Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, August 20, 1864, Image 3

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    mim eanrar i
5 uul)uri.janMm
II. B. MAS3BII, Editor Proprietor.
11 MITV, t'A.
kti-I!DAY. AUGUST 20, 1804.
j. 3? Park Kow, Now York, and 6 State Street,
on, wo our amenta for the SchRub Ak-r.mcAit
(wo oklca, and bt sufharlfod to tnko Advcrliao
Ik nnJ Subscript iona fi c nt oor lowott rate. f
r. Snurttoni during the cuorw) uf a er
i on baptism and regeneration, upoko
l jrrciit severity of the ministers l the
rt li of England, nd Accused the Church
iidiolding Popery under the pretence of
ling rretestHntism." It' the clergymen
"ive their assent anil consent to what
do not l-elievc, he rezurds as "one of
i-ruti'st pieces of i'THirtiitv prepctra-
n England," T1,U9 rCES nttl unclmri
. iittaik has daimiged Mr. Spitrgenn
n good many of his friends, w ho
"hitherto stood" by him. Prominent
i - them is the limb Arth'ir Kimiird. n
iiiishcd ini intuT of I'liiiiament. who.
count ol 1 lie sermon, has declined to
rm hi engagement to preside nt the
timtion of a clmpil in Hrnmley. in Mr
iron's interest. Mr.Spurgeon, notwith
iiitr this fact, is deliant, nnd ncrts
vere he to lose every friend he ins onj
because of that sermon, lie wmiiii not
. having preached it, nnd that lie was
to answer for it fit the bar of (iod.
: editor of the Kirehenbote estimates
imber of Ciermans in this country who communion, either with some,
ran or United Church, at 150,01)0.
eneral Synod is urged to adopt niea
o supply tho iltstitntion and build
irclies among the Hermans who were
'v Lutheran's in their "t'adcrland."
?loral Affairs.
One who litis some I
ouu furnish good re-
' AXTKI) I .MM KlU ATFLV A Hoy about
"i'ngo. will betaken as nu iippreiilieciit this
rpplying immediately
iii; ol the luisiuc-iJ End
i i e I t -r-J.
- r --- ... .
ri Tlio Presbyterian Church of this
iil lie ri-i pcied fur Diviuu Service on next
August :M.-t. "t the hour li'i . .
:.. m:. The peach crop, in ttiin ncihbor- :
- lint turn out n.1 well n expected. This is ,
tlie eu-e with the early varielicn. Mmiy j
ei i, .-lung l,y im in-T-t. nre imperfect, ripou
oly, nnd rut on the tree-). )l'i. Kline
i-il, have belli brought to tnnrkt't some fair '
,h ...
front CJciicrnl Holler.
Washington, Aug. 13.
Oi;x. I'cti.u's llKAniH-AUTKris, Aug. 13,
10r. M. Four days ago a force was
larown across the James Liver ht Dutch
Uup, tho narrow istliiuiia that prevents
Furrars Island from being bh actual island.
Jlaj. S. O. Lmllow, of (ien. Untler's Mall', is
in uoiiimaud. The olj'jct was to cut n canal
across the isthmus, which is only one hun
dred utid filly yards wide at tlat point,
while around Varrar's Peninsula by way of
the river it is five nfiles. Dutch Gap is
opposite where our iion clmls lie, about
hall a mile below where the right of Uutler'a
line cuts the river. At tho extremity of the
Peninsula, a mile or more above our Iron
clads, are the rebel obstructions in the chan
nel, and close by, the llowlctt House Bat
tery, which has" often engaged tho Crow
nest Mattery nnd our iron clatls.
Tho rebel iron clads lie still further up
the stream. Major Ludlow immediately b.c
to work constructing two lines of earthworks
flernpb the inthmup, one on cither side of tho
projected ditch, and began the latter. His
operations were unmolested until five o'clock
this morning, when the rebels opened from
the llowktt House Battery, u mile and a
half westward on his left, with the Virginia
and lticlimonil iron ulutU half mile up the
river northward, and with a new battery on
the mainland eastward on ids right.
They could only bother us with artillery,
since front and rear is river, and' infantry
cannot approach on the narrow front of
either citle
Their batteries nnd iron clads fired with
out cessation 'untill nearly noon, but with
out alarming effect. A few of our men w ere
struck, but not so many but that the men
grinned at their wild shooting. The work
ing parties on the canal did not for nn in
stant lay aside pick axes, shovels and wheel
barrows. Malt' of the force consists of ne
groes, and these were particulary cool ami
steady. Major Ludlow says he wants no
better soldiers.
A lucky shot from a hundred pound par
rot t in the Crow" Nest battery entered an
embrasure in the rebel fort at llowlctt
House, and dismounted the gun, alterjW hich
that work slackened lire. Our iion-clads
i scarceiv tired duiiii!? the ilav.
It is demonstrated that th.i rebels cannot
displace the lodgment at Dutch Gap.
Sliould they try it again we shail be ready
with more nuns than we had to day.
The Iticlimond papers of to-day announce
that we are culling a ditch at Dutch U'.ip,
and hope wu will coinplets it, since it will
be of gn at value w hen the w ar is over, and
be .some t-.mioi n-ation for the devastation
we have iiniii tcl upon the State.
It is d.'iiiiviicly a-ceriiiined that large rcin
I'or hu m's nt' ini'aiiiry ami cavalry, and
trtcniy ;aii. have g.ine to the Shenandoah
;. to support Marly.
gli iml iij h.rge us usual. In ' law are
Jti-cy. the crop uiver was loiter, tout
l " ii" bi-iiilis- iu the city ol 1'hilnib'lphiii
w iuti'S. 5uUl0 hj, 1 , . w I'l'tit per biv.
' : dav.s illee, about liiU'J ba.-ke: were lelt
want ui irin.-pjrliUi'.Mi to wurket.
i. -W't- were l.'.i's-e 1 with etmiher refresh-
n iui.-J;ij liiht uni s'ine Hiiowers on itie :
Xne i-fi'eet uu vvitution i visible, i
t-i tl.e tPi'i't niiiy al-'e be. Lot only visible, !
.fir j .-i-e oflailer. which is ex'ruviigtiiuly
up Hi rrtn Vi'e Lave hern sskeil
it w.ii! riln or luwlnl, lh.u :i few in-
!. 'iibl the ri,;lil to fiv the puce, iui.1 '
!- ' J people if niibnry mu-t 1 .iy dr '
1 -.i her ui lick 'the fault is tbis : The,
i.i o li.uielhe n.fdiuui, or uiihlle men,'
imp ihcao nrlieles nre el'laiiied, nni if it I
rc.-t io put il up or ib'Wu. they will do s-., i
: t iling the coiisuuiere. The only reneily j
,'iTt. i- u lunrUet for the mile of proiiuee, j
,a in the cities atl'l lues: of the largo j
.ti ihe priJucer uuJ consuuier aluiie j
itfiT-ti'il. nn 1 the Hrlicles wo'jlj be sold j
.y are r-:I!v worth. j
m: The a.i liit';f.l pvwijfr tr.iiii '
...... ,-:,;.:a .!.,. rei' Li l.i.wcik
E'i-oiii iiii( .li-my.
HiiAiHif Aifi i:its Aiimv or i hi: l'oroM vc, )
i August Kit li, (
Addilional particulars liave bei'n neeived
i o! l!.e aelion nf San lay. Part o! the !M
! ami part of the 10th corps ciigni;rd the elie
j my in the afternoon, near Deep Bottom.
I The I Or ii imder lien. Birney, took part of a
! line of works, with four libtiiuli brass
gnus, and a number of piisontrs. His loss
whs Mnall.
I The enemy fell back to n strong position'
and the 'Jd division of the d corps was
' drawn tip iu line of battle beyond where
i Hancock captvned the four guns two weeks
ago. Here Ihe the 1st brigade, under C ol.
.Mucv. look the b ud and charged across a
"llin 'l'.lliiliicc.
Boston, Aug. 10.
Captain lteed, of the brig Billow,- before
reported captured by the Tallahas'ee, gives
the following particula's of his interview
with tho pirate Captain s
1 was tw o hours and a half on board the
Tiilhthii'see. bhe has one pivot t'lii, three
forvt aid guns, nnd one brass t illed gun of
large caiibre tin the huriicune ileck.
Her captain, John Taylor Wood, was
quite free nnd unreserved in his talk with
us, aud said he could steam tdt iu knots
mi hour, and had crossed tho British Chan
nel, twent-ouo miles, in seventy two min
utest He would not fight ho said unless
compelled to, ami preferred to run, as his
vessel was so fast. He also averred that
within one week he had destroyed over fifty
vessels, nud that w ithin 80 hours of my cap
ture, be said he had destroyed sixteen sad,
namely, three ships, two barques, and the
rest hermaphrodite brigs and schooners.
One of the ships was the Adriatic, of
New York, captured the same day he took
my vessel.
Ho added that lie would rhickcn up the
coasting trade, so that Uncle Abe would be
glad to make peace. He asked mc about
the Nantucket light coast, and afterwards
said, recurring to his dcsiiins, and there
were more afloat than the Florida und Talla
hassee, meaning, of coarse, the confederate
ships of similar character to his ow n, and
Uncle Abe luul'buttcr look out.
U, S. 740 LOAN,
I t TV M (t.CHII'Mr' 'IM II.
'ii-raRH"i Iclor.v.
Admiral Farragut's splendid achievement
at Mobile, together with the Sew Orleans
narratives, clear up some points which the
Itebel despatches left doubtful. Not this
war nor any other affords a parallcd to the
action ol the 5t!i August, nor has any other
naval engagement done so much to unsettle
still further the question for the last three
years at issue, touching wooden and iron
clad vessels of war.
Farregut's fleet consisted of four Monitors
and fourteen wooden vessels. The rcniark
a ble phases of the action arc!
1. He engaged Fort .Morgan in broad day
light. There was no effort to run by under
cover f.f d:ti knesc.
The Admiral formed his line of battle at
sunrise, four Monitors leading, wooden ships
coupled, closet following.
It. Tht; wooden (hips silenced the fort.
It docs not appear that the lire I mm the
.Monitors had any considerable effect.
Their eight guns capable of being dis
charged about once in fifteen minutes, could
no noshing against the tremendous arma
ment of Fort ,Mor,(ai'i anil with broadsides
of irrupe anil canister drove the ltebels from
their g'Mis and so steamed past, little hurt.
Such tactics, ami such heroism ns it
quired to put them in force, are beyond
It i? idic to talk of armor-plating more
than bile to eulogize lumbering two-gun
monitors when the broadsides of wooden
ships are made, by the genius and courage
of one man. to do such work ns this.
'I he wovden ships defeated and sunk the
rebel iron-clad licet. Bebel pnpus I'V'll-c
their defeat by the overpowering strength
of Admiral Fnrragt's force, That will do
for after the light. Before it. the nun Ten
nessee and her consorts all armor plated
w ere heralded invincible. It is clear enough
they were an overmatch for the I'olir Moni
tors or three, it you please the Teiiiinsih
having been sunk by a torpedo J fibre i. t
ting into the light. Not hing could be more
gallant than the wav the Monitors were
m;v mMM mm
AT . 1 ST0H;
Ths ONLY r -liiible jeli'-..lj!rtii" VV ringer.
No VVwl-M oik to Swell or Split.
So 1 huiiib-.'-'jrc ws to ot uut of OiJer.
Warranted with or without Co-M heels.
Ittw.k iboFinSTI'rtKMfSM mFirty-Screo ftalo
and IVinntT Fairs in I'vl.'l. mil is, without an deep.
li"n tho rie.-t Wrlnprr fw maile.
l'nteiiteil iu the I, niiej riiatce, LiieJim J, Canatla,
aril Auclmlrn.
Sample Wringer nei.t, Err res" paij. en receipt of .
hnergelif r.goiit; cun rankc from 3 to 10 Dollars per
il iv. I
So. 2.f ! W. No I.ST.S0. X. F. t W No. A f'J 50. i
ground cov
nii the mar-
i. :!.,: r.'ai .s..!i.r juy bi.
i...r:.i.-l ..t 7 VJ A. M
.-tli.iaoliiu, T '0 "
Ivc At .Suuluf", h W "
i-. ' i rs'iiibiu-y, 10 IS "
ul .l;alll.'Ul, 1. " M.
A'.i.-haUM.kii.. 2 4' M
v . u. .-niiiiiiry. H o
ui.- rsiii'l'iiiy n ill) "
Ivc.i.t hm;..'k;p, 6 -li "
M;. Cara.el, 6 '
. -liter him beer. ex ' i-.v. ly hut f'r the
tiie ilit-rmiiiuetcr uj' an Oli the niln--II
-iinwcr i-il yt'in-iay evitnn,:. imc'ii-I
r tor a short lime. Iv.l next Jny il a.
"ii Mi'ii luy there was elw'if? nhj
n.e niore tiuciat; :c..l le rfulu y.
s: jVOuTuii lay loi-rniiiit ! B "'ch -k
uiriv o at this plife uieil 7 o'e!"ek.
1. v -n ears in the train, which e nitaiunl
! lieu on their way to I"'" i'lrhui, to
rti -li 'i. got up by ' of 'he Cupper.
, .1, .i-riaiiie.l to rei-iit the draft. Near
ihe train lue h're lit II) 2'. nu t the
-. enllisiou detuiiii-J the trains sevfrn!
,, lea.n that liev. IV. IVj.mi i f Mll
MeCuiiiiiek of Loek llav.n. whu were
Jailorin of the up iraiii. Merc both
,-1 in lli. tr b'.-s, nud another p"-
f ii.t iiijnri.l. No niliff injuries but a
i.-is, wt re su-tiiinel. The train were
digraph and tho ei;li.-iuii win caused
.'!ei-iar.dini5 iu regard lo time
r.voir m Coi.tnui.i Coisrr. For
t it rumored that certain JUtiicti-
;inty were detiTiuiued to resist tha
ho laH4 in relutioii to the draft, for
iehiii.1 of the Copperhead ordain of
I prepared Ihem. It ut mate I that
-mid deluded individuals, aumii theui
' fruui thu ranka of the army, tiud a-
-hihi; Creek town-hip. aimed and
eie!i4e. in case au of attack Tin y are
y itronly cutreuehed on the ele ,.f
li liiur ptt"'u of aililleiy. S' ioe leu
y Dred Uai ihe lit pul.v I'rov.l M.u
ivtd eveu hot In hi id. and h'e
reiuely U.. ul. Hub
alsiUl 2VU Ulouilled Ull'll wilh Iheir
ipiucuU paMed tlirouti lhi plaeu lor
iu. Oo Tu4 lay luoiiai. XsO more
j'iiertil C'ath'g l'.pailiu, lit puMi'd '
i the aaiu u.uiuu. Il it Willi dull, I
t any reliable iuf'.i inni b Uni I
t up u 1 aitd IhluuU thu pl.u' on 1
i.iriiliurg on Wednesday leltl Itu
9 utw of wriiding Uoira lri I
:. ariidihal lha ii.uiiiiI" kui kid
'.luek Ul. i k bit. and thai ihcy
H. U thaa I i') to ;'il
Ultll-lk folluali'l billaldoui
lha d.)r an I U.t. U I la u lot
i toiia ll 'lae tu our o. luiont f-.f
, j kuu, and all MlUr atto lu.t U ' hi ll
II -
. tii au I k''4iu I'Y
v 1 .aw to lb', to )u i
I. t i aii.l ulb" . .
i .,. )ut w iUuw Iru
I lu a Ui" laai. k-if "')'
I il.ll) l' b.M U t'p ib'-jr
A. a i .t ap-. kifcd
1 u 1 o a u. t I !
ul ul ' u
ii f I m k-ea t iu ' m
corn li 'Id, ovi r a hi I i
vine, where tliev cum1
.-tie .in on tile other side, the
eied Willi biiliclii'tlable bl'U?h
During ail this tinu they were txposed
t i a heavy lire from tiie rebel artillery, w hich
did a good deal of damage- It wits found
impos-ible to crftss the ravine, nr.d the nun
were h illed and lay concealed, its well as
possible, until dusk, when they were with
drawn. Col. .Mac, had his horse shot from under
; hi r, an I mounting (ien Harlow's hor-c the
, animal i li ailic unmanageable nnd fell on
ill t'oini'il, bi lly bruising lii.n.
Co. was wounded in the 'Wilder
. e s aud had i lily rehui'cd to the tleld only
j a dm or two I ei'ore.
The tli' isioi! lost ut least "00 men in the
I llL'lg. llll-llt .
j rJ I and itd )?iv isions, which were in
sii per , lost about two hundred nnd l'fty
fron: tl.v etleets nf the r bel unil CI V.
'i !f ' wouniled were all broimht off, nnd
: nr.' nearly nil I cie;: c!f"l for at City Point,
j I.ieiiiri.anl Ci.lotiel Warren, of the 3tith
i Wisconsin, lost his left arm while galhi'ltly
ieitln.g hi-ei':;ir,itlil ill the charge. Major
W. I!. 1 i tt ui i l on, of the Thirty-sixth Wis
consin rciMiu ni. was severely wounded in
t c .uce. and Captain J.imllcy, of the same
re. i mill, k I. id. Scrg-aiit Hull, of the yiith
: i-coiisin r.giiiuiit was killed, und about
j I n lie wi le wounded in that regimi nt.
S-rgii.t l'uchs, ol the Thirty sixth Wiscon
i i, color bearer, v. s badly wouiided. This
:S the Ih.r I taue lie lias been Wounded la
' ill present canipiiuti. I.icuteuanl Kelly,
o' th One llumir. d and Twenty-tilth ievv
Vork. anil Kit-lit . hel ihonse f the Second
New .Sink ar'.iihry are wou elc I.
(bir troops .-till hold tlu-ir poi-iiion in
front of the em nil's works, w hich are very
siioicr and well iliicndcd. oiving to the na
; tute m tue country in tor vicinity.
i.vcr. hit g leniiiins quiet in liolit nf l'e
' tein'iiitg. Tlie enemy I t the pa-l two
iiLhts has been feeling our line no the left,
but tothillj liiol't' than skll liiisbing between
ti.e pit ki ts has liikcn p in C.
'ihe two ttlcginpti operalofs, Mes.-rs.
Fl; nu and llauibnglil, on duty at inn, lliu u
I side.s lb ad.jUiiliiis, wlio have been on trial
the j'. i-l week, chaioed Willi liniUimj kr.own
I tiie tub-lance of despalcbs to others than
I tliose to w honi they were addressed, were
j f iund not guilty by the court.
I tier.. Meade, liowt ver, ib eniing them to
' have been guiity ot disobeilience of urdcrs
! nud a li'ciifh ol trust, ordered tliliii to be
J k ill ' e . o id I ne limits of the uniiy Ulltt for-
b il ti ll lo i' tillil.
I) s i.i.s luiue to arrive in small
-q a.. i .i ii.iii.iut mikI t iveliti men
. ...d .,i -ui.b.y.
T -.o. nil tnc usual atorict f tie
.. o .i t i.i u prospect ol a speedy lies
tutito. oi i be rebel liriny.,
la... s i , ai n a, iug on llLCiiunt of not le
ceiv.ll; a,,, o ai wul.u (licit familic ure atur-
V Oig aud l..e. til i' diiiiiliitii'd to bill)' ill the
irviee no bm-er iinib r nay l iri um.tiiiii is.
(en. I'. uk i. ii'iw iii l oiiiiiiuud ot thu U t It
A till I op,.
taken into action, nor do any oliieers dc- ! and whether t: i y are t i h - is-ne I in bh.i.k or paya
ble to t.rder l r i; o en-P-rsed it niusi be left wi: h
Ihe offeror rweii :i 'hr deposit, to lie forwarded to
the Treasury I't-pa ' nu-!.'
S-ubseriptiotis will he ivetived by the Trea.-urer of
tlie I iihed Mates, at W.ishini,i..n. tiie
t'i.-tant Treiu'urers aa.l de-i,;!! ite.l lu js.-i.arlvf. ri.l
ly Ihe
1'irs.l l:ilionaI IC.:itU ol' llilion.
A nil Ity nil IiaiiU
whieh are depositarie of Public money, an I u'.l
r.Ksi'ia r.iut.K banks ami n.i.Ki:n
lliri.tili'.ul the country, (aeiiei; ns tieuts t.f the Nit
ti aial li. po-itory ltankn ) will t'urm-li I'ur'.her ii.ior
uiatiou on nppli.rali.'ii nud
Al-Toill Il 11UY I' Al'Il.ITY TOSl U -ClUbhi'.S.
Aivu-t i:
Tlie Fecrf tnry ft thf Trenfiirr Rites nn'ieo that
Hilweripti.uu will ho rieekid f..r Coepon Treasury
.'oto, p,iyl,lo thre.1 ye r? from Aujllst la'h l-i!l.
Willi citii-annunl inlerojt nt Ihe rite ol fcieu and,
threo-tentlis per ovi.t. per niinuni. priicripi'l and i
lnleret lwth (oh? paid in lawful ticiiey. ,
Thcsn notes will lo ci nverliblo at thet'itl.m of
tho holder at maturity, into fix-per cri't. p'l l lie.r
ing honilf, pajahle not leas than Eva nor more tfr ui
twenty yoars from their data, as the gorernmn' tm iy
leot. They will be lsucd In denominations of ?M),
100, fMO, 51,000 and $5.Cf0, and all aubscriptionj
mutt ba for fifty dollart or aoma multiple uf Ct y
Tho notoa will ho tran.iuitled to tlio cTrnc free of
transportation chnriret as pik,u a(ter the reet ipt of
the original Certificate of l'tposit to they cm he
prepared. I
As the notoa draw interest from August 16, persons i
making deposU Subsequent to that 1at must pay i
tho interest acerued from dnlo of mdo to date of'
deposit. I
Parlies ilepojiltng lenty-(ivo thtu.and d -llni-s J
and upwards for these notes at any uno time will he
allowed a commission of onc-:)ur.rlcr of one per cent.. .
which will he paid by the Treasury Deportment Usn I
the receipt of a bill for tho amount, certified to by '
the officer wilh whom the ilejswit was made. No 1
deductions for counuuvion must be made fi om the
Special id vantage ol tliin Loan.
It is a National Sivixos I! vxk. offering a high-
cr rate of interest tlitiu any olhcr. antl thf bft mch-
rit). Any savings hank whieli psr it. depositors in '
1'. .S. Notes, considers that it is J'sying in Ihe bet '
cireuliiting medium of the country, and it rati nut '
pay in anything better. f..j its own assets arc eilher '
ill government securities or in note? or bond? payable
in government paper. "
It i cfiimlly convenient a a temporary or pernia- ;
neut inveslinent. The notes ran.alwayt be sold t.T I
within n rrneiion of their face and aeeuniulnied into. 1
rest, and arc the best security with banks as cvlla :
ternl for discounts. . !
(ii.U.H I'.oNli. j
In addition lo the very liberal interest on tlie natc
for three years, this privilege tf coMcr-ion if now ,
worth about three per cent per annum, for the cur- 1
rent rnto for Uonds is not less than uhte ;r
tntt. ptrii'iinn. and bel'iro tho war the premium mi ,
six per cent. L'. Sr. stocks was ores twenty per cent. I
It will he seen that the aetual Ttn.fii on tl.ii l,.n . I eliiae : il is simi le; 11 rci,uirvs no room, whethei it
. Wi.rk or at rest ; n child can opeiale it : it il n its
per annum. j
Hut aside from all thu a.liaiuagi s we hace cnuin-
crated, a special Aot of Conirress t.rt'mpis alt .'.. '
and Treasury Htt?s from loc'tt ttrr.iuuH . On tho j
average, this exemption is worth about two l er cent. I
per anuum, iieeording to the rate of taxation ip vari I w ith
ou-i parts ef the country. j
It is believed that no securities offer so crrent In- '
'lieeiiionts lo lenders as t!i"!.e isnie-l b- the g.i em
inent. In nil other form i f Imlehtcdncs. Ihe laith
flnd n' liity , f private parties, or stock c "lup-iiiies. ,.r
separate t;i.mii'.iiuitb's. tn!y. is pledge f,.r pavin. ;,!.
while the whole property t.f the country's lull
to secure the discharge of nil the obligations of the
I nited States.
While the government ofTcr lhemot liberal terint
fur its b.iirs, it believes that the very strongest npp i!
will be to the l..j-iby and patriot i.-in of the pcple
I'uplieate criiii.ates will l,c issued t' r all dvptisils.
The psrty tli-po.-itii.g tinist end'i'. c tl'e 'iitnf .
al certifk'iite the ileiioiuii-.ittii.ns of notes rttii.ii ed.
1 A I' jo-t i
I ! ol'lhe isr.-'
uu b:.. i d.t lo .-a'
1 In nn Vl
111 V-
,'.(J :
Mnitul H uri t nt hi rt!;ii. I.y
i imr-ri .mam twen cm..
i To. UiMy'l.Str.Mt, New York, and Ulcvtlnii-I. Ohio.
t Thnt Jnn will jf ilvnnin-'i nill nit rwi ;
! Thnt ft riuii'lc luiu-liiuv is bviWr lli'tn a cciuj'Iictetl
' hnp ;
' Ibntn wrir.r tlmuM lc frlf-fl'ljiis'ing, durable,
b lid ctiii-irii :
Thnt Thiiii.l. S-rni'd Kntrrin? mic tl1;r nnd
j tiruMe t rr-'iiUli nnd kv in rdor :
; Thnt wood I:tnriiij !.! tho thaft totuu Sum ill enr
; ;
I Thiii thf Tiitnnttt Vrinrr niih or 1 iih nit c-r-j
nhf.d-. mt tvnr the cl-.tJu--;
Thnt Cii-nhcrl rrziilnti-rp mo tint retii.'il :
i Tnat the Putn.-tiu Wrinor Im- nil the dvnTit
. nnd nt one d the tlindvntei ;t-v n'stno-l :
i Thnt nil rdM have tji.:e,l it j-i-m-'uiice it the bit
i Wringer evi-r nindn;
Thnt it will wring n Thrcrt 1 or n IT QuiU withn'tt
We mti;ht fill In pnf c ;,h to-'-iNni. il'. Iml In
Tt only n few t' 4 oii-('p t' o Uf i--d. il indi
there ho: m. to mv to nil. I' I'tit-i; Wriitit-r.
To-I itTII'MUH (illi.Y with ANY M-d A 1.1. e:lM,
ninl if not entirvly iifvlrv't'-ry. rt-tm u i:.
I'trxAM Mam rtriNt. i. :
(ionili-mon ; I know fr i 'ri t:ril epctio:rs
thjit 'rii wi II gahmiiC'l wi'h nino will ti-n nx' li7.o
r riit ri,f ..irtiido. 'Ihe I'uM.hiii Wringer i-
n?nT torfo t n. j-"-ihlo. nn 1 I cau vlitoilully ic-toiiuiH-ini
it to 1m tiie lu-t in ue
l.t "MM 'li'.ISv v.Mir
.1N W. i KM. Kit. Cletrlnnd. lhio.
Mitnr .',ai exi'(,rietu, in tho jraUiuimn'i hu.i
nr enahlo me tu iiid-Tv tho uVuo fiatciutnt iu iu!
,TNv. C l.nTK'I-TS
N- 1 U llciii!m tf!roit
Now Yirk.i'rnerv. Ii.
We htive t. -el I'utnnm' CI mIics Wtiner hy
I"-nclic.l w.irkin". nvA ki:.w thnt it will Ii is
untv thnrou.'.hlv : it "ve tune nnd tt save?
nnd tear. We eirintly advice all who hae nuudi
WH-hiuir to d. with i:itt lluront prrs-.n- wh- hnvt any.
to hnv thi W rinu-vr. It will T'-v t-r irdt In n vr
t mo-t. " Km li.'KACt; oUKiaKV.
J;ine 1, 1-34.
rM;i;ii ,m i rt -h h.- ' t. . . i
liivics M-Ii.. Sh.t-n-'. 1 i-:!.it v. "!
Iju:i. l iai.iM .j. si. i i;l kiti.i .,1 i( N i .V
Alj.rn t-.. lii-uk ri!K-, t i .i.!,tn.i. I i jit it. -k-'oti
SUtr. t'unloit tlui-iH'!, NnitUf
iKiii : ul n'l kin 1 .
Coli.nriiin. Ibii. re. l!love. Tlin s l. lintion--, hut
l'ti"ltr. .e, k-ti". Collar, linn ll.erebiets,
liuir r.tti-lii-.. T'.olli ltru;!.ts. H,m, Uil,.
(on nnd tupe. rrotiliei'lu-aid,
iv.ikiti t'lPtr-. Pin.y lieiii
llre-'.'. li lv e.;(t.,i,. eui pet
bin iinir. eoml..-. puny
F..:ip. carpet b-.s
Tnn.k", Vitliscs, l u:brel',ai, . Uooki, Pupcr,
i'.nvelopes. Ac.
(f all kin.!, sntli as Nails. Ilint - .ind Serews. liM.r i
I.liI -Ii s nnd Knobs. Locks, and CL T1.L11V ot every j
description. I
Also, )cs. Iniu':. I'.iiuts,'iis. rili. i
Flu snl mill Jb niiic Oiln. (i!:i.-s, l'tiilv.kV"'.
ii'-iiv tiro nnil J1'!m are C (til
I.i tills.
An l.xtennc St-t-.k ef
G H O C E U 1 K S,
('.M.-"""d .-I ."uar. t'nrt'vo. '1 'M.:, Uite. ('trii.j'lar. 'i,
MaoiMii-!;i. V' lTh y. Ihtk in-nov d-r . i." tin ?T.a'.,
caintl.-. ttttjaoou and sog.-tt?. f?ttlt, I Ish. Mtat. Choosi-,
Aln. a !rtrgs variety ef
f r Mom. Women nr.d Children-
i Ali kiii't-x'l tirn-!iHtd tuunlty Prfnluce taken
in tnr tiooil
t:ivo n n o.ill h y.'i piiroha-e (.owl.tro. wc
lire l- iiit l tn i-ll n h-w nty c.o ot.-v.
r!'ni' tn li T. t! tncii $ hnil lni thv
.t;ihwc?lo(iruor I M irkvt Sii'tarw. ntar the Court
sui..urv Mn- si. K-r-4.
or the; i.r ' k:u
a n n n i a t, s t i v k oh. f..
Afo Ciuoii I y
11 0 0 F L A X ) ' s
German Bitte rs,
ra.',r3;u kj:i
II iir.
iik in h as i i, i: I'ivink A new
in.'iiiv. Ivis. l'.Mi?. N'.e. I.b-s. .Ni- Keet. kin.
n ol IMiv
.1,. lb -id.
iLouit oc n:i:i) sroin:.
ii . 'u:s. ;.!: .i.v y.v:r.i..
ri'IK .-ab-s'rilier n -peetfuUy inf-Tnis the public
I 1' t:,. keep e.-ttstiintlv on li.'tnd nt I.i- new
V AKIiilUl b ii. nr tli" MiH'lnokin Valley Railroad
l. p..i. in .N Vi . by t'.e tur.el aii l Stick.
U1..I I. II kinds o F"C,1 by lie (on .
The ul"'-..' ii- liiiiinitiietnred ut bi-i ouu Mills,
nti-l will be .-.ild at the bo t-t ea-ll pri.-.-s.
Siii'lniry. .lime 4. lsiil. itni
i; i.ii. ...i-iu'v t
1 "."-ijiiis ol' l li.iiit.'ti-i. and lb.w to l'.i-.-id
tliein.'' in
I In- I'lii-ciioloi, i.l .Toiirmil.
Ami 1.ii i: It i.i -ruin:., 11. M 1 l.b.J. !: lit'.-.
Ktlmobv. the Vi'i -tnl Ui"-y of M ,. :,, i v.
rai'es. an. I In!', s .-I ini ii. .1. - ri. 1 n i.h I ill
i liv'.-!n - . Ini.i-ti. ii- , t th.
S-..I..H li. i:.'....- Mu-.-l an I N
i'lir.'!'...!- ,-v. '!.. l.i.ii.
. .t .ii. i
ph"U- Mil" I ..!ii.
site Wtju-r 11
Jlll'l-lttV I.1, i-
- - ii. a
, 1 lo
lei. Sin l.urv. '.
' 1 I v
Law, is duly nuth. r
lleet E ll-ilil,"..
;iy for Wi,l,,vs. 'r.
MiuLi'l rtiii-., orpj-
(mil. ,k.-ikI it-1 .M .ml Nat.,
l'lil.-i-.l. , ...:. lt th"
AMI ib.'l T lit: '.1' i'lil:.!.'
l'l.y. !...l -,4y. , r the -ei
Ttlali"!'.- to this life end t.' t
..'. He
i il .-'i
v. lie
!.. I:
. I' I'll lit I
lit'.' pr.ii'-ij
t'.leS'll.' M
I He 1 -
nu .
ti'itlsi i:inl il EiliTivltci't'
I.i sell the
tllilAM ITU. l-liMi lll STi:i:i, PLATE K.V
lil'.AVIMi ul-
rnrsilENT lincolx
Siiiiti (In- I iiiilli i;i(-ll P'vu tll
lil itlit li.
The best nr. I only i'..rree( likeness of tki fit" I
mini in l.-r I' ll li.-l.l .is t..l.i.-, -f..
J.'UN 1'AIN I . Piil.l'-h.T.
V.i. 17 .v full , I'liila b-tl l.lil
TV, wo Ditter; liure pe: il.irmc-1 more Caret '
Have and do Give tetter S.iiial'.ictbni !
Ibr. e in Ti s'iit'inv '
Have limro Ucpctatdn 1'. . pie to Vouch b r "1 iieio '
Than any other ankle in the market.
We defy any NK to contra diet this A!-"rtii.ii.
A Mil.l. IMV slM(
Ti any o:.e that ill pn In.-e n l.'iriili.'-il'; pub!id'-1
by ti. thnt is i, .it iitsriMi.
rrcoT-iiAMrB ct:hman bittkibs.
ill cure rrcry oi'l.'i,r' or Xei v:v.: lleb'li'y,
Jij-en-ie ..I In.- KitIi',-1.1. and l'isei.-it'j iiti-in t'lum
a ilisi-rilere-l t-toinii'-h.
ill.i:ilVKTIir. M'l.l.'iWtXii ?VMPT".Mf
Ki"jU!ig (rem l'irordei of ihe l'ijtsui .. (.'r.m. :
h, Juwer.l
files, l-'iiiin or 'flood
to the Head. Acidity of th.- Sto-liui-'h.
Nau-e.-.. Hearil.urii. l'l-u-iist ..r
Fan I. Koli..'.'-.-r Weight in the r-:..i.ia 'h, .or
Knielntn iff. .""inking or J liittemi.-r nt llo- Pit ol liie
.olllaell. f-u iiiiii.ii. r of the Hch.1. ilnrned m: I liilii
etilt Pr.'ahiiie;. l-' in nt the Mean, finikin-: ..r
s.iit.,i';ti,l-ii f;v.!uti'.;i uheil in a lyine; '(.-lure, lliia
in's id i-loii. 1 .1-' or Well- 1,,' the Siht. l'mr
nod litlil Pain in the lived, llt-lieienei ..f I'-a -pirn-lii.n.
V !loHin s- of ihe kin iti.d byes. I'niii in
the fi e. Il l. k. Chest, billlh-. Ae' Ml. I. let!
Hushesol Hi nt. Iliirnitiir in t'i..T-'lt..h,
Cvlii'ti.rit Inili-riliii. ot livil,
lllld ureal lo preseieU
ot Sj.ii ile.
Tn.vT Tnts niTTcn in
("out ititiM no It urn or Wlii-I. .'',
And can't make Prunkards. hut !.t the Best Tnie in
the V..i !
;tj- fio:
'tor of the Ihiplis'.
erly of Ihe .N..rt!i
A n-
I....1-... .
A I If
j" a I e. r.
H'n'i i:s
'uineliees u til
l ll.ollli.iv.
.s-tti,'.'. -. I.v :'.is: i
l Ll.l.S 1'io.i ;.iy.
the Jut.
in qu-iv:
Mnv 1 1. Isnl :i..
f r '-.
-s J i .
i the I'.ev. Levi ti. V.e.-k. P
i I hi!"' h. ', lllbel t..o. N . .1 I'"i-"
I I.i., ii t Cliur.-'i. Philadelphia.
I have liiiMivn II ..Hand s 1 1 enoall lii..T fuvon
! blv for a lilllilh. . i- .1 l.ail-. lhevi-ll-l III. Ill ill".'
1 . Mil la' at.'l !r lr hall so pull-el IMItl Tin ; I
! t ti'.'.- that 1 v. a- in b: ' I t" i '"" 'loin, ii I ill- in t" n..i
i lie others, an I ''1. e.v Ion t'.'.Y I. ale ..p-raled ill 'I
' -li lkih.'iv Ll'l'i li. nil liiaul.,1- 1 tal.e ;ri it pb :..-iin:
, in ihe.-1 uiiliely i .!.. I.i i in i t! -i this l.e-t. and '.illii.,- ll."
' all. itii..p i f '!.-e ntiliet. dlii'l' ttl'tll"' -e t- - i 1 1 i . It
i th. i ee.aunn ii le i. I . ti,. -e I'.il'.'t" Pmu.s f ' n
11. nee tlili: Ii- 1' ; .ainm-n-l.i.i' n in ne
I. 1 .i.. 'In- to- re e Ii'-. 1 1 1 1 1 v n- If.' t! in I s i;iu. is
-'t t n I to i.. li I'.l the .all.iele I. al: I i- '-n.-l ll ram
l,.k V.iir,- bi: Hi. bl.l'K.
Ira w n It'.to tl III- I serve liinii' i ri'dlt tlinn tbrll's. lint tilt.- I I'll
1 siviiinn with h ! Iii'sstf Mils bi'iiti'ti by tin- assault of tlie
l.iirifiwiiiini,' the Mi);iiiiii;iiin'lii ami t he
Ilaitl'or.l tlio slini'k unil tlie lunailsiiti' nf
tin- liiltir, KniTiij; ill's own sliiji, linaily
briiiiiinii iliiuii lnf ila. Tin- liiiiilcss
I'liiiiisim ss id' tin' Monitors was iiiiliiiiipily
ill.isl rn'.t 1 in tlio collision liiturrii tin
llariliiiil unil tin- Mttainiint -thf latti-r
nuii;iii;' at I'nil si.'til into tint ll.ut
loril. spile nt till rlhirts to itTrnt it, mill
tlii: Ailtiiirnl li.i.'i tin' mot til'u'iitiiin ol Mfinr
liis llasliiji, alniii.-t iinlniit by tin- li bi l lire,
iriliiii'.l to a ivri't k liy tlm iiiiiiianaoi -ability
of otif of .Mr. Krii'ssnn's inai'liiiii's.
rsorKHANX.i fi:mle
C O L j E G Vj,
ii'. !ii"'f '.. i's:.
rpl'K l'a!l Se- -01. ! I hi- li-t.lilti 1 r-ii.vieM.'is e!l
I I HI K.-1'A . Al i.l Sl l-:h. lue Wi iur
.Sessii'ii on llie Ii'hot N" en Kt.
rniv.- ci s:.---it. tins WKr.KS:
l",..r board in. V'-shl'i-. rnrr.i-'n, 1 i'..' in Fit. I
and iii'.d Tuitii'ii in a'! the -vjohir .-'.udie .d
til,- l'--lle!iUe le(!. ,.l.! v ' ."a
A liberal l.,-.b:e!i, l. 11..1 if i:. iai r ! Lie l .lil'.tas
.folir S. Idli-rs.
i'or fuither p-.itiviilris-. or l':r.".ibirs a'f!v (
H 'Mbli. Pl.ll.ipal.
Pelii.-ci 'vc, Aiii;n-! '. I'I oinos.
b iitor i
tui.i Ci.i
i ll.o
Tin (!.( .tiai-', '."i i;i si . It.
UA INiiju-i ret.iii.ed li. ni l!.e City nii'.i an , u
itte i:ti .-:...-k of
li-ns. 4'livimt'uN. IVi-J'iiiitiTj hiiO
f..;i. t i-(il('. ;
l-'r. in l'."V. .'. --.i;"ii
bl.-Vei''tli dill of lieli-'
I ill... iele. I I. it .d' l; U..I.
I Ai.l:..ii ;h o-t .li-o.- .'l I 1 r.-'.'.or or
l.lit'l. il.'l.e.- ill j'.'.-le' ib-'.'li.'l ill-;"i-'
ii.-.r, iiei.l-no. I t... .-. I . l kn.ov (' l"
l r. sons lhv a linai Inav le.t tisllt'v io ih
he'.ieM's hiio.-e'l lo have reeeiled li mil any
i pi e; araii-ii. to tio- hope thtit !t M,y tiias c i.tiil ut
I .. tl-..' I. :. :ii ' .
icil Pe-
' ilmr
s'llliei -i.i
I el.etils lio
Nrd-!:-' I'M".'
'rn:!il.l U
ii ij-t riin h
t. nlii. li lie ii;, iii-1 hv- ti n I'd
Hily. t- '. II -Mid fv.imin'. Th
:no :.!! -.-ioo'od Ii mii the 1
(l.t- l. i-U i n ni'tr u't w th t tic l o.ito-t 0:11 v :i.- c
t v i;n 1 ; ii :i"v ;u.d uci lin a inuoh I
ti.e iniii- (Uf.i.-ii I tKlt-nmi. luisf vu las.
I'AlcST MEliltlKES
i ':' all ko 1-. such ii- Aver's. Javni". McClii
!,,;:.. ,,-. Wi-ii:,ils. Il-.i! -.i.ds. Veht-iiks. l'r
.1 .!:
. I I .. '!.,- il.e in. re 1 '.a. lily in re'.'a
. , .', a-:.. a: Mi'i.-'s i "'i i -a 1 1 1 1 i v J'r. I
, 1 till- ell V. i, l- 1 as 1 '..ill Meed
; tinn y ears, tiieb-r il--.- i.i.pii- i'.n iii-! il.-.y
i ehietlW'.i ill. -'!e. lie lii:liire. I ai.l in b i-'.-'l t.
' I 111. I 1 II. .'.Il Sh.-.'ti.aker. 1 I' r tl.e rilll'.l
Ibis t l ei l.pee bv pr "p. I- tl -!- al. 1 I'
in I 's
i.i i..r
,1 of
O Till N U
i d.
,1,. i popular p
l.t laedu'lili
$21 1. 12l '.'1
I'lio.i.uo nil
- ion. mm on
Slale tl lh Eiiink ol ii-(litiiiilit'i'
linn), S'it.. A us. ( :'.!,
boa!., and Hill- .lis,-.. tinted.
I'l'ititieaf.'s of I iiiK-l r-tutes .Mint -
I lliled States ,'i.l'U Loan. - - - -
" " llitelesl bearing Legal 'fell-
tiers. .....
reuli-vlviiuiil. '.' - - -
Ibilik ol Noi ihiiiiihet'liind Stock,
'-'..rthiiiiiberbiiid Uridyl- toek,
') e'ertij.!, .si.N-k, ....
Ileal K-tate. Ae.
line I.y other liiinks, ....
Note- of oilier banks, and Legal Tender
' ( i .-.u s i ic -on.i:.
'I'lIK undersigned will sell at private sn!e. TWLN"
1 TV-l.v TtilVX l.o'l'S. situate iu the l.lough of
suiibilr.v. 'ihe lots are loeated nithiii a tt-iv s-iuares
ot the i't.'insyli tinia Kailroad Coiiipaiiy s Machine
Mi.'ps. iu the northern part of tho t. iin. 'ihe.v are
I 111! siniiii'ii- .iuii.iiiim! i.ii.-. sounie ill lue ii.t.-i I'lt'ii-'tiii
M.rtion ol the borough. '1 hey will l,o s..i I t.n rta
I. Htm nil I nijg Ktiui. 1 jr luriber "partieulars to
l'l.TLK ll Jl.t-M.ll,
II 11 M.s--i:ii.
1 T.AM'IS 111 I lilMt,
Su'.l'nrv. June'.l. Lseeulors.
IV A Z A n .
I'oruei'of.'liiil.el r-Misruto St:i!N
Sio:iU M !' (,
s r n ii i l; v . r 1: n n
i . T' e h. Nail. Clo.iie and I'uiiil
a. i.ile.'ire is take'.: lo keep on baud C'lll.-t .n'.lv
y , ai :e:y of
bie III!.' trade.
.ii v b :b t ,r:i -I, - fid (tie vu'i-.o-iis itr'ieli.'
ell ale e"eiel' kel.i ill It well Clldtleted
"lit to 11 V til, 111. lu ll
1 a i: -ti..ue 1 .It i.i'.iy.
Iliese Itilters. at tie' begi
lis- l'ol"lle I he fi i ll '.;
.!.". I. e ot b.'liil nn I ".'o.
f.'ll f.r -in ! - I. . lore
ol le'illi:il,g. 1 t'ler. f.-r
t .1" ll.ltelileg t'.ii-.- U.-e '.'
i.ll I
'I ill' tl-'
I, . i.i -jr. al
l iio.e I- Ille-of
li-i? i.i l! ' I -il y....r,
eli, f iii.-l r. st.-i ..'i ai lo a
Ml v.- i nl.ieh I had I...I
III. i !. el ! d.-p'lile.l
thlllik I'" I I'!!'1 HIV ll ll lld
. I .
i asu i it-ins. . .
. ;'ie ill Vault iie'liiilinii
.-J-ecio Cerlilieales,
Inn on
.VuM nu
1 ..illll tin
:'.;.ii no
W aTlt M7
l:",H.:m tf
M.Ool mi
Notes in eireiibttiuii, ...
liue liM.ihor 'iiinks. -
Cniiiiiioiiivenltli. Currer.ey f..r
Speeie Cerlilicale,
" llepositolH,
oW 117
3H.II4M (11
$sl.t.7t ti?
$::s i,in th
ooJ4 17
ii'.iion no
2JM.'J7i v
SlMMl'.ll -Ttv'lC Oi-
r .''.if i.i Moii.Iiiv lilla
I b.ii-e m ... I. ul uni ; i
ol ,. il. Il.inli-i t troop i
Ilurulii4 ol" I.i it It. i
1 be i-iili.-t,
M )i bill, iilii,. i
"I bl lilt' ul ill ul
i,t I.i vllilmi, Hit' r, nili lii i: t,l li.iv. I.. It In r
M.tii .ti, '! bir oi l ii iitt i. l liy iii.ui.i, r,
... liu.ull ollil l .l ll ale ' pii.p, 1 1 l(
(nu. -V In t limy lime Iwn il.t), llun
.. il a. i. in n ilt., iit.,1 ,i utt.ti olliie
it ImiliOM lipl pint mli, .01. .i, null, U,,l
IK ,l J .bll l l itll, r, WllllU bail Ihi'Ii
. I Hp. I .In HI. I.- Ihw iltUm, i, u. ,,HU
an.) ii utillj u aaa.ilialt t,.i,,a i,,u,
It. Llnit Hilt, Int. I,,., tC, iu,j
loiviiM il (it tt Hum. i an. I li.t miiii tb
be i.l.ltu.l Ihu tl, .Hut lluu ul 14 It hilt
c - -
lilt' I Alil4llt 111 UlMlllli, lti,
lit ai.i.u.l .MU.Id) lu 1'alia, M) '
lip.ll ihtiwiil Unit tl.K ilitilxu Ulail
lit U' but I" lioiu (bit alllsum loui )tit
40. h-l l lien llal.411.1 tu lIlKMl U.Ul'l.
I in mi (mini la liout awl UI k
lit' I tat lit !l ("ill i'l Ik wuiltl
ftil'J.ltiT li
I hereby certify the ulsive stiiteinenl lobe just and
true to Ihe best of my knowledge and belief.
S. J. I'ACKIilt, Ciudtier.
Sworn and sul-serib.'d bel'.. re me.
1. K.i. ki-i l l i.t n, Notary Public. (
r-unl.uiy, August 6, lsi'.l.
'our Mcltool 'IViit-lirfx itittilftl.
ViTl.K'ATHlNS will be received by ihe
ol Seli . I Iiirectors. Suiihury Sehi.d lii.iriet.
for 'Ihree Male Teaeiiem for ltooins Nut. 2. :t. and 4.
and one Female Teacher for ttooiu No. 1, on Thurs
day the 2.'lli day ofAuiriist next, nheii ihe allot
iu, nts ef the S, hiioU nill take place in the Law Otlieu
ot tli o V. llaupl, at lU C clock A. M. ScIumI term
teveii nioiithr
All applieations mu-t be aeeonip.aiiicd by neeesa
ry eeriitiealia. Mr. l ip. Ihe ( nunly Superintend,
cut. will be present on that dav to riainiue appli
cant fin Ihe chooU. lit'.O. V II Al I'T.
Secretary of the Uoard.
f-uubutjr, July 30, ls(l.
Funbury High School,
llH.l, 1,. open in lae old llnplisi Chureh. on ihe
Al tirsl day of Auiftmt. The cotirdt, of ui.ti-neii,.ii
t uihraeet all ilia hraueliea luiight 111 Acadeiuiet and
Heuiilianet of ihe hihe.t gra.l.
TICK MA I'KIl aKsaioN ok 31 WKK.K.
For Languairet a'icluiit and uiodern iuelud-
I11X all oilier liraiiehea, fj Oil
.Saiurul S iei."et. Algebra. I'e.iinpiry. etc I I iai
Advanced lirainuiar, Kui.graphy. llialory, lo , 11 no
Itu.llliielttt of abule, III l.a
1'iliiiary. a lu
(Srrt ,vf,r o ,S t a it r r ,V 11 n rl r v.t
Nn. f.J MAUKKT S 11 (, PHI bAUKI.1'111 A.
DKAUiP, ill l-iiifil'.ld and Slver WATCIIKS ;
Kim Hold JI.Yl libit V: S- lid SibVlIli-W AKIi.
and the bel of hll. Ut'Pl.AThli.WAlU:. dm
slant ly on baud a bire iissortlaelil id the tiboi e -.hhU
ut low prices.
M atehea and Fine Chks. Ktpiiiied. by skill'nl
ivurkuieii ; 11K1. .It-itelry repairing; Kugraiing and
nil kinds of llair-uoi k I.. order, at sluui notice.
t tr 1 Lai 1 forget the old tuud. No. C.'- Muikel
rlrei't. I'hilaib lpiiia.
-M'HIJt. Imil :tm
AllfiiloM 11 'lililnr.v 'olli'i;-,
AIiLf NTOW?; l'A.
I'.ev. M. I. lHri'or.l. A. Jl . l'r.sidetit.
Major li. Kl KbMMiiit-F, .upeiii,!eiijei,t of the
.llllltilly I'epuitlllelit.
1111s liistilution. ehart. red bv Ihe Sialo of l'euii-
sylvania Willi lull I ellegiate powers, ki!i ,..,i,
ll l,el sesslnll. ept ti'h. I. i.-ry Uetltiv i.-att-,i'b- I
tor an Fligtisll Cla-.teHi. St-ieutitie and .Military edu
cation under the best t in-li ml .rs. l'upils are re.
celt ed in the Primary. Piephrai'.ry und ('..llegi.iie
lK-i..iituieiiis. 1 or en eutar. address ihe I'resiilent
July Jl, Im'iI I'm
Ijii-Uun Hunii A IHioiinlurn Itutl
lsfll, I'm "'iteT Trains
. -ut by the best A. :::
ett.-loni llolk. -it.d
Is. tl nr. 11; 1
sola ut ii
I l" the neive-t -t ele
and made coual.'.i pi iets.
lint Jtml i:o.. 4'lolhlnu '-f ;be best u.a
teriiit eon-i-Iii.g of le- Ctats. Fr.K-k C'tiits. Sa- k
Coat.-, l'atils, and Ve.-is i f iniiuus e. bis und
liea (U:nti.i:mi:. s 1 1 r.Ni-iiiNt; iiuii,s,
I sueli us Shin.-, fi 1 r--l.ii I. I i.der-hirts. liritwtis
Collars. Clal III.- t.-k:.i.- tb.l.iikeieliiet's. Sloeklti
' lilt'ier. AC
j Il:il mid lift ol'itll l.iii'.
j Li'i'TS AM" Slb'bS. VKI NK-!. VAI.I.-KS. I'M.
j liNM.LAS. and No'lloN.s.' of a'l kitil-. and uuiue.
Ion- ,.li,,-r 11111. !,-s
The piihiie rt'.' tir.ile-.l t i citil all I etainiue hi?
' Sioek.
l'.i nn uiber the lae.-. "C- nt '.iienlnl CI ahit. f'l.Te.'1
Cornel el Market orae an ! the N C li II
l.L 1 lililtl'
Slllihurv. .Iillv I-i'l
, eii. n w i'h liie i:l' nn i. b's. he a'-., ke. t -
1..I ;e ll.-soi 'lll.llt "I SI A I I'lM bV. .-it'll
P 11. .1. 1. 1., I '!-,-. P. 1 P.neils. li.';- A'
Phi - v !:.!.'- i'i " 'ii'l - a'.l tall. ill re.'.ii:-
li 1 .'.in.:- I ui:h lb.' .-leaie-i .leelliuev .11." I il.
Abb lo'l l;S li-u'.r N-ght.
1;. iu, ml., r ihe pla.-e. M '1 ket Square, under the
.'..e ol .he '-.-i.l.l.t.l Anieric Hi '
K. A Fist UK".
--ul, bill V. June -a. Is-- I.
I'.ev. .1 11.
(. tiulvh.
.11 : lh-ar Sir
a .l.lll. l ill v -ai'li.'
I dil'er.'iit kii.d- . '. no- li' 1111
practice Hsu'lt .'" toy .'".l'opi
l'r, -til tin'
'ih li.ipti.-t
Iir .la
U.-!e. to
NLWIV:," lIUo'.VN.
Keiiiiar.l, r.,-!..r of tho
-I !
V, i.ll I oil! Kill l.-t 1
I oi',-
j nil e: 'e.'li'l d I
1 ;" 'am ,'-' .'it'.' p..ri a-
' i.ili..-.- ..I Hi II
t. 1- ..fee lr- Ill IT.
II '.list. '
'.i.llv t,
iv. 1
o-e t 11 . -nil 1
i our . 1 1 v r
1., .',ih
eollV ie
and -
I t li
vc been fre.n
ill loltll. Ill l.-t
hut reiri.l.illig
spline. 1 hav, in
t itr.h a eienr pi... a 111 van-. us
l.'i ly in inv t.i'inly. of e use
i s'li. niiiiu liiiu r-. I .b ( art.
il to e.vple.s tiv tall
.1 gei .-i .-i I delolity ,. ;..e y s! in
.- I.iu-l I "ll.plail.l. it is 11 s.i'e eiel
11011. II. S ..11.' e.i- s it U'.-v fall :
.bl 1;..'.. it V ill be veiy beuelieiiii l
ti". Hi li e ..V. .iv e.tu-e
-pee. fully. .1 H KKNNAUP,
.tloiv Coate- Siieot. PhOadei hill
I'r. -.n ltcv Wiirii-u Him l.dph. P-. t-.f ;!' ...'..;...;'.
Chiiieh. Ijeiiai.nt-.wii. P. nn.
Il-.C.M. ,laek-uli : - l'ear a :-!' , sol,;.!' -li.
nee i-l.abl,-. ll.e t" sat lb. I 1 l ejal d the '
bilit-r-. prej nit-.t I.v i -u a- 11 li-'.-i , v- .-ii- a' ii.iui
ellie. lu e.4,-0- el'.Jt,':.' e-'ld a: -1 gei.e.i.t ii.-iiil:t I
hat e been gi eally i.i Ie ti'.U I hi If ll-' ot ihe Itllu Is.
Vouis. tiu'.v, WAbbt.N U M l.i'il .
I 'ei it.anto'.t 11. l a
ran: ciustal carbon
' I'loin Utv. J -Jl Tun.-r
I " bu-.h P
l'r Jackson .- "
j null lbllers 111 lilv 1
j lo say that 11 has b. 111 111"-! .
VN and after Jan. 1Mb,
will run ai l.'llt.wt :
lu.'l.leltlai elpetited, yU I
Juiiiou payahle uusri. rly In advance.
No didueliuu lint le .. l, nine.
1'upili cull nun al any itiuv, mi I will 0u!y be
charged ll. 'Ul Ihr lute llit-y eliler .
1 ot luilliei ( ulleulai. apply Iu Ihe Priii... l I
t I' iiollUACII j
Sunhury. August it Its. 4 11 1
V'Ol It CWX loiCi"K ' '-T1111 Niw I111T
tatim III I.S..I Itllie it, T, I 01 1 111 1 A'
Complete f,.leii ul lltdiopslliv and Ilt ;i,iip. Aua
I..U.V and Pl.l ..,...J o Ihe 1 1 ma 4 1., ilu.i.l- '
ed, l'rMltatlilii,l llialllt ; lualvll.t. I ,M.krt jr I
' 'lliayabd I'laellee wl Mwtiullie. wilh Home llisl
, It. nt , r vela! I'ta I U.'l er v and ii t df ii-1 tlolNpvutic.,
Naiule Cau.i', tu.puu.l an-l 'litMili.ei.1 il alt
ki.oau li.,., Apili. luturity. Mi.laii'il
and Ike Nuiui ami I imi t tt.a. and kta'l l,Msl
1'... ttlllt III. tool I1..I1 1 ,u. 1 l.l liy ll I
, liil Jd I' I'll" pi, pai l by tia.i a III, l -A
ilitaa l-oM 1.1 ll 4 W Il ia, Uioaa.., Ilea
1 ' ! all Ike lubluill.t aal. It Itat eilaiue l tuh
I a ul t-..u,ii, um.1 k) na I I ll M Ll .
ftu.e ai Usoie .l.lsla4 tu gil.wti tentil lliaai !i
ium e,,u.j.b.i.iie. ai.4 aatl ajianawd l w.le
4t - A I i,-
Mil III I. MM A iU,
lrMt Ml 1 41 M , ka IM Cue ValU4l
u.4 1".4. k.e to. at ( .11 at'
U4 hi eMletes4 eted all etkef ktie laWhMe4 W
I best eie
.t It !
4 .n V
i a j
H ia
v ;ij
v li
Noll 111
s nu A
a 1.1
V -1
li r.' !
1 ;k
It u pert,
I uli s ille.
at Noilbuitiberbiiid.
M" 1M1
' llup.-il.
Arrile al -vlttitlou
1 1, ighl X l'ri.rf,r bate. Ill bur;. Ill 11 M
I'lts.!-!..!. lakilg lh Mail l i'tiu .uth , I
llltlt tl.a I 'le- 11.1111 fit. tit N ,1-liulitheilttud anlt
li. at ll.iiri-'.i.ig, al l a A M , lialoiutio ,' 110 A
M , au.l ai l' hi.t. al 7 no A M Mn M ..I
1 N..iiliuii.beiliti.. t.uti-. iuini.- liai. lt ait.r
' Ihe afrit at ul Ihe 1. 1 1 rtw. tl alb truut Itai r'.-Lut g al.d
llitllilitoie. allowing I'j ng, 1. luat iu l'l,iUdel'tii
, at lo 40 P M , lunu, a poiuLou (hit riad dum g
the lit al (ortb.H.ii
1 Nt-a alii wiigii.t .' U t'tl. 4 t'sr ae.'"iu..i,tv the
liigtil liaiiuwaiti N..i.huii.t.,il.ti..i and
li .lliluol e, ab i N. III.uU.lsil.l. 1 ai. I I'lillmli . Itia
l I l.ot M' .-u I.
t li-wlluit, l u.lii a. itutl l.i utli'iui tt 1
la lel Mle-I, k I -H Ike I'lUli.l 11
HUN III) li V, lr A..
rt UVIHIY. Iiu.b'l ak.ei I'l. l.e ll.ll, it
la Id etui 1 la.- , t. 4.p4i4 W tkv
l'viliiu in Ike e.t i;t bl a..ib.i
AVUltoHPM ASH Pliili-ill ll lis. la t.ii til ,. ike Ait ik.i ..tub
tit pw.4 lbll.eaii.te lleitieti.til jtallt-.'
tut..', lie ill 411 taat't. u.a .1 ts .l...
I . .t wilt le uti-w li. a. ell i ,U -I I i
u.te kibi ee'l M.iiaui ttte vktiJ
, 1 I ' k
j Intl l( I ,ll-llili.. ' lii'f t'o. 1
; DEl'OT:
I lis r.eado S net N'.'W lk i
I 'Pie a'-.11. C io a" o kvnw 11 all .a -T the u rl 1
as the own, rs tt the I. '., Plauia'to'i -a Juiaaii.l
! 1'utatia in the I'ul. h r t-t Indies, nnd a'e the Inrgesl
' Itli'l'Opoblers ut Cotleo oil Ih" It lobe '
'ihe uii.i r-gn. I tie ..' ap, (heir - lo
I Agti.l in ihe I I '-.ei M.t'e- ai.l iii ihe Urii.-ii I ..:
j bit- will l 'r il" thi-t .l.i. r. ut .bi I- of C
! oe. who h i..r legiihiiity ol giade and ihcapi.t.-s .a
. pnee. t, ill defy e. nope. lll.'tl
I Hut P tt.r it i .'th e ' io '. er lil'.ie in" lu'tlin
tho C"Ut''re I-1' I t- . ' en-' , I v d in I i i
I Nat n- ' I.iitopx. ai.d ti. hi.v t .t!u. I t 1 U- ul up
' j.n.ts lo l.-aeU all I' ai. l air t alia Jut t
W.ll lie ll.o Magnum P.oiuiiu l'..rlee ol I Ho a; .
j l ,. will h lie. I I ae.'oll.ll. ..Ul.oll ol til'"-' I I' '
' ti llles. abl ti ot 1 1 1, ii. "I.I I .litlaelol.. tHli.le. ,.tl.V.
; a'ld dlawil lor li"t.-ig
i t'r.ltli ..lU'llt I (hi r.eiipt el'ea-li e 'be I r.
j ly 1, i war.'vd at dir-li d
I V l'lUr I'ACKA'.US.
i'-. '.
.a- sir : ll:
ii.ii.t li. .p.
u ot gl. t
g".., i ai .1,
f lb d fia - M li
ii i- the Mti -l..i
e imv kie
I li.usl t alut.1
C'.IU.Il .
N . i:V. N
ii-, I y..ur i
I aiu 1 1 . p
lee t t. I '
l'...ty .1 Ihe - -ie
KU.1 I) of wii
,i is fniM ii
l'lolll the be
Chur. bee
J. M
' I
a-, lcniet V
id Mitc-ui, ..
li '
. will re.-i iie i r.-iopl niter,.
Willi. ui. -p-nt. Jui.e 2.' I'l
LlLLiis llill.H-.Jj
e.r Oit'y s... i- i'.t.iiillj i
Uli-l i f - t .
I I I.
1R0.N SAFK L'J.h J'ilK
f New ll. ,'h.!'-. N V
I Pr l M tek-oii; leir Si. I Pel it u '.
I thus, of u. a.-C'.id. I Li-i.1 1, ;ii.i"i.y
ll e t eeli. Iiee in the lielltiilli I'.llleis !
1 .-II. e. I. eilig ll.U'll uti.l'lel Willi i'.-l.i'l
lli- ll. w ill! t i'l v h. l.t lieutl l.'sol;-
I I ll" I" pel -
l.-i .t-e. it. id ha . h
I Is
I .llll la-,'
III p., I k s
.I , . 1. ll ' 1
li.t. , : i.
ll..; !. -lr... I
11,1 .1 .1.1
I. .! '..--,,
I. .1.1.
'1 d l.-lll
th-'.l g
jitt tt; tl
I. b
1 hale ol en re
i by lha! (oil .. i:M..
Ill ihe ll.o-l ll . l. l
...line 111...-.-"
:, I, (I'M c
I. .11 Lt'1.-
I. II I ire
b- lb.lg':
I I-
1 foil!
the llet . lb M .
r i
f l'....h
t . I
Ilea Ie
V-lc .p.
Ne.t ok
1' l- I C I
July 2 a t-i I
ih. .mint i iioi,'.
(r. Ill.llly ol in. l aain. a lh.u-'
SIN ll t I, V . I' I. N N A
ISiHitils li.r 1 1 1. 1 . I. . I ii-' I s' be .'i..i...!v
lll.l I... I.ll 1. I II " I" 1" I' l""
I,. In J U P...... . .. Iii... ki ia i ... i. t. ..i '!
ll. I U I oil il ! I'll ' I
p. .1 .11.4 ll
Vi .Hi ( --I .-
I. il
I.. be I'
.1,1.1 II
bo. gl a I
. 111., -I,
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..l.d 1 1
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i'h' I. a'l
1 V.
1 I .
tliw .fin,.!
I..I hot,
la l-'l v
I Mi I li I S
kialil Isl.o.
. u.l"l I ul hob-t,
s. t I
. I .. I
II S I I." U.l'1 I
I .. .1 I 1 1 ... 1.
.ll I-.S i ... ,1 : I I.
i it 1 1 .U.K.
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it, 1 1.
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l v I ;
J I. v
I IP M I'-o.N
abtui ). M .1 I 'i
ttrmt or advice
..... ii i
IIUU lii
i ll K A I I' Vilt (I. tN'iU IM N
. o l IU..I. a- l! ,,i I
ltHlllllUIIl'llt'll'' Ills' ..'
A ill4 l' (obl'
lVt kliej,' I f
Jf !(
inn. U I I III I I i
hln uti vl IU.- i t ta, miimiiI,
a t ! ii,il ai.i..
St I
. I. il I "so till
ll.--.-l ' I. .
Ill I. I. Ill I
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a !.
,it u,
ll' I. Ul I'M
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M Ji
I J. V A NU,
til .
I 1 i L.s..,t t. ft i