Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, November 05, 1864, Image 3

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H. B. MABSKJEt! Editor ft Proprietor.
U." Will VERT. PMbHlr
siuntv, ia,
8. M. rETTENGITiti ft CO
.. 37 Park Kow, New Totk, said e BUU Street,
too, srs agents for the Bcsscst Asusioas
om eUlea, snd srs snthorlied to Uks Advertise
ita mid Subscriptions, for ni at our lowest Irstos.
it?' Official Vote or Tits State.
. Hsmsluirg Ttlbcraph, of the 8(1 Inst.,
i the oflicinf vote of forty-iiine counties
rcccivieil nt the State Dqmrtment up
lio 2,1 Inst., which we hve the following
nioa. 100.787
einocrst, 178,698
Union majority, 1-1,089
vT.r A photographer has recently in
iiccil ft novi-ltv in the mode of taking
s-ile-visitc photographs with the sljjv.a
iof the sitters appi'iuleil. This fives
ittU- extra trouble. The sitter simply
; his name to a slip of paper, niul tlmls
c simile, diminished in size, transferred
e portraits, ll the sitter thinks proper
mi also add to his signature a ryvom
'lUtion to nil persons to imitate his cx
o, and "sit" in suits procured at the
n Stone Clothing Hall of KocKhill A
n. Nos. 003 and 005 Chestnut irret,
; Sixth.
Eoral atYatvs.
Ftcv. Some of the bi tow V the
!Oi.wiMVC i t rivM.Wr.t . ,' the Vr.-.tod
Iv rtfi.'ct iV.f s.s :U Uf!
ay it. Jr3.r v isy (C Tbir W-.v'T-.g
TiiO rdsn .".sac, ir.M
place, o ! f;-KiM'
c!.i irr
lc l'er
u i. :
,t Ri;s(v-i--A V B TV.
il l I'.t f: r S :- V.i.i. t it Vf-
s-htt I.' v-i-Jfaof tr srif-s.-i- towa.
.re in aitivia-.-. 5.-vr: i.-::-t y.!ir
.-.e --
iviprri A Ji. uioi u f :--..r ; tt JTt. -u!
.f!: of ill.' l-ifl -ii m.utk. c'.-tr ..-f a'.! .-.!.
aoclarca 1 y; ;A- vt Xor-.l.abrScJ.
i- l.rc -t liic att. iiti.Hi uf our rea-li'M to the
nit-ul of William l!own. who luwjjst of-rn-t
hanl-onc tviorttut-'iit uf li vJ
cuvcr A Faj iv bivp jusl ipon.J ihc'r fall
erstx-k of Gu-I. S',! iidvi-riisomcut.
. TV... -...,l.l ..itlt'tVia
: V.i.i'-.' Churfh. iu iuh pljec. ImU i
..a ;;.-nJ:iv cvoimi mxt. in nwumi ,
in Murkvt s",uare. ' i,tr,i, t to u i
.k r-, r,i i
.tri.rasrc.tinh.ira. j
r0 vnni.v asiT jJASTAnntv A.-T.-On j
i.iiinrf last, ft inr-.; tr.ioii .ii:i ..icei.iK ,
hi r. i-vrv An J--ir?-.n train w run !
:!.,.,..'uuri and La,U,inttna railronJ. ami ;
u' of tbe
citbi-rn of tli y'.Rtf, Hil l
, t.. .:-sr h.gvctoruf.r.j
rhtu 3, wont r.
ri.neU Train "a iheir
ihv Imlo wnii ruu.ihi
: half way bnv. the ong'-ht'-T duwvcfeil
i.i Ml tie track, wl-.'ii h" r v-rfcl tbc 'i.
the tniin. with nl..."l l-vi hini-licJ
: -1. a;
If u
:vcl it l-cir - thrown off
;;:t- :i.e canul. "'n cxaiii;n:ii;on it wi-
:.n iron rail haj Wniltici tut lite ffg J
i.-h mid oilier ul-t: u lintii, l:iee.l on the
tlittiikof the eommunily tiro iHo t tha
i.-im-irr ruiittiiig tliulcii-'t, fur having frns
dwijrr of an eoiir'lly wrK?l. ho
i-tr.iy a fcr tolrrr by mildly fjsartina-
.miirf M.r, AfEMTifl A L'e-iiocrfiiio
p- held in ibe Court flou'o in th-s
Suturditv eveoinj; In-t. The hoiifo
tiitd ah ill TV'"'-iy divided between the
The iirntor was a Mr. Clny, of Maine,
Kli-pped otU of hi teens. n,t who could,
mik i a better speech hi a better caue.
s hired to do the best lie can, havo US
u- will fullll his coutract to tho tot ol hij
e spoke, us all the i-pcnkeri rHluit stamp
Coiifi'millon.-' ' Tree. Ppiech," "Free
I. .tin ilroivn." and the '-Xier." Of
.'.tent I.ineolu. in liif ostimnlion, lis tain.
try. Jeff, liavis hiii- pro'.iaWy done some
ieh he think can ho ennpfmoei hy
i South their rights" ueeorliiij? to the
l.i, f .rm. He UttempleJ to vxphiin the
.f that platform, bat "J! l'hil. Irhcridan
Ued all the plunks out, he JouM not find ,
les left, m he ftiioolhed it over as best he j
1. MeC'lctlan wns eulogiiid in the iiij-Kest ,
j lii n-soehite Mr. Pendleton, rn seurce
d. Probably it wa? best, n bis reeord
arc Dinny soldiers to vote for biiu. Abra
a . ie!lieed a t'uiiig in-lrumentnl ill
out this cruel war; creating taxes, ruin
nitry. cniancipiitiug Ibo -iiiKHcrs," 4e.
-in of cour:o is ol'uo account, because lie
vis' party.
ing adjourned by giving three cheers for
Three sons of Krin, hot M discroct as
r friends, after coming out of tho Court
oscd threo chcorafbr Jeff. Davis.
S. Cunts. Com ,1'mn., Oct. 29, 1861.
,'biend : I enclose you a receipt for
We are also much indebtod to you
otof another valuable box of hospital
your "Little Helpers" at Sunbury.
Doris our little friends are ranking m
cause miht do credit to older hiuidj.
j uiav be sustained and cucouragud.
iLu.Uj. Im them lor their generous dona
llenpecllullv. CVi U .BTL'AkT.C.C.O.
tl for November Terra 1864.
n v IL B. Macr.
roruM vs IJ- A. Alexander,
Northumberland Aei'sB Oearhart t at
vt Kmo
ixo, 7i .'catau newer,
,U, t., n vs Samuel W ewt,
hus Ao is tiudfrey Htteky et al
iruna elal vs l'hil . K. H. U 4e.
n ' J"16 Waldrou.
)crlixit al vs Jo!i Vuris, 4e.
ft v Thou Bauuigardncr,
istr vs Naaey Carr Jt Franeis,
j, ' vs Jelia A aydor, adm'r
,t'u ' rs Wm B Brywo
,.r vs Arbogant A Bobb,
idge vs Jacob iiindore,
iberger vs Mania.
her vs Joseph Vieitxcl,
a el.l vs J.J. bull A JVCristw.ll
Iaer, vs Jae M Maurer Ao
'chip vs Elisabeth Jenkens.
, a f. D Long v. It. Waldrou,
bum vsJauies Pollock tal
or vs Bird A Jouty
uul vs Philip "Serb. Catharin.
ly vs John Mover with nolio.
an vs titophen Bittenbondor
Weetal . 8- Woloott,
blice v. C P HolferM al
Evans A Co vs rnek and Stoat
Ke et al vs Jacoby Harlman et al
mming vs John WiUeiuoyer
William 8. Forsman
9mus vs Aadrew Heckert
vs Daniel W Smith
mn vs Andrew Jierkert
IcClura vs Hugh MootgBry, adm t
For Uie Amcrioan.
Friu ffS4 RoKtmont l'tua, Tola.
Camp, Morris Island, 8. O. I
October 8d, W01. f
Mr. Enrroa s-t can not tcfrain from
giving you nn idea of tho feeling existing
throughout thu toldiurs on Moms' Island,
regarding the recent Chicago Convention.
The whole talk from morning till night 19
of the coming election, and the traitors of
north who talk of compromise. We did not
begin the' war and Wte have suffered too.
much to compromise with traitors. When
the rebeillou is tottering on its last legs. All
we soldiers nsk la, that Father Abraham bo
elected four years moro.vvhich I havo not the
lease doubt but what lie will, everything
looks very favorable so far. 1 will assure
you that tho soldiers will do everything
that lays in their towards elwtin
him if the people at home ill be as truo at
the coming t'rvstdcntlnl election as the sob
(tiers aru Lincoln will be elected by ft large
majority, and this rebellion will uudortbted-
It lui tipiitliml ! a linrS limn n
all tired tf this i-ebvllion. the soldiers as well
as the people at home. e would all like
Jell" Davis and Ins blood hounds an; entire
ly ilisprrsod ami every leader ol tlie rebel
lion expelled from the country, MvClellnn
is a great peace man, and wc Imvc thousands
moio in the northern Plate of the same
stamp, but the sy they are going to make
peace, is nltogrther wrong in my views.
They go in for making peace without hint
ing tho Southern CVnfedorary. On no such
terms can w e make peace, t brlirvc that a
oossi-.l;.'N of hostilities would lead inevita
bly and diivvtly ti" a recognition of the ir
snrgvnt States and when I say this 1 need
hardly add that I can have no part in any
pontics movement of which tho Ohie'lgo
rlii'.form is the basis. Tho only !upc of so
oniir.i -an honorable a peace which
shall n-store oor homes and finides, Union
and the (on-!trtion. bes in stcadv. Pevsis-
tent and nnrvmiuinjt prcsicr.tion ot the war. j
KespcoliVdv, Of.o. K. Hknsyi,. i
Co.tV. VM ttigt. IVnn. Vols. !
E-tfMr. rcrdy havicg consented to pub-'
lis!) but pari of ".he following letter, wc are '
re.;ns:ed bv Mr. Taccart to give it publi- j
... . , I
:1 ..... :
Trnt vrrtrniv. Oct. OS. ISCt.
Mr. I
u.n---t have i..-t sn: a iV'.'i
: n.i ;u i,r
i I out. I i
I'-iper of llie
;:i Naia somewhat uarh.y
on ciV.c. r of the Uorouish of'atr:-.d, for njvvfing the vole of
ItC-tj-v tVrir.iuh. As xUu objections were
ma.ic by tv. it becomes my duty to vindi
cle thvv tenth -men. especially a u majori
ty cfthciii .i'nTi-r with ice politxally.
" I do i.vt know why li Little should
!:io j.i!c t. the trouble and expense of
la a mailer so probable, even hit
s::: plf u-evi-ra!;on might have bun believed
t :i-iist. among straiigt-rs.
Ti i re arc three reasons why the Hoard should
n.'t have rvceived this vote. The first alone
as considered suliitii-nt by the Democratic j
Judge. Mr. C. B. Ri-nningi-r, who has viven i
ani'tiivr proof of his tubiiorn honesty, even
when h; strongest prejudices were assiiled. I
In the rim place. Janus R. Little wa3 tho I
person ik-ViMted by Deniulh to otler his I
vote. In k-tter of attorney he solemnly I
kelares. riat no other person had bveu i
authorized to do so. It tea "jt'trc i by ChvrUt
LittU, who hud no more riyht to it, than
.. .
I H'e second place, no soldier has a rlgljt
I" vote bv iiroxv, unless he is at a post,
h(-re , ,w, qUilifi,(l voters j
of PenmylvAnia. This tact aid not appear, I
L the third place, George Deniuth vnt fcw
'' -'v!,;W yMV vid. Jle WHS bom
l" """..,-V"'Vl- - 'I i, .
t "' . A Vr.ltVV 1 !"Ve, ?m "
return lit in the I - 'T'" " " ..
. . ,!,!. 1 and his mother savs the record is riyht. Jle
uta siox rate this . , , .... . ..-. i.
Tti., r.. .r. I j,i iid inriii ill 1111, i i i v mini'.
si, ti-.-: mere .iri- resprtuaoii: uiii.rii in .nnni'
utiibfiland, who reiii'-mbcr the date of his
It is not customary in Northumberland
for eitlu-r party to permit an illegal vote to
be polled nif'iiiinl Hum. if they can help it.
As the party to which I am opposed, have
always had the control, it sometimes gives
them a little tho advantage in this respect,
bta not when Mr. llcniiigcr is Judge.
I trust this brief statement w ill convince
Vo'-tr renders, that our Democratic election
board did no wrong in rejecting this three
fold illegal vote.
Very Kespeetfullv. Yours.
Tiu'.man II. Pi nnv, Esq.
Jui-j I.lft
or XvvrraUr Term, A. D. 18G4.
1 Euorh I). linker, Little Mtihanoy.
2 .1. M. Simpson, Sunbury.
I) ('onrge lA-sher, Point.
4 Michael Eim-tick, I.owvr Mahanoy.
3 I'hilip rtuik'rick, ChillifiUiKHic
t! Daniel Keller, lA-wis.
7 Valentine Diet.. Siiiiimry.
8 Ilonry S. Iteit, Washington.
l t'liristinii Kiaiin r, Zrrln;.
10 Praiu-is llnet. Sunbury.
11 William Vunhorn. Mottti tp.
12 Nicholas tluni-r, MilK'i'.
IU, J.n'.-r Augusta.
I I William Monk' s. I..:',ts.
13 George K-nsji. t-iv. Shuniokiii.
10 Giileon Ih iilier, i'lianuikin.
17 John Fettermv.n, Jackson.
IS John Levy, PunUiry.
IU Samuel Kiit'lc, Jiinluil.
20 William t'onnul, Shitmokin.
21 John V. llitether, Turlint.
2J Unhurt Farusworth, Siiuhury.
2:1 llenrv Keller. HliiOJiokill.
21 Francis Uuclter, bunlmry.
1 Lucus Young, Lewis.
8 George Lyon, Sunbury.
8 Jacob Yordy, Zerhs. ,
4 William Gulkk, Rush.
5 Rultzer Kiel'er, Sunbury.
6 (Jeorgo Weiscr, Sunbury.
7 Thomas Puyers, Upper Augusta.
8 William Raup, Lewis.
0 Jacob Moutz, Turlmt.
10 Franklin liucher, Chilllstiuafiuc.
11 Hiram Price, Sunbury.
12 William II. Ltighow, Point.
13 Joseph SI. Hare, Northumbcrlaud.
14 Isaac Sticker, Milton.
15 Alexantlria IXppiu, Jackson.
10 George B. Leonard, Lower Augusta.
17 George Zimmerman, Upper Augusta,
id 'i, ..,!. .a l?lfir Turlmt.
19 Leonard II. Diellenbaeh, Turbutville.
20 Philip Frank, Upper Augusta.
21 William Grady, Poiut.
23 Joseph Huruiun, Milton.
23 Henry Morgan, Point.
24 Wm. L. Dewart, Sunbury.
George Euterliuo, upper .uuuunuv.
fM.,;.,;r Allutrt .Tackson.
87 Jacob II. KauHtnan, Upper Mahanoy.
l I . T I
28 Btimuei JJerr, icicait.
on u.....,,l ir. ll. r Delaware.
UO George Shafl'er, Lower Mabanoy.
j I IV UllUlll i,lui-M., -
33 Henry Malick, Upper Mahanoy.
83 Henry Egbert, Milton.
84 John E. Kreamer, Turbut.
85 Peter Voris, Chillisquaque.
88 Daniel Disel, Upper Mahanoy.
87 Alfred Montgomery, Lowis.
88 Jacob Wolf, Chillisquatiue.
89 John M. Hegins, Zcrbe.
40 Anthony BuddiDger, Mt. Carmel boro.
41 Irad Helwig, Lewis.
43 William H. Miller, Sunbury.
43 Win. Pardoe, Chillisquaque.
41 David Billuian, Cameron.
45 f bowas Fould, Zerbe.
40 Prtr Weiklc, Cararron.
47 Nicholas Campbell, Shawokin.
48 Jacob Koidig, Toint.
t William Spatts, Lower Mahanoy.
8 Daniel Latsha, Jackson.
S John Fink, Delcwaro.
4 Levi Kerstettcr, Ixwcr Aagusta.
0 Henry Oossler, Northumberland.
0 Philip Raup, Lewis.
7 George Dunklobcrger, Shamokln.
8 John Roadarmcl, sen., Bhamokin.
9 Hiram Bloon, Lower Augusta.
10 John McFarland, Lowis.
11 Zachariah Hogendoblcr, Miltou,
13 Jacob Kramer, Zurbe. '
18 Hugh D. Uarr, Miltoni
14 William I). Irwin, McEAcMvlllo-.
1.1 Martin Oasa, BhamOkln.
1(1 Nat hen 8. Kvnter, Lower Augusta.
17 Robert Highland, Chiilisquaque.
19 Isaac Turner, Lewis.
19 Daniel Kcrchner, ThVbut'. . ,
20 J. II. McCormtvk, Milton. ,:
81 John P. Summers, Milton. '
23 I.cvl Drnmhellcr, Washington.
2lt Soloinen Snyder, Lower Augusta.
24 Jacob C. Hoffman, Pelowaro.
9.1 Panic. K miner, Chillisiuaqus,
20 John Gnliek, Point.
27 John 9. Peterman, Milton.
28 W. E. Irwin, Chillisquaquc.
20 Samuel Dearmaii, Delaware.
iU) Philip Kiefer, Sunbury.
!tl John Wert man, Delaware.
;V2 Reuben Cooper, Chillisqunqhe.
!l;t Samue! Urocious, Washington.
IU Farnsworth Reed. Phamokin.
B.1 P.lias Vo't, i.o',vt'r Mahailoy.
IHI Isaac ?iuniierman, Lower Augusta.
To lio rcliool IHreclorn ol" orlh
iiinkrrlnl Coimly.
tirvTi i:vi:i : Appliention havint been made by
the 1'oaidn ol Pirectors of a majority of the School
listrict in said county, fttntiug their desire to in
ereae the salaiy of the County Superintendent
thereof, you are respectfully reo nested to meet at
the Cohrl lloae in Sunbnrv. on Wednesday the 16th
day of XOVK.MHKR, lSt-,l."at 1 o'clock and 30 ruin
iites iii the afternoon, for tho purposo above gtnted.
aocordiuir to the tonus of thejtighth Keetion of the
upplcmi'iil ol tho School Law, approved the tIU
day of May. 1SSS.
0. It. COBl'RX, Sup't. Coin. Svhouls.
Oct. :. isa. ,tt
IeriiiiiiloM ii 'l'-l-f-riil.
.1 l-'im and an Agricultural, Deeotrd U
Cheiee l.iturnture. ineltidiniT. Poetry, Xovslettes,
Tules. and Moral and Kiilertutniug Headi'tg gener
ally In the l.iter;iry l'epurtiucnt wo shall present
tlie choicest varieties within tho reach or our extend
ed means. The Novelettes, Tales. Poetry. &o., !ih11
l supplied from the be-! find highest sources, aud
Le ttjual to anything to bu found iu any journal or
Agricultural and Horticulture, embracing Farm
ing, iinrdcning, Fruit'ltaiiiing. &.c Our labors in
this depurtmcut for over thirty years, havo met tho
cordial approbation of tho public. Our purHso lias
been to furnish useful aud reliable information upon
thtse very important branches of industry, and to
protect tlieui so fur as withiu our paper against the
l.-ilse doctrines and selfish purposesof the many em
pirics aud sensation-adventurers by which the Fnr
mer is incessantly ossniled. Tint portion of the
"Uerinaiitown Telegraph' is alone worth the whole
price of subscription.
Xcns Depnrtiucnt. The some industry, care, and
discrimination, in gathering aud preparing the Stir
ring tvonls of tho Day, expressly loi this paper,
which hitherto hn been one ol its marked features
and given so universal sutifaoliou, will bo contiuued
with redoubled etlorU to meet the increasing de
mands of the public.
Tkums. Two d'dlnrs per annum ; ono dollar for
fix months. Xo orders received without the cash,
and all subscriptions alopped at tho end of the time
paid for.
J'ditor un.l Proprietor, Oerwautuwn, Phila., Pa.
Oct. 2J, IsOI. 2t
look at the Returns !
?!arketS4uaro, PLXUl'RV, PEXX'A.,
Il'T received from Xew York and rhiladelphia;
a fresh supply of the latest styles and of the beat
quality ct
for Men, Women and Children, which ho offers at
rducc'i prices.
Women's Shoe at l 51.
All his sood Stock WAitTlAXTED. X'o Paper
Sboef S'.-l'.l 'it his store.
lie will also rVderale H'-'ts and i?bocs by the box.
The put'llc gttiorally are invited to call and ex
amine his stock.
Sunbury, Oct. 22. Ififil
Two doors west of Win. H. Miller's Shoe store,
Sunbury, Pa. Just opcuod a fresh supply of
Su"h as Fancy 1'ross Trimmintrs. Ilibbons. Gloves
llandkerehiel's. Ladies' Limn Collars and Cutis
ilent s Linen and paper Collar. Xetts. Iielts. Laeo
Collar and Sleeves, Hair Itolls, Velvet Kibbmis,
Ited. White and Illue Xcck-tica, Corsets, Quaker
rkirts, lokesund Sluuves.
WOOLKX (iOOI).S, comprising of Sontogs, Hosiery
for ladies and children. Caps of all kinds, Scurts,
itloves, -Mittens. Ao.
lso, a new stylo of muslin for Garribaldi waists
together with .Swiss, Jaconet and Victoria Muslins
Crape Collars and Veils, Grenadine and Laco Veils
anil a variety of other articles too numerous to uien
'.'on. jiAUl L. bflL.uaf
riiinbury. Oct. 22. 1S61.
Sunbury High School,
"rII,L re-open in the old Baptist Church, on tho
first day of August. The course of instruction
embraces all the hrauchci taught in Academies aud
tteminurle of the biguc-t grade.
Fr I.sriL'unires nneient and modern includ
ing all other branches, $15 OA
Vt, ,,-.,! tt;n,ne Al,r,.t,l-i, floooietrv. eto. 1.1 1)1)
Adfaiecd liraintnnr.Geoiriipfcr, History, Ac, l"i Ol)
tudiments of above. 10 0U
Primary, 8 110
Incidental bfnscs, 50
Tuition payable quarterly la advance.
Xo deduction made for lost time.
l'upils can enter at any time, and will only be
charged fro'u the date they enter.
For further particulars apply to the Principal,
Punbury, August 6. 18M. If.
iidj,M l.tiUy'is Itook.
Tus Fashion Maqazi.m or tub Woain.
Literature, Fine Arts, and Fashions. Tho most
magnificent Stool Engravings. Double Fashion
Plates. Wood engravings on every subject that cau
intorost Indies. Crotehit knitting, Xelting, Km
broidery, Articles fur the Toilot, for tho Parlor, the
Boudoir, and the Kitchen. Everything, In faot, to
muko complete Lady's Book.
The Ladiu Faroite or 33 rirs.
Msatln has been able to compete with it.
None attempt It.
Uodev s Iteoeipts lor every aepnrtmeni 01 a House
hold These alone are worth the price ot the Book.
Modol Cottages (no other JHagunne gives tucmj,
with diagrams.
Draw ing Lessons lor inc 1 oung. Anoiuer spceiiu-
ty with Godey.
Original Musie, worth $3 a year. Other Mage,
lines publish old worn-out music ; but the sntewri-
bers toiiouey get 11 oeiore tue musiu norca.
Gardening lor Ladies. Another peculiarity with
Ir aslnons lrom aiessrs. a. 1. nicwarv a- v,u., .
. . . . am r. . . . g. t
Xew York, the millionaire merchants, appear in
Godey, the only Magatine that has them.
Alto, ratuious lor loo ceieoraieu urouie, ui i'w
Ladies' Bonnets. e Ktvs more of them In a
year than any other Maguiine. In fact, the Lady's
Book enables every lady tuba berown bonnet maker
From which there ean be ao Deviation.
One ennv. one year. 100'
Two flui.ids. one year. S o0
Three copies, on year T 40
Four eopies, one year 10 00
Additions to any of lbs atovo elubs, $3 SO each
Godey's Lady's Book and Authors Horn Maga
inn will ient. eaah one year, on receipt of ft 50
Weh&v no club with auy other Mugiiin or
N. E. Corner Sixth and Chesnut bueot, Phila.
October 8, Irfoi It
Ci B BOYER, Attorney st Law, duly author-
kj, iied and licensed to oolteot I'l-u.lous,
UnuuiiMasd Hack 1iiv for Widows, Or.
pbans and Soldiers. Omoe In Market Street, oppo
site Weaver s Hotel, eunoury, ra
Jsnuary l. l44 Ij
IWImsj AXiA 1VMT1;M, -
Two doors West of tho Post Office,
etrjBtr-R-s-, i33Krir-A..f
T-TA riV"1 ,oc,'"l''"cd and opened a lnrge nssott'mclit
I X ofiancr DremOoodf.sucU asOloww, Jonvian
Kld-glovos, Bilk and lisle thread Ulovcs; Ladies
oottou and woolen Children's Merino Hone,
Bilk Mils, llmidVotebleTS, Corsets, Embroidered
Slipners, Kiblxms 1'ANcV DBUS.S BUTTONS. Jingle
Olmbs, Irimmingt, Huttons. Helt Ribbon Velvet Rib
bon., "raid-Belt Clwp. Udica' Neck ties, l-'aner
Buttons. CKAPJCRIHhtiN and ITIIMM INli ; Km.
broldering Braids, Jaoonct and Swiss tdginirs and
iDScrUonsi ot-iltoeoa Laoe Cnlnrs. Laoes, Uranadftia
Voils, l'unoy Dross Combs.lIIoad brosser, Notts, and
variety of other nrtiulca.
WOOLEN GOODS, ucfe ns Sehtngs, breakfast
Coseys, Caps, Mittons, Bacquos, Olovos, Bilk and
Cotton Flags, Ao.
Books, Hymn Books. Blank Bocks, Memorandum
Books, Diaries. Pocket Books. Ink Stands. Pens,
Pencils, a One assortment of Paper, luk, A.
Toilot Soaps, Tooth-Bnisho. Ao.
All of which have ben selected with care aud will
b sold at reasonable prices.
J3unbury, Oct. 22, 1?B4.
Miss 31. 1j. jiiNilr,
Fawn street, two doors south of Shninokin Valloy It
I'otlsvillo Itnilrond,
HAS just ojiened her Fall anil Winter "toi-k of
Millinery Goods. I.AM ICS JiOVNI-.TS. Hots
and Cacs of the latest stvles : I
Flowers and Foathevs. Trimmings of all kinds; La
dies and C'hildrens' Jlus". ii loves. Colliirs, Veils and
a largo assortment ol iancy Goods and Notions.
Call and see her stock.
fcuubtiry, Oct. 2-, lSul .?'u
RESPKCTKl'LLY informs her friends in Sunbury
and i-Wnity. that she hns just opened her
. ol Notion? and FiiiicyPrv (londs.
Market street, four doors west of Win. II. Miller's
Boot and iilioo ntore. iSL'XBDUV, Pa.
ller stoett Consists of Trinnninirs. tiotions. e-nlrol-
ileries. Ladies and Children' hats and 'bullet.'; silk
and other limn?. Corsets, Hoop-skirt. Crnpo mid
ijiieo Veils; Acts, gloves, sloekings, coilais, and
corsets, ,Uv
Break fast Shawls. Smtags, Hiding lh"d, Orps.
llt'jiefy of nil kinds.
ilents' Htoulkercbit !'. Cravat, Xeektiep. Susoen
ders : Ribbons, of all kinds. Feathers, Velvet, 'and
many other articles too numerous to mention.
K Alt, JILAl h..
SunVury. Oct. 22, 1361.
At the net stand, in Market "qaiiro. 8L X LL'KV,
HAVL just received from Philndi'Iphia tho latest
and most fiishionnble stales of Millinery GooJs.
such as Uounets, Ilat. Silks, 'clvets, Hibhons itnd
Lnccs, r ealhers A b lowers. Head Jlresses A Xtts.
Old Ladic.' Caps, AVoolen Hoods. Sontags, Itienkfast
bliawls, sua ana Wooiciibcar'n, llca'crv
Black Crape and Laco Veils, Crapo and Linen Col
lars, Dress Trimminga and iliulons, Co-sets. Zephyrs,
Soap and Perfumery, Clouk Xniueiing", Woolku A
Cotton Viiiu,!"', 4'li:)lK-iiaKitii:' and
Itrichtiiiu ton' f 11 i:it-. vIo.
Gents I.iuen an 1 Paper Coll.irs, Neckties, Ac.
COUNTRY PKilIil'CE taken in exchange for Goods
or Work. Thankful for p:u-t pitronne wo solicit
the same. L. A ii. tlllSLKU.
Sunbury, October 22, ISO I
V 11 K 1) K K I C K O L 1) A C II,
ItooLItiiitier tnl TJoroi co 'iim
-tlitli.-S-, .
Corner of Fifth A Arch Street, Philadelphia.
Mr. BAKLH, will remain a short time nt tho
Lawrence llour, in Ibis plce. and will call upon
persons who limy want books, magazines, Ac. bound.
His work will bo well done and delivered at tho
lowest city prices. MUr-lC handsomely bound at
reiisonnido pites.
Sunbury, Oct. 22, ISO! 3t
BV virtue of noortnin writ of Vt-n. Kxpnnns, tanC'l
out of tho Court (t Cuimnon IMcils. mid to 1110
directed, will bo exposed to Public Sale, at the Court
House, in Sunbury, on .Mouday, tho 7th day ot No-vcuii-r.
ut 1 o'clock, J1. -M.
All that certain trct or pie.-c of laud, slton'.e now
Jierbo toutisiiiji, (f.iruierly in Malmnoy towufl.ip).
Xorthuiuncr)aiiiL,cou!itp, Pennsylvania, bounded tnd
described 11 follows, to wit : beginning nt a while
oak conn r, thence I, Alexander Hunter's laud,
nurth sixty-aitio degrtrts, tst one bundled and
twenty-ono perches to a stone corner, thence by late
JacobKrisinger's land, south eleven degrees, ou-d
one hundred and fitty-si.v perches to a stone corner,
theuoe by Thomas li runt's land, south sixty-nine de
grees, west six-live perches to a chesnut, und thence
by tho same north eighty -six degrees, West eighty
eight percbi'S to a stone comer, thence north eleven
degrees, west ouo liuudt ed und sixtreu pep.hes to
the place of beginning, coiitainiii? one hundred acres
and alluwuiicc. six per cent exception, and exclu
ding so much and su h part or portion of tho r'uid
tract or piece of land as lies south uf the railroud
It which runs east und west through the said tractor
piece ol land.
Seised, taken into exectii-'n nn I to be sold a: tho
property of William L. Ilellcn-iein.
A certain let or piooe of ground, rituals in tho
borough of Turbutville, lot 110 IhiuihIcI ?n llic west
by lot of llev. Jacob Albert, on the north of Broad
way, on the eiuit by lot of David Frytnire, aud on
the south by an ulley, whereon are erected a two
sbry plunk dwelling bouse and kitchen.
eclifU, taken into execution ana 10 oe sou He ine
property ol J'aivcy Wilson.
A certain lot or nieco of ('round, siluato iu tho bo
rough ol Turbutville, bounded and described as fid
lows, to wit : on tuu norm ny rnini nreei.011 too
east by l'ara li-c street, on the fouth by uu alley 111. d
on the west by lot of Andcr-mi Jcnius, containing
in width ill) leet and 111 ueptu sou Icet, wucieon are
erected a largo two story lirick an. I frame dwelling
house, lurifo tunne suiblo or bam out buildini;-. Au.
BeiteU, lu).cii into oxei-ut 1011 nnu 10 uo 101a us tuu
property of Jiiurlcs i . Mel'liersou.
A certain b tor piece of irrouud. vitnate in the bo
rough of Xorthuiiiberland. Xorihuiubcrland county,
and State of 1'euiisylvaniii, bounded ou the south
side by uu alley, eu thu uoithwest by au alley, und
ou the northeast hy let Xo. 271. coutuiuiug iu Ungth
Seised, taken iolu execution and to be sold as the
property of Edward Liu 1 k .
A eert.iin tract or l ieeo of land, situate in Sliamo
kin township, Xorthuiubei land county. Pennsylva
nia, bouiided and described us billows, to wit : on
the eait by land ol tieorgo rcusyt. oil 1110 norm -y
luld of John Biland, and on Ine west by laud id
George l'ensj 1. coutuiuiug about Ml ueres more or
less, whereon ate eruolva a log uwcuing nuusu mm
Stable, fruit trees. Ac.
Bolted, taken into execution aud lo be sola as ine
property of Andrew Heineeker.
ll,L.l.I -H. 11 iv, cnerui.
Sheriff t Ofllcu, Sunbury, Oct. 22, 1-Mit.
And Dealer in
I'UVTU Kll'CCt. MOIllH Ol' WU',S
llolt-l, '
R TT 1ST TJ 13 V . "3P .
TNFORMS the eitiiens of Sunbury anJ viehiily,
that be has just returned lrom Philadelphia wuua
full aMortment of
I'AI.I. AM Wllill'K UOOBf.
His stock consists of Cloths, French Cloths. Dlark
Doe Skin and Fancy Cassimeres, Blue. Satiu, i igurcd
tmits. Plain and Fancy Ciwsinierc VJiSllNnS, which
b will make up to order in styles to suit the taste id
customers, on hurl notice, aud the most reaaouablo
'"Any Goods not onhund, will bo famUicd from
Philadelphia, by giyiug two days' notice.
Uood. furnUhed by eustomoM will be made up to
order ae heretofore.
Al be will employ none but experienced workmen,
pertoni may rely on gelling Ibeir work well done at
Thankful for the patronage heretofore bestowed,
J ' y-
Tha tindorsi);iiel havinS ptirflhlacHl of E. 7.
Ilrighf, Ksnj., his Maohlno Shop, foundry, Ao., at
Bunbury, and hfi now ooinnieneed operatiuns.
All Kinds of Machinery,
Persons deirin..; M At'JlINK WOHK Immodialely,
will do well tuo.ill aud cxamtuo bis lauilitics for
doing work cheap.
:n ikji: I'Oit iM'
SBtibary, Oct 16, lBflL
If you vrliih to marryt address tho undersigned, who
will send you without money snd without price, val
uablo information that will enable you to marry
happy and speedily, Irrespective of ago, wealth or
beauty. This information will cost you nothing, and
if you wish to marry, I will cheerfully aasirt you.
All letters strictly confidential. Tho desired infor
mation sent hy return mail, and no iittesitons asked,
Greenpolnt, Kings county, Xcw York.
Oct. IS, lHiil. 2mo.
vlttoriivy iiimI 4'ouiin-11oi- nt B.uvv,
"1ATILL carefully attend lo colleutions and nil
, I V other matters cutrusted to him. in thocountics
of Dauphiu. iNorthuiiiberliind and Snj dur
Oct. Ii, lsiil. iy
A Ii E 76 T M II U
to "sroxjjsrcs- nvcEisr
Jiift jmllixlietl in a Seant Envthj'e. Prin
six rent'.
A Lecture on the Xature. Trenl'm'ot and Radical
Cure of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Invol
untary Emissions, S"Xitul Debility, and itnpeiliiueiita
to Marringo generally. Xcrvet1.-ne.1s, t'ouMiiuption',
epilepsy, ami J'its ; 'Mental and Physical Incapaci
ty, resulting from Self-Abuse. Ac. By ROBERT J.
(M'LM-.K'.iELL, -M. J'., Author ot tho 'Grecti
Hook." Ac.
The world renowned author, I'l t!ii!i adiiiirablo I
Lecture, eloarly proves from his own experience that
l'o Swful eousi'-ijiieiiee ,f Se!f-Abuo may bo efl'ectu
tilly removed without nuvMeine. and without dumo-r-hus
surgieal oieralions. bougies, pistruuicuts, rings
or eordials, pointing out a modu o cure at once cer
tain and effectual, by which every sullerer. no ntnt
t ".' what his condition may bo. nmy euro himself
ohesplv. privately, and radically. THIS I.KC
Sent Hiidcrscal, to any nddres, in a plain, senL'd
envelope, on tho reoeipl of of six cents, or two po.-t
ago stamps, by addressing tho publishers.
CHA. J. 0. Iv I., INK ACO.,
127 Bowery, Xow York, Post OILce Box, 4."itt(l.
Oct. 10, IS'H. ly Kc
Vii1jiibI1o I'uriii loi iail',
rillTK imlfr:itrncl will exj o-o to Pul-.ic on
nt in oYlm'k A. M.. nt tlif publi,- lnust ot Jo.sKPil
YANK1HK, in tlio Uorouh Xnvtliuiuherlniul. ilt
Unit ct rHiin I'tirm mitl 1Vsil ul fiilliiH
sitiuttn iu Point township. Nortliuniln rhuul county,
ftflj'jiiihtjj; lniulrj of Jolii) 'lnnitlc,v uinl otliern on tho
liui tli. Willow Xour.-u on I he cant. KnWt Walk, r
ami J. C. JInrti n on tlio souili. nii'l John Kn"ii-.f on
the West. Into v.-lati- nf JAN 1 Ki. KOiil.NS. dc-vo-tt(l.
Stid farm id nboat lour lnih;- ttuiu .Nortja
nmhcrlnnd. Hnd contn in 5-;(0 A'!-?. id'Tu nr
!t". Whereon are en-ctcd n good Two-stm f iruii)0
J)uelliiJff iloust't Uffiiiy new. a J!unk Karn. Spring
Jluii.o, Ao. A lK-vt-T-fnilin rijirin of water, tvo
good Orchards, mid i." C'lnvonii'iit t" liir.Lat--:R'. Ahout
ucrei ot' which nro t.1i-nr(.'d niul in h '3'i!ui f-Uty
of cultivation, and tin rouituiiHcr vrv tiinln'ied
Willi WhituOak. Yellow PLij an. I i'lieMiut 'Xheio
alfo n good water power on the premises.
Term of sale tutid-' kuuwu nl tho time.
WM. M. Itut'KKt-KLLKU.
Attorney in fad, for the heirs uf I'ai.iel Kouiii, deoi.
.Sunhui j. Oci. . lht'4.
?" o liirjiy IIV.
CtAMK to tho preniiM- n-f the niWrPicT in X'pper
Auiru-ta liwii"hip. about four wt'ck- niiiee. luo
white ."liuut weighing at the tiiuu about tltly pound
cindi. Tho owner ii re'iuepted to come t'orwan',
prove property, pay charges und tako them uway,
or else they will he told nceording to law.
Tpper Augusta twp., Ott. 8, iHi'rl. 2m
.UK partnership hertHohuo existiog butHt'cu J.-
frinnc a vt . i.Hnint. un icr the Jinn ol
1'i'ttin A (irant, has been dissolved t'y tiiuitutmn.
AM persons imlebted to the hImjvo tu tu will p!e.ijo
call ut oiiee ut the old .ut:iiid and ettU li.'ir ac'-'iiuits.
Mr. Grant tender.-his tli-iitk- to tho puhlie I'4.' tho
liberal patronage extended t- the old firm In tlo ir
long contimianeu iu ("iilieivt and lmptfi tliat they
will extend the fume patronage to the new Tula ot
J. W. Friling A Son.
The busiucri-j heretofore earricd oil hy Frilin it
(j rant, will be continued by tho uiMlertined under
the firm of J. W. Friliug A Sou. al l!i? old stand in
Market ftiiutro where we reMieotCill . lnviro idt to
cull. ,f. V. f'l.JUNd,
11 Y. FUIL1XU,
Sunbury. Oct. S. lOl.- lm
VN olec'ion of Directors to serve for tho coining
vein- wilt be hold ill ibo llankintr House in the
iioroith of Sunbttry. Pa., on Monday the twenty-first
day ot November"next. between the hours of JO
o'clock A. M., and : u'vlm'k P. M.
Tlie regular nnnunl meeting of the Stockholders
will lie held at tlio Ranking House in the Jiorough
of Sunbury atore.-aid. ou the first Tuesday in Novem
ber luxttNov. 1st. IS'il.) tit 1(1 o'clock A. M.
SAMl I'l. J. PACKET"., Cashier.
Sunbury. Pa., Oct. 8, JMiH.
""'"HATS! HATS"!
Two doors v.cst of Fucker's Drug Store, Market St..
.SUNBURY, -PErsr-Nr'A.
IS c.instantlv mnniil'iictiu ingllic latest styles of Wool
und Fur Hat, which for founts aud Uuiubility
aru not surpassed.
tiive him a call aud sec his stock of Hats which are
sild cheaper than elsewhere. Mcrcbains and others,
purchasing ut wholesale, will lind it to their advan
tage to call and procure nil ai ticlo cheaper aud eiiul
lo city liiiinuiaeturo.
Sunbury, October 1, lSfiT.
TlllE undersigned respoi tfully informs the citireim
1. of Sunbury, that he has comm. -need the buck-stei-irz
bu-iness, and is reaily tosupplv cii.-ui weekly
with III Tl Kit. I.litiS. JiKAT. LAUD. POL'LTIIV
ofull kind.s. FRtSll HLhF and l'"l;!C. -tc, Ac -Persons
desiring any of the above article, will bo
promptly supplied by leaving their orders al bis resi
dence, iu llcndrick's uddition.
Sunbury, Oct. 1. ISOI. It
gkeat iEi Auction in the imuce of
jaijai"B. -sbv
No 20 South Secund Street, Philadelphia.
Aro now offering their mnnifieent stock of SilHs.
Dress liools. Shaw Ij. Cloihs. Cloaks, Velvet, At-.
fur below the present tinld Prices !
We have also ou hand, a largo sloe', of DTiM KST1!
tlOuDS, whieli we ure now selling ut j creel reuue
lion from the price uu hawi been selling tbiiu at.
As wo have li-td tlie advantage ol a lie in the prices
of our Sto -k iu tho progress , f tlie War for Ibo last
two or three yuurs. we uow propose to trivo oiir Cu
t.juieis ihe Advantugo of llic lull in l'ricco.
C'aliiocs and Muslins, reduced.
Fluniieis and Table Linens, reduced,
Blankets mid all stable Ijoods, reduced,
We respocttully solicit from (ho '.a 1., s and others
visiting Philadelphia, an cxaiuiuution of our block,
which is unsurpussed in variety and style, in tinsc it y
H. B., Wb-.lesalo Bnvers, are ioviied lo exumiue
. VtiUIV 11 a I.I. i i'ii
our stuck. EDWIN 11 ALL .t CO
No. 2'1 South Second street, Philadelphia.
October 1"J 2mw
u. S' .'!! Ut., liiiluJt'Irhl.
II ae a largo stock of
Superior plated TEA SLITS, fSVWyf., lOUKif,
October 1, 161 I in
.tiiiliiint rulor oll-e.
NOTICE Is horeby giyeu that letters of admlnls.
trution huving been grunted to the sulwcriber,
ou the estate of Jueob Kiebacb, late of Lower Mubo.
noy township, Norlbuuibcrluud county. Pa., duo'd.
All perMiUt indebted are requested to make immedi
ate payment, aud those huviug elaiuis, Iu present
theui fur setllemeut.
j . ISAAC L. WITMEK, Adm'r.
! Lower Mahonoy twp., Ool. 8, 16. 6l
j TI-AXK (Psrchmsnt Paper.) V
and bliu-k
cuuaions, 4o
Susbnry Aser.csa
Its KM. DM It 1 .4 TsVOifirKOX,
(Formerly of the '-Lawrcnoo Houso,")
rSFORMS her friends and tho publlo sjehornlly
that she hna rcliltcd tho hnusn formerly ocoupii d
by Dr. J. W. Pealo, on lllir .liherry street, lioar the
Northern Central Jtnilway Deprft, and nponcd a
I'tuirding Ilottso, wboio slirt Is pTpfired to keep
With good coolts And wniten. boarders can enj y
the (uict ootnP;rla of homo with faro cquil to the
let hotels.
P.H'rfb-o from thoso who may sijotirO In Sunbury,
le respeotlull solicited .
Enubnry , Pot 22, 1884 .
A P.E nolonly unequalled, but they are ab.ulutrly
XX. um"uulli'i. by liny oilier Heed Instrument ih
tliecountry. Designed e.Tprcs.'ly On- (.'inrehs und
Schools, they are found to bo t'jiiully V eil adapted
to the parlor aid draw ing room. For s;ile only by
K. M. BHl'd),
So. IS North Fcvent't street. I'hiladclpbia.
Where can also ho found P. coiu'lct uisoitlncrtl of
tjn l'erfeet Mctodeon.
Sept. 24, JatU. lyw
I'tMii'lEi & A-'Ii Nisi., IIiEImlclpJiSa.
Cater for tlio best Trade. hVid offer no Baits or de
eep'ton lo induce Custom, but rely on PAIR D1AL
I.Sli aud JOJD GOODS !
Bost McTtnoc", rihiotmble SMfi?. v
J'obilily I'lnids. Pinvs Poplins.
Dark' Foulards Figured Alerinoes,
Plaid Shawls, Uood Blankets.
P. S. We follow GOLD dottn, as close as wo fol
low it up. Now is a good tiiuo fur lerchauts and
Consumurs to come in.
October 8, 1X111. i'uiw
I beg leave to inform my friends and the public
generally that I hnva couiuienced the inauufacturo
uf CO.M. OIL LMPS of every desuripliou and stylo
of iinish, at
With my present facilities for nistittfuctnripg. and
a radical experience nf thirteen yearf in the mnn
nement of the lamp businv-fl f-r sof,ie of t'ne largest
houses iu tho country, J llattef tnyselt that my exiic-
j rienco and knowledge r.-.U enablo mo to offer to the
J public goods not C'l'.inllcit I'.v any in regard to stylo
an-.l woitiinaiisiiip. uii.i nt prices competing vritn ttio
lowest. 1 shall nlTYnv's endeavor to lend Iu btlering
to tlie public t'u'.v and useful invcntio'is Inour line.
1 hm e also Utkei the wliolealo agency for the sale
ol li KO. W. BUOW'N i t'n'S t'Ki.Kiin atkii Mltal
No. JW S. Second st., Philadelphia.
.September 21. 1m'I.
JUST orExiiD
Fall & Winter Goods
In ?.etlcmoye,'s Luilding. opposite (lemhart's Con
fectionery Store, Market street, SUX1H RY, Pa.,
HAS ju-t opened a well selected nssortin.-ut of
CiiH'ds. which he ofl'i rs for sale at very low prices.
Fl.'JlEItl ? AM) Pf)Mr.ST10. such as Cloths.
I'lcrcs, Musin. Slieelings, Ticking, Calicoes, Dti
Laines. Silks. ciingkam.'. Ao , Ac.
II A'I'. iiimI I'.M. ol every description.
C,nK-'tin; iti iliiery. (ltivc.. 'i'hreaJ, Ttuttnnf,
usjienth't. "ktiti', I'ullur?. llanilkerchielV. Jltiir
l;ru-he.. UViulli liiu?he-i, Knney lleml x)ri"iiv. Jlfil
luoral Skirtfi. lloop'Itirtj. Ctirpnt-liiii, Tuii.krf, Vn-
I nihrelltis. Cotton-Yuri), Soap', and uuinerous
other articles tou lediuUh to lueiition.
such ns nails, hinges and screws, door bitches, uiiu
knoos. and CI Tl.KltY of every description.
Dyes, Dntys, Paints, VnrnUlics, Oilf, Glnsj,
I'litty, ic, in.
iioifhvfrfi s:iul (1pnsk':ii- oi
very 4(4'n!jIii.
An extensive Stock of
Composed of Stig-ir. Coff'-o. Ten". Rice. Corn-stnrcll,
Molasses. Candles, Meat, I i.-h. Salt, 'lo'eacco,
and Sej'iiis
for men, women and children.
All kinds of Country l'roduce taken in exchange
tor tioous.
Sunbury, Sept. 10, 1SG4.
i.Aai:.s r.i.'v"ri is?!
3i j:-siisini:a
No. TJSiAKCU Street,
: above 7th , THUAD'A
APJi. t. Vv A -
ll -fc-; f i I
SsranJ .lnmitueiure. ouo
i-'T' . .".I... ' IL! l.'J'P I
fcmost BLAVIU'LL so-
lections of -
I'liitcy I-'ii I'm.
for Ladies' and Children ii fear in the Cily. Alro, :
u t'no assortment of dent's. Fur 'Moves & Collars.
As my Furs wore all purehiised wlnui Gold was at I
a much lower premium than at present, I em enabled i
to.lisposooi u ve.y " o ' ( ; ' ,'.
WOllltl llicteioiu " . -J
Norrhuiuberlandcoiiiity. and vicinity. . I
I J JUmtmber the uunio. Xumbex nnd Si root . j
71S Arch Street above "th. south ti le, I
Pept. !0, lsdl - Hn PIIILADLLI'III.T I
VI have no Partner, rt'jr eounectiou w'l'i any ,
e ther sioie i.i Philadelphia. I
"ff,W?'T,JT f -f?
fliiri.i'1 !ituiM', M'Ml KV, Ia.
H AVlN'ii just returned from tha City with an en
lire uew Mock of
Urni S'h'-nrlfnlsi, I-rfiaifry istl
I il- . rl i !'.
to which he iuvils" hi.' friends nn i llie pui-lto gener-
I allv, lo cull und examine. The Drugs and .Medicines
i ii c,,..,.i,,.l lioiu the best iuinoiUuir. bouses ml
are all sel-eie l limu the best luipiuUug Uoiise nv
the Eastern market with the greatest euro iui to pun.
ly Hud efficiency nnd avoiding as much as pof.-iJU-, i
the introduction of delerious nosti Sins. I
01' all kinds, such as Aver's, Jaynes, McCtliitoctt, ;
Ilollowavs, WL-hurls, ll,.lauds, Kdsdnk. Brown 3
ami all other popular patent medicines, alvmsa en ,
band. i
Hair, Tooth, Null, Clotho and Paint PrasliM.
Special caro is takeu to keep ou kand con'ts.-itty
every vaiiety of . 1
Suitable to the trado. j
Fuuey Toilet Artielea and iho namerocv articl-si ,
which are generally kept in a woll cducl jd eub-
llBPUlUUV. ... , ... v . 1
In ,mneolion "7
on uuno a iurB r. r i
iu Paper, Euvclopu. Pens, Pencils, Inks. Ac.
Li Physician s prescriptions and tnuuly reoeipta
oouipounded wilh ihii greatest aeouraoy aud dispatch,
at ALLHOLXSDayoriNight.
lvenieuiber the place, janiKet doubio, uuuvi
j ofiics of the -Bunoury aduiu.
Banbury, Jiins-S,
r, . :
OV 'f.'ti .
, . ' An Cert
German Bitt-,
J7 Grvt Htr'mg'.lvMrug
Ta?!c Bitters have performed moro Cu.'c!
Have o'.id do dive Eitu Satisfaction!
Have Mr.rt: TcFl'mony t.
Have more Respectable rct,)Jlo to Voueu for Theiu !
iii:in any other article In tic ""irkct.
We defy any ONE lo cont-ndlrt this .aterUon,
At UlLli CIV Kl'.H
Tc r.'ny ono Unit will I"'' lute a CVi titlcato pablislicJ
l,y us, that is li-it OKStriNS.
1r i'l :o e ev'ry eae ef'ttronic rv ''"er'ous Debility,
Disease f tiie Kk'nvyf. a'l'i llifeases arising from
a ilinjideie.l Slonia-'h.
Resulting from 1'i ctderi of tho Digestive Oigeiis :
Piles. I'nlnts., or .Ulord
to liui Head. Acidity of the 5to
niach. NfMiso'i, Hennbni-n. T.ii'utt tor
Food, 1'iilness or Weight in t:e "toinach, Sour
Lruetittions. Sinking "i' Vlrtli t :n? at the Pit of lli
Stomach. Siui'''i 'I'th' Head. Jl'irricd and DiHl
cult BreaUiiiir. ' tMitoiii'tr at t'ii, Mait. Choking or
SuHocaiing Se"atioin v.-hen in a lylnr; pn.ture. Dim-ne-s
of 'i.ii.ii. :t" or Web- tiidoi'e the Silit. Fever
aid ?'oll Paiti in tb J'ea.l. ?tf!cien',yvif Perspira
tion, Yeliowne-s oft?Irt:1n find Kyes. Pain ia
the Side. H.u k. Chest, Limb-. Sc. Sudden
Flushes. 1' Jieat. Rurning in the 1 Icsh,
Constant luiuginiug. of Lvil,
and great jlcprcsti'.n
of Spirits.
VnAT ruid BHTEK3 is
j, O T A I. C O II O L I C ,
l unlaiiiw nl Ktifin or Whisikcj ,
And can't mako I-'runkarda, but is tho EcJt Tonlo la
the W orld.
CiV" fiicml 1'lao Says So:
From the Rev. Levi tl. licck. Pastor of tho Riiptist.
t'hiirch. l'euiberlon, N. J.. formerly of tho 2iurth
Daptist Church, Phiiadclphia.
I have knnwa IV 'iW.. i "erianh IMttor? favors.
b!y for a number ot 'years, lliavcu.-f'l tbc.i in my
rail iituilv, and have been to pieced with, their
etletrts tliui 1 wa induced t-re-,oni:'.i.'n I tucia to ma
ny others, und know fiinl liiey !jiivo operated in a
strikingly beneficial manner .'. tal'o gvut r'.i i-oi'O
in thus publicly proetalwlfit t'os fuel, aud ealiitig tl o
attention of thine altlieied with t'.icdi-i'a-e l a- which
th'.v rccomniendoil. to t'.ieso JP.tteti,, knowii:;; fi Mii
e.perien-e Oiat my recoiiirncnditllon will be stistuiu
rd. 1 do this more elo ertully as Jlootlund s Hitter
is intended lo benefit the nilliuied. and ! - rn-t a nuu " Yours truly, LL 1 U. l'.XK.
From iScv. J. Xewton Drown. D. T., Editor of tho
Fnevclopediii ol" lU-ligiou Kuow ledge, uud Cbristiuu
Chronicle, Philadelphia.
Although Dot dlspc-e l to ta'.'-.r or recommend ra
I tent Medicines in general, through distrust of their
I ingredients and effects. I yet ''now of no suctent
j reasons why a man may not teully to the benefits ho
believes hiiWirto havu received from uny simplo
I prei.nraHon. in the hopu that he limy thus contribute
T il.. ; i ; Uif in urn lmil i V ill reirard to Ilooflnnd's
Cciuian Pitufs. prepavtd by Dr. CM
tiiis city, because I vus prejudiced nga
, OlICK-Oll, oi
list them for
in.-iny years, urib r tiie linpres'io'i iinn m-.
ehieily an alcoholic mitur ) nin indebted to my
friend Hubert Slieoinuker. Lsfp, tor the rciuoviil ot
iioj li.... 1.,. immrr tests, and lor cncourairo-
' inent to try them, when rotVcri'ig from gieat uuil
j long continued debility . The u.e of three bottles ul
the.-c Iliiier. at the mgin-iing oi i:ie pie-.-m ..e.,
was be er-dent reliit and restoration to a
degree of bodily and mental vigor which I hud not
felt for six munibs bc'bre. and hud almost despunx 1
ofregniuii'g. I therefore thank Uod and luy li'icud
for directing to tho u.c of Mic muS.
irnm.fno l'.cv. Jos. 11. iveuiiar l, Pastor of Ins
loth l!apti-t Chi'.ich.
Dr. Jackson : Dfar f-Ir bnve been prr:iucntly
rKi'.i'.'.nd to i-oiit-ci:: uivunmo with cominendutioiai
ol dilli r'l'.t Vmls of medicines but regarding iliu
practit c rscut o' luv 'piToMi iutrt sphere. 1 have in
oil eioc: declined ; but with a clear prool in various;
iv.'taMces nnd particnlni !y in my Uinily. of tho use
fulness of Dr. Doollund s (ieruiuu JJittcis, I depurt,
for once from my usual cour.-c, to express my lull
eolivielion that, tor general debility of the system
and especially f"r Liver Complaint, it is a sale and
valuable prepnralion. D fume eucs il may to.l ;
but usually. 1 doubt not, it will be very benclicml to
thcso vvlci'siitVer from Ihe r'oovc cause.
Yours, very rospceilullv, J. Jl. KI.NN-MD,
Ki-bth bcloT C'aiU" Street, PhiUdelphm.
I'rom Rev '''arrr'n Itnmlolpli. Pastor of ltap't't
Church, Ueriniiuiowu, Putin.
Dr.C.jr. Jeksn : !'ar S'v Por-wiid eft'
t ence e'liiMeMiie to say that 1 regard ihe tJermaii
'' Iters. reparod by you n- a most eveelkul intdi
cino. Iu eiiKCS of severe cold and gem-rat dv .ility I
havo bteu grciillybuiefitted I'v the useoi ihu Jlittun.
.Yours, uuly". V Alllilv.N llA.NDOLPil.
O jrmiiiitovvn, Pa.
Vro'-a J II. Turner. Pa.-tor of 'd ling M. E.
Church, Philadelphia.
Jir .'ack;. n Dear Sir Having used your Ocr
nic.n Pi tiers iu my f.imily !"rc!iiei.tly I am prepared
to.-aylhat it jas 'iecu of great service. I belielii
thai in most eases of general debility of tho system
It is the safe'i and most valuable remedy of w hi- h J
Luve any knuv, It.lge.
your, rcn-..c.-.tulty. J. H. TI UXLR.
72(1 N. Miiclecuth StfjU.
From the Kev J. M. Lyons. I'oriueily Pastor of tho
Columbus N. J uud Milctiuv.u ,1'a.) Lup'Ui.
N'ew Ilochcllc. S Y.
Dr. C. M. Jack'ou ; Dear Sir: 1 Icel it. a plea
suro thus, ot mv-owu aceorU, to hear tfj.aiooy to
j the excellence of the (lerumn Ilit.e
:., yiars.
since being much htilicled with Dy,ep-;a. I u-cd
them with very beneticial results, i l.ue oi'teu re
eouimeiidcd lo pel-ins enteeb'.i d L- t)"lt t. rmeniing
lieu.-e. and have heard from tkcai tao uc st Halter
ing tc-itinioiiiuls ns lo ibeir jrfvnt al-jo lii c:i--e of
general deb.lity, 1 bclievej tt .' bu u r,.nic limt ejii.--not
be surpass i J. M LY"S.
I From the Key. Thus. "' iut c. !'a t n-jsiborvtija'
! linrti-: ' hlirc-h
Dr Jaskson; l'cu: Sir:-I IW-J duo to yot-r
xecllcnl prei.nruti'.vi 11m ?uiid t.ermmi hitters. t,t
a id mvu-st;nii'uv'.tot!iee:.-rel reputauon u nns
nt.Mioo .l 1 l,,.."a 'or vears i-t tiiues. Is-eu troubled
I with great lir.ivr in '"'' liwl a-l nervous .ystem.
I 1 was' ndvi.-f'. be a fr'en 1 to try a buttle of your Oer
' man Litter- 1 't and havo epniciioed grci.t
' und unepc-.u.l- rulief: my healni has been very
i'-iiiiv l.kneil'.icd. 1 eoufi-tviKly re-.-i-uinieud tho
I article v.l".cro J meet with oa.-c ?iaiiar to my owu,
li.ive l.n ure 1 by:uHiiy of I heir ool efl'.s ti.
Kesitevfufy v.v.r, i- i i.M- iv.
I(,ixboro'.igb, Pa.
I'rovn Pec ..L ? Herman, of tbo iit'"i" r.i fornu l
Cl.U'.cb. Kut.:lowi,. B.-lks eouo! I'll
7r. C. -M .!-ieks,fi : Bespeeiid "-ii ' l-a-c been
troubled ili Djspcnaia oer.ilv tveoiy y--,. on-l
havo never used' m. v "i-'dbVui tbi-t Jol o.e u touch
g nUus Hoi tUi u's'Limi. I (m viry inu'-h .im
oi'oved In binlih, ur'ler huving lake-i live booties.
Yours, with lespect, J S !:i.K.MA..
2-aTo t-ixe (Uot'iiu;.; neaviy uew-c ii.n.,,,
1 Oil ir bottle null do. j ("
n-a'.l Sise "i ccuU r Ecttio buif d-. 1 1 0t)
BL WAKE 01" C .1 liTKPilT'ITS;
See that the Signature or 'C M. JACivsOX" ii or
the Hiapper ol each Luttl
Should your i eaestdrm j!i; a-vt baro tb .-tielo,
do not be "put oil by auy oU t UiUixicating prs'para
tious that may be o!Tcrtdi. k i plucc but .end lo us,
- . IU.I1,
. and we will forward, .ecu. ,1, packed
pa, ny express.
Principal CUioo mt.i "iuoi .tt ry, No- 6JI AKCII
Suoet, Philadelphia
(Sucorseor to 0. H .1 acksosi Co.,)
Fi For Sal by Drugu I i nd Dealti iu v;y
own is tbe Uurd dtsiM
Jus t, J8c4-C l , . j