t2 STOR Vfi A. BENNET, T Market Sonar. Bt'UPtHT, fat. HATING recently jmrohssed tbi i ti Store fonneVy eoerlaeteif by R. A Fisher, 1 beg leave to Inform the elttren of Sunbnry and vi inity, that I br ntirtly replenlthed my itoek of FA NOV ARTICLES ! tush M Combe, Brushes, Pocket-Books, Soaps, Per fhmery, Hair-Oil, Knives, Soiaaor, Coal-Oil Lamp, vlobaeoo ml Vlgare, inini, uii! uinr, uiomi rniij, Vnrnlhea, Patent Medicine. Ac. All my Tinctures, Syrup, Ointments. Cerate, and other preparation alo manufactured by myself, and from the out material I ean procure in Market. Having had quite a number of yean' experience In ine Drug and Precriptwn Buinet, both In Philadelphia and the country, and also the advantage of the College of Pharmacy, I feel com Setent to COMPOUND ALL PRESCRIPTIONS at the Physician and public may fnvor me with. All my preparation as 1 have above asserted, are maae lrom tne nest material, ana . upon nonur a assert, they are of officinal strength. For medioinal purpose, I keep on band tha very DMl WINES, BRANDIES AND LIQUOBS, that I ean procure. Before purchasing elsewhere, call and convince y.ur own mind. yy gKNNKrr. Bunbury, Nov 18, 1865. ! IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CARPBTINGS FIRST CLASS GOODS AND oe utabidm; cash prick. an immense stock Embracing all Kinds and Styles OK AMERICAN & EUROPEAN MANUFACTURE, At Reduced Prices On account of the decline in Gold, J. F. &7E. B. ORNE, 904L Chestnut Street, rillLAUELrillA, . - Xov offer iheir GREAT SPRING STCK Imported and Domestic CARPETING, French and English Axniinstcr, English Royal Wilton, 6-4 aud 0-1 Velvet?, Fine English Brussels Crowley's Tapestries, Imperial Three-Ply Carpet Fine Ingrain Carpet. - ENGLISH URl'Ni:iJ - aSD . ROY A I.. WIITO CARPETt), FOR STAIRS AND HALLS, WITH BORDERS. 3-4, 4-4, S-4, e-4 White, Bed-Checked and Fancy Matting. I'ocb Mattinn;, J E-NGLISH OIL CLOlHS.iC. Maroh 24. Sui Take Notice! FARMERS and DEALERS in FERTILIZERS will please tike notice thnt we have adopted the "ollowing Trade Muk to protect ourselves, and prevent those who use our KAW BONE SUPER. PHOSPHATE from being deceived when pureeing manure. We have been obliged to give this protection to our oustonicrs, in consequence of several parties Lav ing unlawfully used our distinctive name, vis : "llnw Bone," in offering their article to the public, this Trade Mark is adopted in addition to the title 'Raw Bune," which is our exclusive property, and we caution all manufacturers from uning it' in fu ture. We would state to the trade and oonsumers. that they will find it to their interest to see that tha 'Trade Mark" is upon every bag aud barrel they purchase, as none other is genuine. B A UGH A SONS. BiW BONE SUPERPHOSPHATE OF LIME Minufectured by BAUGH & SONS, No. 20 SOUTH DELAWARE AVENUE, PHILADELPHIA. The groat popularity of our article has been found sufficient inducement to certain imitators to muuufacture and advertise "Raw Bone Phos phates," a name which originated with us, and is nur own rightful property. We will state for the information of all, that we are tbo exclusive manu facturers of this article the original and sole pro .. prietor of it having been manufactured by us for a Deriod of -twelve vajir. Aim ihwf it i. k several letters patent, held only by ourselves. We are now ready to supply it in large quanti tieshaving made recent additions and improve ment. Vessels drawing 16 feet of water can load dtreitly from the wharves of the works, which are located at the foot of Morris Street, Delaware Kiver. We call tb attention of DEALERS to this grout ad vantage. The present indication are (hat we shall have a greatly increased demand over lust spring and fall seasons, and wo ajviso Farmers to send in their orders to their respective Dealers at at an early day, that all may he supplied promptly. . (Soliciting your continued orders, remain, Your very truly, BAITGH A SONS, No. 20 S. Delaware Avenue, . Pilll.Aniri.Piiri K.! b?..6MF" O WU WL Ciunbur,; Pa. Wall Poper and BordeTin neat variety Mwttvies uat received at tha M.m,M J'"' " v J- W.FHIL1NG A AON Sunbury, Oct. 14. IBM. HATS! HATS!! l A FULL ASSORTMENT Jst opksku by ,-... SAMUEL FATJBT, Two door west of Fischer' Drug Store, Market st 1 BTJNBTJRY, PBNN'A. ""I ALL and examine the large assortment of th J latest New York and Philadelphia style of at the above establishment, which for beauty and du rability eannol be excelled. Being a practical Hat tor, be flatter himself that hi stock ha been select ed with mure ears thau any ever before brought to this place. Ue also manufacture lo order all kind of soft Fur Ilau, ail of which will be cold at wholesale and (etail, at reasonable rates. Dyeing done at short autioa aud at the lowest rate. puuoury, oepfc SO, 180 CHEAP FOR CASH. - The largeal Stack of woll-madd Tin Ware la th tUle owMUntiy kept 00 hand. Merchants aud Dea .Ursare luviwd to give us a call before purchasing -mM.Vk;. - . ."' MKLLOYA SMITH, . JH Mlrxet street, between 7,1, .. .1 a-h ct i.j.i.Li. ., Marcft S, lootf.-lm ' :" VALUABLE TOWN LOTS tTWriT (B valuable town k are offered for JCi.esJeehwp, en Dewberr, .tieM, pwaUFr ling' addition, la th Aumb -of BenWr; I, SiLldtf, IVirusry S, l idi rn a5 Z.OOK HOSPITAL. I8TAJBU3UKD AS A KEFVQX TBOM QUACK TBS OttLT FLAGS WBERS 4 CVRS CAlt BE OBTAINED., DK.-JOHNSTOK has d ircorsTd the rt,n' , l. a mi nm &f the Kidner ana Bladder. Involuntary kibhi"i r ' ' , al Debility, Nrosne, Pyspepsy, Languor, Low Sliii.. nr.,.Iftii of Idea. Pnlpitatiod of e Heart, Jpirit, Confusion of Ideas, Palpttatioa timldity.Tremblings.Dimneasof Sight Jiseaee ofth Head. Throat, Nose or sk or Uiddin skin, A Hoot Ion ... 0,nMsiiK rt IIAWaifl. Is thorn Terrl Disorder aruring from th Bolitary ' tneir Ticnm. '"- k.iiit.n hotw iners or Ulysses, ougmirig vn.r .",---,,. r antioipatloM, rendoring marriage, o., impoosi YOl'KG IlE.f tpeolally, who hav become th vleUm of Solllarj iTerthat' dreadful "d-'"'.'. tbSLS jinoall t sweep to an mtlm grave "J",,.,,, Voung Men of the most exalterf 'e"t' r,.t.n Intelle'ct, who might fhTUhavwran ceo ing Senate with th thunder of elj J u to ecstaty tb living lyre, may call w. ddenee. ...nnlii;i!. If linn .. ur, eontemnlatinrr or oob . sinniwi . v- 1 r nhvaiCAl Weaau' marriage, being aware of P'' woured ir n 4 Smam debility, ronn,u?1, if Jnder the oaro of Dr. J. He who place hu honor a gcntlemu, ' ORAlf WKAKSESS ii-t.lv Curod, nri Full Vigor Restored. f vtorcrinl ArTeolion-wnioh render. Life n.icrnb1o and marriage impossible is the penalty k. ih victims of imnroper indulgence. Young ncrsons aro too apt to oommit oxcessea from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue Now,- who that understands the subject will ....n,l in ilvnv that the cower of procreation is lost sooner by those falling into Improper habits than by ' Resides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive svmptoma to both body and mind ariso. The system becomes Deranged, the Physieal and Mental Func tions Weakened. Los of Procrcativ Power, Nervou Irritability, Dyspepesa, raipnauon 01 ine jioan. T.j;ii,nn. fnniLitutional Debility, a Wasting of the Frame, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Doath, Oflice, I'o. t South Frederick Street Left hand side going from Baltimore street, a few doors from th corner, r ail not to observe name and number. . Letters must he paid nnd contain a stamp. The Doctor's Diplomas bang in hisoffico. A CI RK WARRANTED I TWO It AY 8. A Mercvry or Ttauseoui Drugt. R. JOinSTOi. Member of tho Roynl College of Surgeons. London, 'Jradunte from one of tho most eminent Colleges in he United States, and the greater part of whoso life .r..nt in Ihn hmmitnls of London. Paris, niladelnhia anl eluswhorc, ha effected some of Ltmost astonishing cures that were ever known ; .iany troubled with ringing In the head and oars when asleep, great nervousncat, licing alarmed at mddon sounds, bashfulnom, with frequent blushing, attended sometimes with derangement of mind, were lured immediately. IAHI: PAUTICI LAR SOTIt'E. Dr. J. addrcs'os all thoso who have injured them, selves by improper indulgence and solitary habits, which ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for either business, study, society or marriage. These are somo of tho sad and melancholy effocts nrnHueed hv enrlv habits of vouth. vis: Wcukncss of 11 e Back and Limbs. Puins iu the Head. Dimuees of Biirht. Loss of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the :heart, Dyspepsy, Nervou Irritability, Derangement of the Digestive Functions, ueneral Debility, bymp turns of Cousumntion. Ac. M it STALL v. The fearful effecUon tha mind are inurh to be dreaded Loan of Memory, Confusion of Idea, Depression of SpiriU, bvil-rorebodlngs, Aver sion to Society, Self-Distrust, Love of Solitude, Timidity, Ae are some of the evils produced. Thousakdr of persons of alleges can now judge what is th cause of their declining health, losing tneir vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervous and enaoiated. baring a singular appearance about tho ayes, cough and symptoms ot consumption Aho have injured themselves by a certain praotice Indulged in when alone, a hubit frequently learned from evil companions, or at school, the effects of which aro nightly lelt,- even when asleep, and if no cured render marriage impossible, and destroys both mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, tbo hope of his country, the darling of his parents, should bo snatched from all prospects and enjoyment of life, by the consequence of deviatrng from the path of nature and indutgingin a certain socrct habit. Such persons must, bolore contemplating m.iii it i . 1:. reflect that a round mind and body are the most necessary requisites to promotr connubial happiness. Indeed without these, the journey through lifo be- jomes a weary pilgrimage ; me prospect nonriy dirrkens to the view; the mind becomes shndowed with despair and filled with the melancholy reflec tion that the happiness of another becomes blgbted with our own iijxi:AKK op ijipiii i:f E. When the misguided and imprudent votary of pleasure finds that be ha tmntoeu tne seeds 01 tnis 1 . . , .1 : : . ... cA ii.afr n :n.,:MA,i tense of shame, or dread of discovery, deter him from applying to those who, from education and resrjectubilitT. can alone befriend him, delaying till the constitutional symptom of this horrid disease make their appearance, such as ulcerated sore throat, diseased nose, nocturnal pain in the head and liinhs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the thin bones and arms, blotches on tho head, face and extremities, progressing with frightful rapidity, till at last the palate of the mouth or the bones of the nose full in, and the victim of this awful disease becomes a horrid object of commiseratiun, till death puts a period to hi dreadful ufieringa, by sending him to "mat L nuueovorea country iroiu wuenoe na traveller returns." It is ivuaiiciou fad that thousands fall victims to this terrible disease, owing to the unskillfulncss of ignorant pretenders, wno, by tne use 01 mat ucattly I'oison, Mermrv, ruin tho constitution and make the residue of life miserable. Trust not your lives, or health, to the care of the aiany Unlearned and Worthies Pretender, destitute et knowledge, name or characUT, who copy Dr. 1. 'boston's aUvortiscuicnts, or style themselves, In th newspapers, regularly Educated Pbysioiaus, incapable of Curing, they keep you trifling month after month taking their filthy and poisonus com pounds, or as long a the smallest fee can be obtained, and in despair, leave you with ruined health lo sigh oer your galling disappointment. Dr Johnston is the only Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas always bang in hi office. His reinidie or treatcment are unknown to all others, prepared from a life spent in the great hos pitals of Europe, the first in tho country and a mor extensive l'rivatt Fractie than any other Physician in the world. mMMtKEMIT OF THEPKDSsi The many thousands cured at this institution year fter year, and the numerous important Surgioal Operations perlorme4 by Dr. Johnston, witnessed by Hie reporters of the "tSun,'' "Clipper," and many uther papers, notices of which have appeared again and again before the public, beside bis standing a a gentleman of cbaraotcr and responsibility, is NuUieicnt guarantee to the afflicted. sulA iimi:ami:mii:f.iilv i ici:i. Persona writing should be particular In directiug their letters to his Institution, In the following mannu JOH. JIf JOII.MS I O-K, .11. . 01 the Baltimore Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Md. June 24 1B6S 1 N E W 0 ROC E II Y aUE subscriber beg leave to announce to the . eitiien of Suubury nd it vicinity, that they have opened a NEW Tuo doort wttt GHOCE11V. of J. 11. Enijlet Store, Jurirt Square, where thoy are prepared to furnish every variety of groceries, and will keep constantly an band tho choicest varieties of ' FLOUR & FEED, Fish, Coffee, Tea, Sugar, Molasses, Cheese Bait Spiee of all diacripUou, Soap of every varietv Candle. Smoking and Chewing tobacco, Senars Hams, .Shoulders, Bacon, Butter, and Eggs Also Dried fruit of all kinds, Caned Peaebe and Toma toe. Pickets, Ketchup, Pepper auee, Raisins, Lemons, Ac, of best quality, and in fact every ttyle of article kept in well stocked Urooery. Also Cider Vinegar. All kind of country produo takes in exchange. The patronage of the public i re peotfuliyauUclted, ' GEORGE B. BEARD A CO. ' ' Suubnry, Nov. 11, Mi ' ' ' AST. BOO ,,KR ' VRARI- We want ageuu everywhere te aell ear im- r roved $Sf Sewing Machine. Three e kind. Upper and upper feett. Warranted Ave yean. Above salary 0 large rwaimiseiim pjsnt. The o ut machines sold la I'uited State for lea lhaa tlv, waiohar fuy lUenaed by Hwe, Wheeler A Wil (on, drover A Baker, Singer A Co , and Baeheldel All other cheap machine are Infringement sad tr. eiler or Br ere Uael to. irntt, flue, and impriaiul " vireuiara tree. AJJrsss, o MUsuasuenaw Clark. BlddeforA. Main. dec 23 BRKAKaAaT BilA trill .lij l7t.T v ' oHas W ' iwi 1, 1 r u 11.' 11 ' A.NWA PAINTElt. j(4 HICK'S MAXMlaKG PILLS, tO LIVItR COMPLAINT.' A 8UB8TIX0TX IOK OALOXXt. ' ' vat towel ai( costive, TRTTHEM. . . . . t 1 1 i 1 yoa save worm. TRY THEM. Tout breath I had, IfyM feel drowsy, TRY THEM. TBY THEM.' If yoa ar low plif M TRY THEM. If Toe bar a alck heaHaeh. . . TRY THEM. If to hv t" 'roP t0 much, TAKE A FULL DOPE. They only coet M eenu bo, , TRY THEM. Blue Mats, and other preparation of Mercury, actually nrotluee innre sutTerim end dealh than the dieraero whiea ihey ptofess to cut And yet this enrrtwive mineral so denounced by the allopathic doctors, is prescribed by them almost universally iu Liver Complaint. Coumranlion of Lungs, e. THR MANDRAKE flLLS are composed entirely of roots and herha, obtained from Ine greal stotehouesor nature, airt tneir eafutary enert will appear as sona as the medicine is bioaght to the test of arairexiienment. tCHKCK'tM ANl'K AKK. I'll.lJJ dj not prisiuee any nausea or sickness of the stomach; Hit when given lor Uysoeiieia, it may be pniprr lit use them in oonurelliNl with HCHK.NCK'S HKAWKKD TUNIC. II y this juilieious treatment the digestive faeul tie are speedily restored to their full vigor, and the woist cases of indigestion may be cured. wnenwe iruect innt tne liver le me largest interns 1 Ttrgnii uf the tXNJy, Ihut to it is HMivnt'd the tmptirtniit auty 01 nuifriiif me ukhhi iiki nrrpMrmg me Diia, ihut it it -nilijf-ct 11 many di-irurmTiid I .tut when tt uiliwntrd or ItiHCtiv? iho whlc tmclv uffen ytnwnhetieill-, it it not urpriiniK ttrnt n tnwliriiie which run rettiua the heullhy opvrntM'iii (tf the Liver tHMiki prmiur woiideifl clwnges 111 the Keiirml henlih. and rflt-ct cures which may appctn tti be aiutiwt mirartilnut. Hendache tf Umf cm tiiiuniice, awvtre puma in the aide, breaat and siHtuldera, china t the limht, a foeliiic T gcticrfil weakneas and wietcnediicaa. and other ntarming and diitretattift avniv tomt, indictitiveof imrerlVrl tir disordered aeii-Mt nf the liver, are aiicrdity leinuvcU by the use of CHENCK'3 MANOKAKK I'll. 1. 3. Cottivetien, pi let, bitter or soar emotion, and thfx iniiCrtcrihuhle feeling of np,rcatiim, menUil anxiety, fail,, gunr, lethiirty, and depreuioii of apiriti whic'i unfit a man for the .niwire.tieiit of buaineta aud the enjoyment of life, -are all rHieved oj the uaeof SCUtNCK'cl M AN Dlt AKK PILLS. Dr Bchktcck PearSu : t tnkeplenauie In tending yon a certificate in addition to many you have a I rend y re ceived fmin auffering humanity. I can amrcely find hut gutigetiilTifiei.tly rtrnng to expresi my heftitfelt grHtirica ti in of the wondeiful cures yur MA.NUK KK FlLl4 and 8KAWKKD TUNIC hnve eflected in the entile cure of one of the mtt lulilKni enses of the niTeciioii of the liver. For three yenra J uftered lieyoi.d desviiptiott ; oil rnyfrietulp, at well asmyt-lf, citme to the oniulustini that my time in this life was shmt. buch wni the terriMe cmdiUnn to whi?h I wis reduced thnt life me hud be come a Imrtheii my whole aystem wns in a stnte of in fliiminntit'ii ; I could nt eat, t coukl tint sleep; my whole body wns filled with pain; swelling would arise in my wrists and ankles, rendering iheiu toUHy usdera On iu fe ral occniinns wni aiuickeif with a rush of IiIn d to the hend. which wuukl fell me to the ground, and 1 wculd be canietiawny for dead. I applied to severnl eimnent physirisns of our city, who administered all the medicines tliat they thought would reach my ct.se, but of noavuil. One of them snid he coukl do no mme for me, nnd ml vied me. as a hivt resort, to drink c-fJ liver oil. Not relishing the hoirid trnnh I durluied lo take it. Accident put your itdvertisemeiit in my I minis. 1 csdled on yon ; you exmniiicd me and told me the imtute of my dijenne. Voa then ordered me the Pills and Toi.ic with nn oliterv niK'e of diet, pledging your word licit in one week I would find myself uuothei ninn. I followed your utlvice, nnd, ns you pirdie led, nn nttonisriing cure was efieetetl I coiitiiumt your Pills and Tonic fm ime tone, mid now ttrauk GimI for his g-HxInes. and yonr Vrtluiibie medicine, I nm one. more restored to perferr henlth. I most enmestly recounnend (hose who are tuiTerins. from aiTee turn nf the liver m give your Pills ami Tome a fair trial, and a f um will be etlectid I hnve sent many peisons to you, nnd they huve all been cured. Any informal ion my fellow itizeus may reHire will he freely given by the subscriber, at his .evidence, No, 81 J federal street, be tween &th siteet aud I'tiMvunk rrnd CH AKLK8 JOHNSOV. Pa., Formerly Primers' Ink Manufacturer Pa.SCHK.NCK will le professionally at his principal office, No. 15 North Sixth siieet, corner of Commerce, PHI LA DKI. PHI A, evry Hnturdny, from fla. m until 4 p. in j No. 32 Bond street; New York, every Tuesilny, fiom 7 to 3 ; No. Hummer street, Uosmii, Mass , every Wednestlny, from ! to 3, nnd evei7 other Fndnv at Ins B-illiinorc street. Haltiinore, Md. All advice free, hut for a Ihoiougli examination nf the lu igs with Ins lUsni roineter the chirpe is three d-.lliirs Price of the Pulmonic Hyrup ami Penweetl Tonir, eaeh I,V) pet Untie, nr 7,6o per baif Uuzeii. Alandiake Pills. 94 cents per Ihx. For mle hy nil nm gists and Dealers. MntchJII, Ih06. ly. x pRIKaARHANGEM PHIZES. 1866 PRIZES. SILVER 18CG GOLD ! ! hBUCH CHANCES NEVER BEFORE OF FERED. TO IM'UIMC. $1.50 $1.50 The war having been brought to a successful ter mination, and Uold in consequence having become much cheaper, we have been enabled to purchase, on very advantageous terms, some of the finest and most elegant jewelry, eto .ever manufactured in this or any other country ; and we therefore have deter mined to offer such bargains to the publis that they never have bad before ! To effect this, we have determined upon a GRAND GIFT DISTRIBUTION by which any aud every ono will take their chance of having one of the very beautiful and costly arti cles enumerated below. REM EM HER! All Pi'fzcM 11 nl Io Hlanlin! TIIK MODE OF OPERATION Is simple and fair. The articles are numbered from 1 up to 100, 0U0 consisting of Pianos, Melodeons, clew ing Machines, Oold and Silver Watches, etc., In0,(t00 notices numbered from 1 to lUO.Ouc are printed and put into sealed envelope and well mixed, and one of these is taken out aud sent to the person lending to us 25 cents, and the article or goods corresponding wim tne numner on tne notice will be sent to ine holder of the same immediately (if he desires to pur chase tbe article.) on the reouint of One Dollar and Fifty Cents. For instance: If tho number on tbe uotioe sent to you should be 500, aud Piano, or Dia mond Set or Uold Watch should be numbered &00 it will oe sent to you for 1 ,&0. and so on for every ar ticle on our list of 100.000 articles. 2 cents must be sent to pay expense of postage, orrcspondence,eto, on each uotioe. Tub Articles Consist of Pianos, Melodeons, Mui-io Boxes, Oold and Silver Watches, Chains, Oold Watch Keys, U cut's Breast Pins, Ladies' Gold and Silver hells. Watches, Ac, Uold Crosses, Pencil Cases, Uold Pens, Necklace, Ear Rings. Sleeve Buttons, Plain and Chased Rings, Masonic Pius, Diamond Bet, bets Tea and Table Kpoon, Miniature Lockets, Photographic Albums, riutioi.ery, Books, and a thousand other arliele, too numerous to meutien. For $1 we will send 8 Notices, 6 11 40 " " l " " 150 .', and a (olid. Silver Watch, per return of mail. At u Vaule.l Ivverywhrrr, Send lor circular, a large commission allowed to Agents, by which from $30 to $35 per week may be reullted. Addrea COLEMAN A CO. Salesrooms, , Box 4917 Post Office, N Y. IU Nassau St., . . Fob 10, '69 3m. Prr'i'lpOn trefully compounded of the Lent DHL lib at tat Mammoth btoro of JNO. FR1LINQ A SON. Bur-bury, May 20,111 . IiHckawnnaa V Uloomsburg Hail road. ON and after Not 27tb, 1865, Passenger Train will run a follow : SOUTHWARD. A.M. P. M. P. M. Leave Suranton, 5 50 10.05 4 50 Kingston, ' 6.55 ' 11.15 6 20 Rupert, : V 15 8 53 " Di.uvill. A. 50 .W Arr. Northumberland 10 30 , 10.1 NORTHWARD. Leave Northumberland, B OO " Danville, 8.40 . ' Rupert, 9 15 " Kingston, i.ia 8.05 8.40 4 15 6.55 8 10 A. M. 8.30 Air. at Scranton. 5.45 0.35 Train leavin Kiaraton at 8 30 A. M. for Bcraa- tou.eouneel with Train arriving at New York at 5 10 . .'Cf Northumberland a: 8 00 A. M. and Kings ton j so V. M. connect with th Train arriving at New York at 10 6 1. 14- - - '' ' ' a EVS,"'"' Tr Boath from SonnUa, at ieLi "i "L NorUiuiuUrlaud, reach Uarriaburg in v & M" S1""" V M., Washington 10 00 P. M. via Rupe reach Philadelphia at 7 00 p. m. Kingston, Nov. 25, 1865. A. rONDA, Sup't. OLD 3SYE3 MAiSll MEW: A- PAMPHLET diresUng how to pdll.etore igut and give up spectacle, without aid of s w U"itb P ti-,m rchA 1 i . I . B FOOTKriaVD.slJ . ;wj-s. A 1 0AK w , . . . . 1 "FINB MyrtlTPtruBFa'noySr if ANNA PAINTER. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. A Mltir tad fp-wtfU tmdj lW all 4mmm rl ftontW tnm isipar Kttt of Ui BlsdT aod fbr all (btrMliurv) Diammm tmiU& Inm fwnrt tooUld. BOBOFtTLA 1 STRUMA. , ULANDULAR 6WELLINU8- ULCERATION. KINUVS EVIL. ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM. Thl taint (hereditary and acquired,) Oiling life With nntold misery, Is by all usual meoieai remedies Inouraoie. RHEUMATISM. If there I any disease In which tbe Constitution Life Kyrup is a sovereign, it la In rheumatism and its kindred aflections. The must intense pain are almost instantly alleviated enormous swellings are reduced. Cases, chronio or vooarious, of twenty or ...... .. i , , i luirty years sunning nave veso eureu. NERVOUSNESS. Nervous Debility, Shattered Nerve, Si. Vitus' Dance, Lost of Power, Confusion of Thoughts, Epilepsy, Thousands who have suffered for year will bleat the day on which they read these line. Particular ly to woak. suffering women will this medicine prove an inestimable blessing directing their footstep to auop woicn minus more man in promises. MERCURIAL DISEASES. Salivation, Rotting of Bones, Bad Complexion, Aches in Bone. Feeling of Weariness. Depression of Bpiritl Conslilution Life Syrnp purges thetjstem entirely from all the evil efleots of Mercury, removing the Bad Breath, curing tbe Weak Joints and Rheumatie Pains which the use of Calomel is suie to produce. It harden spongy Qum and secure th Teeth as as urniiy as ever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. Eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptive Diseases, .. r . v. ui iuc saiu I1BB ULCERS. PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, and nil other difficulties of th's kind, which so much disfigure the outward appearance of both males and females, often making ibem a disgusting object to themselves and their friends. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Cures all Swelling of the Oland. Either of th Face, Neck, or Female Breast, and should be takon as soon as the swelling is delected, thus preventing their breaking, nnd producing trou blesome discharging sores, which diMigure to many of the younger portion of tbe community, from six to twenty year of age. Youug children are very subject' to discharge from the ears, which depends jnaaa a scrofulous constitution. These cases toon recover by taking a few dose of the Life Syrup. S All scrofulous persons suffering from general D biiity, Dyspepia and Dropsey ofh limbs, abdomen' and iu the female, Dropsoy of the ovaries and womb generally accompanied with Inflamaiion and Ulcer ation of the Uterus, are permaneutly cured by Con stitution Life Syrup. The disease known a Uoitre or Swelled Neck, the Life Syrup will remove en tirely. The remedy should be taken for some time, the dieses is exceedingly chronic and stubborn, and will not be removed wiifout extra effort fTumors of the Ovaries, Tumor of tb Breast, and welling of other glands of the body, will be com pletely reduced without resorting to the knife, or sperations of any kiud. Y Epileptic fits, sympathetic or organio diseases of the heart, as palpitation, diseases of tbe valve, pro ducing a grating or filing sound, dropsy of the heart ease and all the afleejiou of this important organ (persons suffering from any aoute pain in the region of tbe heart), will be greatly relieved by Contlitu. tion Life Syrup. ' Broken-Down and Delioate Constitutions suffering Trom Indisposition to Exertion, Pain in the Back Los of Memory, Forebodings, Horror of Calamity,' leer or Disease, Dimness of Vision, Dry, llet Skin and Extremities, Want of Sleep, Restlessness, Pale Haggard Cuunteoaooe, and Lassitude of tbe Musou- r,bv,v,,n' " rH"tr Hi d of th Constitution Life fcyrup. FOR ALL FORMS OF l fo': ULCERATIVE DISEASES, Either of the Nose. Throat, Tongue. Spine, Forehead, or Scalp, no remedy has ever proved lis equal. Moth Patches upon the female face depending upon the diseased action of the liver are very uu pleasant lo tbe young wife and mother. A few bot tle ol Constitution Life byrup, will correct tbe se cretion and remove the deposit which is directly under the skin. In the disease of th Liver, vivinir rise In T..n. guor, Dimness, Indigestion. W eak Stomach or an iceraiea or cancerous condition of that organ, ao eompanied with burning or other unnleaaant svm, i0"' b relieved by the use of Constitution una ovrup CW Al a general Blood Pnrifyieg Agent the Life Svrup stands unrivalled by any preparation in th World. TUB RICH AIM 3D POOK are liable to tbe asm diseaxea. Nature and Science hue mad the Constitution Life 6yrup for tbe benefit of all. PURE BLOOD produces healthy men and woman ; aad if th eons dilution i neglected in youth, disc and early death i the result. Prto, f I 25 pr bottl ; on half dosea for 17. J. ', "watf, w. QBsao, xt. r ' L BOLE PROPRIETOR, NEW fORK. ' 6 " MOhUAN A ALLEN, . Whole! Drnggiaat .'.) . ' , Ageuta. No. 46 Cliff-al.. New Yb OE0. C GOODWIN A CO., Boston. V M. REED, A CO., Chicago. ' " J VULLKK, FINCH A FLLLta, Chicago. - Ml V l.i.l ...... .. . . . . . , . . . M J. v f AttK, Cat. vinoiuiicui. I yaTiltiRr bZilii PEAN, 6aa FraMieee, TUX PERU VI AN , 19 A PaOtBCtfiD SOtUTlbN ot th ;: Prt'tU l Ir), . ,")'.' sew discovery In medicine which STRIKES AT TBI BOOT OT DISBASX, by (applying th Blood with It vital MiitcirLi on ttrn blimkrt IRON. t ThUUth teeret of the wonderful nteeeei f thl remedy In enring Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Dropsy. Cbronio Diar rbosa. Boil, Nervou Affection, Cblllt and Fe ver. Humor, Lost of Conilltutlonal Vigor, Disease of the Kidney and Bladder, . Female Complaint, aad all diseases originating In a BAD STATE OF TUB BLOOD or accompanied by bbiimty er a low statb or TBS BTSTSJI. Being free from Aloohol. in any form, Its energl nog effects are not followed by corresponding reac tien, but are permanent, infusing itrbnoth, vioob ana BBW Lire into all parts or the system, ana buna i tnnu f (iv.'T , t-l'T r i wr IDg Up IB A IW1, VvilQll A 1 1 A ll.l DYSPEPSIA AND DEBILITY. Frm thi VtniroUt Archdeacon SCOTT. D. D Dckhah, Canada East, March 24, 1865 "I am an inveterate Dyspeptio of more man za years standing." "I hare been so wonderfully benefitted In tbe three short weeks during which 1 hare ased tbe Peruvian Syrup, that I can tcaroely persuade myself of the reality. People who have known me are astonished at the change. I am widely known, and oan but recommend to other that which ha don so much for m : One of the most Distinguiaiied Jurist in - New England Writes to a Friend as follow: "I have tried the PERUVIAN SYRUP, and tbe result fully sustains yonr prediction. It has made a new man of me ; infused into my system new vigor and energy ; I am no longer tremulous and debilita ted, as when you last saw me, but stronger, heartier, and with larger capacity for labor, mental aud physieal, than at any time during the last five yean." Ah Eminent Divine of Lofton, tayt: I have been wring th PERUVIAN BVRUP for torn time past; it give m nkw vioon, buotarct or spirit, xlabtictt or hi clb." Thousand have been changed by the use of this remedy ; from weak, sickly, suffering oreaturei, to strong healthy, and happy men and women ; and invalid eannot reasonably hesitate to give it a trial. A pamphlet of 32 pages, containing certificate of euro ana recommendation from soui of tbe most eminent physician, clergymen, and other, will be sent free to any address. r See that each bottl ba PERUVIAN BYKCP blown in the glass. ' For sale by J. P. DINSMORE, Proprietor, 30 Dey Street, New York. ABO ST ALL EBUOQUr. SCROFULA. All Medical Men agree that IODINE I the Best Remedy for Scrofula and all kindred disease ever discovered. The difficulty has been to obtain a Pure Solution of it. Dr. H. ANDERS' IODINE WATER. Is a Pure Solution of Iodino. Without a Solvent!! Containinga full grain to each ounce of water. A most Powerful Vitalising Agetit and Restorative. It ba cured and will cure SCROFULA in all it mani fold forms. t'leer-a, Cancerw, typbiUw, Salt Ktieuisat and it hat been used with astonishing success in cases of Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Consumption. Female Complaint Heart, Liver, and Kidney Diteaae, Ao. Ciroular will be sent free to any on lending tboir address. Price $1 .00 a bottle, or 6 fr $5 00. Prepared by Dr. II. ANDERS, Physician and Che mitt. For tale by J. P. DINSMORE, 36 Dey Street, New Tork. Aad by all Druggisti. Wistar's Balsam WILD CHERT. has bean used for nearly IIALF A CENTURY, with the most astonishing tucctss in curing Coughs, Cclds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat Influent, Whooping Cough, Cronp, Liver Complaint, Brochitis, Difficulty of Breathing, Asth ma and every aflectton of Tho 'l'brout, Lnags, and Cbesl. CONSUMPTION. wbioh c rrles of more viotim shnn other disease, and which bafflet tb (kill of the Physician to a greater extent than any other malady, often TIRLOS TO TMS BBMKDT ! when all other prove ineffectual. AS A MEDICINE, ranM ft s-at It as r svnsslktM I. .tT..-6 1 1a- Uod. U is unsurpasscil ! and is sd titled meriu, and a vvi v w u EtimaiDvilUUVUDt Ul 11181 EUOI10. SEYMOUR THATCHER, M. D., of Uerman, N. V., write as follow : Wiatar'a Balsam of Wild Cherrv give universal Utisfaotion. It seem to ear a Cough by loosening and cleansing the lung, and allaying irritation, thus removing the cause, instead of drying up the eough and leaving the cause behind. I eonsider the Bal sam as good aa any, if not tbe best Cough medicine with which Iain acquainted." i . From Hon. Judge SPRAKER.ofCanajoharie.N. T.' Gentlemen. Thi I to oertify that myself and family hav used Dr. Wittnr'i Balsam of Wild Chery. forsever! years, and tbat:J Uk great pleasure in raoommanding it in preference to anything of the kind for the purpose for which it is Sutended.' In case of Asthma, Phtbisio, or affection of th Throat I hav never met with anything equal to it, ; Very rspetfully, DAVID SPRAKER. Th Rev. JACOB SECHLER, of Hanover, Pa., Well known and much respected among the German population in this country, make the following statement for the benefit of th fflioUd. . , Dear Sire: Having realised in my family impor tent benefits from the us of yonr valuable prepara tion Wietar' Balsam of Wild Cherry it anord - I" - " ,.ww.eww wu ,11 e puUIIO. Com eight years ago eae of my daughters seemed to be in a doeliuo,and liltlehopesof her recovery were enter- ; - I-- w your eaeei lent Balaam, and before ah bad taken the whole or tbe content of th bottl there waa a great improvement In Kates 1 1 1 I t i I V: . 1 s . .MaH. , in MwvMuai sus msds frequent mm of your valuabl medic me. and hart aUeVAaM DMn FhsinetfltJ aul ka ak i . ' JACOB SECHLER. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A BOTTLE. For sale by , , . J. P. DINSMORE, 36 Dey Street, New Tork BETH W FOWL A SO ML Proprietor!, Ktoa. Aad by all Druggist. .. . -..AS ... . ' . .v , 1 .. . i,:, . (, v - . " ? a 1 GRaC'S CElUElUliTib SaLYE i..iae s.ni Cere Cnia. Baraa. S u. ,j .. GBACE'B CELEBRATED 6ALVE vt a 7m WMBe,BruiccraAM. OKACE B CELEBRATED 8ALVS 1 Gates BoHa. TJleara. rsas.ia , i . . tt RACE'S CELEBRATED, SALVE ! - ' -..-i , CuressJ Rbuxcn Eryaipelaa. . .a ' eSACX'8 CELEBHATED BALVK !. .. , t . . a Canst CnAmaed llaauia. Chilhlaiu. . . 1 GRACE'S CELEABAIED SALVE . . ' , HiOUBeFleA Veuiuls, Ast. , ' Tt la nrsais l uiIa. mm . . - r- sr r1' taw reduces the most angry-looking swellings and iofla. pi7uV?.C w?sa ?w Only J eenk) a boa . (8e by maiffbr i .ant, j . -ton. aad bj all AaAalta.rer.Aai. Es...u. Blares. i'" " ' G01D. f '. 1805, 1860, 18CT. BILVXR : 1 to 76000 n ; i can sait to. -.:' tasMtsarwr)' AKata) I Our Hew Ilode- Ot oC OLU err ail.VER Watch, MlltrTeat ttcMto Tar 1 )iY llw Bicttesl. ; ; On of enr ten setts or one piece of ear Oold or Silverware is worth a bushel ei the sheas dollar jewelry ! I W bare adopted the following mode of DISTRIBUTION by sal of 75,600 article of Tain ! Omr !Xew Ilf ode I- Th articles of snods at numbered from 1 to Tt,' 000 ! 87.500 consisting of Piano Melodeon, Uold A Silver natcbea, sewing Machine, lea laolt Setts. Solid Silver tea and table Spoon and Fork; etc., etc., and the other 37,500 article or value Jew elrv. Work A Toilet Case, Photograph Album Open face Silver Watches, and fancy article in great variety, to.vw notice numoerea irom i to ia,vuu are printed and put into aealed envelope and well mixed and on of these la taken out and sent to tbe person lending to us 25 cent to cover expense of Dostaze. eorrespenaence eto., ana me article oi goods corresponding with th number on tbe notice will be lent to tb holder of th same immediately (if he desire to purchase the artiole) on the receipt of two dollars. For instance; If the number on the notice lent to yon should be 600. and a piano or diamond sett or gold watch should ba numbered 500; It will be sent to yon should be 600, and a piano or diamond sett or gold watch should be numbered 600. it will be sent to yon ror ti, ana so on or every article in our list of 75,000 articles. Ujr-Aftcr receiving the article, If it doetnot please you, yoa can return it, and your money shall be re nnaos. 25 cent must be lent to pay expenta of pottage, Correspondence etc., on one notice. Remember : that whatever article corresponds with the number on your notice, you can hare it by paying Two Dollar for it, whether it be worth f 100 or $HO0. And it is for our interest to deal fairly, nd send out our fine articles, a it give ennfidene to the public, and thereby increase our tale. TRY OUR NEW MODE ! ! Upon receipt of 25 ot., which pay for oorretpon deaoe, postage etc., we send one notice. - Upon receipt of $1, which pays for correspondence, postage, eto., we send six notices. Upon receipt of 85 which pays for correspondence, postage, etc.. we will send 40 notice, and a fine pre sent valued at not lea than $15, as a sample of our goo? upon receipt ot sirs wnicn pay lor correspondence, postage, etc, we will tend 150 notices, and a (olid Silver Watch, by return mail. AUENTS WANTED. Send for a circular ! Agents Allowed a Large Cash Commission by which they make 825 Weekly. Address plainly Salesroom 34 Liberty street Sept. 23, lSoi.-rly REED A BROTHER, Box 5119, New York City, N. V -NEW ESTABLISHMENT! A. E. SAVAGE, Watchmaker AND JEWELEB. In Simpson's Building, Market Square, STJlT31TIe7. PSITIT'A T I AS constantly on band a line assortment of 1 WATCHES. CLOCKS and JEWELRY, Speo tuclcs, Silver and Plated Spoons aud Forks, Ac. Wuli-licM, Clucka and Ji-M clrj , ro paired nnd W Air.lt AVI Bl). Sunbury, Sept. 30, 1865. Clro W.Smitk. Cbas. B. Dbbtbbs SMITH & OsffilTTEER. Jf ark et street, on door east of Mr. Euulton' Hot Have optb'.d AN E W TIN-WAKE, Khocl Iron and Ntoir Mlurr, and Intend keeping Constantly on hand, aud manu facturing to order on shortest notice, TIN AND SHEET IRON-WARE of all doeeripllont. A Large Slock of Cook Stovctof the following Brandt PE1T1TSTLTA1TIA,: UNION G00K, and on the following two Brand we defy competi tion, namely Combination 4nn llurnrr, Cook. UoTernor I'mn-Oook, unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simplicity of ar rangement, combining cheapness and durability, and each stove warranted to perform what tbey are re presented ALSO, PARLOR and OFFICE STOVES, in great variety, embracing all tbe best manufactures, and most fashionable design Also, Tb celebrated GEM for heating up and down stairs. Also th celebrated VVLCAN HEATER. Coal OH, Coal Oil linip, KlindeB, CItiniuieB, and sill nriiclea unusually kept in an establishment of this kind. We are also prepared to do all kinds of Spouting, Roofing, mi. urnw ? wa, use r uung, ac. xiepair ing cheaply and neatly executed. Country produce taken in exchange at market price. - SMITII A OENTHER, Have the Agency for BIBB'S CELEBRATED FIRE 4t Mnva. oa,vi ior tot ivouniitis ox oriel uiit osx land, SnTder. Union and Montour. Ardare also aenU for th Plpher ft Willowtsr viut trnn-poruiuen. SunjirT)Bept. 30, 1384. TTPrr3rs rW'M-r-a iw,saevM AuwvsTtaW J, wJXl i J m . m.i . PERSONS bsving unrecorded Deed are reminded that they must be recorded, acoording to the Act of Assembly which requires that ''All deed and conveyance fur real estate in tbi Commonwealth, shall be recorded in th office for Recording Deeds in the County where tbe lands lie MJtunn mix manias auer ue execution of such deeds ana conveyance ; ana every such aeed and convey, ance not recorded a aforaaai.l. shall k. i.,.i...j FRAUDULENT AND VOID against any.ubsequent purchaser for a valuable consideration, unless tucb ueeus ue eooruea oeior tne recording or the deed or conveyance under which tuch (ubvequont purchaser or mortgage aball elaiat." . . Asguat ati, IS6 BREAD & FANCY CAKES. - DAVID TOT, Two door west of th Pott OfBoe, SUNBURY. Pa T ESPECTFULLY informt th eitiien. ,.r .;. 1 bury and vicinity, that he wilt bake to order au ainai oi . r Cak fbr Italia, PasHlea. A. Families are supplied with FRESH BREAD, Twist nous, rtutai. '4e Atuns, As., ana else kept en band h.'...u'ui uu. ui lue vest uiaieruu. All orders will meet with prompt attention. staving had large experience I hop to give aeuoias eaiiuaeueu W all WUO Biaj ISVOr me With ipeir paironage. DAVID FRY Bunbury, Dec. 8, 1865. ' - nat V llasnlia :Cabiae Uricana, forty different styles, adapted lo sacred ana secular music, u c-xi to Revu each. FIFTY vHK GOLD er SILVtJH, MEDALS, or other first premlumi awarded them- Illustrated Catalogue free. Address. MASON A HAMLIN, Bostox. or SBBUVH sIRV U A-ST0, ellW UlI " - . . " UlilTEQ STATES HOTEL, ; . e, ., v- Opiotiuthe, ... , .... 4 N, TV ANEW HAVES A WESTERN . E.Darer . 4 UKACa BJTRMT. B081TOW. . , . ' . - , ... ,ByF. 11. PRATT, . Formerly ofth Antnoaa fJoasa. . . ' . ) May U. 1865 -ly .J aTEWELEY I JETtHELEZ ! i '"- JOSEPH XESSJLER. : , ,. j,i WalclsBnakar Mtt Jewraler , -j iu Market StrassL fiaabunr. Pa. . . : RESPECTFULLY laforatf hi friod and the Boblio. that k has lust received a Urge assort ment of Watches, Clock and Jewelry, Spectacles, Silver and, plated senses. lus he. Ae. j>o&l Jl JariiJl3f- taabary, Jf II, 166 -ly ConfectiOAicryr Toy and nTTIX STORE, nstrkctStr!, SwrnVatry, Pa. CONFECTIOITERT OJ MIL KINDS, TOTS OT EVERT DftftCRlPTIOM : ' FRTJIT, &Ci, Jkc, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sal at tk at;v etlablishment at wholesale and leteil, at reaeeu able price. II I manufacturing all kind! of Confaattonaelel to keep up a full aseortmant which are sold at oW rates. Icbaoeo, Beg art, Stationery, Nuts of all klndi, and a variety of other artiole, allot whih areoSeied wholesale and retail. ty Remember th name and place ..art M. C. OrJARHART, Marketstreet, doers west ef E. Y. Bright A Son's store. Bunbury. 8pt. .18, 1861 tf " BAMKOF IOKTlIIJ91Uft:ilIsA.-U. WHKREA8 th Auditor General as requited hy the Uth Section of the Act. entitled 'An Act enabling the Bank of tbi Commonwealth to become Aasociation for tb purpose of banking under the lawl of tbe United State." pasted on the 22d day of -August A D. 1804, ha certified to ma that the '"Bank of Northumberland," located In the Borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county.' ba furnifhed aatisfactory evidence lo him that ail the requirement of said Aol have been complied with by tho snid Bank, and that it ha become an association for the purpose of Banking under tbe Laws of the I tid fit ten I do therefore, can th nolle thereof to be pub lished in accordance with the provisions of the said 1 1th section of the said Act, and do declare that the Charter of tbe said Bank by tbe term of laid Act. is deemed and taken to be hereupon surrendered tub-, ject to the provisions of the first section of said ae'a A. G. CVRTIN, Governor" Executive Chamber, I llarrisburir. Aug 25. 1865. I KING'S POKTAllIJU I.UMO.VmUli Is the only piepartion of the kind made from the fruit. Aa an article of economy, purity, and deli- -tmciness. tt cannot be turpaased, and is reeommend ed by physician for invalid andfamily use. It will keep for years in any aliinat, while it condensed form ender it especially convenient for travelers All who use lemons are requested to give it a trial Entertainment at borne, parties, and picnics should not be without it. For sal by all Druggit'fc and first-class Grocers. Manufactured only hy LOUIS J. METZGER, No. 549 Pearl Street, New York. 8ept. 16, 1865 ly TOILET SOAPS, Tooth-Blushes, Hair BrrfW Ac, ic. For sale by ANNA PAI.NTtR. ifUMPSl PUMPS!! The subscriber having purchased th right of NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, for putting in ni;:vri:ii-N uiPHOvuMiivr on Borrd Wells akd Water Fochts, will furnish them to all person! in the county who may desire these cheap and convenient pump. Tbey can be sunk to a proper depth in two hours time, cost but one third tha price of an ordinary pump, and for thaapneai and convenience cannot be equalled. S. B. BOYElt. A F. CLAI". 5uubury, September 23, IS65. PACIFIC HOTEL 170, 172, 174 & 176 Greenwich St., 'On Square west of Broadway.) Between Cnurtlandt and Dey Streets, New York. JOHN PATTEN, Jr., Propretor. The Pacific Hotel is well and widely known to the traveling public The location is especially suitable to merchants and business men , it is in close proximity to the business part of the City is on the highway of Southern and Western travel and adja cent to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. The Pacific haa liberal accommodation for over 300 guests; it is well furnished and possesses every modern improvement for tb comfort and entertain ment of iu inmates. The rooms are spacious and well ventilated ; provided with gss and water; tbe attendance is prompt and respectful ; and the table is generously provided with every delicacy ui tbo aeason. Tbe subscriber, who, for the past few yean, has been the lessee, i now sole proprietor, alio, ir'-nde toindentify himscir thoroughly with the interests ol his bouse. With long experience a a hotel-keeper, he trust', by moderate charges and a liberal polity, to maintain the favorable reputation ef tbe l'aeifio Hotel. JOHN PAT1EN, Jr. September 9. 1865 ly ' FLOUR & FEED STORE W11QLC5ALE SSD RETAIL. rriHE subscriber ,-cpe:fally informs the publis 1 that be keeps constantly on blind at his new WAREHOUSE, near the Shamokiu Va.!7 KailruaJ Depot, in SUNBURY, Flour by tbe barrel ands;;K? of all kinds of Feed by the ton Tbe above is all manufactured at his own Milts, aud will bo told at th lowest cash prices. J M. CADWALLADER. Sunbury, Juns 4, 1664. NE'vVHOTOQRAPH GALLERY. J. II. I'.RMKI.lii:, would respectfully in form the cititens of SUNBURY, and the public generally, that be has opened a new, PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. In Simpson's Building, South side of Market Square, where he is prepared to take in the bell style of ll art PICTURES TO FRAME. PICTURES IN CASES, CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, Al Pictnre mads fur Rings, Breastpins, Lockets, Ac. Person! wishing in our line will do well to call aud examine specimens at tba Gallery. W hope to merit a liberal share of public patron age. Ota Motto is to Plbasb. Sunbury. July 16, 1S06. TAILORING J. F. SCHAFFER, RESPECTFVLLY inform! the eitiient of Sl'N BCRY and vicinity, that be has opened a Tailoring; Khop, the room over Famsworth's Grocery, opposite the Cental Hotel, Sunbury, where he it ready to make ap garment! of all kindi in the latest style and '" ' workmanlike manner. Having bad experience in tb business for a nu her of years he hopes to render general sati?facu Custom work is respectfully solicits I. J. F. SCHAFFER. ' Bunbury, May IS, 1865. ly P H 0 T 0 0 B A P H A1BDUS BOOKS AN3 STATIONERY. Monthly Tim Books Drawing Books and Slatet. Bocki, Uymn Books Blink Books, Memorandum Boaki, Diaries, Pocke'. Books. Ink Stands, pens, Part lis. a ine assortment of Paper, Ink. Ac. For sale by . ANNA PAINTER. Pare I.itsr-t-ty White lard. Preferred by all practical Painter! Try it 1 aud you will hav no other. Manufactured only ny tlfcULfcll B.YlliH, Whrlesala Drug, Paint A Glase Dealers, No. 1ST North THIRD Street, Philadelphia January 2T, 1866 ly. CSS HOOP 8 Kilt T 8, HOPKIira "Own Make." Mabcpactobed and Sold Wbolesalb A Retail, No 628 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. The most complete assortment of Ladies' Misses'' and Children HeopMiirta, in this City ; gotten up expressly to meet the wants of First Class Trade r embraoiug the newest aad most desiroble styles snd sites of '-(lore Trails," of every length from 2i to 4 yds round, 20 to 58 Springs, at 2 lo $5 00. Plain Skirts, sll lengths, from It to 3 yards rvuud the bot tom, at (1 4 to $3 16. Our line of Miasrs' end Children's &'kirts. srs pro verbially beyond all oomnetitaen. for varietv ef style sud sues a well a for finish and durability ; varying lrom a to 93 inches tn leLgln. 6 lo 4o springs at 35 sent to $2 25. All Skirts ol "Our Own Make," are Warranted to rive satisfaction : bit Buy nous a such, miles, they hav, "Hopkins Hoop Skirt Mxnu- factory, no. 02a Arch Street," Stamped on eacn lao : Also, constantly o hand, good bkirta, Aanufac tured in New York, and the Eastern stales which w ell at very low Price. A lot of cheep Skins 15 springs, 5 cents ; 20 springs, $1 0035 springs, II 15 88 springs, 81 25 end 40 springs 81 50. sejroxiruj, maae w uraer esws spiies. I eATskUS Cash Due Price Ouly ! Ala darch S, 166 -in BOARDING HOUSEr .UUSf. JvtAUlA THUMPbO.1, ... (Feraerlj ofth 'Lawreoe Hows.") SUNBURY, PENN' A. . INFORMS her friends and tbe public generally that the has reacted the bona formerl v oceunied by Dr. J. W. Peal, en Blackberry street, boss the Northern Central Railway Depot, and opened a Boarding Mouse, where the Is prepares to keen PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS. With uod cooks and wailere, boar dare au aniow the quiet comforts ef bom with fare eeual to the wt hotels. Palrnair atestkaaa who aaavsnlser la ffttatmre I'UAIUPSON.-- l itbraary i, IbO 4., .. JtJiaary T, 1I,T aarvy, aew. ti,tse.