Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 08, 1864, Image 3

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    silli a" '-
Ej)C unburn American.
n. D. MASSBn, "EMlt-or it Proprietor.
TB, WILVERT, Pvtbllaher.
FX l" All I It V,
"fcATL'HDAY, OC'l'onKli 8, 18GI.
No. 37 Tih How, Now York, ami 8 Wtalo Slrnct,
Ponton, are uur agent fur the Si'Htiunv A.MEiticA-4
d tliofto cities, and are authorised to take Advertise
ment and Sulncrlpth-ns for us at our lowest ratei.
4' Kewaiid. The undersigned ofi'ors a reward
ol TEN' D0LLAU3 for information that will lead to
the discovery and conviction of the person or persona
wbohavo been trespassing on his garden and lot,
stealing fruit and injuring his fruit trees.
t5 Uooub selling nt Fair Prices, nt the Dry Onodt
House of Eyre i LumU'll, Fourth .1 Arch Hit,, Diil
adclphia. Read advertisement.
l"Our readers will find in this irsuo tho an
nounccmcut of Messrs. Kdwin Hull ft Co., No. 2rt
South Second street, Philadelphia, stating theytira
offering their magnificent stock of Dry (locals, at fur
below the present gold prices, Purchasers will do
well to give them a cull.
Ui That Medal. Tho proceedings in relation
to the presentation of a medal by one of tho em
ployees of the Northern Central Uo-id, at this plnoe,
to a fellow employee, for services rendered on a try
ing occasion, has been postponed for the present.
The design of this medal is uuhjue and original, and
the description accompanying it, would, no doubt,
be interesting to many connected with the road.
Ijf Fall is thk Prick or Coal. Within the
liu-i ten days there has been a heavy roduclion in
.he price of coal varying in the markets from to three
dollars per ton. The stock has been accumulating
and the market is doll while the government demand
is falling olT. Soma ot the operators proposed to stop
mining. In the ?!inmokiu and Schuylkill region a
reduction of 1 per cent, ho? Iiceu made and submit
tel lo hy the iiiti-ers. In tho Wilkesbair regiou.
Ho undcrtanil. the miners refused to submit to the
reduction. Put they ruust conic down, and so niust
all commodities. a the close of the rebellion ap
pruaebes and the price of gnld comes down, as it is
tow duiug under tiie vijiorics of our oCiccrs of the
in my and navy.
" ti" tnoT 1 1 1 ai i: t. K . Mr. ta corgi' Tirainus while
handling a revulvcr. on Tuesday evening, shot him.
sell in the the tiiih, the b.ill piling clear through
the flc-hy part, The wound was severe, but no dan
ger is apprehended from it. .Vi i-ituut llerulU.
"J?" Jonah Heed has been appointed postmaster
nl kiis'ilown, this county, vice 11. 1'. Culkett, re
signed. ;u tLisaasa-nn
I.rtScr tVimi i!i'
1! AlliiixiM'.l
i;iliiry n:irii.
Hi, Vu , i-ejit,
)KAi: tY'll.VHHT :
As tin-rc lias In en mi train going back
to I!.iin-i's Ti ny, ami m,r Im:;.; mul
rli.ise iil'ltr tho ..'.liiiiiiU'.s, 1 have imt Ijcimi
itliiu In sen. 1 iiny ui-rninit ol' our groat
mill ulon.HiM vit'lurit's. Ni'u lnive, this
Hi' rni ; iir, :i l'rrutlii:iy ."n.-ll, m 1 .viil jiiulit
liy it :i;ul vu ..U :i siioix l.i.-iory ul' our
On Mmiihy. i-Vi't. m Uw camp it
tun ii'i iiirli in tut' in-nuia;, mul iimyi-il in
tlic iliri't'tinn ut' W itictn Atcr. Tliii 1 Sit li corns
ni.iulii-,1 j,innl nil Ijniir when thwy .--liii-Jir.l
I r iwn iinttfs. lle.iliiifr lic-iivy lii'ing
tin'y linivr.l till rri'ssi-ii tim ( j.n-iiuiitl ClXx U,
anil pniiM'U f.ii-wartl j 1 1 i. 1-1 v, i-nyer lojuin
in :i:iy Hill p'i.lj on in l'l'mit. Tills .sjiurt
was luiinil ttiix-i' niiln i.;--t of V iiicli'.s tcr,
vvtii'iv tin; C:!i ttii.l -i,:i'!i'S-y wore oniigoil
Villi tho oiiomv. T'li'Uv-) Divisions ot' tlio
J'.'tli v, itii tli.j t i i wi re tlii'mvii in lino ol
Initio, r.'.wly lor t in." am k lie ion; tiioin. Keep- '
i i ; i:i tills linn l'ur ;i im t thirty iiniiiitos.
I! i 1,-r tho :iri liloiy ul' tlio roljols, who woro ;
:i-'ij.-'l In a iiioo littlo iliul witli our own, ;
a i fills : ii :,' -mir or: .o;'i il. Our tnon inuxoil lor
Wiifil n- ii'o'.i piirinle, iiinl oio soon 1 1 1. 1 in
:i tiiii-i; winiil-, uito tho n liols etc iiihsiinI
1 1 loot ivo tiu'Hi, l'iiui tin; muni work (
otiininononl. J ul- twenty lninii'.os a onntin- ,
nal nl' liii'-.-kotr;, vii l.i aixi, n-ports ol'
artillery shook tin: o.uth uinl tlio ail soomoil 1
lilloti iilitli(i i i iii v r itho'.U innl bullets,
foinininuloel wit'u tho c I loot's nl'the mon on
(.MHOtl in iloailly stiit'o, wlioii il portlou ot' j
our oi Hire liioku iVIl Uack liotn llio
wimils jnlii tlio lioltl iVoni liioli thoy slaltoil.
Matters nt this nioniont l.iukotl liark am! '
n rot rout sioinml on tlio tapis, l.nt not so, a J
lleliant clieor nroso uhovo llioilin of liattlo, '
inn I tho Ut Division of I lie Will uml palls
ot' the Otli stopjio.l tlio liiNimolii in their)
inh um e. The party who tiroke. now nUictl, '
(ill I our whole tor. e was htiiloil ;tgi.nst th.'
foe. tlri viiil; tht-ni from every posi'.iou they ;
liohl, liinilly 1' nving theni into a ilii'aooliu
retreat, chasing hor-e, foot iind dragoo i I
twenty-two miles to Fishei's Hill, 'ui k. i f
Slraualmrt. The enemy left so Imrrieill.x
thai twenty-live liumlioil woumleil fell into
our liamls,'liosiiles their doail. Wo caption!
over foiir lliousninl prisoners, live pieoos nl
artillery, any (piaiitity of small nuns, atiU
lilloon 'hattle 1I.ii;h. The loss of tlii-ir Uoiio
ral ollieors shows liow s.-voiely 'liey were
iitnishoil. lioiiorul-i Uao.les. Oonlon, Kain
sour nti'1 Wharton wore killeit, uml (iotioraU
Jiiiitlley T. Jiiiiiitoii, Vorke uml Godwin
wounded. Tho total rehel loss, ill kilted,
Woumleil uml captured, wan dot ween eit;hl
mid nine thousand. You may rely on tho
nnt'innl of prisoners, for I saw the most of
them at one pl .ee in Winchester twei.ty
five hundred, uml of sipiads drought in du
ring the light, 1 counted from two hundred
down to as low nuuiliers ns one Colonel.
Jltir loss was severe, hut not ouo foiirtU thut
at ,'ue enemy, as we lost no prisoners and
Tetuiij.Md possession of our woumleil. 1 cros
:i?il over U P 'I I ol the bat lie field, mid lound
': i iokeuiti,,' sipl'd- Io,itl mid ih ing covered
f):e ruimd, ."oumloil nu n gasping lor oreuiu i
-imj ,;hers cr.-iny tor water. Those weie j
M.i-rtY fl. Is, (our on luviug Leon cared ;
.'Air.) hut wrre now li.'inj,' atUnded to hy our 1
;ut :o. ut..! would liuo? hei n holore, only i
,'h.u ihw, iihe il!s) weru further
i. . ni.. ii. l.i than our men. The
on in
l'., ,1 so precipitately, thai not to I f di torrid
,o i heir llight, th.-v cut their ncemitroincut
n.iu t.1. ir wiii-N itutl kh-mhlors, nnd throw jj.n. leaving nil in the Held.
) Ifiliis Vte Uj m-eii into thtf Very
I Kim if Wmohcrr. ami nu I lie outskirts, J
.:aw on.?, tirmUiiiM Jii Iw-t.wU'i had ''cert
slit.l l.itjiml . lo f.u.:i', while l)in,;ti
. I,, il. .iii.' t: ii k to oi.e ..f titif ua 'M.
Ill, (lif. Miitf Ihronl. Neutoiaia. JJl.ldle- j
ion uud the k Iw Us vy to ( i t k. tvi-
li nie u! tin if Hi-lav u.o. . letl llorst-S.
t.uriud i.oii. u agolis, diiihi.l ii e nd
Jl.i ilnlrm lioii at Hi'uia. AH llu ihiny
A... :i Hi.' roa.l uli.t in Hi Ih'hla, :
.In. a lwv luld JiU.hi d . urly Wii iu hi
111, l.l . ,
I I... I.t Divi...... i.f Oth tofpa. III the
,1, .it I o Iii lit Ml i:n..cll, in (.up.'.W olli
,,r, an I I... h l.tiymi'd h) .11 -tu rv
iindir In i"iiiiiiii l.
till i.e.. I IV l.i 'hi our fi'C'l icufr-a
i i i.MiL' nr r ii h. r mt ll. hi I-, ol Ihe W l.i
,i...i.r.i. Iheu-.l il-J ml 'I
,!.,.! .1,.' l.lh, i"l .'.I'lpi'd tim il Ml
,. , , I ,, l-1 11,..! out Ih J.I..IIIOU
,.'t n.ii " ...i). I Ini K'.oii,pl.!ii, and
l1. ,. I... hi I"" '' Mjf lod !'
.. . 1 ". i,. T., !." It o.ii l.lut I )
... I !.. Uciuiia. Il.ul. l4.'.
-i n I om.'l it li'.r, o l
... j, ...,;;. . Mkliu.'.l! loos, i"
unlly drove tlicm from the man; lines, they
established during the day. Our nrtillery
were cngivpod most of the day iu shelling
their line nnd trying to get un answer from
their batteries. This was done about two
o'clock, when they fired at our skirmish
line, as they made a gMim! advance. Then
commenced a heavy nrtillery light, during
which our lines steAdily dfovc that of tho
rebel back. The Johnniss were driven Iront
line to line, until linully they broke and fled
in worse ronl'tisinn than they did at Win
chester, our boys nfter them, yelling, the
rebels leaving behind hII tho artillery they
bad in position, which our fellows took and
used on them as they disgracefully retreat
ed. Our boys followed them ut double
quick nbtmt fouf miles, in the greatest glee,
forgetting all fatigue in their triumph, nor
thinking of ditngur, W hen, under cover of
darkness, tho rebels fired four shots of ar
tillery loaded with shell right in their front,
and from niuskeliy on either Bide. The
damtige down was slight, only wounding
some three or four, but for the moment
caused confusion, but fheiidan who is al
ways in front, shouted never mind one gun,
ul'ter so gloriotis a victory; give them a yell
you can frighten them with that," which
the boys did, nnd then continued on to
Woodstock, whore they had to stop for rest
and rations. The gun used by the rebels
in this cowardly attack was captured by our
men on the spot.
Our stay ut Woodstock was a short one,
for we immediately pushed on after the fly
ing foe, they only stopping occasionally to
impede our progress, that they might get
otr their train. The people by the' way,
told us such a retreat was never heard of.
Cavalry, Artillery, Infantry, and waggon
trains all mixed up-each one trying to be
foremost. They say their Army is complete
ly demoralized, and the people wore anxious
for peace. A woman told some of us that
the retreating soldiers swore they would
tight no more. Oeneral Early, at New
Market, cried when he could no more rally
his men, that he iniuht make a final stand
to retrieve his lot fortune.
Of thi! niiiount of prisoners captured 1
cannot givj im n correct account. It cau
safely I o put down at eight hundred. We
raptured nineteen pieoos of artillery, two
battle t'r.t and nf small iirmslwill make
j no n:ion,'l In uness, only I can toll you
I that tiny wore more iiutnoronsly soattorod
I than on the way to Winchester. At all the
j towns wo pn-sed. Kdi nluirir, Mt. Jackson,
Now Market anil Harrisonburg, there are
two or three hospitals, tilled with wounded,
injured in thee Into battles.
The 17th was in the midst of these lights,
yet she has almost escaped unharmed. The
casualties wore one lulled and toll wound-
; ed. nunc dangerously. Of the wounded one
j was Timothy Snyder, slight in knee, from
l ii, I . rh -as;! ltilorni liietulso! our KRicty,
that all nro well and in the best possible
humor over ht -t week's g'oi ions work.
Hat Iv bv "nine means got the remains of
j his army through Thornton's l'ip, near
Now Maikot. and are supposed to be going
I toward Oor.loiiviile. What steps Uonera'
i Sheridan will lake lor their pursuit is not
known. The di-t.mcu wu have pursued the
rebels is sitv-five miles, this with tho
amount of captures, killed and wounded, 1
have no doubt you w ill consider a pretty
good six day's work. Willi respects to
frii4ids, yourself and family, I remain.
Yours Fraternal iv.
11. D. W.
Arn-y of the Potomac advices of Tuesday
say that the utmost iiiiel prevailed since
: Sun lai. Sum. o our men killed iu the
' Mull! of Saturday, have been found entirely
siript of tin ir clothing, and some of the
I bodies were most horribly mutilated.
At the electinn fnr )recinet election (iffi
for, in tlie Stnto ol' Iielewure the lieptilili
oun loivo carried all t lie election ollieors in
Wilininirtnn. nnd llie rest of New Castle
enmity nl'init oven. Nnlliinir is lienril from
tlio rc-t of tin' S.t;tte. lint the Democrats
c'aini to l.tivu carried Kent nnd Sussex
count ios,
TniAi, and FiiiicxDsmi'. Homcl; Allen's
fluid Modal Sulcrutiw lias luid n trial nnintrV
tluee miMi'in of families, nnd is pronounced
the Lest siiVrut'is in the known world. Its
use nl iv a 4 Irins a smile to Ihe household ;
it keeps them in
lii'ii'tii ; it helps make the
weak st!nn'',
dreadful dtsi
turn saves hundreds I'nmi that
iso; ilvspopsia. As von value
health, use it. Most of the iroeers sell
Depot Mi t.iliorty Stliot. Now York.
Rhown's Ilnoxi ttfAi. TitocitK.s. The hene
licial etVools resuit ins; from the use of this
itemed)' and its extensive use for Contihs,
Colds it ii ' I Throat Ati'iotions, Int? lirouulu
out many imitati'in?. most of which contain
iniuriniis itn'roilionts. The Tioohos have
j.i-nrni I'uoir e licaov.
T,to doors west of Fischer t Brng Store. .Market St.,
IS null v lii.inufactiiriug the lilt e-t stvlesof Wool
ami l'ur Hats, which 1'or auttiie-s nuJ duriibility
arc ii.-t surp.iK'Cil
Give him u call ami ee his stock of Bats which are
sold cli"ap. r than elsewhere. Meiebaiitsan I others,
air.-h.i'in ' at wholesale, will find it lo Iheir advan
lage In call an I procure an article cheaur and e jual
lo city uiiinufactiire.
Snubuiy, October I. IRfl-t.
rpHK undersigaed respectfully inforins tho eiliten
1 of Sunbury, that he bus eoinnmnccd the buck"
siering bnsineas, ami is reielv tosulv llo-m weeklv
with UriTKIt. KfiUS. .MKAT, LAltll. I'lll LTHV
.fall liuMls.Klil.SII IIKKK mid rtiltk'. ic. Ac
I'ersons desiring any of Ibu alive articles, will ho
promptly supplied by leaving ibeir urder. al his resi
dence, iu IKudrick i addition.
Punbury, Oct. I, lofil. It
!o. .Vi .tIK'll Cl., lhUali'liliiii.
Has a large slock of
Superior plated TEA htll.S', ,MMOXf), 1'OltKS,
October I, sl Im
t likltluulun llouaae,
( (As llrt.lgt.)
flME subseliber bsiill leawasl this well knowa
I 'lavrria Stand, lately krid hy Mrs. C. IS llrowu
i uii,lly iuloiux llii. puldiu Ibal he U rettlliiifj aud
llriug llae pleuaisaw, aaoi wiuue pri-'auvu aa u
(jlsila, la a KiUit"iabl luauiier, but nuiuuious
Iriejid. U.roaiiitM.i.l ihe i-ouniy, aud all who luajr
lailolille liis ,.lHll.i. tui
0 I I. li.
llrwMtllro, tt ', tailua, r,
flMIK ulltar, tilii Ulr4 U TUuUall'
1 Unit, DuiUn., Will sUKBt, tieuulle, lalgt
Sk,4 e.ill'laJU aloa k tot
i.i'uii anu imimmtic Ligroim,
.u.iiu.1.4 the t..rt Uaud. a.f llraJi. lam, fill
., e...i.b .a.4 lnh , ft,, Ma
i.. I U.P-a-'na. i. l "'la. W lua, U ajlal aall
.bl la ..llU.di HU-lwJe. I'. Jt
..aa. k.-psfs, la laU--4 US, Mil Ml
ll 111. Il..iltl
I'll !. Usiius ol a,l.kai. Use-as M
,.l a Uik (mi.toi.t4 r" M4
ia-aai" ' " "' -1
u M.",llu''
,l...s k.i.-lt.ll 4. ai la.. yi,i
lo. IH 'Wl I I
I beg loare to Inform my friends nj the puhllo
generally that I h sommenood tho rnuinfiuttire
of COAL OHj LA MTd of every dweriptiou nnd style
of finish, t ' '
M'ilh my prcaetit fnoilllies fnr nmniifbeturinx. m l
priiotioal exrHTieneo of thirteen yi-urf In the mon
SKi'Uioul of the lumi buMnr.l fur soinn of tho lr lost
houses in the oountr.v, 1 SnltT myself that my i xpu.
rinnoe and knowledge will euslile me 1o oiler to I In
publio uoods nnt txiuiillud by ny in renril to style
end wnrkuinnship, and at prices competing with the
lowest, 1 ehnll always endeavor to Iced in oflering
to the public new and useful Inventions in our line,
I hive also token the wholesale agency fur the shIo
of ULO. W. 1J110WN A UO S Cklkbrateo Mktal
Tors. A. J. WKloLNkU,
No. 33 8. Booond St., rhlladclphis.
Scptoraber 24, lSOi.
To Ihc Kleclor of Iorlliumbcr
Innd County.
DAVIXO been solicited hy nnmerous frinnli I
hereby offer tnysrlf to the people of Northumberland
county as a candidate for the office of
Should they seo lit to elect tne, I will eniliiarnr to
fulfil the duties of said office to the sntiBfaotlon
of all.
Sept. 17, 1891. JOHN J. SMITH.
i'oii H kS t7
A Furnisheil House from tho 1st Noveniher to 1st
April to asmull Kainily without children, on the buck
part of the house, to a reliable cotiplo who would
take care of the premises.
Also two excellent stoves one a Ons-Bm-ner.
For further particulars inquire at this office
Sept 24, 134 2t
l')l .lUYA .M l( IU'i: IIOI.
0?Tho undersigned having pui chased of E. T.
Bright, Esq., his Machine Shop, Foundry, Ac., and
will ho ready to reoeiro orders about tho PJih lust .
Anything in tho shape of engines, piuuiM, work for
mines, So., will bo attended to. Doing a practical
machinist, work will receive porsonal inspection and
will bo attended to promptly.
Buubury, Sept. 10, 1961.
Hnving been placed in nomination hy the taiion
Convenlion of Northumberland County i'nr the office
of.Mernbor of Assembly from Ibis district, without
solicitation, or even consent, on my part, au.l indued
without any dostre to inspire te'oflice, 1 take this
manner of returning my thanks to my iellow citizens
who have bestowed this unsolicited honor upon inc.
An I since the nominati'm has been thu,i unanimously
tendered me, I do nnt fuel justified in declining it
mid will cheerfully join with my fellow I'niun cili
.ens in working for, and, if possible, electing the
ticket placed iu iiiimiiiiitiuii ; kninving llie cna-o it
represents is n noble one one worthy Ihe highest
efforts nl ei ery true uinn nnd Inn ing tho cMi.nihi
tionin case of failure, of feeling thai my name hud
uol been thrust upon the public el niv seii.-iiaii in.
JACOB iM. i oi.i..Mi:u.
September .1, 18Ti.
And Dealer ill
I'iin u Hlroi'l, Noulli ol'UruTCi"
INFORMS tho ciliiens of .Siirbury and vicinity,
that he has just returned from I'hiliidelphiu wilha
full aMsortiuvr.l ot
iMi,i. . vivri:H 4.-ooeM,
Hi!, stock coniists of Cloths, French Cloths, lllnck I
Hi.eSkin and Fancy CasMincres. Ulnck Sntiii. Figured j
Silks. I'hiin and Fancy Cassimere VE.STINUS. wliich
he Bill muke up to order in styles to suil the uiste of
customers, on short notice, and tho most reasonable
Any (iooiIs not on hand, will lu furnished from
Philadelphia, by giving two ilnya' notice.
Omuls furnished by customers will be nmde up to
order us heretofore.
As he will cmpiov none hut experienced workmen.
I persons may rely on getting their work w ell dono at
Lis simp.
Thankful for Ihe patronage heretofore bestowed,
ho respectfully solicits a conliiiuiuicuof the tunic.
Suiiliuiy, !cpl. 1(1. 18111.
SWALLOW two or three hogsheads nf Bnoliti,"
Tonic Bitters." Sursapariilii,'' "Nervous An
tidotes," Ac., Ac Ac., and after v'U are satistlcd
with the result, and one box of Old lilt. 1U CII AN S
English Specific Pills and be restored to health and
vigor in less than thirty days. They are purely ve
getable. pleViint to lake, prompt and salutary in
their effects on the broken ibiwu and shattered con
stitution. Old and young eau take tbem with ad
vantage. Imported and sold in the United Mules
only by .1 AS. S. BUTLER,
No. 427 Broadway. New York.
X' Agent for Ihe United States.
P. S A Box ot tlio Pills, securely packed, will
be mailed to auv address on receipt of price, which
I is ONE HOLLAR, po-i paid ! money refunded by
the Agent il'eniiro sutirt'.ictiun it not given.
Sept. Il), 1SJ1 Dm
I,Ili:ti IM.ACV ri KM!
Oitl i:.l:ilUs.Ii'i
No. Tl;AUCll Street,
i above 7ih , PHILAH'A
I have now in store
- ' ' ,n-v uwn imisiri
JfJS ""'1 Manufiictlire.
ol the I.AIttiKS 1 till I
mit UEAl'TU'L'L sc-
lectioiiii of
I'aiM'j- I'nrs.
for t.adies' and rhildren's Wear in the City. Also,
a fine assortment of (lout's l'ur taloves A Collars.
As uiy Furs were all purchased when Hold was at
a much lower premium than at present, I am enabled
to dispose of theiu at very reasonable prices, and X
would therefore solicit a call from Iny l'rieudi of
Nori'hiiiiil'ei'luiid county, and vicinity.
V- llcniouibcr the name. Number and Street !
JulIX l-'AKKl.tA.
71S Arh Ptrott above 7ih. south side,
Sept. Ill, Ki'i4 . im l'HILAIiKl.l'rllA.
( have no Pu'iiicr. nor connection with any
Other store in riiilndelpbia.
Fall & Winter Goods,
AM) hUl.I) CIIEAI'EU tii.v. j:i.'!i:
wiiEiti; I
In Zelleuioyer's Building, opposite fleaihari's Con-
feetiouery Store, Markelslruet, SL'X 111 HV.l'ii.,
HAS just opened a will selected assortment of
Uoods, which he oilers for salo at vcr- low prices.
FUltEIUS' AXII DOMESTIC such ai Cloths, Ca-.i'
incies. Mu.lins, Shuuliugs, Ticking, Calicoes, He
l.aiuc. Silks, (ainghaiu. 4e , ale.
II AIM Hull 4'.klkH of tvrydetH'ription.
Coiiii.ling of Hosiery, liloics. Thread. Hullons,
Suapeuders, Xaat'kltM. Collars. Hlllidkcrehlrl., Hair
llru.hM. Ttaolh Uru.hw, Ei.c lleud l'r.. IUI-
luoral skill. llaaoi.-kirl. Car pl b.'.. 'trunk., a
.' ! tiaws, I'uibrallas, tolioa-Vaiu. Sosp., add aiuiuwou
olhei arllolM Use teuiou Iu ua.uliuu.
such a. aaila. kin-ns and screw., 'Imat lata haw ud
kuoU, and CI tUEKY ul.tviy deaviipiioit.
I'yn, lru, 1'aiula), Vuinulic, Oil, tala-J,
I'utly, Ac, Ac.
llarrmH Mrt Mtttl liwai aru vi
rry drM-rliUluw.
b'HiNE AM) EA1 ('I'll K.N WAUK,
Ah iiIiuiii l4ok ut
o n o a E H I HQ.
t' iNl rrMiri) vf htll' I 4 4k sHUl) Ctiflt la.lvh.
MmImm. t'4w-4i, ilwa I u.i 4ii, ,ih,
lasW "tf
t4 H.MI, 4 .till tl.SJ.
All kaa.4 tal CMBIIJf f a4 U.M Ul
(W Ull
UKaaeasy, M
nAVK yast retornH frnai I'hllsflerphra with one
of Ihe I urges' and host selected stocks of Hoods
eter brought tc Sunbury.
FOREIHN AND DOMESTIC, such as Clolhs. Cassl.
meros, Muslins, Sheetings, Ticking, Calicoes, lie.
Initios. Flannels, and all kinds of Mol'RNINU floods,
Alpaeeas, Illack Silks, Oinghams, Ul moral ami
Skeleton Skirts. Canton Flannels, Nankeens, Car
peting of all kinds.
Comprising, Hosiery, Ulorcs, Thread. Buttons, 8u'
pcuders, Neck-ties, Collars, Handkerchiefs,
liair Brushes, Tooth lirushes. Onin Rib'
bon and Cofd. tape, crotchet. Iirnid,
worked collars, fancy head
jdresses, lidy cotton, carpet
biuding, comhs, fancy
soaps, carpet bags
Trunks. Valises, Umbrellas, Blank Books, Paper,
Envelopes, Au.
Of all kinds, such as Nails, Hinges and ."crews, Door
Latches and Knobs, Locks, uud CUTLER V oi every
Also, Dyes, Drugs, Paints, Viirrislios, Fish,
Flaxseed find llenzine Oils. Gbiss, Putty, Ac.
tuTiiHviirv nn1 lliisisi tire ni' nil
An Extcnsivo Stock of
G 11 O C E R I E S,
CnmjmFoil of Hntfnr. OofW. Tvm. Itiue, Curn-j-dircli.
Mucctiruni. Jlaiivy. IjaUin-JHiwdrr. iimltisj!-!).
canJla-'.lobucuo and st'gtirs, .Salt, i'Uli, Mutit, I'Iiui-m?,
Ac, it.
Alw, largo varinty of
for Men. Women nnd Children.
tf-AU kinds of lirniu and Country Troduue taken
in exchange f..r floods.
Cairo us a call before you pi. 'chnso clscuherc, wo
are bound to sell as low ns any one else.
iStorc-rnoiit in Ira T. Clement's building at the
soiiili-wi'iit corner of Market ZHiuuro, near the Court
Sunbury, May 21, lSflt.
Sunbury High School,
"tXTIl.T, re-open in the old Rnptist Church, on the
V fir't ilny of August. The course of imtruetioii
embraces nil the branches taught iu Aoudumics and
c!uiniiries of thu highest grade.
For Laiiirunges ancient and modern includ
ing nil other branches, SI. 5 (10
Natural picion-es. Algebra, fieoir.etry, cto. bt 00
Advnneed tlriiuinuir, taeugr.inhy. History. ,tu.. 12 (Ml
Rudiments of above,
Incidental expenses,
8 Oil
1 union pavunlo quarterly iu ndvnnco.
No dcdueliuii liiiole for lost lime.
1'upils ran enter nt any time, and will only he
charged from the date they enter.
Fur further particulars apply to the Principal.
E. 1". RnllHAUI.
Pm.hury, August 15, ISfll. tf.
S J.i.j'ULKlJh'.XX U
nni Li'l Saiiart-, l KV, 1.I.
HAVINd just returned from tho City with un en
tire new stock of
i-u,'s, li'iui'iil's, I'crf'iiuicr.v nnd
j 'I'oileJ Articles;
' to which h" invites his friends nnd the juiblic g?ner
I ally, to call tu.d ixuuiiiic. The lirugs and Mcf iciiii-s
! are nil .-elected from llie best importing liou-es in
i the Kiistcru liiarkel with the greatest care as to pari
I ty and cfliiteiicy ai n,l avoiding as much us possible,
tun iutroducti-ii of Jelerioiis nostrums.
(If nil kiiilf. tucli us AyiT, Juj-nt'.-, MuClintrk-k.
IilloHnyJ, Vi?h;irta, Huutlnuil. Si'hi'liUs. Urown i
iiii'l all uiher K)uliir jiutuut uiuiliciucd, uliuiys on
lluir, Tonth. XhH, -Jlthe un-l Tuiut Urithe?.
Shx')ii1 c:iro is tiikun to keep ou lminl cun.tAntljr
every vuiicty of
SuttuMc to ilu' tm-luj
Fancy Toilet Articles hthI tho fillTnoroti nrtirlrs
v hi.:h Hie generally kept in a well eon dux ted t?tab-tir-tt
iiiei t .
In cttnne.'tion with the aboTe ftrticli-p. he nUn keeps
on hnud h lart Hmrtincnl o STATION Kit V, nucb
Hi1 1'apiT, KiiYeliijicd, Ponf. reficilit, inkn. Ac.
t.V I'ltyiclitn s proscriptions nnd tainily receipts
coiiimuiiled Mh the Krcnte-it uecurueyaud di.jmtch,
Ht IML'HS Day er Nihf.
lieii)i!iiinr the pl.iee. Atniket P.Uftre, under the
ofiicc of the "l?unliury Aincricnn."
Sunbury, June -25, ISfil.
hiirt'iut' iii'l ."Si-li'i-ii lis.rit'l
ol IN'iinpay Ivsmiii.
"VTOTTCE is hereby given tlmt the "s'liprcme Court
j for the Xorthern l'islricl of Pennsylvania, will
eoiiiincuce its annual session on the tir.-t Monday of
Ootobcr next, ut tho Curl House in Siinhitrv.
Trotli'v Supreme Court Xorthern Dist., I'n.
September in, Is il.
List up Cai'skh Knit Aiirvmk.vt at Oct. T., lSiit.
1 Vizier vs Love l Towel!, Lycoming county,
2 Hew art vs Clement. X'irlh'd county,
.S V, on li rly vs liultiiiil, LyC'tm'ng county,
4 .'-liiaiiakci vs liairet. llailey & Co. do.
6 Spalding vs Andrews, do.
Il Muloiie. et al is Solister et nl North'd county,
7 lt-'tiuet A wife vs l-'iiluicr uud others. Lye eo.,
W Xivpenose tewnshin vs Jersey Shore Jioruugh.
Lycoiiiing coumv.
C11A1U.LS ri.l'AAXTS. Prolh'y.
Siit. Court Xorihcru liist. l'a.
Punbury, Sept. III.
l.iM'Uu.i liuitit .V IClouiiis.liui'X Billil
ON and after .Ian. Isth, I SCI, rasiengcr Trains
will r j.i at 1'illo.vs :
Leave Seranton. 4.2H 1". M
' Kingston. fi i.i
" lllijiiisburi S .2.'
" ltupert. V . j
lliinville, 1' I j
Arrive al Northumberland, Is.iS
Leavo Northiiniherliuid, K no A. M
' liauvillo, S.4U
' Ituptit. H 40
" lMisiiiisburg, v:a
" Kingston, 11 i I'. M,
Arrive at Seianlon, I.X!
Freight 4 I'luweuger leaves lilomusburg, 10.15 A. M.
l'-Asctigcr tukiug the Mail Traiu South cuunecl
w ith the Express train from Northumberland, arriv
ing at llarrisburg, ul 2 :iit A. M , liulliiuore 7. oil A.
M . and al l'hila lelphia. al ".till A.M. The Mail
traiu from Northumberland leuvesiuiuiediately afler
the arrival of thu Express tiuin fioui Hurrishorg nnd
Lttliimore. allowing raaen)ier. leaving l'hiludelpliia
at IU tul' M . to reach point, ou Ihu road dunug
Uie m il foreiioou.
New aud elegant Sleeping can. accompany Ihe
liiKlit lr.niise.ich way betwecu Niirihuniberland and
llallimoic, aud ;urthuuib'i land and Philadelphia.
I). 1
1101 Nil, (.upl,
All'uluu .tlilliury 'wlli'i;'(
ner. M L llnKI'iiltl). A M ,
Mnjor U Kl KLMiultH', supcrinleu lent uf th.
Military leparlu.eiil.
MMIIS Inaiiluliou, chartered by the ."!ls of Prnu
X sylt am. wilh lull Colliifiatu H,wair. will open
iu laeai sa.iou. ri pi nib f. .iv laciliiy Uallorded
lor au Kimll'li Cli, al, M'U'i.uite,aud Miln.iy du
e.tiou under Ih. ta4 id Pupil, ai. rat
txiiasi lu lb Pnuiaiy, I'ltp.r.i.ay aad l'llaiat.
iapai llneuls I ta eilculis addrw.. tla. Plai.ldcl.1.
July l-l tm
(.S iari.jr liiaSalMfp ,y jasy)
No .'l M UlKr T!ir..i, I' II I LA lk 1. 1' II I A
n'tl.Hl Iu I in. Hold aud C1I..1 WAlt IIKK ,
1 ii,. 1. oil J HI I l.ltV; stolid HI.YI It-WAKr:
aud Ih. lt ut MLVtlt PLAUU -WAUK oh
Hmuilf im baud laug. Mullau.iit ul th. auu. jouds
M lua prtal.
M al. lt uad fin. (lueks. H.p.u.4. l skilful
Woa kalaaill ; elau, J. w.liy laMtnaiS. aVaiall aa la.4 auad
II kla.1. nl Half nuita iaatald.l, al sla.41 U-la.
I Kaa I l4aaal lb. 44 Haaiad, St. il Man last
Mat. I, I'felLd.lpLl.
pt U, aut -Ji
v o u sTiiTT
't rai l ! I intturr lJ, Ul.s Ti-
tas- baidaa, x.k..aall.( aU.i IM tut! t"4 Iwlkaal
r 1 T.-V A M CI .OT 1 1 rt!.Xl'.lt
The ONLY reliable solf-Adjustlng Wringer.
No V orsl-Work to Swell or Hplit.
No Thumb-Screws to get out of Order.
Warranted with or without Cog-Wheels.
It took tho FIRST PREMIUM at Fifty-Seven Stato
and County Fairs in lSn.1, and is, without an excep
tion the best Wringer ever made.
Patented In Ihe I nlted States, England, Canada,
ahd Australia,
ISanipIo Wringer sent, Express paid, on receipt of
Knergelic agents can make from 3 to 10 Dollars per
No. 2.$.1.f.0. No l.fT.fiO. No. F.$.50 No. A.? 50.
Manufactured nnd :?ihl. wholesale and retail, hy
No. 13 Piatt Street, Now York, and Cleveland. Olifo.
8. C. NORTHROP, Agent.
That Iron well galvnnircd will not rust ,'
That a simple machine hi better lhau a complicated
one ;
That a wringer slitiulu ho sclf-ailjusting, durnhlo,
and efficient ;
'I hnt Fi'liunih-f3t'ri'ws and Fn.-tenings cause delay nnd
trouble to regulate nnd keep in order ;
That wood bearings, lor tho ,-hiill luruu iu will wear
cut ;
That the Putnam Wringer, with or without cog
wheels, will not tear Ihe clothes;
'J hat cog-wheel regulators aru not essential ;
That tho Putnam Wringer has all the advantages
and not one nf the ilisiulviiiilnges above namcl :
That till who have tasted it, pronounce it the best
Wringer ever made;
That it will wring a Thread or a Bed-Quilt without
We might fill the paper with testimonials, hut in
sert only a few to coiiainco the skeptical, it' such
there lie ; anil wo sav to nil. test Putnam's Wringer.
Test il TllOlKlUfiliiA' wilh AN V nnd ALL others,
nnd if not entirely satisfrctory, return it.
tlenllemen ; I know from prnctieul experience
that iron well galvanized with zinu will lint n.idi.o
or rust one particle. The Putnam Wringer is as
near perfect ns possible, and 1 uun cheerfully re
ciuiimeiid it to he the best in use
Respectfully yours,
JNU. W. WHEELER. Cleveland. Ohio.
Many years' experience iu the galvanizing busi
ness enable mo to indorse the ahovo statement iu alt
No. lofl Bctkuinu Street.
New York. January. ISM.
Wo have lested Putnam's Clothes Wringer by
practical working, nnd k:mw that it will do, If is
cheap ; it is simple ; it rcrjuircs no room, whether at
work or nt rest ; a child can operntc it ; it does its
duly thoroughly ; it saves timo and it saves wear
and tear. Wo earnestly advise nil who have much
washing to do. with intelligenspersons who have any,
to buv this Wringer. It will pay for itself In a your
at liio'-t. Hun HORACE UUELLEY.
Juno IS, ISM.
U. S. 7-30 LOlfT.
Tho Secretary of tho Treasury gives notice that
subscriptions will he received for Coupon Treasury
Xotes, payable three years from August 15th IM'il,
wilh semi-annual interest at the rate of seven and
tiirec-teulhs per cent, per annum, principal and
interest both tube paid in lawful money.
These notes will be convertible at tho option of
the holder at maturity, into six-per cent, gold bear
ing bunds, payable not less than Gve nor more than
twenty years from their date, as the govcrnmct may
elect. They will be issued in denominations of $jfl,
$100. "vim, $1.(100 and Sni.OiiO, nnd all subscriptions
must be for fifty dollars or sumo multiple of lilty
The notes will be transmitted to Ihe owners free of
transportation ehnrgrs as soon after tho receipt of
the original Certificates of JJcjiosit a they cau he
As the notes draw interest from August 15, persons
making doposts .subsequent to that dnto must pay
the interest accrued from date of Dote to date of
Parties depositing twcnty-fivo thousand dollars
and upwards for these l.otes at any ono time will bo
allowed a commission of ouc-quurterof ono per cent.,
which will be paid by Ihe Treasury Department upon
the receipt of a bill for the amount, certified to by
the ofheer with whom the deposit was made. No
deductions for commissions must be made from tho
Spi'i ial Alvnnta'CM of IIiIm Loan.
It is a Xatioxal Savinoh Hank, offering a high
er rate of interest than any other, and the het tm.
rii;. Any savings bank w hich pays its depositors In
I'. S. Notes, considers that it is paying in tho best
circulating medium of the country, and it ctiitiwt
pay iu anything better, foj its own assets are cither
in government securities or iu notes or bonds payablo
in government paper.
It is equally convenient as a temporary or pcrma.
neut Investment. The notes can always bo sold fur
wilbina fraction of their fuco and accumulated into,
rest, and are thu best security with banks as colla
terals for discounts.
lilll.H LOXD,
In addition to the very liberal Interest on the notes
fir three years, this privilege of conversion is now
wonh about three per cent, per annum, lor the euit
rent rate for 5-20 llonds i' not less thnu nine j.rr
mil. ni nun ui, and before the wur thu premium on
six percent. I". S. stueks was over tweuty per cent.
It will be seen that the actual profit on this loan, at
the present market rate, is not lues thnu ten per cent,
per annum.
Ilu' aside from all the advantages we hace enum
erated, a special A,it uf Congress rmnjits all bon is j
dint Tir:twtry notes from oral tuxntiuu . Ou the j
average, this exemption is worth about two per cent, i
per iiniium, Rccontlng to Hit rate of taxation in van
eu purls of the country.
Il is believed that no securities o.Ter so great In
duceiiunts lo lenders as those issued hy the govern
ment. Iu all oilier forms of indebtedness, the laith
and ability of private parties, or stock companies, or
separate communities, only, is pledged t"T paymeul,
while tho whole property of Ihe country is held
o secure the discharge uf all the obligations of the
I'nited Stales.
While tlio government offcra the most liberal terms
for Its loans, it believes that Ihe very strongest appeal
will be lo the loyally and patriotism of Ihe peoplo.
Duplicate certificates w ill be Issued for all deposit.
The party deHiting must endorse usm the oritrtN
at certificate ihe denominations of Doles required,
and whether they are lo he Issued Iu blank or paya
I b,, ,u Jl; w'ul, , ru,lir(l.a mu,l be left wn
, . . . . . i.r ....i.i .
the olHeer ree.ivini; thu depo.ll, Iti l furwarded lo
Ihe Treasury leparimeiil.
fsuUcripiious will h. received by lh Treasurer of
Ihe I'nited States, al Wawhiiigt.-'U, lbe several As
sistant Tieasurers aud duaiaoaled 1'epiHiilarie., and
by th
rirl Aulieuul IIiimU olMlilluu.
.Ull b) till Ullosll Ituila.
hich ai. dsiiarie uf 1'uldie money, and all
Ihrouaiboul ih country, (ociiiik a. a,pi,lse( Hi. N.
lioual l. Uaiilu.) will fiiiuuh further ll.loi
uiaiiou ua api'liclioa aud
AHi'UU tVtHY IT.U'lLITVTWfl'HufRlUtns.
Autisi 1 3, Nl
( o ii ii i: a k.
kCi nftUIIOH1, kM)ilrr ., I'M.
f I Villi 1.11 waaalo ut 11.1. Iwllula. . ..auaa.aa.-aa u)
I till fcrt.t V. All. tal Ml k. Mualaaf
MU was Ik. ilk Suv.ia.L-r
r.UMt I'KIt cKHfliiN tK M WKKUt;
fn HmmJii. kle fttriawkej H-avaa fta.l
k4 I ..l.t WaJ T.lla. at t U Ika. .t.laW ala4la 4
lit. l'..lai.avl. .i tH I
A ilUia.1 aW4(wlaa fcavl.laa AluS tal Ik letaU
$4 --i, H.441M
t UiuVa MetiairMi atr rii.aaUa. --l la
Ix-Ufcl. .i,J,
i.MiMo, issjsM i r' -.
Tun pociijiiir taint or
Infection which we)
cal1 bcaoruLA lurk
iii Uie constitutions of
multitudes of men. It
cither produce? or 1
liroxlupcd by an cn
.tvcbleit, Titiati'tl aUnta
of the blood, wherein
'that fluid becuniM in
JeoniriPtiMit to iustain
'the vital forces in their
'rigorout action, and
'Inuvcs the system t
full into disorder and
decay. The icrofulnnn. contamination ia va
rlously caused hy mcrnirinl disease, lor
living, disordered digestion from unhealthy
'food, impure air, filth wild filthy habits,
the depressing vices, and, ahovo all, hy
tho venereal infection. Whatever he its
origin, it ii hereditary- In tho constitution,
descending "from parent: to children unto
the third nnd fourth generation ;" indeed, it
teem!) to bo the rod of Him who fays, " I will
Visit tlio iniquities of tho father upon their
children." i'ho diseases it originates take
various Dames, According to the organs it
attacks. In tho lungs, Scrofula produces
tubercle!, and finally Consiiinplitin ; in the
glands, swellings which suppurate nnd be
come ulcerous sores ; in tho Rtumnch and
bowels, derangements which produce indi
gestion, dyspepsia, nnd liver complaints; on
the skin, eruptive nnd cutaneous) allections.
These, all having the same origin, require tho
same remedy, viz., purification and invigor.i
tion of thu blond, l'ltrily tho blood, and
these dangerous distempers leave yon. With
feehle, foul, or corrupted blood, you cannot
have health; with that "life of the flesh"
healthy, you cannot have scrofulous diaeaso.
Ayor's Sarsapririlla
is compounded from the most effectual anti
dotes Hint medical science has discovered for
this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of
the disorders it entails. That it is far supe
rior to any other remedy yet devised, is
known by all who have given it a trial. That
it dues combine virtues truly extraordinary
In their cfl'ect upon this chit's vf complaints,
is indisputably proven by the great multitude
of publicly known and remarkable cures it
lias made of the following diseases: King's
Evil, or Glandular Swellings, Tumors,
Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores,
Erysipelas, Boee or St Anthony's Fire,
Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Coughs from
tuberculous deposits in the lungs, Whito
Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia,
Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Syphiiis and
Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases,
Female Weaknesses, nnd. indeed, the whole
scries of complaints that urise from impurity
of the blood. Minute reports of individual
cases mny be found in Avtn's Asikiiican
Ai.maxac, which ia furnished to the druggists
lor gratuitous distribution, wherein mny bo
learned tho directions for its use, and sonio
of the remarkable cures which it has inuile
when all other remedies had failed to afford
relief. Thofc cases are purposely taken
from nil sections of the country, in order
that every reader may huve access to porno
one who can speak to him of its benefits from
personal experience. Scrofula depresses the
vital energies, and thus leaves its victims far
more subject to disease nnd ita fatal results
Uinn nrc healthy constitutions. Hence it
tends to chorten, and does greatly shorten,
the avcruge duration of human life. Tho
vast importance of these considerations has
led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy
which is adequate to its cure. This we now
offer to the public under the name of A Yen's
aSAKSATAKtLLA, although it is composed of
ingredients, some of which exceed the best
of Sarsaparilla in alterative power. Hy its
Rid you may protect yourself from the sull'er
lng nnd danger of these disorders, l'urgo
out the foul corruptions that rot nnd fester
in the blood, purge out the causes of disease,
and vigorous health will follow, iiy its pecu
liar Virtues this remedy stimulates the vital
functions, and thus expels the distempers
which lurk within the system or burst out
on any part of it.
We know the public have been deceived
by many compounds of ,Sarsrtarila, that
promised much and did nothing; but they
will neither be deceived nor disappointed m
this. Its virtues have been proven by abun
dant trial, and there remains no fiut'stion of
its surpassing excellence for the cure of tho
nfilicting diseases it is intended to reach,
Allhougli under the same name, it is a very
different medicine from any other which has
been beforo the people, uml is far more ef
fectual than any other w hich has ever been
available to tlicm.
The World's Groat Remedy for
Coughs, Colds, Incipient Con
sumption, and for tno relief
of Consumptive patients
in advanced stages
of tho disease
This lias been so lung used and so uni
versally known, that we need do no more
than assure the public that its quality is kept
up to the best it ever has been, and that it
may be relied on to do all it has ever done,
l'repared by I)n. J. C. Aveh & Co.,
Practical and Analytical Chemhtt,
Lowell, Mass,
Bold by all druggists every where.
Sold by Filling A liinnt. Sunbury,
It. H. McCoy, Northumberland,
Auroii Itnrrol, Elyshurg.
II. Kutner. Sliiuuokin,
J. 1. 11,, sue. Walsoiitiiwii,
And bv all dealers iu Medicines every white
Au;(iist'l:!, 1-t'i ly
1 KSI'Kl TV TLl.Y infirm hr friends in Sunbury
V and vicinity, that she ha opened u .New
ol oLiotis and taiicv drv bloo-U. in Mill 'let slreet.
nuir doors west of VI ni. II. Miller's Hoot and Siioe
Here. Her stock consists of Ti iininiius. ii:ions. cm
broideries, I. 'idles and I'hil ireus huts and .linkers ;
silk and oilier lining. Lawns. liiiilinuis, 1'orsets,
iiiK.p-.kirts, Crape and l.ace Veils; Nets, iiioics,
tocsiun'. cellars, and rurseis, and many oilier arti
cles for Indies and ileiillcuicu ; all of which will be
sold at the lonot prices KAIK lil.ACK.
.Sunbury. -May -I, l5ul
n a Bii z b m-'Jt
B A Z A II .
tj'ui iier ot" lrU-l swaimri Ac Hull
ICoail Nli-t'i'l,
S L" N U V H Y , I' i: N N 1 A.
H'MMl'U rTdt'K (r
flf ih. new. st fttvle.,cui l-y the best Aniat. liiinH'ia-l
aud lutvle a.pial Ita eusluiu Wtiik, aud Mid al Ihe
I lew vet pi ices
.11111 IIUll iiaaj at aj Iftiiiiu oi in. u.-
lerial coHiiin4 ol I'n - t'.Mts. Jr k l'.i. k
Cal., Paul., aud uis ul laiiuus iuloia aud iUali
lu. (.lAH.l.Ml N 1. H ItNI.-IIINU liiX'Ps).
auth au. hblrl. l i.d.-r.hins. iiawer.
ColUn, Ctalals, .Ntt klles, HaiaJkvieliiels.Plwkii.,.,
Illotw, at.
Hail, uml 'W. rU klttiia.
IKKt'ls) ASOCH"!', IhlNko. VAl.lL.'. t M
HUH l.A-. aad MHI'N.' "I 'l ! kauafc
rou. tatb.f il. In ,,a ,t
k. ktil-lhl avl. UltllM lu Mil Uad tlaaulbs hll
H.u.aa.ti ll . .laat ' l' 1 1, ll.u i Wl-ie.
Imv.i.I Nek.l ie. ut N I' II Ii
itvi nit ur
taa.Ul. Jul I. 11
IIU ,V'MU.II. lia IMVh
Ut Ual a. a 4 k 1. i. 4Uluk. 1
aVa-l l.kS tla I aa.t... le Is ttn-U
.Him I i 1 .Mr !'
ii i .' i. tta r '
eS'j-1. ti.-ra
W.F.jmth t'aai. B. Utxriir.n,
Market street, one door eeait nf Mrs. Bon'toti's Hotel
Bare opened
iSlin-l Iron and Kion Klnrr,
and Intend keening oonstantly ob hand, and ninnu-
fiautnrin.f ti order mi abuntvit ncaitn,
TIN' ASIl jpHKKT IllON-WAIUiof all dcsoripllons.
A L'lroStrack nf Cook Stores uf lbe fjllowlnjf Brands;
Wllitilatl IVual, t'cuiaaty I villain,
I2opi t'nloii, unil flio H '!:
hi :it i
Niagara Cook Stove,
unsurpassed l"r havni'y nf finish, sunplicily uf ar
rangement. eiiniMein.; cheapness m.d diirnbi'lity, and
e.'ieh stove warranted tu perlonn what iliey uio re-
Ab, PA II LOU and OKFICK RTflVE. In prent
vni'ioty,euibrnein; all thu best miinufuoturos. and
most fiishioiinblo designs
:ilOiI. Vt! Sfl f.riiupM. StuiaicM,
i'liiiMiiioK, nml nil iii-iifli'M
unnsiiully kept in iin"i s!iiblishineiit of this kind. TVo
arc alsii pi ej,:ired to ion 11 kinds ot Spouting, hooiili);,
liiinpi) end I'm liiiee M'm k. Gas Kitting, 4c. Kcpuir
intr cheaply and noiiily executed.
I'ouaiiy pioduco taken iu ux.biingo nt uinikvl
"ve lheA.:.'ti.-y f r Ullill S CKl.KBRATKIt FIEC
I'i.AI I. S'i'! l:S. ,,r ihe I'oiiiiiios id' Moi Ihuii.liur
l.ali.t , isi,y..lcr, I.' ii i--ta iimi Montour.
Ai d uie ni-i amenta for llie I'ipher ,t Willow er
l.iti ' 'lie i spoliation.
Sun urv . April V, ltt.
Ifi-iKr .sinrk.'t sirc( hi A .Mu:kt iiaro,
yLokno'-vloclgoJ u i'irat Class House.
rpifK Pn.p'iH'ir wnull iu-: r-i'(.':i'iilly e;it I tho
1 lit lom iuii tit' thu fillens ul r-tiiilmi y tlic ti:r
rutii.'lin t-niirry. tu tim icc-UitJiJiitit in of hi
liMie. tii-'unii i lii-iii tiV-y vi!l tiij.J tvcr.viliitu that
i-dti ciuitriiiuic t.t tln ir 'ouniltTt . Il is Minute t fur
t'nutuli li tin the I'i-tit avoid tho noi.-e mi l (.-oul'u-ci'n
imM'Knl to r.iiliuti.l fiatiori-!, mul at tlio saiuo
time only a tVw iiiinute- walk tiotn thcKaiiiv.
An Oinniiiu will be toutui at, thu .Sialism un lhu
art i.'al ui tm:li train
C. 11 MANX, rrui-rit't'.r.
April 9, IStil.
C. G. B It U 0 E .
AuilMtriaft'd Har t'liiim Of!in-N,
Va---hinKt'm. T. C. I Cleveland, Ohio.
'i u ki:t.
,u I 'll',..'
.Nil 1. IsVMAN Jll.tH K.
Near tho Court liousc.
Dpl.isite 1'el;
1 lllalis-aias.
and colleL't.i
Pi 170-moncy and all other
CU.nis. AVo pay cjpcial nttriition to olaims in
which mh'T Httcrrn vL h'tvc FA 1 1.1. 1, v whi-h hnvj
Wvu M 1,K.N bh(. We huve Hire lv .1
Hii-t pui 1 aver t ftuhiiprH an-l their lioin over ?;0ti.
0v anl are pnyimf 1 htMiJimN I:ii!y. No ehflrt)
unlt! su'jcosylul . U'rito uls. tmJ we tll st'iid ym a
euj'v nt our j-htxt. free.
K COLUKCT 1V.mii 1 01 to $tfl Ca.-U liouuty.
Vu (ti mir h(isines3 withoit
A;-ril 2, ISO 4
at the istoro of
H. ife L. SHISSLKIl,
Maikct S.piare..Sl..Nni'ltY, PA.
The Misses 11. A L. .Shissb-r. Inn inu; removed their
esiHblishment to more commodious and convenient
rnms. one ihur atiove their former location, inform
their friends and eustom-rs. that they have received
and just opened a choice and well selected ns.irt
nieni ol .MiLI.I.VKHV AND Ml'I liOOW, in
cludtii every style ut
and all nth'.'r urticlcs in their line, which will be solj
Country produce of all kinds taken in'unr.-o nl
ca-.h prices.
Sunb'iry, April 0, ISfil.
nillE nn dcrsigned dealer in Coal from the f dlow
1 in well known Collieries is prepared to receive
orders for the same at the Lowest .Market Kalee, vi,:
fO!jtMI)A'l'!:i) OO'S '
tic i-aliKi prepared to furnish tho'a' . 4 1-tn-ii I ! 4'oal,
On ihe line of the Sus piehitunii Hivor and Havre de
lir.iee. He made ,i r.,i. Yemenis lor Ihe best
j Which b it prepared to deliver on board Heats a:
I .Noitiiuuibei bind, or by Curs over Northern Ceu:r..l
I lliiilioiid. and ou the imc of the Philadelphia uud
Lrie Hailioad. ou iliebcst terms.
He is prepared to till all Oi.lcrs wilh ,'., latch, and
respectfully ouliciis orders from the '1 rude.
Adilr.'ss '
JC'il .Met Al. l.A.M'.
April . Isi'.t.
orihiiiuberlaud, Pa
Oeokue Hill, Piiion P. V'ulvlkton.
Atloi'iii' ami t'liurtsi'lorra ill I.siw .
OiTico. Miukel .Ireet, cor. Centre Alley,
ILL attend pr.-mi-lley to the collect! in of cla'rra
aud all other professional business inliuslisl to
their care in Norihumherland audiuljoiuiugcouniiee.
hunbury. Jauumy 'i-i, iMii.
A lla-nlioii, f .ailit- uuil al'iil la-lin n !
In lieer street, oppoii.i the Centrnl Hotel,
O HYEKLV. has opiucd anew Plclnre li.-il!' r
, iu lliu ah-i e .pice, hli-1 is pri piivd to
Purtraits iu the l-est sivle iii.d ui.u.u.r
are 'alien in c en sii le ol the Art. that c iin.ot 1...
sin pj.d in lie Male' llai inw' t.rnl ear's vC
rietice, be will t,i,c au . Is i :a.-1 1. -t. or I. i '"
Copl. s mil 1 e lukeu fl-'U. "II 'lb " ' 1 Plc'-ur.
tine him a call v li. c Ctnintl
11 Itel
tSiiubiiry, Jul.. I ltU
. . -, ri---r . r, ''J r. - -'?'7
luli l .iil-Ilii 4'oHVc 4 .
t '.-i Ke.lo Streii, N.w Yt. k
Th. ah.t. C ' p mv at" k-i -wii at! ' t'n w-t! I
. a. ihe oMi.. i. -t liao C'oli e I'l .otaii- i,. of J.i, a an I
II ii. n ia in Ihe I'"1' h I 1st li'-i -i ' "-l a'e ihe Uii'.l
! U...H -p. .lit, i . ol C'-rl.e ou I lie lil -t-w
I '1 ...i ui.-Ll-uu. I wt..a u iij-s ion I their trt
! A.-.-..: in ll.u I int..! Mi:v. a'. -I iu lie' iiu,-ti C -I
n. , lit till ti t,. .to li.'e, -li.t. i, oi ko. la ,,l t
! Ii i- tl I, i in 1 1'. a i ni -a 1 ' m- I '!t.'-i.. f
' pll.-e. will .Lit ...I, i.- ,i
Our - llalut ,.a I ,rl, t i,,-t,r 1,1'-'. Il'i-. 1.1,-i-d in
tb-.C--til.-l) t tl, i.n - l t i... 1 ii- ilia- . it , tat.-l
Sal t.. t.t l.tti - p.- si. I fl-'U a t ia' ,i. -I. l.v ut up
al pi l. . lo I . I. u.l i , l.auo.i I hi'l uiil I. a 1 1 J .1 4. 4
! Will l.a it,,. I,, II a, una t r. t I lie -,.:
I Vl.w:lll,avw l a a,..i4Li"u ol i.i.Kti. 14-
Hiit'ia, aul iiuiioiii .l.i l c. .a, .1,1.. j .. . , I; t ,
... I d i ..!. f I l. -1 :i
t, i,ii t'o law j I ul., U. -i:.v ; i-u.l :
l l-a.iiltd as
I I PI".. AN
li Ha 1. ...I St.. -k
' Co. A, .a.., Mil l'
i Ju'j :t. t t
i ' lOVt 1 tlN Mill ! '.
' M'lll. au l.i.'j,.. I ml! ..I ,i Ml. 1 W fN
I It I V I " i 1 -1 1 a ,. ... ii. It. ta- 'a'. I
fc-uwl- at r 'I u I. .. i. i ...... I ,k t - .
ul IU. I' I'.o.i . .-,.. v' i-i-,
l Itli.l. 1 taal -IC- lta Ib.v ...
til .uti.i.1. Uuo.l,, t U4a, .lau .a ",. u- "I plauata.1
u4U k-HUaul.l Ik. I il ta. - I -at. l-
... I-1. ie. a.'-k a Jil..ts. -lj 1st
I I li I II il I--! I.,
II I VI I ii
. I JVa kl I I.J li.
I -.'y ;. I aV4 .'
. ii t 1 t'"4 "