t rr.n.ns oruiii "AMEBitm" TERM3 TWO DOLLARS per annom. t M If not paid within the year. No paper dlsoonUnaed until all arrearages art paid. Those terms will b strloUy adfaeroil to hereafter, If roboribrns;leotor tetania take their news, papers from tha offioa to which they art direoted, they are responsible until they hart settled tha bill and ordered them discontinued. Postmasters will please set M onr Agents, and frank lettera containing subscription money. They are pormittcd to do thii under tha Poet Offioa Law. JOB PBINTINO. We hare eonneeted with onr establishment a wall nleoted JOB OFFICE, which will enable us to "".Auto, in tha nootcst style, every variety of Printing 1 TERKS OF AnVEKTISiSM One sqnaro of 10 linos, ono time, IS very subsequent Insortion, One square, 3 mouths, Bix months, One year, Exooutors nnj Ailwinislrators notion A '! - .. i : 3 4 W an in .1 on 3 oo 0 Jtnsiness Cards of J lino, per annum, Merchant and others advertising by Hie year with llio privilege of changing quarterly, aa toiiotrs : . i One qiinrter column, nut oxceoding 4 squares, 115 Of) " i One f,lf column, not esoecding b squares, Is 00 I Ono column, fo 0V I IMitoriat or looal advertising, any number nf lines not expending ton, 20 cents per lion; 10 cents for PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, BY II.BJIASSER & E. WILVERT, SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PENN A Mnrrine noMce, M cents NEW SERIES, VOL. 2, NO. 22. SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 10, 18GG. OLD SERIES, VOL. 20, NO. (ihitunrics or resolutions uji'tui ji dsaths, 10 ccms per line. ')) routes of SUNBUET BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED AS A REFUGE FROM QUACK- T1IE ONLY PLACE WHERE A CURE CAN BE OBTAINED. DR JOHNSTON has discovered the moat Certain, Speed v and only Effectual Remedy in the World for all rrivale Diseases, Weakness of the Back r Limbs, Strioturos, AHootions of the KiJnoys and 3aldor. Involuntary Discharge, Impotancy, Uene al Debility, Nervousness, Pyspcnsy, Languor, Low spirits, Confusion of Ideas, Palpitation of the Heart, i'imidity, Tremblings. Dimness of Sight or Giddiness, Jisoase of the Head. Throat; Nose or skin, Afluotions if the Liver, Lungs, Stomaoh or llowels thoso Terri lo Disorders nrising from the Solitary Habits or 'outh those aeorot and solitary nraoticos more fatal 0 their victims than tha aong of Syrens to the Ma nners of Ulyssos, blighting their most brilliant hopes r anticipations, rendering marriage, ic, impossi- YonoME-f-'-,, specially, who have becomo the victims of Solitary lea, that dreadful and destructive habit which nnually sweops to an untimely grave thousands of oung Men of tha most exalted talents and brilliant ntolleot, who might otherwise have entranced listen- 1 e Senates with the thunders of oloquenoo or waked o eostaty tha living lyro, may call with full con- ' idooco. JIAKB1AWI Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating nnrriago, being aware of phyiicnl wcaknoss, organio lability, deformities. 4c, speedily oured. Ha who places hitnsolf under the oare of Dr. J. nay religiously eoulida In his honor aa a gentleman, nd confidently relv upon his skill aa a Physician. OIKJ 1IC WUAKMiSS mmedintoly Cured, and Full Vicor Restored. This Distressing Affection which renders Lifo liserablo and marriago impossible is the penally aid by the victims otiinproper indulgences. Young crsons are too apt to commit excesses from not oing awnro of the dreadful consequences that mny nuo Now, who that understands the subject will retend to deny that the power of procreation Is lost ooner by tboe falling into improper habits than by iie prudent ? Resides being deprived tho pleasures f healthy offspring, tho most serious and (Instructive ymptoms to Doth body and mind ariso. The system cconioa Deranged, tho Physical und Mental Kunc ions Weakened, Los. of Proorcative Power, Nervous ratability, Dyspupsaa. Pulpitution of the Heart, ndiccstion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of uo t rniuo, vuuijii, vwur.i . j , i l!itc, 7 SoiHUl'rcslorlfU Ktrfl j eft hand side goiug from Raltiinoro street, a fow ours from tho vomer. Fail not to observe name nd number. ! Lalters must bo paid and contain a stamp. Tho i i,..-tor's Diplomas hang in hisoftice. IAVH. No Mtrcrry or Nauteoni Dmgt. R. JOIIiH ro.x. lomber of the Royal College of Surgeons. London, traduate from ono of the most omincnt Colleges in ho United Stales, and the greator tiart of whose lifo atbeen spent in tho hospitals of London, Paris, niladelnhia and elsewhere, has effected soma of i most Mitonishiag cures that wcro ever known ; , any troubled with ringing in tho hoad and ears : hen nsleop, great norvousnow, being alarmed at iddon sounds, bashfulness, with frequent blushing, ttondod somolimca with derangomcnt of wind, were . nrcd immediately. ' rAKI! PAKTH t l.AH rVOTM'i:. Dr. J. addrewes all thoso who have injured them, ; Ives by improper indulgonco and solitary habits, bich ruin both body and mind, unfitting them for itber business, study, socioty or marrinsja. , Tiikss are some of the sad and melancholy effects i rod need bv earlv habits of youth, via: Weuknoss of ! I e Back and Limbs. Pains in the Hond. Dimnces of ight, Loss of Muscular Power. Palpitation of tho leurt, Dyspepsy, Norvous Irritability. Derangement r ihn Tli'cmrivo Functions. Gonural Debility, .Svmp- ims of Consumption, Ao. AlKNTALLY. 1 no Icariui ciieciaon ioo nimu uro .nch to be dreaded Loss of Memory, Confusion of teas. Depression of Spirits, Kvil-Korelmilings. Avor on to Socioty, Solf-Distrust, Love of Solitude, iniidit, Ao a're snmool the evils produood. Tiioi-saxns of persons of all agca can now judge hat is the eauso of thoir declining health, losing loir vigor, bocoining weak, pale, nervous and naoiated, having a singular appearance ubout tho yes. eoueu and svmptoinsofconiuuiption. voi.xMiii.M fho have injured thomsclves by a oertain practice ululged in when alone, a habit' frequently learned cm evil companions, or at school, the effocts of hich are nightly felt, even whtn asleep, and if no ureal renders marriage impossible, and destroys oth mind and body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man. tho hope of his untry,tho darling ofhis parents, should bo snatched ora all prospocta and enjoyment of life, by tho inscquence of deviating from the path of naturo nd indulging in a certain secret habit. Such persons KIT, before contemplating .llAKKIAUi:. 3cct that a sound mind and body are the most eoassary requisites to promoti connubi.il hnppiiiess. udeed without these, the journey through lifo he imcs a waary pilgrimage; tho prospect hourly arkens to tho view; the mind becomes shadowod ith despair and filled with the melancholy rcflec- ' on that the happiness of another becomes blghted ith our own iiimm: or impri ii: i:. When the misguided and imprudent votary of lesiure finds that he has imbibed the seeds of this ainful discaso, it too often happens that an ill-timed une of shame, or droad of discovery, deters him out applying to those who. from education and ispcctability, can alone befriend him. delaying till ie oonstitutional symptoms of Ibis horrid diseaso inke their appearance, such as ulcerated sore iroat, diseased nose, nocturnal puins in the bead nd limbs, dimness of sight, deafness, nodes on the tin bones and arms, blotches on the bond, faoo and itreuiilies, progressing with frightful rapidity, till t Inst the pnlato of the mouth or the bones of the "80 fall in, and the victim of this awful diseaxe ecomes a horrid object of commiseration, till doath tits a period to his dreadful sufferings, by sending iin to "that Undiscovered Country from whence no avellor returns." It is a melancholy fact that thousands full victims this terrible disease., owing to the unskillfulness of 'norant pretenders, who, by the use of that Dtadly 'oison. Mercury, ruin the constitution and make 'e residueof life miserable. Miit.i.x.ncix Trust not your lives, or hoalth, to the care of the any Unlearned and Worthless Pretenders, destitute t knowledge, name or eliaruotcr, who copy Dr. "hiutou's advertisements, or style themselves, in he newspapers, regularly Educated Physiuians, ucapable of Curing, they keep you trilling month flcr month taking their filthy and poison us com ounds,or as long as the smallest fee can be obtained, nd in despair, leave you with ruined health to sigh er your galling disappointment. Dr Johuston is the only Physician advertising. His credential or diplomas always bang in his office. His remidies or treatemcut are unknown to ull I hers, prepared from a life spent in tho great hns italsof Europe, the first in the country and a moro Uensive I'ritatt l'ractiee than any otner Physiciuo 1 the world, ioitHi::iiK'r of xiii: iici:nn The many thousands cured at this institution yeur fter year, and the numerous important Surgical perations performed by Dr. Johnston, wituessed by ie reporters of the "Sun," "Clipper," and many :ber papers, notices of which have appeared again nd again before the public, betides his standing as gculleman of character and responsibility, is a aflicient guarantee tu the atHioted. MkiS mxi; m'ediuly i ki:i. Tersona writingsbould be particular in directing teir loiters to bis Institution, In the following maoner JOII M. JIOIIiNTOli, .11. I. Oi'lhe Baltimore Look Hospital, Baltimore, Md. June 3t IbfiS ly. JOARDINGH OUSE! .HUN, MlltlA 'lllO.UffSO, ' (Formerly of (he "Lawrence House,") S U N II U.K. v , pesn'a: NKORMS bar friends and the publie generally . that she baa refitted the bouse formerly occupied 1 Dr. J. W. Peale, on Blackberry street, uear the or il cm Central Railway Depot, and opened a o.irding House, where she la prepared to keep FHMANENT AND TRANSIENT HOAlU'Elth. With good cooks and tiuitcrn. boarders can enjoy ie quiet comfort of homo with fate equal to the n hotels. Patronage from those who may t Journ in bun bury re. pautiuily niicilsd. Mrs fARIA TH0MP&0N. Bunbury, Kov. ll, 16o3. OREAT EXCITEMENT! ItcToIutiou lu High PrlcoH. Kverjbody Kushing to the MAMMOTH STORE! of J. . I KlLI.ti & SO, Who liavo Just Received their -NEW STOCK OF FALL & WINTER GOODS Consistingof DRY' GOODS, Breas Ooods, Caesimcre Cloths, Jeans, Coitonndes, Muslins, Dress Goods in groat variety, Shawls, Hosiery and Olovcs, Carpet of different styles and quality. HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS &.SHOES, HARDWARE, Cednrware, Cnrdware Glass-ware Crockery, OKOCERIES, Tobacco. Segars, Snuff, Tea. Coffee. Sugar, Molasses, Salt, Fish, Ac. Irrngm tinsl 4'lspniiriil), Oilx. I.ninps) and In fact EVERYTHING GENERALLY KEPT ! Country Slorrs. OUR STOCK CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE. All desirous of getting a good article at a fair price will please .vc us a call. No troublo to show Goods. J. W. FRIL1NC1 t SON. Punbury, Oct. 14, 1305. KXCKLSIOlt SHOE STORE. WM. H. MILLER. HAS just arrived from New York and Philadel phia, with a choico stuck of BOOTS AND SHOES. nf the latest styles, and selected wite great caro, to suit nil, uud is determined to please all his customers great and small. If you want the latest styles, FANCY'. PLAIN, AND DURABLE, goto the Excelsior Shoe Store, as no paper shoes are sold there, and its always cheaper to buy a good article at the- same price tbon it is to buy a poor one, for He baa Men's Calf Stitched Hoots. " " Fudged " " " Pegged " and all kinds nf heavy Boots. LADY'S FANCY AND PLAIN SHOES, high lop ot the latest fashion. Children's Funcy and Pluin high toppod boots of every description. BOY'S BOOTS of all kinds and styles, which will be sold as low as can be had anywhere. Call and examine his stock f Boots and Shoes before yon buy elsewhere. No eharge made for shewing thorn. Will sell Wholesalo A Retail. ' Remember the place, Market Square, Fuabnry,ra September 23, 1865. To all Lovers of CHEAP GOODS AND ADVOCATES O? ECONOMY!! JACOB o. beck: MERCHANT TAILOR, And Dealer in CLOTHS, CASSIMEKES, VESTING, &c. I'uwsi wtroct, mo ii I Is f IVtaTtr"! ESuK-I, BTJ NUB It "2" , 3? A. INFORMS tho citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that lie has just returned from Philadelphia with a full assortment of FALL AM Hnri.lt (JOOUH OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AND QUALITY. llik stock consists of Cloths, French Cloths. Black DooSkin and Fancy CasMtncros. Black Satin. Figured Silks. Plain and Fancy Cnssiinere VEST1NGS, which he will make up to order in styles to suit the taste ot eiiKtomcrs, on short notice, and the most reasonable terms. Any Goods not on hand, will be furnished from Philadelphia, by giving two diiya' notice Goods furnished by cuitomors will be made up to order as herotofore. As ho will employ none but experienced workmon, persons may rely on gelling their work well done at bis shop. Thankful for the patronago horetolore bestowed, ho rcspcctfullysolicitsaeontinuaneeof the same. Sunbury, Sept. !0. lSfii. j ESTEY'S COTTAGE- ! ORGANS. ARE not only unequalled, but they are absolutely unequulled, by any other Reed Instrument in the country. Designed expressly for Churches and Schools, they uro found to be equally well adapted to the parlor and drawiug roouiT For sale only by E. M. BRUCE, No. 18 North Seventh street, Philadelphia. tAlso Bradbury's Pianos, and a Complete as sortment of the Perfect MEL0DE0X. Sept. 2.1, 1S51 lyw FINE Myrtle Pomuttim, at the Fancy Store of ANNA PAINTER. IT? HATS ! HATS!! A FULL ASSORTMENT Jut opkxeo 1 SAMUEL FAUST, Two doors west of Fischer's Drug Sluro, Muikel st. SUNBURY, PENN'A. CALL and examine the large assortment of the latest New York and Philadelphia styles of at the above establishment, which for beauty and du rability cannot be excelled. Being a practical Hat ter, be flatters himself that his stook baa been select ed with more oare than any ever before brought to this place. He also manufactures to order all kinds of soft Fur Hats, all of whioh will be sold at wholesale and retail, (treasonable rates. Dyeing done at short notice and at the lowest rates. aiuubury, Sept. 30, ltiAi BEEFTBEEF!! THE underlined respeotfully inform tbe sitisens ef uubury aud vicinity, that on Monday next thoy will oowmenee supplying tbe oommunity with trst Juality of REEF, at prices ranging from 14 to Jucts. latiug eaperieuoe in the business, aud made ar rangements fur supply'of cumber one eatlle, tbey will always keep on head first quality of beof at the lowest market prices, METLER A ELLIOTT . Sunbury, Sept. t, ISOi. tin 1 1 Puprr end Border is great variety new slylcs just recti ed at th Msrenioih Binrenf J W IKIL1NQ A SON. ?uubury, Oct. U. 1W. Ayer'sSarsaparilla A compound remedy, designed to be tlie moat effectual -ftsrnd'ra that can be made. It ii concentrated extract of Pr Sarfinpnrilla, to combined with other lubstance of still greater alterative power as to afford an effec tive nntidoto for tho diseases Sarsnpnrillti is reputed to cure. It i.i believed that auvli a remedy is wanted by those who auffer from Struinoua complaints, and that one which will necomplinli their cure must prove of immense service to this large clnas of our nlllictrd fellow, citizens. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst cases to bu found of the following complaints : ScitOll'I.V AXI) ScitOffTOl'S CoMrt.llJtTS, F.itvi'Tioss ani Kiat'iivi; Dtsr.tnti, Ulceus, 1'imi'i.ks, lii.oTtiiKs, Tvnous, Salt Rhbum, Scai.d Head, Syphilis axd Syimiii.itio At rtcrioNs, Miiiti i ui u. DisKVsi:, Ditot'sr, Ncl halo t.v osiTio tiori.outiiiitx, iJRiitt.tTy, Pvs rersiA ani Isnior.sTtox, Kiitsihuhs, Kosb . ott St. Anthon y's Finn, and indeed tho wholo class of compluinU uri-inj from l iriiinr or THK lll.OOl). Tliia conipo-.ttid will bo found a great pro motor of health, when tuken in the xpring, to expel the foul humors which fetter in tho blood at that scaiuii of th year. Uy the time ly expulsion of them many rankling" disorders are nipped in Iha bud. 'Multitudes can, by the aid of this remedy, ap:ue themselves from the cndiirnnej of fuul vniptions and uloernus sores, through which ths arsteni will strive to rid itself of cnrruptloiis, i( not insisted to do this through the nuturnl ih.inneU of the body by an alterative medirin?. C'h'nnsis out tho vitiated blond wlieuever you lind its iiiipmities bttrstittg through the skin in pimples, et utiuns, or sores; cle;mu it whan you lind it is ob structed and nlHiih in Ihi veins J tleitnse it whenever it is fuul, and your feolinss will tell you when. Even where no particular disorder is felt, people enjny better health, nir.l livo longer, for cleaiuin tha blond. Keep tha blood healthy, and all is well j but with this pabulum of lit j disordered, there can be tu la.itinjj health. Sooner or Inter something must go wruui;, and the groat umchiuery oi" life is disordered or overthrown. Sarsnparilht h:ts, und deserves much, tha reputation of aeeiinipliOiiii these cnd. Hut the world Inn been ej;regiously deceived liy preparations of it, partly because the ch-iijj uloue hits nut ull the virtue that is claimed for it, but more because many preparations, pretending to bu concentrated' extract of it, contain hut little nf tho viittto of Suniiiparilhi, or any thinp; i-Ue. During late years the public; havo been mis led by large bottles, pretending tj give a iiunvt of Extinct of Sarsaparilla f.iroue dollar. Moat of these' have been frauds upon tho sick, for they not only contain little, if tiny, Knrsnpa rill.i, but often no curative properties whatev er. Hence, bitter ami pniul'ul disappointment bus followed tho use of the various extract of Sursaparill.t which Hood tin market, until tho name itsc'.f is justly despised, mi I has become synonymous with imposition mid client. Still we call this compound Sarsapnrilhi, and intend to supply audi a remedy as ahull rescue the name fiom the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And vu think wo ha'vu ground for believing it has virtue which nre iireili'Lila by tho ordinary run of the diseases it ii intend ed to cure. In ord r to seeuro their coniplcto eradication from the system, the remedy should be judiciously (alien uecordinj; to directions oa tho bottle. I'ltr.l'ARLO lit DIC. J. '. AVClt & CO. I.OWKt.r., MASS. Price, 9 I per Mottle t hix Hollies lor $1. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself aueh a renown for the euro of every variety of Thru il iiiel l,un:r Complaint, that it Is entirely uiinet'cs.uy for us to recount tho evidence of its virtues, wherover It has been em ployed. As il has long been in constant use Throughout this aeetioii, ne need uotdo luoro than assure the people its finality is kept up In the best it ever has been, and that it may he relied on to do for their relief all il ha over bcou fouiij to do. Ayer's Qithartic Pills, FOIl THE cuae OT CostlvtneM, .iimmVcv, Jsirui, hitllwilioii, Dytentery, l out Slnmnc.'i, lUynijuUt, I teuilacio, l'ilet, Hicumnlhni, Kriiptioiit anil S'.in Diteates, Liver Complaint, Drnnxij, Teller, VWou oinf Salt Jllteum, iruriiit, nii', Neumljia, at a Dinner Vill, ami fur I'miyiih the lllo'Hl. They are sugar-coated, mi that tho most sensi tive can take tliciii pleasantly, and they nio Ilia best aperient in the uoild for all the purposes of a family physic. Price 25 cents per Eos ; five boxoi for $1.09. Great numbers of Clergymen, Divsicinns, States men, and eminent personages, have lent their names to certify the unparalleled usefulness of these romedies, but our space here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents below named fur nish gratis our Am kiucam Almanac in which they are given ; with also full descriptions of the atxive complaints, and the treatment that should be fol lowed for their cure. Do not he put off by unprincipled dealers with other preparations they make more profit on. Demand Atkii'm, and take no others. The sick want the best aid there is for them, and they should have it. All our remedies are for sale by FRILING t BON, Sunburv, IV ! R. B. McCay, Northumberland, and all Druggists , and dealers everywhere. At wholesale by J. J3. ! MORRIS A CO., Philadelphia. December 23. 1S64. ly STATIONERY STORE, riHE subscriber respecliully informs the citiien of j A euubury and vicinity that he has just opened in tbe buildingof Charles' Pleasants, Market Square, an cntiro new and well selected slock of ROOKS, Stationery and a great variety of other articles, con sisling, in part, as follows : BOOKS, STATIONERY, WALL-PAPER, Uamesof all kiuds and descriptions. Fine Toilet Soaps Rrusbes, Perfumes, Ladies' Satchels, Neeewiuies.--A fine assortment of i-uro I's-miios,, l'ho. tograph Albums, Photograph Frames, Oval, Ao. MEERSCHAUM, Hilar, Rosewood and India Rub ber Pipes. Patent Pipe Stems, Cigars. Soluee, Cen tury, Sunny-slde and Plantation, Fine Cut, Killikin- uicK nun nig iv lea nuioKing Jiinaooo. TOY ROOKS, Transparent Slates, Violinsaud trim, ming for Violins, (lold Pens, Silver Holders, Pockrl Rooks. Pocket hnives, Ac. He has also a largo and complete assortment of Coal Oil IrfsniitM uud l ixlutfa, aud also many olbcr things too numerous to mention He is also Agent for Pratt's Ureal 1'iolurvs, the Declaration of Independence, and Etnanoipatioo Proclamation. Please oall and examine befere pur obasing elsewhere N". F. LI01ITNF.R. Sunburv, Nor. II, 18C5. NEW GOODS! HAVINO just returned from tbe city, 1 have now open a full assortment of Mil VOT'jlii UDDMi such as VrsFHM Uessl, Dress Trimmings and Linings. Ribbons, (i lures, 1 Nets, Linen. Collars aud Cuds, Cloak Ornameuls, and Rutluns, Corsetts, 1IOMIKRV, White and Woolen Hoods, Shawls, aud Rreukfsst rdiawls. Hoods, Ladis' and ' deals' pearls. Neckties, (sleeve RuUuos, Fancy Comb;, aud .otiouk) of all kind, too nmarouiu mentiou. MART L LAZARUS. 1 Two doors west of Vis. H Miller buoe store. Buobury, Oct. 2, Wi. FANCY DRY GOOD STORE. MISS BATE BLACK, RESPECTFULLY Informs her friends in Suubury and vieinity, that she has just opened her FALL AND WINTER OOODS. of Notions and FonoyDry Ooods, Harkot strent, four doors west ofWm. II. Miller'' Coot and Shoe store, KUNUURY, Pa. Her stock consists nf Trimmings, notions, embroi deries, Ladios and Cliililrens' Hats, silk and other linings, llonp-fkirte. Crape and Laos Veils, Nets, Gloves, stockings, collars, and corsets, Ac. Twilights, Rrciikfnst L'osica, Hiding Hood. Hal. moral bkirla, Children's Woolen (jailors, Ladios n d Children's Hose, dents' half itoso. Rradley's new Patent Duplex Elhptio (or double . Upring SKIRTS. .Touts' Ilamlkerchiers, Cravats. Neckties, Htispcn Jerr ; Ribbons, of all kinds, Feathers, Velvet, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Perfumery, Toilet Soups, Hiir TVcc-)is, Combs, Toys, and a general varietyof NOTf.S. UAUFFEKINU dono baudsomelr :nd at short notico. . KATE BLACK. Sunbury. Oct. 23. 1365. Glorious News ! GREAT EX CI TEEN T! EVERYBODY RUSHINU TO TI1K STORE OF ISA.CJ PTJJ.MAIT. Ia Zctlcmoyor's Building, opposite Ocarharl s Con fectionery Store, Markat street, SUN BURY, Pa., WHO HAS RECEIVED III3 NEW GOODS S SUCH AS ' CLOTHS, CASSIMEKES, of all de scriptions. Cu'.icoes, Dress Uools. 's'ilks. Oinpl.cn.s, Miuwls and a general nsortnieut of La lies' Wear. Muslins nt lower mtes tliHii anywhere elso, Sheet ing, lickings, Ac. IJ V'I'S mill 4'AIW of every description. A large assortment of NOTIONS & VARIETIES. C swifting of Hosiery, lilovo?. Thread, Pottons, Suspenders, Neckties. Collars, llnnilkerehict's, Jlair Rruslivs, Tooth lirushcs, Fancy Head Dresses, Bat moral Skirts, Hoop-Skirts, Carpel-bags, Trunks, Va lises, Umbrellas, Cotton-Yiiru, Soaps, and numerous other articles too tedious to mention. HARDWARE, such as nails, hinges and scrows, door latches and knobs, uud 0UTLERY of every description. Dyes, Drugs, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Gluss, Putty, Vc, ic. ttui'cnsnnre iiikI aInvvuro oi every dcaK-s-lptioii. STOXE AN I). KA KTH EX WARE. An extensive Stock of O IR O G E IR, I eCB. Composed of Sugar, Coffee, Teas. Rice, Corn-starch Mola-sses, Caudles, Meat, Fish, Cheese. Salt, Tobnooo, and Segars. UEADY-MADE CLOTHING. Also, boots & s: for men, women and children, at. Liarrr piioes than they can bu had elsuwhere All kinds of Country Produoe taken in exchange for Moods. hunbury, Oct. 23, 18i55. FANCY "DRESS GOODS, yiun axa iaivi'i:k. Two doors West of the Post Ollico, STJ.rTBTJR'V, PBNN'A., T 4 AS just received and opened a large assortmcn I I of Fancy llress Uoods, such astilovus, Jouvian Kii-glotra, Silk and lisle thread U lures; Fleecy Lined Hnso, Children's Merino Hose. Ladies' Zephyr Hoods, Dress Cords and Tassels, Chenille, Sontngs, Ladies and tlcntlemen Handkerchiefs. Corsets. Em broi.lorud Slip-jers, RiblHins, FANCY DRESS RUT. IONS, liuglo wimps. Trimming. HuUons. llelt Rib bon Velvet Ribbons, Hraid, llelt tllasps, Ladies' Neck-ties. CRAPElt lllllON and TK I M -M I NU ; Em bruidering llrnirls, Jaconet nud Swiss Edgings und insertions; Mnltecr? Lace Collars, Laces. (Irenadinc Voils. ltlitck Veils. Fancy Dross Combs, Head Dres. scs, Nells, and a variety of other articles. I.ockwood's Paper Collars of a superior quality. Ladies' Linen Coliai:'. Picture Cords and I'nf.ols. ANNA PAINTER. Vuiil ury. Oct. 2V ISoa Take Notice! FARMERS and DEALERS in FERTILIZERS will please take notice that we have adopted the ollowing Trade Mark to protect ourselves, and prevent those who use our RAW HONE SUPER PHOSPHATE from being deceived when puroasing manures. Wehaebecn obliged to give this protection to our customers, in coti-scipience of several parties hav ing unlawfully used our distinctive name, vis : "Raw Roue," in offering tho r artiulo to the public. This Trade Mark is adopted in nddiliou to the title Raw llone," winch is our exclusive property, and we cautiou all manufacturers from using it in fu. lure. e would slate to the trails and consumers, that they will Cud it to their interest to see that the Trade Mark" is upon every bag and barrel thoy purchase, as none other isgcuuina. R AUG II A SONS. BATjaH'S HAW BONE SUrEItPlIOSriIATE OV LIME Manufactured by 13 AUGII & SONS, No. 50 SOUTH DELAWARE AVENUE, PHILADELPHIA." Tho great popularity of our article hnt been found suliicient iniliieeiiieut to curtaiu imitators tu manufacture and advertise Raw lloiio Phos phntcs," a name which originated with us, and is our own rightful property. Wa w ill statu tor tbo information of all, that wo arc thn exclusive manu facturers of this article tho original and solo pro pi iclnr of ithaving been inniiutm'turcd by us for u period of twelvo years. Also thut it is covered by several letters patent, held only by ourselves. We arc now ready to supply it in largo tiitiinl lies having inndu recent luflitions and improve, iiienlji. Vessels drawing lo feut id' water can load directly from the whnric of the works, which are located at the fool of Morris Street, Delaware River. We call tho utleution of DEALERS to this great ad vantage. Theprosent indications are that wo shall have a greatly increased demand over last spring and fall seasons, and we advise Farmers lo scud in their orders to their respective Dealors at at an early day, that all may be supplied promptly. SoliciliuK your coutinued orders, We remain, Yours very truly. RAl'tiH A SONS, No. 20 8. Delaware Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. For Sale by SMITH t OEN I'll bit, Suubury, Pa. Suubury, Jrn. 2U, IHOtl. Jm, Tho .Mutton V llurttllii ('iilslmet OririinK, forty different styles, adapted lo sacred ami sueuUr muai'o. for Sui to iiK) each. FIFTY ONE GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other flrst Fremiuru awarded Iheu. Illustrated Catalogues ree. Addieea. M ASON A HAMLIN, Huston, or MASON DRUTHERS, New York. September 0, 1H.VS jr lurs I.IlM-rly IV bile l.Tud7 PrefTrrad Ly all prt,'.tienl Painters! Trv it ! and ou will have ii'j rtliT Manufseu',ed only by ZlEiiMCH A SMITH, Whf lv'.t!ru'.;, I'stnt to. iibis jisslois. No I'll .Sorb.'liili'.Li .l.:."n.t, !"a..ao.,puis. JsLusrv'??, ll. I v . P 0 E T LA L. !.imniLLnu, ItV JOSIE fl. HUNT. TIip soft roM of Irt tresecs Is strnyiiijf uliout lier fuce, And the wind through the silken meshes Is ntnninij n t'rolicsoiiic rare, ller vitilet eyes how they darken nnd flush ! Ilcrroso-red cheeks tliey plow I As shu slntids, nnklu deep, in milk white drills Pelting mc with the snow. She tosses the soft flakes niottnd her, In her pretty lioydunisb. play, Till she looks like a sea-nymph rising Through tho billows of f.mm nnd spray. She moulds the bulls wilh her little bie hands ; Do YOU think she would mint nr amid j If I uestlcd the pink ptduis down in my lucnsi. To warm them ? they look so crtld 1 Hur whito wool mittens nro flung on the snow, Knch one in itself n fluke, And her silken scarf beside them -lies, Coiled up like a crimson smikc, All about me the tracks of her soft brown' feet Have printed the downy snow, And I know by them where, another spring, The prettiest flowers will grow. She laughs nnd scofla when my snowballs lly Ilarmlei-s over her hcud, And al.u flings her curls in n aiiticy way. As she crouches in mimic drt itd j Shu culls me n sorry marksman, An nwkwnrd fellow and still iNie, sly little witch, knows well enough It isn't from luck nnd skill. She knows thut I would sootier think OI tearing a butterfly's wing, Of of beating n lily, or throtting The sweet robin of spring, Tlmn of niming nt hei in earnest, Or hitting her if I could, Or harming so much ns a tassel Of her little scarlet hood. Guy, beautiful Madge ! OU what would she do If my mouth was half so bold As the crystals which fall on her lips nnd her huir, Like pearls nmong rubies nnd gold? Will her pride und her willfulness trample my love As her feet have trampled the snow ! Tli nt the missiles she flings, which nre ico to my face, . Arc tire to my heart docs she know ! Sweet tease ! does she guess I nm wonder ing now Whether she'll ever be, In the long, long future before us both, Anything mote to mc Than a little hoyden, with wild gold hair, And rose-red ctecks in a glow, Who stands, tinkle deep, ia the milk white drifts Pelting me with the snow ? SIIS. 'IKE It I MASH Ri:Vli:VUI' TIUH VETO. Uarely bus a more dignified, cogent, con clusive argument been addressed to cither House of Congress than Mr. TruuibuH re view of tho l'r Bilk-tit's Message vetoing the Freedmen'a Bureau bill. The Chronicle gives the following summary of its proposi tions : I. That the bill itself was inspired by tho annual message of the President ot the United Slutes, delivered to Congress at the commencement of the present session. That message, it will bo remembered, expressed a desire upon the putt of the President to se cure nil men in their rights, uud to protect the frcedmcu in all the privileges guaranteed to them under tho Emancipation Proclama tion; and, in the judgment of Mr. Trumbull nnd thirty-six Sainton uto voted tcith him fur it on the 'iatk of January, the provisions of this bill were emiueully calculated to ac complish these objects. II. That it was not, ns the President avers, an original measure, but simply an amend ment to the bill under which the Kreedmcn's Bureau it now nctiug, and which hud tbe sanction ol the Executive himself, as well as tho approval of the grout majority of the luyul people of the country. As an amend ment, it removes m iny of the objectionable features of the llitreau us now organized, simplifying its rnuiilicutious and milking it more elliciunt. HI. That it was not intended as a perma nent part nf the administrative policy of the (joverntuent one of its sections expressly stating, ou the contrary, thut it shall remuin in f.irce "until otherwise provided by law," just us all other luws of Congress are sup posed to do. The wonder is thut the Pres ide nt ever thought ol making such un objec tion to it as this. Su such idea ever enter ed the mind (f tiny prison who supported and voted for it. IV. That, instead of being an cxtraviiouut I und unnecessary expense to the Government, ' it has indirectly saved us millions of dollars which would otherwise have been wasted, j V. That the Bureau did not contemplate I fecdin, clotliing ami educating t lie refugees ' and Irccdmen, but was rut her intended to assist them in doing till these things for I themselves. i VI. That, instead of it being designed ex j clusively for negroes, more Whites have, in some sections and in many instances, been J benetited by it than Blacks, and that tho proportion of Whites Mill needing its ussist- unco is equal to that ot tho negioca. j VII. That there was an immediate necessi ty for the passage of t lie bill, because the j original net creating tho Bureau expires by j limitation in the month of May, 1SUU. 1 Vlll. That, instead of establishing mtli j tu r j jurisdiction over all parts of the I'uited .Mutes continuing refugees am! trceilmcn, it simply extends it over the ullicers nud em ployes of (lie bureau. And that in accord ance with the recommendation officii, (iraut I in his report to the President nt his tour through the South, transmitted to the Sen 'ate wilh u message a few weeks ugo, it ! makes the Bureau a part of the War Jlcpui t meiit ol the Government. IX. That tho bill did uot contemplate the appoiutmeut of agents und other otlicer in every couuty or parish, ixcept the President should, in his judgment, demi such apjmint- niei J n es.J.irv . j X. That what the president tcrma ihcnu , con-lit. I'i-mul features ot the bill, r.' rrmg i arb.i.'irj p.iwrrs imrni the cf'iccrs ot ilm Bureau, go no further than the Picsident himself und tho ollicera of tho army neiing under him have already gone; and thut it is competeut for Congieaa to provide all rules and regulations for the government of the army and navy, lo which nil are subject, from the Conimander-in Chief to the hum blest soldier or sailor. XI. That, if the lit bellinn is in nil reaped? ! at nn end, tho President is still exeft-isinir I the war power, such as the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus, contrary to the Con stitution, which expressly states that thia shall only be suspended in time of invasion or rebellion; and, as we have no iuvnsion, nii'i toe writ is not in operation in a portion vm &!,.,u," wc m,l!,t unvc H "--beIlit n. so. i nt'c"r,i"rt t "'c census of 1800, there were not four million of slaves iii uio cniieii stales, nncl tiiat lUalead ol this ) letng a measure to feed, clothe, and educate .; at Koine, has hit upon a new dnde to ol,' four m. lions of freedmen, tho report of Gen. ; tain subscribers, o lerit g a m.mt Vs -indul-Howard abowa nit. nr. iw. i ,,. s, .,p it.,..,.1 ... .. ,.b . ' . ., , , V - K.-iice, or paruon o: ull one s sins tor thirty S,T" 0,,(i '. RI alUl 'I'y sev ii tla8. This inducement is a little ahead , .f r t n Ts? 1 n TC "f ' I' "- ' 1,10 1aris l,ai,Lr '"eh l'ro.nises to ca, 1, new reau,!fv.,(TcM thoumnd vj vhom xrert W hite subscriber a f.ne obituary i:i tuse of dcat7 "XIII. That, according to the sworn s'r.to- I Australian papers make mention of sud ment of Ocn. Fish before the Committee 'on ' v '"l'1 ,,,,t,ls-' the middle of Keconstruction, of the twenty live tho,i.iiul -Nov,'niul'r; "ffecting the health of vety many persons fed bv tho Bureau in Tennessee, I l,r4"n- J he Melbourne Aie says that nt. tterentccii thousand fiic hundred were White ,Je(-cl'n'ortu several iitiimals, ptincipiilly cats rrfugee. ' . and dogs, died of sunstroke. On the lilst XIV. That, instead of the freedman rP. ! '"'fnoniL-ter at Adelaide reached 1 Vi.T, ceiving protection from the c'.vil Courts'of cs; 1,1 ' . 8,ja,,l'i n'"' W !eg- he a.m. . ,. .. r, . . . . . s nfl ullf lit' I . t. t li.. r..,.l ..... . 1. ... I . . - the Southern Stules, and being secured by them in his rights, these States have, almost wiinout execution, enacted throuuli their legislatures laws with -relelenee to the freed- i Mints ne ! f. ,, .....I ....... . ...! .1 it , I ....... ..o ..,.,.,,,,,,.s mm ojijiicsiin c aoiite chuck j code of Slavery. XV. That, if the President' views regard , ing the rcptesentiilinn ;!' the (ate Kebel States in Congress is correct, then all the . legislation ot the jinU five years is null und i void. ; Such were the main points in Senator iTrnmbull'a speech, set forthwith unusual j power and eloquence. Si iisjt ruTi: i-on tiii: Mai!m;sh-m Lwtir. M. Savers bus recently discovered a sub stitute for the magnesium light, which pro mises to be of much service to photograph ers. Twenty fc ttr parts by weight of nitrate of potash, seven parts of flowers of snlnlior. nnd six parts of red sulphide of arsenic, nro n wor(' ' to be spoken in the club by mem thoroughly mixed. Thiscomposition when '"'r "r atlendants. Eating, drinkini'. set on tire, nllords a most brilliant light, . ""'"king, nnd reading will be allowed, but nnd the negatives produced with ifrivc cx- i ,(,tliing -'le. The u'.'.end.iuts nre to receivu cellent positives. The contrast between the written orders only. lights and I shades, which, with artificial' The latest steamer brought tho intelli hght is apt to be very great, may easily be genee that Prof. Ag.issi.'s exploration on soltened down by igniting at once two por- ; the main stream of the Amazon alone had turns ol the mixture; one, the more power- ; resulted in ihe diseoverv of no less than ,u., . . ngiii up tne suo.iecf, and the other to modil'v the tones. it lias been found that about half a pound of tho mixture will nf ford light for half a minute. limjlhh j ajirr A Vutikee has just tanght ducks to swim in not water w ith such success that they lay boiled eggs ! A Xew Haven firm discliarged ono of ' n minister who looked through a wiiulow their clerks three years ago on suspicion ! nt the precession thut tarred him. that he hud Uolcn $400 from them. Last ! , . Xuiv Year's day I hey found the money under ; . j v n" a i'ighiy rcspeetable a counter, all billon to pieces by thievish ' F rlcut' was ''sow ned by the monthly meet mice. " ! jug of Xew York Friends for hnving'n pianr ' in his house. The innumerable and bitter complaints 1 nninst servants are well met by the story I Newton found out why nn apple tell ii of Ka!pli Waldo Emerson, who found a i h!s ,lyi 0ll,l tho apple speculators rr friend in the cars coming into Boston, com- studying n similar probl. m now. iiiissioueii uy ins wile to employ "an angel to do cooking for two dollars a "week." The Providence Ihtlktin says large, heavy horse, belonijinn- to Georce Nehnll jot loose in its stable on Thursday night, Hill 111 the mnrmnti icnu f.,,,,,,1 . ,. I I . , , v - """"" "i n.ounted to the aUi.: by a flight of thirteen difficult steps, which it seemed impossible for him to retrace. It was necessary to cut nwny the floor nnd lower the animal fiom his sky parlor by means of ropes. ThcXewbem 7Vi of the 13th says: On Saturday eveurue? lust a neirro women mul three children, living in a log cabin near Moseby Hall, were living and in "ond health, mi yesterday mornir.g where the house stood was in smoking ruins, and four charred masses told tho sad tale. There seems lo bo some mystery about the affair. Xo one seems to have heard them cry or to have seen the fire until yesterday morning, At a recent burial of asoldierand a young i.iuy in a town near mils, tlie funeral uu- . .."..,. iiii,,, mc niiuiar uiisiaao oi con founding tho two. The lady was interred with military honors, a dragoon regiment following her to the grave; while the sol dier's cotlin was covered with white drapery and flowers, ns the symbol of virgin purity, and was carried to the grave by four ladies, a whole galaxy of fair ilumselt easorting the trooper's remains, nud chanting funeral hymns. Coul was first used as fuel in Loudon in the latter part of the thirteenth century. nut tno sin iKe was consuleretl si) injurious to tlie public health that parliament peti- tinned King jviwnui i to prohibit its burn ing a an intolerable nuisance, He complied, and issued a proclamation agaiiut it. The iiiheI severe measures went then employed to abolish i:s use; fines, imprisonment, and the destruction of furnaces und woikshops where it was used. The Kockin-ham lii.jhr Kls of a Jlclh dist clerg. limit in that section who received oi an loui, in currency ami produce, one dollars for his last vein' labor. Iwcnty Townrd tho close of the year ho was so unfoi tunate as to have sickness in his family, und he ei, ployed a brother preacher, u lio was also u physician, who charged him fifteen dol lars for his services. The itenerant was un able to pay, when the reverend doctor took the only bedstead he had in the vorld ns an offset to the debt. That man will go to heaven, ptrhape. An agency for .the sale of bonds of fho Irish liepublic has been established iu Phil adelphia. A bill has passed the Ueoryiu Senate pun ishing horse stealing wilh dentil. Tho Atlautic and Great Weatcrii Railroad Company havo pnrcluised the lticl.inoml and Chicago road and intend laving double track from aMton, (Jluo, to" Bich- inond, Ind. A number of (oval Alabaniians haxe ar- lived at Wasliingtmi, for the purpose of lepresentiug to tho President the condition of a Hail sin Alabama. They say that the State oliicers, from Governor Put ten down, use the influence of their position lo oppress a.-..! piT iec'jtc the L'nion men of State whoae condition i much iirs ll.au at " time dil'i'i;; l!.e rcbc!'.i.'n. The rSoslot) t'ivrntl' correspondent f. New Yotk says, in it recent litter, tlint the slanders of Mrs. Lincoln originated in thai vi '"'m ",c nioment she entered the lute House as its mistress till she left ;l she was the subject of covert attack, fiari? in the rule of Mr. Lincoln a regular pon.pi racy wa fi.::ed to strike, her down and strike her husband tiiroiia iu,-. A pjkiij spy was kept in W'asbii ati,n wiih iiufruc tions to compromise J J.irdn if it vu $e possible. )e stcsi.ifa.stly pursMtd tho Jj'.ir pose for which he was purl, ami v?,t buT- letins regnlnrlv to hi employers in ,VW v..-i. .1 ; , 1 i "Us isnaimi" ins success. i tic w.e Man uccr.niu known to a gentleman who private. ! ly hud before Mr. Lincoln the whole scheme, U enublcd him to lav his strung ln.ad upon the consniraev nnrl Vn-l,i.,t it Tit Journal oi the Liimcr-I'itc Vnirr,,ti H a i ... . ..v.,u . j n-iaici ui mc ooservaior. The vaults of the Batik of France, whi It contain mow m.mi.v il,u .!.... spot on the face of the globe, are accessible Still. iiuougii an iroi. door, which has three k vs, and these keys are kept by three leading oliicers. The iron stairciiso which lends to the vault can be detached, nnd by chemical apparatus, a supply of deadly gas can Ui made to permeate every pint, ilcstroung human lifo in a tew seconds while tho whole can be submerged iu ten minutes. Xew Siberia and the Me of I.nckon are, for the most pint, only no uglometatiou of nnd, ice, ami elephants' teeth. At eveiy tempest, the fen casts ashore fresh heaps nf inainmo'.lis' tusks, und the trade is brisk iu the fossil ivory thrown up by the waves. A club is being formed in Paris called "The Club Silence." The rules nre that not eleven hundred and mtv three miotics of fish, which is a trieater ntinilier tlinn fiist in tlie Meditirraneau. I The Supteme Court of Massachusetts soinai I lime ago gave Uenrgc W. Stone, of Swamp. scoft, a verdict of 100 against parties who I r-.... i i i-" ... ! ....... mitt mm-ti mill iciu nci en si i ii lor rcjoioinjr m .1... .1.....I. ..C IS ' S .... r T. - , S. - I "iti inu iieiiiii iii i rcsiiicut ,-nicoin. r.ni; ! boldeued nt this, he baa broiit'lit unit nt.nl, tt j A live seal of two hundred pc uud weigh' ! that had strayed away from Labrador, ws I captured on Salisbury (Mass.) beuch a fo- days ago. Pumas has signed a coniruct w ith a papi hi Vienna 10 jttve it a ' Parisian life for to.OOt). novel drawn Iro A fat man in Paris recently sold his bo L the surgeons for 1,200 traiiees. went on spree with the money, died from .the eflec of it, nnd was immediately cut up uccordii to contract. In providing for thn corporeal wants I ",s PL'lJ,e, London keeps busy IJO.OUO I i W.oOO grocers, 24,000 tailors, 42, , niptresse, 2J,000 shoemaker, nnd 170.C : cnk, chambermaids or servants of i Whv is a man with a curved spine lik j house 'with a rear piazza. Because he i a back stoop. Whv is John Mmrissev, since his Vet mei,t from the pri.e ring like Daniel W ster? Because he is the great cx-pouude Prof. Houoh, of the Dudley Observnb says that in January the barometer uttui the greatest elevation cwr known in United States. There is a "sell" going rounds, which victimized, among others, two or three iiguishcd teacher in the public bcIk The gist of it is that there is an old living in Biddeford, Mo., or anv u place. w ho will be 1 PI yea is old if he till I 'n me. oinn oi tins mount. io vol A petition lias been received by the I dent lor the pardon of John C. Bu-' ridtre. l'OM'I'K-n III4 I1 i:I l4W A short time ago there -vus printed i 'llciraiih n cominimicatii ii as to wh fence-posts ought to be planted a grow, or the reverse, Tlu writer tool ground and showed that posts set sina down would lust mmli lonorr, and reasons, which were excellent, why ; so. Since then we iiinl iu the s"niiVi iut.rn communication on the same s from Mr. I). A. I.i I lit, of King's ei Illinois, in which he says; "About li ago my brother made 100 rods of stilt iu Will co., that is, cn oked railt'enc upon short posts driven 18 inches ground. These posts w ete from 1 1, bur oak tree, and sharpened without to top or but. A few years since him to remove this fence, aud found f half of the posts nearly rutted plf, at lest nearly or entirely sound, nud wl , ' !' J-.w" " '!''' 'es rotten, jihuh Mill JnrlOKty ascertain ihe cause. most singular, ' posts wciu ollcn found the sound ones act toll down, rotten once hut dow n, I his additions.! im t shiiidd ti'tr attention of farmers every w here, cs in region where tiuibcr i scarce at Not only much tuiiu and labor, but (ixpendilure of money is iuvolicl question. Ifauy of our agricultural friem evp-rii.nre in tho matter, we shall VO L cur !ro:i t'uoUi.- ( 'i cok'.'; J