Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 29, 1864, Image 3

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    j)c gimbuti, American
h7b. MABBEBTEditor & Proprietor.
E. WILVEBT, Pup-laner.
Ne. 87 Park Row, New Tork, and 8 But Street,
Cotton, we our agents for the Sokbdbt Amimcar
ti those oities, and are authorlted to take Advertise
ment and Subscriptions for n at our lowest rata.
,. . ... .
td&'Tna Home Vote. We lmvc, like
nur contemporaries, fallen Into the habit of
peaking of the "homo" vote ; but really and
legally there is no such thing na "home" vote.
The Copperheads originated the phrase, and
have had a great deal (o say nbotft carrying
the State on the"homo vote," m though the
home vote was a more nacred thing than
'that cast by our battle-scarred heroes 'of 'a
liundred fights. We tell them they may
ncer at tho Soldiers' vote as much as they
ploaBO, their victories will live in liirtcry
whether gained on the battlefield or ot the
ballot box. They will bo felt in Washing
ton's Well as Richmond, and all loyfll peo
jile will rejoice alike over them. Let tts
hear no rnore about the hohie vote. It is M
"home," whether on the battle-field or In
the quiet retre'afs far removed froln it.
ftocal 'Sffiifts.
UnwAnp. The undersigned effort a reward
of TEN DOLLARS for information that will lend to
the discovery and conviction of the person or persons
ho have been trespassing on hii garden and lot,
stealing fruit and injuring hit fruit trees.
J"A special Court will beheld in this place,
wmuicucuig u.l .-lu.iunjr no-...
tp-I-nnicl Kricghaura has boon appointed Post
Master at Hear Uup, this county, lu place of 1'cter
l.oighow, resigned.
r -.----
JJ-Ve loam from tho Shamokin ITtratJ, that
the Furnace at that place, has been blown out for
the purpose of putting in new boilers and making
other improvement. It will be put in operation
guin in n few weeks.
t A Methodist protracted moi ling is in progress
In Shnmokin, andts iittendea with groat success.
The 7crf...iys : "In'this connection we lire pleased
"to state that the Church is in a flourishing condition.
During tho past year SI .000 has been pnid on old
debts, aud 100 expended for improvement. This
alike creditable to the eiV-Tfy ami seal of the Pastor
Kev. J. F. 1'orter, and the liberality of the eongru- ;
gution. !
Uf'A large and enthusiastic Union mefting was ;
held in the Court House in this place, on lajt Tins- i
day evening. Previous to tho meeting a grand
torch-light parade by the members of the Union
l.eugue took place. They murched tlirough the
principal streets and then into the Court House. The
mcoting was ably addressed by Hon F. Wound,
Lieut. Grossman and J. H. Packer, Esq,
t3f 'Wc are now enjoying that dolij'lit'u-
panimenl or Autumn, India!- Summer,'- ofiinicS
denominated the -melnrvholy (1m!-." but always
suggestive to us of nottinu'". hutlor-b"ilin..'. eorn
buskings, etc.. in days '-lnng syne." when we par' j
took of the freedom and real pleasure., of life in tho
country, to which, we know by experience,
the denitens of and eitirs are strangers. Lift
In the country, at this season, is truly invitflig j
tT-Vstn l'.n.K ltAisisr.s. The friends nf
-,---- I
coin. Johnson, Liberty and the Union, are invited to ,
participate in raising the Flag of our country, at the
Upper Augusta School I.oiic. on Tne-day, Nlv. Yst. !
and at John II. ck.-rls. in Point towhsliip. on Satur- i
day. Nov. Oth. iOrTluRiiished speaker ill be pre.
sent W address the people.
l-UiviiiKM). The Northern Central Ri'lror.'i j
Company has declared a dividend of two per cent., j
clear of Stale Bid National taxes, for the fjiuirter J
ending September 30th. being at rrc Tate of eight i
per cent, for the entire year j
t3-NEW Fiikioiit Link. Hoover A Co., of thie
place, are now running freight cars regularly be- j
tween Philadelphia. Sunburv and Shamokin. Per-
fons having good" to cany between tho abo c places,
will find this a safe and quick lino.
13"' The following arc the officers elected by th
stockholders of the National Hank at Norlbuiuber'
lund :
President A.E. KArr,
Ciuibier J. II. J -.skins,
Diii-H'Toiis Itenjnmiu Hummel, John oungman,
Jno. McFarland, Jno. Tuggnrt. A. il. Stone, 1). St.
JJrautigam, D. i. Voris, W. V. I.eighow, Isaac
Heidelspuch, 1. ti. Dreisbach, J. B. Smith and
Washington, ,1 r.
Buckwheat cakes arc now in season, and our
r'aders will be gratified to learn that the crop never
was moro abundant or plentiful. No Americun
"breukfaH Can bo complete without buckwheat cukes.
Tho English are great on breakfast, aud it is almost
us much a custom to invite friends, especially litera
ry and professional men, to breakfast, or to dinner,
und, perhaps, moro complimentary. Thackary, the
great English Novelist and Satirist, speaking on this
subject, says, "Cuuimend mo to an American break
fast, ' and one of the principal attractions of which,
to him, was the iuovituble buckwheat cake.
f'TiiB SIaiikets. lieef still rules high, from
lb to 20 cents per pound. We observe a good many
droves passing through this place. The pries asked
by drovers, is from five to seven dollars per hundred
heiflers generally five. This would make the first
cut of meat, from small cattle, about 8 cents per
pound. Tho time was whon to make the hide and
tallow clear, was deemed a pretty fair profit now
tho carcass must be added. Butter is still up to 40
cents, though some of our neighboring towns pay but
SO ; and at Lancaster 35. Potatoes are more abund
ant than was expected, and are selling at 75 cents ;
but we regret to say that the potato rot has, in many
places, proved quito destructive. Sweet potatoes
sire selling at 60 oents per peck. Cider is scarce at
$7 per barrel buckwheat flour at 1 1 to $1 50 por
hunpred pounds. Pork is scare and brings from 20
to 25 cents, and sausage at 30 eents per pound.
Trial List for November Term 1864.
ffin L Dewart vs II. B. Masser.
John Hafer, for nso vs B. A. Alexander,
The Bank of Northumberland 4c vs B Uearhart et al
same same
George W Dixon, vs Jediah Keiscr,
Hank of Middletown vs Samuel Weist,
Kicbard C Bans Ac vs Godfrey Rflcky et al
H ichard Mctirann et al vs Phil A . R. R. Co it.
David Wuldron vs Jane Waldron.
Ptoses Cbamberlio et al vs John Voris, Ae.
JVa L Dewart vs Tho Bauingardner,
Jouathap Weiser, vs Nancy Carr A Francis,
Decatur Herb. vs John A nyder, sdni'r
.George L Watts vs Wm B Bryson
George Snvder. vs Arbogast A Bobb,
Jeremiah Savidge vs Jacob Jindore,
John Dunkleberger vs Uonham Martin,
Peter K. Fisher vs Joseph Weitscl,
Ira T Clement, et al vs J. J. BuU A J V Cristwell
Ferdinand Slasser, vs Joo U Maurer Ae
arab Jane Coup, vs Elisabeth Jenkens.
Com. of Peun'a for D Long vs D. Waldron,
Michael Graham vs James Pollocjf et a)
Vox A Brother vs Bird A Douty
William Riegel vs Philip Zerbe A Catharine
Thomas Cuinly vs John Slover with notice
John C Morgan vs Stephen Bittenbender
Ilirutn II. Moore ot al vs G. 8. Woleott,
V m il Kriechliue vs C V Holfenstein et al
McFarland. tvons A Co vs Frick and Stout
John AVXtiige ot al vs Jacobv Uai tmon et al
Roliert C Cummwgs vs John Wittemoyer
Same vs William 8. Forsmap
Frceiusn Thomas vs Andrew ijeekert
Charles lloy vs JJanlet IT emiia
i r-emnu Thomas vs Andre Uockert
I ...v..-!,.r irt:i,ir vs Hunh Moutifiu,erv. ' r-
i-V R'.bins i Jims
Cscttcr from th Nnnbnry Uanrdsn
Kear MrftDi.KTowK, Va., Oct 81, 1804.
40kai Wilvert :
Oa Wednesday morning, OcWbcr 1,
at 4 o'clock, the rebels under Early made an
attack and by a flank movement nearly tin'
done the glorious work and vlctorie achlcv
ed during tho In9t month. Early's forces
were reported, the evening previous to thu
attack, to have left Fisher's Hill and were
moving up the valley towards Staunton. The
report caused less vigilance on the part of
some one in command, and at tho hour men
tioned th Johnncys came on the left flank
of the 8th corps, takinrf them bv surprise.
and pouring in such a deadly fire that they
were forced to leave their breastworks. The
19lh corps was ordered to their support
thai tliey (the 8th) might form their broken
Vanks, which they did, but tho terrific fire
oi the enemy lorcca tlieni back, ana as tliey
were unsupported, they fell from lino to
line, -pouring into the rebel ranks tho dead
liest fire, until they fell back to Cth corps,
who had just come up. The fighting then
was desperato, but by some menus our flanks
were exposed, and our forces fell back 1 mile
east ot Middletown. Here our men made a
decided stand and held their position.
Up to this titne wc had lost twenty-two
pieces of artillery, a portion of our wagon
train, ambulances and a number of prison
ers. At this critical moment Gen Sheridan
who had been on toWashington, arrived.
His presence was rtfcci ved by the troop with
cheers that made the valley ring. Gun.
Custer was so elated that he dismounted and
embraced his beloved commander. A Gen
erul rode up to Sheridan and said, "Sir, we
are badly whipped. The Gcnerul replied1,
may be whipped, but the boyt are
not, and to night they will encamp on their
old ground," and turned his horse and rode
in front of the entire line. Whrn he review
ed his troops and had matters fixed to suit
himself, orders was given to charge. This
was done and with such impetuosity that the
Johnnies could not stand it, and then com
menced the tallest running that hns yet been
done on the sncrcd soil by any of the chival
ry. Our infantry followed in pursuit across
Cetlnr Creek to Strasburcr, when they halted,
the cavniry, however, following up the re
treat to Harrisonburg, and perhaps further
fur aught I know to the contrary. We re
Ciptured nit our guns, Isosides "twenty-six
pieces of the enemy, that they had just
brought from Itiehnmiid, We re-enptured
nur wagons with one hundred and fifty of
theirs, any quantity of small arms and four
thousand prisoners. The road to Stnisburg
showed plainly their cagerncs to csCHpp.
Aml-ulance. caissons, torn horfvs, small
arms, &:, filled the road. Tho retreat of
Kariy, ut Winchester, was n big thing on
ice; lint this beats anything I ever saw and
H beyond my powers of description. It was
a great and glorious victory, and fliows confidence the men have in thnt yivitt
little man. Mojor-Gcncral Phil. Sheridan.
This victory was, to us, of company C,
dearly bought, and will bring with it sor
row to more than one in Stinbury. It is my
painful duty to inform you of the ond news
ant) I will now give you our loss ill killed
wounded utid missing.
Sergeant William Pycrs,
" Tohn Bart low,
Privates Theodore Kiehl, Jasper Gard
fer, John K. Yillt James Urown, George
Captain IX Oyster, right arm.
Hellas Kodrigue, slight.
Joseph Walters, slight.
George LJIain, thiglu
Jaecb Grubb. two wounds in le.
Jesse. (. Green, two wounds in leg.
David Weikel, arm and side.
William Michael, writt.
AW. Givrjit. abdomen.
Piehnrd O'ltourke, face and shoulder.
Jolni I.unkeil, nose.
Perry Colvin, twice in head, slight.
George Ib-pler, slight, head.
H. Keiscr, thumb.
P. Swinelutit, side.
William Piuck, leg.
1st Sergeant William Pry, prisoner.
Martin Herger, prisoner.
George 1), John,
Isa; Kramer, prisoner.
II. A. Sliill'er,
Joseph Pmilh, "
John W. Fifth, lately released from Tyler,
I ex as.
The ls in the 47th Heg't. wa one hun
dred and seventy-one (171; in killed, wound
ed wild missing. The wounded sre e'titig
along well, and I nm assured by the Sur
geons that none of them are dangerous.
The rest of the boys are well. Please re
member me to friends,
Yours, Fraternally, H. 1). W.
Mr. Shitfcr has since written a letter to
this place, stating that he was at Baltimore,
und was wounded in the thigh. Ki.
.liny Lint
fur Xiivcmht r Term, A. D. 1804
tiiiAxn .rrnons.
1 Enoch D. Ilakcr, Little Mahanoy,
'i J. M. Simpson, Sunbuiy,.
8 George Leslier, Point.
4 Michael F.uiciii'k, Jsuwcr Milliltnriy,
5 Philip Frederick, ChillUquaqut!.
0 Daniel Keller. Lewis.
7 Valentine D'u-iz, Sunburv.
8 He.nry S. Iti-ilz, Washington
!) Chrislian Kiunier,. Zerbe.
10 Francis 1 1 net , Suiibiiry
11 William Vanliorn, Mount Cafmcl tp.
12 Nicholas Ganger, Milton.
13 David Sliipman, Lower Augusta.
14 William Mengcs, Lewis.
15 (ieorge Penryl, sen., Shutnokin,
16 Gideon Beaber, Slmmokin.
17 John Fettcrman, Jacksou.
18 John Levy, Sunbury.
19 Samuel Eagle, Jowl an.
20 William Conrad, Slmmokin,
21 John W. Htietlier, Turbut.
23 Robert Farnsworlh, Sunburvi
23 Henry Keller, Shamokin.
24 Francis Bucher, Sunbury.
1 Lucus Young, Lewis.
2 George Lyon, Sunbury
8 Jacob Yordv, Zerbe.
4 William Guiick, Rush.
5 Baltzcr Kiefer, Sunbury. ,
6 George Weiser, Sunbury,
7 Thomas Puyers, Upper Augusts.
8 William Raup, Lewis.
0 Jacob Iloutz, Turbut.
10 Franklin Ruchcf, Chillisquaquo.
11 Hiram Price, Sunburyi
13 William II. Leighow, Point.
13 Joseph M. Hare, Northumberland.
14 Isaac Sticker, Milton,
15 Alexandria Deppin, Jackson.
16 George B. Leonard, Lower Augusta.
17 George Zimmerman, Upper Augusta.
18 Charles Ruker, Turbut.
19 Leonard B. Dieftenbach, Turbutvillo.
20 Philip Frank, Upper Augusta.
21 William Grady, Point.
23 Joseph Burman, Milton.
23 Henry Morgan, Point.
24 Wm. L. Dewart, Buubury.
25 George Enterlinc, Upper Mahanoy.
26 Christian Albert, Jackson.
J7 Jacob H. Kauffuian, Upper Mahanoy.
28 Samuel J)err, Deleware.
29 Saqiiwl IMh)', pplewara.
30 Georgu Shaffer, Lower Mahanoy.
31 William Linebach, Lewis.
83 Henry Malick, Upper Mahanoy,
83 Henry Egbert, Milton.
84 John E. Krcamcr, Turbut.
35 Peter Voris, Cuillisquaqae.
3(1 Daniel Bisel, Upper Mahanoy,
87 Alfred Montgomery, Lewis.
N Jscnb Wlf, Chillisusfisj,
8') John M. IIcgins,erbc.
40 Anthony Buddinger, Mt. Carnicl boro.
41 lrad Ilelwig, Lewis.
43 sAVilliam H. Miller, Sunbury.
48 Wm. Pardoe, Chillisquaquo.
44 David Billnian, Cameron. .
43. Thomas Fould, Zerbe. .
48 Peter Weikle, Cameron.
47 Nicholas Campbell, Shamokin.
48 Jacob Neidig, Point.
1 William Spatts, Lower Mahanoy.
S Daniel Latsha, Jackson.
8 John Fink, Deleware.
4 Ivt Kcrstettcr, Lower Augusta.
fl Iftnry Gosalcr, Northumberland.
0 Philip Raup, Lewis.
7 Gtoorge Dunkleberger, Shamokin.
8 John Roadarmcl, sen., Shamokin.
9 Hirttm Itlooai, Lower Augusta.
16 John McFarland, Lewis.
11 ZachaHah Ilogendobler, Milton.
13 Jacob Kramer, Zerbe.
13 Hugh IX Barr, Milton.
14 William B. Irwin, McEwensvillo.
15 Martin Gass, Shamokin.
10 Nathen S. Eyster, Lower Augusta.
17 Robert Highland, Chilliequaque.
18 Isaac Turner, Lewis.
19 Daniel Keir.hner, Turbut.
20 J. II. Mccormick, Milton.
21 John P. Summers, Milton.
23 Levi Drumlreller, Washington.
23 Solomen Snyder, Lower Augusta.
24 Jacob C, Hoffman, Deleware.
25 Daniel Kramer, C'liillisquaque.
26 John Gulich-, Point.
27 John 8. Pcterman, Milton.
28 W. E. Irwin, Chilliequaque.
29 Samuel Denrinan, Delaware.
SO Philip Kiefer, Sunbury.
81 John Wertman, Delaware.
82 Reuben Cooper, C'liillisquaque.
83 Samue! Brncious-, Washington.
84 Farnsworth Reed, Shamokin.
85 Elias Weist, Lower Mahanoy.
80 Isaac Zimmerman, Lower Augusta.
311mm .VI. I.. asiMHir,
Fawn street, two .loots south nf Shamokin Valley A
1'ottsvillo Kailroad,
HAS just opei"?,t her Kail and Winter stock of
Millinery Oooils. LADIES BONXEIS, llaU
and Caps of the latest Kvles; l'rcneh and American
Flowers and Mnthers. t'rimiuinijs of all kinds,- La
dies and ChiMrers' Jluse, U loves. Collars, Veils and
o Isrgo aanrtment of f'navy Guods and Notions.
Call and see hersteck.
Sunbury, Oct. 8a, Sf4. Iia
RKtfl'KCTFl'LLY lnPrtmhrr friends in gunbury
and vicinity, that she has.(?t opened her
ol Notions and FnncyDry Moods,
JIarket strout, d.wrs west ofWm. II. Miller's
Uuotiind tflioo store, fUNIlUHV, Pa.
Her Stock Consists nf Trinminm nnlinm Amlrn,!.
Series. Laditnnd Children' bnt nnd shakers' silk
and other linuiff. Corsets, Hoop skirts, Cfapo and
Lace A'eils; Nets, gloves, stockings, oollam, and
corsets, Ac.
nreakfust Shiivlr. Sontngs, Red I'.lding Rood!", Caps,
Hosiery of all kinds.
vfenta' )iHulfcori-liii'f. CravalS, Neetties. FilJpcn
ders i ItiMions. of all kinds, r'enthert. Velvet, aud
ninny oiuer lu-ncies loo numerous to mfntinn.
Sunbury. Oct. 22, IBflt.
im.";y riow a xissvsva..'
L. & S. SH!SrL5H,
At tin new stand, in Market Siuarc, SUN.BL'Itr,
HAVE just received from Philadelphia the latest
and most fnsliionsMv )!'.? yilltnerv,
sueii as llonncts. lints. Silks. Velvets, Jtibfidns nnd
l.nces, Kcathi-rs A Flowers. Head Dresses h Nets,
Old Ladies' Caps, Woolen Hoods. Swings, Broakfust
.Shawls, Silk and Wooicn tv.-arfs, Hosiery
Illack Craps and I.uco Veils. Crnpo and Linen Col
lars, Dress Triminings and Co sets. Zepliyrs,
Soap no. I Perfumery, Clonk Trimmings, Woollen A
lotion xurii.
iSrcMMMiiikinu:. 4'lc:iIi.iuaKiiiCL' aitl
tienls' Liuen anil Paper Collnrs, Nec-kiies, Acr
COl'MUV PliOJiI i'i: taken in exchanse for Goods
or Work. Thankful for past patronage wo solicit
the fame. L, A U. SilLSSLER.
Suul.ury, October ?2, 184
BY virtue of accrtnin writ of Vcn. Exponas, issued
out of the Court of Commou picas, nu.l to mo
directed. ill ! exposed to Public Sale, at the Court
House. In f unduly, ol M-'fday, the "ih day ot No
vember, at 1 o'clock, P. Al.
All that certain tract or piece of land, situat- now
in Zeibo township, (formerly in Mul.onoy tor hip),
Northumberlnnd countp, Pennsylvtuiia. hound' i and
described us fallows, to wit : hiiiiuing at i white
Dak corner, llienco by Alexander Hunter' land,
north sivtynine degrees, east ono hundred and
twenty-ene perches to a stone corner, thence by Into
Jacob Krislugcr's land, south eleven degreee, cat
one hundred and fifty-six perches to a stone corner,
thence by Thomas tirant's land, south sixty-nina de
grees. west rix-five perches lo a chesnut, and thence
Ly the same north eighty-six degrees, west eighty
eight perches lo a stone corner, thence north eleven
degrees, wesi one hundred and sixteen perches to
the place of beginning, containing ono hundred acres
aud allowances, six per cent exception, and exclu
ding so much and such part or portion of the said
tract or piece of land as lie south of the railroad
which runs cast aud west through the said tract or
piece ol lami.
rcizc(t, itiKen into execution ant to be sola as tne
properly of William L. Hclfeuslein.
A eertain lot or piece of ground, situate in the
borough nf Turhutville. lot no bounded on the west
by lot of Kcv. Jacob Albert, on tho north of ilroad-
way, on tlio oasl by lot ot David irvuiiro. aud on
the south by an alley, whereon are erocted a two
story plank dwelliug house and kitchen.
Solid, tnkeu into execution and to b( sold as tea
property ol Harvey W ilson.
A 1j -- J
A certain lot or piene of ground, Situate in the ho'
rough ot "J'urbutTllle, bounded and described as fol
lows, to wit : on the north by Front street, on the
east by Paradise street, on the south by an alley and
on the west by lot of Andcrsou Douius, containing
in width 60 tout and in depth 2U9 feet, whereon are
erected a largo two story brick and frame dwelli ng
house, large frame stable or barn out buildings, ia.
belied, taken into execution and to bs Sold as tte
property of Charles F: MePherson.
A certain lot or piece of ground, situate in the bo
rough of Northumberland, Northumberland county,
and State of Pennsylvania, bounded on the south
side by an alley, nu the northwest by an alley, and
on the northeast by lot No. 374. containing in longtB
Seised, taken Into execution aud to bs sold as the
property of Edward liurk.
A eertain tract or piece of land, situate la Shamo
kin township, Northumberland oounty, Pennsylva
nia, bounded and described as follows, to wit : on
the east bv land of George Pensyl, on the north by
land of John Kiland, and on the West by land of
Ueorge fensyl, containing about eO aores mors or
less, whereon are erected a log dwelling boas and
stable, fruit trees, o.
boiled, taken into execution sod to bs sold as the
Properly of Andrew Heinecker.
WILLIAM M. WEAVlin, Sheriff.
thoriff s Ofiloc, buubury, Oct. 3i, lbli.
Two doors west of Wm. II. Miller's Shos store,
Sunbury, Pa. Just opened a fresh supply of
fsueh as FancT Dross Trimmings, Ribbons, Gloves)
Handkerchiefs, Ladies' Linen Collars and Cuffs
Gent s Linen and paper Collars. Netts, Bells, Lace
Collars and Eleeves, Hair Rolls, Velvet Ribbons,
Red. White and Blue Neck-lies, Corsets, Quaker
Skirts, Y okes and Sleeves.
WOOLEN GOODS, comprising of Sontags, Hosiery
for ladies and ebildrcn, Caps of all kinds, Scarfs,
iiIa.m Miltena. ka.
Also, new style of muslin for Garribaldl waists
together wjih Swiss, Jaconet and Victoria Muslins
....... ,m... ..4 Vails Orn.rlin and Lane Veils
and a rar' tt f other articles too numerous to msn
Fuobury, Oct JJ, M
Th ondorslgnoa hstrnn ' fjnrehssed of ft.- V.
"right, Esq., his Maofatna gliop, Foundry, f., at
Bunbury, and hu not ooromoncsd operations.
All Kinds of Machinery,
Porsons desiring MAC UIXE WOUK Uunio.llut.ilv,
will do well to call and examine his faoilitios for
doing; work cnonp.
i0 Cll liCI I'iR IATTEBtS.
Bunlmry, Oct 15, 1R54.
If rem wlfh to marry, address the Bnderslrned, wno
will (end you without money and without Vfice. val
uable Information that will enable you to marry
happy and speedily, irrespective of age, wealth or
beauty. Xhis information will cost you nothing, and
Ifycu Wish to marry, I will cheerfully nssist you.
All letters strictly eonfl.lentiul. Tho desired inlor-rr-ation
sent by return niail. and no quetinns nskod,
n . ,.,r,e,nP0','t. Kings county, New Vork.
vol. Jd, loo. 2mo.
AUornry nnrt CourtMrllor n I, jot,
WILL carefully attend to collections and nil
other matters entrusted to him. in thocountics
of Dauphu,, Northumberland aud Snyder.
Ot't. li, lSlit. ly '
Juit juiilished in a Scaled Envelope. Prtci
six cents.
A Lecture on the Nature. Treatment and Radical
Cure of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness, Invol
untary Emissions. Scxunl Debility, and impediments
to Mnrriago generally, Nervousness. Couftinplioni
Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental nnd Physical Itiiipnci
ty, resulting from Self-Abuse. Ao. By HOBLUX J.
C L'LVEKVt ELL, M. V., Author ot tho "Wreen
Look," Ac.
Tho world renowned author, in this adnirnbio
Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that
the awful consequence ol Sclf-Abuso may bo effectu
ally removed without medicine, and witliout danger
bus surgical operations, bougies, instruments, rings
or cordials, pointing out a mode of euro at enco Cer
tain and effectual, by which every sutlerer. no mat
ter what bis condition may be, may cure himself
ohenply, jirivatelv, and radically. I ll IS LEO
Sent underscnl, lo any addrers, in a plain, scaled
envelope, on tho receipt of of six cents, or two post
a0 stumps, by addressing llio publishers.
CHA. J. 0. KLIN 12 A CO.,
127 Poworv. New Vork, Post OHice llox, 4jSi,
Oct. I3,lrtb4. ly .'Ic
Yiiiiiublo 1 'iiriu for Ktilo.
fl'MlE undersigned will exiiosa to Public Rale, on
I SATl llDAV, tho 12th of NOVEMBEi:. IStil.
nt 10 o'clook A. il.. at tho public house of JOSEPH
VANKIHK. in the Borouii of Northumberland, nil
that certain l'ariai mxl l IiimI,
Pituate in Point township. Northumberlnnd county,
ndioiiiing hinds nf John Wheatlev and others on thu
north, Widow Nourse on tho cast, Hubert Walker
and J. If. iJnrton on the sonih. and John Hnnuc nn
the West, Into llio estate of 1ANIEL ItOIU.VS. dc-
eeusad. Said farm is about four miles from Norlh-
umbcrlnnd. and contains '4Uii A '!. more r
less. W hereon ero erected a good Two-story Frame
Dwelling House, nearly new, a Bank Uarn. Spring
House, Ao. A ncver-fiiilin- surini; of wnter. two
good Orchards, and is convenient to limettone. About
loo acres ot which are cleared nnd in a good stale
of cultivation, and the remainder well timbered
with White Oak, Yellow Pine ami Chesnut. There
is nlso a good water power on tho premises.
xerms oi snio inaue Known nt the lime.
Attorney in fact, fur the heirs of Daniel Kobins, dee'd.
Siiiilmi T. net. H, isiji.
'3 v Htv.ty Blojsi.
CAME to the premises of tho subscriber in I'pper
Augusta, township. about four weeks since, iwo
white tboiils weighing at ihc time about titty pounds
each. Tho owner is requested to come forward.
prove property, pay charges nnd take Iheui uway,
or elso they will be sold according lo law.
Vpper Augusta, twp., Ojt. 8. 1m!4. 2m
THE partnership heretofore existing between J.
V. Friling A W. X. tirm.t, un-lor tho firm of
l'riling A liraiit. hns been dissolved by liuiitiition.
All persons indebted lo the aUivu linn will pluno
call at once at the old stand and settle their accounts.
Mr. tirnut lenders his thiiuks to the public fur the
liberal patronage extended to the old tirm in their
long ooiil':imniico in business nu.l hopes that they
will extend the siiiuo patronage to tho new tirm of
J. W. Friling A Son.
The business herctoforo enrried on by Friling A
Grunt, will be continued by the undersigned uii.t.-r
ine nrm ou. v . r riling Jc Sou. at the old stuiid in
.Market Square where we iisppcifullv inviio n'l to
call. J. W. FKILINO.
Sunbury. Oct. 8. ISot. Im
AX elee'inn of Directors to serve for the ensuing
year will be held at llio Banking House in the
liorough nf Sunbury, Pa , on Mmidiiy the twuntv lirst
dny of 'November next, between ill? hours of 111
o'clock A. M., and .'1 o'clock P. M..
Tho regular r.iiuuiil meeting of iho Stookhol h-rs
will be held a! the Banking llo iso in tho i!i.ruiir;h
of Sunburv aforesaid, on Ihe first Tuesday in Novem
ber next (Nov. 1st, I8ti I.) at 1(1 o'clock A. M.
SAMl EL J. PACKEU, Ca?hier.
Sunbury, Pa., Oct. 8, liol.
Two ioors wct of Fischer's Drug Store, Market St.,
IS cimstantlv manufacturing the latest styles of Wool
utid Fur Hats, which for soilness nud durability
are not surpassed.
(live him n cull Ji ml see his stock of Hats which are
sold cheaper than elsewhere. Merchants nud others,
purchasing at wholesale, will find it to their advan
tage to call and procure au article cheaper and equal
lo citv lniiuuiiiciiirc.
Sunbury, October 1, 1S4.
11 U 1 ii( III iJ c
flHE undersigned respeotfully informs the citizens
X of Sunbury, that he hns commenced the lim-k-sleiii.g
business, nnd is ready tosupplv ihem weekly
of all kinds. FRESH BEEF an. I PORK, Ac, Ac.
Persons desiring any of the above articles, will be
promptly supplied by leaving their orders ut his resi
dence, in Hendrick s ndditimi.
Eunbury, Oct. I.ISSL 4t
edwin hall & co..
Ko "B Sou lb Second Street, Philiidelphia.
Are now r"rer'ig their mngnificcnt .tuck of Silks,
Dress Goods. Shawls, Cloths, Clonks, Velvets, Ac,
tar below tho present Gold Prices !
We hove also on hnud. a large stock of DOMESTIC
GOODS, which we r n.-w selling ut a great reduc
tion fiom the prices we have been selling Ihem at.
As we have had the advantage of a riso in tho prices
of our Slock in llio progress ol ihe War for thu last
two or three veins, we now projxise to give our Cus
tomers the Advuntffgo of the full in Prices.
Calicoes and Jlic'ins. reduced,
Flannels and Table Linens, rd.ieed,
Blankets and all stable Goods, reduced,
Wo respectfully solicit from the Ladies and others
visiting Philadelphia, an examinaliou of our stock,
which ir unsurprised In variety and style, in this city.
N. li., Wholesale Bnyers. are iuviied to examine
our stock. EDWIN HALL A CO.,
No. 2A South Second street, Philadelphia.
October b, '.tib-t. 2mw
o. StIO AHC1I t., lliilud-ltliiu.
Has a large slock of
Superior plated TEA ELTTS, SPOONS, tUKkS,
October 1, lB6t. 4m
Atli.iiuinlralor'si iXollee.
NOTICE is berehy given that letters of adminis
tration having been grauled to tho Subscriber,
till the estate of Jacob Kiebach, late of Lower Muho
noy township. NurUiumborlaud county, Pa., deed.
All persons iudebied are requested to make immedi
ate pavinont, aud those having claims, to preseut
them fur soUlement.
Lower Mahonoy twp., Oct. 8, 1X4. Bt
LANK (Parchsaent Paper,)
Deeds and blank
iMortiiues. Bonds. Execulious, Summons, Ac,
ot sal n ils Scs of the ''Bunbur Amica "
niHH. iti.iuia Tiio.tirsorv,
(Formerly of the 'IwrenCi3 Ilonso,")
I NF0RM8 her friends and tho puhllo H'Ditrally
X that she has refilled tho house formerly occupied
hy Dr. J. W. Penlo. on filnckborry street, nanr the
Northern Central M nil iter 'ep"(, and oponed n
Itonrdlr Jlonu, where she is prepared to keep
Willi good cooks and wnitr's. bonrdors can enjoy
the ' uici coinlorts of heme with fare equal to Ihe
best hotels.
Palronnge from thnfo who may sojourn In Sunbury,
Is reipestfully soliuiled.
Sunbuisy, Oct 22, 1S04.
I Cottage Organ. U
ARE not only .unequalled, but they are absolutely
unequnlle'd, by any other Heed Instrument in
the country. Designed expressly fir Churches and
Schools, tliey arc found to be equally well adapted
lo tho pnrlor and drawing room. For snlc only by
No. 18 North Seventh street. Philadelphia.
Where can nlso be found a complete assortment of
tbo Perfeot Melodcon.
Sept. 24. 1864. lyw
I'oiirlli A. Arch Sl., riillartelpliln.
Calcr for the beet Trade,- Biid olTer no Baits nr do.
ception to induce Custom, but rely on FAIR DEAL
Best M?rnncs, Fasionnble Silks,
Nobility Plnids, Pirn's Poplins,
Dnrk Foulards Figured Merinocs,
Plaid Shaw ls, Uood Blankets.
P. S. We follow OOLD down, as close as wo fol
low it up. Now is a good time for Merchants and
tionsnniers to como in.
October 8, 1SIII 2mw
I h"tt leave to inform my friends and the publio
(fncr.illy Hint I have commenced tho mamilnoturo
of COAL OlL LAA1PS of every description and style
of fmisji, nt
With mv present facilities fl-r manufacturing, asd
n practicni experience of thirteen ycarf ill tho inan
ngrment of the lamp business for some of tho lnrgest
houses in the country, 1 flatter uiyjelf that my expe
rience and knowledge rill enablo m to offer to tho
public goods n.t e.(millcd by any in regard to stylo
nod w'jrkmnnship, and nt prices competing with tho
lowest. S shull always endeavrr to lend in oOcring
to the pnHi new and U'ct'ul Intentions in our line.
I have alfo taken the wholesale ngency for the sale
of GEO. W. DROWN A CO S Cm.i-.nn atko Mktal
A. J. WE1DENE11,
No. IM S Second St., Philadelphia..
cptemhcr.2t, ISO I.
Fall & Winter Goods,
In Zollemoyer's Building, opposite tlenihnrt s Con
fectioncry Store, Market street, SUNBURY, Pu.,
TTAS just opened n well selected assortment of
X J. t.oo.18. w hich ho otters tor sale at very low prices
FOR EI ON DCMESTIC. such ns Cloths. Cassi
lucres, .Muilinf. r'heeting", Ticking, Calicoes, Do
Laines, Silks, Ginghnms. Ao . Ac.
H ITS iiikI t'Al'N t-f every .'iwription.
Collet !t.5 tf Jlo.-iory, Gloves. Tlircml. luttoiiji,
Ku.-ipfndfr", Nctio?. Collar?. Hnii'.ik?rt:hicfs, Hair
IJru-h'. i'nutli lirufh'M. Vnncy Kind lr !)?, Jliil
lnnnil SUirti, Hoop-Skirt., Ciirpct-hiig1. Trunks, 'n.
liM-rt, t'nibrclnw, ('ntton-Ynrii. Suiqii, und nuuivrotiR
fTtht-r tfUicloi tin tctliuu-t to uientinn.
sueii as nuils. hinges nnd screw, door latches and
knobs, and CUTLERY of every description.
DyC-s, Drugs, Paints, Vnrnislics, Oils, Glass,
Putty. Ac, Ax.
s.s.iii'rns'vvaro iiikI !ii's.m lire of
evevj" !'McrIprioi..
An extensive Stock of
CVtiinnml of Coflto, T'fl. llien. Corn.ptnrch,
Altdti-'se?, CttQdli;!?; .Mont, Fish, ChuPe, Suit. TuLhcco,
U"d Sornrd.
for men. women and children
All kinds ot Country Produce taken in exchange
for Goods.
Sunbury, Sept. 10, 1SBI.
" " i,.iii:s r.iScV i i its:
No. "ISJARCH Street,
V A 1 11 11.-1 L A .-'X I hare now in sloro
. -fe-'-oi my own .lmrorta:ion
-llViinil -MnnufHciure. one
SKcSJsiAif tho LARGEST nnd
lections t-f
j nney I'urst.
fur Lndics' an.1 Children's Wear in the Cilr. A!fo,
a fine asscirtuient of Genl's Fur Gloves A I'ollnrs.
As my Fuis were nil pitrcbnsed when Gold wns at
a mil. h lower premium Ihn'n nt present. I sin enabled
to dispose nf them at very ren'onublc prices, and I
would therefore soiieit a cull from my friends of
Norrhiimrtcrland county, and vicinity.
I Remember the luiiue. Number and Street. !
Tlf Arch Street obnve ilh. S'Hith side. lit. tstU. om PHILADELPHIA.
r t hnvo no Partner, her connect iuu with any
other fioro in Philudilphia.
lit-riialloiiivl IloK'l.
anil 3t7 lSioiulu;.!. Cur.ier I'raiilliu Street
TUTS fl'st class House the most n,uiet, homelike
and pleasant Hold in Iho city "tiers superior
inducements to those visiting Now York for biisiuivs
nr plensuro. It is ccnlrnl in its location, and kept on
the Ei:noi'EAS l'l.AN. in coiinectioii with Tavi.iiu's
Sai.oox, w here refreshments can bo hnd all hours,
or served in their own rooms. Tho charges are mo
derate, tho rooms and of the lir.t order
baths, aud all tho modern oulivenicucts uliachcd.
Got l,lb64. .
SWALLOW twoor three hogshead'! cf '-Buchu,"
'Tonio Bittors," ' Sarsnpnriila," "Nervous An
lidotes," Ac. Ao.. Ac., nud after yu are sstisrled1
with the result, and onebot of Old DR. B' CHAN S
English SKicino Pills and be restored to health and
vigor iu lo"S toa4 thirty days. They are purely ve
getable, pleasant to take, prompt and sulutnry in
their effects on the broken dowu and shattered con
stitution. Old and young ran tu'lo them with ad
vantage. Imported DU is -Id in Ihe United Slates
only by JAS. S. BUTLER,
Xo. 427 Broadway, New York.
Jjf Agonl for the United Stales.
P. S A Box of Ihe Pills, securely pneked, will
be mnilcd to any address on receipt of price, which
is ONE DOLLAR, jiiluiid! money refunded by
the Agent if entire satb-lucUuu is Dot given.
Sept. Ill, Ym
t lllt iuu Ion aaoiikr,
(Near th lirijgt.)
THE subscriber having leased this well known
Tavern Stand, lately kepi by Mrs. C. S. Brown,
respectfully Informs the publio that he is refilling and
rtuiaiiiiig Ihe preuiUcs, and will be prepared to en-
t.-rtuin. in a eomfortuble manner, bis numerous
j friends throughout the county, and all who may
j lia'roniie bis wiUiblisbmcnt
' Oct JCriH VAfrglKK.
OF Tilt: ILiriHK
Aia Cuid Ly
German Bittors
The Oretit Strtnglhttiinf
These nitlers have performed mm-o Cares t
Have and do Give Bettor Satisfaction!
Have more Testimony f
Have moro Respcctnblo Peoplo to Vouch for Them !
Than any otlior article in the ter.tket.
Vi'a defy any ONE to contradict this Assertion,
A Si Is PAY HlOOt)
To any ono lhat will produce n Certifn-ato ptiblished
by us, thnt is not oem.isk.
Will cure every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility,
Discnseof Ine Kidneys, end Diseases s-rising from
a disordered Stomach.
Resulting from Disorders of tho Digestive Organs :
Const i
pntion. Inward
Piles. Fulness or Blood
to the Head. Acidity of tho FtO'
maeh. Nausea. Heartburn, Disgust for
Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stomach, Soer
Eructotions. Sinking or nattering at the Pit of the
Slomnch. Swimming of (he Head, Hurried nnd Difil
cult Breathing, Fluttering nt the Heart. Choking or
Sutibeating Sensations when in a lying posture, Dim
ness of Vision. Dots rr Webs before the Sight, Fever
and Dull Pain in the Head. Deficiency of Perspira
tion, Y'ellowness of Ihc Skin end Eyes, Pnin in
the Side, Bnck. Chest, Limits, Ac. Sudden
Fluf-hesof Henl. Burning in the Flesh,
Constnnt linnginings of Evil,
and great Depression
i'oiilnln no Itilirt ot Whiskey,
And can't rnnko Drnnknrds. but Is the Best Tonio In
thf World.
t3F Hvntl Vlio Mays Mot
From the Rev. Levi G. Beck, Pnstor of the Pnptist
Church. Pombcrton, N. . I., formerly of tho North
Baptist Church, Philadelphia.
I have knon ITooflnnd's Gerninn B'.tter3 favora
bly fur a number of yenrs. I have used them in my
own family, and have been so pleased with their
cll'octs that I was inducci loroooiiipieod them to ma
ny others, and know that they have operated in a
strikingly beneficial mnnner I take grout pleasure
in thus publicly proelaiming this fact, and culling the
attention of those afflicted with thediseiiso for which
they recommended, to theso Bitters, knowing from
experience that my recommendation will bo sustain
ed. I do this more cheerfully as lloolland's Bitters
is intended lo benefit the alllictcd. and is -'not ft rum
ilriuk.'' Yours truly, LEVI G. BECK.
From J. Kenton Brown. D. D., Editor of tho
Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge, and Christian
Chronicle, Philadelphia.
Although not disposed to favor or recommend Pn
tent Medicines in general, through distrust of their
ingredients and effects, 1 yet know of no sufficient why ft man may not testify to Iho benefits ho
believes himself lobar!) received Irom any simple
preparation, in Ihc hope that ho uuiy thus coutribulo
to Iho benefit of others.
I do this the mere readilv in regnr.1 to Hooflnnd's
German Bitters, prepared hr Dr. C. M. Jii' kson. nf
this city, beenuso 1 was prcjuuiciM again! inciu lor
ninny years, under llio iiuprcsion lhat they wcro
.-hieilvnn iilciilii.lic mixture. Iain illdclltc-l lo lo
friend jtobert Sheoiurkcr. Es4-, for tho roinoviil of
thi pri iu.lice hv proper tests, ana lor eucourugo
incut to trv iliein. when sutlcring from grent and
l.iiig cMitiiiucd debility. The u.e of three liottlesof
these Mine'.-, el the In giii-ing of Iho present yc-ur,
was f.illmved by evident relief and restoration to a
degree of bodily and mental viuor which I bad not
felt f.trsix nioii'tbs before nud hnd almost de-paired
of reiiining. I thi.nk liod and my friend
lor directing to tho use of them.
From the Rev. J.. H. Keiinnrd, Tastor of the
Kith Baptist Church.
Dr. Jackson : Dear Sir : I have b,cen frequently
rcfjuested to connect niynimie with comiiicitd-ilioiis
of ditierent kinds of ii;e.licints but rsar-!ing the
practice as out ol iny appropriate sphere; I have in
nil c.'iscs declined ; but with a cleii' tiroof in rarious
instances, and particularly in my family, of the use
fulMs rf Hr. il.iof'.iiid s German Bilicrs. I depart once from mv tisuiil c.iurso, to express my full
c.mtietioii that, 'tor general debility of the system
and espeeinlly for Liver Complaint, it is a safe and
Tnlunblo preparation. In some eases it may fail;
but usually, I doubt not. it w ill bo very benoUciul to
thoso who sutler from the above cause
Yours, verv respectfully. J. H. KENNARD,
Eighth below Cbuies Street. 1'hiludclphiu.
From Rev Warren Randolph, Pnstor of Baptist
Church, Gcrmaut.'wn, Peon.
Dr. C. if. Jackson: Dear fir : iVr-onnl expo,
rience etiubles mo lo sny that I regard the Gerninn
Bitters, prepared by you as a no-et excellent medi
cine. Iu cases of severe cold and g.nnrnl debility I
have been grenily benefitted bv toe ueof the Hitters.
Yours, truly, WARREN RANDOLPH,
Ucriunntown, Pa.
f ;-cin Rcf. 3 It. Turner. Pastor of Hcdding I. F
Church, Philiidelphia.
Dr. Jackson ; Dear Sir : Having used your Ger
man Hitters in my family frequently I mil prepared
to say Unit it has been of grent service. I believe
thnt in most enscs of general deMlily of the syolcm
it is the safest and mo&t valuable remedy of which 1
have any knowledge.
Y'oiirs, ruspeciiully, J. H. TURNER,
No. T2o N. Nineteenth Street.
From the Rov J. M. Lyons, formerly Pastor of the
Columbus N. J and Milestown (l'a.) Baptist
New Rochclle, N. Y.
Dr C. M. Jackson; Dear Sir: I feci it n pi en
sure thus, of my own uccord. to bear testimony lo
the exc.-lleuce of the German Bitters. Some years
since being much aMIictei with Dyspep-in. I used
Ihem w ith very beneliciid resiilis. 1 In.vo often re
commended to persons cuteebled by that tormenting
disease, and hu e heard from them tbo most Untter
iivf Unliiuoniiils us to their great value In en: i-s of
general d. biliiy, 1 bclie e it to he a ton!- th it rui
not be tin iu.-c,l J. -.1 LYONS.
From the Bey. Tho'. Winter. Pastor of Roxl-orongh
Bap'i.-t CliuiL-h.
Dr. Jnclison ; Dear Sir :- I feel it duo to your
excellent preparation, lloolland's German Hitlers lo
acid n:y UstiiiKiiiy lo the deserved repulalinn il has
obtained. I 1-bo for years, at times, been troubled
w ilh grout disorder in'mv hei! and nervous sysicra.
I wns ml rised bv a frit mi to lr a bottle utynur tlor
uian Biiters, I d''d f. and have csperienced g'oa
aud unexpected relief; my health has been very
materially bcu. fitted. 1 eoufi leuily ric.imnicnd tho
ai'ti-lu where I meet with casts similar to my own,
aud have been assured by many of their g.l cP.ects.
Respeotfully JourJ, WIN'IPH.
Roxborough, Pa.
Ffon Sev. .1. S Herman, of the Ocrmal Reformed
Church. Kutiiown. Beiks county. Pa.
Dr. C. il. Jackson ; Respected Sir : 1 huve been
'roublci with Dyspepsia nearly twenty years, and
hive never used' any medicine that did mo as much
good as llooll.nid s Ditto s I am very much im
proved in beu''h, after having taken liv 'J11''":
Yours, with respect, J- Hth-MA-V
Large Siso (holding nearly dcublo qunntity,)
$1 0U per bi lllo ball dot.
..,.! SUn7Anenu nor Bctlle half do.
f 5 on
ft uu
See that the Signature of '0 M.JACKSON'' ia en
the Wrapper of each Bolt)
Should nr nearest dru Jill not have the article,
do not be'pat off by any ol : t intoxicating prcpura
tions. that mi y bo orToredi It t I place but send to us,
and we wi'.l forward, Seoul : packed, by expross.
Priucipal Office end Maul Ul xry, Ny. Dot ARCH
Street, Philadelphia.
(Successors to C. X .1 acKs-v A Co..)
IpTorSalebyDrngs'ii nnd Dealert in erary
oo ic the United Btii
June 4. 1? Oeti H, - ly
Motton McMicliacI
T. (,'unninfclinin,
Uolirrt I'. Kina:,
O. Morrison CobIcb,
Henry Li'inm,
Villiarii )!. Korn,
Tinrtoti H. .lenks.
Ctinrlca V. Hunk,
Ilohert 1'iirku.
Willinm Tnyltir.
.Tolm A. Ilii-stiiiid,
Hiclnml II. (,'orycll
Kihrnrd Mnlidny,
( tiiirlps F. Head,
i:liii9 YV. Ilu.
Chnrit's H. fhriuur,
Jolm Wi-ster,
Dnvid M'ConnM;liy,
David W. Woods,
Isnnc lienson,
.lolin Jiit!ii!i,
SmriiK.'l K. Dirk,
Kveritnl liierrr,
John I. JYnny.
Klirmoz'r M'Jtinkin, ,
Jolm W. Dlanc'.inrd,
Jlorton McMiilmu'.,
T. Cnnnin;tlmm,
liohcrt P. Kinir,
(!. J.orrison (Jontea,
Henry Bnmm,
Williuin II. Korn,
U'irton II. J'.nka,
( liarlcs M. Hunk,
Knbcrt Pin ko.
Williuin Ttiylnr,
Jolm A. Iliestand,
Richard II. Oryell,
r.'Hvard llnlidnv,
Charles F. Peud",
Llias Wr. Halo.
C'liarlosi II. Slirincr,
John Winter,
David M'Uotiaujhyi
David W. Woods,"
Isnnc Benson,
John Patlon,
raniut'l 15. Dick,
Kvrrnnd Uiercr,
Jolin P. Penny,
Ebencz'r M'Junkin.
John W. Blanchard,
Morton McMichael,
T. Cunningham,
li. P. King,
O. Morrison Coale9(
Henry liunim,
William H. Kern,
Uurton II. Jenks,
Charles M. Hunk,
Kohert Parke,
William Taylor,
Jolm A. Hi:i?tand,
Richard II. Coryell,
Kdward Halidav,
Charles F. Itccil,
Elias W. Hale,
Charles 11. Shrincr,
John Winter,
David M'Conaughy,
David W. Woods,
l3aac Reuson,
John Patton,
Samuel H. Dick,
Eveiard IJicrer.
John P. Penney,
Ebeiiezer McJunkin,
John W. Ulanchard.
Morton McMichael,
T. Cimningliain,
Robert P. Kiiir,
Morris (.'ouiee,
Henry liiimm,
William II- Kern,
Rurton H. Jenks,
Charles M. Ruuk,
Robert Parke,
William Taylor,
John A. Heistand.
Riehard H. Coryell,
Edward Halidav,
Charles F. Reed,
Elias W. Hale,
diaries 11. hUriner,
John YYistcr,
Davi.l MConaughy,
David W. Woods,
Isaac Benson,
John Patton.
Samuel 15. Dick,
Everard Merer.
John P. Penney.
Ebeuczcr McJunkin,
John W. lilaachard.
HAVKjusl returned froui l'hilndelpbiu with ono
of llio largest nnd best relet ted stocks of U.w.U
cei-r brought to Sunbury.
rORKIliN AND DOMESTIC, su.-h ns Cloths. C.i-v.
, liiirnn. riunnt'lf. uwi nil k'n-lf nf Ml U LN(Mionti,
.1ncrji.w, I! In.-; ':!'". tliivhuiiH. JJh1iih"ii-kI lint I
ikt'!e,.,'iii Skirts. t'ui:t:u l'liinur!, NaliLttns. t'ur
Kiin ull kLi!'
' Comprisi'i? lbis;,.y, t.l,.vt-s, Thrcnd. Buttr.ns. r-us-
etide.-s. Nck-'tii s, Collars. HandkereWfc.,
I Jirusbis. T.silh Bru-hes. liuui I'ib-
oou nod Cord. te.e, ermchot-br.-i. I,
worked coiloi.. lancy hi.-u-l
drcs..cs. ti-iy ctton. eiiri'ot
bind!nr. cui.ibs. ftiiu-y
H'i'p. ciipct bu:s
Tnii;l;. Vulies, I m'orel'ii-, i'dnnlc Books, Paper,
Lurclcpes, At!.
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