Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, October 01, 1864, Image 3

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    V.. .
CTfjc unburn H!"'
It. D. MASS Ell, Editor & ITCpriotor.
B. WIX.VEHT. Publlaher.
' ATL'1U).VY, OCTOBER 1, 180-1.
S. M. rETTBNOILtj it OO.,
N. S7 Tark )low, Now Yoik, And Slat Street,
Bonton, ore oor f$ent for tho Fcsbvrt Amkkicas
d tho) oltlffl, an 1 nre authoriiod to lake AdvortlAft
tnont ami Bubaorlptlona for re M our rewoul nit.
Okn. Bctleu Ims tjiriipose.l to Comiuis
sniiur Oulit thu exchange of nil sick and
wounded prisoners held by either pnrty who
nre, or shall bo, unQt for nctive service du
ring the next bixty days. The proposition
bus been itifiirrrmlly accepted. According
to the terms proposed our government is to
transport the rebel sick to Fort Pulaski,
near Savannah, Georgia, and receive ours
tlture. It is thought that five thousand of
our boys at Audersonville will be released
under this agreement.
Maine and M'C' Tho Portland
(Me.) Press, of Wednesday, speaking of the
results of Monday's election says :
"In the face of that struggle and its re
' 'suit it is perfectly idle to talk of McClellan's
popularity iu this State. It is to be remem
bered that all the Democratic meetings,
were called as "M'Clellau's Hallies." His
'ixiuie supposed to possess magical attrac
tionswas attached to all the calls, and the
people were appealed to iu his name, but no
answering response came hack. The truHi
is, contact with Copperhead ism is enough
to destroy the attractions of the most gifted,
;to render odious the best beloved, and were
t possible for an angel from Heaven to lend
J.imself to that cause, the loyal hearted
American people would ignore him, and de
mand to know at what time he Jell. Me
t'lcllan had no popularity in Maine, and the
votu on Monday proves the fact beyond cavil.
I'roiti (tie Soullivv ...
Washington, Sept. 20, 11 A. M. Dis
patehes received this morning t,Vnin Gun.
iSliurmuii's command, state that Hood ap
pears to be moving towards the Alabama
A strong force of rebel raiders are report
ed to be .operating against Sherman's eoni
lminicati ins, and had eaptuied Alliens. Vi
gorous preparations are luing ma le to over
take and destroy thi force.
lelf. D.ivis is reported to be at Macon.
Ileports have also been received from
Major General Cnnby. Gei:elM Steele lias
been strongly reinforced, and has taken the
Dispatches from General Grant dated at
10 o'clock last night, rejort ho military
The above comprises the substance of
military information proper for publication
received to the present date bv this Depart
ment. E. M. STANTON,
Secretary of War.
JLoral 3ffaiv3.
I j- 11 i:v. . h ii . Tlic undersigned offer a renin!
ul TKN liOl.LAKS for iiifornmtiou (but will lead to
the dise'overy and cuovici ion of the person or person
who haw been tn sp.i.-sin,r, ou bis K.-irdeu und lot,
tiea'iu,; fruit mi l injuring h'n frail rree.s.
i. Jl. MASSl'It.
i;f-Wn.ebes, l'inu Jewelry, Solid Silver-Wurc
ti? . , of ii superior iinility, iidvertised in tbis issue by
Henry lliuper. 520 Arch street, rhilaiblnhiii. Ilea,
sler rive li 1 111 u cull.
'if Sale iik A Bank r.t ii.niMi. Tlie biiiidiiij; i
in Xoribmulieu'-ind. formerly oevupie l u.s thu Illuk- I
iiiii bouse, nnil ri'siiii'ticc of the Caskier of the Haul; i
ol Aoniiuinnermui, hiw iii'i in ni.niio tan, on
, , , , .,
.'lilUl'l.l HM, I ' . 1TI J II 1.1111,114 l-l..lll"IVIIi, I'll lilt
stun ol t'-u th'ie.sintl iivti bundr
-d dollui.-. Thirf prop
ly wool! not have bioulu over cio'Mi1 to"year uo.
U'h tf.uc-liowa ili:il properly i:i looking up iu Noi-;li-utnheiliiiiil.
imi there i no reeson uhy iirljould not,
u.-that pl.iee p' .-,-.. many natural aivin:a;is. The
new N.tti'iual Jl.oik ul Xoiiiiuiiihei'lun I. will oeenpy
the room.- of the late llaiik of .S'ortliuiuhjrlaud. mi I
will &t tuto operation ia u few week.
" r.ocntlU AMI A MoST IIiiIIIIIHI.E Ml llliliK.
A nai?t linriiK
robbery and eld blooded murder
was eoiiiinille l in Miaun. km wnuiiiip, uns couuiy.
on t-aluiiiay lust. .Mr. Lewis (Jbiiiubeilain, a farmer.
liin aboul eijjht miles from this pla. u. kit hit houio
in thu luoriiim; to uttend to some buiniss in i-un
bury, und hi.- rtri-ibiii(hlef left for a ee'ehrati ai ul
ruiiioi, leaving uo oue ut the huuc but Mrs. Cliaui
bvrl iin. Oa -Mf . Ch.iiuberbiia f return home late iu
thu tiftcruuou, hu found everything rpiietubiut tho
houre, und before going iu, euiue of las neihbom
hud conic there to truoiact sumo bui'iness. They all
went into tho house together, but found no ono in.
Search was ma.lo iu the ro m.i for .Mrs. Chanibri
luin, supiKifin that she hud been lakeu siek. nheu
it was discovered thut iho Uure iu druaers an i
Trunk bad been tirokcn open and the comeum gru
erally miplaecd. Tho trunk was robbed of several
hundred dollars, about fifty of which us in i!vcr
and gold.
Alter searching tho house, u I not fin ling Mrs.
Ch.uuber'.aiil, they proene le I t i e ireh Ihe woods,
several hundred yards from the house, where ihe was
found uiost biulally murdered. Tuu uiurdir was
oommi:te.l by rhuuiiu her thruiih llio hea l wilh
shot, supiosed out ot .Mr. C'bumbcrlaiii's gun, whi.-h lyiu be-ido her. She was, no doobl. killed
iwlaiitly, as no signs ufu .truggle were vinblo. An
iii'ineiit ;m held over Ihe body by Ewpiire Yurdy,
and a verdict retidered iu accordance a ilk the
, facts.
The euue of the ubu e dinbolieal umnler was, uo
doalil. to obniiu money, a it wu known that Mr.
Clianib.nlain had neural Ihou-.iud Uullan in his
uvioi-oi vn, iiiiiniu ni.i, ,..'. ...
poe.e.-i. n from hia father a estate, of which bo is the iorwaril p,wder division, setting tire to her
a ImiiiL-truior ; but, foriunatoly, had debited it iu fcia.i ti)llMt though it was extinguished be
Jiauk a few daya previous tu the murder. fori. jj, tiecoine serious, bhe then passed
Mrs. I hambeilaiu win eduemed by all who knew along ltr pint bide, the men of the J.ack
her, us a kind niihbor and g'MKl uitiaen. llor age I uwitiin keeping cool and lighting with des
vu about 54 yeurs. TUUaad bereavement will nu ; peratiou, helping inukets and .tiring them
doubt fall heavily upon the Lusl.aud, whu is oue el , into thu rum's ports, to aa to prevent them
mr luost ruspoeluhlu fanner of i-hauiokiu towu.hip, . liom loaillu their gnus, ttne of the men
ui who ha alwaya been a km I hu.-baud and parent, seeing uolliiug ut bund bcicd a spit-box
and wis ha Ihe .vuipalby of Ihia whole community,
Siuee WTiiUJtf Iho aliove we leain that Edward ,
Jtute aud wit. In i" l"'en eouiruilted to priaou ou
a us'iioiua ef j urptKauug ibe above murder.
f InsiArt - Ike following iatbe number of
kueu ciirullej and ijuvlaa if Iht 4irjerent aub-dialriela
in this evuuty. learn that it it the inlrntiou to
Urult from thine iub-dtolii Ui Uiflicieuciea
r greatest, J thai rery PifcrUufj ke
Hoiiedtliaub dUiiioU wtiieU av-eueayty fllUdi
loe.anpl.te tkeir ipioiaa. The d.laaiwy euu-
tuiy ia f ve .
N o of
I'pper Augilala lp
Lower 4uuia lp
i'auierou lp-
t-uiJt'J UaeUa.
kl 13
llkt ' H
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liJ Is
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:it 44
l'4 it
M". '
( lulu. ijiij. in ti
4 al ui'-uaUluklS.
i'vlaaua li
Me (Mtunatille buf.
Jwk.,n lp
Joldea Us
bsaai !kl .ll ill y If
l.uu lp
I urbuUllla Wtf
I 1 1 r ijs'im'jy lp
.l.ll.l lp
M lioti if
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N..iiiiMkybwl4i.d lavf
tU'b 'p
uau. kin lp.
.i bl
Tuu' ip
i b lp
An) the Merman Wrong- In YVftiit
lug ur IJvndi?
.Not bit of it I No shrewder, thriftier
people, ill matters of money, eaist on earth.
Our Jersey people ami IScw England people
are a frugal, iuduotriou people, but they
can't save money liko the Germans. All
UerniHuy is a great savings bunk. It is true
thai theii working men are not so rich, on
an average, as our working men, because
they don't get more than one quarter of the
wages of our men. But u German can savo
money, and he knows when it is sale. Mow
these shrewd, thrifty Germans want our
bonds. They want them by millions. They
tura aside from the great beggars of the
world in Europe, and cumu to us Republi
cans. They treat the notes of Napoleon and
Joseph aud Maximillian with indifference,
but waut to discount ull thu Amcticun notes
they can get. The Lvmlun Timu says this
is ull wrong that thu Republicans iu Ame
rica are ull bankrupt, and tUeUernui:is must
be crazy to slight British and French beg
gars, uud go begging, themselves, to Ameri
ca. Are they cruity 7 We asked Poor Ki
churd whut he thought about it. "Why,"
said he, "how cau they be crazy, when they
are doing just what I did a little more thun
a year ago, w'hen I put my little savings
into Govcrnmeut six per cents? Mow see
w hat I got by it ; just couut up. I have
received six per cent, in gold, which aver
aged 100 per ceut. iu currency, making 12
per cent, income. Now, to-day, my bond
is salable in the New York market at 10 per
cent, premium. Put these together, and to
day 1 have 22 per ceut. lor one year's use of
mymowy! What do you think of that?
You know, as well as I do, that there are
thousands of people who did this, and to
day they have 22 pe: cent, on their invest
ments. Why, I saw Miss Jones, our school
iiiriu, go to thu bank and buy a $000 bond.
How she got the money I don't know, but
these Yankee schoolmistresses are tirstrate
bauds at taking care of themselves. Well,
now, couut up. If Miss Joins sells her bonds
to-day she gets her $300 back safe, and she
gets ifl 10 clear gain. Can you sharp Jellows
dowu there in William street do any better
You kuowd told Mr. Smith, the banker, my
ideas about thut, and ho bought if3,000 six
per cent, bonds, and you sec lie got 1,100
lor a year's use ol his money. 1 met liiiu the
other'day, and he said, 'Poor liichard you
ure right"; 1 begin to think, the Government
can take care of itself, and us too. For my
part, 1 mean to buy some of the T.iiO's. The
rale of interest is high enough, and in three
years they will turn into six percent, bonds
again.' 'Yes, .Mr. Smith, it is right, olf the
money side ; but it is right on Hie country's
side too. Help your country, or it can't
liulp you. .Now, "l say the Germans are not
only right, but they youtd be light if they
got" liaiV that fnterest. They cannot make a
(purler oi it at home."' So tiiotight Poor
Uicli.ud, and so think we. When we think
of the, German opinion of our situation and
our financial strength, we mast remember
that they are far better judges of our condi
tion than we are, or our enemies are. They
are lookers on. ut a great distance. They
have none of our enmities or prejudices.
They can examine the facts diintere.-.ledly.
They do; and the result is a e:d;ctthut
the American Government is si..o!e its
ability and integrity in meeting its lin.incial
engagements unquestionable. This verdict,
too, is founded on a series of facts w hieli arc
utiimpcaehnlile, and well known to every
intelligent American. Take two or three of most important : 1. The I'nited Slates
doubles its population each twenty-five
years. The population of the coiiu'y. which
in 1800 was twenty-three will in
1875 be forty -six millions. But in.- rebel
lion ! says some one. How much has the
rebellion diminished the strcii::lh of the
I United State f Take this astoui.-iiing tact,
t!iat if all the Heliel Slates had I
in the Pacilio Ocean, the L'nit
en sunk
d States
lo'lal to
, . . ,L.r.., ,.. ,i. . . ... t
that ot the wiiole in lhlii). In other wonl
tilleeu e ns vt ill
eleven i rigi.ud
sapply the total ioss ot the
lietn I Slates '. l:at Call
I i npeile tile
, wealth
ii.i-iv,., ol' a c r.oiljy f 2.
ol tlie coillltre iner iri' l 127
I percent, in ten year.-! .Now lei il increase
I bat SO from ltiiiU to 1370, and it will amount
1 to ten tim. s all ihe loans of the government.
' The German knows w hat he is aoout. lie
wiil get the largest income liom loans in
the m i I. on tuu safest security. No such
nppoilunity has occurred before for the in
vesl incut of money, and in ail probability
will never occur auain. If Ihe American
j does not know and take advantage of this,
! the German and frenchman wiil.--A.
I The ."Viiviil I'i'ltl iu'Jlobi!e EKay-A
l i--- I l-Mt-rlliii.
A correspondent asserts that thcro were
I come important diserepaneies in the ac
counts in the recent light in Mobile Hay,
: and sets himself iibout giving what he
j'aiins to be a correct description. He
I says that it was not the Ilarllord but the
; I'.rooklyn that led the van iu the run past
; fort Morgan, and then, in a sinail compass
; gives us a picture of the action :
i 'When tue ram Tennessee was discovered
coming up the bay, under a full head of
steam, this c.iti-ed the ncsm-Is already ut an-
anchor to prepare in quick order. Thu
i Monongidii la approached to ram, wilh the
intention of running her down, luit by some
! gland u.auiiitvre oi the ram, Hie? .Moiionga-
lu ly merely glanced iihing her side, dis
i charging u'broadside at her, und receiving
i one in return. The rum then stood for the
; l.uikawiiua. C'aptNin .1. 1. Man hiilid. com
i inaiidiiiL' that Vessel. seeiiiL' this, HPproacli-
ed the ram Tennessee. L'o inir at the rate of
i ten tlO) miles per hour, und stiuck her near
I ly amiilships, stunning both vessels, mi that
I they liung together for nearly a minute be
I fore purling. At the same time she tired u
I broadside, iicuttiating ti e J.uckuwuna's
berth-d tk. inakiuu sad havoe among her
uinl threw It into tlio poitliole, Knocking
lu u I lie man trying to hiuil, ut the aulne
tiiiiti sayiuji, "lako that, you il n lelal.
Ami of the rebels, hiokiiiL' nut uf the
rani's inits at the c.iitulu ot' tho bmatlsiilu
gun, suiil, "Fire sway, you il n Yuukeo"
.No .D.uier was it sunt liuu tue guii wis ins
cliurueel luto iinu ul' her porta, blie then
iuaeJ tt-lem ul' thu I.ackawuui w ith thu in
leiitiou tif lukiuj her lore unit ul't. Fur s-
caiiiiiLf this ull Imliiir is ituo Mr. James r ul
ton. iiavma.ter ul the Laekawanit, w lio whs
at thu tiuio stuiiiiiua u tho ouarter doek.
Ho eeueii soveral liiiiakits ami ilisi lmrieil
thum iuto thu lam's teriiiort, irevcutliii
ilien, Iriiin l.,,Un' their t!uns. All wcru
tLar lio. uf tho rum. L-u lt vessel tile-
rWue.l broatUiilu slier limailaiilo L'aiut
her kic'-il her suiokeataiW Hew asy. hlio
thi D lal.l iitr courao for Fori Morgau; but
yow ar lreily urv, tUv was tloomeil not
i.. . l. Ikelorl that la. At lh lilllO
ul,.u ilui l.u:kiaall a.rillk llltf falll. All
tuiial Farsuiit aUmliuu iu ill lui4tui
r,,..'oii uf Lis steuil. ayinii: "Men, l ir
ib., I...i.: lbs buhl L kaii is aiuliiiir."
Ilui .1... ,li,l u,.t sink. lUnUCh hakillkl laal.
Ilef new srrs havl l tauik !l Jjy tu ki u
Lef lioiil goiud ll U
Oil ( rk"Vlls )il-Ul hIh.iU
d,tiiw,uyi ' lot the J'l luul
Fi4iici woiks 4n0 mines, WJ lo
lUlni a, u( uthji I ulit"H Ivl,
Li'4 siuiVi'.'sfs f unuti Uluiuloj
i Uiy
I bn lae to Inform my frltn li and th pohlio
ftPiifrnlly that I hT8 commeitotti the mannraetur
of COAL OIL LAMFd or everr detoriptian and t'.yU
of6obl,at '
N9- 38 6. SECOND 8r., PHILADELruiA
With mjr Tirnent faoiliUes for rnanufiioturhig, and
a practical iprinea of thirteen yearf in tho man
agement or the lamp butineas for abme of the largest
hounoa in the country, I Hatter myself that my np.
rionue and knowledge will enablo mo to offer to tbe
public mods Dot equalled by any in regard to style
nod workmanship, and at prioes eompeung with the
loweat. I ihall ulwnyt end oar or to lead in oflcrlng
to the publio new and useful inventions in our lino.
I have also taken the wholneal e sgtnoT for the tale
of GEO. W. liUUWM i. CO s Celkdratcd Mctal
Tort. A. J. WhlbSNlilt,
Ko. 33 3. Second at., Philadelphia.
Septomtor 24, IBM.
I'o tlio lilcctorn ol' Morlliumber
land County.
DAVINO been Kjlluited by nnmeroo friends I
hereby offer uiwelf to tho people of Northumberland
county aa a candidate for the office of
Should they aeo fit to elect me, I will endeavor to
fulfil the duties of said offiue to tbe lutiofaolion
of all.
Sept. 17, lSu. . JOHN J. S5IITH.
ron uu.vr.
A Furnished Houao from tho lat November to 1st
April to a amall Family without chihlron, on the baek
part of the house, to a reliable aouple who would
tuko care of (he prcmiitefl.
Alao two excellent sloven one a Oas-Burner.
For further particulars ir.quiro at thia office
Kept 24, l'oB4 2t
!' I . I III .V NA III I A i: Sll Of.
fJThe undoralgned having purchased of E. Y.
liright, Esq., his Machine Shop, Foundry, Ac, and
will be ready to roceivo orders about tho 19lh hint .
Anything in the shape of engines, pumps, work for
mines, Ao., will bo attended to. Being a practical
machinist, work will receive personal inspection and
will be attended to promptly.
Euubury, Sept. 10, 1861.
A V A It I .
Ibiving been placed in nomination by the t'nion
Convcnliou of Northuuiberltind Couily for tho oflico
of Member of Assembly from Ibis district, without
solicitation, or even eon-eul. on uiy part, and iudeed
without any desire to inspire to oflicc, I take this
manner of returning my thanks to mv lellow citizens
who have bestowed this unsolicited honor-upon me.
And aince Iho noiuiuation has been thus ununimou!y
tendered uie, I do not feel justified iu declining it.
ami will cheerfully join with my fellow Union c ill
lens in working for, nnd, if possible, electing the
ticket placed iu nomiuHliun ; know ing thu eauae il
represents is a noble one ono w orlby the highest
efforts of every true man and having Iho consola
tion iu ease of failure, of feeling thai my name had
not becu Ihruet upon thu publio nl my srifieitntion.
September .1, 1SS4.
J -A. COB O. B E CK,
And liealcr in
li xv it Kl reel, noii Hi of tt caver's
TNKOUMS tho citiiens of Siinburv and vieinity,
that he has ju't relumed from i'hiladelphiu with a
full assortnient of
l AiM, ami i i- i i:ie .oois,
His atoek consists of Cloths, French Cloths, Black
line Skin and Fancy Cnssiineres. Hliiek Satin. Figured
Silke. Plain and Fancv Cnssimere VKSTlNti.S, which
he w ill make up to order iu styles to suit tho ta.-le of
oustomers, on short notice, aud the most reusouablo
Any Ciooils not on hand, will ho furnished from
Philadelphia, by Kiviu two days' nolice.
(ood furnished by customers will be made up to
order as heretofore.
As he will employ none hut experienced workmen,
persons muy rely on getting their work well doue at
his ihop.
Thankful Tor the patrouaire heretofore bestowed,
he respectfully solii-its it coutiuunucr of the same.
Suiihury. Sept. HI. 1SC4.
SWAbllW twonr three hocsheails of ' liuchu."
Tonie Bitters." Siiryapariila," Nervous An
li1tes.,, Ac.. Ac.. Ac , and after vou are sHtislled
with the resnll. and nnvlox of Oldlilt. Hl'CliAN S
lavlish Speeifu Pills anil be restored to health and
vior iu less than thirty days. They are purely ve
pitiable, pleaasnt to take, prompt end salutary in
their efTei-ta iai the broken down and shattered con
stitution, (lid and youn cnii lake them wilh fid-
vantage. Imported and sold in tm Tinted Stales
only by JAS. S. Ul TLKIt.
.An. i.i liroiilwiiv. ew lorK.
t if' A);onl for tho Tinted Statea.
P. S A Bo ol ihe Pills, securely packed, will
be maMe.1 to any addrcw on receipt of price, whh-k
is UK lx.ll.LAR, poatpaid! money refunded by
the Aj;elil if entire satisfaction is not given.
fccpl. IU, isni .lin
OIl i:(abliKliril
Xo. 718 4AUCII t-trcct,
t; above 7uY, PlIlbAb A
1 have now in store
ufiuvonu luitsirtatiou
pt jl- ..ii , 'imiu mei ,ii -. unv
ol iIih I.AltliKST
.V I l r.......... ......
.iiiost UKAlTll'i'L sc.
lecliuns of
1 nney l ur,
for badiea" and Children's Wear in Ihe Cilv. Ala.),
a tine assort meiit of dent's Fur tilovea A Collars.
As my Furs wero all purchased when iiol i was at
aieu.'h lower premium Ihau at present, 1 am enuhled
to diinoae of them at vcrv reasonable yirices, audi
would therefore solicit a call from uiy friends uf
Norrhuniberluud eoiinly, und viciuily.
Ct Rciuomber the name, Number and Street !
71R Arrh Street above 7th. aouth side.
Sept. 1ft, 1S64 . lim PlllLAIiKLPIllA.
tV 1 lave no Partner, nor connection with any
other More in Philadelphia.
Fall & Winter Goods,
In Zellemayer's BuildinK. nppiaile Uearharl a Con
fuctiouery Slorc, Market street, Sl'NBlRY, l'a.,
HAS just oprned a. well aeleoled assortment of
Uuuda, which be oilers fur sale at very low prices.
FOREIi'.N AMI IiOMESTIC such aa Cloths, Cuasi
merea. Minima, Shaelina, Tiekiujl, Culicuea, Ue
Laiuee, bilks, tiiuhauia Ac , 4e.
II VIM HUll t.'.ta!a off very deaeriptiou.
Cuiuirlinii of Ibwiery, tiluvee. 1 bread, Uultona,
riuaieudiir., Neekiias, 'Cullars. Ilaudkerebivl., lintr
lliuahea. Toulh Hru.hee, f auoy Ua4 Il..
morel ekina, lloup-rtkirU, tam l-Us, I ruuk., .
Iisee, I uibrullu, Coliou Varu, (hi, and numerous
ether ai lie lee too lediuua to aseuuou.
such as Bella, kinxae aad eeiewe, 4'sir latcbae aud
kuuba, and CL'TLkKV uf every dueuripliuu.
Dyis, l'rus, Paints, Varnl.hee, Oils, tilasa,
Putty, Ac, tic.
4)ue-Hvisrs wnal UInsshhiw of
rrry Uerrlall.
Aa eslcneive Blosk of
CuKpuMsl of Dugar, Cofre, T-a Uke, f'.a slan k,
UoIom. C eudiM,, t uk, t b-o- ll, huav,
J. Bk..ja.aaB aVaa 1 still I ill aM .
; r ir.v.cS!i-,
AH 'iviv lekala UsUcs
' f 4 l-4
i iVsry f.;l t'
HA K jmt rtnrnnd ffom Philadelphia with one
of Iho Urn' mid beet selected alocka of lioods
ever brought to Bunbury.
FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. such aa Cloths, Caa.1.
meres, Muslins, Shoelinjra, Ticking, Calicoes, lie.
1 aince, Flannels, and all kinds of MOURN INUeJooda,
Alpscoas, Black Silks, Uinghams, Balmoral nnd
Skeleton Skirts, Canton Flannela, Kankeena, Car
foUsf of all kinds.
Coloprisinn. Hosleryj (Ilovos, Thrcail,' Buttons, Sus
penders, Neck-ties, Collars, Handkerchiefs,
Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, (linn Rib
bon and Cord, tape, crotchet-bruid,
Worked collars, faucy hoad
dresses, tidy cotu.0. carpet
biudiug, oomlia, fancy
soaps, enrpet bags
Trunka, Valises, Vuibrellas, Blank Books, Tapor,
Knvelopca, Ac.
fit yik. is B9 mvA n ft Hi:
Of all kinds, such lis Nails, Hinges and Screws. Door
Latches und Knobs, Lucks, and CLTLKRV ot every
Also, Dyes, Drugs, Paints, Vardshes, Fish,
Flaxseed. nnil Benzine. Oils, (ilass, I'utty. Are.
((ucenswnre 4alasiswarc oi nil,
An Extonsive Stock of
Compiised of Sugar. Coffee, Teas. Rice. Corn-stHrch,
Muccaroni. Barley, Baking-powder, moluivcs. soapis,
caudles, tobacco and segars, Salt, Fish, Meat, Cheese,
Ac, Ac.
Also, a large vurictv of
for Men, Women and Children.
tjlA'All kinds of tlrain and Country Produce taken
in exchange for tlo'ods.
tiive us a eall buforo you purchase elsewhere, wo
are bound to seil as low as any one else.
Store-room in Ira T. Clement's buildinz St tho
south-west corner of Market Square, near Ibo Court
Sunbtiry, May 21, 1801.
Sunbury High School,
"IVILL re-open in the old Baptist Church, on Ihe
f llrst day of August. The course of in.-truction
embraces all the branches taught in Academies aud
Seminaries of Ihe highest grade.
For Langnnges ancient and modern includ
ing all other branches, ?I5 00
Natural Seien-cs, Algebra, (leometry, etc. 'i 00
Advanced Uranimar, (leography. History, Ao., 12 00
Rudiments of above, 10 00
Primary. 8 00
Incidental expenses, 60
Tuition payable quarterly in advance.
Xo deduction made for lost lime.
Pupil' enn enter at any time, and will only bo
charged from tho date they enter.
For further particulars apply to Ihe Principal,
Sunburv, Augi ;t fl, 18f.4. If.
urn & mmuM
)InrU-l ..(iiare,MMtl KV, I'n
A INli ju-l relumed from tho Cily wilh an en
ure new slock ut
ItruN, i'likmi'ilN, lVrliiicry uul
'I'oiEsi'l Artivlt';
towhiuh licinvitca h'w frieiuli) nnd the jiuMic jffner
hIIv. tu call imJ examine. Thu Iru; nntt Me-iifiiu-s
iirt-all (fcU-cUa! t'rim tho tift iiii kjiI in hu-crt in
Iho Ka?h-m uinrkut with the ri'ntint care ai U puri
ty iirxl clhTitn:y and avoiding n much j-oinibk',
tlic iutr.iductii'ii ul' dcteriuud ujftruin.
Of all kinds, such as Aycr's, Jaynus, McClintock,
Jlolloways. YVitdiarts, liooflaiids, 'Sehenks. Brown's
and all olhor pojiuliu- patent uiwUeines, always on
Hair, Tooiii, Nuilf Clothe und Puiut Brushes.
Special euro ii tuken to keep uu Laud constantly
1 very vai iety of
S.ii'.ablu to ihe trade.
Funey Toilet Articles nnd the numerous articles
whieh are generally kept lu a well conducted estab
lishment. Iu connection wilh also keeps
on haiel a lare assort iiienl of S'f ATIO.XKK V, such
us Paper. Kinclopea, Pens. Pencils. Inks, .to,
ljiM Physiclini s prescriptions and fiiuiily receipts
compounded wi:h the greatest accuracy and di.puteb,
at ALL ilui 1!S Mayor Nhrhl.
Keuiember the place, M. ii ket Siiiurc, uuder the
oflico of Uie "Sunbury American.'
It. A. FIStllKR.
Sunbury, June 2j, lSiil.
iaiuiarciitt! t'oiirl-.ot-f li-ni Iiiti-i-I
ol" leins..vl vniiiii.
"VTfTICM is hereby given that tho Supreme Court
X for Iho Norlliern liisiriet of Peniisylvnnia, will
eommeuec its annual session on tiie first Monday of
Uotober ucxt,-al the Court House in Siinburv.
Cll A lll.i:s lLKAnA N'TS,
I'roth'y Supreme Court Xui thern Dist., Pa.
Scptombcr'lO, lsfil.
List op Cai-sks Fun Auiii jikst at Oct. T., 114.
1 Feyler vs l.ovo A Powell, Lycoming county,
2 iiewart vs Clemeiit, North'd county,
a V ondei ly s Roland. m Lycoming county,
4 Sloannker vs Unrret. Bailey A Co. do.
6 Spalding vs Audiews. do.
Mutone, etnl vs Solister et al North'd county.
7 lienuct A wife vs Kulincr aud others, l.yc Co.,
5 Xippcnuse tettiirhip Jersey Shuro Borough.
Lycoming county.
Sup. Court .Vurthcru iJist. l'a.
Sunbury, Sept. 10. 18151.
I.acKiiwiiuuu iV ItluuiiiMlaurj;' ICttil
ON and after Jan. lbth, 18C4, Passenger Trains
will run ai foil jivi :
4.211 1
" liaiivillo,
Arrive at Northumberland, O.i.'i
Leave Northumberland, 8.110 A. M
lianville, Kill
" Rupert, 8.4U
" llbiuiburg, W a i
" KiiiKsi.di, 12 12 P.M.
Arrive al S,'rtu.toii, I ,;io
Freight APaiener leaves Blounisliur(. 10 15 A. M.
PasaeuKers lakiujj the Mall Train South eounect
with the Kxpress Iruui from Northumberland, arriv
ing at llarri-bur,'. et 2 an A. M , Bullimure 7.1"! A.
M , and at Philadelphia, at 7. Ull A. M. The Mail
train from Northumbei-land leaves imuieUmlely after
thu arrival of the LspreM train from ilsrrnbur); aud
Baltimore. alluwiiiK I'asseuer. leaiinir PhiUileiehla
at IU 40 P. M , U reach hiiiiIs uu thu road during
the ileal forenoon.
New aud eleaut Sleeping ears accompany the
niht Iruuuvacb way between Norihumberiuud and
Baluiuoro, aud Nurlbumberlaud and I'hiladi Ipbia.
I). 1. UOIND. SupU
AlliBlonu .Mllilury 'ullef,
Rev. M. L. lliil'KOKH. A M , President.
Major i. l.CKKM'Hllr'r', bupuruitoudeul of the
.Military lcpurlmuil.
AI111IS lu.llluliou, uharUrod by Ihe Slate of Pcun.
aylvania wilb lull I'oliuji.le pow.ia, will uneu
it. uval asreaion, hvpt lilh. r.vary laellily Uallurded
nr an l.nliih 1'liu.ieal, Scieblilic.aud Mililaiy edu
esllou uuder Ihe beal uf instructors. I' units are re
cited iu Ibe Primary, l'riaruiry and Cullcginte
iseiiarluieulji. Jr or uiiculars addruas the PreeiJvut,
July Ji, ob. 2m
(Nureessvr la Ma a r A- ra )
No. fit M AUK tT Sirtel riHLAirLI'UIA.
IvlALr R leKlnallold and Silver WATl'IIM ,
I liu.o.ud JKW U HV riolid MLVkM WAHK
aud Ibe beat or hlL . H PL Till-W A It K Con
Maully uu keu4 laigeawuftuiuolul Ibe above gooda
al lo piuwa.
M alekM and I'me Cloeka, RapaireJ. ky skilful
ofbui.a, alau, Jewelry lupalrmi ; Lne'iatiug auad
sll km. Is ul tUll laoik k or.Ua, al atul a-aie..
I ) Is I hstg-.i Ute 44 suiij, N. U Meakel
all Ml, pbiladtlpkia.
si III, ink
v o"Vr7r7vl7i
A Treat's r I taettavr ltisaj, loia Ties
wiud bsii oaii.iaiu4 eisuitl m as t m tui Imikef
U 9 MA."
K.urr --
pi caa'
The CNLV reliable self-Adjusting Wringer.
Ko Wood-Work to Swell or Split.
No Thumb-Screws to get out of Order.
Warrantod with or without Cog-Wheela.
It look the FIRST PRKMICM at Fifty-Seven Stale
and Cou my Fairs in Irtti3, and is. without an excep
tion the best Wriiijrer ever made.
Patented in the United States, England, Canada,
nnd Australia.
Sample Wringnr sent, Express l aid, on receipt of
Knergotio agents can mako from 3 to '.0 lullar per
No. 2, .50. No l.tfT.SO. No. F.ltf.M No. A.JU.50.
Manufactured and sold, wholesale and retail, by
No. 13 Piatt Street, New York, ami Cleveland, Ohio.
'that Iron well galvanized will not rust ;
Thatasimplo machino is belter than a complicated
one I
That a wrleger should be selfailjusling, durable,
and efficient ;
That Thumb-Screws and Fastenings cause delay and
trouble to regulate and keep iu order ;
That wood bearings for the shaft to run in nill wear
out ;
That tho Putnam Wringer, wilh or without cog.
wheels, will not fear the clothes;
That eng. wheel regulators are not essential ;
Tliat the Putnam Wringer has all Iho advantages
and not oue of Iho difUilvnntncs above iiame.t :
That all who have lusted it, piotiouuco it the best
Wringer ever mnde ;
That It will wring a Thread or a Bed-Quilt without
nl tern lion.
Wo might (111 the pnper with testimonials, but in
sert only a few to convince the skeptical, if such
there be ; and we savto all. test Putnam's Wringer.
Test it THOitOruHi.Y" with ANY and ALL others,
and if uot entirely suti.-frotory, return it,
Pi t.iam MASirrACTrntMO Co:
Gentlemen; I know fi-om prnclical experienco
that iron well aralvauizcd with vino w ill not oxidize
or rust ono particle. The i'ulniitn Wringer is as
near perfect ns jaissiblc, and I can oheorfully re
commend it to be tlio best in uso
llospecttullv yours,
.1X0. W . WllilLLKR. Cleveland. Ohio.
Many years' experience iu tho galvanizing busi
ness enable mo to iudorsc Ihe ubuve statement iu all
No. 101) Bcikmau Struct.
New York.Januarv. I Kill.
Wo have tested Putnam's Clothes Wringer by
praclicul working, and know that it will do. It is
cheap ; it is simple ; n requires no room, whether at
work or at rest ; a child can operate it ; it does its
duty thoroughly ; it saves time and it saves wear
and tear. We earnestly advise all whohao lunch
washing to do, with intelligent persons who have any,
to buy this Wringer. It will pay Tor itself in a year
almost. Hon HORACE URKL'LL'Y.
Juuu IS, ISO!.
The Secretary of the Treasury gives notice that
autiscriptlims will lie received for Coupon Treasury
Notes, payable three years from August 16th ism,
with semi-anuual interest at the rale of seven nnd
three-tenths per cent, per annum. principal and
iulercst both to be paid iu lawful money.
These notes will bo convertible at tho option of I
the holder at maturity, into fix-pcr cent, gold bear- :
ing bouds, puyablo not less than five nor more than
twenty years from their date, os the governuict mny
elect. They will bo issued in denomi nations of Soil, i
f 100, J iOO, ?1,"II0 and f 5.1101a, and all subscriptions!
must be tor fifty dollars or somo multiple of fifty j
dollars. . I
The notes will be transmitted to tho owners free of !
transportation charges ns soon after the receipt of .
tho original Certificates of Deposit as they can be j
prepared. J
As the notes draw interest from August 1ft, persons, 1
making delists subsc'iuent to that ilato niu.t pay i
tbe interest accrued from duto of note to date of i
Parties depositing twenty-five tli-.usind dollars
and upwurils for these notes at tiny otio time will be
allowed a coiniuAiion of onu-'juarterof ono per cent.,
which will be paid by the Treasury Department upon
the receipt of a bill for thu amount, certified to by
the officer wilh whom the dejiosit was made. -No
deductions for commissions must be made from thu
S!'ei:il Advillilsiui'M uf tltisi I.onn.
It is a National Sa vises Rank, offering a high
er rale of interest than any other, and the Ae.r srra.
riy. Any savings bank which pays its depositors iu
1'. S. Notes, eousi.lers that it is paying in Iho bc.-t
circulating medium of the country, aud il ciinunt
pay in anything belter, foi its own assets are either
in government securities or in notes or bonds payable
iu government paper.
It is equally oouvenicnt as a temporary or pcrmn.
nent investment. The uotes can always be sold tor
within a fraction of their face and accumulated iutc.
rest, and are the bust security with buuks as colla
terals for discounts.
In addition Ui tho very liberal interest on the notes
for throe years, this privilege of conversion is now
worth about three per cent per annum, for tho cur
rent rate for i-20 Bonds is not less than nine yrr
rent, premium, and before tho war tho premium on
six per ceut. I. S. stocks was over twenty per cent.
It will bo seen thut the actual profit ou this loan, at
the present market rate, is nut leas thun tcu pur cent,
per annum.
But aside from all tho advantages wo huee enum
erated, a special Ajt of Congress exempts all lands
and Treasury notes front local taxation. Ou the
average, this exemption is worth alaiut two per cent
per anuuui, according to the rate of taxation iu vari
oua parts of the country.
It is believed ibat uo securities offer so great In
ducements tu lenders as those issued by the govern
ment, lu ull other forms of hidvbteducM, the faith
and ability of private parties, or stock companies, or
leparato communities, only, is pledged for payment,
while Ihe whole property of tho country ia held
to secure the discharge of all the obligations of thu
Vnited States.
While the government offers the most liberal terms
fftr its loans, it believes-that the very strongest appeal
will be to tbe loyalty and patriotiam of Ibe people
Duplicate certificates will bo issued fur all deptwtta,
Tho party depositing must endorso uNin Ihe origin,
al certificate Ihe dcuominalions of Uoles rtuired,
and whether they are to be issued in blank or paya
ble tu order Wheu ao endorsed It must bo left wit h
the officer receiving thu dejiosit, to be forwarded to
the Treasury Deiutrlmeut.
Subscriptions will be received by the Treasurer of
Ihe l ulled Slates, at Washington, the several A
alstutit Truuaurera and doaigimlcd Dejaiailariea, and
by tho
I'lratt .Viliisuul llnnk ol' Milton,
.! by ull .ullouul lluialtai
which are depueitariee uf Publio laouey, end all
asai-ei rvsrs sisas sis tusskas
througluMtt the country, (acting aa agent uf ihe Na
tional Dcpuaiiury Bank.,) wiil furniah further infor
mation on application aud
August 10, Ml.
suscuj kiTa nn a "r km Tl k
(J O li Ij H (J K,
t'. 1st.ltOt i:, Sataytli-r I'm.. Ia.
fpilK Fall ! of 1 1. 1. !n.llluif eoieweaeae
1 lIllbM'AV. A1 ilr ink. lee win
Hwu.auaih llikef
HUMS I Llt rsr.MuS tif WPEKHs
) buaidiurf. Vf siana. K"'Ht foal
aud lujibl, auTlul.u u ut all la. ii" al Hi.-.. -a el
Ike I'- ilrial, ' u't 111 '
A libra al kwslecueMi 4 IU Ww wf Ike l'.a slia
bf uff ava 1 1M.
let ltl paxUWlIS, e I liaalaaa aplly k
fa luill fl
Wt -. i
t.t.t il
rni wonui's oarir itrirmT o
Scrofula and Scrofulous Dlsnosos.
From mry Edit, a rell-tnotvn tnercAtmC of Ox
ford, Maine.
"I liars sold lar;,f quantities of your SmisaP
ItlLLA, but never yet on laittle which failed of the
dcth-cd effect and full satiafaction to those who took
It. Aa fast at our people try It, they areo tin ro has
been no medicine liko it befuro iu our uonuuuuity."
Eruptions, Pimples, Blotohos, Pustulra, TJ1-
cers, Sores, nnd all Diseases of the Skin.
From tir.v. lull, titration, ltrinl,1, England.
" I onlv do my duty to you aud tho pablie, when
I add mv testlinnny to that you piibllsh nf the nio
dielnnl virtues of your S.MtSAP.Mtn.i.A. Mr daugh
ter, afred ten, bad an sHIicllir.' humor In tier tart,
eyes, and hsir for years, which wu wero unable to
euro until no tried your Saiisaparilla. She has,
been well for some mouths."
from Mm. Jane ti. Met, a mil-Known oral miiefc-
titremal truly of Ienniarill, Cape May f'o., .V, ..
11 My daughter has annVre.l for a year pant with A
scrofulous eruption, which was very IrmiMesonio.
rsothintf afforded any relief until wo tried your
BAiiSArAlilt.i.A, which soou completely cured her."
From Charlf . (iayr., f'urj., nf the ici'tcy Inim
Cage., Mtirnni if (,i., mniufacturtrt of enamelled .
pTiers in Aa..Au'i, ,V. .
" 1 had for suveral years a very tronblesnma
Aumor In my face, wbli-U trretv eoiinlantly woo
until it disliurcd my features and became an intol
erable alMletioii. 1 tried utmost every tiling a mail
could of both advice anil iiieilleine, but without any
relief whatever, until I took your SAi:s eAi;ii.i..
It liiimedintely nude my faee worse, ns you told mo
It inirht for a tliuoi biit hi u few weeks the new
skin bewail tu form uuler tho blotches, end con
tinued until my faee is us simiotli as anybody's,
and I am without any svmptoms of the iliseiea thai
1 know of. I enjoy perfect health, nud without a
doubt owe it to your oai;sai'"
Erysipolas Qeneral Debility Purify the
From Tr. Holt, .lavin, Himsfoa St., Xin York.
Int. Aykii. I seldom fat il to remove Emotion
and Xcrofui'Hi .Sore.i by the persi'verinir in-e of your
ri Ki.rAil.l.A. and I linvejust now cured nn atuu-k ;
of .fiii,7'i;iii . with it. No alterative wo I
posacBs' uipials the Saiis vi'Aiai.I.V you have sup- j
plied to the profession as well as tu t lie people." j
J-Vom J. K. Juhnitton, -.'.'., Walmnnn, Ohio.
" For twelvo years, I h vl the yellow Krysl'1aa i
on my rluht arm, during whlefi lime 1 tried all tho
celebrated physician. I could reach, and took buu- j
dreds of dollars worth ot medicines. The uleera
Were so bud that tue corns iioeamo visinic, ana tho
dtiftor (Ici'iilfti thiit mv nrm nuitst bv unnii
imputated. I
n tukm.Tour .n Kir(Hiiai... toon two
tli'M, mitl Honit of your I'll.i s. Together tlniy Imro
curt'il mu. I nni now welt and nnu ml .ih any liurfy.
lichi In iniblin plac, my ntw: i known to t-vory
botly iu tlun cuiinuuuity, uuil excites the wonUcr of
J-nvm iron, tli nrif foMrn, . P. P., of Xnrrat?ct
C M'., a leading Member of the CaiuiUiaii I'arlia
I lmvc nr mur ST.SAr.ntl.t,A tu mv ffiinlly'.
for jft-ncriil ih f'i)iftit ami fur pnrit'mttg the blood,
with vri v U'li' ii i fl results, mi l feci coulideucti in
Couiuieuuiu it to the uniklcd."
Bt. Anthony's Fire. Hoso, Salt Bheum,
So aid Hoad, Soro Eyes.
from TTarrcy SlrUcrt A'., the able editor vf Ad
TunkhuutuH'k J nun-nit I'etttistylvanin.
"Our only fliiM, nlnut tlitvc yMr'i of n, ws
Sttackfil by iimpieHou ' lon-!n :ul. TIm-v ripi'Ily
spread until thty fomu il h loatliHomo anj virulent
nor1, w hich covi-reil his fun's nnd notually blinded
bin cyca for Mme dy. A skilful physician applied
nitrate uf silver and other ivinetlicB. without any
nppiirrnt etlect. For tirteeii days we guarded hia
IihikIh, lent wilh them he atiould tear open the fes
leriu Mnd corrupt wound which covered his whole
face. Having tried crery tiling duo we had any
liope from, we lie'an iviii your,
and applying tho iodnle ol potuth lotion, aa you
direct. The ioro Ikx-i" ht id wheu wu had iveu
tlic lirst bottle, aud wu well when we had iiuished
tlie Bccond. The chiltt' eyi-lnhct, which hail como
out, rewTig:iiu, and lie iMiowmt healthy and fair
an any other. The whole ucihuorhvod predicted
that the child mubt die."
Syphilis aud Morouriol Disease
From Jtr. JHram Stf-iit, of St. Louis Mittnurt,
' 1 find your aS.VK.sAi'.itliXA a nur cH'ecturxl
remedy for the neeand.iry hviiiptotint of SyidtUis
aud fur syphilitic diheai-e than any otlu r we poaiseK.
The profesi-iuii are rmkMud to you lor soiuu of tho
U'jtt incdicmea we have."
Vom si. J. French, .If. fin eminent ;fty.rf'i of rtiice, Aftitt,, who in a prominent intmOvr vf
the J.eijUhiture of MttsMchntttt.
Dlt. Aykii. My dear Mr: I havo found your
SAitsAi'AKii.l.A au cxcelletit remedy for phitigt
both of the primary and wcondary type, and ell'ee
tual iu pomu canes that were too ottHtiuate to yield
to other reineilies. 1 do nt know what we cau em
ploy w ith more certainty success, where a power
fu I alterative 16 reipiirLil.'
Mr. Chan. S. Ian litfj of Xcw rrurwie?;t X. J.t
had dreadful ulcers on his h -gs, cauKrd by the abuso
of mercury, or mercurial disut&Vt which grow moro
aud more iiravated for yearn, iu snito of every
remedy or treatment that could be applied, uutil tho
IHTseviriujriiseof Ayku's SakAIVUH.i.A relieve,!
din. Few cased can ho found mre inveterate aui
di.-tivoMir tlian thin, aud it took several duieu
bottled to cure, him
Iieucorrhoca, Whites, Fomulo Weakness,
are peuoraliy produced by Internal -Vn futon
cerutimt, i.nd arc very tvlli'ti cured by the alteriUivo
ctl'eet of lU'iA Sai:saiahm.i.. Some eases reipure,
liowevir, in aid of the'AKUXA, tho gkiliul
appheatiou of bcal remetlii.
Front the xrelt knwn mut trid' fjt ceh bratcd Vr.
Jitcob .)irrV.', vf Cincinnati.
11 T hnvf(.ut.dyoiirfeltsArAiULLA an excellent
alteratne iu dicitNci of females. .Many cimea of
lrrettl irity, l euctirrlmM, Iiiti runl ITcefation, and
locnrdehility, aribiu fniiii the aerofuhiuH tli.itliois,
have vietdi d to ll.iiud them aiv few that do not,
wheu'ttaeiTi ct U properly uied by local treatment."
A Ui ly, untcilUtit to ttlioio the. puLlication qf her
nrnnr, writt r
My daughter nnd mywll' have been cured of a
ery debilit.itiu' l.e.ietirrhiea l lon fctaudiu, by
two bottles of your SakvU-auilla."
Rheumatism, Gout, Liver Complaint, Dys
pepsia, Heart Disease, Kouroltfia,
when caused bv Scrofida hi the system, are rabidly
cured by this K.vr. Saksai'aiulla.
popsosa so many itilvnnt.ti'R ovor the othor
jiuritivos in tlie market, ami their superior
virtues nre an universally known, tliatwe need
not ilo more tluin to iicsure tlie imlilic their
quality is Maintained equal to the best it ever
has been, and that they nuiy he depended on
to do ull thut they have ever done.
l'rei.ared by J. C. AYKU, Jl. D., 4 Co.,
Lowell, Mass., and sold by
Sibl bv Fnling A lirmit. Sunbury,
II. Mi-Coy, Norlhuuiboihiud,
Aaron llarrol, lClvsburx,
'- It. Kut7.iuT. .Sliiimokin,
J. 1. II n.-uf. Wutsoiitimn.
And by nil ilfnlvrs in Medic iun everywhere.
Augoit Id, lstil ly
I ll'Et'Tl'ri.lsY Inf'ui ins bor Irii-nilsin Sunbury
X' ami viuiiiity. lliat alio bus nfini-l a Xuw Smro
ol N'iiius nd liiiey di V jti U, iu Market treet,
tour dt"rii we.-1 ot V m. 11. lilUr 3 lh.ot una iiue
store. Her rtnek coufinin i.i Ti .lutiiinv. i.-u.mih. tiu
bmiderieH, L'lia-uiul Children1 h its ttnd ehukers ;
ii Ik Mild other lining, Lhwu. .tiinhnii, Ct-reL-,
Httopkirttf, Cnqo nud L.neo Veil; Nets, pluvo,
mucking, collars, unj eoneit, mid uimiy other urti
eles for ladtea ttud freiillciuen ; all of which will bo
Bold ut the lowest viices KATK ULAt'K
tSuubury, May 111, IntU.
B A Z A R .
Corner t" .'vlurKa-l Siuuru .V Itail.
ICuail Mni l,
S I' N 1J V K Y , 1' K X X ' A.
Of tba uawest stylt-a. aul by Hit- beat Ai lists, tiiuiuied
and u.m.Io iiiuul la cuatuiu woik, aul Mill al Ibu
luww.1 price.
.l. il anil lloa ( lolhliajf "f ibe r-i mv
tvrial rolialalilijt uf lliea Ca!r, KriK-k Coil . k
Coals, I'ai.u, au 1 eau ol v.iicu. koior. aud tuli
tua. UKNTI.VMI.X'S Fl KM-H'N'l ii(U!,
aueh a Sbiria, Hver-.biiia. 1'i.iUi.l.iila. In.aer.,
I'oll.ra, Ciouia, Nwiallea, llaoakiitbiiila.Moekiiia,
Ulvita, Au.
Ilui lintl l'llaa of tall lalataU.
tOUTS AS'lifllof.", lltl'.N'h'!, VAI.ISLS, l.M
III! FIX AS. and NT1"X' uf all kludi, and tiuuio.
loua salt, r rrn.dea
1 h. pul.llo ar. lutllil lo tall ari l tlauima I I
U.ui.Uilxsr iho plaev. Cuoliiin.i.l ( 1 1. m at ."l..i.."
tmuti il Usiksi r-.sus ml IU V I II II
n i niAiir
Paaumv, July 1,11
riVU ASAt"MU.U. KNullAMNii
Urn ii-l VI. id kVsf I . 4.1.1 r. U. ji u a . i a .1- .a I na . , 1 1,
Addiwa ! i-IAM'il li,
t irsi .r . r r-
f.'t '.Mi. -
i (ito. W. Synn. Ciui. 1). Or.srntn.
Mirkot slroet, oni rlcjr cast of Mrs. Euultou's Hotel
3XJNBUKY, 3?.,
Have optn- t
, Slir't Iron nnil Store Sloi(ti
unrf Witeu'l kenpiijf rfn"tt-tttl v &n htai, tui ujij.i'
fuotuiiii iu oidtr on shoiUU notice,
TIN' A0 SHIXT nl! dosc.Uwo-I
A Lttrg Hlufil- of Cvik .Lovenof th? following Uracut-;
tV Hi i.i m tnn, Prnnny". rnl-t.
Niagara Cook Stove,
iitiaiiipaicJ lor buauty of finish, f'mplipiiy nf ar
r .iiiiuiu'nl. unii'liiiiiiji .baiiiea :iiiH tlura it v. on-l
ei'h sl.iv.i nai'i'nii'.ed to iiuriunu v.liat tin y am ri
prt'siMiti 1
A'l.S'i. i'AKI'l! fiT.rl nVKICK STOVE-', in ;-.
vsi itity. I'lii'.r.'u il'ir all die bust rumiLtiiitiii-. ai.-.l
Must fiisjii ni'ililc Ji'jilia
(.'wiil (Pll. ":tl Oil I.anisi. KSniOt-s,
('hii.iciii'ss, iiek! nil arli l'
miiis!i:.I!y l:i't I In mi es.tn1ili.siuautt of tliis kitni. Wo
mu: isu 'ii-iiaVi'.l l.i .In nil kinJ- ol .-'jioiilini;. I'-mfiti''.
I'm!!1 m il riiriiai-r: Wm-k. tins Killing. Au. lU.uii
inir fhi-aiily and in-uLly t'.i.MU'iivi.
1'iiini'ry 1-ri.ducu lukuu in er.-jhuuc ut uiuiket
Jliiro tin- Ai.ti'V fur HI IIH'S Clli.Klii: A'l'lCO I' l l'.K
1'I.At'l. I'J I'.S. ,,r tin' Ci.uiitii.-s of .NuitUuuibiii
l.ui'l. fSny.lur. Vnioii aiitl .Muntniir.
Ai '1 imi niiu iii-n:. lor ibo lMoLur A 'iiluvr
I.iti.. 'I run.-ftortaiioi!.
Sun ury '.i, 1!!.
Cinin r .Markul sircot ami Murkut Siiiuri:,
At knowlodgfcil a rirat Cliii-'a ilouao. .
' ri-IMV Proerietor wo
ul.l imi.: ri'-i'irt fully rail tlio
iti"iis ot .ni.l.urv iiimI the siir-
I ,, ,., ' , f
' ,. . .
rouuiltnic voimtry, to Ihi.' a-otuMitnliitioris of lii-i
liouso. assuring lln-lil tlii-y ill tiu.t ewrytbiiiK that
! oau emiti ibutc to tlii'tr coinlort. It is .ituiitvl fur
enuuuh lroin tht' Dopot to avoiil tbv jioisu uinl uoiifu.
. siuu inoiili'iit to ruilroiiil stuliotis, anil ut tbu auutu
: timu only a few niimiti-s vnlk friiiu tbi-sinne.
; An liuiniliiisill bu fttiuiii at tbu Stutiijus on tlic
. arrival ol uacb Iriiin
! C. II MANX, Prumii lor.
I April 9, 1S01 lim
ViilCzoii:-l Will Claim OKIits.
Washinirton. I). C
411 Ninth t-niKf-r.
0ii'iui lVn-iou (.Mlice.
K'ulli.ilii- I !'
Clnvelntvl, Ohio.
Xn 1. l.VMAN s I'.LoCK.
Xi-ar I lie Court lloudu.
Army 41-riitl.
lunl colIooU
l'ritiuoney and uU other
Oliiinia, Ve ny espceial tittontiu to eliiiir. ia
which other nttorneve Iihv 1" A i I . J. I , or which havf
been M Sri'.N 1I-.I'. have already e.ille. te j
and Vft'l t ioldier. and their heirs over $.i)0,.
Ooit. nnd are jitiyinjr thousand.- daily. N't elciro
unh -y siieee.-j.-lul. Write us. and io will aeud you a
co'V of our mier. free.
UK CClAAX i liuin 1 uu to ?!.) CihU Bounk.
We do our bti.-i:ie. V 1TI1H T W.LAV
Anril 1', lrti'.i
at tlic .Sioru of
I ?. & I.. SIllSSJ.EJf.
! Markft .iuarc. Sl'.N UfllY. PA.
Tlic Mi-i.f I! A L. tbi-k-r. tmv in r-m.i-.-i'.l llu lr
esriibli-limi'i'.l to inure i-ouiiini'lious ni-.l omii rnii-nl
rni.ius. oi.i: iloiir nb-ivv ti.cir foriui'r locution, inf irm
tbi ir friimls uiul vustoiii'TS. t!i it ti.-y tuivi- r--.-i i-it
, nnil just filn-noil a cliiiii-c ainl wi1!! .i-li-iri'-l mshi i
m.nt i.fMlI.I.INKIlY AND i'AXUV liUlULS, in
cluilin evei-y at 10 of
I Mi.3 VV sM.Is KIN DS,
' and nil ulbt-r ailiol.-s iu Uu ir ilui.', n Li .b mil bo ii hl
! Countrv pruilitoo of all kioiU tukon iu oxobauo at
ca;h priij.h.
! ,uuub'iry, April 0, 1SJI.
rjill' undorsigncil (IimiUt in -Tool from Iht fnlbiw
X ini ni-li known Colliorii-s is prp;,icl m ri'-.-i-ivo
oidri-a the eanio at Iht Lowest .M.irkct l'.alcs, viz:
M!)i;i)i:C'AI'.S DIAMOND Ml.N'K
llu i.-. also prepared to furnish tbu
lal(:iiiii - w'n 4'-i-li'ctl-l 4'wal,
I.'mi uinl I'rijtirt'l,
On Ibo line of the Sua iichiiiina l!ivi-r and Ilavro do
liracc. llu biu tuiidu arriitigi'Uieiits lor Ibo bi'Mi
VbioU he is -.rppar.-d to deliver on board Io;ita nt
Xurtbuiiibcrliiini. or by Curs over Northern Coutrul
KailvoHil. und ou the iinu uf tbu I'biltuii'lphia aud
Krie Hnilroud. on thi- bvst ti riiis.
llu is prepuruil to till all Orders with di'spau'.i. u&J
nvspt-i'ttully solioiis orlirs fi tin- Trade.
April u, ifl. Noribuuibciluiid. l'a.
George Hill, Simon P ktox.
Atloi'iir.l.uiid ( oiiiini-Ioi-i. at l.aiv.
Office, Market atrcet, eor. Cenlru Alley,
Ihh attend prouiptley to Ihe colleetion of claims
1 r
uiitl ull utber rotVivitiiinl hu.-iut . ina tilled to
I tbeircare in Xoriliuuibi-rliiiid andadjoiuiiigoouulies.
ullhury, Januuiy J.I,
Allrnllon, Luiiira mid (ieitt li'im-n I
Iu Deer street, opposite tho Central Hotel,
Ql DYFK1.Y, La. i.peued a new I'i.iure (Inllrrv
O. iu ilie ab.n o pliu-e, and is pri pand lo l.iku
IVirtruils iu ll.bLst ktyle and uiauin-r
AM IIK1.1TY l'i: AXD l'lliilOu!tAl'llS,
aretaken In e i-rv nylo it ibe Art. ihul eai.i ol ba
am passed ill tlie Male. Ibiniv a.-M-ral rr'a vpv-rti-lH-e.
be aill ive s.ii.-t.u-:i"0 or lui i-bai .;e.
Copies i!l hi Ink- n fiolu ill sl vli a i l I'ielun s.
tuvo bitu a call. lW-iuiiuber opjsite tbe t i-ulial
Sunbury, Juno 1, tsril.
lul,'!l i:al-Iuli I'cllre Co.
U tJ FOT i
l-i Iteade Street, New York
Tha a!.1-. Company are known all ov, r tbe v nil 1
a ll.e oa in ra oi itie I '.Ui-e riiilit.tii.i s nt .la'- aaiiil
, llutLtln ill ibe iit4-!i l.n.t luitu-a tilidiiiv lite ..rb.L
Uinlioii..iiit'l ,"l t -ti mi tin1 Ijli.i i'.
'Ibe under. ,11. .-. iwlm I., Hp;shifi.1 ibrlr .,t,
Ajtmi hi lb' I Intel Mailt an t it. ine Hn'i-h
liii-ai wilt li e tor a tie tiin-t-.1 ;l rvt.i kin is ,, l,.
!-. alin-li. I'.r r. i.u..ti it v fl r.ia-lo aud elt 4ii. s. ,if
li.'. WMI illl, -.H,i. I . .11
i Uji 1 iii'nu i! ii.irr Kf.'ie lnir.ltt -v t in
tbi C.iui.'r bal uii-ii'ln ' f uso U' In tin us sn
.Vllliv u! Fulope, l.d l Is fit t .1.11 .1. will fu pu' ii,
at pneM tu i i-M. b ad inuisiLi it mid mir F i. a ,f . . u
mil be lb. Mni.inu li iiiuiii I . r-r oi iti- .n
ttvaillb... for a. .'..iiitii ' .aui.i4 i.; .-, i.. :i
biitlea. and iiotetinui-t.t l'"tilia o.i., ,aiiiUi li.
aa-t draauilor l.-.(n.
Oruer. 'il tifl Hit r- ripl of e. (!, fnuipi.
1 Usti lil at Jl:t l4.
! A I II I'M X.
j la lt.U o i..i S. i.-.k
I tfie A.. i.l. Il 1. 1, I v....
1 AM tm a. I..
'lit. ut. I. i.i.-.
I aill nil .1 ,.i..i. a.l. 1 IU
lt-il i i I , l.iid .i l. In . I. U. II..
bul 1 it. l .i. . . I a ill lu . I
wl ll. I' L.' Il -,L Usi-i'4 l 1 "4. i )
M..-4. li. iij. a. .,ii. i.ii . .i iu.d
til Uut iti.J In... . .u.u iu tt. u .
I ..Hi a l ii. c. i....ftt . li. . let ii. let is.'!, i i-.'t v.". .
I I 1 1 I r Me
ii II II
It t li b' HI! la
flwiaa lulin Ut Cai.i'i.U.4. tU
( t, li e ih i