Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 24, 1864, Image 4

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- .
An tho City with nn on
i IVrfiimcry nml
ids nnd the public gener
ic i'riigs nntl Medicines
if importing houses in
greatest rare im to pnri
n UMi'.h us possible,
f. .Iiiynis. MeCllnfnck.
'.anils. S'"h :l.!i, RlnV,ll'S
t medicines, always on
mi. I I'ninl Brashes,
tu kuii on hand tonsinntly
ieles. nnd tho numerous articles
kopt in a well conducted estnb-
h the above nrtudes lie also keeps
.rtmont (i STATIONERY, mail
Fens. Pencils. Jnk;. Ac.
Tcseriptioiis i.n.l family receipts
.e greatest necuncy wut disj iileh,
ly or Night.
,no placo, Market Square, under the
'Sunbury American.
Juno 25, ISO!.
Utii.s r.'M,Y"ri it.'. t
i. AT
No. 71S :AUCII Street,
tb., rinr.AH'A
havo now in store
finyown Importation
ml Manufacture, ono
of tho LA ml I. ST and
4 ?wirijge Uml BEAUTIFUL se
IccUcnu of .
,. j; 1'nnfT l'nrn. "
ftLadieV and Children Wear in the City. Alio,
.' fine assortment of (lout's Fur Ulovea 4 Collars.
.'' -As my furs were all purchased when Hold was at
amnohiwer premium than at present, I aui enabled
N. to I'li-non nf tham at Terr reasonable prices, and I
" wmilrt-cVcforo solicit a call from my friends of
. J?.i-rhmnrterlnna county, anu iticiniiy.
. Ijy F.cineinber the name. Number and Street !
9 m 713 Arch Stroot above 7th. south side,
V" Sept. 10,1804. 5m PHILADELPHIA.
5r"I have no Partner, nor connection with any
ther store in Philadelphia.
I beer lcavo to inform myfricnJs ami tho public
generally that I hnve commenced the luauulHutuve
of t OAt OIL L AMI'S wf ovcrydcrii.tiiii an J st vie
uffi.iish, at
With iny present facilities fur ninnufHtitrtu?, anil
. pra:tie:il cxpirk'nce of thirteen yonrT in the uinn
pi'nicnt of tho lamp lurinc for gome of tho largest
misc. in the country. I flutter myself that my expe
llee and knowlcdife viil enable mo to offer to the
"!? pc.vxi nt equalled by any in regard to slyle
1 workmanship, and at prieos crtinpetinj? with the
?t. I hall always endeavor to lead in uttering
e rui-lte new and nutul inventions in our line.
:e alo taken thi wimlemle aeney fur the ale
KO. W. JUtOWN t COTdCEi.KBitATKi Mj:tal
No. S. Second St., l'hiladelphm.
prober 21, IS61.
. BOYEU. Attorney nt, U duly autuor-
zea and ltceiicu to collect K'viiif)!!-
nit !'.: til Jt.K'U k'.ty fur v idons. Hr-
and buldiors. Otlioo lu Miirkct street,
"caver s Hotel, tuubury, Pa.
inry J(i, 1H64. ly
f and after Jan. IStli, 1S64, Tasjcngar Trains
.11 ruu m ioiiow; :
jiovixa south.
4.20 1'.
" UlcKjiiiiljurg
" . Hupert,
" Diuirillc,
Arrive at ZSorthumbcrlnnd, 0.55
Leave Nortlnitnberlarid, R 00 A. M
Jianvillc, 8.10
" ltuiiert, 8.40
" IJbioin-burg, V.'M
" Kington, 12.12 P.M.
Arrive nt btrniikn, 1.30
l'rei''ht Paft'cnscr leaves Dtoomsliur;;. 10.15 A. M
lengers tiiking tho Mail Train South connect
with the hxpress trum lrom Xortuuniberlnnd. nmv
ing at Harri.-burg, nt 2 4il A. M., Balliicore 7.(10 A.
M.. ant at I'liiliideli hia, nt 7.0U A. M. Tho Mail
train fn m Northumberland leave? immediately after
tho arrival of the Lxpress train from Harri-bure nnd
JiHltiuiore, allowing rrstensen leaving l'liila leli'liia
at 10.10 1. M., tu rtu-':i poiatcva Uu rvud during
ino next jortno'iu.
New and clenrit Slecr.inif rnrs ne.oinranv the
night trains eauh way between Northumberland nud
Uultiuioro, ajid NortUumlerlnnd and I'liiladelphia.
U. T. UOL'NI', Sunt.
(Jet (let tho Chcapcfc-(jct the most fco
litiiaicul, v. l.i "hesr bo had at the Kohrbach Foundry.
Hh ing a large u.-sortineot of the most appiovcd
H'lOYKS. fu.'h Criking. Parlor, Office atl hlKip
Kun.-. will be si.ld at the loweit rates. Also,
KetilLbotall saca, Vm. Skilkt?. to.
'lh-y :uo iibo mai:ufii'.iuriiig aachinery, Plougli",
Castings. Ac, ut short nutieo
lteiniring .all kinds of Agricultural Implements
(b-uo in it guuj woi'kuiuiitikc juuiiiier uiid at the
thortcst ii'.ticc.
All urtiel'.-s shipped ns ordered. Orders respect
fully tulicittl and promptly nttoiidcd to.
, t'J' Old Iron, nnd all kinds ot Produce taken in
F.&i:h:inge fur ivi.rk
Suuburv. Juuj IS, lsr.4. tf
Just jmllUI'id in a Sr.ihJ Jiavtlopt. Price
fir rfiitit.
A Lecture on the Nature. Trvr.tip.fiit and H.idleal
Cure ol.. iii,iUurr!i.j:ac.r uiiunl Wcukncss-, luvul
unury Knu: ;,i,-. suaI'ebi!ity. and iuipediments
t Marriage, i'iii-rallr. Nvri;u-ess, CouMiuiptiu.
ty r .-ultiiiK Iri.m Sdf Abuse. Ae. i!y ltOUKUT J.
Cb L LI'lU'FLL, M. 1)., Author ot the "tireeu
ll-k, Ac.
The world r.'iir.wned author, in tl.'j a'duiirul lo
Lecture, cl' urly from his own experience that
the anful tonal-! ott-Jl.Abu.-e may b0 i-tt'eetu-Blly
teuuii j nidi ,ut m'ti-.i:.e. and without dani r
Jiui lurried .pLi.u:,:.-. I, . ii in-iruineiiL-. rias
in e jrd.ids. panMi out a mode ol cur..- ut oiu;c cer
tain and i-fl.;. ti:-.l. I.y which er suflerer, u mat
ter what hi eoi. be. "may ,.. l,;,,,,!-
J lui.ii-ly and radi-ullv 'llli-' 111'.
AMi IHOl .-AMis. -
fet-iit unilirs-al, tu . a.llr. .ii, a l,,i .1
I. ti:C rerei;.' i
I -i. c. ni- i.r io po.l
nge dun
I.y f 1 if
I ni .: I-.
127 lio.
Vi. 15 I-
A I lorn i- siutl i,:ir , ,:tN
11 A i i ii. i li V t l i-, r," n ,
A1MLL i..M..- ' u ,
'"""'' - .l.e cvu,.!!,-.
t-1 Dauplui.. . .i.'.u .i '. .- -j-J . i.j
Oct. 15, i. .i. ; .
Fl.K'l tl.-(
m05 a,id iSSi
l.Hl If., I.J.
' J'. ut.i 'tu tttrt
. 'J.b.
1. 1 1
puis first cia. Hou-. - ii .
o.uo-t. hou.L'l:ke
cii oh.-,. iQf..-nir
4 I pll-Ur-IWt iioti I i'j tl.
iiidu"i lne;;ts to tl.usi ti.-iio."
i lor i.u'ii.ew
i.r pleasure. l is rvMr.U III lU lo.;;.tj.,n. and tpt no
the Emoi : n I'i.a. in roLuL-cliuii will. Ta (.iH'
f-auiux, win re ruiresiuiii-itts can b bad ail botfis,
or served in their owu room, 'j u charge, are iiio
dvratc, then -.os an I aitindan. ol Inc. lust onti r
Lath, and li tht n-oiwii eotiiuuntei attaxhti.
Owl J, I'll I
U, S. 7-30 LOAN.
Tho Secretary of the Treasury gives nollco thnt
snbsorlptlons will bo received for Coupon Troasury
Notes, payable three years from August 15th 18(14,
with soiiii-antmal Interest at thornteof icvcir apd
throo-tenths per cent, per annum, principal and
Interest both to be paid in lawful money.
These notes will bo convertible at the option of
tho holder al maturity, Into i.r-prr cent, gold bear
in? bond", pnynble not lese than Ave nor more tha
twenty years from their dato, as the governmcl may
elect. They will bo issued In denominations of $50,
I00, Sfjofl, II.MO and 15,000, and all subscriptions
must be tor iifly dollsra or somo rtlultiplo of fifty
The notes will bo lmna:nilted to the owners free of
transportation charges as soon after tho rcocipl of
the origiuul Certificates of Deposit as they can be
As the notes draw ln!crst from August o, persons
making deposts subsequent to. that date must pay
tho Interest accrued from duto of note to dnlo oJ
Pin-ties depositiag twenty-five thousand dollars
and upwards for these notes at any one timo will be
allowed a commission or one-(junrt'r of one per cent.,
which will l.e paidJ.y tho Treasury Department upon
the receipt of a bill for tho Amount, certified lo by
the olliccr with whom tho deposit wns made. N
deductions for commissions must bo mado from tho
pi'i lal Al-iimiiR'M r IIiIm I.onii.
Ir is a National Pavings IIaxk, offering a high
er rate of interest thnn any other, nnd the bent seen.
ritu. Anv savings bank which 7nys its depositors In
I". S. Notes, considers that it is paying In tho best
circulating medium of the country, and It caiinnt
pay in anything better, foj its own assets nro cither
in government securities or in notes or bonds pnyablo
in government pnper.
It is equally cun cuient as a temporary or pornia
nont investment. 'ho notes can always bo sold to-
within a fraction of their face and accumulated into
rest, and are tho best security with bunks as colla
terals for discounts.
Id addition to tho very libernl interest on the notes
for thrcejycars, this pr'ivilcgo of conversion is now
worth about three per oent. per annum, for the curt
rent rate for -20 Bonds is not less thnn nine per
eeiit. premium, and before tho war the premium on
six per cent. V. S. stocks was over twenty per cent.
It will bo seen that tho actual profit on this loan, at
the present market rate, is not less than ten per cent.
per annum.
Hut asiJc from all tho advantages wc haco enum
erated, a special Aot of Congress exempt all bonds
and Trrtrwry notes from, loeal taxation. On the
ai crngc, this exemption is worth about two per cent.
per anuum, according to the rate of taxation in vari
ous parts of the country.
It is believed that no securities offer so great In
ducements to lenders as thoso issued by the govern
ment. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith
and ability otprivato parties, or stock companies, or
separate communities, only, is pledged for payment,
while tho whole property nf the country is held
o secure the discharge of all the obligations of tho
United States.
While the government offers the most libernl terms
for its loans, it belicvcsthat thc vcrystrongestnppcnl
will be to the loyally and patriotism of tho people.
Duplicate ccrtifieateswill be issued for all deposits,!
ilio parly uepositu.g must cuuorse upon ine origin
al certificate the denominations of cotes required,
and whether they arc to bo issued in blank or paya
bio to order. When so endorsed it must bo left with
the officer receiving tho deposit, to be forwarded to
the Trcasur3- Department.
Subscriptions will be received by tho Treasurer of
the United States, at Washington, tho several As
sistant Troasurors and designated Depositaries, and
by tho
I'lrM rVnllonnl Hank of Milton,
XuA hj nil ationnl Haul
which are depositaries of Public money, and all
throughout the country, (acting as agents of tho Na
tional Depository Ranks,) will furnish further infor
mation on application und
A u gust 13, 1HS4.
Iut li I'iis(-li!lia 'of I've '.
168 Rcadc Street, New Y'ork.
The abovo Company are known all over tho world
ns the owners of the Coffee Plantations of Java and
Ilatavia in the Huteh Fast Indies, and are the largest
iwnopoluers of Cofl'oe on the Ulobc.
The ur.dcrsiimed (who is appointed their sole
Agent in the United States and in the British Colo
nies) will have for sale three different kinds of Cof
fee, which, for regularity. of grade and cheapness of
price, will defy com peiii ion.
Our -Batavia Colt'oo" never before introduced in
this Country, but extensively used in the Armies and
Navies of rlurope. and richly valued, will be put up
at prices to reach all consumers, and our Extra Java
wili be the Magnum Uoiium Coffee of tho age.
Wo will have, for accommodation of (jrueers, Fa
milies, and io eminent Contractors, samples (dry,
and drawn) for testing.
iiidi-rs solicited. On receipt of cash, coffee prompt
ly forwarded us directed.
ICS Re'ide. Street. New York,
Sole Agent', D. E. I. C Co.
July 2.1, 1SC4.
Q WALLOW two or three hogsheads of '-Buehu,"
I KJ '"ionic Bittcrj," "Sursapanila," "Nervous An
j tidotc," Ac. Ac. Ao., and after yon are satisfied
j villi tue reMlt. and one box of Old DR. liUCHAN'S
i LnglL-h peciiic Pills and bo restored to health and
vigor hides thun thirty days. They arc purely ve
i gftable. pluaeuint to tuke, ronipt and salutary in
Iheir ellccts on the broken dowu and shattered con
stitution. Old and young enn take them with nd
; vantage. Imported und sold in the United Stated
only oy jas. e. JJl 1L.1.K,
No. 427 Broadway. New York.
Ijf "Agent for tho United States.
P. S A Box of tho Pills, securely packed, will
be mailed to any address on receipt of price, which
i' ONE DOLLAR, postpaid! money refunded by
the Aifcnt if entire satisfaction U not given.
Sept. 10, lRtil. am
:tliiiiulon HoiiKe,
(iVr the Vridge.)
rpiIE subscriber having leased this well known
L Turn Maud, lately kept by Mrs. C. S. Brown,
rcspc tfally inliirms the public that he is refitting and
rej airing the preuiUes, and will bo prepured to en
t. rtaiu, in a comfortable maimer, his numerous
friemU throughout the county, and all who may
patrouiEU his entablisbment.
(Stteregior lo 8 t a u JJ e r Sr 11 a rl e y.)
DEALER in Fine CoM and Silver WATCHES ,
rim liuld JF.WF.I.KY: Solbi Ml.VEU-WAKE.
and the but of SILVLU-PLATED-WAKE. Con
siuiitly on hand a large uafurlment of the ubov c goods
at b. 4 prices.
Watches an I Fine Clocks. Repaired, by skilful
Worknnu; al-o. Jewelry repairing ; Engraving and
1I1 kuols of ll.iii-woik lu order, ut short notice.
( v Don't foig' t tho old tlund, No, V22 Market
ktiu,:!, Philadelphia.
ept.. 111. IshJI liin
4 LL rsons indebted to the Arm of Friling &
i 1 1 runt, are requested to call at the old stand and
I a? up ih.-it account by Ihu 1st of December. All
a- ..oi.i.u not pai.l ,y thai time, will be placed ia the
.I.. ui n uu.iicu uir couectii
(fui.Uiy, Nov. S, Mf,4.
.1 y ,u i,b to n.nrry. address the undersigned, who
' '".' V"u 'Uioi moneyaud without price, val
jil.l ialorinaiioi, that w.fl enable you to marry
t.apl y and idily, irrespettiv, of ana wealth or
eao.y. 'Jhl. I.,to..a,io0.ll cost yoVno""
il you wuh U. u,ay, I Wl ehetrrully ju
All letter, strictly confidential. '1 h. desired infor
uiaii'Mi sent by remru mail, and noquciion. asked
I i,, 1.?e,"ro'Bt'Klj'5waiiy, A' Yoik
Ov.! I j, lcCI ;aio
int WOBlTl'S oriat acvcDt OR
Scrofula and Scrofulous Diseases.
From Emery Elet, a irell-knnim merchant of Oa-
font, Jirtihi.
' "1 have sold Inriro quantltlea of ynnr pAns.trA
nil. I. A, but never yet one bottle which failed of the
de sired effect and full satisfaction to those who took
It. As fast as our people try it, they agree there liaa
been no medicine like it before lu our community."
Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, TJ1
cora, Bores, nnd all Diseases of the Skin.
From Ver. Jtoht. Stm1tnnt Jri'sro, Envlnnrl.
I only do my duty to you and tho public, when
1 add my testimony to that you publish of tho nio
ilichinl virtues or your SAiisrAIULi,A. My daugh
ter, aged ten, nnd an aOllotlnir humor lu her ears,
eyes, and hair for years, which wo wero unable to
euro until wo tried your S.MiSAl'AIULLA. She. has
been well for some months."
J'rom Mm. Jan liter, n tretl htmm and much-
esteemed laity of leiwiviHe, f Vic Muh Co., A'...
" Mr daughter baa sulTci-cd for a year past witli a
scrolo'loiis eruption, which was very troiibli'somo.
Nothing afforded nny relief until wo tried your
SAr.s.vrAKII.LA, which soon completely cured her."
From Charlei P. Cage, of tlie irt'My known
Cmje, Murray iv ., winvfaeturert of eiuimclted
pttiwrs in XuKliua, A". If.
" I had for several years a very troublesome
humor In my face, w hich crew constantly worse
until it disllgiired my features and became an Intol
erable afllictioii. I tried almost every thing a man
could of both advice and medicine, but without any
roller whatvvcr, until I took your SAllsAr.MiuxA.
It linniediately made my face worse, ns you told mo
it might for a timej but In a few weeks the new
skin began to form under the blotches, and con
tinued until my face Is as smooth ns any liody's,
and I nm without any symptoms of tho illse-i.e that
1 know of. I enjoy perfect health, mid without
doubt one It tu your Sahs.U'.uui.i.a.'
EryBipoloa Gen oral Debility Purify tho
From Dr. ItM. Sarin, Houston St., Xrm York.
t tit- Ayku. I seldom fail to remove .iios
and Serohil'M Son s by the iMTseveringuseof your
BAK4ArAiiil.L., nnd I have .lust now cured an attack
of Malignant .'msinla with it. No alterative wo
possess equals the S.u:sl'.l:li.l.A you have sup
plied to the profession ns well as to the people."
FromJ. K. Johnston, !'., iraleman, Ohio.
' Kor twelve years, I hid the yellow Krysira-lna
on my right arm, during which time I tried nil tho
celebrated phvslcians I could reach, nud took hun
dreds of iloH'irs worth of medicines. Tho ulcers
were so bad thnt. the cords lieeinio visible, and Iho
doctors decided that my arm must ho nmimtntcd. I
began takin:; your Saiis.M'AIIIi.i. v. Took two bot
tles, nnd some of your 1'iu.s. Together they h .'vo
cured nie. 1 nm now ns well and sound as nny brdy.
lleimr In a public place, my ease Is known to ecory
body iu this community, and excites the wonder of
From TTon. Tli nrg Monro, M. P. P., of Xeircast!e,
C If"., a leading member of the Canailian Parlia
" 1 have used yonr SAf.sAPAntM.A In my family,
or ccueral ilihilitii, and lor luirifuing the. Moml,
with very beiieflcial result, and feci confidence- iu
coniuieuding it to the ulUictud.'
St. Anthony's Fire, Rose, Salt Rheum,
Simld Head, Sore Eyes.
From TTarrey Siel ler, .''., the able editor of the
Tiuilihannoel: Jieiwn-rat, Pt nnnnlrattia.
"Our only child, about three vears of age, wns
attacked bv pimples on his fun-head. They rapidly
spread until they formed n loathsome ami virulent
sore, which covered his face, and actually blinded
his eyes for some days. A skilful physician applied
nitrate of silver anu other remedies, without any
apparent effect. For fifteen days we guardod bis
bauds, lest w ith them he should tear open the fes
tering inn) corrupt wound which covoird his whole
face. Having tried every thing else wc had nny
hope from, we liegan jrlvin your Saumapaiiilla,
and applying the iodide ol potash lotion, ns you
direct. The sore began to heal wltcn we bad given
the first bottle, aud was well when we had finished
the second. The child's eyelashes, which had come
out, grew again, aud he luiuw a healthy nnd fair
as any other. The whole neighborhood predicted
tliut the child must die."
Syphilis and Mercurial Disease.
From Dr. Hiram Slant, vf St. Lotii.; Minmvrl.
"1 find your SAitsAi'Aiui.i.A n more cil'.vtual
remedy for the secondary symptoms uf
nnd for syphilitic disease than any other we possess.
The protession arc indebted tu yuu lor sonic uf the
beat medicines we have."
From A. J. Freneh, Uf. ., nil eminent jihiairian of
J.awrenee, Maas., trho is a promimm witiiotr of
the. Legislature of Massachusetts.
' Dn. AVKIt. Jly dear Sir: I havo found your
PAiisArAUILI.A an excellent remedy for Siipli'lls,
both of tho primary und teeomlarg type, ami eflce
tual lu somo cases that wero too obstinato to yield
to other remedies. I do not know what we can em.
ploy with more certainty of success, w here a puwer
lul alterative is required."
Mr. Chaf. S. Van Lieir, of Xtw Urnimri. l; X.J.,
had dreadful ulcers on his tegs, caused by the abuso
of mercury, or mercurial i'r,ic, whirl! grew mora
and more aggravated for years, in spite of every
remedy or treatment that could be applied, until the
persevering uso of Ayku' Sahs ai'AIiii.i.a relieved
liim. Few cases can bo found more inveterate nnd
distressing than this, und it took several dozen
bottles to cure him
Xieucorrhcea, Whites, Female Weakness,
are generally produced by internal Serofithnis t'l
eeration, nml are very often cured by the alterative
effect of tills SAitsArAlttt.i.A. Some cases require,
however, in aid of tho SAUSAl'AIUI.LA, tho skilful
application of local remedies.
From the irelt-l-n'nrn and iridfly-cehbrateil Dr.
Jacob Morrill, if Cincinnati.
" I have found your S i:saiuii.i. nn excellent
alterative iu diseases of females. Many eases of
Irregularity, I-neorrlicc.i, Internal Ulceration, and
loealdebility, arising from the scrofulous diathesis,
have yielded to it, und there arc few that do not,
when its effect is properly aided by local treatment."
A ta ly, nmcilling to allow the publication of her
name, writes i
" Jly daughter and myself have boon cured of a
very debilitating I,cucorrli.i-i of long standing, by
two buttles of your Sausapahilla."
Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dys
pepsia, ncart Disease, Neuralgia,
when caused by Scrofula In the system, are rapidly
cured by this Ext. Saus.m'
possess so many nilvntitnges over the other
purgative in the market, nnd their suporiur
virtues nre so universally known, tlint w enei'd
not do more thnn to nssuri' the public their
quality is maintained I'imal to the U-st it ever
has been, nnd that they may lie depended oil
to do nil that they have ever dune.
l'repurod by J. C. AYKU, M. D., &. Co.,
Lowell, Mass., .nnd sold by
Sold by Friling A (Jrant. Sunbury,
K. B. McCoy. Northumberland,
Aaron Barrol, Elysburg,
W. R. Kutzner. Shumokin,
J. P. Hogue. Wntsontown.
Aud by all dealers in Medicines everywhere.
August 1.'), ISOl. ly
I 'or 4'li'iini.iiii:, Ti liiloninyr nml
Ii rinyr 'i f :i"rn !
This artieleis prepared with the greatest care upon
Scientific principles, nnd warranted nut to couiain
anything in the slightest degree deleterious to the
teeth or gums. Souieofour most eminent Dental
Surgeons have given their sanction to, and cheerful
ly recommend it ns a preparation of superior quali
ties for cleansing, whitening and preserving the
TEETH. It cleans them readily, reuduring them
beautifully white and pearly, without tho lightest
injury to the enamel, it is healing to the gums
uhere they uru ulcerated and sore, i t is uiso an ex
cellent disinfector for old decayed teeth, w hieh lire
often exceedingly offensive It gives a rich creamy
taste to the mouth. cleansing it thoroughly, and im
parting a delightful fragriuicu tu the breath.
Prepared only by
A. 1 1 A YV L K Y it CO.,
N. W. Cor. 10th., A Lombard Sis., Philadelphia.
Aud sold by ail Druggists. PRICE 25 CE.YiS.
The following opinion of Dr. White as to the high
esteem in which he holds the Dental Cream, must be
sufficient evidence of its value ; to quote other testi
monials in detail is needless, contenting uursjves by
simply giving the iiaiues and addresses of persuns
who speuk of its excellency for the teeth.
Philadelphia. Anril 15th, 18113.
Having carefully examined A. llawley's "Solidi
fied Dental Cream. " I hereby cbcurfully rccuw
uiend it lo the public generally. It is au excellent
preparation for cleansiug and preserving the teeth,
and can be used by all persons with the utmost con
fidence, as its properties arc perfectly haruilc. Be
sides preserving the teeih, it proiuutes a healthy
aciinn to Ihu gums, and imparts a pleasantness to the
Dr. W. R. WHITE. 12(11 Arch St.
Thomas Ingram, M. D , Dentist, 401 N. Fourth St.
J. Biikcy. 254 S. Sixth St.
E. Yuiidci slice. Surgeon Dentist. 425 Arch St.
C. A. Kinsbury, Deulist, 11 I'J Walnut St.
S. Dilliiighuui, l. D.S.. 7:il Arch St.
F. M. Dixon, 827 Arch St.
Edward Tow mind. Dentist, 420 X. Fourth St.
L. II. Dorphlvy, Dentist, 807 N. Tenth St.
M. L. Long. Dentist, 62D N. Sixth St.
Muy 28, listil ly
Has iuf'irmatioo never before published.
Sent THtu iu a sealed envelops tat Txx cents.
Address Dr. STANFORD, "
Box No 4,652. New York P. 0.
July 9, 18i -3m
A 'I'riK'l ol"l'iiulirr I Jiud, below Trey,
or ton bridge, containing about WO acres. For further
rtioulars apply to
gunburr, Au- 13, 1664 -If.
IfMli. 1801.
FhllndrlpltlA V Krlo Itnllroad.
THIS great line traverses the Northern and North
west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Frio
on Lake Erie.
It has been leased by Ihs Pennsylvania Railroad
Company and is operated by them.
Its entire length was opened for passcngor and
freight business, October 17th, 1804
Time of 4'assonger trains at Sunbury,
Leave Eastward.
Through Mail Train,
Elmira Express Train,
Lock Haven Accommodation,
Leave Westward
Through Mall Train
ELnira Express Train,
Lock Haven Accommodation,
Willinmsport Accommodation.
9.05 P. M.
10.40 A. M.
8.30 A.M.
6.17 "
. 4.25 P. M.
Cars run thrnueh without chance, both w
twoen Philadelphia and Erie.
F.lfgant Sleeping Cars on Express Trains both
Wnys between Willinmsport aud Baltimore, and
Williammrt nnd Philadelphia.
. For Information resnectimr Passcnccr business
apply at ;i(ilh nnd Market St.
And for Freight business of the Conipnny's Agents,
S. II. Kingston, Jr., Cor. 13th and Market St.,
. J. W. Reynolds, Frio.
J. M. Drill, Agent N. C. R. R., Bultimoro.
II. H. Hot STON,
Ocn'l Freight Agt. Philada.
II. W. 11 winn nn,
Oen 1 Ticket Ag t., riillada.
JosKi-ii D. Potts,
licn'l Manager, Willinmsport.
Nov. 5, 1804.
UkobueHili., Simox P. Wol-VtUTOS.
AlloriK'.vsi mill 4'oiiiim.oi-n nt Law.
Office. Market street, cor. Centre Alley,
J ILL attend promptley to the collection of clnims
I V and all other professional business intrusted to
their care in Northumberland nndadjoining counties.
Sunbury, Jnnuiiry 2.1, 102.
A New supply of Masskk's Fivr-Miniitr Fiieb
zkhh. received from New York," for sale by
Sunbury, May 21." til. H. B. MASSEIt.
And how his Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic,' and
Mandrako Pills acton the System in Curing that
" Disenso, nnd tho ,
(irriil Ni::-nn AHi'iMliiifj It!
The aliove is a correct likeness of Dr. Sehcnk taken
many years ugo, after be had recovered from Con.
sumption; by a courso ot his ''Seheiik's Pulmonic
Syrup." The likeness, although it does not repre
sent him anything like ns bad ns he wasnt the worst,
yet it is in strong contrast with the hale and vigorous
looks of the Portrait below, which is tho true like
ness of him nt present time. The contrast between
these two portraits is so great that many would not
believe them to be the same person. Y'ct thero nro
hundreds of persmis, iu aud around Philadelphia,
who w ill recognise both portrnits to be true represen
tations. When the first was taken he weighed 107
pounds ; at the present time his weight is 220 pounds
Ntw Y'otiK, Wednesday, March 30, 1S01.
Thirty years ago I was in the last stages of Pol
luoiiary Consumption, and given up to die. I resided
ill Philadelphia, and Dr. Joseph Parrish.then ol this
city, ordered ine to Morestown, N. J., a distance of
nine miles which took me two days to get there, tin
my arrival I was put to bed. and there laid for many
weeks. This was my native place, where all my
family lived and bad died of Consumption. Dr.
Thornton, who attended tny father in his Inst illness,
was called, and gave me one week to fix up mv ul
fairs. He had seen all luv family go that way, and
thought 1 was to go. too 'Then 1 heard of tlic'reine
dies 1 now otter to the public, which cured me. It
seemed to me that I could feel them penetrating my
whole system.
They soon ripened the matter on my lungs, and I
Would spit off more than a pint of otlensivo yellow
matter every morning. As siMin lis that begun to
subside, my cough, fever, pain, night sweats all
began to leave lue. and uiy appetite became so great
that it iv as with dilliculty I could keep from eating
too much. 1 siain gained my strength audi have
been growing in flesh ever sineo. For miinv years
I havu enjoyed uninterrupted good health, keeping
the liver and stomach healthy with the Seaweed Tu
niujiud .Mandrake Pills, as i am of a billiou temper
ament. My weight is two hundred and twenty
pounds (In my recovery people would scud for mo
far and near, tosee if tiieir eases were like mine.
For this purpose 1 y professional visits in the large
cities. I liecniisumptivts w ish tu see the ono that
makes theso inediuiues, und who wns cured of con
sumption hy tlieui. To make new lungs is imposi
ble; but cavities in the lungs and chronic ulcera
tions ot tho bropchial tubes eau be healed Such
eases are dying hourly under tho ordiuny treatment
of physicians, and just such are cured by the proper
use of Sehenk' Puluionio Syrup, Seuwecd Tonic,
and Mundrake Pills.
I am now a healthy man. with a largo cavity in
the middle lobe of Iho right lung, the lower lube very
much hepatized nnd complete adhesion of the pleura.
The left lungs is sound, and the upper lobe of the
right lung is in a tolerably healthy condition. The
great reason why physicians do not cure consump
tion is they try to do too niucn ; they give medicines
to stop the cjugh. to stop chill, to slop night sweats,
hectic fever, aud, by so doing, they derunge the
whole digestive powers, lucking up the secretions
and eventually the patient sinks and dies. After I
make a careful examination ol the patient with the
Respirometer, and bud lungs enough left to eure, I
direct the putient huw to use the ll.ree remedies.
Remove the cause and they will all stop uf their
own accord. Nuouo can be cured of consumption,
liver complaint, dyspepsia, catarrh, canker, ulcerated
throut. unless the liver and stomach are made heal
thy, in New England this canker chronic catarrh,
ulcerated throat, elongation ot uvula, i more preva
lent than in any oilier section of the country. This
is frequently caused by a fuul stomach. You may
burn it out w ith caustic time and again, and all they
will get is temporary relief. Correct the stomach
and liver, and they w ill heal up themselves.
Good nutrition is the remedy. If you have any
disease ia any part uf the body, it will remain there
and decay more and more uutil you can gut the sto
mach in the condition to digest "food and make new
blood tu take the place uf diseased matter. This is
the uuly way to hcul cavities lu the luugs and ulcer
ated bronchial tubus. Correct the stomach and liver
and nature w ill do tha healing. Mauy persons have
an idea that certain medicine are great purifiers of
the blood. When blood is once diseased it cannot
be purified ; it is diseased the same as the diseased
matter io the system ; but get the apparatus in or
der, the liver and stomach, and give it ideuty of
nourishing food it w ill make new blood, which will
take the place of thai which is diseased
Scbeuk's Pulmonic lyrup is one of ths best prepa
ration ul' iron in use. it U a powerful tome uf itaolf,
aud when tbs tuaweed Tonie diMilves lbs mucus
the stomach, and is It oarrled pofl off by the a tha
Mandrake Pills, the Pulmonic Syrup la made into
blood. This is tha only way to enre consumption.
If I cannot get a good appetite, nnd food docs not
digest, 1 cannot eure the pationt Meyer mind the
cough ; remove the cause and will stop of Itsolf.
This Is the most trouble I have with my patients at
tny rooms. Tliov say, "Doctor, I feel stronger ; I
can eat ; my night sweats are better, and I feel bet
tor every way j bnt my oough la so bad yet ;" and
thoy are astonished to hear me say thnt does not
matter; removo thoeause and the cough will stop
of itself. Sehcnk 's Seaweed creates a good appetite
in about nine days, when there Is no lung diseaso,
unless the liver Is so congested that Jhe Mandrake
Pills ennnot unlock the ducts of the gall blndderln
that short space of time, in order to allow the stale
bilo to pass off. Keep the liver and stomach healthy
and thcro is less danger of consumption or any other
disense. It is hard to take cold when thoso organs
are healthy. Thoso that are bilious, low-spirited,
dronry, feeling stupid, coated tongue, poor appetito,
nervous, stomach full of wind, everything that is
n.i..n lira heavy, loss nf memory, try cmo bottle of
fCHENCK-.S SEAWEED TONIC, and one box of
cost of one dollar nnd twenty-live cents, with full di
roclions. This is sufficient, in many cases, to sntis
fv whnt the medicines are. Frequently one bottle
luukcs a great change in tho system. Any person
thnt onjoys ordinary health, by using the .Seaweed
Tonic nnd Mnndrnko Pills occasionally, must get the
digestivo orgnns in sueh a henlthy condition that
they become fleshy. I can produce a number of my
old consumptives patients now enjoying good health
weighing nearly 200 pounds. I will conclude by
relating three cures I have made in New Y'ork, and
which are nil different, and wish any ono who feels
an interest in the matterto visit them. First is Mrs.
Farlow. residing then at No. 107 Houston street Her
husband called upon me nt my rooms. 32 Bond street
and wished mo to ca'l nnd seo her. Ho said F could
do no good ; thnt ho hnd had all tho best medical
attendance, and all said sho was too far Kone with
I Consumption to be cured ; but she had heard of sohie
I great cures I had made, nnd ho desired to grntify
her wishes. 1 called, nnd found her lying confined
i to her bed in the Inst stage of bronchial consumption
and without doubt must have died soon. I examin
ed her lungs, found both bronchial tubes very much
affected, hut no cavities hnd formed, her cough
was very severe, fho spit-box wns half full of thick
pus. Pulse 1 10, leg swollen very much ; and wnrso
than all, she hail chronic diarrhieii. Herbowclshad
been moved eleven times that day.' told her that she
had lungs anoiigh to bo cured, but that this diarrhoea
had been of Ions standinie. and her stomnch wns in
such n ulcerated condition that I wns afraid nothing
could bu done. She insisted I should try and do
what I could for her. observing, that sho could nut
lust-long in the condition she was in. and I could not
make her any worse. I gave her first a dose of uiy
Mandrake Pills, and tho tonic and .s'yrup freely.
That was on Tuesday, and by the next Sunday the
diarrhiea was carried off. her appetito bad returned
and she could sit up in bed and ent her dinner. She
is now well, ami gave n long certificate, certified to
by the Rev. Dr Downing.
Mrs. Bartholomew. 8.1 West Forty-fifth street,
camo to my rooms with a tumor on her liver. s'hu
was low-spirited, skill sallow, tongiio coated, bowels
costive, no appetite, nud fast sinking into tho grave.
The said tumor bad been running over fourteen
vears. I gai e her Syrup. Tonic ami Pills, and told I
Iter totaku tlieui jusi as tht directions were printed. ,
She enuio back to my rooms. .'12 Bond street in two
weeks, somewhat belter ; her tongue bad beguiij to
clean n little iiiound the edges, her skin w hiter and i
her eyes brighter an 1 thu minor discharging very !
offensive matter, much faster than it imd evirdoue
before. She kept gradually improving, an I iu nhont !
two months she came to my rooms very much fright- ,
ened, saying that Ihe tumor had nearly stopped
running, and was healing up. and that every doctor. '
had told her that if it ever healed it would cause her
j death. 1 told her that the disease bail all left her
system, and nature would heal the ulcer up. They ;
: arc now healed, and have been t'..r about a year and
. she is a hearty and robust a woman as you will" tind (
j in a days walk. She is L'lad for any one to call on
I he-, and takes irrcat pains to isit any ntio that she i
j Ii jars has nu.vthing like her ease, and trim timet !
j them to come and see inc. The next ease is Ni i.- i
I veoficld, from Stamford. Conn.. Mrs. Bartholomew '
i got her down to sec me. and she has been ever since :
at her house. When she first came to tny nsiins. she
! was much eiiineiaiid with a distressing eiuigh. spit-
ting Inrge quantities of blood. 1 examine ! her lungs
j with the re.-pirometer. and in all Iny practice never i
found one with one lung so far gone and the other J
lung so sound. I could not give much encourage-
, lneiil. 1 thought she would die ; but to my nstoir 1
1 liinent the 1'iilnmuic Syrup, Seaweed 'liuiic. and I
.Mandrake Uills all seemed to go right to work, Ihe ,
lung is all healed over, leaving a ea ity as largo as
a goose egg; guod appetite, line spi'iits, and has ',
gained somo thirty-five pounds iu weight. She has :
i some cough yet. which 1 do not think will leave her i
before June. 1 should think it would be of great 1
; interest lo syme unprejudiced physician to isit these
! eases, particularly Mis Seoti. Id.'or unv of thciu who
have been cured by my medicine. They are iiiiui.
; erous in New York ", but tho above three nil differ
from each other ; and if my medicines are doing .
what I represent tliev are. tiny should hnve. the
credit and the ulllic;ei!vkiiuw where und how Ihey ;
may be cured.
.1. II.MMIENK. M. D.
Dr. J. H. Schoi.k can he found at the principal
office. No. .'t'J North tiih Street. Philadelphia, every 1
Saturday, from 11 A. M. until ." P. M.. to -ie advic'o ;
free of charge : but for a .through examination ho
charges three dolhus. .Price of i he Pulmonic Syrup ;
and Seaweed 'Ionic each M 25 per bottle, or 0 the
half dozen. Mandrake Pills 25 c nt p r box. and
is for sale by all Druggists and Dealers. i
Jl.iy 14. lhi",.y !
Northern liiiihtnv !
Kl .ll.TIIIIC 'IE lit: 'SMBJH.i::
THREE TRAIN'S DAILY to and from Baltimore
nnd Washington city.
Connections made with trains on .Pennsylvania
Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the V est.
THREE TRAINS DALY to ami from im-North and
West Branch Susquehanna, Elmira. and all of North
ern New Y'ork.
ON" ami after MONDAY. MAY loth, isill.
the Pas-eiiger 1 raii s ot the Northern Central
Railway will ariive at and fieiu Suiibsry,
Harrishurg and Baltimore as follow, viz :
S O l T 11 W A it D .
Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (except
Sunday). t 111 25 A. M.
" lenv e liarri-burg. I 2u P. ,M.
" arrives at Baltimore. 5 40 '
Express Train lcavus Sunbury tin il v
(oxocpl Sunday.) " -11 45 P.M.
' leaves ilarii.-bulg (except
Monday.) 2 50 A. M
" arrives ut Baltimore daily
(except M lay I. 7 till A. M.
Ilarrisburg Aceuuiuiudutiou leave Harris-
burg, ;
Sunbury Accommodation lenrcs Sunbury
no A. M.
7 30 A M
daily (except Sunday) at
Mail Train leaves Baltimore daily (ex
cept Sunday) (I 20 A. M
" leave ilnrrishurg 1 35 p. M.
" arrives at Sunbury. 4 ti5 '
Express Truin leaves Baltimore daily V :'U P. M
" in rives at ilariishurg. iu A M.
" leaves Ilarrisburg (except
Monday). 3 15 A. M.
" arrive, at Sunbury. 5 53 "
Ilariishurg Accoinmoilation leave Harris
burg, daily (except Sunday) ut til) P M
' arrive at Ilarrisburg, J 50 P M
Sunbury Accommodation leaves Ilarris-
burg daily (except Sunday) at 4 00 P M
Fur further information apply at the Office.
I N. Di BARRY, lien. Supt.
Hiirrislairg. June 4 804-
0sTTD"irN ' s
11' A li It A X T K 1)
IT is used by first class fumilies ever; where, and
. highly recommended for nervous an 1 dyspeptio
persous, being very nuitritiou aud ft eo from all
deleterious substances, iu testimony of I hieh I havo
certificates from the must cmiuinent physicians in
the Country. Try it, and yuu will bo mro to con
tinue its use in preference tu any other.
Sdd at retail for Twenty-Five Cents per Pound
by First class liroccr throughout the l uted "tides.
Ijf A liberal discount tu the Trade.
Put up only by
l.i:iV!M A. ONIIOIt.'V.
Wholi'sale Depot, C9 Warren st. New Y'ork.
May 7, 1861.
(Late Mrs. Boulton's.)
HAS taken this old and well known stand, and
refitted and furubned the same is prepared tu
accommodate Boarders and Travelers with the best
the market can afford. He hopes by strict attention
to business Ui receive a share of publio patronage.
His TABLE contain the best the market aflords.
His Bar is tilled with the choicest of Liquors, both
Mall and Spirituous.
The stabling is good, and attended by careful
Ostlers. .
Sunbury' April 30, 1861. ly
DUeiikfii ofllir rreus, Nriulnnl,
t'rismry aud heiuul M.vkl-nii
1 new and reliable treatment in reports of Ibe 110 W.
; ARD ASSOCIATION sent by mail in sealed letter.
envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. SK1L
I LIN HOUUHTOX, Howard Association, No. 2
fcs.uih Ninth Slreet, Pkiiade)phia,.Pa.
t July 16, 18d.-ly
If. It. 31 A SSI'. II,
Alniijr sit l,nw. SL'NBURV, PA.
Collections attended to in the counties of Nor
Uiomberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, .Columbia
and Lycoming.
Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia,
A. U. Oattell A Co., "
Hon. Wm. A. Porter, , "
Morton McMlchael, Esq., "
E. Kctcham A Co., 2H Pearl Street, New York.
John W. Ashtnead, Attorney at Law, "
Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law, "
Sunbury, March 2V, 1802.
in every vnnoty,
Orders solicited and filled with proinptnass and
Sunbury, May 16, 1803. ly
Attorney nml Countst'llor nt I.iim,
Office on south side nf Market street, four doors west
of E. Y . Bright A Son's Store,
Will attend promptly to ail professional business
entrusted to his care, the collection of claims in
Northumberland and Ihe adjoining counties.
L'uu.fuij, irinjr 4,,, lou.iy
I'oi- ICalN, .11 !, lEoiM-lif-M, A n If, Itril
1Iii;i,.11o1im In I'ur-M, HoolriiM.iVc.,
Intiecf m on lMint, Fowls, A 11111111 Ik,
Put up in 25c, 50c and $1 00 Boxes, Bottles and
Flasks. $3 aud $5 sites for Hotels, Publio lustitu
tions, Ac. . .
"Only infallible remedies known."
"Free from Poisons." .
"Not dangerous to the Human Family, "
"Rats conic out of their boles to die."
(jSold AYhnlesalo in all largo cities.
Sold by all druggists and Retailers everywhere
! ! ! Hkw akf. ! ! ! of all worthless imitations.
See thnt "CostnrV name is on each Box, Bottle
and Flask, before v'u buv.
Addres ni:Aitv it. t om tit.
Principal DckiI 4H2 Broadway New York.
V S'dd by all Wholesale and RetaiJ Druggist in
Siinburv. Pa.
Feb. '"jo. n;4.8tn
Altoi'iM'j" & 'oiiiimIIoi-at I.siw.
Orliec 011 South si Ic of Maiket street, four doors west
of (ie.irnarl's Confectionery store,
Will attend promptly to all professional hi!
entrusted to his care, tiie collection nt claims in Nor
tiiiimb.'i land and 1 In adj tiiiiinr counties.
t "oii-ultatioits in ticriioin and English.
Sunhurv. March 111. I Slit '.v
nxjABir "roofing
At less than half the cost of tin roof's.
jMuru lur-'iUtT tliun tin.
ETAOU "roofing
fMiH.iMti lur I'tiTp or fl:it It miiI.
Fr nil kilt! I.- iT liiilliii. in till I'lnnntr.
EnMly. clif:ttr. nnI quickly 'Ut nn. Xrp, n.i
cimihi; ttvi r vi ; li cement nt'u-i it in iiiiilcil lnnu,
hkaijy "iToonxG
Minlr of :! ft it hi rn f:Jrif. tlinitiiiglily ti t it rat
ini'l cmctvl u4'it I till M.!t;tri with it rt'ivlly ivit
Itil'pNif c'ii;iH.-i;inn, rtiul j ut ii in rolls rc ily lur
u.-e 4u in ti tt..i'. Mini 7u tVt't lung.
Wc nl.o tiuitiufrft, '(n
licit::: CXEiT7.
Eon 1. t:iiv Tlx Koiiks.
Much cheaper and more durable than oil paint.
4 'Miviiiiiii 4 Yiik-ii I,
For Leaky Shingle Roofs.
Which will olun save the cos, of a new roof
Sclnples of I'.eady Rooliug ami Cllcuiara sent by
mail In it disirctl. I
Favor.iblei ims made with responsible pai iic- wlio :
buy I" sell again.
REAliY Rtldl'lNti rtl.. 1
73 Maiden Lane. N. Y,. '
April 2".. Hi'.l. j
Orders v.ll receive prompl attention.
II. D. H"1.DEX.
A illinnisport, June 25, 1S04. Proprietor.
sis'i.vis::v!i ih:imi-.
JUST received 11 new stmk of Fishing Tackle for
Sprn . sales, consisting ol Kisls, Reels. Lines.
Baskets, Mioods. Floats. Nets. Fiies. Artificial llait,
Rigged Lines. Ilul. liras and Hooks, to which the
attention of dealers is particularly requested.
Orders. Wholesale and Retail, punctually filled
and satisfaction warranted.
2ml and Walnut streets. Philadelphia.
February 27, 1M14 lim
The Only Safe Reliable against both Fire
and Burglary.
I am now prepared tu furnish three sizes of Nation
al Bank Safes. Tbcy are both Fire and Burglar
proof, with two distinct inside Burglar Safes, and
three of my new Anti-Micrometer Looks on each
safe, believed to be the only bank-lock now in use
that has not been picked or cannot be picked by
tho aid of tho micrometer. These Safe all present
four to six inches iu thickness of solid iron, guaranteed
to be the strongest, the most difficult to drill and to
stand the most resistance agaiust both fire and
burglary of any Safe in the United States of the
same sixc and cost.
1 have on hand also, and will fur hish all sites of
Bank Vault Sates, ossessing all the advantages of
the above against burglary.
Also, all sites of Mercantile Safes both burglar
proof and fire and burglar-proof.
Also, Ornamental Dwulling-hoiiso Safes, burglart
proof, aud tiro and burglar-proof (warranted no
Alsu, the strongest and cheapest Vanlt doors, for
bank aud mercantile vaults.
All tha above are Lillie'j wrought and chilled
Also, sixsiies Lillie's Wrought Iron Fire-Proofs,
warranted equal tu any couiuiuu Safes, at fully one
third leas price.
Also, a general assortment of second-hand Safes,
many of tncui nearly new. and of approved makers,
received in exchange for Lillie's Chilled Iron Safes.
These are offered at or below auction priees.
M. C. SADLER Agent,
No. 21 S. SEVENTH Street.
June 11, 1804.
(SI'l. i:M.UOVi:, Kuyl-r Co., la.
a IHE Fall Session of this Institution commences on
. THURSDAY, AUUVST 18th. The Winter
Session on the 17th of November.
For Boarding. Woshing, Furnished Room, Fuci
snd Light, and Tuition in all the regular studies of
the Collegiate Deprrimeut, only $52 75.
A liberal Deduction luadeiu favor of Ihe Daughters
four Soldier.
Fur further particulrrs , or Circular., apply to
DO.V1ER, Principal,
Bellnsgrove, August t, 1804. 3uio.
BLANK (Parchment Paper.) Deed and blank
Mortgages, bonds, Executions, buuiuiuns, As.
fur ski al tbs office of tbs "CtUiburj American." '
The Adnm'si I2sr CompnnYf
GIVE NOTICE that thoy bays concluded ar
rangemcnt with the Northern Central Katltrond
Comrinr.y to run trains from Baltimore fur York,
llnrrisburg. Dauphin, Halifax, Treynrtotl, Sonlmry,
Northumberland. Lcwisbnrg, Milton, Milncy, Wil
llamssirt, and all intermediate station, rnnneeting
at llnrrrsburg with .the UREAT WESTERN EX
PRESS for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis and tha
Also with Iloward A Co.'s Express t Milton or
Danville, Bloomsburg, Wilkesbarro, Pittston, Scran
ton, and Intermediate stntions on the Cattawissa,
Lack n wanna A Bloomsburg .Railroads. At Wil
linmsport, by Iloward A Co.'s ExprcKj to Jersey
Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A Co.,
and their connections, for Canton, Troy, Elmira,
Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara, and to nil accessible'
points in Western New York nnd Canada, by which
they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bank Notes,
Jewelry, and .Valuable Paekngus of every destirip
Also, Notes. Drnrts nnd Dills for Collection.
Experienced and efficient messengers employed,
snd every effort will bo made to render satisfsctioa.
Superintendent Penn'a Division. Philadelphia.
R. A. FISCHER, Agent for Sunbury.
April 5, 1802.
ftrriinprfMifiilM IhOI.
ol Sew Voi-l I.lnow.
From Philadelphia to AVw York and Way Flares,
from V'aliint street Wharf and Kensington
Depot, v-ill leave as follows, viz : fAKK.
Al 0 A. M., via Camden and Am boy, (C. and
A. Accommodation.) $2 25
At o a. via uninucnnmi Jersey City, A . J.,
At 8 A. M., via Cutuden and Jersey City,
(Morning Mail.)
At 8 A. M.. via Camden and Jersey city 21
Class Ticket
At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersey city,
At 12 M. via Camden and Auiboy, C and A.
At 2 I'. M., via Camden nnd Aniboy, (C. and
A. Express.)
Al 3 P.M., via Kensington and Jersey City,
Wash, aud N. Y. Express
At 1 P. M., via Kensington and Jersey City,
(Evening Mail.)
At Hi P. M. via Kensington and Jersey city,
Southern Mail.
At II (night) via Kensington and Jersey city
2 25
3 00
2 2
3 00
2 25
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
3 00
r-oiiiieiii j..ireas
At 5 P. M., via Cam den nnd Aniboy, (Aceotn
lnodation. 1'reiglit und Passenger, First
On fieket. 2 25
Second Class Ticket. I Ao
For Wator liap, Strotid'burg. Scranton, Wilkes
barre. Montrose, tiieut Bend. Ac., at ti A. M.,
f.oin Kensington, via Delaware, Lackuwaunu and
Western Hailroad.
For .Maueh Chunk. Allentown. Bcthluliem, Beli
lere. Easlon, Lamhcrtville. Flemington. Ac ntrt,
A. M., from Kensington Depot, and at 2J P...M.
from Walnut slreet Wharf.
( Il.cli A. M. Line connects with Tiuins leaving
Fasten for Munch Chunk, at 3-211 P. M.)
For .Mount Holly, at ti A. M.. 2 and I P. M.
For Freehold, at ii A. M. and 2 P. M.
For Bristol. Trenton. Ac. at 11 A. M. and 2) and
5 P. ,l. from Kensington.
For Palmyra, lliv. rton. Ool.inco. Beverly. Ilur
lington. Florence, llordciitown. Ac, at 12. 1, 2, 4
ami ti P. M.
1 l'or N'"w Y'ork. and Way I.
a. and Way Line, leaving Ken-
ing.'oli Depot, take
ailiut. half 1111 In
rtlll il.l the llepot.
11:11 liolo t III' llei ...f ,
Filly Pounds of
pas-ep.;er. I'll.-.o't,;:
anv tiling 11. lmg:ui
blU-rll'e .0 er III! v p
ine v ars on r inn street, aoovo
Mil hepo'c tlepat tore, 'the far
and on the arrival of each Train,
Ihicg ago only, filloucd eaeh
ovH are pi'ohihited liom Inking
i- nut their 11 earing apparel. All
-aimls to he paid for extra. Tito
I oiei-auv limit tln-ir re.ponsihilitv I ir haairii !
tine per pound, and wili not be liable for any
amount lay.iud 100. exerpt lv secial contract.
. WM. il. "liATZMEll, Agent.
January 17. l-ol.
Iieater in
P I A X 0 S
EW lioscwond Pianos, from the best
. The
best manufactured Instru-
m. ti's I'c.m t.'i
li Hilar-. Vinlins
r it', s. Drums.
Aceor h-oiis. Fbit
I'.aujos. 'J'fi 111 bourines,
i..l in an I iliiiiarstriiigs nnd musical mer
chandize in general.
The I il".-t publications always on hand.
Music sent
I.v mail to anv part ol tile Country.
Ot'AI.. hl.ii Alii., (ill ."1" AND R'ISEWIMID
Suitable for I ... in-gla-ses. and all kinds of pictures
aiWas on hand.
A line lis.or!tl..'Ul ot host plated
l.(i"KIN(i t.LA.-.-l-.S from -mallcst to largest sixes.
An., s'yk of iiaioc lo order at the -hortcst
noii'c. ' W.M. KMH'HE.
. pi:! II. 1 i'.:s. !:i Maik-t .1..
111. Witt's '
5neiy, Toy and
.'Sitriii l fai--i-. Xmiliui-y , Esi.
i'()M'i:("i'io.i:i:v c;' ad. kinds,
TOYS ol-' KYKUY Dlt'iill'TlON
Vi'XIT, A-c, i:c.
I t"X.JT VNTI.Y on hand and for sale nt th above"
-' ei;.l,!i l iccnt at !:.! side mid retail, ut na.-oi..
able priees.
11 is maiinf ieturinir all kinds of Confeelionuri,
to ke
I' up a full a.-soi',t which lire sold ut low
a variety
W holesale
i I
. Se.'.irs. Stationery. Nuts of all kinds, and
if other articles, allot w hieh are offered
and retail.
lieim 11, her the name and place. J1 1
. M. ". liKAItllAKT.
Market street. ."! doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son
Minbliry. Sept. lit, Sri3. tf
Southwest Corner of Market Suare,
' M .Mtg ltV, IA. .
r pill: undersigned respectfully informs the public,
I lliat he has taken charge of Ibe above named
Hotel, and a.-K tor the continuance of iho former
pairomige und would invito all others to give him it
call. 0
is always supplied with tho best the market affords.
Hi Bar contain the choicest liquors, aud his stab
ling ui good and well attended by careful Ostler.
Sunbury. April. 16. DW4.
t'omily Niirvi-yor V t'onvt-j a user,
Mi!ivnoi, Xorthuthlnrlthd County, JVhrt'n.
Office in Washington township. Engagements can
be made hy letter, directed to the above address
All business entrusted to hi care, will be promntlv
attended 10. '
April , IsOi. ly
rPHE undersigned will sell at private sale, TWEX
1 TV-SIX TOWN LOTS, situate in the boroughof
Suuburv. 'ibe lot are Iocs ted within a few square
ot the Pennsylvania Railrrad Company's Machine
Shops, iu the northern part of tho town. They are
all suitable building lots,! it rate in the most pleasant
portion or the borough. They will be sold on rea.
souable turuis. For furthei particulars apply to
Sunbury. June IB, lSiU Executors '
U. M. LAl'MAX. , J.
.t .11 A .V NAI.I.AIU:,
No. 12d South Ninth Street, between Chesuut and
May 7, 1804
111: 1 ici:i-y.i:it
At Improved for 185 and lHi'-fl,
By E. KETCHAM A CO., 2S Pcailst., New Yo.k
rpiIE only Freetcr constructed on Kimtific prin
X ciples, with a revolving ean and spring blade,
scraper. 1 he one hastens le frecting of tho cream- -the
other removes it as fast at frozen
ol Jiee UK1 t'll'i!1 free"" "ilu 'fast quantity
- Jhf e!"",""io''l '"ci-l, u it U the most simple
and durable iu structure. 1
Union"11' l'riuciI"U ci,io' "J towns in thu
andil felorrn,raUUJ ilh ' uf
f 3 00
3 quarts,
4 quart,
A quarts,
8 quart,
14 quarts,
0 quarts,
4 no
& 011
8 (III
W no
MaretOTcf11 U- MAfEER Sunbury. Fa
' I