Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, July 16, 1864, Image 4

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    U. S. 10-40BONDS.
'1 hi-1- ft vtala ere fcroed under the Act of Conjrrrfle
ti March 81, l.-J4, which proridra thai nil Bond
wk,I uoJ -f tbia A.I shall e EXEMPT PROM
TAXATION by or Ljcr nystnto er mimioipiit au
to .rity. lrtlTip.lofi CO thcae P.lJh ar received
in t ! flak noffo noire r.f National Banr.
7ut TO Rf MJKJ'KD IN Iho
! o.-aro ifihj il.'V.'fnm.'Tit, Bl nny per io.l njt Its
t...-i li t i-r rxjrt f"tf yfuri from their
-.alnotit tl i ir n Vn.r'i-n HVK i'KH CENT.
IS'T11.:-"T WILlaHt. PA III IN COIN, rt Hood,
rf notovir one hundred dollars tuiiiu.illy and on all
o'hi r n. nl' scoii-annjally. The iutcrcst is payable
on lie Grst J s of Murwb r.u l ::rpli tidier iu each
J vers
Sul Tiberf nill receive either Tlris'ercd or ("m
p n lt.-nds, a., they may prefer. Ileiristerrd Ponds
ere recorded on the book tf the l. S. Treasurer,
nud can be transferred only on the owner s oriler.
Cvii'-on IJnt.di aro p-tyablu to bearer, and are more
luiivcmcnt fur coiiiinorcial uses.
Subscribers to tliis loan Kill have the option of
Laving their 1km. L- draw interest from M.ireh lst.,hy
; ij ii the aceru- 1 interest In coin (or In I'uitcd
Mut. s notes, ur the note of National Hunks, adding
!U't ;. ,r eeut fur premium,) or receive them drnv,
h: interest from ttio dutecf subscription and dcjiosit.
As these llouds aro
lltt-mpt from Iiiiitclnl or Null".'
'lit ml l.nt,
t;cr value is, lucrca'cd from one to Hire per cent,
j er annum. aeeordin to the rate of tax le ies in va
ii" U parts of tho country.
At the present rate of premium on froM they pay
in currency, unit arc of equal convenience as a per
li'ftneLtor tcmp"r.iry investment.
It is believed that no fecuritios offer ro great in
ducement! to lender! as the various descriptions of
V S. Bond!. In all other forms of in debtcdii"s-, tho
faith or ability of private parties or stock companies
only is pledged for payment, while fur the debts of
the United States the whole property of the coun
try is holden tosecuro the payment of both principal
and interest in coin.
There Bond' may bo pubsoiibed for in sums from
?.'0up to any magitii-.lo, on the same lorins. and are
thus ni:ide equally available to the ruiallest lender
ii nd the largest capitalist. 'J hey enn be converted
into money at any amount, and the holder will have
the benefit of the interest.
It may be useful to state in this connection tha.
the total Funded lebt of tho United States on which
iuterest is payable iu guld. on Iho "d day of March.
1-W1, was frtiS.SHi.VOOO. The interest on this debt
for the coming fiscal year wiil be ?1;.9'17 .12fi. while
the ciHtoms revenue in pold for the current fiscal
year, ending Juuo uOth, IS64. has been so far at the
rate of over $100,000 00(1 per auiium
It will be seen that even the present gold revenues
of the Government arc largely in excess of tho wants
uf the Treasury fur the payment of gold interest,
while the recent increaso of the tariff will doubtless
r:iso the annual receipts from customs on tho sumo
(mount of importations, to flO. 000. Ot'O per annum.
Instructions to tho National Bunks acting as loan
Itgonts cro not issued from the United tiite Trea
sury until M.ireh 26, but in tho first three weeks of
April the subscriptions, averaged more than IKS
Subscriptions will be received by Iho
Uiist Nulloiml Bank of Philadelphia. Tn.
Tocoud National Bank of Philadelphia, Pa.
Thiid NrCuchI Bank of Philadelphia, Pa.
TIM National Bauk of Danville, Pa.
And I.v all ."aliomil lliinjsi
' I.!. m depositaries of Public money, an I all
throughout tho country, (acting as agents of tho Na
tional Depository Banks,) will furnish further infor
mation on iipplicatiun and
May 7, l.till.
Northern Central IJailwiiy !
s i mi 1 1 ; it t i ! t : T.i ti i . i
! JIUKh T11AINS DAILY to and from Baltimore
M:-l Vu.-hin2ti n city.
'.inne.:iiuns io::de with trains on Pennsvlvaniu
1: nil; 'i.el. Iu ami (ruin l'ittlmrL' and tl.e West.
'! 111!.!. Til A I N I'ALY to mil from tne.Wtli and
AVe.-r llrniich Sus'iuehiiita, l.liniru, and ull of North
en. New Yolk.
ON and after MONDAY. MAY loth, lsiil.
tho l'asscii-er Trains ol the Xuiiheni t'enlriil
1: uilwny will arrive at and depjirt from Suiibury,
ll.ilii.:burg ami ltaltiiuure as lulluvs, viz :
south vr a n i .
Mail Truiu leaves r'linbury daily (except
fMindav). J i) 2.' A.M.
" b a es ii trri-biirg. I 20 1'. M.
" arm es at Baltimore, 6 40 "
.pr: Train leaves t-unburv daily
(except Sun lay.) " ' 11 lft P.M.
' leaves llurri.-burg (except
Monday.) 2 DO A. M
" arrives at Baltiuioro daily
(except Muiida.v). 7 CO A.M.
llairisburg AccoiuiuoUaliou leaves llarris-
bur.,', 7 00 A. M.
t-unbiiry Acconiuiudation leores Sunbury
daily (ex -ept Sunday) nt 7 30 A M
Mail Train leMs liallimore daily (ex-
v ept Son lay) ,0 20 A M
' Icives lltini-loirg J ."j P. M,
' arrives at Sunbury. 4 Oft
I snress Train leaes UaUiinnrn dully V ;;o P. M
' ai rives nt Harricluug. I Jo A M.
" b ai.. llarrisbuig (except
Monday,. .1 l.'i A. M.
' avries aL Sunbury. 6 63 "
II njl-'tuig .'!eulimio.ti! i.,ti leaus I:ii-is-
buig. daily tex.iept Sunday) at ,'t 00 P M
arrive at llnrri.-burg. 7 so P M
Sunbury AccuuiuuKiaiiuii leaves ilmijs.
buig daily rexcept rumdn) I ut i (it P M
Fur timber infuruintion upplv nt the Ollue.
I N. I" HA UK Y. lieu. Supt.
Hani burg June 4, 1-uJI
-ii -nt pi:m:i 1804.
At the Large Millinery Store of
.IIImh Ml. I.. 4ati,-r,
I uv 11 -I i et. I w u do' I - .-oudi ot Mlaliaikili 'jillfv ,t
l'utlsville K.,iliu.: ,l ;( 1(V, v,
Cvti. itiu.' of ti e my Inte l rifles of
AUi. 'liiiiiiniu; iu Ii as IhblmiK, Laeis, I rem h jiu.j
.mere an rluoeis. Featheu, 4c.
Fancy Goods & Notions,
! bi Ii lie dire.-ti ihi, ktl.-otioii i,f her friend- and
iu He. nil iu call an I e b uio pun bann i,o
lo ru
'1 Ii snk (ol f.,r s I sir. am I. b I ., . , k . , , . .
IUX tut b.v-l l,,jlautll at e:i..,,ual,le piit .ciu ton
l.uue tlm
. iii.l.uiy , April Iv'.l .in
I) I lit III 1.1 V iilum. I, i lii.i.l.i, ., ,!.,..
an 1 i Iliiiii 1 . 1I14I abe b i .1 4 N.ari-.,,
it l lliiai w. i I u. j .In f in Mek'l ''mi
I ui 'l'-.ii i, u, M.,.i. ... ii.l m...,.
ulu Mil 4. S4,4't ul l.liuu. t h 11 1 'I.- i.,.
ti .i leiin, I., 1.,, .,. 4 1 1 .,1,1m,, I,,,, ,1.4 ,,!,. i ;
..Hi 1. Hi, I 1 1. lUit laxua ll.U.t, !. I ' . .1 r -,
atnl . tail..
. I -. fc. 11 . uullala, kiid ,.Ha ,,, a, l.,,,l.
""I'l U ll' aud g. L I, IM.y , .11 ,.( '., I, , l4
' . I '"" I".e. laAU M
I laubltl), Naf ill. 11
n:sioNs, lioiNiiiis "
ami hack I'AY tOl,.n;Kn
II vUH I- ii. . 4t .. 1.1, .m
. '1 .a4 Ii ... I 1. . .1 . Hauu.
k.WUllMH4 Mai 1 ' 14 M .4 a..
U4'til. I , ,j li.l(l ..
. ... II ' .. . I .
Ladies' spuiNa and summeh
Th o cIdom V(!5t of tlto Post Olllcc,
HAS Josl roi-rlvcd and oprncd a largo assortment
of Knnov Drew Oends, such as (lloves. Jouvian
hid-Rloves, Silk and lisle tbrend Oloves; Ladies
ootton llrvso, Children's llio, Silk Jlits, Hundker
ebb fa, Oirsrt. Kmhrcidcred Slijipers. IUIibuns I'A.V
'Y HUKnS HUTTONS. lluKle Himbs, Trimminir-,
Buttotif, Hell KilKin, Velvet Ribbon, Braid, Bell
Clnfps, Lidiea' Neek-tioa, :'nnc Button!, I'HAPH
KIHHON and TKI.MM1NU; imbroiderinR Braids,
Jnoonrt KDd StvLsg Kdginvrs and insi rtious Alalteero
I, noc Collars, tlrenaditie Veils, Kaucr Dross Coin'js,
Head Drevis, NctUI, and a Variety ot' other articles.
Book". Hymn Books, Blank Bocks, Memorandum
Bucks, Diaries. Pocket Hooks, ink Stttiids, Pons,
Pencils, c, Ac.
All of which have been selected with euro aud will
be sold al rcasonubl 0 prices.
Sunbury, April 2d, 1861.
(I.nto Mrs. Boultun's.)
HAS taken this old and well known stand, and
relilted and furnished the same is prepared to
accommodate Hoarders and Travelers with the best
the market can nti'ord. He hopes by strict attention
to business to receive a share of public patronage.
His 'i'AHLK contains the best themaikct ntterds.
His Par is tilled with the choicest of Liquors, both
Malt and Spirituous.
Tim stabling is good, and attended by careful
Sunbury, April 30, 1S04. ly
f'.I'Olt'rSllliVS BIIPOT.
JUST received a new stink of Pishing Tacklo for
Spring sales, consisting ol Hods, Heels, Lines,
Baskets. Snoods, floats, Nets, Flies. Artificial Hail,
Rigged Lilies, lint. (Irass and Hooks, to which the
attention of dealers is particularly requested.
Orders. Wholesale. nd Detail, punctually filled
and suiislactioii warranted.
2nd and Walnut streets, Philadelphia.
February 27, 1I111
And how hid Pulmonic Syrup, Seaweed Tonic,' and
Mandrake Pills acton the System in Curing that
Disease, and tho
4ai-c:it Kut-tM'si Atti-iMlint; 11 !
The above is a correct likeness of Dr. Selienk taken
many yean ago, after ho had recovered from Conc
sumption ; by a course of his "Selicnk's Pulinoni
Syrup." The likeness, although it docs not repre
sent him anything like as bad as he was at the worst,
yet it is in strong contrast with the hale and viguruus
looks of tho Portrait below, which is the true like
ness of hi ui at present time. The contrast between
these two portraits is so great that many would not
believe (hem to be the same person. Yet there are
hundreds of persons, in and around Philadelphia,
who will recogiiUo both urtriiits to bo true reprcsen.
tations. When tho first was taken he weighed 10"
pounds ; nt the present time his weight is 2.'u pounds.
New Yoiik, Wednesday. March SO, 1H01.
Thirty years ajo I was In the last slages of Pul
momuy Constunpliuu, and given opto die. I resided
In Philadelphia, and Dr. Joseph Parrish, then of this
city, ordered me to Morestuwn, N. J., a distauocuf
niuo miles which took mo two days tu get there. On
my arrival 1 st, put to bed, and there laid for many
weeks. This was my native place, whero ull my
family lived and had died of Consumption. Dr.
Thornton, who attended my luther iu his last illness,
was culled, and gave me one week Iu fix up my af
fairs. He had seen all my family go thai way, and
thought 1 w as to go. too 'Then J' heard of the rcmo
dies 1 now oBcr to the public, which cured mo. It
teemed to me that I coul d feel I hem peuetratiujr my
whole system.
They soon ripened the matter on mv lungs, and I
would spit ell re than a pint uf oltcnsiva) yellow
matter every morning. As suuii as Unit bvgau to
tubfido. my cuugli, lever, pain, night sweats all
begun to leave me. and my appetite became so great
Hint it was with ditliculty I could keep from eating
too miirh. 1 s,s ui gnine I iny sirengm audi have
beui growing in llc.-u ever since. For many years
I have enjoyed uniiiliriupted good health, keeping
the liver and stouia-h healthy with the Seaweed To
liie and Mandrake Pilln, a I am of a billions ttmper
iinient. My weight is two hundred and tueuty
N,i,nd Ou my recovery people would send fur me
lar and Hear, Iu see if their eases were like iiiiuu.
Fur Ihi: luirpos.) I pay professional visits in Iho large
cities '1 heeuiuuiuptii es ai.liluaeo the one
makes tlne medicines, and who was eared ol en.
Min.ptiuu by Iheiii. Iu make new lungs is iiu.-i.
Lie; but em ilie. in the lungs and chiuiiiu ulc.ra
lii l toltho bloliehiul lubes cm be healed Sus ll
ea-esare dying hourly under Ilia ordimty treatment
ul ph v-ii iiu.s, and ji.-l ueh are cured by'lho proper
use ot .Vb. i.k Puluiuiiiu Syrup, Staaeed J'onio,
aud M iiidrakr Pills.
I urn ic a heallby will, a largo cavity in
Ibe middle ubti H. t.ui Ui,g thU,er lobe ery
ll.oi h l.i ,.aue.ind euliij,vtedhe.luuof the pleura.
Ibe I' II Inn.', la ,uud Slid Ibe upper lobo u the
rilit King i. ii, a lubrably i,y euudili..u. 'Jhe
gi,ai m by liv.uu,,,.. ,l i,t t.uru eun.uuip.
ion I- lliiy l, v ,l ,,, ,,.; II.. j, jj.t u li.e.
" ''! 'I., e u, I,. ..(,,11 ,., i
o l .l. M..I. by o ly a.iaug. Iho
Kb ,le
ui. 1 .
pall' 1.1 .. k . .. ,u. lltr l
. I... . aulelliUltLU ..1 ibu i,.h,.i.l u.,1.
H.V 'si.
' "I n.e'.r ai d bud lun. enough l.tllu euie 1
.11... I n.r . .Ii. HI l.oM I., u.o b ii.r rem.die.
I ,i lb., a ill ull ,,,.u v (lt.(r
ouu- old S.ono can L. cured., .,,.,
II. er v.ep.l eul uih canlel. ulew
Ibu. .1. bl.!' t Ibe ll. r ai.i.l .,,u,u. h a, v itimu
H. y I . V a l ii.'Ui.d ibu cnler . Inuiuu iaian I,
Ub ll,. l..., , I. .1..11., I. u u.lils U Ul.a ,l,i!
I. HI 1 1. ..a. ,u i.1 ) olbel ,wll..u . f Ibe ii.uiiliy. 'uu)
1. Il i,u oil, i .i.ll by a I' ul ...III. b lull
buiai l uul a. iili liate ai.d aMlu and all U( .
.llH. I. I, I. .,,m! l.lul I ' ll. el Ibe .iuiu.l,
.1., I , I ...ill,,. lll L .1 I.J, I!.. I, e.
il.s I Ijuliili.-u l. I La. ...... I lly-uliultt any
III. . J.i IU HI f (.,1 u ll.. U-l l Kill iU,.lU ihcitj
i-d d .y aiua at, 1 Heals 1.1.I1I ).u ' .1. a I lu.
1.. la It. lite vui.dillua tu ill0'i' I...4 Su-I U.aktf ti, M
l.luaal Iu lli '.aai .1 all .ia.iid lu.llii I u a U
l. oi l , a i Iu I,. . ... una iu II,. lui ,-. , I u.i.f .
l.,l bl .la. I I I !. . lislwllk, .1 bl. I ai.d ll.a,
aia-l a,aiui a ul ! lbs L--lu. .11 ai.) p. , m,,. b.
fir II. al . ulail. lax He .u. a .it ,.l, 1. , f
Itabt'aul laua.a iluu.4 11 . .ul
U 1 a,, ,a, I , Ii 1. Uaa. a 4 lb. Ma., a. ll.. 4ua .
W.ll.l la. II.. yl,au , tut (il llaa a, ( aal aa)
d.a It,. In,, i,4 ,aa.a a aa. ai.. it iusl .,
t ul, 1 la.f I,. I II anl auak. I.a C, ... abaa'to 'kill
Ul. I.. . , I u I ,..
. I a. i . I . u ... 1 mi.,. ,. a . . f llaa Laul 1 1. j..
1 ' 1. I .. il ,1 1 . . 1 1 . 1
il I it Iu. ... .. . 1
tba stomach, and II Is carried oil' by the aid of ih
Mandrake Pills, the Pulmonic. Syrup i. mado into
blood. This Is tho only way to core consumption.
If I cannot get a Roml appetite, and food doe. not
digest, 1 cannot ci.ra Iho patient Never mind Iho
eouwtli ; remove he eanso and will flop of Itself.
This is Ihc most Iruublo 1 have Willi my patients at
my rooms. They any, '-Doctor, I fuel stronger; I
can eat ; mv niulil sweats arc better, ard 1 feel bet
ter every way; but my cough Is so bad yet;" and
they aro astonished to hear mc say thai does not
matter; remove the cause and tho cough will s op
of its.df. S-dienk's Seaweed creates a good rj.pctito
in about nine days, when llirro is no lung disease,
union tho liver Is so congcted that tho Mnndrnka
Pills ennnot unlock the duets of tho gall bladder in
that short space of lime, in order to allow the stulo
bilo to pass oil'. Keep Ihc liver and stomach healthy
and there is loss danger of consumption or any other
disenso. It is hard to take cold when thoso organs
lire healthy. Those that are bilious, low-spirited,
dreary, feeling stupid, coated tongue, poor appetite,
nervous, stomach full of wind, everything that is
eaten lies heavy, loss of inomorv, try 0110 bottle of
.VCHKNCK ' SKA WFF.D TON IC, and ona box of
cost of one dollar and twenty-five cents, with full di
rections. This D sufficient, in many easos, to saii
fy what tho medicines arc. Frequently one bottlo
makes a great chango iu the system. Any person
that enjoys ordinary health, by using tho Soaweed
Tonic and Mandrako Pills occasionally, must gel tho
digestive organs iu such n henlthy condition that
they become lleshy I can produce a number of my
old consumptives patients now enjoying good health,
weighing nearly 200 pounds. I will concludu by
relating three cures I have made in New York, and
which are all different, and wish any ono who feels
an interest in the matter to visit thein. First is Mrs.
Farlow, residing then atNo. 107 Houston street Her
husband called upon meal my rooms. X'i Bond street
and wished me to call and see her. lie said 1 could
do no good ; that he had had nil tho best medical
attendance, and all said she was tint far gone with
Consumption to bo cured ; but she had heard of soino
great cures I had made, and ho desirod to gratify
her wished. I called, and found her lying couliued
to her bed in the last s'age of bronchial consumption
and without doubt must have died soon. 1 examin
ed her lungs, found both bronchial lubes very much
affected, but no cavities bad formed, her congh
was very severe, the spit-box was half full of thick
pus. Pulse 110. leg swollen very much ; mid werso
than all, she had chronic diarrhoea. Her bowels had
been moved eleven times that day. fold her that she
had lungs anough to be cured, but that this diarrluea
liad been of long standing, nnd her stomach was in
such a utecrntcd couditiou that I was afraid nothing
could be done. She insisted 1 should try and do
what I could for her. observing that she could not
last long in the condition she was in, and I could not
nmko her any worse. I gave her lirst a doso of my
Mandrako Pills, and the Ionic and .vrup freely.
That was on Tuesday, and by tho next Sunday tho
diarrhoea was carried oft, her appetite had returned
aud she could sit up in bed and cat her dinner. Sho
i.ninw well, and gave a long certificate, certified to
by tho Her. Dr Downing.
.Mrs. Bartholomew, Sll Wost Forty-fifth street,
came to my rooms with a tumor on her liver. .She
was low-spirited, skiu sallow, tongue coated, bowels
costive, no appetite, and fust sinking into tho grave,
'iho said tumor had been running over fourteen
ffears. I gave her Syrup. Tonie and Pills, and told
icr totake them just as the directions wero printed.
She came back to my rooms. a2 Bond street in two
weeks, somewhat boiler ; her tongue had begun to
clean a little arouud the edges, her skin whiter and
ber eyes brighter and the tumor discharging very
ollcnsive matter, much faster than it had ever done
before. She kept gradually improving, and in alsiut
Iwo months rho caine lo my rooms very much fright
ened, saying that Iho tumor had nearly stopped
running, and was healing up, and that every doctor
had told her lhat if it e er healed it would cause her
death. I told her that the disease had all left her
system, and nature would heal tho ulcer up. They
are now healed, and have been for about, a year, aud
she is a heaiiv and robust a woman as you will find
in u days walk. She is giad lor tiny one to call 011
her, and takes great pains to visit any one that sho
hears has anything like her case, and tries to get
them to cotnu and see inc. The next case is Miss
.'e field, from Stamford. Coi.n., Mis. Bartholomew
gut her doiwi lo sec inc. and she has been ever since
at hcrliuuse. When sho lirst caine lo my rooms, she
was much emaciated wiih a distressing cough, spil
ling large iiiautiiies of blood. 1 examined her lungs
with the rc.-pironieter. and in all my practice never
fouud 0110 w ith one lung so far gono and the other
lung so sound. I could not give much encourage
ment. 1 thought she would die ; but to my aston
i-hment the Pulmonic. Syrup, Seaweed 'Juiiic. and
Mandrake Pills all scouted to go right to wuik, tliu
lung is ull healed over, leaving 11 cavity as large as
a goose egg; good appetite, fiue spiiits, and has
gained some thirty-five pounds iu weight. Sho has
some cough yet, which 1 do nut tnink will leave her
beiore June. I should think it would be of great
interest 1,0 some unprejudiced physieiau lo visit these
cases, particularly Miss Scolicld, urany of theiu who
have been cured by my medicines. They aru num
erous in New York ; but the above three all ditVcr
from each other ; and i. my medicines are doing
what 1 represent they are, they should bavo the
credit and the nlUicU-d know where mid how they
may be cured.
J. II.NCHliXK, M. D.
Dr. J. II. Si henk can be found at Iho piiueipal
office, No. ,'i'J North tiih Street, Philadelphia, every
Saturday, from 11 A. M- until 0 P. M., tu give advice
frco ol charge; but lor a through exnminatiun be
charges three dollars. Price ot the Pulmonic isyrup
and Seaweed Tonic each $t 25 per bottle, or SO tho
ball dozen. .Maudinku fills 1'u cent, per box.uud
is for sale by nil Druggists aud Dealers.
May H, l.Slil. ly
A Joint resolution proposing certain
Amendments to the Constitution.
VA. it Vi'iilft'l l-'l the Smi'ti! 11 ml Hume vf
!tjiictttittiitireit the (' DiiimitirulltU uf 1'iun
hi! mi, in in HtMtrttl AhhmI'Iii nut, 'i'liat tliu
lullnwin uim.'iulinrnt j m proposed to the
Constitution of the (.'oiiiiiiouwutiltli in uc-
corihiiiCi) Willi tliu provisions of the tenth
article thereof;
There shtill lie an ailditional section to the
tiiiril iirUele ol the (.'oiibtuiition, tobeilesiir-
natiM as acrtiiin lour, as follows :
'Sixtiox 4. Whenever any of the quali
fied Hector ot tuis C ointnonwealtli shall Ijc
in actual military service, under a reijuisi
tion from the President of the United States,
or by the nutliotily of this Commonwealth,
such electots mav exercise the ri"ht of sull-
ragu in all iljclions by the fili.ens,tuii.lcr
sucli regulations us are, or fcliall be jirescnb
ed by law, us fully a if they were present at
their usual place of election."
fciKiTlux 2. There shall be two addition
al sections to tlieeleventh article of the Con
stitution, to be designated tis light, und
nine, us follows :
"Suction 8. No bill shall be passed by
the Lcuisduturc, containing more than one
subject, w hich shall be clearly expressed iu
the tale, except appropriation bills."
"Ski tii in 'J. io bid bliia.ll lie passed by
the Legislature granting any powers, or
privileges, in any case, wtii re the authority
to grant such powers, nr privileges, bus been,
or may heiealur be, conferred Upon the
courts of this Commonwealth."
Speaker of the House of liepresentalives.
Speaker of the Senate.
April Wtli, IPUI.
1 do hereby certify that the
I .1. S. I foregoing is u full, true 11ml cor-'---'
net copy of the original Joint
laVkolution of the (ieiieial Assemliy, entitled
"A Joint l.csolutiou proposing certain
Ann ndiut nts to the Constitution," as the
aatue remains on li!e at this ollice,
J.N 'J'a. 1 1 Mii.w whereof, 1 have hereunto
set my hand und iaued the seal uf the No
letaiy'a oliice lo be allixed, thuduy und e..r
ubove written. KL1 SLll- Lit,"
Sn ii t.iiy of the Cuiiiliioii wealth.
I The alien v Lesohitiuii having been agreed
lo by u in. iju lily uf the lunula is of t n 1,
House, at two s in ei'-.-ive kossions of (he
lieiu iiil As-i tidily ul this Comuiiiuweiilth,
j the ttiiii iid. m ilts v ill lie aiil.liiilt. ,1
j In the people, lor III. ir ttdop'ioii nr reji e
I loin, tio (he nils I' 'I'l t.MiAV UK At ol M' in
I lie u.irof our J. mil 1. lie thousand tight
bun, Ind and ruty four, in ui cord nun with
tliu provisions i.f tliulitilh Ut t ii Iu ul' Iho
Coiialit:it.,n. all. I Ibu Hi t, t litilled "All net
pnn ubiiig Iho linn and iiuiiiiut uf submit.
Illlll 111 llu pe.ijil,,, ,, (lui, IIJ.pi.lVul uud
r.ilitli or l.j 1 ti. 111, ('it- proposed auiiii.b
111. nla ,i I has (,'' i.piroid tho
Imnly lliil l ,l..y 1, 1 Aplll, U..V ll.ouaall.i
ilbl huudiid aiiul aixti l.uir.
' 1 1 1 Sl.ll'Ut,
Ki rn lary of t lie I i'iiiui.,imeu!tli.
Api ii Ull, I NO I iu
'I'm 4'lt-ur lUr tM ! I'lh .,
i sk iin nt us. i mini nin
l.H.UT.M.Sci lJ.V KlM.tii
Ibaal, ii..' .aavlubaa, I , af S lta I tt ill
kill a -W4i I fl Ii I I hi It III lit.
I I I M II ll I' It I 11 , a, aud Ma, kit
I'laa. I I. I. I. I U. a L, ll ... a , .,
I . I. I .... I
Roady to nail down.
ready "nooriNa
At less ih.-ui half tho cost of tin roofs.
iloro durable than tin.
Suitable lor sleep or flat roofs.
For nil kinds of buildings, iu nil climates.
Easily, cheaply, and quickly put on. lced so
coating over nitn cement alter 11 is nance, uowu.
Made of a strong woven fabric, thorough W sntnratei)
and covered upon both suit. ices with a perfectly
terproot composition, and rut up in rolls reauy lor
use It) inch wide, and 74 feet long.
AVc also manufacture
Fon Leikt Tim Roors,
Much cheaper and more durublo than oil paint.
Compound Omen I,
For Leaky hinlo Roofs,
Which trill often savo the cost of a new roof.
Samples of Heady Rooting and Circulars sent by
niuil v,hen desired.
Kavorahlc'.criiiS made with responsible parties who
buy to sell again.
7u Maiden Lane, -N. V,.
April 2.1, ISOt.
1-jt tj luxly Cmi lie an Artlnl.
No. 1 3! Chesnnt Street, oppoita the V. 8. Mint,
tlullcry, Ucccption nnd Operating Rooms ALL OX
All stvlesand of rbotO);rph, Ivorvtvpes.
Ferrotypes or Tintypes'' und taken at prices Wsuit
Ihc times.
Pictures Finished iu Water Colors, Oil, India Iuk '
and l'n-iil !
Horses and other animals. Equipage. Country Seats 1
Ruins. Modelsof .Muehiuery, Ac. , lor I'atenting ac
curatcly photographed.
1'. F. Cisiper desires lo call the attention of per
sons visiting Philadelphia to his now Uround Floor j
tlnllcry, here he has introduced newly-patented !
cameras, cupnblo of taking, in a few seconds, one
liundrcd l'hotographs. from the small stamp or auto
graphic, to the Imperial nnd Life Size.
Alter many experiment he has succeeded in pin- 1
eing his sky-light at an improved tingle, diffusing j
the light in ciiunl proportions, and producing that :
soft gradation of tono which cannot be given by the ,
side and sky-lights generally used, and which i.f so
much iinlNi'rtance to the beauty of a picture. It is .
made of French glass nnd is the largest iu l'hila.lel- :
pliia. !
.Mr. Cooper has been engngH more than twenty I
veurs in Ihc study and practice of llm Fine Arts.
ilis l ing experience us a Miniature ami Portrait ;
Painter is sulhcieiitguarnutce for the perfection of '
the pictures made at bis establishment. i
' of 'idealizing is well understood ; none but
the most skilful urtisleare employed in the respective
All Pictures Warranted ; the Ivory-type will nut
change in any climate, and will stand the test of
acids. Particular attention is paia lo giving grace
ful and et.y positions.
Daguerreotypes uud all other kiuds of pictures '
copied, from small medallion to life size, and finish- ,
ed iu colors or iudiuu ink, to look vpjal tu pictures
taken from life. j
This Gallery possesses rare facilities for taking :
Equestrian Pictures frum life, in the rear building. '
where from one to fifty burses can bo holographed
nt a time. 1
N. U To riiotogrnphers. Culorists and others. '
Just Issued. A New ork on
Photograph Coloring. Ivorytyping, Enamelling, '
Ivory Miniaiure Painting. Ac.
Complete instructions given for making Ivorytypi-s
with Fome valuable receipts, never betore published, .
useful to all photographers, fur one of which a large
Ulil has been otlcred.
Jly follow ing the directions contained in this book,
even those peisui s w itli 110 previous knowledge of
Painting cannot tail In color photographs iu a beau
tilul t.ud effective style.
Hue copy with model of coloring f j 00, without
model I Ull.
liy remitting fill, Iuk model sett of colors, Ac,
will be sent free of charge. :
Will be Published ishortly. !
A Yai.i aiii.k Woiik ux IMiah inu. 1
With progressive illustration of the Human Face and
With Illiistralioiis. Designed for the use uf Photo- !
graphers and Artists. I
Mr. Cooper continues to receive Ladies and Hen-
tlemeii into his Classes for iustructrou iu Drawing, .
uud Photograph, Ivorylype. India Ink uud l'n-iil J
Painting, and u beuutiftil process for Enameling 1
Pictures. :
Circulars containing list of prices of pictures mid
further information respecting the Hooks and Terms ,
ot' instruction may be had by enclosing Post Hili.e
Address and u to ,
133S Chesnut Street, Philadelphia.
Caleb Cope. President Academy of Fine Arts.
Dr. Thus. II. Wilson. Ornithologist and Entomologist
llev. Jlioinaj Miles M.irlin. P. E. Church,
lion. Victor A. Snrlori, Cuusul ot Leghorn.
Robert U. Clarkson, of Firm of Jay Cooke .t Co.
New V01 k, llev, W. A. Maybin, licet, ft. Alban s
Huston, J. E. Tilton A Co.
Henry lloulnnl, Esq., Long llran. h, N. J.
llaltiniore. Mous. Amedee uuvou. French Cuncul.
May 21st, ISiil.
VA1.I Aiu.i: i iMiu:it .ir oAi.
rilllK subscriber ofli rs fur sale low, some valuable
L Tracts of Timber Land, in Cliapmau and Cole
lirouk loiMnliii. iu Clinton county, and a valuable
Tract of Coal Lund, ill Mount Ynrmcl lowu-hip,
Northumberland county. Also a Farm, fviw-.Mill.
and 'limber Land, in Limestouu tuwuship. I'liioii
county. Also, a dwelling house and two lots iu the
Borough of Northumberland. Applv soon lo
Executor of Hugh itellur, dcc.ascd.
Suiibiirv. May 2d. liMl.
ubMUY UAliPEU. j
o. SiO .tlt'II St., lliiliiI-l.1,Iii. 1
And ROUER'S Superior Plated Ware.
Cjf-AII kind of Silver-Ware, made on the premi
ses. WATCH Repairing carefully done !
March I'd, lodl ;iui
AT 'I'll I-.
1 1 TMQ MVTT1 T A T? Pi in ? I T
Allia WAaMILLA lMl UlCIl-M,
o. v-0 tuKHNi r Srurr.r. (Fdrunrly No. 708.)
NOW 0rKN-luri-.1Ilv
Alnn, Fprinjj mid Suininer ilttruu'iil-i, of our own
MHiiulttcturc, ol lb LaUl Myit uud in great va
riety. j. v. rnooToit a n.,
Tho Fana Mantilla Emporium,
Nu. W,'o Cuw.ut Ktrrfl, 1FL iUK-l bim.
April V '61 cu-St i. iFMiJ ly
N L VV L V 1 Ml-11 O V I; 1
C It lu S C K N T S 0 A L K
n i:uTiti '. I'liMn.
AeVuMt lisUnl In be III he!
I..B .u l ine Medal and Unheal aaarda io Ame.
riea r..ccived.
llLLill.i.Ns AM) asKOiMt II AMi I'l AMIS.
W iueiooun, Nu. 7;'. AlU II St , Im I,, Kihih,
Match M, no .Ittiw
ttttilt lt .HwUrr ttattl Jrilfr,
I M r iUTI Httt
Na.. lit .NotU, (Msuad ft (',.., Quaiiy, I'lliLA
litLIIIU I IK haa a..aa)Mtv ut. hand aa eaautt annul uf
I ai.d I'aut.l Mtf. l...ia. and l'l..,ti
M alahaa . I tiae Hold (lianas an .la an I kats Uia.
I'llta 1( Hlbata I11U4VI hiaa. Ul aa'a la'K, aiitnaiuia
l eas. altdatll4aa I kala, Pabaiila. ltlu,l.l. fii.c.
lavwla-j, kiltal 'U.-.U, iHaa-tl, Tt. Ball ,,,4 iy.t.,.
Cpaai feaiiu aaata, I ax lla.iia tiiaa riull
tWad liullaM kallaai, MalaUa, 4 , k.U. lliaitaua.4 I'.JUI.
4 I' .- adla.1 tat, a, (ill kea.,14 Ua af I aah
H I 1'UI a ( 11 , U4 laa.lil lull J...I.J
I'atal.l Ltttf alotb,alala e.auataaall ut kaaaal , eLi
oltial alakalai.l aualll)
' ll I'M Ial .1. . 1. a. hi I 4 '
I I I j I : . I ..
18G3? " 1863.
yOt'LT) respeetfullj announce that they have
just received and opened a ypry lurge and well selec
ted Stock or '
which they are willing to dispose of at a VERY
I lrat Vo-t.
0 .
Thankful for past fuvora we hope to meet a con
tinnaucc of the same by still selling Hoods as cheap
if not 'IllMlr'.It than can be purchased else,
Punbnry, May 23, 1HG3.
O. W. IlEUl.tH, - Sill.ONOS JIAl 11 K.
Slllllllll-.V, .-Illtlllll,--Illlltl '.. IJI.
Offer their profesieual services to lite public. Col
lections nnd all other professional business entrusted
to them, will receive prompt attention
Also, Military claims will bo collected, such as
Bounty, Iluck-Puy. Pensions. Ac.. Ac.
llotli speak the Herman Language.
Office Market Square, next door lo Prothonolary 's
Sunbury. March 5, ISttl.
If. 11. Jl.lNMCIt.
Vtlorncy nt Sl Nlll RV. PA.
Collections attended to in the counties of Nor
thumberland. I'nion, Snyder, Montour, Columbia
and Lycoming.
Hon. John M. Reed. Philadelphia,
A. U. Ontlell A Co.,
Hon. Win. A. Purler. "
Morton McMicha. I. lisu.. "
E. Kelcham A Co.. .-!) Pearl Sln-et. New York.
Juhli W. Ashiuead. Attorney ut Law,
Matthews A Cox. Attornevs'at Law, "
Suutnry, March 2tf, 1m12."
' iir.ectt'w 1101 1:1,,
Y. ninnn"e!i'.er.t of this well-known Hotel hav
ing been resumed bv Messrs. Ci'Vl.E A HERII.
the present proprietors, bei: len e to inforni the public
tiiitt the lioii-e is now being thoroughly renovated,
refitted, nnd improved, with n 1 iew to the proper and
comfortable acoounnodiition of those who may favor
the establishment with their custom. Hucsta will
receive due attention and courtesy, and no expens
will be spared that may conduce to maintaiu
hotel in a first-class style.
Families and ol hers di-tring lo sojourn in Harris
burg during Ihc summer months, will find pleasant
boarding and large uud well-ventilated rooms at our
establishment. up,,u moderate terms.
J. Hllilililtf IlKKlt.
March 2!l. 1-H2.
Ti: i ti:i:zi:i :
As Improved for 1SJ.9 and IrtCn.
Rv E. KETCH AM A CO.. 2'J Pearl st.. New York.
HIE onlv Freezer constructed on scientific prin
ciples, with a revolting can nnd spring blade
scraper. J tie one bastens tbe Ireezmgol luc .-ream. -the
other rouiows il ns fa-d as frozen.
The most rapid in freezing, with the least quantity
of iee.
The most economical in cost, as it is the most simple
and durable in structure.
For sale iu all the principal cities and loa ns iu the
Each Freezer ace
mpauied with a hook of recipes
and full directions.
3 quarts,
-I quints,
ii quarts,
S quarts. a
It quarts,
20 quarts.
Applv lo II. 11. MASSl'.lt,
March 211, Im',2. .
f I (H)
4 oil
l 1111
ti nil
X ml
12 no
1'or IC ill st. n Iff, lto:i-lit-H, Alt In. ICt-tl
ltll";N, .llotllM ill I'lll-Si, D'oolf IK.a'a.f
liiNfffK on l'luiitis, I'snls, Aniiiiiilsi,
1 Put up in 2.V. .'Oc. nnd 1 nil l'oves. Hollies and
1 Fliiaks. and ?..', izes for Hotel-. Public lnstitii
j tious, Ac.
t "lily inf illible remedies known.'
Free fiom Hoisons.'
Not dangerous to the Human Family."
! Huts eouie out uf their holes to die.'7
I I'jf Sold Wholesale iu all large cities.
Sold by till druggists nnd Retailer- everywhere
!!! Ht.w auk ! !! id all worthless imitations.
See that Coslar's'' name ia 011 each Hex. Hottle
and Flask, before von buv.
! Address lll'-MlY IC. OS ' lt.
1 Principal HeK,t 4"2 Hro.idnay New York,
i ( Sold by all Whulcsule und Diuggists in
J Suuburv. Pa.
Feb. 2(1, I Si.l. 8111
; WASHIiNUTON jiousi;,
! Southwest Curner of Market Square,
rpilE lindersignej respectfully informs the public
' L thut he bus taken charge of I lie nUive mimed
1 Hotel, and asks f.,r the continuance of the former
! patronage aud would invile all others to give hi 111 a
, cull.
U alwnr mipiilit il witb tlit btt the niHikrt ulT.rlH
iIw IUr vtHituHlt the rhuicl i(,u.n. ami hiub
linif ia ltoud aud ttell attended lv earel'ul Dsilera.
Siiuhury. April, lo, IK04.
II () A 1( U I X O A N 1 I) A V Still) O L
I 'or Vouny; lttllfH,
Xo. lltitf Spruce Slreel. I'hiladeli hia.
lilil tiltM LS :
llev. lr. Howe, I'atid W eUler. tsu .
llev. lr. Suddarda, NVin lluvaard lirnvloo. Ksij
, llev. lir I'lxprr, t.eorge M Wharloit, f.. ,
Henry M Kuia. I , '1' ti. llolliiiala.irih. La..,
It It. M ini oiuerv. Li lion. Alet1.11 1, r Henry
'II1..11.1U iuailni. Ksti , rinladelphia.
1 lleeelnlier j, Isxt.l
, Alltirnfy V 4'uuMa.fllur ul laiatt,
Otti. a ua South aid of Market alre. l do,ra . .t
id Hearbart loiilcciiouety atiare,
W ill attend promptly to all uol,a.i,,i, l.uHnr.a iu Lia ame, lite cllcctiott olelaiiua iu ,,r
lilulilba'rlaU'i and Ilia adjoining eouuliea
t',iiaulia'.ioiia in (letuian and rlnlub.
hut.Luiy, Maiclt III, mI4 1
N K W (i O 0 J) S!
Tea d.a r l of W m II Mdla-t a Sho ai...e, '
ul.lury1 l'a Juatopam.4 In ah atippl) o
Sir it aa fan. jr iraa HlfUii... I.l...r
llatidkeiehiali, I a Ilia' Lin. a. t ollaia and ( ud
l.eola Lit .a aud r t o!!.a. .rlla lb, I la. .a.( 1
lullataata) hl.etaa. Hair Nulla, ilwl til.L,.ia, I
Ki. H laiia at4 lilua Saxk llaa, Cutarla, laak.r
CknK, ua t B.aMKlIIU okaa aj.4 ai.a.aa
Al'. aaa. H.Uul taualia lar lia.tikaldl aaiatt
a a). Ilttr Mllat aaiaa Ja,.aia4 at.4 l.lotla
I ia I'uliata aud Vaila l.iakadiaia mu4 t aila
aud ( til ulkll ailaalra I.a. Kuu,.la,a l lair a.
" Mill 1. 1 miti l
akl..l . I! I i ,
I)oaler In
P I A NO S .
Nt.Vf Rswwnod I'laJifis, from the best makers
from r2!HI upwards.
MKLODEONS. "I hn best manufactured Inslru
menta, lrnm fLS t, T100
Uultara, Yiolins. Atwrordeons. Flutes.
Fifes, Drums, Itanjns, Tamlaourines,
Ylulln and Guitar strings aud musical mer
ehandiio In general. '
sheet; ittsic.
The latest pnblienfions alwaya on hand. Music tent
by mail to any part of the country.
Suitable for looking glasses, and alt kinds of pictures'
always on hand.
A (lne assortment of best plated
LOOKING H LASSES from smallest to Inrgrat sires
Any atyle of frame made to order at the shortest
notice. nm. K.MJt;nr.,
April 11, 1P63. n Market it., ilarrisburg
A l.nrjg Aaanrtmcnl of I
February 12, 13C2.
(IrNTLEMr It elves mc much satisfaction to
inform you that in the severe tire which, on the
morning of the lib inst., entirely destroyed all my
st.K-'k and materials, I had one of your Salamander
rire I'root nnloa. Alter enduring on Intense red
bent for seven hours, the Safe was opened, and the
Hooks and Papers were preserved in an iimblcmislicd
condition. 1 shall need another Safe as soon as I get
in order. 1 ours, most respoottuiiv,
W P. DICKINSON, Reading, Va.
t'u.iMBiiiisat 1111. Franklin countv. Pa.. I
August ;tlst. IHO 1 1 I
Messrs. Ersis A Watson. Philadelphia (lentle
men: On the morning of the 2L'd of August, IStil
our Storehouse nt Oroenciistle was destroyed by Are.
The Salamander Safe we purchased from you some
few years since was in the almve mentiliiied store
house, and contained all our books, papers. caMi, A c.
which were preserved in a perfect condition, after
orilig exposeu 111 a mosi nuciisc 11e.11 ior several Honrs.
Please inform us iinm what terms you will sell us
another larger Sate.
Yours truly. OAKS A AUSTIN.
Salamander Safes, for Ranks, Stores, Private
i Families, Ac, Ac. Also, Evans A Watson's Patent
j Alphabetical Hunk Locks and Hank Vault Doors,
! equal to any made in the country, and sold 011 as
' good terms. V A W. would respectfully refer to
tin. following Hanks and other parlies. ha ing their
, Safes and Lm'ks now iu use, to their entire satisfac
tion, and innny others given at their Store.
I xiTKIi Stati.s Mini, Rrnnch Hunk, Shelhyville
! Philadelphia. Tennessee.
. I'mtkiiStatkh AiisKXAL.City Hank of Philadelphia.
California.. floHsolidation H'k of Phila.
j Pottstonii Hank. Pa Com 111 Dank of Piiiln.
, Coatcsille Hank. Pa. Chntanooga Hank, Tenn.
; Stroudsbmg Hank, Pa. Pre'm Loan Ass'on. 4th st.
j Jersey f-hore Hunk, Pa. Hiuik of Northuniheiland.
I Look Haven Bank, Pa. Hank of North'n Liberties,
; I'nion Hank. Hnliiimare. Philadelphia.
S.iiiliwestei 11 H; i.k of Va. Paul and Swift, Hunkers,
. Fulton Hank. Aibiuta. Ha. Alabauin.
Newark Hunk. Del W. 14. Sterling Wilkesb'e.
: P.unk r-fN. C. Raleigh, Lewisburg Hank. Pa.
Other references given upon calling at our Store.
I No. Hi S. Fourth Street. Philadelphia.
j Sept 5. lsil.t ly
j i its-liilllott louse,
1 ( is liirr)
riMlK siih-riber having leased this well known
I 1. Tavern Stand, lately kept by Mrs. C. S. Hmw 11,
! respectfully informs the public that he is refitting and
; repairing the premises, and will bo prepared to en
. terluiii, in a eoinfortuUu maimer, hi numerous
friends throughout the county, and all wluamay
pan. ,ni7e his establishment.
; April 12, lsil2. JOSEPH VANKIRK.
.ti. '. 4Je:aieii ikti
Confectionery, Toy and
.flitrlat l Sli-ffl, Stiiibiiry, n.
FKl'lT, Arc.. Ac,
(1'lNSTAN'TI.Y on hand and for sale al the ii'ieve
J e.-tablisbmelil utnliulesale and retail, al reucoli
hblo plil'CS.
Ilv is maiiiiftaeiiiring all kinds of Coiifeclionaries
to keep up a full assortment which aro sold at low
Tobacco. S.'gars. Stationer.'. Nuts of nil kinds, nnd
,11 variety of other articles, all of whi.ik are otlcred
; w bolcsiile and retail.
l'r Reiucuibcr the name and place. .(CT J
Maiket street, 3 doors west uf E. Y. llrilit A Son's
i store
Sunbury. Sept. 10.
lul i-u:ilii!iil llt.tfl,
.'liiO ami 107 liruutltray. t'in-nr.rl'iuu.liititirit
T Jill IS first class House the most quiet, homelike
X nu I pleasant Hotel in the city offers superior
: ii.dueements to visliiug New York lor business
or plettMire. It is central in its locution, and kept on
, the Kriioi-i'AN Pi. as. iu connection with 'I'm. mi's
1 Sa i.oun. where refreshments can be hud all hours,
( or scrvcal in their own rooms. The charges are mo
derate, the room nnd attendance of the lirst order
Liaibs. nnd all Ibe modern conveniences atlachtd.
j Sept 111. lSli.J.
Willi I'.ijtf .--lOOO lifff,
JEST direct from the Manufacturer, ut
1 Sinhury. March lj lxi-
.. ' .,' ,' i i 1. 11 Jv iv . j
' I
I 1T received from New York and Pbiladelpbia.
t) a Ire.-lt supply ol I he lutes
(iiuilitv. wliit'h he Ikid t in 1 uii.'lir up to nrtlcr. iiim!
i unrrmiliil lo jive tni tmitaf!inii. Jlc h:n iiunUt
nrriiniiiii'nU in the .'ity to liuve his Lent work niHdo
, to opUt. whifli oiin br liml ut till tiini-o. if tint on
tin i id llirv will In pnti'iin-tl nt rruioi).ililt.' iMii,i.
.Mttiitit'iu-turii.g ut' lioi'I una .vll"i:S uf nil kin.ti
ii.- u-util.
1 will nl whiiU'i-nlc Hunt. nn-l Slim- by lite Imix.
j I'.ill nnl fViiiiiiiiu bi-t'urt 'iiriliii?in Utwhro
f uw fiilinly yjurit'l. ti.
j 'J htuiktul t'T ptitntiiHpo lM,tw'cl. lie
; r'siivil'.ill v iMilitMi h colli iniiiiiuM' tl (hi s.unt.
! mill Sloii room, tbrtre dvMr ol' tin J Lit tl
! lluaU iu Murkvt Siiuire.
Sunbury, Sept. 19. ISfiH.
UTAXTKI" iiiimcdialelv
a Jtur Shoi'inukcr.
; Men.' Work.
tioutl wtii'i paid.
j rnilK 1IEV. JAMKS DICKSON', will re-oHin hia
1 Academy on Moudav, the 17th day uf August,
The following hranchef will be taught :
Latin, (ireek, .Miillieinnlies. Philosophy. Khet.iric,
1 Lojrie, lltsuk Keeping. Vocal Mnsie in theory aud
practice. Al-o. i.s,ruphy, Uraiumar, lliatory.
I Cuuiiioaition Writiuar.
I Ttll.MS :
' Per Quarter of 1 1 weeks. MtoH
i In Ilia above branehea aitlmut the luiiguagea M IHI
Lul iu and ahovv In auehes, 17 00
lireek and aliotv hrauchts, S nu
See Circular.
1'or further particulars apply to
Norlliunil.erliin.l, Annual 1st, SiU ly
lltltl.OWN 1II4.'0 III. I I..
Ileal, rs and I'oiiauiii.m ol the alao.e (', I, l ialed
Waalt liiuv. will pluauw lake Uolii a, llml tho l...l,, l
are altered lo read
AHVrtl t lllltt rurr't.
n H I U H T o II V ,
No ill S rib M l oi Sirrel, 'lll.Ai a I
1 he uuttliiy vl Ihia lilua will U Ibe aatue iu tterv I
IraKel' J
It la a. rr.uitrd lo .!. tu,. water than laioa ll,a !
am. quanlily ol Udt,,.., w4 u, ,u wtM.h urli,
Ibaa any olb.r W a.k ilia in Ik. tuaikel It 4,,.
a.d wtl.ily aud a ttol asiil. aaa Ilia1
elotbe aa w..a, ,. il., t,i,.., mm 4 (tts 14,,, a, j
a-dt r. 111 half ol a .let. a ill u,.k, g , , 1
l-aul4 lilua aa any lliat U Maaiv, al tana Hold ta '
ei 1
At 1 it ia rlailt. al ll a aaiae Hiaaaa Ipa Ia.i1.tlu4 1
aia4 ariteiiw, bgnaa kaa.wa ill k.4 11 tat I
ksuab la. aattBalLaJl Iti H ikd aal aa al i
M niaaa,ta a. I
I ir" All 1.1a. pal aaAw IklaaaU a Ilk tUeiv
kai... a u la aa Ituiiailaw
Ik. Saw 4,., a ...J taaaalila a Maa (. j
I 4al.lrUilH.l;,,..l 1
! I I I e '
The Ailnni'ai tprosia, ('ompnnr.
GIVE NOTICE that they have conclnde-f nr.
rangementa with Iho Northern Central Railmad
Company to run trains from Ilaltimore Tor York,
Ilarrisburg, Dauphin. Halifax. Trevorbm, Sunbary,
Nortbuinberlnnd. Lewisburg, Milton, Mnncy, Wi'l
liamsport. and all intermediate stations, eminciin
nt Ilarrisburg with the OREAT WESTERN' EX
PRESS for Pittsburg, Cincinnati, El. Louis and the
Also with .Howard A Co ' .. mm...- n.
Danville. Rloomsi urg, Wilkesbarre, J'ittslon, Scran
ton. end intcrmnliate stations on the Cattawissn,
uiwaasHiiia n ,.inon.snurg Jtattronds At Wil
limsK.rt, by Iltwnrd A. 0o. Exprei, t,, Jerer
Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A Cu
and their eotineetions. for Canton. Trov l liiiirii'
Roehinter. Piiiffalo. Niagara, and to aft aoeibla
aonls in W estern New York nnd Canada, bv whi h
they Will lorward Merchandise, Specie. Rank Not-a
t n al"1 V'"ttl'1 i'knitos ot every desvrip-
Also, Notee, Drafta nnd Rills for Collection.
Experienced and fflietent messengers emploved
nnd every effort will be made to render sntiwru finn'
fufserintendenl Penn'a Division. Philadelphia.
R. A. HsdlLR, Agent for Sunbury.
April 5, 1892. J
iiitAitr not mi:.
Curner vf Stuti and Third ftrrtln,
iUnRisnt-RO, Pa.
mills IIOt'PK, Inconsequence or its convenience
I and near locution to the Capitol, has made it a
desirable stopping place, not only lr those having
business al Iho seat of (Jot eminent, but fur othcis
visiting Ilarrisburg.
March 211, 163.
mi'.RRllJLE I' Rr.S-?i.VkLrs rtjh.
J. THE MII.f.l'iN ;
A most valaubla arl wonderful publia'i.,n A
work of 400 pages, and 30 color-vl engravings. Dlt
Hl'NTER'S VADE MKCL'.M. an original aud popu
lar treatise on Man and Woman, their Phvsiologv.
Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind, witii
Never-Failing lleniedies for their speedy cure
The practice of DR. Hl'NTF.U hushing be. n. and
still is. unbounded, but at the earnest solicitation of
numerous persons, he has been induced ... extend !,
medical usefulnvr-' through the rntdiom' fu
"VADE MECt:.M. ' It is a volume that should l.
in the hands of every family in the 1 111 1. as a
preventive of secret vires, or 11s a guide for tlm
alleviation t.f otic of the most awful and desiructno
scourges ever visited mankind. One copy, securely
enveloped, will be forwarded free of nutate to an'v
part of the I'nitcd States for .'il cents in P. slump.,
or .Iconics for $1. Address. ,a paid. Dlt. Ill 'VI Hit,
No. 3 Division Street. New York.
June 0, l.Slil. ly.
101. Ai-rmiKfiiif mIm l01.
01" cw York Unfit. .
From l'liiliflrl)'hi,i In Xi ) nr( ,in,l ll 'iv l",:-n,
Jmm Walnut ttrrrt Wharf ami Knisinc'oil
Dr'tit. will Irarr a fiHiiirs. ft ; : f r. 1;
Af o A. M., via Ciuudeii tiitd Alnboy. .C. nnd
A A.tetmim's'lnti.'in.) . ' ?2 2.V
At A A.M.. via Oiimdcn and J, iey Cii y. N J.,
Accoiiim.Mlutiim. 2 25
At S A. M.. via Canidi 11 arid Jei-i t Ci'v.
(.Mornini Mail.) ' 3 0I
At HA. M.,via Camden and .ler-ey city 2d
Class Ticket " 2 2b
At 11 A, M. via Kenington aud Jersay ei' .
Expre-s " " 3 !,(
At 12 M. via ('nnid"ii an i Vn.lov. (' -md A.
( Aceomimslation.) 2 2."
At 2 P. M.. via Cini 1. 11 and nil,y. (C. Mini
A. Express.) ' 3 mi
At 3 P.M.. via Kensington nnd Jersev ( ity,
Wash, and N. Y. Fxpre 3 no'
At 1,1 P. M.. .in Kensington nndJer-,) 1 i'v
(Evening Mail, I .". iiii
At II; i. M via Keii"in4t.iu and .ler-ey -iiv.
Southern Mail. ' ;; in
At 11 (nulitl via K.-n.-iti;'.,!! and ,l,-r-'y ,-i'v
Sotitnein F.xpres- :;
At ii P. M.. via Catuden a'id inh.v. (A m.
modaiion. Freight and Pu.-s-ii.rer, I ir-t
Clu-s 'I'icket. 2 2.S
Second Cias- Ticket. 5
For Water Hap. StroudsWg. S -i n ton. Wilk-
barrr. .Monlrose, lireat P.en.i Ac. a! i A. M
Irom Kei.stiutoii, tu. Delaware
Western Rnilrond.
Lnctawalilta mid
For Miiueli Chunk. All, nl,.,vn. I',, llile'o in
were. in. Lambertv ill.-, l'lemingli.n. ,e. 11 1 ll
A M.. from Kensington ii-j,.. . nnd at 21 P. M..
ffo-n 'alliiit street Wharf.
(The ll A. M. Line connects v. i t It Trains lea. ing
En-ton for Munch Chunk, ut .1 P. M l
For Mount Ib.llv. al Ii A. M . 2au l 4 I'. M.
For Frvvhold. ai it A. M and 2 I'. M.
For IMr,.. Trent '11. ,t,-.. nt II A. M. mid 2 ad
i P.M. Irom Keii-iuioii.
For Pulitivrii. Ui,.ioit. Deb u
lington. l'l"hu..e. Ikrd -iitou 11. A
111:. I 0 IV M.
H. v-r'v. Hin
at li.'l. 2. I:
t i- For New York, and Way Lines leaving Ken
fingion DeKit. take lb- Cms a it I iilb ssrcei b,, -Wiilniit.
ball an hour bet ire departure. Tl.e Cai
run into the Depot. tn., 1 h the annul of in, h Trail
run from the Depot
Fifty Pounds of il i-.Wi-.J -tt..',-. allowed e-i,-passenger.
Passi-mrer p.-t,I,il,'iud from tukn.
anything as baggage bui their m-arii K.ippnrel. A
baggage over filly illl.s lo be 1 ...i exlra. '1 i
Coinpany limit their lespoli-iti'tlily ,,r linggage
hie liollar per pound, and will not be Hal,!,- lorn:
llllluaut beyond ?IV. except I v spc ial contiiiet.
WM. II. tiAl.Ml.ll, Agent
January 17. !-i.
llriimlifa.. tViitfn, 4iiiM. Ac,
fpilE bair.g opi i.i-l in Tlcicps.,,
J Hriek Huil.liiiL'. Mill street. Dunt ill... 11 1 ir
aud complete stoek of
comprising Ibe best l.i iiiiiI. t Hiaii.ti . Hin.
Rye. Scotch ami lii-l. Vt hiskey. Port. Sherrv. '
deirn. l.u 111 j .11 1 1- an I ..ther Wines, of nil gra'lcs.
ol nliieh wiil be tad I Whol.-nile. t.t llm lowest e
prices. Tavern-keep. 'is, In bus, ing of u.-. can.-,
it least Hie freight. '
Persons dcsitons ol purehn- iug liquors for
nay rely upon being furi.i-hed with a pure 1
.llittdullf rated ait. -I.-.
u - Heiiigdetetuiinv I to .sLibli-lt a repiitati,.!.
Selling eheap. he res.e. lu!lv soii. i:s ll.,- patrol,
of the public. All rs pr.-iiioilv intend.- I to
.ll.l.i .MIAII S. HAI.l
Danville. June Iu. IsAu.
I.uiiiImt! t.iiiiil.. r
l,n.IPSllAY.AS,,,c,..yeo,.,i,,i;eou,,.y. P.-i
V L'i 1 11 Al 1. , . : 1 , ., . , , .
........... ,.- ,,., ,llr 1 111. lie 111 g-11
I thai he OiUiMiiiitK ke. ps n h ind Hoard-. Shin
nth. Joists, and all kiial-ol Lumber and I. ml
! LaieriuU. which he will nil ut tj,t. lrt t.nccs
. . i ,.,), -,. ..-1 1
i:jt tiei.ikin:i
l'LTLK Lull I LI. AH Ii.
SllliiraV 'l'lmi--i .Tltiiiiirsit-iiirt
tl-'oriiierly I'.' Chutbam Street. . New York.
W oitld eal! the ntlenti, u ,. Iieitlcrs to the art
of hia luuuultictur. t i,-. :
LIli'U X SM I K.
.Mucala.y. leiuit;r..ii.
l-'ine ltapar.. J'ure Vireinia,
Cuatse Ii ipprr. Nuclni.H'hes.
Anorieitn (Icntleman, Cojienln
l l.l.nW SM IK.
rVuleh, lion, v Iiew Scoteh.
II lath T,.ad S.-otch. l're.l. lion, v D. iv S
Jri.h IIikIi Tonal, l'resh Scolch.
or Litudyfool.
lJ Alletitiun is called lo the larce redact
priccaol i-uie.Cut Ch. vting muI Sniokini; Tol
wlii.U will he found, ,1 a ,upeiior 1,'uuliii .
Smoking l ine Cut Ch. nimr. S:i.
j Loitij. P. A. I r plain. S da-.
j IWI. Ca.n,l:-li. or Sweet. Spani-h.
1 o. 2. Sa eel Si-ented UroiKK-o. Ctllul.
I Xos I 4 2 uii 1. Tin loll Caveudi.h. 'In
1 . X U A circular of price will he scut on a'
Apiil 4, lMl.1.- I
III . iviy taliety
Ordera ai lieiie-l ati- tllid with roniptn
di -I'Mi.-h
'uul.ul., May lo. I.x','1 ly
.1 II:m 11 (iiiiliK ft
w not 1 a ti a mi an in
h ; Cut U.I See. l.d and t hraiiiil M I'hlla.
4UKNI V (.-r ll.. I'AILVI H,! A 1.1 1 i.
, 1 V I'A V I I.' I a t. i y d. aiml It. .
Ibatlcbta, llItU ll..ukt, CalUlil -i lloua.a
Alai aluuliaelair.f m I I V i: '."I ll I'l.N'
I I a k I 11" t and a, 1 aula 4
I Iu. k 1 1 11.. a 1 4 ateiy .! a liplf 0
I'l.tLlljalil Jauuarv Ii l. 'H
" a. w. HAUP'i
.tlltrwi Mil! l ettiiirllar kl
Vt.t n alk at . ut lalkal tvtrt4, foall 4,
ail L I . Ilillal ataala a a.aa..,
UUNJlUliY, A..
Mill alUaid fua.l " ("''i,.
a.laaata4 k .ll.alt. aa. ,
a. .i.aiav.taia' 1 a4 it . l-"o. 4 aait 1