Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 22, 1864, Image 3

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H. IJ. M ABSKR, Editor A Proprietor.
B. WIliVXHT, lhiblUher.
ni -mii it , im.
N. 87 Tark Row, Now Vork, and State Street,
Iloston, arc our agsnla forth Sosiiciit Amxricih
to those cities, and are authorised to take AdTortise
inenlf and Subecriplkn for us at our lowest rates.
ft?" IlELtooKAPntc Our old friend, M.
A. Hoot, one of tlic best artists In the coun
try, is publishing a text book, useful for
Photographers and other artists. It is en
titled The Cutiiera and the Pencil; or Heli
gra1iic Art; its theory and practice in 'all
its various brandies, e. g. dugucrrcotype,
Photography, ic. ; together with its histo
ry in the United States and in Europe, being
at ouce a theoretical and a practical treatise,
and designed alike, as a Text-Book aud a
Htind-Book, illustrated with fine engravings
ou steel aud wood. Address M. A. ROOT,
Post Office, Box, 1028, Philadelphia, Pa.
JT-Tue Bhitish Reviews. have
received from I.. Scott & Co., the North
Uritish Review for August. The following
ore the contents : Wordsworth : The Man
and the Poet, Todlebeu's History of the Cri
mienn War, J. H. Newman's Apologia, Edu
cation at Public Schools, Russia under Alcx-
andur 11, The Scotch Lawyer of Seventeenth
Century, Berkeley's Theory of Vision, Teu
myson's Enoch Arden, etc.
Cite publishers having printed more copies
of the Reviews for 1803 than were required,
now oiler them at half price, say $4 lor the
.four Quarterly Reviews for the year 18G3.
Blackwood cannot be supplied at any price,
being out of print Such an opportunity as
this will not occur again, a -they are now
printing editions so short that several of
the numbers for 1804 are already out of
JST" The Reiiei.8 Pkoiwe to Arm the
KliouoEs. The best vindication of the poli
cy of the Administration in arming the ne
groes, is the fact, the rebels propose to do
the same, The Richmond Enquirer thiuks
alavery should uot be permitted to stand in
the way of their independence, and says:
'We should be glad to see the Confederate
Congress provide for the purchase of two
hundred and fifty thousand negroes, pru
aijirt them with their freedom and the p i
vilege of remaining in the States, and equip
drill and tight tliem.' Slavery, the Enquirer
concluded, must "not be permitted to stand
in the way of the success of our caile."
Other State may decide for themselves, but
Virginia, after exhausting her whites, will
Jiijht her Mucin through t tin', lust man,"
These li brave words, no doubt, but there
arc twt at two relleutions which they 'sug
gest, not rJ together of a consolatory kind
- looking rmu tw Enquirer's tanl point.
If two-thirds of the Confederate armies a:
white men have already run away from
Javis and his man Cooper, and ure now
Gliding in the mountain regions of Georgia
nnd cUcwhei'ii, what proportion tf the black
.levies call bt expe leul .t hljinil to their
colon.'? il.m the chivalry thus dcgriii-rated,
it but. twol hiiils of them absolutely "vsUso to
illuK for their wwn independence? Davis
ussured Col. Jacqued a few weeks ago, tlml
t wo millions of his black staves had been
emancipated by the advance of the United
States armies. At that rate ofeiuapcipaLion
is it not likely tlnt the negroes may prefer
to win their tieedom at a chcaj'cr ru5.o
the Enquirer proposes.'"
Tlie Printx'ss M:try of Cambridge litis l)e--mt:
tliiimer. Sii alistuitis t'ruiii 'irtratl, po
tutucs uiul milk, anil Ihiisch thereby,
The Kino; sif Italy wt-wt out tr tltree days
on tli Alj) ti limit cltanmis, and :ilit
only a jilitMsuut. lie went liotiio satihtii-d.
?loral affairs.
Ijr Ren Aim. The undersigned offers a reward
of TEN DOLLA RS for information that will lead to
the discovery and conviotvon of the person or persona
who have been trespassing on his garden and lot,
stealing fruit and injuring his fruit trees.
11. II. MASSEIt.
I.OVI'. -In Market street, on Tuesday even
ing, a set of ARTIFICIAL TEETH ((iold plate).
The finder will bo rewarded by leaving them at this
o i- .
Statiosehv. Miss Anna
"jf Thiiimings and
Painter to whose advertisement we refer, has just
received ut her storo in Market Square, a new assort
ment of trimmings, notions, Ac, for ladies. Also, a
new lot of stationery including paper, iDk, pens, en
velopes, Ac.
liooK-Bi.tMSfi. We rcfor our readers who
uiuy want books, uiaga.iues, Ac, bound, to tbe ad
vertisement of Messrs. Oldacb & Baker.
l3 Misscs L. A B. Shissler. have just reoeived at
ihcir uew stand in Market Square, a new and hand
some stock of Fall Millinery and Fancy Goods, to
which they invite tbe attention of their friends and
Itf Miss Mary L. Laiarus has just reoeived from
Philadelphia, a lot of uew Fancy Goods, for the
full trade. The ladies, Ac, will find box at her
aloro iu Market Square.
i 1 1 ; 1 1 .
UiMiEs Kato Black respectfully inform ber
I friends, that she has just received and openod at ber
new store iu Market Square, a lot of seasonable
funey dry goods, notions, Ao.
13- Tijn Etna ExpKtss A uew Uaiu called tha
. Erio Express, was placed ou the route between Pbil
dclp'jla and Erie, on the 17th lust. The trainleavee
Erie at 6,tl W lue morning and arrives at this place
S.Giinthc uymiing. Leaves Philadelphia at 8 in
the evening aud arrises bore at 3 23 in the morning,
leaching Erie at 8 -ti P. M. The Erie train consists,
generally, of throe cars to whioh several are fre.
quently added on the way to Erie, and is laid to be
well patruuizod by local travel, stopping at nearly
all slat ions.
We have now. four daily trains between this plaoe
and Philadelphia.
EJ- GovtBSfiEKT HoBSEi. A number of
deiuned Oovcrnaoent horses will be sold at York on
the 27tb. Some of these horses, sold heretofore, have
nroved valuable itook. Mr. A. E. Kapp of North.
' umbcrlond, jiurchaied one at a sale in UarrUburg,
' a or more since fur $00 and afterwards told him
' for tMO. Ho proved to be one of the fastest trotters,
' but he wsi'vicioua and unsafe, and Mr. Kapp parted
with Lim. Ilis present owner, we understand, has
refused J 1.000 for him.
. Tnr Lima HaLPEBJ.-Anolher box hu been
u. r,.r..i..n t'jinniiion bv these industri-
scat i" in. u -
" .us little girls, eouteiuing 4 cans tomatoes, i oatu or
blackberries, 1 do peaches. 1 Qui"0; b
rlderberri.s, 1 bag 3iid currants. 120 pads, 23 poe
ki t b.ndkerchieft shirts, 4 vests, 4 pair hose, 3
1 Xeataments. newspapers German and Eugluh. Liueo
and ooiioD rags, lint aud baudages.
Tbauks are due lo the frieuds of tbe cause, in Fha
vr.nkin. lor riintributwrs
6u4Lurv,0ct.;5'h:.;t)e.i. j r w
From Tennessee. ","
Locibviixk, Oct. Id
Advices from Chottaaoog stats that
Lieutenant A. Unmsell, ot the 7th Kentucky
led at scout towards Lafayette, iwtnty-thwt)
miles from Chattanooga, on Wednesday,
Urovo a small rebel force out of the town,
pursued theut, ud captured nine out of
eleveu. Afterwards ho fell lu with a force
of 150 rebel cavalry and retreated. Some
of his prisoners eay that Wheelei's whole
command, composing Martin Roddy ,
Jones' and Pattersons' cavalry, aggregating
from 8,000 to 10,000, aro all in the country
between Chattanooga and Dalton.
The rebels entered Resaca on weunesuay
morning, and took the only troops the:e a
colored regiment bv sui'Drise.
The rebels immediately thereafter moved
upon Dalton.
On Friday there was considerable alarm
at Chattanooga, and every able-bodied man
was put to work on the fortifications. At
the last advices General Fitz, with his caval
ry, was at Dalton. No apprehensions are
now felt for Chattanooga or Knoxville.
General Sherman has over one hundred
days' rations at Atlanta.
' knoxviilu has an abundance of provisions
to stand a six months' siege.
At Chattanooga the Government store
houses aro full of provisions, and large sup
plies are on the ground covered with tar
paulins. Gen. Milroy was at Tullahooma and Gen.
Schnlield at Chattanooga.
A private but reliable source says that on
Saturday Hood's army was between Dalton
and Lafayette, making for the latter place,
with Gen. Sherman pursuing him closely.
Prominent military men say that Hood's
last move places him exactly in the position
desired by Gen. Sherman.
There is considerable excitement at Clarks
ville, Tenn., in consequence of reports of
scouts that the rebel General Lyon intended
to attack the place.
The Government employees are armed
for the additional defence of Clurkiville.
A profound dealer in statistics says:
"Only 05 persons out of 1000 marry ; of this
65, three are divorced, eight run away, four
teen live like cats and doas, thirty are in
different, and ten 'are hnppv, Miserable
The iulcrKUC'I having nin:tirHfl of K. Y.
Bright, Knq., his Machine .Shop. Knumlrr. U'., tt
fcunljurv. find has duw cuunncijet'tl ut'rntiu.
All Kinds of Machinery,
I'crwiii desiringMAClllXK WORK immediately,
will do well to cull and examine lacilttics for
doing wurk cheap.
.0 CUAKfcii: roit imttiiicvn.
if rou wish to inurry. address tlic- untlursigned, wliu
will send you withutit money and without price, val
uable inluriiiuliou lln.t will enable you to marry
bappy aud speedily, irrespective ot' ago. wealth or
beauty. Thil iuforuiutioa will cost you nothing, mid
if you with lo marry, I will cheerfully assist you.
All letters strictly oonlideiitiul. Tin- done. I ii.for
lualiou sent by return until, and l.c ii..-moi:s united,
Creonpoint. Kiugs eouuty, -, Vork.
Oct. 1. l-4. 2uio.
Attorney mid ;uii! ll.i- it I l,u ,
VITILL carefully atleml to colMCiinns and all
Y V other iumuit entrusted to hini. in ihccouiilits
ol IlauphiL, Northumberland and t;.i jrr.
Oct. JJ, lSbt. iy
A'lilitvr'rt .'Volii-o.
ntllE undersigned. Auditor, aappuinte.l bv the
X Orplniiis Court of Aortt.utt.beiliiiid e.nuntv. to
Audit the exceptions filed lo tl'e uccount of John
Buyers. Executor of li. P. Buyers, dece.ised. ill
meet all i.arties interested in sai l Ex-rp:ious, at the
office ol'.lohn U. Pucker, in the II .ouli of .Sunburv.
on Friday, the 2Sthuf Ociohir. 1N.14. ut t ii'el.ick. i
Al., ol said day, U. W. UAi LEU, A u liior.
Sunbury. Oct. l.i, ISfii.
Jujt fuhlished in a irttlrtl i.tivrtnf 'riff
six cf iits.
A Leeture on tbe Nature. Treatment and Radical
Cure of f-permatorrhu-a or .einiiiitl Weakiti .xs. Invol
uutary Emissions, Sexual Debility, and impedimenta
to Marriage gvnerullv. Nervousm-as, t,'iuirumi:iou.
Epilepsy, and Fits ; Mri.tal m;d Physical Incapaci
ty, resulting from Self-Abuse, tc. ily R'llihK'i' ,1;
CLLVERU ELL, M. D., Author ot the -tiretu
Book," e.
The world renowned author, in this admirable
Xecture. clearly proves from his own experience that
the awful consequeuce o! f-elf-Abuse may he ell'cetu
ally removed wiihoiit medicine, and w ithout danger
bus surgioul operations, bougies, instruments, rings
or cordials, pointing out a mode of cure al ouce cer-
I tain aud effectual, by wuicO every sullerer. no mai
I tur what bis condition mnv be. mae cur., himself
oheaply. privately, an.l radijallv. THIS LK'J-
Sent uuderseal, to any address, in a plain, raided
envelope, on tho receipt of of six cents, ut two post
age stamps, by addressing tbe puldisners. ,
CtlA. J. U. K 1.1. Nr. iC'I..
127 Bowerv, New York, Pool OQice Box,
Oct. U, 1064. Iy 3o
Valiiiiblo 1 ')- lor tale.
f T1IIE undersigned will exoo lo Public Sale, nn
at 10 o'clock A. M., at the publio Louse nt 'JOSEPH
VANKIRK, in tho Borough of Northumberland, all
tbatoertain I'm-iii mill Triii l !' 1 .11 ml,
situate ju Point township. Northumberland county,
adjoining lands of John Wbcatley aud others ou the
north, W idow Nourse on the cast, Rob.ert Walker
and J. C. ilorton on the sou ill, ami John Kuousc ou
the West, late the estate of DANIEL ROBINS, do
ceasad. Said farm is about four miles from North
umberland, and contains itUt) .Vi'i-t-n, more or
less. V hereon are erected a good Two-story Frame
Dwelliug House, nearly now, a Bank Baru. Spring-
House, Ao. A never-failing spring of water, two
good Orchards, and isoonveuioul tolimeeloue. About
140 acres of which are eloared and iu a good state
of cultivation, and the remainder well timbered
with Wbite Oak, Yellow Pino and Chcauut There
it also a good wator power ou the premises.
Terms ul sale niuuo Mown at tne time.
Attorney in foot, for the heirs of Daniel Robins, deo'd.
Sunbury. Pot. , IB"-
Two Nlruy Hogs.
rAME to the premises of the subscriber in Upper
I AuL-usta lowushu). about four weeks since, two
white shoals weighing at tbe time about fifty pounds
each. Tbe owner is requested to coma forward,
prove property, pay charges and take them away,
or else tboy will be sold according lo law.
i. i I' ill 11' II ll TPL
II A 111-. tUOUAV
Upper Augusta twp., Oct. , 1801. 2m
THK partnership heretofore existing betwean J.
W r'rilmg A W. T. Grant, under the firm of
Friling A Grunt, has been dissolved bv limitation.
All persons indebted to the above firm will please
eall al once at the old stund and settle their accounts.
Mr. Grant tenders bis thanks lo the publio for the
liberal palronaga extended to tbe old firm in Ihcir
long aapttuuauce in business aud bopos that they
will cxteud tbe aame patronage to lbs new Aria of
J. W. Friling A Sou.
Tbe busiuoss heretofore carried on by Friling A
Grant, will be continued bv tbe undersigned under
the firm of J. W. Friling A Son, at tbe old stand in
Market Square where wo respectfully iuvite all to
call. J, W. FRILING,
Bunbury, Oct. 8, 1881, 1m
4 N eleofoo of Direotcrs to serve for tba ensuing
l .... I.: II 1. a
aa year will oe neia at me causing ou u u.
Borough of Sunbury, Pa., on Monday ibe tweniy-Brat
da of November nuxt. between lb hours of 10
o'olook A. M , aud J o'olock P. M.
The regular annual mealing of iba Stockholders
will be held at Ibe Banking House in the Borough
of Sunbury aforesaid, on the first Tuesday iu Novem
ber next (Nov. 1st, lf4.) al 10 o'olock A.M.
Wvrt' re . O-i lvit
Two uuurt west of Fisclior't Drag Store, Market it ,
IS osnstantly manufacturing the latest stylos of Wool
and Fur Hats, which fur softness and durability
art not surpassed.
Uive him a ottll and so his stock of Ilata which are
old oheaper than elsewhere. Merchants snd others,
purchasing at wholesale, will find it to their adTaii
Uge to oall and prooure aa arliolo oheapor and equal
lo city manufacture.
Suabury, October 1, 1804.
TUE underaigaod rcnpectfully inform! the oltitcm
of Sunbury, that he has coaimcnood the buck
etvring bueineM, and it reAdy to supply them weekly
of ail kimJi, FRKSU BkEF and I'OKK, 4o.,lc
Peraoiia doairing any of the above articles, will be
promptly auppliod by leaving thoir ordera athil resi
dence, ia llcudrick'a addition.
Sunbury, Oct. 1, ISM. It
asxs.'W sxsoonsai
No 26 South Second Street, Philadelphia.
Are now offering their magnificent stork of Silks,
Dren Uood. Shawla, Cloth?, Cloaks, Velvets, Xc,
far below the preaent Hold Price !
W e have alno on band, a large slock of DOMESTIC
U00D3, which we are now selling at a great reduc
tion from the prices we bavo been selling them ut.
As we have had the advantage of a rise in tho prices
of our Stock in the progTesaof the War for the lat
two or three years, we now propose to give our Cus
tomers the Advantage of the fall in Prioes.
Calicoes and Muslins, reduced,
Flannels unit Table Linens, reduced,
ltlnukets and all stable Uoods, reduced,
Wo respectfully solicit from tire Ladies and others
visiting Philadelphia, an examination of our stock,
wbicb is unsurpassed in variety and style, in this city.
N. B., Wholesale Bnyers. are invited to eianiiue
our stock. KDWIN 11 ALL A CO.,
No. 20 South Second street, Philadelphia.
October 8, 1801. i'mw
o. SUO AICCII St., lMilludelpltln.
lias a large stock of
Superiorti.Iatcd TEA SETT5, SPOONS, FORKS,
October 1, 1861. 4m
VllKlllllf Oil IloilMf,
(i'fr the ISrittgr.)
r"HE subcriber huving leased this well known
L Tavern Stand, lately kept by Mrs. C. S. Ilrotrn,
rei-peetlallv informs tho public that he is refitting and
repuiring the premiers, and will bo prepared to en
tertain, iu a comfortable manner, bin numerous
friends throughout tbe eouu'y, aud all who may
piitntuisc his establishment.
rilllE aubwriber, having opened in Thompson's
JL Brick Building, Mill street, Dauvillc, a lurge
aud complete stock of
eomprifiug the best brnnils of llruudies, Uin, Old
ltyc, ricotvh and Irish Whiskey, Port, tsheiry, Ma
deira, C'iiamiuu;iie anil other Wines, of all gradus, all
ol which will bo sold Wbolcsulc, at tho lowest city
prices. T&vern-kuepcrs, by buying of us, con suve
it least the freight,
l'ersoas desirous of purchasing liquors for
tiny rely upon being furnished with a pure and
unadulterated article.
1 1? Being detormiued to establish a reputation for
selling cheap, he respectfully solicits the patronage
of tho public. All orders promptly attended to.
Danville. Pet. 1. IHiVJ.
SWALLOW Iwoor three hogsheads of ' Biichu,"
;-T"iiif. Bitters,'' ' Sarsapar iln, ' --Nervous An
lilotcrw" lc. Ac. Ac. and ufler vou aie ratisHed
with the result, and one box of Old DR. BtCHAN'S
English Specific Pills and be restored tobenlih nnd
vigor in less than thirty days. 'J'hey arc purely ve
getable, pleasant to take, prompt and anlulary in
their effect on the brokeu down aud sluittered con
stitution. Old and young can take them with ad
voiituge. Imported and Sold in the United Slates
only by J AS. S. lit T'LER.
No. 427 Broadway. New Yoik.
I ji' Agent lor the United States.
P. S. A Box of the Pills, securely packed, will
he mailed to any uddrcss on receipt of price, which
is ONE DOLLAR, postpaid ! money refunded by
tint Agent if entire satisfaction is uot given.
Sept. IU. 1S01. .1m
.4liniiiilriilrM olio'.
XTOTICE is lierehv given that letters of adminis-
X Iralioii having b.'eii granted to ll subscriber, I
on the estate of Jacob Kit-bach, late of Lower Muho
imy township. Northumberland eouuty. Pa., dee'd. i
All persons indebted arc riucsted to make immedi
ate payment, uitd those having claims, lo pruscut
Uiem for settlement.
Lower Mabotioy tw p., Oct. t, lot. f.i
I beg leave to inform my friends and tho publio
generally that I huvi commenced Ihc muuufiicturtx
of COAL' OIL LAMPS of every descriptiouaud style
of liuish, at
With my present facilities for manufacturing, and
a practical cvpcrieuce of thirteen yeurf in the mini
agement of the lamp business for some of the largest
bouses iu the country, 1 llallcr myself that toy expe
rience and knowledge will enable me to offer to the
public good not equalled by any iu regard to stylo
and workmanship, and at prices computing with the
lowest 1 shall always endeavor lo lead ill otlcrillg
to the public new ami ust lul tuveutions in our line.
1 have also taken the wholesale agency tir tho sulo
of GEO. W. BROVtN A. CD's Cei.khbatkd Mktal
No. to S. Second St., Philadelphia.
September 24, lolil.
l'oui-tli A. An UNI., IMiiludt-ljiliiii.
Cater for the best Trude, and otler no Baits or de
ception to induce Cusioui, but rely ou FAIR DEAL
Best Murinoe, Fashionable Silks,
Nobility Plaids, 1'iui s Poplins,
Dark oulards Figured .Meriuoos,
Plaid Shawls, Good Blankets.
P. S. We follow GOLD down, as elose as wo fol
low il up Now is a good liiuu for Merchants aud
Consumers to come in.
October 8, IS04.. 2tnw
(sodt')'sl.ud' Itook.
The Fashion Magazine or tub Would.
Literature, Fine Arts, and Fashions. The most
magnilicent Steel Engravings. Double Fashion
plates. Wood engravings ou every subject that ean
interest ladies. Crotchet knitting, Netting, Em
broidery, Articles fur tho Toilet, fur the Pallor, the
Boudoir, aud the Kitchen. Everything, iu fact, to
make complete Lady 's Book.
The Latlic Furor it J'vr 33 Year.
No Magaxine bus been ablo lo compete with it
None atteuipl it.
Godey's Receipts for every department of a house-
l.l.l 'l'k ..... ..I uvu u..,il. ,l.u Pi..a lt,M Itiiolr.
Model Collages (uo other Mugutinu gives them),
with diagrams.
Drawing Lessons for the Young. Another special
ly with Godey.
Original Muaio, worth '! a year. Other Maga
sines publish old worn-out music ; but Iho subscri
bers to Godey get it before the music stores.
Gardening tor Ladies. Another peculiarity with
Fashions from Messrs. A. T. Stewart A Co., of
New York, Ibe millionaire merchants, appear in .
Godey, tho only Magaxine that bas thorn.
Also, Fashions lor ibe celebralod Brodie, of New ,
Ladies' Bonnets. We give more of them in a
year than any other Mugutiue. In fuel, the Lady's
Book enables every lady lu be berowu bonnet maker ;
Prom which that eas be no Dct iation. i
Oneeopy.oua year, 5 M
Two copies, oua year,
Three copies, one year
Ifuur aoptcs, sue year 1 0 ,
Additions W any ol the above clubs, Wt M each
10 subscriber. .... ...
i:.uv'. I.ade'a Book and Author's Home Maga-
liue will be sunt, eaok one year, on reeoinl of W 40.
We have no club with uuy other Maganoe or
'ewpaper. ..,. .
Address l- A. OODF.y, -
N . K Corner Bixtb and Chotuut atreek 1'bila. .
OloW , lit - 4
Market Nqiiuit-, Nl ltl ItV, la.
HAVINUjust returned rrom tho City with au en
tire new stock of
Drugs, Cliemlt'iil, Pcrliimei-ynud
'1'wils'l ArlUlt-nt
to which he invites his friends nnd the public gener
ally, to call and examine. Tho Drugs and Medicines
are all selected from the best importiug houses in
the Eastern market with the greatest Ohio as to pari,
ty and efficiency and avoiding as much as possible,
the introduction of dclerious nostrums.
Of all kinds, such as Aycr's, .Tuyiies, McClinloek.
llolloways, Wishnrts, llooflamls, 'Sehenka. Brown's
and all other popular puleut lucdiciues, always ou
Hair, Tooth, Nail, Clothe and Paint Brtishes.
Speoiitl oaro Is taken to keep ou liund constantly
very vuiicty of
Suitable to the trade.
Fanoy Toilet Articles and tho numerous articles
which are generally kept in a well conducted estab
lishment. In connection wlih the above articles, he also keeps
on baud a large assortment ot STATIONERY, such
as Paper, Kiivclopca. Pens, Pencils. Inks. Ac.
(Jtr Physician a prci.'riptions and family receipts
compounded with tho accuracy and dispatch,
at ALL HOURS Day or Night.
Remember tlic plnce. Mm kct Pquaro, under the
oflioe of the "Sunbury American.1'
Sunbury, June 25, ISC. t.
AllciiloMii MUilnry ('a!lrr,
Rev. M. L. 1KTF0RI). A. M., President.
Jlaior O. ECKENDORt'F, Supvriutcudent of tho
Military Department.
nHIS Institution, chartered by the .State of Penn
X sylvnuia with lull Collegiate powers, will open
its next session, fept. tilh. Every facility i.-al'Virded
for nn English Classical, Scientific, and Military edu
cation under lliubctit of instructors, l'upils arc re
ceived in tho Piiiimry. 1'repnraioiy aud Collegiiite
Dcnurtuients. For-circiilnrs address the President.
July -li, lbBl. in
J .A. c o boVbeoeT,
And Dealer in
I'iivvu (i-f't, Hoctela of Wojivcr'H
SUNBUBY, I3 J. . ,
TNFORMS the citiiens of Sunlmry nnd vicinity,
that he has just returned from Philadelphia with a
full HS:Oltmcl'.t of
faij. t: vi.vri:K ;ois,
His stock consists i f Cloths. French Cloths. Black
Doer-kin itiid Fancy Ciu-'.-iineres. Blnrk Sutin, Figureil
.Silks. I'Liin and Fumy Cas-imerc V EjTI N't.'S. w liich
he will make up to order in styles lo suit the tate of
customers, on short notice, aud the nio-l rc.iouiible
Any (loods not on lifiml. will bo furnished from
Philadelphia, ty irivin two days' tntice:
CiMnls titrnisht.'.l !y cus'oiuers will be intidc uj to
oruer as neieloiorc.
As he will eiuphy but expci it need workmen,
persons may rely m gelling their wu:k well done ut
his shop.
Thankful for the pjtioiiMe heretofore bestowed,
he respectfully solicits a cfiuiinuiuiceof the same.
Sunbury, Sept. 1(1. ltsiU.
4 RE not i,lv uin oualled. hut thev arc absolutely
tiiiiiii:illi'.l, by any other Reed Instrument in
tin conn: ry. Desigued expitwly' for Churchi- and
Schools, they lire l'iiinl lo ta equally well adapted
lo the parlor ai;d drawing rujm. l-'i r'sale only by
E. il. llltl I v;.
No. IS N'oith Seventh street. Philadelphia.
Where canals he fouud a coinplctc a.'or:iiient of
the 1'erKct Melodeou.
Sept. 24, ISol Iviv
Jl'ST orr.NKD
Fall & Winter Goods,
. wiikiii: !
IGAi.C! F'JP.1A1T,
In Zetlcmoyer's Buililing, npposilf (1, iiih.'.n's Con
fectionery Stole, Market street, SCNlil'RY. Pa.,
A3 just oi.eiicd a will selie'.ed assortment of
lor sale al vt ry low prices.
FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, sueli as Cloths, Cassi
inures. Mu.-lin. Sheetings, Ticking, Calicoes, Du
Laiues. Silks. Giu;;l,tiiiis ,vc , ,tc.
1 1 . 4 I'M iilitt 4 .ii'-S ol every description.
Consisting of Hosiery. Gloves. Thread, Bullous,
Suspeiidrrs. Neckties. Collars. Handkerchief.-, Hair
Brushes. Tooth Brushes. Fancy Head Dresses. Bal
moral Skirts, Hoop-Skirti,. Cut pet-bags, trunks. a
Uses, Umbrella. Cotton-Yarn. Soaps, and numerous
other articles too tedious to mention.
such as nails, bin and screws, door latches and
knobs, and CUTLERY of every description.
I)u-s, iJniys, 1'nints, Varnishes, Oils, Glass,
1't'lty, &c., An.
luoruwv!irti - null 4liiHvar oi
s'verj" I--riiliii.
STONK AND K A 1 0' 1 1 K N W A HE.
An extensive Sloek of
CouiprwiMl nf ?u,ir, CuRVe. Tn. Kiee, Corn-tarch,
iMilKtLM. I'uu-liitf: Icat, i' ioh, Cccaf. iult, Tobacco,
stud i?egrji.
for men, woineu and children.
All kinds of Couutry Produce taken in exchange
for Goods.
fcnnbury, Sopt. 10, lHiH.
i.aiii:m I'.ix'Y id
lsl i:lnl.lih l
No. 718 .AUC1I Street,
i f fiiV " e'7ll
?iSftf r1
7tb , PlIILAD'A
now in storo
ysr:'.s sir i V.-uf mv own linnortalion
tfe-X. a -ti nJtfi'MniA Manufacture, one
Vt'TilMKsVTCfc V.f .ho LAIlliEfST mid
"'ttftS mut UKAtUKl'L se
lections of
I'siuey I'lirw.
for Ladies' and Children's Wear iitlm City. Also,
a One assort uicnt of Uonl's 1'urO loves i Collars.
Aa mv liiri. ui.rn nil iiiiriiiiiuLul wlit: ii UxiUi wtu at
( a Diucb lu r ncniiuin than nt piwot, I f.ui ctmliU-fi
f iheiu at very reasonable prices, und I
j would therefore s-dioit a call fioin my friends of
' N'orrhumbor'.Hiid county, and vicinity.
IV- Rciueuiber the name is uiuhcr anil ntrcct :
718 Arch Street above 7th, south si. In,
Sept. 10, ls81 5m PHILADELPHIA.
I baru no Partner, nor comiootiou wit'u any
otucr stura iu Philadelphia.
Iitls'ruutloual Ilutol,
SC5 and Su7 Broadway, Corner t'ratiilin Street
rpHIS first eluss llouso tbe most quint, homelike
X sad pluuaut Hotel iii tbe city offers superior
inducement to Ihoso visiting New York for bu.iucas
or pleasure. It is central iu its location, and kept on
the Ei KorKAM Plan, iu oonuectiou with Tivtoa'a
Sslook, where refreshments can be bud all hours,
..r rvo.l in their uwn rooms. 'I be ehari;es are mo
derate, thorooDis and aileudaure of the first order
baii, and 'l the ILedciu ccuveuieu:es auscuca.
it 1.1-1.
11 Goods, which li
U. S. 7-30. LOAN,
TTio Secretary of Ibe Treasury give notice that
subscriptions will bo roooitel for Coupon Treasury
Notes, pityiihlo three years from August l.'ith IStU,
with semi-annual interest at the rlte of seven nnd
three-tenths per cent, per nnnam, piinuipal ruid
Interest both to he paid lu lawful money.
These notes will bo convertible at the option of
the holder a maturity, intosix-per cent, gold bear
ing bonds, payablo not less than five nor more than
twenty years from their datf, as the governmetmay
elect. They will be issued In denominations of i'W,
$100, $i00, $1,000 and Ji,0itl, and all subscriptions
must be for fifty dollars or somo multiple of fifty
The notes will be transmitted to the owner? free of
transportation charges as soon after the receipt of
tho original Certificates of Deposit as they can be
As tho notes draw interest from August IS, persons
making deposfs subsequent to that date must pay
tbe interest accrued frotn dato of notu to date of
Parties depositing twenty-fivo thousand dollars
and upwards for those notes at any one timo will be
allowed a commission of onc-'junrterof one per cunt.,
which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon
the receipt of a bill for Ihc amount, certified to by
the officor with whom tho rtcosit w a. made. No
deductions for commissions must bo made from tho
Mps-viiil Aft xiii I ii; via 1" llii-a Loan.
It is a National Savisos Haxk. oUcring aliigh.
er rate of interest than any oilier, nnd the ht.t scrn.
rity. Any savings bank which pays its depositors in
V. S. Notes, considers that it is paying in tho best
circulating luodium of the country, and it eauiwt
pay in anything better, fu4 its own tissots are cither
in government securities or in notes or bonds payablo
In government paper.
It is equally convenient in a temporary or pennn.
ncnt investment. The notes can always bo sold tor
within a fraction of their f.ico and accumulated inte.
rest, and arc tho best security with bunks as colla
terals for discounts.
In addition to tho very liberal interest on Ibe notc3
for three years, this privilege of conversion ia now
worth about three per cent, per annum, fur tho curt
runt rate for 6-20 Bonds is not less than nine per
cent, prujnium, and before tho war the premium ou
six percent. U. S. stocks wiu over twenty per cent.
It will be seen that the iietunl profit ou this loan, nt
the present market rate, is not less than ten per cent,
per annum.
But aside from till tho advantages wo haee enum
erated, u special Aot of Congrcw rjrcmis all hunds
and Tietiata if notes from ttienl tiiTtttiun . Oil tho
overage, this exemption is worth about two per cent,
per unuum, according to thu rate of taxutiuu in vari
ous piiru of tho country.
It is believed that uo securities offer so great In
ducements to lenders us Ihoso issued by the govern- !
merit. In nil other forms of indebtedness, the faith
and ability of privnto parties, or stock companies, or
separate communities, only, is pledged for payment,
while the wholo property of the country is held
o se i'uro the dischnrgc of nil the obligations of tiro
Vnited States.
While tho govcrntneiil ofTers the most liberal fcrnis
for its loans, U beliuvc" that the very strongest appeal
will be to the loyally and patriotism of the people.
Duplicate certiliciUcswill be isruud for all deposits.
The parly depositing must endorse upon the origin
al certificate the denominations i.f notes required,
and whether they are to be issw 1 iu blank or paya
ble lo order. When so endorsed it must bo left with
the officer receiving the deposit, to be forwarded to
the Treasury Department.
Subscriptions will be received by the Treasurer of
the I'liitud States, nt Washington, the several As-si.-tant
TruiL-urcrs and designated Dcpo-iiuries, nnd
by tho
t'irs.1 .Salion:il ti;ntK oi'IUfou.
Acitl hy itll AaCiuEiul EZiuiLm
whioh arc depositaries of Public money, and all
throughout the country, (iicliog ns agents of the Na
tional Depository Banks.) will lunu.-li further infor
mation on application and
August Li, LSt'.4.
" new sidlmer mods
AT 0. 1 STORE.
WttAVSm cSi PAGLlli!?,
HAVE just returned from Philadelphia witli ono
of the largos' and Lest scleclol stocks of Goods
ever brought to Sunbury.
KOttEfUX AKl) DOMESTIC. uih aa Cloth, Caww
iicn-a, Mualiiii, fc?licet i u i. Tukiinr. C!icifH,
lainttf. 1''iht.hl-U, nii'l nil kii.fis AiOl KM Nil litMxl?,
Alpjtcoiia, Ulack Kil ki-, iiihHUis. llaliuond und
Slick-Um Skirln, Cniilou rUuuels, NaLki'iiiiR, Cur
ijetiny; ui all kiinN.
Couijirifciii. Jltrsieiy, Cil(vi'!. i'liread, Uutttiiir', iSui"
liuiitlcn-, Nt.'ck-tit'i', Culhirn. HmulkiTrliicl'i,
Hair Uruhl!', Tooth lirujhin. tium Kib
bou iimi t'onl. tape, cmtchutabrniil,
wi'ikcil Collins, liUii-y head
Ui oti, thly Litton, ourpct
biniling. ct-Hiii-, f.inoy
!. curpi't Imp
Trunks. VhIIsm, Luibrt llas, Blujik liooka, Puper,
Of all kiiiJ. iut'h iw Nails, JliiifSi-s mnt Strewn, liuor
Latchettaiul Kd1w, i.tck-, and Ct'iLLUY ui every
Also, Dvc's. Drugn, Taints, Viiruislus, FUb.
Fluxisvcit tuul lii'iiinc Oils, (ilass, Futty.iVr.
ItiteouMMiire und 4aliiiH uro ol' ull
An Extensive iStoek 1
Composed of Sugar, Coffee. Teas. Rice. Corn-slnrcb,
Muecuroui. Barley, Itukiug-imwder. molasses, soaps,
caudles, tobacco and segurs, Salt, FUb, .Meat, Cbcceu,
Xc, &u.
Also, a large variety of
for Men, Women und Children.
tjf-AU kinds of Oram und Country Produce taken
iu exchange for lloods.
Uive us a cull before you purchase, elsewhere, wo
are bouud lo sell ns low us any one else.
Store-room iu Ira T. Clement's building st the
south-west curlier of Markut Square, near tho Court
Sunbury, May 21, 18(5.
Sunbury High School,
"VITILL re-open iu tho old Baptist Church, on the
V first day of August. Tho course of inrtruelion
embraces all the brunches tuught ill Auadeuiics aud
Semiuurics of thu highest grudu
For Languages ancient and modern includ
ing all other branches, Hi "
Natural Sciences, Algebra. tleonielry. etc. IS 00
Advanced Urumniar,Ucogr.ii hy: History, .to., 13 00
Itudiuieuts ul above, to iu
Primary, , B ")
Incidental expenses, ' bQ
Tuition payablo quarterly lu adrsnco.
Nudeduciii-u made lor lost liiuu.
Pupils can enter at any lime, and will only be
charged from thedatu they euter.
For further particulars apply to the Principal,
Sunbury, August 6, 1SJ1 tf.
! ucrestor to Stauffer c II arte j))
DEALER inFlneOold and Silver WATCHES ,
and the best of SILVEU-PLATED-WAIlE. Coil
siantly ou baud a lurge assortment ot Iho above goods
at low iirices. . , , ,
Watohe and fins Clocks. Repaired, hy skllftil
workmen; slso. Jewelry repolring i I.ngraviug and
all kinds of Half-work to order, al short notice.
(i Iou'l forget tha old tlsud, No. bii Msikel
tlriet. pbilsddi bis.
ty'. 10, W.l -3io
lifco. Vt. Hiuith. Ciua. B. OBNTnKR.
SlrllTE & GE1TTEEP.,
Market street, ons door east of Mrs. Boullou's Hotel
ITnv opened
Mip-t Iron and SlOTe fSloro,
and intend keeping constantly on hand, and msuu-
fiicturing to order on shortust notion,
TIM AN'l) SHEET IRON -WARE of all descriptions.
A Large Stock of Cook Stovcsof the following Rrands:
William IViiii, I'niiH.Tlvunia,
Hope, I.'iilois. iintl the Olc
Niagara Cook Stove,
unsurpassed for beauty of finish, simpliciiv of ar
rangement, cotnbiuing cbenpness ami durnbility. and
each stoye wnrruntcd to perform what they iio re
presented ALSO, PARLOR nnil OFFICE STOVE?, in great
variety, embracing nil the best njaniil'iicliire.". utid
most fashionable designs
4'osilOil, 4'oul Oil I.iMii, SIsntlcH,
4'likiiinitsi, iiiitl fill iirlis'lcM
unnsmilly kept In an establishment of this kind. We
nrcnlso prepared to do all kinds ol Spout ing. Rooiimt, j
Range nnd Furnncu ork. Uasl'itling, Au. Repair- i
ing cheaply and ncallv executed.
Couutr produce tnken
in excbnno;o nt m.irkct
Have tlic Agency for BIIJ1I S CKLECHATED I'IRE
PLACE STOVES, for the Counties of Morlhuuiber
liuid. Snyiler, Union and Montour.
Ai d aro also Rgents for tliu Piphcr & Villuwer
Liik .'Triinsporiuiion.
Sun "ury .April V, lsfll.
Corner Jlarkct street and Market S(iiiire,
Acknowledged, a Firat Class House.
milK Proprietor would most respeetfullv call the
J. attention of the citinons of Sunbury nnd the sur
rounding country, to tho accommodations of his
' house. assuring tliem they will find everything that
1 etui cunlributo to their .comfort. It U situated far
enough from the Depot to avoid the noise and contu
sion incident to railroad stations, and at tho same
timo only a few minutes walk from fhesiinio.
An Omnibus will be found at tho Stations on tha
arrival of each traiu
C. II MANN, Proprietor.
April U, 1S61 3m
AuIiorlzHl Hill' Claim OilicCN.
Washington, D. C. I Olevelnnd, Ohio.
4 i;l Nixtii Strkkt. ' I No 1, Lvmas's Ri.ot K.
Opposite Pension Office. 'eur tho Court House.
lriiblilifi llic Arsny lU-rnld.
and collects
Pi ire-money and ull other
Claims. Wo pay cspeeitd attention fo claims in
which other attoiuevs have FAILED, or which have
been SI Sl'EN I)Ef. Wu bavo already collected
and paid over to soldiers and their heirs over SjOII.
000, and are paying thousands daily. No charge
unless successful. Write us. and wo will send you a
copv of our paper, free.
WE COLLECT from $101) to $100 Cash Bounty.
We do our huMuess ititoi'T iiki.av
April 2. lsf.4.
T(j i'coSSUM "lKs"bP
rilUK undersigned dealer in Coal from tho follow
1 ing well known Collieries is prepared to receive
Oi tiers toy the -noic ut the Lowest Market lUles. vis:
M(Mii)ix:Ai'.s diamond mines
He is also prepared to ftirnuh t'tc
lS:iIli.(iovc- uh i Ichi uli ii Colli,
Lump ttntl I'fj'.-trril.
Ou Iho lhic of the Susiiuclniniia River snd Iluvl o do
Urucv. ile lias made arrangements fur the best
Which he is prepared lo deliver on board Routs ut
Noi'liiiiiiibci'land. or by Cars over Northern Central
Riiihoiid, ami on the iit.o of the Philadelphia and
Eric Railroad, on the best terms.
Ho is prepared to lill ail Orders w ith duspatch, m.J
respectfully solicits orJi-rs from the 'f rude.
April W. 11. NoriiiiiuilieilHii I. Pn.
Pll: ..l.H I.VB'! " " t;S
The ONLY reii.,oi sell-Adjusting Wrinei .
No Wood-Work to Swell or Split.
No Thumb-Screws to get out of Oritur.
Warranted with or without Cog-Whoels.
It took the FIRST PREMIUM at Fifty-Seven State
and County Fair in 1Si13, and is. without an execp
(ion the best Wringer ever noole.
Patented In the United States, England, Canada,
anil Australia.
Sumplo Wringer sent, Express paid, on receipt of
Energetic agents can make from 3 to 10 l'ullars per
No. 2.$'i.M. No 1. ?"..'". No. F.f 50 No.A.$9.50.
Manufactured und sold, wholesale and retail, by
No. LJPlattSlrcet, New York, and Cle eland, Ohio.
S. C. NORTHROP, Agent.
That Iron well galvanized will not rust ;
That a simple luuciiiue is better than a complicated
one ;
That a wringer should be self-adjusting, durable,
and efficient ;
That Thumb-Screws nnd Fastenings enu.'o delay and
troublu to ri-gulute and keep iu order ;
That wood bearings for tho ehuft to mil iu will wcur
out ;
That the Putnam Wringer, with or without cog
wheels, will not tear;
That cog-wheel regulators arc uot essential ;
Tuut the Putnam Wringer bus ull tho uilvuntugcs
end not one of the disadvantages ulmve named :
Thai all m bo have lasted it, pronounco it thu best
Wiinirer ever luado:
Thut it w ill wriug a Thread or a Red-Quilt without
We might fill tun imrer ith testimonials, but in
srrt only h few to couvineo the skeptical, il such
there he ; ami we shy lo all. tet Hutuam s rinuer
Test iiTHOliOl UUI.V with ANY and ALL others,
and It uot entirely satL-lrctory, return it.
lii'iiilciuen ; I know Iroin practical espirieuce
that iron well galvanized with zinc will uot oxidize
or rust one particle. The Putnam Wringer is as
near perfect as jHis.-'ihle, aivl 1 can ouuei fully re
commend it to be tbe bcsi in use.
Rcspectt'ti'ilv yours.
.IXtl. W. WHEELER. CI .veland, Ohio.
Many years' experience iu the busi
ness unaMu luu to indorse the ubovo sutcuont iu ull
No. Kid Bcikumu Street.
Ww Yolk. January, ISfil.
Wo have tested Putnuiu's Clothes Wringer by
pructicul working, and know (bat it will do. It is
cheap ; it is simple; it requires no room, whether nt
work or at rest ; a child can operuiu it ; it does i
duty thoroughly ; it saves timo und it eaves wear
ami tear. We eiunesily adviso all who have much
wahiinr to do, with iulelliaetit persons who have any.
lo buy this Wringer. It will pay for itself in year
at most. lieu HORACE UREELLi .
June 1 1864.
Ki:i.nM;iioi iii asii-i- 'o., ib.
flAIIK Fall Sewiou of this Insiilulioo cnninicncea on
J. THLRSOAV. Allil'pT loth. The Wiuttr.
S-eilououlho Wtbof November.
TKKMS l'KH hKslO. OK 18 '.yiCKS s
l or 1 ardiug, WosLiiig, I urni.Uod i'.Ootu Ijuel
aud Light, and Tuition iu all tba regular studios o(
(hs Gnlegittte DcprrtiuoM, only tij Xt.
A liheraJ bcduotion made In (hvor ui' Ibe loagbiere
ef our Soldiers.
Fur further parliculrrt, or Circulars, apply to
h. Dt'MER, i'Mtoipul,
Eeliufgrors, Auguet 6, ISc'.i.-'Suios.
4 New supply of Missru's FivsMivir Fna
f lift, loc.wvH fions Sew Yrwk, for sale bv
?Mnlur,-, M-.v il, . t U it. M.V??R
or Tins Lirtit
Vro Cure'l by
II 0 0 F L A N D ' 3
German Bitters,
The iireut SHrtufthtnitjl
Thisc flitter bsvs perloruud tnorcCnres!
i Have ami do Oil e ttetur Sati.-l'-icliou!
Have nior? Tfslimony f
j(llVf n,lir(. p,v f0
,r, ' , , '
f hnn any o r ariMv r. Urn in
ouch for i h'.tji !
A u defy any ONE to cotr3 lict this Assertieti,
j At t'W riltxio
I To any one that will produce a Certii;ato pul.iirbid
by ns, (but is not ui:.tlJl!.
I Will uii'e pmtx esse of Chronic or Nervous Debility,
j Di-eiiseol tne Kidneys, and Dbe.ues uri"ing from
j a ilisordered Slomaoh.
RtitfuUiug from lisorders of (he Digestive Oigiuls :
Const i
pution. Inward
Piles. Eiiluess or Blood
t'j tho Head, Acidity of tho Sto
niaeh. Nausea. Heartburn, it'isirust lor
Food. Fulness or Weight in tho Stoiunch, Sour
Ernctiitions. Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit ot'lhn
Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried and JL' i Hi
cult breathing. Fluttering at the 'h urt. Choking or
SiiHcaling Sen-ations when in a lying posture, Dim
ness of Vision. Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever
and Dull Piiiuin the Head. Deficiency of Perspira
tion, Yellowness ofOicSltiu mid Lyes. Paiu in
the Side, loiclt, Clies(, Limbs. Ac. Sudden
i'liishesof Heal, liurnjnglu the Flush, .
Constant iiiingiiiiugs of Evil,
and great Depreinun
of Spirits.
TftiT TUti Bi l l till
4'ontiiiiits no Hum or t hUUej,
And cau l Make Drunkard, but ia the Bf't Touia ia
Ihc World.
t ISciJti li Smjh Soi
From the Rev. Levi 0. Beck, Pastor of tho Baptist
Church, Pemhcrti. N. J.. formerly of the North
Baptist Church, Philadelphia.
I have known Hoofland's Herman Hitters i'n ora
bly loru nuinber of yeuis. 1 bavo used tbein in my
own family, and have been so pleased with tbeir
effects that I was induced toreoominend Iheiii to ma
ny others, and know that Ihey havo operated in u
strikingly beueGe.iiil manner 1 takegroat pleasuro
in thus publicly proclaiming this fact, aud calling tho
attention of those alUictedwith tbodiseuso tor wlrich
they recomuiended. to theso Bitters, knowing from
experience that my recoiiimcudiuioii will be sustain
ed. 1 do 'his more cheerfully as Hoolliind s Hitlers
is intended to benetlt the iilllicltd, and is -not u rum
drink." Yours truly, LEVI G. RECK.
From Rev. . I Xewlcn Brown, D. D., Editor of tho
Encyclopedia of Koligiou Kuowledgo, and Cliiieliau
Chronicle, Philadelphia..
AltliouL'h not dijjxiscd to favor or recommend Pa
tent Medicines in general, through distrust of thoir
ingredicnln and effects, 1 yet know of nr. sufficient
reasons ivliv u man may not testify to die benefits ho
believes himself to havu received from any simple
preparation, in the hope that he may thus coulributu
to the benefit of olhcis.
1 do this the more readily in regard to lloouamt s
lierinaii Hitters, prepared by Dr. CM. Jackson, of
this city, because I was prejudiced against tln io f..r
niunv years, under tbe impressiuu that they wero
chiefly un alcoholic mixture. Iain indebted to my
friend Robert Slieomnkcr, Esit., for the removal of
this prejudico by proper lesis, and for oueourngo
nioiii to try them, when sti'Vering liuui great und
long coutiiiueii debility. TLe use of thrco bottles of
tbise liiiters. ut Ibe beginning of thu present year,
was followedty ev idem relief and lc-lointi.m lo a
degree of bodily and lueiitnl vigor which I luol net
fell for six tuouihs belbru. ami iiliuosi despaired
of regaining. J llicre'.u e thank liod cud my IVtciid
for d!nrt;ii-; to tho use ot them.
From the
il. Kcmiirl. P.
of Ilia
luih timr h.
Dr. J.'ickmii : I'c.ii' S'.r : I I: ve Levi, f c-.-'
rcqiii'sted to coninci in y u.Hi.e 'lli eon, i
ot dirlcriiH kinds of l....ln :n - l '
pruciice an out ot'mv upi io v. in
all ea.-es declined ; but i h a c, i it ... Vaiions
iii.-lances. and particularly in my l.m i y. ot the use
fulness ul Dr. Houthiud'a Uiru.i.ii ltiucis. I ilipart.
lor once from mv ujuuil eoiirse, lo express my tun
conviction lluit. lor general debility of the s;,.-H'iii
aid especially for Liver Coioplumt. it is a sale an.l
valuable preparation, lu some cases it m.iy f'"il ;
but usually, 1 doubt imt. It will be veiy beneliciul lo
thosu who sutler frtun (lie ubuve cause.
i OUli, very resjie cifully, J. 11 KEN N AH D,
Eighth below Co.itcsSiruet, Philadelphia.
From Ilcv Wurreti Randolph, Pastor of Baptist
Church, Oerii.auioKU, Per.n.
Pr. CM. Jackson: Dear Sir : Personal expe.
rieiicc eiia'.des me to say that I regard the Herman
Bitters, pn pared by ; nu us a most excellent medi
cine. In cases of severe eobl and general dcliilily I
have bueu greatly bcnclitle.l bv the use of the Hitters.
Yours, truly, WARREN" RANDOLPH.
Oeruiautown, Pa.
From Rev. J II Turner. PaJor of Hcdding M. E.
Church, f'hila lilpbiu.
Dr. Jackson, Dear Sir Having u:.l your Her
man Bitters in mv family frequently 1 am prepared
to say dial it hus'l'i on of service. 1 belieto
that hi most i H..e'.-id' general debility of the svtem
it is the silted and most valuable remedy of which I
bat cany kuo.Tle.lge
Yours, ic-pcc:'tullv. J H- Tl RM'.R,
Nip. t2fl X. Niueteenlh Street..
From (be Rev J. M. Lyons, formerly Pastor ot Iho
Columbus (X. J I ue'd Milcslowu (.Pii ) baplL-l
New Roohellc. N. Y.
Dr C. M. Ji.i4.son; Sir: 1 feel it a plea
sure thus, of inyonu accord, to bear (.sliuiony Id
the excclltucu of the Itciuian Bitters. Smiie years
since being muih ttlilicied with Dyspepsia. I used
them with very beneficial results 1 have uften re
commended lo n-i-snr.s i micblo t by thai tui uientitig
disease, aud bai e beard Ivom them the uiosi Uuiter
ing lesiiieoiiiiils us lo their great u!ue In cases 1 1
general debilitv, 1 bciiuvo it to be a ionic lhat c.iui
not bo eui'i.ucd J i LVONn
From ihc Rev. Tli. Winter. Piestor of Kuaburough
Bupiial Chuich-
Dr. Jaekson ; Dour Sir I feel it due to your
excellent preparation. Hootlnnd's Ocvmun Bitters, to
add inv te--tiinonv lo me deserved reputation it Inn
obtained. I hai o lor years, at times, bctu troubled
wiib great disorder in uiv tead ui d nervous system.
1 was advised he n frieiid to try a bottle ol your Ucr
mau liilicrs. I l"id so, and baru experienced great
und unexpected reliol ; my health bas been very
muii'iiully henelitled. 1 d ufticlilly recommend tho
ariietu where I meet with cases similar to my owu,
and h:ive been as.-ure l bv u.uny ol llio'.r g.'isl eliucU.
licrpoeilullj' yoi.ri, T. W1MER,
l.oxlwrouih, l'a.
Froiullcv.J. S He jian, of tbe German Reformed
Church, V .lilnin. Berks eouuty, Pa.
Dr. C. M J skum ; Uespccie I Sir : I have been
troubled wi?a Dysppiu iietuly tvteuty years, aud
I uuvu uevjr uscl any uit l'.cio. ivai uij u.e a inueu
I good a UiKir)nd a Pitlofs. 1 jiiu very much iiii-
jroyrd lu beulih. alter Uu'iDi Uaen U e l oitu-s.
Ycuis. U'a lespeei, J- S. lll.LMAN
I Mi'i" ?'ic (iioUing nearly (kubl qnactiw.)
. SI Oil ler be li la 'tuiU'ds-t. ?j
I oiail Si:o 7j ceuts per Bttile half dot. tl Ui)
See lhat (be Slualwre o C M. J ACR.SON'' U ou
the Wrapper of vni. linui
Should your aoureaidri: ji . aot have tbe article,
di) uot be put eii I y auyot. t . intoxioating prepare
tioiis that nay uo i4lcred I t place but s.r.d to us.
and wo aiil lot ward, a'oui 1 packed, by xpr'is.
Pnucil US. aud Muur.ti ory, No. 631 AliClI
Street, ltiitadclpbia. ,
j i NFS & EVANS,
tSueaesaors to C. N .1 acasox t Cu..)
! Prnpiivfirs.
tj for S,h1b by Drugii ti ad DeaUu iu x.wry
. leu ic ibe Vrtied butes
Jua.4. U;l-5:iJ!. - 1
. t
. 4