Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, December 03, 1864, Image 3

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    iiUiSiSiii, seufcteti
gTf)C gtrnfturg American.
IT. D. MA88ER, Editor ft Proprietor.
B. -WTIiVERT, Publishor.
StiXMrilY, 1A.
Ne. 37 Park Row, New York, ntl 6 State Street,
Boston, are our agonts'for the Si-nburt Auemc'an
n those oltloa, and are authorised to take Advortlso
menu and Subscriptions fur us at our lowest rates.
6-3F" A Ciilifornia paper states that large
contracts have been entered into to furnish
provisions to the laborers on the Central
I'ucifle Railroad, and that preparations are
being made to put a very large additional
force of men on the work.
Collision on the Lkbanon Vai.lky Hail
noAD. Liist Saturday evening, while the
i.enanon uroitjlit train comma: East, was
Fliil'ting cars at Heidelberg station, between
Kohesonin and WcnuTsviilc, it was run into
by the Locomotive "Vicksburg," drawing a
cattle train, nUo coming East, and a terrible
smash-up was the consequence. About forty
cars were destroyed, and to add !o the des
truction, a stove was upset, setting tire to
several cure, and burning a enr filled with
cattle. Three or four of the drovers on tho
cut tie car ware seriously injured-one of then',
it was thought, dangerously, an accident
so serious, upon this road, is of very rare
frocal flatus.
l"r"At tho White Doer Mill?, Knitting Machines
are in operation, which aro worth seeing by those
who huvo not witnessed the operation of knitting by
5"Con Sukixbjii. Wo call attention to the
advertisement of Rohrbnch A Cooper, w-ho are now
inumifacti'.fing the '-Doubtu Acting .and Self-Pepc-rating
Corn Shellor.'' TljiJ corn shcllcr is the in
veiuioiiof Joseph Shipe. of this pfuoc, and is unques
tionably the best corn sliollor jot produced. It ha
been tested for more than a year and never fail to
give tnlire sulUruetion. W e refer our reader to
the advertisement for a full description of this ex.
ccllent agricultural implement, which when seen in
operation requires no other recommendation.
I2f- Trtr M vrkf.t. Kulter bus taken a atep in
alvance and Is selling at Ml uenis per Hi., Eggs .10
emits. Pork is selling at 25 lo ;lil by the hii tubers. 20
and 2" by the farmer--, Lard is resulted at ."ii cents.
In Pillsiiiiig. Pork is quo'ed at II and 43 cents,
which should mike it worth hi re about lft. Good
fresh country hud. was selling ai Ii.nri-burg, hy tie
'firkin, at 25 cents.
.. .j -..
t& lNI ."fpl'KB A supper is tn come offal
the Hotel of Mr. V'huTles Garinger. ou Ibis, (Friday)
evening, under (be auspices of ihe Union League of
.Sunbury. The- mppcr will, uo doubt, bo an excel
lt tit one, as Mr. Guringer's table is noted lot its
yojJ t'firo munch occasions, and no one is more dc
eerviiig vl public patronage.
I j? The Lackawanna atil'Bloouisburg Railroad
Company have p.ll another passen:;tr train on lhir
roil I. between Scriinton and Northuirbirland. Thia
train leaves Scrnnton about 15 oVlck in the morning
and o)Tmeets at Northumberland at 10 20, wish the
Klniira Express south for Ilulttmore and Pbiladrl
j bin. It leaves Northumberland at about 4. .'til I. M.
mi ihe arrival of the mail train north from Philadel
phia, Ac. This will be a gioal accou.mod-1'.kn for
all living along the line of Uie road, und nillgroat!y
incri nsj tho tmvol on this thoroughfare, now under
the management of 11. A- Fonda.
J" Election or Diiiki rona. TLe following
n.uuc& persons w-re elected Directors for the Norih
uiiiberlund County Dank, foihe ensuing year :
I". W. Pollock. Joseph Iloiiver. J. A. Hackenbcr
per. R'-nj. Z'.tilcinoyi r. John 41. lay! i., Thoui is
Haiiuigardner, Ui Ueiit.tT.lWr. Josej b llirl, John
0. Duuty, Vuk-nlkse Knjtely, Frank A - Clink, Geo-.-.-hall
and John U. .inn. F. W Pollock wi.s nubs,
.ju'.-ntly elected President.
tSf'A colleetion id Ji t 12 was tnkcu up in the
MethudKt church of Upper Augusta by tbe Itov. Mr.
Akcrs. of this place, for the benefit of the Ludies
Sanitary Ail of Suuburt for which the Socie'y re
lurn thanks-
Iff The soldier's kind friend James rica'ants.
Esii., has again presented the Ladies foinitary Aid
of this place, with $2i as a Thauksgiving offering.
ljf Watches. Jowclry, etc., suitable for Holiday
Presents, advertised in this issue by I. K. StuuO'er.
Xu, Ui N Second street, Philadelphia. Give biro
a cull.
I'jf-IsniAK SiMMfn. On Tuesday last the clouds
which had been lowering for weeks pint, gave way
to ihe cheerful gleuuis of the sun. The temperature
was as mild as thai of May and we were aesijrod that
the advent of tho Indian gummer," though late,
was upon ns.
Vfsiso We nre indebted to ouf friend
tnd neighbor Wm. M ltockefellcr, Eso,., for a roast
d'fiuo venison, from a buck shot by himself in the
forests, near the --Slock house".in Lycoming county.
Mr. Rockefeller in company with Esuuiro Seholti,
ind several others, formed a party, the object of
which was health as well as pleasure. Tbey killed
V.-o deer during the few days they were ont. We
Acre iudubted to our friends last uutumn, for a 'ao;
ur favor, and trurt he may have many autumns be
'ore. biiii,nd be always successful in bit aims, whe
her in the chase or in pursuit of game more profits
lie, although less irksome and plenaant.
fj-The oil fever U is said, has mado it appear,
.nee iu the upper end of Union county, and several
..-isi.ns have commenced digging.
TitasKSGivixa Skhxox. Our rsaders will
iud on our firt page, a sermon delivered on Thanks
jiving day by Rev. J. H. Young, of the Prosbyte
iau Church of this place. It is not ofton that we
ntblUb sermons, but thctu aro extraordinary times
.nd this effort of Mr. Young was well adupled tor
Leocaasinu. If thero ever was a time wheD Chris-
inn Clergymen had a duty to perform outside of a
irietly clerical character, it is now, wnou many wdo
ceupy prominent positions in society, look upon pa.
rioti.-ui-as s rnnltor of secondary" importance, when
l c-'iucs in conflict with their party predilections.
Itisumalter of history, that during ths Uevolu-
iou, the clergy were nearly all enlisted on tbe side
f freedom, and our clerical forefathers aw not nesi-
ute to assert their patriotism, snd denounce from
ie pulpit, those recreant to their duties, not only to
aeir liod but to their country. It may be said by
.mo that that struggle was fur liberty. It Is bo less
now, whoa tho desputs and leaders of toe slavo
ower, nre endeavoring to subvert the very priud.
les for which their forefathers contended, in are
elliou us wicked la its inception as it was unpro-
okod and unjustifiable in its object, snd it will bo
matter of surprise to posterity, that a unity ot sen- so neoussarv to its suppression, should be
anting among those who condemned Its wioked
ur noses.
Wo listened to this diecoune, when delivered, snd
eemed it not only patriotic bat nnsxeeptiooal In
baraetcr, and we ask any osndid reader, to point oa1
single fact, not truly Hated, or s single oonoluuon
, ,ianled bv the Moll. Dome may, pi""H
i. .t.... ik,'n liflerentlr. but surelr thuae who
(amored so loudly for "freedom of speech," should
s tbS last to find fault, in iu exercise, in a cueo so.
lorioos. snd by a elaes who sre guided by vhe ss
Or'Tho Sanitary Commission tnnicj sa appeal
for inoro efforts to aid Uiora in money, and more
especially In artjolos of clothing, and provisions and
luxuries riectwaary for Oie use of tho sick and dis
abled. Buch supplies as wore furnished promptly
t thpoommenoemont of the war, sre now almost
entirely withheld, under tho mistaken notion that
the receipt from Fairs and other sources will enable
the Commission to carry, on thoir extensive opera
tions without furtbor aid. How great Is the mliap.
prehension the oominunity labor under, may be un
der, may be understood from tho faot that the Com.
mission has expended, during the past six months
over one and a half million dollars, mainly for sup
plies for our brave boys not otherwise attainable.
The needs of the Commission oannot be expected to
be lessened ss long ns our armies in tho field are
kept up to their present numbors. And any relaxa
tion in supplying thoir noeds, by societies and indi
viduals will bring upon our brave soldiers, who are
froely sacrificing life and health for tho country, a
vast amount of suffering, which It is tho duty of every
faithful citizen to aid in relieving. We hopo tha. in
very town and hamlet in the country, renewed cf
forta will be made to supply tho Sanitary Commission
with such artlcios ss have heretofore been abundant
ly furnished, and which we believe are now only
withheld under the mistaken notion that further ef
forts to this end are unnecessary. As long as the war
lasts the utmost energy should be used to keep up
these supplies. 0f so much importance Is this tub
joet eensidered, that Bishop of Clark of Rhode Island
was ted to preach a special discourse on tho Com
mission, on Sunday evening, Nov. 6th. It gives
such an admirablo statement of theneedsof the Com
mission and the efficiency of Its labors In behalf of our
suffering soldiers our sons and brothers that we
would copy the entiro sermon if our space would
permit it. We would prost upou our readers the
necessity of renewing their efforts to supply tho San
itary Commission with amplo steres, such at have
been found necessary for tho sick and wounded sol
diers, if they would not see this noblo charity, which
has made our people honored throughout the world.
fail for the lack of continued efforts on the part of
tho people.
Tbc Scientific American (ays that oils should not!
ho applied to dry leather, as they would invairably
injure it. If you wish to oil a harness, wet it oi r
night, cover it with a blanket, ami in the morning, I
it will be dry and supple: then apply neat's lout oil j
in small quantities, and with so much elbow creese i
as will insure its disseminating itself throughout the
leather. A soft, phunt harness is easy to bundle, uud
bis.s longer tbaii a neglected one. Never use vegeta
ble oils on leather; and among auiiuul oils, ncut,s toot
is Ihe best., although It develops a bursting powc'
six times us great as that ofgunpowder, is condemned
by recent invesliuators us loo dantrerous u compound
for win like pin Mr-s, but i recommended as well ad- f
apteu tor Ilia Itiasiiug of rocks
Long John Wentworth as he is popularly styled in
t-'hieno. ha becu returned to Congress, on the Itep
publicnn ticket, by a uiajmity of twenty-live hundred
aver McCoruiick, tho reaping niavLino muu, who
i apreeeiited the Democracy
trcn. Slieridiin hasarrestol most of fhe prominent
rebel .s.vmpiilhiiers about Winchi sier. aud iimoug Iho ;
iiuiuIkt, Rev. lr. lloyd, who was iu jail at Wheeling
as u bi'Stiige for so long.api riod. He was sent to Fort
A writer on cuts states that when a cit is seen fo
enlch u chioi.en or bird, tie it around her neck and
make her wear it for two or three day-; fasien it se
ourely, for she will mnko iucrcdiblo efwrls to get rid
of it, but keep it on end ;die witl never forget the les
fju uud will never agaiu desire to molest a Lird.
Xiodies' and Children's Hats.
T.!est styles at CHARLES OAK FORE 4 SONS.
Cot'tinentul Hotel. PhiluduipLia.
Nov. 12, lj-Sl. ,'im
As the sull of the anion JmeT:t ofihe constitution
of tbe Luiic'i States id uow claiming much thought,
uii l eliciting much discusiou. wn print the 5:h article
of the Cuustilulaou, wuich provides fur its own amend
Tho eor.gress. whenever two-thin!s ofboth Houses deem it ooeessary. shull propose amendments lo,
tht UonsiKutiod, or,ojappiiuutiou of Hie Legislaiiires
of twu-liiiinsof thesevernlStuns, thnll oull a Conven
tion lor proving amen.liuou:s. whi.'h iu either cm
eb.ili be valid to all ibtenui and purposes, as part of
tliir Consiiuuion, when ratified by Ibo Let;i-lstuies
uf ihret-fourtbs of the tituies, or by Coiivun
ti i.siu three-fouiths tlivteof. us the one or the other
mode ot ratiiicasieo uii.y be proposed by the Cuu
grtM." A i.ate Irish piper gives n cMtur.ry nf one Mr.
Maurice 0- Council, a celebrated shot, whose favor
ite auiuttuicui. vriis to shoot the little ems who rush
ed out from tLe eubins to ontk at him as he drove a
lnn, the road. Ashe win r.alkiog in the streets uf !
'i laiee.onc day with a friend, tbey tspiel a luekle.-s j
lu-buacoiiitt poncesbly smoking Lis cigar in front of I
I. is own sii-'p door. ,:You can't knock that fellows j
cii;e.r out of his mouth," suggeslc-l his frieud
Cans'll'" sail Maurice; -you shall see.'- This
time, unluckily, his aim not as Irue as usual, for be '
eurried away the tip of the tobaccouist s iiojc, and
had to lmv a fine of it'0 for tha ploiuiuro of perta
ining the operation. I
Loan;'s Fatokb. After the death of bis
first wife, he roe one morning with the whimsical '
resolution of lnnryingany one of bis maids who should '
first apjiear ou his ringing tho bell. Ho rang and '
tbe chambermaid came up, to whom he abruptly
saiJ:"0et yourself rendy, and go with mo to get mur j
ried." The silly girl, treating Ihe affair as a joke, i
refused, and withdrew. He rang the bell a second j
time, when ttie euokinaiu appeani. to wuom no .
said. ''well, my giil, I intend this duy to make you
my wife'. io ana dress yourself in tbe bet you have, i
and order ihe coach immediately." See took him i
at bis word, dressed herself, and, coming down stnits,
was met bv th t silly chambermaid, wbo asked her 1
where she'was going. ' Abroad; I have my master s '
leave.- She had scarcely uttered those words when
her mnster came down took ber by the hand to the
coach, which drove to St. Ceuefe ehuroh, where j
they were married.
stands tbe first in publo favor aud conridence, a
being the bvat and most clBoieni Bitters for cleanstiug
Ihe blood and giving a healthy action to the stomach
These liitten are put up with the utmost cure
compounded wnb 'he greatest '.iocura;y, withal the
bestj and most rtcriiuLle results will bcobiaini-d from
their uso. Pure liouibon Whiskey, the bet liquor
for medicinal purpo es. always used lo preserve those
Bitters. Persons sutfuring from Dyspepsia will find
immediate relief from thouseofouc bottle of thnsi
Uitters. if taken according to directions. Beware
of counterfeits on those Hitlers. None genuine unless
tbe name of Jacob Pinkcrton is blown on osch bottle.
For sale by all respectable druggist and wholesale
Ladles' Furs.
Purchasers mavrelv unon irettine the best Furs at
CHARLES OAKFORD & SONS, Continental Hotel,
Philadelphia. ,
ov. 1. IbbJ ita
Tub Pittsburg Gazette says tho apple
crop in Western Pennsylvania is enormous,
ana lliougu uppies coniinitnn uiu prices
dow it expresses its belief that tiiey will
sell at scvtiuty-ttve cents per barrel bet'ure
It is a fact worthy to be kept in remem-
brunCL'. tliat in the peaceful abolition of
slavery nt tha north tbe lutt State to agree
to it was Jeio Jenau. Un tins stuject lis
evident she is moving, though at a snail's
To get a first rate appetite, drink a tum
bler full of cold water, and exercise IniK an
hour after tho morning's ablutions, before
break fust. Try it a month, und see if you
dont thank mo for the advice.
Since November 1, 1863, twenty thousand
prisoners of war have been transferred from
the military prison at Louisville, Kentucky,
and thirty-live hundred rebel deserters have
been discharged.
Upon tho accession of Major General But
ter to bis present camp, situated about three
miles from Richmond, on the north bank of
Jaiues, an immense two-hundred pounder
cannon ball was found on the very spot
whore it had benn decided to pitch tbe
General's own tent. One of the fatalities of
tha war has been the tampering with these
Ugly missiles on tho part of the soldiers and
others ignorant ol their explosive power,
causinz in too .many instances death to
persons and destrcction to property. Gene
ral Butler at once caused a nolo to be dutf,
and had his unexploded two hundred pound
er buried immediately beneath his chair, re
marking "I will put it there, that I may
know where it is." This novel action is not
nnr.hsractaristic of the commander of the
Army of the James, who is in tho habit of
y .... , .i in .
putting all nit enemiea wuero vaey win bi
esploOe. a
Ladies' and Children's Hats.
T.ntott styles at CHATtMiS OAKFOKU 4 SOiS'S,
rv.itinental Hotel, Philadelphia. .
'ov. 12, 1884T .1m
Xiadles' Furs.
The largest assortment at CHARLKS OAKFORD
& bU.NH, Continental Hotel, rhiladelpbis.
Nov. 12, 1684 Rm
IVo. S'-tO AltC'll St., Ilsllndclililn.
Has a large itoolt of
Superior plated TEA SETT, SPOONS, FORKS,
October 1, 1801. 4m
Reading; Ilnllrond.
November 7th, 1804.
GREAT. TRUNK LINE from the North and
North-Wcst for Philadelphia, New York, Road
ing, Pottsville, Lebanon. AHmitown, Ksston, ic.
Trains lenve Hurrisburg for New-York, as fol
lows : 8.00 and 8.15 A. M. and 1.44 P. M., arriving
at New York at 10 A. M. and 2.45 and 18 00 P. M.
The above oonnect with similar trains on the Penn
sylvania railroad, and Sleeping Cars accompany tbe
first two trains, without change. .
Leave for Roading, Potlsvillo, Tamaqua, Miners
ville, Allcntown and Philadelphia at 8.15 A. M. and
1.45 P. M., stoppiug at Lebanon and principal sta
tions only.'
Way trains, stopping at all points, at 7.25 A. M.
and 4.40 P. M. Returning, leave New York at 9.011
A.M., 12 noon, and 7.00 P. M.,: Philadelphia at
8 A. M. and 3.30 P. M J Pottsville at 8.50 A. M. and
2.S5 P. M. ; Tamaqua 8.10 A, M. and 2.15 P. M.,
and Reading at 12 midnight, 7.35 and 10.45 A. M.,
1..'I8 and 6.05 P. M.
Kendlnir. Accommodation Train leaves Rondine fit
6 ,10 A. .M. returning from Philadelphia at 4.30
P. M.
Columbia Railroad Trains leave I'.endioi at 0.40
and 11 A. M. Kphrata, Litiz. Columbia, Ac,
On inindavs: Leave New York at 7 P. M.. Phila
delphia 3.15 P M. Pottsville 7.30 A. M., Tamiiquu 7
A -M, Hurrisburg 8.15 A M and Reading at 12 mid
night, for Hurrisburg.
Commutation, Alilcace. .ioason. nivd Excursion
Tiokels, at reduced rates to and from all points.
80 Pounds liitggugo allowed each Pasnenger.
0. A. NR'ULLP,
Oencral Superintendent-
Nov. 2G, 13(51.
Gentlemen's Hats.
All Ihn latest styles at CHARLES OAKFORD A
SONS, Continental Hotel, Philadelphia.
Nov. 12, 1381. 3m
Ladles' Furs.
The largest assortment at CHARLES OAKFORD
A SONS, Continental Hotel, Philadelphia.
Nov. 12, !Sii4 3ia
1864. 1804,
J. Y. I'ltll.lAfj & ROX
TFil ldi- t..n ,i, ... ....
I) tbey havo just returned from the Citv with a
Consisting of PRY GOODS,
Hardware, Queensware CeJarware,
Hosiery, Olovcs, Notions, Trimmings,
ISrnxs) ami 'lirtiiicilN, Oils), I.nni
in Country SIoim-m.
Wo bought our goods ot the lowest Cash Trices
and consequently wn think wo can offer great in
ilaotmcnts to purchasers for Cash or Country Pro
duce. Ihe highest mat kef price paid for all kind
of Produce. Give us a call.
, - J. W. FRILINO 4 SON.
funtarj, Nov. 12.18SJ.
At tho ,S;oro of
Corner of Maikot and Fawn Streets,
Just opened
lor everybody. This no -Blowing," but plain truth,
which everyone Hill be convinced that oalla und is
amiues the stock, w hich consisisof
Press Goods. Cassimeros,,Cloths, Gents' Overcoating,
Jeans, Cuttcnades, Muslins. Hress Goods in
great variety.
riain and Figured Delaines. French nnd Figured
Merinos, Fine Wool Delaines all sorts and
shades. Prints. Nankeens. LADIES'
CLOAKING. Table-Covers,
IrUh Linen, Brown and
White Sheetings.
Shawls, Uslmorul skirts of all
kinds, Hoop Skirts, all prices, Hand
kerchiefs, Flannels, Ladies' Kid. bilk
and Merino Gloves, Ao.
Jeneli-j' of nil Uliids.
Ladies' and Gents' Union Skates.
A large assortment of NOTIONS.
n a
Hardware, Cedarware, Glassware, Chinaware,
Queciisware, Crockery. Groceries, Tobacco,
Kegars Snuff, Teu, Coffee, Sugar,
Molasses, Spices, Fish, Suit, Ac, Ao.,
aud evervthinz else usually kent in a store. Pro.
duue taken iu exebuuge tor guojs. No trouble to
show goods.
Punbury, Nov. 5, ISfil.
Always ! Always ! Always !
Just opened at No. 1 Store of
n AVE just returned from Philadelphia with one
of tbe larges m)& best seleoted stocks of Hoods
ever brought to Sunbury.
F0REIUN AND DOMESTIC, such as Cloths, Cassi
nicres, Muslins, Sheetings, Ticking. Culicoes, Do-
laines, Flannels, and all kinds of MOLKNINU Goods.
Alpacoaa, Black Silks, tiingbams. Balmoral and
Skeleton Skirls, Canton Flannels, Nankeens, Car
peting of all kinds.
Comprising. Hosiery, Glove. Thread, Buttons, Sus
penders, Neck-lies. Collars, Handkerchiefs,
Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes. Gum Kib
boo and Cord, tape, erotdiei-braid,
worked collars, fancy bead
dresses, tidy sotton, carpet
binding, combs, fancy
fosps. earpet bags
Trunk), Valises, Umbrellas, Black Books, Taper,
Envelopes, o.
Of all kinds, such ss Naill, Hinges and Screws, Door
Latches and Knobs, Locks, and UHLfcKX ot every
Also. Uvea, urues. rains, varr.isnes, risn,
Flaxseed and Benzine Oils. Glass, Putty, &c.
Queenswars wua lilussn are ol uii
An ExtABiive Stoek of
Composed of Sugar. Coffee, Teas, Biee, Corn-staroh,
Maooaroni, Barley, Baking-powder, molasses, soaps,
oandles, tobaoeo ana seyuri, salt, c un, Aleut, ineeae,
to., Ao.
Ale, Urge variety of
for Men, Women and Children.
t-AU kinds of Grain snd Country Produoe taken
in exobasge for Goods.
Give us a osll before yon purcbsse elsewhere, we
are bound to sell ss t" ss soy one else.
rure-roou is Ir T. Clement's building at ths
sooth-west comer of (drkei bo, out, new ui 0ovt
aabflry, Fjv. , !W, '
1 0 IiiAT DIS'l'iilBUTION !
PTSjInTTi liirn errwen mi..,
Eiuwrnl Brooches. Eur Drops, Bracelets
edatl TPry 1!rS "ci 0f Elc'ent Jowalry, valu-
"J $600,000,
CTltlFICATES., naming eneh article ntut it,
t'(7To plnoed in HEALED ENVELOPES, nnd
well ed. One of these envelopes will be deliv
ercilnnir eflice, or sent by mail to nny address,
wit i egnrd to choice, on receipt of 25 cenUi.
V "II send by mall or express, tho artido that
the JfWiaser tuny draw, for ONE DOLLAR, er
toil I mn usee family orlirr article on our lint, of
the Mr wine as the article drawn.
Enttsntisractlnn gnnrnntced In all enses-
... . i l l 1 ''LAR. which you need not nny
until Si know what you h ,v0 drawn and its value
? 'i I'" rl'-'1 t"velopcs for $1, Eleven for
52. irty for $5
Seller Circular. Aitnts wnntcd.
OOOT?v7N, HUNT it CO..
i JEWELERS, 197 Hrondwny, N. Y.
ers should bo addressed to our box, ft?OU
Post. Ur-, NonSYork.
KoI2. 1H0L 5t
M LINE BY rrooTTs,
, ami '
At thjew
wiw stand, in Market Sniinro. Sl.'XP.I ltV
HflCjiist received from Pliilad.dphiii tho Infest
IllOSt flisb iiloilile lvl. ,.r Mill;....... i... J-
sucl, Ijlonnets. Ilfs. .silk,. Velvets. Ribbons am
.'".T, ' ers v flowers. Head IJres.cs A Nets.
..-fil-M ',l".adcn Hoods. Sontags, Breakfast
-" o irooicu ncari. iiosierv
lilacldrupe and Laco Veils. Crape and Linen Col
Mis. Trimmings mid Buttons, Co. sot. Zephyrs.
Soap d Perfumery, Clouk Trimmings, Woollen A
lrt-saiisili!iiE, 'lonK.malins'
itiistiiix slssiK'iii Xj li-.
Gcnts',Hnen and Paper t.'ollars, Neckties, Ac.
C('l..N V I'lttllHf.; (..ken l exchange for o.l
or orj Jhankful for past pntronngu we solicit
; , 1- D. MllMiLEK.
Sunlly, October 22, lilt
A- I'.r
rI,IIrP"' lino traverses the Northern and Nun
1 weih.miiies of l'cnu-ylviuiiH to the city of E
on Liil.trie. '
on I.iil.l-.ric. . !
It hiiji cn leased by the Pnnn-ylviinls llalirond I
. J,,,,,.. IMIIIVUIU-J V till ID
.,!;; n-iijrni was oiieneil
for passenger arid j
ircigut illness. OeitiU-r I7ih iki'.i
Timet I'liwcnger trains at hnnbury,
Thro-fc Mail Tnifn.
i.eavo i.asiwar.1.
Eli'iiiEvprCFs Train.
Lock S7cu Acoommodntion,
Leave Westward
Thrnifc Mail Tra:n
EPiiiitspres Trafn,
v" Acaeimiwdallnrr,
i illi:b port AiH-oinmodation.
ft ft:. P. M
1 1 .1 r
10. til A. M
l-ln A. M.
.2.i P M.
viir.- riinroiigii without cluiin'r, both ivaV", be
tween I'Lnlolphiaand l-ric ' Curs on E.-prc-.-s Trains boib
bucn M illi"Uis.ort and liiiltimore. nnd
V illisniort and i'bihulclphiii.
For liormali'on ruspcting Pascnger bu-inr
apply n'jjih and Market St.
And f-5-ioiglit business of the Compnnv'--Agents,
Pliiiiolc'KSl0n' Jr'' C'r' 1:'lh 0:"' V'"I'k"!'-''st-t
J. W.i.-yunMs. Erie.
J M. isil, Agent N. C. Tt. I!.. li.iltimore.
- 4 II. II. Hoi sro.N.
. 'icn'l Kivigbt Agt. Pl.ilada.
II. W. Giv inm:;;.
Gcn l Ticket .W t . . Philnda.
Nov. iiiGJ.
JoSKI'll I). I'l.TfS.
Gcn l Manager, Williiinri art.
"PiJirlsi tor ln.6S.-An assortment of Dm-
y riesir IN..1. of varies el vies and site. Alsoi
and l.-ltcr Pa-.iv, for ,-nlc 1-
fcunbml Nuv.5, 1865.
W (TI rP T (T!
l ss SM
A IV'10'" indebted to tho llrm of Frilinis .V
jtl. UrniA.- rcq nested lo call in the old -land and
pay IP their n.iuutt, by tho Lit of December. All
aeooatiif; not f by tinie, will be placed in the
A Ki FUILING 4 Gti.v.M.
Suabufy, Nov. j Gl.
172 a r si i- ri o'n i a l i
if yoawisbj isiirry. address the iimlcrsigncd, who
will sencyuiviihoul money .tnd wi'.liont j.t-ico. vul
uuble iiitoikiion tlii.t will enable you to iniirrv
happy and tcdily, iirc.peelivc of ago, wenlih or
beauty, 'i'rlinfoi nintiioi wjil cost you nothing, and
if you ili Quarry. I will cbccrl'illy asiist you
mi icm-i- t-r. iy uoninieni on . j ne tle?ireit lntur
maiion sent Ircturn mail, and no questions asked,
aderess I SA It All li. LAMBERT,
Gmpoint, Kings county, New York.
Oct. li, II. 2iuo.
Sunliry Higii ticiioolT
WILL rejicn in the obi Baptist Church, on the
fiist lit of August. The course of instruction
euibraoes alie braaclics tuiilu in Acilcniii-a nml
Seminaries iliu higherl grade.
For Langimj ancient and uiodern includ
ing all oU. branches. $.', till
Natural .Si:!!", Algid;'ra. Geometry, etc. J.I oil
Advanced (jloinur, Ueography, History, Ac., 1 ml
ltudiiueiils f bove, 10 uu
Primary. . " s (Jil
Inciaental ajecscs, 5o I
luition psolu quarterly in udincc.
Notlcducti made for lot time.
I'upils oi.vnier St any time, und will only be
obarged fn Sliedute lia-y enter.
For fuitlij'iirtijulars apply to. tbe Principal.
i E. P. llOJIHACll.
Sunbury .ft lust ft. 1WVI. If.
n"ev"g cToTTs!
Two rloiWestof Win. H. Miller s Shoe store.
Sunbu Fu. Just opened a fresh supply of
Such ns ley Dress Triinuiingt, Hibbons, (iloves
llandkercj's. Ladies' Linen Cellars and Cuffs
Oeut Lin and paper Collars, Notts. Ui lts. Lacu
Collars aiisleeves. lljiir Rolls, Velvet Ribbons,
lted. Vhnd blue N-k-tics, Corsets, Quaker
Skirts, VoUind (Sleeves.
WUOLMiOODS, comprising of Sontng, Hosiery
for ladies I children, Caps ol ull kinds, Scarfs,
ti loves, ilrns. Ac.
Also, a ) slyloof muslin for (Jarribaldi waists
together 4 Bo Us, Jaconet and Victoria Muslins
Crape Ji( and Veils, (Irenadinu and Luoe Veils
audavu.-f of other articles loo luuhtou,- to men
tiou. JiAKY L.LAZ.U.I S.
Suuburjct. ii, IboI.
tfrtej's I.utly'M Hook.
Liters!, Fine Arte, and Fashions. Tbo most
magnitic Sluel Engravings. Double fashion
Plates, tiod engrui ings on every subject that can
interest cs. Crotchet knitting, Netting, Jim-
broideryr 'eles tor the toilet, tor Iho Pario -, the
Boudoir. tbo Kiuihen. Everything, iu fuel, to
make coluiuLauy s iiook.
'ftf.adic t'ttajrite for 113 Fears.
No Maine has been able to compete with it.
None ail tit.
Godejuoceipts for evory department of a house
bold alone are worth the priuu of tLe L'ook.
Modelttagca ;no olhcr Mugaiino gives thcml,
with difus.
DrawtLessons for tbe Voting. Another special
ty with oy.
Origislusic, worth $1 a year. Other Maita
sines old worn-out music ; but the subscri
ber! to get it before tbe music stores.
GaxiMg for Ladies. Another peculiarity with
tushij from Messrs. A. T. Stewart & Co., of
New V, the williouajre merchants, appear iu
Godey.iunly Mugatine that ba tbeiu.
AlaOihious tor the celebrated Brotiie, of New
York. h
Ladiv,on"81- w give mors of them in a
yoirtlisny other Magaiine. In faot, the Lady's
Book si every ludy tube her own bouuet uiui.r
.hi wbicb there oan bo no Deviation.
. Onei'.one year, ;s 00
Twofiea. one year, S ii)
Tht 'pies, oue year 7 60
Fou iai, oue year 10 00
Adi W any of the above olubi, $3 SO each
subeoi -
Gods; --ady'e Book and Author's Home Muga
sine sent, eaoh osiu year, on reoeipt of ft iO.
Wofe no lui wiib scy other Magsiiueor
Adf L. A..O0DEY.
. Oornsr Burth sal Cbesnat bvrsn. Fbila.
Oct a, IW4 -4t
IHImsi A.VA lAl.Vl'l;fi,.
Two doors West of the Post Oilice,
T-TAS just. received and opened a largo assortment
XX. of tancy llress Goods, such ns Uloves, Jouvian
Kid-gloves, Bilk nnd lisle thread Gloves; Ladies
Cot tea and woolen Hose. Children's Merino Hose.
fr!!k Mils, Handkerchiefs, Corsets. Embroidered
hlippers, Ribbons FANCY DREfKI lfLT'i'ONS. llugle
Gmibs. Iriminiiigs. ituttons. Uelt Ribbon Velvet Rib
Isms. Uruid. Rclt Clasps. Ladies' Neck-tios. Fancy
liniideriiigRruids, Jaeonot and Swiss Edgings and
"ee lce Colors, Laces, ttrenadiue
cils, I ancy Dross Combs,lHcad Dresses, Notts, and
a variety of other nrticles. '
W001.E.V GOODS, such ss Sontepi, Rreakfast
Coseys, Caps, Alitteus, Sacques, Gloves, Silk and
Cotton Flags, 4o.
Books, Hymn Rooks. Dlnnk Rocks. Memorandum
Uimks. Dinrles, Pocket Books. Ink Stands. Pons,
Pencils, a fine assortment of Paper, ink, Ac.
Toilet Soaps, Tooth-Brushes, Ao.
All of which have been snlnclert will, nnr. Dh,l .111
bo sold at reasonable prices.
Fiinbury, Oct. 22, 111.
FALLAKD nteh millinery
JIISI Sf. tj. ,illNl-,
Fawn street, two doors south of Shamokiu Valley A
Pottsville Railrond,
I H "Peil ler Fall and Winterstuck of
, I XL Millinery Goods, LADIES BONNET'S, Hats
; I and ( nps ot the latest styles; French and American
I lowers and Feathers, Trimmings of nil kinds; La
dies nnd Childrens' Hose. Gloves. Collars, Veils and
a large assortment of Fancy Goods and Notions.
Call and see her Block.
.Vunbury, Oct. 22, 1801 2m
RESPECTFULLY informs her friends in Sunhury
ami vicinity, that she has just opened her
ot Notion? and Faney1)ry Goods,
Market sfrecf, fonr doors wet of" Win. H. Miller's
Hoot and 8hoe sloro, t-L.MiLUY, Pa.Ji
Jier siock consi-tsot riimmings. notions, rrnbroi-
liiMtiosand Cliildrens' bals and slui k ers :- silk
ard ot ti
r linings. Corset., Hoop-skirts, l.'rrpo and
Laco Veils
gloves, stockings, collars, and
corsctf-. Ao.
'l Hrfnkliist Klimvl. s.,t,tni.a
Red Riding Hoods, Caps.
Hosiery of all kinds.
Gents' Handkerchiefs. Cravats, Necktie". Suspen
ders ; ltiblniis. of all kinds, Feathers, Velvet, uad
many other arliclo (,hj numerous to mention.
Htinhuf v. Oct. 22, 1 MC. I .
Look at the Returns !
MnrkcOVjniire, SENIiFRY, PENN'A.,
II "ST received from New York and Philadelphia
ii fresh "ipply of tbe latest styles and of the best
Boots and shoes,
for Men. onicn and Children, which ho offers at
rrducea prices.
Women's .shoes nt i?l 50.
All his g-wd stoek WARRANTED. No Paper
Shoes sold at his store.
He will ab-o n holeyiilo Roots and Shoes by tho box
The public generally are invited lo cull r.ud ex
amine his stock.
.Sau'oniy, Oct. 2?. 1S0I.
POliNSliiY AMI MAtlll.M;
iindcrrigm-d having purchased of E. Y'.
q . his Machine Shop. Foundry. Ac, at
iiulmiy. und has now commenced operations.
All Kinds of Machinery,
Per -ons desirii.g MACHINE VOH IC iuiinediulely.
will do well to cull ur.d ( .amii:e his iacilifics fi'i
doing wc-rk cheap.
o.4ma:;r: for svvrTi: is :(.
fvinoii-y, Sct 15, ISul. .
j.a!cob o. b ecic
And Dealer in
l ituu nli-t-s'l, siusilli oI'lVciiTt'i'V
llol.l, ,
8UNDB 1"5T, r .
TNFOHMS tho citizens of fSunbury and vicinity,
that be has just returned from Philadelphia with' a
full assortment of
imi.i, .. n m nis ;o)i(s,
His stock eonsits of Cloths. French CTollis, Illnck
Duo. "Skin and Fancy Cassiiiicics. Ulm-k Satin, Figured
Bilks. Plain aud Fancy Cassinn-re VESTINtlS. which
he will make up to order in styles to Mlit the IilsIo of
customers, on short notice, and tbe most reasonable
Any tioods not on hand, will bo furnhhed from
Philadelphia, hy giing two din s' notice.
j lioodo lurni-hed by customers will be mado up to
I order us heretofore.
As he will employ none but experienced workmen,
j persons nicy rely on getting their work well done UI
j tits l-lloli.
Thankful for the patronage heretofore bestowed,
he ropectfully solicits a couiiiiuimceof tho same.
Suubury, Sept. in, l-!.
Stalo of tlto ESiisiK of .loi-(ltiiiiiIcr-Iuu.5,
I'-u., .tov. II.
Loans and Pills discounted, - - f.Kil.Old 2u
Cei-tilichles of I'uitcd Stalls Mint . 1(1(1. UIHI nil
I'nited Slates f-2u Loan. - - VHO.niHI ull
" ' Interest bearing Legal Ten
ders, 31.000 (10
Pennsylvania, " ... li-vloil IMI
Uauk oi Northuuilcrland Stoekj o. 07(1 00
Northumberland Jlridge ftoek, - t.fjlHl f)D
Telegrnjih Slock, toll tl
heal Estate, Ac. 7.7tf .7
Due by oilier UanVs. - ... 102.11 1
Notes of other Banks, and Legal Tenders t2.?dl (mi
Cash Items, . - - . 1,12(1 at!
specie in ult mcludiug Coimnonwealth
Spociu Certificates
;il.0H8 71
45,707 I' I
44.J7IS as
111. 000 00
2 .I.C'.ij till
Notes in circulation, ...
Due to other lttiuks, -
Commonwealth, CurVoney for
Specie CortiUcatcs,
Di.-posilors, ...
$o 12,vii5 91
NotiTiti Co., StT.
I hereby certify tbo ubove statoHient to lie just and
true to the best of my knowledge nn ijolief. '
S. J.. PACKEIt, Cashier.
Sworn and subscribed before uie.
Em'l. WiLVKur, Notary Public.
Sunbury, Nor 3, IKtil.
eraiiii ii ( o vv it Tclj;'i-u h.
.1 Family uud an Ayriculturul. lhcoted to
Choice Lituruturo. including Poetry, Novelettes,
Talos, and Moral and Entertaining HcndWig gener
ally Iu the Literary Dcpartincul wo shell present
the choicest varieties witiiin the reach oruor ex'i-n
ed means. The Novelettes, T -Ks, Poetry, o , shall
bo supplied from tbu bcit aud highest soureut, and
be etpn.l to anything to be fouud iu any journal or
Ag.'icubAal and Horticulture, embracing Farm
ing, Gurdeuing, Fiuit-Uaisitig. lie Our labors in
this department for over lliiny years, Iruvo met tho
cordial approbation of tho public. Our purpose has
been tu furnish Um1'u1 and reliable iuformatiou upon
these very important bruncbs of industry, aud to
protect thctu so fur as within our paper aguiust the
fulso doctrines uud sclfUh purposesot ihe many em
pirics and scusatiou-adveiiturcrs by which the Far
mer is iuccgfciiiitly u&suiled. Tbttf portion uf the
-Uerniautowu Telegraph'1 is alone Worth tho whole
price of tuoeiu'iptiftu. ,
News The same industry, cure, and
cliACf iiuuiaLion. in gaiheriug ami preparing the Stir
ring Evciils of tUo Day, ejipres-ly foi Ibis paper,
which biiiivilu becu one of its uuu-kod tcutuics
and giveu so untveraul sutiactiun,' will be ooutinued
with redoubled eDorts tu meet tbo increasing tie
n;auds of the public.
Tenus Two dollars per annnin ;-ono dollar for
six mouths. No orders received wdbcul tbe cash,
and all suoaoiif Uocs stopped at the eud of the time
paid for.
address FHILIP R. FEEA3,
Editor scd Pr?p:letor, Geimunowa, Ftii.s., Pe.
Oct. ti, ift
(Formerly r,f the '-Lawrence House,'')
sun ii v n v, i r: x k '.a.
T N10PMS her frlemls and tho public generally
.1 that pie has refitted tho houoe lot merly oocutded
bv 111. J W Pf'ul n n l.l....kl... .U.
; Northern Coniral P.nilwuy Depot, and opined a
; Hoiudin; Ilonse, wligjaj she le preparcil rn keen
j 'th good cooks nnd Walters, boarders can eujoy
I tho quiet oomfoitl of home with fare eiiual to the
j best hotels.
Patronage from those who mav sojourn In Sunbure,
! is revcsotfullv solicited.
jSuubury, Oot22. 111.
A HE not only unerpMallcd, but tbey lire absolutely
uncquullel. by anv other Uecli lii'lruimst io
thecountry. Designeil expressly for Churches and
Schools, tbey are found to Oo eijuallv well rdapted
lo the parlor aud drawing room. For' sab- nnlj by
E. M. liKl'CE,
No. 13 North Seventh street. Philadelphia.
C .ir 'Also Drnilbury's Pianos, mid a complete s
sortment of the Perfect MELODEON.
lp?i2J' lsl'4 b w
I 'on it h At, Arc-It Hits., IMsllaclolpMn.
Cater for the best Trade, and offer no Tb.ll o de
ception to induce Custom, but rely on FAIR DEAL'
Best Meriooes. Fashionable 'ilk.i,
Nobility Plaids, Pirn's Poplins,
Dark Foulards Figured Merinnos,
Plaid Shawls, Good Klaukets.
.P. .S. Wu follow GOLD down, as close as we fol
low it up. Now is a good time for Merchants and
Consumers to come in.
October S, 146-1. 2ww
Two SI ray ltoK
C1AMB to the jinuiises of the subscriber iu Upper
J Augusta toniejiip, about four weeks siuce. two
white shoats weighing at iho timoahoiit fifty pounds
each. The owner is requested to come forward,
prove property, pay charges and toko them away,
or else they will be sold according to law.
I'pper Augusta twp., Oct. 8, 14 2iu
All the best styles at CHARLES OAKFORD A
SONS. Contincutnl Hotel, Philadelphia.
Nov. 12, lill. 3m
l'l-l-i:itt ioi!;3 BJnScl.
ofli and 307 liromUcay. t'ltrntr t'raiiiUn Street
flairs first class House tbo most quiet, homelike
X and ptca-nnt Hotel in the city offers superior
odiicenienls to ttio.-u visiting New York for business
o pleasure. It is central in its location, ard kept on
.he El itoi'KAV Pl.A.v. in connection with Taylor's
ialoon. where refreshments can be hud all hours,
ir served in (heir own rooms. The charges are mo
lernte, the rooms and attendance of the first order
oaths, and all tho modern conveniences nttuched.
Oct I. 1 Ml I.
Fall & Winter Goods,
tVHEHE 1 .
In Zcllctnoyer's Uiiilding. opposite Creaihnrl s Con-
rcctionery Store, Merkct street, SI NRL'RY, Pa.,
HAS just opened a well selected assortment of
Uo.;iis, which he oilers lor sale at very low prices.
FORElilN AND DOMESTIC, swhas Ch.lhr. Cssi- J
iiicn-s. '-lins. Sheetings, Ticking, Calicoes, Do :
il '. (tinbinns, ,tc , tic.
'TfS n nl VXl'S of every description.
g of Hosiery. lllove. Thread, Buttons, :
Suspenders, Neckties. Collars. Handkerchiefs, Heir
llrushe:'. '1 o,,th Urii-bes. Fancy Head Dresses, Hal-i
.oornl Skirts. Huop-Skirts. Carpet-bags. Trunks. Va
liscs, I'lnbrcllas. Coflon-Varu, Soaps, und numerous
dhcr articles too tedious to mentitm.
-uch us nails, hiuces nn t screws, door bitches aad 1
l;nol, and C CILERY of every description.
:y.-, Prugs, Paints, Vurni-lics, Oils, Glass, !
Putty, &c, in. i
':ticciiwni'tt ssiitl CalitNOWitre ol",
every l'-i-liiii.
An extennre "fjck of
G R O C E -R..I E S. i
(Composed of Sugar. Coffo". Teas. Rice, Corn.aturch, j
Mobiles. Candles, Meat, Fish, Chceso. Salt, Tobacco, !
and Segars. . .
for men. women and children
All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange
for Goods.
Sunl.iuy, Sept. 10, 104.
Aliniiiisli-ulor,. .eisev.
Vf OT1CE is hereby given that letters of a'dniiuis- I
Xi tr.ition ha ing been griinted to tlio suliscribcr, j
on the estate of'.lacob Kit-bach, bito of Lower .Mn ho.
noy lowiiship, Northumberland county, Pa., dec d. '
All persons indebted are requested to make immedi- i
ale payment, and those having claims, to present
t hem for settlement. i
ISA At; L. V. ITMER, Adtu'r. j
Lower Muhonoy tup., Oct. h, IStil. rtt I
Two doors west of Fischer's Drug Store, Market St.,
TS cjnstantlv luanufaetiiriiigthe latest styles of Wool
X ani rur Hats, wuicn lor sotuicjs una uuruuiuy :
are not surpssst-d. !
Give biui a cull and see his stock of Hats hich sre ;
sold cheaper than elsewhere. Merchants and oihers, !
purcnastiig at wholesale, win una n to then- uavuu- '
tngu to cull and procure un article cheaper and eiiual !
tocilv manufacture. j
Sunbury, October 1. 186-1.
riHE partnership herolofore existing hctwien J. 1
J W Friling i V. T. Grunt, under tbe firm oi l
r riling &. Grant, biui been dissolved by limitation. I
All persons indebted to tbo above firm will nleaan I
call at oneo at Ibo old stand and settle their aceouuts.
Mr. Grant tenders his thuuks to the public for the
liberal patrouage extended to tbe old film iu their
lonjr continuanco iu busiuess and hones that thtv
will c.'.tciid the s.i'iic patronage to the new lirm of !
J . Wi i-'riiiiig .& Son.
The bo-incss heretofore curried on by Friling &
Grant, will be continued by the undersigned under !
uie uriii ou. . r ruing a sou, at the olil staud iu
Mnraet S4uure where we Jespectfullv invito ail U
call. J. W . t RILINU,
11 V. FfULlNU,
SiihbuTjr, Oct. 8, 1SG4 1m
No 28 South Second Street, Philadelphia.
Are now offering their magnificent siock of t'il'ss,
Dress Goods, Shawls, Cloths. Cloaks, Velvets, 4U ,
far below the present Gold Pi-ices !
V e have alo on hand, alnrgoJtockof DOM EST fO
GOODS, which we are now selling at a great red ac
tion from the prices we have been selling thciu at.
As we have bad the advuntuge of a riso in the prices
of our Stock iu the progresu of Ihe War for the last
two or three yoars. wu now propose to give our Cus
tomers the Advantage of the full in Prices.
Calicoes and Muslins, reduced,
Flannels and Table Linens, reduced,
Biuukels and all liable Goods, rediioel,
Wo respectfully .icit from the Ladies aud other
visiting Philadelphia, an examination of our stuck,
which is unsurpassed in variety and stylo, in this city.
N. 11., Wholesale linycm. are invited tu nxauiu.
out stoek. EDWIN HALL -s CU.,
No. 2 ftouth tKnJ rl. PkiiedclukU
Vfrk-T R. -.fcf.s
op tk i.tiTr;ir
A N D 1)1 (J j: 8 T I v i: (' K C a .vs
Arg Cured by
IIO0 F L A Ji I) ' S'
German B i 1 1 e r s
JVis Uruit Slren'jd'
Tliese Itiit'-rs have nei juried moi-oCttrn'
Have and do Givi Bvttn .iatls!'tion !
Have tr.oro Te-liiiejiiy '
Hate more Ucspef;l,i:,lo Pot-pie to Voivh for Tio in !
Th.iu any other i.r!'-'e in tlic t.n ikct.
M'e defy ney ON el t'i e ntnelict this As-i rtion,
AM WII,f,'lMV lkt;
o eny one that will prodor: n C .-lif.oulo pabiisbc 1
by ns. that Is not m:ni ..t;.
Will cure every ease of Chronic or Nervous IMcli'y,
Disease of t in; Kidneys, uud D.e.ihcs arising from
a disordered Stomach.
Resuliing from Dhortlers of the Digestive Organ. -'
, Coii:'.-
patlon, liuriinl
1'iles, F illness fir lil(."i I
lo tho Head. Acidify of the Sto
mP'ih. Nnuson. Iieurtburn. Itisgust for
Food, Fulness or Weight in tbe Stomach, Pou
Eructations. Sinking or I'ltmei ing at the Pit of tho
Stomach. Swimming of the Head. Hurried and DiEi
cult Dreatbtng, Flulterin;; tu thu Mcart, Choking or
Suffocating Sonffiiti'.'tis when in n lying p'siurc, Liini
ness vf Vision. Dots or Webs before the Sight. Fever
and Dull Pain in tbe Head. Deficiency of Perspira
tion, Yellowhe.ts of the Skin and Eye. Paiu in
the Side, Hack. Chest, Limbs. Ac Sudden
1'lushesof Heat. Rurning in the Flosh,
Constant Iinngiuius of Eril,
and great Depression
of Spirits.
in t mrs Dmcr.s w
Contains uo It um or Whiskey,
And can't make Drunkards, but is tho Rett Tonio in
the World.
IS Ivcncl Wlio Siijh Sot
From the Rev. Levi 0 Reck, Pntor cf the Ei ( tl.'t
Chuiclr. Pembcrton. N. J.. formerly o' Uie North
Raptist Church, l'piladelphiu.
I lmv? knowfi Hoofliiud's Gcrmen Rirtcrj favoro
bly for a number of yeers. Ihuvcued tbviri in niy
own family, nnd huVo ben so plea-Mat with Ihcir
effects that I was induced torcconi'nend ih'.-in 'o u:
ny others, and know-that they have operated iu a
strikingly beneficial mnnner I lako great piturn
in thus publicly proclaiming this tact, and culling (ho
attention of those afflicted with tbe dir.. : se for wbieh
they recommended, to (hose Hitlers, knowing Ircia
experience that my rccoiiiuioniU.'ioti will Lc .:v:.'u:.
ed. I do-fhis uiore cheei fully as Iloofl'inJ s j;.; vl i
is intended to bcnciii tho a!lictC't, nii'l i-i a ruui
drink. " Yours truly. LEVI 0. lil-XK.
From Rev. J. TJewlofi Erown, D. D., Editor of '.he
Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, and Christian
Chronicle, Philadelphia.
Although not disposed to favor or rccommcu.l Pa
tent Medicines in general, through distrust of ifeir
ingredients and effects. I yet know of no .-mfiiei.-iit
reasons why a man mny not te.-tify to thebcLeot- tai
believes himself to have receiveil fruln any simple
preparation, in the hope that he may thus Contt'wUto
to ttie benefit ot others.
I do thi' the more readily in regard to llooi'. m.'.s
German Hitters, prepared ly Dr. C. M. Jiickejii. of
this city, b'.cuu..e 1 was prejudiced ui'Sinst thc::i f-.-r
many years, under the implosion that ibey -.-ire
cbieilv uu ulcoboiic mixture. 1 um ii.debleu to i..y
friend Robert S'ueoniuker, tsij., for the removal of
this prejudice by proper tests, aud lor encoui jgc
mei.t to try them, when sutrcring fiom gie.'iu i"-J
long continued u- ' ili-y. Tbe me ot three bo'ib s ol
these Hitlers, at the bo'.i.ri'-;: ot '.In) pr..-j -nt r,
was followed by evident, relief and reste m-.oii to a
d-gree of bodily and menial viger which I had nut
felt for six moiiihs before, and hud almost despaired
of rvgnhiing. 1 thereloro thank Hod and my friend
for directing to the use Of llicui.
I'rrta tha Rev. Jos. U. Kcnuard, Pastor of tbo
into b-ipliat Church.
Dr. Jackson : Dear Sir : I have been frequently
requested to eouneet inyvnuiu wiih comuicn-l:iti"ns
of ditlcreni kinds of medicine! but regurding iho
prficlicc ns out of my ttppiopiiKte i-phcrc. I huve in
ull cases dicliatd but with a clour prof in
in-tanci--. mid p-irticubirly in iny of ihe u-c
fulness of Dr. llooib.-id a Germuu Hitlers. 1 depart
for once from my u-ual cour-c. to express my full
conviction that, for general debility of toe system
uud cspcci'illy for Liver Conipluiut, it is atnlo and
valuable ii paratiou. In some cases it may f.r.l ;
but usually, 1 doubt not. it n ill be very bvue&ciul to
those whc'sufTcr from tbe ubovu cause.
Your... i crv re.eclfully, J. H KENN AUD,
Eiglith below Coatcs Sticet, l'biiadotpLia.
From ReV Warren Randolph, Pastor of Baptist
Church. Gcnnauto iii, lVnu.
Dr. C. M. Jin kt iii : Dear Sir -Personal expe
rience enables uie to s:iy that 1 regard tliu German
Fitters, prepared by you as a iiie.-t cxc.''lnnt lciiii
ciuc. In cases ofruvcre cold and gcrerid ilebibty f
hae been greatly beuctttted bv the r.-eol ihe Hitters .
Yours, truly, WAKKES RAXDOI.PH.
Geiuiualonii, Pa
From Rev. J" II. Turner. Petr of Heddinj M. E
Chiirlli, Phila-lelphla.
Dr. Jackson ; I'car Sir : Having tiled your Gcr
lnau Hitters in ny family iVcipiently I am prepared
to say that it bas'hecii of great eci vi?e. L ocIictm
that in met cases of general debility of the system
it is the safest and mo-.t valuable reir.ed.t of which I
huvo any iiuo. lodge.
Yours, respectfully, J. II. TURNER,'
No. 720 N. Nineteenth ;ueot.
From tbe Rsr.J. M. Lyons, formerly Put-tor ol th'i
Coluinbiu N. J and Milcstown (Pa.) Haptisf
Nrw Roche-lie, N. Y.
Dr. C. M. Jackson; Dear Sir: ifcei it a p!ef thus, of my ovvu accord, to boar testimony to
the excellence of the O-riur.n Hitters. Somo je-irs
Finoe being much afflicted with Dyspepsia. I used
lucm with very beneficial results. 1 have often re
coniinended iu persons enfeebled by ihat toMiientir.g
disease, aud have heard from thctu the most llattef
ing tei.iiiiouials as to ihcir rcut valua iu cusoj oi'
general dclM'iiy, I believe it to be n t..r.ic tout cut
uol be eurp.used J. M LioNa
Fr?ai the Rev. Tkna Win . P-:ior of r.oxborougit
Raptist Church.
Dr. Jackson ;-K-..i . .. .--cl it due to y-ur
excellent preparation, ltoodnl's Gcrruau H.usn. tu
add ujy iestimouy io the dcservid reputation it h;.s
obtained, i Lae iorye-n-s, al liuies, heto ir-o h!rl
Willi great uisoidor i uiy head and n.ivous sytu-m.
I uiu, adviitHl by a li loud lo ty aboltle efjour Hei
mun Hitters, I nil so. uud have experienced great
aud iincxpcottd relict ; my heulth has been very
matcnally bcLcfuied 1 cjrfli'enily reomuieod iho
aruuie where I meet with cjscj siiiiibir to my own,
bud b c beu usured bv iuiU.v of their good eliscu.
llosptetfully jous, T. WINTER.
Roxboroub, Pa. 9 Herui-m, t f the Oermaa Reftruisl
Churcu, Kuttiowa. Rerks coiiuty, Pa.
Dr C. M. Juchsou ; Kerpccti 1 Sir : Have been
troublel with l'vspepsia ncariy tweuly ycais, uui
have noser usmi any medicine, that did u.t ai luuoa
good ? HocltM.d s Hitters. I am very muoj im
proved iu heulih, after buying taken bvo
Yoius, Hub rMpet, j. S. Iii.Mi.' .
Large Site ,hU'tncuj-ly ckubloiiuRntltv.t
ii yOp?r Wltie half iii. ii CO
mall ceu-s ptr Jicttla half doi. t ii
See fast the Siguatuis of C M. JACK50N" 'l K
iho Wrapper of eaou
S'aould your e.-Ai-jat Jju- j!-: not have the article,
d j not be put off by suy el. t : iiiUixicnting prepui.
lioue that may be cjered, t 1 1 plkee but send io u,
aud we will forward, svoui ilj packed, by express.
Principsl Othoe and Mum .st ery, No. iSl A-CII
lureet. PhiiaiMluhls.
(Sucoseeors to C. 3l .1 at'SSwS: Cu .)
C7 For Sale by Drug; it 4 1 ui etjis Us .t J
ew u It- the 1'alni 8tai-st .
Jst4 lee -t'ji T, V
pr: ef the llltuu wus pur of lie jtsvoiuwor