe heavy rain drops soon found their
way through the uncompleted roof, drench
ing the spectators who were unlucky enough
to be in the near vicinity.
bull the delegates were in no haste to re
tire, and for many minutes' groups' were
formed in and around the Committee
vallandiqham snnitnNnr.ti.
Alter a long discussion, this morning.
Yallsndigbani yielded to the "Policy" men
and followed Wood in bis retreat from the
Convention. The particulars of tbe bargain
have not yjet been divulged, but it is under
stood that the managers have mado it all
right with Vallandigham and his friends.
LATES1' FalOJl l!i;tUIK.
New- York, August 14. A special dis
patch to the Mow York Herald, received by
the cable, dated Brussels, August 18th, says:
There is great excitement in Vicuna four
hundred and eighty-two men are to be tried
tor nign treason, Crowds in the streets
bailed tbe Emperor with cries of "abdicate."
ibe Austrian Minister of Finance has re
signed."' :-! ; i'
ot. PKTERsncno, Aogust 12. The Ameri
can naval officers entered the city to-day.
and were ' received with a magnificent ova
tion. ' .
St. Petersburg, August 12. Tbe United
States naval officers made their official entry
into the city yesterday, (Saturday, August
11); and bad a grand reception. Fifty thou
sand puople turned out to wituess their en
trance, i lticy were welcomed by a magnifi
cent ovation, with music. . cheers, the dis
play of tings and tUousauds of handkerchiefs
waving in all directions. The greatest en
thusiasm prevailed.
lion. Cassms M. Clay, our Minister to the
Court of. St, Petersburg, gave a brilliant en
tertainment at bis hotel to the diplomatic
corps, the beads of departments and distin
guiabedcitizens in honor of the naval officers.
A ball and supper was given by tbe Yacht
Club, which was attended by tho beauty
and grace of tbo city. All the public build
ings were dressed in Union colors and bril
liantly illuuinated,which,witb tbe fireworks,
tended to produce a very lively sensation.
Altogether the affair was a splended tribute
to America, ,
pRvtsiA auproitTt italt's claims to
" ''''''- TENET.'
' Berlin, August JS. Prussia has inform
ed Austria that she (Prussia) will maintain
the right of Italy to Yenetia. ,
, The semi-official organ, the Zeitung, says
that Napoleon's absurd demand had raised
hopes in France which it is impossible for
Germany to fulfill. Tbe ideas of tbe revolu
tion must have taken tbe place of the usual
course of policy in France. The changes
which have taken place in Germany are of a
national German, not an international char
acter, and convey no menace of danger to
France.. ,? , . ; r
i letter tuatl Iniportusit.
- London, Tuesday-Noon Aug. 14 The
Prussian Government has informod the Em
peror of France that hit domaudt for tbe
extension of tbe frontier of bisE.-npiretothe
banks of the Rhine, cannot' be complied
with, and fhat Prussian territory there situa
ted will never be ceded to France. ,
.London, August 14 Evening. Advicet
have been received from tbe continent indi
cating a probable renewal of the war be
tween the Prussians and Bavarians, upon the
territory of tbe latter power. Great feara
are entertained of such an event. .
' -' 1 im, i .
! Brigham' Young it termed; in a recent
sketch, "a red headed, glazier from the hills
of Vermont." '
.. A printer named English attemped to hang
himself en the stand erected for the speakers
of a Detnocratio meeting at Indianapolis,
' Two rebels were recently shot near Lex
ington, Mo., while attempting to remove a
Union rosette from tbe coat of a young roan
who bad been in the Federal army.
, Hard rubber collars are to. be the next
novelty. A process of bleaching rubber hat
been discovered, and after hardening, it can
be made into collars, wristbands, etc.. and
tbe enthusiastic think they tee the end of
It. lur.. ..II.. kn.L... T I .
,4411 gLci IfUIIBI UUS1UQDO)
;j The associate press of this country pro
pose to spend $125.0(K) a year (or European
newt by the Atlantic cable. ..They will have
two dispatches a day, made, up in London
at three o'clock in the morning and three
o'clock in tbe afternoon, which will be tbe
same at 10 p. m. and 10 a. m. ' Mew York
time, and reach here n teaaon for morning
and evening papers., , t ,' ( ' n ' j. ( - ; J
BTSn A Woma!, in another column
picking Samburg grape for Speer'a Win.
It k an admirable article, uaed in the hoepl.
taut and by the fin claw tarn 11 let in Paris,
London and New York, in profisNooa to Wd
Port Wine. It U worth trial, at It give
great fatlstaetlon. ror tale by W. A. Ben
IHAVB aaatfe arranircnanti la Wuhtigteii Cttyv
for thl Drocntt ollratiaa ofAonnt4 ubiIm th
aw not oi uongrva. i oar aue mM lb pro.
rn blanks to pripara th ellm, Boldura an titled
o thia Itoant
ity should apply hnm4iiiUlj! u II to aa.
t It will, require Urea yean to adtut all
t (mated that
tba elalmi. . . V lr
All Midler who atilUtjMl Aw lliraa WMra and
have not received mora than $ 100 bounty are entitled at - .l.n.
have anliated for three jean and discharged after a
errloe of two rears, by reaeon of wounds received,
WWM ,u une oiaair, or re-eniwiwitni,
Banbury, August 18, 186.
IlouuMlrs) Collected.
i O. W. HAUPT, Attorne
Offers bit professional services for the eolloot'ion e'f
bounties due to soldier under the late Equalisation
Aot passed by Congress. As an authorised elaim
gent he will nromntle enllunt all p.i.
and Gratuities due to soldiers of - the late war, or tb
Banbury, August 18, 1866
Arimlnlfltrntor'a Notice.
XTOTIOE is hereby given, that letters of admlnls
1 II tratkm bavin been framed to the uDdnrairaarf.
on the estate of John Kohl, lata of Lower Mahonoy
township, Northumberland county, Pa., deceased.
All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having claims
to present tbem duly aalueouoMed ror settlement.
. .. ' , JAMI.3 tVUtlL.,
Low. Mahonoy twp., Aug. 18, '66. Adm'ra
CAPITAIj, 9100,000.
Important to tall Owner of I.Itc
Stock. '
I Insurance .Company, chartered March 12, '6fl,
by the State of Pennsylvania, Insures, HORSES,
MULES AMD CATTLE, against loss by theft, death
ny Br, acoiaeni or disease. ,
Office: 108 South Fourth Street, Philad., Pa
President : Col Charles Frailoy ; Vie President, D
Ij. ivsterly : Secretary, Dr. a . Becker : Ueneral
Accnt. P. Hafla. -
Reference, by permission, to tb following gentle
men . Hon. fiimon Cameron, liarrisburg, Pa.; Burd
Patterson, Esq., Pottaville, Pa.; lien Joseph LSIich
tor, Hardware Merchant, Reading, Pa; Dr John
Gloningcr. President Lebanon Bank ; L Whitney,
Hanker, roturrille.
Onr rates are lower than any ether Insurance Com
pany, while they insure against one risk, we insur
against all risks. - Agents wanted in evory oounty in
th State,
Assistant General Agent, Snnbnry, Pa.
AngnstlS, 1866 3m
PROPOSALS will be received at the office of
L. T. Rohrbaob, Esq., In Sunbnry, for th erec
tion of two new School Houses in the Borough of
Sunbury, until 3 o'clock, P. M., of Tuesday, the list
inat. Plans and specifications of the building ean
be seen at th office of Mr. Rohrbach.
Bunbnry, Aug. 18, 1867 Building Committee.
DVIKA Jior.vrv
TO .:.
Bounty BUI just passed gives all soldier who en
listed for throe years, sinoa April 19, 1861, and served
tbeir full term of service, or were discharged Before
tb expiration of said term of service on acoount of
wounds received in the line of duty, and received
One Hundred Dollars Bounty and no more, are now
entitled to an extra bounty of ONE HUNDRED
DOLLARS. Widow, Fathers, Mother, and Minor
Children of deceased soldier who enlisted (or three
years, as above, and died in the service or from di-
ceaa or wounds contracted in the service and line of
duty, arc entitled to th above extra On Hundred
l3rTo be obtained upon application in person or
by letter to tb Military and Naval Agency, No. 421
V alnul street, Philadelphia.
' August IS, I860. lm
Monday, August 27.
The Largogt Traveling TzMbllicn la
tho Wor d..
Cmpriiii ll-e o.'f
" ' la Annici, vith'h.
Il.tlij- Kloplmnt, 2 Ilnnipetl Camel,
Itoynl Ilcwgul Tieors'iiiHl Host ot
Lluiis, TisrHf Jcppards, &c tv.
And Ilia
la Aatartcs, vita . .
Belter Horses and Ponies, Setter
Performers and Bettor Cleans
; i Tlun sr. JmprtJ ur iiUr Eiktbiiiaa. .
.Two Performances each DaJ, Af-
: . ,:. ttrnoon and Night, i. "' ,
' Doots ofen at 1 and 6J o'cIcatV " '' i
OaePneeof Admlsflon toB?thSiio-e '
Adult fo eU. Chlldrtn Bndrl0yar ti ts,
' A1oxhibitla
. . IV. II. QlKDKU, Agtmt. '
Aoguat 18, m. . ;. . , , u
AN appaejfor Borough Taxes will b bald at th
offle. of E. T. Bright, oa th 18th day . of A a
giut, 16M, between tk hour f o'elook. A. M.,
and 1 M., and eetweaa tb hour of land t e'slook.
' "iui, v(un puxgass.
JAeoa BairA, Clark. .
Bonbary, Aeg. 11, ISM.-Ji ' - , t
ri IT Ti sad aas thnas issaMfiil lii I (Umi i ,v.
' ...... t-U. C0KLET A CO,
' Jtt- w , v-- svat am wt
fTTHS eiamlnatlon of Teachers and allotment of
X Bobooli for tb following districts, will take
plao at 8 t'tlook A. M.. Pf Uv 0J designated be
low f, f ' ' ' LS .
rBBTOKTOVj-PaWla School Jlonsai Monday,
August 0tb , (b? terbe disUHo. f
...JIT, CAkMEU PuplM Bebool Ho, Tuesday,
Angus Slst, Sir SornugA and township dlstrloU.
BUAMOKIN.-OenMiU gohool House. Wed need ay
A u rant 22. for Ihamokin boron and .Cool town-
"rthipdistriota. A, V ' 1
ail law. Central Bohool J
House, Thursday, Au-
gust 23d.
BUiNbUHX. Publis Sohool Uonse, Friday, Au
gust 24th.
n. jNotlce ror the remaining Bohoo! DlstrloU
rill be published hereafter., i ; i i -1 , ,
i ' U.W. HAUPT. Coautv SuDerintendent. I
y, August 4th, 1806 3t '
Millinery Uoods and Ureste Trim.
,(, mlngilrad lrcse( jj I .
GLOVES, PARASOLS, &c., &c., " '
South side of Market Square. SUNBURY, Penn'a
' lias just returned from the cities with a choice
selection of seasonable goods to which tb attontion
of the liadlee is respectfully solloiteoY. 1 ,' . '
With Head-Dresses, "' ' - Gloves,
Hosiery, Ribbons,
has boenearefully selected and will give satisfaction.
Miss Shisslor has had an experience In the bust
Bess that enables her to seleot goods with an ey to
the taste and wishes of her eustoioers. and she ben a
eonMoueaaeof favors in the fu lore whioh she takes
pleasure tn acknowledging during the past year.
Ladies will And a choice flock of every thing in her
line Ul uusioroB.
Sunbury,,, Apr 11868.
"1 IT ILL be sold at publie sale, at lb Court House
TV in the Borougtt oi Bunbury, on IV KB u AX,
AUGUST 21st, 1866, at oneo'clock r. M., the follow
in I valuable property, to wit :
A certain half Lot of Ground, situato on Third
street, botween Market and Chosnut streets, in tbe
borough of Sunbury, Northumberland oounty, Pa.,
w Hereon is erecloa a large iwo-ana-nau Diory uncx
uuiiuing anown as u ruono oonooi iiouse.
Terms and conditions will be made known on th
day of sal.
E. WILVERT, Frcs't. School Board.
L T. RoantAcn, Heeretary.
Sunbury, August 11,1866.
or .
TTTILL be sold at Public Sale, all that certain
VV half LOT OF GROUND, situate on the corner
of Chesnut and Third street. In the borough of can,
burv. Pa., adjoining Publio School Property ; also
a large brick building erected thereon known as the
Sale to take place oa Tuesday, August 21st, 1
at the old Court Hons, at 1 u dock P. M., of
day, when th terms and conditions "will be made
nown. a. n. unan,
Chairman ol Committee.
Sunbury, August 11, 1866.
fTinE following persons are entitled to receive an
JL increase ot Oounty under tne Aci oi vongn
passed July 1866, to equalise Bounties.
1st All soldiers who enlisted aftor tbo 10th day of
April, 1861, lor 3 years, and served their time of
enlistment and bave been honorably discharged, and
have received or are entitled to receive a liouniy oi
$160, are entitled an additional Bounty of $lVO.
2d AU suoh soldiers who enlisted for S years, and
have boen honorably discharged on account of
wounds received in the line of duty, are eu titled to
n additional Bounty of 8 IOO.
Sd Th Widow, Minor Children, or Parents of such
oldier who died in tbe service of wounds or disease,
are entitled to an additional Bouuty of &1UO.
By application to S. P. W0LVERTON, Esq.. of
StiKBuar, Pennsylvania, who is an authorited Claim
Agent, all suoh claims can be speedily eolleoled.
Sunbury, August 4, 1866. tf
Widows are now en'.i tied to an Increosed Pension
of $2 per month for e wih child ot th soldier tinder
16 vears of aire. To be obtained noon annlicntion
in person or by letter, to the Military and Naval
Agency, No. 427 Walnut street, Philadelphia.
August 18. 1866. lm
fllllE undersigned will sell at priruto sale the fol
JL lowing valuable Real Estate, to wit :
On half Lot of Ground, situate in the Borouch of
Sunbury, Northumberland eounty. Pa., being Lot
... ii , - . . i , i r : .1 . i
No. 217, in tbe eencrnl plan of said boroueh, con
taining 30 feet iu front on Peun, formerly Pokebcrry
street, and 240 feet in depth, wboreon is erected a
small frame dwelling bouse, outbuildings, Ao.
Also: Lot No. 8V fronting on Front street, con
taining 58 J feet in width, and 230 feet in depth,
whereon is erected a large frame dwelling house,
(table and other outbuildings.
Also; A Lot of U round, situate in the borough of
Mt. Carmel, Northumberland county, being lot No.
15 in block No. 45 of said borouirb.
Late the property of Wm. Konnclly, deceased.
If the property is not sold by the 17th day of August
next, it will then be offered at publio sale, at tbe
Old Court House, in tbe borough of Sunbury, at one
o'clock P. M., on said day, when the conditions will
be mad known by
O. W. 1TAUPT, Administrator.
Sunbnry, July 28, 1H08. 3t
A:ou:cKMK:vr to
Th Quaker City Business College, Tenth and
Chesnut, and Broad and Spring Garden Streets, Phil
adelphia. Opening of the Fall Sessions, Sept. 3d.
LIBERAL INDUCEMENTS, a discount ot 25pr
oent. allowed on all Scholarships purchased during
tbe month of August, reducing th terms to $30.
Money may b remitted by mall, and Scholarships
secured by those who propose to enter at any future
Superior Advantage. This Institution ranks tb
first in th country ; is a regularly Incorporated Col
lege, authorised by law to grant Diploma and con
fer Degrees of Merit.
- The tall Seat ions will open with greatly increased
facilities, and young men desiring to qualify them
selves for business life here advantage to b obtained
nowhere else.
Fairbanks' Bookkeeping. This work, th moat
eomplete and extensive Treatise on Bookkeeping
ever written, containing 424 page, and composed
exclusively of Aetual Business Set, will be ready
for publication In August. Price, $3 ; by subscrip
tion, paid in advance. 12 50. Remit money, and
secure a oopy. Descriptive, CireuUnon application.
Improved Course of Instruction. With tba intro
duction of this book, and with able and experienced
instructors, th student of the Institution ere guaran
teed a Practical Accountant's ooura of th oigbest
value, such as ha never before been placed within
the reach of students of Commercial Schools.
Secretary. ' President.
August 11, I860 at
Kxteculer'a Notice.
Ettate of Philip Brymire, deceatej.
VTOTICE is hereby given that letter testamenta
r ry have been granted to tb undersigned, on
the estate of Philip Cry mire, late of th borough of
Sunbury,; Northumberland oounty, Pa., deceased.
All persona indebted to said estat are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having claims
to present thus duly aataentieated tor settlement.
Wi ll. ROCKEFELLER, Ex'tr.
Bunbury, August 4, 1868. t .
Altera.? jr sit latr, Hstatbarjr, Pa.
18 duly authorised and Licensed by th Govern
ment to collect all Military Claim against th
United States. Bounty money da soldiers under
tbe late Equalisation Act of Congress, and all mili
tary claims against th fitate, du. soldiers of 1812.
(or Pension and Gratuity. Claim da soldier of
m rennsyivania uesorveUorps trom enlistment t
tb date of mustor, promptly eolteoted. i
Sunbury, August 4, 188. i
A 1 KAII made by aav ae with
IS Stoacti Tool, v N axnariaaa
baeeaavy. Th PrenduiU, Cahir and Treasurers
u .mnu inaan tb eirealar. Bent rM with
ample. Address th Amacioaa Sua oil Tool Work,
SpringneM, Vermont. . . ,
iaiy zo, IBM. am,
LORS and MARINES. Soldiers, sailors, or Mm
rin, who hav lost on arm or leg, r norma,
aantiy aad totally disabled tn th , at- now en
titled la a pimexom of FifUea Dollar per month ;
the who aav hav) both arm o both ya Twenty
Bv dollar. This aot aim restore th Pension to
Soldier m ployed in any ivil oapaaity aader tb
Government. Apply (a proa or by mail to th
mujuiT.Be N.vSifo7jOBEpi IB. DIT1TI
A CO., Ve. 4JT Walnut Street, Phdlphia.
Aagvt , 18M.-t
' " . .
OoUaiT's Offloe, U. 8' f ntemal Bevenae,
11th Distrfot of Pennsylvania,
If irruatvae, July 26, io6. . ) -rTUXXSM
thantal list, 1866, (Incomes, Car.
X Hage,A.,J are now do and payable at U;
following tin and place to Northumberland
""aS.'shrlner, Colleotof, will oolleotln SunburyT
Wednesday, Aogust lth, at th offie of P. M.
Bhlndlo,Kq. ' ....
In Georgetown, Thursday, August With, from 8 A.
M.j to I P. M. , ' .
; In Shamokln, at Howell's Hotel, Friday, AsjW
A. T. nisei, Deputy, wilt eolleot at his oflioe, In
Turbutvllle. Tuesday, August 21st J at Cant. Hug's
Hotel, In Milton, on Wednesday, August 22d ; tX4
at Vandyke' Hotel, la KortauiaberUnd, on Thurs
day, August 2-Td.
IT To all who negfeot to pay after ten days, a
will be Issued, for which th law provides a fo of
twenty cents; after that four eenta per mile, and ten
per oent. penalty, to be collected ty distraint,
laze must be paid in Government funds.
UtlAtllitS H. Burnetii,
Cotleotor, 14th District, Penn'a.
Sunbury, July 28, 1866. t,
Call at our New Music Store in
and buy on of Haines Brother' New Seal
Piano Fortes.
Every Instrnment is Warranted for five yoar. We
also keep constantly on hand a good stock ot tho
NET and CHURCH OKGANS. and challenge others
to sell oheaper than we are selling.
We also keep all kinds of Musical Mcrchnndicc,
and receive all the latest musio as soon as published.
A liberal disoount to teachers of Schools and Semi
naries (ytfeeond hand Instruments taken in exchange
for new ones. .
Piano oorreotly turned and repaired. Send for
. Solinsgrove, Snyder oo., Pa., July 28, I860. ly
NOTICE TO OFFICERS. Aot of Congress. Jip
proved, July 18, 1666, gives Throe iUokW
Pay Proper to officers of volunteer service, who wore
in any manner honorably discharged nitor April 9tt
1865 who had been officer on March 3d, lrff5. Ap
ply Immediately, in person or by letter, to tho Mill
tary and Naval Agenoy, No, 427 Walnut street, l'hil
adelpbia. JOSEPH E DEVITT ty CO.
August i, 1868. 3t
Practical and Consulting
For the Cure of all diseases. Author of Lectures o
the Treatment and Cure of Chronio Diseases.
May bo Consulted as follows free of Charge :
Lewisburg, Pa., Rovlore House, Monday and Tuc
day, August 20th and 21st.
Miffiinburg, 1'., Union Iiouse, Wednesdny Any.. 2
Sunbury, Pa., Central Hotel, FrMny, Katurdny nr
Sunday, August 24tb, 2.'lb and 2tllb.
Danville, Pa., Montour House, Monday, Tuosdi
and Wednesday, August 27tb, 24th and 2th.
Will Visit Each Plao Once in Three Months H
INVALIDS afflicted with chronio disease of eve
name and nature, will be con v mood by consult!
me that they will be fairly and honorably dealt vi
They will not be pursuaded to place themselves um
my treatment unless there is a reasonable hope
Dr. GANSEVOORT, can be consulted at his :
pointed plaoes ; he is Practical und Scientific Pi
sician, and treat all kinds of chronio diseases, r'h
have been called incurable, by many of tbe so oil
distinguished physicians of the country. Such
disease of tbe Spine, Asthma, Consumption, f
Rheum, Nervous Debility, Epilepsy, St. Vitus I)n
Catarrh, Melancholy, Liver Complaint, lticki
Bloody Urine, lleadache. All disease of Wu:
and Children. Also eases of .Seminal Kmusi,
which is sending thousands of poor unfortuuiitc
tims to Ibe grave yearly.
The doctor docs not propose to heal all tho din'
that afilict mankind. Some diseases are cur.-i
others are iucurable, while ut certain stages till
seases are curable, if treatment is commenced at
proper time, ineretore, do not wait lor to.niori
' Ibe preaent I for us to improve, to-niorrovr we
I . c L. . . . c .1 .. i . l i
never so, bo beware of delays, tuey are al
dungerous to your interests.
Invalid, who reside at too great a distance to
tho Doctor at his place of appointment, can
municate with hitn by letter, und.lmve mudi
sent to them by Express, to any put t of tho I
States and Cauodus, without delay.
All loiters of inquiry must contain a three
stamp U repay reply. Principal Office end Labr
Grammurcy Park, New York. , Address :no a
present residence, Bath, N. Y.
July 28, 13GB. 4t
Consisting of lreN 4ondM, in great vi
suoh as Delaines, Challics, tiinghams,
Lawn, Brilliant, so.
Hoop Skirts, Fine White Good
tn variety.
Dress Trimmings, Laces and Embroideries.
of all descriptions, Gloves. Hosiery, Corsets, Zc
Patent Hair Crimpers, Neck-Ti, and Noti
all kind usually kept in a Fancy Store
Lock wood's Paper Collars and Culls.
Stamping and machine stitching dono to or
' t Two doors west of Wm. H. Miller t Shoe
Sunbnry, April 28, 1868.
. t XA?i ejAAHHV.r.ti. S
Simplioity, Durability, Convenience, Cotufi
Seeuiity, oombined with Economy
THE STOPPER AND LOCK supports eii!
at any point.
It oan be applied to any window in a few i
It does not interlere in taking out a sash.
It Is not affected by any jarring action, I
vent the rattling of sash.
It is self-aoting in all it work, and make
possible to forget to look tb window.
It allow proper ventilation without lea
window unlocked.
' It aot by gravity hat co spring and er
get out of order.
It doe not wear oat, but will last w
bouse stands
Windows that hav only one sash moves
b hanged, so as to move both, at a trifling
Htopper- aad I.ocL., One Di
" Couaplete.
It most come Into general un for It r
vantages, a a Self-Acting, Burglar-Proof '
For Railway Can, Steamboat., etc, it i
and, in fact, tn. thing long wught.
It Uamphalioallyjust what everybody w
everybody ean hav. Th demand mut b
Capitalists, Manufacturers, Builders,
looking for business, are invited to call on
scriber and examine it. ' - .
July 81, 186ft. Ant iff ; ' Sunbui
IMIOTO b It AIM! 14'.
Manufacturers of Pbntofrrapriic Materials, Wl
Retail, SUI BKOAOWAV, New Yocl
tn addition to ear main bkurineas of Photon
rial we i Ueaouiuiters fur the fuhowiiig, vi
Of Ametieaaand Foieif n Cities and Landtrap
autuary, e.
From negative made la the varioas cam
forming emuplet fiiotitjiajiiiie htsiaty of tin
Adapted foe eiilwr the Mar lantrTn or the
Out Caudof u wiS be aeul auy aUisi ui
Wm manafaetur mm laiKoljt than any o
akoal vaoctic, fnna tw criiu to tV0 wc
bM aaviag laa raaatauua o( beiog suycyi
and tlaiability lo aav iHliera. .
Caaa Paoiaaaara or rixiiitajiu, 8itrux
- . - - Era.) kic ...
Our Catalosa embracee over Five Ttwu
ub)eia, ktcludiii repmdecUuu. of the sua
iraviuie, Puutiaf., blaloea, eie. Catalta
ivoinl or sump. .
Pkiaograplieis aad ethers ociWtinf good. C
bImm mnt Si per eent of the amount wild I
WTi price aud quality of our good, o
July II, WS.-ia -