fr A ' " zrtma hMlH Corwcit w -,LTL!r!i: U " "Uix$er, Rn, Bm, n.ndrtoki, N. 8. Enqu;, Publisher. Hh'jnntruv. 'A. j: SATURDAY. AJR1L V6ag CrVtt Bbidob twco.-Ta people Lewiiburg ar dvWmlned en having a sew bride at tbet plan I' reoolleeted that th. old bridg wTofx 7 V ot flood laat spring. t7Tn Fis; Bill, welenrn, has pasted loth braoohejof thelegiilator, a the ewernor will, or eonri, lign. Thil will ba glad tidingi to bt frlendi of thai long tlTCT' ry I Ti Nw Qctbm. Th Commit aioneri, RAr " Reorder, Treasurer and Pre thonotary, ?o bava had thair affiaea temporarily In Mr Dont'i building, ban moved Into theofflo. proparad f than: In tha new Court Houie, which ia rapidly ajlroashing completion. . ' ;. . , r-Ti Worm At 6BAM0KIM An act Ijm waned l Legislator granting permission tooertain liliteiuVf llo own of Shamokln to ret "water worW CjjllCMSn l! TBB PMC Of COAL. Wo by UNaw Vork and Fhiladalpbiapipen that coal hat 1" coniiderably In prloa in thoae citiaf . Tbit ft toom nws, aa that arttol baa been exorbi tant high during the last two, years.; "" , 1 Pottsvill Journal, in lU report f tha coal Irla of tha Sobuylhlll region, yt that price have dliotd sine last wrek. and thatoonl If now Boiling Ju lew a Agora at It did in tha first year of the re lllioa. . Th eosl dealers of thil plaea have also reduced ft price of eoal. Messrs. Qrant 4 Brother are now retelling the beat quality of ftovo coal ai ft per Km, end not Mai at $3 . fwMoTi!to Day TbeSrat of April ooour'fing en Sunday, lbi year, Monday last wai moving day. A large number of person in tbn place changed their plaoea of reaidene. The weather wu vsrx unreaiant, being cold and raiby. with tnud artel devjfc Atonatime we ceamted eoae lrele or fifteen wagoni pissing oar efljet, ell loaded with houicbfcld goodt. . . . . ty'w roiT-AlTta At Mlron.-Mr John . ratormao hu been appointed poatniartar Of Milton, and took poweeiion of tha office on Monday Utt. TUli It considered a Tory good appointment. The Miltonian compliment Mr. Lawrenee, the retiring officer, very highly, and rxyt that be haebees a most obliging Postmaster, and in retiriug carries with birr the goo-1 wisher of til personal friend. , . ; i fJTA Jvvemlb Fun CrT. A petition it ia oirc-lelion, ia thi plaoe, wbieh baa been nnmcrooa !y ilgtied by oar eUlienr, reqneatlrg the Oood In tent Fire Company to give their old lire euglne -bich ha been out of aerrioe for POM tiu)f, to au (Agttiitd company ol young men, which hu lately been formed. ' , tyFiCKfOCKEia Aoi'T. WmMcOinly, who it employed on I'ciptor't Tranaportatlin line, we robbed of $150 on Friday night, or laat week, by aome expert pickpocket. Two of the trcployeei cf risher'e raloon wre also robbed ot aetnatl ajaoun1 cf moriey and a watcb. Tbe tnppoaed liicf left in the ci:t the text morning. , - ,.u d?rJ!'A!'CULCnisi TUeiDnouncemonto tt, uf jeci.jn cf several Ba&ki in tbe wealern part of tie E-tote, iiincipaliy In the oil regien, tae eaufci a creal lail of excitement in tbU w-iciaiity. which ieem( to biti bem flcoJodi!b the note of these Banka. V i fTc re are orry that so many bava been "bitten,' , we would merely remind our reader! thet the lufrit wajtoiuvwt aniall turn of money, without tbe least fenr of a "imah," or "inpenion," ia to buy o-jd if thoae fathionable tuit of clothing, of the latent r'pring foabion.and or the beat quality, whiab our frieud Jaeob 0. Tliini ia aiilWtinn ) making up, at hia tatabli.-hment, ootner of Centra alky and Fawn street. CBalx c tbb Old Codhi Hocae. The ld Court Iloute, which wu adverltwd foriale, waiaold 1 at public tale, on the Sita u'.t. Mr. John Ilaai, of thil place, waa tbe purebaaer. 'I be price paid wu i00. M'eundentaDd thet it wu bought wlthaTiew ' of converting tha material Into the nowMaaonie IlalU which will be ereoted in thu rlaca during tha com- ii'g lummer. , tm m (jy Hotel Chauii Mr. Eamuel Bnyder, fo.- merly of Qreen Erier, in thil county, hu taken poueuion of te Takbingtou Hotel. Mr. Kimon AyJer, the retiring landlord, hei leaied a hotel at M'infiolJ, In Union conn:y. The pretent proprietor isinerery way calculated to "keep a hotel." and will, no doubt, give hit .attention to tha comforter bii guetta. Mr. Julius Arbiter, lately mine holt of tbe Red Lion Hotel, took poasecsion, oa Monday laat. of the new Hotel, erected by him et tbe junction of the Sbamokin Valley and Northern Central Railroads rSTTbe .Vi7(oan.of lait week, uyi that Measri. Follmer and Conkling bare taken the contract tor building the Uniontown Bridge at a turn of 119,500. Tbe bridge it five ipani in length, two of whiab ere till itaoding. The structure it to be ready for erong by tbe first of October, and fully .'Wiihed by ib fint of November. J tylt it nnneeeasory for us to call atUnlien to the af Ileal variety of new and fuihlonablt Bpring Cloth' ing, which John E. Smiok li eonitantly reoelving from New York arid Philadelphia. John au great ly reduoed bis pricos. and tlill adhere rigidly to gold pricue, which, we are glad to beTable to atate hu declined to ao low a figure, that he it able to tell hit clothing at vory near the prions paid prenoul to the war. We advise all our fashionable young men ai well ai those who want plain, buitineu and dree, auitt, to givr him a call, at hit ihop in Fawn ttreet opposite Weavft't hotel. He will give eatire litU' faction, fjy We take pleuure in tranferring to nr col urns a very high compliment paid to our reapected tojp,"man, Dr. J. H. Jeflriea. Mr Jeffrie it. con ductor on tha Accommodation train between tbit plaoe and Lock Haven, and by bii pohteoeM and ttriot attention to duty, hut won th respect and esteem of tbe traveling community. We copy th afiole from the Yi illuuniport Gaztttt, u follows: Folitb Bail Boad Coidcctub. Wa are not in the bebit ct uulhoK" a Railroad Cenduotor, or any other man," unless we believe he truly merits it and then we do it cheerfully, knowing ibat wa will be endorsed by the public. It ia too frequently . tbe eaue that editor! lavish thair praise upon Con ductcrs week alter week, where it u not deserving, expecting some favor in return. We soorn a .busi ness of tbu kind. Wben we h&v occasion to travel with one who is unostentatious, and discharges bis duty to the Company under whom he ia employed ' with fidelity, ai well as the traveliug public, we have always a word to aay in his bebulf. Such a man is Dr. Jeffries, oouduotur on the Accommodation train between bunbury and iiock llavea. tie is unassu ming and gentlemanly in his deportmeut, doini all in bis power to make be passenger emutr table and saiunca. Rcixwar. On Tuesday last a bone, at tached to a carriage, belonging to Henry Klin, of 1 Upper Augusta township, while standing in front of FrAipg'n'-or, became frightened at th noise madi . by a party of rowdies, tor loos from the fastening, . aad ran ter aom log in thctqoar. Tb bors , was stoppad In front of tb Washington Douse ' Th top of th earring wit broken off, and wa .wrwis btdly injured. ' tf ACCUCIT OS THI F. A. . BllLBOSU. Wt learn that a collision ooourred between two train on the Philadelphia and Eri Railroad, on Sunday laat, sear li uncy, and that one man bad both bit legi euj rff. Tb En Sxpres train, which it du bsr at I 1 A. if , as dettired bsu7 Lours, is cobs-raises Engel, Brio, Slayaiaker, uruner, Jtookefellor and friltag. Minutes of lut tneetlcg A motion wu made by John lieu to amend report of Committee oo Pavements and Sidewalk incln. ding Cranberry ttreet, on the south aid, oommen slag at River street, to Fawn ; also to pav Poke berry street from th X. C. Railroad to Fawa, oa tb aonthside; also Ildorberry, commencing at Broad way, to Fawn, on the North side: sd alio, thewauh side of Elderberry, from Broad to Deer ttreet ; and th pavements to be laid aad finished by the first day of August, 18SA. 0. J. Brvner o of id to ot on fating tidewalkt separately. Lost. A. N. Brio snowed to lUifc out all streets com mencing at Cranberry. Mot agreed to. Jioport adopted. Minutea, ai amended, wera then adopted. Committee on Streets, Lane and Alleys, aabmit- ted th following report, which was adopted 1 Sobbcrt, April S, 18M. We thaoommittee. arrolnted bv th Chief Bur gees of the Borough of &unbnry, to examine into tbe condition of the streets and alliif the same, hg leave to make the following report : 1. Elderberry street in a tolerable rood condition. rlth the exception of some building material tote removea. 1. Alley back of Jebn Arnold In a bad condition. Water street mints elesningp. Alley along Samuel Clement needs cleaning up. Whortleberry street in a tolerable good condition. with the exoeptlon-of the goiters, and a well oppo site Seasboltta lot, which ia dangerous, and should either be filled up or oovered. Kaepberry alley wants oioaxung up. Blackberry ttreet taken op with Wagon?, pa!, and other rubbish. Broadway needs repairing, draining, and rubbish to be removed Beeberrv alley, alone Fred. Btiades. taken un bv imaginable obsiruuro, and needs attending to rory maeh. . . Market Street flonei opposite I. T. Clement do be removed ; Court llnure green needi cleaning up ; a nriuge neraea oeiwcen v. n. a. ana Aiecnvt corner ; the square weal of tbe railroad in a bad aon dition and want cleaning up and water courses opened. We suggest that tho Rail Road Company be re quested to f lank so much of the railroad u .crosses Market Street. We would also recommend macada mising a portion of Msrfcet Street. Cranberry street wants rubbish removed and water oouraea opened Fawa atraat in a very bad condition, at the upper end, guttera filled up awl street washed away by fiethet. i fitrawbeery ailey needs clearing np. - v - ' .' EnU ltoi4,Gr Ixersueei, ceeis cleaning sip and water courses oponed. . Dewberty street in tolerable good condillon. Mulberry alley In a bad condition want oleaning Bp. ' We, the Sommitte, would reootninerid the altering of the names of streets and allies, and adoft xnore modern name. . ...... "J he oommittf finds Mr. B. Hendricks' passage, to and from bis property, obstructed ky H. C. R. R. Co. , and would- recommend the Council . U take some Inmeuure by which Hr Hendrioks ouahataa free of usage to and from his property .'' , ' J. II. KXOKL, ' ,' J. iSLAYIf AiCVM.1 . Coroniitt on Orave Yard reported the following resolution .''Taut tbe Town Council employ George Oyster, at a salary of $?00 per annum, to oloan the Urava Yard and keep it in proper condition to be under thi control of tho Grave Yard Committee from April 1st, 18. te April 1st, lt17, Willi tho-con- dilion ibatif he dote uot aUend to his duties, he be discharged at any time, ami paid .according ito bit t'.ir.a," AduplHl. t'm. M. Rockefeller offered the following resolu tioni'lbat the Committoo on ' Pavemenu be in strucled to employ a Civil Lnciueer, and have a grade established for eaoh street, baring respect to the pavement heretofore laid under any grade here tofore r'Uihlitbcd' by .th , Borough eutjuriiii. Aaoptea. , ' By the lame, Rtioluti, That the- .Committee n inter liana be instructed to bate a survey and esti mate mad Of the ooit of constructing a bank from tbe northern line of the Borough, and plaoe imme diately above tbe Borough, now washed out, to El derberry street, an J report at next meeting. By the same, Rtsolvtd. That the High Constable be instructed to forthwith notify overy person that hu coal atlies or rubbish of any kind, in any ttreet or ai iyy, torcuioTeinei&me wuoin lony-eignt nours, and if Tho mine is not-removed aooordingly, then the laid High Constable is hereby directed to remove the rarsa, ana au tb persona respectively ror the ex- iienat thesam. ' A. at. Element ana aooo r . ivonreaoa vxeseucea a bill of CoO for servioej rendered u Overseer of thaePoor for loot and 1884. On motion of A. a Brice, referred tn Committeeon i icance. Un motion Of U J. Bruner, Utiotvtd. That a copy of the report of Committee on Streets. Lanes and AHeys, be bandea by tbe cHerk to the street t.onv miseioners and High Constable. 'Us motion of A. N Brice. KtiolviJ, That a om mittoe of three be appointed to change the names of too streets ana alleys, ana to report at me next slated night of meeting. Committed A. N. Brice, J. Bruner, ana m. li. tiocxeieiier. A.N. Brice offered a petition from citisens for the purouue of hose and tor aa appropriation lor build ins? aa enema nous. Chief bWrxess also nrasacted report of Committees en Fire Department. un motion ot .nr. uaas, a committee or tnre wu appointed to axamin the application of the fire com' pnmei, end report at next meeting. Commute Messrs Hau. Blaymaker and Hendricks un toouoa, icuotvta, mat tne'iTeuurer oi toe Borough of Bunbury ia hereby authorised to collect all monies due or coming due to the Borough of i'unbury for rents of wharves and ferry, and to re ceive all sums of money collected by the late Chief Burgess, Solomon B. Boyer, Esq.. for lioenses grant- -ed, or otherwise received by him from any person or persons, company or companies, for exhibiting or performing within the limits of said Jiurough. Ob motion, Rttolvtd, That the committee on pavements, sidewalks, Ac, shall have full power and authority te reawire and direot-tbe trading, ourbine. pavini and entterine, tbe aide and footwalks by tbe owner or owner ef lots of ground fronting oo any .of tbe streets or highways ot said tsorougb, as reported by the said eommltbse, and to eeuse the same to be done, and on failure of the owner or owners thereof to complete the sains within tbe time specified in the report of the uid committee, the committee to pro ceed Immediately with the work and lurnifh all the materials and labor required to warrant them in completing the paving, Ao., in good seuon, and ' . 1 " charge tbe owner or owners ol the property, wu the expenses or costs, with twenty per centum ad vane tbrool and th ism committee shall bav th stir regulatioo and jurisdiction that ar given to th ueoinances ana Dy-baws on this subject. still of tf' A. A. Xcungman, tor M', present ed for printing. Kefarred to Oommitte on Finance Commisalonera reported in reference to oorreot ameunt of tue of Win. L. iJewart. pressnUed. Re ferred to Committee on Finance. On motion, aa order was srantei to Anthony Huff for ao, a interest en a 1U0 bond ; an order to dot. Hoover A Co. for baleno of bond, Inoluding Interest thereon, for (1,11 J: aad an order to Wui. WitMng- ton for JitW, a part payment on hit bond of 12,000 bsld against the Beroogb. ua mouon. ueorre xitu. M.. wsi nermittea to present the case of William Biukey, in rsferenos to payment or oouniy tax in m Jjorouno. it wa re solved that said Rickey bs not exonerated from pay- macs ox saia tax. On motion of Mr. Itookefeller, Kuolvtd, That th report of th eommittee on ttreit and pavmntt be publiibed ia the Bunbuiy American, Bunbury Ua . ... . l f j u ... 1 1 (n connection with tUaresolution offered by the Chief Surges, for tlx eonleeuUve week!. On n-atlon, tittolvtd. That Mrs. Qsss, Mn Oib- ton, and property of Mrs. Catberto Withington, (uro anted by Mra. Susan Bartlow, who era to bar paid taxes on said property,) be ex an rated. On nation, adjourned, to meet oa Tuesday ve- ning, stpni ihib. ry RxuoiBc Notici.W bav been request ed to ansonno that a isrmoa will b prsaohed by Catherine Sobarts, at tb Court House, on to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, at S o'clock. Subject ''The Ingathering of Israel; for tb Redemption of Boul axd Body to enter into Elf Xtaraal." jyw. A. Esnnatt has BUed.up l tltsplcg room in bit Drag Btor for .tb purpos of aoconmodatlng all who nay bavaeocauon Ut proeur medloines at might. All that it neeessary it to ring tb bU at th front door, and custom sri wUl atunded to at aUbourtofth aigbt I ml tjy W. W. Apiley, b Juit receirf d Dotber loi -of Boots and 8bot, hlch are now Of oo at bit wboleiale and retail itore ia JIaikot ttreet. rF"I7iwLOTBOia Btobs. 8. Krooea- brg, aonouuoe new opeoiog of clothing tod Gentlemaii't foroWbiog good. Being a partocf of Sir. Schweitzer, who carried on we do ot doubt Of hi OOCeM ia pleutag all who tut? ell ob him. Beo dT.rUM men. tfibn cclumn. REMEMBER THE DEAD. MKBfUia. I). 0. Dlminger and Job A. Taylor, would respeothtlly aonoauoe to tbe citisens of hunbnry, and jnmmnding country, that having formed a oo-partnersblp, tbey are now prepared to furnish ornamented and plain - OrayMloar. Tvanbsj & Momatnenter, of th best Itsllan and Amarloan marble, at pries thet cannot fail to give entire aatisfaotlon, end re spectfully tulioit the public patronage. vissirHUibH i&iiiun. Bunbnry, March 81, I860. ly., SOLE LEATHER TRUNKS at W. W. Apaley'a. W. W. At sley'. SAftATOOA TRUNKS at ALL KINDS OF TRUNKS at GENERAL ASSORTMENT R. R W. IV. Apefey'e. BAGS at W.W. Apiley'a. LADICS' FINft LGATIIF.R BATCIIF.t.S at W. W. Apsley's. LADIES' LASTING OAITF.RS for t1,7n, et W. W. Apsley'a. LADIES' 01.OTE KJD BOOTS, at - W. V Apsley'a BIIOE3 OF SVJillY DESCRIPTION, at V, V. Apsley's. GENTS' CALF BOOTS FOR J,00, t W. V. Apsley's. LADIES' CUM SHOES for 61,0(1. at '.V.W. Apsley's. BOOT? AND SHOES, FOR MEN, WOMEN AND Cllll-DRKN, at V. W. Apslev's. Sunbaty, Mnreh 31, 1600. Dr. CHAS. ARTHUR, :?L)omccopa(I)ic 13Ijg(c(an. Graduate of th Bomseopathio Medioal Ccllngoof rennsyLvama. OrrtCB, Market Square opposite the Court Honsc SCXBURY, PA. . fttarcja jij jtBij : a jot mm & mm STORE. G-. S SANDERS RESPECTFULLY informs the oitiiemof Sunbury and vicinity that ami hu taken the room in Pleasant' Building, in Market Bquaro, two doors east oi the Express J5oe., for the purpnae ef carrying on the Hoot usssl h Business, in nil its va rious branches, would respectfully inform theoitisens er mis vioimty, t hat be has purchased an entire new stock of tloods wbieh bo iutvnds to dispose of at tho Very lowest price. ' Hit stock comprises (Jcnt's Fino Pegged and Stitched Uoots, Men's Wal'lung Boots and Boy's Boots. , Ladies' Fancv Buokl Qaiter? ! I. And Fine Shoes. Misses' Guitrra, Balmorals and Children's fi,o;of ivery aescription. Ilnisi nnil Citt). He hualso in his emnlov superior workmen, and is prepared to do the i'inest of Customer Work Gent's fine Dress Beets, Ladlus' Gaiters A Child' ren's Shoes. IV'ALL WOXIK WARRANTED! Call and x amine my stock, even if ynu do r.ot wish to buy. am determined to tell at the most liberal rates. (iW. 8. SAXDKRS. Sunbury, .March 30, 1360. ; MERCHANT TAILOR, And Denier in CLOTHS, CASSIMEIiES, VESTING, Ac. l'nivit utreot, south of H'rnrrr'a ' Uotrl, STJ- N TJB RY, P J. March 31, 1360. . JEREJSIAH SNYDER, tiIHntriot Attorney tor 'orllixun tserlantl Couuty. Bunbury. March 31, IBM. !y AGENTS WANTED. $175 PKR M0XTII. SoMETnmo KNTtncLv Nkw The Photograph Case and Family Record. TIH3 is a great opportunity for entornrisinir per sons of energy to make money. It it an artiolo of union tne puono nave leu tue need it retails at a low price, and its beauty and utility i9 universally acknowledtted. 1'hesueecse which nu attended its sales warrant tho assurance that one oan be told to almost every family. o are prepnred to show that we have agent who are ol oaring SliJ every month Address fur Ciroulars'and Terma. . RAYMOND A CO.. Mauuf's 014 Chwaut St., Phila, lBoo lm V)17 ANTED, AaEN!TS.--$75to 1300 per-maoth for VBiiuiuina, snu crf lu cm mr lin'lira, wurv where, to introduce the Common Sense Family Sew ing Ilaobine, improved and perfected. It will hem felt, Kiteh, quilt, bind, braid and embroider beanti fully. Price only 120. makiur tho elutio lock it itch, fully warranted for throe years. We pay tho wages, or a commission, from which twico that amount oan be made. Address or call on C. BOW ERS i CO., Office, No. 2iiS. Fifth St., Philadelphia, ra. r7AU letters answered nrconnllv. with oircu ars ana lerma. mar. K,im tAXVASSKBS Wantod ; at $200 per month. We J wanted relisblo airents (none other,) male and female to take tbe exclusive agency in every county and township in the U. N. to sell the Photograph r amtty iteoora, aworx which every family will buy It is bound like en album but has a printed blank page opposite each photograph, for a ootnplete ra oord of the husbend, wife and each child of a family, also aontaining marriage serticatc, and f n--es for the family Nothing like it ever published and no work that agent ean sen so readily. Uld canvassers and others should aend you circulars and terms. It is necetaary to have copies of tha work to canvass with ; price by express $2 SO, S3 St) and $7 00 (3 stylos; money maybe seut .by mail. Name of tbe townships wontea. Address mar31 lm 611 Chestnut et , Philadelphia. I2ST "W.?lE. CHEAP i on CASH. The larnet Ktock of well-made Tin Ware in the State constantly kept on hand. .Merchants and Lies- lers are invited to give ui a oan before purchasing elsewhere. Mh-LLOY A SlllTIt, TIA Market street, between 7th and bth, Philadelphia mar on Ji, leoe. im northern Onirxxl ISallivay. FOUR TRAINS 'DAILY to and from Baltimore I and Washington city. THRBK TBA1XS DAILY to and frtun th North and West Branch Susquehanna, Blmira, .and all of nonnern new xorx. ON and after MONDAY, MARCH 12th, 1S8S, tbe Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will run as follows : BOUT It WARD. Mail Train, leaves Klmira 4.45 p. m. " iiarrisburg, l.dop. m. arr. at Baltimore. 6.30 n. m. lmlra Eiprsss leave Klmira, 6,30 p m. jtarrisourg, j.m a m. arr at Baltimore. 7 00 a m l ait Line, leaves iiarrisburg, Ma p m arr at Baltimore, 12 30 pm uanitourg Aecom. leave iiarruharg, o uo p m arr at uammore, u jj p m t,rl Lxprsss leave in, 1 44 p m art at uarrisourg, j a NORTUWARIi. Reaves BsUimoe " J-arrUuurg, Mall Train 00 an I 45 p m 10 44 p w 9 44 p a 3 0 a m II 34 am III 10 pu 4 li p ia T 30 p n 11 4 am 6 64 p u i 35 p in 15 aw 7 10 am 8 4U a u arr at binura, Elmua Express leaves i Baltimor. I "w71'ouri I . . arr ai x,imir. Fut Lis, Eri Mail leave Baltimore, arr at Barri.-u.urg, arr at Baltimore, Uarriiburg, . arr at Erie. EcUSxpresj, Jeeves Iiarrisburg arr at Erie Etaniiburg Acc, leaves York, arr at uarrisourg Erie Expreat North aad Uarrisborc Aoeommoda tioa Sooth run daily, exoept Sunday. Elmira Ex' preu North daily, and South daily, exoept Sunduya- ras bin iaria ana siarrisnurg aooo imoaauoa North arriv duly, exoent 6undai. Elmira Ex. mass North snivel and Fast Lin Sooth leaves dailv Man A or in ana booth runt daily, exoept bundayi. Xn nr Bouth arrives dailv. axeent Monduil. For furihar informatioa anolv at the luket Olhoa IB us reonsyivania tiauroaa liepot. ser lurtoer wwrmauoa apply ai in ume. i. N. Dei sen, bupt- (Ut Buchlsf House.) - HARRISRURQ, PENN'A. fTHJ8 jrslhknoWa EoUl has not only bees extend. JL ad bat herbeen rreetly altered and newly St up by tb present proprietor, aad is bow aa of the moat aotniof taoi ana oeovtaieot Intel ta At vnsv MarcalO.lSoo ly 800 BUSHELS'OF BARLEY 6ZZ$7 FOR S-A.X.E. TMEMXftl who darir te eoltivate Barley, eaa vine Brewerv. ia Unner Anauata tawnihin. aear BuBbary. The highest market pi ice will be paid for - W "ymtu ,ACun I tnary,jSarca Si, :8f FOR LIVER COMPLAINT A 6CBSTITUTE FOR CALOMBL, If year kosvels ate costive, ' ' . .. . . TRY THEM. V - : . - If yon have Oorms, TRY THEM. ' " ' tf your breath Is bad, TRY THEM. If jrou feel drowsy, TBY THEM. If you ere low spiilted, TRY TlrEM. If fou bav a ait-k headache, TRY THEM. If you have taken adrnp too much, TAKU A FULL DOSE. . They only cost 13 ceqts a box, ' ' TRY THEM. Blue Mass. and other brenaratloca of Metcuri-, actually produce mure eurTerma and dcatb-than the diaeaaea which they profess to euie. And yet this corrosive mineral so denounced by the allujieUiie doctors, ia prescribed by them almost universuiiy m uver uominsnu, nonsumiuion of Lungs, kc. THE MANDRAKE rllXB ere composed entirely of roots and herlia, obtained from the jrrent .Bltiiettiiuseiu otniure.ena inr.ii wiiuiHr cneris Will eppear as soon hs rtie mertieine is bioucht to the test ofafeirexpeiiment. tCUKN(WMANIRAKEPIL.LS do nut prudaee any nausea or aioaAiessof Uie slmimtli; but wnen given lor iyspeisin, it mev on proper o use them in connect hm with feGittv.NCK'S HliAWKKU TONIC. Kr this jndlrimis treatment the diiestive laeul- ties are speedily restored to their full vigor, and the wont cases ol indigestion inny lie cured. Wlictl ve leuert trtnl lite liver is me lereen iniernRi organ of the body, that to it is assigned the important Outy or Jliteriliv llie .uiooe ann nrepnrins; ins une, mm ik is subject to many dtsirders, and that when it is diseased unetiv; tlie whole Jkhiv euiiers sympatnetivaiiy, it is not imptising tbit a medicine which enn restoie the iicalthv oneralioite of the Liver should produce wonderf ill chiinges ui tbe irenerni henlth, end erTecl rnri-s which may eppeHi .to be atiihjat miraculous, iieciuut-he oi long cut. tiimnitcc, severe pama in the side, brrost and shoulder, eeliuur iif the limbs, a feelinst of general weukness end wiebOiritucss, ami other nlarming and distressing symp toms, Indientiveof Imperfect or disordered notion of the liver, nre speedily te moved by the use of b)CHKNCK'8 MANDRAKE PIUt. Costiveness, piles, bitter or sour erantiniis, and that Indescrihehle lectins; of oppsession, snenuil nnaieiy, .hsn. guor, lethargy, and depreunon of spirits which uiit' a men for the inaimreinent of buainesa end the enj'tyhieiil of life, are nil relieved oy tbe use of SCbl KICK'S .MAN IHtAKK PILLS. ' Da. Sciiawcx. Dear Sn : I tnkepleasuv in sending ynu a certitk'Htqin adilition to many you hnve already re ceived from suffering huinuiuiy. I csn suirrely find Inn Kimav anftieiently strong to express my heartfelt iJranti..-a-lioti 'f the wondetfnl nlies your MANUlt KI-; IMI.Ld and I-:a WEED TUMC have rrleeted in the entile cure of one of the most stubborn cases of Ihe affection of the liver. F..r three yeuts 1 smlei.:d beyond desci iiion ; alt my frtemts, un well as myself, came, to the conoliiaion that n,y time in Uiisliie wns short, ull was Ihe lernhle c.iidition to whi'.'h 1 was rtdii'-ed thnt life to rno hnd be come n btuthen ; mv whole system was in a r.ite of u,. nammation ; I eotild u't ent, I could not sleepj my whole IpkIv whs ftiti-d with tisiii j swellii.g would arise in my wrists end miklea, rentleriiiK them toi:illy useless On sese ml oceiivions 1 was ettneked with u rush of bha d tn the head, whieh would fell nie So Ihe CWuml, mid I would ta; earned away for dead. I npplietl to several eminent nhyairmits of our edv. who udmiiiistered all the medicines thai they Ihonelit would reach my cuse, hut of no uvail. Ouc oi' tiieui s.iid hi; c-'ukl do HO more for rue, and ad- vised me. as u lust re.rt, ti dnoV cod liver oil. Not relishtiif! lh horrid Irnsh I declined to take it. Accident put your ftAveituwtnur jh n.y bumls. 1 called on you; you examined me and told nie the o.ilaie of my disease. S'tiu ilien ordered me Iic IViSMid Tonic with an observ ance of diet. pIcliriiiR vour wor.t tliat .in one week I would find mys-lf another mnn. followed y.ntr advice, and,ns you predietrd, an astmnshinfl cure whs etT-cted. I continued your Pills and Tonic i,.r some time, and now llinnk Uod for his gmxlnese, and yonr valuable snedicine, I nin once more restored to perfect health. I roost enruept'.y eecoinmend those who are surTeriii" from ullee liiui of the liver to give y mr fills nod T uic a fair trial, mid a cine will he eiTected. 1 have sent many peisous to you, and they have all been cured. Any information my fellow citizens mxy require will be freety pivnn t-y tho suhscrila-r, ut bis lesidence, No. M2 l-'cdernl street, lic tweon eth street uaui'neFwitik rmd ClIARLES JOHNSOM. Sr.. sTuriacrly Printers' Ink Muuutacluror Ihi. PCflKNOK will be proiwionnlly at his principal office, No. V N-wth ixlh street, corner of Coiumen-e, I Ji I LA lip.i .1 in A. every ruturaar, from ua. m.unuii p. m. t No. .'12. iiond street; New York, eveiy Tuesday, from 7 to :t ; No. 38 Summer street, Uosinn, Muss , every Wednesday, from 0 to 3. and eyu7 V.'1"'' r,d"V t lilb Baltimore sireet. Cailimoie, Mtl. All advice free, but for a thorough exnmmutico of i hu lu-igs with his Resju rometer the charae is three doliurs Puce of the Pulm mio Syrop and Siweed Tor-ic, each I (1,511 per liottie, or SM per half dozen. ?la'Jinke Pills, 84 ceiils per hjr. For sriteb)- ol! Druttrists and Dealers. March til, 18011. ly. NEW GOODS FOli sriilXG SALES EYRE & LANDELL, . FOUKTJI & ARCH STKEETS, PUILADELPDIA. A It K OPENINO FOR SPKIHU SALKS- FABUIONABLK NKW SII.lvS. Novelties in DRKSS GOODS. 'e-v Slvlos SPUINU SHAWLS. New Travelling JlKKSS HOODS, i ine Stock of NKW GOODS. Uagoibcont FOLiLAKDS. Splendid BLACK SILKS, Ao. E A h.. have their usual asortrr.ent of STAPLE GOODS. Alw, C LOTUS, CASSlMKItbtf, L6- TINll4t,a., Ac. P. S., Our pricos aro now arrarujad to meet tho vtKw tof Bdykiis '. March 21, 186U. Ct IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CARPETINGS FIRST CLASS -GOODS AKD 0.K lAVAItllll.i: CAM1I PJtllK. AN IMMENSE STOCK Embracing all Kind aad Styles OF AMERICAN & EUROPEAN MANUFACTURE, At Reduced Prices On account of tbe decline in J. F. & E. B. 0RNE, 904, Chestnut Street, nilLADEirillA, Now offer their GREAT SPRING STOCK Imported and Domestic CARPETING, frenoh and English Axminster, EnglUa Royal Wilton, B4 ana a-a v eivets. Fin English Irutsals Croulev's Tapestries. imperial 4nr-r7 carpet Fine Ingrain Carpet. IULISII BUCHSKILS AND IIOVAL WllTO.' CABPET8, TOR 8TA1R3 AND HALLS, WITH BORDERS. 3.4, e- g-i Wbit, Bed-Caocked and Fanoy IlatUxvsr. Coca 9IattMr N0tIbX10ItCl.0TUB,C. Ms rob 24, lm SUNBURY STEAM MILLS. NOTICE 1 riADE undersigned would respectfully inform lb X oitiseos of bunbury and -vicinity , that they have bouxbl tbe Sunbury Btaaia Mill, formerly owned by J. C. Morgan, and wiU take ywstession oa iba flrtt day of April. Wben tbey will b prepared to fur nub tbeir customers witn tne Destot flour ana isea at tbe shortest notice. -We will bo thankful to our old euitomert for a oontiauaaoa of thair patro nage aaa siso mi ta paironageoi now on. 'AIIUCR, J'StfiSYl. CO. Baabury, March 10, t66a Jt HJNBT HAKPSB. 03Q AKCU STREET, - rHILADELPUIA. WAXCHEB, - Vint Ucld JIWELUT, td 3pri"r j,vjjl fUJTO WtUir, t rrrgafaKf! Mere i, 1A WILLIAM W. APSLEY'S 'VVholraalo ' Boot, Shoo and Trunk WAREHOUSE, SlKBlltY, PA. IITM. W'. APSLEY ba lust opened a NEW Y Y KTOHE in the well-known house of Mrs. Boul ton, in Market street, and offers to thacitirens of Sunbury and neighboring towns., BOOTS A SHOES of the best quality and workmanship. Ho having made arrangement! with first-olae manufacturers to supply the best quality of goods. In the Wholesalo Department he Calls the atten tion of Country Htorokcepors to his Bne stock, whiob will be sold at the lowest wholesalo prious, tliui enabling- Ilatail Dealers to save expense of visiting the oities to replenish their itook. In the Retail Department can be found BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES. Ac, which, In prioc, at theso time, are wsroom a pnraiisi. The stock of Ladies' Wear is superior in style and workmanship than is usually found iu couptiy towns, embracing gems of Balmorals, splendid Congrca iiB;v kml funcv ahoes of evervkind. . W. A. also nans attention io uia impnut. Men'! wear, or latest atylcx, that Will nt any toot with i oo and comfort. . Coino One ! Cno Ail S Fitnbnry, March 10th, 1806. ItJNBUIIY CLASSICAL IKSTiTTJTE. A DAY AN BOARDIXO SCHOOL FOR VOCNO I.ADjns AKD TOUKO ME5f, SUNBURY, PENN'A. Instructors. Ret. 8. 8. Millkr, A Rev. W, C. Ckkjier, A ' JJ' j Prinoipali. Miss 3. E. Powebs, Assistant Teacher. rpllE first nusrter of tlie above Institution will JL open ii'JS DAY, Al'l'.UL 10th, 1S00, at 81 A.M. - ... t or furthur particulars, apply to or address tb l'lUNClPALS. JSunbury, JLuvb 10, !?P3.-?va REAL ESTATE AGENCY. OFF! a', MARKET STRFJET, Sunbury, Pcnn'a. CI W. ITAVPT, Iq.. having taking out license. r under tha United Ktatos caciso Laws, as Real Estnte Agent, offers for sale Uic following property, to wit : tixty tfifl) good building lots and fi7C (5) dwelling houses, in tho borough of Sunbury. A farm in IJpprr Augusta township, containing inn acres, more or less. A small farm oontniuinir oil acre.", more or lets. about nno mile from I'axiiK.i. Shnmoltin township. a mll farm con! fiiuit! r 62 acres, more or less, in Irish Ynllev. fchamokin township. There are good building ou these three farms. Sunbury, March 10, 18t6. tf. Iiifontorrs OIHos-h. D'EPINUEIL EVANS, Ctvu. KMaiNPKn -u Patxst .Voucitoks. No. 436 Wulnut street, i'liiludelphia. Patents solicited consultations on I'nrlnoerinir. Druuphting an 1 Sketches, Models and Maohinery of all Kinds niu'io luia nnuiuuy uuen ieu 10. ijecini atuntiou gin to r-jecte.l cuncs and interferences. Authentic copies of sill Docttnioiits from J'nteut Oi- fico procured, . . JJ. Mive yourEoivcs utmoss trounie and travelling expenses , us there is no actual nocd f f...iiiw wih ui. All businees with thoae Ofticus can lie transected in writing, tor fur- ther uiformation dirt ol as ubovc, w ith stamp euolosud, for Circulnr with rcforeocci. tebruary 3,00 ly. iMioit rs.i & io.isi:srir. FISHING TACKLE! JOHN KRIDER. " North East Corner Second A Walnut Streets., PIIII.APKI.PHIA. JUST in reeoi ill of afino aeioolod jtock of cheap and fun.;y JfliS'lIINU TACKLK, of all descrip tions, suitnble lor tbe rivers and brooks of this State, to which wo invite tho attention of all storekeepers. March IT, 1S6H, :tm I'hlladolplila Si, MZvle KnIIronal. rpilIS great line traverses the Northern and t-'or'.b-X went counties of l'enusylvaniu to the city of j-io on Luke Krie. It bns hec-n leased and Is opcralod by the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company. Tinio ot 1'usscnger trains at Bunoury, liOuve liiatwura. Krio Mail Trnin, 11.40 p. m. Krie Kxprcss Train, 4 15 am. tliuira Mail Train, 10.40 a in. Loave Westward Erie Mail Trnin, 4. 51 a m. Lrio Uxprcss Train, 7.05 pm. Klmira Mail Train, 4 25 p. in. Pufsonirer cars run throneh on tho Krie Mail and Expreua 1 ruins without change both ways butwveu Philadelphia and Krie. ietv Voi k ( jmnee linn. Loavo Kew W-k at 0 00 a m, arrive ut brie 9.15 s. in. Leave Krio at 1.55 p ui., arrive at New Vork 3.40 p. ni. ELEOAXT SLEEPIXU CAHS on all Xi-ht Trains. For information rcincctinff Passeniror businoss apily at Cor. Stub und Market St., Pbiludelpbia. Anil lor rroignt ousmessoi tn(rvoini.anv s.tgents, S. 11. Kingston, Jr., Cor. Uth and Market Bt., Philadelphia. j . v . neynuias, trie. William lirown, Agent N. C. K. R., Baltimore, ii. II. Houston, Hen'l Freight Agt. Philada. H. M'. G WINKER, Gon'l Tieket Ag t.; Philada. A L. TYLER, s'cu'I Manager, Willinmsport. March 21, 1803. IteuUIntx Ituilroad. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Now 27th,, 18(35. HEAT TKVNK LINK from roe Kortb ana J North-West for 1'hiladelphia, Now Vork, Itead lug, l'ottsvillo, Lebanon, AUeutown, bnston, Ac. Trains leave liurristiurg lor New-Vork, as fol lows: 8.00,7 S and t 05 A. M. and 1.44 and 9 00 P. M , arriving st Now lork at 5.411 and 10. 0J A. M. and 3.40 and 18.34 P. M.. connocliiiK with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Railroad : tileepiug Cars acoouipanying iae o.uu ana ir.uo a. .u. iraius, wuu out change. Leave tor Beading, Pottsville, Tainaqua, Minnrs- ville, AUUana. l ine urove, Altentown anu 1'Dliauel phi at . .2j A. M. andl.45 and i.b0 P M., alnppiug at Lebanon ana nnnein&i itutions : tue v uo r m. Train making no close conneotions for Pottaville, nor Philadelphia. 1-or Potteville. r-ohuikill tlavcn and Auburn, via Aouuylltill and eusqucbanuu itail road. leave Ilarrisburz at 4.00 p. in. Keturnine : Leavo .w Xork at 9.00 a. ra., 12:00 Noon at 8.00 p m.; Philadelphia at 8 00 a. m. and 3.30 p. m. 'Pottaville at b.30 a.m. and 2 44 p io Ashland 0u and 11-45 a. m. and 1.15 p. in.; Tama aua at 7.35 a in. and 1.40 p. in. ' v n - : i, e 1 T : i : - c.v-..ilmi j ljUavv IUII..TII1VIUI OBltmuui IUII Cusauehanna Pailroadat a 45 a. ra. Heading Aaooinmodution Train leaves Reading at 30 A. U. returiitnz trou l'uuaaeiibia at JC P. M. . . . Co nmhia-Kstlroarl Trains leave ".eaams; at c It, A. M. and O U P. M. for Eiibrata, Litf, Lancaster Columbia, AO. On bundavs: Leave Aes 1 or a at e 1. At , t'biia- delphia 3.15 P M. PotUrilleb.OO A. M-.tTamarua I A W, Iiarrisburg T.os A AI ana neaaing at I a. oi fur Uarrisburir. and 10.52 a. m. for New York. Couimiitauon, Mileage, oeeaon, ua txoursion Tioket. at reduoed rate to and from all points. aKK2e chaos. 64 tcrougb : cu foucas uuzage at lowed eaa I assenger. U. A. lt.UI.LB, Gt trier ai uptruuadet' Leo. , 1W4- . W. CLAiXK sW T.O., NO. 24 EO-CTK 3D 6THEET, riilLADCLPKIA c orria roaiaia Morrit Essex Railroad T per cent. Bonds. . Central Pscific R. R T'i ijitereei psyableia Gold ia New York. '. B. 30 year 6 'I interest ia earreaoy Issued to tbe roifio Railroad Company, low boedi ere all for Ml very low. bujokl bought aai told Cemiaitsioa lT S touitlo of all kiods boogbt aad sold March IT. IH 3n. ' !J r rt mt ri Ti a.. GH-titsi f Kewfeasj, as F.M.TH it 3 COAL! COAL! 1 COAL! 1! QRAKT te BROTHER, Sblp'pera A Thol-sml Jk. Itctall acaiora in ' WIIITF, fj ni l) A811 COAL, in every variety. Bole Agents, westward, of the Celebrated Il-inry Clay Coal. Lowaa W'BApr, Somcar, Pa. Sunbury, Jan. 13, 1W. ooo CONSTITUTION WATER. Tho astonishing; results which has attended thi invaluable meoMcine proves it to be tbo most psrfect remedy ever discovered- No language oau oenvey an adeqnate meant the immeuiata ana almost mi raculous change which it ooolaions to the debilitated and shattered system. Jn fsut it standi unrivalled as a romedy for the pormanent oure of Diabetes, Impotcncy, Loss of Muscular Energy, Pbysioal Pros tration, Indigestion, Non-retention nr Incontinence of Urine, Irritation, luflrtmation or Ulceration oi the Bladder and Kidneys, Diseases of the Prostrate ''land, Ktonein the Bladder, Calculus, Gravel, or lirickdust Deposit, and all disoaeee or affections of the Bladder and Kidneys, and Dropsical Swellings existing in lien, Women, or Children. I'or tisane llaeiisicit peculiar to ft'c male, Constitution Water la fa SovcreIjti BCcmcdy. These Irregularities are the caul of frequently re curring disease, and through neglect tbe seeds of more grave and dangerous maladies are the result; and as month after month passer, without an effort being made to assist naturo, the difficulty becomes chronic, the patient gradually Poses her appetite, the bowels are constipated, night sweats oomoon.aud ro tustyxtois finally ends her career. For lulo by all Drugeists. Price 11. V. 11. btitLOO, A CO. Proprietors MORHA3l&ALLF!s, General Agents. No. 8 Cliff street, Itt York. February 3, 186(1 Cmo CMA.YUJU O' f t I. rjAIIR undersigned respectfully informr liii fiicnJs , X "rid tho pullic that he has changed his rriaco of loading Freight iu Philadelphia from Freed, Ward ! A l reed, Ko. 811 Market btrcot, to A. 13- ACHBSON, rCominissioo Mcrohant, dealer in Flour Grain, Seeds, Au.) Ao. 1015 Murket fit., PlsiludvlrthiH, where all freight will be loaded on cars of the un dersigned, for Dauphin, bunbury, Khauiokin, and all intervening pointy. AU freight will be carried as low as o-i any other, line, tiplnrs to carry Ireijrit respectfully solicited, which will receive proinplittouUou. J.B. WKISKR. Pmibuiy, Jan. JS.bRfi. 2m. (J. S AYIl7l)EH, SUNBURY, P ENN'A. Iiisonry, llris-Ic and Carpenter M ox-sV UxsiUTatiDfC nitl ltcpuirisigr, of all dcjTjjtiQii done in the most modoinstyleg and substantial manna:- at short l.oiior, and at prices to luit the times Suubury, Feb. 17, 1M(V TOWN LOTS FOR SALE in tlie lttron;li ol Snnbui )', rjVIE undersigned offers at private :ale situate botwoeu Fawn A Peer strocts'beluw Whortle berry. For terms, Ac, call on IAVID CLEMENT, gtilibuty, Jan. 27. 1hd 3m. SADLER AND HARNESS MANUFACTURER. .'J, STBOH, I'oer Street, opposite the Central Hotel, SUNBURY, PENN'A. INFOP.M.S his friends and tbe public that baring removed to bis new establishment, and extended hu lino of business, is now prepared to manufacture more extensively, and invites all to call and examine liii large assortment of Sadies, Harness, Collars, Whips, Common and Fancy Fly-Notts, blankets, liuflitloe and Fancy llobes, Horse Combs, Sleigb-Bells, addlo, Harness an-1 Coaoh Trimmings for manufacturers. LIVERY! LIVERY! I LIVERY !1! In connection with the above he has also a Livery Stable, good and safe Horses, Buggies, and Convey .eases, which are .hired jiteasouabie rates. . AUCTIONEER! lledsahio a Licensed Auctioneer, and will atteud to all business entrnsted to hie care. Sunbury, March 3, l'tftil. rrc MOT1CK. Tbo publio are hereby notified ,nt to take up. or n any wav intorlcrcwith law loes found atloaton the usauchanna Kivor below Willinmsport, in the en suing spring freshet, or at any timo during the pre sent year, as all the logs in the river below that point aro ibtenuea to be driven to iiavre-bie urace, Jiu i). W. .ViMlTH. A. U. P. HOUUE, DILLEY liLANCHARl). ConmUtes. Williamsport, Feb. 21, 1886. 2m. NEruWirsTolir WM, HOOVER, Kuilroad (ati'sjvt, above Murkt-t, KrH IHE CENTRAL HOTEL, S'JKBUtY, PA. RESPECTl't'LLY Invites bis friends snd the i public generally, to oall and examine his large assortments oflio. . bafore purchnsing elsewhere. Ill's Ktock vnn ut llrnaawa, hisKs-y, IlollaiMl s.m, a :rt-k-e iciiiu, .llonoii;lst'ti nud llourlsun ox" ls lt' quull 1 . ttines, 4'itlfr, iue fZur, A t'., Acc. Farmer. Hotel Keepers, and others are invited to call, as his stock is genuine, aud will render gtnvral eatisfaction. r-unbury, I vbruary 3, lSGo 0!9 H O O 1 SKI R T S , 028 HOFKIN'H "Own Make " MiHirirri arn and .Soi.u Wiioi.kialb A Kkts:;, No. 623 ARCH Street, Philadelphia. Th most oomplete assortment of Ladies' Misses' and Children's Hoop Skirta, iu this City; gotiuu up expressly to meet the wants of First (.'lass Trade , embracing tbo newest and most desiroble styles end situs of "(lore Trails," of every length from L'J to 4yds round, V0 to 56 (Springs, at 2tu K5 00. Plain bkirta, all lengths, from 21 to 3 yards round tho bot tom, at SI 4n to (3 15. Our lino of Misses' and thilden s Skirts, are tro- verbially beyond all competition, for variety of lyles and sites ss well as o.r 6nish and durability I varyipg from rt to 3 inote;' in length. to 5 i'priugs at 3.1 cent to 2 25. AU ajitrts ol "Vur v.wn Jlaxe, are Warranted to fjVr satisfaotioo ; lit Vuy nono as sutb, unluss Uiey liaviv - lit ':ii-'s IIiK-p rkirt Manu factory, No. bbb i' rub Street," Stamped on lach Tub ! Also, ooiiBlat tly on band, good (ikiruj, ilunuUc tured In New tin- Eastern Mates which w sell at very low Prices. A lot of cheap S-kirts IS springs, f5 cents; 20 springs, tl 0U 2a springs, (1 li ? iprings. fl 25 aud 40 sp:i-gi jfl SO. f C Skirls. uiadu to Urd sod Repaired. t j'Xi.3 Cssu (n Ftii e Only ' iUrob J, -lo m EA'TIKtt k LODGING JIO.USE ! X I'ctv Si'tepa . or I Is ofUtc Oopol, Nt;.iii uv, HOT MKALS AT ALL UOVtti, VXX A XI) NIU11T. fuubury, Jan. 20, 18Sr3. GROCERIES I GROCERIES Mr. BAHAU A. SIMPSON, 11 "hortUberry Sti nt, cut tf ihe A'. C. P.. Ii SUNBURY, J'-V, T)ESPECTFl;LLY luieeru -her friends and the 1 1 . nubl u oMioriil v. that she b jul opened a lai ge aasortment-of XfcM 4rot-eriea, such as TEAS, COFFEE, CX70AK, MOLAS bES,FISH, SALT, AC. "uro Cider Vinegar, Trail Jars. Glassware, and a varloty of Ladle' TrinuuinKS. Fans, Thread Neck Ties. Handkerobiefs, Ac, to vshiah lb luvilei all te examine before purohusing elsewher. unbury, Feb. 10, lboti J I'F.ll lilAIII Wa want ajreutsverv where to sell our la- raovEB tX dewing Machines. Three new kinds. Upper aad upper feed. Warranted Bve years. A love salary or large commissions paid. Tbe oki.y machines sold a United citaie for less then $40, whiuh are fully lieensMt by liowe, W heeler A WU ra, Groves A Baker, fcieger A to , aad tiaeheldvr. All otbes ebeap inaoBinee are iofriugemeoti and lb teller of ussi are liable so arreet, fiti. ard issprisos Alstsrt Cirea.s-s Ire sUoress, n eall lu en j a Clark, Biddeford. MatLe Ct-i4 ly N E W 0 11 0 C E R Y THE subscriber beg leave tn announce to thf citirens of Sunbury and its vkibity, that they have opened a NEW Tvo door vssf of J. II. CnyU$ roJi;, Marltt S'jt'TD, wher they are prepared tuT'irnifli every variety of groceries, and will keep uountuntly oil hand tbe cnoioess vsrieuns or FLOUR & FEED, Fish, Coffee, Teas, Pugar, Molawes, Ohew, Unit Fploes of all diseription. Soaps oxvny variety, Csndles, Smoking and Chewing tolfioco, Sefraif, lisms. Shoulders, liaeon, Butter, and Ki;n. Alt-1 Dried fruits of all kinds, Cniicd Punclin and T. ins toes, Pick els, Kotelitip, Pepl-rr Suticp, Raisins, Lemons, Aa., of best quality, and in fnot oj cry stylo of articlos kept in a well stocked lii-uctiy. An Cider Vinegar. All kinds of country prodiico taku in exchange. The patronage of the public vs re spectfully aolioited. OtOROEr. FEAHD ICO Sunbury, Nov. 11, 18SJ grriER's SAMeuua " poirr GRAPE WINK.. rorennd Four Yours OIsl. FOR THE COMMUNION .TAILETLiMlLY I Si: Proscribed by Pliysioiuis for Femalos, weekly person! ai l IS VAHC3 ! &3 , ."iis'ToVt'iflJi EXCELLENT WINE KOK VEMALLa Every family at this season, s'lould u SPEER'S WINE, celebrated in Europe for its medicinal ar.d bendus, Fjualitios, highly esteemed by .eminent tilusiciims, used In r.oropc.T-1 and Amerioan llospitcls, and by some of tho firdl familR'a-iu. Kur4pe and Amvcwi AS ATOXIC it has no equal, cnusing an appetite and bull-ling r.i the systom, betug entirely a pm a wlue cf a motit . valuable grapo. A3 A riUKKTI'." it impatU a healthy a'tiaof (lie (ilnnds, Kidnuy's. and Urinary Urgaus, very beneficial in Dropsy, Ciout, and llheumatio Atloctions. SrtEIl'.i WINK is a puro article from the Juice of th Port Oian", prssaiiif, medicinal prunaitiee superior to any nthr , wine in use, and au exolivnt article for all weak end debilitated persous, and the agod end infirm, irn proving tbo appetite, au.l bcuanaiii liiai uul children. Ji'.y it ourr . nnjyou u-ill not ht dttrivl. ty Bosnro tho signature of ALritco irten li over tho cork ot'onoh bottlo. Sold by W. A. liennelt Suntury, nod nil first elae dnnlors, who ,!vo sell the OtS'llI-l.t PUKT Istt a choice old urticle. in- ported only by Mi'. Spear, dirsot from the valley of Oporto. (j'Trado supplied ly Wholesulo TruRgists. t sTRy A. SPKKH ntliis vlnnvard in Sow Jerjov rKiNt'fl'AL OFFICE, bilCAUWAY, N.Y. tiurihitr-. Jan. 111. lWio ly. PRTZES. 186G PRISES. S1LYE1MSC6G0LI) !! SUCH CHANCES NEVER I5ITORE Ol. FERED. to ti: ri'wijc. $150 lGO The war bavine; bien hrcught t a lucocwful t. Biination, and Gold In consequence having brcoir-.o much cheaper, we bae been enabled to purchusw. on very advantageous "terms, sonic of tho finest nn-i molt elegant jewelry, clo ,v:ai manufactured in this or any other country ; and we fhrrcfoe.bave d-tet mined to oUersu'-h bargains to tho puulio that tby nevrhave hBd bol' 1 To eflect this, wc hnve determined upon a tiRAND GIFT DISTRIBUTION b? which any and every one will tuke (heir ,-hsno of having one of tho very beautiful and cotly arti eli-i enumerated bi-low. REMrMULR ' AU-'rlxct. uitU o kJlanua! twv. mod:-: Of ortUATioN Is simple and fair. The erticles ere numbered from 1 up to 100.000 Con-fist iii of Pianos, Melodeons, S,-w ing Macbinee.'tiold and Mlver Watches, etc , loO.OC'.' notices numbered from 1 to Itift.Oui' aro printed an-t put into sealed envelopes and well milt-. I, and one of ti.osa is taken out and rent to tbe f anon sending 'ii cents, and the art cle or goods oorrespondicg with the aauiber-on-the notice will be sent to tha holder ;' the muo liniiiedintely (if b" desires to pur chase the article,) on Ihe receift of One Dollar and Fifty Cents, ror irsiance: it Ibo number on tro uoticr sent to yon should bo W0, and l'iono, nr D'e mondSetor Oold Watch i.hnuld 'be -numbered b'M' ;t will oe sent to you for ii .!3. and so ta for evvry ar tiolo on our list &f 100.000 articles. Z'j cents rnut be sent to pay exptulo of ; JCt"-. Corierp-.Ldeiice, eto, en each uolio Tub ARttc: rs Comsist or Pianos, .MeloUconi, Mjfio Boxes, Gold nnd .lilitr V, atohes, Cbalns, Ucld Watch Keys, J-nt Brul l'ins. Ladies' (!oid au j Silver Setts, Watches. Ac , Uold Crossee, Pencil liases, Hold Pens. Necklaces, Ear Rings. Sleeve Buttons. Plain and Chased Rings, Mas-jnio Pins, Diamond Sets, i-nts Tea and Table Spoous, Miniature Lockets, Photographic Altum, Stationery, Rooks. aud alhodsind th-ir arttoks, nuuierous to meutien For 1 we will stad t Notices, .. b 40 10 " ' I Ml " n l a svUi Silver Watch, fr return of icsil. Agents, Vuiitel I; vcrr Her Pand for c-rcolar. a large enmmission il.ixl " Agents, by which from i.-ti t-i ti- per week muy te realited. Address COI.FMAX A l"0 Pnlesrooins, Pea t'J47 Post Ollioe, Y llJNaseau hi , Feb. 10, '08 3m VALUABLE TOWN LOTS FOKStl.F. IMtJHT (1 valuubt town lots ate odored f.r li sale cheap, on Dewberry street, opp-jSit ir, lina's addiliun. in tb loroub ol Sunbury. I:- lqutrof J-.H MAScKK. J Banbury, Y bru.try H, lflC-3 JOHN WIX.VE. BOOT &z SHOi: M N I' FA C T U R E R, Ons door Last of fiilcg l Stole, Market (Via.: SUNfJKJlY, PK.NM'A. KCSPECTFL'LLY infoims thecitiieniof and vicinity, that hssiur ssfely returiKd fixiu tlie army, will again rnsuine bis business, and mauu tasture, to order. Bouts ana cboos, of all kinds, ol tb best rualiial, aud at tb lowest rates for cats II hopes to receive a full (bar of patrouagv buubury, Deo. K, 1SC4. Isire sL.tberty M Kite Leud. The Whitest, tha w.cst durable and tb tnost co nomioai. Try it jslanufaotured only bv ltul.a,M I in, Wholesale Drug. Paint A Uloss Dealers. No. LU NojWi TU1HD Strset, Pluladolidiia. January i",ltt6ly. jeweleyT JEWELRY ! JOSEPH KES8LEB, V ntchsxiaatcr niisl Jruve-lsfr, Market Street, Kuubury. Pa. RLSPECTFULLY informs hi friends end tie public, lhai be bae just received a Isr. aes-n-uieutuf Watche, Clocks aed Jewelry, .v'pclclcs. bilver and pJsUd spuvus, Fork As Wsmu. c.ttuu Jie.ij N,l,i,. .i rsi'Ki eyaburj,Jn. 12, ttt Ij --1 .t. .v . -