mean. . H. B. MAMSBI1, Bdltor Propria tor. i IS. WILTKBT, Fublttar. ;n . - i - I .- in'!!! lIlM'T" inwmr. ffaJHIItHY, I A. SATUHDA.Y, AUGUST 19, 1805. ilorat atfaus. lBr-NoTic T eseiBi. Aa the first ysar of th publication of th AaTBBiCAa ander the pnrent terms will expire In September, it may be well to remind subscribers that fifty eni can b saved by ravins: wlibin the yr. Subscriber eaa forward the amount by mall at cut it'.' (: jfr la oar advertising columns appear! the card of Dr. B. D. Lnai.Br, who heseomacneed praotioest Northumberland. Dr. Lomley has antil now been in partnership With Dr. J, W. Peal of tbif place, and is a young nan of excellent oharaotcr. . lui' - Trva Boo asm Ditaiu-An assortment of Time Books and Diariea, tbe latter at reduced jatu for sale hy ANSA PAlNTtH. .. .....J, . .. " U.' .1 Hp COUNTY CONViNtTO! i-The Union ma of Northumberland Coaaty are requested lo meet in tbe different Borobghi and Townships, on Saturday tbe 9th of September next, to Vrol Delegatci to a Contention, which Will meet fh Sunbury on' the Monday following, to BorainaU candidates for the Coanty offices to be elected jn Octebar- . - 1 i J0HN..McCORMlClt, , , ' .. Chairman of Stand 'g Com. . ias-iawi ' .. .r H. E. iPaylor, baa been appointed Post Mai. ler. of Williamsport, in place of John Ri Caatpbell, Esq., remoTed. iy The Muncy Luminary (aycTwo benrj are reported to bare cross the publio road between the Borough and Muncy Creek, on Wednesday evening lust. " i i. :-"! : ' iy The Machihe Shopa arc titaaly oomploled and much of the machinery iaalteady in tbe ahopa. The alack, ahlch ianow building will be ahandaome atructure of brick nork, fhaped, and over one hundred feet high, bdl cannot bd Iniibed 'till Oc tober. (y Our M'illiamaport neighbors are about build ing a wire tuapontion bridge. A bridge of tbia kind ciuld be built over tbe river at thla place, at a ooat but little mora than a wcxnlca ilruolura. y leynali Clearer, tbe eon of the Into Kimbor Clenvcr of Shomokin, about 17 yeara of age, wai drowned at WUIionKpart.on Saturday, wbilat him self and another student of the Seminar? were in the aot of bathing in the river at that plaoee neither of thorn could twim. Ills roinaini were taken to on Monduy. lTos Minicri. Peach ea of fine quality raised in tbif neighborhood hureiold at $1.00 perbuibol. Melons (till bring a higher figure at retail, about double of York und Ilartitburg price. Citrons are curce and poor, but the homo article, much betlen will roon bo rip. Beef and mutton are about the unit, from JO to 25 titf At Wtlliamsport It hat got down to 18 eta. Tbepoopleof that place are greatly indebted tu that cnterpriaing reformer, Peter Her dio, not ''Peter the Hermit" for many improve, men if. riot only for street railroad lnrga hotels, it., 'hut for cheap beef and muuy other lliinj. lyThcin'uibenrof the M -liicAistr C'vircu In thii pluoe, contemplate iui.-r-Tir, aid ai.Turing trie capacity of their ohui -'h by putting aucthcr story on ! tbe p repent building and using tbe bfj?rnfnt for j tchool purposes. Thu ii a neioJiary and much de. j sired impruvcut. tyllAts. We were bleat d with eopious sbwtr 'on Monday night and more tho day following. Hain Vas greatly neodud. Corn and potatoes had already nifforcd from the drousht; lyToE Commininner of Pensions has decided that in accordauco with the Act of 'Congress Claim Agents aro prohibited, under acvCie penalty, from receiving moro than ten dollars in all for their ser vices in prosecuting any claim, tit frbm rocciving any part of such feo in advunce.or any perocntago ol any claim, or of any portion thereof, lor pension! or bounty. tf-Jtlr. James H. Fetter fovnierly of this place, hau been appointed Post M'tfter ht Pern, Indiana, lie fuecoedt his brother Harry (J. Tetter. lyCOAL Ti'.ADC The following are tte amount, Af cool sbiped by tho operators In the fhatnohin and Mt. Carmcl regions during the 'month of July 1305 : John Hans Si Co., S. Bitteiibender A Co., Shnmokin & Bear Valley Coal Co., John B. Doutv, Agent, Bird Coal A Iron Co.. May. Patterson A Brother, Tons. Cwt. 7.5(52 01 S.30S S.4-M 4 JS 6,057 liurnonle toal ana iron vi. John U. Dewoes A Brother, l.BtT 6.181 i.y- S.022 2,05 81 1.971 3.91 1 t.rii S653 r-bamokin Coal Co., John B Douty A Co., John H. Dowoes, iS. John 4 Soul, Hoover A Varnall, ilnugb A Uersb... Va. Montelius, Schall A Donaboe, J. U A U. 8. Koppller, Total, il 100 13 y-CoAL Brbakcii Desirotlo ay Fine We regret (o learn from a correspondent it Trcvertom that the large Coal Breaker at that placoic in ruins, as will be seen by the following letter: ' Tvkvkiito, A u grist 24, 1365. Editors, of Amebic ax': The Treverton Coal Breaker caught fire this mormog at 1 o'clock, and is now in ruins. The whole town seems to be in oon fusion. All the working olats of people are thrown out of employment. Causo of the fire unknown. ttf Atteupt io Snoot a Ma i Court, There 'was a terifio flare up in Court at WilUamsport, on Tuesday last. A soldier named Goldy, on bis return lio'me, not being satUfitd wlh the appearance of his wife, charged bor with infidelity which she acknowl edged. - He iuiictel . man named $enihr4 for Jurnication. WbUaeoLVaooinei waaarguinte ,;Ut, Qoldy approached banfoid, and suddenly snap - pe'd a. pistol whieh misted j 6re,.wjUa a fear Inches af '. bis "bead. Tbe latter sprang IA AI loot ami elnaqried UolUv, when the pistol wa Arc4.i -Goldy en af but Thrown ea the fioor, but not antil be fixed bis pistol the third time. Fortunately no one was hurt though "one man had a'boUot put through hie eeai and his "shoulder slightly scratched. Tbe reorn wa crowd el aod such scenes of oonfuslon and terror are not ofUo Witnoased in a eourt of justice, yet tome ef iharn were extremely ludieroua. The Judges dropped then, selves like hot potato., behind their desks. "Lawyer skedaddled over chairs and tables..,, Tie ProLhooo. lory, six footer, escaped e his keada and knee. A nnmber got rat tt tbe windows an others held ap chairs as a shield .After ,.iba assoke and eoofusion passed 04". the Proaeeatolt waasauAto nritnsi and- U .defendsat was eoaviWed aad fined by tb aooit,j-; ' l jiaeRI laVaWnriP apa ter, raising tho pay bfiaveaa 4XM per day, tad witness. 11 par day exjapt to parsons rasidlej with, to th, limit ef tb - tt Soebory or eDta n. ofthat nlaeevi Our 3asr Daid B. Moat gomery U tbe putoHvaybarof 01 btllltoa UgWa. Live enactment. J SuuWl JwUaa k !)., Jority . and is tbfra.Va. fiWf naUad to any fa vitrei from de-oorsAJawniiara,, Uad Uly OOO fined theoporatiopiitaflfca a to Ranenry alooe, it , night ka tolocatod., t to W waiea, i tows, for taatoaoas r Mi frtoM. ... u.tiaus tHaaat" to WbioO Mr. Nona- "ZZlJLL m,. in i.aafl fi -rr-"1 f 1 PiwrtirTtTi!ip'"Pai'alua' aha Ilia' lowing etna of pemoos hare bees decide a eMisg entitled to ftmiubt: ' v. I v C - f . First. Invalids." VisaUed sine atarotj t. the naval tr military eerrta of the foiled ekata wane in u uoe oi guiy. . . ..... Seoend. Widow mt officers, soldier and eameaj who hare died of wouoda relvd er dieoaao een treated ia service aaabov. ' ... Third. -Children coder alaleea yean of age, of eitner of in aeocaaea parents, tr mere la no widow surviving, or from the time oi tbe wkiow'a remarriage. Fourth. Mother of utaoera, soldiers or (semen do ceased, aa aloreaentiuned, and who are dependent on tba eon fur aupport in whole or ia part. . fifth, tiiatera anderaiateen yeara of age dependent on dud deoeaaed brother wholly or in pert fur sup port, provided thurv an novo of the last three alasse aDuve mentioned. . ,-. . In ordor to bare (aid pension commence: when the aervioe terminated, th application iberefor mnat be madu within a year of tho discharge of th io valid or decease of toe oncer, toldier or aeaiaso, sstbe ease may be. . i t-.. Hutea of Pension. -Lleutenant-Coknel and officers of higher rank; B30 per month; Mtjvr, ,$M per monibj Firat Lieutenant, (17 per uiuuih; Second Lieutenant, $17 per uioutb; all euliated meu, $11 per month. Only one full pension will be allowed to tbe relatives of a doccuad soldier, and ia.lbe.vrder ol precedence aa above mentioned. '.-.":. tdSXhe 71th Regiment of Pennajlvania VolUn teera, b to be SBuaterad out of aervioe. tmmediatly. The Sunbury boya expect to retara homa ln a few weeks. : , i i - t ! Letter from tlte Sunbury Uaaurda. ClURI.KSTOji, S. C, I ' : , Aug: o, iBBo, j Drau Wilvbkt: ; ' .' ' " a . I aend you the farewell order of General Dwlght, issued to bia troop a fw days before be re Signed. As it is a part of tbe hiatory of the 47tn Pa. Vet. Vols., 1 wish you would publish it that the friends at home may kuow its reourd, and to give our comrades, who have preceded ue to tba boaom of their families, an idea ef the .estimation tboy wore held in by thuir Division Ctouiuunder .:. IICAO QUARTKRS, DwiUHT'l DlvfrtOX, 1 BAYAiiAan, Qa., July Jl', liy ' ' OtKERAi Orders. No. 15. : ' T . Solpiekr : The Division hat beased. to exist. Some of yon hare guno to your butnes to reeieve an honorable discharge otbera bave been Sent to vuriuui and widoly reparoled commauda. We shall never again all be united. With satisfaction 1 remind you that your line, when formed by me. baa never been broken by tbe enemy or driven baek before bis fire. '--" Distinguished as you are for having torved in the most disastrous, at well as tbe most successful of tbe campaigns of the moinorablo year of lei l, you are yet more pr ud in the consciousness, that, whether on the bunks of tbe Hod river, or in th oval lay of the bbeuandoab, you put a limit to the victory of tbe cuciuy, and were with the beat und hravoet in defeat ing uiid pursuing him. Ibeae will be our happy muuiorius k bile we live. ' We do not forget tbe fullon Whether In the Tecbe, at Port Hudson, Sabine Uross Koads, Pleasant Hill, Had River. Opaquan, Piahers llill or (edur Creuk Thay are happy in death, for tlray fell in delenoo of lEoir libcriius and Constitution of their country Your dlnciplino has been as remarkable, and as much cotioed and eoramon lod aa your devotion to duty X regret that an act of iusiiaorUinmion is repotted iu a regiment, formerly one of you. It U well tbal it eottvi to be ooo of yjii before sboivin; iuoll so unworthy. In your uiiJjt, it would bave witbervd beuealli your contempt. 1 thank you I c.iu tbua speak of you, and to you and ibat our reeuri is one of mutual oonlidunce. iu any future need of our coumry. may it be my goou loriuue to serve ivitb sjldiers as intelligent, de voted, skililul and bravo. William Dwiout, Brigadier General, Commanding. JGith N. V. Zouavea. We bave many rumors as to our going home, but can givo you no definite idea when tbe tiiuo wilt bo. An order was issued lo got the muster-out rolls ready, but it appearawe are minus noma necessary paper, und until they are sent to us from Washing tuu, there is no probability of soon beaomiug true men. it may be our lot to remain here 'till October, unle s a posmv$ order or (like ilunry Bright says, a "writ of arousement,") is sent from W uabiuirion I for our reliet. thurltston is improving vns.iy in business. Xuo biss are all well nbvsiuallv. but awful homeaiek, rince tbey know tberu u au order l"ooJ for luu discharge ef voluatcars, particularly ' uleritnf. FralcrU'iHv '' II, D. W, Dr. Grutict'S l.U'btr i ti j jjil n t tj a ru t.i tliau il tlit: rvbcl aiciiittcs Uijiosittd in Foul's Thcntri.'. A mnnster ulliijaliir was rrceDtly killed I near Wilmington N. C. It was aliout fil I teen feet lonu. Clinng ami Eng iacU gave a pop to the relicl army. A body of Bold'turs paraded thfrmnh' Kuvr York justertluy, t li idea living lo stiiuttlutu the people nt' Mint city to give tlietn work. 1 Hey cuirteit biinnera w itU tlietr recotiiiiun- dutiona on. General Grant, in being L. L. D.'d at Bntvtloin Colitge, whs tints iiddri-std by the President of the institution: "Aucto ritate nithi commiasa Ulysses 8. Grant gra do honario legnm doetoiia imiignitur." A man was arrested io Now Haven for pulling bis wife up stain by the hair of her head. . .. There is a fatal disease rs'tng among horses in some parts of lite Statu. At Hist there is a swelling of the throat, followed, toward the hist singes, by a swelling of the heud unu limlil, which proves fatal. The 3d and 5th Regiment of Pennstlva- nia Cavalry are on their way home from Dixie, and will ptutnililv reai-B ' Ilnri tsotirg in a day or tun. They wuie at Ft. tress Monroe on niurs'iny. Only onu insurance oninpanT Tho Albe marle survives the Southern Conlederucy.. Thb thennometer was 1(W in th srrade, iu ituieign, ."V. u on tne-bwihh duty- Theiib was a frost a few daya aitiee in Maine. Bi'M, Fiomt are now regularly establish ed in France. ' , . ' :" Senor M. Komcro, the Jlexiean minister is in New Yurk raising fuml fur; Slexicao emigration Morris Ketchum & Son, tin? firm who have been swindled of their all by a son of th senior partner, have made an ivtipantent of their aet-i ainounting lo about tt'i.AUO.- 000. This will not, howevvf,,. t;tivi.r the whole defalcation, wliit h in the language ot the New York papers will probulrly be less than t,000,000.". ' - I I Cow Hre wrtft only a cVJilr apiec JH Buen. Ayn-s. t A W i Ji.jvj-I jUj A gentleman in livJon, named Squirt has, by- law, chuni.1 iw;ii:iO)-to Morris. The' street sweeping 5n Pal is cost $30U,000' per annum. 1. Thei'np'an5 Lis Cardio&ls ajeVuilwaUBg Alpas. lie Oundolfo , . . .... , , , . , Bitaan WiUirtmf, of B.iul(i.Sultoo, Mai.. give to avtsry. soldier who enlitted from that town, -on- bis return, tlio. sum of live dilars, and the same amount to the families oflhoso wW have billet) ii flvfchcu of t .'U.uir Thotutk.of ruisinu tUai rlel iron dad llerriinacj ' Moa n up at tlid ttnaa t.p(. tbo evaluation of Jurtolk by the troupe, win ue nieVM rO. lew aj(.-. :'u ' President Jrhnani 'brother is descrilicd "m vt-aerrUo rld g.a!Wroii,-w ItU a long Uowlug beard." , . J " 7In Calif.wnia, tli iadkal,wloii-if llitRe pu.blifjtt J)4r?l. ura leroietr'Long Hairs," aad ih'exijerati wiug "Miil. ilaira." - 'i preltj ''littla clrl of aUteea ytsrs com oiittud auscida Mai- Iiutjoktfu, WMwp lb Brigharu Young keeps a-- fat-ttepetis ia V" n-r01 &W,a'r.) .?ig. Y- , BrigUam Youor's dghits alii daocsi ia tba ballet at th Bait kejheatra. ' p Thw"Mbfta fta euhfyrihwrl -8.000 49r tu aooaal t;amp . toreting at Parata. -mXM diailH.MvV rlw. tot tAnrli. 1;tii wivi,T"!r.T-.""T?r. JT-r. AI7a-f 'Ia.jI ooiiaMJ as. ..;, a-l. d 9rap4 1 iititm: , XI U It XXIV I A AUi-iiJllJllT.tVILUiVfciisberejy giwi Ibat li-llers of admials i. SUPEB PHOSPHATE OF UMJeU." i:.. v.'i. . is r.i i i !.., ftVA'lh I BAuan& 86ns : Store No. St South Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. ' '"'rREDTCTIOX lIf MUCH ! " ' " ' ' ' A ft et.1 J a f Ilk L ft. 1 A frV.j. Raw Bone Phosphate will be radueed to S50 oar 2000 a I l-VI uaaj iMMn. wuu I a Mia LDI DriOal OI IIA1IKH .1 lbs. (3 oanta per pound) peeked ia good baga and bar. rola and delivered ire of porterage to an wharf or depot in this sjity. 1 , : . "SEND IS THE ORDiftR EARtT. . Already tbe ladieations point to a very heavy trade in our article for the fail season, and although we hve immense facilities for mewling a large demand with a prompt eupplw, wa would strongly advise Farmers and Dealers to give as their orders as early aa possible. ' - ' . BAUOU'8 RAW-BONE PHOSPriATE ' lias now been before the Agricultural Community for many yeara under one name and vne proprietor, ship, and needs no farther ooramesdatioa than thai eooorded to it everywhere, in the continued and atto eeasful nae by practical and discriminating Farmers. Manufactured only by ' ..-! - BAUOH 4 SONS, -.A r. No. M rkmth Delaware Avenue, Philadelphia. ItSrWe reoommead Farmers to parobaae of l. I ' SMITH A OENTH2R, Buhbury, Pa. August 1, I85j. lm ;. ' ' . ' il . . . : i. . . NEW SKIRT FOR' 1865-6. THE GREAT INVENTION or TDK AOB IN - HOOP1 BKIRTS.''f'K ! f BRADLEY'S Near Patent DUPLEX EL LIP- J W. ra.-.T TIC (sr floubls) SPRINC1 SKIRT. : ' . This Invention consists of Duplet (or two) Elliptic Pure Refined Steal springs.. ingeniously braided tightly and firmly together, edge to edge, making the toughest, most flevible, elaatio and durable springs ever used. They seldom bend or break, like the' Single Springs, and consequently preserve ibeir per fect and beautiful shape inure than twice as long as any single spring skirt that ever has or ean be mode. The wonderful flexibility and great comfort and pleasure to any Lady wearing tbe Duplex Elliptic Skirt will be experienced particularly in all orowded Assemblies, Operas, Carriages Railroad Cars, Church Pews, Arm Chairs, for Promenade and House Droai, as the Skirt can be folded when in use In occupy a small placo as easily and conveniently as a bilk or Muslin Dress. A Lady having enjoyed the pleasure, comfort ami great convenience ot wearing the Duplex Elliptic teel Spring Skirt for a single day will never afier wards willingly dispense with tneir ue. For Chil dren, Misses and Young Ladies they are superior to all others. The Hoops are ooversd with 2 ply double twisted thread and will wear twico as long as 'ho single yarn covering which is used in all single Steel Hoop Skirts. The threo bottom rods "n every ' Skirt are double steel, and twice or double covero.l tn prevent the oovering fiain wealing off tbe rods when dragging down stairs, stnno sU'ps, Ac, Ac, which they are constantly subject to wheu in use. A.I are made of the new and elegant corded Tapes, nd are the bid quality in every part, giving to tho wearer the graooful and perieot shape possible, and are unquestionably the lightest, most desirable, comfortable an t economical ekirt ever niado. Wests' Bradley A Cary. Proprietors of tho Inven tion, and sole Manufacturers, U7 Chambers, and 73 A HI Uoade street. iVsw-Vork. For sale in all first-class stores in this citv, and thrcughout tbe United States and CanaJa, lfavana da Cuba, Mexico, South America, and tbe West In dies. . Ljer-Inquiro for the Duplex Elliptio (or double) Spuugtkirt. A. A C August lil, 136S. i:n . , , ; PUULK SALE OF VALUAULi: TOftV.H LOTS, 1 Will be sold at the Augusta Hotel at Pennsyl vania Ksilroad Compnny's Works, on SATUR DAY, the 9lh day i f i'E PTE AIDER, 1865. A LIMITED NUMBB0F lyociueil In Cuke's Addition to gius- bury. . Sale to commence at 10 o'olock A. M., nben tbe conditions will bo niado knowu by O. L. BROWN, Agent. 5unbury. August J2, 195J. Clinton County Dcrooarat, and Winers' Journal, please copy. . , NOTICE TO TF.ACIIF.ICS. THE examirath of teachers and allotment o' schools for tbo following distriot wilt take place at 9 o'clock A. M.. of the days designated below : MtUen. Central School House, Monday Aug. 23. Term b months to commence Sept. 4. Suutury, Pu'r.lio School House. Tuesday, Aug 29. Term 7 months to oommenoe Sept. 4. Shamoh'n, Central School House, Thursday. Aug. 31, for rhamokin borough and Coal diatrioia. Afl. Crnrl, Publio School House, Friday. Sept. 1, for borough and township distriou. , Trtvorian, Publio School House, Tuesdav, Sept. 5, for Zerbe distriot schools to commenoe about the middle of Sept. Notiee for the remaining distriot of the count will be given hereaftuc . " JACOB CLP, County Bupt. Northumberland, Aug. IS, la&i. WATCHES AND JEWELRY. j THE undersigned informs the eitltens nf Par.brry ' and vicinity that be baa at tbe solicitation of a number of his friends, commenoed th business of repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. lie can be found at all times in bis shop, in Haiket street, oca door west of the Red Lion Hotel. I He also keeps for sulo Cloaks aad Watches His work will be pr imptly attended to and war ranted to give salUfaotioa J.MENSCH. Sunbury, July 1, 1S6S. Tax'" ia cxrr: air: TAX-PAVERS, ''": TO V. S. Collector's Orricx, ) . U. 8. IstTSKKAbBav., lUh Pitt , Pa .. I MirrLissrao, Union County, Aug. 4. 1SS. . Taxes on the Annual List, 1865. (Incomes. Car. rlages, do.,) ure now dpe and payable at the follow ing times aad places f i t JtloCtiBltTr. Paol Qoddea, Deputy, will col. lect at Commissioners office. Lewisburjr, August I7tb, IRth, 19ih t at the hous nf Michael Kleekner. New Berlin, Aug. ili i a the Collector a oaua, JdiflUn burg, on the 2-ld and 2lib; al tbe bouse of U S. Bpeeee, in Uartleioo. on tbe 26th i at the house of Wm. L. Killer, ia Now Columbia, on the 28th, and at tbe bouse of Jaoob Kramer, Union township, on the 28th. Saroaa Coi'Krr F. Mens. Deputy, will eolloot at Krattervill, at tb bouse of John S Beaver, Aug. 221 : at Selinrove, at the bouse of John Conldros, Aug. 23 ; io Freeburg, at the bouse of F. C. Moyer, 24 ill ; in Beavrrlewn. at the hoase of Moses Specht, on the 2Mb ; and at Middlekurg, from the 28 to iilsl botu anys uiolusiv. - - w JIM AT A LlouaT.r.-Hjerm vnuiugnitn, urputy, will a.1mai Mt PofnAn.v'a atore. in Beat Lowushin Aug. 2i at S. Duck's store, in 'Perryville. on the Z)tii ; al A cnyaur s aoioi, mimmiowu, on in toim, at E. Mnrgrol's hotel, U'Ajwierville. oa the 29ih ; at tbe SUiti, at tne Dona ol A. ouer nmn : Thna.t'iininwn. 8eiif. ' tit.and Morrow 'a bole). in iU WaloStbrd, Sept. i. ' , u ' . ; -J - -. . , NoBTUtasBRLAKa CoUNTr.-Alu)naaao will o giveaia parson by the Collootor, et llufl's bate), Milloa, Auguss X.M aline oouaa oi nanvwsir, Wateoouma. oathe 24tb ; atllasa' boul, Butbury, on the 28ihand ai Weaver's Kitel. bbaatokiu, (in tbe 29tb. V-..H. - .. 1 .1, ' i uumuuaeaa, 9j. 1.9, It aj, tsj II . , 1 1, A . until )p,ra.,tl Daunt s uolel , -, ., . East Hanover. - M, ' ' - .,i Alarhrink liolal . I . .. I i - i 1 -v at A. Damphio, Aug. AS-4 vsxstsU I a m. at j Cockle 1 ; Haluax, , J4.T a ia, uu;i 2 p o at I Mamb's ho.el Barrysburg t Hi, 1 Hi y p ra B kloidaei's " MUianbarg, 2i. 8 '.-''. A' A. P. Lark's offioe ! liasrisbarg and lb -oeonty at targe, . at Coiltotui's ' oflkoa. oie. MX iUihe avaeti AuauM Ut UfilA Aug- I iHtk. ' naW14p, as. . To all whoaealeot to aT slur Tan Dsta. a SPE 1 4 CIAL NQTitK wUi ha istiied, it whiah Aie Uw provide a fee of 30 cams, aad fsau aaats ar miie, and ! percent, penally, aluw that to be collected by distraint. laxa teiut a Baud soera maniruflds. ' " i T i ( r; iubjteb. r : Ci VI f CilUeiot I4U District of fanu'a, J .BglsetltVUtM U .ru ' Jse - c r l U. , j il nm .1 a . mi i i ! mm Pcssn7lvaaya Aarrlcitltarraa Oclety. m TUI Faas1l Bustaj AsrloalVuial (Wt5 w4ll hsttd ti EsaihiUM e tusatt", Wedaacday, Tbwn f aaA t rid BajaaiOat, , H, and . , Any Infer as at low destras) ssUl b gtaea apaa par coaal apptleauoa ay leuar s in aaajemgaaa, a lltriubait- ' ' Tk Xkc ol m Boaiaty win a opea as wwibbbs I c Seal aiUrU Sea affliptaasriae , k . T3. AiWi9X lAWBAiMtarWatsys. Y-JmriMi MMt;' .ii ;.''' ijrrBi Cot;iTT,-W F. Fs,hnetooX, J)eruty CJleeterJw'll Snljei Vldlit4wj AegJ lbth, 8 a.-m. uni(lSi tn.', at afflseo li. knlilA fc' A bauaS': at a ' i 'i i a j. s' "iki. ll traiiuu barnu bfutl'jrraaled-to the ttttMiktr on the estate 01 John Flrmu.u.g, late if ro7f niiTST" " " " 1 n M.JI.6. culta towitehlo, Ner.lianibHirlajid.eouiilr. 1'a.. di,n !. WHOLESALE DEALERS. All persons Hid nbted to aatd estate are re'jit.Aed a No. 4M Market. Rtreet, north side, PHIADKLPHIA taeke iuiuediate pamVoU-anirtMe livii.golalta H,v M opeI1 ffcoir htBlitla, rht of ' to present Jiuai lor atttlmjer - . . 4 ...... . . . J 5 varniy ol . , . . i i c uiw KBiieaH.adm r. LBW. AUgwAta, AMfftl2, lrt4.. tt ,. '"riki':.,i.-t.iJ h-;? typ ' . GOVtvJlNMENt 'MrtE v i 3 Untu. . .T. v ,v ' ' ',' r'fl A DELPHI A. ' ..'..'....'..f; rfliS (Jnitej's-.fitea wilt sell at Public Auction, ax . BT ' . -"'U ess ' i""1'! ,s. 'V "d Tatlerjalls, Kaoe r. rnfi. i in ii street, between lllh'iind 121b streets', Philadelphia, during the Moftrtof August. !8Ulr- - ...... ' vi 9oo itirJEs. ; These Mules, are all serHorablo, and sold only for want of use. Buyers are invited In examine them at any time, and every facility will' be given for a thoiough inspection. Koomy-sbeds are provided for protection irom sun ana ruin: , t : - .tb aa , . Will be sola on EACH WEDNESDAY; and SATt'li DAY throughout tho month of August, oommenoiiig at 10 o'clock, A. M. - ' " ' ' TERMS t ASI1, IN bOVEIlSMENT FCrdS. J ' Uu. .. By Order of , , '' ';,' .:,i:- .:"i:uD . Brig..pei. EKIN.V ALBERT. 9: ASHMKAD. Captain and A. Q. M ' t'flice. N. 721 Market St., Philadelphia -, , , Aug. , lu.-4t ., . t ; .. . ,r. T3"e7;cj oozbikt, j Attrttjr sited Cosimsritr al Iiir,. BOONVILLE. CCOPER Wv MISSOURI,,,, WILL pay taxes' oh lands in any part oT the Stale. '. Buy and sell ral Rstatr; and alkother mattera entrusted tu huavwill reocive prompt allen- unn. :t ..i ,i i , j J ..'. 'i'.l 1 ii US. ' ;."" :v,r & .,; . IMU3. HkatluclelplalA Ai Krir.' KUrnsl. THIS great libo travcnws tbNortherMil Forth weet counties of Pennsylvania to the. oily of Erie on Lake Erie'. . '...) Jl has been leased by tho Pennsylvania Railroad Company and is operated by them. Its entire length was opened fcr passenger and frvight bnltir. Ofetobcr 17th, 1864 Time of Passenger trains nt Munbury, .- Leave Eastward. Mail Train, arrivea Eltuira Express Train,' ' Lock Haven Acoouiuiudnlion, Tyrone Accommodation, , i .. Leave Westward. Mai) Train.. : - . Ll'aiira Express Train, . -. ' ' Lock Haven Accommodation, Tytoao Aoomiuiivdation. - )0.2j P. M. 11.35 10.35 A. M. 4.2U P. M. . 4 15-A. M. b. 20 V , 4.24 P. M. Ill AA A Ml PaaSenicer oars ran Uinmirh on Mail Train. wiUioul ohange both ways between Philadelphia and Eric, snd llaitiniore and Erie. - - . Elegant bleeping Cars on Mail Trains both ways between Philadelphia and Iock Haven, and and on Elinu a Express Train U Li ways between VVilliamsport and Baltimore. . . For information respecting Pnase'ngPT business upply at 3i)th and Market St., Philadelphia. And for freight business of the Cumpanv's Agents, 8. B. Kingston, Jr., Cor. Uih and Market (St.. Philadelphia. , J. W. Reynolds. Eric. William Blown, Agent X.' C. It. R , Lallimore., II. H. HotHroN.K. lien'l Krcighl Agt. 1'liiluJa. II. W. (iTiNNrA. Oen'l Ticket Ag t., Philada. Josr.r-n li. 1ott?i, Oeu I Manager, Williuuisporl. i Phc. 31, lo4 JEREMllLHTNyi)iE7 Attoruo.v Ai 4'ntsiiNftloj nt Law. 02io comor of Blackberry and 1'iiwn Street, three . tloois east of K. V. Bright 'a Foundry, , Nl.MH 111, 1,1, Will attend. promptly to all prolesiona! busineff entrusted to his oaro, the collection ol eiililiJH iu Nor thumberland und the adjoining oouiilica. Consultiuions in ami l'.nghjb. ' Sunbury, April 22. Ibfti :.v NJsW PHOTOGRAPH GALLEKY J. It. ICICfalilX:. would respeclftillv in form the citiius of Sl XBlltV and tho public generally, that he has opeued a new, 1 PHOTOGRAPH : OALLZRy. In Simpson's Building, South side or .Market Square, where he is prepared to take in the beat style of tbe art . P1CTLKE3 TO FRAME. PICTURES IX CASES, CARS PHOTOGRAPHS, ".' ' Also Pictures made for Rings, Bresstpins, Lockets, do. Persons wishing in oirrline will do well to call and examine specimens at the Uallery. We hope to merit a liberal sbaro of public patron ago. Otn Motto is to Plkasu. tsnnbuiy, July IS, Isui. , 'I Hi- Ciri al Ilenetbt'tor V. i-U Kooiu 'snpiiuIoii J J. HAVENS' Patent Mosquito Shield, or day. Affords absolute " protection from Mo. ?uitos, Black. Sand A lousa Flies, Bees. a Gnats or Dust. Mailed jy iu, it ptue, iw . SI io. or sets for bend and hands, fiO. Is wonh double its price for th siek room, or a morning nap in By tfmo. beud Malllp tol Ciroular. A Liberal discount to the trade East to all Clergyman at half price. ' Xiwbebv, 3. C, June 15, '6i. IsuBercomore from Motquitoaio night, t Flies in the morning. The set of 6biel.ii you scut me I fiud aa cflofliuai protection. Truly yours. SARAH E. BOVXTOX. To P. Joiitsok, Xo. 12. Tesey St., New York. IVlh above is only onoof hBndrods.wa m e eon ktuudy rocoiving. P. JOUXSOX.'Snle Maaufueturer. - , No. 12 Veeey atreut, Ji Vcik. Jjily20 1R65. lm , '- i- Itrudlufg Itallroad. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT f - . July 20th, 1868. . ""I REAT TRV'XK LIXE from tbe North ana y Xortb-West for Philadelphia, New Vork, Read ing, Pottsvflle, Lebanon, Allontown, E tstor, tu. I Trains leave liariisburg for Hew-Vork.' as fol. : lows: 3.04, 1 2a and 8.1a A. M. and Ma V. M , ar- : riving at Hn Vik at IU A. M. and 3.00 aud 10.31) i P. M. - - The above connect with similar trains on tbe Penn sylvania railroad, and Sloping, Cara accompany the first two trains, without change., . , Leave for Beading, Pottsvtlle. Tainaqua, Miners villa, Allanuiwn and Philadelphia at 8.1S A. M. and 1.4 I. M., sioppiog at Lebanon and principal ata iior.s only. -ii . -. Way vrains. stopping at U points, at 7 2 j A V and ijtt P. M. . Ketttraiug, leaveXew York al.U.OO A. M.. 12 noon, and U.UO 1'. M.,; PhilauVlphU at e A.M. and ii.'lu F. Jit ; r'uttarille al A. M.aul 2.3 P M. ; AtMlaad at 6 lit A. M..BU.I 12 UU noon, Taauiqua XI j A. M.' and 2 li f.i M., aul Readimr atlJUO. 7.34 and H)IA. il... 13S and 0i P. Rending Aeoommodatlna Train leaves lUiuiing i.l 6.00 A. M. rtiirtuing ftom Philadolpbia at iMO P. M. . i . . : I! Culuuibia Railroad Traina leave, Ka.(ing atV ft.tO and 10. si A. to. wi 6.1yPvM; for tphtaia, Lj.ih Columbia, Ac. Ou Sundaya r Leave New VorX at 8 P. M , Ph'la. 4lphu i.U Pl. Fuusvulo 7.uU A, 41, Tajutojnn 7 A Ja. iiarruburg O-U A and i- aaiug , fur faaniabar). : . t-onui.uu.Uon, Mileage, Sein, and, Exoufaiou Tickvta, at rlucd tala to and fieui ail toieut,.,,. 60 Poubds Baggage allowed each Pawoj.gor. Sx'. . ; . .. . , sj. a. MC0LLS, - - .; ,i , , Oaaeral fikporinLandosi' .July la, 16.. . i . ,., ., , i .,i ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pnrsaane ef aa order of tbe Orphans' Court ef Northumberland County, will be exposed t pub hosule oe (b pneuilaea ia Jordan lowuabip, Norrli nmbarland county, on aUTUKiMs" THE Tib 1AV OF OCTOBER. l8i, all tba on undivided cue- 1 sertath part of lb following duaoiibod real esluM te ' wit: '' ' ' .- No 1. Tract ef Land hoanded an th north by land of i!es Wrt aad a Be lands of waieh this is part, eatt by laadsat'Tcbia Mill, Eli Bowwaud others, on tb south by lands of liauivl Bob oar and Fdijaa byrly,-ou Ik west y lain of Ma:hael lima, rich, oonlataiog aiaety-eia ure and one hundred Mrohes. ' 1 Traot No. 3, A truot of land, boaaded outh end eat hy aaad at' which Ihi is part, -vol ih by lands of Uocae Wrs. aad woaffap wf if ,Miehaes Lankar, containing fitttMio aore'. -it Mot. As lUuis ttb.B Lot; bounded by lands of Gansg Walt. kiakrieJ Ada, eontajotng iorty perobes auioi sneaear. iusu th arapart of Martin Mar sua. 1 Bala lo sssiaoMaee at 18 o'eluak A. M. ottati day i bms lA4uxaasut eooduiai) ufsni wui b saaae i I ' " " ' MICHAKLEatKEIOU, asnai iisaa or a atiaos-tsuiiliau ut at. aural, dee d 1 dtvprcWoflha Uouri, , . .i ..; .., .,( I J. A. J Oeaniaos, Oik O. 0. : ju t .. las I t. A-ggaj s, j " MILllNERT Q00D3. -' - r . . Tl D (in V . , . A r, v ....... i ; 1" 7 ., . iaia, -Ribbons, . ..-Straw A ' Ladina' A Fancy Annneta, Miseea' Hata, FLOWEBS, BUCHtB, LACKS, and all other article required by Ui . .. Jvllllincry-.'l'rnile! .' By long experience and siriot attention to thla branch l busiiiaas exclusively, wc flatter ourselves that w can ofler inducements, In Tariety, styles, quality and moderate prions not every wher to be found. The attention of MlLLISKKa) and MLR CHANTS is respectfully solicited. trlf" Particular ultentum paid to filling Orilerw. 1 ' .. i , . . ; Moreb 4, 180a. 3m. V M. RocxxriLLxn. Ilovd T. RonnSAca. ROCKEFELLER & R0HRBACH. OFFICE the tame ' that has been bere.fevc occu pied by Wm. M. Rockefeller. Esq., nearly on jxsite the residence of Judge Jordan. Sunbory, July 1, lH6i ly , i j. I:tnt ol Ilillip Wert a, doe'd. NOTICE hereby given that letters of administra tion having boen granted to the undersigned, on the estate 6t Fhilip Zerbe, late of Lower Maboacy town ship. Northumberland county, Pa., deoeaaed. All fiorsons indebted to said estate are requested te make mmmliate payment, and those having olaimto pre sent Ihea for Settlement. .. . , MICHAEL T. WEltfZ, Adsa'r. Lower Mahonoy , June S, 1884. 6t " HOUSE & LOT-FOR, SALE. f pile undersigned offer! at private sele bis HOUSE L . and Lt.lT, situate on Deer. street, near th Lu theran Uburch. in the Borough of Sunbury, Pa. Tbe house is a large frame with kitcbon attached, nearly new. There is also a new stable, and all nocessary outbuildings, erected or said lot. Also a number of young fruit trees, a well nf water with a pump. This is a very detirable residence and will be sold on reasonable terras. For further particulars apply to WILLIAM TEATS. June S, 1805. EXCELSIOR SHOE STOKE. WM. H. MILLER. Market Square, SUNBURY, PEXX'A , JUST received from New Tork and Philadelphia, a fresh supply of tbe latcat styles and of tho best quality of BOOTS AKD SHOES. Men's Kid Ulove Linooln Ties. " " Oxford ' " " Buckle " " " " L. Congross, and a variety of other laatiug shoes. '.adieu imitation Buckle, Ac., Ac Children's Shoes of every variety and style. Women's Shoos at fl 60. All his goud stock WARRANTED. No Paper Shoes ul J at his store. lie will also wholesale Boots and Shoos by the bux. The rol'ltc generally ure invited to call aud ex amine his stock. Kunliury, May 20. lf.5. fl. W. ZIKOI.KH. I,. II. CASK & CASE, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, FUXBL'KV, PENNSYLVANIA. Collections and ull Professional business tom p!l attended to iu th Courts of Northumberland und ailjruiit Cmiifiet,. .Msti. spi-'!t;il attention ptid to the Colleeliou of Pensions, litiuntius und Buck Pay for Widows Orphan and SuMier.- Sunbury, March H, BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL. ESTABLISHED AS A KEFUUE FROM QUACK FRY. THE ONLY PLACE WUEKli A CURE CAN BE OBTAINED. D1 R. JOHNSTON has discovered tbe most Certain, Sneeilv and only Ktfeclunl Homedy in tho World for all Private Iiseuscs. Weaknesx nl' the Bock or Limbs. Stricture?, A flections of the Kidneys and Bladder. Involuntary liiaekargra, Iuipotuncy, Ueno ral leoility, Norvotisneas, l'yspcpsy, Lancuor, Low Spirilo, Confusion of Ideas. Palpitation of the Heart. Timidity, Tremblings. Dimness of Sight or Uiildinesa. Disostau'of the Head. Throat, Noae or skm. Affections rf the Liver, Lmg, Stomach or Bowels thoau Terri ble Disorders arising tioui the Sulitary Iluliits of t'outb those secret aud solitary practices more final to their victims than tne sung of dyreus to the Ma liners of Ulysaes, blighting their most brilliant bopes r anticipations, rouduriiig marriage, to., impussi. Ida KspeciaTly, who have becouto the victims of Solitary Vice, thiil dreadful and destructive habit which tnnuallv sweeps to an untimely gruve thousands oi V'oung Men of the moat exalted talents aud brilliant intellect, who might otherwise have cnlrauoed listen- u . oeostalv tho liviuc lyre, my call i with full oon- udence. nA!titi.4i:. Married Persons, or Young Men contemplating marriage, being aware of physical weitkjicss, organic lobility, deformities. Ac, speedily cured. Ho who plaoea himself under tbe care ofI)r. J. may religioualy oonfidu in hia honor aa a gentleman, and confidently roly upon bis skill as a Physician. OKU IMC WE-IKMWN Immediately Cured, and Full Vigor Restored. Ibis I'istruasiug Aflejtion which renders Life iniaemblo ami marriage impossible is the penalty paid by thu victims ol improper indulgences. Young neisous are too apt to oosimit oxuuaK-s from not being aware of the dreadful consequences that may eoaue Now, who Ibat understand the subject will pectonrt to deuy that tho power of procrcatiou ia lost sooner by llioso falling into improper habits than by the prudent ' Resides being deprived the pleasures of healthy offspring, tbe most serious and destructive symptoms to notb body and mind mini-. Tliu system booome Deranged, the Physicul and Mental Func tion. Weakened, Loa of Procreutive Power, Nervous Irritability, Dyapepeaa. Palpitation of tb Ueart. Ind gestiou, Constitutional Debility, a Wasting of lUo Framo, Cough, Consumption, Llecuy and Duatu, 4(li-i-. ,o. 7 South l'--I,-i-It U Slroi'l Left nuud nida goiug from Baltimoro street, a few loom from the corner. Fail nut to observe uume mid nuHibor. - Letter must b paid and contain a stump. Tbe Una tor s Diplomas bang ia hisouice. I ( ;tli Altai A 1EI UAVr. i . ' t . ...- ; I , Km dltrcvry or Siauttoni Dri'gt. i ; ' U..F01l'IO.'. . Men'her of the Royal College nfSnrgetms., lltadiiaie from one of tbe ioe,t eminent Colleges in Hie 1 rrltoil States, and the grewter pari of wlinae lif has boen r.ent in the hnspirirts of London, Paris, Philadelphia and elsewhere, has effected some id the most aMoiriidiing esrin thsl-wvrs imdaisi ; taay troubled with ringing in the head and -s sihenj aslecn. groat Bervouannss beiag alrpi''. at dden s,Miudsrbaslifulnes,-wiih frequent hlushlng, aitoaili-d aoaseume with dorangosaetit ol mind, were cured immetlialaly. 1 AKi: IAltll(i I.AII .NOTICE. Pr. J. addresses all those who have lizard theni, ''anlresbv iudulicnc ud solilury habltK, which ruin boll, bwty ana mini, uniiiiiiig umin it-r i ji tusUiss, Study, socieiy or marriage. - Sue sr. are some (flha el and melanehol effeefs 1 fVodaced by early hablta of youth, via: tVeukuea of the Back and Llmba, Poms ia tbe Head, liimnoeaof Higbt, Limb of Muscular Power, Palpitation of the Heart. I)ysppsy, Nervous Irritability, Derangement ot the Digestive Funulioas, tleuural Debility, hyinp ,imal'Ctasuuptinn, A. , Mkbtai.i.i The fearful effeota on themiudare niuob to bo di'i i I 'd I. -s of Memory, Confusion of Ideas, Depreanou ol'.iiii..i. fvil Forebudiags. Aver sion lo Society, iel'.asoM, ,J v of Solitude, Timidity, A ant awuauftha evils pr.-lacc'I. - TnorsiNbSof peraonf all ages can not jS lo wtMl is th com of their docliuing health, lostug incur .vigor, booouiing weak, pale, nervous and e naeiated, having a singular appuaraua about the eye, couch and symptoms of ooueuinptiou. voi'.wjii: A ho have injured themselves by a eertain practice Indulged ia when alone, a bablt frequently learned fioni evil companions, or at school, the effoots of which are nightly felt, even when asleep, and if no eured render marring iai possible, and deetfoyc both mind aud body, should apply immediately. What a pity that a young man, the bope of hi eeuutry.llie darling of hi parents, should be snatch from all BTupu and auioymeaU of life, by tba Cunseuecaa M aevuuug irum and indulsinx in a eertain seoret habit Bucn poisons avsr, before eontamplailng 11AMUIAE. r.M that a asand sjiUd aad od J ar th mut tsaneaaao'sSaWttoliroiBoti oaaubial bappiaaai. Jeed witbeVu laa, Ui Journey through llfk . a w.ary pilgrimag. ; tb pruapeol honrly j k. . . .l. - tm aiind beoomec ahadowea 1 viih Unas ,mjiA " iia daspair aad lld with the mclaaoboly reflee j Iiruubappuses aaotiat IklKSMKR OF innuDoctv When th misguided and impradent votary of pleasure finds thai b baa imbitw4 tk seeds of this painful disease, too often happens that an ill-limed lens of shame, o dread of dlsetrrery. deter him from applying to thoee who, from education and roapeolability, can ahsa befriend him, delaying till the eonstitntional symptoms of this horrid diseas make their anpeasaei, saen aa nloerated or throat, diseased swm, nootwrnat fialss ia ah heed and limbs, dimneaa fsight, denfneas, nodes on the shin boric and arms, blutcbe ess the bead, face and extremities, prugsasaiag with frtghtftrl TapMitn till at last th palate of tb smth or th .bope of th aoee fall In, and the victim ef this awful dieeaae becomes a horrid obaotof ooeamteeratioavUll death Pitta a period to hi uadfal sufiaringsi by sending him tothat UndiMovered Country from Whence no traveller returns." . !.t.l,'"'i?"'orerthBt thousands fall vUtimS to this terrible dlseaaa, owing to the nnakillfulaes of Ignorant, ah,, by tb m Of that f otton, icrrry, fain th etmstitaUoa and make ti c tesidueol life mWemblc, , , , , ; H'l lCA.XJFnfa ' '-- Trust not your live, or health, to the eare of th taany Unlearned and Worthies Pretend-, 4atituM ol knowledge, nam or character, who copy Dr l.'bnston's advertisement, or style thenraelves, la the newspapers, regolarly Educated Phyiia(, Ixeapabl of Curing, they kocp you trillag xeentb aftar month taking their ilthy and poiaonu ooui ruaada, or aa long as th smallest fee caa be obtained, and in despair, leave yon with ruined health to sigh i er yonr galliug disappointment. lr JolrostoB is th only Physisian adrortisaat." ' Ilia credential or diploma alway hang inhiaofflo. His ntaidie or crcatemwtt ar uaknowa to all ol here, prepared from a life apvut in th grat hoc pilals of i-urope, tbe first in tbe cvantry aud a mora eUcuslve .Private Vrartico than any other Phyaiolan in the world. . I HO IICEMEIXT VtV THE PUEHM, The many (honsabdl cured at this Inst i ration year after yenr, and tb numerous- important 6urgieal Operations periormecV hat Dr. Johaeton, witacesed by the reporters of th "bun,"', "ijipper," and many aher papora, aoiicaa ol wbloh ba appcarsd agaia, and again before the publio, bMidna btaataading as a gentleman of character aud responsibility, u a tumcient guarantee to th afflicted. MilS EklMEAMEMi UPEEDILT .. .i '... CXlt Elk. . : Persons writing should be fartlculsr ia direoting thex letters tohin Instltujicu, in tlle following manar Ol th Baltimore. Lock Hospital, Baltimore, Md. JunoS4 lbBft ly. -, ' 1 HI". PIIW.XIX PECI'PICAI, Will Cure Yoor Coagh. 7 THE P II IE N 1 X PECTORAL Or compound Syrup of Wild Cherry end Root, wHl oure the Diseases of tbe TUltOAI AND LUNGS. Such as Colds. Coughs, Croup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Sort Throat, Hoarseness. Whooping Cough, do . Its timely us will prevent Pulmonary Con sumption, and even where this fearful disease has taken bold it will afford greli relief than any other mcJicino. This Pectoral is made from Wild Cherry Bark snd Scneka .Stake Root. Irs Composition is a suKkient guarantee of its vaine. Dr. tioo. B. Wood, Professor of the Praotic of Medicine in the University ot Penusylvania, Pbysi cihii to tbe Pennsylvauia Hospital and one of the authors of the United Status Dispensatory, says of Wild Cherry Bnrk "It is among the most valuable of our indigenous remedies, uniting with a touio pow er the property of claiming irritation aad diminish ing nervous excitability." Tho same distinguished physician and authors says ir. the same work, "Senuk tiiiuka Root is a .siiiaulu ting expectorant. Its cation is especially directed to tbe lungs. It is peculiarly usclul iu chronic ca tin b affections and the secondary stages of croup." For want ot space we cannot publish all tbe tujli n.'iiruJs in our possession, but we give two : Piia.'ixvifctt, April 1st, 1304. This Is to certify that I have sold hundreds of hot tics of Dr. Obeiliuliter's Phoenix Pectoral or Cum pound tiyrup of Wild Cherry and Seneka uake Koo. and 1 have yet to hud a single individual who ba0 u.-vdil, who doos not bear testimony ol its wondertu etfocta iu curing coughs. Sigued, Jacob Puwxits. HsllSt. Pbce.mxvills, Jan. 11, 1861. I most cheerfully bear testimony to the value of the -Pbocnix Pectoral or Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry aud tieneka Snake Root. ; Batore using it 1 had Ueu audering with a tickling in my throat and light cough, for more than two years, aud bad taken various other medicines with noreliof. As soon as 1 begun to use Dr Obciholixcr's medicine the irrita tion in my throat was allayed aiid ia a fw weeks I was entirely cared. I have also given it lo my little girl, for a sroupy cougb.wiih tbe happiest onect. Signed, JosErn Lubsms. PotTsrowx, Jan. 3d, lSSi. ThU certifn-s that I have used the Pnocnix Pecto ral in Dy fHUiily. and I recommend it to the publio as the very best remedy lur Cougb aud Colds that I b. ve ever tried. One of my cbildrcu was taken with a cold uccumpauicd with a Ciuupy cough; so bad indeed that it could not talk and scarcely breathe. Having heard so much aaid about tba Phauix Pectoral I procured a bottle of it. Tbe first do.u lelieved thu difficulty oi breathing and before Ihu child bad taken ene-lurlb of tho ootlle it was eiitiiuly well. Every family should bave it in the bouse. Signed, D. P CROSBY. il. ,.p,uw, .r u.u-..,,, has so much eonf. denceiti it curative powers, from tne vesumony ol hundreds who have used it, that the ix-oney will be refunded to auy purchaser ubo is not satisfied with its effects. . II is so pleasant to take that ah il iron cry for it. Il cot-Is only Thirty-five Cents, It is intended for only onecUiaiof diseasas, namely thoae ot tho '1 bruat and Lunge. Prepared ou by Lb s OBEKHOLTZaR, M. D., Pbcenixrille, Pa. JODSSTOX, HOLLOWXT A CoCS, TVo 21, .Yorth Sixth street, Philadcltihia, Uencrol W holiiile Agents. Solu bv Uuurg Bright, and H. A. Fisher, Drug gists. Sunbury; Wm. Cberring'oa, Druggist at Sua muku. ,s. B. If your nearest druggist or storekeeper doe nut keep litis medicine do not let him put you off a iib some other muJicine, beoau.c be makes more mouey uu it, but send atoncu to one of the agents for it Juno It), 1SGS 6m? PHOTOUItAPH GALLERY. in riiuipson's Buildings, MARKET SQUARE, Sunbury, Pa., J. it. i:itsiltlli, lro,i-Ietor. Sunbury, July 15, 1865. x K S N EWS ! N li WS ! Tlif .ichcllioii Clostd iiiid m:v (H)0I)S OPENED At No. 1 Storo of Wr AV-..H & PAGELIT, CONSISTING OF DRY GOODS! FOHEItSN AND DOMESTIC, auch as Cloths, Caasi. uteres, Muslim, c-huutiugs. Ticking, Caliooes, De laiiies Flannels, aud all kinds of MOURNING Ooods, Aluiuuiis, Hlavk Silks, tiuighams, Balmoral and Skeleton Skirts, Canloa Flaunels, Nankeens, Car noting ot ull kwls. HATS Sc CAPS. NOTIONS & VARIETIES, Coni iiting, Hosiery, (Hove. Thread, Buttons, Sus. ... pea luts. Nek-iiea, Collars, Uundkercbieb Hair Bruahes, Tooth lli u.-bea. U urn Rib bon and Cord, tape, orotchat-braid, . Morke.1 ooUara. linoy head drasaee, tidy eefloa, carpet , biudiog, combs, tkucy soaps, earpet bags Trunks, Valise, Umbrellas, Blank Books, Psper, Envelopes, c. mat .-A B-mW'A sjHS3 Or all kinds, such as Nails. Kingei snd rews, Door T.itchesand Knobs, Locks, and CCTl t'Rll vry 'ii'.enpticn. Also, pj . s Trcij;, Pfciufs, Vni-tis'tr, Fkb, Flaxsovtl will HtUilui. tli.i, Olnss, Putty, Ac. taeuHare "Jj1 'u uI1 STONE AND EAUTHENWARE. - An Extcnsiv Stock of ' GROCERIES, Composed of Sugar. CofTe, I-. Cora-stareh, Maoearoni. Barl.y, BkiPg Jwdr. aaniilis,kobaooadsiar.BWlk,iihl MaaV, Che, A., Ac. , ... Ala, a large, yatiety f BOOTS &. BH0E3, fo, Mas, WoxaesisaidChildrasiv I Ail kiwUof ttraia and Country ftmiamm tabaa In wiobaas J Uood. '-. '- ,' . Oiv in call kwfur yo purcbaM alaswbsra, w ar boaad sell a low a any aae !. Btorerousa ia ixa T. Clam cat's building si th souwtatamwafUarMBsjaaratBMW Ma Ooart Dunimry, Jtfsa M, 1894 mem- i. I u wjar-s - CROCElQESIGROCFdRIIaSf Mrl. UAAtAU A, 91UPLON, mtletTK&txtlLjv, oft tht X. V. B. K ' StNBURY, "PA 'i- RESPBCTFULLY informs iW friend, and tho I uU generally thathhaa j,iOIqrl alargn assortment o FRESH UrocvvlZm, such as k TEAS, GOFFEE, SCOA 15, "MuLAS. ' ES, FISH, SALT. 40. ' Pn Cider Vinegar, Fruit Jars. Ulasasrar. aad' tiIItVy !Pl.TrJln,ui,1' Fn- Ibread Neck-, Tie, Handkerchiefs, Ac, to which she invites all to caaralne before purchasing elsewhere t unbary, June 17, ltJOi. m . . AM5B0TYFE ATSD " PEOTGRAPlI OALIsEBY. Over t. Bow en 'i Sua-, oorner Mitrkel Fawnfts. SiKKLr, Inform bis friends nd fhe publio O. geaerally, that h ia Inking Portraits In the beet style and manner at hia Gallery in the above place. AMBR0TTPIS AND PII0T0fRAPT13, arauken In every style ol the Arl, that cannot be surpassed la the State. Having several veir's expe rlence, bi will (irt satisfaction or no charge. . Copies will be taken from all styles ot Pioturea. iv him a call. Remember, over Bowon s store. Sunbury, June 17, loo6. CLOTIILXG FOR ALL ! 1 . AT 3bHbT. 3Q aT2 3T Jsx -JB - asoal CONTINENTAL (JLUT II TN G BAZA A R . Corner ol' .'lurkct Squtu-e A; Unit-. Cuail ttrel, SUNBURY, PtSN'A, JUST OPENED, SPRISO A SUMMER 5TQCK 0 READY MADE CLOTilINC, Of tb newest, styles, eul by til best Artists, trimmed and mado equal to eiitttm Work, and sold at the owest prices. .Men und Itoj'a Clothing of tho belt ma terial consisting of Drees Coats, Frock Coats, Sack Coats, Pants, snd Vests ef various colors and quali tic. LINEN OVERCOAT fl. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, lucb as Shirts, Orcr-shirte Undershirts, Drawer' Collars, Cravats, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Stocking': Gloves, do. Hut a and Cops of all ktudn. BOOTS AND SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, UM BRELLA8, snd NOTIONS of all kinds, snd nuina roua other article'. Tb public are Invitod to sail and examine b- Stuck. Remember the piece, ''Continental Clothing Store. Curnerof Market Square acd the N C. R. K . ..... i r r- .-. . . ..4 LLV1 11111.X11. Sunbury, May 27, 1305. FANCY DRY GOOD STOHL MISS KATE HI A CK, ; RESPECTFULLY informs her friends in Suubui and vicinity, that she ha just opened her SPUING AND BUMMER GOODS, of Notions and Fancy Dry Goods, llarket street, four doors west of Wm. II. Millui Boot and Shoe store, iiUBl'KY, Pa. Her stock consist of Trimming, notions, embr deriea, Ladies and Clr.l Irens' ha'.c and shakors ; ai and other linings, Hoou-?kirts, Crape and Lace Vol Nets, gloves, stockings, ocllars, and corsets, do. TWILIGHTS AND GARIBALDI MUSLIN. Bradley's now Patent Duples Elliptic (or dcul Spring SKIRTS. 3ents Handkerchiofs, Oravsta, Neckties, Sntf i lers ; Ribbons, of all kinds, Feathers, Velvot, s many other articles too numerous to mention. Photographs nf President Lincoln Perfumery, Toilet Soaps, Ac. ) GAUFFERING cone handsomely and at if notice. ' KATE BLAC& Sunbury, May 12, 19M. MILLINERY GOOD AKD sVAJCY .OT10.-S sfc Tm.TlMI.-( MISS Ii. SITISSLFR, At tb new stand, In Market Equsxn, SUNEC. HAVE just received from Philadelphia tbe I.' and most fashionable styles of Millinery Gc such as Bonnets, Hat. Silks. Ribbons and Li Scarfs, Hosiery and Gloves. Skeleton Skirts, Flo Head Dresses A Nets, Old Ladies' Caps, Shi Silk, Ac Black Crape and Lao Veils, Crape acd Linen lars. Dress Trimmings and Buttons, Co. sou, Zep) Cotton Yarn, Soap and Perfumery. Uugle 'rs-iiuiniiigis, Ilulr Pins t Comtsa. tteuu' ted Papw Collars, Neck ilea, Aa. Flags, Pioture Taarols and Cords. Parasols, Ladles' Satchels, Fans, do. Photographs of Presiilurit LtiicoL handsomely framed. Thankful for past patronage I bop by sixlt teutiou to business to ooutiau tne same. L. 6UISSLJ Sunbury, Way 13, 1685 J. IIOLKF.N GROVE R. Enamelled Slate Mar m . 'm AjJf ix" ja I ITZShrtt-'tJ j HOLMES GR Ja, CHESTNUT SII1I.ET, miLADE Manufactory Tenth aad Samaoa Street Table-Tops, F-'er-Blaba, BrackeU, Diana xupe, a-c, a.u. Philadelphia, Jan T, 1S65. U TAILORING. J. F. SCHAFIEa. RESPECTF1 LIT informs tl eitisens BURY and viuiuity, that he has npent Tniloriujf salaop, in the room over Farnsworth'f Grocery, op; Cental Hotel, Sunbury, wliara be is readv up garments uf all kluds iu the latest alylt workmanlike manner Having bad experiuaoe io th business f bar of years b bupas to render general sa Custom work is rpcituliy solicited. J. F. feC HA Sunbury, May It, ISOi-So. .utlce lo Trtaspasser NOTICE is hereby given, that no perse allowed to trespasa on my propert bamokia Island, er to enter into any without permission, as tb penalties of the b wiforced Bgaiuat all cfimdara. !8 BEWAHD, -v ill b paid fur, iuiUtaaliou will le juoviotiott ut as.y ruoh trespaasw. ' JOSEPH Shamokin Ieland, May 11, lOOt.-bm W l.A'l El An aotiv. nrgeth mas iu Uk tb agency for this r tirsi-olass Life lusurauoe Company. Addreas, Boa ITi Julj , J84.-4s . . PhU' ICE CREAM FREE a Vmm (apply of MaASaa'f FrvB-JIl . . . . ' rim J .1 J . u , , t ..: . .! - r.. , ai-i:)0---i ui.. ;r; t-..-.--"i.' -- . ' .'a-f ' to '.IV, .