1 tf. II. MV110H, K litor A Proprietor. 13. WUsV&HT, rnMlslier. HI IU BtV, PA. " SATUKTUy, jl.MU'II 10, 18G0. UNION STATE NOMINATION. FOIl GOVERNOR, ien. .fit7 YT. iiV.AM, Of Cmuhrhtnil Cuunt;. CTWIUIjillUH J.liMI H I I ! J t'tTllR NOMINATION OK G KKUltAI. Geary Kon Governor. Thu Union Cim vimtion wliMi tin-t at IliirrisUtrg, on Weil ncsiliiy, iioiiiiimloil Gin. Gvuiy on tho first I,u11.t. Thu vote ttnn.l, Geary 81, Kcluham 29, Jlooihciul 10, mill White 3. It wns tvl lt'nt, luforu thu Convi'iition iiwt mbKI, Hint Gen. Gtniy would he nominated on the f.rt luillot. Although tickets were issutil fur ndniU'sion to the hull of the llotiar- of P.epre pcntntivi1, tint room 'wns crowdi-d fscvernl hours hi l'ore rhi' Hjtpoinlul hour, anil tickets were of no nccotint. It was with iViiTictiMy that peals were Ft-cuml for the ililogates. Win. 15. Mann, of Phihulelphia, was pro poged for teinpnmry thnirnian Lytlic friends of Messrs. Ketehiim nllil Monrlicnd, nud Levis W. Hull, of Uliiir County, ly the friends of Gen. Genrv. The result wa3 81 for Louis W. Hm.11, mid OG frr W. 1). Mr,nn Thi.3 wnn considered u test vote, mid the Eul)6C(Uer.t noiiiiimlion was n iv.tio mutter of form. After some, dchntu on the Appoint ment of committees, the convention ad journed till 5 o'clock P. M., vvhrn the con vention was iirmiinintly oraiii.:i'd hy the t lection of lion. John C'ovode us clmirnvui. There wns tome wurni discussion on the resolutions hy Messrs. Cessna, Hull, JlcC'lure, Dickey, Marshall and others, lifter which the nomination wni made with the result uhovc mentioned. After the noniinution. Messrs. Ketchum. Mooilieud nnd White nd drcsed the convention, warmly urging the election of Gen. Geary, who was idso intro- daccd und addressed the convention. J3?"The principle objection urged hy the opponehts of Gen. Geary, ia that he was u democrat which certainly should not he con tiidered u serious one by them, especially as they have nominated Mr. Clynier, until re cent yeai-5 a radical opponent of the demo crat?. 5i? On, Swikdm-:. The Lancaster pa pers mention the case of a parry in that city who agreed to buy n West Virginia oil pro perty from a New York broker for '3,000. lie induced five oilier parties to go with him into the "ground floor" at ifo.OOO each ; and then they put the property in the mar ket in n ground stock company of 80,000 shares at one dollar each. After the stock hud been sold it wus discovered that the Hew York broker could convey no tiile to the premises, and the company, of course, Imrst up. U;il the innocent stockholders are not disposed lo let the matter drop there, and (he ground lloor men have very properly been arrested und held to aiiswcr. S,?ccl r Jli. IMiei-mii'u o I lie Art" mlMKloii oi rOiullu rn .Member. Ia the Senate, on tho 20th lilt., nt one o' clock, the regul.ir order was taken up, being the concurrent resolution declaring that no Hcnutors " Hepresentntivcs from the lately rebellious States shall be received In cither House until such State shall have been de chued by Congress entitled forcprcsentil- Mr. SiimofAN, of Ohio, took the floor, lie commenced by remarking tlmt the Kcnato Imd decided on thiee occasions that Congrefs hud the power asserted In tho resolution. The object of the resolution, as it was made to lead, was to cIobc agitation on this subject. . Mr. Sherman next referred to the speech made by the President on tho 23d. Ho thought no man who was a friend of John son would bo unwilling to wipe that out of hw bb.torv. It was impossible to conceive n mure1 hnmilialiuif snectuelc. Ihnn that of tin! President of the United States address inir such a crowd us called on him on the 2 'd. He rcmcttcd especially the paragraph in that speich referring by name to Messrs. Stevens and Sumner, but it should be re membered that Johnson was a combinative man, that he had always been noted for hib forte in repelling assault made upon him. Mr. Sumner had recently accused him ol whitewashing, and though no uflVnnt was intended, this language was evulenliy coti rtructcd into an ullront. It should not he forgotten that Mr. Ste vens nronounccd Andrew Johnson an alien enemy in tlie Lialtimore tonvention, nnu that he recently said in thu House that for certain language used by the President n Ihithh liins Would havo lost his head two hundred yeaia ago. These facts must be taken into consideration in making up judgement upon this unfortunate, rpeech The most injudicious parraph in it was that which charges certain gentlemen with conspiring nt his assassination. This wus simply ridiculous, and he believed there wus not a man in the country who thought diii'erently. Still there was much in the s peech worthy of consideration. Prompted by his anxiety to sec 'the Southern States speedily restored to their constitutional relations, he Mr. Sherman did not approve of the veto of the freed -men's bill. He voted for the bill mid aiiainst the veto, but still he recognized in the veto no extraordinary or unauthorized act of the President, ami nothing but the cxcrcic o( a constitutional right. While he was anxious to reo a mode adopted by which loyal men from tho Mouth might be admitted to Cor.'ness. he would never con tent to the admission of any man who haJ taken part in the rebellion, and he never would vote for the repeal of the test oath. He believed' the people of the country de j niaiided a change in the ba.-is of representa-M lion, to as to keep tho rebel Slates from coming back here with increased represen tation, as they wmiM do under the freedom of tho blacks'according to ihe present basis. He believed the best and f liresi basis of representation would be votirs and Lot pop ulation, although hcshoiil.l probably vote lor tht'irbpositi.m now pending in the Senate which riccgnixd population us the basis. He did not believe Mr. Stunner's proposi tion, to declare universal suffrage by act of Congress, wns practicable. Mr. Sherman said, in conclusion. I have I thus, Mr. j that to thu hour no net has been done .iy i i the President inconsistent w ith his obliga- j tions to the great Union party that elected j him. lilii fences have arisen, but they have J ; arisen upon new questions not within t lie j contemplation of the Union party, or the I ! Lmon people, when tno rrcsioLent was nominated. I have also show u that he has ! acted iii pursuance of a policy adopted by j Mr. Lincoln und approved by the people, and that no event has vet transpired that preclude hini from a hearty co opera I will remember when lie stood In this very spot (lvo years ngo, repelling with unexam pled courage the assaults of tiaitois. He W't M their hand wife, children, property and home, and staked their nlf In tho re sult. I will remember that when aretrcnt- Ing general would havo left Nashville to Its late, that again, with heroic courage, ho maintained his post. I will rcmcinuer mc fierce conflicts aiid trials through which ho nml bU follow commitriots in East Teu- nessee maintained our cause in the heart of tlm f!onfedercv. I will remember the Strug rde ho Imd with the aristocratic element of t?. tie Tennessee, never asnnmca oi uis ungiu, and never far from tho heart of the people. SUMMARY OF NEWS- The Chietnjo Tribune gives the following samplo of the spirit wherein tho "restored" ltehels arc now evincing their Unionism in loyal Kentucky s "Kcubcn Harris was the slave of Isaac Itnckcr, who lived in Lyon" county, between tho Cumberland and Tennessco Itivers. About a year ngo, Heuben directed the Union armies to where two companies of the 25th Kelitnekv Hehcl rctriment were hid in tho wilderness. Two of the sons of Isaac Hncker were olllccrs in Company E of said regiment. They wero taken prisoner by our army. Isaac, through fear, fled. Tin slaves, by advice of our soldiers, still abode on tho plantation and worked it. On tho 17th day of January, ltucker and Ids two sons returned to the plantation. U)Kn Inquiry around, they found that Reuben reported on them, by which means thoy were taken. "Isaac ltucker then took Reuben, his for mer slave, stripped him, and tied Idm up by his wrists to a pole, between two trees, just to that his toes could touch the ground, lle'lhen, with his own hands, whipped him, and continued to whip for hours, frequently saving tlmt lie would cut lunt in two. jus wife and family were present, moaning in agony at the spectacle. The wretch turned und struck the wife ten blows, niul told her to go off and mind her own business. One of the black man's sons he made bring hitu (the Itobel) whiskey several times while he wns applying the cruel lush to his father. In vain ilut the poor sullerer cry lor mercy "Did you report on us?' was asked. 'I never told you a lie, massa, and never will. I did report on you.' 'Well, I will whip you to death.' And he did whip on till the whole body around was cut up most horribly. Prom 11 a. in. till sunset the martyrdom went on. This was Thursday night. The poor sutTcrcr lingered in ugony till Sunday morning, when death released him from earthly sorrows. I should add, several White men stood around, witnessing the Hogging, and encouraged it on. "This sluveholding brute threatened nil the family with death. They fled toj'adil call bv night crossed the Ohio, took curs on the Illinois Central Iiuilroad, and .came on to Chicago the widowed wU'o and four sons. The railroad conductor to his honor be it said showed them favor, carried them free, and, moved with pity, fed them and gave them some clotlr.ng. ' K-The -'w York Worll, which exerted all iis Doners in tcmntinrr tn 1 1..,, t t.-. i... . . , I will preclude lum li .,3 .... ,,. , ijr U) UKU uc was t.oeicj, i on yMl lhc t n,RCS ()f ,,, L-l)iol, rt now admonisliis.democrats not to make any I in securin C italiglmg alliance.', not t accept ofiicts from the present administration, hut to wait pa'ieutly when all the Stales again .participate in the Presidential election. k-i?" Mr. Rogers of J7evv-Jersey dechucd in Congress that to prohibit ths payment of the Rebel Debt "is the very emblem und iiinfess"iiee of despotism and tyranny.'' Mr. Rogers is spokesman fur the Democrat- c tide of the House. Tux payers and hold rs of Government securities will take uo- icc. C-s7Soinc of the capitalists of P.ellcfonle, re about to erect a rolling mill for tho ianuf.icturc of Russia i.heet iron, on Spring reek. The Cait.nl IWxi says that all ic arrangements for the v.oik j huvo been 4';al WurlM on E'iro. The Shuftou Coal Works, half a mile oast of Irwin Station, took fro some eight or ten days ngr , it is supposed from the furnace in the mine ; from it the fire wns conveyed to the heavy timbers used in cribbing, ixc, t . I I J'ltl f lllVllltO DtlU V II I 1 M V 4-V.I I If VAI1I"UISII President, endeavored to show . .,, ...,, ,. ' 4 ftli . so thafthrv had to let the mine fill with water in order to save it from being totally unfitted for use. The shaft from which the coal is taken is about one hundred and fifty feet deep and lias been operate! very heavily tor so nip eight or ten years; consequently, it will take a huge volume of water to "fill it. . Four mules which were used in tho mines to con vey the coal to the mouth of tho pit, perish ed. It is a sad catastrophe, as tho C'onr puny employed a great many hands, whlii will be thrown out' of employment, at least ut these wci.ks, for four months, as it wil) take about that time to get tho works in running order again. It is owned by soino Phihulelphia Company. lWeburyk hiizcltc. ; to the country the objects tor conducted successfully a treat In Hoone county, Ky., rcturnett rebel sol iliers aru murdering negroes, and have order ed tho (Vpnrrurc of the Government officials. A militnry fitfeo has been sent to quell the disturbance. A number of ex-rebel' ofliccrs have been engaged for tho Chilian navy. Ten left Pa nama, for Chill, recently, in a Chilian -,vur steamer. In Ban Francisco tho thermometer has ranged 20 degrees above rcro all winter. A vast ouhrrv of cypanm hns been dis covered in Nevada. It is ns clear as ice, nnd can ho used for building purposes, A bill, making eight hours a legal day's work, Las passed the lower branch of the Ohia Legislature by a vote ot 70 to 14. An answer to a dispntch sent from Con neut, Ohio, on the UOth nit., to Pctalumu, Sonoma county, Cnlilomin, was promptly received tho same day. A new census of Illinois has just been completed, which shows the total population of that State to bo 2,100,000; un increase of 414,600 iu five years. The Ladoga (Iiul.) lT rlt tells of tho fol lowing sign, as n samplo of tho intelligence of its sister citv of Lafayette: "LawGre Hero salOon and lJordiu." Tho Sandusky (O.) -IbyhUr declares that the thieves of that locality walk four miles ou the ice to steal the cannon balls on John eou's Island to sell for old iron.' A Cashmere Goat Company has been or gai.od In Guernsey county, Ohio. Ten thousand 'tlollnrs has lieen subscribed, and in a short time sttck wjll bo brought from Gullatiiiv Tennessee. Ghosts arc retiring. Tho Eric papers have caught the one which was playing uiad pranks in that city, in n nail pint cup. whence it bad arisen Irom a lot ot dried berries, and the Philadelphia all'uir has gone off with a servant, girl to the House of Re fuge. The former was an invention ot tne editor; the latter ofasliarp daughter of evil. Sharp hoys down In Snsquchann county. One of the farmers of that region recently li!fd a suit brought ngnuisC him for eight days' service In the hay fluid, by a young man who voluntarily assisted the old gentle man's daughter in raking hay as a conven ient chaucu for sparking. The lass having discarded him und married another, the swain Claimed wages of the old gentleman. Not having been aide to make hay himself, he swwrc he wouldn't make the fanner's. The Union Paper Collar Company has been organized in New York with $3,000, 0J)Q capital. One hundred dollars per square inch was lately paid in New York for a rare little eight by ten painting, a .Vmnuniei: Iu Brooklyn, New York, u w,eek ago, a man named (leorge N. Wilson, after beiug tried and convicted of burglary, siood up and was eentenecd to imprisonment for two years and six months. The trial being con cluded, the jury rose and walked out of tho tuoui, the condemned man quietly accompa nying them, unobserved by any one in the room. Once outside he made good time, and has not yet informed the otlicers of his lost oliice address. The Department of Sftites has received R llagApm the peirplu of Lyons, Fiance, dedi catetrto the people of the United States in memory of Abraham Lincoln. We 'find tins following iu au cxehiingv: "What tllone should have been placet! ut the gnto of Eden after the expulsion. Adaman tine. (Adam uin't in.) A ludy.in the market, laying lur hand upon a joint of veid, said, "I think this veal is not quite to white ns usuu!." Put on your glovo, madam," was the reply, "and In Italy, tho newspnner editors hire peo ple to go to jail for them when their journal arc suppressed. Tho editors continue writ ing, wiiile their substitutes reciivo the punishment. which we war. That events nave transpired, unit utterances have been made tern ling in that directing, no one will deny; the surest evi dence of it is the joy of the wor.-t enemies of the country over our divisions. I find in a recent paper this significant paragraph : '"Dayton. Ohio, Feb. 20. The Democracy of Dayton had a jollification over President Johnson's veto of the freedmen's bureau bill, this afternoon, firing one hundred guns. Vallandighuui made a brief .peech, saying the Democracy did not elect Johnson, but '; it is now their duty to stand by him. Dei 'announced a mass meeting in future for exultation. A flag floats from Mr. Vidian- digham's window," i MV. Pni.Axn, May I ask which flag it was? , Mr. Sh;:i:man, I don't know; the despatch : does not ft.de. i A flock of wild r.to kept pneo with n train of curs on tho lfudsoti River Railroad, gojng about thirty miles an hour, tho other day when they changed tllcir cotirso. The new railroad briduo across tlie Hud son river, at Albany, is 4,800 feet long, and cost $ 1, 200,000. It was one year and eight months building. The first train of cars passed over it .on I hursday lust. Jt is a great improvement and worthy of tho age, A cotton company, with a capital of $1. 000,000, has been formed in Galveston, 1 exas. A largo cotton tactory has been establishtrd near San Francisco. The Cali fornia Legislature has offered premiums for tho encouragement ot cottou manufactures. The safe of the treasury of Rerks county, ra., was blown open with powder by burg lars, on Thursday night of last week. It con'alnetl $10,O00X which thev did not Get. ns they were detected and fled in great haste. John CrosA, an English lnUorcr, who is the lather or nineteen children, nnd tiic step father of five more, recently rceeicved a purse- ot !fl,riuu, besides a prize, irom an agricultural societv, "for having raised so many children without parochial relief' which feat he performed ou eight shillings a week. Nearly three hundred daily and weekly journals have been started in various parts ol the country bince the close ot the war, A portion of these havo already abandoned the tK'ld, some are living a very frail lile and there arc some which give evidence ofa very prosperous career. The most noticea ble feature of this new era iii journalism is the lnrge proportion ot weeklies. A couple who were engaged Cfty five years ago nan a lulling out, and the young man subsequently married and lost three wives, while thu lady married nnd lived with he husband fifty-three years, raisinc n hire family. The original couple revived their Iirst love, were lately married, and are now living" happily at Lynn, Susquehanna county 111 l ins OIUIC. According to every indication the emi grutiou to the United States this year will be very large. The troubles iu Irvfand will drive thousands to our shores, unless the irisu ucpuuiic suouid in- esiuMished, an event which, notwithstanding Fenian as surunces to the contrary, is not likely to happen. Germany, according to recent dis patches transmitted to the State Department is about to send a larger emigration than has reached this country for many years Sl.ICHl'INU W ITH THE HlI.U) TO TUB NollTII nerr nr. junusvou a ischweiier, un ec centrio German physician, recently died leaving in his will wlnt he considered secret for increasing the veuis of our life His own ngo wus 109, and he attributed it to the fact that he ahvavs slept with his head lo the north, and the rcM of his body ns nenily us possible in a meridiunal posi uon. jiv mis means, lie liioimht, the iron in his body became iniitinetiseil. and thu increased the energy of the vital principal A reporter of the Chicago Tiihimc, di guised us a female, learned from a proles sional nslroingist ol tinit citv. that he was a widow, shortly to be married to a middle aged gentleman, and to take a bridal trip to ; Europe. Tin: Last Max. The IWlf J.;i ter (Wisconsin) chronicles tho death ut Caledonia, Wis., on the :27th tilt., of Joseph Crele, born near Detroit, Mich., iu 17'J5, und who had attained, therefore, the ania.ing nge of one hundred and forty vears. He wus born seven years before leorge Washington, and wus fifty years old at the outbreak of the American' Revolution. Crele's baptism is said to be on record in tha French Catholic Church in Detroit ; so tta'ttftiFs, Illln1n" niul Cntnrrli, Trentod Willi Hie ntiif;!itl)e(!ci"hy Pr. J. I3AACH Oculirt nml Aurist, (formerly fit Jrtjtfcn. Ilullnnd.) fi!9 Pino ulrcct. I'hilnjclnhin. JMtiinnniala from tlie tnnt roHnblr nitron tn tbo CHy nnd Cimn try enn bo neon nt hi efKoe. Tho mcilionl fncnlty si's Invlloil to nooomjinny tholr rntinnt, nr he hnn no in crcti tn h! prnctico. Artificial Kycs. Inserted with out pnln. No chnrjro niiulo for examination. July 2J, loliS. Iy ItEMTII. In Hnnburv, February 20th, ISfiU, Mrs- SARAH THOMPSON, relict of Win. A. Thompson, nged nearly 70 years. Mr. T. Hrrd a truly clirintian lifo ! and nllliimitli InnR nml oruly nlllieu-d, died in tho triumphs of Inllh, Icitvinit the vervJicwl ovidonco of n full in-ciin- li'in fur death, nnd i now nt rent In tho l'Arndi."o uf Und. Flour. Whonl. Kyo, Com, Oiitu, luicknhcnt, Klaxiced, Clovcrsoed, BUNBUIIY f 13 00 2 41) 100 1 (Ml . 45 00 f 2 60 $7 00 MAIIKET. EfW. Ilultor, Tallow, ' bnrd, Pork, Uncoil, ilani, Shoulder, 3j 4) it 2.) 22 19 21? 2.1 HORACE GUKELKV'S HISTORY OP THE WAR "THE AMKRICAS CONFLICT.'1 IN TWO Vol,. Klegnntly iltuitrntod with 144 portrait on itoe) J nuaicroiis mnr nnd dinirainii of bnttlo-ficldii ; vienii, cto. 14.T.MM eopk'H colli. V alums I, of thin Hinlory, puhlislied nlmoiit two1 yrt Intur than the first part of nearly every other, alrondy iucliul ninonjr. Un patrons full 2i,0"0 of tho purchasers of those early works, and is every where rocngntred ns the highest authority, even by the author's pol'Hca' eppaiorts. VolutnoII. will be ready Inn few months at the earliest day on rhifh a woll-proporod history of the war can bo obtained. Tho entire work, iiiimiln bio alike in excellence of plan and detail, nill bo vastly superior to any of tlioso now completed, (most of nliich wero "completed11 Ion before U en. lir.int report was tundo,) and by fur (lie miwt satisfactory History of llin lalo stupendous striiKIO altogether line(ualled for clcarnew, fulliicKS, and. acouracy of sliitenicnt.', combined wilh candor and itrunliio do- lincation of events. voti will think diii'erently.:' Not Imd for i ' tUiU 1113 W wou1'' SI'L'" 10 be iluly mil lien irtjtchcr. It is needless to sny that the veal i ticated. A'. '. Trthune. I!' he U'-'iv hu own fia-' it wus a und that they ill be in operation in ' calamity more disgraceful than for us by i ... " . i IT..;,. ....J I..- l. .ude very nhurt time. Gen. iSheriu.iii's order prohibitin1! emi;r:i- ! hi from New Oilcans to Mexico or .South 1 mcrica, extorts u wuil of uiiriiili from the I ontyniuery Mail, It exclaims : j "Will not President Johnson let in go, if: ; desire tod rgo? We will borrow no j r rings and jewelry li!:u the children of; acl ; and wu will not even ask' for n re- n of our own. Wt" have labored faithful- ' lor a llovern.-iiint which remember not or-jo Washington ami have been taxed! ely. Will the Pivsi.lcnt not let us go ', t of tho land of iniquity and the house of: ldajje. Our Holds are- desohitei! 1 Out" 1s are desolated ! Our cat tlu and stock J beiiij; killed and eaten up by a murrain ; niters und soldiers! The lice have i eruil tlm laml ! Our Iirst born lies dead i Mr. Xy: rebel Sir. !iii:iiM Adw 1 am aware ot no our divisions to surrender to men who wero enemies to their country in time of war, any or all of the powers of thij Government. Ho who contributes in uny way to tho re sult deserves thu execr-uiom of his country men, and this may be d nu by thrusting upon the President new i-vies in which tho well hr.o.vn principles of his life do not ureo with tlio judgement of his political associates; it iray I e done iy inviting con- TVonut'rtVil &cvclopmeiit'. At tho liro in Pithole. on Thursday lust, the firemen pumped all the water walls (fry, to obtain water to extinguish tho lhtmes. This occurred at or before daylight. About eight o'clock, a man went to his well for water, and, upon applying the pump, ho pumped up pure petroleum. Ciowds soon collected, und the news Hew from lip to lip. All day the pump was lifting out pure oil of (it is said) a heavier gravity, than that o'f Pithole wells of greater depth. Presently the neighbors tried their wells, null with the same success. Hundreds of visitors wero all day visiting these wells, aud carrying away the oil in bottles, whije men Were busily nt work barreling it in quantities. Springs in tho neighborhood were dipped dry of water, when they too begun to flow oil. Interests wero inquired tor, nnd re fusals taken before night. Mr. Stevenson, Civil Rngineer, says that ho visited tlie premises, und, although incredulous until he unived on tho spot, yet he saw all the uUivc and will bo qualilied to the same. Ha sug gests ns a possible) solution that tho Miller Farm pipes, which pass a few hundred feet from tlio spt, may for sometime havo been leaking, and that this may bo the diaiuoge from this h aluige. If this be not tho case. troversy of a personal character; it may be ! , . , opinion uuim mc nut may crop ! dono by tho President turning his back ! 11 ",,-L'lic.r. , . roch. n 1(1 111111 tllt,6c springs upon those who trusted him with high power, and tons linking lus name witli one of the most disgraceful in American history, that of John Tyler. I feel an abiding confi dence that Andrew Johnson will not and canuol tho Henry Llay contributed very defection of John Tyler; but the division of ;"lV-",. , Jounso,, wm iioiami Tho Washington! c in not no tins; and, !,ir, who will deny that , x. , . io ovei hearing sml intolerant will of ! iNcw 1 01k J'-ce"l"! enry Clay contributed very much to tho ! The Post-office Dep:i and wells, being at the proper level, w itlf referenco to this rock, may, when exhausted of tho water, havo received the flow of nil. KvviudliiiK TliroM la I lie Iahl Oilice. Tho Washington correspondent of the W says : partmcnt was compell ed, one day last week to semi buck ou) teen. . ....fir 1. ....... I . . . ... ..til iiuuw ; Jl.lV WO IMIl I'O Olll ' ll I! . , ..... . " .... 11 1 11... . !.!, . . . 1 le-iv-lndmi.1 nc ...r i..-. V,- ., ,! i ' l,,ls ""'; p iny was an event uttcily in- ie.neis iu u k umier in new jersey, i li.u. lit hind us oar jewelry, oup rnaid linnrUnn ...:, , :, Pn. Tho letters wero estimated to eahtin not less than $1,000. which had .'nuts anil man servants our oxen and our not . 1.. .i:..I.t ... ,1... 1-..? - I nnn linn, CI Aflrt ...1.T..I. 1. A 1.. . .1 mid all that wo have, provided wo can 1 a "1 I T'" u V'u Jarl?" , -V ,', . " " JU "u o '...n,.l;i ,.r it, ; . i .. i i i i uero w in oo mc lour miiuoiig oi binves . """"""" ,u 't""s puns oi me . hi- , v. 1 f ', y ? i i whom by your policy you have emancipated; I country. Under a regulation of the Post tlo fo. n 1 ? ' :1,,J:,Mtu,bPu what would bo their inevitablo fate, if now ! nillco Department, whenever money is tliututuio lioui Uio memories ol lliu , , ... ,, . ., .... .., , frundiilmitlu !.t,.i,w..i iv i.. .1......1. tlio boutli I ill you, hy vour Ucjuand ol ; "'e posi omeu oy rogues, who assume Iicti i:!'!-". D.wis iii iiu 'aiiiiom:ij. -Tho isvillo Juuntnl undertakes to speak for hu Presiilent by authority, und says : o matter, dear reader, w hat you see in papers, Jell'. Davis won't have a military , und he wont bo convicted. And if ho comietod, ho would bo pardoned. ugh no card player, w e 'Vpcuk by tho universal suffrage, destroy tho power of the Union party to protect tiiem iu their dearly purohusUcd liberty? Will you, by new issuujfupon which you know you have uot tho views of the people, jeopardize those rights which you can by the aid of the Union party secure to the freediucn? Wc know that tho President cannot, will not, and never agreed to unite with us upon tho issues of universal sulfiBge and dead States. No such dogmas were contemplated when, for his hemic- servicu in tha cause of tho 10 Xew York Tri'mne, refcriin:' to the .ordinary d.inar.d for Beats iu Uev. H. 1 , " ' "l ' ' I bo paralleled in that city if tho con iliou would coascut to jutt up their , unniially, ut auction, Itjajsmi pew o had in Dr. Adam's chinch. 011 Mud Square. tho seals in the church pfl, even to camp stools. A list of ies, ultlllg Union, we placed him side by side with Mr. standard-bearer. hy dwell Why not complete tho work Id, even to camp stools. A list of ' ,UB CT c.s iu tho hands of the committee, w ho ' J".' ".'". .iting for seals, exceed one hundr;,.. j J -n ' " -- iJ.... . .1 tent inleheuce Irom Kiain shows that 'rogressivo parly will iio sati.-.lied, in li matters, with nothing short of a U to Jcotr icliuii of the Catholic Church, ;i;lih:neiil o ull orders of Monks und n'ld tho uiiiiiidoumeiit of all t'onvents, tiio I.iU-rals would not go quite so it would be satisfied w ith "a rel'ornia f tho Church." II i't army wagon used by the Uniou in tho la to war, will liguro at tho 1.. KxhlbiUu.1 lu Piuid. so gloiiousl; dono by our soldiers by se curing Union nnd liberty to all mcu, with out distinction of color, leaving to tho States, as before, tho question of suli'rugc? 1 is the curse ot Uod. i lie maledielious ol our people, und the tears aud ado lrecmen will 111 my upon those who now for any cause destroy tlio unity ot tlio great party that has led us through tho w ilderness of war to the want now of peace and repose. Wo must now look to our public credit. Wo have duties to perlorm to tho business interests of the country i i which wo need tho usi-Utunco uf the President. Wu havo every motive for harmony with him and with each other, and for a generous and manly trust in his patriotism. If ever ths time hhall come that 1 cau no longer cou lide in his devotion to tho principles upon which ho wus elected, I will bid laic well to Andrew Johiisou with uuulfcclcd sorrow. turns names, the otters nre seizi-d. Tim Mayors of New York and Hrooklyn having complained to tho department that a mau in New Jersey was making use of the post oilice, a detective was sent to tho scene of opcrntious, who seized these letters. Thcyi w ere forwarded here, and a number of them opened, und ucarly every one contained from three to Ovo dollars, aud som.o a still larger amount. Upon examining into tho facts it was found that the person to yhom the letters wero addressed was a real charac ter, that ho had not assumed a fictitious name, and that no, law or regulation oT tho department would justify tho detention of the letters. There was uot the slightest doubt ns to the fruud, yet under tho Taw it was considered impossible to convict. The guilty person, when charged with fraud, claimed that nt some time in tho Oiture ho expected to till the orders sent to hiin, nnd stated (which was true) tlmt whoever an swered his circulars with money toik tho risk ; and that nobody oould assert that he did uot intend to forward the gifts promis ed. Tho depaitmeut intends to call upon Congress for additional legislation to meet such cases of swindling. Queen Victoria is reported as shocked at discovering that tho Prince ttul Princess of ales siutjio cigsrettes together In a little blue satin sunctum culled their smoking -mom. This pernicious nnd rrahcnsible practice w as tuiiRht her royal hicbaes bv her icupegrace hubhand, and. horrible to ; Buy, sue 11t.es it; was ordered home immcthaiclv. There nre five public libraries and fifty-one cliurclil-s in Washington, tho Presbyterians und Muthodists taking tho lead; with seven biruks, ten loading hotels, and twelve news papers. Forty-nine newspapers located in that city und in the different States of the Union arc represented in the reporting gal leries of Congress. Washington society- 'vns a vcr more gay than just befi re Lent this year. On the evening preceding Ash Wednesday there was. besides a largo number of receptions, a grand dress ball nt tho National Hotel where those wjio would appear at tho churches us fair worshippers the next day, niadly danced and flitted until the midnight clock-peal rang tlio dirge 01 gaiety tor isou. j Allentown tind Altoona arc endeavoring! to nrochre City Charters. If tho former suc ceeds, tho name is to be AJieutou. The Newvillc Star reports the vomiting, by a young man of Shippenshurg, of a live snake, about eighteen inches long. Proba bly ho had cjifen one of "Pharoah's eggs," and then touched it off with lire water. There is 4i artist iu Antwerp Mynheer von UilBn who has attained some celebrity by painting with his toes. The poor fellow was born without arms, aud is accounted one of tho rapidest and fiuest copyists in the Antwerp Museum, and earns uu income of about throe thousand dollars a year by tho skillful use of his toes. At a late meeting at Paris, in honor of tho Free Masons who died in the course of tho last year, 1,500 members wero present. Among other Free Masons mentioned in tho speecltvs Were President Lincoln, King Leo pold nnd Marshal Magnnn. One of the most impressive incidents of the ceremony was that of the 1,500 members all kneeling down at a given signal, and exclnimyig, "Uetuissons! gciuissous!" at the same time striking their left arms with their right hands. Tho Troy Timet says a young colored medical student, who served as Assistant Burgeon iu a colored regiment, has commen ced practico in Charleston, ami hie success exceeds his most sanguine expectations. The Prince of Wales has sent a handsome bridul present to Mrs. Henry Johnson, nee Harriet Lane, in Acknowledgment ot the courtesies tendered him at the White House while that lady presided there. Tho Norfolk Virginian speaks of John Minor llotts ns "a distinguished gentleman, fuuious for his chronic failures on the rare truck and the irreparable damage ho inflicted t)D tho whig party in bygone times. General John Sutter, the discoverer of tho gold deposits of California, lias been in Washington this winter endeavoring to ob tain some cheap consulate to some one of tho towns of his native Switzerland, he be ing iu wut. The Teaco Proclamation of the President will probably be announced in a few days. It has Veen held back on account of Texas, which is now In a satisfactory condition. A firm in London began business three years ago on a capijal of about six hundred anil fflty dollars, and failed about three weeks ago for more than a million A correspondent of thu CVicsgo paper, wrifipg froni'Sau Francisco, says tbo Jews are desperately opposeil to Christianity, but do not expect to make proselytes outsido of tlicir own nation. They are perhni), 100, 000-strong in San Francisco. They have two splendid synagogues one worth $75,' COO, and tha other (173,000. I Jefferson Davis is now ulllicted wiih n sore ' throat. AWiinu Aran. lie ought to have it tied up. -Y( ir Huccn l'ldldilium, A Lrrn.K Uov I.i i,i:ii in a Tiu'nk. An accident of 11 novel character happened a few days since to a little boy tour yesis old, son of one of our citizens, which should be a warning to children who play hide aud seek. . Three or four children, w hite and j black, wero playing "hide'' in a room where there was a largo empty trunk. Thu top fell dow n, nnd having a spring lock, caught the little fellow fast and tight. The child- ren got frightened and gave the alarm. Doth mother nnd father were absent. A negro 1 woman who displayed great presence of; mind, on hearing the facts, got nil axe ami ; burst the trunk open. The little boy wns ' rescued in a suffocated state. A minute's ! more conllnemnt would have caused his death. Milk I'jri'.h (in.) l'nhn. There nre eighty thousand people in Ten nessee who can neither read or write. Tins Memphis ltulhiin thinks it would bo well to imitate New Kngland and teach them, rnther than to abuse the Yankees and still leave these unfortunates iu ignorance. A young lady in Florida, who had been gradually becoming insame, lately destroyed her nnibrotypc8 and letters, set lire to her clothing in a wardrobe, und dressing herself iu heavy woolen fabrics and a broadcloth cloak, set fire to herself aud sprang into bed, where she was found enveloped in Humes, with clasping hands exclaiming, "Oh ain't this glorious? Ain't I a mar'yr;" Though her limbs and the lower part of her body wero baked brown, sho did uot appear to sutler pain. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. suNnunY steSi mills. NOTICE 1 THU uwlerrignci! wnnM respectfully inform the eilirxns ot Suiibury nnd vitinlly, that they have bmighl the iSombury tlenni Mill, formerly owned by .I.C. iMur:nn,-aml will tuko rKwscssion on tlio firtt ilaynf April. When they will bo prepared to far nisli Ihxir cti.ilomers with tho best of Hour nnd feed at tho shortest notice. Wo will bo thankful to our old cuxtmiicrs for a oontinuanco of their patri) nago and also nsk tlio patronaoof new ones. Aiitfcit, riiiNSiii a t;u. Smibury, March 10, ISfiO. 3t -4 (halo lliiebler House.) HAItlUSIiUUO. PKNN'A. - riIIiS well-known hotel lias not only been cxtund I ed but has been greatly altered nnd newly fit up by tlio present proprietor, and is now 0110 of tlio 111 use ciiiuiiirtauiu niul convenient Hotels lu Jiarr s burg. March 10, ISOfl. Iy THE BACHELOR'S GEIEF TURNED TO JOY!! : Wlille sitting fn my sillily I glanced down at my feet, And thought of many nwensy inilo I'd plodded lhlour;h snow nnd sleet ; I looked upon my well-worn Shoes Companions of my toil They had proved faithful friends to mo In Iruvelinc; many n mile! 2m. I raid uido (hose dear ol I Sho", Farewell ! n:y f.-dthful fri"inJ.-! ;Tis iiard to part, but 3-1111 mii.t take Tho way ot all past friend.-:, lint where, oil where, shall I replace So good n pair aain ; That's savid me ol t from many 11 cold. And deep rheumatic pain. ."In. I gave one glance anain I tlie vo.itu ; It rented 011 a chair, ' When I espied a p iper, clean. And neatly f .ddial, there. 1 s.-mncd each c '!unin up nr.d down. And read lhc latest l:e(is. ' (if Ti denial h. and liailroad tn.iii', liul not of Hoots and "'hoes. Int. At lusl my eye it rested I'pon tlio nreale.it pa;e, WIiito advertisements arc posted up And Hriles are all tlie rage. I saw iho one I wanted, "inns Ai'si.kv'h tiiir.iT ."lior; SruiiK, Where Hoots ,-.nd Shoes nre si lil ?o cheap As tlii y lievev wero before ! Jtii. I bought n pair just for 11 "V," That suited lo my taste, And in my happiness forgot. The old shoes I'd replaced ! Then let m say lo one und nil, Who often read the news, Just reail the advei lisciiicnt, below. Concerning liooti and Shoec. If completed lis designed, tho work will bo nu lliorily ni to tho events of llio most wonderful era in tlm bUtory of the Country. A. U. CcnTtK, (iovernorof l'n. It would bo difficult to ptneetoo high nn cstiinnto on tho Service Mr. Orccloy has rendered our country hy tlio preparation of ibis volume. "j nwait the furthcoming of tho second volumo with' eager expectation. WILLIAM D. Kki,i,ev,.M. C. It bears tho marks of labor, studied candor nnd accuracy. William II. SKWAnn, Secreary of Stato The narrativo is simplo nnd clear, with so much ot. the spit in it that is next to impossiblo not to rend a wholu chapter without stopping. it will bo, nnd ought to bo rend by nil ottr eountry men. i; uu An Cow Ax, U. 8. Kennto. Its nccurncy gives it a vuluo beyond nny ether history of tlmt eventful period. . Tho gront industry and impartiality of Mr. Utecley will mnko this tho te.vtof all future historic? of tho Urcnt Rebellion Thadiiei s brKVRJcs, M. C. (if all tho Histories of tho (Jreat Iti bcllion which I have examined, this one seems to uio the best ie. tho copiousness of its nntecedents nild concurrent Congressional ltccords, ns welt ns of tho cvontsof tho war" itself. Seiiuvi.F.n Colfax, Speaker I'. S. House of Representatives. Volumo II. will bo ncoouipnnicd (without extra charge,) by an elegant copperplate Map of the Seat of War, worth Sl.UU. Sold only bv traveling ngent. Address O. I. CASK & CO., Publisher's, llar'.ford, Cunn. March 10, 1803. It BRITISH PERIODICALS. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS ! THE IiOXDOXQt'AUTKKIiY REVIEW, (Conser vative.! THE KPIXBriKlII REVIEW, (Whii.) THE WUiSTMIN'STPiR REVIEW. (Radical.) THE NORTH I31UTI'H REVIEW, (Krco Church. IlhACKWOOD'SKI)IluUUliltM.VIJAZXNI"(Toiy TEKM8 FOil 1300. Fur nny one of tho Itoviows, Koj any two of the Reviews, For nny three of tho lleviows, For nny four of tho Reviews, For Ulaeltwood's Magaiino, For lilackwood and ono Roviow, For lilackwood and any two of the Reiiow.i, For R'uckwood nnd Ihreoof tho Reviews, For Rlui'kwood and tho four Reviews, . 0i 7 (M III III. 12 in 4 (I: 7 IU 10 tn l.'t Oi Iii III Tho interest of lhse Periodicals to tho America! readers is rather increased than diminished by th article they contain on our lato Civil Wnr, urn j though sometimes tinged wilh prcjtidioc. they line j still, considering their great ability and tho dill'creu stand-points from which they are written, be rea . nrd studied wilh advantage by tho people of thi ! country, of every creed nnd puny PREMIUMS TO NEW .SL'lJSCllinEItS. I New subscribers to nny two of the abovo feriod i oals for ISIV0 will bo entitled no receive, gratis, an one ol tlie " 'i?- lUrit !. for I -t'.a. New saliscr j hers to all live of the periodicals for lxiU, will ri ' ceive. gratis, nny tiro of the 1'tntr Jirrtr i JlSlii.' I Subscribers may nlso obtain bnik numbers at tli j following red ued rates, viz: lil.trl.vi.tiit from Sipteuilicr. lSiit. to Iicoenib. I lSii.i. inclusive. it tlie rate of $2 SO 11 year. The Xnrth linlih from January, l;i:i:l, lj I)' ; ceinber. lMi.'i. inclusive ; ihe ii.ti:iluii:h aud th I M'rstmiuntrr fiom April. ISiit, lo iJeceriibor. ISO. I inclusive, nnd tho Ltutttuu (Jitrtrtrrfy lor tho yo; I lSiis.al llio rate of ft iO a year for each or un i Review. j ( .f'A few copies ye, remain of n!l ttc V.mr 11 ' t itu't for l'i:i ut if", no a . or $1 40 for any on i l.EDXAllU SCOTT A CO., I PtiUhHrrx, ," 3S Walker Street, New York. I.. S. A Co.. also publishes tho I l-'Ali.MKU'S GUIDE. j I y Her.try Stevens, of Edinburgh, nnd the late J. '. ' Norton, of Yali: Culege. 2 Vols. Royal Oclnv liiiill pages, ami numerous l-.ngraviiigs. Price 7 for the two vol mes by Mail, post pai siS. March 10. isi'ul. SCHOOL r SCHOOL f A School will bcopened in lhc Sunday , School Roi of ll-e Episcopal Church on Wednesday, March 11 under the charge of Miss CLARA G ECK1N. Terms per (Juarter. iiif.mt iscliolnrs. f 't 00 Ci runon English ltrnncl-.es, t 00 llih English ' i (Ml French nml Latin. 00 Suiibnry, March .1, Isi'ul. St Miuiuokin ("onl 'l'raIt. Uuauokiii, March 0,180(1. XV'is. Vwt. Pent for week ending March 3, l(),:iatt 17 Per lafit report, 4S.0U1) U7 To snurcliuie Inst year, Pccrenso, 5S.:ti7 04 2:1,828 10 The advertiser, having been rcsl'Sred to health in t few weeks by very simple remedy, nfter having suffered for several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease. Consumption u anxious t mnko known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To nil who desiro it, ho will Bond a copy of tho prescription used (free of charge), with tho tlirco" tions for preparing nnd using the snme, which they willfindasinE Cm is for Coxsi hi'tios, Astuma, DiioxciiiTix, Coi uus, Coins, nnd all Thront nnd Lung Affections. Tho only objeot ol tho ndvertisos in lending the prescription is to benefit tho afflicted nnd spread information which he conceive! to bo in valuable, and he bopee evory sufferer will try hi remedy, at it will cost them nothing, and may proro a hlessiug. Parties wishing tho prescription, KnKR, by return wuil, pleuso address , Uev. EDWAllU WILSON, Williumsburgh, Kings Co , New York. January 13, 1885 ly. aMio 'onlVMMiouit nud :xvricu"r or AM IMVALIU. Published for the benefit and as a eaution lo young men and others, who sutler from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay of Manhood, Ac, supplying at tho name timo the mean of aelf-eure. Hy one who nus eured himself after undergoing considerable qunck ery. lly. wnolosing a jiost-paid addressed envelope, single Oopius, free of charge way be had of tho au thor. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq , Brooklyn, Kings Co, N.Y. January 27, 1800 Iy. Ho, for Sunbiiry! WILUAM W. APSLEY'S ' 1 !ilc'u? Boot, Slice and Trunk W A li E HODS E , WM. W. APSI.EY has ju.-t openod a NEW STOKE in ihe well-known houe of Mrs. Iloul ton, in Market street, nnd offers to Iheciti.ens of Sutiliury nnd neighboring towns, HOOTS & SHOES of tlio beat quality nml workmanship, lie havidg made arrangement with first-oluss manufacturer to siifrp'y (he bust quality of goods. In llio Wholesulo Department ho calls tho ntten tion of Country Storekeepers to his fine slock, which will be sold nl the lowest wholesale prices, thus ena bling Rctuil Dealer to save expense of visiting tho cities to replenish their stock. In tho Helnil Department can bo found BOOTS, SHOES. Tit INKS, VALISES, 4c, which, iu price, ut these limes, nro without n parallel. The stock of Ladies' Wear is superior in style nnd workmanship than is usually fouud iu eountry towns, vmhraoing gems of Piilmorals, splendid Congress (Jailers, und fancy shoes of every kind. , W. W. A. also calls nttuiwion to his largo stock of Men's wenr, bf West styles, thnt wUl lit nny foot with enso nud comfort. Come One ! Come All ! Suiiljury, March 10th, 1800. SUNBURY CLASSICAL INSTITUTE. A DAY AND UOAHDJNU SCHOOL KOU YOl'Nll LADIES AND YOl'NO Ml'.N, SUNIJUItV.' PENX'A. Instructors. ltBV. 8. 8. MlLLKR, A. M ) l.r-1niniils Ukv. W. C. Cim.MR,A. M. J rincipulJ. Miss .S. E. Powkhi, Assistant Teacher. rpHK first qunrter of the above institution will i. opeu MONDAY, APRIIL KJlh, 1800, at. 81 A. M For further pnrticulars, njiply to or addreft the Ptt IN CiP A Ls. .S'uubury, March 10, !800. 3m REAL ESTATE AGENCY. OFFICE, MARKET STREET, Hunbury, Pcnn'a. V. IIAI'PT, Esq., having inking out license, Jt, under the t'uited Ktutcs excise Laws, as lieul Estate Agent, offers for sal u tho following property, to wit: Sixty tr'0) good building lots nnd fire (') dwelling bouses, iu Ihe twrough of Sunbury. A farm iu I pper Aufiuta tomiship, containing 100 acres, more or less. A small ti'rui containing "0 nores, more or less, about one mile from Paxiuos, Shamokin town.diip. A small farm containing 42 acres, more or loss, iu Irish Valley, Shiimokin township. There are good tuildiugs ou theso three farina. Suub'iiy, March 111, 1800 - tf. w PU BLTC SALE. J ILL be sold at public sale at the Comtnis.-ione f (iflii-c in Sunbury. on Saturdav the 2Illi tl of .March. 1 Still, to thu' highest bidder, llio 4 'CM EM' llOt'Si., as it stand.-. JOS. (1 ASS. ) 111 lilt MAHT1N. JComm'i JOHN IX' KM AN, ) Cms. Wi:a r.R, Clerk. Com'is office, Sunbury, March .1, 10(1. rUBLIC SALE OF K0USEH0LD IU: KITUKE. 711. L be sold nt pul.lic sale nt the rc.-idencc tlie suliscriber, 111 It lionleiierry street, 11' tlie Mcain Mill, in the Moi-ougli tt Sunbury. on . 'i't'HDAY the 17th of MAKCil, the folluwi properly, to wit : SEC ItKTA K Y, lieilsl cads. Cane-sealed Chairs. Wii sor Chairs, Settee, Tinware. Queenswi re, Tubs. I1 rels. r lour I. best. Kitchcu Covert, out Cooking Sto one Pnrlor Stove, ami niany other urticlcs too nuti rou? to mention. Salo tn commenco nt 10 o'clock A. M., of raid d iv lieu the conditions will be made known bv - 1IENUY K. LL00.M .'-'unbiirv, March 3, 180(1. PUBLICS ALE. ril.L ho Sold nt public fle, on Tl'ESDA V MAKC11 aitb, ISOti, nt tho Farm pf J. Peal, iu I'pper Augus'.n township, Northuiuberln county, Pn., tho following property, vi : '1'liree fine jouiipr larm llorisesi, Iv Coll two jjenrn I1, lli"e Cows, Sow, joiiiik' Cuttle, and CliieUeiiM. Also, Wngons, Plows, Cultivators, Harrows. 1 Rentier, one llrniu Drill, one llay ltuko, one lu Fork nnd Kopo for unloading Hay, Forks, Uak Horse Dears, Log Chains, Corn Hoes, (i rubbing Hi liny Ladders, and a variety of articles too iiuiner to mention. Sale to commence nt 9 o'clock A. M. when 1 attendance nnd reasonable credit will bo given tho subscriber. J. W. PEAL A'unbury, March 3, ISiifl. The t'lilvei'Mul Pulls I'iuIei- 111 Itiiiiie .tIuii'm I Ke I'viu. pulsion. I (HIDE FOlt ALL PEOPLE TO A i subjects, and toiftl lauds. -Mi lti .m I.N P.ntA Uraiidlnthur put on your specs, Aunties lay as your knitting, Doys, hnng up your skates, uud a mi ue it, then put the book iu your pocket for rc refcrauce nud go on your wuy. JAME.s MILLER, Publisher, No. 622 Uroudway. N. V Sold by H.H.k and News dealers every where. Price H. 00, in Hilt, fl,25. An agent wanted in every city end county in t'uited Stutes Address Uev. M. N. OLMSTEAD. No. 03 Fark Avenue, Uruoklyu, N. March 3, IsOO. 3m "Agents Wanted. Now iu Pies und will bo llcndy Soou ! HEADLEV'O IIISXUUY OF THE WAR, COMPLETE iu two Volumes. Also issued c plete in One Volume. The bet, cheapest, interesting, popular and valuable History of the belliou published, which is fully attested by tho ormous sale it has reached of 300.um( Volumes, is now solliug wilh increased rapidity. Sold ouly by Subscription. Exclusive terri given. For full purticulursstcd fur Circular. Address AMEKICAN lTELISHINO COM PAW l is Asylum Street, Hartford, Cou .S'i-hAMtox i Di Kii.Agei.ts, March S, 1800 Iiu