Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, March 10, 1866, Image 3

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    C)cunbury ftmcviran.
II. II. MASSEVt. Editor tt Proprietor,
J3. WILVEHT, Publisher.
!! . Ill KV, IM.
SATuTuU"fAlClI 10,
Tho Arclr diocese (Cnlfiolic) of Cincinna
ti, on the occasion of tlio jubilee, contribu
ted tlio handsome sum offei.Uceu thousntul
dollars for tbe Holy Ffttlicr,
Tlio National UnptM reports Mint a revi
val of un usual interest is now being on
joyed by tbe Baptist church m Altoonn
y An nttcmpt was recency madotiy. tlircu
nillintia to nssussiiinte Fred. Douglass in
Uultitnore. Hricks were burled and pistols
'drawn, and Fred, only escaped through tbe
interposition of friends.
Recent reports from Italy and Germany
pivo encouraging accounts of tbe "regress
Yf Sunday Schools, nrtrt it is believed the
institution will Lc eniiorntly fitted to make
now lifu in (jt-rmauy. In Italy twenty live
'tc- thirty ccliiiols have licenwiinized on the
Aiiicrieiu 'plan. In Holland Ibo woik is be
tl'.'.n v. illi encouraging prospects.
It h. bicn ascertained from reliable
-jourcis by tiie Young Men's l liristian As
soihition at Kimim, New York, that sinfc
Air. Hammond, the noted revivalist, first
'vi.ikd -that city, a few ovr one thousand
couvcrsicff3 have occurred, and still the
work of grace goes on with power.
iLocal Slffairs.
I'jjrA scrioj of niectintj bnvo beun h'dd In tho
Presbyterian Church of this pluco, every night, this
and tlio past week. Hoy. Mr. Reinrl, tho lastori
has birn as.-istod thin week, by Ec. Mr. (Irimes, n
rcrival preacher, who lias accomplished much good
in various places.
3i?"l hero litis been quite ft religious excitement
at A illiamspoit. Wb understand thnt over 400 per.
sous buvo been converted within the lust few wecl;
jS-J.ivinc scrvico will bo hell in tho Methodist
Episcopal Chinch in this place, to morrow (Sunday,)
nt 10 o'clock A. at 7 o'clock in the evening.
Ministers from abroad will oflieinle.
tTli? 0 rtfer ur renders to tho advertisement of
(I. W. Ibiapt, who hns tnken out liconso for selling
rcnl estate, oilers several tracts of laud fur sale end
ulso lown o!i.
Cuanob ok Wkatiikk The mild spring
weather of last week, has iieen followed by a stioecs
sion of cold nnd stormy days this week Winter
again rules' supreme, irn trust, however, only for a
shmt period. . The peach crop, it is rumored, will
pro o, a failure, owing to the extreme cold iu January.
SrCuAxcB or Timi:. Dn nnd uftcr Monday the
Erie Express trniu which arrives hero at 2.2j P. M.,
will ho merged or ennsoli Wtcd witfi the mail train
which is due here from Philadelphia nt 4.20 P. !
The Suubury will bo tnken off nnd
the Krio Express will annot nt U-irrM,urg will Ibo
Pittsburg Express: as tho necoruinodatiun sow does,
und arrive here at 7 1'. M. Thoso who wish to go
oa:darly in the morning, must tako tlio Krie train
in alj' ut 4 A. M , or wait for tho Eluiiru down train
at 10,. ''6 A. M. Wo regret tho losi of tho aeeoniiuo.
liulion train which was a great quiivonicnco for those,
v isiting lianltburg.
IV KmtuIiiai. Convk.v.tion. A number of the
litnis of Pennsylvania numbering, perhaps, sumo
4iiur j0 individuals, met iu conventional tho June
Hou.'e. in Iiiuriiburg on Tuesday la-t. J. V. Hie
stand, of lbs Lancaster Ex imintr, presided. A
permanent organization was formed called 'I tic 1'nioii
Uditurinl Association, of which B. linntmn, of tho
Alintrs' Journal, was elected President.
We aro hapjiy lo stuto that our friend J. E.
Rmick has mndo arrangements to fvecurc goods
direct from Kcw Vol k. lie hasjust received a largo
i.s irtiuctit of .iprin goods whicl ho is ahlo to sell at
a lower figure than before. And coming IVoui tlio
very head of fashions, where none but the very best
can to had, yv Lsve no doubt, hut all will go an I
git their guriiiiuis of ."'iiiick , "in r'awn street.
-- -
"Srxiitnv Ci.AsirAi, Ijstiti'tk. Wo refer
our re.iders to tho advertisement of tho Principals of
this Institution is another column. This was a
much needed institution, and wc have rowon lo be
licvo that the now school, wkivh is to be a day anil
bmrdiiig schuol for youin; ladies njid young men,
rtill prove a .uoci'S in tilt lund f thosu who have
c:iagid in thu enierprUe. We tru.-t our citii'n8
will all take a proper int- rest in tho mailer.
... -
I (iitEiiLKv's i-Amizricax Cositmct ' U gene
rally pruuounccd tho best nnd most intep'rltng bis
I iry id' tbatireut lltbullion which has been written.
IU Himtaa is unparalleled, IJj.OOO have already
becnsuld. Xo library will hereafter lio complctu
thitt docs not coutaiu this work, and na family
ehould ho without it. Sec advertisement in another
FlitB. On Saturday evening, about 7 o'clock, i
uurcniioi.9 nere oy uiu cijr ui UiU nu.cii
. ; . . i .i. f .. I. .
broke out in the stables of Cuvvrl's Hotel. The liin
M hiehorigiimtca intlielinyanaotuercoiiinusiiDieinn-
. i i i r.r.A .1. . i, iii
terials above, soon onvelopco tlio wnolo nuiiuing in
' 1 i-i.
ilniuc. The heat waa somtenso that it could scarco
i . i i - .1. n ..e il. .. ......... I
jy UO eUUUieii vU IOC Olifiueuu niuv ui Kiiv rilvei. mi,
it was niuiost miraculous that the adjoining buildings
wero saved. Mr. Clement's stablo was not moro
Ihnu thirty feel distant, and was only nival by tho
active exertions of tho liicmeu pouring wntcr liroiu
tho roof. The new court lions.
The new court house oppc.-ile, was wu I
covered with showers of burning flake;', which, how. i
ever, fell harmless on the slato roof. The only dan-:
... r - i i i t .i . - .it ........
gcrwuSuttho unfiuishcd cupalo oTJho north west!
tower which win carefully guarded by firemen.. Tho
roof of tbo hotel wus on tiro in fcvcrul plnces. Tho j
roof of the old Court liouso was on fire in three places '
which wusouly quenched by tho firemen breaking I
through the roof Irom tho insido. Tho roof of Mrs. j
ltoneU'ii residence win also ou fire. Vniortunately
thu two firo tngines, which wero stowed uway jo
stables siuco their bouses were removed from the
court bouso lot, wero out of order and rendered lit
tle or no service. Tho hotel was occupied by Simon
Snyder. Tho horses and vehicles in fho stablo were
removed excepting a buggy and sleigh. bother ;
.1 .1 1. ..t .M..I ... ll. ......l. . f .... I
mo lire was me rvtuii oi vtiucm v. . ...... v.
incendiary it is hard to say Tbcro was an insur
- nee, wo learn, of f 'MO on thottaldo.
jr-Tuis Illustkateii PiuiBNoi.oaii AL Juchsal
run Maucii. Contains Cornelius Vanderbilt, Hon.
Exra Cornell, Prof. Mapes, Frcderickft breuier, La.
vnti.r. l.ns Chsjui. Kir .I.ibn Franklin. Cant. Cook
IClivs. Jobu Wesley and Jonithan lidwards ; Taleut I TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLAS
ind genius ; Extraordinary Prediction ; J hosts ' iSF.S, FISH, SALT, &C.
Origin of Coal ; Varieties of sheep; Iron, its ' i',e Cider Vinegnr, Fruir-Jars. tilnsswuro, nnd
jsuj ; Putting on a Und Faco ; Tribu,lattou Tre wrioty of Ladies' Trimmings, Faus, Tliread Neck-
.ind Mr. IIop,ul ;-Tho Jew ;-Love and J .Uundkerubieft, Ao., to which she invites nil to
the Philosophy of Enjtngeiner,U ; au Exccb fi. I
ber, only 20 cents, or f 2.00 a year. Adi' FOW
LEU i WELfcS, 3H3 llroadway, New 't.
tyiloi.TON'n Hotkl. Wo refer our readers to
bo advertisement of tteo. J. Ilolton, proprietor o
iloltou s Hotel, late "Buubler lloase," llarrisburg
I bis bouse has beou most admirably remodeled jind
etitted witb ull tbe parlors, ctfices, io.,on tho tint
loor. M IlulU.n, is the owner nnd proprietor, under
vhoso superintendence, every nttcurion is paid to
uako hu guests comfortable.
-j?"TUe follwiug Justices of tho Peace wero oloo.
ed in the differout boroughs antj townshi of tho
ount.y on the loth ult :
Little VWahanoy, Adam 11. Lcnkcr, Levi Swein
nrt Bush, Peter 7iajighaut j ZciLo, E. Q. Ka
ner ; Cbillisu,uaque, Westly Auton ; lit- Carniel, A-
. tlallager ; Jaclson, Daniel HuUhoe ; Coal, Cyrus
.Ramsey; Lower Mahauoy, J. It. Kesslcr; Me
.'wcr.sille, James Armstrong; Shuuiokio, John
'aldwell ; Ml. Curmel boio., J. P.auiicy Simon
' Col. Moody, the fighting Methodist par
son, who it will bo remembered was in com
mand nt Nashville, during tho dark dnys of
the rebellion in that Stat1!, when President
Johnson was Military tioVcrnor, preached
nt the now Foundry M. K.t'liurcli, WKshmg
ington, cftv, 1). C, Sunday, tho 21st tilt.,
ftrsil raised f 10.0Q0 for tho Completion of tho
church. Among his bearers was I'rrsvlent
Johnson. When the contributions were
taken tip tho President emptied his pockct
liook about $100. Tho congregation after
wards elected him an honorary or life mem
ber of the Society, by a contribution of
f 1,000.
J3;f""SKi5 a Woman, in another column
picking Sahiburg grapes for Ppecr's 'Winn.
It is an admirable article, used in tho hospi
tals and by. tho first class families in Paris,
London and New York, in preference t old
Port Wine. It is worth a trial, as it jives
great satisfaction. For sale by W. A. Ben
"DON'T IIR FOOLISH." You can make
Six Dollars from Fifty Cents. Call and ex
amine an invention urgently needed by every
body. Or n sample sent tree by mail lor 00
cents that retails easily lor IfO. hy K. 1,.
WOI.COTT. 170 Chatham Sqtmrc.N Y.
SepU 10, 1SH5. Ij.
Deer Btrcct, opposito the 'Cnitrnl Hotel,
1NFOKM.S bis friends and tho pubNo that having
. removed to his new csluhlUhmout, nnd extended
his lino of business, is now prepared to manufacture
more extensively, and invites all to call nnd examine
his lavge assortment of
Sadies, Harness, Cdlari,
Whips, Common and Fancy Fly-Kelts,
blanket!', Bull'aloe and Fancy Kobes,
Ilorro t.'oinbs, Sloigh-liells, .Saddle, ilarncss nnd
t'oach Triiiiinings for manufacturers.
In connection with tho above he has also a Livery
Stable, good and snfo Horcs, buggies, and Convey -nuccs,
whicb nro hired nt reasonable rates.
lie Is also a Licensed Auctioneer, nnd will attend
to nil business entrusted to his cure.
.S'unbury, Murch 3, 1.-6J. 6m
I C K .
The public nro bcrohy notified rrt to tako up, or
in any way intcrlercwilh saw logs found afloat on tho
Susquehanna Kiver below Wiliialiifport, iu tho cn
j"UiiiC spring freshet, or at any time during tho pro
sent year, as all the logs in the river below that point
aro intended to be driven to llavrc-Dv (iracc, iid.
1). W. NMITII.-
A. tl P. IMiMlK.
Williainsport, Feb. 21, ltifiO. 2ui
I'y virtue of certain writs of Levari Facias nnd
Al. V on. L'xi otitis, issued out of the Cou t of Com
mon Pleas of 'orlhumbcrlaud county, anil to bo
directed, will ho exposed to public salo, at the Court
House, in tho borough of funbury. oil MONDAY,
.MAKCIl 12, ISO'., nt IU vOr A. M. Xho follow,
in.r; property, to wit :
Ail that certain tract or pcrcel id' laud with the
bulling Jlill building, thereon erected, sttii.ite in tonuship. in the county of Northumberland
and .Suite of Pennsylvania, beginning nt a peg iu
I hn centreline of tho branch K.iilroiid to tiglnouii-tnin,-
llienco south eighty two degrees seventeen und
une-ii.ilf tninulus. west one hundred and sevont
LiLO and one half feet to a post ; thence by land
surveyed in the name oT Samuel Clark, north one
degree si niinules tint, seven hundred feet and onc
teiilli of a font 1o a post; Ihenco north eigbly-two
dogrees Fcveirtecn and a half minutes ens!, seventy
two feetuod four-tenths of a foot lo a peg in s:iid
centre lino of tho branch ltailroad to big mountain;
thence al.png tho same, south seven degrees tunl
forty twomiiiute8 and a half cast, six hundred and
ninty-ono reel and cight-tcnilu of a foot lo tho first
mentioned peg in tbo centre line of the tirancli Kail
road to big mountain, aforesaid; containing two
acres of laiid,strict ineai'uro. being part of a certain
tract or parool of land, cntaiuiiig six nnd one-half
acres of land. . ,
Soitdt. taken into execution, and to V;sold as the
property ol Javid l.engi neeUer und .Susan, his wife.
A certain trad or pioco of bin !, siMafc) n Vppcr
Mahniioy towuhip, N'orthuinberland couuty, Penn
sylvauin, bounded and described as follows, to wit :
tin the south by lands of Michael Pant and Peter
P.dsel ; on the east hy land of tho heirs of John
tSclxniiikcy. deceased, and jlanicl Kcefer1; ob tho
north by land of i'avpl .Mnlickand Charles KoIiKt;
and on thu w est by lauds of riamuul Ucisel and John
licist, containing ninety-six ucres, more or less, S3
acres whereof aro cleared and Ibo balance timber
land, whereon aro erccte 1 a tog weather-boarded
dwelling house, fnrmo bank burn, wagou bod and
other, outbuildings.
Seised, taken into execution, nnd k be soVl Mlho
properly of John 8. Schminkey.
WILLIAM M. WEAVKlt, Sheriff.
Sherltl's Oflico, iSuubury. Feb. 21, ISIlil.
HOPKIN S "Own Moke."
SlANTKACTrRKD Mild .Sot. I) AVllOI.KS A t. R .t KeTAIL,
No. C2S AllC'II Street, Philadelphia.
The most completo nssortmetit of Ladies' Misses'
and Children's Hoop Skirt, in this City; gotten up
expressly to njnet tho wants of First Cluss Trade ;
embracing the newest and most desiroblu styles and
L.iAa..i-i.ii..A 'rVA;iu " ,.r, rr..,.. oi
"', ..... w . i mi.-, w. . i u . ..i.u
A Vla r,lud 2II to 50 Springs, at 2 lo ?i U(t. Plain
Skirts, all lengths, from 21 lo J) yards round tho bot-
j '", " '
' "ur lino of M isscs' and t hi Wren's .'kirti
in ...
. verbiully beyond nil competition, for v
1 Fvu-sand siies as well as fur Guish and dr
'.-... r.n... ... 'i-i :....l. : 1 ....... I. a ... .1
aro pro-
variety of
and durability ;
vaiying from ft to JiJ inches in lougth. 6 to 45 Springs
at .a cents to a 29. All Skirts ol "Uur Uwn Alako, '
I are Warranted to give satisfaction ; bU liuynouoas
' such, unless they have, "Hopkin s Jloop Skirt Manu
factory, .No. ti2S Arch Struct, ' Stamped on each Tab !
1 AIo, constantly on baud, good Skirts, ilauufuc
i i..v...i ;.. vAV V...1. nA ih. i.,..dinn
. . ,, .' . . " f , KkirlB,5
s,riii, si conU; 20 springs, $1 UO 2a springs,
l IS i" springs, Jf I 25 und 4t springs $1 50.
Lif Skirls, rnude to Order and llepjired.
lKhM3 0as1i 0no PricoOnlvl
March o, JSIiO.4ui
, BVw Nt'i Noi-!i orilii !-io(,
HI .A It E It V,
tunbury, Jun. 20, lsf.fl.
F you vant good Tin-Waro,
I UKNT JEK'fj New Shop.
go to
Ur 3.
Whoi thbn ry Mrtft, end of tho N. C. Jl. 11
RESPECTFULLY informs ber (riend nnd tho
public general I V, Hint she has just opened a largo
assortment of FHKSil 4xru ri-M, such as
.'.ulibury, Feb. 19, lsrtii tiin
Iut'nor, 4illt''M.
Civil. EjcaivEEns anu Patext olicitomi.
No. 4i Walnut street, 7'bibidclphia.
Putetils solicited eoiisultatlons on Engineering,
Draughting and Sketches, Models and Machinery of
all kinds luado and skilfully attended to. Special
attention given to rejected cases and interferences.
Auiheutic copies of all Documents from 7'atout Of
fice procured. N. U- Save yourselves useless truublo
ami travelling expeuses, es there is no actual need
fur pigrsonnl interview with us. All business with
these Otticua cuu be transacted in writing. For fur
ther information direct as aboe, with stump enclosed,
for I'irculnr with references.
February J, lb0 Jy.
AdiiiiuUlrufor'w uHei
NOTICE is hereby given, that letters ofAdiuinis
truliou haviugboen granted to tbe uudersigned
ou thu usutte of Peter Kample, late of Lower Mulio
iii. v t.wi.-hiji, Norlhuiuborland eounty, Pa., deu'd.
All persons indebted aro rcouested lo mako iiumcdi.
ale payment, and those having claims to present
theiii fur settlement.
l.i.w.r Mahonoy lp . Feb HI. Isiill (Jt
Uy irtuo of an Ottb.i C bale, issued out
of tbe Court of Common Plena of Northum
berland cottuty. itinl to me ili reel oil,, will iio
expofied lo Piibllc Hole, tit thu Court House,
in tbo llorouijli of Sttiiluii v,
Oil Sloininy, Miirs'ii Kill, !:,
nt one o'clock, P. .M. Tho follow in lot or
picco of ground, to wit :
Ono undivided lot (' ground, silnnlo in
the Hiironfjli of Stinhury, Noithuinl'rrlnnd
county, Pennsylvania, bounded on the wrst
by Doer strri't, on thooulh by Whortleberry
Btrecl, on tho cast by lot -of Henry V. biiiip
on, ilec'd , on the north by nn alley, being
lot nutnbered in tho prneral ilan"of Btiid
llorongh, No. conlaininfr sixty feet in
width or front on Whortleberry street, and
of that width two hundred and thirty feel
in depth.
t'Vo be sold as tho properly of Ann
Simpson, iu her own right, and Trustee of
floury fSitnpfon, minor, Ann biinpsnn nnd
Mary Simpson.
W1I.MAM Hi. AVKAVr.ll. Slftiir.
WierilT's Olliec, Sunbuiy, Feb. 23, 1 Still.
C. S. W1M)KK,"
Insoiii-y, EPrlcK mill 'iii-;nl'r
Worli I'jXC'iiviiiIiik ttusl IS-n!i-Sii,
or all description done ill the most inodcrnstylc and
substantial manner at short nolic?, nnd at prices to
suit tho times
Sunbury, Feb. 17, lSftfl.
Ry'vlrtuo of n certain writ of Phi. Levari Facias,
issued out of the Court of Common PlcasofXorthiiui
bcrliind county, nnd lo mo directed, will bo exposed
to Public Side, nt the Court House, in the borough of
Suiiliury. on Saturday, March 10th, INTO, at 1 o'clock,
I'. M. Tlio following property. In wit :
t'pon tho following described lots or parcels of
ground, situnto in Iho borough of Mt. Citrine), Nor
thumberland county, Penn'n.. block No. 6. ns laid
down in the plan of said town, situated on tlieShanio
kin Valley & Pottsville llailroad. Abo. block Xo.
10, ns laid out In said plan. Also, lot No. H. iu
block No. 40. Also, lot No. 2:. in bin d: 55. Al o,
blank spaeo of ground in Mock No. 50. Also, lot
No. 15 in block No. fl'l. Al.-!, upon the one undivi
ded half part of n certain traof of well timbered
land, Bituuto ill Point township, Northumberland
county, Pcnn'a., containing lilt) acres, more or less,
surveyed in the linino of John barren. Seized, to li
en into execution, and to bo sold as tho property of
Wm. h. Dcwart.
WM. M. WEAVER. MierilT.
Sheriff's OlTlec, Sunjury, Feb. 10. Uliti.
In evety TOWSS1MP, fcOUOWII. r.nd WAK1, to
r.'siivjiHS for
"Tlio Great Onu-YoIumbWur History,"
FActs, aN'D not politics.
The only work, every pago of which has been pre
pared for tho press siuco the close of tho w ar.
. Tho popularity of this work has no parallel, as
more than 50,00(1 copies have been sold the last three
months. It contains ns much history ns tinv of tho
ono or two volume works out, and yet is. -old' for only
8 1. SO, bound cither in morocco or sheep.
Our inducements aro decidedly thu best offered,
ns wo givo the highest colnini.-s'ion, lurubh boxes
free, nnd pay cxprcssugo on beaks.
"I.HV iiikI IM'dlli In Kelx l 5"c ij5iis,"
Tho most thrilling exciting lillluh.ool: of the times,
by ono who lias ecen und experienced the scenes which
he describes
Canvasstis fur any Ilbtory of the War w ill find this
an excellent side Hook. As it embraces such impor
tant incidents of tho war. almost everybody will tako
one, cither with or without a iisiory, or where
having previously subscribed.
Disabled soldiers, released prisoners and others will
llnd, in thcsalcof this and our History, employment
suitildo to their condition. Send for teriuf. or call
AMbKI "AN Pbni.lSllINii AliKXCV.
(iOiM'heVoiut Street, Philadelphia.
FcUuary 21, IStki.
s' sioi fi:cior. n'l gs.r s c ix;:.
ON -MONDAY the 12tli day r MAUCII next, at
la o'clock a. in., will be'aoid nt tho resideiiuuof
the subscriber, Ibc follnwing property to wil :
OnnMarhle-Topped Parlor Table, solid ncihu-any
dining tablo, one stained dining tabic large iiiuiin.-.i-ny
tables, folding sides, mahogany side-hoard, maho
gany Counting House Desks, Chandelier, Lanipj
Mahogany Sofas, sellee, wardrobe, burouus. maple
bedsteads, (doublo and single), ver.elian bliinls. viio
dressing bureau, wasbslands. carpeting, chairs, stoves
nnd many other articles too iiuiucmns to mciition.
KAClli;i.:!cC'AKl V.
Sunburv. Fehrnnry 21. I Sort.
i:;vrx iva.ti:i) t TASit:
V'rders for tho best selling book now published,
Comprising heroic adventures and hair-hrcadih u
capes of Soldiers, Scouts, iSpios and Hefugres ; dar
ing exploits of Smugglers, (iuerillas, Desperadoes
nnd others; Talcs of Loyal and Dbloyal Women:
Stories of tho Ncjtro. Ac, Ac, w ith" nts of
Fun nud Merriment iu Camp nnd Field by bieut.
Colonel Chill ies S. Urcene. Into of tho I'niii d Mates
Army. IlaudsomcJy illustrated '.ith engravings on
steel and iu oil colors.
Send for circulars and see the liberal terms offered
C1IAS. S. nKKi.Nl .t CO., Piibli.bcrs
No l.'M S. Third Street, Philadelphia.
Feb. 21, IStiil.-n.
Leather! leather
.TllIK pnrlncrthip of F. burlier & Son, having been
I dissolved on tho 1st of February, IS'.iJ. Tbo
undersigned hnvo entered iqto partnership in tbo
'l'a is si i is jaf mid 'iii-ryiusr lleir..CftK,
under tho firm nnd name of lU CHKlt I!HOTIII.i:S,
and will constantly kiep on hand ull kinds of
Nol--E.'Ulli'i-, Bil;. t'iill' fSI.ii:, .12 1.
rurros ol'all Kinl, i.iiki.
mid lliiislii.;;,
nt the old strnd ndjoudng Sliamokin Valley, Hail
road Depot, Kii!bury, Pa.
Market price Paid fur Dark, Hides and Skins.
Thankful fur tbo patronage extended toue in tl:o
late firm of k". buchcr t Son, wo respectfully solicit
n contiuunuco of tho san o.
j. we is Kit i:rcn.ii,
Suubury. Feb. 10, lid.
Kiillroad iti-rct, tibove .lSat-kr(,
1" FSPlX'TFl'LbV invit.r bis friends nnd tho
V public genorully, to oall and oxamine his largu
."Sortments oi li-j. k beforo purchasing elsewhere.
Hit Hlo-li co'i itM ot lti'iinn'M,
liisl' IIoII.iikI Viiu
lit-f lliisn, .Xoimiti mil ln-lii initl
IIoiii'Immi uI'iIk livl imli
IJ'. 1 iin-H, .'ssl'r, 't iac
KJir, izv.t Air.
Farmers, Hotel Keepers, and olhers arc invited to
call, ns his stock is genuine, and will render giiieral
Sunbury, February .1, lSijo.
i on nam:.
I.1IUIIT (S) valuablo town lots nro offered for
J salo cheap, on Dewberry street, opposito Fi
ling's addition, in tho Dorouh of Sui.oury. lp
quire of J. B. MASSEH
funbury, February S, IStW.
In I lie Ilui-oiils orSiiiibiti-y,
MIK undersigned offers at private salo
situate bctirccu Fawn A Deer streets below Whortle
berry. For terms, tc, call on
Kunbury. Jan. 27. tS'.rr . 3in.
ffil BOO Vlfilt! Wo want
agents everywhere to sell our iu-
rRuviD f 2C Bewing Machines. Three new kin Is.
t'lipcr and upper feed. Warranted live yours.
Above salary or Urge oomiuissiuns paid. Thooxi.v
umchinessold in luited Suit on lor less than flu,
which are fully liceused by Howe, Wheeler A Wil
son, Urover A liakur, Singer A Co . and liaehcldcr.
All other cheap luachiuea are infringements and the
seller or user are liable to arrcst.-tlno. and imprison
ment. Circulars free. Address, or cull upon Shaiv
A Clark, liiddoford, Maine doci ) ly
TlCCi A ll ri !-AliENT3wnted for
I v-' aii entirely new articles, just out. Ad
I dress O T. UAItEY, City building. Hi l leford
' Maine. dcclo ly
SILYEU 1 8(1(1 COLD ! !
jvcii ciiAXciisJ si;'Ki iikkokk of
ri;ii;i. rr 'zisi: iui-tc.
l.GO t:b1.50
' The wnr havingiccn brought to a ?ucocssful ler
minalinii, ami (oid in coiisciiicnco having bocoino
much chonper. we have been enabled to purchase,
on very advantageous terms, sumo of Iho lineal and
most elegant. jewelry, eto , ever manufactured in this
or nnv other country ; nnd we therefore hnvo deter
mined lo offer such bargains to Ibo publio that Ihcy
never havo had beforo '.
To ifl'ocl this, W o liavo determine 1 upon a
by which any and every ono will tako their chnnco
of having ono of Iho very beautiful imd costly arti
cles enumerated below.
All l'ri:-.esi and io SSlr.tiiisl
Is simple and fair. Tlio 'articles flro nuinhcrcd from
1 up to ItffO consisting of Pianos, Melmleons. Hew
ing .Vneh.ncs, Wold and Silver Watches, etc., Intuitu!
lioticis iiiiinbercd from 1 to 100.IH.P are printed and
put into scaled envelopes nnd well mixed, mid "no
of these is lakcn rit mid sent to tho person seidirg
tons 2ft cents, and the article or good corresponding
with Iho number on Iho notice ba sent to ihe
bolder of the sumo immediately ;if be denircr: to pft'r
chnso the artiele.) on the receipt of One Dollar and
Fifty Cents. For instance: If tlio ntuubir on tho
notice Kent to you should bo 500, and Piano, or Dia
monded or Hold Watch should bo numbered .'i0tl it
will lie sent to you for ?! .60. nnd so on lor every ar
tiilc on our bit of IWI.II'.K) articles.
2. cents must be sent to pay expense of postage,
correspondence, etc, on ea.h notice.
Tub AitTK Lrs Co::s:.:t or .
Tianos, jMelodeotis, fttsic Doxes, (luld and Mlver
Watches, Chains, (lold Watch Keys. Dent's breast
Pins, t.adics' Hold nnd Silver Setts. Wntelie.', Ac,
Hold Crosses. Pcii'dl Cases, Hold Pens, Necklaces,
Kar Kins. Sleeve ijtiltntis. Plain mid Chased bines,
.Masonio Pin. Diamond Sets, fcts Tea and Tahl.
Spoons, Miuiaturo Lockets, Phntoj'raphic Alliums,
Station ry, books, and a thousand other articles. t o
tiumcrous to mention.
For ?l wc will send ft 'olicci',
" ft " " 40 "
" M " " lid " nn.l n syli l
Silver Watch, per return of mail.
ilssenlM IViintetl Iioro.
Send for circular, u largo commission allowed to
Alter.!.', by which from S.i'j to f "j per week may bo
realized. -
Address " COLEMAN 4 CO.
Salesrooms. Dox i'J 17 rout Ollico. N V.
1 i;i Nassau St., Feb 10, MG. Sin.
JiiiijM'fs V fiilrr-:il- t I.eCiil
8':ilor. in
'Kn'!: A. KS-.B ASH 0.B.,
in every variety.
Sole Agents, westward, of tho Cc'ebinled Henry
Clay Coal.
Low i?a WitArr, Pi xm nv, V.
Punburv. Jan. lit, 1S(3.
Tho n.-tonb'iiug results which has allcnded this
invaluable lecdieOiO pioi-es it to be tho inot pel feel
remedy ever dbvovered. No language can c uivey
nn ade.iiato idea of Iho iiiiinediato nnd alniost mi
racii'ous change wl.ieli it occasions to the debilitated
end chattered sy.iteiu. ' In fact i'. stands unrivalled
as a remedy lor tlio peri'iniient cure of Diabetes,
li.i otcncy.'Loss of Muscular Energy. Physical Pros
trtit lea, Indigestion, Non-retention or l:icn:in neo
of I'rinc, lirit'.ti hi, Ind iniation or I'lccrttW'n ol Iho
Iila blerai.d Kidney- 1'b "f tho Prostrate H land.
Sioiicin tbe liladder, Calculus, drawl, or liri. kilnsl
Deposit, mill all diseases or nil.-clions of the liladder
and Kidneys, und Dropsical .Vwollhi exuding in
;ucii, ii oi.ien, or I. i:iMr::i.
Eir tliinso (sitseiisiCH ! i:11itr ; IV.
taa'e, silOi:lin it j
:i Wov'ro5p;!tt EJ-mely. i
T:i!..!c iiii s aro I lie cftu.c of frciiunliy ro- j
enriing disease, and ll.roir;h neglect tho siedsof t
more irrave and drn:rerous ii:aladics are tho result : !
I and as mouth alter month pte-scs without an citbrt !
being nude to n'i.-i't nnmru, the iliRieulty becomes !
el'.rouic, tiie patient gradually loses her appetite, tbo j
howets tiro constipated, iitglil sweats come on, ami
rtmxit in i'Ii n)i finally ends her career.
For sale by nil Drugi-ts. Prico If I.
W II (il'.KHtl, & CO. Proprietor.
.TaOEUii.VV & A!,l.i:.
Hencral Agcnl.-. No. -1G Cliff street, New York.
February ;i, Istlrt tlnio.
.i:iV N&II!'r E'OU IMs.TCii.
Iho liroat Invention of tho Ago iu
TIC (ir double! Sl'lUNH SKIUT.
This inveiili' n consists of Duplex (or two) Elliplic
Pure Iveliucd Sleet Springs, ingeniously braided tight
ly ami lirmly lo-e;hiT, edgu to edj;e. ranking tin
I lougbcs:, most llexilile. ol.i.slio and durmilu Spring
ever used. T'lioy seldom bend or break like tbeMu
I gle Springs, ami consequently preserve their perfect
j and beauiiiul i-bapc more than tiiieo as long as any
single .Jpi iio; : '.irt lion ever tias or can nc nnele.
'il-e wonderful l! illty and great comfort and
pleasuro to any lady wearing tbo Duplex Elliptic
."knt will be experienced particularly iu all crowded
Assemblies, upcra.i. Can i-i;ru. Kai road Cars, Church
Pews, Ann Chairs, for Promenade and House Dress,
as the skirt can bo foUled when in use to occupy a
small placo as cusily and conveniently us a Silk or
Muslin Dress.
I A lady having unloved Ihc ple.isuro, comfort and
great convenience of wearing tho Duplex Elliptic
steel Spring Si. irt for a iinglo day will never after
wards illii.gly dispeivc with their use. For Chil
dren. Misses and Young Ladies they are fu erior to
ull oth-r.
The Hoops aro 6oVcred w ith 2 ply twisted tbrcd
and v, ill wear twieo as long ns tho single jam cover
ing which is usid on all Single Slccl Hoop Skirts.
The three bottom ludsou every Skirt nro also Double
Steel, and twifu or double uovered to prevent the
covering from wearing ofl tho rods wlo-n drugin.r
doivn stairs, stono steps, etc., Ltc., which tiioy aru
constantly subject to when in use.
All aro uiiide of the new and elegant Corded Tapis,
and arc the best quality in every part, giving to the
wearer tho most graceful and perlvet hapc po-sible,
and are uuqucstiouably tho lightest, most desirable,
comfortable and economical Skirt ever made.
if the liivention. an 1 Silo Manufactures, H7 Cham
bers, and 7'J A M litadc streets, New Yoik.
For salo in all fust-class stores in this City, and
throucboLt tbo I'idtcd ritatis and Camola. Havana
do Cuba, Mexico, t5outh America, and thu Wcet
Isr Inquire for the Daji'.cx Elliptic (or double)
Spring Skirt.
fMHE undersigned re-pec! fully informs his friends
X uinl Hie pui.lic I oit ho has ci.angcd bis place of
loading Freight iu Philadelphia from Freed, Ward
.v Freed, No. hll Market .Street, to
(Confinissiou Merchant, dealer iu Flour drain, Sci Js,
. 101.1 Ihiu K.-l vH aliiln.t-is)liS:i,
where all freight will bo loaded on rars of Iho un
dersigned, lor Dauphin, Suitbury, Shuiiiokin, and ull
inler. t ning points.
All freight w ill be carried as low as oh any other
lino. Orders to carry freight respectfully solicited,
v.ijich will receive prompt altcnti m.
Sui.bury, Jan. in, ISot). 3m.
l.ll(bUHrlllli:i A 5:it-OIlls.b;;-f; SEail
O" and after Nov 27th. H63, Pnssctnror Traiuj
will ruu as follows :
A. M.
9 16
iu ;o
P. M.
1 11.11.')
4 St)
II 2t)
rl !:
10.1 j
Leave S:ranton,
" Kupcrt,
" Dauville,
Art. Xorlhuuiboilunil,
Leave Nortburabefbi'id, 8.00
Danville, tl.40
" Hupert, 9.15 A.M.
" Kingston, !.;li hnu
Arr. at Scranton, b ti U 3i
4 15
Trains leaving Kingflou ut K. 30 A. M. for -Scran-ton,
connect with Train arriving at New York at 5.20
Leaving Northumberland a; ti.U0 A. M. aud Kings
Ion 2. .'to P M. connect with tho Traiu univing ut
New York al 10.5 j P.M.
Passengers taking Train 6ouih firm Bonnton nt
5.50 A. M. via Norihrnnbfiland, reach llarrUliurjr
12 .'10 P. M., Ualtiuiore 5.30 i'. JI., Washington 10..
110 P. M. vi Hupert reach Philadelphia at I U0 p. ui.
11. A. roNDA. Sup t.
Klntsior. Nei. S.V 1?!J.
A positive and specific remedy for nil diseases ori
ginating Irom nn Inipuro Mato of tho Dleod, nnd
for all (hereditary) Diseases trnusniiilud from tuircnt
This taint (hereditary nnd acquired.) flllifiir lifo
willi untold misery, is by all usual medical remedies
If thcro Is any discaso In which the Comtittitbm
Life Syrup is a sovereign, it is in rheumatism mid
its kindred affections. Tho most intense pains aro
almost instantly alleviated enormous sncllinga nro
reduced. Cases, chronic or vocarious, ol twenty or
thirty years standing havo been cured.
Nervous Debility. Shattered .V, rves.
St. Vitus' Dance. Loss ol Power.
Confusion of Thoughts, Kpilepsy,
Thousands who have suffered for years will bless
uiu u.iy on which lliey re.inl tlieso lines. Particular-
' '.V to Wonlt, siid'ering wniiirn will this medicine prove
- '" inesiimiiblo blessing dirveliii; their footsteps to
i n Hope which full'ills mure than in promises.
Salivation, Hotting of Hone-,
l!ad Complexion. Aches in liones,
Fccliif;of Wcaiiuefj. Dvprciou cf !. pit its.
Constitution Lif" Syrup purges Ihesvstcm entirely
from all the evil effects o .Mercury, 'removing tho
Dad breath, curing tho Weak Joints and Itheuinalic
Pains whioli thu u.-u of Calomel issnio to produeo.
Il hardciis spongy Hums and secures tho Teeth us
ns lirmly as ever.
constitution; life
?"radicales, root and branch, till Fruptivo Cisca.-es,
el the .-kin Iiku
and all other didietiltiesrl' this kind, v hichro inhcb
disfiiturc tho outward appearance of both male, and
females, often making ihetn a disgustiii; object to
theiu'elves and their fiicuds.
Cures all Swelling of tho (Hands.
Either of tbo Face, Neck, or Fetmilo ISrMft, nnd
snotild bo taken as soon as tbo swelling is detected,
bus preventing their breaking, and producing trou
bl.w:iiedischargtig seres, which disfigure so' many
of tho younger Kntion of the eonnmuitv, from six
to twenty years of age. Young children nro very
subject to discharges from the ears, wbi. h itvpvnds
upo'i a fcrofuloiis eonstituiien. These ca'cs sou'
recover by taking a fc.v doses of the Life iyrup.
j All scrofulous persons suOiring from general Do.
biiity, Dyspepia and Dropsey of the limb. abdomen.
and iu thu leinale, Dropsey of the ovariesand wninb
i generally neeonipanicd with lnllamation and leer,
; atiotiof the I tems, aro puruiiincnllv cured by Con.
I stilulioii Life Syrup. Tbo disease knoun a.i'lioiir.i
ur Swelled Neck, the Lifo Syiup will remove en-tire-.
The remedy should betaken for some time,
as tiio ilisnaso is exceedingly chronic and stubborn,
aixl will not be removed w ilho.ut extra ellort
Tumors ol the Ovaries, Tumors .1 (ho Hreast. nnd
swelling of other glands of the body, will be com
pletely reduced without resorting to tho l.nife, or
opeiaiiuns of any kind.
lel-tic .Its. svilllmthetie or or'imio .ti--..... ..r
the lieai t, as palpitation, dhoases of tho valies. pro
ilnetng a grating or tiling sound, dropsy of tbo heart
cio-o and all the affections of Ibis important organ
(persons suffering from any acute pain iu Ibo region
ui' tiie heart), will bo p-cally relieved by Constitu
tion Life Syrup.
Jiruken-Duwn and Delicate Const il ii iitl'-.ring
from Indi qHisitiuii to Exertion, pain iu Iho lucsT
l.o.wof Memory. ForebiLliii;'-!. Horror ot CalanXy.'
Fear o( Disease, Dimness of Vision, Dry, Hot SkeV
"' ' '' ''I1' M.vtlessi.ess. Pale
vn'inoinwT, mill i.:issilUHC OI Ilie.llHSCU-
lar System, all require ihu aid of tho inn ion
Lite Syt tip.
F 0 It A L 1. V O It M S O F
luihiT tf tho Sui, ThrtKit, Toniio, piiic, l-'orcliea l,
I or;Vuli, no rcimJy Ijh eor)'Hvnl iis
Mull. I'tHi'lits ii)Mii iliu (' initlu isicu Ut'ptJtuiinj;
I iij't'U the disi-n.-ol auticn vi tlio livt-r nro wry un
j i'loii-."iit to t!io j-miu. wifo iiikI niutlior. A l'cv Ul
j lift nt L'oiiftiiutLiii Lit'o byrMjt, will rnrrcot tlivfu
j itU'.l ii-iauvo tho Ui'i"ooit whiuli id directly
umUff thu .'l;i:i.
j In Iho ilifii.M.'.-! if tho Livrr, pi im; rlo to Liin
: pmT, Uus'.iiit, Jn.lifMiMii. Wonk itttiuucb it nn
! ulccr:i(t'd tr cjr.ici-ioui tt udiiinn ol tliat organ, ao-
c!:)jiiiitid w i'h liiirnin ur othtr iini'lc-wrint fm
j t.iin.;, will bo relieved by tho u.c vi Cuiutitu'tiuu
. lilo Syrup.
IZ?' As a general llluod Purifjin;? Agcnl tho lata
Svrup stands untivallid by any preparation in tho
tiro liable to the s.iuio discuses. Nature and Sdeiieo
has Hindu tho Constitution Life Syrup fur the l.iiciit
el all.
products bc.ilihy men and women : and it Iho con.
stitulionis lu-gbcUtl in youth, tlieaso and early
death is Ibc result.
Pi ice, id lia per bottle ; one half Jo.en fuf v-7.
Wat. ii. amiaa, r.i. u..
MOUliAN .t Al.l.K.N,
Wholcsulo Druggists.
Xo. It) Cliir-jt.. New York
GEO. C tiOODWIX A CO., "Boston.
J. II. HEED. A CO., Chicago.
Fl LLEIt FINCH A Fl LLKH, Chicago.
COLLINS PltoTilEltri, St. Louis.
J. D. PAKK. Cincinnati.
JOHNSON, HOLLOWAY 4 CO., Philadelphia. '
1IAKNES, W AKD A CO , Now Orleans.
11AKNES. HEX K Y A CO.. Monirenl.
IIOVI'EI 1EK .-MITII .HiEAN,SjuFri!U:i:tu,C.i!
Icbiuarv ii- I Oiu
ln I.llMTly XV.. lie I.rn1.
V'ill do inorennd heller work al a given Cost, that
any oilier! Try it ! .Mantifneriired onlv bv
.I K..l.kK ti SM ITH,
Wholesale Drug, Paint ft Ulass Dealer,
,Xp. 1.17 North TIUIID Street, Philadelphia.
.Iiii.Uary 27, ltttii'i ly.
fsirc l.iberl)- 'ttlille Ih-ihI.
Tho iVhiteut, tbo must durable and tho uiof t eco
noiniesl. Try it ! Miinnrnclurrd only hv
M'holesalo Drug. Paint A (I lass Dealers,
No. 1.17 Nojlh TiUKD t.rect, Philadelphia.
Jnnuary 27, 1() ly.
l nK IiiiiiiK. r nnd .!om !,
Jbnkct Street, funbury. Pa.
1KST'KCTFi:LLY liiforma bis nnd the
V public, thai he hns jiist received a lartrc as.-vn l
ment of Watehes, ('locks nnd .leweliy, ipcctac'is,
Silver a-nd plated spomis. Foil s. An.
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry icpnircd and war
rnnted Suiibnry, J!'n. 1.1, lHCill. h.
IIA Itl KS n'-r IHO!!. An tissoi-tuinit of
Diariesi, biroC nml uniall. for S.ib- bv
Sunburv. .Ian. C, 1S(li!.
Fawn street below .Market, first door F"U'.h of L'ow
en's (tore. SPNIJl ' It V , PA.
Siilibury,Oeloln'r 21, 1Mb.
.sikM Tiir .January, iu-d received at
I.lti IITNLK'i
Matkct Soitarc.
I.-0. 2 ISIi.'i.
rr.iNM & wintku aiii:an(:i:mi:nt.
i;i:.mivi:d to
Having supplied ourselves witb a new and superior
bit of (loo's. ,,f I iiu latest style? and patterns, nud
havini' secured from the importers tunny articles of
( beauty and value, wc aro now prepared to
liinko for the r"prin and W inter better a rvaiigc?nent-',
and present greater inducements to purchaser.", than
wc bin e ever before ollere I. We havo .'.o.niMI vari
able and beautiful article's of (iooil.-t. conipri.-ing
Pianos. Watches, Diamonds, plain and ornamental
Jewelry, and Fancy ( ol " c cry description, (hat
wc will sell at 'i'i. each rcr.rdlc-s of value or cost.
ESovv v. v (INtNC oS'oni" ikiiIs,
We hnvo oll.fltlll Oil Cilorcd Phntogrnphs. com
prising every subject Ueligious. ,ventiinental. Comic
and Faio-y thai wc w ill sell at Thirty Cents each,
or lour fur One Dollar; and with eaeb Photograph
wc givo two numbered nolicts. The notijes are
numbered from I to an.ntlil, and put into cm chiles,
sealed up, and thoroughly mixed ; and when Photo
graphs i:rc purchased, two for eaeh Photograph aro
taken out i n 1 si ntwilh it. Tho articles of (ioo Is
are numbered from 1 to aO.tMHI, and any article, no
mutter what tho value may ho, correspond ipg with
the number on the notice, will bo sent for Two Dol
lar;!, free of cost, except when sent by express, then
at tbe expense of the receiver.
Wo do assure yyu (hat, should the not ice correspond (
with ft Piano or ether valuable article, ot goovls. it'
will be sent to th'' ye.'rcf'tser for Ta'o Dollais
. !. t'i't ll.
Seven Cmuvo biaii s.
Hosewood McloftYctr.
Uold IliintingCasc Lever V.'ntclies.
Silver atehes,
Diamond Sets,
Silver Chafing Di.-hcs,
Sets Silver Teasnoons.
'0 not) Coral, Opal and Emerald ISroo dies,
Mosaic. Jet, Lava and Florculihc Sets,
ti old Kings,
Hold Pencils.
Toothpicks. Ac.
Comprising a list ol endless variety met the choicest
quality of goods. Wc warrant cur goods superior to
any establishment in tho country, mid hope y"M will
give us one trial at lest, and if tho arlielu in not as
represented, ami does not give : .itisluctiou, return it.
ami Vro will send yoer money bavk.
ESott' lo wi'ilt-i- o:l-.
Send us Thirty Cents fur ono Photograph, or Ono
Dollar fur live the extra ono and two extra notiees
to Iho Agent. When an agent ha-- sent us Mil. CO for
Hoods and Photographs, wc will give one notico and
tho article it cal's for free nt' charge; for $15. nil
throe notices lice; I'.r tf Jii.00 fuir notices free ; for
;. 111. U0 a splendid Photographic Album, or six free
notices ; or for&OJHi a good silver W'i.tch, wm ranted
a goed time-keeper.
Wo keep an account of all inciiry sent, and an
agent ca'i order bis eommls'lori at any time.
P.o particular and write your addrcs full and
plain, us wc sometimes havo orders in our otli.-o for
mouths that wc cannot answer fur Ihc w ant ot proper
A Jilress
AHTlli:W, A CO..
Dux iiJIti New Yoik.
Jnnuary 1.1, Ift'.V ."in
ltl A N U FA C T U 1! E 11,
One door East of Frili.r
iloor East ot inl
S t: N II II it
Store, Market Stuuro
S t: N II II H Y , P E N N ' A .
I i and vicinity, that
informs the eitiiensof r-'unbory
that bavin:' snt'elv returned lioui
Ihc army, will again icaimc his liusiuess. an I manu
facture, to order, boots and Shoes, of all kinds, ol
the best material, and at the lowest rates I n-cu b.
lie hopes to receive a full share of patioii ic.
Suubury, Deo. lii, lmi5.
!: ;!i:t;V Etllilroiitl.
Kcv t7th,lD3U5.
G HEAT THI NK LINE from tho North mi l
North-West for Philadelphia, New Yoik. Head
ing. Pottsville, Lebanon. Alleutown, Easton, Ac.
Trains leave llarri.-burg fur New-York, as fol.
lows: 3.00, 7 2.i and '.Ilia A. M. and I.I and Hun
P. M , arriving at Now York nt 5. 10 und 111 01 A. M.
and .'1. 10 and lO.o.'i P. M. , connecting ilh similar
Trains on tho Pennsylvania ltailroad ; Sleeping Cars
iO-coiup'oiMny tho 3.00 and !' .05 A. M. Traius, with
out ehango. (
Leave for Heading. Pott.-i ilKi, Tainnijiia, M.iu rs
t ille,, Pine drove. Alleutown nud 1'hil.i lei.
pbin nt 7 .25 A. M. audi 4." ami ll.ll.i P. M , stopping
at Lebanon an ! princip:.! ftatiors ; the t'IH p ui.
Train making Iiu close coiiiii t'tlo'is for Pi tt villc.
nor l'biladelphia. For Pottsville. SchuylkIM ilavtn
and Auburn, via 'chuylkill and SnMpiclunua Hail
real, leave llarri burg at 4. till p. in.
Hoiurning : Leave New York at 'J (10 a. in . 12.00
Noon at S oil p. m.: l'hil.ii'elpbia at S 00 a. in. and
.1.. to p. m. Pottsvillo at t..'k) a.m. and 2 lip in;
A bland ii.00 and 1 1 la a. in. and 1.15 p. iu ; i'aua
tpia at T .15 a in. and I b) p. in
Leave Pottsville for llanisburg in Schuylkill and
So ij'.i'.di.iiuia Hailioatl al ti 4a a. in.
ilea. lim; Accommodation Train leaves Heading at
It. .10 A. M. returning from Philadelphia i,l i.:;o
P. M.
Colombia ltailroad Trains leave Heading ul 0 10
A. M. and (.1j P. M. lor Epl.i.ttu, bim, Lai.ejulcr
Columbia, A'C.
On Siiudavs: Leave New York ,t S P M., Phila
dolphin Xl"! P M. Potlsiillch no A. M., 'i'ama.iia S
A M. Ilarrisliurg 7 05 A M and Heading at I A M.
for llnrrisburg, und 10.52 a. in. for New Yoik.
Commutation, Mileage, Soiosin, and Kxcur.-juu
Tickets, at reduced rates lo und fioiu all pciuU.
baggage checked through. : SO Pounds DYggtigu ul
lowcd each 1'a.ssciigcr.
1. A. NICOLbS,
tieiicral Superiiileudcut-
Dec. 9. lSllj.
i Over J. Dowcn's Store, corner Market A FawnSts.
! O DYEHbY, informs bis friends and the public
grnorally. that he is taking Portraits in .thu
lusl si) lo und uiauucr at his Uallery in Uio above
! place.
are taken iu every style ol Ihe Art, that cannot be i
. surpasses Iu Hie State, llav nig several yelr s expo
! rlence, ho will give satistaetioii or no tlinrge.
i Copies will be taken fiotii all slyle of Picture
! liive hiui a cull. Ki-nauibvi, ov Euw'Tu f cljir
Suubury, Juue 17, ls05
- 'Mill. W i. o
Li EMD & Q S
- ti M If I
1 U
Mni-lu-t Nqiiui o, ! PJ! t V, Vt.
HAVINd rerrtitty pto-chnseil the Drug ."-'lot.)
formerly conducted by ', , A Fi ber. I hc.
l.'fivo to liiforoi tlio t-tlty. V.s of .Cm t..i i. .,n.l it.
citiity, that I havo entirely replenished my rtok
F.a TUT T3 3
such as Cotnlis. lliulc. Poeke(. Hooks. Si.ip, l r
fiiinery, Hair-Oil, Knives, .Vi'sum, Conl Oil Lamps.
Tob i"'-o n'i 1 Cig.rri,
iurir4 tivr, ;!!, c:r.i-, san.r,
ai-l-lr.iifM'- Vilnil S4'iii;-H. A.-.
All it!y Tinctures. 'yrii;', Oiiitrnnnl.'. f'crn'e. rn I
other preparations mo liniM.f ictutvil Hy myself, an I
fi'i iti the best material I cm procure in M.iihet.
Having ha 1 utii'c a imtt.ber of ye-.' e? perience iti
Ih-iJ t'nil I'rirr't.'-n .V-.v'r'f.-S
both in Philadelphia nn. ti,,'.1eo-.intrv, im,i a'so II. c
advantago of the College ot I .i.n :n:i: . I i.-l eoi ;
pctcnt to CDMPdCMi Abb l'ttl.SCl;lPTb.iN-
that tho Physicians and pul.'ic m-.v f ivor mo with.
All my proparatl, ns ,H 1 ,.,Vl, iboyc asscrled. nr.:
miob: from tho in-:", material, and upon honor 1.
iifseit. they nro of oiiieinal strength.
For medicinal f urpescs, I keep on band the very
tl'.i; t T can piotura.
Dcl'oru piirebcing clsewlierc. c;lt mi l cjnvir.c:,
your own 1.
Sunbory. Nov It. 1 -''-.'
N Y w (Tr 0 C E i
"pilK siili-cribcr: b-g? Icji-,c te nbr.onncn t ti e
J citizens oi Suabuiy and in .'.'.ii.ity, that lli. y
have opened a
T, v ii'Ui a in::t ; J. H. Unjh's lyiO'l; i
2f,t,-Jrt S.t,tn;
where they nr: prepared to fcri.i-h eVry varioly t r
giocerics, nn, will ke-p coiutai.tly on baud the
vlioicrst varieties of
FLO Ull & F E E f ),
Fi b, C. flee. Tea?. Sugar. Mobiss.-. Clicesa. Sr i!
Spiees of all dieiiptinti. ,'o'ips of ivrly
Cati'lles, .'looking and Chewing tobueo. .'
Hams. NiouLlors. I!n:.n. Duller, an I Eg ;s.
Dried ft nits of all kinds, Caned. Peaches and
toes. Pichel.'. Ketehtlli. I'll 1. or .S'-m.-e 1
at let V
T. ion-
Lemon.-;, Ac, ol' best quality, and in fact ever
of article; kept in a well" stocked llroerry.'
Cider Vinegar. All kinds uf country produce
iu exchange. The patronage of tho public
spcc'.fully solicited.
"u:ibury, No. II, lcij
i- Itvle
i. r. -
PEEH'ii tlAMHL'ild
i'tuclini! f'i:s:i- 'ifti-H (till.
i'.)H Tin: oMMi NioNT.Miifii.t i'.:'u.y v.
Pre.-' r'1-.! by PbydeiaiJ- f r
I'emib.-, wcikly p.r. -nn INVALID:? '
l. -fyy . l
t 'v
I' V-T :fK
; ' v 'f:r--.A -'A
' 4
i: ..
i:xt:!:r.i.KNT wixn. ro:t fi.'.iai.i
Every family nt this .-cas n, slmulJ u.c
celebrated ill Europe for its medicinal and b. ni l.
ipialities. highly esteemed by eioiiunt pbls.ei
ii.-ed iu Euiot'e.'.n and Auicvican llosnitr.'.s. and
sumo of the liiit f.itiiilies iu Euripe and America
it !n: no c.pial. causing an appetite and btdhli"
the m stem, being entirely a pure wine of a -valuable
it iml'i'l-ts a healthy of tbo CI m !".
and L'riuary Org ins. very beneficial in Dr.
Clout, and Hhcuinatic Al'.ec'tieiis.
is a pure iutie'e iVem tin Juice i f tho Port il ssing medieiii'.l prupoities 'uj-eiii-r to nt.y
w ine in use. an I an cxePent artielo for all v.ei.l
debilitated persons, and the aged nn I ii:!':,:n
proving the appetite, and beueliltim; in.iie
f Ti if it niw:. ami ynn vill iu; ' n t i ivv I.
I V He sure tho signature of Ai.ntr:i t:'i i'
over Iho cork oleaeh bottle.
Sold by W. A. llciiitclrSunhiiry. and all fr-i
dealers." who l.l.o sell tho (MS'l'i;
l'fi:l' lt.!i , a ehoijo ol lartieh
ported only l y Mr Spcer, dinct irom th, vuli
( v Tra-lo s'upp'i:.! bv Wholesale Drm-gi-t
I,, liv A SPEEH. a! bis in -vsr.l in Ni-w .1
l'lH.Nl'll'AI, OFFIl'i:, 20t 1,'HOALWA'i.
Suubury, Jan. (1, I .".'). ly.
josi:;-!! i:ysti;i;,
(.V..i.xv ..( . t.l . VjTi ;,.)
Coii'.r of Maikct and Fawn Mtci t,
Sr.NJU'lIY, l'KN.VA.
Inv iti-s 'lio pcblij to call at: 1 i x.itninc his .
as ortii'.eiit cf
wznts;i goods:
wliifli he i.ill v.i ;reat. icUuci ru
c j s s x t3 x:
.CfAOTKS. &0-
:;ills. 1 In in.- . ;..iv, tii, win ;hains. Calicoes.
Mieeting. 'fii-l.iiigs, Jeans, aiiil a lull insol .
l.'oltoU and i oolell goods g lieralty.
Ifo. iery. (Iloves, ll , p Sl.ii's. Also' Ha .,?!:.
Hi ii.-be: , Combs.
tSats uiii! l'.ijs., Fio.ifs a nil r
'His a.-vorlllient n! g uds .ill .rot, bo i: f
fail to plea-o the fancy and suit Ihe lialitj tl
siruus ol puielinsing. ' liij sto'. of
II. m;d w.mii: and ;i : en.-waki
and (ll'ticelies is lalvv i:i ollalitiiy an, I e
ipiality, c.onpri-ing gnierall e trv t'.iiii i.e
the housebtibl either iir use or oi ua..iv til
llu fs at '.v ays ready ard glad lo m c bis
ato 1 lakes ple.isuro in .huuii.g iheiu bisgo,
tbuiigh no iale.s arc made. He only asks a e
is suit- that the .itiK-k vtili coinparo lav i
price and o'l.tlity witb tiie ehc.i" sl.
jo.- ::ri: i.ys
ciiM)D siiTAiu.i: I'oi; noLJ
.VJt ti !s r-irci I, IMill.ul. !(i'.
WAR 111,
rixi; jkwki.kv.
Hil.ll) MIA'lili '
no I Sope.i. r Kilter lvlalrd H ui-e.
1l- liSOXS li a inn itiinvt'i'Kil Mi'i- nrv i
Xhlit I lit v 1"J l'Ot;ii'.l'il. Hetuitiill;
"All tlltJllfi ltln toliVt'Vitlit'iS llT r 111 t, til
(t'.miioiittottilh. li.ill In; . iccorikil i iiru t
litciirlin Ici-U in Iliu ('u'iiy w'jric lliq
h't'tn 1 mouths ulur lit t :it-i uti-'M nl n
mill i-oiivryHiu-c ; hihI r?rr siu-h d tid
ntHo iul 4 ha i.(-M-t'i,ul. .'hull In
I'UAl IH I.ICMAM) VolDu.tM HiiVi,
IUi'llHM-r Ittf A mIuhIiIi' t tll.-iitiT.(U'll
ili'fil.- (! ivi-i li'l Uiv ill- r I ilili.; i1 (lii
coliVi-.VM'ivi: I liuh -uli .iiL.A-',vi.i
ol IU "H t;.i,j : ill I .1U