CQe guntmrg American. H. B. MA.83BH, K iltor & Proprietor. E. WILVEHT, Publisher. bATUKDAY, NOVEMBEli 18, 1805. A POLITICAL MIHROB. "Ah! would lie but the glftio gl'e us, To see our lot's, m others tee ua." la sumo respects a newsipftpcr mny be con sidered r looking glas3. Iu most cases, in deed, one can pee nntl judge, not only of thu habits und business chnrnctcr of the tikee iu which it is published, but, frequently the editor, r-ven when lie is disposed to pcrccn liiinscU' from the scrutinising eyo of the public while peeping through the loop-holes Au.l ...muni tlm rrrnrrfl In n nnner. which presumes to call itself democratic, not one : . , -i. r i.i hundred wiles from Danville, wo find the j following paragraphs, side by tide, in which ; llin r.liinr uiiintcntioniillv reveals, himself to j the public. "Wade Hampton is very full, classical features, "black beard, courageous and forty." "Boston Corbctt, i fnid to divido his time in 'Xcw York, between cobbling nnd singing psalms." Now mnrk tho difference Geu. Hampton, who is noticed in a complimentary manner, is perhaps tho most rabid nnd uncom promising rebel leader iu South Carolina. Proud nud aristocrr.lie, lie looks with con tempt on Northern mechanics and white laborers, as tho mud sills of society, and hates the North and idl institutions calcula ted to elevate the mechanic nnd laborer to an equality with himself. Boston Corbctt, on the other hand, is nn humble mechanic of the North, nnd a brave soldier, though only a sergeant. But Hamp ton fought for tho Confederacy, nnd was the last to give up. Corbctt fought for the Union, and what is worc in the eyes of some, shot Booth tho assassin, nnd "That's what's the matter." In the tame paper we find nn Article which, iu defending AVirz and apologising for his cruellies to our prisoners, denounces the Judc Advocate who prosecuted him as "worse than abrute" and Stanton as a heartless scoundrel. I2?"Wau Kktwkln Spain and Cuim. The Government of Spain ha3 been em boldened by its success in Peru to fall upon another Republic of South America. On the 17th of September, tho Spanish Admi ral Pnreja appeared in Valparaiso harbor, and sent in a notification that the former explanations nnd apologies ofiVred, nnd which the Spanish Minister in Chili had de clared perfectly satisfactory, had been repu diated in Madrid. IIo then stated the principle points of offense, and demanded an immediate and satisfactory explanation and a salute of 21 guns to the Spanish flog, or he would nt once break off all diplomatic relations. Tho Government of Chili refusing to accede to this demand, Pnreja sent nn ultimatum, to which the Chilian Congress replied by unanimously passing a declara tion of war. 57" New Jersey Election. A3 New Jersey has been brought back again, safely, into the Union, by the aid of Gen. Kiipat rick, find many cf the true lending demo crats, there is r.o stamping ground now left for the rops, and they appear to be in great tribulation, lest they shall be known only, in a few years, as one of tho lost tribes. A neighboring Journal however, takes com fort to itself by publishing that some fellow has indicted Kilputritk for bribery. Pome fellow once attempted to pull Gen. Jack son's iioeo. It no doubt afforded consola tion to sonic of the old hero's enemies. SfThc Atlantic- Great Western Kail way Company it is said hnvo leased the Cuttawissa road nnd tho connecting roads, so ns to make n new line of road from Som. nicrset, a point on the Atlantic & Great Western, near the m! renivui, to New York. The track is to be of the wide guage to corre-pond with their own. The charter was obtained quietly near the close of the session of the last le"L'aluro. 27Eii;ht Horns a Bay. Many who nre agitating this question, do not seem to understand its effect. If it requires five short elays to produce an article that now requires four, the article must uecessarilyt cost 20 per cent more. As well might the farmer reduce the size of his bushel, or the mer chant tho length of his yard stick. The New York TrVnric thus expresses its views ot this subject : 'The assumption that tho employers can be mad.5 to imv as niueli lurnulit hours laluir ns they now pay for ten "without in creasing the price of the nrticlo produced," is not justihcd ly any known law or politi cal economy nor by any fucts within our cognizance. c certainly tried no longer to than lust year to sell our paper ut is ild price after thu cost of '.he materials and 'ab.ir employed iu iu production had been very considerably enhanced nud found our olves compelled either to charge more or lrift into bimU.'ptcy. Others in our trade iud to do ns we (lid or fail. And now, if any me believes t'lt he can 6 II ncwspapeis or anything . !-e) as clump after the cost of jroitueiiig them has beeu'hrgcly increased she did before, let him try it", nnd, if he uceeeds, give the woild the benefit of his jcperieuce. Y,'e wi.i'u to adopt every im- noveinent, and slm'.'i gladly welcome, one hut shows v.s how to burn u cr.udlu at both n.ls without shuttering it. But, until the '.eMionsliation is made, wo must continue i b-jiiee that when journeymen carpenters, lusoi.s, sltouiuhkvrs, halters, tailors, occ., :c, receive ns much for tight hours' work i they uow do fur ten, houses, shots, huts, outs, iVc, must Lu cicarer tuaii now, to hat each journeyman w ill find the cost of is living enhunced in substantial propor ion to the increase of his wages, or (what tho same thing) the reduction of his hours f labor. This by no means proves that the eduction 6hould not bo made; it culy roves that it is urged iipon mistaken pre mises. t3T"TiiE American Aoiiicultikist, ubluhed by Orange Judd & Co., 41 Park ow. New York, offers forty good prenii ms, valued at from $250 to ?000, accord ig to the number of subscribers furnished, id the amount paid. It is the most vul uti le and successful agricultural journal in le country. Single copy per year $1.50, r four 5.00; ten for $12.00; twenty or ore 11.00 each. At a AVelsh bathing place, a number .' young ladies, in "Zouave bathing dresses," Tain tbrooyb to 6gure of a quadrille. Titf. Cabekti or AVin7.B. The following brief sketch of the career of Henry Wine, who lately sullercd penalty of death for tho murder of Union prisoners at Andersonville, may be Interesting to tho public. It was received from his on lips by a gentleman who visited liiin, and, iu point ot accuracy, imperfect: "I wns born In Zurich, Switzerland; came to tho United States, in 1840, at which time 1 was unable to speak English. I tried to obtain a position as assistai.t to some physi cian, but failed. Landed in New York city; afterwards went to Connecticut, from which Slate 1 went to Lawrence, Mnes., where I was cnjrngrrl in ft shawl fi.otory. After remaining them for several years, went to Kentucky, where I married ; I nftctward went to Philadelphia, and thence to a plan tation to Louisiana, where I wns employed as a physician. I remained there until the breaking out of tho war, when I enlisted in an independent company as a private ; was afterward mado clerk of tho Richmond pri- '! I"' " '""' f"11.?18" Ail t. (ien. on den. binders stnil ; wns .,,,.,, nt Fttil. 0,li;s aim wound from which he now suH:rs): v.'ns then mado lro- vot r.InrJiiil of Mum Lester, Vn.; was then sent on an inspecting tour of, the prisons iu tho t.ioutli. "Iu 1303 I went to Europe for tho benefit of my health, where I remained three or four months; on my return I was put in charge of Andersonville tin., until tho Con federacy burstcd up. I admit that prisoners wcro brutally treated, but deny that I am the guilty party; I have never shot a mau hi my life." Sentence mid IXt't-u tioit i Wrrze. Capt. AA'irzc, tho Andersonville jailor, was found guilty by the Slilitary Commission and sentenced to be hanged. The President approved tho sentence nnd fixed Friday, Nov. lot Ii, for carrying it into execution. AYiizc said ho expected no reprieve, and ap peared resigned to his fate. Thu sentence was tlnv carried out. At 10.20 A. M. AYiiv.c was taken from cell and conducted to thu eciilloltl erec in the prison yard. After the reading of his sentence, nnd the order for his execution, while standing on tho scaffold, his legs and hands were tied, nnd the noose passed around his neck, and the black cap placed over his head. Ho stood erect without faltering, evidently having nerved himself for the solemn event. Those on the platform re tired to the railing, leaving the doomed man in tho centre of the structure. After a few moments 'of profound quiet, the drop, nt a preconcerted signal, fell. The sound thus occasioned, having readied the cars of the promiscuous crowds outside of the Old Capital grounds, but who were not pri vileged to view the execution, it was re sponded to by repeated shouts of approba tion. Tho convict directly nfter falling was considerably convulsed in his legs, but the agony was soon over, lie hung about fif teen minutes, and was then cut down. His body was laid upon a strcehcr and convey ed to the prison, where it was placed in a coffin and transferred to Father Doyle for interment. Ilia neck was broken by the fall. All the proceedings occupied about three- fourths of an hour. The culprit was per fectly calm and protested his innocence to the last. A Klrnnc Slory about Wirz. AN ATTEMPT 31 AUK II Y HIS WII'K TO C.IVE DIM TOISOX VIGILANCE OK HEX. liAKER. A startling fact iu connection with AY ire's imprisonment has been given to the public. This is no less than an attempt to poison AVirz, which, but fur tho quickness of the officer present, would lmvu been success ful. AVlicn Mr3. Virr. came on o Washington it was the dosire of the Government to give her every facility for enjoying interviews with her husband, with only such precau tions ns were indispensably necessary. The Secretary of War, therefoic, requested lieu. L. C. Baker to arrange for such interviews a nr. to bo present ut them. The first interview of Mrs. AA'irz with her huabund was in his celi, just after the com mencement of his trial. Their meeting was not at all of the character that would be expected between man and wifo under such ciicumslances. There was no appearance of tenderness, lio embrneo or K-iss, no team, and no apparent emotion of any kind on tho part of either. Tint lady's first words were : "How are you, Wirz I'' "Well," he answered, in a gloomy voice, "I nm getting along pretty well." Shu looked at hi'n u moment, and her net words wcr:: "Win n did you have on a clean shirt iusti" "1 never mw youhiok to dirty in my life." AVirz. replied that he had put one on within a w eek, nnd began to complain of his misfortunes. Their conversation throughout wuscold und flippant. The third interview was nn Sunday, October 21). The two exchanged common place salutations as before, and indulged in common-p'.aco conversation. Gen. Daker saw Mrs. AVirz draw olf her glove, and saw a nervous motion of her bund us though moving something in it which she desired to conceal. As she rose to go she stepped up to Wirz, and for thu first lime made a movement to kiss hiin. (ien. Daker stuod at their side where he could see the meeting of their lips. It was not a quick, passionate kiss, but Gen. Daker noticed that they occupied a longer time than necessary, and that the movements of their lips wcro rather peculiar for kissing. As their lips parted General Daker was con vinced that she. had passed something from her mouth into his, und that he was about to swallow it. He sprang toward AVirz ami caught him by the throat, partly choking him for tho instant Geti'-r:d D-ikfr then commanded him to opt n hi: mouth, und, ns he did so, he spit out a little ball which he had partly crushed, and which General linker picked up. It was somewhat suuilli r thnn tin ucoru. and was ascertained to be strychnine, enclosed in tilled silk, and coat ed with licorice. It is now iu Gen. linker's possession. Jn getting up, Mrs. AVirz hud probably dextero.isly conveyed it to his mouth. Iu an instant mure Wirz would have swallowed it, and ns soon as tho out side coatiug had dissolved in his stomach, it would havu Caused his immediate death. Mrs. Wirz was not ngniu ullowed to visit the tell. She left the city nearly two weeks ngo, not wailing cither to hear her husband's sentence, or to see him again befoie death Michigan's tipple trade this year has been immense-. Pour hundred and ten thousand barrels have already been freight ed to Cleveland, Cincinnati nud northern Kentucky. The principal part of the w inter fruit has gone, or will go, to this city, and other points over the whole country. The Detroit Free Frm says that the trade this year has been compressed into the space of six weeks, und the avenues of freight have been almost blocked up with immense quantities coming forward lor shipment, w hile warehouses havu been filled to over flowing, uad temporary khciU have bein erected for storing thu fruit until it could be removed to its destination. An engineer at Nashville sent a workman under his locomotive to oil the running cear, and then forgetting his presence, ran his engine ahead just far enough to cut off one of the man's legs. A bystuader shout ed to warn the cngiueer, who thereupon bucked his machine in dismay and cut off the otlier leg of the unfortunate workman. He survived however, aud suing the com pany tor 130,000 damages, has obtained $3,-690. National ThnnknslTlng for Pence. PIIOCLAMATION BY ME PTIESIDEKT. "Wherein, It hs pleased Almlglity God during the year which is now coming t an end. to relievo oir beloved country from the fearful scourge of civil war, and to permit us to secure Xht blessings of pence, unity and harmony,' w ith a great enlargement ot civil liberty; and 'Whereas. Our Heavenly Father hns also during the year graciously averted frcm us the calamities of foreign war, pestilence nnd famine, while onr granaries are full of tho fruits of an abundant season j and H'ktyim, Kightcousness exnltcth anation, while sin is a reproach to any people ; Now, therefore, be it known that I, An drew Jolfnson, President of tho United States, tin hereby recommend to the people thereof, that they do set npart nnd observe the first Thursday of Dt'cembcr next, as a tiny of National Thanksgiving to the Crea tor of the Universe for these deliverances and blessings. And I do lurthcr recommend ttiat on mat occasion tho wholo people make confession of our national sins ngaiust his infinite good ness, and with one heart nud onu mind im plore tho divino guidance in tho ways of national virtue nnd holiness. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand, nnd'enused the seal of tho United Stales to be atlixed. Done nt the city of Washington, the twenty-eight day of October, in tho year of our Lord one tiousund eight hundred nnd sixty-five, nnd at tho independence of tho United States tho ninetieth. Dy the President. ANDKEAV JOHNSON. AV. n. Seward, Secretary of State. PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVEUNOD. AVith feelings of the most profound grati tude to Almighty God, I invite the good people of the Commonwealth to meet in their places of public worship on Thursday, the seventh day of December next, nnd rniso , . their hearts nnd voices in praise nnd thanks . ,'i I yiving to Him, not only for the mnnilest !'t'c'"U(i ordinary blessings which, during tiio past vcar, he has continued to heap upon us, for otlier way, staggering backward and lor abundant and gathering harvests, forthriv- ward; now his knees would double up, and ing industry, for general health, for domestic bu wonld miss n step, as if the earth had good order and government, but, also, most suddenly vanished before him; then he expressly and fervently for His uncqualed would cross his legs, anil a lurch would send goodness in having so strengthened and I him diagonnlly across the road. He stop intnrded our people during the last four ped and braced himself up so ns nearly to i venrs that thev have been enabled to crush to the earth the late wicked Debellion, nnd to exterminate the system of human slavery which caused it. As we wrestled in prayer with Him in the dark time of our trouble, when our brothers nnd sons were staking life nnd limb for us on a bloody field, or suffering by torture or famine in the hells of Andersonville nnd thu Libby, so now, when our supplications have been so niarvclonsly and graciously answered, let us not with hold from Him tho homage of our thanks civiiisr. Let us say to nil, "Choose vc this day w hom ye will serve, but for us ami our i house we "will serve the Lord." Come , then, ye people whom ho hath so helped and led, come ye war-worn and mutilated men, whom Ho hath spared to return to vnur fli"ir ltnmne lut lia ttirritiry rT-iff.s his temples, let us throw ourselves on the i knees ot our hearts, with a willful joy nt the foot of His throne nnd render aloud our praise and thanksgiving to Him, because He hath made the right to prevail, because He hath cleansed onr land from the stain of human slavery, nnd because Ho ha'.h gra ciously shown forth in the eyes of nil men the great truth, that no Government is so strong ns a Kcpublic, controlled under his guidance, by an educated, moral nnd reli gious people. Dy the Governor. A. O. CUIITIN. El.l SuiFEit, Soc'y of the Commonwealth. 'I'lic .Biminii'ii liiMiirreolion. Tlif. T'nitnrl Stfltcs: ronmil fit:il irmpd nt Ha vana, under date of October :U, informs the State Department that the Captain General of the Wand of Cuba has tendered to the Di it ish consul general troops and war-vessels to go and assist the authorities of Ja maica. The war-vessels were accepted, nnd two of them sailed oft the date of his tKs path from St. Jago tie Cuba. The consul at Ilavanna encloses to the State Department a despatch from onr consul at Kingston, in which he states that his predecessor, who has bad come four yenr' UYpeiii'iiPO with the islanders, expresses liars that it will re quire several months to suppress the insur rection effectually. Ho expresses a hope that an American war steamer may at onec be despatched to that port, and states that there i. re, on the Island of Jumatc i, about 400,000 inhabitants, of which tmlv M,C!!0 whites, about 75,000 muiattocs nnd' the nre remainder (:il3,"t"i) arc blacks. 1 lie pre sent outbreak evidently has been long con templated, nnd is intended to be a war of extermination by the blacks against the whites, and the great de -parity of numbers gives the former u gieat advantage. They, ton, have cho-cu a time .when there nre but few English troops nt that station, and but one small English war steamer, tho AVolver iue, at the island. 'IIJIJ .WW. It has been ascertained that during tho entire war tho navy iias lost only fouitueu hundred and six men in killed, and sixteen hundred antl thirty-eight in wounded, out of the seventy-live thousand sailors and maiines who have been on the rolls. This is inclusive of all losses hi the grand battles on thu Mississippi, at Charleston, Mobile, and Port Pisher, und elsewhere. In a word, the spleuuid victories ot punagut and Por ter have been achieved with less loss of lifu than that which bus beer, suffered in a sin gle division of troops. This is duo in part lo the fact that the enormous range of our navy guns has in thu muin kept tho men out of musket lance. It is worthy of note that the whole expense of tho navy since the beginning ot tho war, including tho construction mid equipment of all its ves sels and their luttiuletinucc, has been less than iJi),000,000, or only about seven und a half per tent, of the national debt. More over, wo have ut the close of tho war, ships cuotigh to show for the money spent to con stitute what is probably a better navy than that of either of tho European Powers. AVe have constructed, since 18(11, two hundred and ten vessels of war, all tit which are of thu most improved model, nnd contain all i the appliances of modern offeusivo and de fensive warfare. ia: itii or oi.o-i:i.itoivn.v. AVilki'.suaiuii:, Pa., Nov. 11. Colonel A. II. Bowman, United States Corps of En gineers died at his residence in this town this morning. The deceased wns well known in tho army circles, was formerly Superin tendent ut AVcst Point, hud charge of the construction of Port Sumpter, and at the time of his death w as President of the Com mission of Engineers fur remodling the coast fortiticutions. The J'imI of n !ev York Mory, Lewis Bchadc, Esq., publishes a curd denying the truth ot the statement that Mrs" Wirz introduced strychniuo into her husband's mouth while kiwing him. Mr. Sehude shows, that at the time of the al leged interview, Mis. AVira was in Kentucky, and say whether the statement comes from General Baker or from uny body else, it is an infamous lie from beginuing to end. Gen. AYasiunotok'h Will. At the Thil adelphia fair for the benefit of the Soldiers and Sailor' Homo the luauuscrlpt will of Gen. AVashington was sold to Mr. Jay Cooke lor f l ,uuu. Anecdote of President Johmen, From Ilarper'a Weekly. "I Buy,. General Jackson, for fear you should think I have tome axe to grind because I try to hard to keep you. at my poor house all night, I will agree to enter tain you free of expense!" expostulated the landlord of the only inn in the village of Jefferson, Aslie county, North Carolina, to General Jackson, lftte one evening in the nutnmn of 18 , as he entered his carriage to pursue his journey toward Tennessee. "The Blue Itidge. sir, is infested with ban ditti, and you wil certainly bo robbed and posnibly murdered, before morning. I be seech you, stay!" "You are very kind, sir, and I thank you," replied the Genera'., "but I shall proceed, and try and reach the Tennessee line at all events. I hnve no fears of being molested. Drive on, Ned, briskly. Adieu, gentlemen all!" and the old hero drove off at a rapid pace. "Hilloa there, youngster!" cried the land lord to a slim, wiry, flaxen headed stripling standing in the motley crowd in front of the tavern, "if you are going to Tennessee, you had better jump up behind nnd go along with tho General ; it's as cheap riding as walking." "Sure cnongh ; I reckon I'd better, and thank you," replied the young mnn, jump ing up behind the conch as it drove oil". They rode cn quietly for some hours until they began to ascend the mountain, when the General, hearing a slight cough behind, called out, sternly : "Who's that?" "It's rrc, sir Andrew Johnson. I am a traveller, on my way to Tennessee, and I thought I might get a lift on your carriage, sir. I beg your pardon, sir." "You are quite welcome, sir, to my car riage. Come forward and take a seat w ith me." "Thank you, sir ; hut as the mountain is rather steep here, I'll jump off and walk up." He walked forward up the mountaiii-sido in advance of tho carriage, but had not gone far before he saw a mnn ahead of him as cending the mountain. He appeared to be intoxicated. Ho lurched this wav and the fall backward, nnd then drifted helplessly along. Presently he turned an angle iu the road and was out of sight. "That man is beastly drunk!" remarked tho General. "Drunk! not much, sir," laughed the man ; "he's no more drunk than I am. He's playing 'possum, and means mischief. Look there! he's lying in the road." As they drove up he raised himself lazily and hailed them. "Hie! ah! I I say, gen tlemen, can't you give a man a lift? I I hie! can't walk ; I'm loaded too heavily with d d mean whiskey." "Then stay where you are nnd get rid of it ;" replied the General, sternly. "The devil !" exclaimed tho man, spring inn to hit feet with the atrility of a cat. He gave a keen whistle antl planted himself in front of :hc coach. Three men sprung out from the bushes, and made a rush at the carriage. Quick as thought the General sprang up on one i f them, and they rolled over iu the road together. A dull, crushing sound was next heard over the conflict, antl a second one rolled over in the dust, propelled by the loaded whip in the powerful Imnds of the driver. The young man, by a timely shot, fired and brought tlown a third, antl then sprang to tho assistance of the General, who still fought manfully with his Herculean an tagonist, while tho driver engaged the re maining robber. "Stand back! stand back!" cried tho Gen eral to the young man ; "we are mnn to mnn. l n give mo Ttiuttn iir piny. iy j tlie EternuV 1 have you now!" and ho threw l "is niiingoiimi uii, '"iuy mn f "Are you hurt, my boy asked tho Gcne- ral. "And you, too, Nud? Where's Ned;" "1 ere, niassal" repHed thu boy, puffing up the road. "My robber coward ho ruu he ! he ! be I I golly; I save one, massa save one, as' de young man save one he! he! he!" All this occurred in less time than it takes to leeord it. "But you. Geueral, are you hurt':" "No j nothing but a few bruises, thank God! Dut look there! one of them is stir ring. You, sir, and Ned, pinion his hands, while I exnnine tho others." None of them were found to be dead. Two were only sfUnncd, and the third had received a justol shot through the shoulder, j and wns cruiching in affright. They were all soon pinioned, and a council was held w hen it was determined to disarm them and let them go, rather than be detained on the road. No ftrthcr incidents befell our tra vellers duriig their jaunt. On their separation in Tennessee tho Gen eral gave tlu young man much good advice. He recounted to him his own history, and bade him tc aspire to be good and usclul. The Genera', continued en route for his homo in Middle Tennessee, and thu young man stopped and settled in the town of Green ville, Tennessee, as a journeyman tailor. Of his subsequent tareer it is needless to speak; it is part of the history of our country. M. E. D. JosEsuoiiouoir, Tennessee, Nov. 1805. The Steamer St. Jons Disastkh. Con dition of Four ff the Victims. Tho N. Y. 1'oat of Wednesuiy says: The four members of one family, Ur. John F. Cunningham, Mrs. Cunningham antl two daughters, of 1)11 Secoud nvuiue, all of whom were among the persons who were badly burned by tiio steam andsculding water on board the Hudson river Bcaiucr St. John, on Sun day, October 28, but who escaped with their lives, still airvive, though it is not expected Mr. Cunningham will live more than a a day or twe longer; and his wife anil children are ulst in a critical condition In tho case of tho fkher lockjaw has set in and his teeth are nearly closed; there is said to be no hope whatever of his recovery. Mrs. Cunuingham is in a better situation than cither of her daughters. Her feet are without skin, and ho process of restoration has scarcely yet legtin. The toes of tho gn u are coming of at the joints. This is in consequence of the boiling of the flesh, which wis loosenet from tho bone. All the toes of oa girl are gone, and some of those of tho otLtr. Their condition is distressing in the eUremo. Nne of tho injured per sons can bo kept quiet, so iuteuso is the pant uiey Btiuer. Tieir limbs are warmed by tho list ot Iteatiug bottles. An Anion's Dalgiiteh. The following story is toll of Professor AVilson's method of giving lis daughter to Aytouu: i roiusar rerrier married a daugh'.or of joim ii ituu, nu eunea the collected edition of his ftter-in-law' works. It is of his brother pufessor, Aytoun, who stood in the same relufcm to "Christopher North," that a story is ld relative to the successful issue of Liscoufcltip. Ho took the opportunity of "declang his intentions" oue morning when Nort, was in his study, accompauied br the youij ludy. As soon as he had fin Islted his ixpUuation, whose purport the reader may jooceive, aud wos awaiting with same natuiul mxioty the result, Professor AVilson, so.'iag nothing, took up one of the numerous irunntatiou volume lying around, and tearing un a fly-leaf, with the inscrip tion "with tie author's compliments," pin na i it tc hi daughters'! dress and bacded ber to jpuny Ay toun without a word. SUMMARY OP NEWS. The New York road are reducing the wages of labor, and oue lurgi corporation has cut off 5 per mouth. , Major Gen. Bchofleld will sail from New York for Europo by the next steamer, on a year's leave of absence. The ill-fated steamship Republic had on boord $400,000 iu specie, besides a very large and valuable cargo. Large numbersof New Hampshire farmers nre selling their lands and going South and AA'cst to settle. Sinco the election of Gov. Seward, in 1838, tho whips or republicans hnvo had ciuht Governors of New York, and the democrats three. Dr. Munde's extensive water cure estab lishment, near Northampton, Mass., was de stroyed by fire on the 7th inst. A large number of tho members of the new Legislature of Mississippi were Con federate soldiers. Many are wounded. It is said that no more than two of the Congressional candidates in North Carolina, it elected, could take the required oath. The lifu of the Earl of Strnthmore, of England, recently deceased, was insured to tho amount ot $i,uuo,uuo. Thero is apprehension of a dearth of food in Noriu Uuroliua betoro tho next crop is secured. Mr. A. Dcsland, fathrr-in-law of General Beauregard nnd John Slidell, died in New Orleans last week, agcu 82 years. A steamer arrived nt Philadelphia, on Saturday, from New York, with 2,218 bar rels of apples. Gen. Butler, it is said, ii.tends to make Washington his permanent residence. Tho cholera made great ravages in tho convents of Spaiu. The npplo crop in AVcstcrn New York is said to be very heavy. Snow fell at AVhctling, A'n., on Sunday, covering the ground four nnd a half inches deep. Governor Curtiti, has issued a proclama tion, appointing the 7th day of December as a day of thanksgiving and prayer. Young men in Lawrence, Kansas, have to marry to get board, the landladies there taking none but married people. The city of Nashville, which had a popu lation of only about 20,000 ut thu commen cement of the war, now numbers b0,0U0. It is now one of the most pmspcious und wealthy cities in the L'nited States. In thu Baptist Churches of Richmond re ligious revivals nro going on. They arc said to bo very solemn and impressive. Hon. A. H. Stephens is expected to visit Milledgrville and address thu Georgia State Convention before its adjournment. An application to establish n national bank at New Orleans, with a eapitul of one million dollars, has been granted. Gen. A. C. Myers, late quartermaster gen eral of the rebel Confederacy, has left Paris on a visit to tho United States. His family remain in Europe. Jacob Thompson, Secretary of the Interior under President Buchanan, lias left Paris, with his wife, for u pilgrimage to the Holy Land. The rebel Generals AVnde Hampton, Ker shaw, Butler, Martiu and Brattan arc mem bers of the South Carolina Senate. On Sunday the Bum of $800 was contribu ted iu the AVusliington street M. E. church at Petersburg, I iijaivnarj pui iuot.a i Virginia. Two hundred and forty-one post routes, embracing 18,551! milt-a of service, have thus far been restored in the South. Hon. A. If. Stephens, of Georgia, hns per emptorily declined to belt candidate lor Congress. A gentleman just from the oil regions nt Bothwt.ll, Canada, states that one hundred and ten new wells are now being sunk in that region, and that there nro already nbout a dozen flowing wells yielding from five to fifty barrels of oil per day. These wells are directly oil the linu of the Great AVcstcrn Canada Railway, and nbout seventy miles cast of Detroit. A soi-disant sportsman in the vicinity of Eureka, Illinois, wounded a white crane, and took it home. A number of his neigh bors amused themselves by plucking at and tormenting thu bin!, until it got very angry, mid by n sudden movement of its bill tore out one of tho eyes of tho principal persecu tor. The Archbishop of Canterbury has pre pared a special form of prayer for deliver uuee from the cattle plague and cholera, and an order in council will be issued authoriz ing it to be used on nud utter thu 8th iust. The celebrated mechanical duck of A'atl canson is now on exhibition iu thu Hue tlu Paris, ut Havre, iu a small museum which takes its name from that illustrious mechan ician. The bird, standing on a sort of box, shakes its wings, cats, drinks, and imitates nature so accurately that it is not safe to let dogs come iuto the same room with it. An unknown young man, supposed from his incoherent utterances to be on his way South to get married, was accidentally shot by a hunter, while standing ou thu platform of. the cars as they passed through East Bristol, Teuuessee. He died in the house of Mrs. Mary-Guns, at that place, leaving val uable baggage and jewelry, and $1,500 in money, which thu friends aro desired to identify and reclaim. A satchel containing eighty thousand dollars was stolen out of the American Ex press Company's wagon yesterday, at Chica go, and no clue has yet been obtained of the robbers. A woman named Botirsica, at Chumplittti, France, hus an extraordinary talent for kil ling vipers. She discovers their retreat by her sense of smell, und then tttlracts them to the surface of the ground by tho uid of li quor of her own composition. On their uppearancu she squirts on their heads a small portion of tho liquor, which stupefies them, and so they are easily killed. Between the 1st of May and thu 10th of September of the present year she destroyed a, 274 of these reptiles, for which she received 817f. 20c., thu premium for the destruction of vipeis being 25 centimes each. M. Desor, a Swiss naturalist, has investi gated and nouflrnicd tho statement that small fish have been found in Algerian artesian wells two huudred feet deep. These fish belong to the carp species. They ure healthy, and have fine, large and perfect eyes. Subterranean fish are usually blind, oc account of the usQlessoesiof eyes to such creatures, A fruit preserving house, with a capacity of 23,000 bushels, is to be erected at Buffalo, at a cost of $100,000. These houses have been thoroughly tested iu Cleveland, Cincin nati, Indiuuapolis, New York and Greeus borough, while large ones have just been finished in Pittsburg, Detroit, Chicago aud St. Louis. Great preparations are being made at Chicago to celebrate the anniversary of the commencement oi Sherman's March to the Sea, Nov. 15tb. Several prominent army organisations will parcipatoin the festivities. General Grant has purchased a residence in Washington for $30,000. The Lawrence,; Mass., American says that about three oclock oo the morning of Sep tember 20h, the paper mill buildings of Russell 4 Co., of" that city, were a mss of mouldering ruin. Celore noon of that day the rubbish had been sufficiently cleared away to allow the masons to commence laying bricks, nnd last Thursday, just two weeks from the day of the fire, the mill was set in motion again. Four Inches of enow fell on Sunday, ou the mountains near Pittsburg, Pa. ' Tho shock of an enrlhquake was felt at Mount Joy, Pn., on Friday evening last. In France last year, out of 800,000 rail way passengers only one was wounded! . 'i'liK Lemon Chop. Tho State Depart ment has official intelligence that the season has been very favorable for the crops on the Island of Sicily, and sufficient hus been produced for all regular demands. Raphael Stmnies, of Alabama notoriety, is doing business in Njttchcz, Miss. John C. Breckinridge is reported to be pving in elegant seclusion in Canada AVcst. At Jiirminghnin, i.nglnnd .i woman wns cleaning some windows, forty feet from the pavement, as she was leaning- out, suddenly tell into street upon a man passing by. He was fatally injured, but she escaped uu hurt. "DON'T BE FOOLISH." You can make Six Dollars from Fifty Cents. Cull and ex amine an invention urgently needed by every body. Or a sample sent free by mail for 50 cents that retails easily for $0. bv K. L. AVOt.COTT. 1TO Chatham Square, N Y. Sept. 10, 1885. ly. S B W ATTETtTIOX, bOI.DIEItS OI' OUIl I, ATE Armt." Many Discharged Soldiers have claims of which they have no knowedgc. I!v sending for a Circular to I.. Drown & Co., of No. 2 Park Place, N. Y., information will bo lurnislied winch mny be valuable. Oct. 21, 1803. 3t. (ihuiiioKin Coal 'I'm tie. Shamokik, Nov. 13. ISM Ton. Cvt. Pent for week ending Nut. II. S.7M 15 Tor lunt report, 230.2.1(1 1 1 391.09(1 on To iiimc time but year, Incrciue, 2?U,7fl2 OS 111.2:11 01 Uhown's Biionviii.u, Titociii:s are widely known ns an established remedy for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, nnd otlier troubles of the Throat and Lungs. Their good reputation and extensive use have brought out imitations, nnd similar prepara tions represented to bo the same, which nre generally injurious. Outain only "Jit'oicn't JUroneh ial Troth ;s." -iA breeze kissed honeysuckle diffuses a pleasant fragrance, but its aroma has not the tropical richness of l'hiilon's "Night Blooming Cercus." That marvellous scent, voluptuous, vet not too powerful, seems closely akin to the fragrant charm with which Nourmahal enchanted her liege lord in "The Light of tho Harem.'' Sold cviry w here. II.vitn-AA'oitKKD Pnoi-i.E. No clerk on a salary of a thousand dollars a year goes to his bank as regularly, or works as many hours, as AVilliam B. Astor, who counts up his forty millions. His father used to say that he bad to take cure of forty millions, and nil ho gut for it was his victuals and clothes; but, he continued, he had the great satislnctioti ol obtaining the latter ut the Browti-btono Clothing Hal! of Kockhill & AVilson, Nos. 003 antl OuTi Chestnut street, above Sixth. That certainly bhould reconcile a man ertu to having l'urty Millions or cel lars to take care of. Xlic ilridal 'l.:inil-r, an Tfsny of AVarninganJ Instruction for Young Men published by tho lluwnrj Association, and 8J!it fr(o of charge in tculed envelopes. Address lr. J. .KII.blN HOUGHTON, Unwind AcoiRin, Philadelphia Pennsylvania. IcLiUiiiylt. lS"j ply 1 1 Ki ii Livisti. -This is very apt to pro tlucca disordered stomach, resulting in D.s pepsin. lLi1itnV) Ucrmtn flitter will en tirely relieve any nausea or bad feeling, and prevent mote serious consequences. It vou time the Dvspepsia, a few lott)cs wilfcn- tirely restore the digestive organs to their ; original vigor. For sale by druggists tint, : storekeepers everywhere, ut 73 cents a but- f.e. Jj"WeClip the following from on of tho 1'hiltt delpbia ltaily Papers. Our people visiting: or scud ing down to thu City, would do null to make a not i ofil : . j AVAXAMAKEK 1 DnOWX'S FIXE CI.OTUI.NM . j This e.-tahiishuieut, Iwnted at tho Cor. of Sixth j & JIaukkt Sircct, i'liii. vD'A , familiarly known us OAK 11 ALL,'' is probably the lnrcst and bci-t con- ! ducted "Ilea.ly Mad.-," Cloll.iu.j A .Merchant Tailor, ing llous-e. in tho State. Their superior btylcs, ex cellent workii.uudiip and moderation in prices, havu mado (heir House deservodly popular. In thuir CISi'OM DKPAKT.MENT, where elo" gunt (jAitJiKSTs arc Make to Oniirii, none but tho very best Artists ure employed, and the fine assort" ment of Materials to select from onubled everyone 'obe well suited. Samples will be sent by Mail, and instruction! for measuring when written for. Xov. 11, 1S05. bt Coccus A.n CoLio. Those who arc suffering from Coughs, Colds, llourscness, hore Throat, Ac. should try "Duowx'a Hiiom iiiai. Tkoches" a sim ple remedy which baa relieved thousuuds, und w hich is iu almost every cuse ellcctucl. ITCH! 1TCIIM ITCH!!! SCftATCH ! SCRATCH ! SCRATCH ! tVllt'Ilf oii'n Ointment Will Cure the Itch in 4S Hours. Also cures SaltHhcutu, fleers, Chilblains, and all Eruptions of the bkin l'riue 50 cents. For aalo by all Druggists. lly .cuJin CO cents to WEEKS 4 TOTTER, Sole Airi-iits, ltd Wa.-hini'ton street, lloston, Muss , it will be lorwarded by mail, free of postage, to uny part of tne C nited Mates. rept. -. Oj Ow. WHISKERS! "WHISKERS! I)o vou w ant Whiskers or Moustaches 1 Our Ore c-iau Cuuiund will force them to grow on the smoothest face or chin, or hair on bald beads, in Six Weeks. Price, $1 00. Sent by mail anywhere, closely sealed, on receipt of price. Address, WAKXEK t CO , box 134, Brooklyn, N. Y. February lb lf'oj. ly Di'ul'uoii, Illindnt'OM aud Catarrh, Treated Willi tho utmost sucocss by Pr. J. ISAACS Oculist and Aurist, (loimerly of Eoden, Holland.) Xo, fill) Pine struct. Philadelphia. Testimonials from the most reliable sources in the City and Coun try can boseeu ut bis olhce. The medicul faculty are invited tu accompany their patients, as he has uo se crets in bis practice. Artificial Eyes, Insertod with out pain. No charge made lor examination. July 33, lbOi. ly MAU 111 AiillS, In this place, on the 12th of October, by the Rev. AV. lCremer, Mr. Harvey K. Cood itit'u aud Miss Lizzie A'ol'.no, all of this place. DEATHS. Io Korthumbcrlunrl. ou tho 0th iust., M. M. ALA'El'DI MAIZE, youngest daughter of Air. D. O. E. Maize, a(,'t)tl about 9 years. BUNBUBY 110 00 2 10 100 1 00 MARKET, li?gi Butter, Tallow, Lard, Pork, Baoon, Tlour. Wheat. Kye, Cora, Oak, Buckwheat, filmed, Clcranewi, 5 ta fro 17 00 Similar, NEVADyERTISEMENTS. 0RPANNS' COURT .SALE. IN porsimnee of nn order of the Orphiins' Court of" NorthuuitwriHBil county, will bo expoaeri to pub liolttleon tli premise, in lha tnanchin nt .Tnr.i.n eonnty ofNorthcrmbcrliujil, fiforosnid, on Miitnr 1M4I.T. 1 ho following rent citnte to wit : All that ortnin traot or piece of iitnd lttla in sei.l townnhin. the south br lond of Snmuel Dower: on the cut bv lunill .T.,ttn U'.U.l ....1 . t . . - ; " v.1.0 aim ua iuu wen Dy mnai of isaaa Carl, Contain. ncr 13 nerm morn or lew, 13 ncrei of which are clewed. Aim at the SMne time and place, another traot, bounded on tho north by lnnds of Snmuel Clark dco'd ; sooth by bind- of Uoo. T. Troutman ; oMt by lnnda of John Oystor and west by lnnd of Peter Thomiia Containing 17 agrcs more or losj, being all Diuuntuin lnn.l. A so another lot of ground situate as nlbrCTaid, bounded on the north by luiidsof Oubriol Adntiiaand Bouth by lanh of John fc'chropp; ent by lund of Uabricl Adnms nnd west by lundj of Liing UubIi. Contutning 4(1 perches more or less. I-nte tho property of Jacob Carl. J., deceased. Palo tocomi.K'ticcnt 1(1 o'clock A. M.. of fluid duv, when the terms and conditions of sitlo will be luuue kuown by cm. T. IftOUTMAX, AJm'r. By order r.f the Cmirt. J. A. J. CO! Ml NGN, r.rv 0. C. Sunbury, November IS, lHOi. MINOR'S Patent Pocliot Luntertia-fur sale ut tho Hook uud iSlittiouory Btin c of N. F.LIGIITNER. S T ORE. W. A. BENNET, Market Square, SI.'.MII UY, Iu HAVING rcoentty 'purchnscd the TJrug .'(. ire formerly conducted by R. A Fidier, I beg leave to inform the eiliiens of Snnhury and i oinily, that 1 have cntiroly replenished my stock of :I3JB IS. TBU 6X5- jcs AMI FANCST ARTICLES! such at Combs, llrushcs, Pookct-Books, Soups, Ter. fiunery, Hair-Oil, Knives, Scissors, Coul-Oil Lumps Tobacco and Cigars, Iti in I m, Oil, Jlno, 4!lasiH, Iiutj, V.irniwlM'H, I'alt nt Medicine, Jtc. All my Tinctures, Syrups, Ointments, Cerates, and other preparations nro manufactured by myself, and from the best material 1 cun procure in jlurket. Having hud quite a number of years' experience in the Drug ami Freer ipt ion Lusincss, both In Philadelphia nnd (he country, nnd nlso llm ntlvantage of the College of Pharmacy. I feel com peted to COMPOUND ALL PHKSCKIPTION3 thnt the Physicians nnd public mny favor me with. All uiy preparations ns 1 have above asserted, nro mado from tho best material, nnd upon honor 1 assert, they are of i ltk'iiml strength. l'or medicinal purposes, I keep on hand tho very host AVIXES, BRANDIES AND LIQUORS, thi.t I can procure. Deli. re purchasing elsewhere, call and convince your own miitd. ' AV. A. BEXXET. ISuuluiy, Xov IS, ISiii. DOOR & WINDOW MOULDINGS To lijcludc Cold, ltuin, Dust and Soow. A Itcul family Comfort OAS HEATING STOVES, Fur Chambers, Oflices, Uulh-iioouis, ic. HOVSEHOLI) TIX-AV ARE, llcuvy and Well Made. OLD DOMINION COFFEE TOTS,. A Ileal Saving iulkeea Doax Times. CHILDREN'S TRAYS, To Ke-pthC I'ublO WutliClcun. At Wholesale and Retail, by CIIA.V. ill HlIAM. Manufacturer, 119 Ponth Tenth Street, Philadelphia. Xovember (. ls.ia - 2ai A.TD STATIONERY STORE, JUEtlii:'!' M(l Ai.'i:, SI rillir, Mibscrihcr rospnollully Informs Iho citizen of .1 Sunbury un.l vicinity taut ho l-.us just opened in the buihlingof I'hailcs Pleasants, Market S.nnre, nn entire new and well selected slock of JJO'JlviS, Stationery und n frn'at variety of other articles, cun- j i-isnug, iu pun. as follows : iiUUivfc, STAnoNUitv, AA ALL PAPER, dames of nil kinds uud ilocriplion. Fine Toilet Soaps, lirusbes, Perfumes, Ladies Satchels. Xc-csearii-s. A linu HMhirluiuiit of I'ii'l ur- fniiu, PLo. tugrapli Albums. Photi ruph Frames. Oval, Ac. MI.ERSCII AI M. Priur. Rosewood nn 1 India Rub. ber Pipes. Paiciit Pine Sleiu-f, Ciirirs. Solace. Cen tury. Siiiiiiv.sid.- and Plantation. Fine Cut, Kitlikin-uk-kand l!ig Kick Smoking Tobacco. T' 'V ROOKS, Transparent Slates, Violins and trim inie:,' tor iciiiw. Hold Tens. Silver JIjiiKrs, IV-kC Rook, po. ket Knives, .to. lie lias also a largo umi complete assortment of itl Oil B.iiuiitM und I'ivius, and uU) many other things too numerous to mention lieisalsoAjrent for Prntt's (Jreat Pictures. Hi, lleclaration of Independence, and Kinancipatioi Proclamation. Please cull und examine betoro pur chusing elsewhere , X. F. LItillTXER. eunbury, Xov. II, lsijj. TAVERN STAN! T?01t SALE. 7 ILL be sold at Public Sale on tho promises, o 1 i Niilnnlii) , lli; 3d l:iy of l4'''iu ber, lll'M, tho well kuown Tuvcin Stand, not occupied Peler llurrcll ei.uatcd ou the comer Fumu and Pokeberry streets, Sunbury. The in pruvcmen'.s aro a lurge two story frame bhildini uilh ice bouso and other out buildings, besides a lur frame stable suituble for a hotel. The localion is Uood one, icing on a public thoroughfare leudiu iulo town. Terms will bo mudo known on tho dav of sale b U. W. AKfJOUAST. Sunbury, Xov. 11, 1S05. N E 11 1, 0 C E KY. aliE subscribers begs leave to announco to tl . citizens of Sunbury and its viciuity, that thr have opened a NEW GiiGcmiy Tito doors tee.it vj J. II. FnWs Store, i Market Square, whero they aro prepared to furnish every variety frruceries, and will keep constantly on hand U choicest varieties of FLOUR & FEED Fish, Codec. Teas, SiiRar, Molasses, Cheese, Sal Spices of all diseriptiou, Noapa of every iiriet Candles, ."uioking and Chewing tobacco, .s'egar Hums. .Shoulders, Jlaouli, flutlcr, and Egs. Al liricd fruils of ull kinds, Caned Peaches und Tom Iocs. Pickels, Ketchup, Pepper 'auce, Kaisir Lemons, Ac, of best quality, and in fact every lly of articles kept in a well slocked Grocery. Al Cider Vinegar. All kinds of counlry produce tuki iu exchange. The patronage of the public is r spectfully solicited. (1EOHUEE. HEARD & CO. Suubury, Xov. 11, lhili. BOARDING HOUSi jut. 5IAUIA 'riio.m'soA, (Formerly of tho 'Lawrence House,") fcSUXliUKY, PENN'A. IX FOR MS her friends and the publie genera that she has n Sited the bouse formerly occapi by Itr. J. W, TcaJo. ou lllackbcrry street, near ( Northern Central Railway Depot, and opened PourdiuK Ilouso, whero she is prepared to kt PEKMAXEXT AXD THAN SI EXT llUAKfJEl Midi good cooks and waitors, boarder csn ei, the quiet eouil'urls oi Lome with faro equal to 1 best hotels. Patronage from those who may Sojourn in Sunbi Is resueolfully solicited. Mrs. MABIA THOMPSON. Sunbury, Xov. 11, ISO. TOYS AND Fir s! t7 GAIIES FOH CHILDRE ASXA PA1XIER