Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, January 21, 1865, Image 4

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r Tilt IJTUI
Art Cured l.j
Gorman Bitters,
2'fn Ovva! 9ii-tiftlMt
Usees) ItUtsr here ycrfunwJ u Usee !
Iavo anil do ive Rotter Sutisfatliou !
Have dicitv Twttimuliy !
ilav more Petncetuble People to Vouch for Tbaui !
Thn any other nrticle In the market.
. 1.-fy any ONE to contradict this Aasertiou,
T.i luiy one that w-!l! produce Certificate published
by us, that is nut iiksim.m.
Will cure every ease of Chronic or X'crvou lirbility.
Disease of trie Kiilnoyi, and Disease arising frum
h disordered Stomach.
K-jtuUiur I'rom Disorders of tlio Digtsliv Orgitus :
ion, Inward
Piles. Fulness or Rlood
to llio Head. Aci lity of the Sb
mm-h. Nausea, Heartburn. Disgu-t for
7-x1. Fiilniwor Weight in ttie Stomach, Sour
Krnefntions. Kinking or Fluttering nt (hp Pit of the
!'t'i;iir.oh. Swimming of t lie Head. Hurried and Dilll
"if ISrcnlhing. Fluttering nt the !lenrt. Choking or
K)HociiiiiK Sensation when in n lying posture. Dim
ness of Vision. Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever
ami Dull Pnin in tlio Hend. Deficiency of Perspira
lon. Y'ell-jwnoss of the Skin and Eyes. Pain io
tho Side, Hack. Chest, Limbs. Ac. Sudden
l'lnshorof lut. Horning in the Flesh,
Constant liiinginiiigs of Evil,
and great Depression
of Spirit.
SOT iLconouc
C-ontnlnv no Rani r Wlila-stey,
Jiai aan'l mufct Drunkards, hut it the Peel Ton4e in
the World.
UP" Kend Who ISnjS) Sot
From the Rev. Levi G. Peck. Pastor of the Paptist
t'liureh. Pcmherton. N. J.- formerly of tho North
Itaptist Church, Philadelphia.
ThaTeVr.own IlooOund's flermnn Kilters fi vora
blv fer a number of veers. Ihaveiifed them in mv
rM,:w a,.A i...-. i.n.n ,....i ..1,1. iv..:.
eflecl thai I was induced to recommend them to ma- j
! y other, and know that thev have operated in a
strikingly bcnefichil manner 1 take great pleasure ,
in t lllu riillilo.l V TiroM.tllnin:)-this ffit mi. An inv I
attention rf those nlllicledwith thedisense for which I
tiny recemmendeil. to these Hitlers, knowing from I
txperience that my recommendation will be sustain- i
v4. I do this more cheerfully as Jlootbind's Bitters i
is intended to benefit the nlUicted. ami is "not a rum
Youw truly,. . LKY 1 O. JJKCV'.
From Rev. .T. Newton Brown, D. D., IMitor of the
F.ncyelopcdia of Religious Kuon ledge, and Christian
Chronicle, Philadelphia.
Althouch not disposed to fivor or recommend Pa
tent Medicines in general, through distrust of their
tngredie-iii nnd excels. 1 yet know of no suthVicnt
rciuuLS why a mau may not U slifv to the benefits he
bolieees himsulf to have rec-ii ed from nny simple
preparation. In the hope that be muy thus contribute
to the benefit of others.
I lo this the more readily in regard to linnftnnd's
(Jerman Hitlers, pi, pared by Dr. C. M. Jackson, of
tiiis city, becr.use I wus prejudiced against thorn for
luiuiy years, slider the impression that they were
ehicny r.a nlcolmlie mixture. Iam indebted to my
fricml Hubert Sheuiuuker, Kwj., for tho removal of
t!i! prejudge by piopir tests, and for encourage
lnent to try them, when suU'triiig from great ami
long continued debility The use of three bottles of
tlieea liU'.or. at the beginning of the present year,
mil rjlowe 1 by evi'lent relief aud ri iloratioii to n
dkgrce of bodilr nml luental vigor w hich I hurt not
felt (or six iiiouriis ncturc, nun nail almost ilespaired
nf regaining. I therefore thank Hod and my friend
far directing to tha use of them.
From the Ror. Jos. Ji. Keiinard, Pastor of (be
10th Baptist Church.
Dr. Jackson : Dear Sir : I have been frenuentlv
requested to connect uiy name with couiniomiation
of ilifl'erent kinds of medicines but regarding tho t
pri..'l.ooaoutoriiiy appropriate sphere. I have in
ltd cafes declino.1 ; Lot with n clar proof in vnrious
nsiaiu-es, una pariiculerly in my ttiuilv. of the use
fulness i . Dr. limfland t tieiiuan liiilirs. f -li-nart
for or -.- from my u'Uid course, tu express my lull J
"nviction that, for general debility if Ihe system
8"l especially f r Liver Compl. tint.' it is a sale ami
pl.iint. it is a sale ami
' ii'.'uii i fi trutum. iu some eases it may fail;
usually, I doubt not. it will be very beneficial to
In some eases it may fail ;.
e-- v-iil. . ,.:-cr irom mo uuove cause,
iours. very n-spee. lull J. 11. KEX.VARD, j
J'ivilith below C.nilcs. Street, Philadelphia.
t'.-tm Rev Warren Randolph, Pastor of Baptist j
Chuich, Uermuiitonn, Penn. ;
Dr. CM. Jackson:- Dear Sir : Personal expe- .
ri.,.e enables UiO to .y 1 rce"ird Ihe Herman'
ters. piep-ired by j-o-i ns a most excellent niedi-
mo. Iu casts ofsevcre :ubl and general debiiity I '
i.&Te b-cii greatly benelitie.l by the useof the Hitters. I
Y-trs, truly, W.VlUtEN RANDOLPH. 1
lieriuautOMn, Pa. f
Prom Uy. 3 H. Turner, Pastor of lledding M. E. !
Church, fniladf-lphia. j
Dr. J.-ick.t.D ; Dear Sir : llav iug used your tier-
mn liiucrs in my lumily frotiucntly I am'riepared ;
iv Uiut it has been of ;t''--'t service. I believe
:l. ii :-i :..o-' i-i.s'-p i'uieral iblility of tho svstcm !
at the sulesi ii ud most valuable remedy of which 1 I
have any knowledge.
Voisrt, respectfully, J. !i. TURNER, 1
No 1A N. Nineteenth Strrel. j
the Rev.J. M. Lont. formerly I'wtor of the
''"tu-jious . J I BI.I ililestown (Pa.) Baptist
New Rochelle, N. Y.
Dr C. M. .1a!-ksr-.;T'cnr Sir:! if a plea-
oiih uijr. n my own ai-c. ru, i) near u-tiinouy .
the cscjilenc-c of the Heriuan Litters. Some years'
sin," being iijUjh n!iieiid wilh DysH.jia. I used I
t;.i..i viih very benef'o.l r. -- lif-. I bavo oi'ten re- 1
coiunicn iu I to persons enlccblcd by ih- l t-u lucntii. f I
diic.j.-. and h.-ivi hi -ar.l from I hem the iinvl Uiillcr- !
I114 t'-timoi.ials ns lo tin 11 great value In eases of j
:-ii. nil duiiliie. I Isiine it to bj a t : ic thai can- 1
not be sui passed J. M LYuNS.
Frtm llo Rev. Thos. Winter. Pialor cf R joorough !
Dr. J.Kk;.,n ; Dear Sir: 1 feel it doe to your!
;".'ilcnt pr. p.iiaiiou, lloodnnd's Oei :..,.!! Ititt;r.-. to I
oapiisi vnurcn
ex".'iient pr.p.iUiuou, llootland s Oei :..,.!! Ititt;r-. to I
..1.1 . .1 ..1.. I ...
.-.-. ... j ,,iiii..iiT ii.v uitvi 01 rcpuiauon 11 litis I
oL:-:ine-l. I bavu f., at, Ucn inuilded J
with great disorder In my head ami nervous system. ;
I was advised by a f: ind t ry a botiio ofyour tier- Hittei.i, I (ii j so, oj-d have experienced (ticnti
an I unexrcte I relief ; my hcnllh ha.-" been very
Am u urn. .miuu. , eooiei.-niiy too
aj ticio vi bert I meet i.iih eases In i.iy own,
oca nve bc" ajjsurc 1 by many c.f their jrn. I eftecus.
Respectful. y yours, 't . I .STL It.
Rrixboroiigh, pi.
Prom Ber. J. B II n.ia, e.t Ibe (Jeritr.n Rofirmed
Cii ireh, Ku.ttonu, I. oiks funly. IV
Dr. C. Jnea .n i:i.;.eetel Mc have been
troubled with Dyspe,.-; ! rly twenty vtart. au4
b.ive nev-r ceil ai-y r.e.iUM that :s .. st n.uoU
good a ;l ;.-.Lu.l'. Uiners 1 kn ttry inurh da
j tuv.i in beulih. a;ir-, ua.-ii ji ik. ndi boi;le
Yttirs. with re;.iK-i, J. i. HKKMAN
I.sre sis
.c.aii..- n. .irtv .trnl.iM .luniilile.)
- ei 0.1 per iiuie -i.eif,j()J
mill !':.) 7 eon-J per L'rlllc bf doi.
u 00
PUWAui Z! C I! 'jr,'.rKIT5!
Bot Cist 0: i ntoro of f
la V. rapner ofeweli ih.:l!
. JACKSuX-fa .
.ti1 1 yonr r-.i.e.f .Iria)--. r,..t bav c tb. i-r!
Ji in-1 Lu ,.ii'-,ir i,y ,,:iy , ; re i'lioisieHttii pr.
til IH'.lKlin.i.l.l ( , ., ,1 - I
. . I .. e.i -r i. Si- , pi.'Ke 1. IjV I-XI.I- .
Pii:;-!i id t:f"o and Miun aifiiiy, No. f Si'.MU.'Ji
lo', I'Liiadoijioia.
) :K:4 a ..v.'.:;-'.
. (?'. to C. -. cn A I'u. !
Pr. piKKri.
r.-T-1 er Jvis l y Jii-ngfu 1 i Dc-.lwo la
VS iu lbs L' (li H'r
, J uu 4 , C.-f t "C14. . ly
SftjSt) Sb'
- - - ,i
U. s; 7-30 LOAN.
Tin ffeorttary of the Treasury glvet notieo that
tbscriptlora will be received for Coupon Troaenry
Notts, payable throo y.ars from August 15th 1861,
Kith semi-annual Intereat at the rate of tcvtn nnd
three-tenths per cent.' per actum, principal and
j InMctt both to le paid in lawful money
j These unlet will be couvet title at the option ft
j ihe hoi lor at maturity, Inlo lix-ptr eent. gold bear
lug bunds, pnyibla not lees lima fire nor more tha
twenty year from their date, ni the govern niort may
clott. They wilt be i?!ood in denomination of foO,
tlOU. fSOO, 11,000 and 15.000, and all lubteriptioni
tuusl be tor flfty'dollar. or oait uultiplo of filly
i 0i.ll):-.
The note will be trauimitted to tho owners free of
I tramportntiou charge ns loon after tha receipt of
j the original Certliicates of Deposit u the can be
j An the dr.-iw interest from August 15. penoni
; nuking delate subsctieul to that date must pay
I the iuttrtit ueiuid from dute of nvto to dnte of
t deposit.
Partict depositing twenty-lire tl.ous.m.l dollnrt
and upaiinls for these Hotel at nny one time will be
j allowed a cormnisiion of ooe-'junrterof one per cent.,
I which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon
j the reat-ipt of a hill for the amount, certified to by
; tho officer with whom the was made. N
de ltietioni for commission must be uiude from the
pcct:il AilvntilasTM of IliU l,onn.
It 19 A NieioMAL Si vixna IIaxb. olTeriug a high,
er rate of it;lerrt than any other, and tlit stru.
rily. Any laving bank which pays its depositors iu
V. Notes. ennsiJeM Unit it is paying In the best
circulating medium of the country, and it r.mtmt
pny In anything better, foj its own arsets arc either
in government securilii-i or in notes or bonds pnyahle
in government pnper.
It l equally convc-uietit as a temporary or perma
nont investment. The notci enn always bo old fo
within a fraction of their face and accumulated into
rest, and are the best security with banks as colla
terals for discounts.
In addition to the vry liberal interest onthenotea
Air threefyears, this privilege of eouversion is now
worth about three per eent. per annum, for the curt
rent rate fbr S-:!0 JJonds is not less than niiit per
ant. prrmium. and before the war the premium on
ail per cent. U. S. stocks was over twenty por cent.
It w ill he seen that the actaul profit on this loan, at
the present market rate, is not less than ten per Cent,
per annum.
Put aside from all the advantages we haeeenuni
rated, a special Aot of Congress exempts all bonds
and Treasury notes from loral taxation. On the
average, this exemption is worth about two per cent,
per anuum, according to the ruto of taxation in Turi
ous parts of the country.
It is believed thut no securities offer so great In
duceraonts to lenders as those issued by the govern
ment. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith
and ability of privato parlies, or slock companies, or
",l,aratc communities, only, is pledged for payment,
while the whole property of tho country is held
0 secure the discharge of all the obligation of the
... o "
ruitcd States,
While the government oilers the mosl liberal terms
for its loans, if believes that the very strongest appeal
will be to the loyalty and patriotism of the people.
Duplicate certificates will be issued for all deposits,
The parly depositing must endorse upon the origin,
al certificate the denominations of notes required,
and whether they are to be issued in blank or paya
ble to order. When so endorsed it must be left with
the officer receiving the deposit, to bo forwarded to
tho Treasury Department.
Subscriptions will be received by the Treasurer of
tha T'niled Suites, nt Washington, tho several As
sistant Treasurers and designated DeoMurici, and
by the
I'Jrxt .:illoiiaI Hank oi" Hilton,
AimI by nil iilion:iI Ituul
which aro depositaries of Public money, and all
throughout Ihe country, (acting as agents of Ibe Na
tional Dt-pe.iU.ry Hanks.) will furni.l" forth.- infor
mation on ailltlicntloa ouU
Rnv&'W.wr r.vrs rnrevrt
I( Ii i:iihlinIiii ColTce Co.
' 1(!3 Rfcido Street, New York.
The above Company are known all over tho world
as the owners of (be OofiV-e Plantation, of Java nnd
Ratal in In Ibe Dutch East Indies, and are the largest
monopolizers of Coffee on the tilobe.
The undersigned (ivho is appointed their sole
Atv-iit in tlio Lnili d blates aul in the Ki iti-h Colo
nies) will have lor sain three dillercnt kimls nf ('..f.
i i.;,.i, r.. i ...... i. ,..i i ,
pri(.e- .uidefy en'..iii., . '
Our "Ratuvia Cofle' nevur beflre introditcrrf io
lhi Cauutry. but extensively used in the- Annies and
Navies of Europe, and richly value. I, will be put up
at prh es to reach all consumers, aud our Extra Java
w ill bc the Magnum Don 11m IVIVe of the age.
W will have, for ncomniodaiioo of (irocei-s. Ka-luilii-s.
and tioverumvut, siuuplrs (lry.
and drawm li.r testing.
Ordera solicited. On receipt of eaU, coflee prompt
ly forwarded as directed.
15S Reade Ktreet. New York, .
, , .. ... Sola i-eut, i. E. X. Co.
July t lf,i.
r- ''AKD T0 T11E 'ITEIIiNd.
fJllALUlK Iwoor Ihreo of -lluchu.''
O ' Ionic Uitteis." -Sarsapariila,-' -Nervous An
lidotes. Je.. Ac. Ae., and after you are sntNfl. .1
wilh the result, and one box of Old tilt. Ill CHAN'S
English Specific Pills and be re-tored to health and
v ig .r in lcs ih.iu thirty days. They are purely vc-gtt.-ihle.
pleusimt to take.' prompt 'and salutary in
their cITocH on the brokeu down and shattered con
stitution. 1 Ud and young en 11 take them with ad
vantage. Imported aud sold in He United ciuus
oujly JAS. P. BUTLER.
Nu. 427 Broadway. New York.
n c . r. ' -vlr'nl 'or the United Slate..
I . S A Box of the Pills, securely pucked, will
bo mailed to nnv -l lres on receipt of price, which
is ONE DOLLAR, pooipaiil I money refunded by
Uc Air-.-nt if entire sulisluclion is uot given.
Sept. iu. :--,;i.-m
Vi stxislntuss IIossho,
(.".V.rr the Jlil're.)
rp.'JE lub-cribi-r liming leased this well known
I. lavcrn Stand, lately kept by Mrs. C. S. Drown,
rc.-pectlally intorins the public thai he is refitting and
repairing the premises, and will be prepared in r.
tcrtutn, iu a eonil'orteble nuinner, hU numcrcus
f''ds throughout the county, and all who may
pi'lronin- his .i.i,:blUI,uici.i.
Oct. 1, ISO I
(Fiirrtsser In ' I a 11 J's r d- U arlty.)
No. i.22 MARKET Street. PI' I L.ii'ELPHIA.
DEALER In Fined., Id and Silver WATCHES ,
and behest of SILYEK-PLATED-WARE. Con
t..mtyon hand a larj;e aseoitmeut of Ihe ubovt goods
' at low prices.
i Wateues an.l Fine Clocks, Repaired, by skilful
woikmeu; n!c. Jrwelry repairing ; Engraving and
1 1 I..,. 11: ui ji;'.ir-w..rK io oruer, ai snorl notice
I fr uu 1 P r.:ei the oi l ttaud
. si.iet. Pbiladelpbia.
; BSfi. 10. Iv'.i! :im
No. fi. Market
- " ;
IV U T I C 1 .
i I T. per iii ir.dcht
1 lo tl Him of Tnli nr A
- i'--- - i ii. eoiu aiaiel unj i
), ui lueif uccjiit' oy toa 1st cf December. All
cc, .i,t nt ptij ty lime, will bo placed io tut
band oi a Ju.ttico ior c.dtecii..n.
Fiiid.urv, Nov. S, tsfll.
a ''FsTi ni on x a xTj
il v-u eish l) ir.urry. a.i In w I lie iiii-le,-'ie. wlr .11 .. : -. ,il ..;!,, , .,,;,! e ,..,.!! rri-e, vl
uebia tvn..iiiiiu: .v il.i.t wiil eiial.iu you lo miiy
bar; y an.l spee.iily. Ir,-es,..'.(yl- ..f i.-i; wj!ta .--r
beauty. 'I!, j -i.,.n.i..i.-u will .... vu t.olh:i.-r. ni
" "," -!tS t".l -:i), I V..1I U,eeit':.l;y asMM vu
,r"'-i-:''.y c. .niji'iiti-.l thu j. -ir.-i' ii.Kr
ii.uii.u sent hj ruuru a.ail, a... I ro -im-tiiou, asked.
oAliiil H L.Ol.-.j. mt.
f'lnr-.-ire V-r. m..... v v ,.
infocUon vlnth t
ct:ll Scnorri lurks
in the C(mstiiwlio9 of
tmiRitu'U'S of mui. It
eillu r protlucM or is
protlurtti by Rtl in-
lVcbkl. viliiitt-tl (talc
rof the Mood, wlicrciil
f,l.l rl;,1 l,n,r,,r. In.
cofnpt'tcnt to suKtnin
sjjtlie vital lorcosm turir
l- vicorous nctioii. nnd
loavos tlio sstcm to
full inlo disorder nnd
Tlio scrofulous, ronttumnntion la vn
cmist'tl bv mcrcurinl !iisi.-Hp, low
living, disordered iliRoation from unlte-nlthy
ffioil, impure nir, filth mvl filthy Imbits,
the tk' vieps, and, nlioru all, by
tlio venereal infection. Whatever lie its
origin, it is liorodttary in tlio constitution,
descending "from prtrcnts to chiblren unto
tlio third nml fourth Kenerntion ; " indeed, it
teems to be tlio rod of Him who tnyn, ' 1 will
visit tho iniquities of the fathers upon their
chiblren." The diseases it originates take
Various names, according to the organs it
attacks. In the lungs. Scrofula produce
tubercles, nml finally Consumption ; in the
plnnds, swellings which suppurate nml lie
come ulcerous sores; in tlio Montnch nnd
bowels, derangements which produce indi
gestion, dyspepsia, nnd liver complaints; on
the skin, eruptive and cutaneous nllcctioiis.
These, till having the same origin, require tlio
fnmu remedy, viz., purification find invigorn
tion of tho blood, l'urify the blood, nnd
these dangerous distempers leave you. Willi
feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot
lniv health; with that "life of the flesh"
healthy, yon cannot have scrofulous disease.
Ayor's Sarsnparilla
is compounded from the most edecttial anti
dotes that medical science lias discovered for
this nfllicting distemper, and for Ihe cure of
the disorders it entails. That it is far supe
rior to any other remedy yet devised, it
known by nil who have givon it a trial. That
it does combine virtues truly extraordinary
in their effect upon this class of complaints,
is indisputably proven by the great multitude
ef publicly known nnd Temnrktible cures it
hns made of the following diseases t King's
Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tumors,
Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores,
Erysipelas, Rose or St Anthony's Fire,
Salt Kheum, Scald Head, Coughs from
tuberculous deposits in the lungs, White
Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia,
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and
Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases,
Female Weaknesses, nnd. indeed, Ihe whole
series of complaints that arise from impurity
of the blood. Minute reports of individual
cases may he found in Ann's Aulhican
Almanac, which Is ftirnifhcd to Ihe druggist
for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be
learned the directions for its use, nnd soino
of thc remarkable cures which it has made
when all oilier remedies bad tailed to afford
relief. Those cases nre purposely taken
from nil sections of lite country, in order
that every reader may have access to some
one w ho can speak to him of its benefits from
personal experience. Scrofula depresses the
vital energies, and thus leaves its victims far
more subject to disease nnd its fatal results
than nre healthy constitutions. Hence it
lends lo tltoiten, nntl docs greatly shorten,
the average duration of human life. The
vast importance of these considerations, has
led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy
which is adequate to its cure. This we now
ofl'or to the public under the name of Avui'ss
SAItSAFAnil.i.A, although it is composed of
ingredients, some of which exceed the best
cf Sarsnparilla in alterative power. l!y ils
aid you mny protect yourself from ihe fuller
ing nnd danger of lliese disorders. Purge
out the foul corruptions that rot and lV-ter
in the blood, purge out the causes of disease,
nnd vigorous health will follow, liy its pecu
liar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital
functions, nnd thus expels the distempers
which lurk within the system or Lutst out
on nny part of it.
We know tho public lisve been deceived
by many compounds of Sarsnparilh, that
promised much and did nothing; but they
v ill neither be deceived nor disappointed in
tills. IU virtues have boon proven by abun
dant trial, anil there-remains no iieiion of
itn eurpafisinK excellence for the cure of Ihe
afflicting diseases it is intended to rexcli.
Although under the Mime name, it ;. v..ry
ilillerent medicine from nny other which lias
I ecu before the people, and is fur more ef
tectu'il than any otiier which luki ever betn
available to them.
Tho World's Great Ben-oily for
Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con
sumption, and for the rolicf
of Consumptive patients
in advanced stages
01 tno aibcut.0.
This lias 1-een so lnntr used and so uui- j
Teisally knovrn, that we need do nr more I
than as-nre the public that its quality iv kept j
up to the Lost it ever lias been, and that it i
may Le relied on lo do all it lias ever done.
l'repared by Dit. J. C. & Co..
Fiacticui and Analytical f tumult, ,
iAiwell. Mast.
Sold by all druggists every where. .
Sold by Filling A Urant, Sunbury,
P.. B. McCoy, Ncrthiimberliiud,
Aarou Rnrrul, Elysburg,
W. R. KuUuer, Shuniukin,
J. P. Hogue. Wataontown.
And by all dealers in Medicines everywhere.
Augu-I i l, 1x04 ly
I'or 4'lenni.isiK', 11 ItilcuiiiK liixl '
lroM-rTisiKr ' 'l'i:i"I II,!
This article is prepared with the greatest care upon !
scientific principles, and warranted not lo couiaiu 1
anything in the slightest degree deleterious In Ihe';
teeth or gums. Seine f our most eminent Dental .
Surgeons lute gain their sanction to. nnd cheerful-
ly recommend il ns a pri-pni nlion of superior iuali-
tics for clcuiisiinr. whitcuinif and l.n-seri in.- ihe !
TEETH. It cleans them readily, rendering Ihciu 1
beautilully w Into ami pearly, without the lightest
injury lo the enamel. It u licitling lo the gums
where they are ulcerated aud sore, it is also an ex
cellent disinteclor for old il caved teeth, which uru
often exceedingly ofleiuiive. it gives a rich creuiny
ta'te to the mouth, cleansing it thoroughly, and im
parting a delightful fragrance to the breath.
X. W. Cor. Iillh., A Lombard Sis.. Philadelphia.
Aud sold by all Druggists. PRICE 2i CENTS.
The following opinion of Dr. White. n to the high
Cftc em in which he holds tho Denial Cream. 1011,1 'bo
sufficient evideuce of ils value ; lo quote other lesti.
uionials in detail is needless, contenting oui selves by
imply giving the names and addresses of persons
who speak of its excellency for the teeih.
'Viiiiid.iphia. April lilh.lhti:).
Having enrcfully examined A. liunlev's -Solidi.
fled Dental Cream. " 1 hereby cheerfully recom
mend il to Ihe publiu generully. It is au excellent
preparation for cleansing- and preserving the leelb,
aud cuu bo used by all persons with the utmost eon
fidence, as its r.-opertics aru perfectly harmless. Re.
Al:s preserving Ihe leelb, it promotes a healthy
notion to Ihe gums, uu.l imparts a pleaaiiliie.-s lo ths
Dr. W. R. WHITE, 120.1 Arch St.
J homes Inrrnui. M I) . Dimiisi. I'll lr'..,,nl. ,
J- Uirkry. -.'.-.4 S. Sixth St.
E. an.ier.-lice, Surircon Dentift, 425 Arch St.
0. A Kinsbnry, Dcuii-t. 111!) Walnut bi.
J. iti:tiii(iham, U D.ft., 7.;1 Arch St.
1. M. 1'ivon, b27 Arch St
Edward Townseii l. Dentirt, 470 N. Fci.rth Sf.
I.. H. ItuinhUy, Dsiiti.i, S"7 X. ' fc...
I 1. 1...... I, : . A . .
May .1, Isol ly
Ila information never before published.
Sent rnex in a sealed tnvelope for tks ccatj.
Ad Ins lr STAXVCUrt,
' . , Bex No 4.?!;'. Nov Yeik P. 0
July 9, -3ai
! V O l LS A L ) .
A 'k i-iirl of 'I r.uTu r l ;it. b i-T Ji. -
. orton niide, coutaimng sdoui'J'i acres. Fcrl'urtLn
j fmrlicyUis aj rly' o
TO roTJTca- zMTEisr
J.l fiullishrd ih a Fr!eJ K111W17. .Trias
six tents.
A I.ecltira on tha Katufe. Troatraffll and Radiant
Cure of Spermatorrhea or fcmlnnl Weak-nees, Invol
untary Kinisslm. PcXttnl Debility, and Impediment
tn Marriage generally, 'ervmi"nes. t'onsntnptlon,
Kpili-psy, nnd Fits ! Mental and Physical Ineiipaci
fy. resulting from tVlf-Abnse, Ae. Py ROREHT J.
CILVFIIWELL, M. V., Aathor ol the "Ureen
llook,"fl. ,
The world renowned author, In this itdmirablt
I.eclure. clearly proves from his own rvperlcne that
tho awful consequence of Seir-Ahuse mny be elTectu
ally removed without medicine, and without danger
bus surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings
or cordials, pointing out a mode of euro at onct cer
tain nnd effectual, by which every miOcrer. no mat
ter whnt his condition may be. may cure himself
ohenply. privately, and radically. TIIIS LF.C
Scnl undarseal. to any address. In a plain, sealed
envelope, on the receipt or of six eettt, or two fust
age stumps, by addressing the publishers.
127 Rowcrv, Now York, Post Olhoe ltox, 4M1.
Oct. 15, 1864. ly So
B. ROVER. Attorney at Law, is duly aalhor-
iied and licensed lo collect as ins) I on a). I
Slnntiimt ItiM-K l'siy for Widows, Or- i
pbans and Soldiers IMhco in Market street, oppo-
site W cavers Hotel, f-unbury, la.
January In. It4 ly
K, .... . in iii)f ici
h tULAltJ J1 KhhihKO.
A New supply of MAssitnsFivr-Miii-T Fnii :
n:iis, received from New York, for snle ly j
Suubury, Way 21. 04. II. It. MASSKU. I
(JrunoK Hill, Smox P. WotvaiiToa. !
Attorneys) niul 'ousisielorsi nt I.dvv, 1
Office, Market street, cor. Centre Alley, '
"1X7 ILL nltend prompt ley to Ihe eolleelion nf claims
1 V and nil other professional business intrusted to
their care in Northumberland andadjoiningcnuiitics.
bunbury, January 23, Jf2.
And how his Pulmonic Syrup. Seaweed Tonic' and
Mandrake Pills acton the System in Curing thai
Disease, and the
tJai-cwt fciiivcrMsi A tic ii ding It!
The above is a correct likeness of Dr. Sehcnk taken
many years ti 'n, uftcr he had recovered from Cor.,
sumption ; by a course ol his '.Schenk's Pulmouic
Syrup." The likeness, nllhntigh it docs not repre
sent ti i 111 anything like us bad as he wusat the worst.
yl it is in strong contrast with the hale and vigorous
looksof the Portruit below, which is the true like
ness of him nt present time. Tho contrast botwecu
ihvsc two portraits is so great that mtiuy would npt
believe them to be the same person. Yet there arc
hundreds of pcrsous, in ami around Philadelphia-,
who will recognise both fiorlriiits to be true represen
tations. When the first was taken he weighed 107
pounds ; nt the present time his w eight is 320 pounds
Nhw Voiik, Wclnesduy. March JO, 1P.64.
Thirty years ago I wns in the Inst ttagasof Ful
; n onary C.uisumpUon. ntnl siven opto die. 1 orsided i
' in Philadelphia, and Dr. Joseph Pnrrish.then ol this ;
I city, ordered me to Moreslowu. X. J., a distauct ot ,
j nine miles which look me two days tu get there. On '
my arrival I wns put to bed. and there laid for many ;
I weeks. This was my native place, where all my j
' family lived and had died of Consumption. Dr. i
I Thornton, who alien. led my father in his lust illness, j
! wits called, nnd gave me one week to fix up my af- t
j fairs, lie bail seen all my family go that way. and I
j thought 1 was lo go. too Then I heard of Ihereme .
dies I now offer lo the public, which cured me. It
; seemed to me that 1 could feel them penetrating my
i whole system.
i 3 hey warn ripened Ihe mutter on my luns. nnd I
would spit off mora lhau a pint of ollcnsive yellow
Dialler every morning. As soon as that beiran to
subside, my cough, fever, pain, night sweats all '
began lo leave me. and my appetite becaiuo so great
that it was with dilh.-ully I could keep from eating j
too much. I soon gained jnv sflengtn and I have j
n -n tr"witig in flesh ever since
or liniiiv years .
I have enjoyed uninterrupted gnrul health, keenini: I
the liver and slomach heullhy nub the Seaweed To- )
nie and .Mtnulrnku Pills, ns ( uui of a billious temper- '
anient. My weight is Iwo hundred and tweuty '
pouuds Ou my recovery people would send for uia j
far and near, to see if their .ca.-es were like iniiie. i
For this purpose 1 v.aTpri.fe'O.iial I.-Ils iu flic large
ciliis. 'ihecousiiiiipiivca widi to sec ti e one thai i
makes these luedicines. nud who was eul -d ol con- '
suiuptioll by Isis ill. 'Jo make new lungs is impwi- '
Lie; but cavities in the llttijs and chionie ulcern-
lii.ns of llio broiiebinl tubes can be healed Such
eaicsure dyiug hourly under the ordiuay treatment
of physic itiu-. and just sueh.'ai ueurcd by Ihe proper
ue o'f St-benk's Pitlinoliio Syiup, 6ea :(d Touie,
'and Mandraao Pills.
I am now a healthy mini, with a largo cavity in
the middle b'heul the rijil King, the lower lube very
much hepiitine.l sud completuudhcsioiiofthe jiieuru.
The left lungs is sound, and the upper lobe of the
right lung is in n tolerably h.-nllhy condition, 'the
great reiiKiu w hy physicinua do Hut euro coit-'uiup-liou
is Ibey try iu do kw m ien ; Ihey give inisiicines
tu ston the e -ultIi, to ston ebill, tu slop iiiurht sw eals.
bee tic fever, uud, by so doing, Ibey derange the i
uholo digestive powers, lut kiug un Ihu seervtiuns
aud eventuully the patient sinks and dice. Allur 1 i
make a ourelul exnuiinaliou of thu patient with the '
Hei'in. meter, and hnd lungs enough left to cure, 1 !
direct the patient how In u. Ihe U.)-ec reinudiei-. t
Remove the cause and ibey will all stop n their 1
own ae'Drd. No one can bo cur. 4 of C'-Usuniptiou. i
liver compliant, dyspia. eniurih. canker, ul-.'eraud i
lhruai, unless the llier and stou.n.di aru ma-le heal. 1
thy. in .New England tl-.i-, canker chronic catarrh,
liii.cri.le.l tl.r..ul ..L.tin,.. ... ,.l a.l.t a. ,.i.,r l ... . .
crniea thn-ai. vluugation of uvula
I l-llt tllMIl ill HI1V Cllier ... , i,.e. .,' I).-. ...'.i,lr.
' i tre-iueniiv :- a. i .ul st.'.meh. V.m w.'.v I
! buru!. ,..-. e ,. I rl II s'
i will iret Ia...i.,.r.. t i ..... .. )i...
! u ller. slU tntv luai'ai. ihei lvo.. ""
I U.i4 nuuitioij it ihe temudy. It you havo any ',
d.-ease m any part of the body; it ri)iuuiu liiere
and decay u,Jro and n,ur. ul!lou cau get the sto.
much iu the couuTVou lo digctt'lood and make new
blood Intake the place of diseaked This is
ntrl l-ronel:i.,1 tVi. lrrecl the.touiach and liver
aui cutu.-c w:ll lio t!:t h!,.'.;- -. -l.l..v : , .. ..,..s Ln I
an idea mat -cr::.iu uie.lKiae; arc g.-,.; tu-Vi" i.l i
Ihe bbv-i V, hu hlo .1 is -.-.o j di.-v-i.-cd a ,
ho ) untie I , ii is dLt.uu.-J the tame a tuo d. -.oust I'
icatt-y In tic system; but el li. aw m--s . . -
r!.r. toeiivei- uii .......cch.' and gut it ei -nt, t '
tak. Km. i-lasM. f : wnieli u 4ii,.d ;
. ' . .!
c-henkl P-sl nil.rupiSonnflbtt..,t rir1. .
aa on, a h. Ikje4 Di, M.;ii ea,l. ao-.w
s- tnmX
Hies tomneh. ' h It carried pnfi off by Mtn a tha
MandrakTiStlT) Hi Pulmonis 8yrap is mads Inlo ,
blood. This to tha only way to sort oonsamption.
1 f I oarfflvt gt a grmd appete, and food does not
digest. 1 emnaol ttf ths patient Never mind the
eongh J fotnoT Ue eaas and wfll stop ef Itaelf.
This is tht most trout)! f hava with tny patients at
my rooms. Thar ray, "Doctor, I feel stronger; I
can eat i my night sweats art better, and I feel bel
ter every way ; but tny cough Is so bad yet ;" and
they are astonished to hear . ma say that does not
tnntttr! remove the cans and the cough will top
1 or Itself. Kcheak's Seaweed creates a good appetite
I in about bin days, when there Is no lung disease,
' tinlHss the liver is so con nested that the Mandrake
' Pillt cannot unlock the ducts of ths gall bladder la
I that shflt t space of time, in order to allow tht stale
bile to Miss off. Keen Ihe liver nnd stomach healthy
aud there Is lets dnnger of consumption or any other
disease. It is hard to take cold wiien those organs
are benllhv. Ihose that are bilious, low-spirited,
I dreary, fttllng ttnptd, eoattil tongue, ptor appetite,
i -.,. .i..n,c.,h full nf !!. rerVthintt Hint it
j eaten lies heavy, loss of mtmnry. try "nt bottlt of
W1IKNCK S SEAWF.KD TONIC, and imf box of
I t-XllKNK'M MANDRAKE PILLiS. It is only a
' cost nf one dollar and twenty-Bye cents. wiUi lull til
', rectlons. This is sufficient, in many eases, to satis
I fy what the medicines art. Frequently one bottle
limine a great change In tot system. Any person
that enjoys ordinary health, by using tha Soaweed
Tonic and Mandrake Pills occasionally, must igattht
digestive organs in such a healthy condition that
they become fleshy I can produce a number of my
old consumptives patients now enioying good heal III
weighing nearly 200 pounds. 1 will conclude by
-..1 .. . : . 1 ....... r l I - :n V - V ...1. ....I
.u. . n j:t , ...j . t... r..i.
,.. . ... ..., ,,.; vir., i.
pBrIwwMill R th,n BtJio ,07 Iuulton street Her
husband .ailed upon me at my rooms. 31 llond street
I and wished mt to euH and see her. lie said 1 could
i do no good ; that he lied had all the best medical
1l said too far gone with
1 uosuiiipiioii 10 ve vuicu , uusuc diu uuiirti ui v.uos
great cures I hnd made, and lit desired to gratify
her wishes. I called, and found ber lying confined
to her bed in the last singe of bronchial consumption
and without doubt mnst have died soon. 1 examin
ed her lungs, found both bronchial tubes very much
am-cted. but no cavities had formed, her cough
was very severe, the spit-box was half full of thick
pus. Pulse 140, leg swollen very much : aud worse
, titan all, she had ohrenio diarrhva. lltr bowels had
' been moved eleven times that day. told her thut she
bad lungs anough to be cured, but that this diurrhaa
: hid .been nf long standing, and ber stomach was in
' such a ulcerated condition thut I was afraid nothing
. could be dona. She iusisted 1 should try and do
1 what I could for her, observing thut she could not
I last long in the soudition she was In, aud I could not
make her any worse. 1 gave her first a dose of my
j Aliiudruko Pills, and tha tonic and yrup freely.
' 'J'hnt was on Tuesday, and by the nest Sunday tht
j diarrhoea was carried off, her an petite had returned
t and Bhe eould sit up in bed ami eat her dinner. She
; is now trell, and gave a long certificate, certified to
. by tha Rev. Dr Downing.
j Mrs. Bartholomew, tJ Weak Forty-fifth street.
I eame to my rooms wilh a tutsor ou her liver. iShe
1 wan low-spirited, tkiu fallow, tongue coated, bowels
! costive, no appetite, and fast siukiuginto the grave. I
I The euid tumor had been running over fourteen 1
yeurs. I gave her Syrup. Tonic and Pills, and '.old ;
; nr totake them jtislas the directions were priuted. .
She eame back to my rooms. S2 llond street in two 1
; weeks, somewhat belter ; ber tongue had heguu to ,
; eJeiKia little around the edges, her skin whiter aud
! her eyes brighter uoj tht luu-.or disehargin very '
' offensive luutter. much faster than it had evcrdoue j
j tsfere. Slie kept gradually improving, aud iu about
1 two months sha came to my rooms very much fright- j
1 i-iiwd. saying that the tumor bud nearly elupped
; runuing. and was healing up. and that every doctor .
, hud told her that if it ever healed it would cause her
death. I told her that the disease hud all left bar.
sistem. and nature would heal tht ulcer up. Thvy
are now healed, and have been for about a yeaf and !
; she is a heart y and robust a woman us yon will
in a days walk. She is glad for any 011 e lo call un ,
' her. and takes greul pun s l f nu any one that she ,
i bears hns anything like her case, and tries te et
ihem to eoiuv tiii.i see me. The next easels Miss
, Aeofleld. from Stamford. Cona., Mrs. Bartbolom-w '
got her doviu to see me, and she hns been ever since '
at her house. When she first came to my roou-a. sbt .
; wna luu'.-li eiiiaciiited with a distressing co.ih. spit- 1
ting iargetuaiitititsof blvod. I eiaii.iued her luoijf
with the rcApirometer. aud in al) my practice aetar
loiind oue itb ni-e luug so far goi.i and the oiher 1
lung io sound. I could not givo much eaeuuragt- '
lueut. 1 Ihuught eht would diu ; bat to my nj.oi. ;
i-huieiit the Pulmonic byrup, aieaweed touie. and
Msudrake Pills nil seeuied lu go light to wvrk. the j
i lung is all healed over, leaving a cavity as large as
goose egg; good appetite, fine spirits, and hss
, gained some thirty-five pounds in weight. She liu
some cough yet. which do not tnink will ! Ler
before June. 1 should think il would Lo ef real
interest to soaie unprejudiced physii-Un le visil lliese '
oases, particularly Miss Scofield.'or any uf them wbe :
have been cured by uiy medicines. 1 bsv art ulnu
erous in New York"; but tht above three' all differ :
! from each othrr ; uud il rev suedicines are deiiig 1
' arhul I ,'u,.r....... il..u ..u.l.u. .L-..I.I k..- ,1..
art.iil ana ihe uglie:d kaow where aad hew Ih.v
uiay be cared
J. K. .VCHIXk, i. I).
Dr. J. II. clink can kv found al ibe priceipal
otlice. No. SSI N ai th oib Strwel. Philadslphi. .
Saturday, fiauj A. .M. P. II. . lo yiis J."
fice ol ehiiinv; but lor Ihrwub ciau.ination be
charges three dollar. Price ol the Pulmonic .-vrop
and Seaweed Tmimc each $1 lit tr bottle, or Xti tkt
hull .,.,i n. Msudrake Pills 1'j asms sar tcl.snj
is for sale br all Druggists aud Dealers.
May 14. s54.- ly
Noiiiicni Cfniiiil I:iilMnT !
(ti ttstiitt rivim T.IIU.B'..
i THREK TRAINS DAILY to aed froo, ll.h'a,,.
j an I U ashingiuu eity .
CeiinsetiobS u.s io aiiii trains ca Pores, !t n!t
Bailr,.a-I. lo and from Hiitaburf and tht VI si.
. TMIIKK lit A I NS DA LY to and from s.s
I Praiich Siieiiuthaana, Elraira.ab4 all of .W.h-
. era New York.
ON and ailer MUKDAY. MAY Hih. 1.14.
ihe PtiMMiigor 1 rains of tbt Jtortkoru Cta'rsl
Railway will arrive at and depart fruu bmiburt.
Harruluig and llaltimore as follows, n, :
, f 0 I T II W A It b .
M 1 Tra.a leaers Suatary Jaily (oisepl
Sunday I. II !U. If
" leates llarrisharg, ) Mt P. SI.
" arrisat al lialliiaort, t 41
, Kiprtit ttait, Uaves Suubary daily
i (tievpt Sunday.) II
" loavos Hnrrise.iie toieoel
4t P. af
ill U
v A. Ii.
" arrtias a-. Ush users dsdy
( ai..odsy). T
Harrisbarg Aaoomujodalion loasoj Ihurls-
'" I Hi
suuaury Aecuannodatiua leaves Sectary
daily (oscepi Sunday) at
It) A ai
Mall Train leaves llallim.,ro dailv (ti.
eept Sunday) " 9 19 A. M
" leavts llnrri.borg ) Ji p. il,
" arri i ea at Sunbury. 4 0
Express Train leavts llsltiinoro daily V 20 P. M
" arrives at Ilariisburg, I . A M,
" leavtv llnrrisburg (exetpt
Monday). HA. M.
" aai-iv es at Sunbury. S ) "
Harjiiliorjj Aeeommodatiou leuiio Harris-
burg, daily (except Sunday) at 1 00 P M
" arrives at Hiirrishurg. J io P M
Sunbury Accommodation leave Harris-
burg ilaiiy texeept Sunday) al 4 00 P U
For further iulormation apply at tht Ofiict.
I. X. Dl LARKY, tien. bupt.
llarrisburg. Juua 4 -M.
o innrirN ' s
ci:i.ei5u.vti:i) i'iu:i'AHi:n
11' .1 Jl 11 A -V T Ji 1)
IT is used by Sist claal families everywhere, and
highly recommended for nervous and dyspeptic
por-uiu, being very uuilriliuus ami free from all
duletcrious siibstuucoj, In testimony of which I hava
' c rUncatcs lr.iol the mint euiudncut I'hyiulous in
ihe Cuitulry. Try il, aud you will be sure lu con
' tiauo ila ur in preference to any other.
! Sold at retail for Twteiy-Fiva Cents per Pound
i by First class Oroeer throughout the luited "lutes.
Jf- A liberal aisouuiil to the Traifn,
Put up only by
YYbolesalt, ty Wairen it. Xtw erk.
May?, 154.
J. !
i Late Mrs. Luulloi'.)
MA It KPT fmrV.T, PUT-J'H'I'Y", V A
I I Astakan u.'s old s:d wall Vw-f. stas.l,
UAs taktn u.'s old s:d wall V(.vr.
. ref.tfu and f-.mii.hed t!-.t '.-.-
A I- and faniulic. t:: f.n-.- Is pretAr.: t.
teomi.ia-.t HCAMirs sul frtytD-s wuU .w b
,"?rk"1 ."tu " . t-.t s-by i ri -t a l-mlor. I
M '"''.i!?? 'baet, f rMic ) fcuvt
J ' lu, 1.,, u 52 V .Tt't i",'
v"f ' " r " !". w,th ,he ehul't "f t.Huons. both
l"'it:" U-UU'i I .. k
fj,'"' ""g " """
Bunuur7 April 10, lsi.-ly
IliitV A lls i r-Oiici lllir,VT
" ' 1 J'-'s
1'UlLALl'I.rilIA PA .
rM, ...-.t '' .. .
i tits' ."tjr-rvousi. 4.1liun1,
1 ' 1 ,r,,,'-!,T. UMa "UJft.l ;us.r
ARI ' U r.O-ttnt by mall in staled l.ti ar
ti.telcp.. free of char-re Address Dr J hlf.
i,;n ,h lill'IO.', flowi.rd Asacaatiea, J
II. U. MAS ft F.i.t,
A iiorufy nt, Pl'NRVRY, PA
XX. Culluvtiims attended to iu the eountiw 1
A ..r.
tbumbeilaid, Luiua, BoyJer, Montour, CvteutUe
ITun. John XI. Reed, Pbiladelvbia,
A. O. Oatlell A Co.,
Hon. Wm. A, Porter, "
Uurtvn Mcilichaol, Fsq., "
k. Ketehnm A Co., 2-9 Pearl Street, 2(ew Yerk.
John W. Ashtnead, Attorney at La.w,
Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law, '
(tunbury, March tV, 1(02.
la tvery variety, .
Orders setiaited and filled with promptness and
despatch. .
fciinbory, Mny 16, 18f)3. ly '
Or. wl."ilA,TJIT7
Attorney nnd ounacllor nt
OKct on south tldt of Msrktl street, four doors west
of E. Y. Bright A Hen's Store,
WIIl attend promptly to all prof.-ssional husincss
entrusted to his care, the collection of claims In
Northumberland and the adjoining counties.
funuury, .nay Z3, iids. ly
I'or ICiilis, li-r, ItonclirM, Aula, lli-sl
lIiigN, Molliai In I'urH, 11 oolosisi. Ac,
Inatt-ctst on l'luiilu, I'ovvla, Anitnnlsi,
Put up iii 25c, !0e. and ft 00 Boxes, Bottle nnd
Flunks. $3 and fi siies for Hotels, Public lnslitu
tions, Ac.
'Only Infallible remedies known.''
"Free from Poisons."
"Not dangerous I the Tlumao Family,"
"Rats corns out of their holes to die."
Q'Sold Wholesale In all large cities.
Sold by all druggists and Reluilers everywhere
! ! ! JlKwana ! '. '. of all worthless imitations.
See thnt "Costur's'' auaie is on each Box, Bottle
Hid Flask, before vou buy.
Address II l!. ItY II. COST 4 IC.
Principal De ot 4S2 Broadway Now York.'
LEf Sold by all kultsale sa l Retail ltruggisis in
buuburv. Pa.
Feb. M. L-f.4.-m
Altoruoy A 4'oiiua.-IIur i Ijiw,
OrEce ou rioulh si le of Markt street, feur doors n apt
of tiearuart's Coufectiuaorv storv,
Will attend promptly to all professional btuiuee
entrusted to bis nare, the eollretinn nf claims iu Nur
Ihuiiiberlund and li e alj-iiiiiiig unlin.
Consultations in liermau and En.tiib.
Suukurv. March 1. Ie04.--:y
iu:adv roofim;
!'.t.-.i'y u, nail down.
At lota thnu half the cost of liu roofs. I
Alare durable tbau us.
If a 11 able fr sleep er Qal rMAi. ;
in all kibds of kaildiuj(, in arl climates.
kaxily. ebca) Iv. and quiekly put 011. nu
uealiug ever with eetavut aper il i- uailcd dwu.
i "ts't of a atroag weves fabric. Iliunughly sslurated
aiu cevaiaa tpon Oolli tutfaees with aperf-il '! cinion. and pul up in rolls ready tar
use 41) iaoh wide, aud 7 feel leug.
Wo also lasaufno.i.r
roa Lsikt Tit Roovs.
Lfntb okoaptr sad laurtdurablt tbau tit puul.
t'viupeuud Cesijtfnl,
Furl.tsky fShibla R--of,
Wkiob will olioi. sovo tbt owsi i.f a sew roof.
Mkuplr, of I' liuoCs auil Liroilla.-s seal Ly
4oai wboa ilos.ioO.
I afvrshieoi ius Made iik losioi.blo pwiias who
bay ta soTi sfs.n.
likADV hi."'P.'?U CO..
ft ll.iioa l.aut t. ..
April .3 Mil.
xyx-kXr' ii
9BB ...
Ii ilOal PUmlJlH. wiU rot:rt aiou; s.ssalioi,
H. D.
Willisstsjsrl, J,an Js, 84.
Pi wj riutvr.
I I I -ST reeolved a sew stuck f Fisking Tackle f.r
! tj kpring sales, consisting e lto.J, pool,. I.mei.
j Rassoie. eneods. Finals. .Nets. Flies. Artificial Hail,
. Rigged tiul. lirass and Hooks, lo which the
' allenliun of dealers is particularly rttiueslt-1.
' 'rdrs. Wbolesal aad Rotail, punctually filled
ousiicuDu warranio'i.
tu-l aud Walnut snoots. Philaolpkia.
rttruary J", 64 u
7 ha Only Bafa Keliablo against both Fira
and Burglary.
I au bow prepared to furnish thre tises ofXatinn
al Dank Sales. They art both Firt aud Ilurglar
proof, wilh two distinct insidt Rurglar Sales, and
Ihreo of my new AiMi-.Mteronivter Locks on each
safe, beliet cd to be the only bank-lock uow in use
that has rot been picked or cannot be picked by
tho aid of Hit uiicromelor, Tlieee S.ifet all present
fo::r to six inches in thickness ul solid ir..n. guaranteed
tu be tha strougvt, the diffioult tu drill aud lo
si uud the most resistance against both firo and
burglary of any Safe iu the I'nitcd States of tht
same sue aud cost.
1 have oh hand also, and will furbish sill sites nf
Rank Y'ault Safes, possessing all lbs advantage of
iho above agaiust burglary.
Al-o, all aii of Meruanlila Safot both burglar
proof and 6ro and burglar-nrouf.
Also, Ornamental Dwelling bout Safes, bnrglart
proof, ami fire aud burglar-proof (warranted do
Also, tho strongest tud cheapest Vault doors, for
bunk and mercantile vaults.
All Hit short art l.illit vraagkl aad chilled
Also, si liros l.illit t Wrought Irin Firt Proof,
warranted tqual to any common Sstts, at fully oat
third less prict.
Abu, a general aatortnieid, "f second hand Safes,
inairy of them iirai ly ucw, and of spprovs-i tnakers,
it'im-l ia eiubangt for Ll'lle' Chilled iroa ,.Sfe.
lh'te art -iNrsd si r below auction rrieet.
It C. SADLER Agent,
Nc, ;i b. tL ENTIi Street.
r. o t. t. v n i1. t
i:i.l-xMt:.l01 i:, anjlr 4'o 'lit.
f plir Fall Session nf Ibis Institution commence oo
I. illl'R.-sDAY. Alt. 1ST 1Mb. Thq Winter
Hevfoima the Kth of ,Xo ember,
Vi Boardiinr. Wosbirg. Furnished Rfiom Fuel
I tud l.iirhi. eo-t Tuiii.m in til tht regular ttudie of
I luo Cnieginta.Deprrlineiit. only tbt 7S.
A iibrrnl bcddcliuii made iu f'uv vr of tha Danghttrs
! of fnr S,.bliors.
t ..r fui tier p-irticulrrs, or Circulars, arwly Ut
I . . litiMEIt, Prineipal,
' Hetiiisgrcea A..;ust . IgJJ 1mo-
A Ms ,P;Kclim ;ut Piper.) De.f. and blank
nisas. r.-,-is. mins. for' a. .
iboeaVe a ito 'uA,ui7 Anitrvoki.."
IXprstaM Company,
1 S NOTICK that they harif conolmP J Mr
vA ra(i:;caio.ile with the Northern r LiilrallUid ri.l
Compnny to run trains from llullimure for Y'ork,
Harrlsborr l'ltpbln. Halifax, Travprtnn, Siinbery,
NoriVuiiibrrliind. I.ewisburg, Milton. Miitier, Wil
liamsport, and all interniedint stations, connecliug
nt Hnrrisbur s wilh the 0 HEAT WESTERN EX
PRESS for 1'itisburg, Cincinnati, Si. Louis nnd tht
Also with Howard A Co. 's Express at Milton of
Danvlllo, 1)1., Wilkcsbarro. Pittslon. Scran
km, anil Intcrmedlutn stations nn Hit Cnltawirsa,
Lncknwanna A Rbwrnsh'trg Railroads. At Wil
liamsport, by Howard A Co.:s Express t Jersey
Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A Cu.,
and their connections, for Canton, Troy. Elmire.
Rochester, liuflaln, Ningsni. n.v! o nl'l nceibl,i
P'lnts in Western New York nnd Canada, by which
they will forward Merchandise, Specie. Hank Xotw,
Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every d'verin
tion. 1
Also, Notes, Drafts nnd Rills f.,r Collection.
Experienced and efficient messengers employed,
and every cirort will be miwlc tn render sati-l'ii-lion.
fiuperlntendenl Penn'a Division, Philadelphia.
P.. A. FISCIIEU, AKcnt for tsunhiiry.
April fi, 1SI12. 0
- Arriint;'innttj 1M81.
ol iew York I.ln.
t'rnm Pltitttdrlphiti In .Yen- Variant If'oy l'larrs,.
from Walnut stmt Whit if mid Krn-ii:t;liH
J)riot. (' tr.irr as follows, viz i rktn.
At 8 A. M.. via Camden nnd Amboy, (C. and
A. Act'oiiimndatioii.) j 24
AtO A.M., da Camden and Jersey City, X . J.,
Aeeoinmudation. 2 2fs
At S A. M.. via Cam.len and Jersey City,
(Morning Mail.) I AO
At 8 A.M., via Camden and Jcroy city 2 1
Clusa Ticket J
At II A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city,
Kxpre's ,1 00
At 12 M. via Camden and Ainlmy.j; uui A
(Ac.nmmoilatioii.) J. j
At2 P. M . via Camden and Amboy, (C. and
A. Express.) J iv
At 3 P.M.. via Kensington and Jersey Cfl,
Wash, an.l N. Y. Express J-nt '
At 6 P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City,
(Evening Mail,) ) uu
At 111 P. M. via Kensington and Jorsoy city,
ooiiineril .nail. a uu
At li (night) m Kensington and Jersey eitr
Soutneru Express 1 00
At b P. M.. via Cuuiden nnd Amboy, (Aeeem-
mudntiou. Freight and Pusnener, First
Clas Ticket. M
Secoml Class Ticket. ( su
For l liter liap. Strntidd.urg. Sersnton, Wilkw
barre. M..ntrusu. lireat Rend. Ac, al ri A. M .
from Kensington, viu Delaware, Luclfuwu-uiiA aud
Westeru RailroH.l.
For Miiii.-h Chunk. Allejitowu. Rtlhle'ie-a, lieli
dern. Elision. I.aiubern illc. ITemiiigiua, Ac. e:t),
A. -V.. from Kcii-in'loii licpol, uud u'. it P. M.
fiem U aluul struct Hh .if.
('thvtt A. M. Line connects with T.-iius leAriu f.r Mauch Chunk, at I-.'U P. .'.I.
For Mount Holly, at S A. M . ai..i 4 P. M.
lor Freehold, al 6 A. M. ami 2 l. M.
For Ilristol. Trenton, Ac. i-t II A. M. an 1 i add
i P. M. fr.lrtl Keiisiugloti.
Far Palmyra, Itiserlon. Dsli.nru. Psicrly. Rut
lingtun, Florence, ttcrdeulow u. Ac al 12, 1.2. 4
an.l f, P. M.
Ijf I'or lii'tt Yore, and M'ay Lines leaving Kou
sintoll l'epot. take the Car uli Kilth ..reet. lovq
Waliiul. halt an hioir twi .re .leparture. The turs
rnu into tei )op..i, aud on the lirnvul 01 aach I'raia,
run liie i'es,t.
fifty Founds of !tug.. allowed ea-h
passenger, i a-enge rs .ire proi, noted lioio l.Ling
a-.iytliing as ba;:;aw but ihiir wourin.; apj ,.1 .il. Ail
bshgugc over hi;y uiiud to he puid I r extra. Th
CjUfpauy limit thtir respon-il.iluy tor bii;ige lu
tus Dollar per p.oiud. ui.d will nut l tiut'le tor auy
ailiwuui I.eVuIld 9lo0. tl.-rpl bv speeisl c .lilrtill.
WJi. II. 'liATZMI.U, A4enl.
juuuary 1 ios.
, Deaior ia
" IM A X O 8 .
NEW Rosswocsl Pinkos, JVsiia tLe ben loaktrs
Horn f'Juo u.jrJt.
AiEl."M't.S The best ciauufauturtd lustra
rims from :u Sln
Uuilais. Yinlii.s. Aceiirdeulis. Flutos.
files. Drums. Huj,.s. Tuu.buriir',
lulin aud Oiiiiiar s-iiugs un 1 inusioal mer
ciic.uii.e iu iTL-ner.-tl.
.-:iei:t Mivic.
The IhIcjI puh'i.'.oiot, nluayt vll Laal. kUsia soot
b u.ail t an i.K.i oi Hie "'.1,1.1, v.
'".Al., MyCARE. i.ll.T AND R-.tSKW-iyh
Sa:tabl forleolitg rin-.ii-). aud ill kiuJs ,.f p eiaroo
A fir... . f I..,, ..I-...1
L'iOKIXl, ikLAS.-sLS uu:u siualle I t.i ; rgesl sisro
Auy stylo of fiaue uihJo loui-lcr nt the ,!n.r',wt
uo'ioo. WM. KXui-'Mii.
April II, lii'J. so Market si., Uarrisbarg.
. a:.iK3i tet i 's
Ccnuctioncry, Toy nd
.tlai'lirl dtifcl, Kiiutissry, ku.
i tJl.'Kl i ii(N': i:V (IK A KINOS.
TaV- P r.VI'i'.Y iiKSf'KIi'TION,
;u it. .i'.. Ai-.,
tO'tal.'. N il.'. . s lnhj ts I li suit at iba abuv
V. .t nhi le.sio a.el r-til, at reAsoi.
aide pri.-s.
Ils is luaLiif o-tiiiing all kio lf nf ContVcimasrio
le op up a full assortment which nre sold at lw
Tobacre rio-ur .- sli..rrs. Xu'etf all kii ds aud
stariulyef ihor arii. Ics. ttlt ,.r wl.ish are kffrrod
wkvlcsalo ,:l-l riil.
Ik 1-ok ,-.lvi .v. uaiv uud t. o. jr-f
.. , ". v . iiK.U;ll AKT.
i!a:ket.-ri-, ; -cr. eeit .fE Y. UritLI A Sea's
uahury. ?j I. 1, Ii ::.f
wasiiimjton iiorsi;,
.outhwe-t (Jernor of Market S ure.
SiJMU KV. !..
r Illtn us l-rsigns.l respeeti'ullr informs tko pobtie
ii V'k ', '"k'n charge ot the ab-ve naiue-i
Hotel, aud ii ki r.-r the continuance uf the f..rmi
patronage and would invito all ethers lu givo biui
it a! a avs supplied with ibe best the market afford
His Par cnisiu, the choices! li-iu-rs. and l.ia itai.
lln " It-wd ai.d well att-nded bv ciir-t'ul Ostlor,.
April. If, sf,4.
Muni. i
on illy Survi-jer Jt 4 ouieviiuier,
Muhcnnt, 2rt!.mith,rlind Cvvt.ty, 7Vr.f'i
Office iu YYioJiinglon towr-hip. rngagsiuonts ent
be made by loner, directed lu tho al.ovoad.lres.
All business entrusted to his care, will bt proutntl..
attoudrd to.
April V, IS(!4. ly
'i'w. i.o't-fe 'm 'mVi' i:. "
rplll' nnderaigned will sell at prira.o rail. lYi LX
I TY-SIX T.tWX LOTS, situate in Die borough o
Sunbury. The lots tire loci'.ed within a few s.piare
pflho Pennsylvania Railn td Ctnipay's Mnebin
Sho)s). in ihe burl heru part of ih town, 'ihey ar.
all suitable bail-ling lu's. i il rate in Ihe most pleuiuu
portion of the borough, 'ihey will bo sold ou res
sonsblc llu.s. For furtbet particulars applv to
1'l.TER Ii. MAS.-.tR",
11. R. MASSKK,
Ponhary. Junt If. IM4 Kxtcutors.
tt M.Livaia. A. M. fiLLiaa
ytw &. NAi.i,.tii:.
Nt- IZaboath Ninth Street, belwaen Chenii au- -Walnui,
May T. Ittfil.'si vx'rivlk-it i: jiiiii
hi: i iti:i:zi:ic i
At Improvjd for 18f 1M0,
E I KETCHAM A CD , Pearl st , .Vow Tork
rilllK only Freeier constructed on scientific pris
X ciples, wilh a revolving eau and spring hiutf
:raper. The one hastens the Ireetingof the crtam
the other removes it as fast fmicn.
The uioal rapid in frcrting. with the least quoutil,
of let.
The most economical in cost, a it is tbt most simp
tn.t durable in structure.
For salt iu til Ibe principal eitiee and towns iu th
I'uion. Fretser accorrponlod with a pook yf recipe
and full direolk-ns '
ajuarut, ' ft 00
4 ijuarta, 4 04
quart, tal
' t quart, 4 00
14 quarts, ft ti
SO quaria, 1 in
ip,:lUsn,VN,FF, Pa
Maich .", .