TAILO IN a J. F. SCHAFfER, UlTECTFt'LLY Informs the cltlzonii of SEN-. BURY and vicinity, thnl he has opened a 'l'nilorlu' r-!i;, Ih room over Farnsworth't Grocery, opposite fh tental Hotel, Sunburv. whoro lie it ready to ninko t Fm-mcnlsof all kinds in Iho liitcst stylo and best ft orli muni i ko manner. Having lind pporicn;o in Iho business for a nnm or of yours he hopes to remit r Kt-iirrnl suti.'factiun Custom work is rcspcctlully elicited. J. F. SCUAFFER. Sunbury. May 13, I ft). 1y .toiler, to 'XroxfUKfirrn. NOTICE is hereby fciven, fhr.t no person trill be allowed to trespass on my property, on the tilinmokin Islnnd. or to enter into iuiv enclosure without permission, ns the penalties of tho luw will be cLforoed against nil offenders. ?0 REWARD, will be paid for information that trill lend to the conviction ol any such trespasser. JOSEPH BIRD. Ehamokln Islf.ni. Mny 1.1, IRfiS din NEW SKIRT FOR 18G5-G. THE GREAT INVEKTION OF THE AQE IN HOOP GKIBTS. J. TV. BRADLIA'S New Patent DUPLEX ELL1P TIC (or double) SPRING SKIRT. This Invention cannula of Duplex ;or two) Elliptic Pore Helmed fcjiecl .Vj rings, ingeniously brniilcd tightly and firmly toirclhoi-. cdjru to cdf,e. milling tiio toughest, most 'ficvioie. elastic and durable. -prines cvrr u.ed. They seldom bend or break. Iiks tho Single Springs, nod eunscqucTitiy preserve their per fect and beautiful shape mora than twice as long as i.nv singlo i-priug skirt i hut ever has or enn be made. Tbo wonderful flexibility and great comfort ami ploasuro to any Lady weming tho Duplex Elliptlo Skirtwill Lc experience I p-ir. iculnrly in nllernwded AsFcinhlics, operas. Carriages Railroad Cars, Church Pews. Arm Chairs, for rromeuuilc and House lire" as liiu tkut eun be folded when in use to occupy a rniall place a3 easily and conveniently as a bilk or Muslin Drc5. A I.ndv inn ing enjoyed tlm pleasure, comfort and preat coivenirice of wearing tl.o Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Miirt for a single tiny will never after wards willin.rlyili.'peu-'e with their use. For Chil dren. Muses and Ycu:i Ladies they nro supctior to all others. Tiio Jloopj are covered with 2 ply double twisted thread anil will err tvi-c as long as 'be singlo yarn covering which is used in all single Steel Hoop Skirt. The three bottom rods on every Sknt uro double steel, nud twkc or doublo co ere. I to prevent the covciing from wearing oil' tho rods when dragging down il.iirs. stone fti-ps. Ac.. Ac, which they uro Constantly jul.jcjt to when in u.o. Ail are made e f the row and eiogatit corded Tapes, nd nro the best quality in every pu t. giving to tho wearer the most graceful and pet fret shape possible, and uru unquestionably the lightest, most desirable, coiufortable and economical kirt ever made. Wests' Rrndley A Cary, Proprietors of tho Inven tion, and solo Miimifiiouirtrs. 17 Chambers, and 70 A SI Runlo streets. .Yew-York. For sale ill all lirst-elass stores in this cily, r.nd throughout tho United f"tutos and Canalu, Havana de Cuba, Meiico. south America, and tho West In dies. Lj"-InrjuTe f rtho Duplex Elliptic (or double) spring elurt. A.AC. August J'.', l.So5. ,".n $500 ewidI- THE undersigned will pay a Reward of Five Hun died Hollars, fjr tho discovery and conviction of the person or persons, who set tiro to, and destroy ed thcCoitl Drnkcr at Trcvorlon, i.lioui 1 o'clock ou Thursday morning, August 24th. MOWTON 4 CO., Trevortcn. Sept. 2. 1.V5. illLLIKERY GOODS. BROOKS & It O S 12 N II E I M , WHOLESALE HEALERS, Ko. 431 Market Slreci. north .side, rHIADKLPIIIA, Hare now open their usual handsome variety of Ribbons. Ronrct Materials, Stnws A. Fancy Ilonnets, Ladies' A .Misses' Huts, 5LOWEES, HTJCHE8, LAC23. ad all other articles required by the JiHUisioi-y 'JJ'rsulo ! By long experience ami ttrict attention to this branch of business, exclusively, wo (latter ourselves that we cau otter inducements, in vuiiety, itvles, Juality and moderato prices not everywhere to be ound. The attention of MILLINERS and MER CHANTS is respectfully solicited. Zif" "articular uttcutioti paid to filling Ora'aa. ilaich 4, 150.1. 3m. Til. II. Rockefeller. Llotu T. RonnaAcu. ROCKEFELLER & XtOHRBACII. W8 tSl E5V, riv'J. o FFICE the same that has been heretofore oeen. ' pied by Wm. M. Rockefeller. Esq.. nearly od- posite the resilience of Judge Jordan. Bunbury. July 1, lSll.'). ly 'i-f li.'i-ii 4 V sural Kailwsiy. FOrR TRAINS DAILY to and from Baltimore and Washington city. Connections madu with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and tho Wfst. KOL Il TKA1.WS DALY to and from tno Xorth nnd West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira, atd all of N orth ern New Yorlv. ON and after MONDAY", OCTOCEIl 2d. 1S04, tho Passenger Tmins of Iho Northern Central Railway will arrive at arl depart from Sunbury, JIarrisburg aud Baltimore as foLtows, viz : SOUI II W A R D . Mail Train lrtvas Sunbury daily (except Sunday). 0 40 A. M. " leaves Harrisburg, 1 30 P. St. " arrives at lialiiun re. 6 SO " k'.aura Eijiress Train leaver S;ii:bury daily (except Sunday.) 11 40 P. SI. leaves HarrUburg (except Monday.) 2 40 A.M. arrives at Baltimore daily (t.xcept Monday). 7 00 A. 51. riorrisbnrg Accommodation leaves Harris- turg. 7 45 A.M. Ennhury Accommodation leaves Sunbury daily (except Sun lay) at 7 CO A M Erie Express Trniq leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday.) at 3 15 " Erie Mail Train leaves S'lubury daily (except huud.iv,; at 3 50 P M. - NORTHWARD. Mtil Traia leaves Raltimoro daily (ex- cept Sunday) W 20 A. M " leaves llarrisburg 1 45 P. M, " arrives at Sunbury. 4 20 " t-taaira Express Train leaves' Baltimore 10 00 P. M ' arrives at JIarrisburg, 2 20 A M. leaves lliirrislurj (except M'oday). 2 40 A.M. " arrives at Sunbury. 5 15 " trie Express Train leaves L'uitiuioro daily (except Sundays ut 8 00 P M lao ilarriaburg daily (except Sun days ut 1 20 A M " arrives at Sunbury at 3 i0 " SarrUburg Accommodation leaves Harris- burg, daily (except Sunday) at 2 50PM ' " arrives ut ilurriil.urg. 7 45 P SI 'anbury Accommodation leaves llarris- burg daily tcxeupt Sunday) at 4 23 P SI Trie Sluil Train leaves Jiuiritburg daily (except Sun lays) at 12 00 I SI. The Erie Express uud F.'ie Slail Trains ure trough trains to and Trom Erie and all intermediate ...iuu. Man and Express trains run through to Ilinira. Fur further inforui -.tion applv at the Office. X. N. Dt' BARRY' Oen. Supt. Pctober14, 136S. 1K8."I.. IMJ5. UMillntlolpliia A' Ilrio Rnilrond. rKIS grae.t line traverses the Northern nnd North west count U-s of Pcnusylvuniu to the city of Erie n Lake Eriu. It has been leased by the PennsyWania Railroad 'f'mpany and is operated by theui. luno A Pei.ger trains ai Sunbury, ' Liave Eastwud. Erie Muil Train. .1.10 p. m. rrie Express Train. 3.10 a ni. I.imira Express Train, 1 1 . ?. S p m Eloiir Mais Train, 10 45 m. Tjru Accommodution, S.iO p. ni. Leave Westward. Fr:e Mail Train, 3.55 a m. J r'i lorcs Traia, 2 HO p rn. LlTKira Express T i aia, 5.20 a ra T.luiira Slail Train, 4 25 p. m. Tynr.e Accomuiodution, 10.15 a. m. Puni.jrer cars run through en the Erie Mail an! !"'" Trains without change both was betircea 'hiiad'lphia and Erie. .-v lerUl'oinerllon, eave Now York at 7.00 p ui, uriv at Jfrie 3.40 a. i. Lcavs Erie at 2 05 p m.,urrivo at N, l'ork i, noon. Noebange of ein between Erie aud New York egani Meejiiuc Car on all Nijht trains. ' ior Intt.t miti it,n rospeoting Paiaenger butintti iply ut it. Stub and Market St., Philadelphia. Atu for FreijiLt bubinoiof tbo Conipany'a AeeiiU b. a. Kingstoa, Jr., Cor. 13th aud Slaxkot ei ' bdaaelpLia. 1 J. W. Reynaldi, Erie. Vi'UUuiu Xirown, Agent S. C. R. B., Bal timer . U. H. Uot,rv..i, Uen I Freight ASt. Philada. H W. GWIXMIB, OeaTTicket Ag't, TbiUd. A. L. TYLER, tt T, 1 THE rHK.AIX PCO'IOHIL Will Curo Your Cough. i,A-.r.K THE P II (E N I X P E C T O It A L Or compound Syrup of Wild Cherry and Root, n il' curo the .Diseases of the THROAT AND Lff'CS iuch as Colds. Coughs. Croup, Asthma, lironchinsi Catarrh, Soro Throat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Ae. lt timely use will prevent Pulmonary Con sumption, and even where this fearful disease has luken hold it will itffjrd greater relief thun any other medicine. This Pectoral Is niftdo from Wild Cherry Bark and Seneka iSnnko Rout. Its Composition isa sufficient guarantee of its Taiuc. Dr. ieo. B. Wood. Professor of the Practice of Medicine in tho University of Pennsylvania, Physl cinn to the Pennsylvania Hospital and one of tho authors of tho I'nited States tlispcnsntory, says of Wild Cherry Bark "It Is among the most valunblo of our indigenous remedies, uniting with a tonio pow er the property of claiming irritation and diminish ing nervous excitability." The same distinguished physician and authors sayi ir. the same work, "tSencka fcinako Root isa stimula ting expectorant. Its action is especially directed to tho lungs. It is peculiarly useful in vhroiiio ca tsrrh iiflcctions nnd the secondary stages of croup." For want of space we cannot publish all the testi monials in our possession, but we give two : FiKKXixviLLR, April 1st, 1864. This is tocertity that I have sold hundreds of bot tles of Dr. OberholUer's Phoenix Pectoral or Com pound Syrup of Wild Cherry and 8eneka Snake Root and I have yet to find n eiuglo individual who baa u led it. who does not boar testimony of its wonderful cfi'ccta in curing coughs. Signed, J.tcun Pow Ens. Hali.St. FmrMxvti.t.E, Jan. 11. 1fl4. I most cheerfully hear tctimonv to the value wi Itio 'lli.cuv l'tictorttl nf 1 1,t,r'tmtid Syrup of Wild Cherry nud SenckaSnako Root. ! Jleioro using it 1 hn l bi.cn snflcring with a tickling in my throat and tight cough, for more than two years, nnd had taken vaiiousotlier medicines with no relief. As soon as 1 began touscDr Obcrholtzer'a mcdicino the irrita tion in my throat was allayed and in a few weeks! was entirely cured. I havo also given It to my lltllo girl, for a croupy Cough, with tiie happUfl excels. Signed, Josr.rn Li KENS.t Tottstows, Jnn. "d, lq5. This ccrtifict. that T havo used tho Phoenix Pecto ral in my family, and I recommend it to the publio as the very best remedy for Cough and Colds that I hfive ever tried. One of my children was token with a cold accompanied with a Cmupy cough; so bad indeed that it could not talk and scarcely breathe. Having heard so much sai 1 about tho Puo'iiix Pectoral I procured a bottle of it. The first dose iclievcd the ditliculty of brenthing and befoto Iho ciiuti nnd laKen onc-iourui ot tno nottio H was entirely well. Every family should have it in the house. Signed, D. P CROSBY. Tho proprietor of this mcdicino basso much confi dence in ils curative powers, from the testimony of hundreds who have used it, t hut the money will be rciundcu to any purchaser who is not sutislied with its effects. It is so pleasant to take that children cry for it. It coj! only Thirty-live Cents, It is intended for only one class of dUcnsos, namely those of tho ThroLtand Lungs, f-'Prepared only bv LEY! 013ERH01.TZER. M. D.. Phtenixvillo, Pa. Jon.NSTON, Hollow .tr A Cownhn. iYo 23, .AWth Sixth street, Philadelphia, General Wholesalo Agents. Solo by George Bright, and R. A. Fisher, Drug gists. Sunbury ; Wm. Chcrringtou, Druggist at Shu tuokiu. W. B. If your nearest druggist or storekeeper does not keep this medicine do not let him put you off with some oilier medicine, becuuse he mukes more money on it, but send at once to cue of the agents for it June 10. IS.la m$ nilSUllZATICS. D? LELAND!S ti AH r E it 'i A N E N T L Y CURES 11 II E T M ATISM! In all ifst YsirioiiM I'oi-iiim. Acute or Inflammatory ; Chronic. Lumbago, Sciati ca, Plcurodyne. Ac. Sti(Tnes of the Joints and Cramps Oout, Neuralgia and all Nervous Affections Eryspelas, Salt Rheum and Scrofulous Eruptions of tho body Neutralizes the Impurities of tho Blood and Fluids of tho whole system, and cruulucs their circulation : and rficolti ally couutcracts Slorcurinl and other poisonous influ ences. It is a conveniently arranged Belt, con taining a Medicated Compound, to be worn around tho body, ubout tho waist, Equally Effecting all Parts, wherever the disease may bo. It can bo wurn without injury to the most dclicuto person, and no change in the proper habitfof living hi required. It en tirely removes tho disease trom the system, without Iho uso uf powerful internal medi cines, which wenked the constitution and give temporary relief only by stupifying tbo system, and deadening iu vitality. "By this treatment, tbo medicinal properties contain ed in the BAND, being of a highly aromatic and volatile nature, an 1 capable of being readily obsorbed. through tho pores of tho fkiu, come into direct contact with the Blood aud general circulation,, without first having to pass through tho stomach, which would teud not only to detract from their curative powers, but to impair the iutcrnul organs and derange tho digestion also, thus avoiding the injurious effects, so often the result of internal remedies, and effecting a perfect curo by pu rifying nnd equalizing the circulation ot tho vital fluids and restoring tho purts affected to hct.lthy condition. This Bund is also most powerful "Anti-Mercuriid AgeDt"' Calomel being the primary causo of a large part of the Stillness, Neuralgic Pains and Rheuma tics, so prevalent and will entirely relieve the system from its pernicious edects re moving all blotches uud pimples from the body and bcautif; dug the complexion. Moderate cases are cured in s few days, and Wc ore constantly receiving undoubted testimonials to which wo invite inspection at our olfieo of their effi cacy in aggravated cases of lung standing. PRICE FIVE IiOLLARS. Slay be had of Drug gists. otwill be sent by mail upon receipt of S5 25, or bytxprets everywhere, with all necessary instruc tions li oiii the principal oilice of tJEO. L. BROWNISH. Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer, of the Celebrated BitowsiNo'a ExiELStow CurrcK, Nos. IS and 20 .Market street, Camden, N. J., '-Treatise, with certified testimonials, sent freo I j- Adapted to Soldiers. fcept. 2, lSo5.-tim iit'adiufjr Kail road. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. July 20th, 1805. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North ana North-West for Philadelphia, New York, Read ing, Pottsville, Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Ao. Trains leave JIarrisburg for New-York, as Col lows : 3.00, 7 2a and 8.15 A. M. and l.4a 1'. M nr. i v8 at f,cw iorl' ot I" A. M. and 3.00 and 10.30 The above connect wilh similar trains on tho Penn sylvania railroad, aud Sleeping Cars accompany the first two trains, without change. Loavo for Reading, Potlsvillo, Tamaqua, Miners ville, Allentown und Philadelphia at H.15 A. SI. and 1.45 P. SI., Hopping at Lebanon uud principid sta tions only. Way trains, stopping at all points, at 7.25 A. SI. and .40 P. SI. Returning, leave New York at 9 00 A. SI., 12 nccn, and HOOP. 51.,: Philadelphia at t A. SI. and 3.30 P. SI ; Pottsville at 8.1 5 A. SI. and 2 .i5 P. Si ; Ashland at 6 10 A. M. and 12 00 noon, Tauiaqua S 15 A. M. and 2.15 P. SI., uud Reading ut 1.00. 7.35 and 10.45A. SI., 138 ami 6.05 P. il. Reading Accommodation Train leuves Reading at PS! S1' rc'urDi"6 from x'tilaJe'l'lti ' 4-00 Culumbla Railroad Trains leave Reading at 6.00 and 10.55 A. M. and 0.1a P. M for Erhrata, Litix, Columbia, Ac. un Sundays : Leave New Y'ork at 8 P. M., Phila delphia 3.13 P SI. Pottsville 7.3u A. SI., Tamaqua 7 jiurrisourg o.jo A Jl ana lleauiue at I A. M. ; lor HarrUburg. Commutation, Mileage, Season, and Excursion Tickets, at reduced rates to and from all points. 80 Pounds Buggaga allowed each Passenger. O. A. NI COLLS, Cnnornl Kl,n.ri,.lnn.l.r.K I Jul I, 1885. EM'L. WILVERT. notary publio, Oflica in "Sunbury Amariean" Building, Will ... ByWBURY, PENN'A. .. Jl i ruJ A"'"'"iK'n of Deeds, Mort. gagea, LeUtrsof AtUwuey. Ao., A. Also. duly aihoritau to tV.e ooknowIedgmenU and adiniuister tatha en apliontiona fox Itouu. i U.Wa j;, -1" -r o, taiT.. UP D23 GRAFF'S Eye and Ear Infirmary, Ou tho Sqnaro. Three Doors from Steel'l Tlotcl) WII.KE8-BAKHB, PA. THIS INSTITUTION Is now open and furnished In tho most costly style. Reception, private and Operating Rooms are large and convenient nnd well adapted. The Surgical apartment contains the finest collection of instruments in thie country, and thus his faculties will cnablo him to meet any and all emergencies in practice. Ho will operate npoii tho various forms of I1LINDN ESS, Cataract, Occluon of tho Pupil Crow Eves, Closuro of the Tear Ducts, Inversion of tho Eycfids. Pterygium, Ac, Ao. And will treat all forms of Soro Eyes, llranuled Lids, Opaceticsof the Cornea, and Scrofulous aisenses of tho Eye together with all the disensus to which the-j eye is subject. .DEAFNESS Will treat all tho diseases common to the organ. Discharges from the Ear. Noises in the Ear. Catarrh, difficulties of hearing total Deafnnss, even where Iho Drum is destroyed. Will insert an artificial one, answering nearly all tho purposes of the natural. DISEASES OF THE THROAT. All diseases Common to tho Throat and Nose will be treated UEN ERA 1, SCRUERY. Ho will operato upon Club-feet, Hair Lip, Cleft Pallate. Tumors, Cancers. Enlarged Toncils. Ac. Plastic operations by healing new flesh into deformed parts, and (Icncral Surgery of whatever character it may present. HERNIA, (OR R li PTUK F..) He will porform "I.abius," operation for the radical, (complete.) cure of Hernia, this unquestionably a perfect cure, and is dono with liitlo or no pain. Out of Iho many bun drcd operated upon in Boston there has been no fail ures, it having met ho approbation of all who havo submitted t.e it. ARTIFICIAL EYES. Will Insert artificial eyes, giving them Iho motion nnd expression of tho natu ral. Thcv are inserted without the least pain. HEMORRHOID. (PILES ) This troublesome di sense is readily cured. Those suffering from it will do well to call. Dn. Up Db On.rr visits Wilkos-Barre with a View ot bumting up a permanem Imiiiuto for the treatment of the Eye. Ear. nnd Ucncral Surgery. hi experience of mere than a quarter of a century, In Hospital and general practice, he hopes, will be a sufficient guaraatea to tnoso who may bo disposed to cmtlcy him. January 14, 1685. ly R0CEI ES" IWlES ! Mrs. SARAH A. SIMPSON, V'horthUrry street, east of the X C. if. 11 SUNBUltY, PA., RESPECTFULLY informs her friends nnd the I ublio generally, that she has just opened a largo assortment of FRESlT (orvricN, such as TEAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, MOLAS SES, FISH, SALT, &0. Pure Cider Vinegar, Fruit Jars, Glassware, nnd a variety of Ladies Jriinuungs. rans. ihrcad Neck Ties, Hnndkcrchicfs, .to., to which she invites all to examine before purchasing elsewhere. cunbury, Juuo li. ihuj tun AMEEOTYPE AKD PHOTOGEAFII Over J. Bowcn's Store, corner Market A Fawn St. SXJIST-BXJPl V, PA., SBY'ERLY'. informs his friends nnd the public . generally, that ho is tuking Portraits in tho best style nud manlier at his Gallery iu tho ubove place. AMBROTYTES AND PHOTOGRAPHS, are taken in every slylo ot tho Art. that cannot be surpa.scu in tnc state. Having several year s expo rienec, he w ill give satisfaction or no charge. Copies will be taken from all styles of Pictures. (iive him a call. Reuieiubcr, over liowen's store Sunbury, June 17, ldtij. PACIFIC I-20TBIi 170, 172, 174 & 170 (.iitEF.NWHii St., 'Ono Square west of Broadway.) Between Conrtlnndt nnd Dey Streets, New Y'ork. JOHN PATTEN, Jr., Promctor. Tho P vcii ti: Hotel is well and widely known to tho traveling publio. Tbo location is especially suitublo to merchants and business men , it is in close Eroximity to the business part of the City is on tho igbway of Southern and Western travel nnd adja cent to nil the principal Railroad und Steamboat depots. Tho Pociflo lias liberal accommodation for over 300 guests; ll is well furnished nnd possesses every modern improvement lor the comfort uud eLtertaiu uient of its inmates. Tbu rooms urc spacious and well ven;ilatcd ; provided with gas and water; tho attendance is prompt nud respectful ; nud tho table is generously provided with every delicacy of the season. The subscriber, who, for the past few years, has been the lessee is now side pvoi rictor, and intends loindentity himself thoroughly with the interests of ins nouse. mi loug experience ns a Hotel-keeper, he trust', by moderate charges nnd a liberal poli:y. to maintain the favorable reputation of the Pacific Hotel. JOHN PATTEN, Jr. September 9, lSoi ly UxN 1TED ST ATES llOTEL, Opposite tho N. Y. ANEW HAVEN & WESTERN R. R. Detot BEACH BTKEET, BOSTON. . By F. SI. PRATT, Formerly of tho American House. Slay 13, IntiS. ly ili It I US ohm irciully compounded of the .17 bcstDR a at ut IMainmoth Store of JNO. FRlLINli A SON. jjuxbury, Muy 20.1 II 5. UEST wriiTirxiADF HUNT 7.I .M '! PURK LIIJEUTY LEAD, Unopprcsscd for Whitening, Fine Ciloss, Durability Firmuesji aud Evenness of Surface. PURE LIBERTY LEAD Warranted to cover more turfuce for samo weight than any other Lead 1 ry it and you null have olitr ! PUUE LIBETY ZINC, ciec-ieu i-ioc, grounu in ucuucu i.inseea Uil, un equutca in quality, always the same. PURE LIBERTY BIKC, it nrruiucu in iiu more uuu ociter work at A given tvat iuuu auj wiuer Oct the rt! Manufactured at PENNSYLVANIA PAINT COLOR WORKS. Orders executed promptly by ZIEQLEH Se SMITH, IViaesae Drug, Paint aud Olitst Dealer: I3f Store A Office. No 137 North THIRD Streeti 1H1LADELPH1A. March 4, 1865. ly. OLD EYES MADE NEW. A PAMPHLET directing how to speedily restore X. sight and give up spectacles, without aid of utsjior or meuicii.e. &eut by mail, free, on receipt Itf lit 4-mtilal Ail.lracj E. Tt POdTP M T February 4, 1R65 6m J F you rant good Tin-Ware go to SMITH A PENT JER'S New Shop. dr O. W. 7.IECLER. L. B. CASE SIEG-LSP. GATP.. ATTORNEYS AT LAW SUNBURY. l'ENNSYl.VAVr Collections and all Professional business promptly . . . luicnenioni uusiuesa prom attended to in the Courts uf Northumberland ailii.inintF r,,.iii,t;..a and LyAlso, special attention paid to the Collection Of I'HIlll.llll, 11j..,...I..u 1 I. II P 11.. 1 - . . uu une i-ay jor ,i mows unburyMaroh 18, 18(15 NISW PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY" mf. II. I.ICl4l'M:, would respeotfully in. mrm uie citueui ot bLNBURY. and the publio irenAr..! I that L.t tu i - r o j . uv umo ufcuvti a uew, PHOTOOHA'PTT n a r r riiir - ...ut . In nimnson s ltnil.ltn sir....t. .m..i s, . c where be is prcpured to take iu the best style of i are, the PICTURES TO FRAME, PICTURES IN CASES, ., . , CARD PHOTCHi R A PUS, AIw Pictures made f.ir Rings, Breastpiua, Locket o. 1 eron wishing iu our line will do woll to call and examine specimens ut the Gallery We hope to merit a liberal share of public patron. age, Ol H SloTTO IK TO i'LKASK. Sunbury, July 15, 1B06. II I : It OI'.Mtlt'l'lll in iii ,k W""1i;ShAl''li'f Oeneral as required bj y the llth Section of the Act. eniiil..,) ii- .C V. . """" nci, euiinoti An Act enablinir the lliinka .tftl.1 .. . . . - --- vuuiiuuuweauu to oecome Associations i for tb. purpose of banking under the laws of the United States." passed on the 22d day of AoKUf A.1,.iJ0f e"'ed to me that the rb"Hof-Sl;l:,l,u.ml,,rlBIc1''' l"atedin the Borough of Sunbury, Northumberland county, ha furnished satisfactory evidence to him that ull the requirements of said Act have been complied with by the said liank, and that it bua hocome an association for the purpose oi Bunking under the Lawa of the Lulled i- I d.0.lb6rcf". cause the notice thereof to be pub lished in accordance with the provisions of the aaid th action of the said Act, .Ld do dtelar. that th. (. barter of the stud Bank by tho terms uf aaid Act, ia Ueued and taken to be hereupon surrendered sub ject u Ui provision of the first Motion of aaid act Fxseutive Ck.aibr, 1 ' Uarfiborg, Aug JS, w 1 SCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS FOR BiaiZ HEADACHE, Ii Nlmpton C'nuae nnd Cure. Tins has received its name from a constant nausea or sicknoss at the stomach, which attends the pain in he head. This headache ia apt to begin tn th morning on waking from deep sleep, and when some irregularity of diot has been committed on th day before, or sometimes for sevorol day previous. At first thero ii a distressingly oppressive feeling in the head, which gradually merges Into a sever heavy pain in tho temples, frequently attended by a tense of fullness and tenderness in one eye, nnd ex- sending across tho forehead. There i a clammy, un pleasant tasto in the mouth, an offensive breath, and he tongue covered with a yellowish white fur. Th sufferer desires to be alone in th dark room. As soon as the patient feels the fullness in the head and pain in the temples, take a largo dose of Schcnko'a Mandrake Pills, and in an hour or two they will feel as well as well as ever. This has been tried by thou lands, and is always sure to curo, and Instead of the sick headache coining on every week or ten days, hey will not be troubled with It one in thro months. Schchck' Mandrake Pills are composed of a Lum ber ,of roots besides Podophinin, or concentrated .Mandrake all of which tend to relax tho secretions of tho liver, and act more prompt than ' blue pill or mercury, and without leaving any dangerous effects In a bilious person they will show themselves by the stools. They will expel worms, mucus, bile and nil morbid matter from the system. In tick headache! li luey aroiBKeu MHlrocted abvovc, (a full dose a soon as they feel the first symptoms of it Dr. ecucncK will and bus directed his agents to return th money if they do not gfve perfect satisfaction. If a person has been compelled to stay ont lata at night and drink tco much wine, by taking a dose of pills ongoing tubed, next morning he will feel as though he had not drank a drop, unless he forget to go to bed at all. Tliey only cost 25 cents n box. Whoever takes them will never use any other. They are worth a dollar to a sick man for every cent they cost. Dont forget tho name Schcnck'i Mandrake Pills. ' Sold wholesale and retail at Dr. Schenck's Princi pal Oflicc, No. 15. North Sixth street, Philadelphia and by Druggists and Storekeeper, generally. Prico fur Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonio, each ?l 50pcrbottlo. $7 50 tho half dozen, or two bot tles of Syrup and one of Tonio, for $3 75. Dr. Schcnck will be nt hi oilico. No, 15 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, every Saturday to see patients. He makes no charge for advice, but for a through examination of the lungs with nis Respiro meter, he charges $3. Slarch IS 1305. Wistar's Balsam WILD CH EUR V one of the oldest and most reliuble rciuoUie iu tho ; world for i Coughs, Cold. Whooping Cough, Drouchiti, Diffi- ! culty of iircatl,i?)g. Asthma, lloiirnnnopi, Soro 1 viuur, mill . vi j nuvvtltlU (Jl THE THROAT, LINUS AMD CHEST, including even COTISTJ-MfTI01Sr WISTAR'S RALS M OF WILD CHERRY. I j So general has the use of this remedy become, and sopo-ulnr is it every wliero. that it is unnecessary to j recount ils virtues lis works speaks for it, nnd find utterance in Ilic abundant nnd voluntary testimony of the many who from long suffering nnd settled di- j soiikC have by its use been restored to pristine viuor , nnd health. iVecnn present a mass of evidence in proof of our iiserlion. tlott CANNOT RE DISCREDITED. Tli- Itvv. Jacob fairrlilor. Well known and much respected among the Ucrma population iu tliisceuntry. makes the following stato incut for the benefit of the atllicted : ll.isovtn. Pa., Feb. 15, 1859. Dear Sir : Having realized iu my family impor tant benefits from the use or your valuubls prepara tion Wislnr's Ralsiim of Wild Chcry it n fiords me pleasure to rccomiiicnd it to the publio. tome eight years agooueof my daughters seemed to be in a de cline, uud little hopes of her recovery wcro enter tained. I then procured a bottle of your sxcellcnt Balsam, and before she had luken tho whole of tho contents of Iho boiilo tl t ic fas a great improvement tnberhenfth. 1 havo, hi n r individual case, made frequent use of your v lunl-'e medicine, uud have also been benefited by it JACOB SECIILER. Smith, Ecq., red ent of the Morris County Bank, Morristown, Now Jersey. "Having used Dr. Wistnr's Balsam of Wild Cherry for about tiftoeu years, and having realized its bene ficiul results in my futility, it aflords me great plea sure iii recommending it to tbo public as a valuable remedy is cases uf weak lungs, colds, coughs, Ac, and a remedy which I consider to be entirely inno cent, and may be taken with perfect safety by th most dclicuto in health." From Eon. John E. Smith, A distinguished Lawyer in Westminster, Md. I have ou several occasions used Dr. Wistar's Bal aam of Wild Cherry for sevcro colds, and always with decided benefit. I know of no preparation thut is more cthcacious or mole deserving of general use. The Bulsaui has also been used w ilb excellent eAect by J. IS. Elliott, Merchant, Hall's Cross Roads, Md. Wistau s Balsam op Wild Cukubv. - Nono genuiue unless signed ' I. BUTTS," on the wrapper. FOR SALE BY J. P. DI.NSMORE, No. 4'Jl Broadway. New York. 8. W. 1'OWLE A Cti., Proprietors, Boston. And by all DrugUt. JiEDDIXG'.S 1UHSIA SALVE Ileitis Old fores. BEDDING S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Burns, Scalds, Cuts. REDDIXC'S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Wounds, Bruises, Sprains. KEDDJXO'S RUSSIA SALVE Cures Boils, Vlcors, Cancers. BEDDING'S. BUSSIA SALVE Cures Salt Rheum, Piles, Erysipelas. .BEDDING'S BUSSIA SALVE Cures Ringworm, Corns, Ac, 4c NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. f30n!y 25 Cents a Box.J roa 8 A LB BY J P. D1N.M0RE, No. m Broadway, N. Y. S. W. I'OWLE A CO. No. 18 Treuioutst., Boston. And by all Druggists and Country Storekeoprs. Deo 21 lsti4. ' r TO CONSUMERS OF ,TUIE uadorsigned dealer In Coal from th follow L ins well knows Collieries is prepared to receive orders lM the tarns at the Lowest Market Kates, vis,: MORDECAI'S DIAMOND MINES GRAY'rl u PAKKISII & CO S " CON SOLID ATED CO S " lis Li alst prepared to nrnish th Uullicnore Co'st Celebrated Coal, Lump and Prepared. On th l'.i t f the Susquehanna River and navr d Grace. lit ku mads arrangements for lb best PITTSTON AJD PLyM0UTH COALS Which b prepartsl to deliver on board Boats at norlhuncsrltnd, oi by Cars over Nnnhan e . Railroad ti on th fin of th Philadelphia and Erie Railtead, on the beat terms. ii is pr ej. wed to C U all Order with despatch, and rospeclfull j solicit trdr from th Trad, iddrsa J0HN MoJARLAITD, April I, fKd IferHitiBMud, Pr SBMCSOUft'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU to Nea-Btntlea or locoatlntne of Crln. tnfiamma Ilea er UlotriUon ef th Bladtlsr r Kidneys, Ih Prastrat Gland, Oravtl, Crick Dust StpasHs, Dropsi cal SwtlUnt, Org aol Weakness, DtbUlty, raal Cav plaints, a. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU AID Improved Rose "Wasli Win radically exterminate from the system Slit aris ing from Habit f Dissipation, o( llttl tmpitut, UUl r no ckanff iM, fi inconvtnUne cr txpotun; completely superseding iho unpUatantand dangmv nmtdlu, Copalia and Jireury, In carln Unit disiuts, USE HElTMBOLD'S FUND EXTRACT BUCHU la all Diseases of th Urinary Organ, whether existing lo atau er rntiia, from whativr caus originating, and no mattifoho long rtandlng. It I pleasant In It tait and odor, IMMEDIATE la action, and mor strengthening than any ef Ih preparation ef Bjrk or Iron, Taos suffering from BroktH Down or Dllicat Corutl luUom, proeuro Iho Htm tiy at onto. Th Reader moat b aware that however slight may b Ih attack of th abov diseases, It 1 certain to affect hi Lodlly Uialth, Iftntal Poutro and Dapplnu: If no treatment 1 lubmUttd to, Consumption or Insanity may niu. All lb above dUasa require u m wi HELMBOLD'8 EXTRACT BUCHU la th Groat "Diuretic. HELMBOLD'S tnoiLT coa ciaraATBB Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla, for purifying th blood, removing all diseases arising from xcesa and Imprudence In life, chronlo constitutional dis eases arising from an Impure state ef th blood, and th only reliable and effectual known remedy for th cur of Berofula, Scald Read, Bait Rheum, Pain and Swelling ef th Bones, Ulcerations ef th Throat and Legs, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly erup tions of tb skin, and beautifying th OoxrLxxiox. NOT A- "PEW Of th worst disorders that afflict mankind arise from th corruption that accumulate In th Bloed. Of all th lis ooverles that have been mad to purge It out, non caa quel in effect nSLUBOLD'S COSIPO tSD EXTRA CJ OF SARSAPARILLA. It cleanses and renovates th Blood, Instills tb vigor of health into th system, and purge out th humor which make disease. It stimulates Ih healthy functions of the body, and expels the disorder that grow and rankle la tb Blood. Such a remedy, that could be relied en, has long been sought for, and now, for th first time, th public have one on which they can de pend. Our space her does not admit of certificates to show its effects, but tb trial of a lngla bottle will (bow to th sick that It has virtues surpassing anything they bar ver taken. Two tablespeonsful of th Extract of Sarsaparilla, added to a pint ef water, Is equal te the Lisbon Diet Drink, and one bottle la equal to a gallon of the Syrup ef Sarsaparilla, or the decoction as usually made. The above Extracts ar prepared on purely (dentins principle In Fjcuo and embody th full strenjlh ef the ingredients entering Into their composition. A ready and conclusive test will b a comparison of their proper- tie wlta those set forth in th U. S. Dispensatory. , tirtWf Trt tt&P Tttt? ftPMPrsttf'i V V 4 fl W "- V- In Diseases of the Bleed, Humors on the Face, or any and every part of the body, use Extract Sarsaparilla, ap plying to dimples aua alt .mI Uynui r EmpttAna the Improved Kose Wash. Use the Extract Buchu for all diseases requiring th aid of a Diuretic, except those of the Urinary Organs, such as Gonorrhoea and Gleet; in these use the Extract Buchu and Inject with the Improved Rose Wash. t5T TnESE EXTRACTS IIAVB DEEM ADMITTED TO I'SC IN Till UNITED STATES ARMY, aud also are In very general use In all th STATU HOSPITALS AND PUBLIC INSTITUTION'S throughout tho land, as well as In private practice, and are consfdered as invaluable remedies. MEDICINE DSLIVERSD TO AM T ADDRESS. Direct letters to HELMBOLD'S DRUG A CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, ea To IIELMDOLD'3 MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phila. DucrCbt Symptom in all Communication. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Beware of Counterfeits! April 22, 1885 ly. 66 V CJBC-aTHSaC-,i 9 9 (Lit IlERR'S HOTEL,) Corner Market and 3d Streets, IIARRISBVRU, PA. TIIE attention of the public is respectfully called to this Hotel which is now onen for the accoumnda. tion of iruests. In the past live month durinir which time it has been closed ibe bouse hus been thorough ly remodeled and repaired, until in point of conveni ence and comfort, iu patrons will Cud it to own no superior. The I'lirnitiire I'titlre-Iy cw. Rooms larger than are usuall v found in modern hotels bitunted ou the corner of two principal busiuesa streets of the city, but two and a half quures from th Rail Road Depot. The proprietor determined to spare no expense in securing; the comfort of bis frucsts and a fuvorable reputation for tho establishment, he feels willing to trust its character to the judgment Ui uio yitiiuufl. HENRY THOMAS, Proprietor January 21, 186S. J. R. HILBUSII, County Surveyor, Coutryuuccr AND JUSTICE OF THE PEA CE. 3Tahotifly, Xitrtuumherliind Couuty, PenrCa Office in Jackson township. Engagements can be made by letter, directed to the above address. All business entrusted to his cure, will b promptly attended to. r ' April 22, 1865. ly FLOUR & FEED STORE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. TIIE subscriber respectfully informs th publio that he keep constantly on hand at his new WAREHOUSE, near tha Snaniokin Valley Railroad Depot, in fcl'NIllRY, Flour by th barrel and sacks of all kinds of feed by the ton The above is all uiannfaotured at his own Mills, aud will be sold at the lowest cash prices. , J M- CADWALLADER. Sunbury, June 4, 1664. e. a. aoBiisr, Attorney nssd ounellor nt Ijsvr, BOON VILLE, COOPER CO .MISSOURI. WILL pay taxes on lands in any part of th btate. Buy and sell real Estate, and all other matters aattustcd to him will receive prompt atten tion. July t, 1865 pot 15, 'tt. NKW COAL. I'IK-fl. fTIHE partnership of Grant A Dieti bavlivt neea L dissolved. The undersigned have eered into partnership in th Wholesale and Bil t-'1 and Shipping Business under th fir nam of GRANT BROTHER.' Thankful for ,w iwtronag sxtended to us In tb lai Urina of i'riliug A Urant, and Grants A Dials reapaelively, w respaotfulJy olioit a eeotipuaDe f tb Sam. W. T. GRANT, T. D O RAM I. Uts? Wktrft, uaxirys Ptea'a. Aril IS, IMJ r KA3K PGR HEE.MBOLO,8.yf THE RED LION HOTEL. (Lata .Mr. Boaltoa's.) MARKET BTBJCET, STJNBTTRT, FA. JULIUS ARBITER, HAS taken this old and well known stand, and refitted and furnished th earn 1 prepared to aceoramodnt Boarder and Traveler with th bt th market can afford. He hope by strict attention to business to receive a share of publio patronage. His TABLE contains th best the market atlords. Hi Bar is filled with th choicest of Liquors, both Malt and Spirituous. The stabling is good, and attended by oareful Ostlers. Sunbury, April 80, 1864. ly C3-. "W- HAXJPT Attorney nnd Counsellor nt Ij-r, Office on south side of Market street, four doors west of . Y. Bright A Son' Store, 8TJNBTJRTT, FA. Will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to his care, the collection oi claims in Northumberland and the adjoining counties. Sanbury, May 23, 1863. ly TO THE MUSICAL PUBLIC. THE subscriber 20 years a practical Piano Fort Manufacturer, of New York City, baa perma nently located in this section, and would respectfully selicit orders for TUNING, REPAIRING. AND REGU LATING PIANO FORTES and MEL0SE0NS. Th subscriber is also th manufacturer' Agent for CIIICKKRING A SON'S, HA7.LETON BRO S . LINDEMAN A SON'S.. WILLIAM B. BRADHt'RY'S, EDrt ARD BLWOM FIELD'S, DlCLt2. ALU n. vo-u, PIA.0 I'OKTES, And Carhart A Ncedham's. and Pcloubet's MELODEONS & HARMONIUMS, And L. U. Stuart s Pip CHURCH ORGANS james Mcdonald. Rloomsburg, Pa., April 29, 1805. II. II. MASSI-K. Attorney at Ijiw, SUNBURY, PA.- -A- vwiittiiuiis atlcuuru IU ill tuv WUUIICB UI lOr thuitlbcrlftnd. L'nion Snv.lnp M.inlt.ir PfiliK.tl.la i t ' 1 REFERBNCES. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. G. Oattcll A Co., Hon. AVm. A. Porter, " Morton Mc.Michacl. Esq., " E. Ketcham A Co., 2sfl Pearl Street, New York. John W. Ashiucnd. Attorney at Law, " Matthews A Cox. Attorneys at Law, " Sunbury, March 2, 181)2. I. U C T li KV H TS IMPERIAL IJIjotogvapij (GaUcn'rs, Nos. 0!I, ?OJ and 06 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 17,lSC4.-6m FROM WASHINGTON. LATEST IMPROVEMENT OF AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. AT Til B F O U N D R TTa of & CCCPE?kJ BTJNBTJ-R.-Tir, FETSTN'A. Get the Best Get the Cheapets Get tho most Eco nomical, which cau be hail at the Rohrbach Foundry Having a large assortment of the most approved STOVE.S, such ns Cooking. Parlor. Office and Shop Stoves, which will be sold ot the lowest rates. Also, Kettles of all sizes. Pans. Skillets. Ao. They nre also manufacturing Machinery, Ploughs, Casting. Ac, nt short notice. Repairing all kinds of Agricultural Implements done in a good workinauliko manner and at the shortest notice. All articles shipped as ordered. Orders respect fully solicited and promptly attended to. ROHRBACH A COOPER. er01d Iron, and all kinds of Produce takon iu Exchange for work. Kunbury, June 18, 18G4. tf BREAD t BREAD ! ! BREAD ! ! ! tste-w BAKERY. THE undersigned has opened a Bakery, on Market street. Sunbury. Pa., two doors west of the Post Office, where he will keep constantly on band, I'rewli lli-cml, TwiMt-ItoilN, KukUn, aud TEA-BUNNS. All kinds of FANCY CAKES. Common Cukes, Pretzels. Ac. Pic-Nio Parties, Weddings and Funcruls, will be supplied nt the shortest notice. A good assortment will be kept up at all times, manufactured out of tho best matonul, and orders will be promptly atlcuded to. He trust that bis friends and the nublic generally will sustain bim in this new enterprise, now grcutly needed in Sunbury. He trusts his experience in the business will enn ble him to give general satislaction to all who may favor him wilh their patronage. DAVID FRY. bunbury, April 22, 18Gi. MILLINERY GOODS, AND t'A.cv (nis s&'rici-iim.-NUM MISS L. SHISSLER, At the new stand, in Market Square, SUNBURY, TTAVE just received from Philadelphia the latest XX ami most! attnoiiaule styles ot .Millinery Goods, such as Uonnots, Hats. Silks, Ribbons and Laces, ci-nns, Hosiery una moves. i?Kcioon SKirts, r lowers, Head Dresses A Nets, Old Ladies' Caps, Shawls, Silk, Ao. Block Crape and Lace Veils, Crap and Linen Col lars, iTi-ss irimnungsanu uuitons, loisets, tepbyrs, Cotton Yarn. Soap aud Perfumery. Itugle Trimming, Hair I'Inai uud Cobisum. Gouts' Linen and Paper Collars, Neckties, Ac. Flags, Picturo Tassels and Cords. Purasols, Ladies' Satchels, Fans, Ao. Tliotograplis of Trcsidcnt Lincoln, handsomely framed. Thankful for past patronage I bop by strict at tention to business to oonttuue the same. L. SHISSLER. Sunbury, May 13, 1855 WALL PAPER ! J. W. r RILING A SON, respectfully announce mm iney nave just receiveu anil opened a verv desi rablo assortment of WALL PAPER aud BORDER which they will dispose of at very reasonable price Remember the place, Mammoth Store, Market square. Sunbury, May 20, 1S6S. ICE CREAM FREEZERS. New supply of Masses' Fivi-Mix cte Free .l. XES, received from New York, for sale by uubury, May 21, JM. I1J3. MASSER Lat kau anaa At Illoomaburir. Itnil roud, ON and after Jan. lbtb, 1864, Pauenger Trains will run as follows : MOVING SOUTH. Passenger. Lear Scran ton, Kingston, Bloomsburf 4.20 V. M. 8 24 jvupcri, Danville, .3i 9 li iii Arrivt Northumberland, MOVING NORTH. Lesv Northumberland, 8 00 A. M Danvill, Rupert, Rloomsburg, Kinirston. 8.40 8 40 V 34 12 12P.M. Arrive at Scranton. 1.30 Freight t PassenKer leaves Bloomsburir. 10.15 A. M Passenger taking the Mail Train South connect with tb Express train from Northumberland, arriv ing at Ilarvisburr. at 1 30 A. M . lUlliniore T.Vi) A. M., and at Philadelphia, at T OO A. M. Tb Mail train from Northumberland leaves immediately af f th arrival of the Expreu train from Uarrisburr R.lllnwtra alh.vino P..rtbn. luviltl l'l.ll' "'I'"" at 10 40 P. M , to reach point on this r auj"I we mil loreuoou. ccomran h New and elegant Bleeninc eri1"TEP17 -n? Hlirhl lp.liu.ank. t, 1 IKIItl aUQ Balumor., and KorUumb'ix xTboUND Bunt ' p.-aTAUFFEB. " K. is- PbelVhu: eraW f Q"rr'' As toiimjt of U'ntchesi, Jew. elry, "ieu are aoastanUe . tsand, 6ultiU for HOLIDAY PRESENTS' aSWUeWteh,'4 "J Psisal tM4 if The Adnm'si TRxpreasi Compnnr. GIVE NOTICB that they tav CTiolude4 ar. rangements with th Northern Central Railroad Company to run trains from Baltimor or York, Harrisbarg, Danpjln, Halifax, Tremrton, Sunbury, Northumberland, Lewlsbirrg, MUton, Money, M il liaranport, and all intermediate atatiom, connecting at Harrisburg with the GREAT WESTERN EX PRESS for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Bt, Louis Md tbo West. Also with Howard A Co Express at Milton or Danvill. Rloomsburg, Wilkesbarr, Plttrtbn, Bcran ton, and Intermedial stations on th Cattawiss. Lackawanna A Bloomsburg Railroads. At Wil liamsport, by Howard A Co.'s Express to Jersey' Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A Co., nd their connections, for Canton, Troy, Elmira; Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara, and to all aooossibla points in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bank Notes, Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every descrip tion. Also, Notes, Drafts and Bills for Collection. Experienced and efhoient messengers employed, and every effort will be made to render satisfaction. JOHN BINGHAM. Superintendent Pcnn'a Division, Philadelphia. R. A. PISC1IER, Agent for Sunbury. Anril 5, 1862. 1SOS. Arrnnsxemcntsi lHOSr r Ier York I.lnpn. TnE CAMDEN AND AMB0Y AND PHILADEL- ruiA Jinu iiitiXTVX ll. R. CO.'S LINES. From Philadelphia to Xew York and Way Plaret, from Walnut street Wharf and Kensington Depot, will leav as follows, fit : rAtta. At 8 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and A. Accommodation,) J2 25 At 9A.M., via Camden and Jersey City, N. J., Accommodation, 2 25 At 3 A. M.. via Camden and Jersey City, (Morning Mail.) 3 00 At 8 A.M., via Camden and Jersey cily 2d Class Ticket ' 2 24 At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey cifv, Express " 3 00 At 12 M Tin Qnmdon and Ambrsr, C and A. (Accommodation.) 2 21" At 2 P. M.ria Camden and Amboy, (C. ns A. Express,) " j of( A,J ? M-'. "ii" Kensingten and Jersey City, Wash, and N. Y. Express ' 3 ua At,F6vening M;!?,K",inK,0n ""-"T City, ASouthernJMa'ir Ktm'WSUD "J . fl0 At lj (night) via Kensington and Jersey city Soutncrn Express 3 no At 5 P. M.,via Camden and Amboy, (Accom- f,,1oda,'on,' rcight and Passenger, First Class licket. ,,, Second Class Ticket, , b..r "17 0RP',S,r'tbur' Sm, Wilkes, barre, Montrose, Great Bond, Ac nt M ForMuuch Chunk. Allentown, Bothlobem, Bcli- re, Easton, Lanil.crtvillc. Flcmiiton, Ao., t6 a. A. M , from Kcn.ins;ton Depot, and at 21 P M from Walnut street Wharf. ' r(-f"hn?i 'MlL,i!!, V'"n!Cts Trains leavins? Easton for Miiuch Chunk, at 3-20 P M ) For Mount Holly, nt tt A. M., 2 and 4 IP. M For Freehold, at 6 A. M. nnd 2 P Al - . WAV "SI. ' For Bristol, Trenton. Ac. at 11 A. M. and 21 and P. M. from Kensington, For Palmyra, Riverton, Delanco, Rovcrlv Bur lington, Florence, Bordcntown, Ac, at 1'' 1 2 4 and 6 P. M. ' ' ' I irX- Fur Vow Vrtl- TT-. t . . . " " . , . ! i-mcs leaving Jven- singion De,K.t. take the Cars on Fifth street, abov. Walnut, half an hour before depurturo. The Cars run into the Depot, and on tho arrival of each Train run from the Depot. 1 Fifty Pounds of Baggage only, allowed each passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. Alt baggage over fitly pouu.li to be paid Tor extra. Th Company limit their responsibility for baggage to One Dollar per pound, and will not be liable lor any amount beyond S100. except by spcciid contract January 17, 1805. Agent. si. c. uii.iicii.iiiV Confectionery, Toy and PUIT STOE, Market Street, Sisnburj-, la. CONFECTIONERY OF ALL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FRUIT, Ac, Jcc, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the abov establishment at wholesale and retail, at reason able prices. lie is manufacturing all kinds of Confectioneries ratesl'P "P assur",ent which are sold at low Tobacco. Segars, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, all of whish aro offered wholesalo and retail. Ll Remember the name and place .art Ttf.-L . . . , j M c gearhart, storo " wcstgfE- Y- f'Snt A Son' Sunbury. Sept. 19, 180.1. t f 111: iKi:i:xr:is As Improved for lSS nnd 1S60, By E. KETCHAM A CO., 2S9 Pearl st Now York. fTIHE only Freezer constructed on scientific prin A ciples with a revolving can and spring blade scraper. The one hastens the frcczingof the cream the other removes it as fast as frozen. The most rapid iu freezing, with the least quantiti of ICC. n The most economical in cost, as it is tho mostsimpli and durable in structure. For sule iu all the prinoipal cities and towns in th. Union. ' Each Freezer accompaniod with a book of rccipt and full directions. PRICES. tl 00 4 00 ft 00 a oj 8 U0 3 quarts, 4 quarts, -6 quarts, 8 quarts, 14 quarts, iu quarts, 1 vu htilv la TT 1 If 1 JCPT1 f I n March 2; lb'62 saUT GeobceIIill, Sihox P. Woltebto' HILL & WOLVSRTON, Attorney! uud CoiiDcioi-s at l.nv Office, Market street, cor. Ccntro Alley, SXJ3srBXT-2-, -p A.. W7 ILI' aUtni promptley to the collection of c!ai and all other professional business intrusted their care in Northumberland andadjoiuingoountii Sunbury, January 23, 1862 Isiternatlouul Hotel, 365 and 367 BroaJvay, Corner FraU!in Str, NEW YORK. THIS first class House the most quiet, homcli and pleasant Hotel in the cilv offers super inducements to those visiting Ncw York for buiin or pleasure. It is central in its location, and kept the ti'iioi-KAs Plam. in connection with Tavloi Saloon, where refreshments can be had all hoi or served in their own rooms. The charges aro t, derate, tho rooms and attendance of the first ordc baths, and all tho modern conveniences attacked Oct l,lto4. SOLOMON MALICK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUNBURY, Northumberland County, 3 OFFICE ia East end of Weaver's Tavern, Mar Street. All business entrusted to him will be careful y 1 punctually attended to. Consultation in tho E lish and German languages. Sunbury, April 8. lclii. The Complete, trouble-Acting' Sc Keiirnllnjg CORN SHELLUit ! PATENTED, AUGUST 2ri 1S64. mills Ph. Her is the only one-nat shells th C J perfectly clean from the'00 when green, so edordry. It give the Vr a double oporatioc HistthellinirWlturl.it' passes throuirli. mH rates Ih Cob from I" l-'or0 completely, rendcrin atone fit for m " without tb u& of tie fani mill. This p-I"a shells a Ialf -nd 0 Ear to the Minute ly Ot nurjf nana jvwer. apd ean b used, also, by Horse, Steam or V ow,r by attaining a Pulley on th Cr.nk Sb tor Durabiiity, Cleanliness. Neatness. Cheap and Rapidity iu Shelling, this Machin cannot quailed by any other. BlATU AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR SALE REASONABLE TERMS. ?.V.1$r"'"l;U yo". Dt """" or 61" clean , if you tav occasion to shell green or d ora; if yo want your eoio and eoi. separate, you want a durable machine ; if you w.ita cl th Ur, buy th. Complel., Doubl.-Acting, Sf.' araUug Cora tboller. n n ar KREXCE8 : ?h.H ?!r, 1, 1,r J- W- Teal unb Charles Haas, Millar, Kamael Lessig, Road u i ,or1K" -' W.i,er. 1. Augi Miller, Sunbury. bol. Marts. Farmer, Heury Laiseutrug. IUar Gap. C. Albert, tieor.et .i!nS-M,l,r,1 " w r'ala at tb rooadr 011JiBAOH A OifOfm, h.ab,ry. Pj Bnauy, Jm. , lotH.-a,