DMA & (B m n a i i Itlurlid fSqtinr-c, SI Mil KY, In. HA VINO Just relumed from the City with an en tiro new stock of lrugr, I'lir-iutenN, lVrtiuncrj- nnd Toilet Arll!s.t to which ho invites his friends nnd llio public ccner ally. to cull ntil examine. The Drugs and Medicines arc nil selected fnim (lie best Importing houses in the Eastern market Willi the greatest euro nf to pnri. tT nnd cfTieicTicy nnd avoiding as much n posii'olc, the introduction oi' delorioiis nostrums. PATENT MEDICINES Or ill kinds. ruth ns Aver'. .Tavnrs. MeCHnlock, Mollnwnys. Wishtwls. Huotlands, Sehcnks. Brown's and nil other popular patent lucdicitios, nlways on hand. Hair, Tooth. Nail, Clotho and Pniiit Brushes. Speoial enro is taken to keep on hand constantly very variety 'f PAINTS AND CHEMICALS, Suitable to the trade. Fancy Toilet Articles, nr. d the numerous articles which are generally kept in a well conducted estab lishment. In connection with the above articles, he also keeps on hand a lnrifc assortment "I STATIONER V, such me Paper. Envelopes. Pens. Pencils. Ink. Ac. IV Physician's proscriptions and family receipts fiiuipotiinl-d r.-iih the greatest uccuruev nnd dispatch, at A 1,1 JiOl'K.S Pay ..r N-trht. Remember the place. Market Square, under the oSice of the 'Sunbury American." R. A. FISCHER. Sunbury, June 25, li'l. look at the Returns ! WIT. II. Mil. LEI?, Market Square. SVNBL'RY, PEN'N'A., Tl'ST received from New York and Philadelphia a fresh r uj ply oi the h.tit styles nnd of tha best quality of BOOTS AND SHOES, for Men, Women and Children, which he offers at reduced pries. Women's Shoe at SI .rn. All his rood stock WARRANTED. No Taper Fhoes-snld at .fore. Ho will also- whoic-ale Boots and Slices by the box. The puMic generally ure invited to eiill and ex amine his stock. Sunbury. Oct. 2'J. 1 nt. MERCHANT TAILOR, Ard De.iie-r in CLOTHS, CA5iMERE$, VESTING, &c I'u iv n Mi-col, kossiIi ol" VYfiivcr's lanSt-l, TNFORMSthe cituens of Sunbury ar.d vicinity, that ha bus just relumed trow Philadelphia witha full assortment of r.iM. ami xvivitik t.tMms Oi;" EVERY DESCRIPTION AND QUALITY. His tock consists of Chain. French Cloths. Binck Doc Skin Mid I'u i vy Cass! metes. Bluei; Satin. Vi;rMred Silks. Plain nnd Fiuicv Cussimcrc VJSS'i'lMijJ. which he will make up to eider in elyKs to suit tue taste nf oitsteuie.s, ou start UviUe. aud the tuo-t reu.cii;.b!e terms. . Any Com; not enhr.iio, wi;', to Turuid.t. i frciu ' Philadelphia, hy civ'tm two n ;. I tluods furnisiiej 1 v uu.-tiii... , u',,. 1,., ,. .. order n heretofore. As h will employ i.r.ji hut cxnvrienji I wo.fcmen, varimtM may rely gtiiios their work .. til lioLe a his th'.ip. Thnnkfi'.I C.r tho T"'tron.;-o beretnlor bestowed, ho respectfully folicits n contu; jiiiiceo;' the aiu. bunbury, In. 1:0-J. Unteh J'nsl-lndin Coffee Co. DEPOT: 1M Rcadc Street. New York. The above Company rre hn.-wn nil over t'.o world as tho owners I'll;,.. Coffee l'l'iiitii..p . f Java end Batav.H iu lb.. W.. . ,.st !; rinretholfrffon monopolizer of CviiV:: on ib.' Cl-.d, . Tho un.ier.;;:,.,d ,!,., , a; 'r.i d tU-!r s ,!o Agent in tho Tinted c.ats ard in the Erill, C o. Hies) trtll hir.o r.-r -.!e tVrce oi'l'Tt-iit l:i, ! of ,: I fee. which, fir reffuihr:t of g.-i asd cheH'n.c. ' .f ! . tjricB. wm UPt.-CMi;.p.,it;m. pur Jj!tii;vi'i CorVc-' iiBwr before introduce.: !n t!.i.- C..ui,t,v. 1 .it exiet.sively used in the Artu'es k: 1 Navies of Euro,.!!. a:,d ric!.y valued, wtll be up at prices to rr.nch nil c,.-. i;.rs, and o-r I!.M . .i Jjua will both? Maipnin Jo:;nn: .'nv'! of the .v- X e will 1-nv forr.e-u:i.i.i.,th' of Or.cen. IV xaiM.'s. i:nd tioven.inint Catiacors, sr.urlci ( l;-y, and drawni for lestinj;. Orders s ilicited. Jn' receiot of cash, coff.;c proxv.t- Ijr forsrarJcJ ai di.-c?ii-.l. ... ttt?vv 13 te.(e Street. Ystk. fiolr. ijat. D. E. I. C Co. JL'.yl?, !B-J. Nc?.7iiuir r.r.t. :;d, i'::x:v.ii-vA:;rA, ( i.'.e lin'Jfi.) II MIS s-ibijrlbcr havinjr Isd this wO: JmoKa JL Tavern .-';.iid, cly .e. t ', y C. . l.rovn. ir;"...fa s Cs pul.'.i - r'.at he i.- r. f "r. ' ,., j repairing tha .ro.i.!'.-e, t:l wi.llo pr-T.:(i, 1 T, . i trti;n, iu a con'.". .r.aMe mnnntr, his t-i:,,,,,,., friends throughout tha erc.ty, and Ul wLo uir.v J.lrcniio i n stuLliii.Liei-.t. tJ-!-1. Jj- jokepii vamc::::c. 1861. t O f I i IhU !- i HAIIKOTH BTOEE. J. IV. i BT.V latira to e.s.': :hs af.eniionof tha tiallie U t.ey buvr iu; returaei liom IL f.'v .:), . very LAaOE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OP ROODS! Coosistirg of I'llY (iOOH, Haiiware, Que-r-r..- Ceirware, 2 2 M n jl, r: (- siwry. vnoyes. .honors, Trirnniirjs, U-iifiH aifl 'l--i.-vioI, i. Iiiiinns ! iNERALLY EEl'T , dinfi:iEYEr.vni::.M ge la t'oiuitj y Stores We leus'iit our goods at the lowest Cash Trice, oi eonsetjncnlly we think we can off.r great iu dueemoats to pur-bascrs for Cash or Coun.ry Pro duce, lie highest n aikot srice paid for all Lii,d of Produce, tiive ui s rll. " , . v ' Vi. rniLING i PON. buiibu.y. Nov. 12, 1301. NEW GOO D S ! Two door, west cf Win. II. Miner . Shoe .tore. Smnbury. P. Just opened a fresh sufply cf FALL AND WINTLH G(K)D m i, ,".n:y ,,'rts Trimiiiing,. KibUns Jtandkerehie.'s, Ladies' Bincu Collui-s a Gioves is ... . , .',,nii. n.iu l.UTIU Oent.I.menjind paper Collar.. Net',. Cells. I. c. Red- wT- ,w v' ."!'' VulTot JUbl"'-. Bed. White and Uiuo Neck-ties, Corsets, Ou-ikc-r Bkirte, Yokes and Sleeves. tr r,.. LKN',U?(!lJ''i cu,nPri,in!!ofS'',s. Hosiery STo:'M",rteu.!:'!ilercu' c-'" uf ",1 kiu- . ! '.'. of muslin f.r fisrnhaMi waist. ; V'? .W'"".,U Veils. Ureoadine and L.ce'veVl. ,u jaconet and V ... Jl''. - k. ' tion "4 Ullitf articles to., i.ume.oo, , ,, 1 fiinbur. Oct MARY L. LAZAIilS 22 lf,t. UOWAHU ASSOCIATION, PUILADELPUIA. PA. M . . I r 1 n il r y i"?' U I rlnnry ,,. " . n, lUTi 1 CCiYst a w.s.-iv. 1 1 : HATS! HATS!! BAM L EL FAUST, Two doors west of Fischer's Drug Store, Market St . BONBTJRT, PKNWA. ' T '.!rf",J, "'""''"'r'Og th, latest styles of Wool 1 and iur Uate. which for softuees nj durabilil. are Dot surpassed. uu.auniiy )ive him a call and see bis .look of Hats which .re old cheaper tb.a elsewhere. Werdunteaud other, .iirehuin at wooWIe, will to it to choir advT' v... p.uvu BU HUUSCUMIIU abd OuuU " DYSPEPSIA. Ib'EASXS RESCXTIJJfl FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVUK AND DIGESTIVE ORG AS8 Are Cured Ly nOOFLAND'S German Bitters, The Qrcat Strengthening V These Bitters hare performed mora Corel! riiirniid do (live Better Satisfaction! Ilnvo more Testimony ! Have more Respectable Peoplo to Vouch for Them ! Than any other article in the market. Wo defy any OXK to contradict this Assertion, aSi WII.I l'AV ftlOflO To any one that will produce n Certificate published ey us, ttini is not uksuise. KOOTLAND'S OF.BTTAN BITTFE3. Will cure every eae of Chronic or Xervons Pubility, Diseasoof trie Kidneys., nnd Diseaavi arising from a disordered Ptomnch. OBSERVE THE FOLI.OWIXO SYMPT0M3 RcjuUins from Disorders of the Digestive Organs : Conti' pati..n. Inward Tiles. Fulness or Blood to the Head. Acidity of the Sto mach. Nausea. Heartburn. I'iscnst for Food. Futnew or Weight in the Wtomncli, Four Eructations, tfinkin;; or F'lutterlntf nt the Pit of the Stomach. Sintimii) of the Head. Hurried ai d I'ifn cult Breathiiijt. Fluttering nt the Mcart. Chnkinir or fNilV'-eulins Scpontions when in a lying posture. Iiiin-ne-s of A i-in. Hots or Webs before the mht. Fever and Dull Pain in the Head. Deficiency of Perspira tion. Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes. Pain iu the Side. Back. Chest, l.iiulis, Ac. Pudoen Flushesnf Heat. Ilurnitigin the Flesh, Constant linnpiniii of Eyil, and great l'rprcuiou of Spirit). TQAT TUI BITTERS ! NOT ALCOHOLIC, CoataiciM uo I!nnt or IiisUoy, Au! can't make Drunkards, hut is the Best, j,, i ti.c v, or.vt. . Wtio Snys Sos '""-lineRev. Levi 0. I!, ck. Pastor of the Baptist h!'.r"b. Pciuberton. X. .1 . formerly of the Sorlh Baptist Church, Philadelphia. I have known Iluollai.d llvruinn lii'tors r nra I Liy f. i- liiiuibi-r of years. lh:.vei:sed tlicm in my own family, nnd have been iliusot w::li tin i r eif ;ct I ;oil I was induced torcooimuenil tliein to ipn ry others. ao,l know lh:.t Ihey have iterated ilia irikinly bcneficoil maimer I lake pent plensMrp in 1 .i.i-. jiiiid'cly pro'daiininK Ibis fact, m.d milling iIih ntte.itiou n' ti,-. afilicteil witii the disease, for w bi.-h they rjctiiui iet.cU-d. to theo Bitters, knowing f, exijcr'eii-.'e tlint niy i'c?oinniend.itioii will be s'.istain eJ. I dotl.ii mere eliecriully as llooilaioi s liimr.i is iMcuuvii to l-enelil liie nillietc 1. ai d is 'mil f rum uriuU." Yejuirnly. LEVI Ci. BJ.CK. Frr.M Bev. .T. Kewton Brown. 1). !.. Editor of the ! l.':.evc!ope,ii of Iteliiious KlioHled--c, and ChiUiu:i 1 Chronicle, Philmleliiliin'. Allhoa.-h not disposed to favor or recommend Pa- ! te:.t .!eil';:iii;:i in general, dit-i;."t of the'r ; iii,-r.' iiip auj nTeuts. I yet know if no soo'iciei.t ', re.'jie:.? why K llo-'l tony l.'.l tst:iv If, ihr I i....lti : .n ! s Jii'iiscll I j have reee'ved j-, lilt V si inoli prel.nvnl., i.r ti. I, oi. .'.,. I .. ..: ..... t- til. I c..' tho more re.iaity in rernnl to Kr,if.-iir Ceri! i. ii Bitleis. prc mvd hy J)r.' C. M. Jacks. .p. of this city. I, c.i,.se I preiudijej afniii't tbeui for I ni.iny year.-, nnler iuire:?,n that they were I i r.:.-t: y an nice'-, lie Mixture. Iain ir..ieb.el' to inv I lr 'P t ilo'.e.-i Siieoumker. Es.-j., for tec,! of I tw prejudice by proper tests, i,,r er.c.urae lnenttoiry them, when soireiiie; f.,,m reut nnd 1 I'' eois'ii.ucaaeillity Tii. uso'of lin eo 'boiil,- of j these B, tiers, in tin lic;;ini,:iig of the present year 'l. . IUvr-'-. , c: '.lllJ !" 1 "l:o.t dcsp.iire d j ijt l.ttcuii to .ue ui-c i.f tin t:i. p. ..... . a . i. i ei'ii e ii a ii i in. I ,i t.'i ,. . , . e::J I Pioti tV V Iothr;..istCl -Vs. II. Kci.aard, P(.tuj tf i'e L.v enchs.n :- r,-(.i.'-;. o t c, L. o.'.iln'.-ntit U;i:,!s I r.ictio as o-it oi'i - r i i;ive ieea irequeniiy 'I o.v i.aoic with co.iiipi :,.aiions f Iiie lieiues but reitnlmg the y l l pioi i :: ',,. ,.j here. I have ia bill Willi n el .'. i- ...f in vii..i;i ;tc t.t...:iiHd: iniOtnc 1 ...(. is .M.. plinicutliriy ill l,.y I ! liy. ,,f 11, oi .jr. lioorlnu.i's (i.T'io",. ..s r .t rt. ioi no'i! i :v t,ual c,.'. ,-.. i i i s-i . ,j . "i:?' '' ,;!'-!'.'1' 5,a-'-,"l oei.iiity f t!,e svsie'm "" l"' Li.erC.miplnim, it is a sale nnd I "-ei-s'l" ireparinioii. Ins,..,,,! ea?i' it rn. I bi:r Lsuioiy. I doubt not. it will bo vcy bcncicinl to to se vhoiaGer l.-cin the above e;,u.-e. I ivL.-. VII y rcsl.ecilully. J. If. I.-VVV . T r, Li, wu iistlow t-oatesMi-eet. PhiljJcleLia. I ( From Rev V'urren Rabdulpb. P., ! i of taptist 1 v-iiurcu, ciciu.iimu'.. ii. i'liui. '! . CM. Jackson: De,.r Fir : lv,nil eie. ri"i.e enables urt-to sav il nl lnr.,,1 ,i. B.tler., pr. pt.rtd by you ns a m. -t exlent me.ii. ca.e. Ji, eases ol severe coid and eeneral deh;i:.v i Lave hi en greatly benefitted by ,Le usc.f ,,c Biiu-rs lours, truly, WARREN ltAMioEI'll. Ctiiufi:.t,.iviit Fa. From P.e. J IT Tur,"pT1..tor f.f ITcdain- M. E. C:.or.t!,. Hiladel, .at,,. r- Jscksoo .-Dear Sir :,,v ia3 used vonr tier-t-un i.itier m my f.' freoiuntly I aiu'r-eparcd ""r at it has" teen rf great s-rvice l b, lie! ' j1 ""-' l"J,,'l "d most valuable remedy of which V lillvV.'"'r "nle:!ge luur.,rc3j.ecliul!y. J. II. Tl'RNTH in uio i cases ol i;eiieri il. l. r.iv ,n. ..... No. 72i'i N. Niiuteeiiih Street. rrora the Rev. J M. Lyons, forme. ly pn, t ihe CUuUrcLe'," 1 J 1 W""1-" ,, , New Roehellc. I'r C. ."I. Jackson ; Dear Sir: I feel V. it a plci- the excellence f the i.eri.n.i.' Itiii. rs I'lT'l." ore I.IUS. l-l li.VOVIII accord, to bear since b loi.'-h flli;-icd i:ti l.vsnc,ia. l used I I taein W.ll. I el o. results. J 1,.1'c olttii re- eomnienae. i person, ci.r-coKhI by lhal tormentii; V""'""v'. ' '""iwi troai ihi-ai ilB u;ost i,... li g testimonials as lo their L'rent vnt.i 1.. u.r Kccrul debility. I Uliev. Ii i l... . .:.!.. r,.: .. " but be fcurpuratd bat ean- J. Al LVDNo. From the Rcy. Tbrs. Winter, pastor of Roxborou-b Bnpiht Church. Dr uacl.sor.;-Dear Sir:-X feel it duo Iu vour excellent preparation. Jloofiands lierman Bitter's lo add my iMiiinony to tho deserved re utuliun il has oOiumed. 1 bio lor years, ut liuics. been tumbled with great uisorder in my head aiid nerviu.- system 1 was advised by a friend lo n v a l..,nl., ..: ..... . -' uiau Bitters, I did so. and have expcjifiiecd ere it and uaexpecltd relief; ui health has been vei y materially benefitted, i cniidei.tli. recoumicd ; ,e BMI.I. HIIDIU 1 IllfcL'L Ml I I'llM'l ...i '"'J 'T' Ul"? """" J of their go.l tfccis.' "l""'"; jouis, i. Hi.Nitlt, Riixbomuii, J'a. Frim P.e. J. S i'wonn, of the German Reformed Church, KuU'"wn, Berk, c unty, Pa. Dr. C. iM. Jackson; Jtespeolediir : I have been troubled witb Dy.pep.ia nearly tweuiy yean, and have never used any modieina that did uie rs uiueh goods. Hoottsnd's Bitltr.. I k'a very im. proved iu health, afar having take i five Lo!;!es. 1 ours, with respect, J. fi. HERMAN. PRICES. Large Sue (holding nearly deuble quantity.1 .iiO' . I0 P'f kele half dot. Ii till all Bite TS eenuj per L'cttlc half dot. ft (0 tJSWAUE OF C'I NTERFEITS! town icthe Lnilest Slalug, w Junet, b4 Pet ill ... y I. K BTAUFFEK. Am Mserlmeui r n...t . elry, Wilrersk lu(ea wZT' for U0LIDAY PREiKXTs i f"e-It.,.sin,'..,. or . . - 40 : Deui ber I, Mi w Tub poculinr tnint or itlfectioil W'liicU WO cull ScmiFt l.A lurki in the coiistitiitirma of tnnltitudes of turn. It cither jiroiUici'S or la jirtitluceil hy nn cn - l'cchli'il. vitiated ftnto -"of the blond, wlu rein tluiil liee'iiitirs In V f s-m 5TMic'0l,'I,,U'nt ,!U''1""' broW Wlti-i Vr?! c vital forces in tlu ir iSyvJittwiw action, and -i-S-MkJcvtlriivi's thf fysti'tll to "-"..-ri?. fall Into disorder nnd decny. Tlio Fi-i iifiiltitts conliiiiiinulioti is vn rioutly intt: oil By tnerciiiial tliseuse, uvr livinsj, disordered' dipt-Mion front titilicultliy food, Ittiintrc nir, liltli nnd lilthy Imbits, tho dclHTSMiiif vires, nnd, tiliovc nil, ly tho vcni-rcal infeclinn. Wlintovt-r tu its orip'n, it la licri'dilury in the constitution, tlpsci'tidinrr " from pnirnls to children unto tlio lliird and fourth generation ; " indeed, it K'cins to he the rod ofllitn lto mys. " 1 w ill visit the iniitiitios of the littlieis tt.on tin ir children." Tito diseases it iii;;inutfs tnlio various names, nccordlnj; to the origins it fittnihs. In the lunj;s. Serofnln Jirodiircs tiihercles, and iinr.lly Consumition ; in the glands, swellings which mpimrute and Be come ulcerous sores; in the Mmnacli and Bowels, derangements which jirotlnee indi peslion, dysplasia, t'.nd liver coniplainta ; on tlio Akin, onijili vo and cutaneous affection. These, all Bavinr; the tame ovie-iii. reijuire the mine remedy. purilicat'on and invijtora tion of the l.-lood. l'ltrity the Blood, and these dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or cerntpted Blood, you cannot liavo health ; with tht.t "life f tho llrsh" healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Aycr's Garsnparilla Is compounded from the nio;t eifectunl anti dotes that medical acionce has discovered for this iiflliclinjt distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far supe rior to any other remedy yet devised, is known By all who have given it a trial. That it dues combine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints, is indisputably yroven By the (.'re.-.t multituthi of ulilicly known nnd jcniarkabh' cures it has made of the follow ing diseases t King'3 Evil, cr Glnn&ular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Bores, Erysipehs, Hcse or St Anthony's Fire, Sslt Kheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous rlspont.3 in tho lungs, Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, 'uralgla, Dysprp.ia or Indigost.:-,, SyphUis and Syphilitic Infcft;0i!s, Mercnrial Diseases Ft mile VeaktlOSSO', and, indeed, the whole Bcrie-. nf cotnidainta that arise front impurity of the Blood.; reports, of individual cases may Be iunii ; ,vi:u-.s Amiuicas Ai.masa' wi,;t, j, furnished In the dt uitgitts '"1 gratuitous distribution, wherein may bo learned the directions for its use, and somo of the remarkable cures which it has imido when all other remedies had failed to afford relief. TIhk'O eases are purposely taken from nil sei ti.ins of the tnuntry, in order that every reader may hae aeeets to somo one wh'i can s;c;tk lo him nf its Benefits from I'CrsoiH'.l experience. ivTol'iiln depresses the vital energies, nr.d thus leaves its victims far more mlijeet todbtato and its fatal results than arc l.ealthy coin tili.ticns. llir.eo it tetuU lo fhoiteii, iiiiil dues greatly shot ten, ti.c r.virage duii.ticn of human life. The va.-t iii.po.tauec of these considerations has led us to spend years in pcrfi cling a remedy Vi,';ieh is ndiijiiate to its litre, 't his we noy iifi'cr u1 the public under the name of A l It's fc.iiSAPAii.'t-io, nlll.'it;gh it is composul of ingredients, '"le of which exceed the l est of Iwnaparitla ill .o'te:alive lower. Hy its Hid you may protect voi' v-1 I'""11 ',v f ,'fi'cr ing ami danger of iitesi' disorders. Targe. out tho foul corruptions that and fester in the Blood, purge out the cause disease, and vigorous health will follow, liy its ,"'ccu liar virtues toii lemedy stimulates i... ,njl' ami thus exj e!s tlio distempers whieli link v ithin on any uirt of it. the sileiii or Lurst out We know the public have Been deceived ly n.iipy (iiiiifeuials of Surmpariltit, that luou.i.-.etl much did p.othir.g; hut they will neither I e deceived unr disappointed in this. li viriu, s have been proven l y abun dant (rial, and there rcmaiiii) no question of its Fii! ;..-..-sii-. excellence for the cure of the nfkieiiiig diMa:-es it is intended to Altl'oup.ii u:.:!ei- tlie name, it is a very djl'civiit medicine from any other which has Icon Before' the people, and is i-ir more ef f. '.;'.! anv otl.Lr v. bieU has ever been OVUi.iillli lo tiiCLJ. I V . il t i 1 1 e 1 PECTORAL. Lo Worura Gront Eerrcdy fop Ccufclio, told?, I.-cipiont Con-euir-iji ion, ar.d for tho relief cl' Cor.' sv.iopti'o palicnta ia liflvanced fr ir.pea cX tlio di.'icaso." t t: Las been so lomr uitd and sn unl. versally l.uonti, tliat we mcd do no n:oro than a ssui-e lire public tl at its (jiialily is kept the best it ever Bus Been, and that it : up to limy i e relied on to do all it has ever done, l'jct'iued by l)rt. .1. c. Avra & Co., i'rr.itUal and Analytical fhemittt I.ovreil. Mass. So.J hy ul urui'gisu every where. S"!u l y Frt'i:)g A tivant. taiii.ury, J: ii. . ,v. .or-.THllii'i.l'lnna. ' 'Sr ei il'.. r.,l, E -bar'. " t.. sliali.. kin, v. 1 . i.o.ue. . al.-,'...loo And 1 i aM deulers in ' All.' t i, 1M,. y Kuiciuti everywhere. sr. LIDIFIED ID II IT 7 AL CP.2ALT, fc'oi t'Js-.isiHiii,, X. liitt-nin-; isiid I.'.-i-.viniK !i- 'a'Kll'iJ ! This article is prepared with Ihe reulert care upon scientific principli's. niel warranle l u.'t to eonl.uu ii!'.;. tiling in ihe ...ii -i.test degree deleterious to the ie. :.i or gum... Sou.c of oor luost einineiit Denial Sur :e.ui, have given their si.iictien lo, ua 1 cheerful ly .ccoiiiniciid it ami rreparatioii of unirior quali-'V'V-1'"! l'1,;"R,'l"' wl'iiei'ing and rc-erving liio Jl.l-.ill. 1: eleiins liiem rMidily. rendering ibum beautifully white and j early, without tlio ligbust ml try to tbu eeaii.e). It is t,.-,i,,,.. .. ,l wn .iu they nie ulcerated m..l s... It i U,t "l'':''' 'J teeth, which aro ..... .. s ,c...ii.y oneiiMie. n gives ii rich creamy , ...... ,.,. inv.,,!,.. ,-iv.iiis.ii a uiorouiiiy. una ilu. i puilii; udeiinblii.l fiugriiui'ii lo the bieulh. PREPARED ONLY BY A I. L. Cl CO tor. Bub.. A I. oil. bar. 1 Sis ll, ou som oy an tvrug;;isu. i'UICE 2j CEN lrf. LS. Ti e following opiuieii of Dr. White, as to the Kiel, I'slcciij m whit h beholds the Dental Crcnui. must be i ft.ii ieiii of its value ; to quote oilier testi monials in detail is t,etdlee. coUoiiiuig ouisclves by I nni 'y giving tiio in.iuea tiei audies.-es of porsous I ho.-piakoiunxcell.i.,.y lorthc teclb. i . Phiia.itlpbia, Aim! J5ih, lSii-3. I r ' i' S careiully exaiuined A. iiuwlev's Sulidl. lii l Denial Crtatn." I hereby ehicrlu'lly reeum I nieiid II lo the public .'euernlly. Jl is uu exotllent i r. eolluu dtnn,;;,! ,lU. prckorving Hl8 t(Uih. j nud eau be used by all ptr.ons wilii the utmost oou j In ci'ce, ns it. rot,rtics ure peiicctly harmless. Bc- ..iie, j res.'i vin tno Item, it piuiuotes a healthy ii to mo nuis, und mipuruu j lettjuutness to the Dr. W. R. WHITE. 1203 Arch St. Thomas Ingram, M. D , Deutist, MX. i'oujib bt. .'. Jiirkey. 2ji S. Sixih St. E. Vuudtr.iice, Suryeou Dentist, 425 Arch St. t. A. Kinsbury. Deutiei, Ills Walnut tl. . DillingliKuj. 1) D. S., 7o4 Arch bt. i M. Dixon, b27 Arch St. Edward 'Jownstiid, Dcnlisi, 420 N. Fourth St. L. Jl. Jiorphley, Deutist, b07 N. Teutu bl. d. L. Long, DeuiUt, tii'J N. Sixth St. Alay a, 1004 ly JEriEU OiT ADVICE FOR LADIES FIY ANATOMICAL EXGRANIN'US. Mas iaf.rm-'lioa never belore published. Scot rate in a sealed envelope fir ttx cents. Addrets Dr. STANFORD, BorNo 4,042. New York P. 0 July 9, 1834 -3iu FOK SALE. AV 1- . "liiilM-r I-uutl, below Trev- roo b,fa"' r " Eotfurther licuiaj apply H. Am. Jl ir,, H"B- is mi A LBCTURB, to ""OTTisra- icasisr Jut pnbliihcil in a Stated Envelope. Pries 9i. r tents. A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment and Rodicnl Cure of Spermntorrhtt'a or Seminnl Weakness. Invol untary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and impediments to Marriage generally. Ncrvoiun.ajs. Consumption, Epilepsy, nud Fits; Mental ai,d Physical Incapaci ty, resulting from Seir-Abuse. Ac. By ROBERT J. CI BVEKW EBB, Jl. D., Author o"t the "Ureen II'w.h,T' Ac. The world renowned author, In this admirable Lecture, clearly proves from bis own experience Hint the awful consiuucnce ol Self-Abuse may be effectu ally removed wiiliout medicine, nnd without danger bus surgical operation, bougies, instruments, rings or cordials, pointing out a mode ofeure at once cer tain mi l clloctiml, ,y which every sull'erer, no mat his condiTion inny I.e. 'may cure biii.sslf ..l.nn,.t.. ....I .-11- ri'lira 1 t r, rhcaujy. privately, mil radical!. THIS l.lif! IT BE WlBI, PlittVE A llO'JX lO THOUSANDS AX I) Till I ISA NILS. Sent undersea!, tunny address, in a plain, sealed envelope, on the receipt of of six cents, or two post n;;o stamps, by addressing the kuhlishers. CI1A. .1. C. KhIXK ACrt., 127 Bowery, New York, Post Cilice Box, 4ib. Oct. IS, lst.ll .y ;ic iMWSIOiVS, BOUNTIES AND BACK PAY COLLECTED. Q B. HOVER. Attorney nl Law, is duly author k itc.l and licensed lo collect iMiotiM, tioiuit ;e..iiii ij-M'Ii S'ay for Widows. Or plums and Soldiers. Offico in Market street, oppo site Welter's Hotel, Siii.bu.ry, 1'a. January Hi. 1S1',4 . ly HISS I, . Hit llliff lllin , l, 1,1 AM E Ul'.lv.KIS i v V,V , V V A-.v ctippi, oi ..MSsr.K r 1 , fc-rus. ir. r xs.iis, receive ! from New York, for sale hv Sunbury. May 1!, lt II. B. M ASSER. (J ton (it Hill, Simon P. WolYkhtom. HILL & WOLVERTON. Atloriieystuul CoiiUMoIorn nt I.uw. Ofljee, Market street, cor. Centre Alley, STJTsTX3t7R.-r, 3? A.. J ILL atten 1 proaiplley to the collection of claims V and all oilier professional business intrusted to their care in Northumberland tnulad joining counties. Sunbury. Jannnry 2:1, Dfl2. AN INTERESTING HISTORY Dlt. tiCHENK'3 OWN CASE. "jIILE LABOlUXtl IXDER CONSUMPTION And how his 1'uliiionio Syrup, Seaweed Tonic,' and Mandrake Pills act on tho System In Curing that, Disease, cud tho dlrcat KiuccoN Allemlius It! The above isacorreel likeness of Dr. Scbenk taken many years ago, after ho had recovered from Con. ; by a courso ol his ''Sebe.ik's Pulmonio Syrup." The likeness, alihough it does not repre sent hiia anything like ns bad as he was at the worst, yd it is lii s:ruag contrast with the hale and vigorous looksof the Portrait below, which is the true like jicss of him at present time. The contrast between ll,,'c two poriraits is so great that many would not believe tiicia to be the same person. Yet there are liiin.ircds of persuiM, In and around Philadelphia, i n ..ho will recogoise both portraits to be true represen lotions, p.'uml; VYl.cti the last was taken he weighed 107 at ths' f0'1'"' 'it-'-'1'3 weight is 22 pounds Thirty years ago I was in the last stages of Pul. mouary Consumption. , e;vi. t toJie. J resided in Philadelphia, and Dr. Joseph Fairish, then of this city, ordend me 1 1 Mor.t.'puu, N.J.,a distance of J.ii.0 miles wliu-h t. k li e two dins to get there On my anivrit j WM ,,lU tu ,0(, Mli(, ,u.1() jj fur m weeks. Tins 1,1 y I'.iiii'.o place, where all n.y ramil.y lived and Lad .lied of Consumption. Dr Thornton, who attended my father in hi. last illness, was called, and nine me one week to fix ur invar. fairs. Ho had seen nil my fumiiv go that way, and ! IhoiiL-bt 1 was ... tu j 1WI j ,e,ird (lf n,e"reul0 ' dies J now lo tin. pebiic. which cured luo. It seemed to mo thai J uould fed llivtu penetruliair m. whole system. ' They soon ripened the matter rn my lungs, and I would spit otl'iuore 1 1. an a pint of otfcnsivu yellow I niatler every'. As m..,q as that began to j sub-ule. my couidi. lev. r. pain, night sweats all bet'ao to leave pie. and m l.l.Oelite I.euMma ., ,,r... thai it was with liitlicoliy 1 cuid keeji from eating too much. 1 soon ga ued lay elrenglo and I bat e been growing iu Hcsii cvor einee. For many years 1 have enjoyed ui.ut,eriu)ed good health, keeping the liver i.i.i! sumiucli huatthv wiili the Seaweed To nic and jtsaiulriikn Pill,, a, l",n of a billious leinper iimer.t. My weight is two hundred and twenty pounds I iu my i ceoi cry people would send for mi far end l.ear, P.sce il li.eir ca.-os were like mine, tor this pui pose 1 i iy profc-sioniil visit, iu tho large elites. Ibeeonsiiinpiive. wish lo See the one that makes these medicines, and whu was cured of con. suinpuon l.y I In i. 'J' ,iuk new luinss is imnosi. ble; bul civilKs in the luuira and no.oi ui mu luoes can be healed Such casesare dying hourly un.ier Ilia ordinay Irentment ol pliysu'ians. and sa. li are cured by Ihe proper bii.i Mil . j u c-irup, ouweed louio, t I itm now u healthy irsn. with a large eavitv in Ihe middle lobe ol the r.gtn lung, ihe low er lob. very much I. coalite, I and eoii.'.li I., mil,, si......r il.. . . ine leu lungs i sound, and Ihe upper lobe of the I right lung is in a tolerably bealiliy condition. The ' K.ei .euauil w l.y puyslclaiiS Uo Hot cur OOUSUInn. ' tion is they try lo do tw. mue.. ; ibey give medieiiies ! lo slop the e;.ugb, to stop chill, lo slop nO-hl sweats hectic liver, and. by so (l.,i.,., i... t ' i ..uuiv u:Ker,i ainel'S. loeKll.g up aud eveuiualiv tlio i,ut.e..i s...L. ...a I.u.t- ..... . the secretions . ' - ...v.. AUDI niakeaeiirolulexaiu,i,ati-nol the patient wilh the Itespiromeler, and nud lungs enough lolt lo eure I ilireot Ihe palieul how to use the itree remedies. Remove the causo ami they will all .top of their own accord. Noi,o can Lo cured of eoisuuiption, iver couiplaoil d.v.pi p.. cuirn, canker, uloeraled throat, unless , .,u uL., ana sioiuacb are made heal, thy. In New Lnglixd this canker chronic ealarrb ulcerated throat, elougatkio oJ uvula, is more pre".: lent than iu ai y other eiiou of Ihe country This is lreijiiently caused by a foul stomach. You may burn K out wilh caustic time and again, and all tbev rl ,ieit.U..l'!Jrr'iry-,rtli,;!'' Corr '"'''h nes. Alter I ; ' ; "i oeui up luemtelves. Isood tultnion is the remedy. Jf you bav. any disease in any part ol ihe body, it will remain there aud decay more and more until you can eel the .to inaeh iu the condition to Uigusl food and make near blood lo take the place of diseased matter. This Is the only way to heal uavilios iu the lungs and uioer ated bioiiebial tubes. Correct the slwaaoh and liver and nature will do the healing M. .. l.T! an i lea that certain medicines are great of Ihe blood Wbtnbbwd u once diseased Til asunot be punned ; it l. diseaswl the same at lb diseased matter iu Ihe system : bat n.t ii.. ........... dor, Ihe livei and stomach, and nva it r,t...i. .. nourishing food it will make new blood, erLiok wili Uke the place of thai wkitb is disease .. Kt'benk's Pulmonio st run ia Ansa nft K li4 . rations of iroa in ut. ii u a powerful tome of lujist axm sma U et. Tooio 4oryv uj nnV Y;iv-,,:. . 'i'Sy j Ntw Yoi:x Wednesday, MaroU SO, Hit. TO THE rUBLIC. the totnacb. and Is it carried poft off by the a tha Mandrake Pills, the Pulmonic tiyrup is made Into blood. 'Ihiiisthe only way to oure consumption. If I cannot get a good appetite, and food does not digest. 1 cannot eure the patient Never mind the cough ; remove the cause and will stop of Itself This is the mot trouble I have with my patients nt my rooms. They say, ' Doctor, I feel stronger; I can cat ; my night sweats are butter, and X fool bet ter every way; but my cough is so bad yet;" and they arc astonished to hear me say Hint does Dot matter; remove tho came and the oough will txp of itself, eichenk's Seaweed creates a good appetite In about nine days, when there Is no lung disease, unlets the liver is so congested that the Mnndruke Pills cannot unlock tho ducts of the gall bladder in Hint short space nf time. In order to allow the stale bile to pass off. Keep the liver and stomach healthy nnd there Is less danger of consumption or any other disease. It is hard lo tako cold when those organs are healthy. Those Hint ure bilious, dronry. fueling stupid ' tinted tonguo, poor annetite I .............. I. e.. r i " . '... ' '. . nervous, stomach tu tf wnul, everything that is eaten lies heavy. Ion of memory, try ouo bottle of iscilh.MCK S SKAWKKU TOXIC, and one box of ei iif..Mv'.5 AlA.viJHAIvr; I'll.l.sN. It Is only a cost of one dollar and twenty-five cents, with full di rrciions. This i sufficient, in many cases, to satis fy what the medicines are. Frcu,ucutly one bottle makes a great change in the system. Any person that enjoys ordinary health, by using the Honwccd Tonic nud Mandrake Pills occasionally, must get the digestive organs in such a hoalthy condition that they become fleshy I can produce a number of my old consumptives patients now eidoying good health weighing nearly aOO pounds. I will conclude by relating lliren cures I have made in New York, nnd which aro all different, nnd wish any one who feels an interest in Ilic mutter to. visit them. First is Mu. F'arluw, residing then nt No. 107 Houston street Uur hubarid called upon me nt Iny rooms. 32 Bond street and wished me to call mal see her. He said I could ' U'l li'l Kiwu , unt i.rr u.iu nil tu, ovni iiieuiCOl I attendance, and all said she was too far gone with do no good ; that he had bad all the best medical 1 Consumption to be cured; but she had heard of some grent cures 1 had made, and he desired to gratify her wishes. I cUed. nud found her lying confined to her bed in the last stage of bronchial consumption and without doubt must have died soon. I examin ed her lungs, found both bronchial tubes very much aflected, but uo cavities had formed, her cough was very severe, the spit-box was half full of thick pus. Pulse 1 10. leg swollen very much ; and worse than all. she bad chronic diurrbu-u. Her bowels had been moved eleven times that day. told her thai she bad lungs anougb tube cured, but that Ibis diarrlii'rH had been of long standing, nnd her stomach was in such a ulcerated condition that 1 was nfraid nothing could be done. Sho insisted I should try nnd do what I could for ber. observing that she could not lust long iu tho condition shc.wns in, and I could nut make Ikt any worse. I gave her first a dose of toy Mandrake Pills, nnd the tunic nnd iSyrun freely. mill was on lucsiiuv, ana oy me - ul,uny the Uiarrboja '.''. ','. ,,,.r tf.. loot retnrni.,l ! and she could sit up in bed nnd eat tier dinner. She i is now well, and gave a long certificate, certified to by the Key. Dr Downing. I Mrs. Bartholomew, hi Wost Forty-fifth'slreet, ! came to my rooms w ith a tumor on her liver. Mie ' v,i li4r.u..ii.iti.l .tilt. ...lliitv. ton,. in, i.i.Hte.1. ImiWI-I costive, no appetite, and last sinking into the grave. The said tumor had been running over fourteen years. I gai her Srup. Tonic and Pills, and told n er to take them just as the directions were printed. She oame back Iu, my rooms. :2 Bond street in two week., somewhat better ; her tongue had begun to eleun it little around the edges, her skin whiter and her eyes brighter Mnd the lumor discharging very offensive matter, much faster than it bad everdouc before. She kept gradually iinpioving, and in nlmnt two months she came to uiy rooms very much fright, ened, saying that the tumor had nearly stopped I running, and was healing up. and that every doctor I had told her that if it ever healed it would cause her I death. I told her that, the disease had all left her system, nnj t at.iie would heal the nicer up. They ( are now healed, and have been for about a year and , sho is a hearty and robust a woman us you will Hud ; in a days walk. Sne is glad for any one to call on j her. and takes great puins to visit any one that she ; hears ha. anythiug like her c.-iso. and tries to get , lliem to eou.e and see tae. The next ease i. Miss ; JScotield. from Stamford, Conn.. Mrs. Bartholomew . got h.-r tlovtu to see inf. and she lias been ever since at her house. When she first came to lay room., she I was much emaciated witha distressing cough, spit j ling .urge quantities of blood. I examine ! her lungs I with the rcs.pirnniter. nnd in all my practice never 1 found one w ith one long so far gone and the other j liingso sound. I could not give much onourage- Mint. I thought site would die ; but lo my aston- lshiueiit the Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, and , Mandinko Pills all seen id to go right to work, the lung is ull healed over, leaving a cavity as large as ; n goose egg; good nppciiin. fiuo spoils, and has j gained soma thirty-five pounds iu weight. She Iiks j some cough yet. which 1 do not think w ill leave her j before June. I should think it would be of great i interest to s.uie unprejudiced physician to visit these j ease. particularly Mis Scof.eU.'or ar.y of tlieia who have been cured by my uioUieiue. They are num. erous in New York; but the ubovo three all iliti'ir , from eeeh other; ami if my medicines are doing what I represent they are. they rlntibl bate the ri adit and the aL'.ic.ed Lujw where nnd bow they may Lu cured. - J. II..VCIIENX, M.D. Dr. J. U. Schcnk can tie found nt thn principal office. No. ."V North 6ih Street, Philadelphia, every Saturday front V A. A. until i V. M-. to giie advice free of eharce : but for a thrnesli esnn.itiation he I free Ch.ll irges three doll.vs. Price of tin Vnltai' Syrup I Seaweed Tonic each 1 Vi per little, w f j lb "lulfdoico. Mandrake i'tlle '-.S cents tr lox.axJ is or sale by all Drugs!.-.." Mid DealeiJ. 1uy J. BSOI ly !Nortlwni Central Jt'.iihvaj- IS B.-.M .Ma. MLY to audfioin !'ailine THREE TRAINS i. su 1 Wasbingun city. , . in. on llMi..1tnt. wouiir-jiions wiin t,fc lUO 1 e-L. TIIOT-l.- '! . , . : ; '--s""' . ' l.e.,,.rill Bin V . u mCK NS ",A,-Y lunT"i " 'lof North west sasquchonua, Elniira.nud . ern New , ork. N and after MONDAY. MAY Kth. . -i Iianroao. in an-i trnm r n.i . ...'.... . j V, 1 ,LTnT jT"" f Northern Centra. i ...... y win arrive ot ar.d depart fmm tfuuburv. """"'li aui. jaitm,ore as pillows, yjt ; SOU X 11 W A K D-. Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (except " leaves Jjarrisburis. u""j";i' in :s a. m. a p. M. " arrives ul Ruitimore, Express Truin leavea Sunbury daily (except Sunday,) " leaiei ilarrisniira (except Mouday.) " arrives at Baltimore daily lexeent Mnr..'i, 40 11 45 P.M. SWA. 51 Harrisburg Aeooiuuiodatiouleaves Harris- 7 00 A.M. o....,.ou:'. ... 7 CO A M. cuni.uij ceommoaution learcs Sunbury dady (except Sunday) nt f 30 A SI ., . NORTHWARD. Mail Tram leaves Ballin. or daily (ex. cept Snndr.yi " leaves llarrishur; " arrives ut Sunbury, Express Train leaves Baltimore daily " urriies ut Harrisburg, " leaves Hurruburg (exuept 9 : A. M 1 34 V. M 4 05 ' 20 P. M 1 50 A M. .M . " arrives. ut Sonhury. Ilarjisburj Accommodation leaves viuumi. i. a 1 tl A b 43 Tr...:.. uurg, aauy (except Sunday) at 3 00 P M ' arrives ut Harrisburg, J 4U P M Sunbury Accouiuiodniioii leaves Harris. burg daily (vxetpt Sunday) at 4 00 P Si or lurther iulormatiou apply at the OUice. . . T ' M- DiliARRY. tien. Supt. Harrisburg, June 4 SC4. o s rJT("rrs CELEBIIATED ritEl'AKED JAVA COFFEE, ir A n Ii A y T E D SUPERIOR TO ANY IN THE MARKET. I 1 is used by first class families everywhere, and -a ..k..ij reuoiiniienueu lor nervous and avspeptie persons, being very nuitritious and free from all I deleterious substances, in testimony of which I have cyrtl,lt'l1'" !'"" the most emuinent Physicians in LVuulry-. a'r Dd " will be sure to con- . , 1 prcicrcilCB io any ol her. , u f".'! ,or T"t-Five Cents per Pound ly.V - 'r 0f Ihrouhoul the United "tuUs. Uf' A liberal discount to the Trad " J'ul up only by 1M A. 4tlt, MayioOr18 IiP0t' M Wsrr'a '' lf,ir V9r' Attculloti, Ladiesi nud Genllemea! AMBR0TYPE AND PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Over J. Bowcn's Store, eorner Market A Fawn Sti. STJNBURX-.PA., C BYERLY. has opened a new I'ictor. n.n... k?. io the above place, end-is prepared to take J'ortraile in Ike best style and manner. AMBR0TYPES AND PJIOTOORAPnS, are taken in every style ol the Art, that cannot bt turpaseed in the Stale. Having several year's sxpe. rteuce, be will give satisfaction or no charge. Copies will be taken from all styles of Pictures. Oi bun oall. Remember, ever Bow.a . store Sunbury, Dot. IT, 1864. B. C. QOBI1T, Attorney a Costnttellor at Law. HARQISBURa. PENN'A. ITILL er.fully ait tad Is olleoUons and all JH. ,1 eou-ojid to biia, io thteouniiui 11? II. !tIASi:it, Altorncj- nt I.iim, 6VNBCRY, PA Collections attendod to in the oountios of Nor thumberland, Union. Snyder. Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. RErr.nitxcts. lion. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. U. Oattell A Co., " Bun. Win. A. Porter, , Mel ton Mc.Micbiiel, Em., E. Kelcbam A Cj., 2s'J pearl Btreot, New York. John W. Ashmead, Attorney at Law, " Mutthews 4 Cox, Attorneys nt Law, " Sunbury, March 2U, ISSU2. &c DIETZ1 LOWER WHARF, BUNDURT, PA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALRRS IN WHITE ASH COAL, In every variety, Orders solicited and filled with promptness and despatch. Sunbury, May 18, 1863. ly Gr w. Altoriicy nnd Cosinnrllor nt law, Office on south side of Market street, four doors west of E. V . Bright A Son's Store, eTJtsTBTXIVSr. TPA. Will attend promptly to all professional business entrusted to bis ear, the collection of claims la Northumberland and the adjoining eounties. fcunoury, slay 2,1, 1803. ly I 'or Itnt,li-, ItonrlioN, Anls, Itcd tin;;), Mollis) ist I'tirH, "(VooIt'iiH.A:'.. InsectH ou 11iiiiIis, I'otvl, AuIuiuIn, Af. . Put up in 25e, Sfle. and $1 00 Boxes, Rollle. and Flasks, fa and $i siic. for Hotels, Publia lus'.ilu tiom, Ac. "Ontj, infallible remedies known.'1 'Free from Poisons." "Not di'i perous to the Human Family," "Bnts ci u.c out of their holes to die." lf Sold Wholesale iu all large cities. Sold by nil druggists nnd Retailers everywhere ! ! ! P.kwaiik ! 11 of all worthless imitations. See that "Coslar's" nauie is on each Box, Bottli nnd Flask, before you biv. Address III'ME V It. "0iT. It . Principal Depot 4K2 Broadway. New York. l" Sold by all Wholesale and Retail Druggists in Sunbiirv. Pn. Feb. 2H. lMf,4. fim Jeremiah ewyder, Attorney At t 'ounscllor lit I.nvr. Olfec on South si lo of Market street, four doors west of Oearhart's Confectionery story, SUNBURY, OP A. Will nltend promptly to all professional business entrusted lo bis care, tlio collection, of claims iu Nt.r. thiiniberland nnd the adjoining eounties. Consultations in Merman nnd English, Sunbury, March ll, IstH. y READY "ROOnNG Ready to nail down. HE ADIT "noOFITeTG- At loss than half the ctot of tin soofs. HEAD-" "Roorics- Mom durable than t.n, HEAD!' OOrNG Suital lu for steep or 'jat TooA HE A DyR0 OFING 7r all kind. P buildings, in all climates. READY TOOFING K,'oLT;'nh"",r''-- f"'1 1fckly put on. M r. coatinj over wuh cement ufror it is nailed d.a. KKADY ROOFING nud e . n!? W,V,n '"'"-thoT..ugbIv saiaraied nud cot eroil u,,,,, f,lc.M wih ;pt-rfrel, ;;,r'n?l,t,li"'"'l l'l pi iiU iB,i, fc, usc-40 lueh w.d.t Md 7a feet leng. ' W, e a jo ciar.uftrturs, , ; n LitAxr Tis Poors, Vkor. efcrsayr and lucre durable thaa M paiDt. LAV, mpot:o1 Vvnirul, F.r Leaky Shiii. I.mnf,, Which wi;; ,,(,. ,v, ,U4 r rsof .Vimplesef Hourly Rwnj and Circuliw, seal by f ! ! I i "orw"ie oriuj maac nub ressvesib:e rartlii wL La ln.llM.,,,M ' , ri . r , lis, Mnfi i.oori.Mi eu., Maiden Lane, N. Y,. April 11, Hit. IILIIE3 CHILLED IRO.V s.i p tcnly Eafo Eelisblo sgainst both Tire nnd TJurclary. -epnre l to fumub three site, of Nution X am now p. They aro both Fire ai.d Biir.-lar-al Bauk Sates. oct inside Burglar fa IV. proot, with Iwodlsi.. lieromet.r Locks wi each I , . 1 " ,l,w "" naiiK-locli now in us safe, believed to be the only upot be picked h? (hat has not been picked or e. "afo, l preseu'i tho aid of the micrometer. 'Jhoe c. ttuai aiitvcd f'..:rtosixinch-sinlhiekin'saofsoidfroi., M and lo lobe the strongest, ihe mint difficult to dr. aid ... n.!.i resisuince against Loth fr "0 burglary ol any Safe in the Coiled Slates oflu o-.tiit rite mm v Kl. I have on hand also, and will furbish all sites of BaiiK aull Safes pressing alt Ue advantages or the aoove against burglary. b Also, all sizes of Mercantile Safes both borglar proot and lire and btiriib.r..,r,.r " r Also, Urnnmertal Dwclling-hmi.e Safes, bur -lar damp') burglar-proof (warranted not I ,Ak' """'K"t n;l cheapest Vault doors, for bunk mid uureanlile vaulu. . "..or . All ihe above are Lillic's wrought and chilled Also six, iIBs Lillie's Wrought Iron Fire-Proofs, warraiitoil e,,uul lo any eumuiou Sufis, at fully ouc' third less price. Also, a general assortment of second hand Safes. ; .o., biiu oi approve,! makers received in exchange for Lillie s Chilled Iron Safes These are ofleied at or blow auction prices M. C. SADLEK Agent, Nn 91 K tll V L-V. ,, . .T,,r,. it es. "" oeet SUSQUEHANNA FEMALE COLLKOR Session on .he ITtfa of November " TiCliMS I'Klt SESSION' OF-is wrn-o. For Boarding Woshing, Furnished Room Fuel' id l.iirhl. and Toil,,,.. i .n ,i, , the Collegiate Department, only f 52 75 of our S. b ie l'0D f" or of th Mkteri For further porticulrrs, or Cireulars. apply to elinsgrove, August 0, 1861. Sinus. ' B 1 if kt L Lf II JACOB HARLEY. Successor to Staufftr Ir Ilarley) o- 22 MARKET StrMt. PUTT ir,riniii. No DEALER in Fine Hold and Silver WATCHES Fin. Gold JEWELRY; Solid S I EVER - W A RE aud the best of sti i, vc..,. "A .' "lowy "Ices'"1 1Urg " !orlueuto1' tn be goods Welches and Fino Clocks. Repaired, by skilful workmen: also. rnn.;,i.... i"' "'ij 1 , all kind, of II I air-.ork rihmiZ' I V I 'on t force! Iba old K. tit ....,... Street, Philadelphia. ' OejH. 10, 10C4 3ia the ui:d lion hotel. (Late Mrs. Boullon's ) MARKET BTREET. BUNBURY, PA JULIUS ARBITER. HAS taken this old and well known stand, and refitted and furnished the tame is prepared lo accommodate Boarders and Travelers with the best Ibe market ean adtvd. lie nopeo b striet auenuoa to ""'""to 'ecaii a a share of public patronage. 1 i. TABLE eonlyiin the beet Ibeuaiket afiord.. Uyj liar is filled silk th cLoictst ul Ljuuora, bolb Malt and Spiriluo I . Th. st being is good, and stteedea try arefwl ta buy, Aptfi M, 1B84. ! GIVE NOTICE that they have ,i' rangetnents with the Northern Co, J T, ' l Company to run trains from Ballin ki Hnrr sbiirg. Dauphin. Halifax. Trevnrt. v .i.....i4.n.ili...i.k.. xiiin.n m '"ry. Vll- liamsport. and all iiitormediato stations. '911, n'.i",s' at Harrisburg wilh tho UK RAT WESTI. PRESS for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis na the West. Also with Howard A Co.'. Express at Mil on Danville, Bloomsbiirg, Wilkeslmrre, l'itt:.fiii. S.. "fan ton, and intermediate stations on the Cnttswi. VA Lackawanna A Bloomsburg Railroads. At Wi t liamsport, by Howard A Co.'s Express to Jersey Shore and Lock Jlaven. Also, by Howard A Co., and their connections, f.r Canton, Troy, Eluiira, Rochester. Buffaio, Niagara, and to nil accessible points in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bank Notes, Jewelry, and Valuable Puokajes of every descrip tion. Also, Notes, Drafts and Bills for Collection. Experienced nnd efficient messengers employed, and every effort will be mude to render satisfaction. - JOHN BlXUIiAM. Superintendent Peon'a Division. Philadelphia. R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Sunbury. April 4, IM2. 14(14. Arrnngniis'iif m ol .evv Vorlt l.incx. THE CAMDEN AND AMBOY AXD PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LIXES. From I'ltilntlepiia to ?rtr Yorl anil H'ny Ptarts, Jrom IVatnvt tt'tet Wharf and Kensington Vepot, will leave o fulloic, fit i tARt. At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and A Accommodation.) y (2 24 At 6 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, N. J., Accommodation, 2 24 At Si A. M . via Camdon and Jersey City, (Morning Mail.) 3 00 At 8 A. M , via Camden and Jersey city 2d Class Ticket 2 3 At II A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Express " 3 t'O At li M. via Camden and Amboy, C and A. (Accommodation,) 2 24 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and A. Express.) ' 3 C At .1 P.M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Wah. and N. Y. lixpress " 3 60 At OJ P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, (Evening Mail,) ' 3 00 At Hi P. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Southern Mail. " 3 SO At 12 (night) via Kensington and Jersey city Roulnern Express 3 CO At 4 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, (Accom modation. Freight aud Passouer, First Class Ticket, 2 21 Seoond Class Ticket, 1 4.' For Water Gap, Stroudshurg, Scrauton, Wilkes burro, Montrose, Great Bend, Ac., at G A. M. from Kensington, via Delaware, Lackawauna an' Western Knilroad. Fur Miiueh Chunk, Allontown, Bethle'iem, Deli derc. Easton, Laiuborti ille. Fleann-fton, Ao., ttf .a A. M., from Kensington Depot, uui at 2i P. M from Walnut .Ireet hat f. (The fi A. M. Line connects with Truiusleavin Euston for "de.uch Chunk, at o-2() P. .M.) For Mount Hollv. at 0 A . M , 2 and 4 P. M. For Freohold, ul tl A. M tied 2 P. M. WAY LINES. For Bristol, Treutisn. Ac, nl 11 A. M ad 2) a? & P. M. from Keaiii!;toa, Fur Paliuyra. Rivcrton. Delateo. Beves-'' li.igton, Ftoreuce, Eord-ulo-wu, c, ai ' ., I nnd 6 P. M. ti, I, 2, Itf- For New York, and Way J ' siugtoa Dep.. take tne Curs ' .'ai" leaviag k Walnul. half au bcur W'- sU-w;. ! ruu iut the Ik-pot. anil ,u deiriui. 'J'ne '. run from Ike lMsvt uU tllc "rrivti vl eaiii Xi Fifty Ptfumls neaseu-'er. '' 01 '"'"r'si, o.i'v. (vi.TwcJ enytiiin' 'assoagera ore prebibitcil tioui. tol hf " 03 B"eT-ane but tiieiT weari'upj.a-ti. r ,age over fill y k-Ui ( ai . I a.-extra, company limit iL i r, -n, e.-i' ilr; v .,r l. , , - . One Dollar r po""it- "ul Ut nri to iiaUe lot amount kt'.d l9t). cxeeol l.y spreialcoutract WM.'H. ijAT iiSEU, Aje Jaaaary 17, twit. wm koch 3 market street, uarri3bur0, pi 1'ialer ia PIANOS. "TtLTEW Kunewotsi fiatu, ihe best ica M fro. tSta uw!ird3. .MELODEOXS. Tho host aiauufaaturcj In. meols, from S45tSlt'0 Guitars, Violins. Accosdeeeit. 1 lutes, iilos, Inims. Bu,js. 'lumbouriiies, liulin and tiuitar string aud'uiusieal arse enundiiii iu general. ! V" ,a''4k PWt"'awy..u tsuj. Hftw.c to aay part the cwairv AL faUiAlU', .IET AND R0SEW FRAIC'g SHEET .Ml sit. nuuaoie lor Keying ; always ow kamd. ;lues, atd ull kinds of pit i AAr,. fin "s-orluient of be-t pinttd LOOklt. UI-ASSES from siniillest to largest Any style of frutne icado t order at tho sle; Bvl,cr W.M. KNU0I1E .Aprjl II. im. p Market St.. Ilarrisbu .H. .'. tllCikltitlACEi'S Confectionery, Toy j FKTJIT aTORB, Murket Mreel, Nunbiiry, la CONFECTION" EKY Or A LI, KINDS, TOYS OF EVEHY IMlSCRIPrj FPiUlT, Ac. i'.-c, CONSTANTLY on hand and for sale at the , s ' 'inya-uuiim at wliule desale and retail, at n aoie prices. He e is nanufneturin" lf ..r i- r...- - PPfulluasori,ue,.t wbich are Tld 1-bneeo. Sejnrs, Statioacrv. Nuts of M kjmtl avnnetyof ether articles, ail of whwu J, . wholesale and retail. Ljr'JtetDeiuber tk nam and place i e,.re.,,SdTw.,t8lE(v: Sunbury. Sep. jj' ;,- ;r Southwest Corner ,.t .Varket Scuare, Nl BtV, ... HIE nudersik 1 T respectfully informs the p i vbiirgn of 'ibo above u thai he has tat. 1I..I..I ....I l '. o.h'i nance ol lite f. parronai:. and would .nv,. u "" to cull. IIi"S TALLB iswlwrny supplier wiib the b.-st ihe m.'"1',1,' ilts-liar crinlHios i1,. ..i , i: . "is lfng is good -and well atlin l.l bv eareful 0...'' . , . MIeiiAiL V JLVER Bunbury, AjTihlS, JV.4. J. R. niLOTrrr" County Siiiioar 4 uv-ysia .Val,ono;,', Xirt'it!nh---!,u,? O-uiit;. ; Office in Washington township. i:nagement lie made l.y su,.r. dirocicj lo tne above adi All business entrusted to his care, will bo proi attended lo. r April 0, 1804. ly TO !'. .OTs"i ' 61 jwTK THE undersigned will sell at private sale, TT Tl-SIX TOWN LUIS, situate in the borou Sunbury. The lots are Inc. ed within a few si of Ihe l'ennsyivunia iui.ln r i C ompany's Mu Shoie. iu Ibe nor. hem part if iho lowu. Ine all suitable building loir.i il rate in the mo-i pie portion of the borough. They will he sold t.n tonable termt. F'orfurtliei ianicu!rirs apply Pl.' li. M.SLR" H B. MAS-ii.'R. FRANCIS LLCIIER, Funbury. June IS, ISM Exceut. ti. M. LilHAM. A. M. IMPORTEKS Hilt WINES AND LIQUOR JIAl .V NAI.I.AIHI', No. 12d South Ninth Street, between Chesnn Waluut, FJJlLAL'LLl'iliA. May T, 1604. SIAfeiSKIfN l'A'JiCAT 1111 Ji ("I'll 'Itl'I'ZI'.lt ! As Iu proved for Ixdl and loud. By E. KETCI1AM A CO., 2sJ Pearls., New rjtllE only Freeter constructed on s.'iciiliiio X eiplcs. with a revolving can aud spnng scraper. The one hastens the freeiii go! the tn theolher removes it as fa-t as fror.en. Tb most rapid in fruciuig, wilh ihe least qu ( ioe. The most economical In cost, as il i. the nuU and durable in structure. For sal in all the principal cities aui to" jt I'u ion. Each Freeter accompanied wiik a book ef r and full direcliti.1. I ejuarui, 4 quaru, g quaxta, quarts, 14 quaes.. n ci 4 OS t 00 It 00 I'tt 20 Quarto. 13 nf Apply la II B KASSKR, Buutury ICsnb jt, 109 -