Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 18, 1865, Image 3

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    fffrc fiptmburg American.
H. B , MAflaEH, Editor ft Proprietor.
. TILVBRT, Publish!-.
wi;miirv, pa.
f jatuuday, february is, 186?."
Jlocal SI (tat vs.
i? The deep snow and ecvoro weather has been
exceedingly hard on rnil road operations. Tho moat
' powerful engines are frequently unable to (tart with
even a light trnin, after having s'.oppc-t.
' 1 if ig-
lyThe mow storm on Sunday baa added some
five or six Inches more snow to the abundance which
already coven the ground. On an average the snow,
as it is, must bo flftoon Inches deep. A sudden thaw,
would certainly cause a high flood if not a dange
roiu one.
t-Tns Walnut or Snow. The great weight of
accumulated mow on the roof of a building, require
aomo attention. Unless th rufters are very itrong,
or the roof ht otherwise supported and strengthened,
there i great danger if oil the snow that fella in a
winter like thia, is uttered to remain. It ia mueb
better to remove a portion of it, if possible, to avoid
the danger of breaking down.
tyRiBEL rr.too.viai. On Tuoaday laat about
600 robel prisoners stopped at this plaoe several hours,
while on their wayto the front to be exobanged
They looked as if Ibey were hearty end bad bees
well fed, affording a sad contrast with our poor fol
lows, ia rebel hands.
ly lca Bridoi. For soveral weeks the loe on
the river at this place, has boon crowed by sleds,
sleighs and all kinda of vehicles. 7 be ice is ten or
tnelvo inchos thick and perfectly safe. This natural
I sffige affords some idea of nhat might be expected
if a substantial bridge was erected which eould be
used at oil seasons. Thcro is scarcely a momont
in the day, that ono or more trams oan not be snen
crossing. V e hare no doubt, that a bridge would
pay lb percent, dividends tho first year.
IjT'Meas TaiEvrj. Wo learn that the house of
I.icut. Wm, Hendricks, in the southern part of this
borough, was rohhod week of a nutubor of valua
ble articles. Thia. we consider, is o mtemptibly luw.
and the individual who commits an aot of this kind
rn the family of a soldier who is absent In the army,
should meet with scorn and contempt from every
man, woman and child. If ho would reflect for a
moment, he will see that be has become a doggedly
low thief, and is a little the mraunt of the mean
Jhieves who fire prowling about in this place.
j-j Coio VcATiirB. The thormomoter, on Mon
day morr.K'C stood nt 10 and on Tuoeduy morning at
12 dogresj Lclo,' Zero
O'" The Hoard of D,'.-"'0 of the Bank of Nor
thumberland at this place, Oi. Thursday lost, resolved
to build a new Banking house ai dwelling, on the
Weittol lot. ounonite the rcsidonoo Oi J B- Packer.
1 q. It will be a hand.ome building.
Iff Oi n army correfpondent, II. D. WitABTOS,
whoseropbie', letteji are alwaya acoeptable to our
readers, has keen hoaue on a visit to hit friends and
relatives in this j liicc. ic leaves agnin, for the trout
to-day. Ho has been ia the sen ice since the war
began, and we are pleated to say, we never saw him
look better, no has skews) hi patriotism in his ac
lions as well as his words, and richly drcTtes pro
motion for the steady ruii faithful perfiTmanee of
.lis duty.
tThe riiiludrjph'm A Erie rail road, we Jfrn,
r.fufcs to forward paiiseiigrm (:ta Philadelj fn to
Krio until further otiue. The a4 runs for jaf I
ifchundred miles through UMrviv valleys between !
ho mountaii.9. Tho ri ret deep w was ii7bm :
lcared frMu the track when anttfcer foil, tiinlb- j
he obs;ructiiu rrea'.rr Ihtra before. Tuis host-stn
terrible winter on J! Tiadsifeut erpeially fur t?a
nit opened and running ILroLpl moufaui gorgiv I
UiT Monr. Sxow On Wednesdrty th wea'b' r ;
miiig luodirntcl some, thorc was iuotlx.-r fall of j
low. The fnow crojii.-- Lceoinioj aNvwii-gSy almn- j
act. j
l The Damjijiis or Co.t T5i1 -'V faturdny j
i: Klarin of lire and a cUiui of ric iglit to.
uther a considerable erowd ot FUnr r . Httiiig Sa-j
wn. under Hccht'sClothingStor". Tlr Ire origi- :
nrft in tho kitehcu of tho cstatilifSiboilU nbich St" 1
iiGtodiutely und.r tho atore room occupied by
;cir.. iiaiin;era a grocery. A barrel aeoal oil,
ingonthe t!..or in the buck rooui.tvl sprung a
u!t. and the oil that cr,;i found a piinuge through
ic floor, on to tl.i cooking love, in full hlait, below,
he whole kitchcu soon enveloped In a sheet of
jine and acl"ud ef .moke. The tire was, however,
ion rubdied by a number of pvrs'iiis present.
Thi ase'duit which,, resjltid in but
'tic les. should le n warning fjr tho future, and
due our borough aathoritie to t ike some acti.m
, the matter. Coul oil u a d meiom ennmlity !
i a community, seeona oniy 10 gun uwuiT,-iiiii iu i
le and storugo, thoaid be rcvtiiqtcd and guarded
... . . .: i l - ... J ...A ...... .1..-1 T
th as much c:ir ttii l cmtiii stf powder jUi'.f.
Tne Cam; or F.nwAMr l.tioors. A j.cci! ,
urt was held u. this place, cu Monduy and Tussdsy
st, present, Judge Jordan and liii uvoelatos Turner
id Shipmuu, f-T the purpose of. hearing tho teeli
onv lind tiruraeiiU of counsel, cn a motion for a
.w trial, made by the cnui:ol cf Edward Khode.",
io. it will b ' remembered, was tiii-d and conioied
au' January Court, for the murder of Mrs. Chom
rlain wife of I.bis Cbumberlain, of Shomokin
unship, In fieptcm'.T '' The murdered wo
in, who had been left alou that dny, was found
ad in tho evening, by ber husl'nnJ. a rhort distance
m the home, rhe bad been shot through tho
ad, aodthe guo bclc-ngltig f tl liusbajid, wa
mg near her.
Among the roaions filed and ara1' nK
al, were the follovinj In tulcance : ,
That the verdict was sontraiy to th evltince- ud
irge of th court.
l hat the jury.durir.g the trbl.had not teen kef '
;athtr, but during the night, bud tlopt ia two
erate rooms, guarded by one constable.
That the landlord, Mr. Enyder, had furnished to
s jury a bottle ef brandy in the morning, and ooe
the evening.
That the two constables, Frank and Hlle, had
n in the room on Saturday night, with the Jury
ilo deliberating upon spd making up tusir ver
That Mr. Fratk. ooe of the oonitaUcs. during that
le had been oalled to the duor and was spoken to
. bukinesi). and had been asked bow it was going
I replied that he was not allowed to say anything,
: thought the truuk would tctl the tale, in his
:bat the imprefciou of the boot bed on tb trunk,
I not sufficient to ctul,li,h the (act, that th im
Sbiou was mud by th boot of the prioouer.
'ho testimony of a nuiuder of witnesses was taken,
I ts Mguuicut of the com was not oouimeaced
il Wacdaj' evening, when Jhua M'. Comly Kir)
irewod the court, with hi usual ability, on Le.
fdflik irisouer. 11a was followed by Messrs.
vsoii A y.Wglor, on beludfof the Commouwealth,
i erne.tlv contended that ther was nothing
itd la the evideuc that would warrant tb
ntine of anew trial. J. U. Packer tq., t0B
-- t'-a -i1iiua j.-guuieot, on behalf of th
-i3c','oa"itesai.y itfig. ftcr .Mr I-auson had
f. idWer au. e over Hue kojsfs. ilis argn
it la o earus-'ttclonuea and wort hl .dirt,
-t-.if-'it,.':emau. 1f V4
vmil ft - ' , a .
:nd:d hie U 4 " 1 '
4- ...j i nteverdiavbeth fat of Ui f'i-
. 7' ... i..'-V. j ctfus of tMBjplaint, that
sol k.T. , U piltoxi iv.r wUl. d ;
, fil l.inMh 1
. Ut of Cn
For Trial at tb AdjoaraeeT Court, ommeaoliif,
ilarch fch, 1666.
PlalnttSi. Defendant.
The Carbon Run Imp. Co ti Ira T Cltonent
Kreltser A Cares Tt James Pollook et al.
The Oirard Fir A ins Ce vs Isaac Staddest at at
torn, of Pa. for us vs James VanrUk et al
Same rt James-Vandvk, da
Geo C Welker , f va l0 burns
Jacob H Kngr.1 va John Young, Const.
Juhn B Woiser Vs. Henrv Weh-e et al
David Fagoly vaAM'Ktwrck
John llnfcr f.,ru vs Barbara Aan Alexander
The ltank of North'd vs Bonj Oearhnrt etal
Same etal vs sVarne
Charles itclnhart vs John 15. Pouty et al
Jeremiah Zimmerman, vs John A Conrarf
John Neuiaan Aa. vs Mnlhios Persing
tom.f Pa. suggesting, lata, Evoritt vs Philip Url
gerlet al
Scbostfan Hnupt va David Wal'drott
Jercmiuh Suvidg ts Jocob )indore,
Peter K Fisher vs Joseph Weitser.
Ira T Clemeut, et al vs J. J. Dull A J V CrisweS
lAnt of t'nier
To bt Tried at the Regular Session, oommencing
March 131 h, 18CJ.
ftirah JaneCoapy vs Elitabotb Jcnkens.
Michael Urabam vs James Pollock lit al
Foi 4 Brother v Wrd A Pouty
'Ikomaa Comly vs John Mover with notice
John C Morgan vs Stephen Bittenbender
Hiram 11. Muore ot al vsO. 8. YVoloo't,
Honry Howman &a vs Edward Biium
Wrn UKriecbliue vs C P Hclfenstcin et af
Mrtrtiu Uolden vs Win Montulius
Klida John, adm'rviJokn Neuman.
Potcr E Fclsger vs George B Fetrgcr
Allen T Lane vs Jeremiah Yordy.
Joseph Sibson adm'r vsC F MTherson
Jonathan Hoover vs Jotiah Reed
John A Dodge et al vs Jaaoby Hartmaa
Joan P Beard et al vs Jaoob Weiok,
Robert D Cuminings vs John Wilteinoyer
Same vs Win S Foresntnn
Truman Themas vs Andrew Iteekert
Charlea Iloy vs Daniel W Smith
John P Pursel vs David Waldroa
Daniel Herr va John F Cowaa,
Levi Hocht vs Peter K Fisher
Pngo A Bristol vs Jerome S Woleolf
Uenneville Sohaffer vr David Kihbachv
Far the Adjourned Cetrt, fo eommetice 2&rrch
CM, 18U5.
T.iomn9 Swcuk, Miltorrr
John Best, Turbttt,
SJtcliael n:imliart. Upper ingusfa,
Kilwnrrl Ktrsliner, Tuibut,
John M. Bont-r, Shatnokiti tp.
Joseph Harrison, gutiliury,
Aria oi Sayder, Lower Augusta,
I'etiT Walbourn, Delawaro,
Dnvitl Hau!, Lower Aujtuats,
H. R. II)ttenttrt!, Turbut,
William Sbive, Upper Augusta,
Henry Jolirson. Husl?r
DanfeF !f ergh, ConMTon,
Valentine Fngely, Conf,
Clmrfes F. little, Northomlierlaod,
Lewis ftitrkw, Xi-Uon,
Jacob Mucncb, S&9okjn,
Oeorge Lung, Hr, Lower Mabanoy,
Henry Bertliolomew, Lower Augusta,
George B. Conrad, Lower August.,.
James Covert, Ssnbury,
Henry Z. Raker, Zerbc,
J. A. Elliot, Northumberland,
Andrew Ditty, Lower Mithnnoy,
Daniel ftwltzer. Lower August.
William Jfcwberry, Point.
Alfretl Beekley, Zerbe,
Dnvid Seili r Lower Malinnor,
A brum Kwsinger, Turbut,
Gc.rge Deppin, Jackson,
Gcorg" Renn,-8unbury,
Jereiin'.n'.' Basset, Rush,
Wm. Fornth, Xorthunibcrlnntl, '
George GoirtOr, Rush,
Lemuel Chambvrlain, Shnmnki't,
Ji-ssc M. Sjimpsoii, Sunbttry.
F-iT. Ihf March Term of the 2orthunU'rlind
Comity Court, tvmnitncirg MiircS I'Mh 180!5.
A'lj-nilus Miller, Simmokin.
Clinilea P. Ilellenstein, Con),
Miolinel Hemler. Turbutsvillo,
1. S. Sbive, Lower Augusta,
IVteV Durst, fjuiibury,
(ieorjre Faold Lower Angtuttn.
Daniel Miller, C'n:il.
John W. rittiiirin, Lr.wor Anii!a,
Josrpli Ki.iU y fttti tury .
J. . Iutlej'. Sii'ibtiry,
Tus'.'i li Wolvt rtun, liusli,
George llmv, Chilisquaque.
Frederick A. Wilbelm. Milton,
Withingt hi Lake, Conl, .
H'lbert Lyon, Upper Augusta,
John rrciltiick, Cliilisquaque,
Charles Hummer, Point,
Peter Shafler, Delaware,
John B. Snyder, Coal,
Levis Wolf, Cliilisiuaquc,
Adam Vntidling, Point,
J. W ilynti. Point,
Daniel D. Hi'eman, Lower Auguata,
Tiioniiis liaUly, Suubury,
THAVUitfttC jcuoita,
Oeorge Baker, Milton,
Solomon Kutetline, Jrf'.i1ianorr
H. C. Hatttanft, 'Jelawaie, "
Jer. Muliek, Lower Augvsuta,
John Bol'dcr, Sr., -Jntkion,
Davit ;i;igertrXMthumberland,
J'ttcr Krieger, Shumokin,
Martin Erosions, Sunbu.y,
George Bucher, Sunbtiry,
Thomas M. Pursel, Suubury,
Jacob C. Gass, Iwcr Augutta,
John Giticn, Cliilisrjttaque,
Joseph Poyern, Upper Augusta,
Jobu li. Newbaker, Zerbe,
Benjamin Tteon, Washington;
J. F. Caslow, Milton.
II. H. Ttati, Shamokk),
Casper Tltary, Mt. Caruul '.p.
John Clark, Sunbury,
Michael Writ, LoAAiir Mahanoy,
Andrew Nye, Delaware,
Francis Lcrcb, Lower Augujta
Aaron Snyder, Uper, Mahaaoy,
. Joel Yordey, Lower Augusta,
Daniel Adams, Sbamokin,
Henrv Moreau. Northumberland.
Joseph Fenstcrmachtr, Lrwer Mahanoy,
jjnntei intoisn, Tvasiiingion,
John J. Hitter, Turbut,
Cyrus Geasey, Sunbury,
Lliiah Hill, Turbut,
Jolij Mich?cl, Iovtr Mabanoy,
Jacob 7iguer, Cameron,
Jonntlian ivverctt, Chilistiuaque,
Win. Daliua, ? pper AugusU,
Wtu. Hynan, i.'i!tou,
Janiua (url. Iwi.,
Abram Uothcrmel, JOwer Wabanoy,
Isaac O. Case Hush,
Henry McGee, ChilisiuJiJo,
Jereruiuh Raup, Coal,
Henry Burtuan, ililtou,
Kamue! Brotious, SbauioVlu,
William li..lliot, Milton,
Abratnm Cingtman, Lower MahatW
Thomas Scott, Jit. Carmel tp.
min Reed, Lower Augusta,
Isaac Dopitiu, Jordan,
Isaiah B. Davis, Miltoa,
B. 8. Kngle, Jordan,
PanielSwartz, Jordan,
Bennio Hoy, Shamokin,
I'eter Mt tz, Zuibo,
Goortje W. Bawer, Upper Angusta,
W. E. McDonald, Korthuoiberland,
Wto. Beard, MrEwttnavlile,
Abram Gei.t, Upi-ef Mabanoy,
L. II- Funk, Miltoi.
Casper J. Iiaed, Rush,
Vfilliam Elliot, Northumberland,
Daniel Ehbacb. Lewli,
Hugh Call, Cbilisquaquo,
Andrew Forajth, Kortburoborlftna,
fcoloroon Weaver' Sunbury,
Jaeob Gazette, Suubury,
Ira T. Clentcct, Sunbury.
Jniio Ptu;k!v. Cb'.luquaqnf,
ITnry Dumot, Northumberland,
. Samuel Garingcr, Sunbury,
Jarcd A. Teats, Shaniokiu,
3. W. Stamtrt, Point,
Rodolph Httnsicker, Turbut,
Michael Wolf, Jackson,
Furman Farnaworth, Shamoklrr,
Jer. Rem, Lower Angusta,
Oeorge Beltman, Turbut,
Alfred Montgomery, Lewi,
Isaiah C. llishel, Chilisqnnqor,
Milton Drtitnhcller, Washington,
Kmantiel Zimmermnn, Coal,
Christian Curnor, Zerbe,
Daniel Maliek. Lower Aug :sta,
Daniel Yost, Coal,
Whilst trying Coffee of all the various brands. .
Remember 'BROWNIXtl'S EXCliLSIOK'- at the
hoad it stau Is.
True, it 'a not like others that are "SOLD EVERT
A little stretch, wo all do know, gcod goods will
easily bear,
(But a stretch like this "old everywhere" is very
apt to ter.r.)
Sow, I can safely siy, ithout any hesitation
There's none like's Excelsiou'' in this
enlightened nit! ion.
Skilled chemists havo not found a Coffee fioin any
Possessing the same ingredients as "Crowning's Ex
celsior "
Nor is there any one, in or out of the Coffeo trade,
Who knows tho nrticlia from which "Browning's
lixcelsior's" made.
I'm told it's made Iroas barley, ry; wheat, beans,
and peas j
Cam a thou-mnd otlicv things but the Right One
If you please.
Rut with the Coflee-men I will not bold contention
for the aiany, niuny things they say too numerous
- to mention.
Whilst they're engaged in running round from store
to store
To learn the current wholesale prloe of "Drowning 'a
Som who know my Coffee gives perfect ntlsfuetinn.
IfaV formed a plan by which they hope to cause a
quick reaction.
Thoase 'tis with a few ; no doubt 'twill ho more
To name Choir Cofffe after miuss (Drowning' Excel
sior." Som say their ' the only brand that will stand a
reany test.
Now, try a little of them all sco which you like
the best.
Thre years have pa-wd away since I first sold a
store ;
Never have 1 In yonr paper advertised before;
Nor would I now, or ever consent to publish more.
If like some used by "everybody," tsold evury whero'
in "every store."
A trade like this I do not wish the orders I eould
not fill ;
Th factory allJorsey's land would take leave not
a foot to till.
My trade is not to very large ; still I think I have
my share ;
But reader, you may rest assured, 'tij Not kSM
Everywhere "
Manufactured and for Snlo by thowritor,
UGMtjii: a,. ititov.Mj.
No. 20 Market Street, Camden, N. t
Th'rs Coffee is not composed of poisoneus drugs, it
contaiBS noihiug deleterious ; many persons use this
CoSee that an, not use the pure coffee: it takes but
on and a &at( metres to make a quart of good
strong coffee, tint bring just onc-h:ill' the quantity
ii lanes oi Java (.once, ana always less than huM the
Retail Dealers may purehaji ft in less Ojttnitie
than ten gross at my prions from the Wholesale Uro-
t5r"0rdcrs by mail fFom WLslesale Sealers prompt
ly attended to.
February 1 1, 1SC5 C
vis :
The Publisher e-.n:inue lo reprint the
atove-nanicd perlodieal. lut as the oost of printing
has doublod, the price of pipw trebled, and taxes,
duties, liceuse, eta., largely intsrearad, they are com-
palled to advance their terme as follows :
For any one of tho Reviews,
4 CO per annum.
7 00
10 00 '
12 CO "
4 00
7 00 "
10 00
13 00
15 00
tor any iwo ot tlja lljvjewa,
ror any tLree ol tne Kevieiri,
For all four of the Reviews.
For lilacknood's Magazine,
Fur Rlackwood one Roi 'W,
For Hlockwood und any two ol Uio
For It! ackwrod and three of ths
For Wackwool aud the f ur Re
views, Tho works will J-s printed on a greatly improved
quality of pay.r. and whilo nearly all American
I'eioaicalsr.rd eiihcr advanced iu price or reduced
in s'ue r,ud very generally both we shall oonlinue
to g'e faithful copies of all rra'ter oontuiucd iu the
lgiual e litions., our i iesest piics will bo
Jouna as encap, lor me uuotuii ot matter, turmstiea
a those of luiy of the comf jtwg periodicals iu this
Uompnrei witu tr.e cost or Uie original editions,
which at the presort pr"cvum on gold would bo
about $100 a var, our prides ($15) are exceeily low.
Ada to tnis in i.i.'i tnui v.e mane our unau il pay
ments to the Uritish Puhliahon for rur'.y jhoets aid
eopvright in G.iid $1 oosucg us at this time (Jan.,
ISOi,) nearly i 'I i'i ia currency snd we trust tint
in the scale we have adomei we ha!l be eutirnlr
justiCod by onr subscribers and the reading puii'io.
ine i'iti.rc3! ot tuese l'cnoa-cals to American rea
ders is rnther increased than diminished by tho av.
tides thev comuin on ovr I ml H ur, ALd, though
sometimt tinge4 wilh prejudice, they mny still,
eensideiiiig their great ubility acd i!ie uiJcrett
stand-points from which they are real
ana atuiiiej wun a.tvantno i.v the people cl tuis
oouulry, of every creed and pany.
A f.'W copies t,f the above retrain on hfcnd, acd
ill be roll at Jj for the whee four, or il for any
Wei'.ij pabliwi lb
I'.ii-nii'r'H (uiIp.
Wy IlE.vnv SrinN, of.Udinburgh. Bad tho 1st
J. 1'. Noiiton, of Vale College. 2 vols. Royal Oc
tavo, 1600 pages and numerous EDgrnvings.
PRJCE $7 for lb two volaaee by Mail, rnst
paid, W.
No. 'ii Waikor Street, New ork.
February 4, liii.
NOTICE is heroby given to all persons knowing
themselves iodehled to the subscriber, oa book
account or otherwise, to sottie the same on or before
th 1st of March neat, after which time they will be
pa In tho hands of a Justice ; so save time and cost.
Konbury, Jan. 7, 1855.
IK vow want good Tm.War, go to 6JIITH &
GLNTUER'S New f-hop. dr 3.
r f-hop.
r von want a good Cooking-Stove, go to SMITH
4 OENlilFh B New fclop. dr
PHY81C1 l St SUnUEO.H,
1T7H0 is a gradual of Jefferson Medical College,
W aLd baa had ampl experience in hospital and
city prfcotioe, offer hi professional scrvicu to th
citiious of Upptr Augusta, Rush and Ehamokin
townsnips. Kcnuene near euyasrtowo.
Jan. 7, Jtsoa. om.
I Lee leas- to inform my friends and th public
(erally thai I have enaiuier.ced tb manufacture
of COAL OIL LAMPS of every description and styl
of bcuh, at
With my presool fuilitiat for manufacturing, and
a r.ruiiaiJ u ririunca ot tbirtoou vearf iu the man
agement of Ui lump businoss for some of the largest
houses in th uacrv. 1 tatter myself that my expe
rience aud knowlcdg vill Mabi me to oflor to th
public good Dot equalled ky any ia regard to styl
and workmanship, and at prices MsaMiing with th
lowest. I shall always endeavor u Uad in oflering
to thenublia sew and fcsot'ul iaventtoo iaour line.
I have also takes the w bolts I agency for th sal
of GEO. W, BROWN i CO'bCeLiBVED Mct4l
A.j. 11 LlULr.O,
No. 13 B. Sosd t, Pbiladiupbi.
f eptomber St, lbc.
T)LAKK (Parcbtnrai Pnr,l D4 acd klaok
fw !' 1 oft f It ' t'wAury AtcwioaB '
Th undersigned having been pweintod an audi
tor by th Orphans' Court, in and tor th county of
N'orlhumbarlaud, to distribute tb balano iu the
baud of Amelia Ralio, Administratrix of Jaoob
Raks, deaeased, to and among llioao legally ntitM
tJ receive them, will meet all persona inlerctted for
that purpose, at hia office in tho liorouffh ef Sutrtrv,
on Monday the ituih day of February, A. D. lBOiv, at
1 o'clock V. M. of said diy.
(1. W. ZIKUliEH. Auditor.
Sunbury. January 2d, 18G5.
aar:mja TT3ai2r. 9 9
Corner Market and 3d Streets, HAR-11U"R0, PA.
THE attention of tho public is respectfully colir.d
to this Hotel which is now open for the at-enm nicta
tion of guests. In the past ffvo month tlvring which
tlrtio it has been closed the houso has been thorough
ly remodeled and repaired, until in point of conveni
ence and comfort, its patious will liud it to own no"
The I-'siriillnre BliifJrely N'ovs-.
Rooms larger than arc usually fuMnditonmlnrn hotulf.-
oitutited on tlio corner ot two principal titiem
streets of the city.but two and a half sipiai es from tho
Kail Road leiot. The proprietor determined to
spnr bo expense in scouriug the comfort ol his guests
nod a favorable reputation lor the esUlilishinciit, ho
feeta williHfj t trust its character to tho judgment
of his putroiM.
WRNRY THOMAS, Proprietor.
Jamiorv SI. 18(55.
000,000 M ilE !
THEsubseribor, tale an rniplovea iu the Provost
Mnrshnli's Olllce of I'm 14th Uistrii t I'ciin'a.,
rttes bis services to tho CoiMutiltves. and eitisens of
the different f uli-dwtrl fc tf jrlhiiiiiborlnnd nrnl
ndjoiiiiii counties, tor the pirrpoj of assisting them
to till their U, Motas. eorrotit tu.d copy their enrolments,
make out uli-titute and Enlistment paper:, nt rt?n
sonalilo rates, llocnnbo found at Airs. HOiiAN'S
UOTI'l., North West Corner 4th and Market Sts.,
over Adam's Express (.'tliee, llnrrisburg.
tirrr.iir.NcKS t
J. I!. Packer, and S. B. Boyer,' F.sqrs., Tuiihury.
Hon. Frank lloiind, nud P. L. llachenburg, Milton.
Rev. I. II. Torrence, Rush.
Address Rox No. 141, llarrhburx. Pa.
Punburv, January 14, 1835. Im
Eye and Ear Infirmary,
On the pijimre. Three Itoors from Sleel'd Hotel)
Till? INTrn."TION it now open and furnished
ill tho niiK-t eoatly sivle. Jteveptiun, l-'rivato
and Operating ltnouis are large and convenient and
well adapted. The rittrgii'nl npnrtiiipiit contains the
finest collection of instruments in this country, aud
thus bis faculties will enable hi ill to meet niiy nnd
all emergencies iu practici1. llnwill operate 'upon
the varioiiSjl'nrms of ItLINDNE.Sri, Cataract, Oceluon
of tho Pupil Cross Eves, Closure of the Tear Hueti,
Imersion of tho liyolids, Pterygium, Ac., Ac. And
will treat all tonus of Hore lives, tlranulod,
Opr.eeties of the Cornea, and Pcjofulons oitciise-s of
the live. t'cthcr with all the diseaat to which tho
eye i subject.
IiIJAFNKSS Will treat all the diseases common
to the organ. lM-teharges from thoar, Noises in tho
Ka. Catarrh. tlitfuultifs cf hearing total llyafiin;.,
even where tho I'rum is destroyed. ill insert on
artianiiil one, ansivciing neurly'iiil tho pnrpasea of
the iitituriil.
lISKA.i:S OF THROAT. All dkca-Vs-
common to the Throat and Nose will be treated
UKXKRAL Sl'ttUEKY. Ho will operate upon
Club-t'ect. Hair Lip. t'l'-lt l'tillate, Tumors, (.'misers,
linlarged Tuneils. Ae. IT-astie operntrrsij by buiiling
new flesh into deformed ptrrts, laid OeBcnil" .Surgery
of whatever character it utny present.
HERNIA, (K Kill IBIt.l Ho will prrf .riu
"LaWus," Ptvcmtroa tbv ifeo nulical. (eomplett.) euro
of Hcmm, W untfue;'tic-?iiib(y a perfect euro, ami is
done wilh littlo or no pn iu. CW H' tho many bun.
dred operated npotr hi Rnelon there has been m, tail
uros, it hevin.'; met rhe apprubutiuii ut all ho have
sabmitted te it.
ARTIFICIAL Tin.'. Will insert nrliflcial eyes,
giving tlicm the motion and expre.iou ot' the natu
ral. Thev nro inserted without tlio Ica-'t pain.
1IK1WRR1H.1JI.). (PiLl' l-'ihi trouble ic ,H
seasc is reudiiy euretl. 'firosc suffiviog from r; wiU
do well to cill.
rn. Vr De fiHM-r visits Wilhcs-Rarrn with a
viotv of buihling up a permanent ii.stituio fir the
trcatuicEt of the i'.ir, t.i.d iienerl .Surgery. J
The experience nfuinre tiinn a u::rtcr of a cenmry.
In Hospital and general practice-, he hopes, will lie's I
sulfieient juaimik-e to Imw who uiny hu disposed 'o I
mnioy u.iti.
. Jautarv 1 1, liT, ly
Enamelled Slate Mantel
Kmuf.ictory T.cth and Sa nsou Sireot).
Tbl)-Toc!. Pier-aiabB, Brackets, Wseh
6tor.d Top. fl'C.ftc. j
Philadelphia. Jan 7, Is.'.S. tf 1
CAU'ST.ili, ... ,3O0,O!)0.
Shares, 100,003. " Tar Valu3, J5 OO
J. Ltwts PutLirs, Tres't. T. M. Kj bii, Treas.
S. UiliBLEU, Sue y.
Phe Prapertv of this Company ennsistsof a Twenty
Years' Leune cf Six Hundred Aaron of valuable oil
territory, wilh a royalty of oly ono-eigih to the
land owner, and is taluatrd 11 B;g Whitoly Creek,
will -l runs 0rtb of and )wrallet wilh 'iHinkurd
Creek, tirosae eouniy. Pa. It r as an unbroken pur
faee of over tbreo mile on the eruth tido of .ii l
Crock, and half to thrce-oinirtcri mileo?i tho nr rlh.
Tho Company are putting down a well having a
first -class engine, (and arrangement are bein- ma'lo
lor a second.) eight hwdrtrd f.ot of tubbing, a com
plete set of tools, and uvcrvthiag nooessarry for a
vigorous prosecntrou ef the work.
ine conipaoy, rn rrescnting iiirs targe anti vatua-
We tract of of oil territory to th pubis.-, destro at
call special notice to the faat tSut. in many oucs,
Ursn premium nav rsaen pam upon a tuuit am,
with cue-half the oil as a royalty ; Irom which they
expect a very large vesrly rovouue, aside from tho
llatlarmg prospects uoio out Dy iscir own auveiop
mont upo the land.
Aa important characteristic cf tne oil welts 01 tnis
region ia that, when completed, they have neves;
t tried to producing; oils ot a superior quality, (o.'i.t
U 39 than nvtit ent. by actual xpr.rimvt o
rtiniug, and eoiumvndiug ttie vuty highest markrl
prioe and quick sale.
Tb Lm. by th Utu of said leas, hav fall
pri ileg to sub-lease, win ,nd bor fur aty or ail
of tho atineral foupd upon said tract, and also the
rrivilete to use ; free oi'obarge, all the Timber and
oat fthu latter of which abounds in immense quan.
titles or Ui nnost quality) neeaea to carry oa II10
Maolegisi and practical operators from the oil re
ions, who bar seen the Mveaa treat, uniU) in the
opinion that, in locality for betiug parpen's a wi ll
a in 11 ouiwara laaicauon a an on serruevy, mis
large and valual.Vo naot boldsout the moat tlatwring
psospoot in boring for oil.
vuty a uiuncu nun.tHT 01 ensrvi win ee pom.
Books are now opou at No. i'u Sou'Ji Fourth St.
first door, back room. Philadelphia.
1 subscription i cio, I wo UoHais pes biare., j
Jan. 7, Ibii It
Infcrnatlunnl Hotel,
SrU aud 307 Srvadirau, Comer Franklin Strt
fTUIIS 6rt class Houso Iho most quiet, homelike
X ad pleasant UoUl In th oily offer superior
ibducemeut to that visiting New York for Utaiaeas
or pleteur. It ia soutral in iu locaiion, and kept oa
theEi.MO-i Pls. ia connection with Tsvlou
Sst-oo, wbeiorefrcshmecu e&a k bad all hours,
or avrved in tnair own room. The chat pat a." mo
dsrai, tb room wd aUMdana of tb fentt order
bki, d all tt twltra wtvisUavti
Oot 1,1.
.Ji Jp IM . ffl"a
Wistar's Balsam
ntof the oldost- aud most relish remedies lathe
world for
Coughs, Colds. Whooping .Cougb, ftronehitls, Dim
cully of liroalhitig. Asthma, limrsiinnM, Soro
J hroat, Croup, and every Atfeetton of
including even
So general has-tho use of thisromedy occomo, and
so popular is it everywhere, that it is unnecessary to
rfcount its virtues lis works speaks for it, nnd find
utterance In the abundant nnd voluntary testimony
of the many who from long sufi'cring and settled di
sease have b; itrus ocem-rerrtored to- pristine viimr
and health. Wocan prvsent a nines of oridonoe in
proof of our assertion, that
Tho IScV. JiM-olt Hc lilor.
Well know and much respected among tho Gcnmnn
populatiiin iu tbUecuntry, makes the following state
mcnt for the benefit ot tu'o AfUiclud :
11asovi.ii, Pa., FeH. T5, 1850.
I'ear Sir : Having realised tu my fctmily impor
tant beneriitrfroiii theusc tir your valuabls prcparn
titni U istar's Rotsaui tsf AVild Chcry it affords mo
pleasure to rocomuiend it te the public .Some eight
years ago cue of my daughters seemed to be in ade.
cl inc. and little hopes of her rooovery were enter
tained. I then procured a bottle of your xcellent
Hiilsain, and before she had taken the .whole of the
contents of the bottlo tt lie fa-, a great improvement
in her health. 1 have, i i u r individual case, made
frequent use of your v 1 iril medicine, and have
ulu been beneftlcd by ft
Braith, Esq.,
rstilent o( tin M orris County Bank, Morristown,
New Jersey.
'Having" used 1'r. Wistar's Dalsam of Wild Che'ry
forabout ul'teuo years, and having realized its bene
ficial results in my lumily, it aflords me great plea
sure iu rcoorr.mendiug it to the public as a valuable
remedy is cases of weak lungs, colds, coughs, 4c ,
and a remedy which I consider to be entirely inno
cent, and may be taken with perfect safety by live
most delicate iu health."'
rrorn Hon. John E. Smith,
A distinguished Lawyer in Westminster, Md.
1 havoou several oscsisions used Dr. Wistar's Bal
sam of Wild Cherry for severe colds, and always
with decided benelit. 1 know of no preparation tliut
is mora efficacious or mole deserving of general use.
Tho llalsain has nlo been used wilh excellent effect
Ly J. II. i:iliott, Merchant, Hall's Cross Roads, .Md.
N"ue genuine unless signed "I. RUTTS," on tho
J. P. lHNFMORB, No. I'.'l Rroalway. cw York,
ti. W. l'UWLli A CU., Proprietors, Rostou.
And by all LrnggisV.
KEDMXtrs ni asr.i SAL vi:
Heals Old Sores.
Cures I'urnj, Scalds, Cuts.
Curos Wounds, Eranvs;, Sprains.
Curos Roils, l lcers, Cauucrs.
Curevealt Uhenui, Piles, Erysipelas.
I JtE3lNff'S KUSblA SAt,T?
, Cures Rintrwonn. Corns. o., Ae.
NO FAMILY Slltil Lit i;li tt lTHOl TIT.
I t'Only 2:- tViifn a Rji ; i
, "' S ILK IlV
.! V. )-I.-'.--M'iltE. N". 4:l hmr,dwwv,X. Y.
S. W. 1't'i'i l.ii .v C". No. i i rcmout st., ll wton.
And bv i-.ll l-'riii:?: and Country .Storokee;ier.,.
Dec -: lSo4.'
1MO.T. !..
I'I:ilalrlliln & Ii' tEaili-oatl.
lilSl'reat line traverses the N il ihern and North
west counties ut Penn.ylvai.ia to thu city of
011 Lake l.rie
It has been leased by th-j Pennsylvania. Railroad
Company an I is upcraicil by them.
lis eiKiro lctii;'li was opened for passenger und
rv..l,rl.l I ,..To... tv.U- 17,1., Ml,
liuic ol i'assciigT trains at Sunlmry,
leave l.aslwtud.
jr.til Train, urriv.-s l'1"' P
Klinir'i I!xprcss Train, It T'O
l.ook Haven Acaoiun.odatirn, li.'.iS A.
Leave WiutHard
MuitTr:i:n, tl5A.
l.ltuira Express Traio. ' " lliivt'n A'.'Cuiiiinodation, 4.2t P.
Williuuisport Accoinuio-latio.i, 1 1 ;t.'i 4
Pass 'iigcr curs run through 011 Slail Tinin, without
o'.o uic th ways ln-twccu Pi.ilalelphiu and Erie,
ttul J::iliii,nr nud Lric.
I.le;'imt Sleeting Vr.n on Mail Trains T-.ah
ways bctwe' 11 l'liilndclpbi i aod 1 ock Haven, und
and oil Klinna Express Train loiu ways bctwen
Williauisptirt and ilaltiitiorc.
For iiilcrUiUliou respceiing Pas.Egr butiness
apply at. .'tnlli and Market St., Philadelphia..
And lor Freight business o! 'the Cuinpary's Atmt.,
S. B. Kings'ou, ,lr., Cor. Lith and iu.iket St.,
J. W. Keynol Is, Erio.
J. M. 1 .ill, Ajt'i.t X. C. R. P... Riatimcre-.
taca'l l'roifhl Agt. lilTada.
H. W. tiwixsun,
Ucn'l Ticket Ag't., Philttda.
JoKEl'H I. Poll.s,
ucu'l Mauugvr, Williaui.-port
Pee. 31, irsftl.
I". rTI!li LAST'S
13fjotograpIj dallcvir, !
N.. 7Ut and ?0 ARCH STREET,
Pee. 17, 101. ui
C'.il', 81,000,000
100,000 SHARES. PAR f 10 00.
SLliSClMl'TIOX I'KICi:, if2.o0.
President T. HASKINSDl' PUY, PrcshUnt o
the Catlawis-it Kliilroad Co.
Vice President THO.MAS I. WATTSON. of the
Hardware firm of Truilt A Co , No. fiji Maiket St.
J'reHstirer SAMUEL WUK, of Work, .McCouch
k Co.. Bankris, :ii South Thir l street.
llirtKf Tons : T. Haskins Iiu Puy ; Thomas D.
Walison ; E. S. Richards, Of liermanlowu ; W illiam
1. Sherrcl, Insurance Agent ; Oeoo;.'e P. Way, 'f
late Dry tioods firm, J. T. Way A Co.; A. W.
Leisenring, Cashier Mauch Chunk Bank, Mauch
Chunk ; Edward Shippen, Esq.
1 ho property of the Druku Petroleum Csmpuny
cor.sUts 01 two tracts of land, one id two litindird and
fifty-seven acres and one of two hundred and sixty
fivo acres, making in all, five hundred and twelve
acres, in fee, 011 the Cadwall Bnuich cf Oil Creok.
The property has beta tsrittieally examined by a
Couiu'.itlt pijinted for that purpude, and the terri
tory prorouuocd. in their jjdgeiutiit, to be fully
equal tu that of ON Creek, alonn which th largcul
oil wells ever discovered have rea ftiund.
The luuds rosuiuble those ou Oil Creek, in every
particular, and it is believed trom the largo nuial-ef
.foil springs in close proximity, that Valuable wells
w ill be opened ou both these tracts.
The management have already seeured severul
Engines and enguged a competent SsaptTrntondcut,
if itb a view to immtdiuie aud an energetic dcveh.p-
nti.ttt .
A large portion of these tracts fc kottean, and
admirably adapted for boring.
Several t'ompanys are organised on land im
mediately atljoiiiin'g this territory, among which nro
the Briggs and Crt.nt City Oil Companies of Phila
delphia. .
Jo (.unenting tne Drake Petroleum Company to
the public, iutf l'i motors ssk that thou- schenut
should be examined, aaic subscriptions inudc to tho
block in full frith as 10 tt piccitt and prospocuv
value. .,
T. RASKINS IiU 1 UY, IWident.
THU8. i. VA'1T0, Vie Prcwidant.
EASiULL WORK, Tveasurcr.
BtihkcKptiotis will be received for a limited number
,. . , . t i 1. t
of shares at the iwuking Uouso i ori, woucn
A. Co., N
m. Uu..,ik Ik ssl sKlirt l'hilu1. r.hiM
Iiombr lD.lbo
lfnii tuli Ked Istdaew fuJer Etov g n
I 1 FWIIH tUillfllfb Kwl?Loo ufJ.
Oso. W. BMtTB. ( Cru. E. Oxtrracit.
Market tti-eet, on door east of Sirs. Boollon'i Hot
Have opened
Sheet Iron rtstrtl fstfe Ktos-e,
and Intend keeping constantly on hand, and manu
facturing to order on shortest notica,
TIN AND SHF.ET IRON-WARS of all descriptions.
A Large Stock of Cook Stoves of the following Brands-
and rn the following two Brands w defy competi
tion, uumeiy
Coinhiriutton (ins Burner, CooV.
(sloveraiiir IViin-l'ook,
unsurpassed for beauty of finish, slmpliolt of ar
rangement, combining cheapness and durability, nd
each stove warranted' to perform what they ar re
presented ALSO, PARLOR and OFFICF. STOVES, In great
variety, embracing nil thu best manufactures, and
most fashionable designs
Also, Tho celebrated OLM for healing up and
down stairs.
Also the celebrated VULCAN HEATER.
Coxl Oil, ;oul Oil I.nmpH, KhitdcM,
'himsilest, nntl nil nrticlrn
unusually kept in an establishment of this kind. We
arc also prepared to do all kinds of Spouting, Roofing.
Range and Furnace Work, Gas Fittiug, Ac. Repair
ing cheaply and neatly executed.
Country produce taken iu exchange al market
Have the Agency fr MSB'S CELEBRATED FIRE
PLACE S'lOVES, for tho Ctmnties of Iorth umber,
land, Snyder, Cnion and Moutcsr.
Ard nro also agent ftp the Pipher A Willower
Lin.. '1 rancporfatn..
.Sun. urv.EW , IHCi.
w a. s 2 3! n :-Jt rar o s
B A Z A A 11 .
Corner of Market Nqanrn &. ItaiU
Iloud Mrect,
Of the newest styles, cut by the best Artists, trirumid
and mail equal to custom work, and sold ut the
lowest prices.
."! II nntl Iloj 'st "lttliing- of tKe best ma
terial consisting of Dress Coats, Frock Coats, Sak
Coats, Pants, aud Vests of various "sva(nd' quali
ties. (rE'.ITLEMKN '( .'
nrli as Sliirts. Over-shirt. I'ndershirls. Drawers.
Collars. Cravata, Necktie, Haud kerchiefs, Stocking', I
U hives, 4o. J
IlnlK nnd flip si of ull hindo. j
ttnilTs! AMTlRlinPS TP.fVn VA1.IOFS. t'SI. !
Ft", ELLAS, and NOTIONS t o Ihiti3,d nuiac- I
luus ,iici m ;
Tlie pubirtnre inrited" to call and examine his
Remember the place, 'Continental Clothing Storo,"
Corner of Market Square and the N C. R. R.
Funlitry, Deo. 10, ljWl.
T'lio 'oiii)I-tf, S$tn1l.lvtlii7 Sell
NiirnIiiiK I t
' '
rt a ti vt rtriTiT t tt-
I J Ull iS Oil 1 iLt VAi,
PATl'NTED, ALUUST 2nd, 1861.
rpiir .-ibeller is the ..:.!c on- that -bulls the Corn )
. p I'fee-lly clean IVom tilt: Cob nbcug.c o. '
cttordij. It gives llio Env a double operation on
Iho She'ling Wheel as it pusses through, and svpu. !
lt'tes the Cob from the Com completely, reuderiut; it j
ut once 11. tor market without the uso of the funning ,
mill. This machine shells a j
Jut' Hua'ul l i'am to the Minute by iW-.
i.itry o' FvircTt '
nnd enn be used, also, by I.'orA', Steaai or Water '
lV.vr !) -uitaching tt I'nllty on the Crunk Shalt.
For liuradility, Cleanlinc-s. Neatness Choapucss
and ltaoi'li'tv in t-hclliug, this Machine cannot bo
1 1 .'.t i ,". . ,- - i
Oexti.hmkx If you want your corn Shelled !
iilciic ; if you linve occusiou to ehell green or tliitnp
Cjrn ; ityouwant your Coin and cob separated ; it t
i-i.ti waiii a durable inuehiro ; if you want a cbe-.p ;
suell'r, buy the Complete. iiuuble-Auiing. Self.Scp- ,
a.ralin- ersj AhcHor.
II. 11. .Vc.-ie-l.'harlts
llm-.s, M.-il-ir,
C. l. Jl"ri-:.-. Co..
fillers, ."suiibury.
Kenry Leiscuring. Bear
r'inefactiirctl and f1
1'r. J. V". I'cr.'e 5itnlury.
J-Hmucl Lcssig. l.ead.i.. j
Oco. Woisur. L. Augii'ta.
Sol. Mnrtt. runner, ',
tjup. C. Albert, tleorgetown .
r ;iale at tho Fi.uutlrv of '
r.'-'HUH.'-Cli t'tiitl'i.K. Suubury
Sli!.b:irv. i'ec. Hlii tiiil
street, siunbuiy, Fa., 111 the cours: cl two wet a
where he will ktcp constantly on baud, I
I'b-s'kIi C"r'!il, 'I'll Isit.ItoIlH, KCukKm. :
! and TEA-BUNNS, which UI be delivered to futi. .
I lie evo,y moining.
A;i hiuuj cf
FA CY CAKES.- Common Cakes, Prl.'c!s. I: 1
Ptc-Nic Partio, WedJiug and Funerals, will le ;
supplied at the rhortcs.: noiico. !
A good a.tsurtiacM ill l e kept up at all times, j
inauutiictiired oil tit' le feat maiviial, aud tudcis
will be pi'i.uiptN atltajcd 10. !
llgtiustthat hi. lircnds and the public generally I
will siisuihi hiiu in ibis nut enterprise, Co greatly :
! needed in Sturbary. j
! Hu trusis his eauuritn.-o in the business will ena
ble him to give general t'ltislacliuU to all who may
favor linn with lUcir pauotia ,;a. 1
Sunbury, Dec. 10, iiti. 1
f o u it d n "r,
?lC...ti.WM tX www ooa-.j
Jet the Best Uet the Cheapelitlet the most r.
110111ic.1l. which can be had al ihe Robrhseh Foundry.
Having a lurc uss,r(iiieiit ol the Host approved
STOVES, such a." Co". king, Pnrlof, Otlice and Shop
Stoves, which will l.c sol.l at the Inweel rates. Also,
Kettlesolall sites. Pans. Skillets. Ac.
Thev are also manufacturing .Machinery, Ploughs,
Cuslin . Ac. ut short notice.
Repairing all kinds of Agricultural Implements
done in good workmanlike manner aad at tne
hort"st notice.
All articles shipped as ordered. Orders respeot
fallv Kiticiied aiid promptly attended to.
I'lf Old Iron, and all kiuda of Produce taken il
Exchange lor work
Kui.burv. June IS. 1HS4. tf
I : .'tOTKs.'NKl A TIMSII.ilS
L. a 3. GHISnLR,
At the new stand, in Market Square, 6UNBURT,
HAVE just rocivd fvoiu Philadelphia the latest
and most fashiouahle slylosof ililliucry Uoo-ls,
sueli aa Bonnets, Hats, ,tlks. Velvets, Ribbons and
Luces, Feathers A Flowers. Head Dresses A Nets,
Old Ladies' Caps, Woolen Hoods. Houtags, Breakfast
Shawls, Silk and Woolen Hearts, lloeiery
cloaks & runs:
Black Crepe and Lac Vetla, Crap and Linen Col
Uta. Dree Trimmings and Buttons, Col sett. Zephyrs,
Suap and Perfumery, t :-k Triiumings, Woollen A
Cotton larn,
r-niiiitklu3r, Cloukaanalslaiif and
Ili-ullluic done In latent Nlyle.
Q,B,.. 1 iBen j-j paoer Collars. Nocktle. X
country p
UODUCE Ukea Is ahnce fur Good
or Work.
T-uaful ft- pact pfctroao-h-u we :cit
I iro-.
1 tuobury, 0'c
lab SUIfMFft
I Millers. Sunbury. Sol. Marts. Fanner, , k
llcnrv leiscurins. Beer tjup. C. Albert, llcorgctov, n . XiTfrt'i'tV".
""BitEAD ! BREAD ! ! BREAD !!!- Li. 'LSV 1 . iWe fiow i .
1 rilHi: nn ler-k-ncl will orc-n a Bakerv. on Market KrfttSf!es.i:J' of the LAfcGI&T end
and viclh,
FAIila A
ol Notions .
Market street, fonr dm.
Uootsjid Shoe alo.
Her stock ootnista of Trim
derioa. kradteaaud' Chiiiln.n k...
sUk Cn.os and
and other linusg, Corsets, Hoop-skirt,
Lac i!s; Net, glotos, stockings,
oorsots, 4. a i
collars, and
Breakfost Ebawlir, ficatoga, Rd Riding UoedvCaps.
Hosiery of all kiuda. ,
Ocntl' Ilaiidkrrohiefs, Cravsti, NVkllea, Suspen
ders ; Riobont, of all ktuds, i'eathera, Velvet, and
many olhtr articles too numerous to mention.
Hunbttry Oct. 17, 1.C4
Tw o tltifTs Wsst of the Post Officr,
UAH just received na.l opened a largo asLsrtmcrt
of Fancy Itress fJo'.ds, pich as Gloves, Jouvian.
Kid-gloves, til k nud lisle thread Olives; Ladies
cotton and woolen Hoae, Children's Merino Hose,
Silk Mils, llaudkcrchi'frt. Corse's, Embroidered
Slippers. Ribbons FANCY HRE.-S BUTTONS. Bugle
(iiuibj. Trimuiiugs. Buttons. Belt Rilibon Velvet Rit
bons, Braid. Belt C'lesps, Ladies' Neck-ties, FanCj""
Buttons. CRAPKRIBBON end HUMMING ; Em-""'
broideriug Braids, ilaconet aud Swiss Edgings and
insertion!, ; .Miiltetde Lace t'olars, Laces. Orenadtu
eils, Faiicy Itrev, Coinbs.lHead br oases, Netts, ani
a vaiietv of oilier articles.
WOOLEN uotiltt, ruch ns Sontags, Breakfast
Coey4, Caps,. Mittssis, .'acOjtios, Gloves, fc-tik atid '
Cotton Flags; 4.
Sooks, Hymn- BceRs, Blank Boeks, Memorandum
Book. Itiarius, IV.-kui Books. Ink Stands, Pens,
Pencils, a fine assortment of Paper, luk, dta.
Toilet Soaps, Tooth-Brusbes, ta.
All of which have been actuated with care sod will
be told at reasonable prices.
Sunbury, Oct. ?2, laC4.
& I.
I'oui th A. Anh ts., Philadelphia.
Cater for tho beat Trade, and offer no Baits or de
ception to induce Cui'.om, but rely on FAIR LEAL
1NO and GkjOD UOODfl !
Best rtferinoes, Faihrbnable Silks.
Nobility Plaids, Pirn's Poplins.
Dark Foulards Figured Murinoos,
Plaid Shawls, Good Blanket.
T. S. We follow GOI.n down, as close aa-we fol
low it up. Now is s good tiruo lor Merchant aud
Consumers to come in.
October ti, 1864. 2mw
No 23 South Second Street. Philadelphia.
Are now offering their magnificent stock of Silks,
Iiress Uunda, hhawli. Cloths. Clonks, Velvets, o.,
far below the present Oold Prices !
Wo liavo also on Lan l. n liti trestocK ot K'.'.iir.Bi i;
tion from ,ns prir,., Te ,v.bcun silling them at.
As we have had tho advantage of a rise in the price
of our Stock in the progress of tho war or
two or three years, we now propsao to give our ties
turners the Advantage ol the fall in Pnces.
Culicoes and Musliris, reduced,
Flannels end Table Linens, roduooa
Blankets nnd all amble Goods, reduced,
We resneotfullv soliuit from the L&dios and Other
' visiting PhilaikVpkn, m aminotioti of our stock,
winch wansiirpasrea in variety rsia siyie, in miscuy.
N. It., Wholesale Buyers, are invited to examine
our stock. JiBWIN HALL 4 CO.,
No. Sd South Second street, Philadelphia,
October K, 16i!l. Smw
Stinbury High School,
t T I I f, itf-t pen is the cl 1 Baptist Church, on the
Y 'j;h tiny of .funuary. The course of instruction
emlraccs all I lie brninihea tU;hl iu Academies and
Seminaries of the highuat grtc.U.
TF.rtjts tr.x. session or 21 WUEUS.
Ft Lanrsagc uicvciit and mcslern includ
ing all otlirr lT:,nuhcs, H8 CO
Notural :::ucca, Algebra, Geometry,
Ail'-nuccdt'lraii,ii;ar,Uc"japliy, History, ia ,1 00
RudimsMaoi ahovo,. 1 l'u
Prln.urv, . M J
r. . :,:.'..l . ,
Tuition payable quarterly i.l advance.
d '.,ici'm..ii mtida for brti time,
t'upil" cuu enteral any tin.?, and wlil Only Iw
eh iryed roui t!ic date lln-v eu:cr.
For further pa: lie u) at s ill ply to the Principal.
E. V. R011UAC!!
Sunbury, Dee. 21, :t6J.-tf.
r..vifu r.iscv rtits:
Old i:hlabUi;fcrs
No. 713 ;ARCH Slrt,
above 7th., PHILAD'A
1,1. . '', I L' I ' f
i-;t KTZ'S
T ttliev urn.
f r Ladies' and Children's Wear in the City. .lo.
a fine assortment of ti .-ni'- Fur ttUvos CoiluM.
As my Furs wti c all pur'.hasca when Gold wax at
a much 'ivwer preniiuni IbftE al prc-'nt, I iib enabled
todi-pose of ilr'in at verv rc tsonatile prices, and I
vtsU fiervtore s.siitit "a cull fi JWi u.y friends of
lrrrllrerlul"l county, and vicinity.
Xf licmiinber the name, dumber and- Street '.
" Arch Street ubove 7th. south sidi,
Pept. 10. l-6l.-j.n 1'IULADELPflIA
IV I 'lav i" l'rtnr. nor conrioctioa with aey .lore in l'bhs lj.i.e.
Fall & Winter Goods,
A Nil il.Li CIIEATE It THAN" Y.1.HZ-
In Zetlemoyei's Building, opposite tlearhort s Con
fectionery Store. Market street. SUNBURY, P.,
KAS just opened a well selected assortment 01
Uuods, which be oilers for sale at very low price
FOREKIN AXB DOMESTIC, such ss flotia, Caatl
meres. Mucins. Slicetinys, Ticking, CaJiaoe, Di
Laiiie-. .".ilk. tjir.ghaiut, ie , Ac
II I'I'fS Bl t.'.tl of every deaeriptien.
Pen.-L-tlng of n.cdory, Oloves. T!ired, Button
Suspenders. Neckties, Collars. Handkerchiefs, Hai
Brushes, Tooth Brushes, I aney Ilea 1 Presses, Bal
moral Skirts. Hoop-Skirts. Cui'pel-bags. Trunks, Va
lisee. Umbrtllas. Cotton-Yarn, !pa, and ouuwo
other articles too Indices to mentiasi.
such a nails, binge and screws, door latches au
knobs, aud CUTLLltk of (Very detoiptioa.
Dyei, Drtiw, PHintt, Vr.rnihei, Oil, 01ms
Pl'ttr, Ac, vto.
lueeiiaivnrs uud djlaitaiwar o
An exteasirt Sioch of
C. imposed i f Suitar. Coin. Ta Ric, Corn-starc!
Moliusoe, Candles, Meat, Fish, Cheese. Halt, litbaec
and Segal.
til men, wrnnn ar.i Viiaka.
All kui'M rt V)-ulrj Ji..;k U. ?4 ;t sijiun
fir Urodf
iW-iij. ?rp ( 5;,t