f r.i;.i what in. bciienck isijijlsu. i ;;..r. lr. echuntk, Vvl I-'ii: : I 'f..'tl itn duty I owe In you, and to nil mIhiI'i,, n:.r.fr' nt fiiitlpr iho discuses known u Jensuinptior. und Liver Complaint, to let then know I what great tiout tils I have rcoelvcd from your l'ul- j tuonic r-'yrup uud iscuweed lorjjo in so short a timo. l!y tin; hli.-snip nl (loil il !mi curd me thus fur. JJr. Hehruck, I will now inako my statement to ! you, tui iuiluws : About eighteen months n;ro I wits I M'scked with a severe cough, nod it settle I oiruiy limits A eould not retain unytbins; I nto, aud mil- , iw rfi'.U cloning fevers nud night sweats. I. was vtrr ii.o?h reduced. Tho whiles of my eyes were j very ytllow; likewise my skin; my appetite all K"e, :'ti i i.ii.iMo lo dic-ost trlmt I did cm; bowels swollen, j mulr md costive. I wns very law spirited, and.; hul mich violent spells of '.cnughiu; when 1 hud ilown at iiiht and when I arose in tiic morniu,; tbnt 1 they would lint one or two hours. 1 I limn would be nearly exhiiuslrl, m:d was cut ire- ' l v unable to lie nu my Iclt side 1 c iiir.ot uctciiuo my wretched ifl"-riiin ns f would wish lodo. l.'vcry orin in my body win" dioiucil or deranged. Such was mv siluiilion ut tliis lime, und I win confined to I rv bed fioni tlie lust of February, 1SV.', nut nldo to lit up. I had the b .si ol mcli.-'il nttcndvui-e Ibo whole of the time. ily cough i nt wry bad I h r. t ' il reeked mo very much. 1 nt this timu'r.i!:;id n largo quniitity oflhuik, yellow, nll'm-ivo matter, j sometimes v-.iih biood. iiuU it wnsgcneinlly nccomp.i nird bynnuscasnd a fuirrd and tlnek coined tongue. At the limu ut couching so badly I would Invo ', 'inrp, !iotiug pairs iiimylefl ri le and luvirt, nielli I sweats, and 8te.'.c'iis nil through my whole chest; hud much inwird fever, puin in my buck nnd under my (boulder bind'" and in the small of my buck, nnd ; lit times so acveie that it would throw me Into spasms. Now my physician gave mo up to die. 'Mhers I hud, and llie Left of Hum, but they could do nothing for me, mid at. that time I was nothing hut shin mid hones. X then was in the western pin t : of Missouri. In Jnnc lust e left Ih-r" for tin- hast, ' and in Atii;u-,l lH.-t we came to .New York, and I was ' mi reduocd tbnt 1 could ouly walk a little with my ' hii-huntl's help. Alter 1 bud been here n short time titosnlt witter breeze mido niefeel uiuch belter fur (I 1 lime nnd. then L hnd ititin to call a phymeiiin lor aid. 1 We hnd four of the best physichins of .New Yolk on Ihc dijetfcs "f the huig. and doctors of nil kinds, but of uo aveil. 'J hey Mid I w pnst cure, nnd thvt n:y luiijts were loo far rie for any olio to euro me. Jiut nt this time I wns on my feet about the h''iuM', , nut able to do luueh of miy tiling. In November , last 1 grew vjotsc, nud the eon.-iiinptioii dianhen ' btl ie nnd loted about eihl weeks. We had tried iJl.und uveryUiinj that 1 eould grasp nt liken dying person for my diseutes coiisuuiptbu ur.d liver, eon.- , jilnint but of no-avail- In Juaaary, IHUli. 1, war lnou0'ht Juwn ajjaln on ir.y bed. nud wits not expected to live tho niht out. Aly hi.sh.ind stayed nt my side, uud other IVieuds, , mid lliey all give me up o die. At Ibis timo every i'iiLihH i.iedid n it tl.il, k I would lent c my ; b"d a living woinnn. The first nis'jt I was ittlnckeil with spasm.", ami km dTinqed most of tho time. . A l,i hd. .Mrs. Harris, euiao lo sec mil the lnt of tno wetk. nnd brought tho riundiiy Mercury. In it wis nn account of n grcnt enre perlorined by l'r. .ehenck. s'iie ead it lo mo. and it was su much i like. my own disease that 1 nuked my huiitiud. tq ko, end see him for me. At this time J had. (;ivcn un nil hopes of ever Retting well ngnin, and made my ; peace with Clod, to he ready when He called for I me. On the 27th of Jmmary. 1 my hubiiiid culled t n l'r. Sebenck. 'ii tin ml atreet. New York, und i tnt'd to him my ease, with a request for bint to call' , mil sou me, which he did, nnd examined me with j he respimmetur. When ho was about to K I asked : lim if he eould cino nic ; Jlii rcjdy : "l can tnt lidl. both lungs nro disenaed, und Ihc hrouehial ' ub" are ntieeted on both sides. ' And yet bo euincd to think there were lungs enough left to of- , eet a euro if the diarrhea could be stopped, lln j ttid in order to do Ibis, he would have to give Jinn- i Take Tills in small doses nt liist. to cany oli ihc , lorhid mutter, and then, with astringents, ho hoped ( i cheek it, which ho did. but the constant coughing, ight sweats, nnd diarrhea hud prostrated me s i that : o wns nfti'.id my vita!, powers were too luueh iros- ! nted ever to nilly, and yet he seemed to think if I ! mid live to get enough l'ulnionic fyrup through ' y system to cause expectoration, there were lungs lough left lor nic to recover. He wished mo to try e I'ulinoiiic Syrup nnd Seaweed Tunic nt once, ying it would ilo me uo harin. if ildtd menognod. I ho first week it seemr.l to give mo strength, so at on Sunday afi"i I. sat up iu bed und ale hearty r a sick woman; hut tho next week I lost nil hopo id wished u.y husband nut to give mo any mure ediciiic. l'u! tho doctor hnd warned him of this, ; d when the inedicino wns clearing out the (jttcm made them led somewhat restless, and to vcrsc rc: aid he insisted on my inking il; audi mw I the bcnelil of il. l'or alter eight days I began tiu strength, uud, with tho exception of a cold it ut me back smue, l hutebceii gaining strength body, 1113 cough is going away, nnd ull my pains gone; no sor'-ucss of tho body, my boweiiaio ' ub'r, und my breath is sweet, nud i thank tied I I urn now going about, nod sew und reud us well I ever could. I it tve taken sixteen hollies ot tbo .liciue, eii,t ,jf ettch. 1 now havo a good nppe- ! and rest well at right; toy cough does not ! iblo mo in getting up or lyiug clown. I would j c say to thu nlllk'tcd with ' consumption or liver ; .plaint, tiiat Dr SclieLtk is no humbug. You ' rely on what he says- Delay not; it is danger- I to triflo with these dhenses. If you would ha j d, go alouce. uud any ouo w ijinug to know the ! s iu herein stated can cull ut my residence, 117 : t Huustou slrcet. New York eitv. ! e, the undcrsigiiej, residents of New York, nro j lainted with Mrs l'oi bjw, ar.d know hor state Ito be true. Wc also know that she used Dr ; nch's l'ulmonic Syrup and Seaweed Tonic, nud . reason to believo lhat to tins medicine she her preservation from a premature gruve. Ii'AUWJW, UT Welt Hoii'ton St. aiKNi: IMIiCKIi I I.I.. tlTii Oieenwieh St. a. 1)1 liK.Mu l'Xl)i:itIUl.l hid lireenwichst. 'Ul"ST I NDKiitl 1 1.I-. 67ri Urccuwteh st. 7. HAKltlS. 117 West Houston et. UI.Y ULMVK11, 117 West Hou,lou kl. 1,. CULi:. XI Cottage plasa. A. I.iatiHTO.V, 43.1 liroa lwny. i. I!i;.NJA.Mi; CI-Al'i". I'J Amity p'a;e. in well aeijiininted with Mrs Mury I'ttilow. ith her husband, .Mr. li. I'arlow, they hnving few mouths past, atttmled at my church, and imm incod il at liny stateineut which lliey might might be relied on ns true. JOHN HOWLING. I). 1. l'estoror Bedford St. lliipll-t Ohuivh, N. V. rlchenek w ill be professiou.illy at his principle No. li .Votth Sixth streut, earner of Commerce, lclphin. every st.iturday, from 9 A.M. until i., No. ;2i;oiid s'reet. Now Y'ork, every Tues rom U t" '!; No iimnier street, lioston, cverji Weitr.eiday. from U lo t. oud cveiy 'ridiiv ut I0 lialliuioru street, ltaliimoro, .Md. vice f-ee. but fi r a -,horottgh exaniiMilion of 3" with the llespirouiolcr, the charge is three i. e of the 1'iilmur.k- .'-'yriip and Seaweed Touie, 1 40 per bottle, or 7 5U per half doten. Man- Tills, .ti cents per box, sale by ull Jiruggisrs and Healers. euiber V, lnoj 1 y. E. C aOBIN", nil')' nud rounelloi-,)Hl Law, )0.NV1LI.H. CCOl'EH CO , MlSSOl HI. I.I, pay taxes on lands in any part of tho Stale, liny und sell real Hstatof nnd all other t outrujtcd to him will receive prompt utten- 8, 1605. oct 15. 'lit. MARBLE YAIU)." nndersined would respectfully inform the t of I's'unbuiy. and public generully, that he nt J m MAllltl.K YAKD, opposito iho louse, where A.MK1UCAS und ITALIAN I is constantly kept on hand. I rderslor .Monuinonts and Head stones prompt- J I f.t iedt: -ej rates. i D. C. DI.S'i'lXutK. tfly. (It. 7, lSCJ.tf. I ir.OI-l.it. 1.. u. t AHK IEGLjEH CASE, ITOIiXEYS AT LAW, rTMH UY, PKX.NsjVl.YA.MA. j'i iiis and all Professional business prouipliy d to in the Court of .NurthuinbcrluuU anil g Counlii s. tlso. spe :iul altcnlion paid to the Collection ions. Jluunlies aud Hack Pay lor Hidows ' nud S'uldii'ru try, March li. lSfij IT bOAPS. Tooth-Dius:ii. Hair Urushes Iorloby ANNA PAIMKH. Al& FANCY CAKES.! rs w.-lof the Tctt llffies, fcl'XlllUY, Pa. ! ECTFL'I.I.Y iiiforms the e.itieiu of .s'un- ' y and riciniiy, that be will bake to order i of !. lor kiitllis. 1ii-I-m, Ar. uro supplied witb FRESH It It K AD, Twist usks. Ten Duns. Ac. and also kepi on baisd lured out id the bust materials, ders will meet with prcuipt attention, g had Urge experience I hope to give salisfaoliuu tu all nho may tutor me with trouage. DAVID FRY. ry. Deo. . lsti'ij. relully enoipounded cf the M.ituk.oih isIoto ot i VI t rflUNti a HON. 1'I.I.U .1.1 l, rv -May .'0 : TUB PERUVIAN SYRUP 18 A niOlHUTEH SOM TIOX OF THK Protoxide ol lrni), n new disoovcry in medicine which STRIKES AT TIJK.ROOT OF BI3KASJ3. by supplying the Blood with its tit tL rni-riri.n, on J.irn KI.BJIBNT IKON. This is tho socrct of tbo wonderful suocess of this remedy in curing Hysprpsui, Ilver Complaint, Dropsy, Chronic Diar rbcoa. Iloils, Nervous AtTcetiona, Chills nnd Ke-. irrs. Humors. Loss of Constitutional Vigor, Diseases of the Kidneys nnd Hladder, I'cruulo Complaints, r.nil all diseases originating in a, I". AH STATU OF THE H L 0 0 D or :icconip:ink .1 by ni'mu rv or a t.otv ktatb or TIIK SYS nttl. Ileirig free from Ali'ol.ol in any form, its energi zing elVeuts are not followed by corresponding reac tion, bill nre pei iioinent, infusing ktiiksiitii! vmon an 1 Ni:w i.tt ii into nil p trtof the systctu, nnd build iugiilinn I HON Cl'NsTlTL'lloN. . LYSPEISIA AJJD DEBILITY,. l'io::i tlir IV.ni.jt',- Arch:!iiifoii SCOTT, P. J) Dt S'ii.t'i, CenadaKast. March 2l,1t!.13. ss :rf ! nn inveterate Dyjpeptio of more thnn J i years standing." a "I have been so wonderfully benefitted in the three Aort weeks during which I havo used tho l'eruvian t-yrup, that I can scaroely persuade myself :S the rmdily. J'eople who hate known mo ere rslonislicd at the change. I nm widely known, nrd can hut r'eoniuiond to others that which hm dune to luueh b r me ,: x U;u' nf lln- tiu)t I)iliiigiii!ici1 JurisU in N'uw Knlitiiil WriU's to a Friutul us lullotvs : "I l uve tried tho FKHU VIAN SYUVi", nnd tho result fully sitslnins your prediction. It has made a new man of me; infused into my system now vigor nnd energy : 1 mil no longer tremulous nnd debilita ted, ns when you last saw mo, hut stronger, heartier, nnd with larger capacity for labor, menial nnd physical, thnu nt any time during the last five years.' -In li,int 'iii Itii'iiu nf Bottvn, wyi: 1 bnvc been using Ibo PHKUVIAN SYKUP for some lime past ; it gives me new virion, uu'uYAacT Of SJ'llltTS, klastk ty er UI'SCLI:.'' Thousands have been chnnged by tho use of this remedy; from weal;, sickly, suffering creatures, to strong healthy, and happy men and women; nnd invalids cannot reasonably hesitnta to givo it a trial. I A pamphlel of ,'IL pages, containing certificates of ' cures md recommendations from some of the mo.-t r eminent physician, clergymen, nnd others, will be sent free lo any nji'.rcs. l"Soo that eneh bottle has I'lHll'VIAN" KYKUP blowu in thu glas. For sale by .1 P. DI.VSMOKE, Proprietor. 3il Doy Street, Now York. AND BV AM. IIRI'OOISIS. SCROFULA. All Medical Men agree that IOMXK is tho Pes' llumedy for Scrofula and all kindred dironro ever discovered. The difficulty has been toobtitiit a Pure Solution of it. Dr. H. ANDERS IODTNELWATER. Is it Pure N.lulion of Iodine. Without a Solvent!! 1 t'ontitiniuga full grain to each ounce of water. j A most Powerful Vitalizing Auont nud ltestorative. It has cured and will cureSCHOFULA iu all its mani fold forms. I'le-tTM, t'lllM-sTN, fJ pliilsti, Knit Eiliruni ; nnd it has been used w ith nstonishing su?css in cases of ltheuinatism, Dysiepsia, Consumption, Female Complaints Heart. Liver, and Kidney Diseases. Ac. Circulars will besent free to any one seuding their address. Price fiOa bottle, or f, for 00. Prepared by Dr. H. ANDEIi.S, Physiciuu nud Che misl. For sale bv J. P. DlNSMoKlC. MDey Street, New York. Ar.d by nil Druggists. ftistar's Balsam Of WILD CHER?. hns been used fur nearly HALF A CENTURY', with the most astonishing success in curing Coughs, C dds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat Inlluensa, Whooping Cough, Croup. Liver Complaint, Hrochilis, Difficulty of Hreathing, Asth ma and every afleetion of 'B'li-'I'lii-onl, I.un;- !, uud I'tM'Ml. CONSUMPTION", which ear lies off more victims shan other disease, aud which bullies the skill of tho Physicians to a greater extent than any other uiuludy, oilcii riF.i.ua to this nr. nr. nr ! when nil otheis prove iuoStctunl. AS A MKDICl.Nf, rapid iu relief, soothing in effe:!, safe iu its opera- tii, n. it is unsurpassed ! nud is entitled month, and receives the general confidence of tho public, i MvYMOI R THATCHER, M. D., j of H'lrinnn, N. Y'., writes ns follows: Wistar'j I'nl-nin of Wild Cherry gives universal ' sati-fi'clion. li seems to euro u Cough by loosening and demising the luir;s, und allaying in itatton, thus ; removing the cause, imtc.id of drying up the cough nnd leaving the cuu-e behind. I consider tho Ilul- sam as good ns cny. if not tho Lest Cough medicine I with which I mil iie'juiiinteu." j Fioin Hou. Judge Sl'K AKiill. of Caiiajohntic, X. Y j (jentltii.cn Tl.is is to certify tint myself and family have used Dr. WUtnr's llalsaiu of Wild Chery, : for several years, and that I tako great pleasure iu rooon. mending it in prcfuence to ituything of Iho ' kind lor thu puiposct f-ir w hich il is intended. Iu I cascsof Asthma. I'hihiuic, or affections of tho Throat, , I haw never Mel w ith anything riti:il to it, , eiy rcjjiiuiiuiiv, DAVID SPRAKER. The Uev. JACOU KF.CHLER, of Hanover, Pa., Wi 11 known and much respected among the Herman population in this country, makes the following statement for the benefit of the afllicled. Dear Sirs : Having realized in my family impor tant benefits from the use of your valuablo'propara lion Wistar's Ilulsaiu of Wild Cherry il itflords ine pleasure to recommend it to tho public. Some eight years no one of my daughters seemed to be in a deoliue, nnd little hopes of hor recovery were enter tnined. I then procured a bnttlo of your excellent liulsitm, and before she had taken the whole of the contents of the botlle there wns a great improvement in her health. I have, in mv individual onso made Ircqueiit use nf your vnluablo medicine, nud bat e always beon benefitted by it. JACOUSECHLER. PRICE ONE DOLLAR A DOTTLE. For sale bv J. P. DlNNMfiRK. oil Dev Street, New Y'r.ik. KETH V FOVi LE A SdX, Proprietors, liostou. And by all Druggists. (.iHACK S C'KI.EURATED S.VI.VK Cures Cuts, Hums, Scalds 0HACI.'S CEl.KUUATKD SALVK Cures Wounds, Uruiscs i-'pruins. jOHACK'S CKI.EBT.ATKD SALYH Cures liuils, ITccrs, Cancers. lURACH'S CE1.K11RATED HM.W. Cures Suit Kheum, Kiytipelas. tiUACE S EI.EDKATED SA1.VK Cures Chapped Hands, Chilblain, i (i RACE'S CELEAUATED SALVE Heals Old Sores, Fifth Wouuds, do. j It is prompt in aetion, removes pain at once, and I reduces tho must sngry-looking swellings and infla I uialious, as if by magic, thus affording relief and a ooiiiplete cure. Only 25 oenls s box ! (Sent bv mull for 35 cents.) For Sale bv J. P. DIXS.MUHE. M Hey Mrcet, New York. is. W. FOW1.E WIN, Proprietors, Ku.-li.ii. and hy all Druggist.. Grocers, nud Country Stores. Juuuary 27, latiS ly. tVnnlcd liiitut-eliiHi'ly. while barber is wanted immedictely to whom steady employment will be given. Apply to Market Street, Sunbuiy, Pa. bunhury. Jan. 13, Itjli.i. A New nud fiuo lot of PKRFtMES, ie , for iho iV lloltuuys. at t-ltjllt -Ntll 3. JMI0T0GUA1MI GALLHRY In Simpson's liuildingi, MAlUCI.f SliL ARK, Suubury, Pa., Cl. ICIIWItlM:, IVoprlctor. Sunbury, July 15, ifiOi. LARGJ5ST0CK! N i" V.' A II II I V A L O T C4 O O I) 8 AT NO. 1 UTOHE OP WEAVER & FAGXjX.1T) COXi'ISTING OF DRY GOODS! FOUEION AND DOM ESTIO. such ns Clolhs, Cassi. mores. Muslins, heelings. Ticking. Cnlienes, Do Inines. Flannels, and all kinds of MO Ull NIXU Hoods, Alpacas, lllack Pilks, Oinghnma, llnlmornl nnd Skeleton 8kirla, Canton Flannels, Nankeens, Car peting of nil kinds. HATS Sc CAPS. NOTIONS & VARIETIES, Comprising. Hosiery. Gloves, Thread, Buttons, Sus penders. Ncek-ties, Collnrs, Handkerchiefs, Hair Hrushes, Tooth Hrushcs. Oum Itib bon nnd Cord.tnpo, erotehet-braid, worked collars, fancy bend dresses, tidy cotton, enrpct binding, combs, fancy soaps, carpet bags. Trunks, Valises, Umbrellas, lilnnk Hooks, Paper, Ivnvclopcs. Ac. msf ywk. Hujaaw,kV"Eit,is.3a: Of alfkiuds. such ns Nails, Hing"" and Screws, Door Latches and Knobs, Locks, and CUTLKHY ol every defcription. I Also, Dyes, Drufrs, Pnints, Vnrr.islics, Fish, J l'lnxst'fil ntul Ilcni'-iiif OiJs. .J lass. I'uily. fcc. ; tn-'HstvJirc uiul 4iCiifst lire ol' nil IillljlS. STONE AND HAKTIIEN WARE. Ad Extensive Stock of GROC E R I E S, Composed of Sugar, ColTeo, Tens, llico. Corn-starch, Mnccaroiii. Harlev, Hnking-powder. inolasses. soaps, candles, tobacco uud ifgnrs, Suit, l'isb, Meat, Cheese, ic, &o. Also, a lurge variety of BCOTS & SHOES. for Men. Women nnd Children. Lb'AH kinds of U rain and Country Produce taken in exchange for Hoods. Givo us a call before you ptirchiiso elsowberc, we are bound to sell as low as any one else. Store-room in Ira T. Clement's building nt the south-west corner of Mat kct Square, near tho Court House. ISuiihury. Oct 26. 18oj TAILORING J. F. SCHAFFER, ESI'LCTl TLLY informs tho citiiens of SUN- IiUKY and vicinity, that he has opened a 'Iiiiloi'Iii Jlni, the room over Farnsworth's Urocery, opposite the Cental Hotel, Sunbury. where ho is ready to make up garments of nil kinds iu the latest style und best workuiuulike manner.. Hitt ing had experience ill the business for n num ber of years he hopes lo render general sati. ficlion Custom work is resi cctfully solicited. J. F. tjCHAFFKK. Sunbury, May 1". 1.n'i5. ly Buliilnlt-l1ila At i:ri BCt ili-s:il. ri'tniS) great line traverses the Northern and North .1 west counties of Pennsylvania lo the city of Erie on I.Hkc Frie. It has been leased by tho Pennsylvania liailrond Company and is operated by them." Time ol Passenger trains at Sunbury, Leave Last ward. Krie Mail Train, Frie Fxpri'ss Train. ' Klmirn F.xpre.-s Train, tlinirn Mais Train. Leavo Westward. Frio Mail Train. Frio Fxprcss Train, Flrnira ICxjiress Train, F.linirn Mail Train. 5 50 p. m. :t 10 a m. 1 1 ..15 p m lO.iJj a in. 3 05 a in. 2. oil p in. Vl!!) a iu 4.25 p. m. PasseiiiTer cars run throiitih on tho Krio lail nnd Express Trains without ehiiugu both was belween 1 Philadelphia and t.rie. I ."Ss'v Vorii Connect ion. I Leave Sew Y'ork nt ti.no p m, inrivo nt rie 3..1T a. , in. Leavo Krie nt l.ij p m., arrive ut New York 116 p. in. No change of cars between Frie nud Now Yirk, elegant Sleeping Cms on all Night Irnins. j For information respecting Passenger busines. ! apply ut Cor. Smh and Market St.. I'hiladelohia. And lor Freight business of the Coniiiinv's Agents, S. II. Kingston, Jr., Cor. Uth und Market St., Philailelphia. J. W. Reynolds. Erie. William Hrown, Agent N. C. R. R., lialtiinorc. II. II. Hol KToN, Oen'l Freight Agt. Phtlada. H. W. CiWlSMlR, tlen'l Ticket Ag't., Philada. A. L. TYLKU. Ucu'l Manager, Williamsport. Kv. 25, 1SCJ MEXICO ! MEXICO! 430,000,000 OP TUB KEPl'HLIC OK MKXICO. Twtuty-ycai Coupon Eonds in 'uins of $50, f'jDP, und f 1.000. sico Interest iVcvcn per cent., Payable iu lhcCity or New York. Principal and Interest Payable in' 4OE. U. JIO.O00 0U0 to be .'-'old at full Cunts on the Dot L Alt , in I'. ,S.- Currency, thus yielding nn interest o Twelve per cent, in liold, or Seventeen per cent, in Currency, nt the present rate of premium on gold. The First Year's Interest already Provided. Tho Mut DESIRAIH.E INVESTMENT eve OiTEIU'D. Iinimii.Mi Tracts nf Mining and Agricultural I.niiJs; sixty percent, of Port Dues, luipo.sis, nnd Taxes, in thcftatcsofTAMACUPAS and .SAX LUN 10 TOM ; aud tho Plighted Faith ol (he said eHnlos nnd thcUcncral Uovernmeut uro nit Pledged for the re. dotuptiou of these Honds nr-d payment of interest. I'liti Keciirily Im A sn !. S"0 in U. S. Currency will buy a 7 per ct. (sold Ilond or $50 i0 do. do. do. do. (100 $iOO " ' ' 50o $C0O " ' $1,000 Let every lover of Republican Institutions liuy at least Our lloutl. Circulars forwarded and subsoriplions received by JOHN W. CORE1E.S ACO., J. N. TII'FT, Financial Agent of the Kepubl'o of .Mexico, 57 Broadway, .Y. Y. l"ifubciiriplions also recoivc I by Hanks uud Hankers generally throughout the United Stales. Suv. 4, lSGi. it I. ,ti oz'.ogc's sii'.isgoti.AM). IUKHEAS ,ue Auditor Oeneml as requiiskj by the lllh Section of thu Act, entitled - Au Act enabling tho Ranks of (his Commonwealth to become Associuliuiis fur tho purpose ot bauking under the Uws of iho l uited States." passed on the d duy of August A H. loTif, bus certified lo me that the 'Think r,f Xorthnmberlnnd," located in tbo Rorough of Sunbury. N'orthuinbei land county, has furni.-hcd snlirfaetoty evidence to him thut all the requirement of said Act have been oomplied with by the said Hank, and that it has become an association for tho purpose of Dunking uu Icr the 1. ait sol the tnited States I do therefore, cause Ihc notice thereof to bo i,ub- j lished in accordance with the provisions of the suid 11th section ot llicsniit Act, and do declare that the Charier ol Ihe said li.iuk by thu tcrmv of aaid Act, is deemed and taken to be hereupuu surrendered sub ject to the profusions of the first section of said act. A. 0. Cl'RTiN, Governor. Executive Chamber, ) Harrisburg, Aug 2j, 1SC5. i JEREMIAH SNYDER, Alloruoy C'ousiMt-liur il l.u u, Otljcc vomer of Hlackberry and Fawn .Street, tbroo doors east of E. Y. Diighl Fouudry, Kl .Mtl 'HI, IA. I Will attend promptly ta all professional business : enirusmu iu uis cure, ino collevliou ut claims in -Nor-lliuuihcrliiud and the adjoining countiej. Consultations in ticriiiHU and English, tunbury, April , ISili ly ikt. i:. i. i.i H V SIC IAN AND SL'It UK ON l1 NORTHUMBERLAND. PA- I DR. LI MLEY has opcuod an olKea ill Northum berland, and oilers bis aerticcd lo the people of that place and the adjoining townsLips Otl'uo next door lo Mr. Scull's Shoe Store, where ho cuu found al all hours. .'iorihacakcrland August 19, 1865. ,. llwukaul l.l;lilnrr'ii. - ' Life uud Public Sen Uc of A. LINU0LN, by Crosby, j; 00 Pauline Cushman, The I'niou Ccout tad fry, 2 00 Onr Mutual friend, J JJ ; Holiday books SeiaicalelT or in Bells Bunhury, Pee. W.M. HocKirELLes. tuirT. RonnsAcn. ROCKEFELLER & R0HRBACIL KIHI ltY, IK.-i.K'A. OFFICE the tnme that has been hcreloforo oeeu picd by Win. M. Rojkiefeller, Esq., nearly op posite the residence of Judge Jordan. Sunbury, July 1, 1865. ly elour & Teed "store WllOLKSALK JX1) HETA1L. ' TVt subscriber, respectfully Informs the publio that ho keeps constantly on hand nt his new V AlUiHOUSH, near th Shamokin Vnllny Railroad Depot, in SUNIIUKY, Flour by the barred and suuks of all kinds of Feed by tho ton The nbovo is nil manufactured nt his own Mills, nud will be sold at tno luwest ensh prices. J M. CAPW AI.LADl'll. Sunbury. June 4. lft4. A CoiikIi, Cold, or Woro Throat, Requires immediate attention, and should be cheek ed. If allowed to continue, Irritation of the Lungs, n, rormnnont Throat Al-FKl'TIOS, on AM I.St I'HAni.K jLllNtl DlSKAHR is often tho result. BUOWN'r BKONCHIAli T110CHE8 Having a direct influence to the parts, git iuimedi. ntc relief. ror Drontliitis, Asthinn, Cutirrh, Coiuump five nnd Throat Discuses, Troche are used ict'A aitctiyt good mceem. Mincer! und tnlli Ni'sikoi-t will find Tuocufs useful in olcnring tho voico when aken before Singing or Speaking, aud relieving 'he hroat after nn unusual exertion of tho Tocnl organs. The TitocuES are recommended and prescribed by Physicians, and hnve had testimonials lrom eminent men throughout the country, llcing nn article of true merit, and having proved their efficacy bjt a tost f man years, each year finds them in new localities in various parts of the wo'ld, and the Troches are universally pronounced belter than other articles. Obtain only "Bnows's HnuxcniAL Titocnr.s," and do not take any of the Worthless Imitations that may bo offered. Sold everywhere in the 1'nilod 5tntes, nnd in oreign Countries, at .15 cents per box. October 2.S. ISG-i.Om "NEW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. .1. it. I'HISIil.'Mv. would respectfully in Qji in tho citizens of SLNlil KY', aud the public generally, that he has opened a new, P1IOTOQRAPH OALtERY. In Simpson's liuildiug. South side of Market Siiunro, where ho is prepared to take iu the best style of ihc art PICTl llES TOFHAMK. PICTl'KKS IX CASKS, CARD PHOTOURAPHS, Also Pictures made fur Rings, Hrenstpins. Lockets. Ac. Persons wishing in our line will Uo well to oall and examine specimens at the Uallery. Wo hope to merit a liberal share of public patron age. Oi it Mo i to is to Plkahk. Sunbury. July 15, IHG5. Uko W.Eiciti:. Chas. U. Grxmrs SMITE & GE1TTEE?.. . Market street, one door cast of Mrs. Boullon's Hole SUlSTBTTIRrS" 2?J..a Have opened ANEW TIN -WAKE, stuci'i iron (iii4i move More, and intend keeping conslnntly on hand, aud inanu- ftcturing to order on shortest notice, TIN AND SHELT IIION-W ARE of all descriptions. A Lnrgo Stock of Cook Stovcsof tho following llrands PE1T1TSTLTA1TIA, UHI0N COOK 9 and on the following two DrnuuU wo defy competi tion, namely 4'oniliuntIuii i Ilarnrr,('ook. (evrrner IN-nsi Cook, unsurpassed for boauty of finish, simplicity of ar rangement, combining ebenpnuss and durability, and each stove warranted to perform what ihey aro re presented ALSO, PARLOR and OFPICK STOVES, in great variety, embracing all the best manufactures, and most fiishionablo designs Also, The celobrated (JEM for houtinf up aud down stairs. Also the eulebratod VL'LCAN HEATER. t'uulOil, Conl Oil I.atp, fthiules, 4'liiuinirtt, uiitl all ii-1-h unusually kept in an establishment of this kind. We arc also prepared to do all kinds ol Spouting. P.uofing. I Range nnd Furnace Work, tins Filling. Ac. Repair- I ing cheaply and neatly executed. I Country produce taken iu exebango at market ' price. SMITH GENTIIF.lt, Have the Agency for WHITS CELEBRATED FI I'.K PLACE .STOVES, for the Counties of Northumber land, r-nyder, Liuonsnd Montour. Ai d are also agents for the Piphcr & Willower Lino of Transportation. Bun. ury, Sept. 30, 1S01. MIXOR'.S Tatent Tockot Laulerns for sale at the Rook aud .Stationery storo of X. F. MtiHTXKR. iNEW ESTABLISHMENT ! CPS. A. E. SAVAGE, Fi Watchmaker AMI .iCi JEWELER. In Simpson's Building, Market Square, !TJT3TJwY. FEITIT'A HAS constantly on hand a fine nsHirtment of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JEWELRY, Spec tacles, Ml tor and Plated Spoons aud Forks, Ac. WiiIs'Iick, C'lofkw uud Jt-s , pulreMl und VAatlt A. I i:U. Suubury, Sept. 30, 1S55. CLOTHING FOR ALL!! AT CONTINENTAL CLOTHING BAZAAR. romer ot'Murl.rt fiquiiro SCnll tnad Nlri'(, SUNBUHY, I'EXS'A, JVST OPENEB, PALL 4 WINTER STOCK OK READY MADE CLOTHING. Of the newosl stylcs.cul by tk best Artists, trimmed auu maue equui to oust cm work, una sold at tne lowest price'. Wholes NuilH lor 81.T. Cavalry Pants for frt. RLANKLTS, BEAVER CLOTH wjac .: xTk. rmrsm Varying from (25 to (10. .Ilru tllitl Iloy'i TotIiiuof the best ma terial consisting of Hrcss Coats, Frock Coats, Sack Coats, Pants, and Vests of various color aud quali ties. UENTLEMEN S FURNISHING GOOHS, inch us Shirts, Over-shirts. Undershirts. Drawer. Cnllurs, Cravats, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Stockings utoves, ae. Iluiiseft.!l ( up of nil klsidsi. ROOTS AND SHOES, Hum Shoes. TRUNKS, VA 1IM.S, LMURELLAS, TOBACCO A EUAHS, n.iene, jeweiry, Knives, lie vol vers, and MJ TI0N6' of all kinds, aud numerous other articlos. Th publio are invited to oall and examine bis Bloc. Remcnibor the place. '-Continental Clothing Store,' i-uiucr ui .uaiaci rquuro ana in jti 11 it. LKVI HECHT. UNITED STATES HOTEL, Opposite Uit K. Y. i NEW HAVEN A WESTERN R. R. Pkpot BEACH BTBEHT, HOBTON. By F. M. PKATT, Formerly ofth Asuerican House. May IS, 1865 -ly FH0T00BAPU ALBUMS BOOKS AK!) 8TATIONEHV. Monuhly Time Books. Inning Books and Slatot, Borks, Uvron Books, Bunk Bks, Memorandum Btnks, Diaries, Foukes Book, Ink Stands, Funs, Test 11. a noe sortmeat of Paper, Ink, to. Fealby A&&A PAINTER. GOLD. f 1803, 1800, 18G7.' -SILVEE l.to 75000!! S2 ! $2 !! tS2 1 1 1 'Tlnnnncfnrcri, Affenf n X Our New Mode- One of onr UOI.I or Nll.VIjlt Wiitc-hew, or HIlT-r Ten Hcl Tor $9, nn bt-Iow ntnrl. One of our tea setts or on pieee of onr Held or Silverware is worth a bushel of tbo cheap dollar Jewelry ! ! We have adopted tbo follswing mode of DISTRIBUTION by sale of 75,000 articles of value ! Onr 'ew IyIosIo ! Tho articles of goods are numbered from 1 to Ti. 000! 37.600 consisting of Pianos Melodcons, Unld A Silver Watches, Sewing Machines, Tea ft Table Setts. Solid Silver tea and table Spoons nnd Forks; etc., etc., and the other S7,500 articles of Yaluo Jew. clry, Work ft Toilet Cases, Photogroph Albums, Opi'iiTnco Silver Watches, and funcy articles in great variety. 75.000 notices numbered from 1 to 75,000 aro printed and put into senlcd envelopes and well mixed and one of thoso is tacn out and scot tq the person sending to us 25 ocnts to cover expense (if postage, correspondence etc.. and the article of goods corresponding with the number on tho notice will be sent to tho holder of Iho same immediately (if be desires to purchase the article) on the receipt of two dollars.. For instnnce ; If the number on the notico sent to you should be 500, and a piano or diamond setter gold watoh should be numbered 500; it will be sent to you should be 500, nnd a piano or diamond suit or gold watch should be numbered 500, it will be sent to yau for $ 2, nud so on for every article in our list of 1 5,000 articles. - H-After receiving the article, if it does not please you. you can return it, and your money shull be re undcJ. 25 cents must be sent to pay expense of postage, Correspondence eto., on one notice. Remember : tbnt whatever article corresponds with the number on your notice, yon enn have it by pay.ng Two Dollars lor it, whether it be worth $100 or SX00. And it is for our interest to deal fairly, and send out our fine articles, ns it gives eonfidenee to the public, aud thereby increases our sales. TRY OUR NEW MODE ! ! I'pnn receipt of 25 cts., which pays for correspon dence, postage etc., we send nno notice. I' pon receipt of $1. which pays fur correspondence, postage, etc., we scud six notices. I pun receipt of $5 which pays for correspondence, postage, etc., we will send 40 notices, end n tine pre sent valued at not less than $15, as a sample of our goods I pon receipt of $13 which pays for correspondence, postage, etc., we will send 150 notices, and a solid Silver Wnteh. ly return mail. AUEXTS WANTED. Send for a oirculnr ! Agents) Allowed a Lnrgn Cauh Commission by which they mako 825 Weekly. Address plainly Snlesrooin 31 Lihertr street, .Sept. a';l, 1Mb. ly P. LED A HUOTHEH. ii-x SI. IS. New York City, N. Y. TVoi-iImtji Oiitral ISullvtny. FCICR TRAINS DAILY to and from Dal'tiniore and Washington city. Connections nindo with trains on Pennsylvania Uiiilruiid, to nnd from Pittsburg and the West. FOl'R TRAINS HALT to and from tne North nnd West Rrnnch Snsijuehanun, Elmira. nnd ull of North ern New York. ON nnd niter MONDAY, OCTOp.Kll 2.1. 1KC4, the Passenger 'Trains of the Northern Coutrnl Railway will arrive ut and depart from Sunbury, HnrriBhitrg and Ilaltiiuoro ns follows, vis. : B O I T II W A R D . Mail Train leaves Sunbury duily (except Bundnv). 10 40 A. M. " leaves Harrisburg, 130 P.M. " arrives at liultinioro. i 30 l.liuira Express t rain loaves Sunbury daily (except .Sunday.) " leaves Harrisburg (except Monday.) II 10 P.M. 2 50 A. M. " arrives at Baltimore daily (except .Monday). ', Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Harris 00 A. M. burg. 7 45A.M. Sunbury Accommodation lea res Sunbury daily (except Sunday) at 7 00 A M Erio Express Traill loaves bunhury daily (except Sunday.) lit 3 IS " Erie Mail Train leaves Sunuury daily (-xcepi Suuday,) nt 3 50 P M. NORTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Baltimore daily (ex cept Sundry) 9 2n A. M " leaves Harrisburg 1 45 P. M, arrives at'Bunbury, 4 20 ' Elmira Express Train leaves' Riiltiiiiora 10 00 T. M arrives at Jlarrisburg, 2 20 A " leaves Harrisburg (except Monday). , " arrives at Sunbury. Eriu Express Train leaves Laitinior duily (except Sundays) nt leave Hurruburg daily '(except Sun days at 2 40 A. 5 15 ' 8 CO P M 1 20 A M arrives at Sunbury at 3 50 Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Harris burg, daily (uxaept Sunday) at 1 50 P M ' arrives at HuriisbuiK. T 5 P M Suubury Accommodation Uuves Harris burs; daily (except Sunday) at 4 15 P M Erie Mail Train leaves Harrisburg daily (except Sun lays) nt 12 00 P M. Tho Erie Express nnd Erio Mail Trains are through trains lo nnd from Eriu and ull intermediate points. Mail aud Expre.s trains run through to Elmira, For further information apply at the Ofliee. I. N. Hi HARRY (icn. Sunt. October H. ;K85. PACIFIC HOTEL 0, 17 171 et 170 (iiiKENWieii St., I'J 'One Square west of Rroudway,) Eetweon Cuurllandt and Hey Streets, New York. JOHN FATTEN, Jr., Propretor. The Pacihc IloTti. is well and widely known to tbo traveling public. Tho location is especially suitable to merchants and business men , it is in close firoxiinity to the business pert of the City is ou the lighwuy of Southern end Western travel and edjn ctut to all the principal Railroad and Steamboat depots. The Pacific has liberal accommodation for over .100 guests ; it is well furnished and possesses every modern improvement for the comfort und eLterlaiu ment of it inmates. The rooms aro spacious und well ventilated ; provided with gas and water; the attendance is prompt and respectful ; and the table is generously provided wilh every delicacy ol the season. Tho subscriber, who, -for the past few years, has been tbo lessee, is now sole proprietor, and intends to indentify himself thoroughly with the interests of uis nouse. tt un long experience as a hotel. keeper, ho trusts, by moderate cbumcs and a liberal noliiv. to maintain tho favorable reputation of the Pacitut, oiei. JUIIA fAlXEJi, Jr. September 0, 1865 ly LfUMPS! PUMPS!! The subsenbrr having purchased tho right of nvnjiiu.tiiii.ni.AAU cut-M v, ror putting in lir.Val.lt'M IHIMtOVDMIil OH DuURU W KLLS AND ATEB Foi'KTS. will furnish them to all persons in the county w ho may dtudre these cheap aud convenient pumps. They can be sunk to a proper depth lu two hours time, cost but onu third the price of iwi ordinary pump, and for cheapness aud couvenionco cannot be cquaueu. S. B. BOYER. A. F. CLAPP unlury September 23, 1R05. PENNSYLVANIA PAINT AND COLOK WORKS. BER7T WUITR LrUD ! LlBtHTT WuiTE I.EA THY IT 1 TItY IT 1 Warranted to cover more surface, for same weight, than auy other. Buy tbo best, il is tha uuapu.1 : THY IT ! THY IT ! Liberty Lead is whiter than anv other. Liberty Load covors better than any alhor. i.iuerty i.eaci w ears lunger man any otner. Liberty Lead is tnoro economical than any other. Liberty Lead is wore free from impurities and is Wauuaxtid to do more and better work, at a given coal than any other. liuy the WCS T it it the CIIRA 1'KS T. Manufaotuiad aud warranted by Z1EOLER 5M1T'J, Wkolosalo Hrug, Paint, 4 vlass Dealers, i ff North Third .street. Philadelphia, (sunbury, October 7, 18o5, OLD EYES MADE HEW. PAMPHLET directing bow to speedily rretor A. 'if- diictor or m s sun kiv up pooiaoie, wucout am n medicine, gent by mail, fie, an roueint o( 10 eenU. Addio, V. B. FUOTE, M. p. Fcbrusry 4. 18uS Am BREAKFAST fHAWLS, 6ter rf for sal at th I'sucy ANNA r.UNTUt I1EL31BOLDS FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIUl FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU IToa Non-Retention or Incontinence ef Crlne. Inflamma tion or L'lcoritlon of the Bladder r Kidneys, Diseases cf the Prostrate Cland, Orarel, Crick Dust Deposits, Drojisl cal Swellings, Oriulo Weakness, Debility, Female Com plaints, le. IIELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Improved Iose Wash Will Jiall t.rminai from the svstem Diseases aruK Will radically exterminate from the system Diseases tUk lng from Habits at Dissipation, at littl txptntt, UUlt r : no changt of diet, no inconttnitnet or trpoiurt; I completely superseding those unpltatantawl dangmvt ' rimtdiu, Copaila and Mercury, In curiae these disease, j USE HELMBOLD'Si FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU j In all Diseases of the Urinary Organs, whether existing In Mali er riUALC, from watevtr cautt originating, and nomatttroliowlongitanding. It hi pleasant In Iu tut ; and edor, IMMEDIATE In action, and more strengthening than any of tho preparations ef D irk or Iron. , Those suffering from Broken Down or Dtlloatt ComU- tuttont, procurt th Itemidy at onct. The Reader must be aware that howevor slight may be the attack of the above disoases, It Is esrtaln to affect bis JJcdily Iltallh, Mental Poxctrt and JTappinut. If n treatment is submitted to, Consumption er Insanity msy ensue. All the above diseases require tho aid of a diuretic. HELMB OLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU 13 tho Great Diuretic IIELMBOLD'S j motrLT coxcnrTTxo Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, For purifying the blood, removing all diseases arising from excess and Imprudence In life, chronic constitutional dis eases ariilng from an lrapuro state of the blood, and the o.uy rcliablo and effectual known remedy fur the cure ef FJctofula, Scald Head, Ealt Rheum, Pains and Swelling ef tho Bones. Ulcerations of the Throat and Legs, Dletcbcr, Pimples en the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly erup tions ef the skin, and beautifying tha oouruxiosj. NOT A. FEW Of the worst disorders that afBlct mankind arise from ths eerruplloa that accumulates In the Blood. Of all the dis coveries that hare been made to purge It out, none esn equal In effect IIEIUBOLD'S COXrOCXD EXTRA Cl OF SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovates tho Blood, Instills the vigor or health into the system, and purges out lbs huaers which mako disease. It stimulates fit healthy functions ef the body, and expels the disorder that grow and ranUlo In the Blood. Such a remedy, that etui l be rcllid on, has long been sought ror, and new, for tho first lime, ths public have one en which they can de pend. 0 it space hero does not admit or certificates to show its effects, but the trial or a single bottle will shew Is the sic' that It has virtues surpassing anything they hive ever taken. Two tiblespoonsful of the txtract or Sarsaparilla, added to a pint of wat ir, Is equal to the Lisbon Diet DrlnL, and one botlle Is equal to a gallon of the Syrup et Earsaparu.a, or the deceotlon as usually made. The above Extracts are prepared en purely scientiSe principles la Hjcuj and embody the full streuslh el the lniredlonts entcrlnj Into their composition. A ready .ndcfneluslvetestwlllb. a comparison of the, proper. ties wllh those set rorlh In the U. 8. Dlspcasalory. HOW TO U3E THE HEMEDIE3. In Diseases or the deed, Humors en the face, or any and every part or the body, use Extract Eiraaparllla, ap. pljinj to Pimples and all external Humors or Eruptions ths Improved Rose Wash. . Use the Extract Due ha ror all diseases requiring the aid ef a Diuretic, except those or the Urinary Organs, such as Gonorrhoea and Gleet; In these use tho Extract Cuvhu and inject with tha Improved Bos Wash, f- TI1ESE EXTRACTS HAVE SEEM ADMITTED TO USB IN TtlE UNITED STATES ARMY, and also aro In very general usa In all the STATE HOSPITALS AND FUOLIO INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, as well as In private practice, and are consltlered as InvalusUo remedies. MEDICINE DELIVERED TO ANY ADDRESS. - Direct letters to IIELMBOLD'S DBUO CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, oa to IIELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phila, Deteribt Symptom in all Communication. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Bewaro of Counterfeits I 13K FOR tt-LK&QLD'l II KIM HOLD'S Fluitl Kxtrnrt Pii-sajaiillu! r A piil ii, l0rf-ly. PI. V. (JKARIIAKITN Confectionery, Toy and. PBUIT S TO E, itlnrkrl Wlrn't, Nutibtur; , Pu. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KIND, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FRUIT, &c, ic, CONSTANTLY oa hand and for sale at the above establishment at wholesale and retail, at season-, ableprioee. ,. He Is manufacturing all kinds of Confeetlonariot to keep up a full assortment which art sold at lovrv rates. Tobacco, Bcgnrs, Stationery. Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, all of whisb are offered wholesale and retail. IjHomember th name and plaee. js ., , . . M. C. OKARHAHT, Market streot, S doors west ofE. Y. Bright ft Son's, store. Bunbury. Sept. 19, 1863. tf GkohshHill, Pikox P. Woltertok, IULL $ WOLVERTON, At tome jar and CoiuiMclorti nt n vuice, niaraet street, cor. Centre Alley, SUNBURY, TP A.. WI I.I. attend promptley to the collection of elauxi, and all other professional business intrusted to their care In Northumberland andadioiuln a oouutles bunhury, Junuary 2;!, 1882. lnttnialloiial IIoi-l ' oCi and 367 BroaJiray, Vomer FranUin Strut, KKW YORK. rpiIIS first class House tho most quiet, homelike, X nnd pleasant Hotel in tho oitv offers superior' Inducements to these visiting .ewYork for business or pleasure. Il ls ceutral in its location, and kepto& tho r.L'RoiKAN Plak, in connection with Tavlor'h fcitooic, where refreshments can be hud all hours or served in their own rooms. The chnrgm are me'" derute, tho rooms and attendance of tho first order ' baths, and all tho modern conveniences attached "tut 1 , lHo4. S0L0M0N"SIAL1CK7 ATTORNEY AT. LAW, SUNBURY, Northumberland County Pa 0F1ICK in fast end of Weaver s Tavern, Market' Hlrcet. All business entrusted to hlin will be careful y and, punctually attended to. Consultation iu the Enir lish and Uermnn languages. ' Ininbury, April 8. lsjOj. TO THE I MUSICAL PUBLIC1. ! rilHh subscriber 20 yonrs a practical Piano Port jl auinuinciurer, oi ."tow Xurii City, ha priua nently Incnted in this section, and would respectfully solicit orders for . TUNING, REPAIRIaVG. AND REGU LATING PIANO FORTES and MELOJDEONS. Tho subscriber is also Uio manufacturer's Agent for rinCKKIUNO A SON'S HAZLETON JiKO H.. LINDKMAN A SON'S.. WILLIAM K. BKADlil.'RT'S EIi'.VARH HI.WOMPIEI.O S, MeliONALD CO'rl, And Carhai t A Nccdham's. and Teloubet's MELODiiior.'b & harmoniums. And L. U. Stuart's Pipe CIH'RCH ORUANS ni t w . .,JA3IK6i5oI'OXALIV Cloora.burg, Pa., April 2). Is05. BEST Vv 1HTE IJill) ! IJIiW'l' i!l"tf(L' : P H!E LIBERTY L E A I) , Inoppreised for Whitening. Fine Clow, Darahiliiv Firmness and Evenness of Surface. PERU LIBERTY I.EAH-Warrautod to cove more sttrrsce for same weight than any other Lead Try it ami you Kill hav, no olhtr ' PI" HE I.IHETr ZINC, .'elected Zine, gronntl in Refined Linseed Oil, uu equaled in quality, always the same. TURK LIBERTY ZlUC, Wnrrantesl lo do moro and belter work at a uiven com than any other Gft the Jlett! Manufactured at PENN4Y1.VAXI A PAINT & COLOR WORK.'. Orders exocuied promptly by ZIEQLEH Sc SMITH, " 1'oltsali Jrvg, PiNt a,U Uluss Dtarr$. tJT Store A Office. No 137 North. THIRD Su-o-l, PHILADELPHIA. March 4. 1RS5 ly. KINO'S IMMtTAMI.K I.i:Y..'V4IH Is '.ho only preparlion of the kind mado from iho Iruii. As an nrticlo of economy, purity, end dolt sncincss, it cannot be surpassed', and is recommend ed by physicians for invalids audfumily use. It will keep tor years iu any climate. while Its condensed form rmdors it especially convenient for travelers All who use lemonsare requested to give it a trial Entertainments at home, parties, aud picnic, should ; not be without It. For sale by all Druggist aud ; Crst-rlass Orocers. Manufacl urid or.lv bv LOUS J. M'ETZUER. I No. Sltl Peuil Street, NewYork. Ser.l. 18, ISel.'i ly B A.- - J. XI. X-ILBU-H ouuly Mui trjer, (.onvejaiieer AND JL'sricii or the pi:ack. Jilhoi, yvrthvmlerl'tnd Comitu. Ptnu'it 0boB,naov,i',,P .,0n''ip; . EK"K'u'en' attended lo. April 22. Hifij.ly m EM. . WILVJEKT. NCTAKY PUELIC, OIEjo in "Sunbury A'merioan" Pnildlii). 81WBURY. PENN'A. ill attend to the Acknowledging of Deeds, Mort gs'es, Loiters of Attorney. Ac., i. Also, is duly athoriied' to tnko acknowledgment and administer oath on applications for (touts. I less, a-niioii and Iui-Ulity of tioldiers idea send Orphans. THE RED LION HOTEL. (Lato Mrs. floullon'.) MARKET STREET, BUNBUEY, PA. JULIUS ARBITER, UAH taken this old nnd well known stand, ant refitted and furnished the same is prepared t accoinmodute Hoarders and Travelers with the bes Ihc market can afford, lie hopes bv strict aileutioi to business to receive a share of publio patronage. His TAHLE eontains tb best Ihe market atlurds His liar is tilled with the choicest of Liquors, bet) Malt and Kpirituour. 'ihe tinkling i good, and attended by carefa Ostlers. Sunbury, April SO, 1851. -iy "W. XJ3T Attorney and 4'ouu-Kor nf '..avr Office eu south side of Market street, four doors we of K. V. lii ilit A riun's IStort, BTJNBURY, JPA. Will attend promptly to all professional buslnr entrusted to bis oare, the enllcctiou oi elnim I Northumberland and the adjoining counties Banbury, Slay J3, lb3 ly II. iimahV:is, Attorney Ijsw. HVNnrnv, r. -Cullnciion ailendeil to iu the counties ef Vi ihuinbcrland, I'niop f-uyder, Montour, ColuntU and Lycoming. ei karsci:s. Hon John M Reed, rhiUdelpkia, A. ti tmtlrll A I o , lion. IV in. A. Porter, " Morton Me Michael, Km , ' K. Kstehara 1 Co., IsJ Tgul Street, New V.wl John W. Ash mead. Attorney nt Law, Mattbow k Cos. Attorpevs at .t.w, funbury, March 29. ls!f,J ' LATEST IMPROVEMENT OF'TgE CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. it tna POUNDR --, Get the Host Met th t'heaptts l)et th most Ec noinical, whioh can be had at tho Itohrbach Koundr Having a largo eosortmeut of the moat approv lsT0 P, such a Ceokiug, Parlor, OtSee and rih P love, which will be sold at th Iwwest ratio. Ah Kettles ol all site. Pens, hkillets. Ac. Ihey aro also manufacturing -Machinery, Floug! Castings, Ac, at short, aoticu. Itepairing all kind of Agricultural Iiupicmc. doti iu good workmanlike manner aud at t htrtest Dnluw All artiolee shipped a ordered. Orders fespe fully ull4td and prompllv atlended In. r ROlJUUACU A COOrFK fJOId Iron, and ill kind of Produce taken fihange f r work. ruubury, June l!i, 101 :f