Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 06, 1866, Image 3

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    tlVIW e l.iUi.t.t.GX.'i rill .
'f. B. MAB8BA. Editor Proprltor. ,
Tffl. "WltjVEBT. SJtailshaL J J-i r:x
SlJXltX'ltl', PA.' j
tTo Tnrtsr.1KTtrr. Our patron
ftllJiuow, that mi 1 Mponwa rc ..aowj.iwjbe
ns much at formerly. In our bualnnt ' we
.mttat pay tie cash, for aH. wg eonsuti.';.'
tliorefore ask the favor 'of our patritna lo-
Jtuit us .lie amount Apt tuotigh Tt foajt, jf
small. The large amount of smaH bills t
standing when brought' togeineri vriil be an
'Important item and greatly Wld'Aiif
business. .-: i: i ,.. ;
s-. M
- Cylf Jon desire a good DonlJ pasts Or vest mtd
. ap ia Uie latest style, sod owl ( the toast fulik)ristj
' foods at redced prteeS, sail tM f.'B: HmieV, nter-
olisnt tailor. Fswn t.', oprojtts yFeaycr.'i Hotel. . ;
IjPHounAT PnusSHl'S of every doncrlption cn
..r W V I.'nhth. In Flinunl'l hliil.l.
Ing. Market street, who hsi a iBTge variety. Bee
fcis advertisement In another eottimn. J '' ' ,' , t
CyJon PninTino.' Orders for iloodbills, Clreii
lari, Cards, and u'l other krads of job work can be
foriranled to this office, and wilt be returned to any
point In the county by mail, express tr' railroad.
Terms are reasonabl e. and jho work will be executed
in the latest stylo and best manner. "' 'I '
(j?The recent rhlns cnuied a eonMcrnblo freshet
in the river last week. The number of logs' that
osino down adrift, was greater than was tw known
at this sensvn ttThec.qVitls nidenraped from
the booms oboro Iock U7on,eaust bjr Ilia breaking
upof the ice. , , :,,..' .-
.. . , . .
CP The' Episcopal Chorch, Op this plnce which
has been recently rcmoillcd nnd repaired Insidhas
alio boen handsomely painted, aud a handsome ohan
delier now lights op the churoh. There new im.
provement; add much (o the comfort of the members,
as well as the appearance of the building. ,
. 15"" The snow that fell lost week newly 1) disap
peared. The slight fall of snow since mndrf but in-
dincrent sleighing. .-
.. CSTac carrier, of .the "American," is highly
eratified bv tho kind rememhrancui nf ill MhmH. itn
the delivery of his annual address, and tenders bis
grateful thank. '" , " ,' ,' , ,, ' '
tv The Borough Ordinanoe ednferrtng authority
on the Chief Burgots to arratg .an,d:exumine nlfen"
ders, and commit them if irupcr,f is a good movo. in
tbo right direction.. We trust it amy have it good
effect in restraining rowdyism, nii.chicf and intern
pcranc. -1 -'."! :.
Uf- Wo are indebted to Jlon. Uoorge F. Millor
for Congressional favors in the wny' of documents.
Mr. .M.'ller, we observe, Juy been elected ,l'resident
of tho Lowisburg a r.d fpruoe Ceek" Kail Hood, one
of the contemplated connections tint i to conrtitute
the extension of the Allsntia 4 Ureal Ti esttr Itnil
Itoad.' ' ' ' "
ty-Our friend, lldorge Gaul, not only feels friend
ly towards soldiord, but lso remembers tho printor?.,
Ue lias placed the publisher sudor obligaUoos fsr a
fine turkey as a J'ow Year's gift
May he live long
to enjoy this world's goods.
BesqrEHA.ixA Dental Association. The semi
nniinl luslitn nr thia fisvwMiitinn will bfl hold in this
place, on Wednesday next, Jonuary loth. ISM, to I
commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. All thoso interested
in the advancement of the profession mo cordially
'nvited to attend.
Zj& Tho Tribune Almsnac, publishod at the office
nf the New York Tribune, contains the usual amount
of valuable statistical information. 1
Kw Yeab's DA-.-The advent of this doy
tsnotcelenraterl asmaeBastormeriy. xnrew lors- ,
, ... e i . , .t.A 1. ...... U' a , i , ! j
, , ,. , .... .. T. i some valuablu uocuincnts. Artcr is a typo
still a great day for making and rccoivtng calls. In , di
this place there was some observance of this rule, and and fully uildirituildi tho wants ot the fra
sorae of our Northumberland fricnds.'takin; advan. j tcnity and never Ibrgets his frirnds. Mny
tago of tho sleighing, pad laying aside, for the time j
ocing. ayttropHotnt loursoi meir a7f'cnii5"uiirn. .
piid us a friendly visit, end wore well pleased with
the spiritual aud friendly greetings with which tbey
were received.
Among the incidents of the doy, was the parade of
the l'antnsticals, who, ltf the various guises of negrocsi
Indians, 4o., on horse.baek, vehiolear-and oo foot,
:uu;cl considerable sport. . . ' j-.
As Acueeablk btBrBiSE-Tbo Trosbyte.
'.criun congregation of this plaoe paid tholr pastor,
Rov. 8. W. Rr.iOA.tT, a very igteenhl. Visit on Frl
lay cvoning, Uie 22d Inst. . Mr. R Jiss recently gone
o housekeeping, and bad just taken possession of hid
house, in Fawn street, when it was besieged by hu 1
peoplo, who cam with bags of potatoes, sacks o.
lour, pneksges of ooffue, sugar, tea and other gro- !
icrics ; cans of fruit, baskets of oakes, strings of sau. '
nge, turkeys, chickens, Ac, to start him in house- j
ccping. One gentleman contributed a car load of
.08 1. Donations in money, amounted in all to forty,
lis dollars were also received All this was very
-lcasnnt aud creditable to the liberality of the con
gregation. After the donations bud been made, one
if Uie Indies, who were chiefly concerned in getting
ip the affair, read Uie following amusing verscs
.vhich were briefly, but suitably, responded to by the
Reverend gentleman." "' '"
We're a coming, dear pastor, with greenbacks, snd
su forth. i ,:
To show you the why-fore ' we sent for you here."
tVe were gruatly in need of a shephord to go f nib,
To lead the wild sheep, und the goats by the tar.
K farmer was asked what he'd give toward the
This farmer, in " raising." had always good luck,
aid ho, " 1 will pay in potuiotoes anil oaboage.
i always deal fairly, and give Unci bt 1,uiri."
We com with our truck, sir, of various patterns,
And beg you to notice what's hard lobe seen
rhe stamp of afftwilon, tliat marks every parcel,
To show wo don't tr utile to anything mean. ' -
Mr. Montelius, your good predeoeor,
line left bis arm chair, for Uie ue of you sire,
s.nd some other good soul, has made you possessor
Lit sUn coal sulbeieut to keep a gc-;d fire.
in the sausage, behold notes of admiration!
The eanued fruit, with love is mad sweeter, I
ween. -
iVe noed not commend to yoor fond Spprobatiou
Tomatoes, well leusonod with spioe of esteem.
There are tins from Uie tiruuan, and flour from the
miller, i . .
There is oil for the lumps of our blessed youz pciesil.
rhere Is truck from the grocers there's all things
but siller
And gold : they arose arc o here, in these bard times,
ut least, '
fhcre Is i.iiuo of the fruit which provoked the leui'p;
A fair, and as One, as in Paradise grew;
ly tho wsy, 'twas the apple that caused the relation
Kxiitiug between this id people aud you. .
Isy yok, with your fruits, eounleraot its sad evil,
jfy oduetantlj holdiof th cress to our vievj
Vhilo standing behind it, may all .its grout mercies
lie ever reflated, dear pastor, on you.
f5T A VAfcCAiLS Cass. The eak voted frat
he Ladies Festival for the benefit of the Uood latent
?ire Couipauy, last week, realised Ure handaoma
am of two hundred and forty-twe dollars. The an"
.erstandiuc ws, that the eke was to be given to
he Clergyman who received the largest number of
otes, at tea cent each. The vote took plaoe on
Wednesday evening and tea o'elock was axes! for the
irue of elcsiac the polls. As the soar approached
be tout est among the friends of the different Olergy'
aeo voted for became warm and exoiUng. The re
alt Droved as follows :
l.v r. C. Kramer, of the Reformed Church, 1(43
m h W Riirt. of the Presbyterian ". '61
f V .,
tl M Hhndaa. of the LuUieraO M . .
The eontert su eonflned prlaalpsJly among th
kree Clergymen first named. ,
1 BHitrefriVoi TRfc tkiod Isttofp fimi fcb.i-.
The Festival gotten bp by tbb ladies of this
place,'' for 'the benefit f: the lood' Intent
Fir Cim'paftyWaa cofJiuciV be
ilcei affording ijiuch 'amuentnf ani'gliig
general Batiafaotio to all oncerneA:Tlioi
ncl't jrcetlpts ,'pf ,tha f:tvot .amounted V
Seven HwadrM and Rfeti Dollhri. ';. ,
bne bf Iie most arousing,'. a'a, well as pw!
fltaWe'ftatorrt W tlie progrtritme;' wag the
ballot-box. Attbia station. ithe "right of
suffrage" win somewhat restricted. Ten
centi.Vrts"tBaI''irrt4ierty fjuiUftlciitiou' for a
tingle vott,flBil-ten nte or every -atldi-tioanl
Vote. 'Voters wer not restricted as
to the u timber a(, votes they wished to poll,
but were "J:sirel tot "yotq earlyjaod Tote
often," as theyjdid In "old Bctlts vthcH they
were charged with voting for Jackson, years
niter his dctjtb. -
AThe eiion,,' wtiicji (was.ttp tlccide who
wfesth "prettiest girl in Snnbury," exulted
a'grcat,ckUi bf Interest,' the'first and second
nights, chiefly between Miss "J. II." and
Miss "J. I.." who ench received nearly ,100
votes. On the feennd nigUt the contest
waxed wann,.. when Miss "C R." contested
the honors with Ali&a ,"J. II.'. w lien about
llOd votes were' polled. On ihb third night
tho "vote.ou beauty?, was partially .suspend
ed, on iu;couut petite yqto for tho priza bake
lor tiie cicrgyjneiv r wnicit. ,uj votes
were polled, rcalizujgtie hamtaome sum of
$212. -vn the fourth finc jns i)ight the
vote fur the "handsomest gal" was resumed.
The foHowingJs totnl tote for the four
... ..Miss "J, H f . ; , , ....1,133.
ii .i" Miss "0. V,.," ' i 000
..MiM'v:!,-;,'".,:";:;;-:' Mat.'; .
.Miss"L. C," i . , 204 "
.. Another amusing .. incident, - of tho last
night was the vote, ' donatiitg ft-Hitchclor's
Cb.Vitm'ag';rw.v',, made" out of ' a skeleton
"gytnpson" bush, on which dangled 'ginger
cakes of various patterns, Bologna sausages,
dofl babies, 'ca'ndies', fcc. .This tree was to
lie the prhd bf the fortunntd indi'vidiml Who
received the most votes ns the. "handsomest
looking bachelor iiiSunbury,", ,Aunig yie
candiihit'cs voted fox, were "Col. W.," "J.Y."
editor of the Gaictt,. and "N; Si K.' 'Our
neighbor of tho Gitccttc, we understand.
manifested considerable interest, fearing that
the Col. nriglt rurry olT the honored prir.e,
but which wus Iliully awarded t( our lortu
nutc coleinporaiy, though wiaju assert that
it was it tie vote between him'und "N. S. 1.'
Tliu indies wyiu exceedingly busy, 'election'
eering t'oc their ,1'uvoiitu ca)dulales, , utid
w hen the result was announced the cheering
wus long and loud. 1: i ,i; t
j-;,---.. ' ,"' .
t5 L'oNATio.i Visit. The Pastor of Xli Trotci.
, taut I-iuscoiiul Church of (hit plaoo, Jtv. L. W.
Uibson, n UiUou by urpieen Suturday evcnltift
the SUIh ulll, by a goodly number ofMiU frieiids and
members of his church, who besieged his residence,
with Inukols, packages, 4c, coutmiuing. flour, but.
ter, poultry; meat. sugar, tea, coffee, spices. carpotingl
dress gcHiit, chithiug, and a variety of household
biues envelopes eonUiining,-.ln nil. 50 in
i monev. tuo aonations were nncrsi. arnrnrittte.
nnd in , excellent taste.' To' the recipients it was an
unexpected bat most agreeable surprise The be-
eitftiug patty, rtr ffsminttig sn sour or two ana
partaking of some refreshments, tcft highly gratified,
affording another illustration of the Scriptural maxim,
" blessed are. those that givaas irel as Uiose that
cjy-We ere tinder obligation to our friend
A. A. Shisslcr Esq., of Washington city for
1 ' o J
i,j3 sl,a(aw never grow less
Cdjr1", rtiasKNTATioN. On Kew-Ycar'a
evening, llcv. -8. W. Iteigurt, the pastor of
tbo Presbyterian church, was wailed upon
by a delegation of young ladies of his con
gregntion, ainl presented witli a lurge cake
very beautifully a"d tastefully iced. Mr, II
I).' Wharton, on behalf of the fair donors
'made the presentation, in a few felicitous
remarks. Mr. It. has been hiirhlv favored
in bciiig made the recipient of so many to
"kens of affection and regard ' from his par
t Tho trial of K. Ii. Rhodes for the alleged
murder of Mrs. Chamberlain, commenood on Tues
day lost. Tho court consumed most of the first day
in empannellinga jury. Tho trial is still in progress
as we go to press. ,
l3rA meeting of the Good Intent Fire Campany
will be held In Uie Council Room on Mundny eve
ning at CJ o'clock. All the members are requested
to be present. Those who wish to connect themselves
with the company are Invited to attend.
?!Shjs a Woman, in another column
picking Sam burg grapes for Spcer's Wine.
It in an admirable article, usod in the hospi
tals and by the Grst class families in Paris,
London and New York, in preference to old
Port Wino. It i worth a trial, as it gives
great satisfaction. For salo by W. A. Ben
nett, i i ..
A Cabd By a resolution of the members of the
Wood Intent Fire Company, their thanks are respeot
folly tendered to the public for tbeir liberal patronage
to the Ladies Festival, held for their "beocCt. To the
ladies, especial thanks are due for their energy and
teal in getting up the Festival, and untiring exertions
in carrying ont their aim, in making so handsome a
donation to the company. The names of those who
participated, are' directed to be recorded in the Re.
eord Book of the company, and will always be held
in the highest esteem by every member. '
The thanks of the company are also extended t0
Mr. S. Faust and family, fur the use of a store room
during the festival, so kindly offered. ,
E. TYILVERT, President.
J. C. Welkkb, Secretary. . , ,:. .. .
Bs it. Exacted by the Burseas and Common
Couneilmen of the ISorough of Bunbury, and it is
hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That
if aay person or persons, within the limits of the
borouirh, aforesaid, become intoxicated and disor
derly, disturbing the peace, by riotous or other oon-
duot, the Chief Hurgeae or toe said borough be ana
is hereby authorised, at hut own view, or intormstioa
being made before him, to iteue a warrant to oause
the arrest of such person or persons so offending
agsmst this ordinance, and have the same brought
before him, and upoa.oonviotioq.of any such offence,
shall forfait and pay suon Sne as may be imposed by
the Chief Burgees ef said borough, not exoeeding
twenty dollars, for the use of said borough, and any
person or persons negleeting or refusing to pay
the same, with oqsui , of suit, the i Chief Burgess
is hereby authorised to eoasiait such persea or per
sons ta the oounty jail for each offence, for any period
pot eased ing sixty days."
Approved, December 1 1, A. D .1WI5.
' ,' , , ti. B fiOYER,
. v.." . . Chief Burgas.'
' A" Kswaadlne lot f pERrcitXS, ,.fcr ta
il. Holidays, at LIOHTJfER'8.
ScrofUla, or king's Evil,
is a constitutional disease, a corruption of tha :
blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated,
weak, and poor. Being in the cirrulntion, it
pervades tho whole boily, and may burst out
in disease on any part of it. No organ is free '
from its attacks, nor is there one which it mny
not destroys The serofiiiosm taint is variously '
causes -ny mreirtip bihwy W tiSiHg, ctis- i
ordered or unhealthy fiod, impure nir, filth
and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and,
above all, by tho venereal infection. What- ;
ever bo its origin, it is hereditary in the con-
stitution, dcsrcmling " from parents to children ;
unto the third and fourth generation j " indeed,
it seems to be the roil of llim who snys, "I '
wH- visit! the' -inwmita- of tlic fikbers upon
thtfr tltflilren."1 k '' 1 J
Its effects commence by deposition from tho
blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in
the liniR-', liver, nnd internal orpnns, is termed
tubercles; in tho ulnmli, awellings; nnd on ,
the surfaee, eruptions or sores. This foul cor ;
ruption, which Renders in the hlootl, depresses
the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitu '
tions not only Miller from scrofulous com- j
plaints, but they have far less power to with
stand tho attacks of other diseases) consc ,
quently vast numbers perish by disorders
which, n1tho'.:i;h not scrofulous in their nntiire,
arc still rendered fatal by this taint in tho
system. Most of the consumption which de
cimntes the human family has Its origin directly
in this scrofulous contamination 1 tmil ninny
destructive diseases of tho liver, kidneys, hrnin,
and, indeed, of nil tho organs, nriso fi'om or
arc aggravated by Ihe sonu: cause.
One quarter of nit our people ero scrofulous '
their peTsoiia'nroviiiVfided .by tli lurking in
fecial, r(d their JwalUi .IsAdiJiniMod by it.
Trjcleans it li-om tlwrftJ'Stpm we must renovnto
tint' blood bv an alterative tneitlciue. jid in.
rigorate it '. by ItunltTijf .food.' tad ""xercise.
JSUeh a mcdiciiic we aupply in
Compound Kxlfact d Sar,dri!!a,
tlve rrioit crTcettml rettiedy wbieb the mvdlcril
skil of our titrres cmi: -devise fit tlfis' cwtj"
whore pfWnillil!affd fittfd ihahuly. -It f-efmii-bined
from the most, activu rcmedialstliat tiaVe
been discovered furtive expurgation of this foul
disordct'fr'tfni jHahlo'hU aipttlip rcf cue of tbo
ss-st'XHs i from . it duhttutlUc cpnfe'iucnces.
Ilrhrvlf' should' lie Si)kid fhW.nire of
not oidv Scrofula, but also tlioso other nlfcc-
'ions' Wlitehaiio. it, ijuji iw Ja,er tiTH
.and' Kkis 1isB.ii:'s,k'St.' K&iunnr 'Piufe,
Tto.sftivor''iiis'ivi-S:"?.r'Jriii't.'rs fi-sTtrr.v.K.
Hi orciirs. tli.AtMs'nfftl if,iii.s',:TevonS:, TrtTru
noil Vl-T KiM-rs:, nr.o, -icikowoiim,
Kdc'rM iUij H'liVi friC iiiid MrrKVfiiXt. )is
kasks1' DifoV'sv; f iVst-rrM . Ive-M'ili'rvv- iritel,
iJpdced.I.l, CciMrlAfSI's AlilslMl 1 UOM VITIA
i-riSii-iuJl'Mftili JWjiuu. ,-'i'li'3lioMda3llirif
in f nfumfiii ofhn Umid", ivfmuilcd iiilrutli,
foVsVtrWrili'is'allreneriiik.iijl' tlWoSd. Tho
tirtrttadnt -tjiii nos wid: vti lite.of tlus SarsaiiS-
Tilla is to imulvmid ri gcHeraie tliis jyilnUluiJ,
'wkhoiit wlui;!t Moniil health is impossible in
-eorvticminatcu lunstitutiout'j : . i i,-,r .j,
.r..-.-V "u i . f'f..i.T - V, y.,r .....t
" ' " '" oii;'Vun srhr.ov' t'tfitt hi " :,: "
Tutrrinltli lt
Itrmttteiit1 I
Fever, or fVcver nnd Airrtea
I ever, D'evrrS - Dtmib
iA , ila;4fisl li,jHrlic, urh II tl
-iimnttritv.'iiRU tiitwiM i-rrs,"tittte(i
for the WHvltirtnm 4t-itlfvwe(veirlliint
Ilia; lii ll!ln'r)ilt-rr-.iip;' iii-ttt,'c-aiietl tiy
tile Malm-la of Jinnsutndc CoitiitrieM,
v"e nre nntiVi'tl here to rHTrr the-r)immiiiity a
remedy wliicli.mkile it e-irts tlia above complaints
wilU ccuainti, i Kiill-jirifei-tlr I s:mUs.aji any
ijiiadlity. -flic'if K tcnurtv fs fnt.-rliitd'.lp In dlstvte'ts
here --drrseISt1H1-tinp; ilikiinlMs vscvail.' .TWs
-"Otian" xpl tiie inii.Niimiic rmison of Fiivait
ikhu Aot'S from the fteii srd prtxtciils tho tie
veloprnenf uf Uio ilin!, if l;.kca oa the first np
proatliof iiHpreiiiinitorya".nptums It is not only
the best remedy eter vet iliscovfiid fur litis, chits
Of compMilts, lint t.l.ii the cl-rnpest.' The'brpe
qusntitv-tp supply for a f!'i!l!r1.rinrsit wfthinifie
reueh of evrtT IhhIv ! and in bilious districts, where
f Fkvbu.. AMU Ani'H AMtvaUa, cverv boulv kliuuld
ItMl It WilU W T rp,fy. utIM lul , K4 frolM
tion- A ttrent sunrduriltt of this rcmedr over anv
' ether fvcf diaeuttriroVfut llio upcedy ami cerrtiin
5 dire of Inicrmiuents is that it cootoii sno Uoiniiie
i-UX Biurtalcpiisciiieiit(r it p rodaces no quinism or
oilier liijoriu,ujs eoct in niuiv)i r niiou uio i-oiimiui
tion. lhostj cnreil ov It r
r left as heal thy ns if
they nan never Itnci tiie oifcaiir. t
- c ever and Ague Is not alone the Cfmseqrienre of
tlus Biiasiuatie poi,a. . A k' eat variety of iliwir
lcr? nriaa fioi) iin iuilaioin, oiiiou)t-liicli are
, iVsaj '''', Ulianmttism, Clint, co'ww, Jiliiul
vess, 'fiwtfiacir, HttracJir; 'Catarrh, jtslhtiia, Vitl
pitatimt, Vninfitl Aff'rrtion of the Spleen, llyitrr
id. Pain in fh Hntnrli, t'vlir, I'nntysit mid lie'
rnnrjnnevit nf ih Slomui all nf which, when
Originating iu Jliis caese, put uu the intermittent
iypt or. become peviodioid. This " C'i.'ki: " expels
the poiann from the bloat!, end conteqiienlly rurrs
tbcm nil alike. , It is an jnv.ilinb!e protection to
immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily
'residing In the nialavrous dUtrlcr. If taken oeeh
sionallv r -daily while expnwV to the Infection,
that will be excietctl fmm the Rytitcm, and rannot
' jwoumulate in -wrfiusent quuntlty to ripci) into dis--case.
Hence it is even nun o valuabio for protcc
tion than cure, aud few will ever stifW from Inter-
' rnittcnts'if they avail themselves of the protection
this remedy affords.-' ' '" "
Prepared hy Dr.J, C, At3 &. CO., Lowell, Mass.
u F RILING A SON, Sunbury, Va.
R. B. McCny, Nnrthumberlsnd. and all llruscgits
and dealers everywhere. - .At wiwlcsalo by.J. M.
JKIKHIS4 CO.. Philadelphia.
December 23. THIS. Ty
Two doors wrsl of tho Post Office, St'NBURV, Pa.,
RESPECTFLI.LY inrorius the oitiicna of hurt
bury and vicinity, that ha mill bake to order
all kinds of '
1'akrsfar ISuIIm, 9nrtoM, .
Families ore supplied with riltMl jiltbAii, rwlsi
Rolls, Rusks, Tea Runs, ic, aud also kept-on hand
manafaetured out of tho best mnterials. ' .
Alt orders will meet with prompt attention.
flaring hail largo experience I hope to give
general satisfaction to all who may favor me with
their patronage. DAVID FRY.
Suuuury, Deo. 9, 1905.
Que door East of Filling's Store, Market Square,
RESPKCTFt'LLY tnforms the eltUenaof Sunbdry
and vicinity, that having sal'oly. returned from
uie army, wi1 ait' resume uib oumiiwv. uuu uianu
facture. to order.-lkls ami CUoea, of all kinds, ot
the best material, and at4he lowest rates lor cash.
lie hopes to receive a full shore of patronage.
Sunbury, Dee. 14, lsriS.. - t
-, 1 y-1' " r
s . Hcoslju; . ltuiltMaI. . .'
'. Kov a7th4160q. ,. j ,
GRSAT TRUNK IJNE front the Vorth and
Itortu-West for PhUadtphi, Mew York, Read
ing, l'ottsville, Labanoa, Allentown, Boston, Ao.
Trains leave Iarrisburg for -New-York, as fol
lows: 3.00, 7 2o and 1(5 A. M and 1.45 and 1) 00
P. M , arriving at New York at 5.1(1 and 10 00 A. M.
and 3.40 and lu.a5 P. M , connecting with aiuiilnr
Trains on the Pennsylvania Ruilroad ; Sleeping Cars
accompanying llio 3.00 and 0.05 A. M. Trains, with
out chanf;0.
Leave for Reading. Puttsvillo, Tamaqua, Miners
ville, Ashland, Pine drove, Allentown and Philadel
phia at 7.35 A. M. audi. 45 and V.00 P. M., stopping
at Lebanon and principal stations ; the 0 00 p m.
Train making no close connections for Pottsvillo,
nor Philadelphia. For Pottsville, Schuylkill ilaven
and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehunua Rail
road, leave llarrisburg at 4 00 p. in.
Returning: Leave New York at K.00 a.m., 12:00
Noon at 8.00 p. m.; Philadelphia at 8.00 a. m. aud
3.30 p. m. ' Pottsvillo al 8.30 a.m. and 2 45 p m.;
Asmana o va ana u u a. ui. ami i.ia p. m., sama
qua al 7.35 a m. aud I 40 p. m.
.'. j,,. a ,. t c, ii.:,, j
Leave roiisviue fr Lnnot( ukc?uuuj lain anu
Susquehanna Railroad at t 45 a. in.
Reading Aecommodation Train lei
ma; Aecommodation train leaves Heading at
80 A. M. returning from Philadelphia at 4.30
Columbia Railroad Trains loave P.eading at 8.10
A. M. aud A. la P. M. for Ephrata, Litis, Lancaster
Columbia, Ao.
On Sundays : Leave New York at 8 P.M., Phila
delphia 3.14 P M. Pottsvillo 8.00 A. M., Tamaqua 8
A Al. Horrisuurg T-uj a m ana Heading at t A- At
fur. ItsLrriabtirs:, and 10 42 a. as. for New York. .
Commutation, Mileage, Season, and Excursion
Tickets, at reduced rates to and from all points.
Baggage eheoked through : 80 Pounds Baggage al
lowed each Paaseuger.
General Superintendent'
Pe..( 1843.
s-i '.i j,.JtJ. (- Wo
I u aa . . ." ' t
DR..' H. BCHENCK, -'i 1 " ' '; u'.'
fiRA 8m: T feel It a duty I ewe b you, and, to
Who are wulferlhg otirlcr the diseeee known as
OiitisirmeStnand Liver Comnlalnt, to It them Vnliw
what great brhnflM I have received fnm your Pul
monic Brrwpwna rienweea, Tonio in sotaort a tlmt.
By the 6teing of Und it has eared me htrs far,
'Dr.-PerrWick, I will now make my itatement to
you, as roltnwa :"-AVut eighteen monta ago I was
aHaof-ed with a severe eongn, and ft soiled on nvy
tnngs 1 I could notretaia anything I a, and snf
fred with evening ftvers and nicht swe.ts. I -was
'TrV Binoh reduced. ' The whites of niyes were f
very yellow; UKewiso my ssint my appnui an gone,
and unAble to digest what I did eatj bowtaawnllen,
irregular and costive. I was very low rprlted, and
6d nh violent spells of Icmithlng whin I laiil
down at night and when I arose Ta the mooing that
they would last one or two hours, ' V '
Tthen would he nearly cshsuslet, and ww entlre
lnriable to lie on my left sido. ' I-asnnottlesoribo
mv wretched snfferinir as I would wish todoV Every
r)rgn la my body w diseased or dorangeii ftich
was my situaTitm at rnis lime, ana l wim, ooiwea w
rnv bed from the lust of Februsn:. &l. notable to
sltrirV. I had the best 'of -Hiialos attenitane Jl.-J
hot of the time. ' Tfcfy eough was so very bad1 that
It racked me VoVy much. I at this time raised a
large quantity of thiok, yellow, offensiv matter,
snmtlntee with blood, and it was generally accompa
nied tynsoscft and a furred and thick coated tongue.
At the time of eonghing sti badly I would have
sharp, shooting rfafns in my loft fide and heart, hight
swcntSjSnd mrnessall through my whole chestj had
much inward fever, pain In my back and nndet my
shoulder blades and in the small of my back, anil
St times so severe that it would throw mo into
spssrrrs Now my physician gave me up to die.
Others' T had, and the test of them, but they ciuld
do nothing forme, and at that time I was nothing
bat skrn nnd bnncs. I then was In tho western pari
nf Missouri. In Jnno last we left there for the Kat,
and in Angust Inst we eamo to New York; and I was
so reduced that I could only wslk a little with my
husband's help. After I had been here a short time
the salt wator breoso made me fool mnch hotter for a
time and then I had again to call a physirian far aid .
We had four of the boat physicians of Kow York
on tho diseases nf the lungr, nnd doctors of all kinds,
but nf no avail. They snid t was past euro, and that
my lungs were ton far gouo for any one to cure me.
siumc ups wno 1 waa on iny ira sooai me nousc,
not ablo to do much of anything." In November
last I grew ' worse, snd the consumption diarrhea
set In and lasted nlmut eight weeks. We had tried
all and everything that I could grasp at like a dying
person for my disoascs consumption and liver com
plaint but of no avail. ' r ;
..In January, 1K63. 1 was brought down agiinnn
my bod, and was nut expected to live the night out.
My husband stayed al my sido, and other friends,
and they all give mo op io die. At this time every
onowhusaw madid not think I woe Id leave my
bed a living woman. Tho Drat night I was attacked
with epiisuis. and was deranged most of the time.
A friend, Mrs. Harris, came to see me the last of toe
week.' nncl brought the Sunday Mercnry. In it
was an account of a great euro performed by Dr.
Schcnck. Mio read it to mo, and it was so much
like iny own disease Unit I nkod my busbitnd to go
and seojhiiu for 'mo. At this time I htul given up
all hopes' of cvor getting well again, and made my
pence with uod, to uo rcauy wncn iiu caiicu lor
mo. y ' ' " ,
'; Oh the 5?th of Jnntiftry, 1S0.1, rny husband called
On Dr. Schcnck, 32 Doail street. Now York, and
stated to him my enso, with a request lor him to call
and sen me, which he did. and examined mo with
tho rajpirometor. Whon he was about to go I asked
him if he onnld cure mo ? His reply was: "1 enn
not tell, both lung-" are diseasod. ami the bronchial
tubes uro affected on b-jth (ides. ' And yet he
seemed to think there Vf ero lungs enough left to ef
fect, n cure- if tho dinrrhoa ami Id be stopped, lie
said in order to do this, he would have to givo Man
drake Pills in small doses at first, to carry off the
mm bid matter, and then, with astringents, ho hoped
to chock it, which he did, hut the constant coughing,
night sweats, nnd diarrhea had prostrated me so thut
ho wus afraid my vijal powers were loo much pros
trated ever to riilly. and yot ho seemod to think if I
could live to get enough Pulmonic Syrup through
my system to cause expectoration, there were lun(,-s
enough left lor me to reeovw. ' Ho winded roe to try
tho Pulmonio Syrup nnd ijoaweed Tonio at onco,
saying it would do nte no harm, if it did mono good.
The fir?t week it seemed to give me strength, so
that on Sunday after I sat up in bed and ate hearty
for a sick woman; but the next week 1 lost nil hope
und wished my husb ind not to give mo any more
medicine. Rut tho doctor bad named him of this,
and when the mcdiwino was clearing out the system
it landc thein fuel somewhat restless, nnd to perso
verc; nnd ho insisted on my tukingii; and t new
feel tho benefit of it. For after eight days I begnn
tn giiin strength, nnd, with tho exception of a cold
that put me bnck some, I have been gaining strength
o body, mv eough is going away, and all uy pains
regnlar, and my breath is sweet, and o J
that 1 am now goin -,'about, and sew and road ns well
as I ever could. 1 1'iave taken eixteon bottles of the
htodiclno, eight nf each. I now have a good appo
tito and rent well at night; my cough does not
trouble mo in gotting up or lying down. I would
horo say to tho atllicted with consumption or liver
eomplnint, that Dr Schcnck is no humbug. You
can rely on what ho snys- Delay not; it is danger
ous to trillo with these diseases. If you would be
eurcd, go utoncc, nnd uny one niOiing to know the
facts as herein stated ena call at my residence, 117
West Houston street, New York citv.
We, the undersigned, residents of New York, are
acquainted with Mrs. Farlow, and know her state
ment to be true. We nlso know that sho used Dr
Scbeuck s Pulinouio Syrup and Sciwced Tonic, nnd
havo reason to bcl.vvo that to this mcdicino she
owes her preservation from a premature grave.
S. FARLOW, Ii7 Woit Houston St.
EL'GEXK UNDKKIULL. 7 Oreenwlch st.
Mrs. EL'tiLXl". L NKKKHILI,, C70 Urcciiwich St..
. Al'dUSTA L'NDERHILL, 070 Greenwich st.
' A.F. HARRIS. 117 Wt Iloiist. n ft.
EMILY i LOVER. 117 West Houston st.
J L. COLE. 3.1 Cottage place
M A. LEUillTON, 4:l llroaiway.
Mrs. BENJAMIN CLAPP. HI Amity place.
1 mn well acquainted with Mis' Mury Farlow,
and with ber husband, Mr. It. farlow, tbey having
for a few months past, attendee at iny church, nnd
1 nuiiconvineod tLaluny statement which they might
uuike might bv relied ou us true
Tastor of Bedford St. Baptst Church, N. Y.
Do. Schcnck will be prufcssioiidly at his principle
oftico No. 15 iYorth Sixth street, corner ot'Coiumuruo,
Pliilmlelphia, every Suturday, from il A.M. until
4 P. M., No. 321iond street. New York, every Tues
day, from V to 3; No 34 .Sunnier street, Boston,
Muni.. Scvery Wednesday, from 9 to 3. and every
other Fridnv at lt3 llaltimore streit, lialtiaioru, Md.
All advice true, but for a thorough examination nf
the lungs with the Respiromutcr, niu charge is three
Price of the Pulmonic Pyrup aid Seaweed Tonio,
each $1 HI per bottlu. or $7 50 per aalf dotem Man
drake Pills. 25 cents per box.
For tale by ail Drugisrs aud Dialers.
December 2, ltstfa I y.
fijilcndi'l Variety of
I'holoi'iiitliM, Watt-lies, Jcvtt-ii-y,
At 69 Nassau Stkest.
We now offer a splendid variet of the choicest
ml kout Mnul. nn lArmi lh,il liiml. anH will HUlh
everybody; and if our doalinjjs Ire not fair and
noncst, au uot patrouite us ; nn'i u air gooiB itru nov
as represented, return them and wewill refund the
twenty thousand articles of gnodi are for sale at
two dollars ouch consisting of
Uold Vnt'liM, Nilver 1'atclicM,
And. a great variety of fancy goors and jowelry.
Itieae goods are numbered from one o twenty thou
sand, and twenty thousand notices are numberod
from one to tweuly thousand, aud pu'iutu sealed en
veloMS and thorouehly mixed, eadt number cor
responding with emus artlule of goois. Any person
sending Itnriy eeius lor an on coiocu pnoiogrupn,
will receive two of these notices win each photo
graph; making, where an agent suds, five photo
graphs and teu notices for one dollar the extra pho-
togrupa auu iwo nouooa iiee io ue aguui. iua
ariiole of goods oorreirpoading with the number on
the notieo, ns matter what Its value,will be sent on
the receipt of two dollars. If tbo roods when re
ceived do not give satisfaction, re'un thein and we
wilt refund the money.
Send thirty cents for aa oil eoloixt pbotogregh,
religious, comic or fancy, and two nuioee.
Uive us one trial and we know you will send
Address all orders
Box 4103
' Kew York. ,
Kovooibcr 25, 1SB5. lm
TWELVE (12) valuable building Us in Sunbury,
oa Blackberry street, oontainiug ut) (60) feet In
front, in said street, and two hunred and thirty
i 2.10) foot io depth. All necessary nformation can
ia had by calling oa tbe. euhaeribei at bis office on
Blackberry street, nearly opposite he reeideuoe of
Judge Jordan. X arms of purchase, issv
LLOYD T. iOURBACH. -Banbury,
Deaember 2, 1B66.
BREAKFAST SHAWLS, for aalt at tho Fancy
Store cf " ANN4 PAINTER.
. " L i
Klnrhrt aatirtft, NtnDtnY, Pa.
leave to
AVINtf recently wurobased the
Drna .Stor
rormeriy eonnnoted I
b R A Fisher". I bee
inform the eitlsenl of Snnburv and VI-
oionji uih ut mureiy repienisnea my atoes
Of .. I ; ". '
. '. mm. tbcj na- ; .
.: . al... r I . .. . .
such as Combs, Brushes, Pncket-Books, Soaps, Pelt
fumery, Hair-Oil, Knives, &'oiasorst-Coal-Oil Lamp,
Tobacoo and Cigars, , . .. , . ,
niiifK, Oil),; 4i3lne, UlnsiM, Pisty
VrtrnlNlie; 1'aK-nt .MeiHclnca, &?.
All my Tipolurea, Syrups, Ointments. Cerates-, and
other preparations bio manufactured by myself) and
from the best material I onn prooure In Market.
Having had quite a number of years' experience In
'Tffr nd Preemption Buinetn,
both In Philnd'rVhla and the country, and also the
advantage of the' Cl.'ge pf Pharmacy. I reel eom
that the Physicians and puoVi "ay favor me with.
All my preparations as I have"0" asserted, are
made from the best material, and "I0" Bone I
assert, they are brofflolnal strength. " .
For aiediainal purposes, I keep on band ffija7
best . ,
flint I inn procure. ' ! i '
" Before purchasing elsewhere, call and oonvloee
yourown mind.
... W. A. BENNETT.
Sunbury, Nov 18, 1Sn5.
Pianos I Pianos 1 1
MY PIANO FORTES, which have boon awarded
numerous high '
for years past In this Country and Europe, for their
decided superiority, are still manul'aotured in this
City, where their exoellenao has been long aoknow
lcrlgsd and nniversnlly admired. In delicacy and
sweetness of tone with purity and power, they are
unniualfbd Snd fully warranted, on tho most reason
able terms. ! ' ,
NoV. It, 1805. 3m
HO ! 'FOR TBIi: 1IOI.1U AVi !
, . PrcNcntsi for the llollduj w!
I woald respeotfully call the attention of the citl
sens of SLNUL'RY and vicinity to my Stock of
coisrazsTiisTO of
Books. ' Port Folios, '
Writing Piks, Photograph Albums,
... - Uold Pons, Photograph Frames,
Ladies Compamdns, 1'idtHrd rrames,
Picture Hooks. Transparent Flutes, Alphohot Blocks,
i' Diasootiug Pictures, 4c, io., Ac, k'a.
A FincSclcction of Choice lOl'S, Amcriann aud
Harper's, Uodey'a. Atlnatie and Electie Monthly
. Megasines. Harpor's Wickly, Frank Leslie,
New York Leger, Ao., at my Counter.
Of these 1 havo a largo stock Cheaper than can
be obtained elsewhere.
Call asd Examine
K. F. LDlHf NEltv
Market Square. Sunbury, Pit.
N JJ ,W : G 11.0 0 E R.Y.
THE subscribers bege leave to nanounco to tho
citizens of Sunbury and its vicinity, that they
buvo opened a
Tico doors west of J. II. Ewjlc't Store, in
Marlit Square,
where they lire prepared to furnish every variety of
irroi-i'plpa t!l lrtlj lf..n .nnliintllv nn hnnrl tho
cnoiccsi varieties of
Fb-h, Collcc, Teas, Sugar, Molasses, Cheesa, Salt,
Spices of all discription, Noaps of every variety,
Candles, fcmoking und Chewing tobacco, ,S'egars,
nnms. .Vhnuldcru, lineon, Butler, and Eggs. Also
Dried fruits of all kinds, Caned Peaches and Toma
toes. Pickets, Ketchup, Pepper JSauco, Raisins.
Lemons, Ac, of best quality, and in fact every stylo
of articles kept in a well stocked Grocery. Also
Cider Vinegar. All kinds of eountry produce taken
in exchange. The patronage of the publio is re
spectfully solioited.
Sunbury, Nov. 11, lSGj.
The undersigned would respeotfully inform the
aiticeus of .ui.bury. aud piiMie generally, that he
has opened a uew .MA It II LE YARD, opposite tho
Court House, where AMERICAN and ITALIAN
marble is constantly kept on hand.
All ordersfor Monuments and ilead-stones prompt
ly tilled at reduced rules.
Sunbury. Oct. 7, ISOi. If
(5t;crr.Mrssor to John litneen,)
Corner of M irkct and Fawn 5trcct,
Invites tho publio to call and examine his elegant
amort uicut of
nhifhhowill fell nt greatl rctuocd prices. His
stock ounttiits In pjrt of
Silks. Delaines. Lawns, Oinghams, Calicoes, Muslins,
Shooting. Tickings, Jeans, aud a full assortment of
Cotton oud Woolen gomls generally..
Hosiery, O loves, Uoop Skirts.
Abo Handkerchiefs,
llrusnes, uombs.
Unit anil Cnps, Itoota and fwhorts.
His assortment of goods will not, he is are sure,
fail to please the fancy nnd suit tbe wants of any de
sirous uf purchasing. 1 Hi stock of
and Groceries Is large in quantity nnd choice in
i T1'
quality, comprising generally everytning noeaea in
the household either for use or ornament.
Ho is always ready and glad to see his friends
and takes pleasure in showing them his goods even
though no sales are made. lie only asks a call, and
is sure that tho slock will compare favorably iu
prico and quality with the cheapest.
M lltUiri' N4tr,ICi:; KPlll KV.
1HE subscriber respeellully informs tbe oltisen of
eunnury nnd vicinity thai no has just npenou
in thehuildineof t'harlet I'luasams, Market Snunrr.
an entire new and well releeted stock of UOeiKS,
Stationery and a great variety of other articlos, eon
siating, iu part, as follows :
Games of all kinds and descriptions, Fine Toilet Soaps
Brushos, Perfumes, Ladies' fc'atchels, Neuossarle.
A tine asanrtment of tNt'tnro -'rnisit'M, Pho.
togruph Albums, Photograph Frames, Ovul, Ao.
MEERSCHAUM. Rriar, Rosewood aud India Rub.
ber Pipes. Patent Pipe Stems, Cigars. Solace. Ccn-
uiry, Bunnyaiile and I'lantntinn, Mne Cut, Klllikin
uick and Big kick Smoking Tobacco.
TOY BOOKS, TransnnrentSlates, Violins and tritn
miug for Violins, Uold Pens, Silver Holders, Pocket
Ikks, rocket Knives. Ao.
He has also a large and complete assortment of
Coul Oil I-uiupa and I'lxlngs,
and also many other things too numerous to mention
He is also Agent for Pratt s Ureal Pietures, the
Deolaratiua ef f adepeudeaca, and Kiuancipatioa
Proclamation. , Please sail and examine before pur
chasing elsewhere .
Sunbury, Nov. 11, 18fl5. ' - '
A 'Kew supply of Msssss's Fivs MisrvB Fsaa-
. SBBS,eeeivea invm new xora
. for aale by
anbury. May 21, A.
. B. KftdSER.
MINOR'S Patent Pooket Lanterns for sale at the
ESPECtnitLY roforrasher ' (Heads In Sunbury
and vicinity, that she has just opened her
, , ol Nottohi arid Fancy tlry tt)rls, . f .
ifarket Strtet, fbBr ot,r-et f WmMl. Miller's
Boot and Sho store; BUNBURY, Pa.
Her stock consists of Trimmings, antims, embmi.
deries, Ladioa and Cbildrens' Hats, Uk and other
linings, Honp-skirte. Caape and lso .Veils, Nets,
Vj loves, stockings, collars, and corsets, o.
. Twilights, Breakfast Cosies, Riding Hoods. Bal
moral - Skirts. Children's - Woolen Usitars, Ladies
nd.Chililrea'tJrlote, tieata' halMIosa..: ,
Bradley's aew Patent Daplsx Ellipw (or double
Spring SKIRTS,
dehrs Handkerchiefs, Cravats, Neckties. Suspen
ders; Ribbons, of all kinds, Feathers, Velvet, and
many other articles too numerous to mention.
Perfumery, Toilet Sosps. Hair Mruhcs, Combs,
To.n. and a renaral varietvof NOTIONS. .
O AUFFEKI. ti dung handsomely a:id at short
nonce. . . . .
' ' KATE tLACk.
Silhbury. Oct. 23. 18M.
, Glorious News !
G It 13 A T EXClTEfeNT!
In Zotlemoyar's Bnlldlnif. opposite Uvarhsrl's Coh
feetiflnwy Store, Mnrkit street, SUNBt'RY, Ta.,
'. . ',s" SUCH A3 '
scrijitions,':',' ' -' - J- '",
Calicoes, Dress Oood Sih'j. ,ink.",,
nnd agenernl assortment ot Lnil" ,".",. kl,.
Muslins at lower rates than an,"!"" ehccl
ing, Tiokings, 4o. , . .,. , v.
II ATS and CA PS of every desCrip..
A large assortment lit .
Consisting of Hosiery, MIovcs. Thread,- -Buttons,
Suspenders, Neckties, Collnrs. Handkerchiefs, Hnir
Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Fancy Head lircssee, Bal'
moral Skirts. Honp-Skirts, Cnrpet-bags. Trunks. Va
lisos, Umbrellas, Cotton-Ynrn, Soaps, and numerous
other artieliS too tedious to tnentiou, , , J '
such as nails, hinges and screws, door latches and
knobs, and CUTLERY ut'overy dosoription.
Dyes, Drugs, Paints, Varnishes, Oils, Glass,
' . . ' . . ' . ,. , Putty, ic, &c.
(ucenstrnrn ' niul UnnkM nte of
I'Tery l-i-rit ion.
An extensive Stock of ,
Composed of Sugar, Coffee, Tens. Rice, Corn-starch,
Moliuses. Candles, Meat, Fish, Cheese. Salt, Tobacco,
and Scgnrs.
for men, women and children, at lower prices than
they can be had elscwhero
All kinds of Country Produoo taken tnxchsngo
for Goods. ' ...
Sunhuryct. 2a,lRoi.; A i '
ruxis runs' purs.
Have now open their largo and splchdld stock of
Also the finest assortment of Fanoy Fur Robes,
Raps, Mufflers, and O loves ever before offered by
them, all of which are warranted to be as represent-
r8WWJ&S ,""""T
tilt. Ifl lECl V 'I'IIOVIJSO.,
(Formerly or the '-Lawrenco Houso,")
INFORMS her friends and tho public generally
that sho ha" refilled the houso formerly occupicu
by Dr. J. W. Penlo. on Blackberry street, near the
Northern Central Railway Depot, and opened a
Boarding House, whoro she is prepared to keep
With good cooks and waiters, boarders can enjoy
tho quiet comforts of homo with faro equal to the
best hotels.
Patronage from those who rsoy sojourn in Sunbury
is respodtfully solicited.
Sunbury, NoV. ll. lMi.
ORGANS. ARE not only unoqunlled, but they are absolutely
unequalled, by any other Reed Instrument in
the country. Donignod expressly for Churches and
Schools, they are found to he equally well adapted
to the parlor and drawing room. For sole nnlv by
No. IS North Seventh street, Philadelphia.
3?"Also Bradbury's Pianos, and a complete as'
aurtmentofthe Perl'eet MELODEON.
Sept. i, lSfti. lyw
i.. y :
Two doors west of Fischer's Drug Store, Market st.
CAJ.L and exxmine the large asKirtment hf the
latest Now York and Philadelphia styles of
at the above establishment, whreh for beauty and du
rability cannot be excelled. Being a practical Hat
tor, he flatters himself that his stork hns been select
ed with more eare than any ever before brought to
this place. '
He alo manufactures to order all kinds of soft
Fur Huts, ail uf which will bo sold at wbulesalc and
retail, at rcasonnlde rateii.
Dyeing done al nhort notice and at the low wt rates.
Sunbury, Sept. 30. IStid
To Exclude Cold, Rain, Post und enow,
IClootttf t'ioitr MiWtS
1 Real Fr.mily Comfort:
For Cbaubersi OSleos, Bath-A'oous. AC
Ilesvy and Well Made. ''
A Real faring Id thee Dcar 'imes
To Keep (he Table Clo Clean.
At Wholesale and Retail, by
CHAS. BURDAM, Manufaoturer,
lit South Tensi Street, Philadelphia.
November Id, - 2a
a-tO Arch Street, IMsIladelpuIit.
and Superior tsllTer Plated War. .
October I. MS Im
TOILET SOAPS, Tooth-Baushes, Hair Bruskss,
s.,o. For sale by QiNNA PAINTKK
tage Organ, (j
Oaa. W, Bwrra . . . , Ch. H OaWTBiaa
Market street, one door east of Mrs Boultont I tola
-t".i- .,.. Have opened ,
asiiprt Iron nnd Blo-r Btora,
and Intent! keeping constantly on hand, and .
faoturing to order on ihorteat ndtioe,
TIN AND SHEET IftOH-VY ARE of all dosorlptiobk.
A Large Stock of Cook Stoves of the following Biat Art'
ahd on (be following two Brands wo defy m(ti
tion, namely '
I'omblnntloH Oins ItiiritrJ Cooki .
jio-vernor Pran-Cook. .
tinsurnaseed for beeutv of finish, limpliollv of ar
rangement, combining cheapness and durability and
raoh stove warranted to perUsru what they arc re
presented i ... , ;'
varietv-. embracing all the best fnafiufnotuf el. wr.d
mostTSiionnble designs . . .
Also, Tho oolebrnted GEM for heating up and
down stairs.
Also the oolebrnted VI LCAN HEATER.
Cotil Oil, Coal Oil l-Bmps, Shafiesii
- Clilinnicsi, nnd nil irli'lr-
anusually kept in an establishment of this kind. WW
are also prepared to do all kinds of Spouting, Rooting.
Range and Furnace Work, UasFitUiigj Ao. Repair.
Ing cheaply and noatly executed.
Country produco taken In exchange at maiKbt
Ijave the Agency for BIBB'S CELEBRATED FlRl ;
PLACE STOVES, for the Couutiea of Korthutnbec--land,
Snydet, Union and Montour.
Ard are also agents for tho Pipher A WiltbwoJ.
Line of Transportation.
Sun. ury, Sept. 30, 1804.
t A R 0 E STOCK)
Leaver & rAGmrtr
FOrtElUN AND DOMESTIC, imeh sc CIMl. vjNai.
meres, Muslins, Sheetings, licking, l.alicoet. De
laines, Flannelf. and all kinds of MOURN INtvOoods.
Alpacas, lilacs bilks, Winghatus, lialmornl and
Skeleton Skirts, Cuntuu Flannels, Nankeens, Car
poting of all kinds.
Comprising. Hosiery. (Hoves. Thread. Buttons, Pas
penders, Neck-tics, Collars. Handkerchiefs,
Hnir Brushes, Tooth Rrushos. Hum Rib
" " bon and Cord, tape, crotchot-brald,
I worked collars, fancy head .
' drosses, tidy eotton. carpet
binding, ooinbs. fnnay
onps. carpet l;fl gs.
Trunks, Vafises, Umbrellas, bliuik Books, Paper,
Envolopas, Aa., ,
na: ,iiajta 'Ti'wa.JBwi.iEi3
Of nll kinds, such NSils. Hiuges nnd Sert-ws, Door
Lntcli', aiid Knobs, Locks, and CV'TLERY Of every
Also, Dyes, Drugs, Painta, Ytirr.islicg, Fisli.
Fluxsoetl anil Beuzino OiIsk Glnss. l'ut'ty, &r.
((ii't'i" are unsl 4aluss,v:tl v !' nil
An Extensive Stock uf
tomposed of Sugar. Co!T-l. Tens. Rice, Corn-starch.
Maccaroni. Hurloy, Jiaking-powder. irii'luiwcs. soaps,
caudles. tubucco and scgars, Salt, FUh, Moat, Cheeso,
Ac, Ao. .
Also, a large variety of
for Men. Women and Children.
Ijf All kir.daoi Grain andConutTy Produce taker
in exchange for Goods;
Oivo us a cull before you purehaS elsewhere, wi
are hound to sell u low as any one eUo.
Store-room in Ira T. Clement's building at h
south-west oorncr of Market Square, aaar the Cwti
Sunbury. Oct 2-!, 1S5.
In Simpson's Buildings,
MARKET StjVARK. Sunbury, Pa.,
JT. It. ntsaili:, En-oprletor.
Sunbury, July 15, 1S53.
HOOKS and WASTE PAPER of every descriptiv
For particulars address
fto. S Ann Strevt,
One Door West of Nassau St., N
Save l'onr Vnstr Snpor.
Old Newspapers, mutilated Books, Pamphlets i
thu dilloreut varieties of Papor that acoauiulate
every house, and which il generally looked upol
ruli'onb. should be sent t l Mockwell A Emersou
No. 25 Ann Street, 'i'hey aro paying liberal pr
f,,r n l dccriptioi.i ot Waste Paper, better thau
enc iu the trade.
NoV. II, 18Ji. 3m
Alenthly Timo Looks I'raning Rooks and Elal
ocks. H vmn Books R.jnk Books, Memoran,
. jkl, Diaries, Pocko. Rooks. Ink Stands, Pel
Pe:(".s, a hue aiaorlaieut of Paper. Ink. Ac
For salo by ANNA PAI.NTE
IIAVINU just returned from the city, It
Jl row open a loll assortment of
such as lrt' i :. Dress Trimmiigs
Liuiugs, Ribbons: Oioves, Nets, Lima
Collars and Cutfs Cinak Ornolucota,
and Buttons, Ct'rsetts,
tVhito and Woolen Hoods, Fhawt,
aud Rrctikfiit ImwU, Hoods, Ladies' an,
jciiis' tk'-irfs, Neckties, Sleeve Buttons, I
Comlu. and .'olioiiM of all kinds, too bum or
Two doors wl of Wui. Ii. Miller s Khoe
Sunliurv. let. 2, lai;
.TIIkm .i"V."iA'i:r,
tw o ilrnrs Ve.t of the Post Office
1 I AS just received and opened a largo aw
t X of Fancy Dresc uoo,ln, such as Gloves, J
Mil-glut iw, rilk and li'le thread Uloves;
Lined Hone, Children's Merino Hose, L'idies
Hoods, Dreas Cords aud Tn'Sils, Chenille, t
Ladies aud tieutleujen Handkerchiefs, Corsi
broidered Bliprcrs, Ribbons, FAKCY DRES
'IONS. Bugle ilimps, 'irimminga. Buttons, Bi
ooo velvet itiuoons. iirum, licit, ciasna.
broidering Braids, Jacoiii I and Swial Edgi
iuaertioiis; Malteese Lace Collars, Laces. Oi
ens. mack ens, r anoy liruas Combs, He
sea, Nettl, and a variety uf other artiolea.
Loekwood'a Paper Collars of m superior
Ladies' Linen Collars.
Picture Cords and IVssels,
funbury, Oot. W. 1W5.
AdrulnUtmtor Notice
NOTICE is hereby given, that letter of
tration having been granted to the nm
on the eatale of (inffiih Jones, late of tie I
Northumberland, oouty of Northamberl
deoeaaed. Alt nereona indebted are ret
make immediate payment, aadfaose havi
to present Ibeut dolv Buthentioated for s
KortiraBkartaad, Dee , ISoO at