t r n itn ... d mm ran. -- aAS3C;j; Mititor ft Iioorietor. JH. WILT M.K'j', Pt.UI.W. M.iJlKV, 1A. S VTl'in)AY, Tj.VNL'AUYlT Did. Sle..;;. ol iUc Motfruor of Veins njlrnnla. Governor Ctirlin's nicssnga was read In tho Legislutttre last week, lte gays that Urn vur closes with a train f brilliant -cs, inspiring tlm hope that the rebellion , IM- is... ,.v... J . .A .. .... 1 ... r ...... iuiTc.nt h connnevoiXDi,.- 02. I':M' Ar.Ki.niA, .Inn. It, 18(13. Hilsi'i'-.-, i.t 'i ',':)'., in this ciiy, is con Jdered uuuti:t'..y dull, niul the money mar is..:',, hiis been "tight." uetw ithshii.obn ; the .utihin-c f c:,pi;.d. 'i he merchant art tolng l ut TdVle, r.'i! the prospect fur n 'tsk ii'r1 1 is, they sty, nut vorj promising. Thr trn.'iuo'ifltis in etoek, urn tMitlhicd ul ;iioit cxe-'-'Vciy to thow ot oil. Abut;; tv o liui! Led and seventy of tlif? toiiipa ttii"! Irivu unready been formed. AWl. three out oft very jimr men jv?. "r- nt th-:-.'.oleis L.vu oil on ih-j "main," tuul the talk ' , about oil. iii. I oi! '"" 1 i.io ihul .it present, iid the ttpciAHrs y 1'.it iv til.ieh cm bo ion.: for ."ii.e fleck. -.v...: tafrrtiict! 1, " ;r: r.;'-i. ...i " m . l.liy'.kiii I'K'mi;'. that tlic of the ;naknke railroad to Mr. Car::.-;. wns ncuriv d iT.nt tii'Mugum'-;!'. . h:vr iHN.J I'.lfl I., r:i. it JWee iwui New York 'l J't'o. i ii.'v load, ccinuLto-t. ! iuaUi )!" iu Ynl'cv I'tvl by !:...,: :-.. ui-1 r lrikc tl-c !!: it is cltUiUul '.; '.'.' ; Voik !u ri; . iirii'i1 i rain. t;r"M ui ft.; I.ihiir'.i i;it 'Ha l villi liic t'.i ii,;iV::ik' cx- ' i. ail ui '.iiiirii v. .si loutv tV'"') N.'A v i' into :i OOlili.l ut our po- ui-..", v. jf'itli !!.icl our ,.rc iulcmio.l t" convi'j houicuiu i. u lacro sl.ui r.Tiit of that i:.v. .: no.-i.r r.At-j ;.r... uj.ii.,ali. cvrn '.ill-its to ;n. ri".isc our sc.scr!; tior ii ri'j.i: i ;u ihc. iu;-ni ; it -jKOtivx iaK.-re, i.'.'i iiiail.-s in (.;:! 1. 1 'l: ."its 11 ".!! ."HiUlur..", ''!','.V, ;:li.TU til VV :.-.'. ';i'"i;i'.'- lift. M-r arc n-ansio"s lo mid rc it it.Ji rfiuiiauliiy. I ii.' .!.,. .';.. i.- now. what it ntiv h;i 1 -en, a conservative nud iuJr-lci.-Vu i j'-iJi.., i.ii'l is supporttf'.l principal? ,.... ,i ,;c r f tli.;" tl.Macti::-. It never was fuvonto with c::trcm pai tw i'f or aspiring pi'lici.'.i:-, nu'l no iiiuepcuiknt p.i;)er cun hp. The people of tlii.i i!:ire p lens!, will ucvor ticci x ilte Auurknn of evading any isouc, v liL-rc tl.fiv interc-.! ' were involved. Vc lino no doubt, the 0&t' U iutislicd -.vitli its own coi-.J-tiou, und wo can :. .tu.e our nuighhor, that tvo i,:.vj ui gi,od an opinion of our own estclii-iirjfi.t, that we i u,,'d not b-j easily iuduccd to c::d!ruige it fr ur j oJin i in the county The C.'sett--tlrirko the Mmc may come when they can domou th? Shcrift ae'.vertising e-n parly ;.r.vi:nd. Vi huve never t !..aje au nn .li uJaims and never ..liall. We arc n!":-.' i linj; to accord to j.ublic .nEcer. the saioc i it noo. Icavinc it on f :ili.t'.TU,00a, with milroad boneVt rcCuiMd fui tii fiiia ol' the public works Miioimting to 910,8W,'000. Ho Bays tit.u mo quoin ui l he Stale for thf now cull for voluntecra h (i0,0ai), uud ull:U!iJ to theProsidcnt's Hiite mrnt t'mt the onfl i:ii-hlcfiy to supply den eieiith'B in former chlb, cirprccscs surptise ut th" deli" iiiicy, and fun only account ft it by the assumption that tlm men nevet reached the army, ulthough cnliilrd od mustered in alter I he payment of largo boun ties by tlm localil'esecuilllig them. lie c&i :r.a'.-s that the people of tho Stuto hitvo 1n ! this way betu robln;el ol twelve minions oi I dollars, not including money fiav.1oknlly t.iketi Ironi iiku who iu-tiiul!v entered th I army. The ?nm ent i.ito b.iv?ei !:'nm ! Pent!vjviiniu ih.v;; I'l. were 11 TOO. in- O'K'.i'u' iT.'i a- i-tiliRtoi itoen. Tiy h.-.!a i ui.iul). , ir"ip.i l i.ui I'i'iiiwylvHilia silica sho ciiiiniii ir.i iiieiit of the war, iiidudiii;: i the niivtv d:.tM1,M'iiiM. 1 iUW.ll-t, lti.tes i . oik) ii,'i!iti.i l,;'.tiilied iu1l"i- The Rnl- hiiury of our j 'i ;.: in Hie I'i '.-I -V'-da l;s 'ueou ihu Coinimui n1.li, a..d that tln-ir ' .:it ":t in appru-hited, U ih"M i ly the on 1 tihiieiUibi i-.i!it;, mi'i whi -h the im-u aril 1 v.'jnu ii ' iho ;-t.ite "' tribute the lii'.'i.ns ' for thi'iP C'H'ilbl t ilii'l :!::. a. Oiii lirtir.i fi-i'il'ti'in is w.niud, but to ! tiL.-iiL: i: th,; ;eve"uu Ihij ty-?em of taxation i ini.s'v be irvi-eil. The 1 'N on bunk, for immure pmdt:i-ed hiit j-cnr U5i.UuC Ol, ' lot te i but no iiii'.PV 'jee'i'i'i' Kal.o'iMl biiu'- tl.ut I lavi' inailo t'. p' Veuuc is virtually extuvjuisheil, u.ul ! ilie def'-l. iuil'A L' Ci'uci -,i.' supplieil. T-i ,!n- i,t the hrnvv national niiil Ioeni l; .'. w, economy in expeiu'.il.iie ii advised. The C-.. i ;.. t:-rt i.: tU- p.-.yn.eul ot the volunteer inii1.!:- of 103, and recimineriils ,!i:il the etVelt bo rerewed to obtain t'on-g-.'i 'sioual reeogiil'lor. of the State I'.aiiu for reimbursement. The detenet c:' the ! idiu receive lt:s iiucution, and a corps ol live ihout.-nd men will bo raised during v.xir.er for the protection of Pennsylvania agai.iot rebel raids. Men in this corps draft ed bv the United Sutra will receive fur loughs for their term of State ecrvii-e. di vision of the election laws is iTeoii.:nti..!''i'. lVn.ioiis are recommended to t'ne voiuii ttvr niil'itinnicu iniured in bervicr, or to tho luiui'.Lj o'!' di. toe killed. The Go. -ernor ar gues a'aiiitt tl.e jiolioy of special lrgishit ion hen ;euend laws provide the means for in corporating companies, a. id h'J " I's a rej-oul of the maiiiifaetuiin; and mini.,;, law, .if-1 the act which er.ubh s corinjialions in other. Ptntes ta hohl lauds in this.' lie also recolii- mends a liurea'.i of Statistics. Tho law pro- with pnuei d io s of tho condition of tho country, tiio situation of our military atTaiis, Arc. lie recoraincudstho abolition of sla very, representation according to population the completion of the Junction anil Dela ware breakwater Railroad, an enlarged pro vision for the blind and deaf und dumb, near ndi tioiis r ttiichud by tho lust Legislature. In K'gnd to the abomion ot bmveiy, tnu nov el iTofiftgnSn takes strong ground in favor of cTft'aiteiprttirn In that Stite, as he did iu his inaugural f.dtlress. Jra rciicats tnat iwiii waro is connected with the free states by geographical position and commercial neces sity; that tho pTodudts of Delaware fiud tlteif markets iu tho tiorth, and that from Ihcnco come tho itnigriilils wjio give in creased value to leal vstatt?; that tlie result of constant intercourse with the north is .gradually to nssitnilato Oto institutions "of i'olaware to those 61 the lico State, ns h liui already indent ifrcd their inrcre?t!i Miut slavery in PcheWa'ie, bcin merely nominal, i: wvilhlcss ax nn element t)fialMr; that I ei.'ia'ie'.iaiioM In h.'r.laiid lias wttrotmded Oolawiiic. wiiii free sil, invlMng the escape ot slaves oo all sicfe there is tow no law ' re'iuii'i.ir theiis f tiTltion j in vh-'-v f tiio-e facts It myd bo 1 Mimed that the Le L'" duttlCU M11 "j i ncee!uity o' t iUioj omo !c:n to t'etlieve i die foetuiH'S of the eomtiii'inv'dOi by rnnin- I'piSng tm; si.i.i-. Piia tiivi'by lnvl'ing , fr-e ii'ii ;r..tiiii. lint etiitsiitm..i i. Unit i I l.e ;i-.iaiiiie is of a luaiorit" of "Demoornts," wc are inclined t') fear that they will clin;; desii rately to the forlorn and hopelei's in rtltutiuii while a shrend ol it reniuins in the Stuto. 'eak as slavery in Delaware has i-rmi foi ti n vmiH i.u.-it. vet free nnneiules liiueii less progress lucre iiian in -Marvland. Missouri. Arkansn an.i Loui siana. It is hell', on to as tin element of Democratic stivi.lh and for no ctiiur tvanoi) that ; pp ivive. tlm: G(.)YF.uNt)ii o' :r.viNi-:. Gove-nor Cony, of Midne, who was le." eleete'l. was inaugurated on Thursday !-( II u met.6age i.1, a lengthy and i-oi.iprehpii-sive tlocutneiit. Tho whole debt ol the State, as represented by loans, is 3,7.Ci.0, und has been created the past year. To pro vide for the lin.nidntion of this debt, li'f Governor suggests tho establishment of a sinking fund, by setting apart a fixed mm annuuliy. 1I repi :iiiiutids flic av-aimntion, by the rtiicn Sfde?, of ah the Nu'e'tliU incurred for ti i Xaiiot.nl df !' i c e. llefe.iing to eiii '..:iui i.i-, i'.ie Govrr.oi s ijs that Maine ha eoiitributcd the pui, v. M r U t!i' icrvipc of tin! Government If. 1)1)1 A KucroMMf'Ml ConUMInlnirltlorhln. Tho en jlish papers notice tho trial of a new coal-cutting machine, the invention of an engineer residing at Leeds. Tho iMa chino dihVrs from any other yet invented, inasmuch as It is worked ley wnter pressure conveyed from a small engine fixed near the bottom, ot til" pit. The trial referred to whs iWii! in the AUentnti ream of coal, which is five feet mn ine.hes lhM, tmt con' Itt'lM-l j Yahinotoj(, Jan. &. Kichrrtond pajirrs of 8uturdu, Jan. 7th contain tho billowing Items f "Mi.irii.i;, Jan. 5.--A raid is rcportoM ad Viuieing south, towards Smitliliclel, 20 mili'fi north of Alberde'cni Tlra Oi'slrUction of nrouvrtv is unknown. It is lilso reported that 'General ifOod's -arVny him ned the TcnnCSseoriVer, hmHs "moving on Tupelo. tain a layer of dirt three inches thick, at .))fKC yi 1)Mi,ttUy thj future: iii'i iieigin o. nuuij iiwiu ..u-.. v..u ........ ,mo OI (ypernnuns, lti'.vot.iTTloNARY Sor.DiBKfl. Oil tho first of iii .t .I:iiin iry thero were but twelve Ilcvo luti"ii..rv pi'iisioneis remaining. An act ot'Apiih Mil l, providoi! an ad.litional hun dred dollars to each of them, to bo paid on and iiftir the lit t-iy of January. 1904. SiliLe iliap. time, seven of these venerable heroes have died, having bu. live pt'M liv ing, of whom tho eldest is one hundred years old, and the younyct ninety-four. Tiidici' Tura. which separates the f.rst and Bdcohd Beams erf coal, The machine was mounted rm four wheels, and traversed ou the croi tramway. Tiro "turfing" rr ''boring," Nvtifoh tlio hardest and' most laborious phtt of tho cob lier"s worh-. was dor remarkably well in ono wen straiiiht line, end to a Uniform depth. The cutters were fixed in a Blotting bai wrrked with a uteady longitudinal re ciprocating motion, at a slight angle, which ripped out the w hole of tho partition of dirt to k depth of three feet three inches. The apparatus being entirely Belf-actiug in all its operations, it propelled itself forward secured itself dead fast between the floor and tli-; roof, while the cutters were is opera lion, ami again released itself with the re turn of ihu si nike. The machine is strong, I and not ut nil complicated, and is likely to wuru i I'll ituiauir.i). ii i nrauiiiun i ranuvd in its various movements and works with u h precision rod exactness that any one might almost fancy it wrs endo-Mwd with intelligence. One man is all that is required to uu-nd to it, and he has nothing to do but see it in inoUun uiiel stop it when reijuiied. The machine worked on W eelnes-day't-vo hours iiml forty nine minutes, and excavated the dirt out three inches thick mid three feet three inches under for a length of Uventy two yards und two feet, and lib erated from the solid bed of coal forty-four tons. The average cost ot "boring "y liana I labor nt the same collery U 8d per ton; but I the nrinciiial suvinir is in th? ecnomieul winking of the coal without cutting such a large proportion into slack as is done by hnf'l labor, OurUolri amlPiilvvr roj. The exports of bullion from California during theye ir ld'jl will prove to be larger than tho : 1 if any former yiar. I'p to the 1st of Deccmltcr they amounted in round iiniii-er to tidy two millions of dollars, and bv the en I oi the veur .vill leacli uLtoui on l,nT''lmvrs msv pnlv en.ni ffi'l:iP llif het l'ur hi "Tho Fort Gaines prisoners are expected 1 ril aki.m oakfohd .1 sw'S, Contiucntal llotcf, ..U.rt in tliU elm .,..!,. m WphIhi ii ! I'lillniloliililn. Kiv. 12, 1801. 3 la lo nrVive in this city to-day from Western Norm vurMina. ' The Kalirgh ('r'rr?rrii, of January 3d, eayst "We learn that on Docimber 83d a fiht took place at Shoemaker's Gap be tween the companies of Captains 2v. Price, Hosa, and Gortrcll, and snino deserters, Jo nes and robbers. They attacked our forces from tin ambush, but were speedily routed and severely chastised. They lost 14 killed, 4 wounded, and 4 wcro captured. Wo lost no killed or wounded. .The woods were tired during the engagement, which caused the discharge of a considerable number of guns which Had been thrown' away by tho enemy. "Cupluin Price was in command of the battallion, and distinguished hinuelf by molucss and bruvcrv, as did his entire com mand." .The Columbia VnrV.u'i'in snvs: "Gnu nil I). II. Hill passed down the South Carolina railroad yesterday, under orders to report to Gen. Uoiiuregiird, at Charleston. The I,ld notices the arrival at Selnvi, of "a detachment of 400 or 300 galvam.ed Yankees, under tho charge ol Captain UP DC GRAFF'S Eye and Ear Infirmary. (Od tlio ft-pniri!. ThriMj bmtl from tUncl's ll-jtt WILKlSfJ-BAaRB, PA. ri-ltlW tXS'f 111' fli-'N in n.-w rw-n anrt furnbheit I in ilin inns iitiMly -liic. Urn und 0H'rfilinit I: jit. mwpnon. rrivum lnruti nil. I .'oriTotiiPMI un.i The Ilev. N. Tood, who has resided in Pittsburg for many years, is now one of the oldest ministers in the Presbyterian Church. The Jhwiirr says: "Through in his 8ith year, ho is abroad almost every liiir day, and every few days honors us with a ohoil cull, lie was born iu Massachusetts; and studied theo'gy under the celebrated Dr. Ashbel Green, whose niece he afterwards married. While a youth ho saw the great und good Gen. Washington several times, and not iinfrerpicntly most of the leading statesmen of that time, and was intimatclv aoeuainted with almost all the leading ministers of our Church in the early part of the prcsoit cen tury. . Gentlemen's lli.ts. AI1lliolict KlvlcHt niAItLKS OAKFUKD A C'ontinoiilHl Hutu), riiiliiilil; liin. 'uv. 12, lsi'.4 Siu 1'iiAvr.ii rSniiKrinn.TnF. Ci'Isksr The Rev. Sir. ScliiTiwhewaky. lnisMnnary cf th Ktiimopnl I'liurch, i iinniifrnl, wil'h Rov. Mr. liurdi-n.inmiiUiiiK trsn flntiuii of tho l.il.hi and l'rnycr Jlnok into the hiithrr cotlrvjuinl of Msndnrin Ihiix-irxo of Cliinn. This Is I lie ki nken lnmrunire of thu Court, of nil official tier- Clark aiul Hicc, and Adjulant Seymour, of j ens, und "f ih huitfc-iiluoarod cliuwcs lu China, the 10th Tennessee, ou llieir way to the jjkw CneneK is 1'ahis. X.i fcwir limn nix front. They are Strong, able-bodied Bob I clmrehe sre it the prewnt inmncnt in couroof ere'r- iiimi ill t uric nnjiii'i v, iii i.i.iiiir.iiiKU, ni i.i.-iiiiiuiii ie l;-iil nrd ilo IiivHlidcs. snd tliecliur- Augustine, the Trinity, mid St. Auihruiic. Ironi. 1 lley are SllOllg, Bllle-oouieu sm- I ciiurerrn n diors, mostly foreigners, embracing almost j j'"n I" Ii every Kuropean nauonality, villi only a Lh"o".vt siigiit mixuiie ot the geiiuiue Yankee. Capt. ' ull i.-tiintcd. i he eui.u.m .i,. .!!: t roi-tniiip inn fini'si v. 'li' '.i'" 'li 'i ''i.t' ii'ipiitii in thid coinilry nn'l I, in Id? fwuliie will Pimlilo Iii). i l) mr ! 1.1. . mi t sll einoiKiiieioi in riii'iicii. i i . . will onTflln upipti Die viirlmin forum of UI. liJiK'!t. Cntiir".t. .-! .n. of tlm li' j. il I'm fyii. li.-i.iv of it o i, r Docis. Inrorsion l tl": I yeiid'. I'l.'iv.i'iiiii. .... Ac. '.n.i will treat all fom.s ol Aire hym, 'irmiui. l lilll'l'til of till I'llMieil. Mil l , :,VrtttoU li"'1- 1' the fcye loi'ilicr with nil the ili.-i u...-.- .i nhiuli liiu eve is iHiUi"'1!. 1 1'.. I .'III lll-ll Mil ll.i 'M ri.T," , .i. i to tlienfOTii. li.clnirt'- IVhiii i!-p l-iur. N..i i-in iIip Knr. Cutwi'li. ilinii'iilliuMif ln'iu iii 'I li'nl'ii.iw, ivif where the In ion is iii'.4r-j i' l. Will nwrt 1111 arlill' inl ono, naivcrin. nearly ull the pin p.wi-.i of the nutiirnl. DISKASKS I'P THK 1 1lll'IAT. All ilie"S ivimnion to the Tlirimt Mel Nn'O will he tri'iiO'd liLMatAI. SI ltliKI; V. -lie will oiprnt iipo'i Club-feet. H:.:. nip, Cleft I'ulliitr, Tuumrs. t'smeers, EnlnrKod i'onells. Ae. I'lusiie uierHtiiu; I y lii'n'iie; new Serb Into deformed piirln. mid lleiierul urery of wiiHteer elmrseter it nniv prewnt. 1IKKM A. (OU Ktl'Tt Iii:. l- ll-i will p.-i f..r.it -l.iihiu.H," u"T!iiioii itTilie rndirril. feuniplfte.) enre of Iferniii. Ibi uniiieliiinntil,v n piTfri l .-.n'. m.d is iloiiv with litile or no pnin. I'ut of the insny liuti ilrcd wrsii upon in Motion there hui heen no fnil uros. it hnvinjt ntut he ppri)b'itlan of all who huvo subinitteil te ii. Alt'llFlUIALKYi:.-?. Will iiwrtl ntllflOll eyf. ivinj tlii'io the uiolion uud expri'ion o the nstu nil. They Are inserted withou', Hie Irn.'.t psin. ItEMUKRHurtl. (l'll.KS.) Tliiii tr.eihleyome ill sense is readily cured. Thoe eutfering from it will . do Well to en II. lilt. l 1)K (lit.liT vbits M'ilk 'S-Tinrre wiMi a view of building up it peruiiiiient In.-litu-' f.p tlio trenliiieiit of the Kye, Y.r. mid iieiienil r-'nr ""v The exK'rieiiee of niore thun :i humI'T of n oeteur,'. . in llociiitiil mid iR'niTn! iir.t-ti-L-. l'e h.ii . In- suttii-ieul Kiiurii.ii.e to t-o... ' 'Mi-i. I n- employ htm. Juuunry 1 1, lS!)j iy Clark inform us thai almost tiny ntimber could have been ubtoined, tjut that only those were uccepted w ho had lio families in the Xorth, and few lies to attach them to that section. They will be distributed thtoiiuli the Irish regiments of the Army of the Tennessee, and v.L'.l lill up their deplet ed ranks." At tlie battle of Franklin the Missouri llrigadc went into battle USS strong, and hf.d 101) killed, 242 wounded, and HO cap ! tired, making u total loss tit m millions, 'i tie linger portion of this I (iou was also wounded. Gen, iiin gone to England by way ot raiianin and Apin.vall; but fifteen to twenty mil dnis lime been -ettt to hew York, and pioii.it. ! lour or I've million t i Chin and other eo'iiitric. 1 lie increase oi cue coiui 447. Ool Coekerel TllK ('In li i i Atfrtmitr nml .Toilrmrl t .nlilinhps n mimmiiry of Iho several Conferences of ih-' yo'u isiil. by whieli it appear thai ihu total uicmlier.-inp ipU27.!IR. and aildn. 'f bin shows an apimeiil imrn-e . of ;i.V22 ; there is. bowi'ver. mi actual deereaiie of a- lamt tliut number, an the two colored I'miffrrncm. I Diluwiirc ami V. liinirlon. which n port 1:1. ' is imni- bers. are miiioly eoiii).osi'il of Hn-iilies eiiibraeed in ' the returns ol ISalttiiiore. Mn't Jtiiliim.ire and I'bila- 1 delphia ConfiTeti....-!. whi-h leet in thipriiu. lieiiuc tlie orgatiizHtiou of lli'j col-red Coiiferenei-s.1' I Ladies' Furs. J The lanrot swirl nii-tit nt I'll Ull.KS OAKVDRH . Si SUXS. t'ontinental Hotel, Philadelphia. Nov. 12. iii.-si. :si ; nen, aru M'.'e" i.ie comment i mi at ot t",! UX,rt ovor that of U'3 will be about twelve v.Mr, imu lentil I ilie l)i:.iil:i.ion 01 uie .Mine, I n.i:ii0,.s. The Dindilelious of the precious was wouiiileil tJiree nines, out. uui sesiiiusiy. Cot. tlarland and Major Parker, with a long j ""'; liKl.iniors PlllMA. l.iHt week Cur t:,, it W'ise- Imuiii of The lliil'l n lieiu ' was pm-f irmo i ...i... i .. .... .. .. j... I. i....ri... t - . . . . : : . I I. ... .......I.. .....i... .ii,i,i,.r 1 in "O mill ill ine liomi. i i o eiri-. ity Ji'ino- i" ltt captaiiis uud lieutenants, were among , (; ure ( Ui) rM,,.Ir. : il.eol.j.x-i llii Ullleu. , beini; to rii ti..,n. y lo purchase . .i orjiini tor 1'ie . . . .. , WAMM.i.. .s, Jan. 8. r", .-.r" ' .1 ,V ' ; Ull Ilaa.. mm more-!. Mi. i. u rn1: tjnu'As:! f rMlt'H''.ii.-cribei iia an c:ni lo ycc i:i Ire l'.,..;, L larhnl s Oftieeof th I till lii.'lrl t !' m'n -tV'r. hip services to the I'.miiniio-er. "e-l -him ... tho ditlerciit suliHl.-irirls :'': 1'n. n .. .-1 -.i t iiilj-ein e-'inlie. tor lio. pin I..'-, f n--'.i'.' it, i to lilt Ihuir umiii.' i.r. . ' en li i v I i '. . -iii:i!:i' on' SiiU-nlo'i mi I i.i'l i' 'iti:. j .i; . '.-'. .i i rca-.-on. . Iile r:u-. il e'li I'u ."ad Mis li'":A V Ho'l Kb. Noi-ib We-i tor-.i.r tin m d M.e.'.ci . ovu Ad.iiu s Kspre-- 'Jiii'c. 1 1 ii vi L- i .ii. tlhl'l km o : 1. Ii. 1'm-ker. hi. 1 S. II l'.-ycr f. r' . ".mbiiry. Il-o. l;rni'! llomel. ei.l P. I.. IbiJ enotir. Milioii. Uev. 1. 11. I'-rr 'i ce. Itn-:i I ln:i. I. n--t Ui lint's I't . Il-.rii ;. n i. I'.i . jxi.1. ;: I'.i'.i.i.r.it Sunt. in v. Jaioei. II. ts i.i .1... f!.r. ...1..I' n... l... .... l. .n I in iiiiirc Hum ui,uuu i.'i n-i ?un ii.iiu ui.ii I in i lie military and naval servicu. vidiiig for t ha t.tl," of soldiers' vote vei V defective and needs amend;)!, nt pru ,i'.'res !,!i vvc, ouiolIvp-., ulwajs p's- "pcisc, 1h? iifclit i f noting av.-.n-il o.' u jiK.gnic:;.. Ipero;rt.iNfV am. l)issi:ssiu.N i iiik South. Wl.cu tuerebciiiun begun the peo- p.w of the South were rc vnited in :ort. Virginia rclurtant'.y parsed tli b SUp- j ordi- ' viniiPC of tsece?siou; Xoth Curol'iiu and i ctiiP." States were 1 tillied inn i reason. In ISC?- tho South tvis for all practical pr.r poifli united ; thot year rf f-ibi r- for the 1'iiloa i 'i.vlid'.'u the Soutliern peojile". in lfi64 the scries of iamicnse victories has Uu. ei.lied iuuthem sanV-t)-. sttd threatens i.v slciu cf iLe rebtlli with dissolution. Yiifl ii r tie Deux Mmihn has drawn a f. .Ui.!'.: i int'ito of t V cjudii.;nu of thcie oelliou, uud slicivu how v itii'u trcll' exist t' o "lemenU of ruin. Jt would be diflicult to sum "p t'.ie e ...ditioi, i f the i.nc n.iire tlcarly tiian it is doi;e iu the follow ing ix tract : "The Southern Con'.'edeiacy stau :1s face to .-ioc .ii.i i.m -luoiny :"i.!i:-; il sees ' ar GOVJ:i:.V01l OF NEW Yf!K'T. 'i iie new loyal Coverjoroi'Ivew York the lion. Keuber. K Peiium, was inauguarated on Monday, the :.M instant l eynuaii' retir itiT. The iiiau''Uial oi'tl.o new Governor i - ! all i':ul the most patriotic citipn cnuld nsk j for. Jii it he iu..::e3 the i'u'u -ing suijv.oi j tion.J Tnd recommeiid.itions : After ret. n i'.i ' to our iv.ibil'c chara. ter, he wil- : SI1J'S 111 l"c' c'a'"13 ' disabled soldiet, thu. tfny umj iigutmifv itcninnit oi.r tyinnai n ami fid in the name ui' iiieir paiiiotHin wlue.lt i"-;jiieii the ruoiiliei t'i'it deprived t'.ie.ii of their liiitut;.! protcciion, and bays it wilt be his special aim to give the existing instimtioitf iu their belrlf the gn-uti-si. elii c;ney. On bunking uud currency he .uvors the reorganizi.iion of our banks uneler the pnlionnl curroucy act, and iii'.iitiates that he wiil sign the bill for lire change, which full ed of li vppiuivo nppvjvt.l last year. tm;-: goyjuhn'ok or micii::a!w I Gov. l'lai.'s tncfSige fhuivs and an cu i i oitiagine.nid'.ti.ni in the Stj'.e linaiices. 1 The total funded tire I iuiKhtble debt of the j State was s:3,o00.00o. The balance iu the j Tn as-ury was 4oO,'0'J. Since the com nieiiccii"ent of Ihn war u;war.'is of eighty i priMimaioua oi ine precious metals in otlp r p ifts of the United States cannot, be estimated with uny degree of ac eui.icy. I!u!, us some portion of the Sun Ki'iincii-po th'pmenis is from lirilish Colum bia; H may be not fir from a correct esti mate to sty that the net product of the mines of the orecions metals in the United bin ft.imlv were aheiu Ihe ho t. liic tinonil papers ot r riaav, .lanuaiy u ; .... ., ... . , . i i i 'i . i . roiirle mi Ioik of the i.l.l Vnrmri: .lii'ii, ill addition lo what has been ulreaily tele , , t-1. ,,rinte, Mm ouiv, goii,, 1 griiphud, contain the following: , the innds of n million of renders. "A violent tornttuo imsseil over Aniline -wm Alubuimi on December 27th, killing lilteeii j persons, ilemolishing a large uumber of liotieK, and destroying the ruiltoud bridge on the Moiitiiomerv und West Point Kail- 1 i or -. IS-is-o 'be I N .lino I I. Slates, i!tirniir si.vtv millions. Colorado, Lake Superior anil other gold and silver I le in.-and ttici . have neen placed in tlie field ! produettig regions have not been heard Ironi Iron the st iitc, uf which tliirj fivn thou- l.m they would more than oll'set the llritish tr.nd have been raised s.noe V.:i;i'iry, I9IVJ. ; ''ni.l Uril included in the' San iVuncisco ,.e :Siale ims now in service thirty rctii- uv.:nts of infant: v , ehveu 01).'. t.e . . - :'".d tne'-'l a! uv, h. tterie. and I'fuvn ei.ie. r.:;:. oi'tl:'.' -el'vice. ; i jvao'y, cue ol two independent 'uiiiLc iu various lo oai GGYEiLNOU OP MASSACHUSETTS. J icuveinor .vn.ire.v o: Al.issaena.-et.j, seni ;tshiu.!i', on l'rl h.y, a comprc- GOVERNOll OF MIsSGUm. Thomas C. Fletcher, the newly elected radical Governor of Missouri, was inaneoira tcdwmtiio Uel inst., nt thj stale capital, J.'Tersou City, and his inaugural message was read to the Assembly. ACrr speaking in general terms of the new era of freedom for the State, the fate of slavery, the peopled verdict 03 u iiiecd in the receui election, the uui.y of all to-siuk the partisan in the pat riot, the dark past and bright future, the iid'v.ntages and roso'ircs of Missouri, the future home of prorres, truth and faith, he c-toirt- a strenuous ctfort to preserve har mony in every department of the State (jov criiineut with ull the measures of the nation al Adniiui.Niralion, and advises the Legisla ture to provide home, and tehtcation fur the ( rphans of our soldiers. He snvs that in his npDointnients to office my d.'Pimntcd, half it origiuai lerritorv lost i he shall have a preference for the men who ...ever, i.-nisr ri'V.iiiiur. t.HLs tliieateni1'', i n.ive servi'u wuu nouor in mc r.-m. its trcuUiy c::ip:y, iiscrcdit e.- -'i-d. io j recoiv,aeiKU that out pul-ic school system l ie l ie" "can make itself heard iu ihoso j shall 'o enlarged o as to incliu'-j niild.iry States Bubje: 'ed to tl.i ii,.l;tary govurninen:, iii-truotioii and the traii--w'!i.:.t!oo .f the bui the !P' u.:;j of iV.'!aouets 'mil retusi. t & .; Univei-s'iiv :e! h 1': accdomy, with thu COiu. ok the few aoiuhem uie in i two deimrtllicuiR U.iuil.-.' tlii.'.l5 lip U '"'d tuch re-'ret i.n 1 weariness in: cJ under ,:;i ;i -uraiice ol eut'oiced cnth'.oi f.sm, t'.. -pec'hes icccir.iy detiveivl in ijeor V;ia by Mr. Je:r ii:.,i., himoeli', the messages -i ..iVcral i.u.ciiiois of rebel Slates, tho d's ::f. of the Vice Vnidet.i. Mr L.tpiie;.,, mUo ibiiui'iiy ni..:!'." gr, 'it effoii to prevent, tji" -CvC ion movca;:nt, nil lc.'..i il tin. b: -l"i i t'nit ihe eoi.iede: a'.ion i- i.t this niomont luiiig sioaly torti iKimder. Asii.iit tt'itg-i'l- ii..-- ii'.'i:;.:iiced bi-rw 'i i: tl.oso who, sal i'i'ud wi: in. ving viiidicM.ti d military I 'j."..! le i:0 '.'. ihk to ptivi .n th .tr euiiiitvv in 't diift'.'l--, tllid t!li.e i.n, 'pii.;'' ... .j;.uy, wish ;.: h-i t t" eir-iiu-. :i:-'fi ly .i:.iuii!" to il.i'ir i.-tii':..-:'-. '.'"'.i- luigli' l-e iivn ti'viii the eo.iiyieue.-itiit.i, of ''. (i. .11; :t ; i lie nr-v, ( '.iiili dcriu1'' coutuined in to tile ! ;islaltli, on l'ri h.y. iicnuive anil us lts'tnl en abic document. of 1S1 bunks ia the State 511 have become National banking associations Hint 47 have signified their intention to become National, leaving 6 v h'r ii, ut yd, taken un steps to ward inuking a change. The number of men actually furnished by Massachusetts to the army and navy of 1 1 rs United S'.ntis liming the rebellion, up to Decehiber 24 1811-1, i:'. 125.437 making u sur idf? over ai! call; el' 13!3. mt' ll.e year 1M54, was about ! ".'",ls "! Idaho and the. -...D - niense. The Examiner says : "Yesterday a com missioner from Grunt's lines arrived at Yti rina, under a flag of truce, with l,rU0 blan kets for distribution amongst Ihe Fedeial prisoners in Kichmoud, ill addition to 1,000 received last week. Of the fifty odd thousand Yankee pris oners held in the South, not over 2,000 ure confined iu l'.icliiuoiid, and more than half of these are in the hospitals. For the year past the great body of them has been shin ing South, and Kichmoud. hard pressed to feed its strierabiindant population, ami the large army defending its gates, is ndiived Ironi Ihe iuuubus of un overstocked prison post in its midst. "The report of Sherniun's having cross?' 1 tho Savannah river is continued, uud In. believed to l.c moving ou Grahutnsvillc." MiMitiokiii Cual '1'rinlf. Siiajiokin, Jan. 7. Iso'i. Tint. Ctrl. Sent for week endintr .laiiuary 7 1.1'tJ If! To !iu:e time IujI veur. Lull Vt ' ".mn. e .tin-.' - - II..- .vtte. 4i tl:'. due ot fceUruo. sileiite 'e lj'-'i .v i.,: .. . Iwuti'leil on the ni'r'h I " .: I T l-u. li -'. H i . . 'i John I'l pptu i Isaac i.. by Is-.iits l.-jiii. L W ii ni'-i' : oc Ii p.. i" )iil--i'ri'tc'l i l. i. o ' l.lill i-t ' ' I.- ; iii . i le v. . : ..1" ! ai'' '."-k.Tt. u ri. - i: 1 - - ; V.'iM. l .... .11 lill l i..t .niioj.' : I iii'Pcr iti'Ti' l,vo 4't.rv i.t ' il'll I , ISI 117 I exports. Sixty iiiillions )er iittiunn is a lniiid-i'i.ve sjui in gold and silver; but we doubt whether the eoul, iron and oil crop of I cnnsylvHliin, during the year 1801, v io not l urn out to have been quite as much not iii-ri ly in paper currency, but in gold. I'liilt. ,'inZUtin. ISiiown's IlitoMiiiAi. TitiK'iii'.- ure re-j coiiiineiided lot public speakers and others, ; for the relief of Colds and to clear the voice, j Their ctiieuey is strongly attested by Con-: grcssincn. Clergymen, Military i.t-u and others who use them. .! titrr imitu : ti.ih,K mm' to onr viN tin-llll!lll. weoth-r -t'otnri'i'ili.' aiul on oid V !.ir.. i-i.: i .iicp utltililiu't-. ,.c 1, li- ! pnM 't; rif .l.u-'.. ,V: .'ii.; .). i'.t .t ' S .1.. to c.mtuetiocul len o'eliK-'v .v. M . of is.i.l iluy. wii'-i lio tern.s o'rd coniil'y.ii "I s:ile will ' inclc ke -rti by l.-AAC I.. WITMI lt. Adm'r. ' ISy i-ioeF-f.tbe.li'ourl. J. ) i. uiuiuiiig- I'litt..!' sjunlHiry. J'iuiT .'.s.'. .t. itoi.vEtis ::; Enamelled Slate Slant. CO i juiiv i; ' - ill j two depurtnictus U.iuii.' i ' i.i !"e.':. f.tt .lifvii.r: oue r.ic-n b li t two : t -t v ini.teii U.,: .'. . i -l'.' e ; li...! : . .. .11 "1 t'l'V ..: nt I'm " 1 11.:- . .' d -ad e oi s?'.es.;-i:. North )... ...)- Uf.'lv, tlue'..! . . . : . ,.t c . . K: -hll.l.O'i fit and m ''!' . dig fe-ir : Ti..liP: for the d. veloiimer.t j of oar agric.r.tui;.! and utii. ral we: . I.. lit tidvi tv-, u modification of the militia law a I division of il ose sn! ject to niilitaiy duty into two classes; the aboiit-huieiit of the cot1 -.int.'. ' em cl'ju.-e iu the present low, ?t;d I -..s the iit;'.i of citizenship und f a li-une . iu ''iij.souu Oiight to be inieparabl..' r:ottl : the duty of assisting in it;; defence, j l!i; cv'in-s 'reut tare in the revision oi the ti'.atues, us the ami uJnicnts to tho ton i fitt'.' ,:i I'.bnut to be made will retpure tho j cuisuie from t'lem of tlio word "slave," Ihe '..! lipon ol all dist'Wtion of color iu laws !x!;.li..g . . rimes uud tin i. puuistimcnt, ' and the abrogation of an law s for the far 'tiiwug ui.U pr;j'.eiion of the interests of I slavT' ..!!' recomuicnds the passage of a :UN"!i; il' JviiAilXLY. The la :,i. l.ar.ie oi' Ki'tat.i kj mi t on the. Ud inst., und Governor lh':iinletu-'s Messugc was sent iu on thu 6th ; in which, strange us it may appear, lie lecumends tlie gradual emancipation und ultimate removal of the slaves, rejoices over and thanks Sherman and Thomas for their victories. This is coming dow n a big peg from tho rank pro slavery stand taken by iJrainlette, Powle, Davis. Guthrie, ic., ami is the sure fore runner, not of the gradual abolition of sla very, but of its speedy extirpation. With Keutucky for freedom, the southwest ill receive a supporting force that will bo felt r.euiihly in the light direction, liiatnlette, l..)e ::., ;: in itutv bound, to cover his i "letting down,' di ifiiiieen the am.tt of, Coionei Vt'ui "ifwi'd and Litailehaiil-i 'ioveriioi -J ;..cebs, and sti.is iii.. ol iect iu ittemptillg , to iVgUuite the enlistments of l:.ves vwu ii-: 1 I u -avc tho in'j.iltitii.ii, but Hie pi opto of Leiilueky fri.ui i.i:eces.;'.ry btir.kt's in its I : acci.upii l.nieut. Iv.eu'.t'ol;';- tn.:, 1 i.t -iilietl , I nearly 7'.. 000 .oldieis to liie U eniiv. : t Jiigbt in the t' etii oi ti e I ...veriiut'-. n.es-. SmJc:, teso.ut e .li- ntive loci is:-- t n: ; lie legislature f-r lite iiiiu.tiii.ile ahoiiiion ol'i .-hiieiy, but of couisii with tu hope of! pu-ssing. t-Viirliil Kt:ii!-oal 4'IIi!ioii S'our l'cvio us i!ll.il ami 'I'm -uly -oit:t(li-l. jSliecial llcspal.'h to tke Press J Yoltii, Pa., Sunday Jan. 6. Yesterday morning nt seven o'clock, u terrible railway accident occurred on the Northern Cent ml Kailroad, near this town. So far us could be ascertained in the confu sion uud excitement that prevailed, the par ticulars ure as follows : It seems tliut the ex po -s train from lialtimore having been tle i t .( J wis approaching York ut aiapid late. Wiu-u it reached a point about 1J miles tV.iai York it came iu contact with u freight train going south, which wil mailing quite fast. The excitement tliut prevailed utter Ihe collision occurred can be more easily imagined than dcsciiU-d. A heavy snow storm prevailed at the time. Doth freight and passenger locomotives1 were completely wrecked, us were also a number of cars. 1 here were u large nunilxT ot passengers aboard. The remuins of four persons who. hud been instantly killed were removed, ! uud tweuty icre taken out seriously injured j some fatally. It has been impossible up In ine iitno oi tins wining id useeiiuiu names uf the killed and wounded. I ttt a. --. -. tr - -- -I .. . r -- PlUJl'IIASTINATIOX. Why put olf your W AX.J-iXI. .-vVAVJ., cure .' If you ure sum-ring" v. it It the Dyspep- , I'll KTX I'T STBKKT. f lit L.t fH.l.t'i siu. Liver Complaint, or Weakness of tho Digestive Organs, do not delir', but resotci , VvT"a-T i etd"ir-''st " at one to the use of llmlhimVi ilrriwiii Hit-1 rJrSjrajKarSiTv iirn. vi e positively anil uuiiesii.it ingty say, . tliev will cure ymi, as thev have done with ' i thousands lietute you. For stile by all drug . gi-ts nail dealers In lin-ilii-iiii. ui . cents ' per lioule, It.'. i Aver s Amerinaii Almanac has now or- ! I'ijilil Willi lutliuiiM In 'oIot-:i!. rived aii'l is r. a ly for deliicry gratis by all J ti. KsiiiRo, tlolorado Territory, Jati. '.).--, their ageiits, 1. 1 all who WlM i-.- it. This. On S.rtiirdav morning sixty Indians attack- nund'cr .-onli. a. i 'realise ou ,s, n iila and ed the overiund mail express, about three its kindred ip..;!..!s. ini h is wi " w.nih , miles cast of litis, place, ami lobbed the ' periK.il. It ai-:i gives mueh ocucial u iiiu.il. Thev ul.ii uttaeked a mule train close ! l id inioninuion, wh'n h is mm In! a:-! -lunil-' killing one man ai:U wonndii ( .bu. wit p m-lMi - Ml :F.I51 '" mm, -.a-. "".-a.!- ' I 'Bill !iiL Vl"AT.)J ; ij r 'w um? i : the ' ,i. cook .-;itri'ii4iit i r:.i-r .:r ihe S: .;,. sr,vet'ei.,:.;y uailis I, u i u.id gives i- w it of ihe Ci.;.: . tij-yiK ; te tlat. j t , , snivei'v tii'i it 'ne - ! : un:! . tl--t. - - i - i : I . - i:l, ! :heia li cit. TI: tll'VO- :i tine ( i" 'iie o'.-. '.hi fit. h:v? -!' luat 1 I rtgisi -lio.'i law, for the protection oft!.- jitth ! b Jlot box, stnl says that meu, who by rebel- j a, h i,-i. disavowed allegiance to the gov 'n .t -ut s'.;ou'd regain the privilege of citi I .! i ip only through th" Ui iled States , ...ii. : ,tii i law -. ' hue, liberty loving j foreign ivilling to light for their adopted con bhouiiMiavc u probationary term i. u tine ( i 'iie ! ' r.-Lciinur tn? .-..itiisiuon oi ciiizcnsuip, hort; ned ror t.ll purpuscs of State elections. ia i li.i s -! luat :,e m'vises the encouragement, oi cmigra- i rf I! i. i lion by a'l possible nieauu and assures the '. ! ur.d' rsiood iii.;i I'niog men wl:.. L tv . oc. Jiiven from th? i p;ii. Ui'ti- i i. ,.. .'cute- State tlf.if tie-' can reftra .vi.U calety. y o. the jietto. itii Hto ;,. aLViv ,u, .lie logic v hii.ii ,;.;,, i,.. no ui, u:- n.-iil j THE GOYERNOli OF MAUYLAND. of 1-w.ory been more iiii;)ei i.n'.- - r ivre vLi- tiovuuor liiadford's Message wai read b e nothing ht-y be.ii ,.b!e i . j. - ,' i un ,!,- ; 111 Ihe Maryland Legislam.c on 't"."r-lay ci' ,--4,oith . .he court re e.' the S u m 1 is.. It con-:a'.ulates t '. : n:e.o; t i i. thu i.rtuiLS nor ihe fit ii, noss i.f :.;:( .iblier Presi- . ptusiigi! of the rie-.v i. e-. r.iuti' u and the lent, a; i.:i-1. nii!:t i-y und civil i runi.er, ' eonsuniuiation of cfn-.neipati. n. lie says : ii. unit w hom mere is .-'.inetlmig of a tr.t'.dc ' tin re is seartcly a State ia the Union pes ; t etdear to w! i. n iv..; the nni.-i res. I tic ! sessi.t- such iio.-i);titv us ftir.ri hiud: vif nei.'ies or nis cauL r jiin.n n-o On., li H i .. . i-i tu, I'llilei- am Ste iiisensi- j 'f.d netu nil ordinary 'hut coiiiniiimlitig r-'ie light I---hi ps V o.-esLC'.ued thefavoi.-. ol loituue ; but this Kieut contest is iu r o.fi ty a revolution, und 'u i:n f'trugglc of pri,. ciples at it k' vi.-; jry wjj n....t nh the Cltlcn Pre ident " T-.v. i Federal sol, lieis 'i.-.;:...., rebel-, recentlv went ;,itl; i:.,K 0i- u wntpathi. Z'-r,'1 in- J!i cap. i.t, beia. end r. p.. enti thettis 'vis ..s n l.i j j.,M.iit.. i -'"'po'l fiMiu o.k Isl.i.i I Tin y wi'-- ; r, , en ti'-i-1 . tmineu tlo.eb'. I' ! I. mtH'uhi . fhnhod wuruily, proti ion-,; ab:.: -laotly, '; . .vnled Witli "i nicy, iiijlm.i,', 'low to v ''ii.' da, und dismiss, it uillt u henrly l:i, by the prettiest g':l in the house. Tim boys hugely enjoyed !)i-. id'r.ir. p-iriieulr.iiy liiu final oct ol hospitably. The name eif the ymj.ill.Ucr is Pcttinim. bitliert'i in popu j:t ii. , olhei i ii- fr "i - ine: cintse, she h laii..il. pioiin. d ips attd di iices of lint Me thrift, fi'.ii n far b. l-.ie.tl others inferior lo her in their ndvanf.igfs. Slavery has not been the ?j cause of ll.i., ti. - 'y progress, but it has been, unquestioit ii '', :tie uiort prominent, if-not t'c ouly fen;: re u'Htinguu. . ia ff-ew th" other ; ;. ;es w! . !' have on!sit'iped j.t. ;,i -;o race, 'i !' i' u.: "diate 'ef nil-, ol tha txtjuc- ti -.in oi siuvery, a.ul loo qee-t. 1 1 :i-i.' "i. aiii.ies cxpcctcif tfoin it can bo best Ei o.'.oMi.t.Mi Coal, Tlie Seieuiilic Amc !:.:.:: givco thu followi.i j u -e I'u I hints upon this subject, which are conCimcd by every one's experience w ho uii.lei'stunds the l.ilu sophy of coal fir "A good bright t'r '-.a b.; sfetuiily m.ii i t..i;iw,l v.i.'.i coal, with L ;S troui'le ihun with auy other kind of fuel, but not by inking, poking und piling i:i green luel coetiin'utly. After brcakhisl tile lire houhl be cleared of ashes, if there t.le l.tii, iui'; f: -h fuel put ou to iill ihe g"ute i.ioder.iuiy. Let the cilii dumper be turned up. so us to Leui. il, uud leave thu small top door open, more or Ic-s, according to the iutencity of the Leut re quired. In this v.ay air enters cu r ;he i-p of tho lire, und miiidat-s u f-v iieiter iti.i bttbtioii and cor. -ec-.ti r. LieaUr lit tit thou I vi!iij t.'i-.- i. bit l -tnipi it ure th-utvu open. A w-.-.-liin; c!t:i I.t d t.i t.; iii.iii!io acton!- :i:.:H .1 wi' !i . :j- i. - - e .' .- n : . ': , , - evi.My : .1,1 ,i. hi iKeesj.tr t ) sift ill'. ::.-Vtiit the eiu lers ::ei :i.'.-i', i; i '.u.peii .s t ehauf.e. 1 ll.tnli L-tl. i.l i.o.if I'.i.itlu k in eiliisl Lie on ot ttij waslj ot' ll.eii uelgliliors, and in ijus i-;iy iliejo ).. bomt- thiiig l.seil which Wuuid otlierii its Lj lest ; I urn it s' t ie- '.'j us imu ei.:n;ij si." tut uc j jiLliHci-d in a iii)1'.r-ni aiijl lai'i,) j.o. tiie in epter. if the piiv ;b bp titte ihtit e' t.riiy ! I- -ins i.t l.outo,' then we havp u still aii.tu j gel ai l. in in. uaiiUt ib'i'w ",st fe.l pinet'ee. I Chidcis will bu.u uilni'nil ly in spiuli cytiu j dtr ttoves, rod heat u nursery o; a laundry as Lot tit il should be. Every shovel full saved it. a f hovel full of coal pin -iu t'.ie eel I in., ;.. i-1 1: iti-. i,i the v;1s- is cu u:'i on litis I poiut." 4IIUV ' 'IJIH WHO.UAC. I liKAiiqr.MtrEns Aiimv Potomac, ) January V), 180."i. ) : The rebel- nt uie another attack on the t'ickct iiu.i this luoiiiing, j'lsl betore day- J iight, ami caj)i'j;-ed a lew vid ties on the j i )-,! t o;' tho ace olid diM-ton of tile Gt'i corps. The t;ioiiii"g was very thu k and the attack-; ing party tippnn.eiied cautioi-.sly behind tin ' old abatis until they were aluioeL ut 0111 lines ere the jiie.viis were aware of tluir i coming. The men lired their pieces und ran buck toward the reserves, but the n bt is were so close tu theiu and being ebe-s'. d in . our uniform, could not bo disiinguLdicd from our men, und consequently were not . fired on us they otherwise would hake been. Not more than two shots were hcuid dm- un.' tn.' at bun, uud they retreated, tal.oig b men with them uud wouuded one of the 4U'h New York. Their object seemed to be to obtain food and clothing, us they ut ouce demanded the sol.lieis' knapsacks and blankets, few of .vhkb they got, howLier, as out' innu go ou picket tweuty-ioiU- hours, ami only curry ono day's rations with then), taking no knapsaeki ot blauket. They got a few haversack. This morning und to-day one of their, was held up by a rebel to t-liow i o r t"i o,)S w.inl vl.i Una i,i iue,i. t'oiuo of our lalJiefj swear vengeance anntl'.Kt '.lie r:.id'. i.i i.nd ite wailjii) an op tioituuity to iy ii. '.:; I'k wiili eluullc ' ' . to! e. .. '. i.' 14;- :: t'n th" i. il.er put t of ti e line not u guu U.Cj co-tid'l - u Ijoi n fired fur some d.ivs. oi,.M-i iuticlt j TJa,. ,VUit,er iias tig-in changed from r.dd rain, uud the pro.-ptct lo-ni'Mil is that I .v. killinsi imu man ai:d wonndii ' another, The troops ut the military post here. ! numbering t.fly to eighty men, iuttnediately started to the relief of the white selilei- in' the viciuilv, uud drove the Indians to the j l. nil's a mile back, where the Indians were I reinforced to the number of fifteen hundred, : and iu turn drovu the troops back to the ' post. The Indians their entered the stage station iu large numbers, und, utter destroy ing nil the ( 11 rn it ui o uud breaking a. I the windows in the building, set it on tire. They ulso destroitd u large amount of telegraphic material. A wed directed lire of musketry from ihe troops at thu foil, how ever, soon drove them back iVoiu thu slatiou. In the running light on the retreat of our troops thirty-live Indians were killed, including u principal chief. Nineteen of our soldiers uud citizens weiv killed. 1 tiiprovuleiit , wu jlttn i,uxo noihiug but juud fur u week. The promutioiis lulely made are Maj. Snmurl M. Couch, 'jlil New York, to Ci.hiiiel, uud Adjt:tuut llumphrcis, 57th I'tiinsylvtiniu, to hp Lieut. Col. These gen tLitiiii leave well ineritcd tho honois be s.jwed, having tuking un active part $n uvery igipiirfant engageniciit of last sum intfi eutopaign, and this recognition of their gallantry gives unusual sutisfuctiou in their several eouimuuds. th - i:i ll.e I'osinn'iUr ittni'i i' i) li.': r; it is ; -.iiized unit its temporary :ncoiiv"-'i"tf'- state J il...t 115,8'."!! h tteisw er . laemed ' v,. .ed, arc , .! that will nndoubieai) ' but yeui to tue W-id loltei o;'1pi , C'liullel.o.. i.,; i-urbt-l. i'.'trtiiioii 1 1'.t't .o i .mi , -Le t, d,:!, ni-tti.:n ti r vunt oi li.. complete und immedia.t a isolation tu a ' p:t,.eiil of tho n ).f..e, or Lncu.ise idefcil'iy ..i long ii.ir.t-proven with our social lu-j 'iuLi tisi. mil huoju cuu H f.-"o.1i..is!,.,l M ithot:! ; ;; ...mdi icll cf six deaths of stur somo pciaul .ieo.i-..iuiLL, is not lo be ' vuiio ta r;.;..a 5il ,Uj. Ami yet Lord muj!lou'dsi'eniudy. . ,. 'A he New York Vi orld bu;j that 50,000 renh.us have been driliiu!' lor boiuu time Ki'lj aot. with iLi- ujfciu of luaf.Liiij; upon up i C r .iU. Henry ward H'veher's v.-.Ltry ;'iM M b. i n i.sH .ii ; 2.'i n Tltl. ti'U:,o;! OF DL LA WAKE. Tlio upuiii.j portion tf tin- incssagc i.ovcrr.oi t attl'oii, ol Deuwuii, i 'Jwa Illljiortll tt IVoill iniOlirl. Kt, is, Jau. 8. The Constituliomd Convsiitioii cflcclctl u V ' '. , 1 1 cunaueut orgauuatiou yesteiduy, bv the 1 elcciion of Col. Aruold Kretchell, of St. Cuurles c'nii.ty, as l'resident, Charles D. Dooko, of St. Louii, as Vice Pietideht, uud Mui. A. K. Faster, us Secretury. Tlie Slute Senate yesterday passed tt joiut resolution for the appointment of a com mittee of tight i.t memori-tlize-liie Secretury of War, to establish a garnsou of protection, iu.r the souiu-wcot couuiic of the Slute. lWu ipuues passed a bill uuthoiiziitg tho Hoard (of Public SeliooU to provide for the ei'ac.Miuu ofuoload ckildnu iu tUi city. AI'I'AIKi I AltliAAS IS. f!: i u..; r, Mich., Jan. U. Advices rcceiveil lo-day linn. Little P k. Ail .,- dated January 1st. stain limt the military biluation u mains w ithout chat ge. Tlie Moil. Wtii. L. Stewart has been elect ed U. S. Senator from Arkansas, for six year front March 4th, 18(1.'!, r-eeiiing a two-thirds Vote- of both houses ou the lil'.-t bitliot. The Arkansas Legislature has passed the ?:i00,000 loan bid. '1 ItO IIOlll Uf I'l'IIIK) Itnuiii. IIauiiisiiciio, Jan. 10. Major l. Dodge, Provost Marshal-General of Penn Kvlvunlu. lias issued circulars announcing that by direction received from Provost Marshal-General Fry, tho district quotas assigned by him, under the tull of Decem ber I'Jth, 1804, and announced to the ilis Iriet pi'ovo.-t marshals of the State, by Ut ters from Major Dodge, dated December SOtli, pre repealed, mid that new quotas will la established fur the different districts by J.ii'.iiry Hint, up lu which time corrected enrollment will be received, 'lliey should bo forwurded iiniiicdiatcly, t Jias hereto, fore been the ciisbtm for flip pfovokl m ir-blnj-geucral of thu Ktate in assign tw i)U tii; t quotas, and the ditllLt provost unir khulii and eurolmcnt biurds usi-iltd the riutiis p their snb-districU, tientlciueu's Huts. All the Idltyt styles- at t il AtiLRX liAKl'OUD &, tsD.NS, l'u)i(ineiUl iloU'h i'hlludulphia. Nov. 12, IJU.-iiut There i a Rebel rumor that Leo has beeu placed in conimund of ull the itebel armies, und that lie ha appointed ljeuuregard to thi) command of the army near Richmond, while ho himself takes command of the movement t resist Sherman.. Ladies hnA Children's Hats. UUist ityles at. Cl t Kl.KS OAKl'OltlJ X -S0r8 Ouiiiiuentiil lhjiul, l'jil4ull'hi. Hut-. 13, im St In reply to a statement made Ly Jeff Davis that out of J 1,7'dlt bules of cotUiu shipped uiuce lust July from Uebeldom, but 1,274 were lost, tljn Washington U,-i,ubllrin show that 7,834 bules have fallen luto the hand of Federal cruisers during the time named. General Sherman, la a private letter to a friend iu Washington, state ihul iu his tour through Georgia, he could have brought with him to Savunuah, over ouu hundred thousand negroes, if lie could have found provisions lo lued theiu. As it was he was obliged to turu most of them buck. I't kept ngai.i-t a time of need in eeety la.nl ly. Its coinptl'tioti of ,jol;.- , lid eie i in.-' s is about the best that reaches lis, an. I these fads tngi tber Im'.i. .riii ii it a circulal". . which is said tu lie the largest of uny one book iu Un; woi Id. She )iil"-!io2i :nt t', iit-i-iout't of AS IM .ll.lll. 1'iil.li-li,-. fir II. ' en. fit. aii.l bp h I'Af 'l i'lN i " Vl'I'Xii Jllff ti'nl ot'iers. won nill'. i 'n . i - r n bebilily. I'reiiiuture Heeto of .M i.itn -.1. . , plviii ' "nl the same time 'file .Menus i f Self-lVife h'y one Mini Iris .Mired hi'ii: elf :ifle-iiiid.-Tnili eon hi'li'iaUi lio" -k'-ry ly ciieliwui p.-l..ii.i ad- ih-e.ssed etoelope. 1111110 eupi. m.iy I.e hud 1 the ' miller. . ATIIAX1K. MAVlMli! Y.., ltr slyii, K'.is 1 j 1 o. X . V. I I bee. III. is.ii.-:!iu I I lnlii-iiiii(iMi I'i-.! j I Tti M.i.'. ol SI KKKliLJIS. i A liciitlcmnn. ni, i cf Xcrvoiw i'lliiiii.v. Ineoiii. 1 I pelenev. I'n tn.-e me Ht -e. . nu t Youthful Krror. ai- : ' liiiiled liy a iii.-i!-e to benefit other, will be happy lo ' 1 fai-iiisli to nil v.iioue-il it (tree of charge.) die rciipe ' , and ilii n li.11.1i t.. ii U ' tli t in 1 .- reiue.lv e-.'.l in !ii I eiiM-. studVi-trs wiohin tu 1.1 .'it ! die 1. in-rii.. .- , lent rxp ri' ii, i mel ji'swiw a pure und valieilile re. 1 llii'.ly. e iu do s 1 by ad itcsill him a. once hi llis !. 01 l.uli.. k-. Toe It.'eipe au t lull ililoriiltlliolt "fii'ul lii.ijHiiniiiej ivill 1m I'.icerfully eui In tetuni oeiii. A iii. .MUX II. lti)i:X. No. till Xinall ptreel. Xi 'ork. ! I'. S. Xeriiin-Siiili'icr of liolh poxi.- ' 'II Uud ' this inl'-riiiiiii ii, iiivulu.ihiu i't-.'. 0, I -iii '. -.'till t.t l. iiimI Ibtlt.-l'rofeMir J ISAACS I M. P.. Oi 1 1 i.isr and Ai hist, ti.rincrl v l.evden, . ! HoIIhihI. iii now lotniid 111 .Vo. all Pine, Sireit. , I'm: ni. iiihia. lnre p.-iiHiiis alllicle.! with i'i-e..i.- f .. tho K K 1111.I K.llt will bu .-.eieiililli nlly irn l- t i. I j cured, ifcuruble. (-Artlik-uu Kyea iii.c.t.d ).- ' IIUl Ulll Vi 1 1 1 j FAC"",V"'. -t.-l 'IT: S.r.-' --x 'W1 j.-tu'tps 6fi3fj! iirv a-'. ; .il.-lll.U s;"'l'. iv.:'. :.u 1 '-.I.. - ' :-:ri'l Talj'n-Tons, i'tt-v-aittb. "tfiln.,Wiih. .l'iir,l Ten t. &c, ic. l'liilu.el'.i.'. .''in " v 11 vti i ' 1 a si itii c: j " . dr. js.u; U tfTi:.lt. -le i.f J.-jTi- 11 .W li' i.l ' 'idle. and li.is I:'.. I ill pie t-X l-l'":.i c. '-.-ol i city prneti. e. oii'ers Uu profS s .;' '. ol I pp" r .-V!iiu.-.li. i.:i i :nm . .inu.i.Mi tonu.hlM. Itepideiiett near .ii'.tetuii Jan. 7. Isti'i. :tin bk; wnrmy uk'eek Oil C02vlIJA.IsTy. 4'AI'll'tl., . . " . stif.tul Shares. 100,000. y.ti V.iluo.iti5 00 j,tot siiaiicn kiosk it ii as a v ' ' I ' I'iTA". .1. !.' is I'm. 'i i'iie 1 r ipei 'y it lie-' Yeiirs' Lease of .si., it. t .i.iiory. wi ll a 1 ..-I . !..i-e i- -e-. ' j . sine 1 ' 1 ,i::.i 1 ... 1 of in. 1 Creek, ilreeiiu iin v. 1', ;i i,.ll-l-'h I A Tin "t r: I il 1 AC .nlu.e ',- . Wle ' n.-l''. vi' i' '' I' 1 11.- Mi lei! 11. . li . ehari-cs uinda for K.xuuiiniilion. J 1... t face of ov-r tbr. i neles on Ilie souili snl 1 Mediu .1 lacully is inrited, as hchas uo secrets' iu his Creek, an 1 half to ihue-o'iartc i-i . .1 ' luode of treatment. ' Tlio Ci tup-ii.v are 1 "li - il- . .v..... 1 . July J,lJ4. ly I riri-clu' ei jjine. 01 ; -in 1 . . i .e. n !., -, uuwMiiaiaMBqwnMauiauai '"r " p'-eoud ei-li' 1.1. 1 1 l- ! . !' I .:.', - DEATHS. 1 i 'e"' -i "I '. a 1 1 -iy n.i.r i.e t.irr ...'.' t v '''- ;"" a 'a 1 ! Il wi 1 , I lie I -.nil .-iti . ir pr, i l.":- 'ins !.n .1 ii. I ' t l- Is ' At Northumberland, December 4lh,18h4. i of typhoid fever, CONKAD WENCK, aged 1 50 years a mouth and 8 days. I Flour, WllMlt, Ky. t-'ol'H, Outs', llu-lmhet,, IrlitJUieed, CloverieuJ, BUM3UHV 1.1 Oi f J W a 2 7rt II.D l'si 75 lot) r 2 M 7 Uf MAltkt.1 '"Kh Duller. Talluw, hard, 1'ork, llacou, lla'i.. iuiiul'lor, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Vii' 4'om;itH.v VleVlIn. Al.blliemeoiberpof the tjOljl IXTjXXT 1'IUK liiU'AXY, ro riiuestel tu uul at the Court Jto'iui un ilimday l.ieiiiu, Januac llilb. iMtj. l til u'eluifc. Uiisine. of iuiK)iluoo to the t'ompany w ill bu Ixui'lioUtd. E. W1H1.UT, I'rssitfeiil. J. C. Wki.u. Sixi'y. 8uubury, Jau. 14, loOj. Jt tTOI-TsT, ItfKUlur l.U'fSiiscU I'wwts'JusK't'r, PUAMOKIN Twp., near VVAU GAP, Norlbuiuberlaud CuuLty. l'.iuif jlnaiit HA.S luken out liceu.c. aud is. pi, iwred lu do all loud uf Cuuveyaueiui;. ut reasoutuUu jslivt. Shiuuokiu twp., Jaa. 7, fsoj. iiiuu -xyOTICE li hereby plvii to all pcraonn tno".li (r J Iheuiktlves indebted to Ihe sulmiriber, on book ftteouul or otherwise, ti settle the mimd ou or before tba 1st of March next trior bkb tune they ili ua pu'-iu lbs bauds bl tJustUie: so tave. lime and i)iU. , JOil-X WiLVtU. fuuuury, Jau. T, 1S45. Me trint i l "I 1. 'I nrraoti in liic ni' lie, u..ic rntispiHi.u ooliee t. liic tut tiuii. in in. my casts large pren intns hnv..- te-11 j ni 1 upon a it ,irrr. Willi one. bull the oil a.- 11 n ye fy . hum whieli ti.,', e.ect a vnv liiro v-'"ri.i 11 vetine. a'i It Ir-f, I1" Cri'rrin.' 'n . '-i-ls hehl nil I- 'l etr nu 1 1'ienta op.. a tlio lan.i. AU lulpurlllllt liareO i'e ' at tin 1 r ,r i-i il..,i, idieii ii'ioii!. lii I'niied in jira.hi !i. f ''.' " 1 r'ot . limit ,."'.. , r 1 . 'v ' n 1. ', ' Hid I'ou.U'eu.i.l' J n . .' I ;.. Hp qui. . sale. '!'!.e 1 -. t I e lb.. t.-t . -..- , 1 1 , . i,.( j : I "-' liiila .....1 e,.i. .1, . ''-- " I at tt0 u.i.l ''?.b 'i'1il.! l.ls u il :.ie:. H'-t ll' 'he I privilo;.- to 11 e; free . hn,.' m'I 1'ie laa- T ni' 1 I l''.u jtiiw ttiee ..f ..I.: '. .I'.vi .-iis u iniuieiipe nu.t'i- tillts 'l Inn iiUi-,. ' it ' Ilie .1' U ' nrry eo 'l.e OpOl't'tloll.- Wt I -1 :i i ; 22 ! ti ' t'l .vei." tclli. of ibis 01 ileuluirisls and fatHu'l ..'ru: r fioiu the "U re"ii ui, who bitie .i.utli'' yir" in t, unit" t i opiuiuu tliut, iu loonhiy tut U iiok rur 1, .. o' 1 in it bulwiint iu.l'i .1't.as un1. wl iciu" '. 1, th larye ai d vat;- ' I- 'rae dJ.' nta 1 c t'i'.-.t r!a'.L.i'ii, plirpet iu lioi'l'-. 'or oii. Only a tiiutttxt ooiuber of SKire.. ") I .' Id llookaara nuw open at Xo jrl SutM' kourlh M first Hour, back rouui, Plaiitilelphtit Ui .S'uluerlo;., i'rii-e, Two Piliars jwi luite. .'ill.. 1, NtJ tt eVi ll.;iul :;.. ..I ? ItanU. - li.in . . 1 . 1' . .J.-.:..,-. : . e rilll" ll.uik. hi . iiili.iaee v.i '. ... -ntt'ii.v ' X t' tlli. Slat. . 11I.J upjie.-.l : ' ;"' ""eel. lar.. tlie Treasury, li. t',, Lio) bi.i.nio a ..Vl JuA.l HANK." and lll be ku..wuas l ie -..u-laio ! lio.' touutv Natinuul llai.lt ..t" tsJiMitt.ik.iu. i . POLLOCK, l'lesldeut .Inn. T. lwli 2t A 'I't-il ol'TliuWr I Mfl, UI w Ti uriu Lrid-e, ooutaiuiuK about V0 acres. 1 j lull tutuculurs apply." U. JJASJIS. Put-bury, -lu. IS. ISCi -ti