jesi'SCTENCKBJO.'lD' K A UTt A K K'1'4 LLS '. '. .r , fOll ; .' sias HBADAOKS,'; TU Klniptotja Ce and Car. ' Ibis hrerved it name frm neons snt states er sigknetsat Ibt stomaoh, which attend the palate lbe bead. Thie headaebe It apt to Win in the Miming on waking from a deep sleep, and when some Irregularity of diet bat bus eemtrrUted ( eh the day before or tomttimte for several days previoai. Atfnut there il a diatressingly oppressive faallng In tke head, which gradually merget into a severe teary pain in the templet, frequently attend id by a erne of fullness and tetulernets in ona eye, and ex pending aornn tie f weliead. There it a elamrny, an p!"nt taste In ilia mouth, an onerieiTe braatb, and ha U.igne eorrrnl with a yellowish vihite fur. The nlTercr ditlrre to be alnna in tha dark mom. At won al Ilia patisrt 11 the fullness in iba btad ami aiu in Hi o temples, taka a large dun of Scheuke'l Jandraka rills, ar.d In an bour or two they will feci well at wall as ever. , Tliil hat been triad by thou amlt. and italerayt aura to cure, and Instead of tha ick braduoba coming on aver; waak or tan days, tey will not 6a troubled with It acta In tbraa JOIltliS Scfcenck-t Mandr.iV Pills are composed of a niifn er of .Tools beile Podol hinin, or concentrated l.imlrtke all of which tend to relax the saoratiura f tl.e liver, and iwt u. ore prompt than blua pills or mvury. an I wilhmil It) -v i(t any dangerous euVct r, n bilious iimti they wilUbnw Ihenisi'lTes tij the on!. Tin'- Villi exprl worms, mucus, bile and i 1 miliil ninttcr from the svstctn. In sick headache they are taken as directed abrnTe, (a full dona as mn ns tbey fccl the first, symptoms irf it Dr. Schenck ill and ban directed hit agents to return the money they do not giro ported siii-facliiin. Ifa perron has been compelled to slay out lata at :htanddiink tco much wine, by taking a dote of ills ongoing to bed. next morning ha will feel as lough be bad not drauk a drop, uuless ha forgets go to bed at all. They only cost 24 eentt a box. Whoever take them will never use any other. .bay ara worth a dollar to a sick man for every cent t ty cost. Dont forgat tht namt Scibsck's Maxsiiki 'atLLt. I' Sold wholesale and retail at Dr. Schenck't nl Office, No. IS. Xurlh Sixth street, Philadelphia ol by Druggists and Ntorekei-peJl generally. I'rioa f..r Puliiionio Syrup, Seaaeed Tonic, each 1 50 per bottle. $7 iu the half down, or tno but os of Syrup and one of i'onio, for $3 75. Dr. Schenok will b at hit office. No, 15 North xth Street. Philadelphia, every .Saturday to see .tientt. . Ho mukei no charge for advice, but for a rough examination of the lungs with ais Respiro Mcr, he charges i'J. Maroh 1H 18115. SG5. 18G5. ZAHSiOTXI STOHE. 9. V. . I XZJI.l.Xil M-, E(J leave to call tha attention of tha publio that they have just returned from tha City with a LARUE AND WELL aELICTID T 0 C K 0 F UOODS itisting'ef DRY GOODS, Hardware, Queenswara Cedarwara, i r . r"rflti J v w J. k ok O w Jit t y tiery, Uloves, Notions, Trimminjt, 1-U illl 4 (li!llli'SlSM, Oiln, 1 .11 III p I in fact KVEllYTHIX'tl OENEKALLY KEPT iu Comilry Mlot-va. i'e bought our goods at tha lowest Cash Prices i consequently we think we can offer great in cenieuis to purchiuera for Cafh or Cnuutry Pro cr. 'J he highest nun ket pi ice paid fur all kind Produce. Uive ut a call. J. W.FIUUNtl A60N. -ui.bury. Mty IS. 1385. IlOt lOIt AKU UO..bTI AND l il 1 in er y G o o ds! t opened at tha UK AND MILLINKHY gTOllE. of t .Tti 31. I., (islcr, tn street, two doors south of Shamokin Valley A Pottsville Hailruad, A'Itl purcliNjie'l in v irnods at reduced price?, 1 inn loea-II cliertiKT. a. nek oouriiiiii ut' BONN bis of every dtierip f t'ur t'pliiig and Siiii.lncr. ' ii-.ri nii'l every style f!c Ilulai, toiis. Kliiwi-iT, Ln'ticii Onp. Ao. l ' J iurcii. ColUra, iliiiidkerohiets, Hosiery. Laces. is. riik. liicnadiiio and luurniu Veils, and n-rous other notions, usually kept in Millinery i-s, and see her stock, unoury, April 21, IS65. 2sa Ton rant good Tin-Ware, go to SMITH A iEM O New Shop. dr .1 -A. GO B O. BEG i" MEllCHANT TAILOIl, Ana Keaitr in mS, CASSIMEHE8, VESTING, Ac. rn tjtreet, aoulh f tVcuTer't) - Hotel, 8UNUB RT, P . 'ORMS tha aitiaens of Bunbnry and vicinity, at he baa just returned from Philadelphia with a latortment of 'UIKU & SUMMER GOODS, r &VSRT DESCRIPTION AND QCALITT., And at greatly IEDUCKD PHTDES, ; stock ennsista of Clothe, French Cloths, Black kin and Fancy Caasiuieraa. Black Satiu, Figured Plain and Vaney Caraimera VEiiTlNOS, which 11 make ud to order in atvlea to suit tha Ual ol oiara, on tliort notiet, and the most reaaonaile i. i i . j Goods not on hand, will a furnished rum ueipnia, OT giving two aar' notice. ids luruished by cruuomert will be mad p to at ht-rvtofora. - ha will enipluy aone but experienced workman, at may rely ou getting their work wall dona at op. uWful for tha patronage baratofora baatowad, pvt'uunyaiiiiciuacuutinuanoaui ma same. iliury, Apnl 15, isfii. NCY DRESS GOODS, .Tllaia l-Al.l 11:11, Two dtmrs West of the Post Oilice, S just raouivad and opened a Iar-a aneoriinen f Vaucy lr, such as Ulovea, Jouvian !'if, ti'ilk and litlo ihread Ulovea; Laditt JIik, Children t Merino liote, bilk Mils, i Bn.l nAi,iu. 1 r ...1 k. 1. ; -t- r . i " ........ ... . .. ...un.i ii ii ib, wurtuu. cm red bJippert, Kibbont CANCi DRENj BUT. . P.ugla liim, Trimming, Hultona, Belt Kib 'olvoi Kibbont. llraid, Kelt Clam, UuIms' una. . uArt-nji,uii. ana jmjdAUiiu ; in UmIJi - .1 Ui l- J : i ' ' " ft m . u vwu, CUgilig, mil ana; MnlteeFe Laea Collars, Laoct. Urenadine uiava vans, raeey juraat Uoaibt, Uaa4 ilraa. J m ai in , ui umcr l 1 IU 1 cv. . . ..1 II v i i r . . i! Liuvu Collar, a variety of Quean XUaebelh a 1 ,U:.- 11. L , w. ui4 saroee. .. j ue Cords and Taaacli. - , . , OTOOHAPH ALBUMS BOOKS AIJD 8TATIONEBT, 1 thly Time Book, Drawing Book and Slates. Uyron Bookt, Blank Books, Uemoranduta vuuiea, rucxai uoukt, iuk Btands, Pent, CCilt, tne assortment of Paper, Jak, aVe. leapt, Toolh'Bruthaa, aa. , AJiD GAMES FOR CHILDRIlf, rat J aevt beaa Hlai4 wik aart a4 . h AHFA tkXtrm, pir-r; May II, ltoa GREAM FRKKZEKSj a anppljef Mltaia'a Firll-MiawTl fatt,, rTdfrKwT,for 9 ot 'V - il ., .t ra'V .yr(i' ' aaJ 'J. I , Xst.iln.l mi k-f m 'el ' 'j vii ?LDO EITRACT CUCEO , a ItM-KatoaMaa er lataatlasaaa ef Vrtat. taaataa tlaa er UUeratlta f Ike U4diit ar KUaeJrs, taeasel af tka rraatrato tJtaat, Gravel, Crlak bast Daaaaias, breptV ami Sa,)ffleato Tsaliaass, tekUair, raaaala ea : rtUK) EXTRACT BUCHU A Improved Robo Wtxtsli WW radiaally aatermlnaie fro tha yttas Dlseaaes ark tag fraax Uaelts ef BisslpaU a, si MUt tmpmt. ne thmft M, fia I(im. r awpatent; aeataletely superseding tbeta tmiOaila" tMftrtmt rtmtMu, OtjoHa and Mtrmtry, la caring theaa oltaasts. USE HELMBOT-ilTS FleUID EXTRACT BUCHU In aU Diseases ef tha Urinary Orient, whether existing la mil ,r ituu.9, from Kkattvr tout originating, mnd we matter of fou ton g ttamllng. It is pleasant In Its taste and oder, 1MMSDUTE la action, and mere ttrangthaalag than any of the preparations of B irk or Iron. Those sufftrlng from Broktn Damn or PtHoat OoMt fuKont, procure Pit Kmiily ct ofw. The Reader matt ba aware that however etlfM may e the atla. k or tht above dissaaes. It It tertata to athet hit Sodlly JVaJfct, Mtnlal row and PappiA. It na reataaaat laaaktaitud te, CetuumptloD ar lataalty may AS tht akert dUsatet rtqolre tht aid tf dlarewe. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU la tb Grtat Xiuxe)tlo. IIELMDOLD'S , waxr coaoarriuTin , , . Compound Fluid Extraot Sirtaparilla, for parlfrteg the blood, removing all diseases arltlng frem txeeet and tmpntdenee la life, chreale tonttilatloaal 4ia aaste arltlng from an Impare stale ef tha bloed, and the e .if reliable and effectual nnWB Tamedy for the tare ef gsieiola, Staid Ileal, Bart Rheam, Faint and f welling ef the Bonte. DlctraUons ef the Throat aad Legs, Blotches, P hnplee on the Fact, Tetter, Krytlpalaa, and all Italy trap- Neat of tbt skin, aad hteuufying lb OenrLxxion. mm , NOT FEW Of tht worst dltordtrt that afflict mankind artie from tht eorruptlon that aecamulatet In the Iilood. Of all tha dis eoTerltt that have been made to purge It eat, aone tea equal Ineffect ItSLUBOlD'S CONPOZWD EXTRACT OF SAltSSPAKILLi. Itcleames and rtnevitee the Bleed, Initltlt tht Tigor of health late tha sjitetn, and pnrgtt out tht humeri wkleh aulte disease. It sllmnlalea the healthy functions of the body, and expels the dlt orders that irrnw anil rauklt la tht Dloed. Dach a remedy, that eeuld be relied en, hst long been loaght fur, and new, for ike Ant time, the public haTt ona on which they eaa de pend. Our space here does not admit of eertlneatea te akow lit clTetti, bat tha trial of a siaile bottle will show te the rick that It hat vlrtaet torpaasiag any thug they have overtaken. Two tableepoonefal ef the Extract ef lanaparUla, addtd to a pint of water, Is equal to the Lisbon Diet Drink, and eaa bottle Is tqual te a gallon of tha Syrup ef SarsapariUa, er the decoction aa anally made. Tht above Extracts art prepartd aa partly t deaUie principles la Focim end embody the full strength el eke Ingredients entering Into their toxtperltioa. A ready aad conclusive tut will be a comparison of their proper Met with these set forth la the U. A. Dlrpeasatorr. H$W TO UC THE RSSrWESe la DUeaseiof the Blood, Rumors an tha Tact,' or any and every part of the body, use Extract SarsapariUa, ap plying to Pimples and all external Beaters er ErapUeaa the Improved Bote AVath. Use tin Extract Buchu for all diseases requiring the aid ef a Diuretic, except those of the Urinary Orstns, inch at Oenorrheu and Olctt-, la theie ate the Extract Bathe and Inject with the Improved Bote Wash. OT THESE EXTtUCTS HAVE BEE!. ADVITTED TO t'SE IX TUB UNITED STATES ABUT, and also are la very general asa la til the STATE UOSriTALS AND rUBLIO DSTITUnOSI throughout the land, aa well at la private practice, and are eeotlBered at tavalaakla remedies. - ' MEDICIHE DKLIYSMD TO AST A DDK MSI Direct lettora te ' BELMBOLDS DKCO A CHEMICAL TTABE1IOCSI, S94 Brodwy, N. Y., next Metropolitan Hotel. ea Te TIELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DEPOT, .04 Soutlk Tenth St., Aaembly Build's, Phils, Dueribo Symptom in alt Communication (OLD BY Aa DRUGGISTS EVZRYWHERE. Beware of Counterfeits! April 22, 1S6J ly. Tlie Complrtp, Ikoublr-ArtitiaT Slfi Nrpnrtitlfjfg CORN SHELLER ! ! PATENTED, AUUV5T iud, lbM. THIS Pheller is the only one thai shells the Corn perfectly clean from the Cub when green, soak ed or dry. It gives the Kara double oiieratiun on the Shelling Wlirel as it paeeea through, and sepa rates the Cob from the Corn completely, rendering it at onto fit for market without the utt of the fanninx mill. This machine ehollt a . ' Half liuJiel i Kur$ to the JUinvt by Ordi nary Hand Pmerr. ' and ean be used, also,' by Horse, 'Rteam or Water Power ty attaching a Pulley on the Crank bhaft. For Durability, Cleanliueaa. Neiilnet Cheapness aud Rapidity in boiling, this Machine oanuot be annulled by any other. - . . . , STATE AND COUNTY RIGHTS FOR 6 ALE ON REASONABLE TERMS. OiUTi rm : If y.iu want corn Fhelled eleun ; if jou have ocuunlon to hell green or damp corn ; if you want your corn and eob separated ; if too want a durable machine ; if yon want a cheap sbeller, buy the Complete, Double-Aeting, Helf-Sep. araling Corn hheller. 1 - RBFEIIENCES i JJ-.B- Utr. . , Jr. J. f. Peale Sunhnry. Charlta Hans, Millar, boouurt Letjig,. Heading. C. . Mortran A Co., Ue. Weiser, L. Augutta. Millers. Sunhury. JUrta. Farmer, Henry Leisoiiring. Resr 0p. C. Albert, tleorgetowo Alimufaclurod and for rale at the PouuUrv of ROMHUACH A COHPr.U, riunbury, Pa, . 7 eunuuiy, Loo, S, m . XtX-m2 M.H JT Ji.i23rwe 9 9 . (Late IIKW8 UQUL,) , Corner Market and 3d Streets, HAURIS1JURG, PA. . IB attrntion of the pabUe it mpeotfully called to this lintel which is Bow open for the accommoda tion uf guealt. Id the past five mouth during which time it has been elated the house hue been thorough ly remodeled and repaired, until in point of oonveui tuperkw """'""i iu pttront will find it to own no '''Mie l-Braltiir) i:nIrely T1tvr.'' Booma larger than si's uaually found n modern hotels. Situated a tha eorner of two. iincipai baainasi eH piupri43Mir ueirmiDta to pty no 'MWriogdaoiirtofcM nd feffnrilk , -ahiil.i. r. . . . . . a"-1- , , t.t. r .r iua awaotituuieut. be feels willini totruaa its 1..... ... ,l."t "T efhiepauoiit. . at j. xi"; iiiLrjusii, Co" J rTyora" 9mT7BlCr t. .' g ; .. no , AX a , , jubticm or run tea cb. ' - Wey, Ki-raumborinni ; PouiUy, (J l!T JJ f!0 ""'t'P. . i ngageaatt eaa V he BMde by latfet, diraotad to the aUre addreaa. GEO. 'DEMERIT & CO., Aiii''a.X'.:H :.i,t i:;i'..i -. -: t' V'S Krtidwnr, Ner Yorlc, "" ,U (CO&KSA bVix STREET.) r r,.l ;T Jl -TV .'": 100,000 WATCHES- i . 1 ilinl I ' . CHAIKi, GOLD PES9 AND TKKCIXS ' '; AC," &0.V. Wi tTavrtb 500,000 t ' TO IK SOLD AT One Irollar EACH, WITH- OtT BKOARDTO yALLB., , , And Bet te be paid antil you know' what yea will ' 1 i f rttetve! ; 5 , ; , ' . '. EPLEXDID LIST OF ARTICLES 'All lo be Sold for OXK DOLLAR Bach! KM Gold Hunting easet Watches each $100 100 Gold Wntchet , 69 200 Ladies' Watchet "' ' . ' " i 00 Silver Watches . $l400 lo 2i tot) Gold Neck and Vest Chain 12 00 to la inoo Cbatelain and Vest Chaint 00 lo 1J SOOO Veal and Neck Chain 00 to 12 ' 4000 Solitaire Jet and Gold Bronchct 4 00 to 4000 Coral, Lava, Onrnet, o., 1 1. 1 ) t S 7000 Gold Jot, Opal, Ao ,Ear Dropi, 3 00 to S 6000 Genu' Breast and Scarf Pint 3 00 to t f f ftnnd Oval Band Bracolaia ' ' 3 00 to i 2000 Chamd Braeeleta 00 to 10' JjOO California Diamond Pint and Ring 2 M lo 8 2000 Gold W atch Keyl , , 2 M to 8 aOOO Solitaire Sleeve Battont and Studt 2 0 to 8 3000 Gold Thimbles 1 4 00 to 8 000 Mininture Lockett 'J '.' 2 00 to T 3000 Miniature Locketa, Magit - . 4 00 to 9 2600 Gold Toothpicks. Croetet, At.- , - 2 00 lo 8 3000 Fob and Ribbon Slides 2 00 to 4 6000 Chased Gold Rings 2 00 to S 4000 EUme Set Rings ' ; ' ' r y ', ; 7 00 to 8 ; 6500 Sets Ladies' Jewelry-Jet and Gold S00 to lb 6D0O " " Tt"ried styles, .1 00 to U 8000 Gold Pent.. Silver Can and Pencil 4 00 lo 8 4000 ' " tbony Holder ami Cats 8 00 to 10 00 6000 ' Mounted Holder 2 00 la . 8 00 All tht goo It in tht above List will be sold, with oulfeierralion, for ONE DOLLAR EACH. ! Ccrti ficatrt of all the various articles are plaocd 'n eiuii lnr envelopes sealed and mixed. ' These envelopes will be sent by mail, or delivered at our office. without regard to choice. Onreceivinga CortiGoate you will see what article it represents, and it it op tional with you to send one dollar, and rtccive the article caiuod, or any other in the list of same value, By this niodo we give selections from a varied stock of fine goods, of tha best make and latest styles, and of intrinsic worth, at a nominal price. while all have a chanoe of scouring articles of the vary highest valuo. In all trannustious by mail wo charge fur forward irg the Certificate, paying postage, and doing the business. 25 cents etch. Five certificates will bt tent for $1; Eleven for (2; Thirty for S3 ; Sixty five $10 ; aud One Hundred for f 15. REASONS WHY. We should supply your wants ; onr facilities are un lurpaned ; our work of unrivalled excellence; our promises punctually observed. Our central location brings us near the "uost remote points. Our goods are new from the manufacliirers, and of tha latest and inert desirablt stylus The goods must be sold, and the terms are unequalled. . All articles otdered are forwarded by return mail. We guarantee entire satisfaction in every instance and if there should bt any perron disratisrled wilb any artiole they may receive, they will immediately return it, and the price will be refunded. " 1 Agxjts We allow those acting as Agents Ten Cents on each. Certificate ordered, provided their remittance amount In One Dollar. They will collect 25 cents fur every Certificate, and, retaining 10 cents, remit to ut 15 cents for eaob. Address GI.O. UIJMEniT Al . 303 Broadway, New York. Uareh 4.186e 3m ESTET'S COTTAGE ORG AX s . ARE not only unequalled, but they are absolutely unequalled, by any other Reed Instrument in thocounlry. Downed expresrty for Churches and School, Ihcy.are found to to equnlly well adtipted ....-i ij : ,r .1 tv mi piuiur unu uruif lug ruuui. ror siuo only Dy . E. M. BRPCE, No. IS North Seventh strcol. Philadelphia. IjjAIso Bradbury 's Pinnot. and a complete at- Mirtuieni oi me reriect Jux.t.ui;L.u. -Sept. 24, 1884. Ijrw NEW GOODS J SPIUNO AND SUMMER JUST OPENED , ISAAC FTTRlvC AIT. a Zotleraoyer'a Building, oppoeile GearbarCt too " fectlonery Store, Alarket atreet, SUNDUHV, Pa., . I J Aa ;utt opened a well aeleoted awitneiit Aif XX uoois, wbichheoBertforaale at vary low prices DRY GOODS ! . . . i ' .' FOKETGV A Nil nnupsTrc ....k .. r-i.i.. n i morea. Muslins, Sheetings, Ticking, Caliooat, De Laiuos, Silks, Ginghamt. Ac , As. II A I'S at ttl aja.1 of every deaoriptioa. NOTIONS & VARIETIES. Corurlnttnff of llnalrv llln.u Tl 1 1) .. .. - . --- .. . AHICHU, -u VI I'M,, bunpeudera. Necktie. Collars. Handkerchiefs, Huir Brunhea. Tooth Brushes, Fancy Head Dresses, Bal moral Skirts, Hoon-Skirte, Carpet-bags, Trunks, Va liset, Umbrellas, Ootion-Varn, SoHpa, and numerous other arliclu too tedious to mention. - HA RD WARE. tuch as nails, bingee tnd acrewt, door late he and knobs, and CUTLERY of every deaeription) Dyes, Druga, Pain to, Vitruialtcs, OiU, OUst, Putty, Ac. Ac. 1 lueenaware nud (ItiaaTvure ol every um-ripiloa,, BTONE AND E1VIEN WAKE. An extensive Stock of " 11 ' a- n o o e h i e a. Compoaed of Sugar, Coffoe, Teas. Rice, Corn-starch, Molwot, Candles, Meat, Fish. Cheese. Salt, Tobaooo, and Segart. ', . , ilKAlJy-JlADE " CLOTHING. , ' i 1 Alao, i I ..r . tiW main. VaTi-tiBiAta tanal amliaUu. . All kindaef Country Prodaee Ukea in eathaace forGuodt. i , j i , twnbury, April 22, Ibfii. HATS! HATS!! Tw ean watt af Piscker'e Drug Hiere, Market at., II aoaataaUy aaauaetiria the UUeU style uf VTeol aa4urUata, ahioa Joe toluwej sai auraatJita it ibU apa4. , . , .. . ., ., . , . . ,:.lvf till, ill iu abu i i . . .. . ' , j r w i"ssii. ar aiaas vbaaaaca told chaaaea Uee etotafcera. tolauZa r r" niaaea. tWN purohattna aiailai .n t..i i. MaBJilT rhih -aaU BaxLa. larlca el U 4h ewtUatfitloeui at LjubaaafBi4B. It , aitbar produeat or It radnced by an an .leebieti, Tiuntaa itoya. of th blood, wlver tl. n flut.1 WuumM In. ".competent to twuia 'Uia Tttat Hrrcewta uivir ylgorom BcUon, and 'learae fb trtura to tall into ditdrdtt and decay. The crofuloui contamination i va riously canted br mercurial ditcaie, low liTing, disordered dification from unhealthy food, imirure air, filth and. filUiy. LaUtt, tlio depreaaing vicet, aad, above all. l7 the venereal infection. Whatever ba it origin, it it hereditary in tha constitution, dcswYidina; ' from parenta to children unto tha third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it aeemi to be the rod ef Him who tayt, " I will visit the iniquities of the fdtheri upon their children." The dUeatct k originate take . various names, accordinj to tire orgont it attaekf. In the rung-. Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally Contumption i in the ' plnndt', swcllingt which suppurate and be come ulcerous soret; in the stomach and bowels,' derangementi which produce ladi frcation, dyapepsia, and liyer complaintt f tn the skin, eruptive and cutaneous affections. Those, all having the same origin, require the same remedy, viz., purification and iuvlgora tion of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you, With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot have health; with that "life of the Beta" healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayer' SarsapariUa 11 is compounded from tha most effectual anti dotes that medical science lias discovered for this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far supc . rior to any other remedy yet dcWied, it j known by all who have given it a trial. That it docs carnitine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon tids clots of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cure it has made of the following diseases ; King's Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Bores, Erysipelas, Bose or St Anthony's Fire, Salt Ehenm, Boald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Polity, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or ikvdigertion, Syphilis and 6yphilitio Infections, BTercuriaJ Diseases, Female Weaknessei. and, indeed, the whole scries of complaints Uutt arise from impurity of the blood. . Minute reports of individufil cases may he found In Area's Ah erica Almanac, which is furnithed to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures which it has made when all other remedies had fuiled to afl'ord relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader mny have access to tome ' one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal experience: Scrofula deprcnci the vital energies, and thus leaves its victimt far more subject to disease and itt fatal result! than arc hctilttiy constitutions. Hence it tends to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these considerations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now ofl'er to the public under the name of Artit's SARfeAPARiLLA, alUiongh it is composed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of XartepariUa in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yourself fioin the suffer ing and danger of these disorders. lurge out the foul corruption that rot and fetter in the blood, purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow. By its pecu liar virtues this rcn.edy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. We know the public have bcn deceived by many compounds of Sartaparillu, that promised much and did nothing; but they will neither be deceived nor disuppointed in this. IU virtues have been proven by abun dant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the curt of the afflicting diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is far more ef fectual than any other wliich hat ever btcji available to them. , . ' AYER'8 CHERRY PECTORAL. wi, TiriH'a firry r. Herredy for Coughs, Colds, lueipient Jou Bumption, and for tne relief of ConRumptivt) patients r in uclvonoed stager . of tho disease. . " Thit has been to long used and so Uni versally known, tliat we need do noiiuora than jissure the public that its quality i kept up to the best it ever has been, and (hat it way be relied on to do all it has ever done, Prepared by Da: J. C. Avaxa t .Co.,. Practical and Analytical ChmniaU, .1 Lowell. Masay Sold by all drugtjista every where. - J Fold by Friling A Grant, Sunbury, A. II. MoCoy, Northumberland, Aaron Ilarrol, Elysburg, IV. K. Kutaner, rjlianiokln, -P. Hugos, natsontoirn. And by all dealers in Medisiati everywhere.. August 13, 1864. ly . 4 80LIDXFIKD . D3C1TTJLL- aEAlr, I-'er C'lranNln;, Whltrnlngr exstel Prrerv luff ,b TEKTII J This article is prepared with the greatest ears upon acienliAo nrineiplee, and warrauteii not to contain anything la the slightest degree deleterious to the teeth or rums. Some ef oar most eminent Dental riurgoont have given their sanction to, and cheerful Iv reeowmend it aa a preparation of euperior quali lie for cleansing, whitening and preserving the TEETH. It cleans them readily, reuderlng them beautifully white and pearly, without the lightest Injury to tbe enamel. It Is healing to the guuit here they are ulrerated and tort, ft il also au ss eelluut disinleetor fur old decayed teeth, which are often exceedingly oflensive.. It gives a rich creamy taste to tbe mouth, cleansing it thoroughly, and iov parting a delightful fragrance to the breath. PREPARED ONLY BY ., J A. II A VV L E Y As CO.. ' N W. Cor. 10th.. A Lombard 6tt.. Pbiladelahia. Aad sold by all Druggist ( PRICE 2A CENTS. . ' i. THSTf Mok I A LS. ' J The following opinion of Dr. White: at to Ifc bigk esteem in which beboldi tbe Dental Cream, tuflicient evidenoe uf iu value ; to quote other tcstu monials in detail is needless, contenting ourtclvct by simply giving tbe name and addresaet of utrtoul w bo speak of Itt excel leucy for tbe teeth . Philadelphia, April 1Mb, IMS. Having carefully euuiiuad A. llawley't "Bolidi, lied Dental Cream," I hereby cj-tcrlully reoow mend it to the publio generally. If is an excellent prriaration for eleamnng aud preserving tbe teeth, and oan be. used by all peraout with the utnioit con Cdenoe, a Its propertioa or perfectly barmlee. Be. tides preaorving the teeth, R promote! a healthy aoiioo tq the gums, and impart a pleasantness to tbe breath. R- 'WHITE, 120S Arch St. Thomas Ingram, M. D , Dentist, 4V1 N. Fourth Br. J. Birkey, 2o4 S. Sixth St. K. Vandoralioe, Buruom Dentist. aiT j y C. A, Ktmbury, Deuilrt, nit Waloot S. i 11 b. Dillingham, D D.e)., TM Arek bt. - i J. .M. Diaoa, B2T Arek Bt. Edward Uownasud. Dentiat, 428 g. Fearth St. .1 L. U. Dorpbley, Deniirt, BO 7 N. Teutl) St. M Lotig Deniias, SJVV.bUts) St. ' May 1W, lt4. ly IF YOU WAHT TO KNOW AUTTLK OF ETniTUIN retatt tath DUaUl fTSisUBl. kmaaJa. aam4 At .1. . aa." . j . ' w " rwawai mV caTsajeaaaVaya aud areaameeu djaeescs; the saoniag eutleaace iom aunt; aoa te starry well aad a Ihnusaed things Lever puatiehesl aWuee read tk revtaeel aad enlaricM edttujn ar nUiufm . . eiuiout book tW eurlout people, aad a a4r WJl m' PV ll JWoaa.' Price 1 Ac). Qduunts lUi aeal (tee teaa address beka aaaer be had at U. Book ate r a?fwai vTaUtkyV-t ipdaleaelkri,.,Nr.. 7 'ivl-f""!,-., A mm lairV'ri 4Ttat, WtlUt ttV, tsi HAVIlrwJnst rttnrnew tfeat Ik City with ka ta Mri aeweteek ef i ' - Urttgr). Vhertnlrala, PertttMefr ttoid .... ni "Tolft-r Artk-lotif towbleb be InVltee WvfHenils and the weblle fener' kUy, toeall teal eiatalne, The lraf aod MeiTieinet are ail seleered fren tb best i imparting koaaet la the Kaatem market with the create ear at 1 pari. ly apd effioianty and avidwig aa snetk at pesatble, the lutrodaetlon of dtlenoat nuttrans. ' ." nittfKT aa-pnvrvrwre 1 "J Of all kinds, totb aa Avar's. Javnee. kfaCUnteak. Ilollewayt, With arts, llooflandl, Sobaaka. Brown's ana an emtr pepwiar pawns wieaieiuee, always en kaaa. ' " ,: BRTjeHKS, ' ' ! Hair, Teetk, Nail, Clethe aad ratat Brathet. 1 ' Saetiat ear It takes te keep aa haaA eeattaally arery eatlely at .ii t, i, .1 PAINTS AND CHEMICALS, . SaltaWetetb trade.' ' " 1 raney Toilet Artiolet and the ausaeteai artlelts wnien are generally sept la a wen eeneaeiea ettaa- liahmant. ... I in aonneellon with the above artitlet, be alao keert on hand a large assortment of M A 1 IU. .n I , iub at Paper, n,nvelont, rent, feneils, mat. at. Lay Physician's prescriptions and family reeeipta compounded with tlie greatest eeeuraoy aad ditpatea, at ALL H0L118 Day or Night. , Remember the plane. Market Snaare, akder Ike oSee eftbe "Sunbury American." . a. A. riscaiB. gqnhury, Jaae 2b, ltot. Laekawuuua V Illooiibrj It till '' rood. ON and' after Jan. Ktb, IMA, tatitager Traiat will raa at ftles : MOVIKO SOCTII. . " ' Paucngir. Leave erantea, 4 2BF.U kincstoa, ' ' ' Blooutburg i'. tit - " Hupert, , .3 ,: , Danville, ., 1 . Arrivt at Mertkumberlaad, 8 . . , MOVlStt KORTtt. . . ,' Leave . Kertkumbcrlaad, 1.00 A. M. , " " Danville, , S.4( ' " ' '' Rupert, ' ' S.4 m flloouaiiurg, .S Kingston, , 12.1 2 T.U. .. , Arrive at foranton, l.iO Freight A Passenger leaves Bloomsburg. A. If. Passengers taking the Mail Train Konlb oounect with the Eapreae train from Northnniberland. arriv ing at llarrisbarg, at 2.50 A. il., Baltimore 7.00 A. U., and at Philadelphia, at 7 00 A. M. The Mail train from Northumberland lenvn immediately alter the arrival of the Express train from llarrisburg and ' Baltimore, allowing Passengers leaving Philadelphia at P. W., lo reaoh poiutsen this road during tilt next forenoon. New aiid fjttfant Sleeping eara aeeompany tbe night trains eaob way "twen Northumberland and kUluniere, and NortLuwberi'u?d Philadelphia. D. T. BtiWiJ'. P i. k. stauffeb: WATCHMAKEIl At "JEWELBT. Ke. 14S North feECOND street, eorner of Quarry, ' ' Philadelphia. An ustortmenl or Wntcltca, jew elry, MlvrrA l'liitfd Hurr constantly hand, Suitable fur 1I0L1DAY PRESENTS ! gjf- Repairing ef Welshes aud Jewelry promptly attended to. December S, Igot -ly ' 1 '! - HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PUILADELPIUA, PA. Dlsensrt ot list' XtTvons, sae.,,,!,,,,, Ci-itiHry hsmI rirxual K.v-in new and rolinble treatment in reports of the HOW ARD ASSOCIATION scut by mail hi sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. SK1L LIN llOllUHTON, Howard Asroeialiea, Ne. 1 kuutu isiuin Mreet, riulaaclpbia. fa. . Jaly 1, lo6t. ly . , a. W.laiTa. Cbas. B. SxvTaas arket street, ene doer east of Mrs. Boultoa't Hate Have opened A NE.W TIi-W AHE, tilieet Iron Rail Ktuve- Ktorr, ' and intend keening eonttently on baud, and manu facturing to order on shortest uotice, TIN AND S11EET IRON-WARE of all descriptloas. A Largs Stock of Cook Stovtsof tha following Brands WILLI AIM ! . and oa the following two Brands we defy ceupeti tion, aaaiely . . , , Coiubinnllott Oat Ilurner, l'eU. tjJovrrssor IVstn Cook, ansurpaesed for beauty of Sniab, simplicity ef ar rangement, combiuing cheapness and durability, aod each stove warranted to perform what they are re presents r . ALSO, PARLOR and OFFICR STOVF.s.Tn t... variety, embracing all the beat manufactures, and most fashionable designs , Alao, Tbe celebrated UEM for heating ap aad down stairs. Alao the celebrated VCLCAN HEATER. ConlOll, Voal Oil ljtiii, Nhnl-e, f'bliunlm, and ull isritclrsi unusually kept in an establishment of Hits kind. Wt art also prepared to do all kinds ol Spouting. Hoofing. Range and Furnace Work, lias Fitting, Ac. Repair ing obeaply aud neatly executed. Country produce taken in exchange at saarket price. BMITII A GENTIIER, Have the Agency for BIBB'S CELEBRATID FIRK PLACE STOVES, for the Counties of Ncrthusaker laud, Snyder, Union and Montour. Ard are also agents fur tke Pipber A Willower LI.. Transportation. Sun. ury.Dic. 3, 1844. SOLOMON MALICK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 8TJNBTJHY, Northumberland County. Pa. OFFICE In East cad of Weaver's Tavern, Market .. . . iilreet. All butiness entrusted lo him will be carefully and fiunctually attended lo. Consultation ia the Kag isb and ticrinan lauguages. Sunbury, April 8. Ibo. THE E7B and EAA. To the People t KOVT READY, A Week bv Dr. VON M08CHZISKIR. Bf Ka 1SJT Walnut Street, Philadelphia, entitied i A book roams rxori-s, ' Oa the following Diacasss : EYE and EAR Diseases THROAT Diseasec in General ; Clergymen s and Public fipcakera' Bare Throat j Disease! ef the Air I'aaaaget, (Laryngitis, Bronchitis,) : A III tuts and 4'atarrh. This Book ittebe bad at No. 0 Cbetnat street Philadelphia, and of all Booksellers. Price SI And from the suthur, Dr. Von Moachsisker, who aa be consulted en all theae maladies, and all Ner ves Affections, which be treats with the turret sue act. Olhce. Ne. lvil Walnut street, rtUaderphia. Feb. II, leti 3aiw BOARDING HOUSE. MICN, 9IAUI.1 TII4.11tM., (Formerly of the ''Lawrence IIoukc,") , j ' SUWBUI, V,. PEN Ji'A,, INFORMS her friends and Iba pablie generally that tht baa refitted tbe house formerly occupied by Dr. J. W. Peale. oo Blackberry street, near Ibt Northern Ctntral Railway Depot, and opened a Boarding llouae, where she is prepared to keep PERMANENT AND TRANSIENT BOARDERS. With good cooks and waiters, boarders ean enjoy tbe quiet eomrort of home with fare equal te (be heat hotel. i.,- .i ..i , . ..; i .., : Patronage from tboae whfi may sojourn ia Euabary l reapeoiiiuiv agiiciieu. " Mra. MARIATIOMPSOH.'" " '' Saabnry. tHt t. 4leA .-. r N W G O CD S! . ,Twa dears west f Wttt II. MUler't Shot ttorc. Sunbury. Pa, Jatoreod a fresh supply e( . V . BINQ . 4r. .feUHtlf OObfi ; ,V, Faaey press Trisomies, Ribbons, A Uvea nndkrehift, Lavas' Linca Collars and CuBt Oent't Linea anl papcr Collar.' Ncttt, Belts, ! Lace Collar and Sleeve, Uait Rella, Velvet Ribbene, -. White end Blue Week-tice, Cereast, 0kr Shkrta.Ykeaaad SJeevea. ! (in. ji.T... tSUAUUtA.FAllA0OU.AS, . S'leejdcicrrmpSac) TikrMlteMU aUssooIat Isnatsaisii.tft vrVl 1i-t e i'.s-.;) n V sfjSwiaa, aaast asat Tleaarla ltocMtjt flaeae) Cellar. 4 V.Tla-aad Ua O VrA a. variety ef acker atuclas St aasaercM as iir. I'e J 3l(,:.(LeaeHrB.SJatdttal.) I i lw jSi .iMAJtaarT sTMiaiT xm0T, ."JTtTT.TTTta ATt TUTT ' V ft 1 takett tblt tldfaaif WeTl knows stand, anl mm mmm. fcaka. Ab b Maat J 1 ran u4 and uMtae tk eawe' it pr. te) aeeeentseiiate Ueattlan aii Uaeeteas Wit the Beat the market eaa afford . fie botiea by ttritt attention to kusibett to reeelvt fc there of public patronage. ' ' Hit TABLE esatMiM the kteal Ikeaiarket kflardl. ' Ua Bar i tiled rr Mi lite ebu Matt ( Liquor, bulb Malt and Bpiritueua. . , . The tubling It good, aad attended by careful Ostlers. .ai... Banbary, April M, ISM.Mly '(' '' e i an ...i ii iiii 1ih n..iii O. W. HATJPT, 1 Attornry and 'tn-Ilor at Iavr, Ofliet ea south side or Market street, frar deert west of K. T. Bright A Son's Store, 7 i STJltfBTJitY, JA..' " v Will attend airotriptly te all profeetkinal buvtAeai entrusted to ma care, toe eetteoteon ei t Lai ait la Northumberland and the adjoining ecantiet.. , , anbury, May 23, 1863. ly ; to1 truii MUSICAL. PUBLIC. rpHK subscriber 20 yeaVs' a praotlcal Piano Forte X ' Manufacturer, ef New York City, baa permr- aently located in Uiia teetsua, ana would respeeUully tolioit orders lor TUNING, PEP AIRING, AND QU i; A.ATINOriANOFUKIS and MELOLEONS- The subscriber it also Jbe saaaufactarer't Agent fer eilfCKBRINw A SON'i, I HAZLKTON BRO'S.i . , LIN DEM AN A SON'S., WILLIAM B: BKADIirRT'S, EDWAHl) llLtVilM r lx.Lv a, MeDONALD A CO'S, IMA.MI ar'OIM'Eff, Aad Carbart A Ntedbam'l. aad Peloubet't ' MELODEON 8 At HARMONIUMS. Aad L. U. Stuarl't Pipe CUl ltCU QRU ANS , - w , JAMES MsDOXAtO. ..Xleeottbarg, Pa., April J, l6i. . II. ttV- IAfcffi:it Attornov lit Iiivr, aUNBl'RT, PA. Colleotioiii attended to tn the eouutiec of Nor- tlmiubcrlaud, Vuiear Snyder, Moateur, Colaiabia and Lycoming. , . r fcxraaiKcas. Hon. John 11. Reed, Philadelpkia, A. tf. flatten A Co., ' lloa. Wm. A. Porter, i ' Morton Wc.Micliatl, Esq., " ' E. Keteham A Co., 2S) Pearl Street, Ntw Terk. John W. Athmead,' Attorney at Law, " Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law, " Suubury, March , 182. Northern Central Kuilwa) Hil'vlvil.R'l'IviK XA 111,1 THREE TRAINS DAILY to k.i frem Baltim.r and Washington city. 1 Cinnctions mad with train! on Pennsylvania Railroad, te and from l'ittaburg and the West. THREE TRAINS DALY tn and from taeNorth and West Branon iuZi!, !.,!!?i., "J " af North ern New York. ON and after MONDAY, MAY Klh, ' IS84. tht Passenrer Trains of the Northern Central Railway will arrive at and depart front Suabary, llarrisburg and Baltimore na fol lows, via : SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday). ltJtA.M 1 ' " leaves Ifarritbnrg, ' 1 2V P. M. " arrive at Baltimore, ' ' 40 " Kxprett Train leave Snnbury daily (except Sunday,) II 4k P. M. " . lenvep llarrisburg (except Monday.) J 0 A. M " ' arrive at Baltimore daily ' i (except Monday). TOO A.M. llarrisburg Accommodation leaves llarris burg. T 00 A.M. Sunbury Aecemmndatioa leant Sunbury daily (except Sunday) at T SO A'M NORTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Baltimore daily (ex cept Sunday) t 20 A. M : lcarvt llarrisburg 1 St P. il. . arrivtl at Sunbury, iti " Xxprass Train leaves Baltimore daily 0 30 P. M '' arrives at Uarritburg. IMA M. " leaves llarrisburg (except Monday). SUA. M. " arrives at Sanbury. 0 S " Uaraisburg Accommodation leaves llarris burg, daily (exoept tSuuday) at S 00 P M " arrives at llarrisburg, T tO P M Sunbury Accommodation leaves llarris burg daily (except Sunday) at 4 00 P M . For further, information applv at the Office. l.S. Di'UARRY Uen. bupt. llarrisburg, June 4 H. THE UiMON FOKEVKtt! UOOBk I'UII .Vlll.I.IO. I At lb aiUire of JOHIT BCW3E1T Corner ef Market and Fawn Slrects, IISBUKY, PUNK'I, Just opened FALL & WINTER GOODS Tor stoiv.4, This no "Blowing." but plain truth, which very on will be ouariu,d that calls and ex amines the stock, which consists of Dress Uoods. Catsimercs, Cloths, dents' Overcoating, Jeans, Cotlenadea, Muslins, Dress Uoods in groat variety. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. Plain and Figured Delaines, French and Figured Merinos, r'ine Wool Deluinesall sons and shades. Prints. Nankeens. LADIES' CLOAKI.VJ. Table-Covers, Irith Linen, Drown and t hil Mieetincs. e" ,' Shawla. Bahuural Skirts of all kiuds. lioop SkiiU. all prices. Hand. kerchieft, Flannels, Ladies' Kid. Silk aad Merine Uloves, Ac. Jewelry or all klstda. Ladies' aad dents' Union Skates. A large assortment of N0TION8. nsiataraa.Wea Hardware, Cedamare, .. d'aaswara, Chtnawart, Queentwire. Crockery. r Uroceriea, Tobacoo,. Regart Snuff, Tea, Coffee, Pugar, Molaasec, Spieec, ' Fitb, Salt, Ac, Ac, and everything else usually kept in a store. Pro. dace Uktn ia exchange lor goods. No trouble lo tkoa goods. JOIIN BO WEN. Sunbury, Not. I, 1864. v. i v 'r k i; jvi t b : IMPERIAL 13f)oto0rapfj (Gallrrirs, Ntt. 7 Oil, OA and e ARCH 6TREST, ; PHILA-DELfHIA.. . Ktt IT, 18S4 a FROM WASHINGTON. LATtSTI MPR0VEMENT OF AGEI- CULTDEAL' IMPLEMENTS. a tea POUlTiDR Ttr, :-,- ... I 111 . .. af ' BUNBUBY, rEisrisr'A. Set the Best (Jet the Cheap! Oct the most F.ea. aomical, which can be k4 at the Rohrkacb Foundry Having a large eieortineut of the niuet approved STOVES, tuch as Cooking. Parlor. Office and Kl,..n Stoves, which will be told at the lowest rates. Also, Kettles ol all tiset, Pant, Bkillets. Ae: They ore alto mauufaaluring Maahioevy, f lougkt, Cattiuiit. Ac. at short notiea. Repairing ell kinda of Agricultural Implement " wuramannae manner ana al tbe tuartett aotioe. . AUsrticie shipped aa erdercd. Order respect, fully tolitilid and promptly attended to. . t . , ROURBACU A COOPER, tyOld Iron! and all' kujdt f Produce takta ia Exvhang for work 11 Punbury, Jane IS, 1M4 tf BSEAO J . J3B.EAD I . BEEAD lib 3STE"WT BAKERY.-' mUI BDderelgwed hat opened a Bakery, on Market JL tlreet, Saabery. Pa., twe dour wcet ef the Past Office, where be will keep constantly ea head,... i ri t-sla Ut-euU. 't'wLat-Uo.U, -tttaica, adTKA-BVNKS. ' , . " , V ,, - Anhiadsr - FA ICY CAKIS, Cemaeoe, Caket, Prtlt. Ac PicNia Patues, Wettdiaaa aod Faaerala, will ke wppliad at tbe tkerieat acttce. i - i A good oscorun.! wilt a kept as at all Uaaet, saaaefaciejveatetU vl tke best snaotrbxt, aad erdatt Willi tat prasaally natssiitcel to; - -.7-, e..l . .7 Hetruat tnat kia (Xaodf aad tk eaikUa aaara.My will tustaia biaa la skit aa taieracua, saw greatly aceded iaaWakary. a i .j i ..." m. He stcM a4xxtaHla tkilMwlUaK M aa to give faeeraj sciUltcac, ba il wiej. atom twwm- kiat wtlk their aatra.t.. t ' GTfvOTIC tke Viay aarve amotm4mY oi. laeftwieaai wtrk ttaeMsiu Oana atftalt twtst Cotsaaaf n tnltt (root atalLiknet Vr Torkt narrttburg, Danpbitrl Helirejr. Tl nest"", SualierT, kiertbataberleaeV fcewlaWg, Mil If, Meaaey, .aYaV liamtport, and all 4ntevateiic.te eUktrtM, eonneeting t Harrlaburg'wllh the GREAT WWliTkRN EX PRfiajg for Pistabarg (Cfoetnwatt;,Hrt, lfotdf tarStka n eci. . r i j , , ,- . , . , , , . wVai HewatA-- Ertwett wt M1rte-ar PtTfTinil. inrwmsburitrnkmbarTeTTlttaton, Boras ton, and iiiteraiedrnta iiUtkit on tha CatUwlssa, Lackawanna A llloomsburg Ilailroada Xt Wil liamsport, by Howard A Co.'t Eirresa U Jertay Bhorc aaa Uoe HaTtn. Also, by Howard Co., and their eewneotmn. for Vawtob, Troy, ' IWailTa; Rochester, JJuffaJo, SJagara, ami to-all aeeeeaibl poinU in Western New York and Canada, by .which they tttrl forward Merchandise, Specie: Wk'flotet, Jewelry, aad VeJaable tankages ef every' deeeriwi Also, Notes, Drafti and Bitla for Collectiea. Etperienired awd tSciaut aiatsengert employed, ud every effTt Will be made to rtn ler satisfaction. f ii..i.. JOHN lirNIJMAM, " . Superintendent Pena'a Division, Pbiladelpbla. R. A. t lrlOUhR, Agcut fer Saobury . April , 18.2. !. , Arrstsajrexaienla IMS.- r .Hew York kSltxta. TH CAMDEN AND AMB0T AND PHTLADEL-- Pill A AND TRENTON R. R. CO:S LINES. From fkiattdphia to Yorl tnd Way Plant; from Walnttt ttrttt Wharf and Ktniingtoii .' Depot, will Itav at followt, vit : rata At t A. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. aad A. Aotommodatioa,) . $2 2f Alt A.M., via Casndea aad J eracy CitT. N. J.. Aeeoaiasodalion, s u At 8 A. 11., via Caatdea aad Jersey City, (Morning Mall.) i S if AIS A. M., via Camdea aad Jertay city 2d Class Ticket At It A. M. via Keasiagtoa aad Jersey city, Kxprett At 12 M. via Camdm and Acs boy, C and A. (Accommodation, ) - - S 0? 2 if At 2 P. M. TiaCeeadea aad Ambey, fC. and A. Express,) At S P.M., Tie Kentingroa aad JersoyClt, . Wash, and N. Y. Exnrets sat 3 0f 3 est At 01 P. M., via Kenaiagten aadJtrity Ci'.y, i.,iinu nitllii At Hi P. M. Via Kantiagtea kit JtfloV city. Soulbcro Mail. ' I Oft At It (night) via Kcasiagtea aad Jtney titr Soutntra Egpreae 1 ' AttP. M., via Camdea and Amber il.,. I 09 modation, trelgUt and Paastager, ilrst viass iieaci. Seoond Class Ticket. 3 SO 1 2 For Water Uan, Etreadtbnre. Sarantan. WilV... karre, Montroee, Great Bend, Ac, at S A. M.r from Kenaiagton, via Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad. For Mauah Chuck, Alleatowa, Bethlehem, Beli dcrc, Eat ton, Lambertville, Flemington, Ac, tt a A. 11 , from Kensington Depot, aud at 21 P M. from Walnut street Wharf. (The 6 A. M. Line conncots with Traias leaving Eaaton for Maueh Chunk, at 3-20 P. M.) For Mount Holly, at S A. M., 3 aud 4 P. M. ForFreehuld, at A. M. anil 2 P. M. WAY LINES. Fer Brittol, Trenton, Ac, at 11 A. M. and 2i aad t P. M. from Kensington, For Palmyra, Uivcrton, Dclaaco, Buverly, Bar ""f'g'p J',r,"' "dsBtowB, Ac, at 13, 1, 2, 41 7 For Now J.-'- ' W" T - ' ":- singien Depot, tat Walnut, half aa l.)(raT neiiiirKlda aoan,9uq aiqno run into tb Depot; ., ... ... t eacn iraia. run Irum tbe Depot. Fifty Pouads of Baggage only, allowed each passenger. Passenger ar prohibited from taking anything at bapgag but their wearing apparel. All baggage ever huy pounds to be paid for extra. The. Company limit their responsibility for baggage te " One Dollar per pound, aud will net be liable for any amount keyeud U0O, except by spetial contract. v .... WM' U- UA'UMEU, Ageat. January IT, 1301. WM. KNOCHK. 03 MARKET STREET, HARRISBCRO, PA. Dealer ia r IANOS. XI a. vv Rosewood Planes, frem tbt best wuk it from $200 upwards. MEl.ODKO.Na. 'fh beet saasufaatuxed Iasira. meats, from 314 to 3100 Waiters, Violius, Aocordeoas, Flutes, Files. Drums, Banjos, Tambourine, Violia and Uuitarstriaga aad uuaieal star ehaadite ia general, SHEET MUSIC. The latest publisations always on kaad. Matic Stat by mail to any part of the country. OVAL, SQUARE, UILT AN ROSEWOOD FRAMES. Suitable for looking glasses, and all kinds afpletarca always ea kaad. . A Ine assortment ef best plated LOOK IN O LAS8ES from sataltett to largest sises. A ay style ef frame made to order at the shortest " ,. nil. KNOC1IE. t 13- 03 Market St., Uarritburg. I. V. UKAim.tUT'lS Confectionery, Toy and rauiT STORE, Istrkef Mtrcel, Kanburj, CONFKCTIOXEUY OF ALL KINDS, TOYS OF EVEKY DCSCUIPTION, FRUIT, Ac, Ac, ClONrlTANTLY on band and for sale at tke above J establishment al wholesale and retail, at reaaen able prices. II is manufacturing all kinds f Coufeetlonarict rateP UP full assortmsnt which ar sold at low Tobaoo. Sgart, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and a variety of other articles, all ef whijk ar. offered wbolesal and retail. Jr"Rcmeuiber tbe name and place. jry . . . , , m c. u earii art, MuJr'ttt, 3 doors west efE.Y. Bright A Ben 'a Sunbury. Sept. H, 18M, tf UASKi:U'M PilliYl' FIVE JtTl. I'i'K iiii:i:zi:it i As Improved fur latl and U00, By E. KETCH AM A CO., 289 Pearl et., New York. rilllK only Freeier const rucUd on scientiBe prin J;J'P, iZllb r,v,lr'0 od trving blade st raper. 1 be ouc hastens the freezing of the orcein-. the other removes it aa fast as frosen of icl U'0,t rI,iJ fr,,,inI' wUu Huantitj The most economical in cost, at it it the most simple and durable in structure. For sale in all the principal citie and towns in the L IUOU . . 5V n?,r"!' P'hd with a bock ef reclper On full diraAliuna r PRICES. f 3 00 4 00 00 00 5 00 12 00 B. MASAIR, guahery, Pa. 3 quart, 4 quart, 5 quarts, . . 8 quarts, 14 quart, ' 20 quart, Apply I M Marsh 2V, lho2. OaeaaaUtM., ' Siaea P. WoLvaarc. HILZi & WOLVEBTON, Altornryiand Couatrlen at l.xtvr Omee, Market street, cor. Ceatrc Alley, exjisrsTjja-s-. WILL attend promptley to the collection efclaisar nd all otuer professional business intrusted te their ears ia Northumberland andadjoining counties. -- " , vmuvmrj to, I i Tl un hood il), Ixiit, It oh I tMI rel " J uit published, a new edition al Dr. Culverwcll ' Celebrated Essay en the radical cure (without med I eiae) or'permatorrhaea, or tcmianl weakness, la voluntary Seminal Losses, Impotence, Mental and Physical Incapacity. Impediment to Marriage etc.; also, C-oBcumptioa, Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by ail'-iudulgBoa oraexaal extravagance. , Ijf Price, in a scaled envelope, only six cent. The celebrated author ia thit admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' suocauful practice, that the alarming eenccquencet of self, abuse may radically cured without the dengevoot use f lateraai uaJicutt ot tb applicatioa of Ik knife pointing out a mode of cure at ouce simple, certain, aod effectual, by mean of ahich vry suf ferer, ne naUer'wbet hi eondiiioa may be, may ore kimtetf atioepry, privataly, and radically. L Ibis Lectus tpieuld be ia the kaodt ef aiery ouih and every man in the land. beat, aader seal, ia a plain eovclope, te ear ad erreea, pect-vaid, oa neceir ef tia tent, or two aial ',r,itBowtrT',''N CHA. J. C,. KLINE A CO w York, Bot Offiu Lex, 434. SI area 3er IhM i ly ee ' lCtailerssuiIoual Holrl, 34 and MT trooAvmy, Conor Franllia Strtol SfgvTORI. rrUlf at daaa Heeae-ke a lei, fc.m.Hke L to lal lkl ia. U aiipeOai, Baparate Uuleeemcel to ikua VMittu New Yerk tar ketUiiss) r pleaaar. Itia atral ia it lecarlea, aad kepi ua Uakeuereaa Pi., la enneetiea with YjTlob tVstaajkiaartltihBxaala s sat we had all keaat, er aaseed la lAeujtWD rnrrs .Tea akaraM m rdenta, Ik ream aad auaadaac ot eke Aral erdaa