wry gtrea tiortco thaf forOouran Trtmsnry rmn Au. rust l.th lsftl, 1 nf v. I . , -j A the mto of r nnin, prlnoipal tJ ii lawful tooucj. 4 ccrtTertibVo Hi th oj fi n of .ly, Into sfi-jior -trot, ffU b-'ar j nut la thai fltanor more L'iv m tbi:!r d.it, as Iho guvctr.uo't mtiy . will ba isiocJ to dctoroboiitlone of 5i(), JO, 11,030 bd'1 $S,000, and all aubsoriplions js for XUtj dollar or noma multiple f filly rs. lha nte will be trirsxitted to tie owuo.s free of transportation charges as soon lifter the receipt of the original Certificates of Deposit ns I'ny ona be prepared. As the notes Jraw Interest fmm Aug'-d 15, persons making depusls subsequent to that, 1 Ri o must piy tho interest, accrued from date of nolo to dole of deposit. Parties ilcpofititij twenty-five thousand dollar-" and upwards for theso notes ul any ouo tiuin will bo allowed n cominis-ionof onc-'juiirtoiof one perevi.t., which w'U bo paid by the Treasury Department upuii tlio rceeipt of a hill fer tho amount, certified tu by thcoflieer with whom tbo deposit was made. N" deductions for commissions must be made from the deposits. 8ir-vi;il AtlvauinciCM ol" litis Loan. Ir is A National Savinos Hank, oflcring uhL-b." r rate of interest than nr.y olhT. and the If ft trri. rily. Any saving bunk which pays its doposituis'n V. S. Notes, considers th.i' it is paying in the best circulating medium of the country, and it am not pay In anything better, foi its own assets are. cither in government securities or in notes or bonds pnyablo iu government paper. It U equally cuuvenieut a a temporary or perma nent investment. Tha notes eun ulways bo sold fur within a fraetion of their face and accumulated into teat, and arc Iho best security with bunks as collu" tcrals for discount'. j COYER'HIILE INTO A SIX PER CENT 5-20 UOLD ROND. j In addition to tlio very literal interest on the notes for threo years, this prh ilcgc of conversion is now worth about three per cent, pir annum, for the curt rout rate fjr i--0 llonds is not less than nine yr cent. fin mim.i.UM'X h-foro tho war the premium on six per cent. L". S. stock j was o er twenty per cent. It will be seen that the a-tual profit on this lonti, at the present hiurkct rate, is not Ices than ten per cent, per annum. ITS EXEMPTION FROM STATE Oil 511'NICI PAL TAXATION. Put aside from nil tho advantages wo h'ico enum erated, n special Aat of Congi-si rj-empla ull 'mut anil Tff ni'rii unt.i fio.-n oat ttt.rn'in!. On the uturng-. l'"is exemption i north ubout two per cent, pir nnuum, according to the rule of tux uiuu in v ari Otis parts of thecountry. It is believed that no securities offer f great In-diiL-eiii.ints to lend Ms as those issued by the govern ment. In nil ol In r forms of indebtedness, tho faith .nd nidlity of pm.itc partic?, or stoek companies, or separate communities, only, is pledged for payment, while tho whole property of the country is held o secure the discharge of all tho obligations of the United Slates. Whilo tho government offers tho most liberal terms for its loans, it believes that the very strongest appeal will bo to tho loyalty and patriotism of tho people. Duplicate certificates will be issued for all deposits, Tho party depositing must endorse upon the origin al certificate the denominations of notes required, and whether they are to bo issued iu blank or paya ble to order When so endorsed it must bo left with the officer receiving the deposit, to be forwarded to tho Treasury iicp.irtiucnt. Subscriptions will be received by the Treasurer of the United States, at Washington, the .several As siKtniit Trcisurers and designated Depositaries, anil by tho a ivt .iilionaI latli of J:!Jo:j, .1ui l.v ul't .aliuiil IIuiiKh which aro depositaries of Publio money, and all RKSI-EfTAIILE BANKS AND BANKKRS tliroii?:hotit the country, (acting as agents of the Na tional Depository C uiks.) will fuiuUh further inf r toaiion on a-pliea!ion and AITOUD EVERY FACILITY TOSUBiiCr.IBntS. Augui- I.I, s.-.l. ""KEAV SUMLU GOODS" AT NO. 1 STORE. KA i. just v turind fnmi rhilxiMiilmi with nuu ol llit- l n''o' itiitl l.i -jit ."uUvluil tucks ui'Ooutli DRY GOODS! rOrtEfCN AND DOMESTIC!, such as (Mollis. C.i'd mcrcs. Mn'lins, Sii,e.itiss. Ticking. CiiI'i.ks. t'e lainin. l'binnels. m:d all kinds of Mi.il'i'.XIXil liooiN. Alpjiceas. Illaclt -ilks, tiiuiituus. tlalmoral and Skeleton Skirls. Cauion Flannels, Nankeens, t.ar pctin,' ol iill kin Is. HATS c CAPS. NOTIONS & VARIETIES, Coiupri-iug. llo.dory. tlioves. 'i'liri'iid. Ilultons, fcus puulcrs. Xi ek-ties. Collars, li.indkendiicls, Hair Hi iirhcs. fuotb lirurlicn. (iuni Rib bon an,J t'ord. tape, erutebei-br;iid, woike l collars, iaaey head dri t-rs. tidy cotton, carpet bindin.;. Voj.ihs. f.i.ey Kit;ps. c:tr;'et b' Trunk', Valises, Lmbre'.lm, Dlanic r.ooks, Paper, Envelopes. Ac. Of nil kinds, such a? Nails Ilintrc nr Screws. Door I.al.-h.j, and Knobs, Locks, and CL'J'LEHV ot evry description. Also, Dvi-s, Dnim, Paints, Ynrrislirs. FWi, Flusi't(l ami Jh nino Oils, (ilass, l'ulty, cVc. kin j-ji v. m-4- mid (ihissware ol ll lii nls. Sim'E AND EAllTHENWARE. An Ex'cl ivc Stoek of GROC E R 1 E S, Compoe-l of Sugar. C fft'fc, Tint, Hive. Coni-ptrfli, . Hurley, D caudles, tobacco Uiid ejnrs. Salt, Fish, 51eut, Chi-ese C, ic. Al.'o, a largo variety of for 5len. Women nnd Children. ( v All kinds of Uraiuaud Couutry Produce taken in '.i'l.ai.go f,.r (ioods. (live lis a call before you purchase elsowhcrc, we are bound to sell as low as any one else. Stor.'-rooni iu Ira T. Clciuout's building at the south-west comer of Market square, r.ar thu Court Hon SuLlury, May 21. D"l. A OA KM IJ 1U; '"sEFFI I'.iNO. t'l'VALLHW ,r t,re. h ij'-hev.ds of ' Iltichu." 3 "'loi.ic ):ilt, rs." 'sali.lru la.'' "Nervous All li.io'.e.-. ' ,ve.. we.. ,e.. and ntter v(u tiro satisiled ' v. iiii the i.'soll, m ooeb"X ol (ill M'. 1 TCIIAVS j Engli.-li .,vcitie Pill m.J be: n Wore I lohenUli and I vi. -.ir iu less than thirty J.r.s. 'J ny in ) ur- ly vc- ! ;a'..le. pleas i,t to take, prom ; t 'on I r:i Ul t iil'V ill j tlnii ('Heels on itiu broUi-n uM-. n ai:d si Mtired con- siiioii.-n. Kid and youcg can lake tloui with ad-i vaolaci. ilul.i.tlcd add s. I I it. tiie 1'i.iti d States: Wily I ,y ny JAS. S. Jil TI.1.H. N. 427 L--aidwav. .iw loik. ( Lr A:tu tut Iho t'nite l Mules. j P.S.ABoxof i h Pills, see-un ly packed, will j re u.aib d io .in v u.ld.v dii rcecim i f price, which I isH.Vt; Dtil.LAK. !.-: f hi t ! money r.tuudtdbv' ii,e Aeiit it .o'iie H-it'siuction is not given. Sept. 10. loii4 8i AVu)iIiikIoii Iloi.ae, NORTULllL'EULAM), PENNSYLVANIA, (.'Vsjc the BriHgt.) rjlIIE subscriber having lem-cd this well knows X Tavern St.iud, laicly Jtn.t bv Mrs. (J. s. Iir.'.n. ru j. iiu'.h' iui iiins the piibfie 0"ml he urolitllng und l'a.ujajiijiuiietr, au'4 wiil ne pi',i vU to u vaoaii, iu a eoiiiioiiunid niHtiUiir, bis niin,eruiis friends throughout u.u county, and all who may DMlrouue bis establishment. i.'oi. i , ln.,-1. JOSEPH YANKIHK Ri; CKKAM FllKKZKMS. A New supply of Massek's Fiv x-51isi'T Faea Mew aupplyof M4kSE 1-iv.51ii.t Fang rcce.ved trou. N Vork, for by Viaoutjr May il. 'M IT MAirSQlT IILLIE3 CHILLED IRON SAFE. Tho Only Safe Eoliable nBninat both Tire and BurRlnry. I nm rcn prepared to furnish threw sites of Xntton al JJnuk Kates. 1 lny ure l oth Firo and Ilurglar. . .-.ik ;.ii.,t inil.ln Itnrirlnr Hnfes. and throo of my new Anil-Micrometer Lock on each wife, believed to bo tho ouly bai.k-louk now in uro luat has not been picked or cannot bo picked by tho al l of i ha micrometer. Ihese n.Uesnil present foar to nix uiohosln tbiekneasofsoUdiron, gnar.iniocd to bo tho itronge at, tha most UimcuU to drill and to atJin l th moot renst-iroo agatrsl fcoth flro and! Dnrgtnr? of any tiufo U Iho Unito.1 KUtca of the main mm and oohL I h.ivoon hand aho, ami will futLlsh all aiiea of Bank Vault Hofcs, possessing all the advantages of the abovo against burglary. Also, nil iea of Mercantile Safes both burglar (roof and fire and burglar-proof. Also, Ornamental Dwelling house Safes, burglar I roof, ud Cra and burglai -liroof (warranted not damp). Alio, the trongesf. and cheapest Vault doors, for bank eu'l mercantile vaults. Ad Uio a'jove aro Lillio'i wrought and chilled iron. , A!si. six silos T il;ie' IVronglit Iron firo-Proofs, w arranted i"iial to any coininun rafes, at fully one third leis price. Also, a general nssortmcnt of second-hand Safes, Many of llicni ueiiily new, and of approved initkers, n -lived in ovclmnno for LiHies Chilled iron tales. Thto mo oileredaLor beh.w auction prices. .M. C. SADLEK Agent. No. 21 . SEVENTH Street. .Tour. 11. Ibol. rv n-vr. ri'"c In.'Ii t:;o(9iiii:i 4'oliV'e Co. DEPOT : V, . :ado Street. New York. The nbovo Company arc known all over the world as the owners nftlie Ootlec Vlaiitationg of Java and lttita ia iu the Dutch Eat Imlies. and are the largest njoni.poiiters of CorVee on theViiol'C I The itndcrioi),-d (who is appoiiitel their solo I Airent in the I nited States and in tlio British Colo- nies't wiil have tor side three ditierent kinds of Cof fee, who'll, for reiruliuily of grado and cheapness of price, will ilefy e 'l.ipciiUou.' Our "ibitavin Colico'" never b'-fore intr.idtieed in this Country, but txten.-ively used in the Armies ami Navies of Europe, and richly valued, wilt bo put up at prices to reach all consumers, and our Extra Java wiil I'clhu Mngnmn llomim (Notice of the age. tVe will have, lor accommodation of tlrocers. Fa milies, and liovi'mment Contractors, samples (dry, an l drawn I for lesiin,. ( 'rdcrs m.neitc 1. fin receipt of cash, coB'eo prompt ly forwarded us directed. A. LtPPM AN, 153 Kenr;o Street. New York, Solo Agent, D. E. I. C Co. July 2:5, lSitt. l.iivtil viuniiit cV ICIoii.bin-y Itiiil ON and after Jan. ISth, 1861, rassengor Trains will rail tu fallows ; JIOVINli SOUTH. Lcava Seranton, 4.20 P. M. ' Kingston, 5.55 EbHimsburg 8.25 " ltupert, 9.'ii " Jianvillo, 11.15 Arrive at Nurthuiubcrlnnd, S.oj JiOYlNO NOHT1I. Lenvo Ncrtbumbcrland, 8.00 A. M ' Danville, 8.10 " Kuport, 8.4U " Llooniburg, Kiugsion, 12.12 P.M. Arrive nt Si ninton. l.to l'r.'i)'lii A Passenger leaves Illoomsburir. 10.15 A. M. i'.ijsn'.'ri; taking the Aluil 'frain Souib eonnc-t with the Express train from NfrthuinberlHnd. arriv ing at llarrisbiin;, nl 2. .10 A. !.. linMimoro 7. W A. -M .. and at l'hiladi Iphia, at 7.tl A. .M. Tho Mail train from Xorthunibei land leaves immediately af;er tho arrivtil ol'tiic Express train from ilnrrisburg and llaltiniore, alhiwing pHSsengers leal ing 1'hiliHteliiiiia I at 111. Ill P. .M., to reach points on this road during the next lorenoou. New and elegant Sleeping ears aceniupnnv tho niirht trains each way between Northumbeihinil and Laitiuiore, and Northumberland and Pbibidelphia. D. T. DilliND. ISlins; ICaiCi':il. SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. Ct REAT Till NK LINK tn.m the North and JT Noith-W est for Phila 1. lpliiit. New York. Kcud in j. I'oltsville, Lebanon. Allentown, Easton. ie. Treins leave Ilnrrisburg for Philadelphia. New- York. Heading, Pottsville. mid all lntermcdiuto Stalii ns. at n A. M.. and 2 00 P. M. New York Expresslc-nves llarrisburg nt 6 30 A. M., imiviivi at ew iortc at I Ij trie r..;mo ilitv. A spe 'ir.l A-'coinni'idntion Piusenger train leave Reailing nt 7 1'j A. .M., and returns from llarrisburg at o l. .it. Fares from Harri.burg : To New York $5 15 ; to Philadelphia Si o5 and S2 SO. Daggngo checked lliroiigh Keiurning. lenvo New York nt fi A. 51.. 12 Noon, snd 7 1 51. I'itt.-biirgh Exprus arriving at llarris burg at 2 A. 51 ) Leave l'iiila lelphia at 8 15 A. 51. and .1 :iu P 51. Sleei'io'r c:iis in tho New York Express Tru'ns tiir.'O','1! to vr I l'roiti l'ut-burgli ithoiu change. Pe-sen r"rs bv 'l,e I'jit'.-uvi a l!u'' llu'id leave 7 i- Mii'iun it 'I :0 A. 41.. an I 2 Ij I'. 51.. for i'illladel phoi. .Ne,v-Vui'i. r.n I nil W av t'oints. Trains ,.;,Vtt lV'.t.-ville at li 15 A. 51.. and 2.30 P. 51.. f t Pliilii'l-'lpbia, llarrisburg and New York. Aua-.'i-ouuuo tiition I'lis-i-nger tiain leaes Heading at 0 l.u A. 51., and retain., trom Philadelphia ut it 00 P. 51. I -J ' AH the above trains run daily, Sundays ex cepted. A Sunday traiti leaves Pottswllo at 7.".0 A. 51., and Philadelphia at ti l j P. 51. Counnutalion, .Milen.-c. S'"'S"n. ar-1 Exoursion Ti.'kets. ut reduce t tule? to and from all poinls. 80 Poniidi Uaj5ijo alioiicd t.ieh l'a-set;ger. (1. A. N1COLLS, General Superintendent' 5'ay 27, lh.ll. LAT1.STI MFE0VEMENT OF AGRI CULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. AT 1IIU F O U IT D R "ST, "of . ' SUNEUKY, rEKri'A.. ,1et the Hi st llet the t'hc:i ets(iet the most Eeu tionii.':il, which eun be had at the Itohrbacb Foundry. Ilaviug a largo 11.-.-.111 linent of the most approved STOVES. -iu'Ii in Cooking. Parlor, niieo and Shop Moves, which will bo sold al the lowest rates. Also, lu'iites oi ail sues. I'ans. .-Killels. Ac. Th-y are nl-o manufacturing 51achinery, Ploughs, Casting. Ac, at short noiice. liei airing all kinds of Agriculturai Implement done in a good woikmanliko manner uud ut tho sl.ortesi norn'C. All articles shipped as ordered. Orders respect fully solicited and promptly attended to. LOliltU.Ull COOPElt. ( j Old Iron, and all kinds of Exchange for work Sunburv, Juiiu IS, I Mil. tf Produce taken in t llculion, I.ii11"n and ai'iillciii'U J AMBR0TYPE AND PIIOTvGRAPK GALLERY. In Deer street, opposite the Central Hotel, SXTIsTBXTIi Qt EYEULY. has opened anew Picture Gallery to. in the aliove place, and is prepared to take Portraits in iho best style and manner. AMUIlOTYPEa AND PIIOTOURAriLS, aretdken in every style ol the Art. that cannot be surpassed iu the Stale. Jlai ing several year's expe rience, he will give satie-taetion or no charge. Copies n ill Le taken from all styles ot Pictures. ivc him a call, llcjucuibor opt osito the Cuuual lb. 1. 1. Simbury, Juno 4, lSill. SUSQUEHANNA FI1MALE COL L E G E , Sii:i.i?i:ni:, si.i r ., i"n. rpilE Fail Session of this Institution commences on 1 TIUL-'llA V. A L.ST Jsth. The Winter Si s -ion on the ITlhof Noiember. '1KKMS I'KU SKSSION OF 13 WFEKS: For lii urding. Wosbing, FurnWied Koom Fuel mid Light, uud Tuition in all the regular studies of the Collegiate Deprrluieut. only $52 7j. A lit. i ral I cdiuliou uiadu in favor of the Daughters if our Mddieis. tor fui tiler paiticalrr. or Olrmlar. apply to H. D'51Ell, Principal, Btliusgrove. August S. lW.l.;iino. JACOB MAKLBY. (Sumssor to If I n ff i r (( llarliy.) Ko. 622 MAKKLT Sircot, PHILADELPHIA. Dt'ALEIt in Fined. ,1.1 and Silver WATCHES . .'iti..il,l 1 .1 l'Vk ll.uv. i hi 1 1 vi.n vv ill and tha but of bILVEK-PL ATED-W AKK. toul aianiiy on nana a large usHirtuieul ut Uio above good al low prices. s. V utebM uud r tna Clucks, Kepaired, by skilful kuieu ; ulo, Jewelry repairing ; Engraving uud 1-Don't for'et tL old aiwid 'As 2i Market 1 .uVX. Pbila l.f.Tb.a ' ' Tub prculinr taint or Difi'ftiim wlik-h mil iji.-noFt'i.l lurks in the constitutions of multitude of hut. It cither produce or 1 jirodiui'il by nn cn fi'cldeil, vit'mti il Ktate i:-.; til lUC l:l(IC(l, W lllTl'IH Wi"M.nt iln'id lii'cniiii' In- nl I A''coiiipitciit to sustain fftlic v itnl force, in their VVT" vigoroti action, anl fall Into dUoulor and decay. TIic ecrofulou cotitnmhmtion is va- tiously ontiseil by mercurnJ disense, low living, disordered dipestion from unhcnltliy food, linimro air, filth and filtliy lrnbits, tho depressing viccj, and, nbovo all, Ly tho venereal infection, whatever Le it origin, it 1 hereditary in the nmntitution, descending "from parent to cltiltlrcn tinto tlio third nnd fourth penoralioti ; " indeed, it acenis to be the rod of Him who says, " I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." The disease it ori'giiwtc take various names, nccnrdiiijr to the organ it Attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, nnd finally Consumption ; tn the glands, swelling which suppurate nnd be come ulcerous sores; in the tdomncli and bowels, derangements which produce indi gestion, dyspepsia, nnd liver complaint!! s on the skin, eruptive nnd cutanooiis affections. These, nil havinj? the eame origin, require the same remedy, viz., purification and inviiiora tion of the" blood, l'liriiy the blood, nnd these dangerous distempers leave you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot have health; with that "life, of the llesh" healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayer'a Sarsaparilla "is compounded from tho inosd cflectual anti dotes that medical science hns discovered for this nfrlieling distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is f.ir supe rior to any other remedy yet devised, is known by till who have given it a trial. That it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it hns made of the following discuses : King's Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, P.cse or St Anthony's Fire, Salt Bheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposits in the lungs, Whito Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Femile Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cnes may be found in Aykk'm Aukuicas Almanac, which is furnished to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be learned the directions for ils use, and some of the remarkable cures which it has imido when all other remedies bad failed to ntl'ord relief. Those cases ,ne purposely taken from nil sections of the country, in order that every reader may have access to some one who can speak to Lim of its l.eiu lits from personifl experience. tSerofuht depresses the vital energies, nnd thus leaves its victims far more subject to disease nnd its fatal results than are healthy constitutions. Hence it tends to fclioitin, and does gtentlv shorten, the average duration nf biimnti life. The vast importance of these considerations bus led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its tore. This we now oHer to the public under the nnmCof Avr.n's SAlts.rAi!li.LA, although it is composed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of !anijjuri!lit in alterative power. Jly its aid you nitty protect yourself from the tiiHi r ing and danger of liiee disorders. Furgo out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the blood, purge out the causes of disease, nnd vigorous health w ill follow. P.y its pecu liar virtues this remedy stimulates tlio vital functions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the tystcm or burst out on any part of it. We know the public have been deceived by many compounds ot Parmjiarilla, that promised much nnd did nothing; but they will neither lie deceived nor disappointed, in this. It viitcies have been proven I y abun dant trial, and there remains no question of its s surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is far more ef fectual than any other which bus ever been available to them. AVER'S CIIETUtY PECTOllAL. Tho World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipiout Con sumption, and for tlio relief of Consumptive patients in ndvnnocd stages of tho disease. This has been so long used and so uni versally known, that we need do no more than as'sure the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever lias been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by l)u. J. (.'. Avr.n oi Co., I'lactUal and Analytical ( licntistt, Lowell. Muss. Sold by ull druggets every w here. ivild bv t'nlinir A tlrui.t. .Sunliury. li- 11. 5IICoy. Northumberland, Atiron IWrot. Llyshunr, W. KuUmr. s-hnitiokin, 1. Jloirue. Wittsontowii. And by all denli-rs iu Medicines everywhere August '1H, Ihtil. ly S 0 L I D I V 1 E D l'or l'iuit.iiiji, ltiK'iii' isntl lr.x rvliifi ' Ti:i.Til ! This article is prepared with thegroatot care upon seieiilitie iirineipl."1. and warranted not to eoutain anything iu the slightot degree deleterious to the tecib or gums. Sn:ne of our imi-t i-mineni Dental Surgi-ous have i;ivv-n their sanction to, and chceri'iil- ly recommend it us a prepitrul ion of uperiur ii;oli lie" fir clean-in::, wiiiieniiig and preserving the TEET 11. Il cleans them readily. I vn-Jering tliem beautifully white and pearly, without the lu'htcl injury to the enamel. It is be.iling to the gums where they are ulcerated and sore. It i aim itn ex cellent diint'eeior for idd ilcayed tcelti, whieii aro often ex"ecdinly otlensive. It gives a rich creamy tai'te to the inoulh. eleiiuitng it thoroughly, and im parling a delightful fragrance to the hri atu. l'lti;i'.Ull.D (t.SLY MY A. 11 A I. E Y A CO.. X. W. Cor. loth.. A Lombard Sts.. Philadelphia. Aud sold by all DruggUts. PRICE 2i CENTS. TESTIMONIALS. Thu f.illowini! opinion i t Dr. W bite, as to the high esteem in which he hold-i Ihu Dental I'reain, must Le suttiv'ient evidence of ils value ; to quote oilier lesii. inoniHls in detail i. ucfdlcsi., contenting ourselves by simply fixing the names and addreses of persons who speak of its excellency for the teeth. 1'hilu.l' Iphiu. Apiil lilhilSGI. Having carefully exaioined A. lluwley "Solidi fied Deutal Cream. ' I hereby cheerfully rreoiu uieud it to the public generally. It is au excellent pri partition fur cleanMiig aud preserving the teeth, and can he used hy all pel -oils with the utmost con fidence, as ils properties aro perfectly harmless. Re sides preserving tho teeth, it promotes a healthy action to the gums, and imparts a pleunuitiicss tu the breutn. Dr. W. It. WHITE, 12tl.i Arch St. Thomas Ingram. 51. D , Dentist, WIS. Puurth St. J. Jiirkey. S!.'4 S. Sixth St. E. V audeilieo. Surgeou Dentist, 42i Arch ft. C A. kinsbury, l'eniist. 1 1 IU Walnut St. S. Dilliiighum. D 1.S , Tot Arch St. F. 51. Dixon, 27 Areh St. Edward Tuwnseiid, Dentist. 42rt N. Foiii ih St. L 11. Dorphley, l)euiil, "U7 N. Teuth St. M. L. Loi.g.'lleiiiirt, U2U X. Sixth St. Mayas, lKdl -rly ETTEB OF ADVICE FOR LADIES FIVE ANATOMICAL ENURANlXtlS. Has inf .rmalioo never before published. Scut misi: in a scaled envelope for rta cents. Address Dr. STANFORD, Eox No 4,852. New York P. O. July 8, 1SCL 3m I F O It S A Ju K. A 'I'rucl ol "l'liiib-r I jintl, below Trev ortou bridge, ooulainiLg about 1(0 aorea. For further wuuulaia apply to ! . , . II. B. MASSEB. I Pucbvry, Aw. 3, !& rf mm niii::vja:rar9Pai CONTINENTAL CLOTHING B A Z A 11 . Corner rjlnrltet Kinnrc At Knil lloud Street, SUNBURY, PENN'A. . BUMMER STOCK OF READY MADE CLOTHING, Of tho newest styles, cut by the best Artists, trimmed nnd made equal" to custom work, and tolii at the lowest prices. SJfcu nnd Hoy's CloHitngcfth betBi-- terinl consisting of Dress Coots, Frock Coats, Book Co.Us, rants, ud Vests of various colore and quali ties. GENTLEMEN'S FIT.NItUIXQ GOODS, such ns Shirts. Over-shirts. Undershirts, Drawers, Colin i s , Crav ats, N eektit-s, Hand kerchieft, Stock iDgs, Gloves, ia. ISalsi mid Csipt or nil klndn. HOOTS AND SHOES. TKfXKS. VALISES. VM UliKLLA!. nnd NOTION'S of all kinds, and nuine. rou other nrliclos. The public aro invited to call and examine bis Stock. lleiiiembcr tho plnoo. "Continental Clothintr Slorc," Corner of Market Square and the N C. K. H. LEVI HECHT. Simbury, July 2, 1801. GKOIIGK Hll.I,, SlMOX P. WoLVEBTOJI. HILL & WOLVERTON. Attoriic.VM nnd Counselor nt I.nvv. ODice. 5tnrkct street, cor. Centre Alley, SUNBUHY, 1PA.. J ILL ivltend promptlcy to the collection of claims V nnd nil other professional business intrusted to Ihcireioc in Northumberland andadjoiuing counties. Sunlrtiry, Janiuiry S:J, 18ij2. AN INTERESTING HISTORY or Dfl. SCTIENK'S OWN CASE. WHILE LAH01!IN(1 I'NIiER C0NS15IPTI0N And how his Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic,' and Mandrake Pills not on the System in Curing that iJiseuse. uud the (rcut Sui'ccss Allrudins III The above isacorrect likeness of Dr. Schcnk taken many years ago, after ho bad recovered from Con. sumption; hy a course of his 'Schenk's Pulmonic Syrup." The likenosi, although it does not repre sent Lim anything like as bad as ho vrasnt the worst, yet it is in .trong ennirast with the hale niid vigorous looks of iho l' ii u nit below, which is tho true like ness of hiin at present time. The contrast between these two puilrniis is so great that many would not believe them to be the same person. Vet there are hur.dre Is of pers..ns. in and around Philadelphia, who will reijoj;nise both portrnils to be true represen tations. When thu iirst was taken ho weighed 1U7 pounds ; lit the present time his weight is 2ZD pounds New York, Wednesday, March SO, 1664. TO THE PUBLIC. Thirty years ago I was In the last stnges of Pul monary Con,-o.mptto.i!. and ifivcn npto die. I resided iu Philadelphia, and Dr. Joseph Parrish. then of this city, ordered mc to Morestown, N. J., n di-tancc of nine miles which tisik me two days to get there. On mv nrrival I was put to bed, and there laid for many I w icks. This was my native place, where all my ! family lived and had died of Consumption. Dr. Thornton, who attended my father in his last illnc.-s. was called, and nve mc one week to fixupinynf- I fairs. He hud seen nil my family go that way, and thought 1 was to go. too Then I heard of the'remo dies 1 now ef.er to the public, which cured mo. It: seemed lo toe that I could feel them penetrating my whole svsloin. They soou ripened the matter on inv lungs, and I would spit off more thau a pint of offensive yellow I matter every mornini;. As soon ns that began to ; tuhide, my cough, fever, pain, night sweats all j hc'an to le ive me. and my appetite became so great ; that it as wiih difficulty 1 could keep from eating ! too much. I ooii grained my strenjrttt and I have 1 l'oeu irroiving in tlesh ever since. For many years , I loive ei'iov.'d uninterrupted irood health, keci.ini . the live! and st.iintieh hcalihy with the Seaweed To nic and 51tndrake Pills, as lam of a billions temper uinen'. 51y weight is two hundred and twenty pounds On niy recovery people would send for me fir and near, to sec if their cases were like mine, l'or thi: purpose I pay professional visits in the large cities. Thecotisumpcives wish to see the one that maker' the-e biedieines. and who was cured of con sumption hy them. To miiko new lungs is impusi bit; but cavities in thu lungs and chronic uleera tioi ot the hrotieiiial tubes oau be healed Such cases arc dying hourly under the ordiuay treatment of physicians, and ji.st such are cured by tiie proper use of Si-henk's Pulmonic. Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, and 51andruke Pills. I am now a healthy man. with a large cavity in tho middle lobe of the right luiig. the lower lobe very much heputizcd :md complete adhesion of the pleura. The left lungs is sound, aud iho upper lobe of the right lung is in a tolerably healthy condition. The gieat reasuii why physicians do not cure consump tion is they try to do too mucu ; they give mediuiues to stop the c?ugh, to stop chill, to slop night sweats, lictic fever, and, by so doing, they derange tha whole digestive powers, locking up the secretions and eventually the patient sinks auu dies. After I make a carelul examination of the patient w itb the Kespiroiuctcr. uud tind lungs enough lelt to cure, I direct the patient bow to use the ttree remedies. iicmove mo cause ana iuev win an slop ol their own accord. Noono cau be cured of consumption, liver compluint. dyspepsia, euturrh. canker, ulcerated throat, unless the liver and stomach uro uadu heal, thy. Iu New England this canker chronic estarrb, ulcerated throat, elongaliou ot uvula, is mora preva lent than iu any other section of tha country. This is frequently caused by a toul stomach. Y'ou may buru it out w ith caustic time and again, and all they will get is temporary relief. Correct the stomach and liver, und they will heal up themselves. tiood nutiiliou is the remedy. If you have any dbease iu any part of the body, it will remain tbera and decay wore and more until you can gut the sto mach in the condition to digott food uud make new blood lo take the place of diseased mailer. This is the only way to heal cavities tu the lungs and ulcer ated bronchial lubes. Correct the stomach aud livar and nature will do the healing. Many persons bava an idwi that certain uiediciues are great runners of the blood. When blood isouce diseased it eannot be purilicd ; it is diseased the same as tha diseased matter in the system ; but get the apparatus in or- dcr, the lirei and stomach, and give it plenty of nourishing tooa it will mane new niooii, which will take the place of thai which is diseased bchenk 's Pulmonic syrup is one of lbs bast preps. ration of Run ui u.e, i is a powerful louio of iuell, and wb lb iitawctd Totiw dioxilvts (hs niaeus the stomach, and Is it earrled pofl off by tbe ' Mandrnko Pills, the Pulmonio Hyrup la Binda lutu . blood. This Is tha only wiry io nra amramptkin. If I eannot get a (rood appetite, and food d ot diacst, 1 cannot eura tha DarioDt N ever tulDd tua rough ; remove thaooasa and vrDI atrp of Itaelt j ins is me mot trouble A nave who my panonta my rooms. They aay, 'Duster, I feel MrcDger; I can eat ; mr niirbt siteata are better, and I fori bet ter every way; but toy ooogh ia an ba4 yet" and they are nsUmifbed to bear aia my that doea not mattor; remove tho oiwaa And tha oonghswtll top ofiiself. Sobruk a Seaweed ereaiea Kond appttlto In about nine days, when thora to no luDg iluwaaa, nnless the livrr is ao oontested that tha llntidraka Pills eannot auloek tba duets of taa frail bladder In that short tpfloe of tima. In order t allow te atala bile to pass off. Keep the liver and itomaob healthy end there hi loss danger of consumption or any other disease. It ia hard to take eold whan tfaoea organs are Healthy, lbasa taat are btlioua, low-at iriua, droary, feeling stupid, coated tongaa, poor apvotlta, uivi.i j, vci.iig viuiiiu, vwticu wugi (iw. y'm.., oerrotS, atoninub full of iriod, averytbiot that is nten lies heavy, loss of memory, try one botile of fe'CIIKNCK 6' bEAWFKD TONIC, and on box of bCllHNK'S MANDRAKE PILLS. It to only cost of one dollar and tweuty-fiva oeuts, witb full di. rcotions. Tbis is lutEcient, in many eases, to satis fy what the medicines are. Frequently one bottle makes a great change in tha system. Any person that enjoys ordinary henlth, by using tha Seaweed lomennd MaiMiiaKt e Pills ocoasionaliT, must get the digestivo organs iu such a healthy condition that they become fleshy I can produce a number of my old consumptives patients now enjoying good healthv weighing nearly 00 pounds. I will conclude by relating three cures I have innde In New Yoik, and which are all different, and wish any one who feels an interest in the matter to visit thcin. First ia Mrs. Fnrlow, residing theu at No. 107 Houston street Her husband called upon meat my rooms. Ut llond street nnd wished me tu call nnd sec her. He said 1 eould do no good ; that ho had had all the best mcdieal attendance, and all said sho wss too fur gone with Consumption to be cured ; but she had henrd of somo great cures I had made, and he desired to gratify her wishes. I railed, and found her lying confined to her bed in the last stage of bronchiul coiisuinplicD nnd without doubt must have died soon. I cxainin- B.l I. I..n.a r.iitn.l l,i-i,ll Lninnllt 1 tl,l,n KnrU ,, I, aticoled. but no cavities had formed, her cough was very severe, the spit-box was half full of thick pus. Pulse HO, leg swollen very much ; and worse than all, she had chronic diarrhoea. Her bowels had been moved eleven limes thnt day. told her thai she had lungs anough to be cured, but that this dmrrhuea had been ol long standing, and her stomach was in such a ulcerated conditiou that I was afraid nothing could be done. She insisted I should try and do what I could for her. observing that site cculd not lastlcitg in the :oti'.liUo;r ehe was in, and I could not m:ik btr any worse. I gave her first "a dose of my M'tU'lrnke Pills, and the tonic and Syrup freely. That wns on Tuesday, nnd by tho next Sunday the dmrrhiea was carried off. her appetite bad returned and she could sit up in bed and eat her dinner. She ' is now well, and gave a long certificate, certified to ' i... .i... i.... t,- i. U, 1I1V1VC. Ul A'O, llll'l. '51is. Bartholomew, b.t West Forty-fifth street, came to my rooms with a tumor on her liver. 5he was low-spirited, skiu sallow, tongue coated, bowels costive, no appetite, and fast sinking into the grave. The said tumor had been running over fouiteen vears. I gave her Syrup. . Tonic and Pills, and told ber to take them just as the directions were printed. She came baek io my rooms, i'i Jjotid street in two weeks, someuhat better ; her tongue hud begun clean a littlo around the edes. her skiu whiter nnd her eyes brighter and the tumor discharging very offensive mutter, much faster than it had ever done before. She kept gradually improving, and in about . two months sho came lo ruy rooms very much fright. ened. saying that the tuuior bad nearly stopped running, and W:l healing up. and that every doetor': nail loin Her mat 11 it ever hf-aiea it uoui.i eviuse ner death, i told her that the disease bud all left her system, and nature would hcul the ulcer up. They art now healed, and have been for about a year, and she is a benrlv and rolmst a woman as you will find in adjys walk, fcite is pdnd for any one to cull on her. and takes great pains to visit any ot.e that she hears has anything like her case, and tries to get itiem to conic and see me. The next eae is 51iss .Scoficld. from Stamford, Conn.. 5Irs. U.irlliolomew got her down lo .f-.-e me. und she has been ever since ut her house. When she iirst cuine to lity rooms, sho was much emaciated with a distressing cnli. 1 1 ti ling targe ijiuu. lilies of blood. I examined her lungs with iho respiroinuter, and in all my pruelieo never fuuiid ouu with one lung so f:tr gone and the other lung so sound. I could not give iiuteh encourage ment. I thought she would die ; hut to my a,;on lshment the Pulmonic Svrup, Seaweed 'Jonlc. and 5landrake 1'ill- all seemed to go right to werk, the lung is all healed over, leaving a cavity as l:tri;o as u goose egg; good appetite, fine spirits, and bus g:iiued some thirly-dve pounds in weight. Sho has some cough yer. w hieh 1 do not ttiink will leave her before .luuc I should think it would be nf great interest lo some unprejudiced physician to visit these cus-.'S. particularly 51i.,s Scotield. or any e! them who nave boeu cured jy mv niedi'-'iues. ltn y arc nuin- ...... in V,.. V...1. . I..Tl .1... .1....... ..I, il... from ei.ch other : and if my medieme.-, are doing what I represent they are. they should have thu credit uud the aU.tv.td know where ai.d how they ; may be cured. t J. H. SCIir.NK, M. J. Dr. J. H. Schei.k can be f.und at the principal oflice. No. i'is Noi th 0i h Street. Philadelphia, every Saturday, from V A 51. until i P. 51.. to give adiieo ; free of charge ; hut for a through examination he charges three dollars. Price of the Pulmonic Svmp j anil heaweed 'fonie each tl .ri jter hottle. or S tl:e J half dozen. 51.il drake Pills '2j eenis ptr box. and is lor sale oy all liruggiats and Uculers. i 51ay II. lsaii. ly I iSoitlifin CiMitral liiiSSway ! j i m-ms'.ic ' i 'I'Aiti.i:. i THREE TRAINS DAILY to and from Raltimore I and Wiishington city. I Connections mh lo with trains on Pennsylvania Railroad, to and fruin Pittsburg and Iho Wes. TI1UI.E TRAINS DALY to and from tncNorth and ! West lirauch Snsiuchunna, Lliuini, uud nil of North- i ern New York. j ON and atier MONDAY. MAY Kith. lvli. : the Pin-sender Trains ot the Northern Central ' Railway will arrive at and depart from Sunbury, I llarrisburg and Raltimore as follows, vis : S (I L T It W A R D . Mail Train leaves Simbury daily (except Sunday). 10 25 A. 51. " leaves llarrisburg. 1 20 P. 51. " arrives nt Baltimore. 6 40 " Express Train leaves Simbury dailv (except Sunday.) ' 11 45 P. 51. " leaves HanUhurg (except -Monday.) 2 SUA. 51 " arrives at Ibdtiinore daily (except .Monday). T 00 A. 51. Hurrisburg Accommodation leaves llarris burg. 7 00 A. 51. Sunbury Accommodation leaves Suubury daily (except Sundny) at 7 30 A M NORTHWARD. Mail Train leaves lialliiuore daily (ex. ecpt Sunday) 9 20 A. 51 " leaves llarrisburg I P. 51, " arrives ut Sun tuny. 4 05 ' Express Truiu leaves liaitiinorc duily St .10 P. M ' arrives at llarrishurg. 1 00 A 51. " leaves llarrisburg (except Monday), S 1 j A. 51. " arrives at Sunbury. 5 S3 " Ilarjisl.'.irg Accommodation Icatcs llarris burg, duily (exc. pl juuday) at S Od P 51 ' arrives at llarri-burg. 7 SO P 51 Sunbury Aeeomiiiodutioii leaves llarris burg daily (except Sunday) at 4 00 P 51 For further inlurtualion applv at tho Ullice. 1. X. Dk UAKRY. Uen. Supt. Harrisburg. Juno 4 S04. u "sin ;mN ' s CLXEElt.YTEtJ PKEPAKED JAVA COFFEE, 11' 1 II II A X T E D SUPERIOR TO ANY IN THE MARKET. "IT is used by first class families evcrvwhero, and A b liighly recommended for nervous and dyspeplio persons, being very liuitiitii.us air I Ireo Ironi all deleterious substances, iu tvslimonv of which I have certificates from the most etuminent Physicians in the Country. Try it, und you will be s uro to con tinue its use in preference lo any other. Sold at retail for Twenty-Five Cents per Pound by First class (Jroccrs throughout tho Veiled 'talcs. (f A liberal discount to the Trade. Put up only by A. OMHOR-', Wholesale Depot, 69 Warren st. Xew York. aiuy 7, tsoi. j , THE Ki:i) LION HOTEL. (Lata 51rs. Iloul ton's ) MARKET STREET, BUNBUHY, PA. JULIUS -MIBITER, HAS tukeu this old ana well kuown stand, and refitted and furnished the same is prcpured to accommodate Hoarders and Travelers wiih the best the market can afford, lie iioncs by strict attention to business to receive a share of public patronage. His TABLE contains the best the maiket allords. Hi. liar is tilled with the choice! of Luon, both Malt and Spirituous. Tlio stabling is good, and attended by careful Ostlers. Suubury, April 30, 164 ly HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DUrnKeat ut'lbr .-rvouo, raViuliiul, I rlniiry aisid siriuul Nytlrms- new and reliable treatment la reports cf lb HuW ARD ASSOCIATION sent by mail in sealed letter envelope, free of charge. Address Dr. J. 6K1L- 1.1 X itutUlllUM, (toward Assooiatioo. No. 2 6,,uib Ninth Straat, Philadelphia, Pa July 14, )y 1 CJfiO 10VL 18G3. FIULING & GRANT AT Tl! MAMMOTH STORE, "OttLD respectfully announce that they have Jnst rooclred and opened a very large and well selec ted Btvok of GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which ttiey art willing to dispose of at VERY Bit ALL ADVANCE ON Flmt Coat. -0- QUE STOCK IS COMPLETE AND EMBRACES EVERYTHING OlVB TJS A CALL. Thankful for past favors wo hope to mret a on ! tinuanco of the snme by still selling flood" as chop if not IIi:.kIi:it than can be purchased el-o- ,v''ere. riULINti A UP. A XT. Suubury, Iny 2S. isc.'t. li. ii. iiasi:ii, I tlernry nt I.nvv. SINIU'RY, PA ! XV Collections attended to in the counties of .'.,r- ; thumberlnnd, I'niou, Snyder, .Montour, C-;luu.bi!t auu i.ycoiuiug. ncKEnKNcrs. Hon. John 51. Reed, Philadelphia, A. 0. Oattell A Co., " lion. Wm. A. Porter. ' Morton 5Ic51iehael, Esq.. " E. Keiehaui it Co.. 2t Pearl Street, New Yoik. John W. A-ihmead. Allorncy at Law, Matthews ,t Cox. Attorncys'at Law, " Suubury, Jlarch Ssl. lsi',2. Uhtjjsr'r &c dietzi LOWER WIIAItF. SUNBUHY, PA. W HOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN WHITi; ASH COAL, ui every variety. 'Tdets d. spateh. Sut.bury ,ieit"d and wiui l.ron-.t'luers and Muv 10. Ii'u3. ly Attorney nml tT'uiinsioIIor nl I.nvv, OJice on souih side of 5Iinl:ct street, foul doors wet of E. Y. Bright k Son's Siore, 8UNBURY, FA.. Will attend pron:ptly to all iirofessiomd bti'iness ciifrusted to his cure, the collection oi claims iu NorthuinberlHtid aiei the adjoining counties. Suubury, May 2:!, 1st',.'!. ly l'or SJsitw, ll , 1Ed::-ii, Ants. Isccl Iiii,'iM,?IuliliM in I'm-i, Voo!oiik..Vo.. Z.tKfctM on l!;tttsi, Iu If, AiiimiiU, i ... ' Put up in Iftc. iOc. and SI CO Rox.-s, Rotttin it,J Fia,k". $3 and fS sires for Houls, fublis Institu ti-ai.i, Ac. "Only iiif.il!il,ip r.-medis known.' 'V're- fiolu Pui-ij.s.'' 'ot (limgerons loihe Human Pamily," "l'.ats come cut of their holes to die.' IJ S 1.1 V holcf.ilc in all large cities. Sol I by all druggists and Retailers cvsrvwbere ! ! ! Hi , auk ! : '. of all werthb si imitaii.in.. Sec tiiat "Ci-.tiir's'' name is ou eucli lfox. Rottlc aud l'lu.-k. hetiir vou htiv. A bln-s HCMi V IS. .V5IS:. Pii'ieipul lie.ol 4J ltrondiiey i.',v Verk. l S il l by all V m decide ami Retail Sirugttf in Siinoary. Pa. i'li'Ji!!1' s'"''' rin jEHEmAiil7i7Eii.'' .Itlariicj' A; (';niiM-ll:r lit i 0ff.ee ou South si lo of .Market street, four d i. rs west : of (iearharl's t'onfectionery sturt, ; SUNBURY, rA. i Will attend pioinptlv to all pmftsMi.iiat biiMi.cm ! entrite I lo liis can, ti.e collection nlclaiuis iu Nor thuuiberliind and the adjoining cuuities. j t'on.ultatii l.s in Herman and English. ' sunourv, iilarcli I'J. IMit. .v READY ROOFING Ready to nail down. RKAnir "roofing At le.-silun half the cost of tin ro.,fi. READ7 "ROOFING More durable than tin. READ1Z" ROOFING Suitable for sleep or flai ro-.ifs. UEADY"Ki)OFING Fit all kinds uf hui!aiiis, iu all climate. HEADY "iTodFING DiM.r. clici'ply. utiil quickly nt on. Xrcd eo tfoutiin; ocr with ucim-nt nlivr it ih nailed dewu. HEADY "lToOFING 5Iado nf a strung woven fabric, thoroughly saturated ami covered upon both suifucea with a per feci ly wa terproof cunpo.-.iiioii, and ut up in rolls reudy lor use 40 inch wide, und 73 led long. We also manufacture LIQUID C211TT. Fob Leaky Tlx Roofs, Much cheaper aud more durable thau oil tmmt. ALSO, Coniuouiitt (Vnicnt, For Leaky Shingle Roofs, Which will often suve the cost i f a new ;oof. Samples of Ready llouliug and Cuculurs sent by mail nhen desired. Fttvorable'.erms made with responsible parties who buy lo sell aguiu. READY ROtlFINO CO., Jo Maidcu Luuc, N. Y,. April 23, 18C4. WILLIAMSP0RT OIL WORKS ! NON-EXPLOSIVE PURE CRYSTAL CARBON IN TIGHT PACKAGES. Orders will receive prompt attention II. D. IIOLPEN. Proprietor. Willianisport, June 25, 1364 PKNSIOXS, RUUMIE8 AND BACK PAY COLLECTED. O P- BOYFR. Attorney al Law, is duly author ised and licensed to collect IN-iimIomm, Itoiitilii-kiiiiU Itnt-k V fur Widows, Or phans and Soldiers. Utbce in Market street, oppo site Weaver's Hotel, Suubury, Pa. January It, lo64. ly KI'OIITSIH KM'M li:i01 Tl'ST received a new stock of Fishing Tackle far Spring sales, consisting ol Rods, Reels, Liuos, Daskels, SuwkIs, Floats, Nets, File. Artificial Rait, Rigged Lilies, Out, Uraas and Hooks, to which tha atlcutiou of dealers is particularly requested. Orders, Wholesale and Retail, punctually filled and satisfaction warranted. JOHN KRIDER, fad anl Walaut streets, Philadelphia. FeVruary V. 14 wi 'I'lr Admsi i;rrstsi 'oinnnv. "II VK NOTICK that, they have concluded ar J rangementa with the Northern Central llnilroad Company to run trulna from Ualtiinore for Yurh, linrrisburg, Dauphin. Halifax, Trevorton, Sunlmiy, Northumberland, Lewishur;, .Milton, Aluuey, WiU litim'port, and nil inteTinediaie "tationi. ronnccthig al ' llarrisburg with Urn filtKAT WESTERN EX PRESS for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Sk Inniis and tiie West. Also with Howard rOs Tprr-s f.t ViiH.ih or I'linviiie, liiiiontsourg, TnK"'narre, I'lttslon. Hcran. ton, and IntcrinediaUi stations on the C'attawissa Lackawanna A lilooinsburg Kai'.r(ads. At Wil litmupurt, by Howiitd A Co.'s Expre-s t.( J, r,. y Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Ilowurd .1 C. and their coimeotions, fur Cantoii, Troy, Elmlni' Rochester. Iluffulu, Niagsra, and to nil nuoevil.s points in Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward iMeroliandiso, Specie, flank Notes Uon01'' aBl1 V"lu"1'' l'kaesof orcry dowrip Also, Notes, Drafts and Bills Tor Collection. Experienced and elliuiout mcnengera cmployol and every eflort will be umdu to rend-r s.itisilieiion . . , '''"IN HlNtlll AM, huperintendfntPcnn'a Division, Philadelphia. R. A. HiCHER, Agent for Sanlmrv. April 5, IMi. J Iho I. Arriinst'cmciM h ol 3t'W Tisirlr I.Ui . TIIE CAMDEN AND AMUOY AND 11111, PllIA AND THEN JON 11. It. CO.'S LIM S. From riiilmltlyhinto Art" Yuri n. id WUy I'larf Jrom Walnut Hrttt Wharf rtiirt lirmiiieto Depot, will I'art at follow; rit : rxn Al H A. 51.. via Camden and Auiloy, (C. and A. AwomnKMrtlon.) 2 At 0 A. 51.. via Cuudcu and Jrey City, N. J., Acoin ai('latiof). At H A 51 , via Catiden and (Morning .Muil.i iTcr-cy City. :; city 2J At A. 51.. vi Cnrnlcn m. 1 J.-:; Class T;-kt At 11 A. M via Ker.i:.gon avl J :ey city, C and A. At 1'.' M. ( A-:?' it Ui At 2 P. 51., t in f'mdi-n and Aoil-' . : I t ;..rj . 1 r.n t'..ira Ion ar 1 A ,!, . (K. and .A . K'-ri-.t At Z P.'M.. via Kendnrr. U.. h .1 .V. V I t: At "i P 51 .vi . K ir.i.r,.- . iLw r,;,, sj,,..! - At 1! I .M v ... E-r.:-' itlicin Mail S l 1 loi.,1 , VIA Kr!;-"rg'i S'.ultl.'rri Lvor.--At 5 P. M.. ui ( i t. ' n - ' ni'via'i'.ii. r-!!it a:-d ) and J. Citv .r. rev -I'V. : 1 .!-r r-.d J,i city. - A" I i.-.'t t I ii-S Ti-e'. StiHind t.'luss Tiokt, For Abater tiap. Mr.,u'ie,':r.: .-'rnaton. barrc. Nl'..nti-i,-,-. tirent .:.. u'. ti Ji ui Ken-inglvii, via D' l:iviire, Liel--.i... Western Railrobd. For 51aih-h Chunk. .'.ll"ii'corr. ll..',:.lo,iei Wil A. ';l,a I. I ,lere, Lfflon. I.niiih-.rt . 1 1 1 . . Ficiivton. Ac . A. M.. Iroiu Ken-iii'oti Dei-u., u,ri at Zi I'. from S .-limit sttcet harf t'fhe '1 A. 51. Lino e'.iit.ec's wi.h T.-aim le ; istun f ir 51.1.0 h chunk, ut ;l-20 51. 1 1.: For -Mount llollv. at li A 51.. J 'ni l I P. M. Forlreohold, at " A. 51. at I J P. 51 WAY 1.1 M.S. I' .r Rri-lot, Trcntuii. Ac. at 11 A. 51. a.ai 2; !) P. 51. from lv-ind.''g:on: for Paiuivra. liiviur.jn. Xi-'lau.o. Revc'y. liiiilon. Florence, Ru lontown, ic, at li. 1. iindlil. 51. i y For New York, and Way Lines leaving sinuui l't pot, ttil.c llic Cars on l-'ii ;h ft re 1 1 . ; Walnut, half au hour l-cl "re den.ir; tire, 'ii.e run into the Depot, and ou the arri..i of encii J rim IVoi.i the Depot. Fifty Pounds ol Rsggage c:i'y. nll nvcl pit ngi-r. Pas.-.'iig"r.' i io j r..iiil.'i'.-. iV.,m t it:: itiuig as haggle;- ho: '.!.: ii Tearing .:t.p.,ri I. I-at'i:;, 'e o i r ti:tv r- itr..ts to he leii I N-r e:r.i. 1 ,,., r.i, ii.. ...ui... i....... ! di..- Do. iar p,r pu'.n.d, an I viill not be iinl'le7i auivuut bvond iltU. i-u t t hv p,'il e-i.tru.-i W.M. 'il. UATZMFk. A ; January 17, lt-4. 3.MARKr.T STREET, U.VRllISlil'UO, I Dealer in P I A N 0 S . YW Ri sen, a ! JYiiios. f.oiu ibu bet t from Jl'ioO u.i'-Turii''. .MRL'tlili'iNS. The l,V iirxi-Tactured m-i.'s from $ljt .Sl"il iuitais. Violins. A n.r 1 . i:,s. Flutes. i itev. ltiuins. Riinjos. I .iinl.-iiiriues, ioiin and li ui'.ar sti ins aud in i.ir.-.l n. chiiydizo in g-t crid. SJIKKT .MVSrc?. Tin !s:e.l puMicsiiors always on hand. -Vi: l,v o.ail to ntiv liar; ef tho c-.untrv. Ui Al., fVtC'ARi:, tillf AND RO.'-K FBAMKH. Siiitnl 'e fr look ing gia..,ts, and ail hinds uf ; l'tj kn hand. A fiun ass'uitmeiit uf best plnted ! I.I0JCIX1 tlLASsKs fn.iu su.u!!-i to l.u,;.- A ny stjltf of liunic luudo u i-rier at ih ' notice. ' V5i . K .t e ' i I A Mil II. I ML Hi: Market "l . Herri- Confectionery, Toy PRXJIT bTORi liii-!k l filreot, unlntry, I f.'0.I'lXTIiNi:UY Oi-' ALL XiNJ toys or i:vi:hy dlsl j;:; Fnn r. &c. a .-.. IIONPTANTI. Y on buti l and for s ue al t V .' establishment at wholesale nn I retail, a ahlc prices. He is inanitfiicturiiigi.il kinds of Cn l'.', to keep up a full an-oi linci.l U;-b ate s ui rates. 1 iha-eo. Srgars. Sla'i, -rry. Net-i f all k a variety of other articles, uil ol ln.,!i a wholesale aud retail. Ij- R'lUieiubiT tj.c tianii at.'l 1 1.,.;'. , 51. .'. (. I. Ali!l. Market street, 3 doois w ist of L. Y. R,-:-!.. store " ."onhiiry. Sept. 10. I SAr!. i f " WASHlNGT(,N HOI Southwist Corner of 5arke( S jua, hl'.'Itl II V. tA. nillE undersigned resr.eetfi.liv ine.ri' - : I that he has taken chiir ;e oi' ih- ,,l ,i Hotel, and Oiks fur the continuance m il piiironage and would invite ull oihcrs to l Call. ur-; TALi.r always supplied wiih the I. st tlio maiki Ills P.nr eontaiiis the choi-i-i li . u rs. m, ling is good and Well ttttltl'I I iv ''U"-!nl 5IIC1IAKL Wil Sunbury, April, lo, l?ti. J. R. HIX.SUS.T; I ninny siurvejoi- A ( uuir, .Vnifiw;, y,irt'iiinih'r!anil Con,.'; Oflice in Washington township. Fiigaj be made by letter, directed to the lib All business culrusled to his care, will be attended lo. April B, lS64--ly TOW. LOIsi von SKI rplIE undersigned will sell at private mi 1 TY-Sl.X TOWN LOTS, situate in ihe unburv. The lots are locs'.ed withiu a . of Ihe Pennsylvania Railn r 1 Compai.y C'li-lis. in the northern pari t tlio loun. all suitublo huildins! lols. i it ; nte in the m niriion of the borough. They will be i sonable terms. For furthel parti, ul.irs PLTLH R MAS H R. 51 l.i;. FRANCIS lilt I Kunbury. June IS, ISC! 1 uTM.TIr7AX. A. 51 IMPORTERS or WINKS AM) 1-IUr I.AI 'M.l.1 Jt SI l.l. l No. 126 South Ninth Street, between t Walnut, 1'lilLAM.LPiUA May T, 1864. MAKMIIH'N l'ATKVr 1 IV ITi: liii:i:i:ii! At Improved for ls-tf and lnf By E. KETCH AM 4 CO., 29 lWst , riHE oulv Frecier eonstrucled on sei X oiples. with a revolving can and s Si'raper. The one hastens the frceiiug ot the other remove it as last as li oseii. The most rapid in frcciiug, with the le of ice. . . ,, The most economical inect, a it is ui and durable in structure. . . For sal iu all the principal cilu-s and Uniou. , . .A. . - Each Freeser aoocmpanied with a boo and full direction. I quart, 4 quarts, t quart, 8 quart, 14 quart, 20 quaru. Apple to H. B.MASSER, Bu Wares It, Jej