ffftc gfrmburg American. E. W1XVERT, I ... . N. B. EN OLE, ( Publishers. HLlsXItV, PA. L SATURDAY,' MAY IP, 1800. t-t7 Notice to oxm Patrons. At a cbang was effected on Hie first of April last, la Uio poblicntion of the AMRStiCAK, we have opened a new sett of iionKs. T!id publishers aro about making additions to the office and further improvement in the American, hi Veil as in the Jobbing department, by means of a power press. This will ' necessarily im pose a henry expense Upon the present pub lishers, who therefore request all who are in arrears at this office to aid thorn in tbeir ef forts, by Settling up all accounts immediate, ly. Those living at a distance can forward to us by mail at our risk, if remittances are shown to the Post Master where mailed. ' SLorar AffaivsT t!?lob Pi-lntliiR-. navlng received a 1hrge supply of NEW JOB TYPE, of various new stylet, Posters, Haorlbilli, Circulars, Card, Letter Heads, Kill Heads, Libel, Ac., end be printed in the latest and beat styles, and on ebort notioe. Orders by mail promptly attended to. tKpicoPAt Visitation. Ths Right Rev. Thomas II. Veil, D. D., Bishop of Kansas, soting fur Bishop Stevens, who is absent in Europe, officia ted in St. Matthew's Church, in this place, on Fri day evening, 1Kb inst., and administered tbo rites of confirmation to fourtocn persons. lie wns assisted by Kcvds. Messrs. Ligbtner, of Danville, Wadleigb, of Williarusport, Sbinn, of Shamokin, sol Gibson, rootor of the church. I3P Fine in SxrcER Coi'ttrr. A Urge barn, be longing to Mrs. Martin, in Terry township, Snydnr county, took flro on Tuesday night, 8th inst., and was cnlue'.y consumed. Among the property de stroyed were two fresh milch yws, some young oattle. and nine head of sboop. The loss is ostininted at two thousand dollars. Thero was no tnursnoson the property. 3? A Co vsxrion of the Assistant Assessors of the I.lih Conirreional District was rocently held in BWnsburg. The object was to secure uniformity in the asseuient o( the annual inooms tax. BcROLARt. On Tuesday night last, the tailoring eitablisbniont cf Mr. Jaeob 0. Beck, on fourth street, was entered by burglars, and a large iiniount of material stolen. Tbo goods taken con sisted of clothing which bad been made to ordor, cloths, casiirccrcs, linens. As. The thieves effectod an entrance into the building by prying open s door binding into an alley. The loss by the robb6ry will nninui't to nearly three hundred dollars, and Uqui'.o o serious eno to Mr Beck Xo clue has been ob tained of the robber. Porsr-ns should bo careful in purchasing elulhin,, ic, from all traveling venders, as thero is u doubt that a groat many of them aro selling g'jodJ that have been stolen. jf Violbnt Eiorm On last Sunday afternoon this place and vicinity wos visited by a heavy shower of nun, accompanied by thunder and lightning and high winds. The storm ecntinutd about an liour. In consequence of hail having fallen, the Air became fiuito cold In the evening and the following Monday, and rctdcrod uvercoatd and Erw conifer tablo. BoLbicn's CosruNTiost. In coaiplrnoa with a with call isrucd by Gen J. F. Iiartraiifl, for a Convention cl tiro soldiersof Pennsylvania, to be held at Pitta-t-.urg. uii Tues lay, the ith of June, the s-ildicrs of Xo.iiiu:nbei:on4eouuty who were engaged in e tip f riiu2 the rebellion, uio rinpeolfully requested to r.ie a :it the Cou; t House, in Sunbury, on Friday, tho Ill'i ii a: 1 o' ffjtiO Con ebt'.on. .c-.h, P. M., to elect delojutu U Gr.y. C. C. McmnMTCK, r.'i.. J lil V McCl.LLItY, C.m t. I:i:i:i:it I'AINTKI'. t ait. Al I.X. CA!.I'. KLL. C'Arr. itAMici. oyyjl:i;, Cut. I. II. I'.I.SJLKK. I'jj-Gr.. C. C. McCoaaiCK, of Milton, bsUeo nj pointed one i-f tUo cuiuiuiiteo for tho rce'jji'iuu of l!je fl that were presented by the St.ato to tho Pennsylvania r'giuicuts in the late war. The re-c-ption will take l.l ico in Independence Hull , Phil adeipbia, on tuo coaiios dtk cf July. I3"Xew C'ot TKnrtiTS. The following new counterfeits have appeared lately : lijiil cf Dc'a-.s.itc County, Cker.fr, ra.U, counterfeit; viLiiot.e, girl feeding calves, one lying .'.own ; on nht end, I. female portrait ; on the Kit ! , end, I, ca'.t.c, carj cros in aquedua!, ttlir;ranh ' I'olc i::.d wires. I Os, a closo UU i tation of ti e genuine note, and well calculated to deceive. The Wk cf luo bill israiher coarse. The 1 1 itc u liable to be Ju.'id to any of (be ualior.nl Lanks. Ijf O.mk liAi.i. is WiLtUJisPuiir. Tho married and single men of Williaru-'port played u matvh game of base ball on Saturday last, on the grounds of the Wiluami-firt Club, near tho licrdic llouso Wo have not learned the result of the game, but prvsume, of cciirsc, that the single mon camo off ijlorioiis. "if Graxd Lohok Orncxns Elccteo. . At tbs opening session of the Grand Lodge cf Odd Fellows, held iu Philadelphia on Tuesday las', tho following oDjcera were declared elected : Worihy Ur.iud Master, George Flin!, of German town, Lodga .No. IU ; J'eputy Hiuud Master, K'ehard IVairon. luvlesioUsl.o!go Ho. lU-f; Uraud War ileu. Peter ii Long, l'liila.ielpl ia, Lode Ho. Soi; Unui'l .Secretary. Willi. uji Ciirli. l'niladulphia, Lodge No. 2; Ot and 'i ioaeurer, M. liichard Muckle, l'hil.idel hiii, l.o l'e No. 4(i ; lic rceemalivoUracd Lodge ! the I niled Stales, llobert A. Laiubertun, lluirisburg, Lodgo No. bio. fi3iEsCAMi'Jii:.'T OrncEBs At the annual s.s tioii of the G rani Encampment of Pennsylvania, held in Philadelphia, on Monday last, the following Ola eel's were elected : M. W. O. Patriarch, Francis M. Rea, of No. 24 ; JH E.U, High Priest, Jarvia W. Xiudall, of No. 38 ; Jt. W . ti . S. Warden, Maurico Fiun, of No 111; It. W. U.J. Warden, Samuel N. Foster, of No. 17 J 11. V.O. Scribo, Wm. Curtis, of No. 17; K. W. O. 'ireaeuier, Henry Simoue, of No. 17 ; W. Q L. Sen tinel, James A. Mules, oi No. lul ; U. 0. Sentinel, tJciirgc C. Hosier, of No. 47 ; U. UepresentaUvs, O. L 1.6, John 11. Bailey, of No, 2. Wii coj.y ihe followiug complimentary notics from ihe Danville American, of last week. Mr. .Sanders, ihe cenlleman referred to, formerly resided iu Dwivillu, and is proprietor of tho popular boot and tiav sloro in Pleasants' building. Market stroot. IIu bos already established an sxoellent reputation j.ir the tuperiur ariiolool boots aad shoes which he ia manufacturing at his mM ishmeut in this plooo. Pi.kas int. Though we ulways regret the lose of a giHjd eitiAen from our cnuimuniiy, because it do tr.ieis just so much from lbs volume of trade In our b.caliU ; Hill, it affords us pleasure to know that (.ucco.it crowns his efloiU iu a ate location. a are Kd lo these remarks from learning that our loriner U T.Muau, tico. S. riauders. is doing a good busmees in the boot and shoe trade in fciunburv. Wo ean ulv say to our reader-, iu Ilia'- place, that they will find" in hiiu a good meohauio and an upright man, worihy of lUeir confidence and Iheir psuuuags. . . mi. .jr. ... u r.f I net. w-.W. UIVb! jf jriLTl1-- ioo iil ." , 1 - tbat the Milton Tlsnlng Mill bas again eommenesi or..rti.ins, under tlie uridietton of Jr.esrs. Ballict Ii. ie.baali Doth of these gtnticmtn bavs tho bust- new cualificatioiu to do a large sad suooes.ful busl- BUS. , Tbe proprietors of the Milton Car Works havs taken precautionary measures against firs by one ttrueling a walk over the enlirs lougth of their car ehops, an-1 placiug barrels ftllod wilh water, oa tlia roof, to be ready iu oass of flra Xbe oitiieiis of MUtoa srs vieing wtlh oaoh other ia regard to cleanliness, and ara puUin that plsoo ta a thoroo,a tanitsry oondHioo. Ths Btroot Com s,iseloner is dsilvsrlng lima to saw faaillj Uiwosh-utthstowa ,. j.!!!!', 'Tr'tr t! to"ow1l, Items from the Shamokin Uirnld, of Ibis week i "We were again visited, on last Sabbath afteraoon, by a high wind, whloh look part of ths roof off the foundry of Mr. Renoysor), blsw avsr the temporary staok which' h bad erestsd, and did soma other damage, It alio blew down ths stable belonging to the Cemetery. Association. (Many large usee la ths Woods east f the town wars blows down, and ths storm extended beyond this for many sail es. In soma places it was sooompanied with ball ; bore Wo had but a slight rain ,..t- Ths Methrjdtrt Episcopal Chureh bas seenred a fine largo bell for the tower which they are erecting. Tn bell Weighs 833 pounds, Sod coat, with tbo fltttrfcs and freight, $440. ' -'- . On Monday evening, 21st lost., tbs stockholders of the Miners' Saving Fund Association will bold their soml-anoual mooting, and slcot four direotors to icrvs for ths ensuing term. . The Shamokin and Bear Valley Coal Co., at their recent annual mooting la Philadelphia, presented a beiuliful silver drinking Sup, Valued at $25, to Chantillo, daughter .of Mr. Wesley and Mrs. Nancy L. Van Oaskea, who was the first child born St ths now works of the eompany at Carbon Ituu. 0"A!e Old Boor. Tbs Lswlsburg CAroitirt says that Mrs. Hannah Focht, of Lswisburg,owns a well-printed, well-bound, and carefully preserved book, of large site a Scripture work by Martin Luther, 'printod in 1573. It lacks only 7 y oars of being 300 years old. 3 Samuel A Croser, Esq., of Upland, and Capt. John P. Levy, of West Philadelphia, have been chosen Trustees of ths University at Lewisburg, In place of lion. John P. Croior and Dr. David Jayne, deo'd. ly-Nsw lea Cbsam Salooh. We observe that our young friend, David Fry proprietor of the bakery, has opened an loe cream saloon, at bis rest, dence, iu Spruce street, where be will keep on hand an excellent artiols of this delicious summer luxury. lie has employod ono of the best manufac turers of id oi earn, and will serve op every afternoon and ovening, vanilla, lemon, orange, shocolnts, peaeb, pine-apple and strawberry eroam. Ills sa loon is fitud up in the most comfortable manner, and he will tpnro no pains to accommodate all who may be pleased to patronise him. Families, parties, do., supplied at reasonable rates. m m y Alligator Socp." Ons of our Railroad official, a short timo since, sent to Baltimore for a lobster. When tho box oauie to hand and was open ed, s fair siied alligator was found enolosed. Ths qn now is. "how is he to bs scrred up ? as lobster salad or alligator soup ?" tySNn vocb PHOTuonAPns. It is proposed by the Stole authorities to procure a full history of the servioe rendered by Pennsylvania regiments in the war to crush the slaveholder's lcboilion, and as an interesting portion of that history, it has been sug gested by Governor Curtiu that tie State Librarian collect photographs of all officers of such regiments, to be deposited in the State Library, in such a form as to be easily referred to and examine!. In ac cordance with this proposition tho Stato Librarian now requests such office to send well executed J:.rd pboluijraplis of themselves, addressed to the Slats Library, and where the oQcer has perUhcd, that the lri?nds of the gallant dead lend such photo graphs. Each card to be carefully inscribed beneath tho photograph with tho numo, rank, company and regiment in which tbs offijcr served. tjTne MosiutxTAL Ckiiemohics. The ccro monies of dedicating a monument, iu honor of the soldiers of company "C," 47lh Penna. Veteran Vol unteers, whose lives v. ore sacri&:ed in defence of their onuatry, took p'aco on Wednesday lust. The Masai. is fraterLity. of this place, assisted by the In fit p"iideut Oidur of Odd Fellows, ccuiuc'.ed the ceremonies. A number of liio bie'.hi en from our neighboring towns were present, and participated in tho oerem.nies. So'.in-rove snl a 'arge d.'. iation. which win accompanied by Fehrcr's Silver (.'oruft Iin.d, of lLat place. Tho procession foru.cd in Mr.rktt square, under Uen. J. K. Clement, Chiof Iilanhal, and Capt. Cbas. J. Brun-r and A ijt. A F. Clay.p, AssisUant MarsliLls, coccrding to the pu'j iu'ied programme. About noon tho procession proceeded to the grave yard where tho monument was raued wilh appro piiiito cerjinonirs, conducted ty tho Ilev. Mr. Crc iner, of the Heforino ! Church, cf line jlace. Tho pi'occiieion, on its return, about 2 o'clock, formed in tho square, in front of the old Court Ilnustt, where an address was delivered by the Ilev. Mr. Ilhodes, of the Lutheran Church. Tho address, which was both eloquent and patriotic, was well adapted for the occasion, and vtnj delivered in that earnest and impressive style for which tho reverend gentleman is excelled by few pulpit oratom. The mouuniout, nhicb waj oontraotcd for by Mr. John Taylor, and finished by Messrs. Dissinger t Tiylor, oi this place, is a beautiful tribute from the rv ivii.g members of the company to the memory cf th twenty-six bravo comrades, whose names are ir.s-.ribci thereon, who devoted their livu to ths imIeo of thiit coulitry. Tiie day was pleasant and agrecablo, and the pro ceedings throughout gave entire satisfaction. ;pTi.s vnAits aoo, the price of grain was eon lira'otv biglior iban now. On tbo 25th of April, ; 1S.VS, wheat eras quoted in Philadelphia at f2.65 to $2.bl ; rye, $t.iO; corn, $1.07; onls, 70 eents. I In this place, wheat wasqm.ted at f 2 25 ; rye, SI .15. eorr, 30 ct. ; butler, ii cts. ; egj, rcu. ; pors 7 ots. It will be sren that the price of grain was nearly Ihe same as now, whilo butler, eggs and pork, are a'jout, on an average, one hundred per cent, higher. I'oTna Weatbkb still eontinues eool, changea- Vo and nnpleaaiit. On Tuesday night there was a j frost, and on Wednesday niedit it was equally eold but Ihe wind, porhaps. prevented a frost. Fruit, wo think, is too far advanced to sustain any acrlcus i injury, and the prnpcels of a pood crop are still I favorable. The peach crop in Dolaware, which is beenmingone vast peach orchard, it not sopromisint. as we learn from gentleman from that State, largely interested. ' t"r?"DA Rics's TT0BEB OF TBa Woata bs on txhibllioa this (Friday) afternoon and eve ning. near lbs Augusta Hotel. As this Is ths largest and best show now traveling, wa predict that Dan will bs well patronised .-. ' BUSINESS UOTICES. Up-Moaa Goons bars Just been received at ths store of Joseph Eyster, eorner of Fourth snd Mar ket streets. Ladies and gentlemen are invited t0 sail and examine tho stock, which comprises every variety of summer wear, at reduced prices. . Up How Pnovoaiso. An exchange says : Did you ever read what you supposed to be a very inter esting paragraph in a newspaper, and found when you were "gist" of tho joke, that you suddenly ran against the announcement that somebody bad just reoeived so snd so in (real profusion, snd was pro I pared to undersoil everybody else this side of the Atloctio t Wo hero been caught la tnat "soap many a time, and had we ever learned tbs art of profane swearing, ws doubt not ws should lavs weftit in" on tbs LiUiog'gts with a gusto. . But to talk thus ia profitless what ws want to got at is, to inform the public that Jacob 0. Bees, at bis fash ionable Tailoring Establishment, on Fawn street, between Market and Blackberry, ia mboufacturing tbe handsomest, best-fining, and most durable Sum- n i. - i.. V.. ........I I,, T, Af Inn A . rn or duiui, ia eon u ww . - gantry. j ' i ty-A ToWo IkVX Mr!ln,!d to ld- tl ! otber duytbe dleiinction between prlntlur snd f-ub- ln-hiue. and at tho ooucliutun of her remarks, by way of illa.Uatl.n, she said t "You nay print a kUX on ny oboch. but you must sot pttktikit." Ys neoolel hesr ths faol ws puiUsk ! John E. Smtok, u.,K-t Tailor. Fourth Street, opposite Weaver's I Hotel, bas just reoeived another extooslrl' 'stock of Bummer Ooods, direol from Xsw lora ana r nuaaei nhia, wbieh eanbrasjas sU ths vorylstest styles sad i iashions, and wbloa be to saabled to sail cheaper ! than aayotbes; satahllAant lo tUi socUostoi' edtva T ar t.H.KAsa, Er .dly.aBnaflslafnit' for the solleeUona of rousians and Bounties, and i, , alto authorised and prepared to eolleot ulalms from In nvrai. .tunsceasi-l eably to an . ths Stato, dus sotdiejset ths war of 1812 Sous elroumntanees, or thslr. widows, agree; Act to provide for the payment of gratuities and an nuiUee to ths soldiers of the war of 1812, and to tbsir wWowe, approved March 30, IMS. i, . , en ...ii) t:. Clf "Qooa, Bittf.s, Bast. ;j) i; CHEAP. CHEAPER, CHEAPEST, Vu. II. Millks, has again returned from ths oity with a new and splendid stock of. Boots and Shoes, which oan be seen at the Ex.tolsior Coot and Shoe Store They san be bought at a saorifice. Men's Calf Boots at ti 7i. Lady's Oaitets at $1 60 and upwards Don't all come at once. Ls?CArnoRATi!D VttiviRT, for ths preserve, lion of furs, cashmeres, end woolen goods from tho rsvagosof moths and other Insects, has Just been re ceived and can Daw bo obtained at tbs Drug Store of W. A. Bounett, Markot street. ly 'lam glad this coffee don't owe me anything,'' said a book-keeper to his wife the other morning at breakfast. "Why?" was the response. "Because I don't beliors it would over settle." This loving husband might also have added, with great propriety! that people generally have becomo "settled" in the conviction lhatSlaymaker, of the Continental Cloth ing Bazaar, corner of Market and Third streets, sells tho cheapest and most fashionable Ready-Made Clothing that can beprooured in the country. He is now selling whole suits of splendid material for a mere song. tyBrsntr's is ths place to get a good like ness. Byerly takes ths best pictures. Byerly's is the place to get Melainotypes. At Byerly's yo can get beautiful Photographs. At Byerly's you can get splendid Ambrotypes. At Byerly 'a you can got the beat and cheapest. Byerly's OaWory is in Bossier's building, upstairs, corner of Market and Fawn streets. t'iViriligy mah u irrto.' " Corrected Weekly for tho "American." Wheat Flour, extra family, per barrol, f 13 00 e so 0 50 6 50 e 5o 2 50 100 HO 50 1 90 .15 25 15 S 75 5!) IS 21 Kb 23 It) 10 15 H . 20 12alt 7j 20 VO do do do do per owt. Bye Flour, per bbl. per cwt. do per bushel, do do do do per pound do Buckwheat Flour Whoat, prime white Rye, Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Dried Peaohoa, pared do do uupared do do jjriea apples, Dried Cneiriea, (unstoned,) per bu. Uuiter. per pound. Eg'.- Cheese, Lard, Hams, Shoulders, Beef, hind quarter, ' front " Mutton, Pork, Veal, . Chickens, Fresh .Salmon, do Shad, per doian, per pound, do do do do do da do do per pair per pound pur pair 5pcticil SCoticrs. kt?"SE!5 A Woman, iu nnuiinr column picking Stttnbur grapes for trpetr's Wine. It i ii n urlmirulilu article, uatil iu the hospi tals anil by tbe first class families iu Puri.s, London unci New York, in preference to old Port Wine. It is worth a trial, as it yives treat salinfaetiun. Tor sulo by V A. I5cn nett. To Pjitsjciaxs. Mr. Spcer takes l he lib erty of retjiicEtinf pbiciuns to ii!tituti; bij rxnniiriutioii of the merits of his SumUit'n Port Wine. The Wine is the pttre juii e of u Portugal variety of a'.nbur unipe, cultiva ted by him f.ir the purpose, nnd is now suc cessfully used nnd prescribed by many p!iy sicintis in the laryi! cities, who huc fully tested it and uh regard it u peculiarly udapted t" their minis of pi.K.lice. W. A. Benitctt hecps' this wine. IS?Tiie imaginutjo'i ii btiinu'.a'.cd by the incense of Ho .vers, ami if ever there was poetry in perjume, it ia breathed silently and soothingly from 1'halon's "Nijlit lilonminf; Cereus," tiie most bewitching of u'l the fin prunt pn-parutioiis that chemic art lias ex tracted from the floral kingdom. oid everywhere. Buown's I3uoNCiliAti Thoches. Tl:e benelieial effects resultin;; from the Use of ' this Keniedy nnd its extersivis Use fm CnUhs, I Colds, u:id Tiiroi.t Aifections, h is brought out many iinitutionu, most of which contain injurious ii.''rc.licnu. The Troches Lave ! proved t'.ieir tfl'.cary. To CollMIIUltli V4-M. The adrertieer, having bieu restored to health in a few weeks by a very simple remedy, after having sufTercd for several years wilh a severe lung affection' and that dread disease, Consurop'lon la anxious to make known to bis fellow auAorers the means Of ours. To all who desiro it, be will send a ropy of the prescription used (free of charge), with tbe diieo lions fur preparing and using the same, which they will find a sens Ceiis for CoatiiiHi-Tiox, Aarnxs, BnuxcuiTi, Coiuus, Colds, cud all Throat and Lung Affections. Ths only object of tbo advertises in sending the prescription is to benefit ths afflicted and spread information which he conceives to be in valuable, and he hopes every sufferer will try hi remedy, ss it will coat them nothing, and may prove ableisiug. Parties wUbiog the prescription, rRCl, Ly return mail, please address Hit. EDWARD WILSOX, Williamsburgh, Kings Co , New York. January 13, 1888 ly. "DOS T BE FOOLISH." You enn make Six Dollars from Fifty Cents. Cull nnd cx nmine an invention urgently needed by every body. Or a sample sent nee by mull for ."0 cents that retails ea.-Hy for by K. L. WOLCOTT. 170 Chatham Square, NY. Sept. 16, 1865. ty. The CoulcsibioiiM mid ICxperlence OP AM INVALID. Published for tbe benefit and as a caution to young men and others, who suffer from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, Ac, supplying at tbe same timo the means of self-cure. By one who nas curod himself arier undergoing considerable quack ery. By enclosing a post-paid addressed envelope, single copies, true of charge may bo bad of ths au thor. NATHANIEL MAVFA1R, Esq., Brooklyn, Kings Co, N. V. January 27, 1880 ly. Deuf'iiCH, Ullutliivtisi and Catarrh, Treatod with lbs utmost success by Dr. J. ISAACS Oouliat and Auriat. (foi merle of Lcden, Holland.) CIA II!-. -. . LUll...lnnlU Tlmnn!.!. nu, OIH nilU lie.. UllVlv. ,,um. . w,.,uiu..,i. from the soat reliable sources iu the Cilv and Coun try oan be seen al bis ofCcs , The medicul faculty are invited to accompany tbeir patiunts, as be nas no so. crois in bis practice. Artificial Eyes, inserted with out pain. No obafge made fur examination. July ZI, 186S. ly Huulsoodi howlxisl, liofrltcatorcd. Just published, a now edition of Da. Cutvaa- WELL a uslibhatbo tssAV on ms raoieai oure rwithout modiolus) of bpermalorrnoca, or seminal Wanknusa. inroluntarv Seminal Losses, Iimolency, M.n u mr.f- rnviioi iiibmiiiiiiit. l mueuiuiviiia w Marriage, eto- also, Consumption. Epilepsy, and Fits induocd by self-indulgenaa or sexual extravagance. I fY noe, in a eeaiea envelope, umy v cum. Ilia otlebrated author iu this admirable essay olearly demonstrates, from a thiity years' euooesoful praeues, tnai ma ai iruisi wnKnuiut- u p.. may bo radically eured without tbo dangerous ass ol internal medicine or ths application of tbo knife pointing oat a mode of cure at onoe simple certain, .a-...i..ui B,w muna at vhiah averT auiferer.no matter what bu condition may bo, Day ours blmself eheaply .privately, and radical ir iJr This Leoture should bo la ths hsndi of very youth and every man la tho land. tieot, under seal, ia a plain oovelopa, to any ad dress, post-paid, on receipt of sis Bonis, or two post sua,, Addrea. -jg 4 co., , 1JT Bowory. Now York, ?ost Oflo bst ,689 KV! . k nVPRTTQrUlTlSITQ 11 ft Y lU V fjlVllO lJxL 1 0. XT 1? WT- r r "I k T"V C I I K W : ij (J i) I) O I I .'JTb.' Ji 1 -. T: . J. IL DNGEL ; , HAS Just Warned from Now Vork: and Philadel phia, and is aow receiving a New Hioea or Spring & Summer Goods, at a greet reduotioa in prices. SVciiili-liM'n! Wrar, Fine Black Cloth at 11 00 that used to sell at $3 00. Cawiuieres, ttatinett, Caahinorctxe, Kentucky Jeans, Coitonnde and Linen Pantiug, at reduced prices. Ladies' Dress Goods Bilk, Wool Delaines, Mohair, Silk Stripe, Paul Do Chain, Alpacea, J'oplutt, English and Scotch Kinghauis, CI: allies, Delaines, Lawn, Calioo and Muslins, voiy cheap. , White Goods. Linen Dress OomK Linen Skirting. White Toilet Quilts, Mrl llants Hwis S'flpe, Swiss Cambric. Jac conatt, Irish Linen, Pliirt Friiiio. f-ts. Ladies' Cloth and Flannel Baekinir, nnd other flannel al low prices. Whilo Shetland Wool. Hha-vla, I! ihno.nl Skirts. Ao M-.irling and the latest style nf Hoop Skirts, very handsome and cheap. Yankeo Notions In Great Variety Jlo-dory, (J loves. Pocket andkorohiers, Suspen ders. Neckties, Paper Collars, Umbrellas, a good assortment of 8peotac!e, Coals, Spool Cotton, iaucy Buttons, Triuiuiiui, Ac. C.u pets. Floor and Tal.lo Oil Cloths, brown and grm-ii Oil Ulottu lur windows, (Jilt Shades, Fixturoa for Window liliuds. Huts. Caps ami Ladies' Shakers, Hardware, Nails, Forks, Shovels, Spades, irou-tootii liardcii Uukea. GROCERIES, SALT FISH. Qnecnsware, Glassware, Hoots and Shoe3, Taiuts. Oilf, Glass and Futty. School Hook, and a new supply ot WALL PA PKK, will bo sold very cheap. All persons desirous of gctlins pood poods at low prices, for cabh or country produce, will ploae irivo me a call. J. H. L'N'JKL. Sunbury, ; April 7th, ISjW. NUW SPBisNG GOODS"!! NOW OPEN. A FULL STOCK OP UTEW SPBI lJ Or goodsi Cons'sllngof sTioa sTanodsi, iu groat variety, such as Delaines, Challies, Ciinghams, Crapes, ' Lawns, Brilliant?, Ac. Hoop Skirts, Fiao White Gooa3,. in variety. Dress Trimmings, Laoes and.Einbroidi rins. VTII.S of all do-eriptions, Gloves. Hosiery, Corsets. Zephyrs, patent Hair Crimpers, Keek-lies, and Notions" of nil kinds usually kept in a Fancy Sloro. I.ockwood's Paper Collars nr. 1 L'ut. Stumping and u-uehino ftil"hir: ''..me to or ler. Mlt I,. 1, V.AHl .S, Two doors wet of Win. ii. IHik-r's .Stoie. Sunbury. April 2s, iri'.'.l. TIIE VEEY LATEST ARK1VAL! I Spring & Summer Goods! jo.-5i:ph kystkh, (fiurrcsM.r lo JJ,n .h'jicdi.) Corner of Market and fawn .Vtrctt, S U X Li U Yi Y , P K x ' A . Invites the public to call r.nd examine his elegant assortment of which be will sc'.l nt urcat'y reduce I prices. Ki stock consists in part of I CASSI A1EEE 3 ' CIsGTKS, GlC; I Hilks. Dela;nep, I. nun?, fiii.jrriatiu', Culieoop. Mu-tlins, S'hiel-it.g'. 'i ickii-j:!, Jtvuis. and a full auituuout of Cuttcnr.iii V out on gois erenvrully. j IToxierr, Ulnves. Hour) Skirts. AIjo iianuktrbiLTi., : Lrushcr, Ouint'3. II I itfiortunt of fcirri w?!! r.ol, lo itM0Mrc fail to ; lento ll.o 'r.imy ami i,.t tho wttuld uf ut:y u'.', siious of f-urcbitt-iuff. i 1 is t;'!i of IlAllDWAiiK AND Ql'tKXSWARE, and OruoHrii'S N Ihih in jui.;.ti ( v and r' t.ioe in quality, e r f n.in' p(n.r.i!Iy everything n'tiltd in liif- huuphirl't cither fur uo t uriinnitnv. lie is ft.vruy retttiy Biitl r!ih1 to Ft a h9 friends nnd tnkc? j-lt'ijittro in phowirr them his ntua vvlii though d j fiU1 are lantle. ilo only nk n c til, nni is euru that Ilia iU'tik nill cmnttre lavjntljly in price niid quality with tho cbefi i t. JUrir.rU LYSXLit. funlnrv, April 21, liu. FANCY DHYGOmWfORK , IvIISS KAT11 BLAOK, Uarket street, four doors west of Wm. II. Miller's l oot ami Slioo sloro. ttMil'ili, l'a. J ESPECTI V and vicil TEtn I'l. Ll.V inr.irmEhr frienJsin Sunbury icinity, tiiat slio hiu' j - st cf.eno.l bcr BHilWO UJ11MEH COOIJU, ol KotionAanil l'uncy Dry Uoods, Her Moclc cnn.'iis of All-Wool Drlainrs. Cbauibrns, Ginghams. P.mbri.ideri., I.a- e Collars. I'ar.s. II A'f.S. Musliiin, Prliih-t!, O iriljal.Ii Muelins. Birit-tyo I LiiK'iia, i.inen Law.ia Or.ie ai..l Lacfl Veils, t j. j y.un'. DornoivFt's Hair l.'ur'.orfl. Hair l.'oils and ' Curls, til'ivn. Stn-.-lsiis.-7. C-.llaVf. C..i-n-t. Ae. Untj' C-ill.ir. ?'rcklio, bull Hose, Jtan ikcr- j oil it-la anil S-ii.i'en.l.rs. I Dra-licy's new I'ulcut DupV;: rilirtio (or double r-'i -rlni? t-KlKT.I Perfumery, Toilot Su-i.s, Hair Bru-bes, Combs, Tovs. auil a (jencral vai ioiy of NOTIONS. CAUi-rtitl-S'j (ioue L'jndM ioi-i.v and at stiort notice. KATIi DLACK Sunbury. April 2i. 13 itt. Hew Spring Styles! 5JI A?i7i P.-HVI'EIS, Two doors West of the Post OlVice, 6tTNBUR"y E3N'A.. RrSPECll't'tl-Y iuvilca tbe attention of tbo publio to bcr lurgo and varied assortment of Spring & Summer Millinery Goods which she hiujui-t received and onene-l. Ilerstoek einhraees FANCY DKF.SS (iOol'tf. KlllbroulerifS, Cluny Lai-e, Lace Collars, Linen Collur", Dress Cordii, Zephyrs, Bullous, do. If A nno asaortincnt or lamos ant (jenis- Hosiery, Gloves. Fans, Parasol. Ilule Triminini, Kihhons, liolt Hibbuus, Velvet Kiblanis, Ilraid. Ladies' Neck ties, Fancy DrefS Combs, Ilea I ltresses, 4o. Irviu's l'ateul Hair Crin.pers, Hair Coila, Corsets, and a lare assortmout of otber articles, too nume rous to uienlion I have also just received a f no lot of Perfumery, Toilet Soups. Toolh and Hair ttru?hes, Ac. ' ANNA PAINTEll. funHty, April 23, 18C0. . BPEIfTO A& D SOMMillt Millinery Goods, Juslopsning at tbs Millinery lore oi Ml88 Al. L. OUSSLBH. Fswu Etreot. below the Kailrool, EVNBL'RY, PA., 6'uch as IB B 3 1 1 8 3 9 'il & 3 Ell AKKUS, DreM-Trimminss, llead-LHones. C lures, Hosiery, llibbous, 1'louers, Collars, Handker chiefs, ia , io., which hare been carefully selocte I. Tbe attention of tbe LaJies itsolicilfit In lii-r large assortment of the latest styles of U'JNNLT j, wbicb give sati-aaction to all. Call and txuuiiut lor yoursc.ves. No trouble to khllW soods BuuburyAprll 11, 1384. .ttl.K Ull hl (sniisi.i:ic, .tlllliui-ry Uoodsi and lrras 'l'rlnu suinnsi, Head Isi-camcis, CLOVES, PAHA801.S, &c, &o., South side of Market Square EUKIiUUY, Penn'a Una luat returned Iroiu tbe oilies with a choice j selection of aeaiunuble goods lo which tbe atientiou . . ... i , - - i . . ... I. : ..u 1 1. .. of ths Ladius is rc-peutfully solicited MILLINERY OOOOa AND DRL&J TU1MM1NGS. With liosd-Dressss, Gloves, Hosiery, Eibbons, bas been carefully selected end will give aatisfaution. MiasShiwlur baa had an expei'ieuee io the busi- ik. t i.Hhl.. her io salecL toodj wilh an eyolo the tsato ausd wishes ot ber ouatomera, and she begs ontlauaueeof lavoraiu ibo future which ahe Ukes pleasure in acknowledging aunug lue paM yew. Ladies will Bud a sboiee stook of every tbuig in ber line of baaiuees. Sudbury, April 11, 1&08. . - Prcarrliiltona irefully oompoonded of tbo but DHUGS al ht Mammoth Siors of Butbury, May JO, 1864. I TreBsarsre, Mile sr Iteiil Estate, I a LIST of Unseated Lands advertised fur Sale by John t'aruswarth, Treasurer of Norltiuin 1 bBrlanil county, agrceab y lo en Aot of Ihe (lenersd Awe.nblv of lbs Cmin'nwoallh of Pennsylvania, passed Ihe ISih day of Maroh.A.D. lsiiandths supplement thereto entitled an Actdirecting Hie mode of selling Unseated Lands fnv taxes and other purpose, will be exposed '' Public fate, at tbs Court House, in the Uorough of Sunbury. on the Beeond Monday In June. lt0t), hclne tbe I Ith day of the month, at tO o'clock, A. M., the following do scribed TjmiH of Land, for arrearages of Taxes duo and the costs aoenriling nn each tract respectively, to wit : If not sold on Ihe above day mentioned, to be adjourned from day to day until sold or disposed or : COAL TOWNSAIP. Acnxs. wsnasKTsa s. TAXIS. 1871 Aulcs llonry, 1 Lsns, nuami nomas far innkins.laiucs I aud , Adams Robert fliecksrt. nun-s .lercmiah roster Thomas HotiI John $1,755 70 664 3i I 71 ol) 2M( loot 4 . Sill :ii'-j 17l :t7d :ii9 R7 V17 SiVi itl.'t 2S(l in j :uj 100 J! 41.' J Mfll :uj 107 10 HO I US ami 1)7 4o7 2i;:i ' III? l.'TJ Til .iot no .'.no J 2'.i7 lirosious l'otor I'rady John lini.ly John llnuly John ' llrady Win P. Adunis Win. Homeland L. Homeland J. Adams Thoin-is Aothors Au!ei Henry Urn-ly John Carbon linn Imp Com. Kramer Frederick Huhbiiyll. l ately Win. A Sol'm, Gray itobcrt Grant Thomas Gurduer Aicho, Sr. - do. do. do. do. ITimelrich Henry Hepburn Jaines Kroll .Miehael l.urkin Abvigail Lukin.i Smith Lako Ilii'hard MarVball Wm. It. Master Jacob B. J'.oci .Sarah lteoa Iiimiel Iteea Thoiuaa Shaiuokiii Val. A P. R. K. Co. do. do. FiUivorlh John do. do. 'J'a-igart John Tyson Joseph YViii'.o John Wilson Wm. A IV. L. Dewart Zimmerman Mathta-i l'urnace Kun Imp. Co. ltenshue & Johinion MOUNT CAK.MEL TOWNSHIP. 531 73 Hit li'il 45 84 UU 270 Y) 4 !.t U 263 6;t 10 20 215 7tl 2'Ji 13 l::t rjl 34 il 254 b 14 to 31 05 Hid 71 14 2d 43 25 32 ! 230 25 I 201 t-d ! 142 93 -1 f.3 1 21 01 10 12 I 4 40 I 210 40 21(1 48 K.2 21 I 21 21 l 7i ! 9 60 ; 9 i'd ; 10 2'J I !;5 7i I 320 us ; 11 35 ' 3S5 17 ! 7.)5 00 4J0 00 JenUin3 James Anlia Freilurick A'latnj Itobcrt Foster Thomas Salmon liichard Manning liichard Hull Liliiiund Urcen James Green Thomas Champliiin Uobert Chauipmia Tboa 1741 1 935 11 8J7 K.-rru W iiH:::u I St -;j!ie!ieon J .s. f Coi.:ert Jam-.-a 1 NefllMUio j Hillinlon Thomas lie!la Huj.li Doner Christian JUrautiguiu Lanicl liauinardiier Thomas lircolie Jet-ie. br. Chaniplaiu It. 1 193 HI 210 HJ 3U 3141 iuu 4 1 tj 117 I Ill iJ Hil Mi ;i,a 9o .wo Uoy 1 -ii 1 Ibi fc'J 1271 2:iii 2i "'ft 4o.'i 171 i SH 1-' Hill 1 ISO 1 iil Ml 14 l!'i:i f-l t'.il I. .o 2-.ij 111 -J l!4i II. i lsj T.I till 40 10 6i) 40 75 30 O.i 60 42 20 3id ill 72 54 11 1 2) 23 bl Davidson Mary Klli.it Willi.im 1.- inns J- o KaatwriL-k A Co. aely Keubcu Gilbert Win. !-.-. Hepburn James Jackson Jeremiah AI.Tiiin Samuel Myers -Mary It eos urnli Uustorl Thomas Huslon Mary Keyuolds John Ku.aon Chaiiolte Kee- Daniel Miaunon William i-leadinau William be it! Abraham rvhull tieora V.'nlker Lewis .So!;. -II (irnr;;n H:iu-c Lid ile Jed, Irish & Tiion-.fson Wm. Maisluill A others ZKllL'E. Baily Jol.n X. lirbec ticoro W. C'tn.di'ii .loi.ii Grant i la uitn lltlliley Lian.arJ Hiiui lii:-k Houry J.-iitob HeiU-r Knll Mi.-liacl Mowoiy l'etor Martin John G. Miller John Prince tieorge I'elrey l'cter r-a.-.::briu.'iu t'eter r-eo:t -Vbralium Wilson Wm. Yoxtheiin-ir Henry ZcLjlcr Iano CA31ER0X Kulton fiamuel Lerr John Lid J.-hn Kirr Mary I-'ilo Lnho Grant Thomas Jtarriain illiara . r-ciiiii Luke tuiilh Abigail SHAMOKIN. Ura.ii'nrd K ti. llct:erton Ccni .mill Hunter Alexander Lake lti.b ird . litswerth John Ta,:;ai t llobert Youug Samuul Hacbtuan Joseph Hird Joseph l'ewart Alasser John 11. Hon;!! Hi-tlman Miehael Jaeob li Masacr 'a-fter A' liewart "-'nitth t Higjrins bueitzers Heirs LITTLL MAUAXOY. rrown Nathiiiiiel Latbha Devil Iveits Jueeph Gardner ArcbLald Gardner W'ui. P. Htuiter James Hull Charles Lake l'.i- h-ud Lynn Joaeb half of i. 'i l.olllliH Ti'ieL'.u Charles U. iprtr. m.uiaxoy. Darr fetcr Jinrr Luko Did John Derr Mary Derr l'cter I e i r Luku Irncin Kobert JACKSON. Lake Richard Hees Tbumaa JORDAN. Israel G oieo . Beneville Williams LOWER MAHAXOY Michael Doe key LOWER AUGUSTA. Hall Charles Jordau James Dcwart John POISl. Partram Alexander Earrou John llraubam hb-nezer Itaruhaiu t Erwine I'pley Andiem Irwine Robert Nodonot James CHILLISQUAQUE. Caul Jobn C. Caul Daniel Caul I'eier, eitate Eckert Jacob iordsiuan Wm. UPPEU. AUGUSTA 122 52 ; 402 : 2JJ VO ! K 7.1 : 2!i:l 04 55 00 20 10 I I'.O 3d I 21 C7 'ji hj 14 H 25 73 I 39 ' 2J SJ I 25 ki ! 201 0j j 21 79 i 19 (H 33 30 105 eS 3H 25 277 ,'.0 I 92 95 93 Ml 21S P2 Vt 0d ds-t K :!0 03 9d Ibi l"-i 79 92 70 HI 52 259 67 4.S 81 17 29 lo9 19 14 72 11 US 7 22 160 35 62 75 ldU 40 rs 29 :a 05 5;l 1-2 31 Ud 40 73 1 e 39 32 33 Ml 61 13 b3 llfj r,i.--i "'rlS i'.J 170 i-.'n i'L'-i 4ii 107 ti -12.1 1U0 .'Ii, ou:i 1C71 6J I 33 9 95 5 on 12 ', 2 23 II IS l9 5 Vd 41 03 19 2'1 2.S H) 57 60 3 b4 2t 00 30 40 9 60 4t 60 42i r.'j 3n0 01.0 20 2o0 4u0 jo 120 50 6 2o0J. 17rt 42''.J 219 3e hj 2;:o 3vJ 8 61 8 .'5 3 55 U. 20 11 00 30 22 15 09 21 30 2 St 11 91 23 02 39 04 13 21 20 52 20 40 36 90 32 42 III 20 r-0 i;o 1.-.9 l?l oul) ' lnsj tl'O 3 00 1 11 3 Ui 20 4d 100 ill 07 7 40 Id Vn tl 62 & GO 6 -J 'J H 4a i li 7 11 15 R8 11 77 100 160 lilt 107 115 35 1 211, ; 24 4a I 29 t 10 S ol 1 74 8 20 60 a 60 100 50 Miller Christian T J. FAKXSWORTH, Tressurer's Ofice, ) Banbury, May e, 1166. Treasurer. buoat of evemy iwatmii'TioN ei Apitay,fc t A NOTlllm sutle r CUllP L. WJHI,. i.i luauri oi NEWvnnir ir . i....i : TV" caiilileejuiiiiiini)-, uy ' ' wweytn D R. J. H. SCB ENCK. THE OR EAT LUN O DOCTOH t) P Pll 1 1. ADELrill a. , -- - OractN. Y. airs Oai.e.14 Lite Co , ' Ni. tS Nnsfluu St., New York, June I, less. Da. J. H rkrnuM UearrJir : For ovei fifiefn yeaia I have beau trinibled-wiih a eevere cough, and naually two irtliree limes a ear w ih more or Ins hemoriliniit, winch tmtetlier, lr ll.o last few yeaia, hae kc,t n.e uu In flesh and lo- weak to do basiueas uf any kind without aufTeriut- In August last I had a very seveie l.rin .lunge, ami, according to the judgment nf a good New Y"urk pt.y. eictan, 1 was classud ea beyond the reach of Medium, ond was edvised to be prepared, ao far as prony n,at. lers were e-mceincd, to leave 'his world et slioit iiotn-. The phtsiciau (any my bto d friends) said that the Ami cold 1 t iok must prove la ml. Early in Junuaiv I t-xjk i severe eold. and foituiiftlelr was occupying rooms at No, 3i HUM) SI'KKKT, direelly over your olhee. 1 think about the ISth nf January I proeuriMl a botBle if your t'ulmnnic Syiup and commenced taking it freely. My feet an liinlis were very much swoiten, and all the sytnp. toms ofa speelj-di-nth seemed to accompany my cold. I sent for my loriner iihrsiciaii,und stated to linn thai 1 waa I talciiig yur medicines, and ntier showing them to uini, and having tasted nf tl.em, Ac, he replied: 'Vou em uiiva ,iieiiin y, Tiifr, inry will U) J "U in. uai ill. un said: -Vou kuowwhat I told voa last summer, nnd 1 s.iy the sameiriw, il' you have any InisineM to else up, da nut pot it ii. f." lie s.-nd t.i other liieiela ihai he 1 c.intd S'-c no hope fir me," and my friends and retuli hb C'.ncla il 'I m-tun.. I.aj eon.a. At tins time I win taking fr. eiy cf your medicine, hot hid not st-en y-n. 'J'lie d. ainrcn'led af.-w times, and fmiml nie (inucii to his surprise, he said.) inifiroviiif-, and he could ll.'t undi istiiod why. My lultu wua i icreiitiMg in yo.ir raetll-iiie, and I had a wii-h to hnve )ui examine ny e-.s, and aee wh-it you had to s.iy. Vhrii y ,u fir, c.ime to my r.ioni ai.d made Ihe examina tion. v.,u g.nvu nM ,ui hitlr rnc'-urnaeiT.e'.f, hoi n the e-ailrai,., exi.tesse l and rt-ilht f my ever being hrloed 1 , '!f '"y '"" aee'ning d-ffieiiliics. The a'omid lime i. mi you i-ni'iej( fmdinjr nie s-.ill gaining, yu gave me en e ..i.:.i!, ii.-ni, iM inu, my nyiiint.'inu Were ioiprovme ; the I ulin ui-cSyr.,,,. fo.wt,d I c and Mnudiake Hills nnnae,-. live i, c,,.,,, Mv cjriui, my cBi. my ..-.iic.i.e. -l liegan t., hnj-iive, and I could walk -about in roienahttle. Y,, V1lp,, , liiesdnv, n ( "'I i'?a "T"v""' """ " l-l uie "t logo out of my roomniuil he f.. .lay ..f M iy. , .," colj hl,; uni h-r yo-r Irenim ,,t, lay ai,tllte l,.-,,e hul-rale. and y -a I..I.I me M eat tverylhi,, I v.-Uld..f a iiot-itions nature, and 1 1 exercise about tl, ,,., , lnulll 0B p,,,. h e. I r.llowc I your udi-icc. and I . il. ur,,ri.,f my J nhysiri-iii and fneoils, I n-cui laueh better i :, ,,, have been fin several years, nn.l l(rc:i'.he better lb i-i I ever ,-x-peeled a person c-'tt'd wilh one l,im, ilie ,.f, i,,.,,,. n,, " pletcly dril op. I f.-el very srnteh:! to you, una cjiilder your adviee sort me-liein-s invutuiible Youia, truly, T. S. SHUI.DON. Un. Senr-tii: Der.r Sir: Ab'Ut two vaars sci I taken with a very troublesome cotteil and a puin ia ti.y tnenst; 8veti ut eiht nh.iiths passed Rvvay wilh -.:! my d ung anything I T niyself. Then I applied 1.1 einii, wh.i atleai.'ed nie for nh nit llnee months woiwut r-iul-ritig me any RL-rviee. f nit.-.) obluitted lit" advice and Bri-nttneiit of a pin s:eiatt in one of i.::r h"S.ttuiK, loidalBO had the advice and irentinent of to olhet piiyfinaits, hut all In t. pnrpt.i-.. Ilnri ijj this long sp,iee of dure 1 w.ia nearly dru-i ; several tnti- s iny frtentls eotne to see me and wilio-a iny exit into itte e i'r.t-world I was c-n. Cited to mr bed two m nilhs nt one lime My breathing wns exeeedniely hh'.rt. I c;ive up se"i-r;il times a'l h"po in eeltiug hotter ; and as reipitJ d mlliuv t:l, that wns ettliiely out ol llie quentin:!. And M tln.'ik (liis.'iij- Iain wetland henttv '. I wns advised l.v sirpe of mv ftienda t.i ! try lir. SrllENca'a Medic:nes. 1 ncci ir.llnjr'v hmi--lit twit tie nfler h tile, until I rencliMl the ninth j ti-.cn I f-.n-id a I d.-eioed eltunije in n- c-iueh t-.r li.e better. 1 suffered FL'vririy ir.iill p:ltpiT:it toil ul lite PIH, at-U ttl'H Wet-KS ufii-r 1 c lnniciici.d lukiarj year uieJiciuu lilts ddliculty ee..t-d XVIipii I f,rl went to Dr. Senear's i'(Ti:n it waa with dnhculty ilml 1 eoutd get u into his leceptloti rinin, I was so weak mid so swelled ; my Snin w-as as Bull. tw as lit iueh I li.-i. I tlie j-iunchce ; I fy!l dull, heavy end sleepless. 11. 7ci.fjntn. uiier exuiiiiiing mo, mho u"iu niy lungs wi-'c n-Ti-t-ii-o. att.i cave ine nut nii.e i.-.nei oui ihk tne.ii emea. in lii lit tiA.i wet-ks, tt.k r:itit hold ot me; It set'iinil lo 1:0 rie'ttl tor.-eeh i..y wb.ile syMti-tn. The 1'nl uionic ii n;i, Sea-VVIted i'otiii.-dti'l Mandrake I'i.'ls, all took r-e.'tt hold in thu rtj'lit p'actf. The 1'i.in lironclit avviiy Cient MO-atiltea i-f hue and slime ; tt.a r4Tti;i lookt-ued the ni.-itiei In iny hi-icl, wl.leil enine fl very tree; ihe rV.i Wrfd T.ttiic give no: an appetite, ttinl ever) llnnfi seeeiL-j i-i fimi.. e-i id. To bIk-w wh-it grtnt p-iwer the merficiat-s have in pari fvoit; my sy-ii-to, aii-t in bIiow hv bad 1 was iliBcai-eil, 1-iM.le :i!l the bile tt.al pns-.rd my b-nvr!a, Mid li.e preat in:iit li ics .-f phacm ntiit matter I t-x;i.'el.T.ited, 1 broke ..tit till over in larc'-hois, l.ial w tit.t c outline l- gather mid run i' -r nb -at .ix weeks, ictd I h..d t.t one tone over iwenty-hve Wills I lave tt-t'oit' i-f the I.ii J n-iw, mid Vi-i Itii-to...atT p.-leoii iilb.ithfti-. 1 ci.u s.Ot-ty say tliit I have not ctij--,eil a. ith health l-r fiv-e years mi 1 d.ivw. tjit-l i-tini .1 pr.isey ... ii-:d y. ur iti-i'ieo.rs t:n. -ut ti -May liod abr.ii.J.inily b;-?3 a:t. t-testive y.-n: is the s-neeie ittatr.i cf one who has be-.! si woi.derfil'y reluved Ifir -jv-lt your eceney : and if aoy one di sir-s to kn .-.v with retrml 10 t In ti!ttbfiil.n-fc6 of tats re;i"tT. ,f Ibev wol eall tijH.it tinv of tn". friend, or up -tt ine, No 4 Drdeti riaee, near Tlixmiis u i.1reet, below Cmlwiitiider, Piula de:(.lii:i. lltey will be r-ertVelly s.-itiIKd wi'.h the validity of Ihe ease. Yours, with mncll it-specr. M.!tV IfCtlNAIDT. Tlie nhove ens, its .leiwrihtd, la tien'e:--lv ro-tet. I kti .w i: ti he tn.e. V. uis, T. II. 511 LI. Kit, Ptiiiei Ilanc.-ci: tt. L. CUuich. Dr. Pcni'.N'Ou will he ,ir.if.Bi..ttete!y nt his principal oTic-.-. N . o ..u. ril S:Arn Stur:. r, e.-i.ier .f C-i-MMaiieK. rniL'i-Lrill , evrrv Sa'ni.I ii-, rr.au tl A M until 4 if l.; V It. nid htr-tl. .-v v -nil, el'rry 'ri.-n.frt-,-, fr,.ut l tu It: N.i. :t- Siiiinn,-r street 1 1- I -i i. M:o-.. ev-ry Wi.liie d .y, fr.-ni 0tn3 un.l every . l!o-r !'ni!a) at 10- U tltim oe srr.-et. Ha: l tin .re, Md. A II a-1 vice l".-e, Ln t ' r n 111 -r. 'Oe'i eximiiiali 11 of Iha lut.gs w.th i.is ltcB.ori.ii.c.er, the eit ir-f in Ih-i'e itxllnrs I'tK-e of 1 1. Putin--lite P rup and S-n-Vee(l T -lite, em h SI 60 per hoitle, r &7 5'J per iiaif d-'Zen. ManutaAO I'i In, eenti -r h, x. Ft!l S.U.i: 11 V AI.1.LULCGI5TS AND DEAt.ICRS. Deei-nibi leJL ty Entfi-natioiinl Ilotol, ;io5 cn.l 3:17 Vroauirtv, Crrncr Fran&Un Strt M.V.' YOl'.K. f lMIIrf firrt class Il-uie tl.o most quiet, homelike X and pleasant Hotel in Ihe city offers superior inducements lo theso visllin Nc-v York fr busim-ia or jdeasuic. It i cetilral in its location, ati'l kept on the Ki'Roi-r.sx Plax. iu connecti m with Tavi.ok's Saloon, where refreshments can be bad all hours, or served in their own rooms. Tho charges are mo ilernle, tbernoins and attendance of tbe rirt order baths, and all tbo luu-leru envvnienees nuaehc.l JOiiN TAYLOR, Pro"rieior. Kov 4, lsi:.S. SlTSOO VS:.i"S2:Wo wart a'entb cvvryivh-'i a ta soil our r.t- rttovrn $y Scwii: .Macbines. Three new Liu-'s. I nner and ui per Iced. Warr.inie-1 flvi years, .hovesilarr or ii:i -c c.-ittvi.-.io;..i p.,:J. Iho'ovi.r niaehi!ie.il. in Tuiic-i m-i.'is l'..r letti than fl'.h whi.-h are lull liooiiM-d hv fl-.wo, heeler .'. Vi il-s- ii. Il rover a'Uahtr. F.-uyr i Cj , and Knjhe'del All other cheap ntiK-huiei nro iui'ringoi-.iei-.ts nnd tr. seller or ii-r are lit tle to nr.-et.t, tine, and iutpriso int nt. t'iictilars Iri-c. Aduieae, or cull upou shuw v Cluik. Liddelurd. .Maine, or Cbi.-a u, T.I. ueci I'EHI VIAX GUA.NO I'L'UL'VIAK (iiJANO I'EUUVIAX OU.VXO "JI'STITfTK. -t'iisxjTi; ri;. ,uu:':rvTi:. n.xroirs H.tl tiH S li-Vfijii'S RAW RAW RAW hoxt: .crPKn-ni'v?pn att. Bust-: '-ui'iat-pH-jsiMiAU:. ws k slp i:r.-r iiosi'ii a i l FOB ALL CROPS. Qukh in its action, and of more lasting ef.'ect than eilbcr Peruvian Uuuno r any Sup-.r-I'bo'phale niado from a hard .Mineral Uuuno. This is proven by twelve years of constant use. LA UGH do i'O.V.?', Bolo llanufacturers and Proprietors, OCce Xo. 2U S. Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. EA UGH BHOTJIEP.S .? CO., Ocheral Thohtal AjcnU, Xo. 1S1 Toail street. Corner oi Cedar, NEW YORK. GKOllOE DUG DALE, H'lWtWt-' A'jcht for M,inlund and Virginia, No. lOi Smith's Wharf, BALTIMORE. A HJ 'ri0 4t 1.AD1KS' LASI'iNU UAITKUS for (f l.o. al W. W. Apsley'a. LDir.8'0LOVK KID BOOTS, at W. W Apsley'a. lldDTAXn SHOES. FOR MEN. tVOMI-N AND t ilil.l'Klv.N, al ini'DiiTrii IV. W. Aps'.eva. FISHING TACKLE! JOHN KHIDIiK. North East Corner Scoond A Waluut Streets., PHILADELPHIA. Tl'ST in receipt of a6n sel.wled atoek of cheap and fancy F1.SUINU TACKLE, of all . eserip- tions. suitable lor uie rivers auu " to which wo invite tbe alteuUou ot all storekeepers. Jlaroh 17, Is-id aw , UilWitV HARPER. S20 AKC'II SBi'sVHKE'F s rillLAUKLI'IIIA. WATCHES, : FinsUold JEWELRY, sj-Jid SILVER WARE, and Soperlos BILVE PLATED WARE, at Ks pccaoPsiots! llareb W, IStM So. 0 Yes! 0 Yes! .'-; . V TIII5l WAV I .'. 1 IF YOU JV A. NT TO R'U Y ClIEAPi THEY HAVE COME ! KEW SPRING A fcUMMEaf, C001S, PsalainshJ Psinsi. s. t it.. HALIHOTH STORE el. or . tv. rnn.i-o &. so. Market Square, new tbs New Conrt Douso - tJENTLEMEN'S WKAlt. Ctoths, C-aimer..,- Coltonadea, Lio.a Panting, Ao. LADIES' DUESSOO0D8. WHITE AW B COLOHED A H NBLrJ Bhselinirs, Hoop Skirts Hosiery and glovea CARPET & OIL CLOTHS, Glassware, Queen.'naro, Crockery, Durdwara Cutlery. Iras, Cila, lulnt, i;oal Oil ami I.ainpit. Fish, Pork, Coarto and Fine fttitt. Coffee, Toa, 6u- gar, iuoiasaes cjrup. apices, erg., (irooeries, Tobacco, Sears and Snufl", together vfl h a largo variety of miscellaneous goods at prices that cannot fail loaalisfy puri-Lt-'-eri. J. w. Fitaixo A SOX. unfcury, Apili 7, I860. NEW OPENING litlBinK, tjieat'i I'sriUshtti; (, Ilootsi Ac yisiivn. fllHE undersigned takes pleasure in atnonncin to JL the public of Snubury, and vicinity, tbul be baa opened his CLOTHING STORE, rtitn a veil selected stock of I".rS I"tSJl!IIl. (iOODS. I still sell at astonishing lot? prioes. I bare also still on hand a largo slock of Boots & Shoes, for Ladira, Gents and Children's vroar, nbicli I am selling off, as I intend to give up thai branch of bust ne-.-. It nill bo to ths advantage to Cask Bcvsns to give mo a call. S. KROXKNBEItQ. K. Gnosa' old stand, Market Square. Sur.bury, April 7, 1300. AND SOW OI'ES, s largo and complcto slock of WALL-PAPER AXD BORDER. Win-low Curtains, School, UlaLlt, Juvenile snd ether UOOKS. t.'ap, aOtlcr, IVote and U12Ict Paper. li.N VLLOPES ell kinds nnd sizes Arnold's Writing Fluid in largo and smalt bottles Ilosowood, Gilt and other Picturo Frames. ALBUMS. FISHING TACKLES Balls, Bats, Marbles, Toys for Spring and Summer. Choice Oi-rar?. Smoking and Cheiug Tobacco, Pir ea of all kinds I'ipo Stums. I'ei-iiimoi-y, Pocket ISooIisj, t'omljs. Law Cooks furnished at publiibara ratos, Musis orders promptly tilled. All books not on baud promptly ordered iouflsly :bsiI Weekly .ltagstzintMs fiip'-i-s, Iiuiiy Press aud Inquirer, always on hand. TICKETS for Liverpool, Queenstown and the West Drafts on Km opo. Innnkful for puit farcrs and solicitir-g acont'.nu oueo ol the same. N'. FERREE LIGIITXER. Sunbury, April 7,135-3. SS5 Hinion THE 23. Business (Collrctc II AX DEL ATD HAYDX HALL, Eighth and Spring Uarden Streets. TiiO.MAS MAY PIERCE, A. if , r.-eiidenk and Consulting Accountant, EXTF.A0HDINARY IKETJ CEMENTS I Xitel t Permanent Arrnneemcnt of usineas Col lege Terms, Frcm April 1 to Ootober 1, 1300, snd succeeding years. LITE fiCIIOLAKSIUtV, including BookUepiiti Lusinctts Coiret-pendcnce, Forms aud Customs Commercial Arithmetic, Businoss Penmanship Detesting Counterfeit Money, &. Commercial Law TV.'LNTY-FIVE DOLLARS. Pholnrkbips. including tho samu sjl jocls as sbovo Time Liluite d to Three Months, TWENTY DOLLARS. Penmanship. Three MoulLs, ti Penmanship and Ariibuielic, Three Months, $ld The saving of coal and gas in tho suinnior months is an advantage of such luiportauca tu enables the luauagr-uici'.t i f this College lo luako a coc:.derutjl o reduction in the inu-.iuor rules l i-tci October 1, 1SCC, to April 1, 1BC7. And succuLuing years, as before. Life Fcbolarehips, $3S Scbol.irihips, il niontiis, 2i PeuiuiiQsliip. 3 uiouihn, id PenuiuiKi.tp uii-.l Arithmetic. S months 11 i-pieiat Teiiii tor Ciuus. Suldicrs, anil for the Son vl .Uuih-'.cia ana 'ioi:cl..r'. JJ.1J an,! lZi-tniiig Iiilrtirtion far ij.'i Sexf and all Ago, li Rankin;, Stor..l:ci-pii:. Bo-jkkceping, Penman ship. Pen Lirawirir. Phonop-aphy, Arithinetie, Men 2tiii.tiiin, Al -e'tra, 'Jeonielrv, Auulvtieal tJeouietrv, I Too Cdleultis. Navi.aiion, urveyins;. ligiuoeriiig, , t.uaiuK. Mii.ii., '--.lianical Druwiitt;, Couiiucrciat I Law, liirniun, Telijfrar.bin-;, and the Liiglisii L:-aii-be-r, at modeiLte puce.-:. LnJored ly Ihe pnl lie ua the most succeffful Bu- t'-L.-i C.d'.t -o cf lie cuiiutry. ua is evidenced by the t.-.ct. lh.it 1 Ofll IlUMlHK-; A JITl ITO STl'DCNTS Lav entered iu the tist si months of its LiitU-uoe. E'rlaci ?ii!.i 1" k)cinrtments). TUO-MAS MAY PiriUCE, A. M. GoTge B. Snyder, R. S. Barnes, j :. X. Firr, Jr , J. T. Reynoldf, lirnry lvi-tm, A. r. i.oeisou, A x., c.s. tar; orted by an a'.lc Corps of Assistants. Call or send f. r a Camlejue. College Currency, ac-J 1'iercs's Practical Educator. Omen 501 Xortli Eighth St., PUilaileru TUO.MA3 M. PEIKCE. April 14, 1b13. 2ui WILLIAH V. APSLEY'S Wltolctiale Boot, Shoe and Trunk w Alt E HO USE, SJ .MHKV, l'A. WJX. W. APSLEY has just opened a XEW 1 STORE in the well-known houe of Mrs. B-iul-ten. in Mai ket street, and oilers to the citiieii of Suubury and neighboring luwus, BOOTS i &ilOL3 of tho best qjialiiy and uorkmunship. lie buying made ariangeiuenis wilh fir-claas manufacturers to supply the best riuality of goods. Iu the Wholesale Depariuient he calls tbe atten tion of Country St irekeepers te his fine stock, which will be sold al Ihe lowest wholesale prices, thus ena bling Retail Dealers to save expetse of visiting tbe vitim to replcni. h their stock. In Iho Retail Department ean be found BOOTS, SHOES. TRl'NKS, VALISES, Ac, which, iu price, ut these limes, arc without a parallel. ihe slock of Ladies' S ear is superior in style and woikuian.hip than is usually found iu country towns, embracing fieuis of llaliuorals, splendid Congress Uaiiers. and luucv shoes of every kind. W. W. A. also calls attention to bis large stock of Men's wear, of latest stylos, that will lit any fool wilt cae and coiiit'ort. 4'oiibi) Osic i'oiuo All ! Sunbury, Mareh 10th, 1806. Washington House. BAMULL SNYDEB, OPPOSITE TBE KKW COURT HOUSE, ! 6VNBCRV, PA. 1' 111 IS popular and eomftrtabla Hotel has been tilted up in superior older for tho aocomcnoda I tion ut Sirauituni, Travellers, and the public gener i ally. No i-fiort will be spared by the Pioprieter lo j make it favorite reenrt and a pleasant borne for ovary guest His table, his bar, aud tbe long ex raerietice of the l-rol-rletor. warrant him In anticipa ting a liberal share of public patronage. Extensive atablea, and every desirable eonre- nleuce. Sunbury, April T, 1806. ly GENERAL At&OKTMENT U. E BA'SSat VV.W. Apslej'e LADIE91 FINE LEATHER iATCIItlJ M Sunbary, Marek 31, US