Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 29, 1864, Image 4

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The Only Bafe Reliable against both Fire
and Burglary.
I in now tircnared to furnish three slses of N'nlion-
nl Rank Safes. They am both Fire and Burglar
proof, with two distinct Insido Burglar Safes, and
three of my new Anil-Micrometer Locks on earn
safe, believed to be the only bank-lock Dow uso
that, ha nut neon picked or cannot be picked by
the sid c-T tlif micrometer. Iheie (safes all present
fo:.r to six Inches in thicknessof solid iron, guaranteed
(o lie lac strongest, the mint difficult to drill and to
stand the most resistance against both firo and
buig1i.ry of any Safe in the tinted States of the
Mine sise and eit.
I havenn hand nlso, and will furnish all sites of
Pr.nk Vault Haftf, jiosscsring all the advantage of
tlie aivjvc against uuritnry.
AN all sizes of Mercantile Safes both burglar
proof nu 1 fire and burglar-proof.
Also, Ornamental Dwclltng-houso SnfoS. burglar
proof, and fire and burglar-proof (warranted not
Also, tne strongest and cheapest Oosrt, for
bark and mercantile vaults.
All the above are Lillio t wrought and chilled
Also, six sixes Lillio's Wrought Iron Fire-Proofs.
wnirniitod equal to any common Safes, at fully one-
tuir.i less price.
Also, a general assortment of second-hand Safes',
many of them nearly now and of approved maker,
received in exchange for Litlie's Chilled IronJSnfes.
These are otlcred at or below auction prices.
M. C. SADLER Agent,
No. 21 8. SEVE.Y1H Street.
June U, 1S84.
Istitcli i:nst-liie.lin Coffee Co.
169 Rcade Street, New York.
The aliove Company are known all over the world
as the owners of the Coffee Plantations of Java and
Batavia in the Dutch East Indies, and are the largest
monopolizers of Coffee on the Ulobo.
Hie undersigned (who is appointed their sole
Agent in the United States and in the British Colo
nies) will have for si le three different kinds of Cof
fee, which, for regularity of grade and chcapucss of
price, will defy competition.
Our -l'litavia Coffee" never before introduced in
this Country, but extensively used in the Armies and
Navies of Europe, and richly valued, will be put up
at prices to reach all consumers, and our Extra Java
will be tho Magnum Bonum Coffee of the ago.
Wo will have, for accommodation of Grocers, Fa
milies, and Oovernment 'Contractors, samples (dry,
and drawn) for testing.
Orders solicited. On receipt of cash, coffee prompt
ly iorwaruea as directed.
153 Reade Street. New York.
Soio Agent, D. . I. C Co.
July 23, 1S6I.
Luckan iiunii & Kloomatbiirg' lCnil
OX and after Jan. ISth, 1S61. Passenger Trains
will run a follows :
MoVixu soctii.
Leave cvranton, 4.70
" Kingston, 6.5j
4.10 P. M.
" llloomsburg 8.25
Rupert, .35
" Danville. .15
Arrive at Northumberland, 9.J5
Leave Northumberland, 8.00 A. M
jMnviue, tt.40
" liupert, 8.40
Hloomsburg, VHb
Kington. 12.12 P.M.
Arrive at Scranton. Llltl
Freight A Pussenger leaves Bloimsburg. 10.15 A. M.
Pa.-scngers taking the Mail Train South connect
with the Express train from Northumberland, arriv
ing at Harrisburg, at 2.3U A. M., Baltimore 7.00 A.
M . and at Philadelphia, at 7.00 A. M. Tho .Mail
train from Northumberland leavesioimedintcly alter
the arrival of the Express train from llarri.-burg and
Baltimore, allowing Passengers leaving Philadelphia
at l'J.40 P. M., to reach points on this road during
the next forenoon.
Now and elegant Sleeping cam accompany tho
night trains each way between Northumberland and
Uuluworc, and orthuuiberland and Philadelphia.
D. T. fiOlXP. Sunt
ICeaslint; Ituili'ousl. i
GREAT TRUNK LINE from tho North and
North-West fur Philadelphia, Now York, Read
ing. Puttsville. Lebanon, Allontown. Enston, Ac.
Trains lcai p Hurrisburg for Philadelphia, New
York, Rending, Puttsville, nnd all Intermediate
i.-.,itions. at K A. to., and 2 (l v. to.
, New York Kxpresslcaves Harrisburg at 6 30 A. M.,
arriving at New York at 1 4' tho same day.
A spe-inl Accommodation Passenger train leaves
Reading at 7 li A. JI., and returns from Horrujburg
at 5 P.M.
Fares from Ilarrisbnrg : To New York ?." 1 j ; to
Philadelphia S3 'ii and i2 SO. Daggugu checked
Returning, leave New York at 6 A. M., 12 Noon,
and 7 P M, (Pittsburgh Express arriving at Harris
burg ut 2 A M ) Leave Philadelphia at o 1 j A. M.
and 3 30 P M.
Sleeping cars in the New York Express Trains
through to and from Pitt-burgh without change.
Pttfsenirers bv the Cnttawisfa Rail Road leave Tn
mariuu at b 50 A. JI., ami 2 15 P. JI., for Philadel
phia, New-York, and all Way Point?.
Trains leave Pottsvills at tl 15 A.M.. and 2.30 P.
JI., for Philadelphia, llarrirburg and New York.
An accommodation Pasocnger truin Icuvcs lCeading
at fl 0U A. JI., and returns from Philadelphia at 5 1)0
P. JI. '
tji- All tho above trains run daily, Sundays ex
cepted. A Sunday train leaves Puttsville at 7.30 A. JI.,
and Philadelphia at 3.15 P. JI.
Commutation, .Mileage, Season, and Excursion
Ticket, at reduced rates to and from all points.
tli l'oundi Baaje allowed each Piuvrngvr.
ii. A. NK'OLLS,
Gtuerul Supehticudent
May 27, 13C.
P O U N D R ""ST,
GctthoBcst (jet the Cheapets (let the most Eco
nomical, which can be had at the Rnhibach 1'nuudry.
Having a largo assortment of the ni't approved
STOVES, such b.i Cooking, Parlor, Oiiee and Miup
Stove. which will bo sold at the lowest rates. AUo,
Kettle ol all sires. Pans, Skillets, ie.
'J hey arc also manufacturing Machinery, PIouD'Ls,
Citing-. Ac, at short nutico.
Repairing all kinds of Agricultural Implements
done in a good workmanlike mauncr and at lae
thortcst notice.
All artii les shipped as ordered. Orders respect
fully soliiiicd and promptlv attended to.
fXr'OW Iron, and all kinds of Produce taken iu
Fxciiange tor work.
Suubury, Juiie Id. 13(11. tf
Attention, I.ndiex and i-iilleiu-u J
lu Deer street, oppotito the Central Hotel,
fiUNDUIl V, TA.,
SBYERLY, has opened anew Picture Gullery
in the above place, ami is prepared lu take
Portraits iu the best style and manner.
retaken in every style of the Art, that cannot be
surpassed iu the Statu, lim ing several year's expo
rii nce, he will give satisfaction or no charge.
Copies be taken from all styles of Pictures.
IlMcl Kwu:,u l'v'r PI1"'' Central
Snl ury, June 4, liiij.
Ni:i.lS(.KUVi:, Nnjder 'o., Ia.
fPIII' I'-iI I Session of this rnstitutien eoiiimcnces on
1 IHIUSDAY, AI'itLai lSih. The Winter
cessi'u on ine iiiuoi .oveuiner.
Vor Tttmr.tiii'r WiMtiint- Vnroiwli i ...
. - . - r-, i - . , n. in r ui,
an t l.i -ht. and Tuition iu all the regular studies of
the Collegiate Deprrtment, only $52 75.
A libeml be luciiun made iu favoi of the Paufhtexs
of oar Soldiers.
it J'utlLer particulrri, er Cireulars, apply to
8. DOJIER, Piiuoipal,
Sulinsgrovr. August 6, 1S!4. 3mos.
(Si.i-rtsor to if t a u ff $ r tf Hurley.)
DEALER iuFinedold and Silver WATCHES
and the tost of SILVER-PLATED-WAKE. Con
stantly ou band a large assortment of the afcjre goods
at low prices.
etches and Fine Clocks. Repaired, by skilful
! workmen; alo. Jewelry repairing; Engraving and
j all kinds of Hair-work to order, at short notice.
( s 'Don'! forget the cM stand, No. 622 Market
tr., Philad-lplis.
' S.'H, id Isot .iui
tni woaui's oacAt umibt roa
. Scrofula and Scroftiloui Dlseaaoa.
Front Emtsg EU'i, n trWMnown nwrcAoat qJ 0
Vorrf, Mtthtft
"I havo sold large quuiitltlea nfyonr 8An.rA
llll.n, but never yet one bottle which Hilled of tho
desired effect and full satislm-lion totliom who took
it. As fust a our people try It, they agree there tiaa
been no medlciue like it before la our community."
Eruption, Plmplea, Blotches, Puitule, TJ1-
oers, Soros, and all Diaoaaes of the BkUt.
From lire. Itobt. Slrailon, flriatnl, Knn!an!t.
" I only do my duty to you and the pblic, when
I sdd my testimony to that yo publish of the mo-
dlcinal virtues nfyonr 8 vhsapabiixa. Mr daugh
ter, aged ton, had an adllcting humor In her cars,
e-rm, and hair for rears, which we were unable to
ciiro until we tried' youf SAnsAPARtLtA. She baa
been well for some mouths."
From Mr. Jnnt F. flirt, it ire ?Mrtnw end mtifV
t'tremert IntofDfnni'rillr, Cnpe Afny Co., X.J.
- Mr daughter hat suffered for a year past with a
aerofulous eruption, which was very troublesome
nothing afforded any relief until wo tried your
BaRsaparilla, wliiefi soou completely cured her."
Fmn Chnrln P. Onpe, ;?., othn villi ty-tnrnrn
(iaye, Murray ip Cn., mdimriit'.'Mrer oeitamaua
pqpen in Pi'iulina, A . II.
" f had for sevcrnl years a Tory trotiblesomo
humnr In my face, which grew constantly worse
antll It disfigured mi features and becimu an intol
erable affliction. I tried almost every thing a man
could of both advice and medicine, but without any
relief whatever, until I took your SAiisAPAIHt.LA.
It Immediately made my face worse, as you told me
It might for a time but In a fevr weeks the new
kin began to form under the blotches, and con
tinued iiutil my face is as smootti as any body's,
and I am without any sympUims of the ilkene that
1 know of. 1 enjoy perteet health, and without a
doubt owe It to your Saksapaiulla.''
Erysipelns General Dobility Purify tho
Prom 7)r. Tlolt. Stnrfn, Ilanfton St., A'cw lort.
" 1)K. AYCR.- I seldom fall to remove Krttqluml
and Srrnful'us A'oir-y bylhc pcrseverlnguseol your
RAi'Ai:iix.,au I I have Just now cured an attack
Of .f,ll iliatlt Uril.'ini'tn with it. No alterative WO
possess equals the Saus xp.vr.ii.t.A roil have sup
plied to the profession aa well aa t o the people."
From J. .'. Juhnnton, foq., IPrlrman, Ohio.
Kor twidve year, I had the yellow Krysipelna
on my right arm, during which time I tried nil the
celcbrnted physician I could reach, and took Imn
dreda of dollars worth or meOleiiios. Tho ulcers
were so bad that tho cords became visible, and the
doctors decided that my nnn must bo amputated. I
began taking your Sausai-ai:Tu.a. Took two bot
tles, and some of your Pn.i.s. Togi'thor they h.iro
cured mo. I am now ns well and sound as any body.
Jteing in a publln place, my ciisu is kunwn to every
body iu this community, and excites the wonder of
From Hon. 77rtrj .Vonro, .V. P. P.,of h'rireattte,
V. II'., a Iciulimj member vf the Cmimmii Varlia
mmt. '
" 1 hare nsl rour Sapcap ntt i.a in mr family,
for general thbiUii, anil for imrii'iitin th- l,lw.i,
with very bencHeial results, and fcvl couudcuuo in
commending it to the afflicted."
St. Anthony's Fire, Hose, Salt Eheum,
Scald Hoad, Sore Eyes.
From Turret Sfrklrr, Eq., tht r.Ur. edltnr rj tht
liinkhunnock Democrat, 1'einunliiiniii.
"Our only child, about thne yearn ot age, was
attacked by pimples on his forehead. They rapidly
spread until they tortned a loathsome and virulent
sore, which covered his face, and actually blinded
his eyes for some days. A skilful physician applied
nitrate of silver and pther remedies, without any
apparent effect, lor tirtceu days we guarded hi
hands, lest with them lie should tear open tlie fes
tering nnd corrupt wound which covered his whole
face. Having tried every thins else wo had uny
hope from, we U'trau (,'ivin ' jour Saiikapaiulla,
1 and applying the iodide ol potnsh lotion, aa you
direct. The sore began to heal when we given
tlie lirst bottle, aud win well when we had finished
the second. The. child's eyelashes, which had come
out, grew again, and he isnowsa healthy and fair
as any oilier. The whole LeigUburhood predicted
that tho child must die."
Syphilis and Mercurial DLieaso.
.From Ir. Jlirarn iilottt,or M. iom'j, Jisourf.
" 1 hud your'AitiU.A a moro effectual
remedy lor the secondary kytnptoina of bwltUia
and for syphilitic disease thau any oile r we possess.
The profession are Indebted to you for some of tliu
best medicines we have."
Prom A. J. French, AT. J)., on eminent phtsifian of
Jawrence, Afass., irai is a prominent member of
tt,n I ' UfMtrltlliWttA.
'1)R. Avkk. Sly dear Sirs I have found your
Sakmapaiull. an excellent remedy for S'WhitiJ,
both of the primary and seromlary lytic, aud elb-e-tual
iu some rases that were too obstiuato to yield
to other remedies. 1 do not know what we cau em
ploy with more certainty of tuecef s, where a power
ful alterative Is required."
Jlf Chn. S. Van Lietr, ofXew Bnmm-icl; -V. J.,
hod dreadml ulcers on his legs, caused by the nbuso
of mercury, or merrurial rtUea't; which grew more
and more aggravated for years, iu snito of every
remedy or treatment that could be applied, until tho
persevering use of Ayer's ! relieved
film. Few cases cau be lonud more inveterate and
distressing than this, aud it took several dozen
bottles to cure him.
Loucorrhcea, Whites, Female Weakness,
are generally produced by internal Sernfutovs f'l
eeratioa, ana are very often cured by lie- ulterafivo
effect of this Sar.m'Ai'.ii.i.a. Some cixcs require,
however, iu ai 1 of the, thu
applirutiou of local remedies.
From the trell-kiuiicn onit ir-iih hj-relelrated Dr.
Jacob AfurrtU, of Ch.vinmtti.
" I have found your Sarsapaiiilla an excellent
alterative in riiseabcs of females. Many cases of
Irregularity, Leiicorrha-a, Internal Ulceration, and
local debility, arisiug from the scrofulous diathesis,
have yielded to it, and there aru few t lint do not,
when its effect is properly aided by treatment."
A la'ly, tinicilUng to atlvto the publication of her
name, ieri7e i
" My daughter ami mrself have licen cured of a
very detalitating Lcurorrlnra nf Ion- stiuiding, by
two bottles of jour SAKSArAniLLA."
Bueumtitism, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dys
pepsia, Heurt Disease, Neuralttia,
when caused bv Scrofula in tho system, aro rapidly
cured by tliis Ext. SAiisAi'Ar.iu.A.
possess so many advantages over the other
purgatives in the market, itnd their superior
virtues nro so universally known, that we need
not do more than to nasurc the public their j
quality is maintained equal to the best it ever
has been, and that tney may ne aepenucu ua
to do all that tliev have ever done.
Prepared by j. C. AYEU, M. D., &. Co.,
Lowell, Jlass., and sold by
SuM by Friling A Grant. Sunbury,
R-11. McCoy, Northumberland,
Aaron Jiarro'l. Dlysburg,
W. U. Kutr.ner. ihauickin,
J- P. Hogue, WaUionlown.
And bv all dealers in Medicines everywhere.
Augut'l3, 1S61. ly
3a.HC5a.'S.l'' ja-BITSr 9rS
l'or 'lciiitli, W liitt'iiiiiK' tiiitl
Ii-fsi-rvins Ilie 1 II.!
This article is prepared with the greatest euro upon
scientitie principles, unit warranted
not to conluin
snvthux in the slightest u
reo deleterious to tho
teeth or gitius. Suiue of our nio-t euiiueut Dental
burgeons have given their sanction to, uud cheerful
ly recommend it as a preparation of "npci ior quali
ties for cleansing, wltitcuing and pre.-erving the
TKKTil. It cleans them readily, rendering thvu,
beautifully white and pearly, without tho lightest
injury to the enamel. It is healing to the guuis
where they are ulcerate! and sore. is also an ex
cellent dirintector for old decayed u-etli. whu-h are
often exceedingly onciisive. It gives a rich creamy
la-to to the mouth, eleaming it thoroughly, uud im
parting fragrance to the hreuth.
N. W. Cor 10th., 4 Lombard Sts.. Philadelphia.
And sold by all Druggists. PRICE 2i CUNTS.
"TTlio Tjllowing opinion of Dr. bile, as to tlie high
esteem in which he hob Is the Dental Cream, must be
sufficient evidence of its value ; lo quote other leti.
luouials in detail is needless, contenting ourselves by
simply giving the names and addresses of persons
who sneak of its excellency lor tlie teeth.
Philadelphia, April i ill.. 1 R0.J.
Having carefully eiauiineJ A. iiawb j 'a .'eiolidi.
Ced Dental Cream," I hereby cheerfully recom
mend it to the public generally. It is an excellent
preparation fur cleansing at.l preserving tho teeth,
and cau be used by all persoiis with the utmost con
fidence, as its properties are pcrleetly harmless. Re
sides preserving tho teeih, it promotes a healthy
aciiun to the guu.s, and imparls a pleacantniuss tu iho
Dr. IV. R. WHITE, 120:1 Arch f?t.
Thomas, ii. D , Dentist, s'Jl N. Fourth St.
I. Turkey. 2i 6. riixth ot.
E. Vanderslice, .Surgeou Dentist. 125 Arch St.
C. A. Kii.shury, Dentist, 1I1U Walnut St.
S Dlllili'diam. D D. ft . Areh Si.
F. M. Dixon, bJ7 Arch et.
Edward Tuwnseud. Dentist, 42AN. Fourth St.
L. 11. Dorphley. Dentist, 607 N. Tenth St.
M. L. Lung. DeulUt, 61U N Sixth St.
May 2H, Mil ly
Has information never before published.
Sent rest in a sealed envelope fur tes cents.
Address Dr. STANFORD,
Box No s,52. Ntw York P. 0.
July 9, 1So4. 3m
A 'I'rncl ofi'imber I Jinil. below Trr.
vru.u uriuge, eoniaimng auouivu acres.
Irticulars apply to
or further
, II. E HajsB
iJDjiburr, Aug 1.1, lrM tf
Corner of Murket Bqunre At
Itond ("itrcfl,
Of the newest rlvles. eut bv the best Artists, trimmed
and made equal to custom work, and sold at the
lowest prices.
Men unit Jtoj 's Clot IiInK of the best ma
terial consisting of Dress Coats, Frock Coats, Sack
Coats, Pants, and Vests of various oolora and quali
such ns Whirls, Over-shirts. Undershirts, Drawers,
Collars, Cravats, Neckties, Handkerchiefs, Stockings,
Gloves, Ac.
Iluta niul 'sipi of nil klndts.
BRELLAS, and NOTIONS of all kinds, and nnme
rous other articlos.
The public are invited to call and examine bit
Remember the place. "Continental Clothing Store,"
Cornerof Market Square and the N C. H. R.
Sunbury, July 2, 1804.
GeorueIIill, Simou P. 'Wolvertojj
Allortifjn mid Counstrlorst nt Law.
Office. Market street, cor. Centre Alley,
"T? ILL attend promptley to the eollection of claims
V n"d all other professional business intrusted to
their care in mrtuuuiber!nnd andailjuining counties.
Sunbury, January 2:1, 1SG2.
And how his Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, and
JIandrnke Pills acton the System in Curing tbat
Discaco, and the
Great (success Altcndlns It!
The abovo is a correct likeness of Dr. Scbcnk taken
many years ago, after he had recovered from Con.
sumption; by a course ot his ''Scbenk's Pulmonic
Syrup."' The likencM, although it does not repre
sent him anything like as bad as he waaat the worst,
I yet it is in strong contrast with the hale and vigorous
looks of the Portrait below, which In the true likc
j ness of Mm at present time. The contrast between
I these two jwrtraili u so great that many would not
i believe them to bo the lame person. Yet there are
hundreds of persons, in nnd around Philadelphia,
j w ho will recognise both portruila to be true reprcscn-
tutions. iVhcn the lirst was taken he weighed 107
pounds : at the present time bis weight is 2-'0 pounds
New York, Wednesday, March 30, 1SCI.
Thirty years ago I was in the last stages of Pul
monary Consumption, and given up to die. I resided
in Philadelphia, aud Dr. Joseph ParrUh.then of this
city, ordered me to Morestowu, N. J., a distance of
nitie miles which took me two days to get there. On
my arrival I was put to bed, and there laid for many
weeks. This was my native place, where all my
family lived and -had died of Consumption. Dr.
Thornton, who attended my father in bis last illness,
was called, and gave me one week to fix up my af
fairs. He had seen hll my family go that way, and
thought 1 was to go. too 'Then I heard of thereme
dies I now offer to the public, which cured me. It
seemed to me that I could feel them penetrating my
whole system.
They soon ripened the matter on mv lungs, and I
would spit oil uiure than a pint of offensive yellow
! matter every morning, .is soou as mat Degan to
subside, my cuugh, fever, pain, night sweats all
negan to leave uie. ana myappetitc became so great
i that it was with difficulty I could keep from eating
too much. I soon gained inystrcngtn audi have
been growing in flesh ever since. For many years
1 have enjoyed uninterrupted good health, keeping
the liver and stonin.-h healthy with the Seaweed To
nic and Mandrake Pills, as I am of a billiuus temper
1 anient. My weight is two hundred and twenty
: pounds Ou my recovery people would send for tun
far and near, to sec if their cases were like mine,
i For this tmriiose I pay lnofetsiuual visits in the large
cities. Theconstiuipmes wish to see the one that
uiak.vthcfe medicines, and who was cured of con
sumption by them. To make new lungs is iinposi
ble ; but cavities in the lungs and chronic alcera
tioiis ot the bronchial tubes ean be healed Puch
cases are dying hourly under the ordinay treatment
of physicians, and just such are cured by the proper
use ni' Scbenk's Pulnionio tiyrup, Seaweed Tunio,
and Pills.
I am now a healthy man, with a large cavity In
the middle lube of the right lung, the lower lobe very
much hepatiscdund complete adhesion of the pleura.
Tho left lungs is tnuuj. and tlie upper lobe of the
ri -hi liini." is iu a tolerably healthy condition. The
great rewn why physicians do not cure cousuiup- I
tlon is llicy try to ao oo muca ; iney give uieuiuines
to stop the c ugh, to stop cuiJ!; to stup night sweau,
hectic lever, uud, by u doing, toej' derange the
whole digestive poMers, locking uu tlie MX'retious
and eventually the patient sinks and die. Alii).' I
make a careful examination of tlie patient with the
KcM)irouicter, aud hud lungs enough left to cure. I
direct the pulicul bow to Use the three remedies
j 1 .1 - :n .,, .... ... .
.uuiuj u tne vnuo nuu luev win an stop ui ineir
own a-xord. No ono can La cured of consumption,
liver cuiupluiut, djsp -psia, eaturrh, canker, ulcerated
throat, uulcss the liver and stomach are made heal
thy, lu New England this canker cbrouia catarrh,
ulcerated throat, elongation ot uvula, is more preva
lent than in any etiier sec lion of the country. This
is frequently caused by a foul stomach. You may
burn it out w ith caustic twi and agaiu, and all they
will get is temporary relief. Correct the SWiuacO
and liver, aud they will heal up themselves.
Uood uutrition is the remedy. If you have any
dUeose in any part of the body, it will remain there
and decay more and mure until yuli pan get the sto
mach iu the condition to dtgci loud aud make rew
blood to take the place of diseased mutter. Tiii is
Ihe only way to hoal cavities in the lungs and ulcer
ated broAkbial tubes. Correct the stomach and liver
and nature will do the healing. Many persons have
an idea that certain medicines are great purifiers of
Oe blood. When blood is once diaeasea it cannot
be punned ; it u diseases! the same as the diseased
l,iuit,.r ill lh .v.-tiii hilt ffnl Ih. si.tur.,,,. I.,
j .1 V . . - -ii--
der, the ; lives and suimach, and rive it plenty of
nourishing food It will make new blood, which will
take the place ol that which u diseased
""-, -uiiuouis syrup is one oi me oesi prena.
rations of iron in use, if is a powerful toaio of iteeil,
and vheu luc Icancei 1 joit diiMlres the iuucu
the stomach, and Is it carried pofi off by the a the
Mandrake Pills, the Polmonio Syrup Is made Into
blood. This is the only way to euro consumption.
If I cannot get a good appetite, and loon floes not
digest, I cannot cure the patient Never mind the
cough j remove the cause and will stop of Itself
This is the most trouble 1 nave sun mypauenuai
my rooms. The say, "Doctor, I fool stronger; I
ean eat ; my night sweats are bettor, and I feel bet
ter every way; but myoough is so bad Jet;" and
they are astonished to hesr me say tbat does not
matter ; remove the eame atod the cough will sp
f Itself. (Schenk s Seaweed creates a good appetite
i tn Java. hMi there is no mnt disease.
.niM , lirpr u an reneested that the Mandrake
Lpni.r.nnntnnlnck the ducts of the gall bladder in
that snort spsce of time, in oraer 10 bhow ids suiie
bile to psss oft. " Keep the lirer and stomach healthy
, ih.r. It Im danser of consumption or any other
disease. It Is hard to take cold when those organs
are healthy. Those that are bilious, low-spirited,
iirr. feel ns: stunld. coated tongue, poor appetite.
n.rrm.s. stomach full of wind, everything that is
eaten lies heavy, loss ot memory, iry one oome oi
J'CI1ENCKS SEAWEED TONIC, and one box of
6C11ENK S MASJJKAK1S fAliisO. it is only a
enstof ons dollar and twonty-nve oents, wiui tun on
..itnns This la sntiioient. in many cases, to sans-
r.schattha medicines are. frequently one dohis
makes a great change in the system. Any person
that enjoys ordinary health, by using the boaweed
Tonic and Mandrake Pills occasionally, must got the
digestive organs in such a healthy condition Uiat
th Unmi flesh I can produce a number of my
old consumptives pstlonU now enjoying good health,
weighing nearly 200 pounds, i win conclude Dy
relatlmr three cures I have made in New York, and
which are all diil'ercnt, and wish any ono who feels
an interest In the matter to visittliem. first is Xn,
Ksrlow. residing then at No. 107 Houston street Her
husband ealled upon me at my rooms, ,12 Bond street
and wished me to call and see her. He said I could
do no good ; tbat he had had all the best medical
attendance, and sll'said she was too far gone with
Ciinsnmntlon to be cured : but she had beard of some
great cores I had made, and he desired to gratify
her wishes. I called, and found her lying confined
to ber bed in tho last stage of bronchial consumption
and without ,0ouDt must nave uiea soon. 1 cxaimn
ed her lungs, found both bronchial tubes very much
affected, but no cavities had formed, her cough
was very severe, the spit-box was half full of thick
pus. Pulso 140, leg swollen very much ; and worse
than all, she bad chronic diarrhoea. Her bowels had
been moved eleven times that day. told ber that she
bad lung! anough to be cured, but that this diarrhoea
had been of long standing, and her stomach was in
such a ulcerated condition that I was afraid nothing
could be done. She insisted I should try and do
what I could for her, observing that she could not
last long in the condition she was in, and I oould not
make her any worse. I gave her first a dose of my
Mandrake Pills, and tho tonic aud iSyrup freely.
That was on Tuesday, and by the next rundny the
diarrhoea was carried oft. her appetite had returned
and she could sit up in bed and eat her dinner, f-he
is now well, and gave a long corliiicutc, certified lo
by the Rev. Dr Downing.
Sirs. Bartholomew, tsl West Forty-fifth street,
came to mv rooms wiUi a tumor on her liver. S'he
was low.spirited, skiu sallow, tongue coated, bowels
costive, no appetite, and last sinking into the grave,
Tho said tumor had beeu running over fourteen
years. I gave ber Syrup. Tonic and Pills, and told
her totakc them justasthe directions were printed.
She come back to my rooms. u2 Bund t'reel in two
weeks, somewhat better ; her tongue hud liegun o
clean a little around tho edges, her skin w hiter nnd
ber eyes brighter and the tumor discharging very
offensive mutter, much faster thun it had ever dune
before. She kept gradually improving, and in alsiut
two months she came to my rooms very much fright
ened, saying that the tumor bad nearly stopped
running, and was healing up, and that every doctor
had told her that if it ever healed it would cause her
death. I told her that the disease had all lclt her
system, and nature would heal the ulcer up. They
are now healed, and have been for about a year, and
she is a hearty and robust a woman us you will find
in a days walk, the is glad for any one to call on
ber. and takes great pains to visit any one that she
hears has anything like her cato, .uud tries to get
them to come and sue me. Tho next case is Miss
6'coticld. from fStumlurd, Conn., Mrs. Bartholomew
gut ber duwu to see me, and she has been ever since
at hcrhouso. When she first enmc to my rooms, she
was much emaciated with a distressing cough, spit
ting large quantities of blood. I examined ber lungs
with the ruspirouieter, and in all my practice never
found one w ith one lung so far gone aud the other
lung so sound. I could nrd give much encourage
ment. I thought she would die ; but lo my aston
ishment the Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic, and
Mandrake Pills ail seemed lo go right to work, the
lung is all healed over, leaving a cuvity as large as
a goose egg; good appetite, lino spirits, nnd has
gained some thirty-five Muuds iu weight. Hie has
boiuo cough yet. which I do not tuink will leave her
before June. I should think it would be of great
iutcrest tu some unprejudiced physician lo visit theso
cases, particularly .Miss Scolicld.'or any of them who
have been cured by my medicines. They ure num.
crous in .New lork ; but tho abovo thrcu all clmer
from each other ; and if my niedioincs aro doing
what I represent they are. they should have the
cretlit and tho afnicled know where and how thev
I may be cured.
J. II. .CiIi..Mv. .M. 11.
Dr. J. II. Schenk ean be found at the principal
ofece. No. 39 North 6th Street, Philadelphia, every
Saturday, from II A. M. unlit o P. M., to give advice
free of charge ;. but for a through examination he
charges three dollars. Prieeof the Puluiunic Syrup
and Seaweed Tunic each SI 2i per buttle, or ii tho
balf dozen. Mandrake Pills 25 cents per box, and
is fia-sala bv all Druggists and Deulers.
May 14. l'nGI. ly
Northern Central Hallway !
si titii" taiu.i:.
THREE TRAIN'S DAILY to and from Baltimore
ami Washington city.
Connections made with trains. on Pennsylvania
Railroad, to and from Pittsburg and the West.
THREE TRAINS DALY to and from tncNorth and
West Branch snstjuehanna, Elmira, and all of .North
ern New York.
ON and after MONDAY", MAY 10th. lRiH.
the Piuwuger Trains of the Northern Central
Huilway will urrivo at and depart from Sunbury,
j UairUburg and Baltimore as follows, vu :
6 U I i 11 H A R D .
Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (except
Sunday). 10 25 A. M.
" leaves Harrisburg, 1 20 P. M.
" arrives at Baltimore, 6 40 "
Express Train leaves Sunbury daily
(except Sunday.) 1145 P.M.
" leaves ilarrisburg (except
Monday.) 2 iOA. M
" arrives at Baltimore daily
(except Monday). T 00 A.M.
Hurrisburg Accommodation leaves Harris
burg, 7 00 A. M.
Sunbury Accommodation leaves Sunbury
daily (except Sunday) at
7 30 A M
Mail Train leaves Baltimoro dully (ex
cept Sunday) ,9 20 A. M
" leaves Harrisburg Si P. M,
" arrives nt t-unbury, 4 05 '
Express Truin leaves Baltimore daily It 30 P. M
" arrives at Harrisburg, 1 ill A M.
" leaves Harrisburg (except
Monday), 3 IS A. M.
11 arrives at Sunbury. & 63 '
Harjisburg Accommodation leaves Harris
burg, daily (except Sunday) at . S 00 P M
" arrives at Harrisburg, 7 SO P M
Sunbury Aecommudaiion leaves Harris
burg daily (except Sunday) at 4 00 P M
For further information apply at Ihe Office.
I. N. Di BARKY, lien. oupt.
Harrisburg, Juno 4 S61.
11' A R n A K T E D
IT is used by first class families everywhere, and
highly recommended for nervous aud dyspeptic
persous, being very nuilritluus and tree from all
deleterious substances, iu testimony of which I have
I certificates from tho most emminent Physicians in
Ihe Country. Try it, and you will be sure lo con
tinue its use in prclercnoc lu any oilier.
Sold at retail fur Twenty-Five Cents per Pound
by First class Grocers throughout the United 'tales.
A liberal discount to the Trado.
Put up only by
L,i:iVIM A. OS HO It,
Wholesale Depot, (9 Warren st. New York.
S.;y 7. W.4.
I ,.,
; ' I '
(Late Mrs. Boulton'l )
HAS taken thu old aud well known stand, and
refitted aud furnished the saniti is prepared to
accommodate Boarders and Travelers with the best
the market can atlord. He hopes by strict attention
to buaiueat to receive a share of public pauonage.
His TABLE ouutains the best ul market atlord.
His Bar is filled with the choicest of Liquors, buth
Malt and Spirituous.
The stabling u good, and attended by careful
Sunbury, April 3D, 18C4 . Iy
Tleaaes arih mah. Ma.. I 1
ill .
riaarj tints eriuil I I Vk I -
, new and reliable treatment in reports of Ihe Ho W.
ami lUiniTlnv ...... i : j ....
envelopes, free of charge. Address Dr. J. SK1L-
i i.i.N lloi tililOJi, Howard Asaoeiation. Ko 3
j South Ninth StreM, Philsdslphia ft
I euly Ik, ioCi iy '
TttOL'LD respectfully announce tbat they have
just received and opened a very large and well selec
ted Stock of
which they are Hilling to dispose of at a VERY
I'lrnt Com.
Thankful fur past favors we hope to meet a eon
tinuance of the same by still selling Goods as cheap
if not I'lli:.!!!!: than ean be purchased else
Sunbury, May 23, 1863.
A Herncy nt I,a-vv. SUNBURY, PA.
XX Collections attended to m Iho oonnties of Nor
thumberland, Union,
and Lycoming.
nyder, Montour, Columbia
Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia,
A. li. Outtell A Co.,
Hon. Win. A. Porter, "
Morton Mc.Michnrl, Esq., "
E. Ketehain A Co., 24 pearl Street, New York.
John W. Ashmead. Attorney at Law, "
Matthews A Cox, Attorneys' ut Law, "
Sunbury, March 2'J, lot2.
in every variety,
Orders solicited and filled with promptness and
Sunbury, May Iu, )cC3. ly
Atfoi-n'y iiikI 4'oiiitNcIIor af
Office on south side of Market street, four d
'on west
of E. Y. Bright A Son's Store,
Will nttend promptly to all professional business
entrusted to his care, the collection oi' claims iu
Northumberland and the adjoining couutios.
Sunhury, May 2:i, lMliJ. ly
B!is, 3soii tu s'tii-H. lYo:'ii.. V,
Sri ' I w uti E'iiiiilsi, l"v 1, .1 i.iiniilr-,
PutupinCjc. Sis. and fl 0ft Boxes. Molllss nrd
i iasas. .i uuu j i. ior 1.01c:.-, 1 none iw'itu
tlons, A J.
"Wily inttilli'ile remeo::es known.
'Flee Irum I'uisolis."
'Not diiuger-ius tu the II:inan Family."
"Hats come out ot' their ,,le to .lit."
Soi l Wholi-fde in fill luri- ei;ie.
Sold by all iliu-gi:.- mii-1 liei:ii'er.-. everyu 1;; re
! ! ! B'ki. aiu: ! ! ! of i-M wor'hli in.i: 1
See that Co.-titrV nnme i loieii'wh lt . II'. til:
and Fltlsk, before yon b.iv.
Address HIMtl It. OVS" SI.
Principal lie; ot 42 llpi:idiny New York.
rj2rSuld by nil W hulcsnle aid 1'iuisis iu
Sui.nury. Pa.
Feb. I'll. Im-.i. sm
Alloi-ns'j- A onus) I'or t:l f.JUV.
Office en South si.ic of Miirket street, four doors west
of Gearhart's Confectitdicry store,
Will attf-nr! promptly to nil prnfes-ioiinl basinc-s
entrusted to his earn, tlie collection ot'cluiins iu Nor
thumberland and the adjoining counties.
Consultations iti German and English.
Sunbury, M.ireb 13, lw'.l. 'y
Ileatly to luil donn.
At Uv than hhlf tie voA of tin iot.
Mure durnblu than tin.
Suitable for steep or Out roots.
For all kinds of buildings. In all climates.
ready Hoofing
Kaflily. chcHply. nnd quiVkly (ml on. m.ii h
couting ovt-r nitb ceuieitt Hi'u-rit U uuilcd Uowu.
Made of a strong woven fabric, thoroughly saturated
end covered upou both suifaees with a perfectly wa
terproof comiiosiiiou, ami put up iu rolls ready tor
use lu inch wide, and Tj feet long.
We also manufacture
Fob Leaky Ti.t Roofs,
Much cheaper and more durable thau oil paint.
Cuinpouud Omrnf,
For Lcuky Shingle Roofs,
Which will olUn save the eost of a now roof.
Samples of Ready Roofing aud Circulars sent by
mail when desired.
Favorable'crms made with responsible parties w ho
buy lo sell agaiu.
73 Maiden Lane, N. Y,.
Apnl 23,1S4.
Orders wiU receive prompt attention.
n illiamsport, June J5, IScVi. Proprietor
SB BOYEll, Attorney at Law, is duly author
, iltd and licensed to collect fisaioua.
Iluuulifsiliud lUn-U for Widows, Or.
phans aud Soldiers. Othce iu ilariot street, oppo
site Weaver's llotolj fuubury, ps,
iM.ii.vy t, jsiii 1
sruitTaiii: Di;i'OT,
Jl'ST recolved a new stuck of Fishing Tackle fur
trpring taloi, consisting of Hods, itaels, Linisj,
Raskels, buoods, FloaU, ktti, Flics, Artificial Rait,
Rigged Lines, tiut, Urass and Hooks, lo which the
attention of dealers ii parUcularly resiuesie-l
Orders, Wholesale and Retail, punctually filled
and salisfactioo warranted.
Sni snd Ws'o'lt meets, I ai!Jelbia
f.brusry 27, 164 .-o ' 1
5 c, ISoiM-Iic. Ants, Hvil
Tits Vldnm'sj Ktrf Company,
GIVE NOTICK that thoy bae concluded ar
rangements with the Northorn Central Railroad
Company to run trains trotn nnitimore lor ior,
Harrisburg, Dauphin. Halifax. Trevorton, Sunbary,
NortJiumhcrland. Lewisburg, Milton. Muuey, Wil
li am sport, and all intermediate stations, connecting
at Hnrrtsburg with the UREAT WESTERN KX-
PRESS for Pittsburg, Cinoinnati, St, Louis and the
Also with Howard A Cn.'s Express at Mlltoa or
Danville, Blonrasburg, Wilknsbarre, Pittstnn, Scran
ton, and Intermediate stations on the Cattawtssa,
Lackawanna A Uioomrburg Railroads. At Vtil
liamsport, by Howard k Co.'s Express to Jersey
Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A Co.,
and their connection, for Canton, Troy, Elmira,
Rochester, Hufialo, Niagara, and U all accessible
points in vtcsicrn .cw torn and Canada, oy wniun
they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Bank Notes,
Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every descrip
Also. Notes, Drafts and Bills for Collection.
Experienced and efficient tnesacmrers emnloved.
and every effort will be made to render satisfanl'ion.
Superintendent Pcnn'a Division. Philadelphia.
R. A. FISCHER, Agent for aunbury.--
April 5, 1H62,
1301. Arrnii-remcnls 1801.
oi' ew York Uric.
From Philadelphia to New York and Way Ftartf,
jrom n ainui street Wharf and Keiuington
Depot, will leave a follown, vix : rim.
At A. M., via Camden and Amboy, (C. and
AtoA. M., via Camdenand JarsevCiir V 1
2 :
1 00
2 2
S 00
2 2
3 00
I 00
3 00
S 00
3 00
At 8 A. M.. via Camden and Jpnav ftitw
(.Morning Mail.) ' "
At 8 A.M., via Camden and- Jorsn eitv ?,l
Class Ticket '
At 11 A. M
. via Kensington and Jersey eity,
At 12 M. via Camden and Amboy, C and A.
At 2 P. M., via Cuniden and Amboy, (C. and
n. x.xur-sii,,
At S F. M.
VI., via Kensington and Jersoy City,
and N. Y. Express
. vt asn. ami .. 1 . l,xi
At RJ V. M.. via Kensington and Jersey Citv.
(Evening Mail.) 7 "
I At Hi P. M. via Kensington and Jersey city,
At 1 J (night) via Kensington and Jersey city
Soutiiern Express
At i P. M., via Camden and Amboy, (Aeenm-
modation. Freight aud Passenger, First
Class Ticket.
Second Class Ticket,
2 25
1 it)
For Water Oan. S,-,isi. vni..
barre, Montrose, tiroat Bend, Ac, at 6 A M
ironi Kensington, via Delaware, Lackawanna aud
H cstern Itailruad.
For Mnueh Chunk. Allcntown, llethlcVm, lloli.
derc. Eaatuii, Lnmbcrlville. Flomingtoii. Ac , atd.
A. M., from Kensingtou Icjut, aul at ii P. AI
from Walnut street Vt barf.
(The 6 A. M. Line connects with Trains leavioi
Easton fur Munch Chunk, at .'(-2U 1. .M )
For Mount Holly, at d A. .M., 2 uud 4 P. M
For Freehold, ui fl A. .M. uud 2 P. JI
For Bristol. Trenton. Ac, at 11 A. M. and 21 and
5 P. M. from Kensington,
For Palmyra, Itivecion, Dclanco, Beverly, Bur
lington Florence, lioidcutuwti, Ac, ut 12, 1, 2, ii
tjr Fur New York, olid Wav Lines leaving Ken
sington Depot, take Ihe Cars on Filth street, above
Walnut, half an hour before departure. Tut-Can
run into the Depot, and on the lUi uul of eaoh Train,
run from the Depot.
Fitly Pounds of Ilnggsge oi !y. allowed each
passenger. Passengers are roiiii.'iied tiom taking
anything iu bagg.ige but tueir wrarinnppnrel. All
baggage over liny pounds tu be paid i'r extra. The
Company limit their responsibility f.,r burgage to
One per oiiml, and will nut be iin'.lc loi any
amount biyoiid 1UU. except by special contract.
IV M. U. UATZMER, Agent.
January 17, 1.S0I.
Dealer in
jEW Rosewood Pianos, fi
O. from 2oil unwurds.
the best makers
NS. The
best munuficlurei Instru-
incuts from $li to iluO
ouitJirs. ml ins. Accordeons. Flutes,
riles, Drums. llnnjiM. Tamlxiuriucs,
Violin and tluitarstriugs and musical mer
chandise iu gencnil.
1 The latest publications always on Land,
hv muil 1,1 htv r .ri ,.1,1,.. ...'..
Musio sent
, Suiinble fur looking glasses, aud aH kinds of pictures
; aiwuw ou hanii.
, A fine aA.'-rtnicnt of best plnted
, l.OiilCINli GLASSES i,n, sinalicsl to largest sises.
Any stylo ol Iraiuo made to or l-r at the shortest
: i'oti -e. KN'iClli:,
i April If. iss.t. 9--! Market st., Harrishii
M. i . (JIlAatiBASST'M
Confectionery, Toy and
3iark I Si i s o I, Suuliiiry, Iu.
1'RL'IT, &c, &c,
CtnySTANTLY en hand nnd lor side at the above
) establishment urni'.uieruic and retail, at renrou.
able prices.
He is manufacturing all V't Is of f'onfectiunariea
to keep up u full assoriment whica no. sold at low
I s- i ... - o l-.-.i e . ? , .
l.otneco, ni'grs, iHiioiicry. .iiusui uti ainai. anril
avaiietyof other articles, all of whi.jh are oCered
wLoIchIc and retail.
Lj" Remember the Dair.eand place. .jr
M. C. til AUHART.
M'irket street, 3 door.' west of E. ". Di ight 4 Sou's
Sunbury. Sept. 19. I",.!. tf
"wis i uxTtFon" house;
Southwest Corner of Market Sijuaro,
M .IH IIV, lA.
rpiIE undersigned respectfully informs the public,
I thut he has taken charge of tho above named
Hotel, and asks for the coiitiuuaneo of the former
patronage aud would invite all others to give him a
is always supplied with the besi the market affords.
Ills Lar contains the choice.t liquors, ami his stab
liui is good and well attended by careful Ostlers
Sunbury, April. I, 164.
ouniy Muririer A. ejuncs-r,
Mdlwtuy, Xvrtnuinlerland County, Penna.
Office in Washington township. Engagements can
n . u.u"ul0 letr, directed lothe above address.
All business eulrusted to his care, will be promptly
attended lo. ' - ' tf.Sl ly
Tow"Lr7i'(ni maTi:.
rpllE undersigned will sell at private sale, TWEX
1 TY-I?IX TOWN LOTS, situate iu the borough of
tunburv. The lots are loci'.ed within a few squares
of the Pennsylvania Railrcsd Company's Machine
hop. in the northern part of the town. They aro
all suitable building lots,! it tate in the most pleasant
portion of the borough. They will be sold on rea
sonable terms. For furthei particulars spply to
Eunbury, Juns 1, 1K64 Executors
0. M. Lirma. A. M. liLLass.
o. South Kinfb Street, between Cliesuat and
MayT, 1Ho4
.n7aMi:it;N iAri:.i'' i ivk Jin.
iti: nti:i:z:.
As luiprovjj pjr sul 13oo,
Ey E. KETCUAM CO.,i9 Pearl st., New .York.
fllllK only Frecier constructed on scientific prln,
J cirles. with a revolving can snd spring blade
scraper. The one hastens the freesii. jj ul lk eeem-
the other removes it as fast a. froien.
The must rapid in freezing, with the least tjuautny ,
0,The'most ecnomieal incost, as it Uthesuostsluinle
and durable in structure. . . ,k.
For sole in all the priuolpsl cities snd towns in tbe
1 Ea?h Freeser accoir.rnied with a book of recipes
and full uiMcUu,.
" i quarts,
4 quarts,
6 quarts.,
8 quarts,
14 quarts,
;t) quaru,
6 M
11 v