Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 12, 1864, Image 3

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    3Tf)C unfcur? American
n. D. MASSE, editor Proprietor.
. W1LVRT, Fbhr.
t)iinntv, pa.
Ne. 37 Park How, New Tork, and 6 Btatfl Street,
Boston, are our agents for lb Sckscrt American
a thorn cities, and art authorised to take Advertise
ments and Subscriptions for n at onr lowest ratal.
1 I i
Another Novlty is the Photoor Ann
ate ArtT. A photographer, bas recently in
'tfoducecl a novelty in the mode of taking
jCortcs-de-tisite photograph with the signa
tures of the sitters appended. This Rives
'but little extra trouble. The sitter simply
signs his name to a slip of paper, and finds
its fnc-simile, diminished in size, transferred
to tho portraits. If the sitter thinks proper
bo can also add to his signature n rpcotn
tnendution to all persons to imitate his ex
ample, and "sit" In suits procured nt tho
Brown Stone -Clothing Hall of Rockhill &
Wilson, Kos. 003 and COS' Chestnut street,
above Sixth.
. 3ioral Affairs.
ly Capl. Daniel Oyster, of Company C, 471b.
Regiment. P. V.,of this place, formerly commanded
by Copt. Gobin, Is home on furlough with a wound
in his shoulder, received in one of Sheridan' last
battles. The Captain is a brave and popular officer,
has seen a good deal of hard fighting, and never
shrinks from the contest.
tjp The members of the Union League had? a
grand procession on Monday night. Thoy number
ed about two hundred, each carrying a transparency.
They were addressed for more than an hour by
Clinton Lloyd, Esq., of Williamsport. Mr. Lloyd's
speech was an able one, and was well recoived by
the audience. Gen. Clement, having been called
upon, made a brief address, after which anew polo
was raised in market square. Notwithstanding the
unfavorable weather, the whole affair passed off most
3?" Painful Accimsjt. One' of the employees
cd the Shnmokin V alley railroad, named E. TV.
Smith, met with a most pninful accident ou Saturday
last. Ho was sitting on tho bumper of a coal car,
bis legs hanging down, while the oars were shifting.
The car eame in collision with the other cars, smash-
log his legs terribly. Dr Awl dressed bis wounds
and thinks on of his legs may'be saved.
13s" PnorKEDisos or Court Xovkmbkti Ses
sion ISCt. Notwithstanding the inclement state of
the weather there was a preity full attendance at
the opening of the Court. After the Grand Jury
was sworn, Hon. Judge Jordan addressed that body,
In which he clearly and forcibly sot forth their du
ties, and referred particularly to the shortcomings
of Constables and officers in the performance of their
duty. The Judge referred to the great increase of
every grade of crime and disorderly conduct and the
boldness of offenders. He warned the officers of the
law if they evaded the performance of their duties
or connived at crime, they were themselves Subject
to the pains and penulties of the Ww. He referred
to the loose manner in which the Constables made
their Returns, especially in rg. 1 the Liquor law.
which were invariuMy as follows: ' No violution of
the Liquor Law."
Commonwealth vs. Jas. Balliett Indictment Lar
ceny. True bill. Defendant was charged with" steal
ing $45 in money and a handkerchief from CaroI'Be
Huus. Verdict of the jury Guilty. Counsel for de
fendant moved for new trial.
Same vs Simon Snyder Indict, assault and bat
tcry upon tho body of Vriiih VYcirick. Bill Ignored
and the prosecutor sentenced to pay the coat.
Same vs. A. S. Wolcntt. Indictment for selling
liqnor on Sunday and without licence. Defendant i
kept a saloon in Northumberland. Head guilty.
Sentenced by the Court to pay a fine of 20, the costs
of prosecution and undergo an imprisonment in the
county jail for 15 days. j
Sumc vs. lleury U. Conrad. Indictment, assault
and battery on a boy in his employ. Dcfendunt
plead guilty. Sentenced by the Court to pay a fine
if $j and the costs of prosecution.
Same vs. Mary Ris.h. -Indictment Libel. True
bill. The indictment charged Mary Rish of Milton,
a rather pretty and pert young gill of IS summers,
having caused to bo published in two of the Reading
papers, a marriage, notieo, stating that the prosocu
tor, Levi Truckcmillcr, a young gentleman of Mil
tun, and the said Mary, hud been married which the
prosecutor charged to be a mulicious libel and untrue,
in fact. There was evidence that the prosecutor had
paid attentions to tho defendant for several years,
and the defendant contended thot tbey had been
married, and brought two witnesses to swear that
some kind of 'tnarriugo ceremony wns performed at
Danville on a ccrtuin evening. Verdict for deft.
Porter and Packer, for the prosecutor ; iegler
and Rockcfcllor for the defendant.
fp-FoiTNn Dead Bulttcr Shullicer was found
lead at the tunnel bead of the Furnace at Chulasky
n Point township, on the night of the Jih inst. The
erdictof the jury wns thnt his death was caused by
uhaling Ihegntes of the Furnace.
fr StxGtSo-ScnooL. J. II. Kunenknsbe wilj
reunite a singing class iu the basement of the Ger
ian Reformed Church this (Saturday) evening. A
uvenile class it 3 o'clock P. M. The publie are
nit'J to attend.
fy Hon Wm. II Seward, Secretary of State
nder Mr. Lincoln. passed through this place on
'ednesdny morning. He had 'been home at Au
irn, N. V., to vote, and was on his retura to Wash
gton. lie occupied a private car with some friends,
m while here was introduced ta a number of our
iitens, who gave him three cheers as he left, and
ree more for Old Abe, in which he and his party
ned. The Secretary looks well, though tho effects
age has made him more nervous tbiin formerly.
CP' Festival. The ladies connected with the
slhodUU church, in this place, hod tables with re
shmonts for sale in one of tbo rooms of Mr. Pious
' buildiog, en Tuesday and Wednesday even
s The proceed to bo used- in repairing the
ireh. The receipts, we understand, were quite
Mai. The ladies seldom fail in any enterprise
ta tbey put their hands and heads togethor.
Malicios Miscmer. Some silly or evil de
ed person threw down and destroyed a large
handsome stone slab, at thereaidence of Dr. J.
das-cr, on Tuesday night, who offers a reward of
0 for the discovory and conviction of tho perpe
rs of this act.
"iT New Goons. J. W. Friling, formerly of the
of Friling t Grant, having taken into partner
Lis son. II. Y. Friling, the store will hereafter
inducted under the name of J, W. Friling A Son.
firm has just received at their store, in Market
ire, known as the Mammoth Store, a large as
nenrof new goods, consisting of Dry Goods
eries, Hardware, Queensware, Drugs, Paints'
a variety of other articles, to which they call the
diou of their old friends and customers as well
a publie generally, be advcrtlsemeo la en
r column.
f Sad Accident. John Zanoeller, a boy about
rsofago, fell off Mr. May's sew Breaker, on
'day afternoon,.and broke his neck. It appears
be had been sent on an errend, and returning,
ed to play on the Breaker with soma other boys,
this lata mm. lie was son
ehael Zanooller, a Folander who has resided
for soma time.
other. John Vallentine Spann, a breaksmaa
e railroad, while coupling cars at the Cameron
sry on Monday morning, was caught between
ropers and instantaneously crushed to death,
as a youug man, originally from Baltimore,
ad ( on te r"sd bnt a short time 5tm-
Trial 1st for H"oTembr'Trm 1604
Win L Dewert r H. B. Maaaer.
John Uafor, for BM vs B. A. Alexander.
The 11 auk of Norlhnmbarland AcrsB Oearhart at al
same vs suae
Qeonre W Dlioo. TS Jed I ah Keller.
Bank of Middletowa vs Samuel Waist,
monara u sans se va uouire
ey Rooky at at
dfft.R. R,.C4.
Richard MoOrsnn etai vs Phil
David Waldron vs Juie Waldron.
Moses Chambarlla t al vs John Votii, Ao.
Wm L Dewart vs Thoa Baumirardnar.
Jonathan Wouvsr, vs Nancy Uarr ft Franoia,
Deoatur Herb. rsJohn A nyder, adm'r
George L Watts i Wm B Bryson
n C. .. .1 - A tl , ,
Jeremiah savidie v Jacob dndor-.
John Dunkleberger vs Bonham Martin,
rater k. msner vs Joseph Weittel,
Ira T Clement, at al vs J. J. Dull ft J V Crist w.ll
Ferdinand M osier, vs Jao M Mnurer fto
Sarah Jane CouD. VS Elisabeth Jenksm
Com. of Penn'a for D Long vs D. Waldron,
Michael Graham vs James Pollock et al
Fox ft Brother vs Bird ft Doutv
William Riegcl vs Philip Zerbe ft Catharine
Thomas Comfy vs John Mover with notice
John C Morgan vs Stephen Bittenbendcr
Hiram H. Moore et al vs G. S. Wolcott.
Wm 11 Kricchliue vs C P HellVmstei n nt al
MeFarlnnd. Kvans ft Co vs Friek ami Slant
John A. Dodge et al vs Jaoobv Hartmnn et at
Robert C Cummings vs John Witteuoyer
Sanio vs William S. Forsman
Freeman Thomas vs Andrew Heckert
Charles Hoy vs Daniel W Smith
Freeman 1 homos vs Andrew Heckert
Alexander McClure vs Hugh Montgomery, adm'r
Pollv Rubins vs Same
John II Forsmoio vsG C McGee.
For tho American.
Mn. Editor, I observed in your hist is
sue of last week, a notice from the State De
partment, calling on the Directors to meet
in Convention at Sunbury, on Wednesday
the lGth inst., for the purpose of raising the
salary of our County Superintendent.
Being recently appointed a director, I had
but little knowledge of the workinir of
school affairs, but wishing to vote intelli
gently at the Convention, I set myself to
work to become posted on the subject, so
far as the limited means at my disposal ad
mitted. I examined the question by seek
ing proper answers for the following queries :
Is the ollicc ol (jouuty superintendent ne
cessary ?
hut are his expenses I
Have any other counties advanced the sa
lary ?
How does tue payment of the County Su
perintendent ellect our taxes ?
With your luiluluenee, Mr. Ivlitor, I will
present the result of my inquiries. The of
fice of County Superintendent was created
by an act of legislature in 1854, to remedy
many defects that then existed iu the work
ing of the school KVstem. The passage of
this law was earnestly advocated by our
most experienced t'dtic.itors who had obser
ved its good effects: in other States. Former
ly teachers uudervvent tto regular system of
examination, no barrier excluded the in
competent, no inducement invited thy skil
led. Many were elected on mere Irvdi itism,
otliers -nr einpleyed I'ecause tliey were
willing to hxp tchool during the winter
months at a !ou jrice.
Tho uniformity of text books, the estab
lishment nf Institution f'r the preparatiry
training of teachers, the building sif proper
seats and doks, ventilation, and many kin
dred subjects were entirely neglected, and
Jihc great School System of l'eunsylvauiu,
the sanguine hope of a Ibirrowes aud u
Penrose, was fust falling into disrepute.
Hut when the oilice of County Superin
tendent w its iiistituted a great change occur
red. A nearer relationship was established
between the State Department, and the dis
tricts of a County, the qualilied teachers
diplaccs tho incompetent one, new induce
ments were held out for preparatory train
ing, country and district Institutes were in
troduced. Normal Schools sprung up in
many counties, and the work of teaching
assumed the character of a profession.
The County Siipcrinlcmitiiey bus extrted
a beneficial influence, on the school system
wherever it has been Instituted. After this
office bad been repealed in New York, its
effects were bo visible that the friends of
education there unanimously declared "thut
we look with regret upon the backward
movement of common schools since the abo
lition of the oilice of County Superintendent
and that wo hereby express our desire for
the restoration of the oilice.1'
The opponents to County Superintendent
are the same as those who oppose the sys
tem of pulilic instruction, aud may be em
braced under the four heads:
1 at 1'i.urliipc whit (Vitllrl unt. lln!
not undergo an
2d Those who have no children
to send
to school.
3d Those who only send to select schools.
4th Those w ho think. schools are too ex
pensive, Arc.
There are about 120 schools in this coun
ty, which require visiting three times a year.
By calling on two schools a day, it will ru
quiro 180 days for visitation. To examine
teachers in 20 districts will take at liast 20
days more, making in all 200 days. Ilcsidcs
this he has conventions, held in dilfcrent
parts of the State, to attend. Putting his
traveling expenses at the low estimate d
$1 50 p-r day, we make the following state
ment ol i.. expenses aud actual income :
Salarv per vear, f 030 00
200davs at $1.50, t-300
Attending Conventions, 50 350 00
Net incotce, $300 00
At the present high rutes of living how
Can lie support a family at such nn inade
quate coiiijeiisutiin ? It only serves to crip
ple his Use fulness.
H ive other counties advanced the salary I
Some of them have, as the following state
ment will show :
County, Furmer Salary. Present Salary.
Northampton, $700 1C00
Perrv, BOO 500
Carbon, 600 900
McKeaD, 800 600
Beaver, 500 800
Jefferson. 800 800
Cumberland, 600 700
Luzerne, 800 1200
Bedford, 600 1000
Chester. 1000 1200
Lehieh. 600 800
Here there is nn averagcu advance nf 65
per cent, on former satary in 11 counties.
Advancing Mr. Ulp's salary at the same
rate per cent, will produce $1007 50. The
advance in these counties was made this
Lnstly, thoush not lenst, htm is the Coun
tv Superintendent paid ? This is the great
Question after all. tor here our pockets aro
concerned, and here doubtless gome labor
under a great misapprehension. The salary
of the County Superintendent is not paid
bv a countv tax. nor is it deducted from the
appropriation to the several school districts
of the County, as the following statement
from the 23in Annual bcuooi itepori wm
show :
State Appropriation fob 1861
Total State annronriation. $280,000 00
Paid to Philadelphia, 4t,aua xa
To be applied to rest of State, 233,007 2
Paid salaries of Co.
Superintendents, $30,561 00
Retained for calling
Conventions, 400 Ou
80,961 00
Balance to be distributed amongst
districts, 193,736 23
If Cheater countv raises 4li aalarv In 3 ,
000, every district of our county must help
pctv it, if we reduce Mr. Uln'a aalarv In CRon
the little gain will ba divided between every
county or tho state Jm proportion to their
numtier ot uxabiea. making the share of
our county a mere fraction of value. Ac
oorcung to tue returns of I860 there were
4.2tt Uabke ii the Btatt. Bnyooie it
aw-i mmmtimimmmmmimmmmmmmmkmm
reqntrew $50,600 for the County fWrln-
each taxable.
In tho yiar 1861, tho State ahftfobriation
pnlrt our county wai $2688. the talaryof
"J" .county oupenntcnrient then was $517.
Had It then been $1000, It would hare lee-
. .i too Ppfopfiatlon due or county,
$5J58, or about 7 cent o a district.
The answer extracted from these quee-
none have led me to favof an- increase of
a ary. Mr. Ulp ha been a faithful and ef
ficient officer, whose services should be pro-
jeny recompensed, and I believe old North
nmoenancl will not be behind her sister
counties in bestowing on her sr-rvants a
lng aalary. Tonra.
Bbamokin, Nov. 7th, i864.
Dlnricfti for ISO.?. An assortment of tta'
nos for ISrtS. of varies stvles and site. Also,
Cap, Note and Letter Papor, for sale bv
feunhury, Nov. 5, 1605.
Gentlemen's lists.
All the best stvles at CHARLES OAKFOKD A
SONS, Continental Hotel, Philadelphia.
riov. 12, 1804. 3m
ALL ttrsons Indebted to tho firm of Friling A
Ornnt.are reauestcd to call at the old stand and
pay up their accounts by the 1st of December. All
accounts not paid by that time, Kill be placed in the
hands of a Justice for collection.
Sunbury, Nov. 8, 1864,
Stale ol Use Unnlc et iorthamlcr
land, I'll., Sot. 30, 1S04
Lonns and Bills discounted, $301,019 0
Certificate of United States Mint . 100 000 V0
United States 6-2U Loan, . 2U0.009 00
" " interest bearing Legal len
ders. 81.000 00
Pennsylvania. " ... 28.400 00
Hank of Northumberland Stock. 6.070 00
Northumberland Bridge Stock, 1,600 00
i eiegriiu ?10CK, OOU 00
Ileal Estate. Ac 7 ..'.71 87
Due by other Dunks, . . lolll US
Notes of other lluuks. and Leeal Tenders 82.701 00
Cash Items 1,120 30
specie in ault including Commonwealth
specie Certificates,
31,003 71
$S9i,7i7 91
t3 13,4 11 JdO
4I,7K 26
10,000 00
234. Mi 01)
Notes in circulation,
Due toolhor llauks.
CouimouwealUi, Currency fur
fpecio Certificates,
Ltpositcrs, ....
$G12,i)65 VI
1 hereby certify the above statement to be lust and
true to the best ol my knowledge and belief.
s. J., lasiuer.
Sworn und subscribed before me. i
Em L. Wilvkbi, Notary Public j
Suufctirjr, Nov 3, 1S61.
uooim run million i
At the Store of
Corner of Market and l'uwn Streets,
Just opened
pall & Winter goods,
fur everybody. This no "llloniug." but plain truth,
nhich every uno Kill be convinced that calls and ex
auiiiiu (lie stock, which consists of
Drcs. Uuod. ('aiiMcres, Cloths, Uents' Ovorcoaticg,
Jeans, Cuttcuades, Muslins, ilrcss Uoods in
great variety.
ladies' dress goods.
Plain and Figured Delaines, French and Figured
M.-iiut'S, Fine W ool Delaiucsall sorts and,
shades. Prints. Nankeens, LAUlta'
CLOAKING. 'iiiblu-Covers,
IrLli Linen, llrutvn and
M'bile Sheetiugs.
Shanls, ltnhuural SKirts of all
kinds, lluup Skirts, all prices. Hand
kerchiels, Flaunr1. LnditS Kid. silk
and Merino Uloves, io.
Jcvvflrj- ol'iill Kludn.
Ladire' and tiente' Union Skates.
A Urge assortment of NOTION'S.
' .BBC.B.U'
Hardware, Cedurwaro, Glawwnre, Chinaware,
Queenswfire. Crockery. Onweriec, Tob.-icco,
r-ers cnuff, Tea, toffee, fugnr,
Molawcs. Apices, I'.sb, Bait, Ac, ic,
and everything else usually kept iu a store. Pro.
duee Ukeo iu cxcLuuge lur gouis. No trouble to
shuw goods.
Suubury. Nov. i, 1S54.
I ways 1 Always ! Always !
Just opened at No. 1 Store cf
HAVE Just returned from Philadelphia with one
of the largest and best selected stocks of Goods
ever brought to Sunbury.
FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, such as Cloths, Cassh
meres, Muslins, Shootings, Tickiug. Calicoes, De
laines, Flannel, and till kinds of MOURNING Goods,
Al pa-cos, lllack Silks, Giughnins, lluloioral and
Skelolun Skirts, Cuiitou Flannels, Nankeens, Car
peting; cf all kinds.
JfcrlTS 5C CAPS.
Comprising. Hosiery, Gloves. Thread, Buttons, Sus-
pcn'U-m, Neck-tliv, ollars, Handkerchiefs,
Hair Drushcs, T'xilh Urushes. Gum Kib
bon und Curd, tape, orotcbet-braid,
worked collars, fancy head
drcs4, tidy eotton, carpet
binding, com. fancy
soniM. carnet bairs
Trucks, Valises, Umbrellas, Iilank Books, Paper,
envelopes, as.
Of all kinds, such as Nails, Hinges and Screws, Door
batches aud ivnobs, Locks, aud CLiLLKt ot every
Also, Dyes, Drucs, Paints, Varr.ishea, Fish,
Flnxsced and Benzine Oils. Glass, Putty, io.
((ueeukwiire usid flaiivvare otull
An Extcrjsive Stock of
Composed of Sugar, Coflbe, Teas, Rice, Corn.sturcb,
Macoaroni. Barlev, Baking-powder, mulaascs. soans.
candles, tobaooo and segars, Salt, Fish, Moat, Cheese,
sc., so.
AIM, large variety of
B00T3 & SE03Z3,
for Men, Women and Children.
IV All kinds of Grain and Country Produce taken
in exchange for Goods.
Give us a call before you purchase elsewhere, we
are bound to sell as low as any one else.
Btore-room In Ira T. Clement's building at the
south-west corner of Market Njuare, near the Court
Sunbury, Nov. 6, 1864.
To f be School Dirtft'tora or ortti
ninberlnuil County.
Gexvlemen : Application having been made by
the Boards of Directors of a majority of the bchool
Districts in said county, stating their desire to in.
create the salary of the County Superintendent
Ihereor, you are respecttully ton vested to meet at
the Court House in Sunbury, on Wednesday the 16th
day of NOVEMBER, 1664. at 1 o'olock and 30 min
utes in the afternoon, for the purpose above stated,
according to the terms of the eighth Sootion of the
supplement of the School Law, approved the 8tb
day of May, 1S55.
C. R. CGBURX, Eup't. Com. Echools.
Pot. 2, 186.-8t
Dookblnder and Morocco Case
Coroor or Fifth A Aroh 6UeeU, Philadelphia.
M DlTtn ill nmiln ihnrt time at the
Lawrenee House, in this pl-oe, and will eall upon
pereona who may want books, magasines, ao., bound,
His work will ba well done and delivered at the
lowest eity prices. MU6IO handsomely bound at
tuvluiy, Oei. 2?, ISfii- M
s.iiwaTSwsamwsaasaawwssiai m 1 1 , n,
CJormnntovrn 1VIcfrapIi.
A Family and an- Agricultural, Devoted to
Choice Llturnture. Including tVlry, Novolettrw,
ii "'t M,,ral and L'litertuining ltcillng genor
ally In the Literary Department ko shall pios-Mit
the enoioest varieties wiUiin lbs raaoh or our cxtnnd
ad meaiis The Novelettes, Talus, Poetry, Ao , slmll
6e supplied from the best and highest sources, nnd
tta aquU to anything ui be found iu any Journal or
snagulua. ' '
Agrioultaral and tforU culture, embraolng Farm,
lng, Gardening, Frult-Kaising. 4.0ur luboia in
uu i departmeut for over thiriy years, hare mot the
oordial approbation of the public. Our purpose has
eeen to furnish Useful and reliable information upon
these very important branches of industry, and to
proteol them so fur as within our paper aguinst the
ialse doctrines and selGsh purpososof tho many em
pirics aud seusatiou-adventurors by which the Far.
nier Is incoss.mtly assailed. This povtlun of the
Gormautotvn Telegraph" is alone worth the whole
price ol subscription.
News Deportment. The same Industry, enrc. and
discrimination, in gathering and preparing tho (jtir
ring Events of the Day, expressly lot this paper,
wnicn hitherto hs been one of its rmirkod features
ami given so universal satisfaction, will be continued
with redoubled eflurts to tuoct the increasina do
mauds Of tho public. 8
TFna.Two dollare per annum i oro dollar for
SIX months. No orders rneoivml n-ilhnnf tl.o
and nil subscriptions stopped at the end of the time
paid for.
o''r4 PHItlPR. FRHAS,
l.ditvrand Proprietor, Geriuuuiowu, Pblln., Pa.
Oct. 21), 1864. 2t
AI '
t'AACY .T10.!i A: Tit I Till I XM
L. & b. asiaflLER.
At the new stand, In Market Square, Sl'NBL'RY,
HAVE just received from j'liitn.Icipliin the Inlet
and most rathiotinblo stvleoif M , 1 1 : , r , ti.i.
such as Pcnnets, Hut. Jilks. Velvets. Ribbons and
Lacrs. leathers A I'limnr. 1I.m,,I lirn..... .t v..,
t'hl Ladius' Caps. Woolen Himds. .Smiags, I!rcakliit
Shawls, Silk and Woolen Scnrfa, Hosiery
CLOAKS & PBttfi!
Black Crape and Lace Veils.-Crnpo and Linrn Col
urs, Drc.v Trimmings and liiittiinr, Co sols. .I'phvrs.
Soap and Perfumery, Cloak Trimmings, Wooik'u 6i
1.UIIUU jiitru,
IrcMMitsitktsig, 'l(nInioKllii$r nv.d
Iti-iiislUtg sltmo in liit'l Kl.vlo.
Genu' Linen and Puprr Collars, Ncckties. A-j.
COUNTRV PRODl t'E taken in exclmnge fr
or Work. Thaukful fur past pntrnnnire w solicit
the same. L. 4 B. SHISSLKU.
Suubut-y, October 22, 1H01
ISOi. , hU
IlillnlrlIiit A- frIe Knilroiiri.
THIS grant line trnvcrses tho Northern nml North
west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Krio
on I.nke Krio.
It hssbeerl leted by tho Pennsylvunia P.nllroiul
Conipnny ami isorernted by them."
Its entire length wn.i opened for pasierigor and
freight business. October 17th, 18ft i
Timo of Passenger trains at Sunbury,
Leave Eastward.
Through Mail Train, fl.nj p. jr.
F.lmira Express Train, 11. .:.
Lock Haven Accommodation, 10.30 A. M.
Leave Westward.
Through Mail Train 3.M A. M.
Ehnira Express Train, fi 17 '
Lock Haren Aceommodntinn, 4.2.'i P. M.
Williamsport Accominodntion. II :6b '
Cars run through without change, both wny, be
tween Philadelphia and Krio
Elegant Sleeping Cars on Exprc.s Trains Imlb
ways between W'illinmsport and Haiti move, nn.l
Williamsport and Philadelphia.
For information respecting Passenger business
apply at the S. E. Cor. llth und Murker CIS.
And fur Freight busiuewof thcCompanv's Agent.'.
S. H- Kingston, Jr., Cor. l.llh nnd Market St.,
J. W. Revnolds. Erie.
J. M. Drill, Agcut N. C. R. R., Baltimore.
H. H. Jlot STUN,
(l. n l Freight Agt. Philadu.
Uen'l Ticket Ag'l., Philnda.
Ocn'l Aluiiagur, Williamsport.
Nov. I, lSil.
And Dealer in
I'uwu t I r !, noiiiIi of Wvavcr'n
TXFQRM8 the citifens of Sunbury and viVinily,
that he has just returned from I'hiludelphia with a
full assortment of
I'AMi AI l l i:iC (iOI!S
Hit stock consists of Cloths. French Cloths. Hlnck
Doe Skin and Fancy Cnssiineros. Hlnck S.itin. Figured
Silks. Plain and Fancy Cns.-iinrre VEST'lNliS. v!iii-li
ho will make up to or lor in styles to suit tho tn.-te rii'
customers, on short notice, and tho ruasjnuljlu
Any Goods not on hand, will be furnMted from
Philadelphia, by giving two dujs' nntico.
(iiiodo luriiislied by customers will bo made up to
order us heri'toforo. Mk
As he will employ none but cxpcrin!?ed tvsikinnn.
persons muy rely on getting their work well duiiu nt
his shop.
Thankful for tho patronage heretofore bestowed,
he respectfully solicits a continuance of the same.
Sunbury, Sept. 10. ISol.
Two doors west of Win. II. Miller's Shoe store,
Sunbury, Pa. Just opened a fresh supply of
Such as Fancy Press Trimmings, Ribbons, tiloves
Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Linen Collars and Culls
tieut s Liuen Biid paper Collars. Nctts. Belts. Laca
Collars and Sleeves. Jlnir Rolls, Velvet llihbuus.
Red. W hite aud lllno Neck-ties, Corsets, Quaker
Skirts, Yokes and Sleeves.
WOOLEN GOODS, comprising of Sonlags. llo-iery
or ladies und ctuldrcu, t-iijis ot all kinds, ouil-,
Gloves, Mittens. Ao.
Also, a new style of muslin for (Jarrihnldi wnists
together with Swiss, Jncotiet and Vietoriu Jlu.-lius
Crape Jnllurs and Veils. Grenadine mid Lace Veils
audavariety of other articles too numerous n men
tion. MARY L. LAZAUl'ri.
Sunbury, Oct. 22, 1S64.
Sunbury High School,
WILL re-open in the old Uaplist Church, on tbo
first day ofAuirust. The course of instruction
embraces all the branches taught in Academies und
Seminaries of tnv highest grade.
For Languages ancient and modern includ-
wig an omer unuicuw, r" '
Natural Sciences, Algebra, Geometry, etc. I I Uft
Advanced Grumiunr, Geography. History, &c, 12 IIU
Rudiments Of ubuvo, 10
PilniM-y, 6 '
Incidental expenses, &!
Tuition puyable quarterly in advance.
No deduction niude for b-st tlwvv
Pupils can enter at any tunc, and will only oe
charged from the dale they enter.
For further particulars apply to the Principal,
Sunbury, August 6, 13f4, If.
aViodcy 'ts Lady's Hook.
Tbe Fasuiom M.ioansE or the WoSld.
Literature, Fine Arts, and Futhions. The most
magnificent Steel Engravings. Double Fushiuu
Plates. Wood engravings ou every subject that cuu
interest ladies. JLJrutchct knliting, Netting, Em
broidorv, A'rihilcs for the T"'let. lor tho Parlor, tho
Ruudoif, and tbe Kitchen. Fvorything, iu fact, to
niako complete Lady a Rook.
The lAidie Furorite for S3 Yean.
No Magazine bas been able to csiiiets with it
None attempt it. ' -
Godev's Receipts for every dciartmont of a house,
hold These alone are worth the price of thu llouk.
Model Cottages (no other Muguiiue givt's tliciuj,
with digrams. -
Drawing Lessons for the oung. Another special
ty with Godey. ,
Original Music,- worth $3 a year. Other Maga
sines publish old worn-out music ; but the subscri
bers to Godey get it before the music stores.
uardening lor Ijauiua. nuuiuur imuuutuiiy wuil
Fashhme from Messrs. A. T. Stewart A Co., of
New York, the millionaire merchants, appear in
Godev, the only Magasine thut bas them
Also, Fashions for the culebruted lirodie, of Now
Ladies' Bonnets. We give more of them in a
ear than any other Magasine. In fact, the Lady's
look enables et ery ludy to be ber owu bonnet maker
From which there eaa be no Deviation.
One oopy, one year, M 00
Two copies', one year, J
Three copies, oue year T 50
Four oopies. one year ,J
Additions tr an; of the above clubs, 12 i0 each
Godey s Lady s Boon ana Auiuor s nome oiaga-
I sine will ba sent, aaoh ou. year, ou receipt
i Wahava no elub with any other Mi
agasine or
N. E. Corner Sixth aud Clietuat Streot. Fhila.
OotoW bl4
Jlli! AiVVlL PA1.VI Kit, 0
Two doors Wast of tlio Post Ofline,
Ajtt re-.olved and oponod a large assortment
ut rsocj urias uooas, suCU al U lures. Jouvian
Kid-giovoa, mik and lisle thread Gloves ; Ladies
ootton and woolen Hoso, Children's Merino Huso,
Silk Mils, Handkerchiefs. Corsets, Kmbroiderrd
hbpners. Ribbons FANCY DRliSS IILTTONS, Hngle
Himbs, Trimmings, nuttons, licit Ribbon Velvet Kib.
bons, liniid, ll.Jt Cliwp., Lndifs' Neck-tit-. Fnnev
Buttond. I'UA 1'KKIDIiON and TRIMMING ; Km.
broidoringHraids, Jaconet ntd Swiss Edgings and
insertions; Malteefo Lnce t'olurs, Lnoes. Grorindino
oils. Fancy Dress Coinbs.lHead Dresses, Notts, and
a vnrifty of other articles.
WOOLK.V GOODS, such Ml Pontngs, Hrenkfast
Coseys. Cupsj, Mittens, Sflcrtncs, OloVos, Silk and
Cotton Flngs, c.
Books. Hymn Books, lllank Rocks. Mcmornndum
Books. Dinries. Pocket Rooks. Ink Sinnd, Pens,
Pencils, a flno a.ortmont or Paper, Ink, Ao.
Toilet Soaps, Tooth-Brushes, io.
All of which have been selected with care and will
be sold at reasonable prices.
Sunbury. Oct. 22, 1S8I.
F A L Ii AlN L W I N 'fil ii MILLINERY
IHH lit I,. 4jslSWSlls.t.
Fawn strict, two doors snuih of Shnmokin Valley i
Pott.'Villo Uailron.l,
X-Aft.in1 opened her I"n!l and AVinterlook of
X I -wiinnery liooits, LADIJvS HONNDTS. Hats
and Caps ol I lie latest stylos; French mi i Amerienn
l lowers and Fnnlhurs. Triiiiinirgs of all kinds: I,a
dis nnd t'bil, irons' JIosc. tiloves. t'n!lar, Veils ni.l
a largo assortment of Fancy (foods and Notions.
Call and sec her slock.
ts'uubury. Oct. 22. la.t 4.
"O FSPECTITLLY informs lu r Sunbury
XV and vicinity, that she his just opened her
id Notion' and FaiicyDry' Hoods,
ithrkot street, four doors west of Win. II. Miller's
Ii-otnnd Soe store. sr.NBL'RY, Pn.
Her slock eonists of Triinnvlncs. notions, pinliroi
derics. Ladioiaud Childrens' hats and shnkers: silk
and nlhcr linings. Corsets, Hoop-skirts, Crape and
ii-iis, iNoi.-, gloves, stocKings, collars, and
corirbts, ir.c.
Breakfast Slum Is. Foiling, Red Riding Hoods, Cans,
Hosiery of all kinds. . b ' 1 '
Gents' Handkerchiefs, Cravats. Neckties. Suspen
ders ; Ribbons, of nil kind. Feathers, Velvet, and
Uiany other erticlcs too numerous to moutfon.
Sunbury, Oct. lUl
Look at the Returns !
Market ?.orc, 1TNII' BY, PEXX A.,
JI'ST received I'r. in Ni-w York nnd Phil'idclphsn,
n fresh supply uf the luiest stj les and of the best
fr Men, Women and Children, which hco.TiTsiit
reduced prices.
Women's Shoes at 1 jfl.
All his pood stock "WAF RANTED. Xo Puper
Shoes sold at his store.
Ho will nlso wbolesalo Boots nnd Shoes by the but.
'i he public gciicnilly nro invited tu call nnd e.v
limine Iiis stock.
Sunbury. Oct. 22. 1WSI.
The undersigned having purchased uf E. .Y.
Bright, Ki., his Muchino Shop, Foundry, 4c, at
Sunbury, und bus now commenced operations.
All Kinds of Machinery,
Persons doriiigMAClllXE WORK,
will do well to Call nnd exuiltiiic Lis tuciHlics lor
doing work cheap.
AO iIAIti: 0t I I I.IJXS.
Siinlitr;.-. Oct sil
III ATRrwWl A Ij !
ifvnuwisti to luni'ry. m'dress the undersigned, nlio
w ill send vou uilinmt inrhey and without price, val
uable iiiturinntiuri Itn.t will enable yuu to marry
happy aud speedily, iiTo.-poelivo of iige. wealth or
beauty. Thi.- iuroruintiuii will eusl you uoihing, and
ifytni wifh to many, I will eliecrl'uliy assist vou.
All leltcrssttictlv cotilhli ntial. Tho de-ire l' inlur
mnt'.on sent l;y return mail, and no nucsiions nsked,
Oreeiipulnt, Kings countv, New York.
Oct. 15. 1HI. 2iuo.
Atloriioy mil 4'iiaIIi- ait I.uvv,
"7H'B carefully ntteud to collections and all
other iiuiticis entrusted to him. iu thecounlies
of Duuplm., Northumbcrlaiid ami Snyder.
Oct. Ij, Im',1. iy
Just nullified in a Ftahut JZtivalopc. Price
.r a it ix.
A Lecture on the Xnture. Treatment nnd Radical
Cure of S'crniuion'hu'U cr Sc:ithu.l Weakness. Invol
untary Ends ;ions. S' .u:l Deiiility, nml impediments
to Marriage generally. Nervoiisiics--. Con.uuiptiun,
Epilepsy, nnd Fits; 'Menial and Pliy-ieal l.i'ranaci
tv. resulting fruin ( .u. Bv ROUEltl J.
CI LVEHWE1.L, Al. I'., Au'h'.-r et iho "Green
Buok," .ic.
Tho world renowned niitiior. in this admirnblo
Leeiure, clearly proves from his own expel ienee I hut
thu awful consequence ut Self-Abuse may be effectu
ally remnved withuiit medit ine. ami v;ilbout danger
bus surgical niieratiur.s. bougies, insiruiiients. rings
ur cordials, pointing out a (node ufciireul unco cer
tain and effectual, by tvhith e'ery sutlerer. no mat
ter what his conliiVui may be. 'may euro himself
oheaply. privuti'lv. and radically. TI1H EEC
Sent undu seal, lo rny ad''ess, in a plain, senleil
envelope, nn the receipt of of six cents, or two post
a:'C slumps, by uddressing ilie publisbcrs.
127 Bowerv. Xew York, Fust Office Box, Ijm).
Oct lo. I Mil. Iv .'ic
ViiliiubU; I'll nu lot- Mlo.
n1lIE undersigned will expose lo Public Sale, on
"ATI ItllA V. the ll'lh of Xll VKM HER. lJl)l.
at ft) u cb-k A. A., at the public bouse of JtiSEl'll I
VANK1HK, in the Borough of Northumberland, all
that certain I'm-iii unsl 'l i-iis-si l" Land,
situato in Point township. Northumberland county,
nd joining lands uf John Wheulley and others on tho
uuilh, Widow Noursu on tho east. Ruber! Walker
ar.d .1 C. Morton cn Iho suuih, and Jnlin Kiiuue on
Iho West, laic tho estate of DANIEL RUBINS, do
ceusad. Said farm is ubout four miles frum Norlh
uiuberliin l, and contains iitfO As'ri'i. more or
less. Whcreun are crcctid a good Two-etiTy Frame
Dwelling lluiifo, ucai ly new, u Hunk Barn, Spring
House. Ac. A never-failing spring of water, two
giMid Orchards, and is convenient to limestone. About
lot) acres of which aro cleared and in a g 'Od state
of iMiKivation. biid tbo remainder well timbered
w-.lh White I'nk. Yellow Fine and Chcsuut. TLeru
is also a g'od water power uu the pieuiUos.
terms ol fculc muue unuwn m u,e imir.
Attorney In fuel, for the hciisof Duuici Robins, dea'c1..
ulllJury, oei. . loot.
rilHE undersigacd resoclfully iuforms the citizens
X of Sunbury, thut he has commenced the huck
stering business, and is ready to supply Iheni weekly
of all kinds, FRESH BEEF and POKh, Ac, Ac
Persons desiring any of the above articles, will be
promptly supplied by leaving their orders at bis resi
dence, in Hcudrick'a addition.
buubury, Oct. 1, lbSI It
Two ilrnj Hogs.
C1AME to the premu-as of iha subscilber in Vppcr
J Augusta township, about four weeks since, two
white shoata weighing at ibe lime about hTty pounds
each. Tho owuer is requested to come forward,
prove property, pay charges ad lake thcua away,
or els. iho, wUl be" sold .'mAIIOK
(Formerly of the "Lawrence Ilouiet")
"ITIF0RM3 hot frlnnda and the pnblla nanera'ly
1 that she has refitted the fintun formerly oooupied
by Dr. J. W. Peale, on HI aok berry stroot, jioar the
Northorn Contral Railway Depot, and opened a
Boarding House, whcru ho is pTpared to keep
With good cooks and waiters, hoarders can enjoy
the quiet comforts of homo with furo fiual to tho
bet holds.
Palro-iage front those who hiny rejourn In Sunbury,
is respootfully aclicited.
Sunbury, Oct 22, ISM.
Cottars Organ.
A RE not only unMjiinlled. but they nrc el solutdv
X V uiHTunli il, by any ollmr Heed Instrument in
oueountiy. uesigncd c.Xnesslv lur Churches nml
Schools, tbey nrc found to no equally well adapted
to thoparlor and drawing room. For sale only by
No. 18 Norlh Seventh street. Philadelphia,
vt here can nlo bo found a complete assortment of
the Perfect Mulodjnn.
Sept. 21, IHtll. lyw
U'oiii-lW A: Arcfi Stw., I!ii1:ilelilil.-i.
Cater fur the best Trade, nnd ofTcr nn Bait" nr de
ception to inilnen Custom, but rely on FAIR DEAL
Bc5 Merinoes. F:ii'aionli1e Silf;?.
Nobility Plaid", Pirn's Puplin,
Dark Foulard Figured Mcrinooi,
Plr.ld ,'liawl, Uood Iilauktts.
P. S. Wf follow GOLD d )T1. ns eloso as we fol
low it up Now is a good timo fur Merchants and
Consumers to come iu.
October H. IStil. 2mw
I 30j U)i,l 3
Iiit-i-r:i(ioniI Ilols'l. K'nnter Frun.'.liii Street
riIUS first clnss Il.iusc the mo;t quiet, homelike
m. .. .inriuit iimi-i io iiir v.-u entrf snjierior
indueenients to those visiting Ncw Yoilt for busineiis
or pb nrnro. It is centi nl iu ils loention. and kept on
tiie Ki roitas, In connection with T-VVLutt's
SaluoX, where refreshments can lib had nil hours,
or served in their own roouip, Tho charges are mo
derntc, the rooms nnd atlenilnnc.o uf tht lirsl order
ballis, nnd all the modern conveniences attached.
Oct 1. lHlil.
.it'.sT oii::;::n
Fall & Vinter Good3,
VniERW !
In Zetleiiioyer's Building, opposite Oearhiirt s Con
feet ioniry Store, Market street, Sl'NIil'RY, Pa.,
BAS just opened n well selected assortment of
. Ouods, vthiebbo otters fur sale at very low price?.
FOREIOX AXD DOMESTIC, such ns Cloths, Cas-i-morc.
Mn.-lin. Sheetings. TVkii'g, Calicoes, Ue
Laines. Silks, (; inuliains ,Vc , Ac.
II. a. 'I'M siikI CAPS uf every description.
1 VATI AVCI P T?" 4 Ii I I'fPl TT
iaNOIJOjN iS & V AIM L llhb.
i . 1
r.on.-isimg of 3! -tcry, (.love?. 1 bread, l.'ntirr.s. i
Sii'.ei:dcrs. .Nudities. Cullars, Jl.Midkerehief's, l'i-ir
Bi u she. 1 ootb Jliuslies. l ao 'V llcnd l're.-.-es, Jl:ii-
nNt uiu-oiiH?, i.oiirn. 1 nnj. onp?, t na Duuicrciu ,
OIUCI HI III ITS IOU It'UI'HI' u uii'ir.iuu. I
such ns niuis. binges pikI screws, door iul"hct und ;
knul, nnd CUTLERY cf every description. :
Dvt-s, Drugs, rnin!-, Vnrnislics, Oils, G!:w,
l'lll ty, Ac. i
itoi'iisviir mid sliisui'c ol:
rtery l'Mi'l,4n.
An extensive Stock of i
Composed uf Sugar. Cofleo. Teas. Rice, Corn-starch, ;
Mola-ses. Camiles, Meal, Fis'u, Cheese. Salt, Tobacco,
und Segars.
Asfiri o f ' s ""i f
wwf CT. Li,w0
for men. wtuuei iftul children.
All kinds of Country Produco taken in cxeharrs
fer Goods.
Minbiiry, Sept. 10, ISol.
slmii3it i-iilrs olh'i',
yOTICE is heirjy g'ven that letters of adminis-
Iratiun having bee i gractej to the subscriber,
on iho e,taic of Jacob Kiebnch. late of Lower Maho
noy township. Nurthuinborland county. Pa., ilec'd.
All persons indebted are riuested to make immedi
ate payment, aud th'.ro having blaims, to present
lliem fur tellkuurt
Lowur Mnhonoy twp.. Oct. S, 1SC4. 61
Twj dours west of Tischer s Drug Store, Market St.,
iUNB.RV, 1?-11STJ-..
IS constauily iiunufacturiiig Hie latest styles of Wool
nnd Fur Hats, which for euftuuss uud durability
are not urpased.
Ii ive him a cull aud sec bis stock of Hats which aro
sold cheaper than elsewhere. Merchants und others,
purchasing nt vholusale, will find it to llitir advan
tn..'tu cull and procure un article cheaper und equal
lotily inanutaeturo.
Sunbury, October 1. lbol.
riHE partnership heretofore erlsO'ng between J.
X W Friling A W. T. liraut. under tho firm of
Fiiliug A Grant, has been dissulved by limitatiun.
All persons indebted to lb" above lirm will plca:e
call at once at the old stand and settle their accounts.
Mr. trims tenders his thanks lo ihe pulilic for tbo
liberal palrunnge extended In iho nld a.'m in tiieir
long cuuiiiiuaiieu in miriness ana nopeb inai luey
will er.terd tbe rarne putroungo 10 tho uew lirin of
J. W. Friling .V Son. . .
The businu horetofore iJariied ch by rrllitig &
Grant, will be continued by the undersigned uidcr '
Ihe firm of J. W. Filling & Sou, nt the ol I stand in '
Mnrkei Struuic w here wo respectfully invite all to'
call. d. W. rill LlSt.
H Y. F1UL1XG, j
Sunbury, Oct. 8, lfelil. 1 in
BANK b?' NOHTUUMIi:til.AK. j
VN idecion of Directors to servo for the ensuing
year will be held nt the Bunking House in Ibe
Borough uf Sunbury, IV. ou Muuilay Iho Iwunty-Crst
dav of November next, between the hnrs of 10
o'clock A M . and .'i'o'iluek P. M. 1
Tiie tegular nuiiutil mceiing of iho Stockholders
Will be held at tho Banking !l use in the Borough
of !uunurv iiIorcruKt. nn tue hrst iuvmiuv 11 .ov em
ber lieM .Nov. 1st, I VI ) at IU o clock A M.
Suubury, Pa., Oct. b, J-oi.
JTJi3l."D"" T nWiat9 1
So 26 South Second Street, Philadulphis.
Are now ottering their magnificent stock of Silks,'.
Dress Goods, Shuwls, I'lolhs. Cloaks, Velvets, Ac.., 1
far beluw Ibe prosenl Geld Prices !
V e have also on hand, a large stock IJ DOMF ffl lc
GOODS, which we are now selling at a great reduo '
tion from the prices we have been selling tltm S, j
As wo have had the advanlugo of a rise in the prices '
of our Stock iu the progr 1 of ihe War for the last '
two r r three years, we uow propose to give our Cu-
tooicrs the Advantage of the full in i'ricos. 1
Calicoes and Muslins, reduced,
Flannels ar.d Table Linens, led need,
Elauke's and all atr.'jie liouit, reduied,
We respectfully solicit from the Ladies and otaors ,
visiting l'htladclphia. an rxamiusiion of our aiook, '
which u unsurpassed in variety and style, in thuciiy. .
X B , Whole lo Bn-rs, ereiuviiel to examiua '
our stock. TDWIX HAUL A CO., I
N'.-.. 1) eVutb Sencnd strtet, FWIadsirhia I
OrUibr t. 1W4 -?djw ;.
, ,rfra
s i . m i
ov Tin: .JiTi:ie
Aro Cured
dejrlnan Bitters
The Orait StrctigthtnivQ
Tnr?t bittor3 have performed moro Cures !
Haveabd do Give Bctltsr Satitfaclion !
llaV! tnore Testimony !
Have more Rospcctablo People to Vouch for Them !
Than uny othor article ju the mnrkcl.
Vi O defy any OXE to ccntrRdiet thlt Assertion,
To any enc (hat will produce a Certificate pu-jliihed
by ns. thai is not vem-ime.
W'ill cure every enm of Chronic er XcrVovs Debility,
DisonvM.l inc Kidneys, nnd UlscAsos arising front
a disordered fctninne'.i.
Resulting I'ioiu I'iioidtrs uf the Digestive Organs ;
, ''
, pai'.un, lr.trnr'l
Pil"s. Fulness or Blood
tot'ic Head. Aci lily of tho Rto
n.iedi. XuusefiT Ilct'irtloirii. Disgust Ibr
Food. Fulness or Wembt in the Stomach, Sour
Eructations. Sinking or fluttering at the Pit of the
Sioinneh. Swimming n! the Head, Hurried and Diffi
cult Breathing, l lt'ttcting at tbe Heart, Choking or
Snti'ocutiijK Se!'-nii-'ns vlicn in e lying posture, Diiu-nc-s
of A irion. llots or Webs he'ore the Siht, Fever
nnd Dull Pain in the Head. Pcflciencyof Perspira
tion. Yellowness, r.t the Skin and Eyes. Pain in
the Side. Back. Chest. Limbs, Ac. Sudden
Flushes of Ib'nt. Burning in tho Flesh,
Constant Iimiginings yf Evil,
und great Depression
i'oiitalttsi no ISnni or AVliIwkey,
And eau't muke britnkards. but is the Best Tonio iri
the World.
ir'trt Mho Snyst So
eroin the I!cv. Levi fl. Bock. Pn'tor uf the Iinptislj
Church, lVmbc: ton. N. J .. l'or:i.ciiy of tiie X jilri
Baptist Church, I'liL'hdolpliia.
I haveknon lloofliirid'i t'trti'.i. Fitters lavorn
bly p.r n lunener nl yearv. Ih.i' eu'rd '.be.u ia my
ow'.-. t'airi'y. end l.nvo I'een ri ple.iseil with i:.c:r
rti.:-.,. . i,.,. . war indoor I torer.'onnietid them to ma
tr; r,t!:err, nnd know that tbey Imvc uperatei! in a
strikingly beneficial manner 1 take gie it plcnurn
in thus j-tibl'Mdy pP'clniming this fact, nnd caliit: taw
nttcntion of thoso nfUicted with the disease fur which
they recommended. t tlru ililteis.. knowing t.oiu
experience Ihnt mv reco'iimondalion will be su'ti.iu
ed. I do this moro cheerfully Us J.")"and " Hitters
is intended to benefit 1 1-c al 'lltti'd. nnd iu "in.t n rum
di ink." Yours ti-ttly. LEVIG.LECK.
From F.ov. .1 Kcwtt.n Crown, D T , Eliturof the
Kncvh.pclia "I U;li2!uoKuo".'.cdc, v.:.i TLriitian
Chruiii'jle, t'liiiadelphia.
Al'liouih nol d'sfftsed l-J favor or recomtrend Pa
tent Medicines in general, through distrust of their
lngredienis and cBetts, l yet know
V-V " ,',1
believ-hlloseli to iln-. o roceniil ll
,.,,,., ,un. ,u il,0 l,i,c ttiul hu ninv
to the benefit of c.thvis .
l .1 flip uturp niirlilv in re?ar
rcdicBis aud eflcets, I yet know ol nu sulucient
tu the bcnelifs ho
001 nnv simple
rrei.aralioii. ill the impc mul nu may iocs cunuiuuiu
I dn this the more rondilv in rcsard to Jloottand s
U-rnian Hitters, procured by Hr. C. M. Jnukson. of
t,iq Citv
becnu-e 1 wsr prcjuuicou nirainst incin lor
lunuyjeiirs. uniier tMe impression mnt tncy were
chiefly nn alcoholic mi'-tiths. I um indebted lo my
friend Hubert SheomnHcr. Ei., for tho removal uf
this prejudice by proper tests, nnd for cneuuragc
luent Iu Irv tlieni, when uttering from grem and.
long continued debility The ue ot thrco bottles of
these Bitters, nt the beginning of the present year,
was followed by ev! '.'.cot relief and reslurntion to
degree of bodily and mental vigor bich I had no'
feu for six moulds before, and had almost despaired
ol'rcgaiuiiig. I Iherelorc thank God and Inytricnd
for directing to the use ot thorn.
From the Rev. Jos. 11. Ktnusrd, Tastor of tho
Mth Buplist Church.
i ; Dr. Jackson : Dfnr ?ir : I have been frcqucntiv
I reuuested Iu connect uiv iinmo with commendation
' ol ililleieiit kinds r f inodieines but fegardi-ij; the. '
! prn' t"-c ".!! out of in v appropriate sphere. I hum In
I f.H n r r'e-'ix-il ; but wilh 11 deal' pro l in vaHr.vs
! iastan;-c. aud panicularly in mv ct ! use
i fulness of Fr lb.o!land s GerU.nn B'i'ers. i depart
for once Irum my usual coiiisc, 10 rapiwj my lull
convicticii that, tor general dibit it? of tho system
I'nd esiiecially I'c r Li ver Cooi.laiUt; it is a sate and
vnluaiile preuarntiun. In son 0 cares it may ;
but u'ua'.ly, I doubt not, i will be very beneficial to
tho'e who'sutler from tho auvc cause.
Yours, very respectfully, J H. KEXXARD,
j' EighiU below CoSte? Street, Philadelphia.
I From Rev Warren RandulMi, Pastor of Baptist
I Church, Germnmown, Pcuu.
j Dr. CM. Juckson . tcr.r Sir Personal expo
I rience enables 1110 to my lhallregaid the Goiiniin
i Hitters, prepaid l y yuu as a nnl excellent medi.
! cine. In cases uf severe cold and gcnirul debility I
1 been greatly benefitted bv the use ol Ihe Uiltei
Yours, tru'-v, W AEKEX RANDOLFH.
Germuulowii, Pa
From Rev. J !I. Turner. Pastor of IKddingM. U.
Clinch. Philailidphia.
Dr. Jackson ; Dear Sir : Having used your ?H
mmi Bit'crs in mv family frequently I am prevred
to say ihat it hns'been ot great service. I l-'dova
that in nio-t c-r"s general debility of tlio 'sttiu
il ia the salesl iuhI mint valuable remedy of v. iich i
have any knon!cdgc
Yours, lcspeeilully, J. H. Tl RN iR,
No. 726 X. Xinotccnlh direct.
From the Ret J. M. Lyons, formerly Piitor of th
Columbus X. J I aud Milesluwu ,1'a ) Baptist
jil New Rorhello, N. V.
Pr-t. M Jackson; Dear Sir: I luel it a plea
tura thus, of my own accord, Iu bear teitimjny to
Ihe excellence Jf Ihe Gerinun Diners. Some, jenrs
mice being much attliiicd with Dyspepsia, I used
them with very beneficial results. 1 hu u ufti n if.
cuiumeudcil lo persons enfeebled by ihat tormenting
disease, and have heard from them the uioit li.iUrc
ing testimonials aj U: their great value Iu c .., of
general debility, I believe it 10 be a tor.ic tb.u au-'
uol be surpurscd M li'c.Vi
1 From the I'cv. Thos Winter, Pa tor of Iborouglr
! Baptist Church,
j Dr Jackson -Iitiir Sir : I toe'. Jue to your
I excellent preparation. Ilootlnnd's Guuian Hitters, to
ndd my testimony to iho desirv ..,1 reputation it has
j obtained. I have for years, e.t ticca, i.eeu Irtubloii
I w ith great disorder in ley ' .cad ami nervous sysiam.
I was advised by a friend to Iry abo.tWufyour Ger
man Bilteis, I did so. 171 have crperkcccd groi,t
' and unexpected relic'.; ,y bnalth has beci very
, uiatcrially benettited. i ceuS le.itly recatnmvud Ihu
, uriielo where 1 moe', jt cases similar tj my own,
' and have been hii 4ra hv acy i f their good eil'ecu.
1 Kespeaifull.-; Ti-uia", T. V IN I EH,
j " pi x'uurojgli, Fa.
! From Rev
',. S Unrmati, rs tSe German Rcforrnesi
b, kuTiluwii. lieiKs e xility, fn.
i'f 1 M. Jacksou ; lie-Be wed nir : 1 nave ten
truuhl- jU iiyrtp-sia 'uriy twenty yiais, aud
have r.over u-ed au nidii.te did mens much
goo a ms HnofUud 3 Bitted. I am very much iiu
pi ovid ia fci'it'h, a'li r al!n3 taken tivo bottles.
Yours, will! rcspe'1. J- S. HLR.MAN.
Largo Be (Solding nearly double sin actii y,
i l 00 v.r belt Iu half nWi. f5 VI
n; all Siw 7i aeuts psr E'vllie hull d 1 i u j
Fee Ihat Ibe igr.oture cf C M. JACKS''X" ri rai
the Wrapper uf each Until
Should your noareUdr c, 5!:; not have tho er'.,
fr 1-1 l.c pii' uff by any nt:. 1 1 iwoiicaiir.3 prepjra
lions that iun be uttoiLd I 1 1 place l.'il stfd to us,
and we will forward. sei Ij,b t xprmr.
Priucipnl Oltce aud Mam story, No 6.11 AFf'H
Sueet, FUiiaaelplua.
(.accrears to C. N .1 iCk.u i Co .1
' Fiopiitff.s
tSTTor Balo by Druggli 1 1 ad P-elrs Iu .ry
awn is the Uuit4
.Tar, 1VV fct J'.. - It .
. -i -ss"