PUMPSl PUMPSIi Tim mbsoriber hayine; pnrohased the right of ftORTHUMHEllLAM) COUNTY, for pulling in ii i;.vn:itM I n in viwi ivr lloRisn WBI.LH Ain W'ATF.n Fat, will furnish Ihemlnnll persons In ine-county who may desire Micso cheap nnd cnnvrniiiit pump. 1' l -.. I. MnL In a tirniwr ll I T( II i P lline.ciist hut one Ihlnl the price r nn ordinary I f amp. nnd ft cheapness "nil convenience cannot b CllUailCil s. rt. itoYKn. A. F. CLAPP. f unWy. ."ntomliT 21. I'M. "NEW KSTAULISi I KNT ! A. E. SAVAGE, Watchmaker A.S'1' i?S5Caa JEWELER. iii Simpson's Eu'ldtng. Market Square, S'JITS-JY. PSIUT'A HAS constantly "n hand a Ci"" wc:l'iicnt of WA'IUUS. CLOCWS and JKWELKY, Spec tacle!. Silver uud Pbitcd-Spooiis unil Forks, Ag. WiHi l ch. e:i. Kiiiiil .Bf.,flrj, r'- Punhnry. Sept. I. lfceS. I,AII5: SVM"ft M K! Bvk .JOHN FAUF.IKA'.S rTtajS. 01,1 i:MMnr V-f-ii1-?'- Fur Mtvnul'uctorv. fiagiV No. 71 Aveh street KKvTrJia l)uvc?l!i PIllL.UI'A I have now in store of f i i-Vi vi mv iiwn liiiinirlii'.iiin nnutneture. one hi i no A 1(1 i 1 1ST tunl ni t HA L'TI IrUl selections '.rXCY FIM1;. I.nilics' nnd Child " -'I ::; J-'-' reu s Wear, in the City Also a fine nssortmcnt oi (J cut's Fur lilnves nnd Col lars. I nm enabled to di-posc of my go.U lit very rea sonable prices, nnd I would therefore soiiep it cnll from my friends of Northumberland County, and vi cinity I if Usnjeinber the Nuine. Nutnber nnd street; JUI1X KAKElitA. Tifi Aroli St., nlanc Tlh. soiilh side. I'lllbADEl.lMIIA. I hnve tin I'urliier, nor connection with uny. other In riiiladelpiii'i. Sept. ISftj !a:w P.ECOP.3D )EHS0N.S having unrecorded Isrcils ure romiudi d Unit loevmustbe retinrded. nccovdimr to the Act of .V.-eniMy which Vcouirc tiial 'All deeds and conveyances for real estate in this Comniomvea-lh. shall In, recorded in the oitl.'C for Uncording Deeds in the County whom iio lands lie ii.',r' :.vV,. iiiivr t':.c c.it nli'-iu.l stieii U tls and eomeyanee : nnd cvry Mich dec 1 and convey, ancn not recorded as ntorcsatd. shall be judge I FKAL lil l.KNTANI) 'lUI a;'..iias: iinysu!..-:e.uent purchaser i'or n lahinblc urinnlerntinn. unless such dce.ls be eeorded before K' recording of Ihedeed or conveyance un.'er wbieli such Mibsniueiit purchaser or lnorlga,;. shell elaiT..'' August lii.'i TAIIiOP-aNG J. F. SCIIAFFER, Sir.sri'CTFT'Ll.Y ititormstho citlsens SUN. I j UL'KY and vicinity, that lie hus opened n I 'Siiiriiij- fIio, the room over Karnsworth's Uroeery, opposite the j Cental Hotel, Sunluiry. where be is ready to make np garments of all kinds in the latest tt; le uud Lest j workmanlike manner. 1 Having hud experience in Ihu business fr n isnwi ' ber of years ho hopes to render general aati.'faciien ' tustoiu work is respectlullv solicited. " J. F. r Clf AFFl'R. 1 Puidiiiry, May 1.1. ls'ii. ly j Wat. M. Uoi'Ki:ri.i.i.i.!t. l.t.iivu T. TiutiuiiAtiu ' ROCKEFELLER & R0HRBACH. Sl'-MllS BSV. BM-O.'.b. FF1CE tho same that has been hcrctof.ji-c occip J pied by W 111. M. lt"rkefcl!er. 1-xj., nearly "situ th j. residence of J inte .Jordan. Sunbury. . I uiy 1, lSHj. ly op- "t?A?KKSXLVANIA PAINT AND COLOR WORKS. j BSR7T VutTK I.BP ' I.lI.Cr.Tt W hits Le m ; . THY IT ! THY IT.! ' WmtA'rni to icier more snrfauo, for snmo Height, than uuy other, buy tho best, it is the liiuioc'l ! tuyit: thy it: 1 Lliwrty Lead is whiter, than anv other. ' Liberty ie:id ciu I'etler than any other Lthrriy Load c-.iru longer th'tn anvother. Liheriy I ami I lit luuro eoii.-ttiieaUthMB amy i'?'.r. LeU'crty lead U more fr;o tr"ni iiMpurilie and i Wa un n'TKIj t do tMoro and bcMur unriktnfc A ittcucut thnu any otlier. tiutj the lih'ST if iM t:t CJfrtAPKST. Mmnifaeturt T nnl narrantetl by ZiKt.U'IK A .MIX'I. Wholtale lung. I'itiut i'lB'ti Ivaler. i u iSorlh Third .Sireet, rhiladelfditn. gunbiiry, Oeitcrlter 7, lHfl;. FLOUR 1 'T IJ1 1 ST1 I ) 1 : 1 j 1 i I i? I U i i ii Vhoi,i:s.u.e AJ) It HTML. rpilE snbTilicr rcspeeirnily inrorrne tho publio 1. t!.a: he keeps uoustamlv on h:uii St his new W AKElliil'SE. near th" Siiaiaokin Vatley Kailroad liepoi, in Sl'N'lil iiY, Flour by thu barrel" and sacks of nil kinds of Feed by the ton Tho tilmve i nil manufactured nt his own Mills, end v ill bo sold at the lowest eesh priiM-s. J M. CAHWALLADFK. FuTibiir,', June 4. Idtit. jEJ. C. GOjBIZT, Attnrix-v unil 'iiii-i;i- nt I.nvv, UOOXV1LI.E. CCOPEll CO .XI I. SOL' 111. t TILL pay taxes ou lauds in any part of the i t I Slate. Uuy and sell real Estate, mid all other i matters entrusted to him will receive prompt atteu- ' lion. Julys). lS-ii octli, "ill. j - JEREMIAH SSYDSIt. Alloruej V 4'oiiiiwc-IIoi- ut l.tttv. Ollice eorn-r of riocliberry bad Fawn fjli as , three doi'i-s eiut of E Y.. Rright's Foundry, Si'.IIH ISY, B"A. Will attend prouipilytn nil prof.ssional business entrusted lo his enro, tbo no'.Kciioii of niuiuis iu Nor- Uuimhvrlnnd end the adjoining ecur.iiie. uonjuttatiiinsin Irenes,! aiot I h-ii-w. Sunbury, April 22, Ihoi. :v County Nun i-jor, Cue)iiBt'er AMI jrsna; (; t;if. vicac;:. M'thi-mii, o)-!!,)itl.-h7,il County, Pinnz Otiice in .lack-on towriship. Engagements can bo nindu by letter. directed toiln. alwiveaddro . All bu-im.s eniruite.1 to hit care will be j rumplly aiteodud lo. Apiil U, IS -ly ' " " I'si ron i, . Cunli, CoLl, or rtr! RcHuires tuiiue.riate utteitiion, and should be check ed. I In! lowed to continue, 1 Irritation of tho LuLg, a rormtinent Throat ' ArixcTto.t, ou am IrinABi.K tt x IhsKaea is often the result. ' BP.OXVK'a BRONCHIAL. TltOCHSa natiLj a direst iuiliionce to tho purls give imiueji. 1 t; reliefs Tut Iiromlii;'n, As.lhnm, ('uUrili. C'tnulsip tivc nti'l Throat Diseases, TvxiwUie umU ir'tlh nitr'iyeyfotl wtf;Jt siingers nml 1'iiltllo jaipfiik ! will fln I 'luoi urs iwful in ileariuglhe voioc wliea taken before Singing or I'peaking, and rviicviuj iL Utroat arierna uuu-it.ii cxirvioci of the focal orjfene. Tbe Taiii iiKs are r. coinuien led uud prescribed by l'hysieisas, and have bud ti-Niinonlals Ipmii eminent ves tkrMihut the emuilry. Ueing an article of true nier.ul bavil.g proved their efficacy hy a test t'tuauy years, esvii yeur Duds theiu in new localities in various perls of tho world, aad the Troche are (Miitieilly pronounced better lhan other articles. I Ma nin tHily '-UiioWk's Iluo.vriii i. Tuoitife," ... t.L ........ r .1... U .,,il l... I. .i . - u. blak-sauy of tbo W orlbiw. liuilweena that 'v JfrrtMsi .Starca. aad iu v Ikj, , Ik., -eat. vrsliety ' Vv-revf i 0S. gold' 1505,' has, hoi 1 'silver. 1 to 75000 ! t Our New Mode- ! Oho of eur .OI. or MITIR. "IViilt liefs, or Mlvrr 'IVu lr j a.'i, lite Ih'Iow Minted. I Our of our ton eelUi or one piece nf our ("old or ; Silverware is worth a Luehcl ol tbo cheap dollar jew nit; ! t j We hnvo adopted the following moil of j D I S T I! 1 1! U T I O X I by eulo ot 'A.IIOfl nrtiolca of valuo Jnr . SSorto ! The nrlielraof goods nro numbered from 1 to 74. mill! ;!7..')Uil eoii?ii-lingnf I'iannn Melili'ons. tlold A Sliver Wntchc. Sewing Jlnebines. Ten A Tnblo f-'otts. Solid Silver leu mi l InMc SiM.i:t nml Frk; ele., tc . nnd the o'hor ;;7..'(HI nrliele" of vnluo Jew. elry. Work A 'J'.iilet Cnses, I'liotogrnpli Albums, llpenfiiee Silver Wntclica, nnd fancy article in great laricly. li.llllti iioticiK nuniocrea inun I m i.vhhii ; are printed nnd nut Into sen led envelopes nnd will mixed nnd onui.f these, is taken out mid sent to the person wimiug to us cenm '" '"" r. ispj-nwoi j j oslago. corie.i:ii.i uee etc.. and tile arli.de id goods , in-responding with tiie nniuber on the notice will be flit to til" llulocr ol lliu saino iiniiiciiniieiy ,i lie r.circs to pureba.c the M li. le) 011 the receipt of tiro dolluis For instance ; li the nuuiber on the notice , "iit tu you should be .''Hit, nnd 11 piano or diamond seltur gold watch AhonM lie numbered Outl; it will bo sent to yuu should, be .'11111. and a piano or diamond rett of gold wntcb should he iniiubeicd iOtl. it will I be sent to you lor f-'. end so uli for every nrticlc in ' our lift ol'7."i.l lMI nrticlc?. te After rceeii ing the nrlivle. if it doe not plcaso you. you van return it, and your aioiiry .-.hull be re '. uuded. 2i cents inu.-t he sent to pay epeiu- uf Jutotnge, C'iriespoiiilcucc etc., ca cue notice. Itcmeinbcr : thai wbntcver nrliele coiresponds with tbo nutnber on your notice, you e;m have it by 1 paying Two Dollars ii r it, whether it be worth Slut) ' or Vwuu. And it is for our interest to deal fairly, nnd I send out cur. fine articles, ns it gives ennlideuee to the public, imd therwvy liicrousca our sales. j ' ' i THY OUR NEW MODE ! I" pon receipt of 25 cts., v hich-pnys fur corres'ion d' lice. pMlnge etc.. wc send one notice. I pon receipt nf tfl, which pays fur correspondence, postage, etc.. we send six notices. I'lsin receipt of 5..1 which pays. Sot correspondence, postage, e'e, we will send 4t notices, nnd u tine pre sciii valued ut uot less than (do, ; a snteple of uur goods I'pon receipt of .?IS which peys for correspondence, j'ostngc. etc., wu will sc;nd lot' notices, nnd n solid Silver Wntch. by reltirn mail. AtlKNTS WANTED. Send f .r n circular ! Aceuts Allowed a Lnruo Cnah C'oramission by-Wiiicb they make 523 Woekly. Address plainly Salesroom ? I i.ibcrlv street SepL. 21, lb05. 1 ur.i:n a ihiotiikh. liox ii::r New York City, N. a;"D? LELAND!S IKIt.MANK.MI.V Cl'HKS j It II E T M A T I S M .' ' Aouto or Inliiiiiiiiinttrv : Clirnuu Lutnbiiro. Sclfttt r:i, 1'Wo.lviie. Ac. I ; StisTiir of tho- Join In nml Crump. imit, Xrurnliii j I nH Nfrvoua Atti-ctionj Krysjn .., mU )(hfutu j Lb liiijuirMieivof tho Itltxl ail riuitli of the tvhnlu j ' iyiit'iin. mvl .'vinltzt'S tlirir circulutum : nini t-n'rchi. j hily vouitrtauu iU-vcuriul and oliiur -iMUuijW iuUu i It is a r.!i ven icntl y arrone.l UHt, cim tiiin i ui u JLt'dicutrrt Coinpouii!. to e worn hrniuitl tbo VhU'. it I ton!, tho wui;t, E(tiMlly Kiif.Minj; hII Pnrt!, vrherovcr tlu- (.linuiwe mi'V be. It can lo worn without injury to the ji.otjt dolioHtn por"ii, ami no clmn( in tho , protirr hnliLllui living is rtqniroil. It cn- 1 J1 timy ri'iiioTti"! thn (tiicitt troin tho Ht(in, S .without tho nno of owfrfiil intirntil mi'U- ; c'mvA. which wt?ktil tho emiHtilntion nnj 1 pivo tt'tnpnrnry rclirt'only hy itiipif'yiii-;th( Mj-tt-m, and ti-flt'iiiii' in vitality, lty tlit-n ; . trt-atincnt. the mclirinal pptpcrlii-H ouiitain- " fi in tl.p IIAN'O. bfinol H hiiily aromntK and viiititiWi imhtre. and capuldu ol hi'iii ' riiUily obcorhi-tl, thruuh thi mriK of tlio I ofciu, vttwe ictu direct oontai't with tho Iflood jiiid fitiuml circulation, nitliout lirl havint; - ti vim tlirtninh tho MoiiiHrli, which would i i-3 tend nol fjidv to diMrat't from their curativn )iow'rp. but to impair 1110 internal organs and derail-.:' tho digestion nUo, t!nm avoiiliutho injm iouK eiroet. so often tlio result of internal ri uii'ilii H, and eftoi-tin a perfect euro bv pu- ' "'Vim; and equtdiziii the cireulation ot tho iud tliiid- a id resloi in the purls affected to In a I Uiy eoinlKioii, l bin Jhuid i mm ino-t fM.w-eriul " Aiiti-.Mcreurial Ai'i't" Caloiut I bi iiitiie m iiinuy c.hi-o of a laru part of thu iSliilut-.-ii. Xetiruljila I'ains nnd Hhcuuitt ties, bo pre aleiiL and will cnltrcly relieve llio Fystrm from it pernioiuu otleeU r1-Uio-t in- all hloleheii uud pimples trom tbe hmly uud benutilvin- the voiiiplexiou. I Moderate cases nre cured in a few dnyet, nnd tv, ' ! aro con.lantlv receiving undoubted testimonials to I j w hich w e invito inspection at our oilice of thuir otli- occv in aggravated eases oHong standing. I i'ltlCE IT E ilUl.l.AHS. Alay be had ofTlrug- ' I tists. orfwill be scut bvtitail unoii ri-eeit.t ol j "j. I nr ''J' express everywhere, willi all necessary iiistruu- I '"in from tbo iTiiiciiml oliiee of lil.lt. L. HKOW.MXil. ' ekde Proprietor nnd Maiiulneliirer. of the Celebrated lliiow sisn's K.mii.sior Con Kr, Nos. Irl snd 2u Market stroot, Camden, N. J., I if Treatise, with eertilied testimonials, sent free I iAd'tptcd I" Soldier. Sept. 2, lNlj. tin I OLD EYES HADE NEW. j PAMPHLET dire-ling hew to speedily restore -- ''Sul and give up spectacles, without aid tl iloeior it niediciuo. Stut by mail, flee, ou receipt i 1-. io ceiiif. A'k'iress, E. lM'OOTsi. M.l. I ' bruary 1, lf,o.'i(lm , IF you tnnf goo.l Tin- Ware, go to SMITH A t.E.Vl 1EK .S New Shop. rir :!. EM'L. WILVEUT. NO TAHV jPTJjQLXC, OSce in "Sunbury American" HuiUing. BUJJIlUltY, FENIi'A, i W ill attend to the Acknowledging of Heads, W'-rt-I gages. Leltcrsof Attorney. Ac., ,v . ; Also, is duly athoritcd to take ackui.l.liner.ts i aui administer outlu i n nptdic.itions for Itoilll- I lien. IN'iiMioiiM uud ltui-I..3ilj ufM'ldieis, I Viiduwsand Orphaus. ' - (Lste llKUllK nmti, ) Corner Market an 1.1.1 S'.reets. II AHliIS!;l 110, PA. ' TIIE attention of the public is respectfully called I to this Hotel tthieh is now op,u tor tlio iiceoinmodu- ! liin of gucs's. In tho past live Month during which lime it tins been elo-rd ibe bti-c lias been tliorou-'h-ly remote!,. I ami repaiud. until in point of eouveiii eneo and coarfott. its p.ilsvtj is ill find it to ewu uo etss"i 'tr. 'l'lie ;"rtrn5t iirp I'lilli-cty lU'-isis larger t him are ruaFy i'ouiiu in modern hotels, to nn ted nn tlio oi-msr .1 lio laiucipal busin.-ss sirui is of Ire cily. hut two and a half squares from tbe Kail It.. ,id loKit. Tbo proprietor determined to spin e no expense iu scenriug the comfort id lin guests and a f.ivorublo rcpetaliuu lr thu estaldishmci t. he feels willing lo trust its character to the judgment of his putroiia. IJENUY THOMAS, Proprietor.. Jauuary 21, IHdi. , , Kina'a j Is the only nrepertion of the kind made from th truit. As an artk-lo of economy, purity, and deli- towue-s i euiiwn et surtmwi, ana w ikuouwwi' by pi,,wt.n, ,r iDv,H eudfamily pw. Il nil. 1 keep for years in any eliitialu. while lis condensed, lorui ren Icrs it especially eoaveiiieiit lor travelers i All who use leiuoiunro requested to give it a Irial. tut. eusinioenls at Imtuo, parties, and pionles should not be without il. I'or sale by all Jifenguas ami tknjit-silaas Gruoers. Mauufuelured onlv by I.OLlts.1. METilEK, s- N,1M i'etud hirssrt. NewYuisv Befl. M, leltt.-ly Tim IIICRI!K ri'CTOKAL Will Curo Yorf Cough. T fl H P TI (V. X T V P T. flTOlt A I. Or B.mrt of WII.I t'1,err nd lloot. I euro ll,o ll.ee. of the THKOAT AND LLN06'. Such mCiIUh. CoiikIi.. Croup, A.lhme. Kn.nchi.i,, ' r.i-.rh H..r. ri.n..i i An I,! .i.noi. in ',..;. li..i. ,...r- Ao. lis timely line will prevent l'ulinouiiry Con- Ruinptii'n. unil even where thin fcnrful ilicane hna tuken hold it will ullbril (jrcstor relief limn uuy otbe.r weilii'iim. Thin l'ectnrnl Ii- uimle fiom WI1J Churry Hark and cnck Snnke Uoot. ltf CmnpoKilionlsneuDiolent gnnrantcenf it rniiie. lr. lieu. li. M'ihkI, rrofewmr of Ihp l'rnctieo of Meilieincin tlio University of Pciuuylvnuln, l'liyni eiHii to llio renimylruuin lloriiitul undone of ihn lillinr. ..r llin li.iili.il Strtt.ta I lin.M.tlllllllTV MllVlll' J Wild Cherry llurk "U imong llio most valuable ol our inihgcnouii rpmciiie., tinning kuii ionic pow er llio property nf claiming in itnlioD uud diuiini.4li hi2 nervoun excitability." The muncilistinguished phrlein nnd nuthnw my In tbo mm work, ".Sciiekn hnnko Knot inn Hlimiiln. liiiff exneelonint. ltn m ioa id especially directed, In the lun. it la pcuiiany uhciui in ouronie eni t irrh Ifcoliniiaena the 5ee..n,lnry stnge. ot croup. l-nr ttimt ot npiice w o ennnot piiblisli nil llio ti-Mll- uioninls ill our iKwscssiori, but we give two : PitUiMxvtu.r., April I -t, l"il-l. This Is toccrtilv that I have sold hundreds of bot tles of r. Oberholt.cr's I'hn-nix l'ectoral or Com- vnlpf wil.I Cherrv nnd Senckn Snake Uo. JuiJ , h(;ve (0 finJ a gj ,0 ln,ijvllllBi wll used it. w bodoes not ucur Icstitiiony ot its woniieriui etlcct in curing coughs. Signed, J.U0H l'nw UUs. I IIam.St. liiiKNixvii.i.R..Tiin. 11. ISf.1. i I most choerfully henr testimony to the value of j the 'l'horni l'eetorul or Coinpouiid Svrup of Wild Cherry nnd Senckn Snake Hoot. ' llcfiiro using it 1 : had been sullering with a tickling in my thront nnd ' tight cough, lor ttuiro than two years, nnd had taken ' variousothcr medicines with no relief. A soon ns 1 ; began tousellr OberholUor s medicine the irrita ' tiou in my thront wns allayed nnd in a few weeks 1 wns entiiely cured. j I have also given it to my little girl, for n croupy I cough, with the happiest cliccls. ! Signed, JuJKrtt I.fKKX?. 1'oTTsrnw v, .Inn. 3d. ISfij. This certifies that I have used the I'hceiiix Feclo rnl in my funiily. nnd 1 recommend it to tho public tu the very best remedy tor Cough ami Coins tnai 1 h..vu ever tried.. One of lay children was taken with n cold accompanied with n Croupy cough; so Im. I indeed Unit it eoitld not talk tin I scarcely brenlhc. llnving heard so niueh said unout the l'bn'iiix l'ectoral I procured 11 ImiUIc of it. The first lute iclievcd the Uitiiculty of breaihitig and bufoie the child bud tukon one-loiirlh of llio bottle it wns entirely w. Every familv shuu'.d have il in the house.' Signed, ' l. F. CUUSUY. The proprietor of (his iitcdiuino lias so much eonil- deuce in its curative poiyers. from the testimony of hundreds who have used it, that the money will be relundcd tb any purchaser who is not eati-iicJ with it effects. It is so pleasant to take that cliildrcncry fur it. It costs only Thirty -live CcuLs, It is intended fur only onectiissof disenbos. numciy those of the Thront nnd l.ungs. r -Prepared only by LEVI nnKnilOLTZEll. M. D.. l'ho-liixi iilo. I'll. Johnston, Hot.i.ow.t A Cnwnt n. V 11 '.-.rll. klivll. dl..., IM.il...l..1..l.l.. Il..,.nr.,l I Whoiesalo Agents. j Sol.P by George Driglit, nnd 11. A. Fisher, llrug 1 k',s. SuiiLury ; Win. Clicrrington, Druggist at Sbu- luokin. I 11. 11. If your nearest druiririst or :orekceper ' does not keep this medicine do not let him pot you otf I witn sotiiu oilier nieiiieinc. Iicciiuse tin miikes uioru . money on it, but send nlvncu to oneot the ngenls lor i il ; Juno 10, Wi5. funs' TO CONSU.MEKS OF TIHE uadcrsimel dealer in Cor.l frni the follow I L ingnell kuown Collieries is prepared to receive ' orders lor tho cams a, the Lowest Market Kates, viz,: MOKDECM'S DIAMOND "HIXKS OKAY'S 'VKKIS1I (OS COXSGLIUATi:i) CO Xt n alf i reparL'd to urnt-h th 15:iI(iu:oro 4'iklclru(rO Com!, j Lump ami Prfiwitrf. On t. V.i t tho sSr-.c-jueliiinna Hivcr and ITuvre do ! (raoo. lit fcfu ma(Ja nrruiitroinetit- fur thu be-t : PITTSTON AiND PLYMOUTH COAL 3 MVhii hhe prepare t. to deliver fu board Iitatu at Noi ihuii lc.l.uui. oi U y Car- over XiLhern ('ontral ltailroud tdonthe lino of t'uo Vhiladolphiu nod Krio Hiulnr.J, on th .jesl terun. ' lie ii pi 5 .r"d t( f !1 all Order; willi dcpalcl, nr.d ; reM'.'irtfuU tjolieits rdM' frmi thn Vrnde. , Addr JiIi TilcV KIAN. April (o4. y.irhmuberltti'd. I'd. 1 AkrROT'iPS AITD PJT0T0GRAPH I Over J. Uoweii's 'loro, roniir M'ukel A FawnSls. SUNBTJKV.PA., ! O I1YE1U.Y. inloruis his friends and tho public j "5. generally, that hois li.king IV.rtraiU iu the j bust style nud manner at his liullcry iu thu above place, i AMI1P.(TYPES asu -pnoTnuiiArns. nre taken in overy si j le ot tho Ai t. that c.auD"t Ln surpassed in the Statu. Having several year 's ejipe rieiice. liuwill give sidisfnclioti or no cliarg.). Copies will be taken from nil styles of Pictures. Oivc hiui u cn1.!. Ueiiioiuber, c.cr How-en s store, Suuliury, Juno 17, lsn.V BEST WHITE ,EAD! UE'K'r ai.,'C! 1' U U F. 1. 1 n K It T Y I. FAD, L'luipprcssed for Whitening. Fine liloss. iuuubility Firmness nnd Evenuess of Surface. PLUi: LIBEHTY LIIAU W'arranled to cover aioru surface fur sumo weight lhan nny other Lend Try it aiirl you iritl have lie other ! VYAKV. I-IUFTY ZINC. 'ilccled Ziu", ground in ill-lined Linseed Oil, uu l-iitlaled in illality, ulways the same. PUBIS LIBEBTY ZXSC, Warranteil to do more uud belter work ct a given cost than any other - (? the Itrtt.' Manufactured nt PESSSYLVASIA PAINT A tiOlfUH WOUK.S. Orders cxeeuted promptly by ZIEGL2K Sc SMITH, H'ioesoc J)ruff, Paint nml (lusi Dcal'r. 'V ftore A Olfice. No 1:17 North THIRD Street. PHILADELPHIA. March 4, ISt'.i. ly. II VMi Ol' BfB lI9 J3t::iSI...MI. "IIJHI'KEAS the Auditor fleneral as reiiuire.I by the 11th Svetion ot the Act, entitled '-An Act ruubling Ibu liiiuks ot tins Conimouwealtti to l.ccoioo f Associalious lor llio purpose of banking under the I laws of tbo i nited States." passed on tbe 22d day of i August A II. ISt'.t, has eertilied to ine that the j liauk of Northiitiiberlnnd," located in the llorough of Sunbury. Nortbumberliind eouiity, hns furnislied salisfaultM-y evidence to hiui that all the requirement I r.f said Act hute been complied with by the s tnl t Hank, uud that it has Lecoice an association for llio purpose ol iluuktng uuder the Laws ot the I oiled Stales I do therefore, cans the notice thereof to be pub I li'hed iu accordance with the provisions of tho said i 1 1 lb suction of tbe said Ai-i, and do declare that the ' Churlcr ot the said Hank by the terms of said Act. is ueem.l ur.i ti.kcu lo be hereupon suriendered sub ' joct tv the I ro Uioue of tlio first -oli. u of said act. A. O. CI I.TIN, llotcruer. I . Executive Tlii'Ujber. I " U.nrisburg, Aug 2.'. lM. I . w. y.iKiti.i:'t. I., il. t'AtE ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SI NHVllY, PENNSYLVANIA. Collections and alt Profeheionnl busiue.s prompflv , attouded to in tbe Courts of NorihumbciluuJ and , udjuiuiug Counties. Li- Also, special attention paid to the Collection ; nf 1'eusieae. llountius aod Hack Pay for Widows urpuan ao.l rv.KTsei t Suubury, March IS, . lS.'i. . IsbW tHOTOOHAPH'GAtLiittY. J. II. I '.It Mile I'M', would rospectfully in rin the eitiiens of hLNlil IIY. and the nubile I generally, that be baa oinond new , i I'aoToaaAFU oalleby. la hiuirxog t lluilding. South sole of .Market Square, where be is preparud to take in the bet stylo of tho PICTITIKS TO FHAME, I PICTI KES l.N CASES. OAKK PlIO'ilKtHAPHR, Also Pletures-tnaile for Kings, llreaatpiua, Loekete, Ae. Pcreous wishing in our hue will du well to cull and ex annuo speeiinwiaat tbe Oallary. w e nspe in niortt a liberal share of purlse Mtrea. age. iu a .voiro is in Pviaew ferbota, Jeay lav I'M UP D23 GRAFF'S Eye and Ear Infirmary, On tlio Squnro. Three Doors front Steel'e Ilolel) WILKB9-BAHRH, FA. millS INSTITUTION it now open nnd furnished A in the wot costly style. Reception, Private ami Operatine: Rooms aro (arte and convenient and i will n.lnolcd. The Surirloal apartment contains lbi finest collectinn nt instruments in this onuntrv. and hi Ihonllloewlll ennhlo him to Beet my nn. "l "ncrgcno.e. in Pc'v P' 1 i n,, v ; ..rmiinf lLlNnNfcH.Cl rnc t. teelunn ol the 1-npil Crow hyn. tlofnre of the for DucU, lnvcriion ol tlio Kyeliils. VtoryKium, Ae., Ae. And will trcnt nil fornn nf Pore Kyr, Urnnnlcd I.ide. Opurctlci of the Cornea, nnd Scrofulous oiseaeen of the Eye. together with ell the diseases to which the eye is tul.jeet. JiKAFNESf Will tront nil Hie disenses common lo the organ. Discharges from the Kir. Noises in the Knr. Caliirrh.diHicultii'S of hearing total llralness. even whero the l)rum U destroyed. Will Insert nn net illelul one, answering neatly all the purposes ut thenalnrnl. D1SKASKS OF THE TIIUOAT. All diseases common U (' Throat and Noso will be treated I.KNKRAI, StllUKKY. Ho will operate upon Club-feet. Hair I.ip, Cleft 1'nllate. Tumors, Cancers, lulared Tonuils. Ac. IMastic operations by healing new flesh Into defprmcd parts, and Ueneral Surgery of nhatover charncter it may present. lll.'OVt I ,flf 11 1" U'lTl, V tla will .nvr... l(l.nl.tlls.,' onnrnlion for the rndiual. feomriletc.l eurn ' of ttllllprtlimbw , prrrc-l .nd !. j,, "r , I done with little or nn pain. Out of the many ban dred operated upon In lloslon there nns neen no lml ures.it having met rlie approbation of all who have submitted to il. ARTIFICIAL KYI'S. Will insert artificial eyes,, giving. Uicin the motion and expression of the nnlu- givin, Uicu ,.!. -y 1. J hey are inserted witnoul tne leasi pain. HKMOKHIIOID. (PII.KS.) This troublesome dl sense is romlily cured. Those sullering from it will do well to calf. Da. l JiR C.nArp visits Wllkes-Dnrre with a Ttew of building up a permanent Institute fur the treatment of the Eye. tor. nnd (loneral Surgery. he experience cf more than a quarter of a oentury. in Ibrsiiilnl nnd irenoral nrnoticc. he holies, will be a sufficient guarantee to Moee who may be disposed to emtll'J hill:. January 14, lsOj. )y OluJCEUIES rMCERi ES ! Mrs. SARAH A. 8IMP30N, nirtMri Sfrrrt, tint of the X CR.ll suxbuuy", 1A.. Rr.Sl'ECTFl'Ll.Y inlorms her friends and the 1 11 bite generally, that she has just opened a large a-uortment of FltKSiriir,'rif!-, such as TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLAS-' . SES, FISH, SALT, &C. Pure Cider Vinegar, Fruit Jnrs, (ilnssnare. and a variety 1, f I.n lies' Trimmings. Funs. Thread Neck. Ties. Handkerchiefs, Ac, to which she invitea all to examine before purchasing elsewhere. .vuiiluiry. Juno 17, Dioj -Out "Wistar's Balsam PV WILD CHERRV Jus of the uldcst and most reliable rciuodies iu the world fur Coughs. Colds, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis. Diffi culty of llrealhiiig. Asthma. Honrsnness. rkire Throat. Croup, and every Affection of TIIK TllllOAT, LVNOS AMD CJIIiST, including even CON SUMPTION WlSIAli S MA LS VM OK WILD I'UERIIY. !,) general has Hie nt this remedy weenme. snd so I'opular is it everywhere, that it is unneccs:is to recount its virtues lis works speaks for it. and find utterance in the abundant and voluntary testimony of the many who from long suffering nml settled di sease have bv its use been restored lo pristine viuor and health. Wecan present a mass of evidonee in proof of our assertion, llint CAXNUT BE MSCULMTET). Tin Iter. Jiii-ob Hrrblcr. Well known and mnch rcsiieetrd among tho Oermn- )opulittioii in Ihisccuntry. makes the follow iug slate ! mi nt for Hie benefit of the afflicted : ) I H vxovKli.l'n.. Pels. 15. 13i . Dear Sir : Having realized in my family impor- Innt beiielils from the use or yoiir valniibls prciiini. i ,KlM islur s linisnin oi nit v 111" i.i ll uui'i os uii; jilensurc to recommend it le the public Some eight venrs ngooucof my daughters seemed lo be ill nde. j lime, and 1 it t lo hoeti of her recovery were enter- i tained. f then procured a bottlo of your rxeellent ' Uiilsiim, nml before she had lukeu Ibe whole of ht '. contents of tho bottle C n tasn great iuiproTeiueiil j iu her ii-Mllh. 1 have, in u r iudividual case, made frciiueut use of your 1 lal e luediciue, uud have, also liven beneliltd by It JACUU Fi'.CnLKR. . ' Smith, Ttq., re I enl ol the Morris County Itnuk, Morrislown. ' .New Jersey. ! I -llnving used 1'r. Wistar's lialsnin of Wild Cho-ry j , for about litieen ycurs, and having realised its bene- j u.-iiil result uiy family, it iillor.U me irrent plea- ( cuieii. recoiiiiiieuding it to the public us a valuable ( I i-etnidv is casis of weak lunss, colds, coughs, Ac, ' and a n loedv w Inch 1 consider lo be cutm-lv luno- cent, nnd iiniy lie tnkrn with perfect safety by the luost delicate ill licaltU." Troxu Boa. John E. Smith. A distinguished Lawyer in Westminster. Md. i 1 have ou several occasions useu nr. ii imr s iiai j sum of Wild Cherry for severe oulds. and always 1 with decided bene lit. I know of no prefauutioii that i is more efficacious or nime deserving of general use. The llnlsiuu lias also been used it Is excellent ello t ' ly J. II. Elliutt, Merchant, Hull s Cross Hmids, Md. ! WlSTAU'8 ItALSAU OF WlLU ClIKHR V. !None genuine uuless signed "I. liL'TTS," ou the wraiiper. TOR SALE BT , J. P. I'lXSJlOUE, No. 4l Broadway. New York. S. W. FOWLE A CO., Proprietors, Huston. And by all lirnggitts. UEDDISG'S UiSSlA SAL VIZ i Heals Old Sores. RF.HUINO S lll'SSIA HALVE j Cures Hums. Fcaldt. Cute. r'F.DDIXO-S KFSSI.V SAJ.YK I Cures Weuuds, llruisce, Srajus. I uxiwixirs jtussiA salvi; Curea Iloils, Vice's, Cancers. lwEDDING'3 BUSSIA BALVJ3 Cures Suit Kheum, Piles, Erysipelus. I HEDDINCP8 ItUBSIA SALVE Cures lligworm, Corns, Ac, Ac i . NO FAMILY SHOl LD HE WITHOUT IT. j Only !i Cents a Box ,3 ron ialk t I .1 P. DINSMOHE. No. 4'JI Itnuidway, X. V. i S. W. FOWLE A CO. No. H Tramontst.. Boston. And by ull Oruggists and Country Sterekcepre. Deo 21 1C64. PACIFIC HOTEL 170, 172, 17 & 17a GituicNwirii St., 'One S'luate west of Breasiway,! Hetween Cuurtlandt end Dey Streets, New Tore). JOHN PATTEN, Jr., Proprelnr. Tbe PAi iru- IIotki is well end widely known lo the traveling publio. The looatiuu is espeeially suitable to merchants and business men , il is in close proximity to tbe business part ot the Cut -i on the highway of Soul hem and Western travel aud adja cent to ull ihu principal Kailr-oid and Steamboat depots. Tho Pacifio has liberal aceouinindalion fur over ?UU guests ; it is well furnished kod jiosscwes every model n iuiproreiucut for the comfort end etlertaiu iiieiit of ns iniuates. Thu rooms are enaciousand well ventilated ; provided with gas and water: the attoudunce is prompt and respectful ; and the table in geueruusly provided with every delicacy ol the season. Tbo subscriber, who, ' for tbe past few yean, has keen the leasee, is now sole nrourictnr. and Imen.ls toindentify hiniselftburouglily with the intercut ef bis House, h nn long experience as a notcl-keeper, be trust", by moderate charges snd a liberal poii-.y, lo niainlaiu the favorable reputation of the hat its Hotel. stuil.-s s"AlTtK,Jr. oepiemoere, inoa. ly . UNITED STATES HOTEL, Opi-oeite the T. NEW HAVES WESTERN H. R. -ptrot DEACH BTBBaT, BOSTON. By T. M. Ml AIT, formerly ef the Afctrfcoo Ilcsate:" ' Urn, t IMf -Ty IlELMBOLD'S- FLUID EXTRACT UUC1JU, FLUID EXTRACT BtfCHU foa Kon-Beteatlon or Ineontlnsncs of Vrlne. lnmm lin or UlcsraUoa of f.is Dlidder er Kidntys. B'Jt toe Prostrate Gland, Oravcl, T-lci Dest Deposits, Dropsi cal SwelUnts, Orf sole Wse'incM, DrWUtr, Femals Coai plaints, Ac IlELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU AW Improved Hose Wash 1T1U ridieillr extermlnste from the system Diseases aris ing front Habits ef Dinlpaliin, at little exptnit, little r ne change of tlM, ncoenincs er expoture; completely superseding Uioic tinp;Hfanan' dangtreue remtdlet, Copaita and Vtreunj, In curing these disease. USE HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU la all Diseases ef ths Urinary Organs, whether existing In mils or status, from tehattvtr came originating, and omatttrofhoulongttanllng. Ilia plcaiuit Inlutaite and odor, IMMEDIATE la action, and more strengthening than anr ef the nreuarallons ef JBirt or Iron. Those saffsrlng from Broken Dote or Dtllcate Comtl tutlone, procure the Rtmtdy at once. Tiis Header must bs aware that howsver slight may be the attack ef tbe above diseases. It is certain to affect his Eedily lltalth, Mental Pouere and ffappliuee. If ne treatment Is submitted lo, Consumption or Insanity may eesue. All the above disease require the old ef a diuretic HELMBOLO'S EXTRACT BUCHU la the Great Diuretic. IlELMBOLD'S ntamr co 3 cx in a -ito Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, For purifying lbs blood, removing all diseases arising from excess and imprudence la life, chronic constitutional dis eases arising from an Impure elate ef the blood, aad tbe ojiy reliable and effectual known remedy for the cure ef Sorofuli, Sc&U Head, Salt Rheum, Pains and Swelling ef the Bones, Ulcerations of tho Throat and Legs, Blotches, rimples oo the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all sealy erup tions of the akia, sod beautifying the oouruxtox. NOT -A. "PEW Of the worst disorders that aflllet mankind arise from the corruption that scsumulatcs In the Blaod. Of all tbe dis coveries that hvre been made to purpe It out, none can equal In effoct niCLilHOlD'S COlirOVXD EXTRACI OF Si HSA rA RILLS. It cleanses and renovates the Blood, Instills the vigor of health Into the sytttm, end purges out tho humors which mako disease. It stimulates tho healthy functions of tho body, and expsls tho disorders that stow and rankle In the Clood. Fuch a remedy, that , . . ti. I ... I... ....... ..,,, f . . ,.i tin tot th. first tl.,,.,' the public haroen. en which they can de- pen t. Ourapaes here does not admit or cerltneatcs to siaw Its effects, but the trial of a single bottle will show to the slc'x that Unas virtues surpassing anything they have ever taken. Two lableipoonsful of the Extract ef Sarsaparilla, added to a pint of water, Is cn,ual to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and ene bottle is equal te a gallon of tho Syrup of Sarsaparilla, er the decoction as usually saade. The above Extracts are prepared en purely scientist principles la Fiicno and embody the full ttrsnjlh ef the Ingredients entering Into their compoiillon. A ready' aad conclusive test will be a comparison of tliclr proper ties with theio set forth in the I'. S. Dispensatory. KOWTO USE THE REMEDIES la Diseases ef the Elood, Tlumers en tho Fate, or any aad every put of the btdy, uso Extract Sarsaparilla, sp. plying to Pimples and all external Humors er Eruptions tho Improved Rose Wash. Use tho Extract Duchu for ell diseases requiring the eld ef a Diuretic, except those of the Urinary Organs, such at Gonorrhmaand Glct; in these use the Extract Cucbu ead Inject with the Improved Rose Wash. s-sy THESE EXTRACTS nAVE DEEM ADMITTED TO USE IN TUB UNITED STATES ARMY, and alto are la v-ry general use la all the STATE HOSPITALS AND PUBLIC INSTITUTIONS throughout the land, as well as la private practice, enl are conifUtrcd at Uvsluable remedies. MEDICINE TO AST ADDS CSS. Direct letters to UELMOOLD'S DRUO k CHEMICAL WAr.EnoUSE, 594 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, oa te flELMDflLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phila. Jsterte Simptome i all Communication. . SOLO BY AU DRUGGISTS EVERTWHERL Beware of Counterfeits! IIEI..MBOLIV8 Fluid- Kxtruct SarsHparillu! 1 I W ASK FCf MEtMBOLO'B. A i'prll ii, lMJ-ly. THE RED LION HOTEL. ' (Late Mrs. Konlton'l.) ' MABKST STREET, SUWBtTRT,' PA. JULIUS ARBITER, Tl AS taken thii old and well known atnnd, end I I rcfittod and furnished Mia snrne is tiretiared to aeeommodnle Eearders and Iravelvra with the best the market can afford. He hopes by strict aitentiun to hnaineee to receive a share of publio patronaue. His TAllLK contains the best thematket ellorda. His liar ia rilled with the ehoioeat of Liquors, both Mall and Spirituous. The stabling lev good, end attended by careful 0stle. Sunbury, April 80, 1964. 1y ' ' . Attorney nnd Connacllor nt l.nM, Office on south aide of Market street, fonr doors west of t. Y .. Bright A fee's ior, BTJNBURY, PA.. Will attend promptly to all professional business enirusie 10 die eure, ine collecllou 01 eluluis in Northiiiuberland and the adjoining eouuties. tfanbury, May M, lo(J3. ly i. II. .TlAMNIUt. Attorney nt tjx-vi, SlMil ltT, PA I Collections attended to in the counties of Nor- ' -thumberlnnd. l uiou, Snyder, Montour, Columbia ! said Lycoming. ! BKrcrr.xrn Tton. John M. Tteiil, l'liilndelpliis, A. U. lulled A Co.. " Hon. Win. A. Porter. " Morton McMichnel. Fsn.. " K. Keteham A Co., 2SU Pearl Street, New York. John W. Ashmend. Attorney at Luw, Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law, ' Sunbury, March 2V. 1ui2. j FROM WASHINQTOnI LATEST IMPROVEMENT OF AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. ' ' AT Till FOUNDE, "Y, ' of I BUNBTJB-r, FENIST'A. , Get thcl'cst flet the Chenpets Oct the most Kco- , notiitcal. whtcli can be had nt the Itohrbach rotimlry i llnving n large assortment nf the most nppmw'd 1 STOYKS, such ns Cooking. I'arlor, tltlieo and Shop ' Stoves, which will be sold at tho lowest rules. Also, 1 Kettles of all sins. Pans. Skillets. Ae. j They are also manufacturing Machinery, rioiighs, 1 Castings, Ac. at short notice. I Uepaiiiiig all kinds of Agricultural Implements ! douo in a good worknianliko trimmer and ut tho I shortest notice. I All articles shipped as ordered. Orders respect- ' fully solicited uud prompllv ntlended lo. I K0H1UJAC1I A CDiiPKH. IJ? Old Iron, nnd all kinds of Produce taken in i L'xchnugu for work. ! Sunbury, Juno IS, IS4. tf BREAD ! BREAD ! : BREAD ! : ! rilHK uitdrrsimif-i Iip oj-cnfi. n Uukt rj', ou Mmkpt .1. strtM't, Huiiliiiry. la., two Unrn wwt tf (he Tyni ( (Mice, w hero he w ill keep constantly 011 hand I't''sli IEim-imI, 'I'wiisl-Uullsi, Kusshsi, i an4TKA.lir.NNS. I Ail kinds r.f FANCY CAKK.-S. Common Cukes, Prelicls. Ac. ! Pic-Nte Parlies. Weddings and Funerals, will be sup)ilied nt the shortest notice. : A good assortment w ill be kept up nt all times. mnnufuclured out of the best material, and orders 1 will be promptly attended to. He trust that b'is friends nml tho public generally will sustain him iu this new euteipiite, now greatly needed intSunbury. i lie trusts his experience in the business w ill ena , blc hiin to give general sutisiactioti to all whu way favor hiui with their patrounge. t , IMVID IT1Y. 1 SunbiiryArril 21. IS.'.. . LnckawnunnA ItluomabiirK U0 roHiI. I )V and after Jan. lbtk. 1W4. Pas-unger Trait) I will run as f ..'oi : ' .MOYINll S0VTH. Vj.isicvr. Leave Fornritt-n, Kitiston, Plooinsbur " Hupcrt, " limit ills. Arrive at Northumberland. :o p. it Hi o.;ij 9M 0 oi MOVING SOUTH. Leave Northumberland, .00 A. M liabville. ti 40 hrert, B 40 , Ittof.mshurj, tt..'!A ' Kingston. 12.12 P. II. : Arrive at Scrntiton, 1.3tf . reight A I'nssenor leaves I'.hMinvmirg. 10 IS M. Passeiiri is taking the Mail Train South cuirec'. ' with lie i.xpre liaiii I'iomi .Northumberland, n.riv. ) i iug et HiiiTi-biirf. nt 2. Ml A. M.. llnliiun.re 7.UV A. M., und at I biladel.liia, at 7.uf A. .M. Tie M :il train f.oui .Noitiiiimbi rlund leaies iiuoudiatcly ai:ir the arrival of the E.xprtss train from ll.-iln-loilt: not lialtimore. slim, in fiyssi-nreis leashii; Philadeloiiin I , P. 3..h, reach ,onusuu this I dming , I .-icw nmi riruii, r.,c-piiig cars ncerttstaity ine j . ni-.-hl tram-no h way Itcrweeu Nur.kuiul.erliiii.l and I liulumore. and Noiibuu.beilHiid tunl I'hiboleli km. ' ! D. T. U'U ND. pt. ; I. K. fcTAUFFEP. j . WATCHMAKER, & .'JEWEIJIT. I Ko. U North rKi'ilNli street, cernur of Qu.irrv. , I Pl.iladi-lplii-i. I An HsisiOi-MiM-tit of t i:l !., .;'s-j ' ulry, Silv-i- V Philed Vtir e-.i tniitly . I hund. Suitable for IHU. IHAY I IIKSENTS: - i . . . . .. fc'J' Itepairiu attended In. of Watelie and Jewelry promptly December ". lfM -1, ori!itrn Ct'itlral Ilssilvxiy . FOlTl TKAIXS DAILY to nnd from P.aitimore and Wnsliiiiflon city . Coiiueclisms made with trains on Pennsylvania linilroad. tu end Irom Pittsburg ami the M ot. Kol:l! TitAlXS liALY to and fiom lue North and West llraneh Snsrjnebuiiiia, Eluiiiu, and all ot North ern New York. 0? N and uller .MONDAY. ilCTOHEfl 2A. lsrtt the Pikwntser Trains of Hie Nortliern l'..ir,.l lliulway u ill airivu nt and depart from Sunburv, Harrisburg am', haltimore as follows, vis - SOL T 11 IV A K I) . Mail Train lent es Sunbury daily (except rununyj. ll in A. Al. leaves iliti-risliitrtr, I arrives ut Hultimore. it .111 p, ' Elmira Express Train leans Sunhnry naiiy (exuepi ruiiiiay.) II HO r. Al. " Unvas Htinisbuig (except Muuday.) 2 id A.M. " anives ut Baltimore daily (cxcepl .Monday). TOO A.M. Harrisburg Auoomjuodutiou leans Harris- ,uur!!' , 7 15 A. M. Sunbury Accommodation leaves Sunbury daily (except S lay) ut 7 tlO A M Erie Express Train Icme Sunbury duily (except Suuday.lnt 1 1J ' Erie Mail Train leaves Suuoury doily (except Sunday,) at 3 iO T M. NO,TI1?RT. Mail Train leaves linllimoie daily ,ex- cept Sunday) 9 ifl A. XI leaves Hmrisburg j 4j )i. Al, arrives at Minliiuy. 4 Ju Elmira Express Train leaves Haltimore 10 lit) P " - arrives al Harrisburg, i M A " leaves Hui lisburg (except Moiidiiy). S-I0A. " arrives at Sunbury. J 1 j i.ne txpress Irani leaves Haltimore doily icxecft tiuudiivsi at k to r Al seat e Harritburg daily icxecpt ran- days ut , " arrive! at Sunburv at 1 2i1 A M Harrisburg Accommodation leases Harris burg, daily (except Minday) al 2 Jd) P M arriias at Harrisbuig. I ssf SI Aanhury Accommodation leaves flarrii- burg daily lexuept Sunday) al i 2i P Al Erie Mail Traiu leaves Harrisburg daily (except oun lays) at 1J 00 PM. The Erie Express and Erie Mail Trains are through traiusln and from Erie aud all intermediate 1 minis. Mail and Express trains run Ihiongh to luiira, For further infonaalinn apj ly at tho Ofltce. . I. N. Dt HAilUY lien, feupt. October 1 1, JSoi. .MOW 4 .'OA FllCtl. TIl partacrshiu of (Irani A Dieti having heeti dissolved. '1 he uudertigued have entered inte Jiutuership, in the Vi hulesale and itstail Coai and hippieg liueiueas under tbe firm name of UILs I HPiOTHEU.' Thankful fur the patronage aatended to us fa Its late linns ef Friliug A (iruat, aud tsranls A Diets respectively, we iiepeelfully solicit a ceutinwsnea cf the same. . ' . ' "V?. T. ORANT, ' T. I). OR A. NT; Lower Wharf, Suulury, i'coo'a ' April a. loo. ' ; t ' , . Prrarrlptlonej irefully eosnpeanded ef tbe beet DJLl CirJ at hs MamniMh ttnrf J0 JMlUsVa 90V i 1603s ' ' ArrtiBjenieBH 1603. of crr . York LIm. TirE CAMDEX ANI AMJ0T AND rmtATEI THIA AND TRENTOJf K. n. CO.'S LINKS. From FM4tphait tiu Tori mini Ifay Ptatrt, from Walnut ttrttl Wharf and Kensington Depot, M ill lean at follow, vit I 1 Vaiii At a A. M., via Camden tad Ambor. rC. and ' A. AeeiNnimotlation,) ' At A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, IX. 3., Accommodation, Al A. M., via Cfundcn and Jersey City, (Morning Mail.) At A.M.,vla Camden and Joney nit 2l Class Ticket $3 V J 95 3 00 2.V 3 00' 3 26 3 00' 3 0O 3 Of. S 00' 3 00' ! At 11 A. M. la Keu-iiiigton and Jersey eity, M. via Ciitnitrn uj A in 1 joy, C and A. At 2 P.M., tiu Camden and Anibor, 0 and A. Express,) At S P. M.. via K..n!nBt,n and Jckov Cily, ash. and N. i . Express " At f;l P. M.. via Kviwintoa and Jersey Cilr. (Eiening Mall.) ' ' At 111 P. M. via Kensington and Jersey eity Southern Mail. " Al IJ (night) via Kensington and Jersey eity Soiilnvrn Kxprree At P. Mm via Camden and Anibov. Aeeom. inislnl 1011, Freiglit mid Pu-Menger, FLt VVIIIUIVIIII.IUIl,, 2 0- ni Seuond Class Ticket, ror onier uup, sirouUst)Urf,. Ptcrautoll. Wilkes barrc, Montrose, Oreut llcud, Ac., t 0 A M . from Kensington tie, Helaworo, Lackawanna ond est cm llutlroad. Ful ilaiich Chunk. AlleWnwn, rtethlehem, Boll d ere, tasion, l.amberlvillo, Flemiugton, A0., t h, A. M , iron, Kensingtou Uejiol, and at Ui P II Irom l nlniit street W harf. (The 6 A. M l.ii,,. eouneets with Trains loavins r.astun for .Mnm-h Chunk, nt .1-211 P. M.) v.. ic ...... ... . . - i ror .Mount Holly, at li A. Al oall(1 4 p l or treehold, ut 6 A. M. mid 1 P M r , WAY l.lXEft. For Itiisl.d. Trenton, Ac. ut II A. M. and 2, uJ r. Al. from Keusiutoii. For l'liliiiyra, tireruiii. Helnnco. Ueverlv. Ilur linglon fl.rciice, BorUcutowu, 4o , at ta,"i, t, 4 I a For X, it Y'.rk, at,,) Way Line, learh, , Kei . singion 1'elK.t, take the Cat on Fifth street, al...v.i Maliitil, hnij wi hour before iot.urture. The Cars run n. to the I (.f . and ou Die at riinl of oneh Train run Irom the Depot. Fitly Pounds of Ilnggnge only, allowed each passenger. Passengers me prohibited fiom taking miytlung as liaggau but their wriu-iugi ipp.ircl All I'aggttKi' OUT till v Uouilds lo be icii'.l ...i. Ti.. 1 1"'11. '"nil their resH.nsibiliiy or m:(.,a , (Hie Hollar per s 1, ,u, ju , ia,H ,imn amount beyond Sluu. except bv speciid contract WAI. II. "tiATZAIEl!, Au'e'ut Jatinary IT, HOS. V si. . diiTiicii tit'i 'm Confectionery, Toy and FU I T STOE, -IliwKs-l !S ! , Siuibiirj , a. 1 CONFIXTIONF.UY OF ALT. KINDS. TOYS (IF KVKKY DKSC lOrTION FIiUFl", Arc, A-c. CI"XSTATI,Y m hand nnd for sate nt the abov I eatablishnieiit ut wholesale and retail, ut ruuuu aljiv prices. llv is mnnufacluring nil kinds of ''olife. iionuric to k-ep up a lull assortment which are mdd at loi rates. Tobacoo. Sears. Ptalimiery. Xulaof all kinds, an. nvniietynf other nrticlw, Ml of wiiuh nre vlfrrc whotisal.t nnd retail. Ijs,- lleuiimiber the tiame and place. A l ., , M. C. (1EA1UIAKT. Mm lii-t street, f, doors west of E. Y. Uright A Son Sunbury. Pcpt. 10, IMA.!. If .11 lKME-K'M 1MIHM' l ire: .lll.tj "IU VKKK'f.Km As Ituprov.id for and lr;C0, Py K. KETCH AM A CO., 2S'J Pearl St., New Tori rpilK only Freeier constructed on scientific prh 1 cinlcs. with a revolvilnr can and snriio' bin.. i riper. The one hastens the freeiingof tbe cream ' the other remove., it as fast ns I'l ojon. . The most raj id in freeiiug, with the least riuanlit , ol ice. '1 he most economical ineust, as il is tbe most simp - and durable iu structure. I For sale iu ail U.e urineipal cities and towns iu tl I Cniun. . IEnch Krtetar otot pnuicd with a book of rcolp e4 eVl Jiivctivte. luarts, $1 Oft uuiirl's Ou ti ijuuru', 4 on s fjuwu,, oi) 1 1 quarts, tt ut) 2tl quarts, 12 ud Apply te U. B. MAWKR, Sunburv, Pa March 2U, IH6!!. (ItUltCI! Htl.L, Sms p. Woi.vkrtc HILL Ci WOLVER TON, Allot'iievKund C(ariiM'lii-H lit Lav Office. Market street, cor. Centre Alloy, STJ-lSrHXT-S-, FA.. Al y ILL ntiend promptlrv Uikeelleatien efelait It and all ether prnfecsinaal bnsinres iutrusted their eare in Nortliiiinberlaud niidudjoiniiigcoiusM' Siiiibiiiy, January 2.;. ISd'i liitrriuilioirnl Ilolel. ."05 ami Ci7 llrunJw.il, Ciirinr Via til 'in Sir. M'-W YCKK. riMI IS first elas House l,e most quiet, bom el i i and pleasant in the cin oilers super Inducements to lhse v!sltiii NewYork for busin or pleasure. Il is neutral in its location, and kent the El iuu-kan i'LA.x. in cmo-clion with Tavi.oi S.m. oux. where relie-bu" nts can be hail ull hol er serve 1 in their ovtn rooms. The cha,i;es aro n derate, the rooms and ailendance nf tie first order hat! . and all the modem conveniences nlt.ici.cd Oct I. l.M'4. SOLOMON MAMCK, ! ATTORNEY AT LAW, SU!f P'.IRT, Northumbei-Und Coimty. 1 I'l l-li t in tiut end nf Weaver's Tavern. Mar- Street. All business cii'ru-tcd to him will be careful y s punctually allrinlcil t. Consultation iu the El lish and leruia langestes. Sunbury, April a. I.. 'l'lto Coiiil'lc, lotibl-. At-llu Ke pic pti rilling- CORN SHELLEK ! M. PATENTED, Al tll'.sT 2c 1. liCl. T 1IIIS Sheller is the onlv ono that shells Ibe C- perfectly clean from (he Col, wbci, irreen. so, nlorilry. ii (jives the l-.ar a douMe operation tbe Shelling l heel m it pusses thrmigh. and se rales t!ie Cob liotn the Corn eolnpletel v. reuduruii al once til lor market uilhoultbo use of the faun mill. '1 his machine tbells a Jfah' I'nnitl lit .'mi to tit itliiltt,. ly Or, linri Jlninl Inrr. nnd enn be used. nlo, hy Horse. Steam or Wn Power by nttaching a Pulley on the Crank Slit For Durability, Cleanliness. Neatness fhcnpi and Kapidiiy in Shelling, this Aiaehiue caiuiol eiUalled by any other. STATE AND COUNTY 1UU1ITS l'Olt SAI.fi I REASONABLE TERMS. Gkxti kmk If you want your corn Shel clean ; if you have oi'casiou to shell frrtien or da. corn; if you w uot your com and c-a separated you waul a dat able machine ; if yuu es mil a ehi sbeller. buy the t '"inl ine. Deuble'-Acting. Sell-S nun in g Corn e)hlivj. REFEItENCrs : H. f ister. Dr. J. W. Pealo 5'unbu Charles Haas. Miller, Samuel Lessig. Readi C. 11. Aiorgsn A C , Ueo. Weiser. L. Augu- Millers. Sunbury. Sol. Marti. Farmer, Henry Leisenring. Bear Unf. T. Albert, lieorgeto Manufactured and for 5n!e at the Foundry RCHKBACH A fMipEK. Suubury. 1'. SuiuVary, J)ee. .1, lu..-0in TO TIIE .AIUSICAL VmA( f Ml IK subscriber 20 jean a practical Piano Fv I. Manufacturer, of ew York Cily. has pen lieutly locntod ut this section, aud would rospeotfu sekdii ewderi for TUMIKO. KEPAIEIITO. AND REG LATINO PIANO FORTES audMELODEONS. The talsersher is also the nisuufseiarer s Ag for , fHlCKEItl.NfJ 4 SOX .a, HAr.LETii.S BKO S . LIM'KMAN A Sn.N'S . WILLIAM II. BK vDHl ItTfl, ED IV AHO HLMi'.Mi 1LLD H, , McDonald a co s, lIA.0 I'OIITKii, Aad Coihsrl k NeedUan's. aad Piloubet's allLO'DfONS HtHMOHIt'g And Is. Ur biuart'e Pipe CHI CU CJ.(Ursi M M. M. AfT5 ew Atr