Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 28, 1866, Image 2

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    iMfy : SxxfmxrMmtxitan.
''ai'l. MA88Bn, BdUor '"" yropfletbr.
I) kg-u-J :" '' ' " ii m i '
" Gen. jroii vr. lj:tn;
a, f Cumberland Cvuntyi'i' '
a"! '". Tui Stkam j FnT-Net to a
' " bridge a Steam Ferry it, no doubt,1 tbq1 best
'v and must desirabU means of crossiog tbe
river, and facilitating trade and travel.'' As
our citizens did Out feel themselves able, as
' yet, to incur the heavy en pens of abridge,
they expected to reap tbe benefit of a Steam
- Ferry, for ttoe ose of which," Mr. Ira T. Cle-
meat had just completed his new steamer.
' But our worthy rrieiiifoer, Mr. C. "VF, Tbarp,
J T who professes to 'represent the deuiociacy of
;, this ceneAl, and that of, Snyder
iu particular, could not see tbe propriety of
-' facilitating the interests of Satfbury and vi:
cluity as well as the travelling community',
' when Such action .might take a fun-shillings
out of thu pocket of one of his democratic
r.i constituents of a neighboring county. Per
J1 lp It was naturul for Mr. Thtirp to indulge
t in tbese splenetic and contracted views,
when taketi in connection 'with the Urge
; Republican rote of thU borough, cast against
What we contended for 'was, that neither
Dr. IIuaeD stein or Ira T. Clement had a
right to enjtiy cuclusSve privileges, at tho
expense arid inconvenience of a large cnin
01 unity, and that an enlightened and liberal
minded member, would take cure of the in
terests of the public, and not become the
special advocate of a few individuals (and
those not belonging to bis district) in opprt
- aition to the interest of the public. But Mr.
.' Tharp contends that tie only supported Di.
, ' ilotteustcin in his rights. Neither Dr. Hot
teostcin or any one else can claim the privi
lege of ferrying as aright.' The Common
wealth never received a shilling from him or
representatives lor this privilege, incident his
to the soil. ButiJ, i a mere privilege and
not an exclusive right "if it were otherwise,
the owuer of the ferry could prevent the
. erection of a bridge against the unanimous
wish of an' cntire community. Had tho
owner of the Ferry at Milton interposed
against the building of the bridge at that
. place,, Mr. Tliarp's perceptions :nf .rigb$
. wight, perhaps, Jiajrc undergone a change.
; "We are no advocate for either' Mr. Clc
ment or Dr. Ilottenstein, whose individual
. interests should not be suffered to interfero
; with the rights of the public, or the use of
-toe public highway in whatever manner
may best suit their interests. It was perfectly
"', ghtto C1Ve Dr. Ilotteustein the preference,
, provided he would agree to afford equul
. :facUitia trt.thc public, in the use of a steam
ferry-bout, or, iu.deault of which, reut it to
some one who will do so at the rent he now
receives, t There would be" nq (injustice in
such a uiea'surc. to any individual, whilo it
would be an act of strict justice to the peo
pie. .... i -
. J3?Pknnsti.vama lfAiLnoAD. An act
was passed at the lust session of the Legislu-
. ture authorizing the Conipnny to increase its
capital ten millions of dollars.
Present amount of capital stock, $20,000,000
Additional amount authorized, , -
section 1, . 10.000,000
. Louns may equal this sum, . 00,000,000
''J " : , $co,ooo,noo
. rrcstat capital stock and bonds, 36,000,000
Proposed increase; :
.'. $24,000,000
E3FThe County Seat QckStion. The
election to determine 'whether the County
seat of Snyder county should be removed
from Middleburg, . its present location, to
Scliiiu-Grove, was. determined on the 24lh
mat., in favor of the former place. The ma-
jority iu favor of Middleburg was 370. ' The
Bench and Bar, and the majority of those
who have business relations with the court,
would have preferred Selins Grovo. But
the upper end, and butt end of Snyder coun
ty, went against our Siilins Grove friends.
m e c - . ,
'' "Europe i in a very unsettled condi.
tion at preseut. A formidable war between
. Austria and Prussia is tiot improbable.
; While Russia is preparing for coming events.
' France is looking on, ready at any time to.
take any side that policy ruoy dictate. . ..
t-tPCiioLEKA. The cholera cn board the
ill-fated ship Virginia, now at Qunrantlue
below New York, is tint decreasing. Twen
ty new cases were reported a few days since.
2?o cholera on slTore has yet been reported.
. i . ' ,i.. ;
'' sWClosmo oi Congress. it is the
- opinion of various prominent Congressmen
' that the present session will be closed early
in June. Apart from tbe question of recon
structiou, all the other business can be closed
i ia a few weeks. 1 ,
tW Reconstruction. We are indebted
to our representative, lion. Geo. F. Milleu
fur a copy of his speech on " Recpnstruc.
turn." Mr. Miller's views, which are well
. expressed,' and similar to those entertained
by the great body of Republicans in Con-
grass. .... .. ..,! .'!
B?"Tue Committee of Ways and Means
will shortly report a bill amending the in
ternal revenue laws so as to reduce or abolish
- the taxes on many of the articles upon which
they bear most . oppressively. Our Manufac
turing interests ooed, the relief that such
, legislation wouhtafTord. M .
.1 ,h . . i- j.
, A stockholder , iuquired. through the
. Lewisburg ChroiiicU what-bocams of the
' dividends earned for ten years past. The
1 editor, who 8 one of the operators" says;'!
, "., The fausquhanna Telegraph Compaoy
was solo, leased to or consolidated with the
, American TegrRph Company, a year or so
ago, ami :tbe affairs of the concern are
managtl entirely by the latter. JTbe line,
we think, cerululy pays, but who gets the
dividends we can sot tell. We pay over to
. the Treasurer thirty or forty dollar per
. inooui, which is clear gain to that. Coin
pjinfii i Wa fchisi, the Ideal U)ckloldH ire
- entitled t? ftt Inst share of the? erninS.
The suggestion of tbe abova. correspondent
is right jndjpcppert ndn nvestigntioa
'V'?'' I'f0" sVlkfVjory tq jnifrted -par-",i,.fc
. At, auy rjj u';JiS4t U.w game U b
j'iattaU. .T,au4i iu.t 'iwJd..'"-,T;t
:Xii?-'i::- ts4 Jfc$vj f- -s-uN.
M t '-: v ;
A itendestToiisi In Ialte Ontario.
Nw York, Stl 23.
A special -des
patch from Oswego, N. toUueXlime,
says I i t-' r ' f '
One hundred aid forty Springfield riflrt.
destined fofhe use of the Feuian wei
seized last ltfght. It has "been ancertained
..!.. lv Iw.frt received. Twb
hurdrcd cuns were distributed among thai
Fenians last week.
It is said the arms were destined to be
used in the Fenian expedition up the Bay
of, Qinte,by means.' of snilltig ?"i
attaro-tdgsV hvingf iUKjecf tMfptur
of Picton and Belleville, and laising ot the
green flag in a situation almost impregnable
against ussaults by land and water.
Tire. Pallora Islands, in I.aks Ontario
which are uninhabited, are stated to have
been pitched upon as. place of rendezvous
and basH of supplies. Expeditions were to
move simultaneously from, other places on
the frontier. These rumors ni given for
what they are worth. . '. ' '.
Calais, Me.,1 April 23. Two supposed
FeniHps, While crossing tho .bridge at t.
Stephens',' this afternoon, were turned hack
acd rcl'used passage. One of them drew a
revolver and fired ouo shot, but without ef
fect. Both were arrested by the ijuard nt
the Calais end of the bridge and afterwards
handed over to the civil authorities. ,
The'affuir has treated considerable excite
ment on both sides o! tne river,
ent on both sides ol tne river. ...... m river is . enormrrus. . Jivery boat up
Eastpoiit, Me, April Ut.-Tho Enited.thu Missouri is crowded with .pawerigers.
Stutes eun-boat Dc Svto. Admiral Boggs;
lias arrived here.' ,' Atl is quiet along the
lines. All the Western reporters' have .left
on the boat for their homes. , ;'. ..
Oswioo, N. Y.4 April 23. Thrco cases of
Fenian innskets were seized, by order of the
Department of the East, in this city, yester
day morning, at three oolock. ' They have
been deposited at t ort Ontario. A further
search i for arms is in progress, i The Fe
nians are greatly excited at the seizure. '
Einto cyv IVoin Mexico.'-
New Orleans, April 23.
Advices from the Rio Grande to the 15th,
state Geueral Mt-jia has returned to Mata
moras, leaving a portion of his forces with
General Jcninuros, who is charged with
operations agaiust the Liberals. ' Oh his re
turn General .Mcjia (ell into an ambuscade
during the night, commanded by Canales
and Cortinas, wlijch he penetrated, losing
six killed and wounded. Thu Liberal force
is unknown.
. General Mejia brought into Matamoras
two hundred wagon's, containing five hun
dred thousand dollars in coin.
. Before General Mejia's arrival, it was re
ported that Cortinas camo within three
miles of Matamoras and hung three of, thu
conductors of the train. It ia also reported
that tho Liberals had captured eighteen pon
toons, and were crossing with nrtillery from
the American to the Mexican side.. This
statement is proved to be false. . . ,-,
: San Fuancisco, April 23. Passengers by
tho steamer Guhkn Age report that the re
cent defeat of the French near Mazatian has
been fully confirmed by tho arrival of a
Fnucli frigato ut Acapuico, which brought
further pews that the Imperial forces under
Lazada, while advancing from Tcpice to
operate with the French yre routed by the
Liberals under Corona. and Ru'.ii a. ; . .
The Imperial Consul has received oiticial
despatches from , Mazatian, asserting that
the stories of Imperial .reverses aro fulse,
that the Im perial iatt-; "were . victorious at
Presidio, .' near Mazatian, - and Unit I.rtgoda
defeated the Republicans at Acapoinita. :
Private letters and the: newspapers re.
ceived feem to confirm these, despatches..
, . TIic I'cnlnn Clicvkmatvd.
Wasiiinqton, April 23.
A telegram from General Meadu was re
ceived !y General Grantut his head quarters,
.. i 1 r , 1 1 1 . .
had c.i.turtd a load.,,1 lil. ,m. ,.
..av...uj, u .. .,,w lllltlllllllll, llltilr IIU
uiuuiiiou uuu uniiiiniia, jnieiuieii lor me e-
mian armv. and ahHi.r iht bnf. for ,lk.
tiim-lvinnTamKnttlM.V u nd,l l,..nnn m-,1..
a formidabledemonstration upon New Bruna-j;U,l Z J,
wick, but that lie has now succeeded inT , ' " P1"""
breaking up tho anticipated onslaught.
itlexit-un Ailuim.
Napoleon has finally fixed November 1st,
1607, as the dnv for the departure finm Mexi
co of the last of his troops. Maximilian will.
in the meantime try to seize the money ad
vanced by Napoleon by collecting it by force
of arms. .......
I'olilical liitellis'eiirr.
The Republicans have curried Chicago.
Gov. Hamilton has written a h'tter refus
in; to run in the coming election as can
didate for Governor of Texas. '
General Green Clay Smith, of Kentucky
has been appointed Governor of Montana, in
place of Edgerton.
A paper published at' Charleston, South
Curolina, in the interest of fieedi'nen, nom
inates the following ticket for 18015 : For
President, lT. 8. Gwint of Illinois ; ' for Vice
.Piesident, William I). Kelley, ot Peunsylva-
iu- - :,'(-: .: , . '
Jesse D. Briglit, who was expelled, from
the United States Senate, for disloyalty, uas
ft big gun in the recent Indiana iHuuucratic
Statu Couventw : UcwterClyniur,. whittle-,
nnuncea mat expiusion, is now the biggest
"Democratic gun" in Pennsylvania. ., .
In various parts ol Pennsylvania the sup
porters of President Johnson's Policy aro
obtaining signatures to a call for h State
Convention to be hold in Pittsburjfh, for,
i ue purpose or nominating a canrintate lor
Qovernor. - lint, so far as .ascertained,' be
yond aspirants 'to - federal appointments,
tew havu fall into the trap. The'-object
of this movement is 1 defeat Gen. Geary, if
possible, and secure the election f Mr. Cly
mer. This is what is meant by fighting out
the quarrel inside the Republican party, s .
! Official advices have been received bv the
Government,' from Commodore Uogers'com
manning the. United States squadron in the
harlr of Valparaiso, to the effect that he, in
conjunction with the British: admiral, have
protested pgainst the bombardment ef that
city by thu Upr.nish fleet, und that they have
insisted that ample time shall be giren !or
the removal of neutral property, and the wo
men and children, aud that if this 'demand
should be refused, -they should resist the
bouibardmet with force., ,Tbe cora-nodore
has the double-turreted monitor Mouadnock
and Ave other war ships with him, a frc
amply sufficient to make him master of the
situation.';,'; ', "... . , - T1
Chicago had three sensations on Tuesday
a bold thief dashed in the window of a Dawn
brokers office and walked otf with a nackiUxJ
of Jl,34a ssl greenbacks, effooting his escape. J
an axe, Uien gashed hrr wilasvknife.i-aiBd
Hnished by crushiug'hor skull witli aJul.
He was arrested. Messrs. Deunison 'd
Lester had been. speculating in gra,iar and
lost heavily. Mr. Pepnisou t;ing ho'rt,pn
wheat transaction, drew, checks to'nieet
the deficiency, when he discovered that pis
partner had anticipated liip, lrn yt all
the available funds of the Crru and retired
to parts' unknown. Chicago mercsntlleeredit
is getting ahakj'i , 'vi1,..,, emba.mri..) !'
. The Legislature of Californis.jon JUs lEEb 1
or feoruary lasi passeu reoiui!ops,ajn08i
unauimouslv. railing on the United, Statt
i.ivuruiutiiit ta Litui-A-ro and Lvtrllauw l-v '
tVc vt.ii'V'WlV W' Wu 1
j 11,1.1.1 J)
ft : : ..
A Mormon society exists in Wheeling.
.There arrf three"" hundred Nsw Eug'.aod
pulpit wanting nioiaters. '(., , ,-,
SA Frsnch Ptofstant'wss fined oniano
foe.Wirking o All Saints' pay.
18.000 elephant aro ytariy killed, to si
PUT SiiflUelci witbiyortti .
A financial crisi is expected in Richmond,
Ya. There are loo manv Roods in the city,
and rents are exorbitant.
. Mr.-Perj-inif wolutoak, 9onneotlont,
MfthjaJjhlcbl taVfi tto fijneaa' of (ihingai
bung himself iu his slaughter house.
Five hundred factories in the north cf
France made 123,000,000 pounds of sugar
ffom beets last year. , ' '
k ' Two children iu Chicago were poisoned
the other day by eating colored pop-corn
H"11'- ' ; ! M .r,,: .,:,
, The.tptal fallpf snow liii.the Lake Su
perior , country , during , the ipado j winter
amounted to. TO. leeUto b :; ' mh j
A iW at Sorlnafietd ril) V waa rtinriirhd
from jet black to puro 'white by the Use of
boh i on 10 urive away neas. " " :,m a -
The St. Louis Dhjmtch asserts 4V)at ' pilots
on the .Missouri river get from' sixteen to
eighteen hundred dollars per month at'pro-
sent.'-;;'' " ;
'v! We emigration to 'Montana and Idaho by
4 no ueaui oi.n Jtiormon iiisuop rs thus
itiiouuiieeu iu n oirn. iuKe paper t-r- jtie was
tlnrty seven yeara old, and leaves nn inter
esting laniily, pf eleven wives and, , forty-
auvcii smui. ciuiurei) 10 mourn nis death.
T t .1 . ir! t .
in Jiurisn, aiicn., a ludy observing a
building with a steeple, asked her irelitlc
man attendant, "What church is that?" The
gentleman, after reading the sign, "Jtehtge
No. 8,". replied ! guess it must be tho
Third liltptut." .-!. . ... :
In the trial of a V9rrant woman in Chi
cago it transpired that she generally beat
iiv iiuDirnuu iiivii iiiseiiyinnuy m me morn
ing, before starting on her Usual rounds, so
that he would not require her services for
remainder ol the day. What a household
fairy she must be 1 ' '
Owen's Lake, amonc tho Sierre Ncvadas.
in 'California; is a natural tan pit; its waters
are so strong 01 oorax, alum, alkalies, &a,
that 6no draught wilj poison a man, and
one immersion clean a dog of his hair; and
the Indians, seeking refuge iu .it from white
men's bullets, find a sharp and sure wuterv
, It has come out in the course of a legal
trial now in progress in Cincinnati, that the
butchers there have been charging twenty
five cents per pound for, ejop fed; deef that
they only .paid five or, six cents for. This
kiud of tiling has not been confined to Cin
cinnati, nor has. this way of doing business
neen connuea to dealers in beel alone.
: A drunken policeman in Savanr.ah, Ga.,
shot two of hit brother otilcers with a pistol,
killing them instantly. , .1 -
A companyof French' capitalists have re
cently inadu arrangements to carrv into exe
cution a grand scheme of colonization in
A white' stolo a chicken, and, a black a
hog, in Goldsboro', in Torth. Carolina, re
cently.. They were each tied tg a whipping
post and subjected to forty lashes, save one,
on the bare back; ' - , (.
Tho various commanders at the SonUi
have been notified that tho President' pro
clamation ibies not da away with martial
law in the lately rebellious, district, imd
thai, troops will bo kept ut ud puinu where
luuy. may 00 neeueo.
TlioAristooU (Me.) 7'imt says there has
been quite a demand tor dwelling houses in
tne norcter town, by bersons trom the
Provinces, who are anxious to keep out of
the way of the Fenians., . . ;
V k t- ! T ! ... I ....
,,,uc"'"" ",r. casing ice tins been in-
venHttn 1 in London, which will nrorfnr.,
.. ,;.. ,, , : . '
I'ln puunds .,1 iw in nn linur ut ci.H ..f
"(,t !"(,rt; ,I",n '"' a cc't P'T Pn.l. This
is cheaper than the natural article ia for
Tl.t. i.n,i.,i.,.;.ii.i. ci t'r'L- -i r.
..f. ,.lcs .i n. iouif.-iipour id-
'Vcstigation.'havo iirHMl'iit the' conctushm
that tire recent destructive steamboat fires
were crushed !y tlie qa;tless use of coal oil
una-lias- neen rnKiwea I)V a notirn
I that the use of the condemned article on unr
i i , , ..--.-. . -. .. J
eii-nmuui iiiaureii, win vitiate the policy,
A bachelor at Albanyhas about one baby
a month left at his door, uccomuanied with
the request that ho will "charitablv provide
for it and bring it up righteously." An
occasional baby in the regular honest way is
undoubtedly a desirable uresent. but an at
tuck of infantry by platoons, upon a poor
l, r ni.nnr.Mi. I,l... ........ I ,,
u.ijj, iMciiiu nni.iit.:iui , must ue Up2Ulllllg to
iiiu ias. negrec.-
General Breckinridge is reported to be in
Canada, weary, careworn, grey, aud anxious
Hi return uome. ... .. ..
v At a salo of coins, in" Worchestcr, Mass.,
recently, an American cent, ot 1 ,3, brought
$'2.83, a nickel cent, of 1800, $3, and a silver
dol(ar, of I7B5, $3.B0. ; '.i, ,,... , - -
.i A man, who was charged with ten gallons
oi wuisKy, which a gnxer put in an eight
gallon keg. said be ."didn't mind tho money
overcharged so much as he did the strain
on the keg.". .: , .
A Nashua (N. II.) woman, who lost a very
dear child, a few' weeks ago, on Tuesday
last managed to procure the key of thetomii
in wldcli the ' body was laid, 'opened ' the
coffin, took the child in iter urnis und bore
It home. There Wie1; tended it as' though
nt-ill living, and defied nil. endeavors to fake
it from'her for several hours', and it was only
from tho effects' lf an opiate administered to
her tliut the efforts wore at last successful.' '
In pirardi the citizens hold what
they call "Cemetery Socials." They must
be grave 'affairs."" ... " ',' "
' The chicken cholera has made its appear
ance in 'Madison county, Alabama, and is
rajiidty vee))ing off tlie' remnants of tho
feathered tribe spared by tho negroes and
soldiers, ' " ' ", .', ,
The.Amcrican gcrew Company at Provi
dence, with a capital of $1,000,000, is re
ported to ,h ave clivided $1,000,000 among
its stockholders in 1804. and $1,200,000 iu
1805. ..... . ,.. .., ..,. rf1 ' ,
The Saratoga annual racing meeting Com
mences on the 13th of July, being a fort
night earlier than usual. There are six
days' rapiag, towards which the Association
gives leu thousand five hundred dollars in
addition to the entrances.. ',,,,.. r -;, . , .,
The owner of a krga dog at Grand Rap
ids, Mich., a few days ago placed a hundred
dollar kMiking glas. before hi? cauiqe to.
worry, biu.,. The. dog flew around, .barkiug
and urow linger. The ,-owper ,wa .delighted
and ric4 ygick'ein;":tbB dog "sitked ". iu
mirr and the ''other idog',' disappeared .at
I m same time, -Tha jk lather turned pni
wner.: nK v,nj,; , 0l
! A- Portlaud company operating at EHs-if
wunii, jilB., nUr on Hva .tlltMluilul In iLtvra
a day, Those dslivered at lbs faoturv are
wonu three cets a pieee Lobster .rUher
ermerr, remote fro tits, facbry, delivered
their fish to the 'tsmack'fi: in the employ -of
tha: etrnipasy, and receive therefore about
twa and a half cents a pieoa. ) (.
' A man namrffl Cin.r jtv;tiwi .. .'t) '..j.
Miasisiprii, aod his daugiite badly wouud
d, bv a desperado named UcDowatl
objecl 'was plundei.' ' illo.,ui
"the eirt''rieurt,pf CfnpYnhai .taa' rle-
Tbjf J tl'iU lu.hiu. divorces; ot talped with- '
ri.h J tj.itl Jii.Imij t ;i.rcv', obtillpeil with--
- A -rverBtly srafferfog (Voir pwratysls
was burned up in bis dwelling, ou Uennis
Run, Pa.f being ouable to escape fiom the
house. His wife w absent, aa-iiis little
daughter undertook to kindle the Are. She
threw abont a quart of crude oil ia the stove,
and in a smtment tlie place w4 ill Barnes.
The children in the house made thair escape,
but the ft her, was burned to cinder.
A widow lady of 'lWIIWf KyfiH an
orphan boy to raise,, quite smalCaJtal when
he arrived at the age of eighteen, she mar
ried him, she then being in her fiftieth year.
They lived many years together, happy as
any evp!eo Tun J rare ag they trtok aa tr
pharigifl UTHibe. IT-bls.ll thaiold. Uly
died, being ninety six years of age, and in
seven weeks after the old man married the
girl they had raised, he being sixty-five
years oldand sli ejigbteeri, J. If i i
' Ckfro'llas dot a'pumVto throvf ilia tiver
out of the town when the floods overrun it.
It throws 40,000, gallens of .water per uiiu-
The navigation of the Western- rivers is
in rianser of: lieinc Imiiodcd'lftr sunken
steamers. Forty-four have gone down in
Rod river alone since last Jani. " ,
The Mexican Timet says that tho produc-.
tion of cotton n that empire is steadily. in
creasing. Immense, wagon loads of it nre
constantly' passing' through tho streets, of
IUU Vi lHCAlCO,t ,
'Four hunched plantations in the Natchi
toches, La., parish,' are worked .on, the con
tract system, averaging 20 hands. . It is
estimated tliat tho parish cotton crop will
be 80,000 bales.- , ' "'-' ' :'
Tho Hamnjia, a Hebrew pnpor -pnblished
nt Lycki in tho province of Eastern Prussia,
says thnt sixty Jewish families have deter
mined to 'form a colony near Jaffa, iu
Palestine. ... ... . . ...!
Ole Bull, tho celebrated violinist, died at
Quebec on the 10 iustr He was born in 1810.
Gen. Grunt had two of his favorite, horses
stolen from him lately. . Both have boen re.
covered.--! - - .:.,' , .. ,
It is reported by a Canadian detective that
tho Fenians have fifteen vessels ready fur ar
mament on the Lake, besides schooners and
transports.'- Doubtful.',, i . I
Gold-bearing quartz has been discovered
on tho PotJinac above Washington. A stock
company.has lceu organized to work it, with
a capital of $375,000. .. .:.: .. . '
Secretary geword is informed by the U. 8.
Consul at Bormuda that two cargoes of rags
supposed to be Infected had put into the
Bermuda Island , on thoir way to ffew York.
Tho first Union flag raised by the citizens
of Loulnlanu. after the arrival of the United
States fleet at New Orleans', under the gallant
Commodore Farragut.lius beefl presented to
the Secretary of tho, Treasury; ;
Senator Wilson has introduced a bill into
tho Senate prohibiting the snle of spirituous
liquors in thu cnpitol building. The bill
should pass, but thu capilol would have lees
attractions for some of its members if the
guntevl drinking saloons were, ostracised.
A hilt Ws passed the U; S! Ifmis6 ohlep
rcsentatives to allow nil soldiers' memorials,
ot CuMifluatesrif imlita'ty records' 1 Whether
printed or written, or both, logo through
tho mails at the same rate as printed matter.
It was asked for by General Grant arid others
' The President has issued an impprtsnt cir
cular to tho Heads of Department with ref
erence to appointments to oilico. Ho directs
that preference shall be given to honorably
discharged soldiers and sailors in such ap
pointments, and that they shall also have the
preference in all promotions iu. the several
branches of the public serwec. - .
.A Washington dispatch states that the evi
dence iu possession of tho Bureau of Public
Justice, on which Congress has . called for
iiiiormation, is uu autograph letter of Davis
t'avitiing the assasKinalion of the President,
and written by him alter Booth had informed
him that tho plan to kidnap the President
had to bo ubaudoned as impracticable.
'Applications have been made and are now
pending for pardon by eighty-six ex mem
bers of the rebel Congress, oho hundred and
thirty-two ex-graduates of West Point, but
who served in the 'rebel urm","'ohu hundred
and twcnty-seVen rebel Generals, including
tirAg", Longstreet, HeuurPgard, and severu
W the Li es ; anil uls.i thirty-two, urominen
ex-rebel officials, and one hundred and six
teen ex-United States officers who heldposi
.J :.. !.. ... .
A pair of horses died a few days ago in
Greenville, from euting the burk of a locust
tree to which they were tied.
A boy was scalded to death by steam
near Pittsburgh, onSaturday lut, while in
Mile o: a boiler lor the purpose ot cleuuin
it. ., '. '
A Mrs. Lvstcr died from takUm chloro
form, at her own request, at a dentist's office
in Philadelphia. No blouiu was attached to
the dentist.
The proceeds of two days' sale of works
oi art ut suction, in flnlatlplua, lust week
were upwurds ot $40,000. A dry good
sale in that city, of over $700,000 is also re
ported, hojng the largest siuylu sulu ever
ueiu iu inu tuiicu Diaies. ,t,
' .' Cm t. The 'etirtrt of 1 Nansemond
County, Va., has refused to" sit, on ucoonnt
of thu presence of one of the ageuts of the
fretdmeu's bureau,- who'nre sent to all courts
(South, o see that justice is accorded to tho
uiacKs. " ' - " '
' - '.' i
CoL B. II. Jenks, of Philadelphia, has ex
hibited to tho examining bourd j)n . breach
hiadiug rifles, one winch loads, aud. fires
thirty-two round per minute, or ouu bund
red, rounds in-three miuutes and twenty
t-eeonds, aud which is pronounced by thu
bourd to be. the -most rapid, firing, ever
achieved., ., .. ..(, )., .... j
Two men had a dispute in Albany on no,
litical matters, aud finally one of them killed
ttiu oilier. ; J
Tho Bangor Whig says that the Eastern
part ot Maine has been visited by a Ireshtt
greater than has been known lur years.
The Boston citv government has appro.
priuted $10,000 for the etab!ishmeut of tree
salt-water batuiug place tor use this sum
An evidence of tho cholera panic is found
ii. tho fuct that the Health Commission of
New York have prohibited the belling of
any watered or adulterated milk.
. A company has been formed in New York
for thu purpose uf bringing early vegetables
irifiu, me uurmuuas. , , . . . i
A great organ has been built in Boston
for Uvury Ward lieeebcr' church iu Brook
lyn, h is thu largest vc built in Auierica.
U will, bu act up iu a few weeks, and thu
chgrch ill probably be proporlionably "set
NOW OPEN, ..';, . I
. A FW BT0CK Of.,.,., j
CcnuiatiO(W'ssGMls).' k' srraa vartat.
suah as Dalaiaew Cballiasu SingbajD, Orapea,
. LM, BrUUsnt,Av,,.Ji,..;., ,,, ... , ,
'.I .BaATi fikirtsk ,- Fin Whits, flnnila I I
ia variety '1 m ; s ... i.mI - ii . tan t I
i lrM Trimminta, Laeaa and Xsahrid arias. YIIX8
of all dasoriptloua, Ulova. ilasivrv. Conaui, Zapbsra.
f ataot Uaif Criniwra, Mack-Tiaa, and KaUoes af
an amos usually kept in a fabey (Hors. ,
Ixkk wood's Popar Oollaia and Cash, aiiio s .
' epiBgan4auafcioaiiohiMilssU order. i
UarkatttrMt, four doors went of Win. H. MilUr'i
n-f!hoIt)r"ST;if BCRt( F.
T) ESPa-CTjr tLLt"lnrorfcihr trl.o.Ujln BAbury
X V and xjotaily, Uiat thm tut just opcaad ha
olyHutloni Mif Foy Dry Oo,
But took somlta of All-Wocl balnlne. Chiiiabm.J
Giuirhimi. AaihrnlduflM. lmnm ColUrn. Fans. HATS;
Miuliu, Urilirnnt. UaHbaMT Muiltnn, Bird Ey
t.lnans, l.lua lwns Ump and Vli(, so.
Mine. l)moret's Ilnir Curlers, iUir Coils and
Curl, Slorm, Blockings. Collro, CrU, .
' UtnU' Collarn, NaokUw. half Host, Uudker-
SraAej's 1ew ItKwl
I Virwa- Klliu m ueusit
ui.' I D ria t
Pwfumtry, Toils! Boa pa, ilair Brnohes, Combs,
Tort, and a sensra.1 rarietyof NOTIONS.
dAIJiFtlllNO dona Loudaomntr and at hortlS
odo. i KATE liLACK UL
a.. ..u.... i oa ioaa " -r-4-
r A , lVnucd ,ImmodJloely, t
,1 OaOQ OIRIJ Who it, aoodatrid ttfkitohcn
XI Work One n b"en oooe rll racom.mndcd,
can obOiin a good lituatian by applying Immediately
at-Apky'f lloot and Shoe Store J&Iarkut atratr , v
New Spriflgf Styles I
i rIlssi AA IMIlXIt, .
'"1 twJllootsWsktofthePAst'OlIiecii
" StriN'BXTR-sr, 3?E3MNA.;
RKSPECTFULLY iu'vitea tha attention or tbe
' public- to tier large and varied ajor(neut of
Spring Se Summer Millinery Goods,
wli'u.'fi ibe has (ut rurieWf'i and onened. Iter stock
embriicM FANCY MtESS tiOOUS, Kmbroideriei,
Cluny Lace, I.nce Collara, Linen Collars Cram
Cords, Zephyrs, Hut tons, Ao. '
A Gne axsorlment of Indies' nnd "gfiite' Hosiery,
OlnVCT, Knns, Pnrniwls, Bugle Trimmings, Ribbons,
Belt Ribbons, Velvet Ribbonf, Brnid. Ladies' Seek
ties, Fancy Dre?s Combs, -Head Dressec. A o. ''
- Irvin'S Patent Hair Crimpers, Hair Coils, Corsets,
and a large assortment of other articles, too nume
rous to mention. "
I have also just reccired a fine lot of Perfumery,
Toilet Soaps. Tooth and Hair Brushes, Ac.
' FiinVnry, April 29, 1808-1 . .; "" ;". ;''; :
. . i i ;.i.:;.: ; ):. 11'.: '.-.I . ;
old oat our new stock of Clothing for Gentlemen
and Boya, carried orer from tha lata Bra, our entire
stock of Fashionable Ready-Made Clothing ii tha
Newest, as our prices ara the lowest.. .,
.. Now read, to suit everybody.-:'
Our newly fitted upCastom Department now ena
tains tbo largest assortment of all tha Fashionable
New Fabrics, for out patrons to select from.
SUITS, Civil anil Military, made up to order
promptly, ia tha highest style, and at moderate
jjrioea. ; ' , - i
In this department our stock ia a'so unrivalled
tha best in tha oily, at the lowest prices ! Order,
executed al short unties.
. .f , ti .-. , .
' ' vS . ' or , r . '
' 1 :Brown Stone Clothing: Halt, ;t ',
. . . 03 and 605 Chestuut Street,
ApJ. 21 'P,-3ui , . PHILADELPHIA
MESSRS. D.-C. Tlissinger and John A. Taylor,
would reepeetrully announce to the eilixens of
Sunbnry, and surrounding eouniry, tliat having
formed a co-partnership, thoy arc now pit pure J, to
furnish ornamented and plaiu
jirnTHlonea, Totaba tit nonuiucuts,
of the best Italian and American marble, at prices
that cannot fail to give entire satisfaction, aud re
spectfully solicit the public patronage.
' Sunbury, March SI. I8rln. ly.
LADIES' UL.M SUUKS for g 1,011, at
W. W. Ansley'a.
- - V !" For Sale. '
flHE subscriber orTers for' sale 3.1 A crcs of Land
1 enntainin the FLAG AND BU1LD1NU 5T0NK
QL'AKRIEb'. about four miles abure Sunbury, along
(no river, abnning lauds ot John cmilu and others,
The pronertv will be sold on rensoniiblo- terms
For further particulars inquire of ti. B. Boysr, Esq.,
wuugu,,ui vs ins auusvriuur S nUHUIUKIII.
,w JOiiN.J.KSUEIl.
- April 21,1886.-4' f . . ' .
Wis n let). Afge nf a. Mala and female, at
$74 to (160 per. month, to sell the oolcbratrd
Pkicc, $18.00. This machine will do all kinds of
work equal to tha high priced machines, and is tha
Oatyrpraatloat huS reliable'; ChoV.p Soaring Machine
in ine wona... ocno lor acscriptive t iroulars. au
dress, '- (bEOOMB c W.. Chicago. Ill .
April 23, J866 Ima r , or Clevelund.Ohio.
rpiie nlsM lasjsar. Under tha patronage of
L tne tnitea mates Uoveroment Models of Has
superior leg may ba teen. at. the Ajeucy of the
oAijbin tujirAa r, s9 Hi ioutB eeventa
btreet, Philadelphia i s '
Call and s theio, or fend tor a eirenllr containing
tun iuiofujnou.p j:q-j fif.t ap. siop. inia.
.: ., ,-....., ,,,.( -...... , j rj ;.ij I
'"" ".-. l:"!l.-"v,l J.M.i.i ...r, .j.
F 0 B AL L CE0P8,n
"I tiuiok In its aotion, iai.'af mora lasting efTeet than
either Partavbta GUaoe tf any Super-Phosphate
made from a hard Mineral Quaes. , Ibis is proven
by twelve jeers of ecustaDl use. T,
'. ' ' ' n J rrn rr 'a nAifn
1.- en il: f 4JA v slil b .: . :
Sole Manufactuieii and Proprietor!,
:.::, Offios Mo, 20 8. Dlawaj Aveoua,
:,n;;'. vmtibuxuw, v ,V: !
i m .' i 1 T fiT0" WholoiaU, 4tnlt . j '
Va. 181 Pearl ttreat, Corner of Cadar,
: ' -HEW yowest ;.- .. !'
WkoltiaU Agent for Maryland and Virginia
"?. Tj. J0. Smith's Wharf, !
" . ": '' ' " BALTIMORE.'') . tip '
Apr'l 28, 1856 4 1 ' ' ' ' ";, 1 j
9lHBhod Isow Isstt. liotv Itemlorrd,
Just published, a ew adiOoa of Da. Cplvsh.
WILL s ClLSSUiTKD tssr ou tha radical aura
IwiihouS medicinal . of boariiaatarrluMa r. iBiinl
A'eVjlnoSa, Iirvoluolary Stwiual LosresJ ui bteaoy,
MauUl and Physioal Incapacity, Impedimenta tq
iuairiaav, wvo-, am, bwaasapuoa. svpiiepsy, ana S its
induoea by salfvludulgeno or sexual extravagaooa.
ijr rriua, in a seaioa anvejopa, amy e eeoij..
The AelahratAft anfliM In liiis ailmiruhla: iftiiff
clearly dess.pnstrates, from atbhty years', sue hatful
praotiaa, that tha alaruiinf aonaaqueooas af self abuse
may baradioallv eurad without tbe dangerous usa
ot lniaroal uediotna or tne appuoaitra or trie suite
painting out a mode of oure at eooa simple, eartaia,
and afieotual. bv means af whlob everv sufferer, on
matter what hu condition may ba, may aura himself
cheaply. privately, and radical jr
I This Laotura should ba In tha hands of aver
youth ana avary man la tbe iaod.
lent, under siaal, la a plain savslops, Id any a4-
'ii-ui; -1 v aLiiisj OO,,
1 aJ"J Votk. rust OifrTS bo 4,4b6V
Spring. &Jiimmer Goodsi
7 1 ' 1 ? I !,
I .' (bucttiftop to Jvh JSowen.)
I I CUnar at Uarltst aa4 fawa fitraet,
iB U N B U R J5 , P E fJ N ' A . ;.
Iavitia tha Bubli Jo ill ami asamins kis lagans
aMortmeotof " .
blna ka wilt iclt at greaU? raduoed prloes.- Bit
took sonaiita in part of
Hllka, Delaines, Lawns, Oinghams, Calicoes, Muslins,
Sheeting. Tickings, Jeans, and a full assortment of
otioo and )V,oin goods gnerally Ii f
Hosiery, Olovea, Hoop Skirts,
AUo Handkerchiefs,
Drusnes, touius.
lata) nitsl Cmpr noUi msxl Shoo,
, His assortment of goods will not, be is ara suro
fill ta plaase the fancy and suit the wants of any do,
siroul of purchasing. His stock of
and Groceries is large In quantity and choltra In
quality, comprising genernMy everything seeded id
tne household either for use or ornament.
He is always ready and glad' to see his friends
and takes pleasure in showing them hi? good even
though no sales are made. He only asks a oil, and
is sure that tha stock wilt eouipora favorably in
price and quality with tha cheapest. '
. Sunbury, April 21, 16.
To the School Directors of Northumberland County '
Oenllcmon :-In pnrsuanceol the forty-third Soc
tioaof the Act of thaBih of May, 1S64. yon aro here,
by notified to meetin Convention, nt the Court House,
in Banbury, on tbe first Tuesday in May, A. D. I860,
being the 1st day uf the month, at balf-past one
o'clock, in the afteinoon, and select, viva voce, by
a majority of tho whole number of directors present,
one person of Literary nnd Scientific acquirements,
and ofskHt and experience in the art of Teaching,
as County .Superintendent, for the three succeeding
years; determine tha amount of compensation for
the slime f and certily tho result to tha State Super
intendent, at Harrisburg,' as required by tha thirty
binlh and fortieth scctionsV'of said Act.
P S. The time for 'holding the Convention was
changed from Monday to Tuesday, by Act passed at
the session of I68v ;
JACOB CLP, Co. Bupt , North 'd eo.
Northumberland, April 21, I860. 2t
Notice to Ike Citizen or Niinbiir.
rpHK folloing Report and Resolution, wbich
X were adopted it I' Meeting of the Borough
Council, on Tuesday, April 3d, 1866, are hereby
published for the iufbrmution and guidance of all
concerned : ' :, ' -
".' . ' i 6cKBcar, April' 3, WOoV
We tha nndersigwed Cammittea on: Sidewalks beg
leave to submit tbe following : u.i i
. ' Wa recouimead tliat good snbstantiul pavements
of stone or brick be laid iu tbe followiug streets, vis i
Broadway, on ths aastoVn sldo from Elderberry
to Cranberry street. River streot on both sides from
Bluckbcrry to Cranberry. Deorslreel on the west
ern side from Elderberry to Blackberry and from
Blackberry on both sides of street to Cranberry.
Fawn tliect from Elderberry on both side tf ,treet
to Canal. Dewberry street on both sides iroiu Broad
way to Fawn. Market street on boih sidis fruni
Broadway to Canal. Blackberry street on both sides
from Broadway to Fawn, and hortlcberry ou both
sides fro-Ji Broadway to Fawn. Crucberrv street ou
the south side, commencing at tha corner of River
street to Fawn, Pokeberry trct f n ni theN. C. It. K.
to r'unn street,' on the south sido Elderberry street,
commencing nt Broadway to Fuwn street, on the
norih side, and also the south side of Kldubtrry
from Broadway to Deer street
. We also recommend that the gutters in the above
specified strocts be paved witb stone or brick, and
that a regular grade be established tor the siacwalks
or pavements in tbe above streets, and that all pave
ments be laid iu accordance therewith, aud all pave
uiunts now laid that are either above or below tbo
f;rade that tuny be ctahlubud, shall be torn up aud
aid to the regular grade.
We nlso recommend that the laying of tbe pave
ments in tbe aforesaid streets be c .muienced by tho
first day of May, lbl6, and finished by tbe tim day
of August, 18'irJ.
All ol which is respeotrully submitted
'j Co
,,. . . J. W. J-aiLinu, Cammtttte
Joitx Haas.
. v. , ' ! ,.-.: -. ,
lit lulled. That tha cmnmittoa
tit r
on pavements,
kidewulks, Ac.sbull bave full power and authority to
requiro and direct IbagrMiiug, curbing, paving and
guttering, the sido und foolwalks by the owner or
owners'of lolsof gTound fronting on any ol the at root l
os highways of atiid UorouU, as reported by the said
committee, uud to causo the same to be dona, and
on fuiluro of the owner or owners thereof to complete
the same withiu the time specified in the report uf the
said committee, Ihe cuinuiittce to proceed immedi
ately with the work and turniah all the materials and
labor required to warrant them iu completing thu
paving. Ac, in good season, and charge tbe owner
or owners of thu properly, with all the expenses or
cosis, wuu twenty per centum advance tuereon
ana tne same committee shall bave the etiti, e nvu
latiun and jurisdiction that are given iu the Ordluuu
acs ana on mis suiuect
E. V. BlUiillT, Chief Burgoss.
Jacob Skipman. Town Clerk.
Sunbury, April U, I860. .
W V. Apsley's.
W. W. Aosley's.
BAiiS at r
W. W. Apslej's.
! -1 . i , W. W, Apaley'e.
LADIES' LAST1.XO GAITEI19 fur l.7i, at
W. V. Apslra.
W V A nsley's
t tllll.UKM, at . , i , W W. Apslev's.
s ftunliurv, M irch 31, IfO , .
i. ' i :
U Til 1ST 1 1 i ' rr a w-a im n
.;.t 69S AltCII MTDEET, ,
watches,-- '.;.- " ! ' :.
fX-.": :v,;","..; i.aoli JEWELRY, " '.
..i ,.v ' . ... . i, Solid SltX'ER. WARE,
and Superior 8ILYER PLATED WARE, at R.
MaroB.24, loM.linr'-'-' :"' JlJ''.' i't
E M . CI.AKK Ac .,
rf.f . -ti't St t l i-.i.i
.ui' I
. i , BAXKERS,
-.!,..n. vsorrsaroBSALi
Morris A Essex Railroad 7 per seat. Bonds.
Central Pacific R. R.T's interest payable is Gold la
.T"'Ww York r-
H- (I.-90 yseus tnltrest 1 ourrenoy issuii to the
f .Xbasa bends at alj for sals ver o.'':'J
BHsjckS bought taai. sold on Commission. U
beearitlecofsgi kiads bought ad-soidy t
-MareblT. l&AS: Sot - i
1 I
' .17
. (Late Buebler House. . .
nnniS wTI. known hotel has not ontVbeen ettand.
X d but has been greatly altered and newly fit up
by the present proprietor, and Is now one of the
most oouiiorieois ana convenient hotels In Uarris-
.Warok 10, WAly'Tr! ill! ,'"" '
Yj'ARMBRrT wba desire to est) first Barley, can
I1' nroouretthewawd oSrtia sdarsiifnce'. as tha CIJ
Spring Bntwarf, laiUppef .Augiuta. township, nuar
Suubury. Tbe highest market price will ba paid for
JunburMAre )(. 189. TJ'ZZ.
- inavan t iium
THB undcrsignfd Tespefltfully Informs his friends
' anil tba public that be baa changed his place ef
loading Freight to Philadelphia from Freed. Ward
1 S(VU 4rV. 4 AMSSipusst, iQ . - -
(Cossiitissvoa M jrcnaat., Mm ia Tota Qreia, Seeds,
Wo. 101S Market ., Phlladelpfalii,
her all freight trill U Wed o. r ef tk,..
tWnfr:6' "
JtJl freijrU HU kk tvrMt slow sm Mi oth.
hoe or. KroMbseMraui.ei
tt' calf nboTi ruk . 1 ' ,
TT MulnrracCoalr;r Store
Tom can parobata Cot Lenrtba of Mlllinar Ooods
cheaper than dowa town jobbers Sail
Tft A W '&Obi85 Ribbona'l sli&aV
Sail WOOia piaeaaa
Flowers, Milll-
Derr eea, ,-mnvea aau from Aaetioa.
. k , . - . .. k . s 0 Ri u Lny
niJOJ,- an, (Uf Grand St., S4 and S Allan St.,
CsTPifih Blook East from tha Bowery. -
.Aprti 2t, w.-2r....
.i .v.. BFStlstGr i ASi Vr 8UM.MEB. . , ..,
M i Ulnar, y Goods,
juslopenlng at tha Millinery Store of
",Z'"::mti M' !
"awn SUeet, below tha Railroad, SUNBURY, PA.,
' '' ' Such as
SHAKERS, DressTrimmings, Ilead-Drcsscs, Ulovter
. Hosiery, Ribbons, Flowers, Collars, Uandkcr-
- ti .'l.i shiefs, Ac, a.,
which bave bees carefully solected.
The attention of Ihe Ladies h solicited toiler targs
iSWtrnentrof the lntet styles vf UONNKld, arhiaU
give satisfaction to all.
. Call and examine for yoarselva. K troabls t
shew goods, ii- i
. Sunbury, April 11, 1304.
Millinery Uoods nissl Oreatsi Trim
' ' ' ' nil ii( , Ilensl lrewe,
South side of Market Square! SUNBURY, Penn 'a-
Has just returned trout tha cities with a choice
selection of seasonable goods to which the attention
of the Ladies is respectfully solicited.
With Uead-Dresses, Uloves,
Hosiery;' ti . .' . ?. k : . , Ribbons,
hne been carefully toleoted and will give satisfaction.
' Miss Shissles baa had aa experience in tha busi
ness that enables her to select goods with an eye to
ths taste and wisbos of her ousloiners, and she begs a
continuance of favors in tha future which she takes
El ensure in acknowledging during the past year,
adics will find a sboice stock of every thing ia her
line of business.
Sunbury, April ,8- t U. -
aS'uT TA TUB ';'; V .' $98.
tllntoii ' Businrss i (College
Eighth and Spring Garden Streets.
President and Consulting Accountant,
Novel A Permanent-Arrangement of Builness Col
lege Terms,
From April 1 to October 1, 1800,
and' succeeding years.
LIFE SCHOLARSHIPS, iuoluding BookkeepiDg
Business Correspondence) Forms and Customs
Commercial Arithmetic, Business Penmanship
Detecting Counterfeit Money, A Commercial Law
Scholarships, including the Mtiia subjects as above.
Time Limited to Three Months,.
Penmanship. Three Months, ' v ' $7
Ponmauship awd Ariihinelio, Three Months, tlu
I ho saving af Soul and gas in tbe summer months
is au advantage of such importance as enables the
luaoageuieutut' this College to uiuke a considerable
reduction in the summor rates
From October 1, 1800, to April 1, 1867.
And succeeding years, as before.
Life Scholarships,
tiebatarstaips, 3 months, 2i
Penmanship: 3 months, -' - - jy
Pebmanslrip and Arithmetic, 3 months, 12
t-fuiiU Terms for Clubs, boldivrs, and' for the Sou
ol Ministers and Teachers.
Xuy mud Uvtning Instruction for both Stxts
' "- ' and all Age,
In Banking, Storekeeping, Bookkeeping, Penman
ship, Pen Drawing, Phonography, Arithmetic, Men
suration, Algebra, ticouictry, Analytical tlcouictrv,
The Calculus. Navigation, i'urveying, Eugiueerink,
ttuiiging. Mining, Mecbiinlcnl Drawing, Commercial
Law, German-,.-' Telegraphing, and tho English
Branches, at modoralo prices
- Endorsed by tbe publiu as the most successful Bu
siness Colloge of the couulry, w is evidenced by the
fact, that
have entered in the first six months of its Existence.
Iriu'ialH ot It 'pnrtniciitM.
George B. Snyder, K. 8. Barnes.
C. N. Purr, Jr , J. T. Reynolds,
Henry Keim, A. E Rogeraon, A M., C.S .
Supported by an able Corps of Assistants.
Cull ut send fur a Ca:alogue. College Currency,
and Pierce's Praotioal Educator.
OKPicrr--531 'ISTortli Eihtli St., Pliiladel'a.
A pril 14:iSn.
Washington House.
, . , , , SAMUlsilj SNYDEB. ,
,1IHIS popular and comfortable Hotel has been
L. fitted up in superior order lor the accommoda
tion o( Strangers, 1 revellers, and tbe public gener
ally. No effort will ba spared by the Pionrieter to
make it a favorite -resort end a pleasant home for
every guest Uis table, his bar. uud the long ex
perience of the proprietor, warrant him in anticipa
ting a liberal share of publk) patronage.
Extensive stables, and every desirable . conve
nience. Sunbury, April T, 1968 ly '
' Wlioleeiilo
Boot, Shoe and Trunk
WM W. APSLEY has just opened a NEW
STOKE in tha well-known bouse ef Mrs. 11.. ul
ton. in Market street,, and, pffers to thecitiiens of
Sunbury nA-aaiirbboriBS! tewns. HOOTS A slinks
of thei beM owaJily ba, workwanship,- llo having
uiaua arrangeawniay wita. Brat-oiass manufacturers
to supplv tbe belli mailt v Vfrfnod'.
f "In trM-'Whoteswle IerHrSlaiint-e balls tha alien.
tion of Country Storekeeper to his gne slock, which
will be sold at the lowest wholesale prices, thus ena
bling Katai) Dealers to save expense of visiting tbe
cities to replenish their Stack. - - ,
In the Retail department can be found BOOTS.
6HOE:, TRUNKS, VALISES. Ac, which, ia price
at tbese times, are without a parallel.
The stock of Ladies' Wear is superior in style and
workmanship than is usually found inoouutrv towns,
embracing gems of Balmorals, I'.ri
Gaiters, apd fancy shoes of every kind.
. ii . a., aiso cans attention to bis large stock of
Men's wear, of latest styles, that will fit Dy f00t
with ease and eomfort.
, t pmei ;ois) ! t ome All I
Bunburt, Maroltjitjy 8M,- ,
obdub or7AlTi 7Z
BY rutue of ear. erder of sale, isaaed eat ef tho
Coart-ef Comaioa Plus of NanfaamWi.n.t
County, and to ue directed, will be expuswl to pub.
lie sale, at tbe Court House, In tbe Borough of aun
bury, on Thursday, May Sd, A 1. lS6tj, at 1 o'clock
P. M., tbe following real earate, to wit t
' All that certain 'lraot of Land, slmai. ,n 7k.
tewnthip.rtlurfcarly. Little: Kukaooy lowrhip. in
"'."T'.'; pf injmn a warrant m me name or
beoiausin . Yoanir. dataJ ilia IMik ,l. r.f K....
bar, A. D. f7VS. adjoining lands surveyod for Jero
miah Jackson .William Gray, William Wilson. John
W, Bally, William Shar tell and olhors. comainiug
Pv Survey made bv the Inauisiiiun Ei .hi II.,.,
aud fhlrtoen soref and thirty-six perches, striet
measure. Exolusive of etie hundred and filiy acres,
PA'WIM tofrederlclt Haas oatbeUtb o Jtlay. leun.
lobe sold as tha nrotwriv nf il'm l..,.n. w,th
eoliee le Ihe Mabonov and a.. Li,n
C'ooibati). 1 he TVevortod and 8usquehunn Itai -coaAilJiMirpiiB,.
and tbeTrevurten Coal aud Railroad
l-susy DCJ otber terre-tenanis.
bherifi's OBea. Buuburr. Anvil T. IbM.-s-et'
ojtEiiijsDRSD wysor raus, ., , . .
for which the feibeet Casli Plica will be paid by
i J. M. KEECU,
41 York Avanua, Philadelphia.
April MeM.-rIV
esJ.BROAfcWAX. WAR yocRru sTN. Y.
WlluOAUn and renui ai reaucea rales.
Pipes sad Holders cut to order and repaired.
All goods wamueeed e eetiiae. ' lead sUtsn for cuoe
Isr.. fipaelseaWtteaafc. M . ( -i ; . ,
April V, r , . . ?
w i,Vi,aa..' a,i'. -.a .vi.lL . . ,
ft frl,i H tit s i'.i ! t t v : . ! '