E:poxiTx:iyi:, Mnrkfl fiqnnre, KtIsTRY, In. HAVING just returned from the City with an en tire new stock-of U rugs, ( homlrnli, Prrflimrry nd Toilet Art trie fo which be Invites bis friends and lh public gener ally, o call and examine. Tbe Prugs and Medicines lire all s?lected fiom the best importing houses in the Eastern market with tio greatest fie as to puri IV tir.d o bncy and aviining ns irmcli as jossfble, ; the iulroiiacciuh ol' listeners PATENT MEDICINES Of all kinds, fuch as Avers, Javnes. McClintock, liollowsys. Wisharts. Iioofliiti.ls, 'Schenkr. Brown's nnd nil oilier popular patent medicines, at ays on iiNiid. Hair, Tooth, Kail, Clothe and Paint Brashes. Special cavo It taken io keep on baud cois!ant'.y every variety of PAINTS AND CHEMICALS, Suitable to the trade. Fancy Toilet Articles and Uie numerous srtlc'cs which are generally kept in a well conducted estab lishment. In connection with the above articles. h a'sn keeps on hand a large assortment nt ST AT10N KRY, such as Paper. Envelopes. Pons. Pencils. Inks, .to. ft ... Ill t . r o.tsicihu e .irescriuioiis aim iiiiiuiy i coeipts compounded with the greatest accuracvaud dispatch, at ALL. HOI KS Day or Nifjlit. Rememher the place. Market Square, tinder the office of the "Sunbury American. II. A. FISCHER. Sunbury, Juno 2 j, 13G4. AT JOHN FAHEIRA'S OldEMnltlisbcd Ft' n MANUFACTORY No. 718 ARCH Street, fft above 7tb., PIIILAD'A I have now in storo of my own Importation nnd Manufacture, ono S-J&rvuul BEAUTIFUL se- lections of l-'mtcy lTrn. fur Ladies' and Children's Wear in the City. Also, a fine assortment of (lent Fur Gloves A Collars. As my Furs were all purchased when (Sold w at a much lower premium than at present, l am cn.ioicu to dtsnoso of them at vcrv reasonable price", nnd I would llieretore solicit a call from iuy friends of rtorniumtienana coiuny, ami vicinity. I.' Remember tho name. Nuinher nnd Street! JOHN FAREIRA. 713 Arch Ptrcot above 7th. south side, Sept.10.1H.l. 5m PHILADELPHIA. tsf-1 have no Partner, nor connection with any ther storo id Philadelphia. COAL OIL LAMPS. I bee leave to inform niv friends nnd the publio generally that I hav commenced the manufacture oi .J. Li uiij L,A.ui'a ot every description ani style oi nn:n, hi NO. 33 S. SECOND St., PHILADELPHIA With my present facilities for manufacturing, and a practical experience of thirteen yearf in tiio man agement of the lamp business for some of the largest bouses in tho country, I flatter myself that my expe rience and knowledge will onable mo to offer to tho public poods not equalled by uny in reg'ird to stvlo nnd workmanship, nnd at nrices comnetini! with the lowest. I shall alwavs endeavor to lend in ottering to the public new anJ useful inventions in our line. I have also taken the wholesale agency iur the sale of GEO. W. BROWN A CO S Celebrated Mktal A. J. WEIHENEH, No. 33 S. Second at.., Philadelphia. .September 21. 1HB4. HENRY HAKPER. Mo. r,-20 AltCII St., lMiUndelphia. Has a large stock of WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY. SOLIDSILVER-WARE Supeiior plated TEA SETTS, SPOONS, FORKS. As. October, 1S6I im PISNSIOXS, BOUNTIES AND PACK PAY COLLECTED. SB. BOl'ER, Attorney at Law, ia"duly author a ized and licensed to collect l'iiiiiN, !inliH:.i;a ln U l'ay for Widows, Or I'hans and Soldiers. Ofiico in M'urket street, oppo site Weaver s Hotel, Sunburv, Pa. January 16. lblll. ly LiUkaMuuitn & Itloomxbui- It nil road, ON and after Jan. lbth, 1S34, Ptj-enger Trains will rua OJ : MOVING SOUTH. Patstngtr. 4.20 P. bbi 8.25 LtT Scranton, . M " Kingston, " Blooiusburg " Rupert, " Danville. 8.36 9.15 Arrive at Northumberland, 9 55 MOVING NOKTII. Leave Northumberland, 8.00 A. M " Danville, 8.40 " Rupert, 8.40 ' UhKjuisuurg, 0.35 " Kiufjaton, 12.12P.M. Arrive at Saanton, 1.30 Freight 4 Passenger leaves Bloomsburg. 10.15 A. M. Passengers takinK the Mail Train South connect with tbe Express train from Northumberland, arriv. iug at Ilarrisljurg, at 2.30 A. M., Baltimore 7.00 A. M., and at Philadelphia, at 7.U0 A. M. The Mail train from Northumberland leaves immediately after the nrrival of the Express train from Harrubure; and Baltimore, allowing Passengers leaving Philadelphia at 10.40 P. M., to reach points on this road during the next forenoon. New und elegant Sleeping cars accompany the riht tratcisuch uny bteeu Northumberland and Baltimore, and Northumberland and Philadelphia. D. T. BOUND, Supt. Rvutiits Railroad. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North ana North-A est for Philadelphia, New York. Read ing, Pottsvillo, Lebanon. Allentown, Eastou, Ac. j rains leave Hurrisburg fur Philadelphia, New Wk. Reading. PoluviUc aud all Intermediate Stations, fit b A. M., and 2 00 P. M. New York Exprcffileaves Harrisburg at 6 30 A. M.. arriving at New York at 1 46 tite same day. A spe-ial Accommodation Passenger truln leaves Reading at 7 15 A. M., and roturus from IJarrUburi at 5 P. M. Fares fiom Harrisburg: To New York $5 15 to Philadelphia J3 Sj and i2 80. Baggage checked through. Returning, leave New York at A A. M.. 12 Noon nd 7 P M, (ritt-burgh Express arriving at Harris-' burg nt 2AM) Leave l'hiladelriuia at 8 15 A M nnd 3 30 1' M. Sleeping cars in the New York Express Trains through to and from Pittsburgh without change, Paeugers by the Cattawissa Kail llod Uave Ta. niaqua at b 40 A. M., and 2 15 P. SI., for Philadel phia, New-York, and all V.'av Points. Trains leave Pottville at i 15 A. Jf .. and i.30 p. SI., tor Philadelphia. Harrisburg and Ne York. An accommodation Passenger train leuves heading at 0 00 A. SI., aud returns from Philadelphia mil, P. M. tjf All the above trains run dully, Sundays ex epted. A Sunday train leaves Potttville at T.JO A. SI., Ji Philadelphia at 8 14 P. M. Commutation, Siiioage, Season, and Exoursluii lickets, t reduced rates to and from all point. 60 Pounds Da,;gaf e allowed each PseuKor. l. A. M CULLS, May 27, 1584 Wtti ''"K" JL LATtSTI KPROVEKEKT CF AG2I CULIUiiAL IKPLCIBEaiS. IF O TT T.T "r-, ,t- , JJ I c," I B eT'2 t o ss smmm. I ,-k--'WJIi. CCs Vv Vf sii'n i STTWWTIhv DIfM. . . -n i.-s'. Set the Best Get the Cheaputs Get the most Leo. beruioal, which can bs hU stthe Khrbach luundrv ...'"B 'ofKo artuss.i of the imt approved flOVib. such as looking, Parlor, (tt e and tjaop Steves, aulch still be oiJ si tLti loaest rales. AUu UcitioS oi ail sites, fact. hkiUvta, 4c lhuv axs kiso uanuiaciuiiiii' MuiL,r Pl...,l - Castings, As., at shoit (m:Ics. ' Repuxiug JI kir-ts tf .-.! "liuiUIu.pVnients ooue tb is gxii norkiuauiuie maansr aud si ihs wu, v mil IBS, ;,. "7:rr7;u, ... . . . fully solicited eU prumptlv attended to .u.naiiw a, onerec. L'rusrs respect- llv aulkiid ui nsomm i , lwiil-JjACix COOPER, ly-Old Iron, and ell kinds tf riedu.s taksu la matiarme uwr wers U. S. 7-30 LOAN. The Secretary of the Treasury gives notice that subscriptions will be received for Coupon Treasury Notes, payable three yean from August 1Mb 1R64, with semi annual interest at tbe rate of seven and three-tenths per oent. per annum. principal and Interest both to be paid In lawful money. These notes will be convertible at the option of the hol.ler at maturity, Into slx-per cent, gold boar ing bonds, payable not loss than five nor more tha. twenty years fmm their date, as tbe governme"tmay eleet. They will be issued In denominations of $50, $100, f 500, if 1.000 and $5,000, and all tubeerlptioru must be for fifty dollars or some multiplo of fifty dollars. The rotes will be transmitted to the owners free of transportation charges at soon after the receipt of the orijjiiisl Certificate of Deposit as they cau bo prepared. As tbe notes draw Interest from August 16, persons making deposts subsequent to that date must pay the Interest accrued from dato of note to date of deposit.' Parties depositing twenty-five thousand dollars and upwards for these notes at any one time will be allowed a commission of one-quarter of ono per oent., which will be pnltl by the Treasury Department upon the receipt of a bill for the amount, oertiflod to by the officer with whom the deposit was made. No deductions for commissions must be made from tbe deposits. NiM-rlnl Arivaitfncrn of lliis Loan. It is a Natiohai, Savinos Bask, offering ahigh er rate of interest tlmn any other, and the bet seen, rily. Any tavings bank which pays itsdepositors in U. .S. Notes, considers that tt Is paying in the best circulating medium of 'the country, and It tnanot ray in anything better, fuj it own assets are cither in government securities or in notes or bonds payablo in government paper. It is equally convenient as a temporary or perma ncnt investment. Tho notes can always be sold fo within a fraction of thoir face and accumulated into rest, nnd nre the best security with banks as colla terals for discounts. CONVERTIBLE INTO A SIX PER CENT 5-20 GOLD BOND. In addition to the very liberal interest on the notes for threejyears, this privilege of conversion is now worth about three per ccnt.-per annum, for the curt, rent rate for 5-20 Bonds is not less than miie per cent- premium, nnd before tho war tho premium on six per cent. U. S. stocks was over twenty per cent. It will be seen that tbe actual profit on this loan, at the present market rate, is not less thau ten per cent, per annum. , ITS EXEMPTION FROM STATE OR MUNICI PAL TAXATION. But aside from all tho advantages we haee enum erated, a specinl Aat of Congress exempts all londs and Treasury notes from local taxation. On the average, this exemption is worth about two per cent, per annum, according to the rate of taxution in varl ous parts of the country. It is believed that no securities offer so great In ducements to lenders as those issuod by the govern tnent. In all other forms of indebtedness, the faith and ability of private parties, or stock companies, or separate communities, only, is pledged for payment, while, the wholo property of the country is held o secure the discharge ol all the obligations of tbe United Slates. While the government offers the most liberal terms for its loans, it believes that the very strongest appeal will be to tho loyalty and patriotism of the people. Duplicate certiticatoswill be issued fornll deposits, The party depositing must endorse upon the origin al certificate the denominations of notes required, and whether they are to be issued in blank or paya ble to order When so endorsed it must bo left with tho 2ccr receiving the deposit, to be forwarded to the Treasury Department. Subf ciiptions v, ill bo received by tho Treasurer of the United States, at Washington, the several As si."U.ni Treasurers ar.d des'.nuted Depositaries, aud by thi And by all AaUunul JUanlt which are depositaries of Publio money, and all KKSPECTABLB BASKS AND BANKERS throughout the country, (acting as agents of the Na tional Depository Banks.) will furnish further infor mation on application nnd AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS. Auguft1311864. Dutch JT.afct-liMlia Coll'co 'o. DEPOT : 183 Reade Street, Now York. The above Company are known all over the world as the owners of the Coffee Plantations of Java and Batavia in the Dutch East Indies, and are the largest monopolizers of Coffee on tho Globe. The undersigned (who is appointed their sole Agent in tho United States and in the Biiti.-h Colo Dies) will have lor xalo three different kinds of Cuf fee, which, for regularity of grado and cheapness of price, will defy cunipe.ilion. Our "Batavia Coftee" never before introduced in this Country, but extensively used in the Armies anil Navies of Europe, and richly valued, will be put up at prices to reach all consumers, and our Extra Java will be the Maguuin Bonum Coffee of tho age. We will huve, for accommodation of Grocers. Fa milies, and Government Contractors, samples (dry, aud drawn) for testing. Orders solicited. On receipt of cash, coffee prompt ly forwarded as directed. A. LIPPMAN, 103 Reade Street. New Y'ork, . , . Solo Agent, D. E. I C Co. July 23, 1SC4. A CARD TO THE SUFFERING. SWALIAfVV two or three hogsheads of 'Bucliu." "Tonic Bitters," Sarsapariila," -Nervous An tidotis," Ac . 4c. 4o., aodafler vou are suti-tled with the result, nnd one box of Old DR. BL'CHAN S English Specifio Pillsand he stored tobcalLh and vigor iu less than thirty davs. They are pure.lv ve getable, pleasant to take, prompt and salutary in their effects on the broken down und shattered con stitution. Old and vouug can take them with ad vantage. Imported and sold in the United. Slates only by JAS. S. BUTLUK, No. 427 Broadway. New York. LirAgeut for tho United States. P. o A Box of the Pills, securely packed, will be mailed to any address on receipt of price, which is ONE DOLLAR, postpaid ! money refunded by tbe Agent if entire eathtaclion is Lot given. Sept. 10. laiit Ma lValint;lon llu, NORTHUMBERLAND, PENNSYLVANIA, (A'.ar tltt Bridge.) fTUIE subscriber having leased this well known J Tavern Stand, lately kept by Mrs. C. S. Brown, respectfully informs the public that he is refitting and repuiring the premises, and will be prepared to en tertain, in a cuuifortuble manner, bis numerous friends throughout the county, and all who may patrouine his establishment. Oct. 1. IMi. JOSEPH VANKIRK. ICE CKEAM FKKKZKRS. At Supply Of JUSSKB'S FlVE-MlNI'TK FltEE j jl. rini, rccivei l rum new lork, tor , tor sale bv euaoury, Slay 31, 04. li. MASTER. SUSQUEHANNA FEMALE COLLEGE, Kr.J.lsUltOt :, Nuyd. r ., j.,,. rpilE Fall Ptwiouof this Institution eomniiuces on i 111 lielM i . AUGUST 13th. Ike Wuu.r AH&i.il. ,.n It,., lll,rtf v....A...v.A. -'" i r,i cteiu.ii or ii r.tivS : For Boarding, Wcshing, Furnished Room Fuel rk't I-ijUt, aud Tuitiun iu ull the regulur studies of , ' Deprrtmeut, only fxi 7a. A liberal bcduclion made iulivor of the Daughti f our Soldiers. For further perticulrrs, or Circulars, aridv to . , S. DOMER, Principal, Isllnsgrove, August 6, lS6t Suios. JACOB BARLEY, Successor to IS i (suffer J- llarls Ho. tJ2 MARKET Street, PHILADELPHIA. slantij ou band tUrnuii.ni.i.i.. .1 . at io nru,M. . Bas Watch., .n " anues an as and Fins Cloata n - i-j 1 i, workmen ; also, jiwel .ZZ.S: :i.' 'u' all ki.. t of !i,it.M,. w order, at short notise sJ'tl ' rMi 1 Ui ark Mi, rhliiiue.piia. tbs tror.ir's smut arwtnt o Scrofula and Prnfulmis) Iinasjns. Frorti Emerf :, a wc'l-knoivn MervViNl "f Ox uirf, Maine. "I have sold larre quantities nf your fURSAPA. Itlt.t.A, but never jret one bottle wlil. h failed of the desired effect and mil sattsloctlon to those who took it. As fast as our people try It, they atrrec there has been no medicine liko it before In our community." Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustule, Ul cers, Sores, and all Diseases of tho Skin. From Rev. Unlit. Strntton, f rlttnl, Fnijtnntl. " I only do my duty to yoa-nnd tho politic, when J add my testimony to that yon publish of the mo dlelual virtues or your SAttSArAftfi.l.A. My daugh ter, aged tnn, had an alTllctinir Intinor lu her ears, eyes, and hair for yeara, which we were unable to core until we tried your RaiisapaiulLA. Uhe lias been well for some months." Vob Km. Jane F. litre, a teeMnmr-n tind mticli- tstremed lady of THnnirillc, Cape May Co., A.J. My daughter has suffered for a year pat with a scrofulous eruption, which was very troublesome. Nothing afforded snr relief until wo tried your B.utsAPAUli.LA.wIikli soon completely eurcd her." From Chnrlet P. flape, Esq., of th vMelp known Gage, Hurra) if Co., manufacturer! qf enamelled papers in A'athua, N. If. " I hud for several years a very troublesomo Humor in my fa.-e, which grew eonatjintly worse) until It disfigured my n-aturea and became an Intol erable affliction. 1 tried almost every tiling a man could of both advice and medicine, but without any relief whatever, until I took your Saksai-aihm.a. It Immediately made my face worse, as you told mo It might for a timet but in n few weeks the new skl'i began to form under the blotol es, and con tinued until my face Is as smooth as any body's, and 1 am without any symptoms of the disease that I know of. I enjoy perfect health, and without doubt owe it to your Sarsapakilla." Erysipelas General Debility Purify th Blood. From T)r. Holt. Saieln, llannton ft., Khn Yorl: " 1)K. Ayiih. 1 seldom fail to remove Eruption aud ScrofuliW Sores by the persevering useof your SAr.iAPAiul.LX.nnd I have just now cured an attack of Milignnnt Erniprla with It. No alterativo wo possess' equals the SAKAr.RU.r.A yen havo sup plied to the profession as well as to the people." From J. E. Johnston, Esq., ITal'eman, Ohln, "For twelve years, I had the yellow Hry"',adas on my right arm, during which time I tried .,11 tha celebrated physicians I could reach, and took hun dreds of dollars worth of medicines, Tho ulcers wero so bad that the cords became visible, and tho doctors decided that my arm must be amputated. 1 began taking your SaiisapauILI.A. Took two bot tles, and some of your l'n.i.s. Together they have cured me. I am now as well and sound as any body. Doing in a public plans my case is known to every body in this community, and excites tho wonder of nil." . . From lion. Hrnry M,mro, Jlf. P. P., nf Xeveastle, V. IF"., a leading memher of the Canadian Parlia ment. 1 have nsed vour SAnsAPAMi.t.A In my family, for general debility, nnd for purifying the blood, with verv beneficial results, and feci confidence in commending it to the afflicted." St. Anthony's Fire, Kose, Salt Bheum, Scald Head, Sore Eyes. From Harvey Siekler, Esq., the able editor of the 7inktatnnick Jh'mocrttt, t'ennstflrania. " Our only child, about three years of age, wns attacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapidly spread until thev formed a loathsome and virulent sore, which covered his face, aud actually blinded his eyes for some days. A skilful physician applied ' nitrate of silver and other remedies, without any apparent effect. Kor fifteen days we guarded his hands, lest with them he should teir open the fes tering and corrupt wouud which covered his whole face. Having tried every thiug else we had any hope from, we began giviuir your SAftHAPAittLI.A, aud applying the iodiilc of potash lotion, as you direct. The sore begnu to heal when we had given the first bottle, aud was well when we had lltiitdicd tho second. The child's eyelashes, which had come out, grew sgaiu', and he is now as healthy and fair as any other. The wliolo neighborhood predicted that the child must die." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease). From Dr. Hiram Stoat, of St. Louis, Mitsnuri. ' 1 find vour SAitsAPAiiuxA a more effectual remedy for tho secondary symptoms of Syphilis aud fur syphilitic disease than any other we possess. The pretension arc indebted to you lor souiu ol the best medicines we have." From A. J. French, M. D., an eminent phynirian of jMwrence, Mass., who is a prominent member of tlie Legislature of Massachusetts. 'Dll. Avkr. My dear .Sir: I have found your SARHAPARtLLA an excclleut remedy for Syphilis, both of the primary and secondary tyie, aud effec tual In some eases that wero too obstinate to yield to other remedies. I do not know what we can em ploy with more certainty of success, where a power ful alterative is required." Mr. Chas. S. Van Lieu; ofXew linmstriik, X.J., hsJ dreadful uleers on his legs, caused by the abuse of mercury, or mereuiiul disease, which grow more and raoro aggravated for years, in unite of every remedy or treatment that could be applied, until tho Iierscvering use of AVER'S Sarsaparim.A relieved lira. Few cases can bo found more Inveterate and distressing man this, and it took several dozen bottles to cure him Leucorrhcea, Whites, Female Weakness, are generally produced by internal Scrofulous t'l tfcration, and are very often cured by the' altoratiro L'lTct.L of this .SAiiSAi'Aiui.l.A. HoniecMMei require, however, in aid of the S.uis.U'AKUXA, tho skillul npiilic.ition ofiocal rcnudica. From the welt knurn mid iridfly-ceK'trtded Dr. Jacob Merrill, 'if Cincinnati. "I have found your Kaumapauilla an excellent alterative in diseases of females. Mn!,y cases of Irreifulirity, leueorrlnra, lou-riial I'l.ieratlun, aud locaidfliility, arising from tlio- scrofulous diathesis, have yielded to it, and there nre few lh.it do not, when its effect is properly aided by local treatment." A liuly, unwilling to allow the publication of her flam", trrites i " My daughter and myself havo been eured of a very di liiliUtimr Leueorrlura of long standing, by two bottles of your Sau.apakiixa.'' Rheumatiam, Oout, Liver Complaint, Dys pepsia, Heart Diaeaso, Nouralma, when caused by Scrofula in the system, are rapidly cured by this Ext. Saiis.u'aiulla. AYER'S CATIIAltTIC PILLS possess so many advantages over the other purgatives in the market, ami their superior virtues are so universally known, that we need not do more tlmn to assure the public their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever as been, and that they may be depended on to do all that they have ever done. Prepared by J. C. AYER, M. D., & Co., Lowell, Mass., and sold by Sold by Friling A Grant. Sunbury, II. 11. McCoy, iNorthuUibcrlaud, Aaron Harrol, Elysburg. W. R. KuijSicr. Shauiokin, J. P. Hogue,. Watsoutown. Aud by all dvulers in Medicines everywhere. August 13, 1S01. ly at Jt mw'at-(aB33": 9tm SOLIDIFIED 1DE1TTAL Cor Cleasisin, liiteulny: und l'renervIuK- I lie TUKT1I.! This artiole is prepared with the greatest caro upon scientific principles, and wurruutcd not to cuutuin anything in the slightest degree deluterious to the teeth or guuis. Some of our most eminent Dental Surgeons have given their sanction to, ai;d cheerful ly recommend it a a preparation of superior quali ties for cleansing, whitening and preserving the TEETH. It cleans them readily, reuderiug them beautifully while und pearly, without the lightest injury to the enamel. It is healing to the gums where they are ulcerated and sore. It is also an ex cellent disintcctor for old decayed teeth, which are often exceedingly oliensive. It gives a rich creamy taste to the mouth. cleansing it thoroughly, and im parting adelighlful fragrance to the breath. i PREPARED ONLY 13 Y I A. 11 A W LEY te CO., N. W. Cor. 10th.. A Lombard Sts., Philudelj hi. And sold by all Druggists. PRICE 2i CENTS. TESTIMONIALS. The following opinion of Da, bite, as to the high cslcetn in which he holds the Dental Cream, must bo suflicii nt evidence ot its value ; to quote other lesti- ' mouinls in detuil is imoilcrt, contenting ourselves by simply giving the names uud addresses of persons who speak of its excellency for the teeth. Philadelphia, April 15th. laflS. Haling carefully examined A. llawley'a f-jliJi. fi.'d Dental Cream,' ' I hereby cheerfully recom mend it io the publio geuerally. It u an excellent preparation for cleansing and preserving the teeth, and cull be used by nil persons with the utmost uon tidenee, us it properties are perfectly harmless, lie. ' sides I'rc.einiiL' the teeth, it Drouiotes a healihv I action to the guiuc, and Imparts a plesantuuss to the breath, ! Dr. W. R. WHITE, 1203 Arch St. ! 1 boms Ingram, M. D , Dentist, 401 N. Fourth St. , ! J. Uirkcv. 2J-1 S. Sixth St. E. Viuiilerslice, Surgoon Dentist, 425 Arch St. J C. A. kiusbury, Dentist, llltf Walnut St. . 1'illingnuu. 1 It. a., 734 Arch St, F. M. Dixon, h.'7 Arch St. Edward Towiisund, Dentist. 426N. Fourth St. L- H. Durpblty, Dentist, 8u7 N. Tenth St. M. L. Long. Deutist, ti;'V N. Sixth St. May s61 ly ETTE& OF ADVICE FOB IADIE8 , FIVE ANATOMICAL EN0RAN1NGS. Has iiif'uation never before published. Sent pses In a sealed envelops for tem cents. AdJreu Dr. STANFORD, Bo No i ,52. New York P. 0. ' luiyv, inos. oui ruaiury, Auj tl y t 1, o 4 t n punuea , 11 m aseaea ins same as tne diseased TMsasvs) of the ,rrvous. Nemlnal X4 () U SAL K, n.aiu,r,lll.V-m; but get tbs apparatus in J rHsiiry tiSd It7 PAMTIWPWTA T it - m ti t t n vv."'""" uuuinmu BAZA R . Comer of Market Square fc null Itond Street, . SUNBUnY, PENN'A. BUMMER STOCK OP READY MADE CLOTHING, Of the newest styles, cut by the best Artists, trimmed ana nintto equal to custom work, aud sold at the lowest prices. Mien and Itoj'si Clothing; of the best ma- torial consisting of Dress Coats. Frock Costs, Sack Coats, Pants, and Vests of various colors and quali- . GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING! GOODS, such as Phirts, Over-shirts, Undershirts, Drawers, Collars, Cravats, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Stockings, Uloves, Ao. llafn nnd Caps of nil kinds). BOOTS AND SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, I'M- ,., , ,a ,., . . . . , . vnnur,,-,, ...iu .wiwjo 01 an ainus, anu nume- roiis i other articles J he publio are invited to call and examine bis b,ock- ncinemocr me pinee. "i. oniineniai vioining piore, Corner of Market Square aud the N C li. It. LEVI HECHT. Sunbury, July 2, 1804. Gkorok Hill, Pimos P. Wolvertoh , HILL & WOLVERTON. Attomeyti nnsl 4'ouuseIors nt lnr. Office, Market street, cor. Contro Alley, SXTlSrBTJR.'S-, FA. WILL attend promptley to the collection of claims and all other professional business intrusted to their care in Northumberland sndadjoining counties. Sunbury, January 2.'i, lbt2. AN INTERESTING HISTORY OP DR. BCHENK'S OWN CASE. WHILE LABORING UNDERCONSUMPTION And how his Pulmonic Syrup. Seaweed Tonic,' and Mandrako Pills acton the System in Curing that Diseaso, and the Or eat Siieeensi Attending: It! sit.. .visr The above is correct likeness of Dr. Schenk taken many years sgo, after he had recovered from Con. I sumption; by a course t his "Schenk s Pulmonic Syrnp." The likeness, although it does not repre t sent him nnylhing like as bud as he wasat the worst, yet it is in strong contrast with the hnlennd vigorous looks of tho Portrait below which is tbe true like I ness of him at present time. The contrast between theso two portraits is so great that many would not i believe them to be tbe same person. Yet there nre hundreds of persons, in and around Philadelphia, who will recognise both portrnits to be true represen ; tations. When the first was taken he weighed 107 j pounds ; nt the preset lime his weight is 220 pounds Nrw York, AYednesday, March SO, 1S64. TO THE PUBLIC. Thirty years sgo I wns in the last stages of Pol. ninnary Consumption, and given up to die. I resided in Philadelphia, and Dr. Joseph Parrisb.then of this city, ordered me to Morestown, N. J., a distance of : nine miles which took lue two days to get there. On ray arrival I was put to bed, and there laid for many weeks. This was my native place, where all my fniuily lived and had (lied of Consumption. Dr. j Thornton, w ho attended ray father in his last illness, was culled, and gavene one week to fix up my af. i fairs. He had seen all my family go that way. and thought 1 was to go. too 'Then 1 heard of the'reme , dies 1 now offer to the public, which cured me. It seemed to mo that I could feel them penetrating my ' whole svsteui. They soou ripened the matter on itv lungs, and I would spit otfumre than a pint of ottensivu yellow matter every morning. As soon as that began to ulisulu, 111 v cough, fever, iiain. nicht sosaats nil began to leave me. und iny appetite becaniKi groat mat 11 was Willi uimcuuy 1 ciuici Keep irom eating I too much. I soon gained uiy strengtn and I have been growing in flesh ever since. For many years . I have enjoyed uninterrupted good health, keeping 1 tho liver and stomach healthy with the Seaweed To nic and Mandrake Pills, as I am of a billious temper- I anient. My weight is two hundred and twenty I ounds On ir.y recovery people would send for uie far and neur, lo see if their eases were like unne. For til is purpoHi 1 pay professional visits in the large j cities. The consumptives wish to see the one that makes lluse medicines, and who was cured of con- ' sumption by ihem. To make new lungs is imposi Lie; but cavities in the lungs and chronic ulcera tions of tbe bronchial tubes can be healed Such ca-e arc dving hourly under the ordinay treatment 01 (iiivsii'iJiiiii. ntii just ntK'h arovure'i by the pruper ut;. oi .vltiirik'a iulu.oiiio yrup, Seaweed and M.uiUruko Tills. ionic, . ,. 1 "l"""" 1 halthy man. with a large cavity in wsu "ii i'iii. "i 1 ' w 'o1 '""(i" IUUO QTJ much lieiiaiined and complete adhesion of the Dleura. 'ihe Jell lungs is sound, and tbe upper lobe of tbe 11hl lung is iu a tolerably healthy condition. The grcaj rcaeou why physicians do not euro consump tion is ihev try tu do too luucu ; they give medicines to stop the c:.ugh, to stop chill, to stop night sweats, hemic feier, and, by so doing, they derange the whole digestive powers, locking up the secretions and eventually the patieut sinks ana dies. After I make a careful examination of the patient with the Ucs.irou.Uor, and tind runirs enouirh left to cure. I diroct the patient bow to use the three remedies. Remove the cause aud tbrr will all stop of their 1 own accord. Nooue can be eured of oousumptiou, 1 liver complaint, dyspepsia, catarrh, canker, ulcerated throat, unless the liver and stomach are made heal ' thy. In New England this canker cbronio catarrh, T ulcerated throat, elougalion ot uvula, is more preva ; lont lhau in any other section of the country. This is frequently causeu Dy a lout stoinacn. sou may burn 11 out wilh oeustio time and again, and all U)ey will get is temporary relief. Correot the stomach uu uver, an i iney will neai up iseuiseives. Good nutrition is tbe remedy. Jf vou have anv ; disease in any part of tha body, it will remain there ; snd decay more and more until you can get tha 110 I uiacu iu the eoudiiion to digest food and make new 1 blood to take the place of diseased matter. This is 1 the oulj way to best cavities in the lungs and uloer j aled bronchia) tubes. Correct the stomach and liver and nature will do the healing. Many parsons barf an idea that certain medicines are great purifiers ef the blood.' When blood is ones dUoaiea it eannot ' ' the rtonaeh. and li It arrled pail tt by the tbe Mandrake Fills, tbe Pulmonic Syrup It made Into blood. This is the onl way to cure consumption. , If I eannot get a good appetite, and food does not digest, I cannot cure the patient Never mind the cough ; remove the cause and will stop of Itself, Thisis the tnot trouble I have with my patients at I my rooms. Thev say, "Doctor, I feel stronger i I can eat my night sweats are better, and I feel bet ter every way! but my ough is to bad yet;" and they are astonished to bear me say that does not I matter; remove the cause and the cough will t:np of Itself, Behenk't Seaweed oreatet a good appetite In about nine dnys, when there Is no lung disease, 1 unless the liver is so congested that the Mandrake Pills cannot unlock the ducts of tho gall bladder in that short space of time, in ordor to allow the stale bile to pass off. Keep the liver and stomach healthy : and there is less danger of consumption or any other disease It is hard to take oold when those organs are healthy. Those that are bilious, low-spirited, ' dreary, foellng stuDid. coated tomrue. tioor annetite. -nervous, stomach full of wind, everything that is eaten lies heavy, loss of memory, try", one bottle of fCHKNCK'S SEAWEED TONIC, and one box of BCHENK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. It Is only a cost of one dollar and twenty-five cents, with full di rections. This Is sufficient, in manv cnarl. to satin. fy what the medicines are. Frequently one bottle i,c. gicai, cunnge in me system. Any person that eluoys ordinarv health. h nin tha 8a, Tonio and Mandrake Pills occasionally, must get the digestive organs in such a healthy condition that they become fleshy I can produce a number of my . ...... """-lite m.T viiHiviiiK K,UUU ueiinil weighing nearly 200 pounds. I will conclude bj I relating three cures I have made in New York, ami wnlcn are all different, and wish any one who feels an interest in the niattcrto visit them. Vi-n. F,rlow. residing then at No. 107 Houston street Her t husband called upon me at my rooms. 82 Bond street una wisneo me io can ana see ner. lie said I could ; ao no gooa ; that he had bad all the best mp.iit ; attendance, and all said she was ton far eon olth J Consumption to be cured ; but she had heard of some T great cures I had made, and he desired to gratify ' her wishes. I called, and found her Ivinir cnnfinml iu uki uc, iu iuu hiki. ine oi uroneniai consumption and without doubt must have died soon. I examin ed ber lungs, found both bronchial tubes very much affected, but no cavities hnd formed, ber cough was very severe, the spit-box wns half full of thick pus. Pulse 140, leg swollen very much ; and worse than all, she had ohronio diarrhoea. Her bowels had been moved eleven times that dny. told her that she had lungs anough to be cured, but that this diarrhoea bad been ot long standing, nnd her stomach was in such a ulcerated condition that I was afraid nothing could be done. She insisted I should try aud do ' what I could for her, observing that she could not ' last long in the condition she was in, and I could not i make her any worse. I gave her first a dose of my I Mandrake Pills, nnd the tonic and .vrup freely. That was on Tuesday, and by the next Sunday the diarrhoea was carried off. her appetite had returned and she could sit up in bed and cat her dinner. !he is now well, nnd gave a long certificate, certified to by the Rev. Dr Downing, j Mrs. Bartholomew. tU West Forty-fifth street, ; camo to my rooms with a tumor on Uer liver. .She i was low-spirited, skin sallow, tongue coated, bowols ! costive, no appetite, aud fast sinking iulo Ion grave. ! Tbe said tumor had been running owr t'oirt'-en I yean. I gave tier Syrup. T.uiie ami I'iils. and tuld her totnku them just a the din elioi s were .Til ted. ' She cniue back to n,y rooms. 32 Il'Unl street in two ! weeks, somewhat h .tier ; her toncuc h.ui 1,-eun to I clean n little around the edges, lit r skin u!,! cr and ! her eyes brighter and the tuinnr dis 'Ira ir very ! offensive mailer, much fintcr'tlum it l.:i-t t -t il-u.e t before. She kept gradually iinpioi in,:, i i atx,.,! j two months she eaioe to toy rooifis v, r ion -h 1,'ight. coed, saying that the tuiur.r bad neu :.,opjd running, and was heaiing up. nnd th-it - v.-rv d"o'or had told her that if it ever healed it wi..,ld cm-i. h.-r : death. I told her that the disease had ill l.l'l her system, and nature would heal the ulc-r up. They are now healed, and havo been for al'.'o.! a y, nr, mid 8ho is a hearty and r-ihiist a wouian us y' U will find in a days walk, fciic is gliid for any .i. to cii! on her. and takes great pains to visit anv u.,i that ,he hears has anything liko her ease. a"id t.-is to jet . them to come and see me. The nct c i.-e is ,Ms Scoficld. from Slim. ford. Conn.. Mrs. Uiir.holiiiiu w j got her down to sec Uio, and she has been er since j at her house. When she first came lo u v r .. sho was much emaciated with n disf re!t:g cc.i,.1!. ,;it ting inrgc quantities of bltsd. 1 cxuiuii., d l;cr luni with tho rcspiioinetcr, and in nil iny praciico never found one u ith one Inn;; hi far gono nui the oilier lung so snutid. I couid not give much ere-ourai;e-mcnt. I thuught she would die ; but Io my asiou i.hinent the Pulmonic Syrup, Sciirt-t','d 'JoLic. nnd Mandrnku Pills all seemed to go ribt lo wink, the I lung is all healed over, leaving a ciivi'y as i;tr,; us a goose egg; good appetite, fine spi'uis, and bus gained some thirty. five punds in weil:t. Shi bf:s ' some cough yet. which 1 do not think will leeve ber ' before June. I should think it would be of ;rci.t interest to some uiiprejudicod phu-icicn to visit !), cases, particularly Miss Scoliuld. or ai y ol them ho have been cured by try medicines Theynrcium. erous in New York"; but the nbo !!.! ' a'.i .lirTir I from escb other; nnd if my me-Ucii s hi.- dc'-i.g what I represent they are, llicy s! ou .! 1. ov iho ' credit aud the ufilic.vd kuus U:c ut l i, .-w ,ii v may be cured. j. it. 5c;i:m:. v. p. Dr. J. II. Scheiik can bo found . t!.,- j riuo'.j.il oEce, No. 39 Norm i.b Street, Phil,i ! !iu. n e. y Saturday, from U A. M. until S P. !.. u. ',,;.., t.:'. free of charge; V.'itt fur a thrjugL xaniimitieu n charges three dollars. I'ricrof in ru!u.,'iic Svrup and Seaweed. Tonic each SI 25 jo e,;tie. or c5 the half dflJ.i. Mandrake Pills ti e-.ri'.Js. U, mj is for sale by all Druggltts and liBi.ni. May 14, 1S3. -ly Northern Cei'trs;! Jlsiilwiiv ! ti'."i"Ji:is Ti.iil 't "-. THREE TRAINS DAILY to H k a. .""alliicore and Washington etiy. Connections luiuio with trains en P,nr. ai.ia Railroad, to ittcl from Pittsburg und ,hj Wst. THREE TRAINS DALY to and frvw ineN.inh ar.ii West Branch Sn.queliaiina, Eliniiu. sr. d a.i oi -Ni.rih- ern New York. 0J N and after MONDAY. MAY loth. mil. the Piissenv-er liuii s of il.e nLeru Central 1 ituilway will arrive at and depart from Sutfoury. ' 11 ;.l I !..,.: .!. ,' I tiui.ieuuig iiiiu urn i,ii(,,re us lonoirn, Vlfe : SOU T U W A R D , Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sun! iy). 1 !J A. M " leaves Harrisburg, 1 2't P. M " arrives ut lialtiu ore, ! 40 " Express Train leaves Suchury d'.lty (except Sunday,) " le.ie.' lliiriuhiii j (eicspt Monday.) 11 15 P.M. i iJ A. M " arrives ut IJaltiii.orc due)' (excupt Monday). T Harrisburg Ajjomui.-)J.itioii'lCiH:r Hniri- 0U A. M. burg. 7 10 A.M. Sunbury Accommodation lea res Sj';ury daily (except Sunday) at 7 J) A M NOUTHWAP.D. Mail Train leaves Baltimore, daily eept Sunday) J io A. M " leaves Harrisburg Zi P. M, " arrives al Kuiibuiy, 4 04 Express Train leaves llaltiiuure daily V ;'0 P. M " orrivis at Harrisburg. 1 Hi A M. 14 lenves Harriiiburg (txscpt Monduy), 3 ISA arrives ut Snnburr. i 43 ' j Ilarjisburg Accommodation Icavos Harris burg, daily (except Sunday) at 3 fid P M arrives at Harrisburg, 7 40 P M Sunbury Accommodation leaves Harris burg daily (except Sunday) al 4 CO P M For further information apply at the Office. I. N. Di BARRY. Uen. bupt. Harrisburg, June 4 Srt I . I OiSliOKJN'iS j CEI.EliUATED l'KEPAHED JAVA COFFEE, ; ir a ji it a x t e j) , SUPERIOR TO ANY IN THE MARKET. I TT is used by first class families everywhere, and X highly recomniemiaa Tor nervous snd dyspeptic persons, being very nuitritious and free Irom all deleterious substances, in testimony of which I have certificates from tbe most emminent Physicians in tbe Country. Try it, and vou will be sure to con. uuua lis use in preierence 10 any otner. Sold at retail for Twenty-Five Cents per Pound by First class Grocers throughout the Lulled "tales. A liberal discount to the Trade. " Put up only by l.inVIM A, ONKOn.i, Wholesale Depot, 69 Warren St. New York. May T, ISM. THE RED LION HOTEL. (Late Mrs. Boulton's.) MARKET bTBEET, BUNBtJKY, PA. JULIUS -RBITEIl. HAS taken this old and well known stand, and rnfirlf.,1 anil fnrniiihl Ilia ,.m. Im wm..-A . - accouiiuodate Boarders and Travelers with the best the market can allord. He hopes by strict attention to ousinNs 10 receive s snare 01 puone patronage. His TABLE contains tbe best the market .fL-da. jiu car 11 nnea wun toe enoioest of Liquors, boLh Malt and Spirituous. Tbs stabling is good, and attended by careful Ostlers. Sunbury, April 30, 1864.-Iy HOWARD ASSOCIATION PHILADELPHIA, PA. ! I. D. MASHER, Attorney nt Law, BUNBCRT, PA. Collections attended to in the counties of Nor thumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lyoomlug. airsRiscss. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. H. Oattell A Co., Hon. Wm. A. Porter, " Morton McMiohaol, Esq., " K. Ketcham A Co., 29 Pearl Street, New York. John W. Ashmead, Attorney at Law, " Matthews A Cox, Attorneys at Law, " Sunbury, March 29, 1SA2. GrRA3STT Sc DIETZ1 IOWEH WHABF, BUNBTJBY, FA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WHITE ASH COAL , In every rarloty, Orders solicited and filled with promptness and despatch. Sunbury, May ltj, 1863 ly a-, -w. HAXJPT, Attorney nnd Cotinsiellor nt Imw, Office on south side of Market street, four doors west of E. . Bright A Son's Store, STJNBTJRY. T A. Will attend promptly to all professional business enirustea to nis care, tne collection ol claims in Northumberland and the adjoining counties. eunuury, may zit, 10.1. ly 'or Ilnl,!tliec, ltoaeheia, Antie. lied lliiKH.-tlotue) lit l'iir, Woolens. Ac, InNeetN on Ilunts, Fowls, Animals, Put npin 25e, 50e. and $1 00 Boxes, Bottles and nanus. J ana 5 sues for Hotels, Publio lnstitu lions, ao. "Only infallible remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human Family," "Rats come out of their holes to dio." I Sold Wholesale in all lnrge cities. Sold hy all druggists and Retailers evcrvwhere : : : IIkw ark ! ! ! of all worthless imitations. See that "CostarV name is on each Box, Bottl and Mask, before you buy. lauress III.VIII IC t Usi 1 .1 IC Prineipnl Depot 4,-2 Broadway New York. IV Sold by nil Wholesale aud Rt'tail Druggists in SunOiirv. Pa. Feb. 2il. )."04 Sm JEKEMIA1I EWYDEt. Attorney A 'oiisiHetlos' nt Lnr, OSce en South si le nf Market street, four doors west of licur hart's Confectionery store, STJ'IsrBtJH.Y, VA. W'-ll atlei::! prni ptiy to all professional Easiness entrusted to his care, the collection ol cUiuis in Nor Ihun.ociliiiid and the adjoining comities. Consult itiuiis in Gernoin and English. Sunbury. March 10. Iii '.v READY HOOFING Ready to nail down. ROOFING At less than half the cost of tin roofs. READY "ROOFING- More durable than tin. READTT "ROOFING Suitable for steep or flat roofs. K E A I T 7l Ot ) F I X ft For all kinds of buildings, in all climates. keadyIsuofing Eai!y. cheaply, and quickly put on. Needs n coaling over with cement nf'er it is nailed deisa. RE!)Y lJOOF ING Made of strong woven fabric, thoroughly sniernted ami corne l ui on both suiiaeea w.th a p,i lectly wa trrpreoi' e n?j si ion. ai.,1 put up in rolls rta i'y fjr use 4i) inch wide, and 7i tVel long. W'e also Oiniiiiradure Foa Lcskt Tim Roora. Much cheaper snd more durable tbaa cil p Li. ALSO, Coiitpotnid i'em'ttt, For Leaky Suir.lt Itors, Which will ofuu save tb cost if a i,w rv.'. fi u tiea ot Heady i.uouus; aud Circuits mn! ly u il "litu desired. Favi iMhleteiuis uisdewill) responsible piriies w'uu buy lu sell auiii. RtiADY PiOOFING CO , li Maiden Lulls, N. Y,. ; I " .pni a, Uu4. WILLIAMSPORT OIL WOKKS I NON-EXPLOSIVE : PURE CRYSTAL CARB0.X IN TIOHT PACKAG28. Orders will recoive prompt attsi.tion II D. IIOLDEN. Proprietor. I VllLamsport, June 3S, leSl. I KI'OirrNMU.VN DEPOT, JFST reesive.l s rew strck of Fishing Tackle for Spring sales, consisting of KnJs, Reels, Lines, ' Baskeis. snood'. Floats, Nats. Flics, Artificial Bait, r Kitted Lines. Gut, tira.-s and Hik. to which the I at tuition of dcalars is particularly requested. 1 Orders. Wholesale sud Retail, punctually filled I and satisfaction warranted. I JOHN KRIDER. I 2r.d and Walnut streets. Philadelphia. M. February 27, lSa. 6m LILLIES CHILLED IRON SAFE. Tbs Only Bafo Beliabls against both Firs and Burglary. I am now prepared to furnish three sites of Nation al Bank Sates. They are both Fire and Burglar proof, with two distinct inside Burglar Safes, and three of my new Ami-Micrometer Leeks on each safe, believed to be the only bank-lock uow in use that has not been picked or cannot be picked by the aid of the micrometer. These Safes all present four to six inches in thickness of solid irou, guaranteed to he the strongest, the most difficult to drill aud to stand the most resistance aguinst both nre and burglary of any SafCin the L uited Stales of the sauia site and oost. I bave on band also, and will furhisb all sites of Hank suit bales, possessing all tbe advantages of iuv aooveagaiuai uurgiarjr. Also, all sites of Mercsntlle Safes both burglar, proof and fire and burglar-proof. , Also, Ornamental Dwelliuii-nouse Safes, burirlar proof, and fire and burglar-proof (warranted not damp). Also, the strongest and cheapest Vault doors, for usna anu mercantile vaults. . All the above are Lillie's wrought and chilled iron. Also, six sites Lillie's Wrought Iron Firs-Proofs, warranted equal to any common Safes, at fully one- tuiru ish priuv. Also, a general assortment of second-hand Safes, usny of luein nearly new, and of approved makers! received in exobange for Lillie's Chilled Iron Safes. These are offered al or below auction prices. . M. C. BADLtK Agent, , 0' 21 Sl BtVEJiTU Street. June 11, 1864. Atteatlom, .Ladies) and J-ntl-tu-B ! AMBR0TYPE AND PHOTOGRAPH In User street, opposite tbs Central Hotel, STjriNJBTTK, TT. FA.. SBYERLY, tu opened a new Ploturs Gallery , in the above place, and is prepared to take Portraits is the best style sod manner. AMBROTYPEb AND PHOTOURArHS, are taken lo every stvle ol the ArL that eannot b. surpassed in tbs State. Having several year's sxps i.""W nil, KIT. BliaiMiiuU UT DO COS! . . Copies will be taken froai sll ttylas of Pioiures. QlVS him a osdl. kuumW aniKait. tk. CaatraJ Hotel. " Sunbury, Joss 4, 1844. BLANI (Parchment Fspsr.) Dsssds sal blank Mortsases. Honda. Kssoitsons, bwrnsioss, se.. Tho Aamsi Etprwis Company, GIVE NOTICE that they bave eonoloded ar. rangemeatvwitn the Northern Central Ratlrossl Company to run trains from Baltimore tr l or. Northumberlsrirt, Lewisbutg, MUton, ncy, WI1 liarosport, and atf tateTnrediate stations, connecthvs; at Harrisburg whs tha OKEAT WESTERN EX PRESS for Pitttvsrgr CraeinnaU, Bt. Jxiuis ana uus West. Also with Howard. A Co. 'a Expr- at Milton or Danville. Bloonislsirrg- "rtUSesbairs, Pittston, Scran- ton, and intermediate stations on tue vaitawisan, Lackawanna A Blomwsburg Railroads. At WU liamsport, by Howard A Ce.'s Express to Jersey Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A Co., and their connections, for Canton, Xroy, fcimira, Rochester. Buffalo, Niagassv nd to all aceessibl points in Western rlew York end Canada, by wbioh they will forward Merchandise, Spooie, Bank Notes,. Jewelry, and Valuable Package of every descrip tion. Also, Notes, Prsfts and Bills for Celleetion. Emerieneed anil efficient- nefeenireSS emnlOTSol. and every effort will be made to render satistaclteev JHII.1I KliVKUAJI, Superintendent Penn'a Division, Philadelphia. ' R. A. FISCHER, Agent fur siuuvury. - -April 6, 1802. ArrantsTcmentn IMtJU of ."tiew York IJnrs, THE CAMDEN AND AM BOY AND PHILADEL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINES. From Philadelphia to New Yorl- and Way Placet from Walnut street Wharf and Kensington Depot, mill leave as follows, rit : . pars At S A. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and A. Accommodation.) $2 J-' At 6 A. M , via Camden and Jersey City, N. J., Accommodation, 2 2 At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersev City, (Morning Mail.) . 3 0 At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey city 2d Claw T!c!:?t 2 S At 11 A. M. via Kensington and Jersoy city, Express 3 At 12 M. via Camden and Amboy, C and A, (Accommodation.) 2 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, IQ. and A. Express.) 3 At 8 P.M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Wash, and N. Y. Express 3 At 6 P. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, (Evening Mail,) 3 At Ut P. M. via Kensington and Jersey city, Southern Mail. 3 At li (nigbt) via Kensington and Jorsoy city Soulnern Express 3 At 4 P. M., via Cuinden and Amboy. (Accom modation, Freight aud Passenger, First Class Ticket. Second Class Ticket, For Water Uap, Stroudsbur. Scranton, Willi barre, Montrose, Greut bend, Ac, at S A. J l.oin Kensington, ia De'.uware, Lackawanna 1 Western Uailros.d. For Munch Chunk. ..'' 1 r. R-thlehem. li dire. Easton. l.ainoH . (". : . .1. A. M.. from Kcii.-'ii. :. ; .. s.r... . - ; , from Walnut street iWoui'. (Ibeti A. M. Line connects fitu Trams I'Vir Eastou for Msuch Chunk, at u-2U P. M j For Mount Holly, at ti A. M.. 2ai.. I P. M. For Freehold, at ft A. M. aud 2 P. il. WAV LI.i:s. For Bristol. Trenton. ,te.. at 11 A. M. and 51 , j & P. M. from Ken?inxton. 1 For Palmyra, kivertou. lielancu. Berrly. '. lington, Florence, Dordoiuowu, 4c, at 12, "l, : j anu P. M. I jf For New York, and Way Lines leaving ) j silicon Dept. take tbe Cms .n Futj, siroet, a I Walnut, l.uil' an hour bei'.ri'a-.Niiitui 3. Tlie I run into th D'pn;. and uu .Lo 1 j-i i at of each 'i : run from the 1). pt. 1 Fifty Pounds of Fjutgag only, itiloncd , piissengnr. Passengers are "prohibited from tr J anything as baggage but their wearing apparel. I biggngc over fifty pijunds to be paid lor extra. I Couiput.y limit (heir responsibility lor bagga One Dollar per pound, and wi.tsui l liable a amount beyond $10o. ccpt tv aweciul eouiraei WM.. U. li.VUMKR. A. ! January 17, liiiit. I ,1 MARKET STREET, UAX.KiSBt'RtJ. Dealer in PIANOS , l "" Koswuod Planus, from. l4io best a j troui $201) iip ur ls. ! MEL'iDKONS. The best manufactured . ; nienis I'lolo f 4i 10 $1011 ! Uuitars. iiilius, Acnrdcons. Flutes. I Fii". Drums, lianjos. Taubouriiu-s, j iolin sud Uoiiurstriugs aud ussiosi' a 1 ehanduc in enerl ! . SHEET MUSIC. ; Ih latest piiblioatMii.s always on hand. Mu 1 Ly uisil to any pu t of the eountrv. J ..' AL. bgUAllE, liil.T AND U0:!1 FRAMES. Su'taVe trr '.oekiug g'.s isos, sud all kiuds f j A 9bc avorticak i f l pUfor 1 IWKIXO Ul.AsM.b from suiullcsi to largi 1 Any style of frasos msds to order at the notice. WM. KMU'i ArinK UW3. 82 Mart.it st., Hurri m, . .t;'.i.ii;s.ita" j Confectionery, Toy FRUIT BTOR .tiii'Lt l Ktres'l, Kuultury, i LOXKECTIOXEHY OV ALL KIN I TOYS OF EYEHY nSrCKi; Till IT, c. &c. C'tOVSTANTLY on bam! ar il for sale at 1 vstahlrsbiaeiit al wholesale snd retail. 1 aWa prices. He is manufacturing all kinls of Confc to keep up a full assortment which are so! rates. Tnb.-iee. Segsrs, F.atior.ery. Nets of all 1 avaiiety.if wi.r articles, all of nhi.ih 1 wbiiitsul. and rstai!. KeUiiubi.r Uio natread p!ac, M. t'. tiLAIUI i..."kel llrcsi, J doers west wf E. Y. Rii-t ore. 0 n.-Vurv. 6ep9, I.V,?.-.tf Southwest forner of Market Sqaa Bi l, IM. rilUE undersigned respeCtOiHy inlorn.s L that he has taken chmge 0. 'lie ale. Hotel, kcd aks fur ICa eunliiiuani.e eft patrouujjn atd would iuviie all others io all. HIS TABLE is ahvnvi supplied with the best the mark Ills liar contains tbs choicest li iuois at ling is good ani well attended bv careful . , , MICH AEL Wi Sunbury, April, 18, 16. J. R. HILBUSI .Multonoy, XHaiimUrhiiid CmnJi Office in Washington township. Fngap be made by letter, directed to the ah. All business entrusted to bis care, will b, attended to. April9J861. ly LO IN I'OH N ti OWE un.iti. : , :;! o'.! at juate si 1 TY-alX low;, U Suubury. The lots uie lues :e : v.. of lbs Pcnnsylran.a Railrtsd Conipan Shops, in the northern part jf the luwii all suitable building lols.i it into in the u portion ol the borough. Thev will bo s sonable terms. For furlboi particulars PLTEll R MA; H B. MASS Lit FRANCIS lite Sunbury, June 18. 1S64 O. M.LirMsiT AX IMPORTERS WINES AND LIQ1 I.Al MIA A. KAI.l.AI No. I2d South Ninth Street, between Waluut, PHILADELPHIA May T, IH64. H A 1 CM ' A'I' 'iTTl 1 in: i ki:i:xi:k At Improved fur lSil) and lr By E, KETCHAM A CO., iSi Pearl st. rpilE only Freeter constructed on sc X eiples. with a revolving cau aud scraper. The one hastens tbe freetingo the other removes it as fast as frosen, The ui 01 rapid iu freetiog, with the I of ioe. Tbe most economical ineost, as it it th and dursble in structure. For tale in sll tbe principal allies snr Union. Each Freeter accompanied with a bo ana fun directions. PRICES. ' I quarts, 4 quarts, 4 quarts, quarts, 4 quails, JM quarts. M H. B. MA65EK, Be f tie jfis of lira ' Vbnrr Ai4iM." st J--L ' .',-'Wf--- " V - t in"" . - .-. - -V"' " -- J