, TE RMS-tWO DOLLARS pet annum, f 2 M If ,aot paid within the year. Mo paper diieontlnued . until .11 arreamgsi are paid. , , ' ' ', I 'Than terms will be strictly adhered to hereafter. 'If tftbacribers negleot or refuse to taka their new. , papers t'ruin lite ofutfe to whieh thoy are directed, the; urn twponnililo nnlil thoy have settled tha billi MU ..ordered thein discontinued. ruetmsst'.rl' will pleat act M our Afrenta, and i frank letters containing subscription mjiioy. They art permitted tu do thia under tha Post Olbce Law. . i - . JOB FBINIISO, We have eomveoled-wlthour establishment a well . loleoted JU1I Ol'l'WE, which enable ui to . execute, in the. neatest style, ever; variety of , Printing BALTIMURE LOCK HOBPI.TAL. .WTAIILISIUCU AS A RKFUOK FHOM QI ACK KRY; THE OXT.Y PLACE WHERE A CURE f.l.V lUi OBTA1XED. VTI. JOHNSTON has discovere.1 the me.nl Certain, I J Spcedv and only Kffvehinl Remeily In the W orld for all Private liUeiwra, Weahnewof the Hack it Limbs, strictures, Afleotions nf the Kidneys and lilaildor. Invuluiitary Uischarnea, Impotency.Uene ;al Debility. XervoHsnees, lysrery, J.nji(rur.' Low ilirits. Confusion of ideas. Pal)ittion of the Heart, Timidity. Tremblings. Diinnessof Sight or Uiddiness. Jisea of the Dead. Thront, Neee or skin, Alieeliom if the l.ivcr, Luntrs, Stomach or Bowele thtwc Terri ile Disorders arising from the Solitary llnbits of Tuth those secret and military practices more fiitnl thoir victims than tho song of Myrens to the Ma--Iners of l"lv.os, liligliting their most brilliant hopes r anticipations, rendering imirriage, 4e., iuipoHsi- specinllv, who have become the rlctiroaof Solllarv ttce, Ihiit dreadful and destructive habit which nnuallv sweeps to an untimely grave thousandu of 'Young Men of the nwt exalteil talents and brilliant Intellect, who might otherwise have entranced listen ing Senates with the thunders of eloquence or waked o ecstaty the living lyre, may call with full eon deuce. 3IAUICI Atii:. Married Tersuns, or Young Men contemplating marriage, bring aware of physical weakness, organic -lebililv. deformities. Ac epeedily cured. Jle wlio places himself under the care of Dr. J. may religiously coniide in bis honor as a genllvman, and' conBdently rely upon his skill as a Physician, H4all' WUAIi."K rmn,.linti,lT Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. This DUtrcssint Affection which render! Life; .Miserable anil ma'rii'.ge impossible is the penalty Vaid by the victims ofiinproper indulgences. Young persons are ton apt to commit excesses from not lining nware of the dreadful consequences that may ensue Now, who that understands the ubjwet will pretend to dcuy that the power of procreation is lost vuoner by Ihmo fulling into improper habits than by tho prudent ' ltesides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, the most serious and destructive svuiptotns to uutb body and mind arise. The system li'ocomw DeningeU, the Physical and Mental Fmie !on Weakened. Los. of Proureative Power. Xervons Hrrilahility, Dvspepssa, Palpitation of the Heart, indigestion, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of the 1 ramo, Cough, Consumption, Decay and Death, 4 nice, o. 7 Wo ii 111 I'ri'dcrU-1 Wli-eol Left hand sid going fnim Ilaltimore street, a few doors from the corner. Fail not to observe name hnd number. V Letters must be paid and contain a staaip. Tke Doctor's Diplomas bang in Liaotlice. a inn: wAiiKATrun i. two b ; av. ' A" iltrci-ry or Xaitttoui Drug?? vi(..ioii!8'ro(. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons. London, Graduate rrom one of the most eminuut Colleges in he I'uitcd Stales, and the greater part of whose life iibocn spent in the hospitals nf London, Paris, nila.lulpliia and elsewhere, has ctlectvd oma of ) i most aslouisliiiig cures that were over known ; inny troubled with ringing in the head and ears when asleep, great nervousness, being alarmed at Hidden sounds, bashfuluess. with frequent blushing, itffinrieJ somcthu..! witli dirangemoift of mind, were nrrssi iiiiivciiately. jartm.'i:i.ais .OTin:. Dr. J. uVUfrmf all those who havo injured thoui, Cilvis by iipj Indulgence and solitary 'habits, which ruin Uilli Iwty mina. unniuK m 101 . either business, stud v. society or marriage. ( Tuksk uio suuiv of Ihe sad and uielaueiiol v cfTeetii produee.1 by early luiJita yuutli. via: Weaknem of j II e Hack and Liinl. Pains in the Head. Dimneis of , tfhiVht. Low ,f . Muscular Power, Pulpaaoon ortne Seart. Dvmifiisv. Nervous Irritability. Derangement ,f tii JKgest.vJ Function, wiel Utility, r-yuip- tuiiis of Cinsuuiplioii. Ae- ' ' Mkstai.i.v. The fearful eiTielson the mind ur much to bo dreaded-Loss of Memory, Confusion of Idoas. Dcprc ninii of Spirits. Kil-Forvhodings. Aver- to siKietv. oeii-i'ieirusi, ioo "i n.pi.iu.n, Love of liiuidiiv, Ac are iMiincoi iiiu eu ei"-""- , Tiioi iiMis of persons of all ajjes can now judge ivlo.t is the cause of their declining health, Iosiiik ... - - - - - . . ., t.,..r vir. becoming weak, (lale, nervous ami . eusei..'ed.bHvi..)t ariaitular a.,.eari.co about the , .... ........i .if .s.iiin mnl inn A lio have injured tiiemselves by a eertain rraetire ndulired in when alone, a habit frequently Warned fuun evil eoiiil'imions. or a' sehiKil, the efleels of which are tdjrhllv felt, even when asleep, and if no l .un,i.r rrbi.ra iinnossililo, anil destroys boib mind and body, should apply immediately. , What a pitv that a youmt man, the hope or his c.uiilrv. Ibo durliiiB ot bin purenUi. should be huafebed from all iiro.prc!s and tnjoymonU ul lite, by Hie ; -.,., uen'-o ,-f deviattn? from tlm aalb of nature; ,,( indulK'nig in a certain secret kat.it. kuaa awrsoue I ,:, before . j re.leet that a sojud mid aU k"dy are fhe m.t j . . i., .roarnti connubial haBfinses. . nirumriii . , . , Indeed without tiicse. tho jot.rney tbrouRh life be romes a weary jdlgi '"-" , V1! n uurkins to the view; tho lulinl becomes sbadooed - iih de.-p.iir uud nilcl wilb tho melancholy relleo liun Hint the hari'iii of another becomes blfc'hted ""iVliSISl-K W PII IU IH V I!. .... .v,.. mid imiiru'teiit fetiry f . - . .- ... i.e. 1. ......! ill At HO tii-llllH'd tNiliilUI uiM iirc, U "rr 7 --- . ' -V... ... . ru,1 nf illW4(VrrT 1aV 4JI auawv. w " - . 1 . .i w ..r ! laiwivvrv. iiiMtrra iiiin Yoiu !'l'Wmn f thirfe lrui aunu.i tho cuiifiilution:il yii.pUi of Iiiin horn.i rtisi-a umko thir npitirunc, uch u ulcerKt.l tr tl.c.ist llikfHXfll IIUPV 1 .11. ......UJ ri.rht HAnfueM. 114Hlrs uu hid hin U.ne and arms, blotohe. on the head. . a. d extremities, i.rogressinis aim ;-e a! last the nalau- of the mouth or the bones ot the ,,:.ie fall iu, and the victim of this awfu disease becomes a horrid object ol commiseration, till deulh nut, a mri.i.1 to his dreadful ufler.u)ts. by seudiiij; lim t "tbt LmliscoeeiW Couutry iroui whenee uo traveller returns." - , , It is a.urAovri that tlmuaands fall iet,s to this terriblodiase. owios to the anskill ulness ..f k-uoraut pretenders, who, by the use of that JWj, jV,, Mrrrury, ruin the constitut - ake Hie rcsidueof life miserable. rVl'H A.4a-.Il?l Trust not yonr lives, or health, to the eareorthe tiany l ulearucd and Worthless Pretenders, destitute el knowleiiue, nauio or ra - "iv J .lnwU-n s advertisements, or sly U tl'y"'"'."'- "' . newspapers, regularly Educated Physicians. W...axble of Curing, they keep you trilling uonth ,it.7 month taking their filthy and pniauiiiH pom louuds, or long as the.uiallost foe ean be obta.ue d. and iu despair, leave you with rumed heallh U sigh eeryourKallini?difai.pointineiil. Dr Jobislon U the only Physician advertising His credential or diplomas always bantf in bis office. His remiJies or trealemeut are unknown to all lliers, prepared from a life speut in the great hos pitals of Europe, tho first In the couutry and a more iZLi'e 7VW. Wirt thau any other l'hys.clun IImomnkmit v ruv. i-iikhm The mauv lliousands cired at this insl.tutiou ymt after year,' and the numerous luiporlsint Surgical tiuerafieii. Vrforu.ed by Dr. Johiudon, witaeesed by IhTreportirsoftht su," "dn.r," and u...y ..h.r iipers, of which bavt appoaxed -aiu and I air a i before the sblie, be.id hu. .landing a. a gcnllou.au of obaacler tl re.po.uiba.ty, I. a aK:ient guarantee to the atthoUd. a(il 1 M : JK ., s ltll. Persons writingsbould bapaitictlar in directing ,l,irle!.cr.toV,,8ID5titutlo.,rutb.lol juii.'w ji.-joii.wro. .m.i. Ml the Ilaltimore Lock Hospital, Baltioe, M 1. Juue i DWi ly. . . J ONES HOUSE, " Corner Marhat .tree! aanl Maiwet r?iuaVe, HABKISBUBG, TA.t Acknowledgtd a Tirst Uaas House. rnilK Pfiprietor would rrsfeelhally ell ht T atUution ,1 the eilLon. af Suubury ana lb. r. rounding eouutry, to lb "'liTJl, house, sisaring them the, will W S2l2 eau ooulribuw to their eeuifort.. Jt to eiluwoa ir ."ui ft! lb. Depot to avoid tb. no., uT. ...m iae.rleut to railroad ..Mbu, Time only a few rnluuies walk froui the saiaa. At tJo.ba. w.ll U f)uua tbt wattoa.oalt .eW at -b U.l. r n ji xrT VrtH,.: ie1,Vt-ai - PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY MORNING, BY II. NEW SERIES, VOL. 2, NO. CLOTHING FOR ALL!! AT ' HHBSHal'jr9 CONTINENTAL 0 L O T II I N 0 BAZAA 11 . I'.wrui-r ol'Miirkt't Msimirc A: Itnll Itonst HI r Sl'NBUItY, I'E X N ' A. JC3T OPEXtD, FALL A WIXTF.R 8irCK Cf HEADY MADE CLOTHING, Of Ihe newest styles, out l;j tbt best Artists, trimmed .and made equal to etitcm work, and told at the lowest prices. Whole Still) for tl5. Cavalry IWs for $V liLANKFTi, BSAVl"n. CLOTH vow BSHiaco'a. Varying from tZi to f40. 51 rn und lly,at 4'lotlsinif of the best ma terial consisting of Drese Coats, Frock Cosrta, Sack Coats, Paiite, uud Vests of various color and quuli tie. OEIfTLEMKN'S FURMSHIXO C.OODH, puch as Shirts, Over-shirts. Undershirts, Drawers. . Collars, Cravate, Xecktics Hasdkcrobivfs.Stockings i tlloves, KC. lliilw nnr'ii ol'ull KIikIh. . IIOHT." ASD SHOES, Oum Shoes, TnLNKS. VA USFJj, VMUKKLLAS, TOBACCO A MCOAKS, Watches, Jewelry. Kniri, Revolvers, and NO. TluXN of nil kinds, ami numerous ithcr articles. The public are invited to calf and cxuuiiue his Stock. Remember the place. "Continental Clothing Store, ' Coruer of Market Square and the X C. It. R. LEVI HKC11T. Sunbury, Sept. 30, IMS. a. iioiir.s 4;i6vr;i: Enamelled Slate Mantel fi -N ' iaivEJNA,M.EEllBS 1111 J3 UANlEL t ' warekoom:.- OS, CIIESTXtf SfilLET. PHILADELPHIA .Mauufactury Tenth and Samson Streets. T.ible-Tops, Pler-blaba, Brackets, Wash Btand Tops, Ac., f-.c. I'biladel.hia, Jan 7, mi. If ' AT TUG EXCELSIOR SHOE STORE VVM. H. MILLER. HAS just arrived from .New York and Pbiladc). .lna, with a choice Mock nf . f rp i ti f t IT A p P ft () () 1 b AJND O fl U Jj O . of Ihe latest stylus, and selected wife irreal eire, tu suit all, and is dctermiued te please all his customers grent ami sinall. Uyou want ibe latest styles, FAXC. PLAIN', AND Dt'llABLE, goto the Kseelaior Shoo Store, as no taper shoes .ire s.ild there, and its alnays e'us'iM'r to buy a gootl artitlo at the suue pke tkau it is to buy a poor one, lor . Jle has Men's Calf Stiudied Loot. ' Fudged ' u pegged " aadall kinds nf heavy SMoti. LADV'S IA.SCV AMD M.AT WI0K.S, high t.ip ul the latent fashion. I'iii'.ilren's fancy ami Plain high topped boots of everv description. l'i S IliM TS of all kin lsaa t eteles. which will he sold as low as can be ha. I anywhere, (.'all and examine his slock of Hoots and Shoes belore you buy oUcvthere. Nr uhnrge made for showing them. Will sell Wholesale A Hetnil. llemember the place, Market Square, Senbury, Tu. 6'epUu.ber 2-1, D$5. " To all Lovers of CHEAT GOODS AND I ADVOCATES OF ECONOMY 1 1 J-A.OOB O.BECK MERCHANT TAILOR, And Dealer lu CLOTHS, CAPSIMEKES, VESTING. Ac. l'aw u fctrt-t, mosiIIi r VsVemvor'ai IIolcl. S NUBBTT.PA. INFOltMS the cilitens of Snnbary and vicinity, that be has just reWmad from Philadelphia with a full asevrliueut of . . ALL Al IM'i:it 4.MI..S OK KVKRV DKSClllPTinN AND QUALITY. lli slock consists of Cloths, French Cloths, Black Doe Skin and Fancy Cas.iiueres, Illack Satin, Figured Silks, Plain and Faucy Caasiincrc VKSTlN'liS, which be will make up to order ill styles to suit the taste ol customers, ou short notice, uud the most reasonable terms. Any Hoods not on hand, will l.o furnished from Philadelphia, by giving two days' notice. tiood furuished by customers will bo wade up tu order as heretofore. As he will employ none but experienced workmen, persons may rely on gutting their work well (lone at hi' shop. Thankful for the patronage beretotore bestowed, be respectfully solicits a coimnuauee oi the same. . Sunbuiy, Sept. :'i). inn;. ID II. II. . l.l'.tll.i:!, PHYSICIAN AND 8 I' It G E O N NORTHUMBERLAND, FA. ; Ml. I.l'.MLF Y has opened an oftioa In Korlhem berlaud, aud oners bis services to the people of that place aud the adjoining luwnsl ipe Oucc neat dmr lo Mr. sioeM's Hbve Mere, where he eaa feta l at all fcoiira. . JiorthMsberlaad August 19, VSo. last hi in lit it Iiumurcmiwroaf I I THE NEW YORK OBSERVER, A WliKKLY REUtllOVS AND NKCVLAR yewspaper for the Family and the Fireside, will eoon euter on its I H I ! Ol K 1 II 1IUR of publioatioa. True to Tha Cni'RCn, the CflXSTlTL'TIO, aad Ihe CXIOX, . It if calculated taadlfy aud pleaae both OLD AND Y'HSO. , AH new subscriber, payiug us In a Iv.nee fu IV ball have their aamc. iiuuioliteljr tutored, and tha Observer will seut IS (heas i . ' I nlllJaauarrlirsf, Carullut saoseribe km, as Oka frea papee. will coaimenes when the name, are entered. Kastpla eopie. to any adJrcei free, r . ! - Tetais, 4,M year la adeaoee. SIDKEi E. MKKHB Jr. Co.. Ut Pas's Row, Kew Tors Wot. k l8.- 1 -i nn rrrsTrm'TrTTanMarsTirnrirTTiaasM n irnniwm m hhh . . - .' i J ' i7" "T;..UiJ' '. '"" - - ; ,svr. " ,l" .......... 12. P 0 E T I L; To Hie) Yctcrnttai efMH. Marcli on brave relic "f tlm past, Ol nnck'tit lionor'a roll the lust, Holilinjr the starry xbunncr fust. Upon cnclt venerable htntl There rest though many yenra hnvo fled. The lienison of the mighty tleatl. Tour Ofctla arc writ on lnnrts nrt main, At I'lattalinrg and at I.undy'a I.tint Ah ! who shnil cull the record vain ? The hand mny lose i'.s sturdy power, The soldier f.irm no longer tower. The lieurt uliall never faint nor cower. Cull over each year the almrtinins roll, And pledge otd memories in the bowl, In tiibute to ciiclt giillunt soul. Some coming year, nlus! mny Bnd But one old veteran left behind, To beur your banner in the winil. T A I lC 4 CLr l?TPI-I ITV 1 wt'rt ')aro t,vcn ' "IV shouuieis, and hang I lALiLiO AIM OlvljlVjnLO. jlnc loosely towards lief feet was a robe of i -r--ic--.-----r-r. J rluli stulT, prescnteil by Sir Thomiu Dale. C4ItKl.tT Vi:it!wl4.- Ol" TIIU , , nA fsiieifullv embroidered by her msii!ens. 111T4K' Ol' IHpl'.lllO.VrAH. . j ' , - , : During the lovely Indian luntmcr time, in i the autumn of 1003, there was ft marriage . on the banks ol" Powhatan, where Ihe Kng- j lish hadluid the great corner stone of tlie j gicai iiuirie oi .vii-ni-o.Mu iiiir,it -, Tiew orl(l. ll was ceienraieti . in too seeoud church which the Knglisll settlers bad entteiU litre. Like their tiret, which I lire had ucvourcd the )ieious winter, it I was a nidi) structure, whose, roof rested ! upon rough pine colitmna, fresh from the ! virgin forest, uud whose adorning were ! little indebted to the U.ind of ai t. The ' Cllieiatiog priest was "jjootl Master ilunter." 1 wno had lost all his books by the conthigra : tlon. History, p ietry. and tong have kept ! a dutiful ilcucc lespvtting the Kngiish mnr i riage lirst in America, because John Juaydon ! and Anne liurruwa wre comtmin people. The bridegroom wu u carpenler, aimmg the first adveutunrs whti neeude the Panhit tan, then natucil James, iu honor of ft bad kintr: und he biide whs wailing inaid to ".Mitre Forrest," wife of TIiuuihs Forrest, gentlemen. These were thu first white wo men ever seen ut the Jameslowu settlement. Almost tiveyetus later, there was another marriage ut old Jams), town, in honor of which hi.tory, poetry, and song have iieen iiiploveii. The britlcgrooni was "Master John iiolfe, an honest gentlemen, and !' giioit beh-tvloi.r.'' from the teabn ot Eng land;' an I the ! ride was a juincci royul. mined Miiotu. or l'ocuhontas, the well-be- 1 .vel daughter of the fcinptiror of the jfreat Powlmtan Confetleraty, on tho Virginia pjt.insuia. iiieonicmiing pnesi w t.-r Alexander lulu.vr, a noo. aposi.e oi , uJ.lk,d Tlom.l8 iwu Wc yet in Vir Whraiiamty wlsu W'.-nt to ) irgmiu for the ; ini Amo , t!lU noted' men' then present cure ol eoul. Sir 1 nonius Dale, tneti (J.v- '. ." J 10 ernor of the colony, thus briefly tells musters of the Company in London story of L'opnlmntu ; . , "J'o-.v hut tin's daughter I caused lo be carefully instructed iu the Christian religion, who. ai'ter she Imd tt.ade tt good pri.gr. ss theiciti, rtiiouiieed public" y her tomitry's iilolntry, openly confe.ieil her Cliriat'mn faith, ias. us he ilvsirefl, I aptizid, und is since married to an English gentleman of good iinderstanding. Her lutlicr ami irtends unve approbation to it, and her unclu gnvu lur to him in the church. She lives civilly and lovingly with him, uud, I trust, increa-t in eoodnifss, us , the knowl edge of God increastth in her. She will go to England witli me, amt, ware ll out inn gaining ot tins ou aoni. i nun uiy tune, toil, and present stay wen spent. So discoursed Sir Thomas lule. Curiosity ttoul.l know, iiti.ro of thu princess aiitUu-r marriage, nml curiosity may nereot giuum n to the extent ot tlie levtlallons i.t, recoruii. hibtorv. The liu" linger of epeeial rrovidencc, pointinix n the vista ol.uges. is seen in Ihecburae- d ter und acts of ri.cMliontii". She was the :ls ot l'..culiontu. Mio was tue .f a pagan king who had never fits of Naziinth, yet her heart daughter of heard ot .1 was ovti flowing with lUti ciudenul virtue of a Chiihtiuu life. ' When Cupli.in Smith, the boldest and the bestot early adventurers in Virginia, pent- ttutetl Ihe ilensu forest, hu was made it pri- sonrr, was tnnuutito in iriiiiiip-u iim tr iage tu village, until he stood in the presem t of Powhatan, thu supreme ruler, and thu lieoiuleiiuied to die; Vpua ihe bierrea aiai A single captive stood; Around biia cuius with bow and tt.ud llir red-men vf the wood. ' Like him of old his doom be hears, Kock-bound on oceau's rim; The vhicftui.'s daughter kuell Iu tears, And brculbed a prayer ter biia. W bis head in air 1 The savage war-eluh swung; ibe Iran lie girl, iu wild despair, Her anus around him flung. Then alu.uk the nurriors of the ska4, Like leaves cu aspen liu.lv iiubdue'l by the heoi uuid Who brealbed a prayer for hi. 'I'nbind him!" gosped Ihe ehief Obey your king s decree!" He kissed away her tears of grief, ' And set the captive free. T ever thus, when in life's etoraa, Hone's stur to men grows dim, A aiigl kaeeh) ia wouaa'a arin, Aud hrva.hii a player for biia. : I i Thu Emperor yieldci to the maid, the cantivu was set free. Two years after that event, Pocahontas ugaiu became nn angel of .deliverance. tihu hastened to Jan.vetown during a dark and stormy night, informed the Eng lish of a conspiracy to exterminate llietii, and w as back to her couch befoi'u dawn, bmilh was grateful, and the whole English colony regarded her as their deliverer, itut gratitudu is often a plant of feeble root, and the tanker of. selfishness wllj tlestroy'it al together. Mniilh went tu England; the morals of thu colonists liecamu depraved: and Argall, a rough half piratical navigator, unmindful of her character, bribed a savage, I by I lie promise of a copper kettle, to be tray Pocahontas Into his hands, to bu kept us a hosing while conlpellijig Powhatan to makts-rtsiitutioti for Injuries indicted. The emperor loved -Li. duugliter teuderly, agreed to . terms of ransom gladly, ami pro mised unbroken friendship tn the English. Pocahontas was now free to return to her forest imuie. ilut, other bouds, more holy thaa tkose of Argall, detained her.. While in the custody nf thu rude buccaneer, a mu tual attachment hud budded aud blossomed between her and John Rolfu, and thu fruit was a happy marriage' aiiomer .a uovej hind the peace" with Powhatan inuuo slionger. , - ' , , . .. , It was lsy in' charming April la 1013, when ltolfa and Pocahontas stood at the tnarrisgs attar i the new aad pretty chapel st Janieatoajn, whefo, uot looj before, the B. MASSER & E. WILVERT, SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 18G5. OLD bride' hud received Christian baptism and was iium'.'d tho 1-tidy. . ltubvcca. Tho sun httt', iimiehed half way tip toward the nieri diuii, , iitu a good company lm I assembled iieiie.tiH the temple roof. , fciliu pleasunt odor of thii ."pews ,ol, cetlnr" cninndiiijled with the fnio;raiice ol' the wild (lowers whieh decked the festoons of everoreetis and sprays tint linnfj over the '"fair, broad windows'' and ' the commandment tablets above the chancel.' Over the pnlpit nf black Walnut liun garlands of wi.lti flowers, with the I waxen leaves and scarlet hemes of tho I holly. Tim communion table was covered J witli I'.iii, white Uiicd, and bore bread from the whent-lields of Jamestown and wine . from its luscious prupes. The font, "hewn j hollow between, like n .canoe," sparkled ; with water, as on the oiornin; when the gentle princess utterred her baptismal rows. Of all that company Assembled in the broad space between the chancel and the pews, bride and groom were the central liiiuies in fact and aionifli.mnee. Pocahon tas was tlressed in h simple tunic of white muslin, from the looms of Dacca. Her arms a. gaudy lillet encircled her head, and held the plumage of bird and a veil of gauze, lur jmj8 were ,irncd with the Ki,,,0 jewelry of the native work-shops, k1u w'a8 ,ltiia.( in the guv clothing of an Kiijjlisii cavalier of that period, and upon ,S uun Ue wore tlie slioit sworil ol a gtn tlemun of ilirtiuction in: society. He was , the personification of manly beauty in form j ami Carriage; he of womanly modesty and ; simplicity; and, ks they came and stood be i fore the man of God, Hibtorv dipped her pen in the indestructible fountain of truth, I j nnii rec.Tiucii a propneey ni u inigiiiy eui i pint in the New World. "Upon the chancel I steps, where no railing interfered, the good Whituker stood in his saeredutal robc,'und ! with impressive vt. ice pronounced the mar ! riage ritual of the liturgy of the Anglican. I church, then (list planted on the Western ' continent. On 4iis light, in u richly carved : chair of stale,, briiuuhl. fnmi England, sat i the Governor,, with his ever atlendeiit Jial- berdiers, in bnueu helmets, at his back. ; j There were yet but few women in the colony, and these, soon after this memorable l event, returned to : native Knulaud. . Thu "ninety voting women, pare iipd uncorrupt ed,' whom the wise Sandysaused to be sent to Virginia us wives for the planter, did not arrive for feven years later. All then el Janubliiw n were at the, iimirluge. The ht'ers of the time 'have transmitted to us tile names of some of then).' Mistress John Ki.lfu, with hef child, (doubtless of the fumily of the biili'groimi;) Mistress Easton and child, and Mistress llorloii and grand .!.;:.! ...'.i, i,..,. i ..,...,.,( n; ...i.n, sous . wh... on u Chrisuima eve before, had i .ti,,v, ,T,.f,i .i-.i iim.iii p., ii., m ji ir.il' i ll & nr j was Sir Thomas Gates, a brave soldier in many wars, ami iVs" br.t'o ah adventurer among tho Atlantic! perils m nny wtlro ever i trusted to the libs of oak 'of llio ships of .'Old England. A ifd Master Saikes,- who j had liei.il co embiisudoi' with iiolfe to the coin t of I'owhat'i:., stood near the old k; : dier, w ill) young .l.'eniy Spiiinan ut his side, i There, too, wits the young George l'ercy, brother to the pi..verful hike of Northuin ; bcrluiiil, whose conduct was always as tio ' ble his blood, und -near him, tin earnest 1 spt'ctntor of the 'scene,' was the elder brother ot l'ocahotita.-, but not, the destined sue- resor Jo the throne of"liis father, 1 Thufp, : too, was a younger blVther of t!io ' liHde, : and many youths and maidens of tho finest ilioilru! luil. Ann 1 11 1 W. tiiriiro I hn Ill'tilo of the t'liuhatnii cinl'ciltracy-rthO'littlf( of ' i be britlo was absent. He hud consented, to i tho nirris?e w iru . willing Vwiev, but w ould ' not trust hinih'jlt' within thu power of the . English ut Jauicstowu. He rtiiiuined in his . habitation "at U'eioworouioco. while thu iiii tut. I tins 'I'lifiitt.' ii-f.ri ti.'tllir Wi'ilili'fl ! !jH j.!.,.,. cmimissioned hisbrother til ! ive 1a,,v Mil t.lxllU.T That prince per- r,m.,i hu duty well, and then, in careless gravity, be sat ami Untuned to lh voice of ' ttl0 al)(W,ie ,.mt tho sweet chantliiEf of llio : iitlitol ciiorribtersv. The music oeased. tho ! benediction fell, the Mileiu'j "Ami u" echoed , ,um tJ(J rU(lu VUUU., ,.!; ulll tje joyous t(,m,mv vl the cli-ipi-l for the festal hud ,)t) t,Vi-iiier. Thus "thu peace"' was made stronger, and the Hose of England lay undisturbed upon thu Hatchet of thu Po what ane, while the fathei of Pocahontas lived. Miinths paf'ed ' nwsy. .The biidn and groom "lived civilly nnd lovingly together," until Sir Thomas K.ilo departed for England in 10 1(1, when thev with many settlers uc- l fiinipaniud him. i Tomocomo, onu of the ! shiewrlust of Powhatan's councillors, . went ' also, that hu iuihl report nil the wonders 'ot Eugluiid to liis tiiiiftcr. . The J.ady He- I, . , i ... . .. e. .i... oecca receiveu treat iiiiuiiiiou uoui uu 1 tbu mied court and ull below it. "Shu accusti herself to civility, uml carriert licrsell us J daughter of a king." Dr. King, the Lord I o; .i t -.,: i i.... i...:ii. S2l3t.HI '. . . X.I I. till '.I, 11 HVI ,nilll festtvul state and pomp," beyond what he hud tyer given to other ladies; and at court thu whs received with tlie courtesy due to Iicr rank ns ft princess; HtH tlie silly bigot on iiih tnrnni) was nigniy inr-eiiscu, vecausu one of Ins suti.ieets (luiil iliucd lo marry a UiJij of royal Uftl, nii.i in the midst of his dreams ot penogatives, lie iihsurd.y appre , ,.. ... . i . . . .-. ... . . . i. .. displeasure. Captairt' Smith, who was then J. . 4 . . ... . .., In England, would not allow her to call him ithtr. as bhe desired to Ho. '5Shc could not tion iieur this pity, has been secured mid re comprehend tin.' cause jand Tier 'tender sim- stored to his friend. Thu detectives having plu Heart was sorely grieved iiy wnut Bi-em-; received liilormution which led them to sus ed'to be his want of ull'cctioti for her. Bhu j pect where tho false leg was, proceeded to reinaiued in England' about a year; and, I t lie house of a Mrs. Carter, in Albeiuuile when ready to einbai k for America with her county, ncnrt'harlottsville, w here they found husband, the ' sickened and died at Gravo j t upim the person of Mr. N. P. Halbtid. who send, in the flowery month of .luue, 1017,1 hud been wearing It for imiio time, hu hv w hiMi'iint tjttlte twentyitwo your of age. jg lost a similar member in one of tho rat She kit one son, Thomas .Rolfu, who urter- . tvt f thu war. Mr. ibillurd readily gave it wards became u distinguished man in Vir- gluiu. lie had but one child, a duuglittr. From her, some ot thu leading I.iiiiiues in Virginia tratu tlicir lineage. Among these are the Rollings,'' Murray, Unys, Eldridgts, and lvundolplrs. Uut 1'ocaliouiu neunen no poetenty to perpetuate uer nauio . is iinpeiislialily reset ved in the amber , (of Ul.tl.ry., , ' The' London Puiriot pf Xov. tlth. In a leading editorial, allu'ding to the evacuation of Rome by thu j1 reiieU troops aud the gtiit rul conditiou of the Popedom says ; . " r irfnin la brmnninir to lilt a little of. the great drama of the ooininu; year, Ureal as ur ineHioiiitauv iniijreei. oi r - ug land. Fjunce, .Germany ami America, thu main interest likely to gather around Rome. There lie the heart of the coming struggle, and the actors are already placing thotu ei for their soveral pans." SUNBURY, NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, PENN'A. MISCELLANJr HOW l.C!i:H liUKK IM iTI.il!:. !n view of the rapidly increasing popular ity of the Teutoniu beverage called Lnger liecr, an explanation of the inclhod of manu facturing it may bo inteniling. H Is a fermented liquor mntle from niiilted grain barley; principally. Hops and other bitter flavoring nintteis are addeil to improve the taste anil impart their peculiar properties, tonic and otherwise, to thu Ihitior. Lager Heer properly made, if analyzed will give about the following result : Wuter, 01-80 malt, 4 03 ; alcohol, a 44, carbonic ocil,;0-l 1 . The larger brewing season begins about the close ot October and cutis nlmut the lirst of April. In the manufacture of beer, the barley wheat, or other grain is selected with much care. It is first subject to tho pro cesi called mailing w liich is effected in large cisterns with a depth of some sis or seven inches above the :irl ace of the grain. When the grain has becon.e fully soaked usually ansoruing aliout 40 or io pounds to a hun tireil weiglit ot barley it is taken out. at lowed to drain for six limits, and then snictd upon the malt floor, where the next process oi me operation is termed cottctiing. Lying in beds ot twelve or sixteen inches in depth, the gruiu soon becomes thoist through chemical changes, and germination com mences. When this has gone 6ulliciently fur, which is known by the grain becoming white ami crumbly like meal, the process is changed and germination jiumeUiulely ar rested bv the grain being spread on ihe floor of a mult kiln, ami the tettiperaturc raised gradually Jroin UO to 140 degrees; giils-froin "Fatherland'' crvnted consideia durins the operation of drying the malt i iji cimituotioii n.iiuiilu tuiriiii.i a i,,t being frequently stirred. Then comes the brcwinsr process, which. like the first stage, embraces severut diller ent operations. The malt U liisPgrolind or crushed to a coarse iwtiei", which i'.'il'ter wurds bhtken into large mash-tiibs.Vmtain-inj; water nt ti temperature of .100 ('.agrees. More, water is added, and the teniperutuie carefully raised several ihnrees higher, after which the infusion Is diifltii oil'. More wa ter is then utkled to the cniehcd limit in the tub, ilra)rfl oir and added to :ho first; still another wetting takes place with tku wMcr nt tho bolting, which Is done by placing the infusion in largo copper vessels furnished with steam valves. During the boiling operation thu hops are introduced. The boiling over, the lienor is strained anil allowed to ol. w hen it is placed in hiigh wootlcii vats, and yeast added. Atier hav ing li rmenled, long enoiigh,"thu liquor is drawn oil' into huge receptacles and storeil in liugh vaults, where it is allowed to re main for severut months. This is culled hgt'ilnij'. The 3Ianuiiicloriv ol" the I'uitsMl ., ; . State... . . . A (piarto volume, containing nearly eight hundred pages, ou'the manufactories'id' the L'niteil Stuns, has just been issued from the j Goveniment Printing Oflieo. A few items from the work may prove interesting; -MANUh 'ACTUKKO. Boots and shot s . . Dread uud crackers llrick Carpeuteri.ig ...,', Carriiigts Chithiug Cotil Col tou. goods , . .' . Fisheries .',...'.., Flour and meal . Furniture '. . . ', . ', , Gold minjng , . . . , Hardware . .-. Iron . . . , fig iron TOTAL Y.U,. foil (13. ....... $1.m,2Hr) 111,1180,012 ; . . . 10.25:1,731 13,040,S!)3 2(1.8 IS.'JO.j 80,000.000 0.21o,(l37 107,oJ7,7Sl . 1 l.CH4,40.7 "o-'j.-io'olpj . 47,lC.;l,170 10 003 10(5 .,',',.., . i u,l ,..!. Oil CJI 1 OM Jewelry Leather ,,, , . - A,. , Lumber Steam engines Marblu and stone work . . , lNi per ...... Printing and publishing . , Provisions Soap and candles ........ Sugar refining . , , , Woolen goods . .. . 18, 404, ...4 . ... 42,143,23 1 ... 1)00, IW.3, 102 exchange paper X Sthakok Eact. An sus that Mr. Sewunl und been kept in ignorance of t'le attack on the President, his physician fearing that the shock would bo to:, gieat for him to bear, and ull new spapers were rigidly excluded from his room. On I thu Sunday following thu assassination, the Secretary had the bed wheeled around so I that lie could see the tops of the trees in the park opposite, just putting on the spring foliage, when his cyts caught the stars and btripes ut half mast ou the War Department, ou which he gazed uwliile, thu turning to his attendant, said: ''The President is dead!'' Thu con I used attendant stammered and fhanged color as hu tried to bay nay, but the sagacious old inan bu'i!: "If lie had been alive he would have been the first to call on me; but hu lias not been here, uorhiu he sent to know how I am, und there's the Hao nt half mast.". The old statesman's in- ibictivu reason had told the truth, and he lay in silence, the great tears coursing down ; j,si,ed checks, us the (licacltul truiu i Sjiuk illto ,-3 lulHt ItKCovKitY K Cot.. 1 Iuiu.i:i:n's Lko. Through thu energetic cifoits of l):tectives V. W. E. Lohmau ami W. II. Vernon, the false leg w hich w as captured in Marcli, 1SC4 I frimi Vo. fine Dahlgrecn, who whs killed P ... ..1 j while on his retreat from a raiding exixdi up and stated lhat he had ruceivud it as a present from & relative, who hud puithased it for him. ' It' will bu. ruuiembeied that a abort w hile tiuce Detective Loll. nan secured the ring which was npon the little linger of t (.; Dahlgre,,, ti,t was put off at the time l ,j ul4 death. i'oAiaV.ri(t Time. ' ' '. ' KltM4ttAtll.kJ STRlilCAL Ol'KRATtoS. A remarkable case of surgery has recently been ' 1 1 . . , . . ,., .. I'eiKiiii.eii uy ir. luiw uni, oi . n est ruu iee upon Mr. Marshal White, of Bpiii.gtield, w hich was to take four tumors Iron) his throat, neck and nose. ' Ono each from tho throat and nose wero taken through thu '' mouth, and occupied Ave hours in thu opera - lion, uno on eacli aidu or tlie neca exicuu ...I i,. .n.i ...r iv ii... iiiirulare.late: tn ew lorK, must lu wnrin two ivelna, . Me U hln, I. nnw m.it., reevtred. althotich his euae ha.1 been pronounced hopeleaa by several eminent surgeons. IV vat poftr. JL 0 SERIES, VOL. 2G, NO. 12. Gknkhal Chant. AVlllis, in the Inst number of the llumt Journal which is by the way still one nf the most attractive and readable of American weeklies thus speaks of Oeneral Grant us he appeared at the great reception in New York: But, In the brief period nf the O.-urral's personal inaction (seated in that arm-chair before ho was addressed by the .Muster of tho Ceremonies for tho beginning of the "Introductions,") I found my study of him materially nl tired. His immovahlciiess is wonderful. There is no betrayal of a nerve. His eye is as calm ns a new moon, and w hen he crosses aleg.it is for-J-somo time. But his eyelids never stir, und, when you fully meet his look, you feel yourself-tinderstood. His beard is coarse and wiry-luxuriant and untefined-and it mats together his under jaw, with a straight lino of repose which is simply nn expression of strength and silence. His nose is not well shaped, arid his profile consequently is not good; but J never in my life saw a face which had, in both front uud side views, such a solidity of magnanimity and honesty. For u head, human yet with out a weakness, his will be, some duv. I i venture to predict, the sculptor's ideal. Tho Mormons havo just received a batch of recruits 1'rnm Denmark. A Suit J.uke paper says: "There isn't one of hem, ap parently, who might not ns easily have been persuaded to emigrate to heathen lands where heathenism prevails, us to this Mor mon heritage, provided the same tiiisrepfe scntnlions had been made to them bv their proselyters." The arrival of these I'nir-lntircd ofild fogies, who had nlieadv fix orwvtu loriorn wiges, were seen examining ILeiicw cifftrers. most likely w ith ihe object of select ing oK iti order to "save ivr kouI.-' A story is told uboufftiie Itev. Uobert J. rlrcekiiiiidge, who was temporary cliairiiian of the Ihi'litnoic ConvetiAon last vear, ami Vac lute Thomas E. Marshal, of KliiU'i kv. ! 1 Villi wihhing h establish a lcpiilulion iu . early life, measured lances with llei.ry Cu 1 anil of course got the worst of it. A few ! years after the two met the lat.ter being on one of his customary sprees. The lawyer . exclaimed to the divine : i "Ah ! Hob. it was an unlucky day ."or its when we tilted against the Great Ilariv ! It ! drove mo to the bottle and jm to the pill text pit, Bob; lmt I ve stuck cioscr to mv tliau you havo to yours." Tunis is about the size'of New England, and has two uud a half millions of iuhabi tuiuiU. Hl. Wkhtkhm I'loqi'IvNck. "Where is I rope compared to America ? rowhur. Thcv : call Kin-land tho Ua spa. bn"t v ho sea, but what nuirits thee Jlississiiitil ) makes, it, and all vl.jw.(lo is to tuin thu .!is-issippi into thu Mauiinoth Cave, and j thu English navy will be lloumiering iu thu mud. A DistingnisVcd California Divine wn? sked after a trip to silver hind, "What he, thought of the country?'' He repiiid, ; "Tliere are but three things in Washoe, sir, I big mines, little mines, and whiskey shops; in nlber winds, ophir holes, !Mii'nir holes, ' and loufer holes.'' Why is a thief your only true philosopher? V.i.f'iuii4 In. reir:.i'il.4 everv tl.in" l'. iim an j tflntrnct jmiitt f riVe, is opposed to ul i ! ""t'ons of protection, and is open to Conic- j '"'I1', or I A Shout Syoiiv, hi t In'1u1ii:si i.o. --Jn genuine European extinct for the handker- I. . .. ,., , ..lie. uiti.ni uu- uin'itn'i. ue.c, uiuier i.iu jou i sent till All , at less than twice tlie pr ice of ." liiiT "4'i ' "ighl-lilooiiiing t eroiis, a moru 'iiw'i'. iv'.'i i- ' delicious, permanent ami healthful perfume 10-t.u3,u-l i , 1 .... . , , , , 4U i ")7 1HU i "")' t'lelii. bold everywhere . 10,214,044 j A Xrw dodce in smugglinri whisky nve , 21,21(5, a02 the Canada border has been detected. Thir , ol,0iiy.8U3 ty-two women,, each with what seemed to . 31,03(5 4:C5 be a baby in her arms, were arrested on one railroad train, when it was found that the j supposed babies were cans containing I whisky. Whisky in gun bafrala or in burial leases, is excusable, but whisky it baby I clothes is entirely out ol ori'.cr. Some time since the authoritiea of Hash.1, Switzei land, pardoned a murderer on wm. dition that he w ould emigrate to the United States Consul, he sent up a prole-t. in which he said that "these States arc not penal set tlements," and that the offender would not bu permitted to land on our sl.oivs, but would be "sent back ut the cliar. of those who may send him out." Uats. Neighbor Jones says, that If we will go to a tin shop and get a lot of wrap tin, and crowd it into their holes, they will evacuate the premises lit once. Whether they fear them as traps, or whether tly scratch their sides, or whether they have a natural fear for it, he could uoi tell. Hj only knows the fact. .lAjoif !-irnnr. Ifo'.v Maxv Inciiks in A Ei'sup-.;.. Tut standard bushel of the United States con - tains 215(1.4. ctibiu inches. The "Imperial bushel" is about C3 (".lbii: incbis laigLr, be ing 2-il8.1'.!3 cnbin inches. Any box or incisure, the contents of which are equal to 3150. 4 cubic itichc, will hold a bushel of grain. ' In measuring fruit. ' vcgefaiilis. cm !llt V'.1"',1' M',""1"', kU,'-,""C0- ""'''1" '"""t . a . 1 .... I I., ,tf,,.r tv.tr.Jat it IU..I' (.aili'o rive times evtn toll makes one bushel. Tha usual practice is to "heap the measure." In order to get on the lii'lh peck measures niut j bo heaped as long a what t to tie mr..'ired w ill lie on. j - j U excellent :--rii'l'l three pints iniik. int To PituvKNT iloitsKs KifKiM.,-Having i which stir smoothly two cups corn men a liorse that would kick everything to pieces j ,( nlll. cup thoppid suet, or half enp bu' in thu stable, that he could reach, anil having ter. When cooled add a well rounded cu found a remedy for it, (af vr trying many ,,f goi d siiar, 3 Ix-aieu egs, 2 leaspooi.fu things, such as fet'ciitig, w hippliikf, of linnaiooti, one of salt, and a pint iit'ii.iil bunging chains behind him for to kbk j mixed w iih threu tablespoonfuls of flour. aguinst, ive) I send it to you. It is simply Add a cup of raisins, and bake '.'4 hours, fastening u short trnce-chuin, about mo feet jJm K r.H.ri.K hot Tuko cult's heji loni". bv a strut), to each hind (not, and let . ..... .... . ...hi. il.at von muv . , . .. .. : :e I.- o.iitmi. ktkiul still without it, and ho will not need to have boards nailed to his stab every duy.-f 'uuutrg Gmtlt mini. .11.11 lilt . in own v. II 11). II lit? .1 v....' B.m... .............. .. - Nkoko BifFKAOK. At present negroes are allowed to vote iu only six Stales, vu; Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, sub !.... tu the aiimu conditions ns w hite men; jfl Massachusetts they most be abio tii reud und wrltet in Rhodu Island, must tie worm onu iundied and thirty dollars In real huiidretl and fifty dollars ovtr all incum- ! brade'ee; in Kansas, and in Kansas, and untler the new I radical cousikuiioo ui riiuouri, uurr ar not aiioed to vote. ' .- , - C tr: . term of AirKirrisr- One nquiire of 10 line, one lime, Krrrj tubeequont imortion, One tqunro. J) tnontln, Six niontln, . . , Oao year, Kieciitor nn.1 AdtniutftrnUm notloef And I tor notice.. $1 Ml 4 W 0 to 111 lid 3 (10 ' 3 W & U RtKlnsm Caru nf ft line. Tier rnnnm, Mercbnnle and irtheni mlr riifintr by the year with the privilege of charging qiiartrrly folluws : One qiinrter column, not cxtfeeilinir 4 fqnnrcd, flS M One hiilf outumn, not exeoviling 8 square, 2.'i dU One column, - 6J t;u Eiliturlnl nr l'al RilrertiKinR. any numW of lin not exce.lin(r ten. 2(1 ceui pur line; 10 cent, fa every Brl.litional line. . r M.irriune noticcn. 50 cents. Obitunrien or rrantntiuiM acoompanying notloeeo deaths, 10 cenU pur line. RECITES, &C. ' lOrclpt Tor 4'lriliiiu. I Mit. Tgi.koii.wii, I send you the) follow ing in full confidence that they will tie liked j if properly tried ; To make what is termed li umitwl ptnl- tling, tilKC ot raisins well stonedi cm rants i thoroughly w ashed, onu pound each; chop a pound of suet very finely and mix with them; add ft quarter of a pound of flour, or bread very finely crumbled, three ottnses of sugar. one ounce ami a halt ot grated lemon-peel, a blade of inner, half a small nutmeg, one tenopoonfull of ginger, half a dozen eggs well beaten ; work it will together, put it into a cloth, tie it (irmly , allowing room to s veil, nnd boil not less than seven hours. Ii should not be snll'ered to stop boiling. A OoonCititisTM s Primixo. One pound of flour, two pounds of sui t, one pound of currants, or.o pound of plums, eight egos. two ounces of candied peel, almonds uml mixed spiees according to taste. Boil geutly ! for seven hours. ' Mixer. Pies. Take a pound of beef, tree from skin and strings, and chop it very tine; then two pounds of suet, which likewise pick and chop; then add three pounds of curfiints nicely cleaned iind perfectly dry, one potilW and a half of apples, the peel null juice of a lemon, half a pint of sweet w ine, half a nutmeg, ami n few cloves and msec, j with pimento in flt.c powder; have citron, orantitvan'i tfinon pee l renjiy, nml put some fh each ol'thrpics when made. MiNCit Mkat. Ki'v. pounds of currants, three pounds of ruf-ins stoned, thico pounds of apples chopped fine, four pounds of suet, tWd.notnidsljf' st'g-te. two pounds cf beef, the peel and .hico of two lemons, a pint of sweet wine, a quanel of n pint of brandy, half tin ounce of mixed spice. Tress the whole into a deep pan when well mixed. Little Pi.t. M Cakls to ft?!:!' LoN. Dry one nonnfl of flour, nnd mix with six iiiiir:ei cf lively. pounded sugars beat six ounces of butter to a cream, nnd tidd to three eggs wfll.bentcn, hull' a pound of cur rants washed and nicely dried, and the Hour nnd Riignr; beat alitor sotnn time, then, dredge Hour on tin plules. nnd drop the bat tel on them the size of a walnut. If proper, ly mixed, it will bu a slilV paste, liuku in a brisk oven. Qi'kkk Cakr. Mix one pound of dried flour, the same of sifted sugar ami of washed currants; wash one pound of butter in rose water, beat '.t well, then mix wit'.i it tight eggs, voika and whites lu-nten separately, and put in. tho dry ingredients by degrees; i Lent the whole an hour ; butter little tins, j toac.ipii, or saucers, filling them only half lull ; silt a little line sugar over just us you put them into the own. " .iSk.ii.ni Cakk. Heat one pound of butter to a cream, ad. ling gradually quuritr of a pound of siited sugar, beating both together; I. live leaily the ytdka i.f iritfliUn. egn, ami ; the whites nf tun, beaten separately); mix in tho whites first, and then the yolks, and ! beat the w hunt for ten minutes; add two 'gia'ed nutmeg-, one po'iu l and . halt of Hour, and mix llient vrt-y gradually with thu ' other ingredients ; when thu oyn is ready, beat iu three ounces of picked earruwuy seeds, LtoMo.N Cakk. Heat six eggs, the yolk.-, ! Slid whites separately, till in a solid troth; add to the volks the grated rind of a tiiiu ' lemon and six ounces ot sugar dried nnd I silted ; beat this (planer of an hour ; shake I in witli the left hand six ounces of drii .1 ! flour ; then add Ihe whites of thu eggs and ; the Juice .V the lemon ; when these i.tu well beaten in, pl.t it immediately into tin, mid bake it about, an hour in a moderaiely hot ' (,vuu. UtriiKiiitotcn Tel, I Mimic Piks. The foil-. wing receipt fir i Mince Pies, w hich are now in season, is con- tideuily recommended after using it for many ycHrs : . j Uoil a fresh beef tongue tender, let it get cold, then chop it fine, with one pound ol suet, one half peck of apples, two pounds of currants, picked and washed very care) fully; one pound ot citron sliced, half an , ounce, cai'U of powdered cloves, tillspice, cinnamon, and ginger; thi'ee pints of sweet ' tider, one pint of Madeira wine, half u pint Wit brandy, with euotisfh sugar to sweeten i to jour tuste. This will make a largu jai fllll. (re-, iff Scoi.i.ot'Kt. Ovsthii.--Take crackers nisked breatl, and piMind tine. Butter sinal liu pans, und put in lolernatv layers of tin crumbs and oysters, having a lajerof tin crumbs ( ll the lop. Season them with sal and pepper and add u little butter, am ovsier juice bullicient to tu iisten the whole bake tiii blown. Thu shells of large otstcr me cxccilciil i;,et instead of pans. It j: s dd thut the shell give a higher flavor t : t tic ojster. Iniuas Meai. Piffb. Into pre quart o ; boiling In Hit s.ii' eight tublespooMulla o . n.eal and lour .-iounlul's of sugar. 15. ii iliie ni'tntit.s, stilling constantly. Wtn:i 1 cool, mid well benten (ggs. Rake i ! buttered cups hull an hour. Trv them witi .: a lillle bultcr nnd msplu mo lasses, and ev if they me not good. ImPkiii t. (JisoKiinHK.M.. Ruhfcix ounce of batter into three pliant is ul' a pound c Hour; then mix six ounces nf treacle with pint of cream cat (fully, list It should lt:r t!:e Clean. ; mix ir. a (i.inrtei of a pound i. .loilble-lefim-d sugar, half nil tium't of pow lieied ginger, and or.u otinc. of Cariawa seeds; stir the wholu well logcitier into i paste, tut into shapes, iwid slick cuti'uudh orangc or letn')n-eel ou the top, Rikku Cons Pl'MH.NO. The foHowin I .. w . . -. J 1 - , .,, I'cr, uud boil until wry (drier. Eit rv ton cull decide ubi.ut thu qutuitity of soup lh oecsjsiou reiiiiircs. Keep a siillicient liom ton the meat while boiling. Filteen miuutt In bue tlie soup is done, tuku In cud pruiul rubbed Uk Hue us. cau be break nto tl crumbs two eggs, then Uii the crumbs un eggs well together; put il.lo the rruml ktimmc? savory will pulverized, suit uu pepper, and rid) the seasoning well togetht ) autl mabO into tlie so culled lorce meat nai the size of a b.'ack walnut, and tliop the into the soup. '1 liu soup is to bu t.tkca a in a iurge tureen, with lue meat iu Ihe cent of the' dish; aud the force meat Iwils place enuudtie meat, in order to make tha dit appr a'tvtly yarcirLdl. Ctfuntry br. r