Wistar's Balsam WILD CHDRRV neof III oldest mi J mini rcliuble remedies in llio world fur Coughs, Colds. Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, Diffi culty of Breathing, Asthma. Ilosrsnnoss, Sort) Throat. Croup, mid every Affection of THE THROAT, MINUS AMI) CHEST, Including evert CONBUMPTION WISTAtt'S BALSAM OK WILD CHERRY. So cenel .il has Ilie tisenf tlifc. remedy lireom and so .pt.l.'.r is it everywhere. that "i "'"i, recount ilsvlrli.es II- work speak for II. iillernnce In Iho abundant and voluntary le . . ni.y of the mnnv wl... from long sullering nd 'I'1'1' scasc have by its use been restored lo pristine nuor and hcnlth. Wccan present a uiaas at cvi.lcro.-e ! lirool of our assertion, that ,..,.-.,, 1 CANNOT UK DISCREDITED. Tlie Iter. .1 iii-oli Ni-ilili'i. Well known and much respected iimmvr the licrmfl populnlion iu thisccunlry, makes llio folluwing stnto mcnt for llio bcnelil of Ilie afflicted : JlAXOVKH.Pa., Feb. 1 j, 1S'9. Dear Sir : Having realized in my fnniily inipor tnnt benefits from the use or your valuable prelum, tinn Wistars Balsam of Wild Chony il allords me pleasure to rceommend It le llio public. Some eight vesrs ngooneof my .Imi-litcra sccnud to be in n dc. clinc. and little hopes or her recovery were enter tained. 1 then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, mid before she hiol Inken the whnl or tho content of the liotlle tl i v in Kroiit iinprovcment in bcr health. 1 hnvn, i i n r individual cam-, inndo frequent nee of your v l.iul e inodiolne, nnd liave ,s been benefited by,. JAC0J) SKnlu;R. Smith, Ksq., resident ol tlu Mom. County Bank. Mnrristuwn. New Jersey. . , , ... 'Having wed Dr. Wi.-ior s Ibilsiun of lid l.ho'ry f.irabout lifieen year.', mi I h-iviiiR realized Us bene. tieial results in mv family, it ntlords me great plea sure in recommending it In the public as a valuable remedy is ease of weak Inn folds, coughs. Ac, and a remedy which I consider to lie entirely bum cent, and may be taken with perfect safely by the must dclicutu in health." From lion. John E. Smith, A distinguished Lawyer in Westminster. Md. 1 have on several occasions used lr. Wisinr's Ilnl miii of Wild Chcriy lor severe colds, and always with decided benclil. I know of no prepnral ion that is more efficacious or mine deserving of general use. The Ifulsum lias also licen used with excellent effect by J. 1). Elliott, Merchant, Hall Cross Hoads, .Mil. Wihtaiih Balsam op Wll.tl ClIKIIItV. None gcnuiiio unless signed -1. Bl'TTS," on Ilie wrapper. 1-OH SALE BY .1. P. DINSM011K. No. Ml Broadway. New Yolk. S. W. FOWLE A Cll.. Proprietors, Boston. And by nil Druggists. KKDDIXO'S Hl'SUtA SM.VK , Heals Old tores. RKDHIXII'S HESSIA SALVE Cures Hums. Scalds. Cuts. KKDDIXO'S Kl'SSIA SALVE Cures Wounds, Bruises. Sprains. nicDDiycrti hissa xmyj-: Cures Boils, I'lcers, CanecrH. BEDDING'S ItUSSIA bALVE Cures Salt Klicuin, Piles, Erysipelas. .XIEDDING'S EU8SIA BALVE Cures Ringworm. Corns. Ac. Ao. NO FAMILY SHOULD HE WITHOUT IT. O Only 21 Cents a Box ."J Poll RAl.E II V .1 P. DINSMORE, No. 4'.U liroadway, N. Y. S. W. FOWLE Jfc CO. No. H Trcuiont St.. Huston. And by all 1 rn-y irfta and Country Stmckccprs. lieu 21 I SCI. TAKES NOTICE ! T '"WAT J. W. PEAL A E. 1. I.I'M LEY, have entered into co-pnrtnersnip ill tlio I'l-iii-l i'- ol" .IIsmUVIim- A' NiM-'-ry. Wo can always be found lit tho office of J. W. Peal, unless prolu&iou:illv engaged. J. W. PEAL A E. D. Ll'MLEY. .Vunbury. April 21, ISiii. :lm IiNM!iiliiii ol" fiiu-f iM-i-lii. rillll'" parluerbiji hcretuferc c-xtstitiK between Hie I undersigned in the Wholisulc and Kutnil Coal mi 1 Shipping business under the firm name of tlraiit k X'iclt. is this day dissolved liy mutual consent. THON. H ti HAN'T. VALENTINE U1ETZ. Suubury, April 15, lSISi. UNITED STATES HOTEL, Oliposite llio N. Y. & NEW HAVEN A WENTEKX It. K. Hi:pot BEACH STREET, BOSTO.Y. Uy F. M. PI! ATT, Formerly of the American House. May 111, lS'i5.-ly UP 23 GRAFFS Eye and. Ear Infirmary, Ou the Sjuure. Vlirt-o Ifcinr fumi Stccli Jlutul) WILKES-DAERE, PA. flllUS IXSTIIUTlOX.i now own hihI funii.-lied X iii the liiu.-t unslly vtylc. Keeqaii.n. l'rivati Hii'l Opunitin lltHiuiH aru large niul .cmiveulcnt nnd welt ailHplcl. The feuricul njnirlmptit cnutaiii the fiiioHt cull uet ion of iiwtrumeiiU in thu country, ami Ihun hin fiieu.iici will enable liiin to muvt any and all cinetjcoiicioit in pruolioe. Jle will orernte upon ihe variout fnrtnitof ltLlMNK-SS. Cutarnut, Ocrlunn ol the Fujiil Vnw Kyef ('I.Murc of the Tear IuctT Invention of the Kyelidi. lMLryitiin. Ao., Ac. And w ill treat hU forms of tioie r.yci, tlninuUl Adn. Opiiuctiui of the Cornea, and Scrofulous a'i!cntva of the Kye, iogother with all the Ureases to which the eye in viihjit. JH5AFNKSS. Will trcnt all the flirncn coimnon to Ihoornn. listiharc fumi thu Ear. otrte in the Kar. Calurih. tlttncultiort of hearing tofnl J)iiifi)rtrt, i vrn where tho Drum is dcroyrd. Will insert an iirtilicinl ono, niittctin nciirly'all the iiurnosea uf the nnlurul. D1SKASK8 OF TIIK THI10AT. AH dineawn common to the Throtit mid n ill he treated (iKNKUAL SLlUiKKV. Ilo will oocrate unm 'lnb-tcrt, ll.iir Lip, Clult I'm Hut t, Tuinoiv, 'iiuucra. Knliirired TonciU. &o. 1'hwtio oper:aniu by heal in -i new Hoih into deformed jmrtH. and iieueral burgery lI wlintever cunmctur it muy pri'ini. IIKUXIA. (lt Kl'PTl 1IK.) lie will peift.rm i -Hhiiii," operation tor the radic.il. (eoinplete.) euro ( of J I l-ni in. th ir umju'tionitlily a perfect euro, and i 1 done with little or no pniu. Out of the many hun I dml oiieraied uiu.n in Uostnu there h;tx been no (nil- i un, it having met he approbu'ton of all who have (uhmiited to it. ARTIFICIAL KYKS. Will insert nrlifiuial eyen. givin,: ihciu the uiot'nm and expre.vit.n of the natu in). 1 hey are iiiiert"d without tlm least iiin. J1KMOUUI101I). (IMl.KS.) Thw troubleuuc tli M'tife ii readily cured. Th- tutlei iu fioui it n ill do well to call. Int. I'r lK tiuApr xWit Wilke.w.I(nrro willwi iew id' building up a ierui;iiient liiftitnie for the iM iitimnt of the Kye. l-'nr. and ti.'rnl Surgery. exju-ritiiio L'f mire thiiu it quiirl-r of a c uiury. in Km pititl ill. 1 genentl piaelo-i. In- hopi-w. . H rtill'u'it ;;t guarr.-i e Ij tU"e uhi lu.iy be di-po.-cd to eiurby hiic January Il; lMj.V--ly TO CONSUMERS ()!' rpHF urdersig-.c 1 dealer in Coal from the follow- I X ivg well known I'ollieries is prepared lo roceivo i oidere let the tame a: the Lowest Market Hates, vii : MORDECAI'S OKAY'S DIAMOND MIXES PAKUISII it Ctl'S CONSOLIDATED CO'S ' Yt LialM repared lo furni.b tho ' llullisaoi-ot u VI-bruli-d t'oal. .! uud Preuntil. I On Ilia l!r lo I t lie Si puihaim Hiver and llarra Jo , Grace. Ill tJ madl arrangemeiiU lor the bent PITTSTON AJ. D PLYMOUTH CO ALB ' Which he propane1 to deliver on board Boats at ' Nurthuoliifliuid. 01 b y Car ovar Northern Owitral I ivaiiroau lid on iu una ol me rniladelphia and Erie lulling, on ik best teriu. . lie U 4FyedUiC!l allUrdera witii Jospalob, aad rc.peciliill Elicit irdcr. t'roin the Trade. ' Addius JOHN McKAHLAXP ' A;nl tt Oil: '" 'orlUumber!aud. fa SCHENCICS " M ANDRAKK PILLS FOft ' SIOIC HEADAOHE, llsi Slnpon Cnnae nnd 'iu-o. I'm lias received Its name from eomtnnt onuses or sickness nl the stomach,' uliieh attends1 the patn in ho head. This lioadaehe is apt In bein In llio morning on waking from deep tloop, nnd when some irrcgnlHrity of diet ha been enmiuilleil on Iho day beforo, or minelliiics for (ovcriil dayi previous. A I fust there U dlstressiiiKly oppressive fooling in Iho liend, which gradually merge into acvere l.nvy pain In tho temples, frequently hltendcd by a louse or fullness and tenderness in one eyo, and ex tending across the forohend. There hi a clammy . un pleasant tasto In the month, an offensive hroath, and Ihc tongue covered with yellowish wliilo fur. Tho soil tier desires lo lie alone in tho dark room. A soon n the patient feels Ilie Mines in the head nnd pnln in tho temples, take a large dose of Schcnkc'a Mnndriike Pills, nnd in an Imur or two Ihcy will feel as well as well as ever. Thii has been tried by thou lands, nndisnlnays smo to cnr. and instead of Iho siek headache coming on every week or (en days, hey will not bo troubled with it once in three months. fchonck's Mandrake Pills nrc composed of a num ber of roots besides Podopbinin, or coiicentrnlcd Mandruko all uf which lend to relax the secretions of the liver, and net more prompt than blue pills or mercury, nnd without leaving any dangcroiu effects In a bilious person they will slinn themselves by Ilie stools. They will expel worm", mucus, bile and till morbid matter from tho system. In sick headache if they are taken as directed abvove, (n full doso as soon as they feel tho Hist symptoms of it lr. Schcnck will and has directed his agents to relnrn the money if they do not gfve perfect satisfaction. If a person has been couiielled to stay out Into at nibt and drink teo much wine, by Inking a doso uf pills on going to bed. next morning ho will feel ns j (bough ho bad not drank a drop, unless ho forgets j to go to bed at alt. I Tliey only cost 25 cents a Imx. Whoever takes them will never use any oilier. They aro worth it dollar to a sick iiinn for every ccut they cost. Hunt forget tho name Sc'ik.xi K'ti Ma.mik.vke Pi!.!.. Sold wholesale and retail at lr. Pelieuck's Princi pal Office, No. 15. North Sixth street, Philadelphia and by Hruggists and r-torckccpcis generally. Price for Pulmonic Syrup, r-enweed Tonic, each ?1 50 per bottle. $7 jIMIio half doicn, or two hot til's of Syrup and one of Tonic, for 75. Ir. Schenck will be at bis office. Xo. 15 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia, every Natiirdny to see pnlieiits. He makes no charge forndvice. but for a through examination or the lungs with uis Kespiro meter, ho charges March IS ISIij. 18G5." 1805. MAMMOTH STORE. .1. w. B'a:ii.i-.' A: s:, r)Etl leave to call the attention of the public that Ihey have Just returned from the t ity with a very LAUIIE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF tiOODS Consisting of IItV GOODS, . Hardware. Qnccntiwnro Ccdarwaro. BOOTS &15IIOES, Hosiery. Uloves. Notions, Trimmings, - ' Isriix mill 4'lifiiiifiilK, il. I.tiiiiN and in fnci EVEIt YTIIIN'tl GENERALLY KEPT in t'ounlry Hlon-x. Wo bought onr goods at the lowest Cash Prices nnd consequently wo think we can offer great in ducement to purchasers for Cash or Country Pro duce. The highest market price paid for all kind of Produco. (Jive us a tall J. W. FKILlXli A SON. Suubury, May I ISflj. ISO ! AND M il 1 i n er y G o o ds! Jiut opened at the liRAX!) MILL1NE11Y STOKE. ' , "'' ; ' .MInm 51. I.. ussli'i-, 1 Kan n street, two doors smith of Shamokin Valley A Pnttsville Itailrnad, HAVlN'd iiirehased my goods at reduced prices. 1 am enabled to sell 'cheaper. The stock com.i-.ls of HON X I.TS of every descrip tion fi Hpring and Summer. Mli:i!ier. and every style of f ,:ili'N Hal, Hil'isut.-. Flowers, Ladies t'ajis. Ac. " ' tllovin. Collars. Handkeruhiers. Hosiery. Lnees, Veils, riilk, tlreiiadino and Mourning Veils, and numerous othur notiona, usually kept in Millinery .tores. ' 'all uud see her stock. iS'unbiiiy. April 2.'. loO.V 2m f F vmi , 1 ,i'EN rant "ond Tin-Ware. go to SMITH . dr3.. EX1 lEK S New Shop. BO AUDI N G H 0 U JSE. j t l!tN. Jl AICIA 'H10lllSO, r j (Furuii'i'ly of the Lnwrence Jlouxe') j SUN is r It V , 1 E X X ' A. IXFOKMSuiT frit'iidj) and tho puMic generally 1 hut Aw ht: refilled the Imuiie tormetly oceupieil j hy Jr. J, W. Fcitle. on lllachherry street, near the XiithTU Central liaHwuy Jiejot, and ofH'iied a lutur'ling Jlniipo, where "ho i.h preiuireil to keep ii:i:.maxa:nt and tuan5IKxt ikai.ij:i:.s. With good cooler and waiter!, hoarder enn enjoy the ifiiiet couilorta of home with fare iijuul to the best hotel. l'ntronaxe from thoie who may Hijourn In Suubury ht refpeetfully ttoticited. Mm. MARIA THOU TOON. Snnbury. Oet 22. 41S41. WALL PAPER ! J. W. FlUI.IXd & SOX, rmp4Htfully announce th.-it they have juet received nnd opened a very tie ni ruble tiMmrluieiit ol WAl-l. I'Al'KH and IIOKDKH wlmU they will dtHiiu of :it very rennoiiiiblv priuci Ueiiieuibcr tho plaue, Muminolb Store, Market Siinhmv. May 20. !Kii5. ! on, i'iicm. rilllK partiieisliip of tiralit A Hirti haeing been J dissolved. The undersigned have entered into partnership in tho W holesulu and ltetail 1'onl anl Shippim liiisines under tb? firm name of (iltANT k llltDTIIKK.' Tliiiiikful lor the p'llronairo exte.' led lo us in the latcliruis of Filling k tlrunt, and II ranta k 1'ieli rispoetively, wo resjiectfully solicit a continuance uf tbu saiue. W. T. tiRAXT, T. 1). IJKA.Vr. Lower Wharf, S unbiiry. l'euu'a. April I j. l -.' . BEST WHITE' LEAD" ii nxr v. i : I' l K I' L I II E It T Y L li A 1). l'iul'presetl for M'hiteiiiug. Vine IiKms, Jiiirjibilily rirmiieiii. and Kifiinc of Surface. I 1'l llK l.IISKKTV I.KAIi Warranted to cov.r more surface lor sumo weight thau any other L ad 7Yy ry ytiu vvll ha ft ho utltte ! l'l'KE I.H'.ETY ZINC. .' el. ele l .inc. ground iu Kcflned l.imeed Oil, uu equaled iu i(uulily, always the mime. PUBE LIBERTY ZINC. Warruuled to do nime uud belter uorkit a given cost thuu any other I !ri the Th st ! Miinufiielnred nl I'KNN.SVLVAXIA l'AIXT k CO LOU WOKKN. Order executed promptly by ZIEQLEB&8MIXH, I W'lioleuitt Vrug, faint uud (iht, Drain. If Store A Office. Xo 1!!7 Xonh TI1IUU Bti'ect. rillLAUKLrULi. MureU J, I8fii. ly. ". OLD EYES MADE NEW. A PAMPHLET direoting how to speedily rcet.ira sight and give up speolaeln. without aid of dtor or medico, S..,i I,, matl. free, on receipt of HI cents. Address, ' lebruary I, 1S u .... NEWrCOdns S SPniNQ AND SUMMETl Jt ST OPENED . 1 ' BY ISAAC FUT.lfxAlT. n Zetlemnyor's llullillng. opposite (Hiwlmrrs Con fwitionory Suh-o, Market strol, Bl'Nlil RY, l'a.; HAS just opened well iiclected nMirtitienl n (loo.li. which ho offers fur sale nt very low price! DRY GOODS! FOIlEIllX AN' I) POMESTIO. such Cloths, Cnssi meres, Muslins, Bhectingi, Ticking, Culiooct, Do Luines. Silks, ti inghams, Ac , Ao. t IJ.V'I'M iiimI CAl of every description. NOTIONS : & VARIETIES. Coniptlng ff Htwlery. -tllovcH.' Thread. Rultnnd, Pnfpenderf. Ncckttca. Collar. Hand k ere luch, Hair UriiKhe, Tooth llmohc, Fnnry Head Hreose, Jlnl moral Skirt. l!ofp.Sklrt; Carpet-bug, Trunk, Va litrt lltubrelln, OnttnnAnm. Sonji, and nntnerou? other articles too tediou to mention. HARDWARE, such ns nails, binges nnd seYows, door Intchcs nnd knobs, and L'lil I.EltV'of every description. Dyes, Drugs, I'utnls, Vnrninlics, Oils, Glass, Putty, &c, Ac, liH'eiiMivni- nnd 4JInssMnrc ot fvorj ili-m-rlplion. STONE AND EAHTIIENWAHE. An extensive Stock of GROC EE I E S. Composed of Sugar. Coffee. Tea. Riee, Cornstarch, MoImmcs, Candlo, Meat, Finn, Cheese. Salt. Tobacco, and Segnrs. ItEAUY-MADE CLOTHING. Also, BOOTS & SHOES for men, women and children. All kinds of Country Froduca taken in exchange lor Mond. , i fcunbury, April 22, IHfij. 1 1 A TS ! li AfsTr SAMUEL FAUST, Two doors west .of Fischer's Drug Storo, Market it., BUNBURY, PENN'A. IS constantly manufacturing the latest styles of Wool and Fur llats. which lor soilness anil durability are not surpassed. Hire him a call nnd sec his stock of Hats which are sold cheaper than elsewhere. Merelinntsnnd others. purchasing nt wbolcaulo, wilt find it to their advan tage to oall nnd procure an article cheaper and equal in cny manuiaciuro. jMinhiirv. October 1. 1M(U FLUID EXTRACT BDCHU Foa Non.Retention er Incontinence of frlnc, Inflamina tloa or Ulceration of t'.io DlaJJcr or Kidneys, Disease! ef t!i Proitrato Gland, OraTcl, ErlcU Du.A Depoiili, Dropsi cal Swelling., Orjinlo AViakncw, Debility, rcmale Com- pUinti, c. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Improved Ttoso "Wasli will radically ezterminato from the system Dueeiei aril lag from Habits of Dhilpatl in, utlMlt txptnte, liltlt or no vhunja iff diet, no ineontmUnet or txpoiuro; completely superseding those vnpUaantanl dangtrout rtmtdtei, Copalia and Ifereury, in curing these disease, USE HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU Id all Disease of the Urinary Organ, whether existing la HALS or rsMiL, from viKatcvtr earn originating, and no matter of hovlong ttandlxg. It 1 pleasant lulls tait and odor, IMMEDIATE In action, and more strengthening than nay of the preparations of JB irk or Iron. Thoio ituTcring from Broken Djan or DtlicaU Cotuii- tutloni, procure tlto Rtmtdy at onet. Ths Reader must b awaro that howerer iltgbt my b the atta k of the aboe diseases. It I certain to affect bis JSodil'j Iltallh, Mental Power! and Bappinen. If no treatment ii submitted to, Consumption or Insanity may ensue. All the abore disease! require tha aid of a diuretic. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU Is tho Great Diuretlo. niOBLT coMCnxiatTio Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla for purifying the blood, removing all dlscasol arising from tlcesi and Imprudence In life, chronlo constitutional dis- eas.-l arljing from aa icipuro itato of the blood, and tb o:.ly rollablo and effectual kaoirn remedy for th cure of EciofuU, Scald Head, Salt Itbeum, Pain and Swelling of th Boncl. TJlceraUoD of tb Throat aad Leg, Blotches, Pimples on the Face, Tetter, Erysipelas, and all scaly erup tion of tb aaia, aad beautifying tha oouruxiosi. . i ... NOT A. FEW Of the worst disorders that alBlct mankind arts from th eerrartlen that accumulates In the Blood. Of all th dis coveries thit bars been made to purge It oat, none caa qual In effect IIELXnOLD'S COSirOCSD ESTRAC1 Of &AR3A rSRILLS. Il cleanses aud renovate! tb Blood, Instill th vigor of health Into th system, aad purge oat th humor which mike diicu. It stimulate the healthy function of th body, and expel th disorder that grow and rankl la tb Dlood. Such a remedy, that could be relied on. has longbeenaought for, and now, for the Drst lime, th public hare one on which they can de peniL Our space hero does not admit ef certWcatc to hew Us effects, but th trial of a Ingl bottle rill iho1 th lick that it hai virtues larpaMlog anythiog they bar vcr taken. Two tablcspoonsful of the Extract of Sarsaparilla, added to a pint of water. Is equal lo the I.lslion Diet Drln'J, and one bottle Ii equal to a gallon of th Symp of Sarsaparilla, or tho decoction ai usually made. The above Extracts are prepared en purely sclenting principles la Fticuo and embody the full strength of th Ingredients entcrln j Into their composition. A ready and conclusive test will bo a comparison of their proper- tie with those et forth la th V. 8. Dispensatory, HOW TO USE THE REMEDIES In Disease! of the Blood, flumor on th Face, er any and every part of the bi ly. use Extract Sarsaparilla, ap plying to rimplcs and all external Ilumori cr Eruption Ihi Improved Itos Wash, I'to the Extract Buchu tor all disease requiring lb aid of a Diuretic, except those of the Crinary Organs, such ai Oonorrhma and Gleet; in these u;e the Extract Buchu and Inject whh tba Improved Rose Wash. rT TIIE5B EXTRACTS HAVE IWES ADMITTED TO l-SH IN TMK UNITKD STATUS AKMV.uud also are in very generul use la all tha STATR HOSPITALS AND PU:i:.IO IN?TITI;TI0N9 throughout the land, as well In p ivat practice, and -ar eortirjtred cs invaluable n.:jedles. MEDICINE DELIVERED TO AST ADDJtESi Direct letter to HELMBOLD'S DRCa A CHEMICAL WAREHOUSE, 594 Broadway, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel, ea to HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, 104 South Tenth St., Assembly Build's, Phila. Dtoortbt Symptom in all Communication. SOLO BT JU1 DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Beware of Counterfeits I April 22, lbiij ly. r W ASK FOR etELUeOLQ'8.yi Tajfce do othery; Tiib peculiar tnint or . Infuclion w Ulcli w call tfeitorei. lurk in tlie ronstitatloni of ' niullitndes of hmmi. It ' cltlivr prrMliiof or 1 procured by an I'd -frrlilfd, vltinU'd stnlo vof the Llnml, wliprcln i.,:.i i nnmiMttont In iiiitaitn uic vital inrres in ini'ir vigorous action, nnd Slonvpa the system to' full into illsordor nnrl demy. The scrofulous contamination, is rn riously rmtsctl ly nicrtnirinl diseitse, low living, ilisonU'ml rliircitiim from tinliciiltliy food, Intpnrc nir, tillli nml ttltliy habits, tho ili'iircst-ing vice, nmi, nbove nil, by the venerenl itifcPlion. Vliiilever be it origin, It I Iiereililiiry In the constitution, (Icsccntlinp; "from parent lo clillilren tintO' the third and fourth jrencrution " imlewt. It M-cnia to he the roil of i lint who my, " I will visit the lnlcit!tii'ii of the father iijion their children." Tho disenne It oHginnle lake rnriott names, nccordinit lo the organ it nttnek. In tlie lungs, Kcrofulit produce ttilierclea, nnd finally Consumption ; in the fclnmls, cwelliiiK which inpiitirule nml be- These, nil hnvini? the nine origin, require the antne remedy, vtr.., ptinncutitm nnti litviKora tion of the hloo'.l. l'urify the bliXMl, ami these dnmrerotts dislennier leave yon. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you ennnot hiwe health; Willi tlmt "life of the flesh" licnlthy, you ennnot hnvc crofiiloiu disease. Ayor's Sarsaparilla 1 I compounded from the most efleelual nnti- ' dote Hint medical science tin discovered for tliis nfllictinpT distemper, nnd for lh mre of ; the disorders It eutnits. Tlint it la fur aupe- , rior to any other reiuudy yet d?vised. I known by all who have given it n trial. That it dm comliino virtue truly extraordinary In their ell'cet upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by. the prcat multitude , if publicly known nml reniarkuble cure it ; ha mnde of the followinu; disease : King's Evil, or Glandular Swelling, Tumors, ' Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Rose or St Anthony's Fire, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from ' tuberculous deposits in the lungs, White , Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, ' Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, ' Female Weaknesses, ami. indeed, the whole eric of complaint that arise from impurity ' of the blood. Minute report of Individual . cases may be found in Avkk Amkiiii'ax Almanac, which is fiirni.licd to the druggist for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be , leanied the ilircctions for its use, nml some ' jif the remarkable cure which it has made ! when ull other remedies htul failed to ullord relief. Tlm.e ruses are purposely taken trnils to slioiten. nml does reutly slioiten, tlie nvernrje duration of liiir.inii life. The vnst importanee of thete eonsiilerutinns linn Icil us lo spend years in perl'erliiiK n reim dy which is ndetptule lo its eure. This w e now ofl'er to the public under tbe tiiiine of An n's 8ms AI'ABii.i.A, nllliniiuli it is eoiiiposid of inuredicnts, some of wbiclt exceed the bet of tonoparitta in nlteralive Hver. Hy its nid you niiiv protect you reel f tiom use snner- in nnd danuer of these disorders, l'tirue out tlie foul corruptions tluit rot nml filter in the bliiod, puree out the chum's of ili-ea.-i', nnd vigorous henllli will lulluw. Hy ils pecu liar virtues this reimily stitiiiilnlcx the vital functions, ami thus expels the distempers which lurk within l!.e system or buret cut on any part of it. YVe know the public have l.ccn deceived ).y ninny coiniHiunds of frirmjxn ila, tli.-.t promired intteli mid iliil nolliiiiK; but they will neither be ibi-eivnl nor iliiiiNintcd in tliis. Its virtue have licen proven by nbtin dant trinl, nml there rcnuiitis no question of its Kurpassinu; excellence fur the cure of Ilie nlllictinn disi'iise it is intended to reuch. Aliluingli under the mine name, it is a very dillerent medicine frc.iu niiy other which has been before the people, and is far more ef fectual than any other which bus ever been nvuiliiUo to them. AYEH'Q CHERRY PECTORAL, Tho World's Great Bcrrccly for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con- of ConBumptivopaucflUi in advanced etcgej of tho disease. This has been so lonK used and so uni versally known, that we need do mi more than assure the public that its ijtiulity is kept up to tlie liest it ever has been, 11ml that it may be relied on to do all it lias ever dune. Prepared 1y Dit. J. C. Avuit & Co., Practical ami Aunlatiml t 'hrmitU, Lowell. Mass. Sold by nil druggists nvery w here. r'old by Friliojt A tirnnt. rMiiihuvy, R. Ii. McCoy, Northuinbcrlnnd, Aaron Ilarrol. I'.lysburg, . It. Kutxner. rihsniokin, J. P. Jlnguu, Wnlsontoan. Aud by all denlers in Medicines everywhere. August I.I, 1MH1. ly O. BECK MERCHANT TAILOH, And Dealer ill CLOTHS, CASSIMEKES, VKSTIXtS. Ac. 1'uuu si I ni-1, stout It ol IVeiiver'st llolel. 8UNTJB 3rl "V , r . 1NFU11M8 the citir.ens of Suubury and vicinity, that he has just returned from I'hiladelphia with full assortment of SI'UINU & SUMMEIl GOODS, OF EYEliy DESCRIPTION' AND QUALITY. And at grenlly REDUCK1) I'RirKS. Hit stoek consists of Clotlis, French Cloths, lllsek Dooe-kiu and Fancy CasHiucrc. llliiea Hntiu, Figured hllks. Plain aud Fancy Cassimerv YKr-TINU8, which He will make up to order in styles lo suit the taste ol customers, on short iiotioe, and the must reasonable terms. Auylloodsnet on hand, will be furnished from Philadelphia, by giving two days' notiee. tluods furnished by customers will be mad up to order as heretofore. As he will employ none but experienced workmen, persons may rely ou gelling their work well done at bis shop. Thankful for the patronage berelolore bestowed, be respectfully solicits a ooiiiiiiuunoeof the nam. Suubury, April I j, 1S0J. FANCY DRESS MODS, Miss A.Wl I'A I 'M' Two (loom Wist of the Post OlHce, 6TJWBURY, PENN'A., 1 V received and ojiencd a large assoiluieii I 1 ot Fancy Druns lioods, such as I i loves. Jouvinu Uii-gbxo. Silk and li.U thread tilovtv; Ln lim cuttou Hose, I'bil.lrin's Merino Hums Silk MiU, Luilies and llemlcuieii llandkuiehiefs. CorreU. Em broidered Slippers, llibbous FANCY DUESS HI T TONS, llugle iiioiiM, 'Iiiiuiniiigs. buttons, belt Kill- bun elvet Uiblsins. Jlraid, licit Clusiis. Ladies' Neck-lies CRAPEKlilllON und TKLMMIXU ; Em broideriug Ilraids, Juconct and Swiss Edgings sud insertions; Mallcwe Lace Collars. Laees, tlrensdiue Veils. Uluck Veils, Fancy Dress Couilis. Head Drea. ses. Nells, ami a variety of other articles. I.ockwood's Pspcr Ccllsis of a superior oualitv. I.sdies' Liuen Col I an., a variety of Quee Eliiabeth Collars, black and while llarbc. Picture Cords and Tt'sels. FH0T00BAPH ALBUMS H JOJC3 Aim STATIONERY, Monthly Time book, luawiug Hook anil Slates. Bocks, Hymn Books, Jljuk Books, Memorsndum Uiokl, Diaries, IV k '. books. Ink Stands, Pens, Feci ils, a flue asstitmeut of Paper, Ink, Ae. Toilet Etaps, Tooth-Iliuihes, ia. TOYS AND GA:r. FO CHILIiHEX, Allaf whijhUyo bsei sleeted with, pare tud. wl be st 1 4 at reuiopakl a ';ca. biLburr, JIyla,U,i. r M. V 1 rt a. .,i4s-V-, come Ulcerous aore In the Momnelt anil on band a large assortment of 8TATltKHV, such liowcls, dornnjrcnicnls which pniduec Indi- as I'nptT, Envelopes, Pen. Pencils. Inks, Ae. Kcsllon, dyspepsiii, nnd liver eompliiinl j on 1st I'hysiclan i prescription and family receipt! .i.- -i.:.. .......... n.,..ii..n. compounded with the creates! aouriul .iu.. i. lilt; Baill. ITHIMI.V llllll . Uli.ll. .....an. from till sections of the country, in or.lcr , Philadelphia.' FAI1 iVWIXTPR (.001)? that every reader mny Imvo nrresa to soino . ,1HWOr1.1 VssiU..- .. I ' ln 1 WvUWO, one who tnn fpenk to liim of its ben. Ills from , " : "1 I. , , . ! . f everyl-aly. Tbi l!b.lnS." but plain truth. pem.nul expefieiu e. Kerol'ulu ii, presses tbe . ,r!",, v V.'" V'' ."I V y ",,i.t1' ,r-v,"'V '"! .bY '"vinocl that culls and ex- vital cnerRiea, nml thus leaves its victims fur ; l""1'' fuH-I'le fr HOL1D.W PIlR-hMS! ammrs the it.Kk, which c.msiitsor more Mtbject to tlUtnfe anil its fiitnl remit , tSf Repairing of M ulches and Jewelry promptly Dress tlisuls. Cnxsimercs. I'lolhs, tients' Overcoating, .1 i i.i... ii ; intended to. Jeans, Cuttenades. Mimlius. Dress Uood ill ; Market Hnnnrr, Nr.llt'ltY, liii HAVIXDJnst returned from th City with an en. lira new stock of, frssMM, ChoinlcalM, I4-rliici-j rinl I . i Tollrt Arf Irls'w t "1 t.-. . lo whidh h invite bi friends and Iho public rener- ally, lo call and exnuiino. The lirujrs and Medicine nro nil selected fnim th beet impiirtinff house In tho hastern market with the greatest earo as to purl ty andelhoiency and avobliug a mack a possible, Ilia introduction of dolerv.ua naetramm .-,. ! ' PATENT MEDICINES f T Of all kinds, raeh ai Ayer's, Jaynes, MeCllntock', Holloways, M lsharts, llo.nands, flchenks. Brown'! ynd nil other rmpulnr patent nicdlelno, alway on hand. , . t3fsKsss;'" r1 r !i:"'.T.'' Hnir, Tooth, Xail, Cloth and l'aint Uriwhe. . ' Pieolnl enre Is taken to keep on hand constantly very vatiety of ...... ;.. )ALNT8 AND CHEMICALS, fHiltiible to the trade. ,. Fnncy Toilet Articles anil the numerous arrlcle liieh are generally kept in a well conducted tetab lishment. at A LI. IIOL It.S llav or Mirht Heuu oilier the place, Market Pqnare, under tb offloe of the '-Suubury American." II. A. PtSt'HEn. Punbury, June 23, 18(11. I.iK'knvvminn A: Illoomsilinrs Knll roml. OX nnd nfler Jan. I8lb, IHC1, Taieenger Trains win run m ioiioivi : MOVING BOLTII. Pttsnrttgrr. i Fernnton, 4.30 1. M. Kimrston. 6.aa M.25 U.Hi U.li 41 ItliMinisburg ' " i Kupert. " llnuville. Arrive at Aorthumlierlanil, D ili 1 '. MOVINU NORTH Leave Xnrlliiiiiil.rrliind. S 00 A, M. " , llnuville, R.4u " . Hiiiert. R. til , ' " Illooinsburj, . H..'!i " , Kingston, 12.12P.M., Arrive at Sermiton, I ..10 Freight k Passenger leaves Hloniusburi;. 1(1.15 A. M. 1'iissenKei takine; the Mail Train .Siiilh counci l with the Kxpress train from Northumberland, nrriv ini nt IlnrrisburK. at 2 . ill A. M . lialliinore 7.00 A. .11.. and at Philadelphia, at 7.11(1 A. M. The .Mail tmhi I'roui Northumberland lenvi'simmeiliiitely lifter tbu arrival of tlie Kxjiress triin from Iliirrifluirpt and llnltiiuore. nllow inx Passengers leaving; Philadelphia at 1(1.40 1. M., lo reach (loiiits on Ibis road during the next forenoon. New nnd elegant Hlerping ears accomimny the night trainscnch way between Norlhumberliiud nnd llaltimore, mid Noitluiuiberlnnil slid I'liiliidelpbin, 1). T. IJOl'ND. Pupt. I. K. STAUFFER. WATCHMAKER & -JEWELBY, December ,1, I SC I ly to. W. BstiTrt. Ciias. Tl. OKtiTtir.r SMITE & GElTTHEPw. arkcl slreel, one door enst of Mrs. Iloultou's Hotel Hnvc opened V I I - W A II F . . - - 7 M:eel Iron unci Slovi' Slore, nnd inleml keeping ennslnnlly on hand, nnd nialiii , facturinj; toonier on shortest notiee. I TIN A N D SHEET I IK ). -M'A It E of all deseripl ioiis. . A Large Ptoek of Cook Stovesofthe following Ilrands WILLI AIM PENN J NIAGAEA, ' and on the following two Ilrands we defy competi tion, namely Coiulilnnllon C.iin ICiiriii-r, Cok. Isevrrnor a'vmh 4'ook. unsnrjiasseil for lieauty of finish, slniplieilv of ar. nmireiiient. couibininxuhespness nnd durnbflity, and each stove warranted to perforin w bat they are re presented ! ALSO. PARI.oa and OFFICE STOVES. In (.-rent variety, emhrneins all the best manufactures, and uiost fiuthiouable designs 1 ... - ? A leo. The celebrated HEM for bentlng up and down stairs. Also the celebrated Vl'LCAN IIEATEII. Coal Oil, 4oal Oil l.aiiiiN, IXhndes, ClUmuleM, 11 nil nil iirlii-lrn unusnnlly kept in an estnbli.diuicnt of this kind. W't are also prepared todoall kinds ol Spaiuliug. Itis.l'm. I nniijie ami ruruac n orK, Uus r illiug, Ac. llepnir ing cheaply and neatly exeouted. . t'onntr.. liriMtiinA I m I. . n Kft price. ' a- "-t PMITJI & (JEXTIIKU, , Have the Affenry fi.r IIIIIirH CEI.Elll'.ATED FI1IE PLACE MOVES. .far the Counties uf .Northumber land. .Snyder. I'liiou and .Mmilour. Ard are also agents for the Plpher A Widower Liie. 'TrniisiMirtntiim. rlun. urr.Dco. ;, IMOI. ' . 1 ESTET'S COTTJLGE ORGANS. A UK not only ancqiiallcd. bat Ihey ar absolutely utmiiudled, by any other ltce.1 liutrumeiit in j the country. Deeigned exrersly for Churches ami j Schools, they are found Iu lie equally well ad spied to th parlor and draw ing room. Fur sale only by 1 E.M.IHUCE. I No. IS North Seventh itrcel. Philadelphia. t V" Also Ilrsulbury's Pian. and a oouiplete as . sorluirlit of Ilie Perlect MELODEON. Se. U, 1801. yw I i NEW GOOD S! . . wo doors west of Wm. II. Miller's Shoe stive. I Suubury, P. Just opeued a fresh supply of I SPUING & S.IM.MEH ilOODrt, rul 1 Slll.b V.m. llrnu Tr ;.. 11:1.1 .., ; Handkerchiefs, Ladies' l.iueu Collars and Cufl. Uent s Linen and paper Collars. Nells, Bells, l.aeo Collars and Sleeves, Hair Hulls, Velvet ltiblmns. Itcd. While and Blue Neck-lies, I'oiscU, Quaker Skirts. Yokes and Sleeves. MIAKElt.S, IMKANOLS, AC. l'liloKriiiliM oi'Ir'!li'ii I.Iim-oIm, in frames. , Also, Swiss. Jaconet and Victoria Muslins Crape j Jollars and Veils, I trenail ilie and laiee Veils and a variety of other articles tisi numerous to mention 1 , 41 All Y It. LAZAIU'S. I Sunhury. Mny IS. ISnl. ' , (Late HERR'S HOTEL.) ; Corner Market and l Streets, IIAUKISlll'Ki!. PA. i nr. Simmon o llio public is respectfully vulled lo this Hotel which is now open for the ,.,.,,u, ,..!.. tnin nt gursls. In the past five month during which lime il has been elosed ibe bouse has been lliorongh 1 ly remodeled and repaired, until in isiinl ol ooiiieni- . wu... ... i-niii 01 uoiii rill- enr and eumiort, its patrons will Bud il lo own uo 1 sujieriur ( The. I'umlliiri! lOulin-l- .i . . Kooms larger than are usually found in modern hotels. Situated oa th corner of two priuciml busiuess Ur,TVr "1B "''y'bu' ' d half squsres frotn the Rail Road Depot. Tha proprietor determined to spare no expense in securing die comfort ot his guests and a favorable reputation tor tba cstabjiskuiciir. be feels willing to trust its character lo th jui'gmeiit of his patrons. , HENRY THOMAS, Proprietor. Junuury 21,1864 J. Ii. HILsOUSH,." 4'oaast)- Nurtrjor, CoBiryuurfr AND Jl'STfCE OF 'PUR PEACE, MiJiouay, KoituuhtUihtHd CuUkty, Ptun'a Offlo iu Jauksuu township. Engagement! Ciy be made by letter, directed to tbe above address). AU lusiuoss enlru.U'4 to tyt jril It I'roinpUy attended id. ' April S3, lH(ij., . , i In connection with Hit above aHielrs. he also kcenfl Xo. I IS North SKCOMl .lr,l ,.r ll... THE' KED LION HOTEL. ii .-it (Lata Mr. Doalton'a.) . MARKET BTRBET, BUN BURY, FA. JULIUS ARBITER. HA8 taken this old and well known stand, and refitted and famished the seaie ts prepared to acouiiimiMlato boarders and Traveler With th beat the market can afford. He hopes by llrlet attention to business ro rerelv a share of piibllo patronage. ' Ills TARI.K contain the beat the meiket athirdi. Hi liar in tilled with th obeio.it of Lvarir, both: Malt and Hpirituou. , Tha, suibiins: I' cooil, and attended by careful Osthft. ' . ' 1 Suubury, April 30, IWI. Iy . 1 A I tome J- nml Connm-Hor nt I Ji vl' Offleo Ufi South side of Market strwef. four doors west ' ' ' f fc. l. llriihtft Knh etnre, ""''BtrNBTJRTT, PA. Will atteml promptly I all pmfcsMnnat hmlne entrusted to hi! care, the eullection at claim tj Northumberland nnd the Adjoining cuuntie. . . nuniniry, Ainy z.i, (tio.i. ly TO THE IMUSICAL PUBLTC. rpilK iibseriher 20 year practical Pinno Forte X Mnimfactarer, uf New York City, lias perma nently located in this section, nnd weuld rcsievtfully solicit order for TUNING. REPAIRING. AND REGU LATING PIANO FORTES and MELODEONS. The subscriber Is also the ninnufscturrr s Agent for rillOKKKtXO A SOX'r?, 1IA7.I.KTON IIKO K.. I.INUKMAN A HON rt.. WILLIAM 11. llltAliltl UY f!, KlMVAIill III.WOMKIKI.l) fi, McliONAI.l) A COX, im - l-oit'rr.w. And Carhart A Needham's. and relouliet'i MELODEONS & HARMONIUMS, Ami I.. I . Stuart s Pipe Clll ltCll OltUANS JAMKS MellONALI). IMiHiin.biir, Ph., April W, lHdi. i . ' ii. it. siAssi.n, Allm nev nl Ijivv. PI NUI'llY. I'A. t'olleotions attended to iu Ilie counties uf Nor thumberland. I'nion, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. iii:ri:t!r.NCF. ' Hon. John M. Peed, Philadelphia, A. tl. Onttidl A Co.. " Hon. Wm. A. Porter. " Morton Me.Mielinel. Esq., " K. Kelebaiu A Co.. Pearl Ptreel, New Y'ork. John W. Asbmend. Attorney nt Law, " Matllirws A C x, Attorneys at Lnw, " Suubury. March 211. liS2. 'lliE UNION T() H EVER ! .(.. I'OIC .tlll.l.lOA t At the ture of J0H1T ECVS1T Corner of Muiket and Fnan Streets, s v x u r hy, v i: x x a . Jut opened grent variety. LADIES' DRESS C00DS. Plain and Figured Dclninc. French and Figured ' Mcrim. Fine Wool Delaines all sorts and shades. Prints. Nankeens. LADIES' CLOAK INti. Table-Covers, Irish Linen. Drown and White Sheetings. Shaw Is, Hal mora I Skirts of all kinds, Hoop f-kirts. all prici'S. IIiiimI kereliielV. Fliiimels. Ladies' Kid. Silk aud Merino tlioves. Ac. .!: i-j oi'iiii Kinitis. ! Lailies and tients t'liiou Skates. A large assortment of NOTIONS. :a q cs. g. 9V 9 Hardware. Ccdurwnrc. Il'assware, Cbiiinware, Queenswsre. Crockery. I'-m'eries. Tolmeco, Segars SiinlT. Tes, Cnfiee, Sugar, Molnnses. Spiers, rish. Sail, .to.. Ac, and everything else usually keid in a store. Pro duce taken 111 exchang. s jj.-.j.. trouble to sJlvW gisels. . JOHN BOWEN. Suubury. Nov. 5, ISnl. U7 V. .' f T Mi lil S T 'ti IMPERIAL iJfjotogtipf) (fiallrrirs. No?. 70-i, UU und JOO ARCH STREET, rniLADELPHIA. Dee. 17, ISf.l. r,i PIIOM WASHINGTON. LATEST IMPROVEMENT OF AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. AT Till! FOUNDR "Y, TkC-R 3 ACS & CCC?EPM tlel the Best lie! the Cliespets (let tbe most r.eo nomit.il. which 111 11 be had nl the Kolirhach Fonudrv lim ing a large assortment of thu most approved ST11 V1.S, sueh as CiMikiiig. Parlor, tllHeo 'uud Simp Stoves, which Mill lie sold ill the lomesl rates. Also. Kettlemd all sites. Pans. .-'kill. Ac. They arc also inauiifaetiiriiig Machinery, Ploughs, Castings, Ac., nt short notice. Heeiiriug all kinds of Agricultural Implements .Iniio 111 n ;ol norMiiaiiliKv uiuiilier uud at the 1101 lesi ii.iuvr. All articles shipped as ordered. Orders respect fully solii iled ami promptlv slleudrd I... liUliltUACH A COOPER. '' t l Old Iron, and all kiuds of Produce taken In Exchange for aork , Suubury, June IS, 1 SOI If BREAD ! BREAD ! ! BREAD ! ! ! NEW BAKERY. f I1IIE undersigned hss opened a Bskery, 011 Msrket 1 street. Suubury. Pa., two doors west of the Post Office, where he will keep constantly 011 hand, l"r-li ltreiul, 'I'm IisI-ICoIU, ICu.I.n, nnd TEA-Bl'NNS. All kinds of FACY CAKES. Common Cakes. Pretzels. Ae. Pie-Nic Parties, Weldings and Funerals, will be supplied at the sluwtest notice. A good assortment will Im kept up at all times, luiiuiiraeturcdnut or the best material, and orders ill he promptly attended to. Iletrust that liis friends and the public generally w ill sustain him in this new enterprise, now greatly ireedeil in Sunhury. He trusu, his experience in tbe business will ena ble him togive geneial satislactioo to all who may favor Iii 111 with their patronage. DAVID FRY. Sunhury, April 22, ISfij. 'I'ln 4'oiiit-fr, lloubl--A-liiX Hrlt: N-iiniliiisr CORN SHELLKIt ! ! PATENTED, At HOT 2nd. 1S0I. riMIIS Sheller Is the ouly one that shells the Corn ! -L l"'rfcclly clcnu from ilie Cob w lieu green, souk led or dry. II gives the Ear a double operation on ! Hie Shelling Wheel as it passes through, snd sepa- rales Hie Cob I rom ibe Corn eompletelv. rendering it j at once lit tor market willmut the use id the fanning mill. 1 bis machine shells a Jal tliitfulat h'aim la tlie Mianti li (h,l, miry Hand J'uwtr. and ean he used. also, by Horse, Stenm or Wster Power bv allael.iiiL. a I'lilb-v on Ibu CrunL Sl.ul'i I 1 h 1, , ... ?. ' ' Kurnlulily, Clunnliuess. Neulnes Cheapness; - j in 1 iu i-ui'iiiiig, ihh djiscaine vauuia ov cpiallod by any other. state and col'ntv riuhts for sale on ef:asonabus terms. Ucxtlkukk : If yon want your earn Shelled clean ; if you bar uceasion to shell green or damp com : if you want your eoru and cob seiMirateil , it i i I you want a durable machine ; if you want a cheap sheller, buy the Complete, Double-Acting. Sel Sep: aratuig Corn Sheller. INFERENCES: .. II B. Masecr. Dr. J. W. Teale ."uiihury. Charles Haas, Miller, Samuel I.essig. Reading C. tl. Morgan k Ca.y Oeo. Weiser. L. Augusta Millers, tsnbury. Sul. Marl. Farmer, Henry Leiseuring. Bear flap. C. Albert, tlwirgidosrp Manufaplured and for Sale at the Fuuudry of ItOIIRBACII k COIIPEH. Suubury, Pi. .. Suabury, Doc. 3, laril. 6m 1)r4MMrlilliiM krefully suoinounded of ike best DRV tiS a r Mauiwotb biore of JNO. FR1LINQ A SDN. Sut bury, May 2t. ii i, Thu J1ina I4sprns V GIVE MOTICX Uiat taey fc' r- rangesnent with th Northern Cant. allroad Company to run trains) from B allien or JT J "r',i llnrrlsburg, Ilsuphin, Halifax. Treverbm,' 'ranliMry, . Northumberland, Lewlsbnrg, MllU-n, Muu' Wfl- 1lBtn..rl anrl all (nlarm&li.l. BflnfM mti IHeWlfnir . at llnrrlsburg With tht UKKAT WKSTKK W B.. -PRK88 tor Pittsburg, CiiwinnaU, 8t. LouU aa la i West. Abxiwith Howard A Co.'lExpr at Milton itr Ilanville, llloomsbnrg, Wilkesbarr, Pittston, Scran--ton, and Inlermediat station on th Cattawiasa, Lackawanna . A Illoomsburg Rsilroads. At Wil liamsport, by Howard A Co.'s Kxpress to Jersey rhur nd ImuM. Haven.. Also, bv Howard A Co.. Wild their connections, for Canton, Troy, Klmira, Kochrster. Uunaln, Niagara, and to all accessible point in Western Now York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, i'jn Note?, Jewelry, '.and Valuable Package of avery descrip tion. .., . j Also, Notes, Drafts end Bills for Collection. ; Kxierit-nccd and efficient messengers cinrjlo"-; And every eftort will be made to render aatipfoetion' . 1 i-i .. JOHN BINOHAM., i . Superlnterelenl Penn a Division, I'liilndelohla. R. A. FISt'IIKR, Agent for Suubury. . April , IH2. IMA. Arrnne;rmrnl 1403. ." York IJnf. THE CAMHEX AND AMIlOr AND PIltLADEL 1'IIIA AND TKKNTON R. R. CO.'S LINES. Frowt l'hiladrlyhia to AV. Yorl and Way Mam, from 'atHl rr,t Wharf and Kensington Drpnl.mtl hart ai folotrt, ri 1 1 FAn At 0 A. M.. via Camden and Amboy, (C. and A. Accommodation.) $1 25 in. i. .ii., via vamuenand Jersey City, N.J. Accommodation, At H A. M.. via Camden and Jersey City, 2 25 1 00 J.2.1S 3 (HI 2 2: 3 00' 3 00. S 00 3 00 3 00 At K A.M.. via Camden and Jersey city 2d Class Ticket 3 7 At II A. M. via Kensington nnd Jersey city, Express At 12 M. via Camden and Aioboy, C and A. (Accommodation.) At 2 P. M.. via Camden nnd Amboy, (C. and A. Express,) A,.:f I'-M-i via Kensington and Jersoy City, Yt ash. and N. Y. Express At (1 P. M.. via Kensington and Jersoy Cilv. (Evening Mail.) " At III P. M. via Kensington aud Jersey oily. Southern Mail. " At 1 (night) via Kensington and Jersey city Soutnern Express AI i P. M., via Camden and AinlMy. (Accom modation, Freight and Passeugor, First Class Ticket. Second Clnss Ticket, ....... 2 50 1 2j ror rtateriinii. Mnnidsbnns. sr.nt..n vvui,. bnrre. Montrose, (irent liend. Ae., at A A. M from Kensington, via Delnwurc, Lnckawauna mid n estern Railroad. For Mtiiich Chunk, Allentown. Bethlehem, Beli ilere. Easton, Lambertville. Flemiiigton, Ae., til a A. M., In 1111 Kensington Depot, aud at 21 P M from Walnnt street Wbnrf. (Then A. M. Lino connects will. Train-lenviui Easton for .Mniieh Chunk, at .1-3) P. M ) For Mount Holly, at 0 A. M.. t and 4 P M For Freehold, at A. M. ami 2 P. M. WAY LINES. For Bristol. Trenton. Ac, at 1 1 A. M. and 21 and 5 P. M. from Kinsington. For Palmyra, Riverton. Dclanco, Beverly. Bur '"'Y'u'p "u"l'!, wJeiitowu, Ac, at 12, I, 2, 41 IV For New York, and Way Lines leaving Ken iinglon DoK.t. take the Cars 011 Fifth street, abovu naliiut. half an hour before departure. The Curs run into the DeKt, aud on tbe arrival of each Train, .,,11 ti,.... ,IHT J'-KM. Filly Pounds of Baggage only. all. mod each passenger. Passengers are prohibited from taking anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. All Ki5"Ke over fifty iiiu, t- to he paid for extra. Tho Coiiiptinv limit their responsibility for baggagh to One Dollar per pound, aud will not be liuble lor any amount beyoud ?IUU. except bv sceial contract. WM. H. UATiMEll, Agent. Janunry 17, lHdj. si. '. t;i:.iitiiAitT'. Confectionery, Toy and FRUIT STORE, .1Iiii-k-l Nlreet, Wunlinr.v, eoXn-XTIOXEKY OF ALL KINDS, ' TOYS OF KYKIIY DKSI KII'TIOX. FIU'IT, Arc, Jkc, ("CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the nliovi , estHblishmuiit ut wholesale aud retail, at roasoi) tlblcpiiees, lit is manufacturing all kinds i.r Confeclionarie to keep up a full assortment which are Sold at lor Tobacco. Segars. Stationery. Xutsofall kinds, nra ayariei vof oihrr articles, 'all of whijh uro ofierc wholesale nnd retail. Li Remember lb name and plaee. .IT, , , . . ... M. C. tiEARllAIj,T. .naiHi-i sireei, 4 uoorsw(.'su;. Bright k fcon .lore, Sui.bury.jSepl. 19, 131.1. tf .!iAsi:it's patkvi' riiif iii.' 1 tic i iei:i:.i:it 1 As IniproiMd for I8j and ISOlJ. By E. KETCH AM k CO., 23 PearUt., New Yor rilllK only Freezer emtstructed on scientific pri 1 ciples. wilh a revolving can nnd spring bin scraper. The one hastens the freezing of tbe cream the other removes it as fait as frozen. The most rapid in freezing, with the least quant ol Ice. The most economical in cost, as it is the most sini) and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal cities and towns iu 1 I'liion. l'.neb Freezer accompanied with a Issil: of reci and lull directions. PRICES. ., .1 quarts, $.1 00 4 quarts, 4 nil tl quarts, a li) 8 quiirls, 8 01) . 14 quarts, s CO 20 quarts. 12 OU Apply to II. B. MASSER, Suubury, Pi March 2U, IfttiJ. (Jkoiiue H;u., Smo.x P. Wot.vaif. HILL & WOLVEETON. lllorneys ii nil 4'nn-lor ail 1,21 Ofliee, Market street, cor. Crntre Alley, 8UNBUHY, PA. Wl LI. attend promptley to the collection ofcl aud s'l other professioiinl busiuess inlrusii their csre in Northumberland aiidadjoinin g com Suubury, January 2.1, lSo2. .Innliooil 1 how I.OMI. lsovi Itpnloi Just published, a new edition of Dr. Cul er Celeiiraled Essay on the radical cure (without 1 cine) of .peruiatorrlnea. or seminal weakness voluntary Seminal lisses, Iuiioteiicr, Menta Physical Incapacity. Impediments InMurringe. sImi. Consumption, Epileisy, and Fits, induct self-indulgem-e or sexual extravagance. Yif Price, in a scaled envelope, only six oeu' Iho celebrated author in Ibis admirable clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' sucei prsctiee. that the alarming consequences of abuse may radically cured without the dsnjr use of iuleruiil medicine or the appliuaiiuii o knife iMiiiitiiig out a mode of euro nt ouee sii certain, aud eft'cclunl, by mean, of which ever lerer. no matter what nil condition may lie cure himself cheaply, priv ately, and radically. fk"iyr This Lecture bhouhl be in Ibe bauds of youth and etery mau ill the laud Sent, under seal, in a plain em elope, to ai dress, posl paid, on receipt uf six ceuts, or tw Muiiiiis. Address ths puldiidiers. Cll A. J C. KLINE A I 1!" Bowerv. New York. Post Office Box, 4. March 2j. Inwj. je ly la lilt itkiiIIwiiiiI Hold, .'irtj aad ilt!7 liroailtray. Carat r viaalitH NEW YORK. 'I llllfi first class House- the most quiet, nor and pleasant llolel in tbe city offers so tuilueemeiiis 10 inose iipiuug ,o-i mis iof 01 or pIcaMire. It is central iu its location, aud k tlie Ei hoi'Kak Pi.av. in connection with 'i'n Sil.oo. where refreshments can be had all or sorivd in Ibeir own risiuis. J'hc charges a derate, the risim sod attendance of the first o luiili.. and all the modern tioiiveiiiencus attaol Oct I. ItSil SOLOMON MALICK, ATTOSTiEY AT LAW, BUNBUBV. Northumberland County OF FICE in East yul of Weaver Tavern, I ; btretl A.II bu-iucss entrusted lo him will be earefu' Iiunctually attvnded to. Contultatiou iu th isb and ueruian lauguage. Suubury, Aa(l 8. J .,. IF YOU WANT TfTKNOW A LITTLE OF EVERYTUIXU rslaling human svstem. male and female: lb and I treatment of diseases, tb mamas; ous lb world : how to marry well anil a tb things never published befbra road the rcvu, lul&ritcd sditiun uf ?'MKPH'4L (Jossox Si: curious book for curious laiuile, and a g'd I every one 4O0 page, Ha Illustrations, Prici Coutpnu table tout free to any address. Bin. be had at the IJook store, or mil be sent b post paid op reeelyt uf the price Address I 1- r wr-v-w u. FOOTJS. M P llSpPrKMltsi,!.-.,,'. FebruwyljIStii.-tiH,