An Old 0nR; wet lo n. New Taa. sr i o e e -&& A spring approaches Ant and Roaches From thoir holos ooma out, Anil Mico auJ Rata, In spite of cata. Gaily skip about." "IB years established InN. Y. City," "Only Infallible remedies known." "Free from Foisonf," "Not dangerous to the Human Family." "Rota came out of their holes to die." Costar's Rat, Roaoh, io., Exterminator, In a paste used for Rata, Mico, Roaches, Block and Red Aula, Ac, Ac, Ao. Costar'a Bed-Bug Exterminator. Is a liquid or wash used to destroy, and alsoasa-preventiva for Bed-Bugs, Ao. Costar's Electric Powder for Insects is for Moths, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Bed tugs, inserts on Plants, Fowls, Animals, Ao. ry ! ! Beware ! ! ! of all worthless imitations, See that -'Costar's" name is on each Box, Boltlo, and Flask, befuro yon buy Address, HENRY R. COSTAR, 4S2 Broadway, Now York CpSold In Sunbury, Ta. By Fbiliso ASos, and all Druggists and Rotnilcrs 1866- INCREASE OF RATS The Farmer's (laictte (English) assort! and proves by figures thnt one pair Rata will have a progeny and descendants no leas than 661 ,050 in three years. Now, uuiess this im. menso family can be kept down, tacy would con sume more food than would sustain 65 65,000 human bcinirs. See "Cobtar's" advertisement above. 186G RATS versus BIRDS. Whoever engages in shoot ins small birds is a cruel man : whoever aids in ex terminating rata is a benefactor. We should like some one to give us the benefit of their experience in driving out thce pests. We need something besides dogs, cats, and trap for this business. Scientific American, ii.-j . gee "Costar's" advertisement above. 1S6G COSTAR'S RAT EXTERMINATOR is simple, safe, and sure the most perfect RAT-ification meet ing wo have ever attended. Every Rat that can get it, properly prepared, will eat It, and every one that eats it will die, generally at some place as distant as possible from where it was taken. Lake Shore Mich Mirror. See "Costar's" advertisement above 1SG6. Uouickoopcrs trouble with vermin neei bo so so longer, if they use "Costar's Exterminator. We have used it to our satisfaction ; and if a box cost $5, we would have it. We hnve tried poisons, but they effected nothing ; but "Cottar's article knocks the breath out of Rata, Mice, Rosens, Anta nnd Bed bugs, quicker than we cun write it. It i.-t in great demand all over the country. Medina, Ohio, Oa- Bee "Costar'a" advertisement above 18GG. A VOICE FROM THEP4R WEST. Spoak in - vvvm HV Vuuut nun) iku., uaraiuiiiifliur "more grain and provisions are destroyed annually a vj out vuuuiv vy TQiuiiu iuuu wouiu pay lor TOn8 flflriia Uo on.l Tn.A.i 1 1 1 1 1 ) T. 7- . TIV Herald. See "Cottar V advortiecment abore. 1866. Farmers' aid Housekeeper should recolloct mat nundreds of dollars worth of U rain, Provisions Ao., are annually dostroy by Rata, Mice, Ants, and other insects and vermin all of which can be pre vented by a fow dollars' worth of "Costar's" Rat, Roach, Ant, Ao., Exterminator, bought and used iruoijr. See "Costar'a" advertisement above. Sold in Sunbury, Pa., by J. W. Friling A Son, and an xruKKi&ia unu xseuiors. April 7, I SCO 6m ooo CONSTITUTION WATER. The astonishing results which has attendod this invulunblo uiudicino proves it to bo tho most perfect remedy ever discovered. No language can convey ana lcquato idea of the immcdmto and almost mi raculous cbango which it occasions to the debilitate! nnd shattered system. In fact it stands unrivalled as a remedy for tho permanent cure of Diabetes, Impntcncy, Low of Muscular Energy, Physical Pros tration, Indigestion, Non-reteution or Incontinence of Urine, Irritation, InQumation or Ulceration ol tho Bladdor and Kidneys. Disease of the Prostrate Gland. Stone in the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, or Urickdust ieposit, and ail diseases or anoclions ot the Bladder and Kidneys, and Dropsical Swelling!) existing in Men, Women, or Children. l'or tliOMe StlMeascM peculiar to 1'e niuIcH, t oiifclittitiou Water I a Sovei-.-I'u lEcmcdy. These Irregularities are the cause of freauentl v rn. eurring disease, and through neglect the seeds of wore grave ana dangerous maladies are the result ; and as month after month passes without an effort ueiue; uimie 10 assise nature, Me difficulty becomes chronic, the patient gradually loses her appetito, the bowels are constipated, night sweats come on, and consumption filially ends her eareer. For sale by all Druggists, price $1. W. II. liilliGG, A CO. Proprietors. MOIMaAJM Ac ai.i.i:. General Agents. No. 46 Cliff street, New York. February 3, IS06 6ino. SS5 THE $35. Clnum Business (College HANDEL AND HAYDN HALL, Eighth and Spring Garden Streets. THOMAS MAY PIERCE, A. M., President and Consulting Accountant, EXTRAORDINARY INDUCEMENTS I Novel A Permanent Arrangement of Business Col lege Terms, Prom April 1 to October 1, 1800, and suooecding years. LIFE SCHOLARSHIPS, including Bookkeeping Business Correspondence, Forma and Customs Commercial A'lthmetio, Business Penmanship Detecting Counterfeit Money, A Commercial Law TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS. Scholarships, including tbe tame subjects as W Time Limited to Three Months, e- TWENTY DOLLARS. Penmanship. Three Months, gT Penmanship and Arithmetic, Three Months, $ io The saving of coal and gua in the summer months is an advantage of such untiortanee as enable. n,a management of this College to make a considerable reuuuuou in me summer rates From Ooteber 1, 1800, to April 1, 1867. And succeeding years, as before. Lira Scholarships, ?5 oenoiaranipe, o inonins, 25 Penmanship, 8 months, jo renmaustiip and Arithmetic S months 12 cpeciai leruia lor Clubs, boldicrs, and for the Son ot Ministers and Teachers. Day and Evening Instruction for both Stxet and all Ages, In Banking, Storekeeplng, Bookkeeping, Penman ship, Pen Drawing, Phonography, Arithmetic Men suration, Algebra, Geometry, Analytical Ueometry,' The Calculus, Navigation, Surveying, Engineering, Ouaging, Mining, Mechanical Drawing, Coinineroiai Law, German, Telegraphing, and the English .Branches, at moderate prices. Endorsed by tbe publio as the most successful Bu siness College of the country, as is evidenoed by the fact, that wovn bhdpid akb two students have entered in tbe first six months of its Existence. I'l'Inclpaltt or OeparfmentM. THOMAS MAY PIERCE, A. M. George B. Snyder, R. S. Barnes, C. H. Farr, Jr , J. T. Reynolds, Henry Kuiin, A. K Rngerson, A.M.. o.a. Supported by an able Corps of Assistants. Call or send for Catalogue. College Currency, and Pierce's Practical Educator. Officb-531 NortU Ei)iutli St., Philndera April 14, lWStl 2m i'EiE .My rtle PemaUiaa, at the Fauoy Store of ANNA PAINTER. STORE. AV. A. 13ENNET, .Market Square, SITNIit?KY la. HAYING recently 'purchased the Prng Store formerly oonduotod by R. A. Flahor, I beg leave to Inform the oltiscns of .'ntibury and vi cinity, that I have entirely replenished my stock f . . 3 mm. tcj ar mm ARD FANCY ARTICLES ! suoh as Combs, Brushes, rocket-Books, Boaps, Ter fumory, Hair-Oil, Knives, Solasors, Coal-Oil Lamps, Tobacco and Cigars, aintft, Oil", Iuc, fjlaisn, liuiy, YarnilicN, Vatcnt ivlcdlclmesi, Ac. All my Tinoturos, Syrups, Ointments, Corates, and other preparations ato manufactured by myself, add from mo dbsi maierini wbu )-.v,m. Having had qulto a number of years' experience in the . . . Drug and rrcenjitwn jnmnem, both in Philodclphlo and tho country, and also tho advantage of the College of Pharmncy, I feel com petent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS that tho l'bvsieians and publio may favor me with. All my preparations as I have nbove asserted, are made from the best material, and upon honor I assert, they are of officinal strength. For mcdioinal purposes, I keep on hand tho very best WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, that I can procure. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and convince your own mind. W. A. BENNETT. Eunbnry, Nov 18, 1865. IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CARPETINGS FIRST CLASS GOODS AND .m: iavauiulg cash rmci?. AN IMMENSE STOCK Embracing all Kinds and Styles OF AMERICAN & EUROPEAN MANUFACTUBE, At Reduced Prices On account of the decline in G o Jd. J. F. & E. B. ORNE, Chestnut Street. PHILADELPHIA, Noio offer their GREAT SPRING STOCK Imported and Domestic CARPETING, French and English Axminster, English Royal Wilton, 6-4 and 0-4 Velvets, Fine English Brussels Crosslcy's Tapestries, Imporial Threo-Ply Carpet Fine Ingrain Carpet. AND ROVAli WIIYrO. I'AKPKTS FOR STAIRS AND HALLS, WITH BORDERS. 3-4, 4-4, 5-4, Q-4 White, Bed-Checked and Fancy Matting Coca MattiiiRM, ENGLISH OIL CLOT IIS, AC. March 24, 3m TAILORING J. F. SCHAFFER, ESPECTFULLY informs the citiicns of SCN V) BDHV and vicinity, that ho has opened a Tailoring Shop, tho room over Farnaworth's Grocery, opposite the Cental Hotel, Hunbury, whore he is ready to mnke ap garments of all kinds in tho latost style and best wurmuiiniiKe manner. Having had exuorionoo in tho business for a mun bcr of yours he hopes to rendor general satisfaction uustom worn is rcspecttully soDeited. i. F. SCHAFFER Sunbury, May 13, 1865. ly PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AKT BTATIONEBY, Monthly Time Books. Drawing Books and Slates. Jlocks, Hymn Books, Blank Books, Memorandum ij&s, itunes, I'ocKeb iiooKs, ina Dianas, fens, Pencils, a line assortment of Paper, Ink, Ao. For sale by ANNA PAINTER. Pure I.itMM-ly While Ial. Preferred by all praotical Painters ! Try it ! and j "i uuoiuur. jiiunuiaeiurcd only by ZIKULF.K A S.MITJf, M'hrlesalo Dru-r. Paint A Glass Dealers, No. 137 North THIRD Street, Philadelphia. January 27, 1S08 ly. The .tliiHon it Ilamliu Cuhinet Organs, forty different styles, adapted to saored and secular music, for $S0 to $UII0 each. FIFTY ONE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or othor first premiums awarded them. Illustrated Catalogues free. Address. MASON A HAMLIN, Boston, or MASON BROTHERS, New York. Snntcmber V. 1865 ly NEW GROCERY alUE subscribers begs leave to announce to the . citiiens of Sunbury and its vicinity, that the. i a - - ' ' NEW GROCERY. Tiro door ueet of J. II. EngWt Store, in Market Square, where i they are propared to furnish every variety of ies, and will keep constantly on hand the groceries. choicest varieties of FLOUR & FEED, Fish, Cofloa, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese, Salt. Spices of all discription, .Soups of every variety, Candles, Smoking and Chewing tobacco, egars, Hams, Shoulders, Bacon, Butter, and Eggs. Also Dried fruits of all kinds, Caned Peaches and Toma toes. Pickets, Ketchup, Pepper Sauee, Raisins, Lemons, Ao., of bestaualitv, and in fact everv atvle of articles kept in a well stocked Grocery. Also uiuer t inegar. ah ainus oi country produce taken in exchange. Tbe patronage of the publio is re spectfully solicited. GEORGE E. BEARD A CO. Sunbury, Nov. U, 1865. JEWELRY! JEWELRY! JOBEPLI KESSLEB, Wal. limuker and Jeweler, Market Street, Sunbury. Pa. REnlPbHcTSBYh,,'0r-m iond. and the A V public, that he has just received a large assort ment of W atones, Clocks and Jewelry "Eoctaes Silver and plated spoons. Forks. 4o 1M'ttolt' ranted0'"1'' C'ook" Dd Jcwe)ry 'e'palred and war- Sunbury, Jan. 13, 1868 ly OLD EYES MADE HEW. " A PA1UPIIT VT Jlni!.. i a ... A. .T uwuu(j uuw w spMuny restore aighi and Kir up iotolat, without aid of of 10 Annfca. IrlrlMM K. B. FOOTE, M. D February 4, 185. m VALUABLE TOWN LOTS FOR n .11.10. I71IGUT (8) valuable town lota are offered for li sale ohean, on Dcwberrv atreot. fiTl H4 kali ttl Vri. iiuK t ddiuuij, tho Burouah of Bunburv. In uuuuurj, rcwruaryo, 1000. (Late Buebler House.) IURRISRURG, PEftlTA. millS well-known hotel has not nnW kuii I. A. ed but has been greatly altered and newly fit up by tbe present proprietor, and is now ene of the most comfortable and convenient hotels in Harris burg. March 10, I860. Jy ' hi. uiLVitiiAiri 'N Confectionery, Toy and market lret, Bnnbnry, Va. CONFECTIONERY OF Alh KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DtoORin 1UJN FRUIT, &c, Ac., CONSTANTLY on hand anu lor . .... ."... establishment at wholesale and retail, at reason- able priooa. He Is manufacturing all amos oi i.oniceiionarica to keep up a full assortment whioh are sold at low "Tobacco, Began, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, allot wbiah are offered wholesale and retail. Uirltemeuber tbe name and piaee. Jrl M. 0. (1EARHART. Market street, S doors west efK. Y. Bricht A Son's store. . Sunbury, Sept. 19, 1863. tf NEW ESTABLISHMENT ! A. . SAVAGE, Watchmaker AltO JEWELER. In Simpson's Building, Market Squaro, STJ1TBTJE.Y, PEITIT'A- TJ A3 constantly on hand a fine assortment ef XX vv ATCiir., ui,uuh, epee tacloe, Silver and Plated Spoons and Forks, Ao. Watflicit, Clockn and Jewelry, re paired and WAKRA.fl'KU. Sunbury, Sopt. 30, 1805. Oeo W.Bxith. Chas. B. br.NTnKi SMITH & GE1TTEEP, Market street, one door east of Mrs. Boulton's Hoto Have opened ANEW TIN -WARE, PMieei iron anu move iiorc, and intend keening constantly on hand, and manu facturing to order on shortest notioe, TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all descriptions A Large Stock of Cook Stovosof the following Brands PE1T1TSTLTA1TIA, UNION G00K, and on the following two Brands we defy oompeti lion, namely Combination (jian Iltirner, Cook, Uevcrnor lenn Coolf. nnsumassed for bcautv of finish, timnlicitv of ar ranoromont. combining chcanncss and durabilitv. and each stove warranted to perform what they are re presented. ALSO, PARLOR and OFFICE STOVES, in great variety, embracing all tne nest manulaotures, and most lashionaule designs. Also, The celebrated GEM for heating tip and down stairs. Also the celebrated VULCAN HEATER Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Miadex, CliiinuieM, and all article unusually kept in nn establishment of this kind. We are also prepared to do all kinds ot Spouting. Hoofing, uange mid i urnace orK, uas e itting, do. Kcpair ine chennlv and ncatlv executed. Country produoe taken in exchange at market price. SMITLT & GENTIIER, Have the Agency for BIBB'S CELEBRATED FIRE purl' ktiu'I'j r.,r ii,. rn.,niw.. r Nnr.i,.,..k.. land, Snvdcr, Union and Montour. Ard are also agents for the Piphcr A Willower liine oi transportation. Sunnrr, Sept. 30, 1864. J GROCERIES ! GROCERIES Mra. BAItAH A. SIMPSON, nitortkterrif Street, east of the N. C. R. R SUNBURY, PA., RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the publio generally, that she has just openod a large assortment of FRESH (jirocerieai, such as TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLAS SES, FISH, SALT, &C. Pure Cider Vinegar, Fruit Jars. Glassware, and a variety of Ladies Trimminirs, Fans, Thread Neck Ties, Handkerchiefs, Ac, to wbieh she invites all to examine before purchasing elsewhere, fr'unhury, Feb. 10, 1806 6m KINO'S ioitr.iici.i: i.i:iio.Ai Is tho only prepartion of the kind made from the truit. At an article ot economy, purity, and doll snuinexs. it cannot bo surpassed, and is recommend ed by physicians for invalids andfnmily use. It will keen for Years in nnv climntn. whilA its innrlnnRAil form enders it especially convenient for travelers All who use lemons ure requested to give it a trial Entertainments at home, parties, and picnics should not be without it. For sale by all Druggists and ursi-ciaeg urocors. iuanuiaoiurea only iiy LOl IS J. METZUER, No. 549 Pearl Street, New York. Sept. 10, 1865. ly TOILET SOAPS, Tooth-Blushes, Hair Brushes ao., ao. for sale by ANNA PA1NTK R . PUMPS! PUMPS! The 8ubseriberbaving purchased the right of NORTH t.MBERLAND COUNTV, for putting in in ri:it i.miikotu.iik.-x on lion En Wells asd Water Founts, will furnish them to all persons in tho county who may desire thee cheap and convenient pumps. They can be sunk to proper depth in two hours time, cost but one third the price of an ordinary pump, and fur cheapness and convenience cannot be equauea. , B. B. BOYER. . A F. CLAPP. Sunbury, September 21, 1865. REMEMBER THE DEAD. H TESSItS. D. C. IJirttinirnr nj -T,.l, A T.l.,. If J. would respeotfully announoe to the citiiens of nunuury, and surrounding country, that having formed a co-partnership, they are now prepared to iuiuuu uruamuiifcvu auu piam ravestones, Tombs & Monuntents. of the best Italian and Ainorican marble, at prices - ... vuuio roiuutcwun, auu re- Biwuuiijr cuiivii iuu puoiio patronage, e v .. t n DLSSINUER A TATLOR. Sunbury, Murob 31,1866. ly. PAcinc hotel" 170, 172, 174 & 178 Gkeenwicu St., 'One Square west of Broadway,) Between Courtlandt and Dey Streets, New York. JOHN PATTEN. Jr.. Pmnretor The PACirie Hotel is well and widely known to the traveling public. The location is especially suitable to merchants and business men , it is in close uruAiuiuj io me uuaiucsB pari oi me vity is on the highway of Southern and Western travel and adja cent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat delate. The Paeifie has liberal accommodation for over 300 guests; it is well furnished and possesses every modern improvement for the oomfort and entertain ment of its inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated ; provided with gas and water ; the attendance is prompt and respectful i and the table is generously provided with every delicacy of the The subscriber, who, for the past few years, has been the lessee, is now sole proprietor, and intends to indentify himself thoroughly with the interests oi his house. With long experienee as a hotel-keeper, be trust, by moderate charges and a liberal polity, to uiaiutuin tho favorable reputation ef the Pacific uoioi. JVllX l-ATILN, Jr. September0, 1865. ly 623 HOOP SKIRTS, 628 HOPKJN'S "Own Make." MAHurAcruBiD and Sold Wholesale A Rstail, No. 628 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. The mOAt AAmnlaU .HutrnMl T m liam' l!-u and Children , Hoop Skirts, in this City; gotten up expreesl, to meet the WUita of First-Class Trade; embracing the newest and most dedroble styles and rises of "(lore Trelu of every length-from lo i2&L S 5 00, Plain torn, etYl 40. U 15. 9 yards TOund Uie but .2?,.,.'"Vf '?' Children's Skirts, are pro. ju eompatitwn, for variety of Stvlesand slses as well as for .nj a varying from 6 to 33 inches In length, to 45 BprioM at 35 cento to $2 25. All Skirts of "Our Own Make are Warranted to give satisfaction; bnt Buy none as such, unless they have, "Hopkin'sHoonBkirt Manu fttotoxy, No. 626 Arch Street," Stamped oa eaoh Tab ' Also, eonstantly on baud, good Skirts, Manufac tured in New York, and the Eastern Slates which we sell at very low Prices. A lot of ebeap Skirts 14 springs, 85 cents; 20 springs, 1 0024 springs, f 1 la SO springs, (1 25 and 40 springs $1 50. I ltffrkirts, made to Order and Repaired. ' lif ' TahMs Cash One Price Ouly ! March , I860. 4m LOCK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED A3 A REFUGKFROM QUACK r.iir. TUB ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE CAN HE OlSTAINED. DR. JOHNSTON has discovered the most Certain, Kpwdv and nnly Eflectnnl Remedy in the World for all Private Diseases, Weakness of the Back vt Limbs, Strictures, Aflbctions of the Kidneys and Bladder, Involuntary Discharges, Impotcnoy, Oene :ai ueuilily, JM ervousncss, Kyspepsy, languor , ijow Spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, nmidlty, Tremblings, Dimnessof Sight or Giddiness, Jiseaae ot tbe iioad, t hroat, Moae or sain, Affections if the Liver. Lungs, tttomaca or Dowels those Xerrl- le Disorders arising from the Holitary iiabtts of 'oulh those secret and solitary fractions more ratal o tneir victims tnan tne song ot Bvrens to tne nv Iners of Ulysses, blighting their most brilliant hopes anticipations, rendering marriage, Ao., iinpossi- YtllXJJIE'i specially, who have become the victims of Solitary . ice, that dreadful and destructive habit which nnualtv sweopa to an untimely grave thousands of Young Men or the most exalted talents ana brilliant Intelleot, who might otherwise have entranced listen ing Senates with tho thunders of eloquonoe or waked to eostaty uie living lyro, may oau witn iuii eon nuence. itIAItlClAUE. Married Persons, or Yonng Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weakness, organio deniuiy, ueionnitiea, ao., speedily cured. ilewbo places btmseit under the care ol nr. J. mar religiously confide In his honor as a gentleman. ana eonnaentiy reiy upon nis skiii as a rnysioian OR4lAIC HKAKSESS Immediatelv Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. J his uistrossing Auection wnien renders iite miserable and marriage impossible la the penalty Daid bvthe victims of imprnpor indulgences. Young persons aro too apt io oommit excesses irom not being awnro of the dronatui conscquencos that may ensue Now, who that understands the subject will vretend to denv that tho power of procreation is lost soonor by those falling into improper habits than by the prudent ? Besides being deprived the ploasnres of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive symptoms to Doth body and mind arise. Tho system becomes uerangca, tne 1'nysicai ana mcnim r unc tions Weakened, Loss of Prnoreative Power, Nervous lrritnbilitv. Pvspenwa, Palpitation ot the Heart. Indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the frame, Cougn, Vonsumpton, iecay and Aieato Office, ."o. 7 goatli Frederick Street Left band side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from the coruer. Fail not to observe name and number. Letters must be paid and contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas hang in his office. A CI KI. WAiCKAXTUi) I TWO ItATN. JVe Merevry or Nauxeoni Drvgt. ir. .ioii:sto.. Member of the Roval College of Surgeons, London Graduate from one of the most eminent Colleges in he United States, and the greater part of whose life asbcen spent in the hosuitnls of London, Paris, niladclpbia and elsewhere, has effected some of he most astonishing cures that were ever Known : nanv troubled with ringing in the head and ears when aslocp, great nervousness, being alarmed at ludden sounds,, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement ef mind, wero sured immediately. rAiii; SOI'H'i:. Dr. J. addresses all those who have injured them elvea by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either business, study, society or marriage. TiiKSR aro some of the sad and melnneholy effects produced by early habits of youth, vis: Weakness of lie Back and Limbs, Pains in the Head, Dimnees of Sight, Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the '.heart, Dyspcpsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, General Debility, Symp toms of Consumption, Ao. Mentally. The fonrful effects on the mind are much to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Digression of Spirits, Evil-Forebodings, Aver sion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ao are some of the evils produced. Tnoi'SAXns of persons of all ages can now judge what is the cause of their declining health, losing tuoir vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and enaciated, having a singular appearance about the eyes, cough and symptoms of consumption. A'ho have injured themselves by a certain practice Indulged in when alone, a habit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, tbe effects of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if no cured renders marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the hope of his country, tho darling of his parents, should be snatched from all prospects and enjoyments of life, by Uie oonsequence of deviating from the path of naturo and imlulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons MUST, before contemplating JtlllCKIAdiK. rclleot that a sound mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promot connubial happiness. Indeed without these, tho journey through life bo somes a weary pilgrimage ; the prospect hourly darkens to the view; the mind becomes shadowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflec tion that the happiness of another becomes blghted with our own. HIKKAKF. OF i.Miitrii:.'i:. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds that be has imbibed the seeds of this painful disoase, it too often happens tbatan ill-timed sense of shame, or drend of discovery, deters him from applying to those who, from education and respectability, can alone befriend him, delaying till the constitutional symptoms of this horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pains in the head and limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on Uie shin bones and arms, blotches on the head, faoe and extremitios, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose fall in, and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid ohjeolof commiseration, till death puts a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending him to "that Undiscovered Country from whence no traveller returns." It is ttnrlanrhoy fuel that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to tbe unskillfulness of ignorant pretenders, who, by the use of that Deadly i'otsou, Mercury, ruin the constitution and make Die residue of life miserable. WTltAKUF.RS Trust not your lives, or health, to the ears of the aiany Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute oi Knowledge, name or cbaraotor, who copy Dr. Johnston's advertisements, or style themselves, in Uie newspapers, regularly Educated Physicians, incapable of Curing, they keep yon trifling month after month taking their filthy and poisonus com pounds, or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruined health to sigh uivr juur galling uinnjiiuilliiuaui. Dr Johnston is tbe only Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas always hang in his office. His reniidiee or treatement are unknown to all others, prepared from a life spent in tbe great hos pitals of Europe, tho first in the country and a more extensive Private I'ractice than any other Physioian in the world. i'MMmMDlIKVl' OF T1IF PRFSM The many thousands cured at this institution year after year, and the numerous important Surgical Operations performed by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by the reporters of the ,-Sun." "Clipper," and many other papers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the publio, besides his standing as a gentleman of character and resnousibilitv. la a sufficient guarantee to tbe afflicted. tut Persons writinir should be particular in direetinv their letters to his Institution, in tbe following manne joif 91. jou.wro:v, 01 the Baltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Md. June 24 18651 y. BOARDING HOUSE! .THIS. MARIA 'rilOJlFNO. (Formerly of the "Lawrenoe House,") SUNBURY, PENN'A. INFORMS her friends and tbe publio generally that she has refitted the house foxmerlv neenDied by Dr. J. W. Peale, on Blackberry street, near the Northern Central Railway Depot, and opened Boarding House, where she is prepared to keen PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS. With good cooks and waiters, boarders ean eniov the quiet oomfort of home with fare equal to the best hotels. Patronage from those who mav soiourn In Sunbnrv is respeotfully solicited. Mrs. MAK1A THOMPSON. Bunbury, Not. 11,1845. UA.HK OF NORTH UMIIERfLANU. WHEREAS tbe Auditor Oeneral as required by the 11th Section of the Act. entitled '-Aa Ant enabling the banks of this Commonwealth to become Aasweiations for the purpose of banking ander the laws of Uie United Status. " passed on the 22d dey of Angust A D. lefli, has oertilied to me that, the "Bank of Northumberland." located in Uie Borough of Sunbury, Northumberland oounty, has furnished satisfactory evidence to him that all the reqementa of said Act have been complied with by tbe said Bank, and that it has become an association for the urpase of Banking under tho Laws of the United I do therefore, cause the notice thereof lo be pub lished in aooordanoe with tbe provisions of the said 11th section of the said Aot. and do daolara th.t ik. Charter of the said Bank by Uie terms of said Aot, is deemed and taken to be hersunan anrMclarJ ..k. ject to the provisions of Uie first section ef said act. A. u. vl ItllN, UaTarnor. Executive Chamber, ) Uaniiburg, Aug. i, 1865. I CONSTITUTION LIFE SIRUP. A poslUve and specific remedy for alt diseases orl- ?;lnetlng Irom aa Impure State of the Bleod, and or all (hereditary) Diseases transmitted from parent to child. BOEOFITLA I STRUMA, GLANDULAR SWELLING S. ULCERATION. KINO'S EVIL. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM. This taint (hereditary and acquired,) fllllnc life witn nntoia misery, is ny an usual medical remedies incuraoie. RHEUMATISM. If there Is any disease In which the Constitution Life Svrun is a sovereign, It is in rheumatism and its kindred affections. The most intense pains are almost instantly alleviated enormous swellings are redueed. Cases, chronio or vocarlous, of twenty or tnirty years standing nave oeen ourcd. NERVOUSNESS. Nervous Debility, Shattered Nerves, St. Vitus' Dance, Loss of Power, Confusion of Thoughts, Epilepsy, Thousands who have suffered for years will bles Ihe day on which they read these lines. Particular ly to w iak. suffering women will this medicine provo an lu'-r'mable blessing directing their footsteps to a uope i.nion minus more man in promises. MERCURIAL DISEASES, alvation, Rotting of Bones, Bad Complexion, Aches in Bones, Feeling of Weariness. Depression of Spirits IT Constitution Life Svrun purees theavstem ontirelv from all Uie evil effects of Mercury, removing the Bad Breath, curing the Weak Joints and Rbeumatio Pains whieh the use of Calomel is suie to produce. It hardens spongy Gums and secures Uie Teeth as as urmiy as ever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. Eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptive Diseases, oi tne SKin uko ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, and all other difficulties of this kind, which so much disfigure the outward appearance of both males and females, often making them disgusting object to uiviuseivee auu weir menus. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Cures all Swelling of the (1 I Anil a. Either of tha Vab . f..i. t j should be taken as soon as the swelling is detected, r"""""8 iiieir oreaaing, ano producing trou blesome discharging sores, which disfigure so many of the younger portion of the community, from sir to twentv VHtni i.r -- v., .... i. ; i .1 - -r,". vuuutqii nre very subject to discharges from the oars, which depends -r" wiuiuium constitution, inese cases soon "y uiaing a lew aoscs ot the Life fryrup. s AH scrofulous persons suffering from general Do ,1" "y'V'V" """xropsey 01 tne nmus, abdomen ami in th tmitnln lli..naa- ,.f I i . ., .im UTWin HUU WOUIU generally accompanied with InHamatiou and Ulcer, ation of the Uterus, aro permanently cured by Con stitution Life Syrup. Tho disease known as Ooitre nr K r a II sail iVsuilr t li t ; -1 1 . --." oyrup win remove en. tirely. The remedy should be taken for some timo S IllA SiMBM i. ..I : , . . . r r, 7; vuiuuio aim stuooorn and will not be removed without ... Tumors of the Ovaries, Tumors of the Breast, and welling of other glands of the body, will- be com plctcly reduced without resorting to the knife, or aner&tions nf anv k in.l 1 th. C.:P. '. 'W'a r organie diseases of F-"i"on, uiseases 01 tbe valves, pro- f a KT,".tl.Dg l filin 'ouna' drW of the heart ease and all the aflections of this important organ (persons sufioring from any aeute pain in tie reS f,lkr.TlW. "I De'i0l,t Constitutions suffering lZJ ?d'8P0,,t10'' Krtion,Pain in the Back, HV.T.M P.. . f Sleep, Restlessness, Pae lar .11 i"u"uile o' the Museu Life Sy7up. loe wu ot the Constitutio FOR AT. T. VnDMQ n t. LCERATIVE DISEASES, Either of th Vr... in.., m o. , . or Seal n a'. 1 fP". ' orenead, mVT.iT . L " u ever proved lis equal. ' upon tne female faoe depending uDOD Lhsi difiMaAKil a.: - 4l. : 1 f r w shjwuu ui lug iiTr are very nn- Xi!!tV youn? wife nd "other. A few bot- 1161 Of IJomtfihitin I If- t. . . ... nd.r,,th,.iirem0T U" deP'it Which ai""7 Id (h Hisssasiasaa Ae? 11.. Tl r01' J?11"' Jnd.Keition, tkomaoh or ai , . vVBIVy vuuuiuua ui 10 a i organ, ao oompan ed with burning or othor unpleasant yin toma. will h k. .v.. v ... ',. if uw um vi vuaauiuuon Ajlla nvruii - -r. fa Am m nanaeal muJ T.. A a it. f WUld unrivalled by an proparatiun in the THBBIOH AND POOR - w uivmuis uiBewea. riature and Boienee 11. 1.1. .n i . J, ... . .. . umm maue we tonsutuuoo lure byrup for the benefit PURE BLOOD produces healthy men and women ; and if the con stitution is neglected in youth, disease and earl death is the result. ' Price, 1 2i per bottle ; one half doseo for f 7. WjwI. II. QREQa, r S0LB PROPRIETOR, NEW YORK, , , MORUAN A ALLKN, M'bolesale Druggists, Agents. GEO. C. O00DWI5 A C9;?" ' " J. H. REED, CO., Cbioago. FULLER, FINCH A FULLER, Chbaio COLUNil BROTHERS, St. Luis i. v. Mm, Cincinnati. JOHNSON, HOLLO WAY A CO., Philadelphia BARNES, WAKD CO.,New drleamT GOLD. ' 18CS, 1 1806, 1867. SILVER 1 to 750001! $2 1 S2 1 ! JS2 n 1 TWO X?OXir.AJRS. ' SlstsnilUctarcra' AgcsitB t Our New Mode- one or oar UOI.l) or R1L.TFR lVatchesi, or Hltver Tea flela Tor 9, aa below Mated. fln.Mf M,. I.. ..... M . . 0 .,1 I v. uui wm .vin vi uua jiew oi vur uviu or Silverware la worth a hniihal nt Ik .hHn rfnH jewelry I! .. We have adopted the following node of DISTRIBUTION by sale of 74,900 artioles of value ! Oar New Mode ! The artioles of goods are numbered from 1 to 75. 000 37.600 eonsistini of Pianos Melodenna. Gold A Silver Watches, 6ewing Machines, Tea A Table Betts. Solid Bilver tea and table Spoons and Forks; eto., eto., and tne otner S7,ouv articles ot valne Jew elry, Work A Toilet Cases, Photograph Albums, r r l.-m . 1 1 . uivuiwq ciiTcr .i iivuw, aim iiuiej Briiuies in great variety. 76.000 notices numbered from 1 to 76,000 are printed and nut into sealed envelones and well mixed and one of these is taken out and sent to the person sending to us 25 cents to cover expense of postage, correspondence etc., and the article of goods corresponding with the number on tbe notice will be sent to Uie holdor of the same immediately (if he desires to purchase the article) on the receipt of two dollars. For instance; If the number on Uie notioe sent to you should be 600, and a piano or diamond sett or gold watch should be numbered 600; it will be sent to you should be 500, and a piano or diamond sett or gold watch should be numbered 500, It will be sent to you fur $2, and so on for every artiole io our list of 75,000 articles. After receiving the artiole, if it does not please jwu vwi ruiuru it, auu your uiuuejr suiui uo re unded. 25 cents must be sent to pay expense of postage, vorresponaence etc., on one notice. Remember : that whatever article enrresnond with the number on your notice, you can have it by paying Two Dollars for it, wbothor it be worth $100 or $800. And it is forour interest to deal ftirlv. and send out our fine articles, as it gives confidence to tne puoiio, ana inoreuy increases our sales. TRY OUR NEW MODE ! Upon receipt of 25 cts., which pays for eorrespon dence, postaze eto.. we send one notioe. Upon receipt of $1, whioh pays for correspondence postage, etc.. we send six notices. Upon receipt of $5 which pays for correspondence, postage, eto., we will send 40 notices, and a fine pre sent valued at not less than $15, as a sample of our gooas. - Upon receipt of $18 which pays for correspondence postage, ete., we will send 150 notices, and a solid uver natcn. by return mail. AGENTS WANTED. Send for a circular ! Agents Allowed a Large Cash Commission by which they make $25 Weekly, Address plainly Salesroom 34 Liberty street Sept. 23, 1805. ly REED A BROTHER. linx 51 38. New York City, N. Y gPEER'S SAMBURQ PORT GRAPE WINE. Pure asid Four Yean Old. FOR THE COMMUNION TABLE A FAMILY USE Prescribed by Physicians for Females, weekly persons nnd INVALIDS! 2 w - EXCELLENT WINE FOR FEMALES Every family at this season, should use SPEER'S WINE, celebrated in Europe for its medioinal and beneficial qualities, highly esteemed by eminent pbisicians, used in European and American Hospitals, and by some of Uie first families in Europe and America. AS A TONIC it has no equal, causing an appetite and building up tbe system, being entirely a pure wine of a most valuable grape. AS A DIURETIC it imparts a healthy action of the Glands, Kidneys, and Urinary Organs, very beneficial in Dropsy, Uout, and Rheumatic Affections. SPEER'S WINE is a pure article from tho Juice of the Port Grape, possessing medicinal properties superior to any other wine in use, and an exel'ent artiole fur all weak and debilitated persons, and tbe aged and infirm, im proving the appetite, and benefitting ladies and children. Try it one, and yon will not be deceived. 3rBe sure the signature of Alpreo Spier is over the cork of each bottle. Bold by W. A. Bennett. Sunbury, and all first class dealers, who also sell the CANT 1 1. 1. A PORT III(4.IV. a choice old artiole. im ported only by Mr. Specr, direct from tbe valley of I "if" Trade sunn! led hv Wbnleaala T)rairia l lThj A. SPEER. atiiis vineyard in New Jersey PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 208 BROADWAY, N. Y ounoury, van. so, Itwo. ly E3TEY'S COTTAGE ORGANS. ARE aot only unequalled, but they are absolutely unouualled. bv anv other Reed Instrument in the country. Designed expressly for Churches and Schools, they are found to no equally well adapted w tuv parior auu urawing room, for sale only ny .. M. BRUCE, No. 18 North Seventh street, Philadelphia. Llr'Alao Bradbury s Pianos, and a eomnlet as. mhuoih u 111. roncui tfi , .......... r . 1 11 r . . . lit', j 1 , 1 1 1 n, - Dept. 13, 1805. lyw RECORD DEEM PERSONS having unrecorded Deeds are reminded that Uie must ha rautrl,wl baaavH in. . ,kA Aot of Assembly which requires that "All deeds and oonveyanoes for real estate In this Commonwealth, shall be recorded in the office for necuruing ueeos in tne county where the lands lie within tix month after tha exMutinnnfaiih Jul. and eonreyanee ; and every such deed and convey, anoe not recorded as eforaait. atn i...i.j FRAUDULENT AND VOID ...l.t ......ijL. i nurnhu.r ti. v . ) . . . 1. 1 : i .1 . ' S " . . vutM.uorm.iun, unless suoa eeds be eoorded before the recording of the deed or conveyance under which such subsequent purchaser or mortirairaihxll li.n 1 August Zfl, too BREAD & FANCY CAKES. Two doors west of the Peat OAoe, BUNBURY, Pa. T ESPECTFULLY informs Uie eltisaas ef Sm- lb bury and vicinity, that he will bake to ardor all kinds 01 Cakes Tor Italia. Parttoau Ac Families are supplied with FRKeH BREAD, Twist 011s. nuska. Tea nuns, ac . ana auo cent oa a sue manafactared out of the best materials. All orders will meet with prompt attention. Hasina had Urea eatwrtesMe I has to civs Saner ai eatistaoUoa to aU whs way favor ae with leir patronage. DAVID FRY' H'7. La. if. "n5sB 11 twill ITrSiaWr-TririyiBi 1 I IHE PERUVIAN IS A PROTECTED SOLUTION OF THE Protoxide f Iron, sew dtoeovery in medicine whioh STRIKES AT TUB BOOT OJF DISEASE. by supplying the Blood with Its vital principle, OB Ltri (LtMERT IRON. This Is the secret of the wonderful suoocss of this remedy in ouring Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy, Chronio Dlar- rnosa. noils, nervous Anections, tnins and re vere. Humors, Lots of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys and Bladdos, Female Complaints, and all diseasee originating in a BAD STATE OF THE BLOOD or accompanied by ot a tow staTX or TUB SYSTKM. fieinc free from Alcohol In anv form. Its enerzi- ting effects are not followed by corresponding reac tion, but are permanent, Infusing sthkngtit, vioob, and mw Lira Into all parts of the system, and build ing op an IKON COJMSlliUliON. DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY. From the Venerable Archdeacon SCOTT, D. D DONBAH, Canada East, March 24, 1865. "lam aa inveterate Dyspeptio of mora than 25 years standing." "I have been so wonderfully benefitted In the three short weeks during which I have used tne reruvtan oyrup, mat i oan scarcely pcrsuauo myself of the reality. People who hnve known mo are astonished at the change. I am. widely known, and can but recommend to others that which hui done so much for me " One of the most Distinguished Jurists in New England Writes to a Friend as . follows : "I have tried the PERUVIAN SYRUP, and tho result fully sustains yonr prediction. It has made a new man of me ; infused into my system new vigor and energy ; I am no longer tremulous and debilita ted, as wnen you last saw me, but stronger, heartier, and with larger oapaoity for labor, mental aii physical, than at any timo during the lost five years." An Eminent Divine of Boston, says: 'I have been using the PERUVIAN SYRUP for some time past ; it gives me new vigor, duoyaki v. OP SPIRITS, ELASTICTY OP MCSOI.E." Thousands have been changed by the use of this remedy ; from weak, sickly, suffering creatures, to strong, healthy, and happy men and womon ; and invalids cannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. A pamphlot of 32 pages, containing certificates of cures ana. recommendations from some of the most eminent physician, clergymen, and others, will bo sent froe to any address. ISrHee that each bottle has PERUVIAN SYRUP blown in the glass. For sale by J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, i'.t Dey Street, New York. AND BY A LI, DHUGUISTS. SCROFULA. All Medical Men agree that IODINE is the Bcs Remedy for Scrofula and all kindred disoase ever discovered. The difficulty has been to obtain a Puro Solution ofit. Dr. H. ANDERS' IODINE WATER. Is a Pure Solution of Iodine, Without a Solvent!! Containing a full grain to each ounce of water. A moat Powerful Vitalising Agent and Restorative. It has cured and will cure SCROFULA in ail its mani fold forms. Fleer, Cancers. N.vihili, Snlt ICheaia ; and it has been used with astonishing succes in ooso? of Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Consumption, Femalo Complaints Hoart, Liver, and Kidney Diseases, io. Circulars will bo sent free to any one sending their address. Price $1 .00 a bottle, or 6 for $5 00. Prepared by Dr. H. ANDERS, Physician and Che mist. For sale by J. P. DINSMORE. 3f. Dey Street, New York. And by all Druggists. Wistar's Balsam or WILD CHERY. has been used for nearly HALF A CENTURY, with tbe most astonishing success in curing Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat Influoma, Whooping Coiiirli, Croup, Liver Complaint, Rrochitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Asth ma and every aflection of The Throat, and Cheat. CONSUMPTION, whioh carries off more victims shan other discaso, and whieh baffles the skill of the Physicians to a greater extent than any other malady, often YIELDS TO THIS REMEDY ! when all others prove Ineffectual. AS A MEDICINE, rapid in relier, soothing in effoct, safe In its opera tion, it is unsurpassed ! and is entitled merits, and receives the general confidence of the publio. SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., of Herman, N. Y., writes as follows : 'J Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry gives universal satisfaction. It seems to cure a Cough by loosening and oloansing Uie lungs, and allaying irritation, thus r moving the cause, instead of drying up the eougl. and leaving the cause behind. I consider the bal sam as good as any, if not tho best Cough mcdicino with which I am acquainted." From Hon. Judge 6PRAKER, of Canajoharie, N. Y Gentlemen .This is to certify that myself and family have used Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cbery, for several years, and that I tako great pleasure in recommending it in preference to anything of tho kind for Uie purposes for w hich it is intended. In casesof Asthma, Phthisic, or afiecUons of tbe Throat, I have never mat with anything equal to it, Very respectfully. DAVID SPRAKER. The Rev. JACOB SECHLER, of Hanover, Pa., Well knowa and much respected among the Gorman population in this country, makes U10 following statement for the benefit of the afflicted. Dear Sirs : Having realised in my family impor tont beneSts from Uie use of your valuable prenara Uon Vi istar's Balsam of Wild Cherry it aflord me pleasure to recommend It to the publio. Some eight years aro one of my daughters seemed to be in a decline, and little hopes of her recovery were enter tained. I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, and before she had taken the whole of the eontentsof the bottle there was a great improvemenS in her health. I have, in my individual oase made frequent use of your valuahln m.iiin. .-j l always been benefitted by it. ' JACOB SECHLER. TRICE ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE. For sale by J. P. DIN.SMORE, 36 Dey Street, New York 6ET1I W FOWLK A SON Proprietors, Boston. And by all Druggists. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cores Cats, Burns, Scalds. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cores Wounds, Bruises Sprains. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Boils, Ulcers, Cancers. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. GRACE'S CELEBRATED SALVE Cures Chapped Hands, Chilblains. GRACE'S CELEA RATED SALVE Heals Old Sores, Flesh Wounds, . It Is prompt fat action, removes paia at enee, aa redness the snoot angry-looking swellings and ume Batieaa, as if bv aagio, thus affording relief and complete eve. Only 25 eenla a box! (Sent by mail fur cents. j For Sale by J. P. DINSMORE. M Dey w 11 w vnwi.y A tiO.N. rronneuis. Bostost. sad by all Praxglaa, Umeers, aad Counts Stores. January If, IMo-ly. Bunbury, iee. f , tees.