Th tobserlb having purchased the right s ' KOKT 11UMU F1 A SI) CcANTY, for putting In of .lIUT'JM'f IJIPMOIKMIMT pr Bonan i WATti Fovhtr, will furnish Ctmto1 person! Isrtheeeunty wko nay doeiro (wtabiap end convenient punips.? " . J The: oan he wink to propor depth in two hours Mine oust but on third the price of an ordinary ppaip, nd for cheapness ud convenience eaonot be . ''.':! " B.9. BOTEIli'i A. F. CLAPP. ,'imbnry, September 23, tfls.V "newkstalishmentj: A. E. SAVAGE,:, Watchmaker AHD jeweler; " " In Simpson'l Building, Mdikot Square-," SIT1TSTO.7. FEITIT'A HAS constantly on hnd a dno assortment of WATCHES, CLOCKS and JKWELHYf Spec tacles, Silver and Plated Spoons and Forks, is. WutrhcN, CliM'kN iim1 Jrnelrr, r pnlrfd nnd WAItRATI'i:i. Sunbury, Sept. 30, 185.- ' " " ' ' ' ' AT JOHN KAUEIRA'S Old Established Fur Manufactory, No. 718 Arch street aboTa 7in I'JIILAD'A. I have now in store of ttiv own Importation A ' - , A1,KC1, I . WSf RfeJxI FANCY Fl'RS, VtSS?1 - uJHa fur Ladies and Child rcn's Wear, in the City Also a fine assortment of dent's Fur U loves and Col; ars. . , i I son enabled to dispose or my goods nl very ; - - ' ' -""Id therefore mi1' - flonau.v prices, . ' Mnnd Coi'- , a call from my friends of Northumtx.. -uty, and vi cinity i ' fJpRomembcr the Name, Number nnd street ! JOHN FAREIRA, .. .. 718 Arch si., above 7tb. sooth side, PHILADELPHIA. I have no Partner, nor connection with any other In Philadelphia. Sept. 23 180ft j-'" '. J ' J . PERSONS having unrecorded DocdB are reminded that thev must be recorded, according to the 1 Act of Assembly which requires that ' AH deeds and conveyances ftir real estate in this Commonwealth, shall bn recorded in the office for ltecordina: Deeds in the County where the Uuds lie vithiu svx moHtlu sfter tho execution of such deeds ) and conveyance ; und every euch aecd nml convey, nnae not recorded as utoresaid, shall bo judged FKAl'Dl'LEXTAND VOID against any ubiuent purchnser for a valuable consideration, ualee nch . deeds be ecorded before the recording of the deed or onveyanee under which such subsequent purchaser or mortgage ahull claim." August 'Jit, lStii "CLOTHING FOR ALL ! ! AT CONTINENTAL CLOTHING BAZAAR. Corner of .Murkrt Sqiiurc A. KnIU ICond hlroi't, BUKBUBY. PENN'A. JUST OPENKD, FALL 4 WlXTEtt STOCK OF READY MADE CLOTHING, Of the newest styles, cut kj the best Artists, trimmed and mado equal to custom work, and sold at the lowest prices. Whole Knlttt for 615. Cavalry Pants for ?6. BLANKETS, EEATEH CLOTIf itmw 3EiB..sai3sx75x. aarss Varying from $25 to JI0. Iflon nnd Hoy 'at Clotbin of the best ma terial consisting of Press Coats, Frock Coats, Sack Coats, Pants, and VesU of various colors and quali ties. GENTLEMEN'S FURNIS1IINU tiOODS, such as Shirts, Over-shirts, lindorshirta, Drawers, Collars, Cravats, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Stockings Ulovos, Ac IIiiIh und 1'Jipsi of ll liilMlM. BOOTS AND SHOES, Oum Shoes. TRUNKS, VA LISES, UMBRELLAS, TOBACCO A SKUAKH, Watchos, Jewelry. Knives, Revolvers, and NO. TI0N3 of all kinds, and numerous other articles. The public are iuvited to call and examine his Stock. Remember the place. ''Continental Clothing Store,' Corner of Market Square and the N C. K. R. . LEVI IIECHT. TAILORING J. F. SCHAFFEB, REPPKOTFI'LLY informs the eititens of Sl'N BCRY and vioinity, that he bat opcucd a Tullorintf ljhot, the room over Farnsworth't Grocery, opjiosite the 9ental Hotel, Sunliury, where he is ready to make ip garments of all kinds in tire latest style und best vorkmanlike manner. Having had experience in the business for a nnm .er of .years be bopos to render general tuti.'faciion Custom work is respectfully solicited. J. F. SCnAFFER. Bunbury, May 13, , 1 8031 y J. R. HILBUSH 4'onnly (Surveyor, cnve uncc-r AND JUSTICE Ob' TUH PEA CE. tnhonoy, Kwtliuutlierlitnd Covnly, Petni'a ""Vffics in Jackson township. Engagemcnu can J be made by loiter, directed to the above address. 11 business entrusted to his owe, will be promptly ;tended lo. April 22. 1865.-ly . F you vant good Tin-Ware, go GEN1 iEK'e) New Shop. SMITH A dr 3 I'unrr nnd Border in great variety iw ttylot just received at the Mammoth Store of J. W.FRIL1NG A M)N. ffuiibury, Oat. 11. 18C5. E. C. GOZBI2S3-, .tlorary ntid t'ounaK-llor tit Iuvr, BOONVILLE, COOPER CO , MISSOURI. V ILL pay taxes on lands in any part of the Slaua. Buy and sell real Estate, aud all other attett entrusted to him will receive prompt attcn n. JulyS, 18o5.-oll5, '61. lliiIadrIpIUa V lCrie Rullroud. MllS great line traverses the Northern and NortU west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Erit Lake Erie. t has been leased by the Pennsylvania Railroad npany and is operated by them, 'im of Passenger trains at Kunbary, -Leave Eastward. Irie Mail Train, '.rie Express Train, Imira Exprere Train, Unira Mais Train, Leave Westward rie Mall Train, rie Express Train, Imira Express. Train, 5.50 p. ra. . S.40am. ll.SS pm 19.35 am. 3 05 a sa. 5 SO p m. .' 20 a m lir.lra Mail train, 4.25 p.m. rTf-U. adelpfaia and Erie. ,.N.:roJk,WrVrnUr.ri;i.SS7.. Mm wis u i.h p m., arrive at xsew tork p. m. change of ears between Erie and New York, lot Sleeping Cars on all Night trains. r information respecting fssaeuger business f at Cor. SOtb and Market bt., Philadelphia. d for Freight busiuess of the Company's Agents, U Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Market bt., idelphia. W. Reynold!, Erie. Iliam Brown, Agent K. C. R. B., Baltimore. - It. H. Houstoh, Gen'l Freight Agt. Phitada. . H. W. OwiK.SB, . . 41ea'l Ticket Ag't., PbHada. . A. L. TYLER, . Gea't Managet, WUIiatnssort. -.IS, let ....... )HT Bloesaing Csreus, for sale by . AN A fAIXTER. 1- . . . - - ... .. . 1908,- 1600, I a M i 4867; i. t , vi siiiVEa. i f .ii. iU". l.ti. 950001 ft" M ' $2 I ' S2HS2 fH 1 . Manolicturr' Agents I Our New Mod& Om of , otsr 410sLI or (itl-VCU Wut.-bes, or SHrer-'! for ' - ; 9, as below sits) ted. One of oar tea setts os one piece of our Uold or Silverware is worUi a buskel of the aheap dollar jewelry '.! i .. i j . ,n ' V " ' ' ' m"-'. We have adopted the following mode of . , ' DI8TRIBUTI ON ' by sale of 76,900 articles of value ! Oar "ow Klode ! . . The articles of goods are nanbered fren 1 to 75.- 000 t 37.5(10 consisting of Pianos Melodcons. Gold A Silver Watches. Sewing Slachinea,' Tea A-Tabl? Setts. Solid Silver tea aud table Spoons and Forks; etc., etc., and the other .17,500 articles of value Jew clrv. Work A Toilet Cases, Photograph Albums, Oprnface Silver Watcbet, and fancy articles tn great variety. 75,000 notices n timbered from 1 to 75,000 are printed and put into sealed envelopes- and woll mixed and one of these is taken out and sent to the person tending to us 25 cents to cover expense of postage; oorrespendonce etc.. and the ertioee of foods. corresponding wua tno numncr on ine nonce wu'bg sent to the holder of (he same imtnedrneel.'f ne desires to purohasc the article) on the l'eel. 0f two dollars. For instance ; I f the nunibj on notioB sent, to you should be 500, and ,ano ordiftIuond sett or gold wateh shoald be Debited 500; it will ho sent to yon should be 500, ay,,, , almond sett or gold watch shouhe numbol.ea SOO. it will Sro'rK'Jgis-"'? .veryUei. in 13- After reewj.. tb't u0ie, If it docs not pleaso unded"1 """lrn 'l Jour """"J hM bt n 25 cents must be sent to pay expense of postage, Correspondence etc., on one notioe. - Remember I that whatever article orrosponds with the tmmbor on Jour nofioo. yoa cn 'have it by paying Two Dollars for it. whothor it be worth $100 or ffWO. i And it is for our interest to deal fairly, and send out our fine articles, as it gives confidence to the public, and (hereby iucroaaos our sales,, i, ...... TRY OUR NEW MODE ! ! Upon receipt of 25 cts., which pays for eorrespon. denoe. postage etc., we send one notice. ' I'pon receipt of ft, which pays for correspondence, postage, cts., we send six notices. .. I'pon receipt of J5 which pays for correspondence, nostiize. etc.. we will tend 40 notices, and a tine pre sent valued at not less than $15, at a sample of our goods . -- . I'pon roceipt of $18 which pays 6r correspondence, postage, ctu., wo will send l.0 notices, and a solid Silver Watch, bv return mail. AGENTS WANTED. Scad for a circular Agents Allowed a Large Cash Commission by which they make $23 Weekly. Address plainly , Salesroom'' 34 Liborly street Sept. 23, tolto ly REED A BROTHER. Box 5138. New York City, N. Y. RHEUMATICS. ?D? LELAND!SV rkUMANKNTLV CtinES RIIETMATISM! In all it VariouH l-'orntsi. Acute or Inflammatory ; Chronic, Lumbago, Sciati ca, 1'ieurouyne, c. StifTness of the Joints and Cramps Gout, Neuralgia and nil Nervous AfTections Eryspclus, Suit Rheum nnd Scrofulous Eruptions of the body Neutralities the Impurities of the Blood and Fluids of the whole svstem. ano "maltzi uuv vuuuLcract .mci I'ttem. and 'i.ualijos.thcir circulHlion ; and eft'ectu. .VIUUI1UI UUU V114G1 UHWUUIU IUUU cuevs. It is a conveniently, arranged : Belt, con taining a Medicated Compound, to be worn atound the body, about tbo waitt, Equally EfTirtiugall Pnrts, wherever the disease may lie. ll can bo worn without injury to tho nia-t delicate person, aud no change in tbo propor faabitf of living is required. It en tirely removes the disease from the system, ' without tho use of powerful internal medi cines, which weaked the constitution and give temporary relief only by atupifying the system, and deadening in vitality. By til is treatment, the medicinal properties contain ed in the BAND, being of a highly aromatic and volntilo nature, and capablu of being readily obsorbed. through tho pores of tho skiu, come into direct contact with the Blood and general circulation, without first having to pass through the stomach, which would tcud not only to detract from their cunitivo powers, but to impair the internal organs and tlcrnuc,o tho digestion almi. thus avoiding the injurious effects, so often the result of internal remedies, nnd effecting a perfect cure by pu rilying and equalising the circulation ol tho vilul lluidsand restoring the parte affected to healthy condition. This Band is also most Cowcrlul "Auli-Mcrouriul Agent" Calomel eiug the primary cnuse of a large part of the Stiffness, Neuralgic Pains and Rheuma tics, so prevalent and will entirely reliera the sysicui from Its pernicious effects re. moving all blotches and pimples from the body and beautifying the complexion. Moderate cases are cured in a few days, and , are constantly receiving undoubted testimonials to which wo invite inspection at our office of their effi cacy in aggravated cases of long standing. PRICE FIVE DOLLARS. May be bad of Drug gist, orfwill be tent by mail upon receipt of $5 25, ur by exprcM everywhere, with all necessary instruc tion from the principal office of GEO. L. BROWNING, Solo Proprietor and Manufacturer, of the Celebrated 11IIOW .M.NU a f.XCELHloR COFVKB. j Nos. IH and 20 Market street, Camden, N. J. , I t3f "Treatise, wilh certified testimonials, sent free It "Adapted to Soldiers. . beptS, IHtti. ni OLD EYES MADJE Sf, . A PAMPHLET directing how to speedily restore I A sight and give np spectacles, without aid of doctor or medicine, fcul by mail, free, on roceipt of 10 cents. Address, E. B. FOOTE, M. D. February 4, 1865 6m NEW PHOTOGRAPhIjALLEBY. J. II. would respectfully in. form (he eiliiens of blNillRY, and the publio generally, that be bat opened a new, PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. It Siinioon'i Building, South lido of Market Square, wkerene it prepared to take in the best sty le of the art PICTURES TO FRAME, PICTURES IN CASES, CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, Also Pictures made for Rings, Breastpins, Lockets, Ac. Persons wishing in our line will do well lo call and examine speciuiens'at the Gullory. We bops to merit a liberal share of publio patron age. Otit Motto is to Plkask. bun bury, July 15, IS5. A Cough Cold, or Hore Tlironf, teruircs immediate attentiun, and should be check ed. If allowed to continue, Irrintiou of the Lungs, a Permanent Throat ArfcttTios, on ax Isct kaiilb" Luku DisiAsa is often lbs result-. BROdd-m.h BHONCHIAL TEOCHEB ! Having ajiroot influence to the parts, give immedi, I ate relief. ! FOf Drna'iti9. Astl''n. Ct"r''. t0nSU'nP" i tto UU'I Tliroat DisenWS, I Tr:het, . sin. MnKCrsi ,m lubllc Nni-nUi rs ( will find TBOCiitiusefui m cioftrillg the voice when taken before 8ingin,,or 6ieaklng, and relibviug the mroai alter an unusua exertion ofthe vocal orgaps. j The Taocuts a.e reconmended and prescribed by . Physioians, and bare had UiUnonUls Irom eminent men throughout the country. Btg sn artiole of true merit, aud basing proved theireSoaey by a (est of many years, each year finds (hem in a localities in various parts of the world, and the Troohes are universally pronounced better than Other artiolet. , Obtain only '-Browi'i Bboscbial Taocnu.'t and do not take any of the Worthless lotiUUeat that nay be offered. B0I4 everywhere In the Vnlted f Utcs, and is tveiga Countries, at U ssnts ear box. 1 October JrJ, ISoiVsuj ..,'.- I GOLD. V i. is, k. L rll-Our-YM enuh k- .if tji k; J p, it as n 1 x : P -e c t 6 it K Or aompennd Byrifp of .Wild Cherry and Root, will euro tie Diseases of (bo THROAT AND LUNUS Suoh as Colds, Coughs. Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Sore Throat, Hoartcneee, Whooping Cough, Ac Its timely use will prevent Pulmonary Con sumption, and even where this fearful disease has taken hold it will afford greater reet'than uy other medicine.4 - - - - - 1 This Pectoral lamade from Wild Cherry Bark and Bcnekft Snake Root. - - tr.. Its Composition is a snfnoicnt caarantet of its value. Dn, ueo. B. . Wood, Professor of the Fraetice f Medicine in tho Lniversity of I'cnnsylvania, 1'byn clan to (he Tennsvlvanla IlosMUl and one of the authors of the Dulled States Dispensatory, says of Wild Cherry Bark'ut is among the most valunblo of our tndigehotis remedies, uniting With atonic pow er the property of claiming Irritation and diminish ing nervous excitability." The same distinguished physician arjinutnorl, inTI in the same work, "encka Snake'oot b a stimula ting expectorant, lu action Jf etpecinlly directed to the lungs. It is ptculinri u(0fi u, chrooio ca tarrh affections and tue,oaaluury stages of oroup." . For waut of P" t cannot publish all the testi , moniJinourjMCMion)butwegive two: . Pntmxvii.i, April 1st, 1864. is to certify that t have sold hundreds of bot rA.rii. fiLarhnf leer's Phu-nix Pectoral or Com- pvund Syrup of Wild Cherry and Seoeka Snake Root and I have yet to find a single individual who has used it, who does not boar testimony of its wonderful effects in curing coughs. Signed, J acoi Ppwins. Hi, i St ' 1'inKxiivTLi.B. Jan. 11. ISM. Inst cheerfullv bear testimonv lo the value of then-Phoenix Pectoral er Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and SenekaSnake Root. Bolore using it 1 had been suffering with a tickling in my thront and tight cough, for more than two years, and had taken varinnaiiiher moiliaincs with no relief. At soon as I began touaeDr Oberbultxur's medicine tho irrita tion In mv throat was allaved and in a few weoks I was tmtirelv oared. ' I have also given it tn my little' girt, for a cronpy eough, with the happiest ettects. . cJigned, JosrrH Li xkss. ,..,ii . .. 'i . Pottstows, Jan. 8d, 185.' This certifies that I have used tho Phoenix Peotn. ral ih my family, nnd I recommend it o the publio aa the very best remedy for Cough and Colds that I have aver tried. Ono of mv ohildren wns taken with a oold accompanied with a Croupy cough ; so bad indeed that it could nut talk and scarcely hreathn. llavinir heard to much laid a omit ill Phoenix Pectoral I procured a bottle of it. . Tbo Bret dole iclioved the difficulty of broatiiluc and before the child had taken one-fourth of the bottle it wat eutifoly well. Every family should havo it in tne bouso. Signed, D.P.CROSBY. The rironrioti.r of this tnedioine has so much eonfi dencein its curative powers, from the testimony of hundreuswbo bave useii it, mat ine money win oe refunded to any purchaser who is not satisfied with lis envcts. It is so ploatant to take that children cry for it, It costs onlv Thirtv-five Cents. It is intended lor only one elassof dlbeaaos, namely those ol the loroat and luugs. Cj'Prcparcd only by1' ' LEVI 0BE1U10LTZER. M. P.. ' . Pbanixvillo, Pa. Johnston. Hollow ay A Cownt;x A'o 23, Aorth Sixth etroot, Philadelphia, General holesnlc Agente. Sold bv Ueorite Bric-ht, ami R. A. Fish or, Drue giste. Sttubury Wm. Ckerrington, Druggist at Sha mokin. N. U- If Tour nearest druggist or ttorekcoper does not keen this medicine do not let him put you off with some other medicine, because be iuiikcs more money on it, but send at once to one of the agents for it June 10, 1805 Sin$ TO CONSUMERS. OF .pHB uadersignei dealer in Coal from the follow. I inir well knows Collieriee is prepared to reccivi orders isz the sains at tho Lowest Market Rates, viz,: MORDECArS DIAMOND MINES G HAY'S " PAHUISII & GO'S " CONSOLIDATED GO'S . IIaltimoreCo,i) Cclobrntrd Coal, ' Lump and' Prcparul. On the I': t f the Sc'quehanna River and Havre d Uraco. i.J taj moae arrangemenu mr me oesi PITT8TON AND PLYMOUTII COALS Which bt prepared to deliver on board Boats at Nortbunlttland, or y Cars over Northern Central Railroad cad on the line of the Philadelphia aud Erie Kailnid. on th best terms. He is pretved tof 11 all Orders with despatch, and respecttul',7 solicits iruers irom tne iraue. Address JOHN MeFARLAND, April 9. Ml. Northumberland, Pa. ItAla Ol' .XtK'l'lSI'.MIIIORI.A.U, ITHEREAS tho Auditor Ooncnil as required by V tho 1Kb Section ofthe Act, entitled "An Act euabting the Bunks of this Commonwealth to become Associations for tbo purpose of banking under the laws of the United States." pawed on the 2 2d duy of August A U. Isn4, nas ecrtincu lo me that the "Bank of Northumberland," located in the Borough of Siniburv, Northumberland county, has fiirnihed satisfactory evidence to him that all the requirements or said Act have been complied wun uy tne san Rank, and that it has become an association for Ih Surpose of Banking under tho Laws of tho Unite tntes I do therefore, cause the notico thereof lo be puli lisbed in aeeordanea with Uie provisions of the sai llth section of the said Act, aud dodeclnre that lb Charter of the said Bank by the terms of said Act. is doomed and taken to bo hercuHu surrendered sub ject to tho provisions of the first sectiou of taid net. A. G.Cl'RTIN, Governor. . Executive Chamber, ) "Harrisburg, Aug. 25, 1805. i O. W. ZlEtiLEB. I.. II. CASE SIEGLEF. & CASE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, BUNBURY, PENNSYLVANIA. Collections and all Professional business promptly attended to in the Courts of Northumberland and adjoiniug Counties. j-Also, special attontion paid to the Collection or Pensions, Bounties and Back Pay for Widows Orphans and Soldiers ouuoury, iiiaren io, inna. Wll. M. ROI'KKFELLKR. LLOYD T. RuURBACn. KOCKEFELLER & B0HRBACH. OFFICE the tame that bat been heretofore oocu uicd by Wm. M. Ro:kefollor, Esq., nearly op posite the residence of Judge Jordan. . : bunnury, July 1, t . ly PfNKSYLVANIA PAINT AMD COLOR WORKS. bibtt Whitb Lead ! Libbktt Wuitb Lsa THY IT 1 THY IT I W abrasited to cover more surface, for same weight, thun any other. Buy the best, it is the benpust ' ' TRY IT! ' TRY IT ! Liberty Lead Is whiter than any other. Liberty Lead covers better than any other. Liberty Lead wears longer than any other. Liberty Lead is more economical than any other, Liberty Load is mors free from impurities aud is Auuantbu to io mors ana neiier wora, at a given oost than any other. Duy tU VEST it u the CHEAPEST. Manufactured and warranted by ZIEULElt A SMITH, Wholesale Drug, Paint, A vi lust Healers, i 17 North Third Street, Philadelphia gnnbury, October T, 1B05. FLOUR & FEED STORE WHOLESALE -1A7 RETAIL aIHE subscriber respectfully informs the publio that he keeps constantly on hand at his new WAUEltOUbK, near the bh amok in Valley Kailroad Depot, in BUNBURY, Flour by the barrel and sucks .11 LlnJ.nfV.1 k !.. The above is all manufactured at bis own Mill! and will be sold at the lowest cash prteee. J At. CADW ALtiADEH Bonbnrjvunelofij JEREMIAH 8HYDEE, . Attorncw it Counttllor at kUavr. Offav corner of Blackberry and Fawn Street, three doors east ot it. x . iu-ignt t r canary, v . HUUlUt, PA. 11 ' WM attend promptly U all professional business nwuaiea 10 pis ears, we ouiieouoa 01 ojaiuis tn ivT snemnansAia ana ine aajoininr eoanues. . CoaiultaUoat in German ansi Knilicki. ' f oabary, April 13, 1b65. : Eye ' &ld Ear 1 Inllrmary, On the Bquaa, Three Doors from $te4't; Hotel) VliKES-B ABRB, PA. , , , TnI3 INSITl'TION is now open and furnished in Ike coat oostly style., Reoeption, Private and OperatiB Rooms are large and convenient and Jell adapted , The Surgioal aparUnent contains the iieiueolleoBf instruments in thia wastry, and thus bis facilieii will enable hinv to meet any and alt einergcnloa In prnclioe.,, He will operate Bpwn the varioutLrmsof BLINDNESS. Cawraot, Oooluon of the Pupi Cross Eyes, Cloeure of 1he Tear Duets, Inversion j the Eyelids, Pterygium, 4e. And will treat ill forms of Sore Eyes, .Crannied Lids, Opacetiestf the Cornea, and Soiofuloas aiseases of the Eye, 'gother with ail the disessot to which the eye is tuluet. : i: iiVAWlir-iS Will treat all the diseases common to theoran. Discharges from the Kar, Noisei in the Ear, Cati-rh, difficulties of bearing total Deafness, vn hra iho Drum is doatreved. Will Insert an artifioia one, answering nearly all the purposes of DISIASE8 OF THE TIIROAT All disease oinmoi to the Thront and Note will be treated . UENERAIj rUJRUERY. He wilt operate upon Club10ct, HairLipi CJ-tt,,Pellate, Tumors, Cancers, ?,' i t...ii. An. l'laniu onoratione by healing new flesh intodoformod parts, and General Surgery of whatever oharaoter it may present. - 11 kHNTA. Oil RUPTl'KE.) He wilt perform "liBbius," operation lor me rnuium, v;i"""'-; of Hornia, this unquestionably a perfect cure, and is done with little or no pain. Out of the many ban ,irr.A n,...r.,j .mh in Bostun there has been ao fail ures, H having niot he approbation of all who bare submitted te it. rf . ,w . , ARTIFICIAL EYES." ill insert anmciai eyee, giving them the motion and expression of the natu ral. They are inserted without the least pain. llKMDlLRimri). (PILES.l This troubletume di sease is readily cured. Those suffering from it will do well to call. ..., Tiu l u ii r.mrtj viniti W llkea-Barre with a view of building np a permanent . Institute for the treatment of the Eye. Ear, and General Surgery. h Tnni-inr.a Dl Llion a ouaricr ol a seniurj, in Hospital and general practice, bo hopes, will be a sufficient guarantee to to one who may be disposed to employ hiic. January u, leos. ly GROCERIES ! GROCERIES Mrs. BABAH A. SIMPSON, Whortleberry Mrwf. evmt of the iV. C. R Jl 8UNBUKY, PA., T) ESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the IV, iriiierall v. that she has lust oDened a larito auortment ol IKiu wrovenea, suuu aa TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLAS fciES,llSlI, SAJjT, &U. Pure Cider Vinegar. Fruit Jars. Glassware,' and a varietv of Ladies Trimminc". Fans, Thread Neck Ties, Handkerchiefs, Ac, to which she invites all to examine beloru purchasing elsewhere. unlmry, June 17, loo cm Tffistar's Balsam or WILD CHERRY sue of the uldest and most reliable remodics in the world for Couebs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Diffi CUIty ot BreatUlllg, A.-illima, jionnmueiw, oore Throat, Croup, and every Affection of THE THROAT, LUNGS AMD CHEST, including even . CONSUMPTION WISTAR'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY. So General hss the nse of this romedy become, and so popular in it everywhere, that it is unnecessary .to recount its virtues lis versa npcaaa ior it, ; utterance in tho abundant and voluntary testimony of the many who from long Buffering and settled di sease have by its use been restored to pristine viuor aud health. We can present a mass of evidence in proof of our assorlion, that : CANNOT BE DISCREDITED. The IScv. Jacob Neclilor. Well known and much respected among the Gcrma populntion iu tbiseeuntry, makes the fullowiug state ineut for tho benefit of the afflicted : HASOvm.Pa., Feb. 15, 1B59. Dear Sir -.Having realitod in my family impor tant benefits from the use or jour Taluiiblsjirejiara- pleasure to recommend it to tho publio. Some eight yean agooueof my duugbters teemed to be in ado. cline, and little hopes of ber recovery were enter tained. 1 then procured a bottlu of your sxcellent Bulsnm. and before she bad laken the whole of (he contents ofthe bottle tl ic. fun a great improvement health. 1 have, Ll u 1 individual ease, madu frequeut use of your v 1 ial. e mediciue, and have also been benefited by il JACOB BKCULER. Smith, Esq., ret enl ol tho Morris County Bank, Morrislows, New Jersey. 'HiiviiiK uu'd Dr. Wistnr's Bnlsnmof Wild ChtTy fnraliout fifteen years, nnd having ruuliied its bene, liciul results iu niy family, it nflord- me great plea sure in recommending il to the publio as a valuable remedy is eases of weak lungs, coldt, coughs, Ac, f,t,.l a rimriv bicb I consider to be ontirely inno cent, sod may be taken wilh perfect safety by the most delicalo in beaitn." From Hon. John E. Smith, A distinguished Lawyer In Westminster, Md. I have on several occasions used Dr. Wisiar't Bat tarn of Wild Cherry for severe coldt, and alwayt with decided benint. 1 know of no preparation that is more cfucacioui or moie deserving 01 general use The Balsam bai also boon used with excellent enect by J. B. Elliott, Merchant, Hali't Cross Roads, Md Wistah's Balsam or M ilo CnxHnr. None genuim unless signed "I. BUTTS," en ths wrapper. fUiV DA1.S 1)1 J. V. DINSMOHE, No. 491 Broadway. New Terk S. W. FOWLE A CG., Proprietors. Boston. And by all Drng sts. IlEVDLXCrS HL'SSIA SAL YE Heals Old Sores. REDUNG'S RUSSIA SALTS Cures Burns, Scalds, Cots. llEDDIXG'S RUSSIA SALVE Curet Wounds, Brnises, Cprains. REDMXCTS RUSSIA SALVS Cuk-s Boils, Ulcers, Canocrs. EEDDINa'S RUSSIA BALVB Cures suit libcum, Piles, Erysipelas. REDLINQ'S BUSBIA BALTJD Cur Ringworm, Corns, Ac, Ae. NO FAMILY SHOULD BR WITHOUT IT. t?-Only 2i Cents a Box rj FOR BALK BV J P. DINSM1RR, No. 4UI Broadway, N. T. S. W. FOWIE A CO. No. IS Tremoutst., Beaten. nn oy an j'uggisis ana (.ounlry btorekeeprs. PACIFIC HOTEL 170, 17$ 174 & 178 Grekhwich Bt., 'One Square west of Broadway,) Between Cmrtlandt and Dey Streets, New Tork JU1. l'ATTEN. Jr.. Pronretor. The PACIBU Hotkl is well and widels knawa la the travelini publio. The location is especially suitable hi ni rob ants and business men , it is in close proximuy ioaie Business pert of the City is on the highway of buthsrn and W estern travel and adia- oeut to all be principal Kuilroad aud Steamboat uepois. Tbo Pacifl has liberal accommodation for aver SOU guests; t is well furnished and possesses every modern iuipuvement for the comfort and entertain ment of its nmstes. The ruoius are snutioua and wellvenlilacd; provided with gas and water; the attendance 1 prompt and respectful ; and the (able u geuerouii; pruviucn wun every delicacy o( the season. ' The subsolber, who, fur the psst few years, bas been tbe lesee, is now sole nronrialor. and inlands to indentifybimaelf thoroughly with the interests of uu nouse. n un long experience as a hotel-keeper, he trusts, b; moderate charges and a liberal polity, to mainlBihlhe favorable reputation of the Paeino Hotel. JOUN PATIBN, Jr. beptembeal, 1865. ly UNITED STATES HOTEL, Opposite the J. Y. NEV HAVEM A WESTERN X. R. Daroy SELCS STBBBT. BOSTON. ' 1 By F- at. PRATT, Formtrlyef.t'ji Asaerioan B0wssj.,- t Way IS, J -ly t5.iv ';o .nlilo'oB ii. M rt v.r ,). t . Cll . IIELMBOLDS FLUID EXTRACT BVCHU! CTsUCBOXiB'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU os Kon.lstsnttoa or Incontinence ef tMne'inuahuna. Uoa er ly'leeraliea of the Bladder er Kidneys, Diseases ef the Prostrate Oiand. Gravel. Brick Dust Deposits, Dropsi es! Iwelttors, OrgsaU Weakness, Debility, female Ceav plaints, Ae. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU ASS Imnroved HLoso "Waslx Will ralleaily exterminate from the system Distant arts Ing from Habits of DltslpaUen, at llttt empttut, Ml4 er no change ef dtO, ne 4enesisBes er eaposursj completely supsrstdlng those unpUatantand ianfrove remediee, OopaMa and Jfsreury, In curing these dlteues. USE HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU In all Diseases ef Iks Crlnsry Orfaaa, wbether sxlsUnf la bulb er rstiALB, rem naresr csims originating, and no matter qfhoie long etandtng. It Is plsssant u Its lasts and odor, IUMEDIATB In aetloB, and mors strsoftbsnlof than any ef ths preparations ef B irk or Iron. Those tuJsrtns from Broken Dmtn er Ddioatt CentU- (uMcns, precwrs the Bemedy at once. Ths Header mutt be aware that however ilifht stay bt , the attack of the above diseases, It It certain to afttl bis Bodily ITuHS, Aflmsaf Poteere and Bappineee. If ne treatment Is submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may AS tbs above dissases require the eld et a AlareUs. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Xa th Ore at Diurotio. 1 HELMBOLD'S sjiosjlv costcsxraATxa Compound Fluid Extract Sarsapirillt, for parUytag ths bloed, remervlng all diseases arislnf from exssss aad Impradsnce la Uie, chronie eeatuiouonai ois- easts arislnf from an lapare slate of the blood, and the eiiiy reliable end effectual known remedy for ths cure ef siofiUa.adUsad,UltRhsam,Pstasand8wsUlnef . . , .Ji ST . . . ... the Bones, Ulcerations of the Throat and Lsgs, Blstehes, rimpiss en messes, iswer, s.ry.i r- tteas ef toe sua, ana Beaauirmf sue wini v .si si sr . - - v T isiiiii I'lfitVf " Vir 1 Ifff 3J. tVl NOT A. FEW . . Of the wont disorders that afflict manUal arits from the eorrnpttea that accumulates la the Blood. Of all the dis coveries that have been made te purge It out, none can equal la effect BEL MOLD'S COMPO CXD KZTRA CI OF SARSArASILLA. It cleanses and renovates tbe Blood, Instills the vigor of health lots the system, and argta out ths hataors which soaks dlssassu It stimulates the healthy functions ef the bedy, aad exptls ths disorders that grow and rankle In the Blood. Such a remedy, that could bs rsllsd on, has long been sought for, aad now, for the Brit time, the public hare one en which they eaa de Bead. Our space here does not admit of certificates te shsw lu effects, but us trial ef a single bottle will show to ths tUk that It has virtues turpasslng aay thing thty bars ever taken. Two tablespoons fol of the Extract ef (UrtaparUla, added to a pint of water. Is equal ts ths Lisbon Diet Drink, aad one bottle Is equal to a giUon of the Syrup of SarssparUla, er tbe decoction as usually made. The above Extracts are prepared en purely scientific principles In Fueuo and embody tbe full strength el the Ingredlenti entering Into their composition. A ready and soneleslve tsat will bs a companion of their proper- tits with (bote set forth la tbs U. 8. Dispensatory, HOW TO USE THE ITCttEDtESe In Dissases of the Blood, n amors on the face, er any and every part ef (he body, nss Extract SarssparUla, ap plying to Pimples and all external Humors er Eruption ths Improved Ross Wash. Use ths Extract Bachu for all disease requiring the aid ef a Diuretic, except those ef the Urinary Organs, such at Oenerrbaaand Glset; In thess ass the Extrecl Biwhn and Inject with ths Improved Boss Wash. XST THESS EXTRACTS BATE BEEX ADMITTED TO USB 13 TUX UNITED STATES ABUT, and alio are la very general use In aU the STATE HOSPITALS AND PUDL10 INSTITUTIONS thro as bout ths land, at wall as In private practice, and are centluered at Invaluable remedies. MEDICINE DSUYKSZD TO JJT ADDRESS. Direct litters to UELMBOLD'S DEUO A CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel. en re HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phils. PeteHbo Symptome tn alt Oowumtnleatiene. ' SOLD BT All DRUGGISTS tttm'HIRE. . Beware of Counterfeits I K PGR MELHBOtO HELMBOLD'S Fluid Extract Bursaparilla! April St, IMi-ly is - ' 1 "VI r vhv Take no other. 7 THEREDiIIONrllOTEL. ill., r li .,:iLMe.MrB(altoBi.).-- . ,') ,.,'T MARKET STRKT. 8UNBUBT. PA AS taken this old and well known stand, and refitted and famished the tarns is prepared to accommodate Boarders and travelers with the best the market can afford. He hopes by strict attention to Business ro receive a snare oi publio patronage. His TABLE aontains the beat the aiarkat affords tkesaai est of Li His Bsr is filled with the ehoioi iquors, both Malt and Spirituous. The subline . is sood. and attended by eareftal vsiiers. Bunbury, AprU M,' ' - ' " - :3-- "W H-sA.XJIX Attorary nnd Cokiscller nt lidW Of&ee on south tide of Market street, foar doors west of . Y. Bright A Son's Store, 1 STflMBTTK-jr. PA. Will attend promptly to nil professional botiness entrusted te bis ears, the collection. 01 claims) in Northumberland and the adjoining counties. . Banbury, Msy 11, iww.iy '. 11. siAtsw Kni . ' A ttomcy nt Ittr. BUNBL'RT, rA. V Collections attended to in the counties of Nor thumberland, Union. Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. - ' ' . :, RBFBKBnvBB. '.I Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, 1 A. G. Oattell A Co., " Hon. Wm. A. Porter, I Morton MaMichael. Esa.. " R. Ketcham A Co., 2h4 Pearl Street, New York. John W. Ashmead. Attorney at law, " Matthewt A Cox, Attorneys at Law, 11 Sunbury, March 2V. 186J. FROM WASHINGTON. LATEST IMPR0VEMEHT OF AGRI- ' CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. "; At tb POTJ IT ID 1 TtT, ; of PsOEPsSACZ & COCPE?s, BTJNBTJIfSr, PENN'A. (Jet the Best Get tho Cheapets Get the most Eco nomical, which can bo had at the tlonrbacn foundry llavini: a I area assortment of the most approved STOVES, such as Cooking, Parlor, Office and Shop Stoves, which will be sold at the lowest rates. Also, Kettle ol all sites, fans, bkillet. sto. r They are also manufacturing Machinery, Ploughs, Castings, at short notice. Repairing all kinds of Agricultural Implements done in a good workmanlike manner and at the shortest noueo. . . All articles shipped as ordered. Ordort respect- rally solicited and promptly attended to. ROliRBACU A COOPER, j?01d Iron, and all kinds of Produoe taken in exchange Tor work. Sunbury, June 18, 1884 -tf Larkuwaaua At Illoomnburgr Rail ' road. ON and after Jan. lttth, 1804, Paaienger Trains will run as Allows : . MOVING SOUTH. 1 Leave Pcranton, Kingston, 4 iO P. M 5.55 8.25 " Bloonisburg : " Rupert. " Danville. 9..15 9.15 Arrive at Northumberland, 9.55 ' MOVING NORTn. Leave - Northumberland, 8.00 A. M . " Danville, 8.40 " Rupert, 8.40 " Bloomshurg, 9.S5- ' Kingston, . . 12.12 P.M. Arrive at Seraiiton, 1.30 Freight A Passenger leaves Bloomsburg. 10.15 A. M. Passengers taking tbe Mail Train South connect with the fcipress train Irom rortbuiuberlanu. arriv. Ins at Harrishurg, at 2.30 A. M., Baltimore 7.00 A. M . and at Philadelnliia. at 7.00 A. M. The Mail train from Northumberland leaves immediately after the arrival ol tne express train Irom llarrisburg and ' Baltimore, allowing Paasengers leaving Philadelphia j at 10.40 P. M., lo reach points on this road during t the next forenoon. New and alegant Sleeping ears accompany the . . tTIUIUmen.. u. ' " Nor,l,umberlani and i5Uitimore, aud Northumberland and rhilaUelpbia. u. 1, bui.xu, &upt. ' .... , ., . . . . . . . - . o. 10 iorm ot.i:u.-iii street, corner or yuarry, ' : Philadelphia. ' An nsiMortmt-nt ot" Wiitrhrw. Jen- 4-lry, Nilvrr & I'liiK'd H nre constantly , band, Suitabla fur HOLIDAY PRLtjLNTS! t3?Repairing of Watches and Jewelry promptly siitiium iv, December J. 1864 ly .'N'orlhrris I'rntrnl Unllway FOVR TRAINS DAILY U and from Baltimore ana 11 asinngton oily. Connections made with trains on Pennsylvania 11 1 . - i . ,:., ., ... .vuurunu. iu ami irom ruuDurg sua ine ! cwl. IWR TRAIN'S DALY to and from tne North and est tiranch iMtwiuuliunna, Llmira,aud all ui North em New York. ON and alter MONDAY, OCTOBER 2J, 1S4. the Passenger Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart from Bunbury, 11 ..I l li.. l . : r . , , - uhi wuig .uu u.aimiir. lu SJIIUWI, V1SZ : S O V T II W A K D . Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (exoopt fcundav). 10 10 A. M " loaves llarrisburg, 1 30 P. M " arrives at Laltiiiuire, t 30 F.lmira Express Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday,) 11 40 P. M. " leaves llarrisburg (except Monday.) 1 SO A.M. " arrives at liultimore daily (except .Monday). T 00 A. M. llarrisburg Accommodation leaves llarris burg. T 44 A.M. Buuhury Aceommmlatitin leaves sunbury daily (eieept Sunday) at 7 00 A M Erie hx.irem Train leaves Sunbury daily (etccnt Kuuday,)at SIS Erie Mil Train leaves Eunburr dailv (except bunday,) at 3 50 P M. NORTHWARD. Mall Traia leaves Baltimore daily (ex. eept Ounday) t 10 A. M " leaves llarrisburg 1 si P. M, arrives at funbury, 4 20 " Elmira Express Train leaves Ilaltimore 10 110 P. M " arrives at llarrisburg, 2 20 A M. " leaves llarrisburg (except . Monday), 2 40 A.M. " arrives at Bunbury. i li trie tipress Jrain I caret lialtimor daily (except ciuiidayt) at leave llarrisburg daily (except Sun 8 00 PM days at 1 20 A M " arrives at Sunbury at 3 il) llarrisburg Accommodation leaves Harris burg, daily (except Sunday) at 2 50 P M " arrives a llarrisburg. T 44 P M Sunbury Accommodation leaves Harris- burg daily (except Sunday) at 4 24 P M brie Mail Iraiu leaves llarrisburg daily (except bun days) at 12 00 P M The trie Lxprees and Eria Mail Trains ars through trains u and from Erie and all intermediate poiuis. Mail and Express trains run through to ..I Mill , Fur further Information apply at the Office. i. N. DiBARRY (ion. bupt. VWVUW S AOU. .i:sV COAL Sri tin. ri"VUE partnership of Grant A Died having been X dissolved. The undersigned have entered into partnership in the Wholesale and Retail Coal and Shipping business under the firm name of URAN'X BROTHER Thankful for the patronage extended to os In the late firmt of i'riling A I) rant, and (J rants A Diets respectively, we respectfully solicit a ooutinuano ot ine same. t W. T. GRANT, T. D. GRANT, . '. Lower Wharf, Sunbury, Pena 'a. April IS, 1601. ' Kiita'a lOKTASII,R LENOIAUIi Is the only prepartion of the klad mad from tb. fruit. As au artiole of eoouomy, purity, aad deli, tsoiusst, it eannot be surpassed, and it recommend' d by rbysioians for invalids andfamily as. It will ksep rtut years in any oliuate.whiie its condensed form enders it especially convenient for travelers' All who use lemons ars requested to give it a trial' Entertainments at home, parties, aad picnics shonld not be without it. For sal by all Druggist aad srit-ciaas Grocer. Manufactured Only by I LOII8J. METlGER, EM'L WILVBBT. NOTARY PUBLIO, OfBce In "Suabary Amrian" Building, . sJUNBUBT, PENN'A. Will sttsnd to ths Acknowledging of Deeds, Mort gages, Letter of Attorney. A., 2. . Also, i dal athorised to taka aakBawledsmsnts and administer oath en application for j""), n-i tea toss ana WiAtV-rnj ef Holdlers, Wld,ewi aad Orphan, i -? - f-r-ff fl.tSCs UKAHIIAHI sj knit Confectionery, Toy PBTJilT, BTO v Market Strict, gnmbstry, F. mi -'jk.. s AaA AssA..s', CONFECTIONERY OP ALL KINDS, T0Y8OF EVERY DEBCTIiTTICftr . . , FRUIT. &c Ac, CONSTANTLY on band ami for' sale at the above eaubllshment at wholesale and retail, at reason- blepriees. , , ,, .; ...... . , , . . He is manufacturing at) kinds of Confectionarlne (o keep np a full assortment which are sold nt low rates), r !!' i , - 't , 11 ; , ) Tobacco, Segars, Stationery. Nuts of all kinda. and variety of other articles, all of which are offered WbolesaliaedretaU.i l, ' 1 ,t '' ' i"-" IjrKemember the name and place. .ATI M. C.GEARHART. ' : Market street, S doors west of K. Y. Bright A Sen's store. Sunbury, Bept. 19, 1803. tf ' : MASMER'M PATENT 1'IVE MU. trlTE tVIIKI-ER ! At Improved for 1859 and 1880, By B. KETCHAM A CO., t89 Peart tt., New York. TIK only Frees f eonstraoted oa selentifle prin eipleSWlth a revolving eaa and spring blade scraper. . ine one nasiens tne troeiing o uie cream tne other removes it as fast as froten. Ths most racid in freeiimr. with the least auantiti of Ice. Ths most economies! incest, as It is ths most slmrlo and durable in structure. For solo in all the nrincioal cities and towns in tho Union. Each Freeter accompanied with a book of reeipns and full directions. ' PRICKS. ' ' I quarts, ;, , $S Ot 4 quaru, 4 00 8 quarts, ' & 00 8 quarts, ' 00 14 quarU, 8 00 3,9 quarts, . 11 00 Apply te II. B. MASSR, Sunbury, Pa March 2u;ibo2. , " GBORSalllLL, 6IB0M P. Wolvbktcs. HILL it WOLVBRTON. Attorney nnd Connstlornnl Law, Oflice, Market street, cor. Centre Alley, STJNBTJR."X", . WILL attend promptley to the collection of claims and all other professional business intrusted to their care in Northumberland andad joining counties. eunoury, January i9tiz.- International Hold. 305 and 387 JSroodiray, Corner Franllin Strttl NKW YORK. THIS Brat class House the most quiet, homellko and pleasant Hotel in the city offers superior Inducementi to these visiting New York for business or pleasure. It is central in its location, and kept on the ti'Boi'EAH 1'laii, in connection with iavlob i 8aloob, where refreshments , can be had all hours, or served in their own rooms. The charges are mo derate, the rooms and attendance ef the first order- baths, and all the modern conveniences attacked Oct 1,1804. solomon malick; . ATTORNEY AT LAW, STJTTBTJHY, 'Northumberland County. Pa. OFFICE in East end of Wearer's Tavern, Market Street. All business entrusted to him will be careful y sail fmnctuully attended to. Consultation iu tbe Bug isb and German languagos. bunbury, April a. lbo. The Complete?, Uonblt-Actlnff Melf, Nrpnrnt In;; CORN SHELLER ! ! TATENTED, AUGUST 2nd, 1804. THIS t-heller tt (he only one that shells the Con perfectly clean from the Cob when green, soak edor dry.' It give the Eur a double operation ei tbo shelling l heel as it passes through, and sens rates tbe Cob from the Corn completely, rendering i at once fit for market without the use of the fannmi mill. This machine shells a Half fiitfhel of Eun to the if i nuts ly Ordi nary uitnd rover. and can be used, also, by Horse, Steam or Wate Power by attaohing a Pulley on the Crnnk Shall For Durability, Cleanliness. Neatnesa Cbeapner ana rinpiuuy fn Shelling, this Maehino cannot b equalled by any other. STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE 01 REASONABLE TERMS. Gkktlkmkx : If you want your eorn Shelle clenn ; if you have occasion to shell green or dam oorn ; if yon want your corn and cob separated; you want a durable machine ; if you waut a chea shelter, buy the Complete, Doublc-Acting, Self-Sej arating Corn Shelter. REFERENCES : II. B. Massor. Dr. J. W. Peale Sunbur- Charles Haas, Miller, Hauiuel Le.-ig. Reading C. (I. Morgan A Co., Geo. Weiser. L. August Millers, hunburv. bol. Marti. Farmer. Henry Leiscnruig, Rear Gap. C. Albert, lleorgeto ....... u,u. u, mhi ,,,r ciit, iu luo rguuurr ROH It BACH A COOPER, sunbury, Fa. ouuuury, iiec. t, ISO 1. om TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC flMlK subscriber 20 years a practical Piano Fot L Manufacturer, of New York City, has perm nently looated in this soction, and would respectful solicit orders for TUNING, EEPAIBINO. AND EEG1 LATINO PIANO FORTES and MEL0DE0N3. The subscriber la also the manufnetarer's Act fur CHICKhRI.NG A SON S, 1IAZI.KTON BRO'S., l.INDEMAN A HON S.. WILLIAM It. nitADRi'RY'l, kda'ard dlwomfield'h, McDonald a co s, is.i- I'OKTI:. And Carhart A Needham's. and Psloubet's MELODEONB & HARMONIUM H. And L. V. Stuart's Pipo CHURCH ORGANS james McDonald Bloomsburg, Pa., April 29, 1804. 5 ssrsstst:KS(3sTSi2S.sB 9 (Late UERR'o HOTEL,) Corner Market and 2d Streets, HARRISRURG, P THE attention of the public is respectfully call lo this Hotel wbioh is now open for the accoinnind (ion of guests. In tbe post five month during wbi time it has been closed the bouse has been (horoug ly remodeled and repaired, until in point of corn el en;s and comfort, its patrons will find it to own sujierior. The I'esrnlt tsr l.'ullrely ."ev. Rooms larger than are usually found in modern hote Situated on the owner of two principal busini streets of the city, but (wo and a half squares from t Rail Road Depot. The proprietor determined spare" no expense in securing tne comfort ofhisgue: and a favorable reputation lor the establishment, feelt willing to trust its character to the judgme of his patrons. HENRY THOMAS, Proprietor. January 21, 1804. AMBE0TYPE AND EtMOGKAP: GALLERY. Over J. Dowen's Store, eorncr Market A Fawn St. 8UNBUR V". PA., SBYERLY', informs bit friends end the r.ul.l . generally, that he Is taking Portraits in t best ttyle and manner at bit Gallery tn the uU place. AMBROTYPES AND PHOTOGRAPHS, are takon in every ttyle ol the Art, (hat esnnot ' turpassod tn tho State. Having several year's ejtr rience, he will give satisfaction or no charge. Copies will be laken from all styles of Pictures. Give him a call. Remember, over Uowen stor Sunbury, June 17, 1804. BESrWHITirLEruT III? NT ZMl'l PUIIK LIBERTY LEAD, Vnoppressed tor Whitening. Pino Gloss, Durabili Firmness and Evenness of surface. PURE LIBERTY LEAD Warrants! to eov mots furfae fur taut weight than aay other Lead Try it and you see Aat-e no other t PURE LI BET V ZINC, Selected tine, grousd in Refined Linseed Oil, I equaled in quality, always ths same. PUSH LIBEHTY EINO, WarrauUd to de more aad better work .at a (l ost than any other Get the Btet! Manufactured at PENNSYLVANIA PAlT COLOR WORKS. Order executed promptly by 35XX30X.E1 SMITH. , meleeale Vrxg, Paint tV Btor A Offles.N 11T North THIRD 6w FUlUsiELPUIA. srch 4, IM--ly- (