Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, June 04, 1864, Image 3

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    " "vi.ij
H. B. MABBJCR. Editor Proprietor,
ftlTiUlKV, PJk,
- ' 8. If. FETTKNOILI. CO..
He. JT Park Roar, New l ark, ant 6 State Street,
IWun, mow atreala fur Ik Sctacar AaaajcA
ia Umi cum, uad arc auUwrma u tak Advertise
aeeat aad SalaDriptiwa lurail ear lowest rata.
Eoral affairs.
ijr A Keward of Jl will be paid Far the dueore
y and coaviclion of tbe f-ersoe er pert who tre.
peaceatb )o4f rbe subscriber abvralh w-miU,
acd throw doeo hi fewer.
Uf Ibe wheat crop, although niueh improved by
hrwAlt weeiher will not be an average on. Ju
i reetwu It looks pretty well, whil ia ethers,
many ields w ill Dot yield a half crop. The suaimer
crops, however, look well aaj pruuma ma abuadaal
tHBABOKlH ViLlfT AID PoTTArlt.1.1 tilt.
buap. The passenger Uaio, nnder la ecbcduie of
May iO, raw a follow ; Leave Sonbury at 4-41) p.
M.. arrive at ShanM.kin at i 50, and Ml. Carmel at
J-3 P. l. Returning leave Jit. Carmel 7-40 A. M
Fhamokia at C IO. and arriTetat Suubury 8-30, or
cratly an hour in advance of the Lxprta train
tpuib A freight train with a box-tar fur pasweager,
leaves Sunbary at &-. A. M., arrive at bhamokia
8-04 sad Jit. Carmel at t-ii A. M.
t3 The AHv.iom.vloti.n passenger train between
this place and Ilarrulur-. designated a tbe t-un-
Iib.v t.-;n . . I
. leevre nere at
in the nmin- i,, we are pleased to .ay, doing
quite u well as was expected, and is rertainly a
great convenicacc for j-crKii ah wish to Iran lac t
busines at Uarri.bur and return borne the same
.lav: aul U. to other? ho can have iLree hours
W fi)d at INrri-burg. on ihr:r way to fhiladelahia.
Tbe fart Ei; re-. train West from Philadelphia
which leaves that city at 1 .-.'j . M., j
il-rri-burg at 3 it) V. M., connects aith tbe aceom-
cioJauyn tram a! Ilarri-t.urg. wfcicb liv. for San- 1
lurv at J uu 1 .M. and arr.iej l Pur,,. :
. M.
Tit. i. - .ik; t .. . '"
II.HI. we think, the inoii n uum ..
this acason. freo PhHaJerphia to this place.
.,T"?.STRARALKuS'-CoB,wtforescTiption f Ughtthut theKini? of
g aiinicar.j (.aiiw,ir.g forthe second track between I IVi lii-impv tiii.rpliitl in iii.i'on un the luth of
track Utwecn I
l'aupuia and !)unl.i.ry acre, laa
tl;e lt,tlo in -i-r! :
week, awarded to
Urier A Starrick,
MdvneA .Neitgio,
P U Loaav.
M Nrvir.s..r.
Jal PrceliUJ,
J V Crifwell.
Jacob S.x!.ol,f,
tie. P Smith AC.,
J .Martin,
Judge 41 K Voung,
Jacob itolbacb,
Henry Schauta,
y a w ii.y.
Siv- The circus whi.-b ana be'.J at liij
Pac c-
At jndav la-t vr,
n. u-ual. rll mt..r..l..t .I..-;..-
. j-.- i..i eriorm.tnre. e I
vke-lin a fua-a.inm.i. i
in t'.t c.ctiiig. and .-aw ch, seaia all fiil.l
tnc utanager;
u rep.y t.,our inquiry, u to the nam- j
b. r ot per.w prwenl. wtiitated the'nuciberat fjur
teen hundre 1 At tic afternoon .' performance there
were. j,rimi. five huu.lrel more. The cinus hat
eiwarj b.n a iK ;u!r iusiitution among the uas-es.
TLe ttcrotyped winy avin- of the rlowu. never
grow Male to t,m. no Ulster how old or ut rcp.M.
... . vl vki t.aieu oute, U.U Kay '
a; -ptae s;,.aUr. Uvery tfcas d. neaO upon educa-
tun. Kven the educAlid cUv-es o.'len enjoy thwe
.u ..,ie, utou-n mey would not be willing
idbtihcirwivesordaugMera should witne these indelicate and unrefined imrfcncatnos.
V bile many vf our u.ut rejcublo citi:cL reiu.e
to encei,rage i),ce ifTiiiai:res.
T'T' :'U"r' wi"'!'nie KbU l-ursued both divisions and
i . '" eu-.tfc(.!!.-h.t,the1re,.uni,ance. I slaughtered the fucitivrs without niercv and
L-a-loNiy noiltingotuil ethh-. i. a matter of j willmut a p:ui-.o. Sfinr the tlisconiiiture
"o i . rUSa ' ':" "'wth h ,a,MtaM I f the king, the inhabitant of the neighbor-
awallowe l by th'-te jo wuU
!.er,tiu,.. uie UOi
inscj-aratv ilosvs
t r.tlCHTPl-L A.-CII.H.NT AV LoS Of LtFS -
On Monday fcilit pot:y ury.jung bra nr.j Wc.u,ln
wtohadbecna.teiiJinjcirc.iia: ;hu place un
their return home left tbe dc,.,t iu . b, rar ',
Vut S.iccn minute, in a.lvance vi iUr t.4 fxrri!JJ
train jontfc. The hiuij car w i ckurg, tf sim.JU
P.enr.. a truck IM ,.f ,he -Wtl.crn Central ,oaJ
and with him were Horatio St.Vuo!:,, W,a P.riiug
Abraham Zimuieruian and John Hopper. Olivia J
.U. tri-b, Uul Filter and Susan UolUubaek ail
raiding fn.m tl.r t toHvemi:,, K-low tbi place The
engineer ol He K,,. lrilia t. lLo
cnter.d the Creek bridge. U,ut one milo b.low
loan, and wbild doau brake,, but not iu time to
, a o.,lKl. Uie tun,I cr nm c(
ii-.i.-u. r..i,rel (te tleuiu uho
were alnnding.
.urou . ,u Ku.t ur p,,.,. uf and carried over Iho briJio. Kcnu waa
1 and lying aom. ihe brac-n on tbe bridge a-ime-
bat hurt. .Mii llollab-Avh w aio Wll , m
on the bridge acvert-ly a,unled iu one ol bar leg.
the HchUIowtUc knee Lav it.g I Ceu .. veied flum
tJel,.ue. .-hel.l,be.-;,l. several .ever, gashes
in the Lead, j, v.a, bach be tl.. .r ,.; i
. .. , - ..w.M M.I4
'."".u tuc Hotel
. .. ..una lien in-rui:: . ,u lu, erA.k hU i
tnetnch. a jouag lady about
aoituteen year, of .n-e hiUy cueiued by bvr
m igbr,.iS. ma beard t.. c-1! t, lrp, haviu( M,n
tnroUi;U u b-hit; iutu tu crt.a l;fforu were
made by Mr. Bradf rd anUthcrs toievue the sufle-
rs. but lelc-re a Uat could be brought to the place
tbuir voic were huaiie-l ia Ihe.-ilem-e of death Tb.i.
b,Klie were not found ,lti morning Mi
Jletiit h wa. appureuily not uri,.ll,v injured by U,
e-Jluioii. but aa, no d.-ubl too much uuan.-d by the
tra.u au l fll through Ibe brMge to c.ricato her
sell from Cie ater which . fcttr j
The sustained but ifcht iijuriea, owing. ,lu
d..u..t, to their stan-Jin t uition, the recoil bavin
"r,"u e...tcuer. al-il. lh.
, ,.,U1J rolll.j (jVt.r BUtl
litiasadaccijeui U the result ..f r.ckle.. ir
tot ciiuiinal, curclevuiiw-
it uur riu,g that au
eu.-K.yee. of any
dark ni,-ot to run
u.ioyee.ui any exittiunre. h..uM Venture in a i
a u in I ear fl: eJ with .
ou'y l!U.n minula. ahead ol an .aprew traiu. Mi
Wounds were drewMnl bv Ir II,..,, . ..I
iu. place, and btr re t wrv i. J..,.,...i i ...
hae-o writing the ab,,. .. fc, ,,, lh
H,l!cnbch u impro,U,3 a.J in a fttlt way of reco.e.
1 ai - aii-nos iu tau t IT Simtaut Taib
IVIl.vud by Mr. lleB,-ll,ifcLt,P.,ullJr,
Ml.ttt lla.ll I -f a. 1111,
Jtt Ml !,
r tiot-cntli.t.,
II K lllootu,
Mr Allot,
I s Hio.. rUiu,"
1 O.I ;
I eo i
I w I
wu i-. tionutaa
I. PiIIuim,
2 MI t he, tkoutae,
b' e
lr Mtilii. flujh.
Mr Aad Brie.
lt.y 1U i.ei,
it II. ttulttfutau,
,-it.ilh 1 liaulkw,
.- Iiii,i loaier,
dO Jitbu oUltgUta
I ve M m . A .gi..
1 Mag 1-..I1M4
ii i kt.
MW I It.
Mi. k,.i.i... . " '-'l-esan.
i. . .i ""'a. sw. bSMUee,
.Mi. Oilwt.. . a, can te Urn..,
".W.Mwdu thuroh.
j -it... i ....r . k 7 . i T1
Ml (, it )uOi bsea
fHH I 4I.I.U,. 4 i4.u.a
"71 r e-efeAieA
Hi 4i i it. ca aiee
Met "'v't'biiHki ,i ot
Aire J.u.1. It. ....... it ... . .
- . tea ait t.a 4114 im opauea a e BU
Mi. 1.. .W,, I iuA. J boul. loat.u ,eye. - -' " U Jl.iM ruLHTla !
'i' 'ey, 4 i-aj.-. ewua. d wale- ' ol Murte4 kM..aA. ....
Ii ii" ' V' ' fee hi nib oib liuius. La au Ijii.4L.iv, iweaAs!
l.llo..,4b,.,,lf, W , - M, ii.p .ul L.s VuU, Su. alu,
katrsi 0mbary. BiiuwMtiB, aoa uunw,
(Ires ear Sbaaiekui frleadi great atMaellea, and
esaUa thrta te eerne to Sonkau-y la tbe aforeing ami
fetara ia tbe atoning." It hrereralnit the old order,
orbiofc ectr )elled car EbaaiokJa friend to reaaaia
kare otru algal. Aj tbe Shaamkia peeplo hare
ore baaneaa at Sunbary, IhaaSaabary people hare
at Sbuaokia. K la, aerhapa, ao anre thaa right tbej
aboold hare the day. The train ia new a regular
amanl trala. and aaakaa the tiao hetweea Sua.
bar and Bbamokm. la one bear and tea minutea.
Those of ear eitisen, who prefer going oat to Sba
okia La tbe aseralag, aaeet eeateat themeelrea with
tbe boa-ear, woiob leave this place at k-39 A. U.,
and returns in tbe afternoon. '
t'J Mitututuj Baosioi'l, formerly an appren
tice in tbi office, we regret te s-y wae killed In a
kirmih, on the bank of the North Adua, on the
12th of May. Tbe Captain of hi company in the
64 b regiment P. Tn wrote to hia mother ia thie
place giving the details, lie had been wounded and
was taken book of tbe liuea. and bad gone but a short
distance, when be was (hot by a rebel sharp shooter,
through the head, with a minnie ball. Feae to bU
aabee. lie died in a glorious cause.
t3 Dkitiit L'ovaiaaioa An art tela trlrlntin 1
account of the labors of the Sanitary and Christian
Commissioa In our column, ought to be read by all
who lore tbetr country and it institutions
-:- i
lyFlJin Views. rerhapa the Bnest view In
tbe State are from the roof of tbe New Hotel at tbe
new Machine Shops, above town. There are no less
than eight or ten good views la the amphitheatre,
formed by a circle of bills and tnouutains, with a
diameter varying from sil to eight mile. Mr. Berg
streaser, one of tbe proprietor) of the Hotel, is fit
ting a number of fine room In the Hotel for photo
graphing, and designs taking the whole circle in a
' r . . , . . i . .
f T,9," " " T ,BV,ut8,i lo"rum,lt !
of great power.
An.tZOAK 1 U11TLE.
A Urrnl llnttlo In ATi-lon Icf cat
or tlie aWimi; ol lluhoim'r
Troop by the KgUaa.
The English pnper reci'Jvcd by the Asia
... : ..I t..
... . ... r . r
Ainca Dctwvvn me troop oi tne rung in
, . f .i... t-..i -im.
- . J.llMl.tlt.. Bllll ,41- t.u V. ,.,v - -
j Uahiniiiun Amazona fuught braviiy. Iut the
I Kirlias won tlie victory. It is rvlutcfl in the
Dahomey nisrehc-d in uuiion on the 15th of
March at the bead of ten thousand troop
(male attd I'-'tiiiilo), ami on the Kith attacked
the Lglas iu their furtitied town of Ahlieo
kuta u pluce cf two liundred thousitnd in
liabitanti. The King bad three ins field
six pounder pieces, liearinjr ihu inseription
upou tlie breech of "Mexico, 1813." He
advanced till within fifty yrd of the wall
of AbbeokuU. then sud'detily displayed bU
Ihig, .'tr.udcd hi liut ami marched rapid
ly toward the wall. Tlie Eglias immedi
ately opened a tremendous lire on the lines,
and" arrested them at once. Iu the advnnc-
jng column were Amazons, who fought
liravvlv and tlooeratelv. Jinny ol l.iese
furies the wall, which i more than
Kt'ttun f't.i.r lint n Mm natbt'Y reacb
ca llltt lop. tliu J.fTiia tinii.'(;eu nieiu uiei
uml blew them. One Amazon, who had one
of her bunds cut olf in her efforts to clambur
over the wall, dircliitifred her musket with
tbe other hand and allot an Ejjbu. She re
ceived a were blues from a nlre, and fell
backward into the trench. The Dahonii
una i utterly defeated. They lost up
wards of one thousand iu killed, mid the
j tiumber of prisoners is said to exceed tw o
thousand. The Uabomiau fled in two di-
! visions. In front of the division which took
j first to flight was the doughty hiii himself.
'PI... l'1..)'. . I.iitlt lii-iuii,Tia Mild
iuir cn.'onis lunied out and joined heartily
iu the j.'oiierul massacre. Of bis three lield-piecc-s,
the king had the misl'ortuue to leave
two iu the keeping of the E;bas.
Another account stays of the lighting of
the Amazons :
'!vme of the desperate Amazons lushed
to the wall (on the part defended by the
Christian converts and the people oj Ijciun)
with ferocious resolution, plunging- into the
treticli and endeavoring to scale the wall,
others alti'tnpting to enter the town by the
excavutims under the wall ; they were shot
in the trench or cut down in their msd at
tempt to scale the wall. Some Amazons
s;ave the defenders a little uutioyaucc, for
w hen iu the tliey threw large stones
over thu wsll on the Kgbas, anil snatched
away about six musket from the hands of
tlie Eglias iu tliu act ol the nnng ; liy an
equal determination on the part of thu Kg
bas they were killed. No fewer than seventy-two
dead Dahoinians were counted after
wards from the trench at this point. Uu
thu Uu side of the Vails three ferocious
Am.uoni actually planted their banners
along the wall, but were instantly cut down,
their heads and band stuck on poles and
exhibited over the v, nil w ith a general shout
of victory from the tubas."
! TltB veterans of Lookout Mountain snd
MUmnrY 'dge have a hard road to travlc,
iitKbinlv such names as Uockv Face Hidge,
i Tuniiel Hill, Niake Creek Gap and Uuzzatd's
1 Kot"t-
i . " mmmt "!
PliiliKlrlpltiu X i:rlct ltnllrou!.
IIIS irrent liue Imvarsca tbe Northern and North
. wot ciiUlitiis of l'eliu.-- ivania Lo the eilv uf Lrie
eu bake lie.
It h been Ifx.o-1 bv tbe Penmylvunia lUilroad
Cotnpaiiv. an-l un ler their au-jices ia being rapidly
opt-ucd Ihroiilh.ut its euilrv length.
I 13 .... 11 i v. t .
rnmi IUrrihur;r lo St. M.try' i2ia mile.1 on the
t.i-le.n lhvU.n. and trout t-heffield lo trie, (iS
utUe.) ou thu ett-ru Diii,.n
iius or rvasKxitCH TkAiN at stutt iiv.
J .'nr. J-'.. .tlh.jii I I . ...... ir. ... .
Mail Train. 111.24 A M Mail Train. ' 111, P M
I Fxnres Tram. 1 1 IS CM I Train. 4 i A M
Lars run Uirouira whImhiI ehanife, bota wav. un
I th.- train, between I'Lilaililphia aud Lock llaveu,
and bvlwcea Ualtiutora and Lock Haven
i Klegmit l-leupiutr. t'ara uu a-Xpre Trains both
a U'tweea W iiliaui..trt aud lialtiwore, and
V iHiaui.purl aud i'ktlalelpbia.
or tiitorniaitou reflecting Piueenger busuiaa
I apply at lb . for. lllb aad Market Si.
i Aud t r reigUi bauew of the Vuiupaiiv Agents,
I S U kiogstou, Jr , Cor. Ulb and Market M ,
! I'bila-ltMpltia.
i J W lu-vuolds, Kri
J H I'till, Ageut S C. R. It , Baliiuor.
U II lloitroM,'' I Vreiglu Agt. rhilada.
Lai L llotrt,
Uan'l Tlukal Ag't., Phil .4.
Joasra l I'uria,
tick I Manager, Ullanuivfl.
May ft. M4
t V f Uhl a rv. . .
. jibAun,
IJlSPtClM LI lufwutaba hietidala Huabure
Btaaa tMkwi ajU.
, el ae ladiw en I fauiLea.) ,
evi l .1 Ik b-eeat rt.
Aew.y. May II. (aul
all w .l.u a ..ii l.
1(E m) FRKKZKI'.S.
A H.e . M.msi rua-Miai it Isia
! V , l-ls4 Ims kw -. rai J I
n lw M. fl t at M Mt.V
CTcrw)v Cam ho an AtrlUts j
... O OOPEE'8 ,
No. 1138 Chemrt Street, opposite ike IT. & Mint.
U all err, UeeapUaa aad Operating Ueota ALL ON
r - - - , . .
All styles aod teif Photograph, iTerytpie,
Ferrotype "Tintype" and takaa at prioea leauit
the time.
Plotarea Finished ia Water Cetera, Oil, Iadla Ink
and PaaUl
Horace and other enlmaU, Equipage, Country Seat
Ruins, Uodclael' Maohinery, Ao., tor Patenting ac
curately photographed.
1. P. Cooper dcaire to oall tba attenlloa of per
on visiting Philadelphia te hia new Uround Floor
Uallery, a here he baa lulrodaeed newly.patented
cauieraa, capable of taking, in a fvw avoonUs. ouo
buudrvd Plio(ograpba, t'roiu tba email tauip or auto
grnphio, to tbe Imperial and Life eiie.
Alter many eiperiuiouta he baa aooceoded In pl
cing hia sky'ligbt at an improved angle, ditlujiug
tbe light in equal proportions, and producing tbal
aufl gradation of tone which cannot be given by the
aide and sky-ligbta generally used, and whioh of so
Biucn tmpurtanee to the Deanty oj a pioture. It ia
made of French glaaa and Is tba largest in Philadel
phia. Mr. Cooper has been engaged more than twenty
years in tbe study and practice of the Pine Art-.
His Ivng txiieneuce as a Miniature and Portrait
Painter iaautuvieutguaranteu tor the perfection of
Uie Dicturea made ai uu entuoculiiueul.
,. lu "ft o idealising ia well understood ; none but
All l'ioiure Warranted : lb Ivervtyne will not
cll .nge iu any climate, aud will stand thu teat uf
acids, r articular alleutiuu I pnia to giving grace
ful and ay noai.ious.
laguerreotype and all other kinds of pictures
copied, iruiu suiull medallion to lite site, and Cnuh
: ed iu color, or Indian ink, to look equal to pictures
tukeo from life.
This Uallery posseMes rare facilities for taking
' Equeatriau 1'tcture trom lib-, iu the rear building,
i where from une lolifty horses can bo photographed
at a time.
I V 11. To-Photographers, Colorista aad others.
I Just Issued. A .Now Work ou
rnotoiirapn voioriu ', Ivor
Ivory Almiaturu PaiutTug. Ao,
l'hotoi(raph Coloring, Ivorylyping, Enamelling,
'orv Aliuiaturu Tainuutt;. Ao.
Comple'.e iu.iruciions giveu for making Ivorytyne
with rouitt laluablv reeeipis, never belore published,
useful to all pboiographera, lor one of wnich a large
sum has been otlered.
ily following the directions contained in tbi book,
cveu thoee pereous with nu previous knowledge of
Puiniiug cannot tail to color photographs in a beau
tiful auu etluciive atylo.
Ouo oopy with model of coloring $i 00, without
modl j:t 00.
liy ruiuutiug (10. Ink model sett of colon, Ac,
will be auut freu of cbiu-gc.
Y. ill be 1'uiiii.hcd fchortly.
A Valcablk Wuiik us AiHAaisa.
With progrraaive lUuauatiou of the lluiuan Fao anil
A IIamd-Uook um PofilTioxs,
AVith IUu.LratioLi. Iiesigucd for the use of Photo
graphers and Artists.
Mr. Cooper continues to receive Ladioe and Gen
tluuien iutu hi Cltt-ae for in.trucU'ou in llrawiug,
and Photograph, Ivorytyjie. India Ink and Paaol
1'i.iuting, and a beauuiul procee lor iiuamoling
Circular. Containing li.t of price of picture and
furiher information respecting tbu Hooks aud Turma
of inairucliou may be bad by enclosing Post Ottice
Adore aud a Buuuu to
IZZi Che.nut Street, Philadelphia.
Caleb Cope, President Acndeniy of Fine Art.
lr. Thos. 11 WiImiu. Oruilliol,v'i,t ami Kntomologiit
Ker. Thoniaa Miles M .rtin. P. K. Church.
Hon. Victor A. Sartori, Con.ul of Lelmrn.
ltobert G. Clarkson, of Firm of Jay Cooke A Cn.
New York, Kuv. W. A. Maybiu, Kect. St. Alban s
Mo-Ion, J. E. Til Ion A Co.
lluiiry Houlnu.l, 11 , Long tlrnucb. N. J.
Italtiinoru. Mou. Auicdee L-uuvon, Fidiich Concul.
May alat, loot.
HAVE just returnod fnira Philadelphia with ono
cf tbu large aud beat selected stock of Goods
ever brought to Sitntury.
FOREIGN ANU HOMKi.Tir.auch a Cloths, Ci.
im-rcft. Ma.liiis, Sheetings. Tickin. Calicoes, Hu
laim. Flannels, aud all kinds of MO I UN IN U Goods.
Alpticrux, liluck Silk.. i iniiiMiii.. il.i I morul and
bkeleton hkiris. Canton Flunuels, Nunkcen, Car-
paling of all kin li
Comprising. Hosiery. Giove. Threatl. lluttons, Sus
penders. Neck-tic, Collars. Handkerchief,
Hair ltrulie. , T,,th lti u. lies. Gum Rib
bon nd Cord. taie, crotchet-braid,
worked eollnr. ftincy head
driit. e. ti'ly eotlou. carput
binilin-,, "conibs. luncy
carpi-t ba;8
Trunks, Valines, Liubrellu., lllauk Hooks, Papor,
Envelopes. Ac.
a .'. as n ic b-
Of all kind-, mch as Nails, Hinge. and Screws, Door
Latches and Knobs, Locks, and CLTLERY ol every
Also, Lives, Drugs, Paints, Varnishes, Fish.
Flaxseed and Uen.ine Oils. Gla.-,, Putty, etc.
4(IIITUVUrC II I11 4alslHN Ul't of ull
An Extcmive Stock of
I (Vuri-d of Sugar. Coffee. Teas, Rice, t orn -starch,
i Maccarti:i. Hurley. Unkind-powder, uii-liue,
caudle, tobacco and Scgars. Ault, t b, Jleat, V ueose.
Ac, Ac.
Also, a lurgHMiety of
for Men. Von: en and Children.
ly All kindaol'Graiuaud Country Produce taken
In exekaugtf lor Goods.
Give us a oall hcfire you purchase elsewhere, we
are bound to sell -s low u any one e1ic.
Slore-rooiu iu Ira T. Cleiueut a buiblii.a; at the
stiutb-wcat corner of Market Sxjuare, uaar lb Court
Suubury, May 21, WVt.
.till. .HAUI.l llltMll'M,
(Formerly of the -Lawrence Houe,")
S I N 11 i: U Y . P E X N ' A.
INFORMS her frieud and ihe public generally
that -be has refitted Ibe bmue formerly occupied
bv I'r. J. W. Peale. on lllaeaberry street, neur the
Nortlicrn Central Railway le,t. and opened a
Ibinrding Houe. where she is prepared to keep
I ,,,
ills g-d ouoksaud waiter, boariier can en-y
unlet couituru ul home with tare tuual to lu
bct botels.
Putroimge from those who may tojouru in Sunbury ,
is re.pecllully solicited.
Sunbury. May II, IsSI 4iu
i htule r list) lluaala l" .wrlbuulM-r
I litMd, I., .tiny 3, lr.
Loan and BUI diwounled. . -JA V,1 63
: Itriincatee ul I ulie-l hlaus Mint . Jiiv.vuu IN)
lulled Mates 6-;'U Loan lUW.IMNi IKJ
luUMeal bvariux Legal T.u- U Ota 00
Puuyltauia, ... la.lo eu
Pane ol Ni.nhuuiUrlan.l block, .Uill Wl
Noribuuiberlaud llrul( BUwk, l,iM IXi
Tslegiapb Murk, ..... .11 INI
Ileal Ealaie, .? T
Due y eSber Hank. I4U.V H
Suit of uiber Kaitks, aad Legal Tsudsr Ja Ml w)
Caa liaiat 1,170 Ho
Bpeui iu V aull lualudiag Cuaiauawallb
Sjevl CellttiMtM,
ill til it
aT.l TO
II ao) au
l liat I
Sou la firewUHua, ...
De lu oib. UaMba. . .
- :iuaivwalik. C'wiaMj liar
tfiHKiie Ceililiuaie, . . .
" Uf
aa.MW 41
I essrUf Ik akute allajteil to be )ut BA4 WW
laj ike sal a mi keoeav eA4 belM
J PAl kkH, Ckit
kausa aa4 aabsMlkol kafcate Wts
II M i-aiasiAti, tSxiai I'ebti
kl.y , l
'!' IssMf tmm II air I lie-,
lk DlltUtk ttLKUHAUU
IMi, ,. mH.Ii hii M kei; aul
boiwi a. u k m. Ukkk
tkki it Hit UAkP IU . I.k mm4 Meslti
".. I'A.ialyAta, sKawlS Set
t.r ivt . N,
0. lt.LACn. A. H. pAttaaa.
l.4i;JI.I.M k. Mtl.l.OE,
ITo. Ufci Boath Jflnlh Street , betwe-iv Cboenut and
May T, lotH, '
O 8 li O 11 N'S-
w a n 11 A X T K D
IT I used by first claM familli every where, and
highly recommended for ncrrous an-l dyspeptic
Screuns. bcinit very nuitritious and free fmm all
cleterious ullHiioes. in tptliiiiiniv of whiuh I have
Curtifloate from lb mm! eimninent l'hyaiciana in
the Country. Try it, and you will be sure to con
tinue it u-e In preference to nry other.
Bold at retail lor Twcr.ty-1'iie Cent per Pound
by First class Grocer throughout th" United Jtate.
IjT A liberal discount to the Trade.
Put up only by
i,i:vim a. sitit.
v'bnleal, CS Warmn st. Now York.
May 7, leu I .
A g t'ti Is Wniits-d livi-rj m here
toirll the
fels-utns nnnvipsition lro'Ia
The beat and only correct likeuesa of this great
man la existence. For Particulars address.
JOHN DAINTY, Publl-her.
No. 17 S. Cth rt., Philadelphia.
May 14, 1K4 2in
(Vnlrc 'l'ui-Miilt-.
V OTICE I hereby (.-iven to the Slnekbohtnr of
1.1 the Centre Turnpike Road Compnny. that nu
election for oQicers and uiaiiaera uf said Couipauy
will be hcbl nl the hiun of Joseph Vnnkirk. in the
birouh of Northuiuberland, on Monday the lith day
of June next. -The election will open at 2 o'clock
und close at 4 o'clock P. M.
Truaa. A Superintendent
May U,
- or
And how his Pulmonic Syrup, Keawtied Tonic, and
Mandrake Pills acton IlioSyleiu iu Caring that
Dieae, uud the
Ureal Kiu'ee . ttrusHuc It!
The above is a correct likeness of Dr. .Schftik tnken
many years ago, after he had recov crcd from Con.
sumption; by a course ol his -S.-benk's Pulnmuic
Syrup." The likcnc, alihough it does not repre
sent Liui anythiuK like as bad as he wasal the worst.
yet it is in strong contrast with tlie halo and igomus
looks of the Portrait below which is the true like
ness of him at present time. The contrast between
these two portraits is hj great that muny would not
believe them to be the same person. Yet there are
hundreds of per. ins. In and around Philadelphia,
who w ill recognise lioth porlrniis to be true represen
tations. When the find win taken he weighed 107
pounds ; at the pieicut time hi weight is -.'0 pounds.
Kcw Y'olilt, M'cdnewlay. March 30, 16C4.
Thirty years airo I wn in tho last stages of Pul
inonarv Consiimiition, and civen nolo tlie. I resided
iu Philadelphia, and Dr. Joseph Parrirb. then of lhi
city, ordered me to Morcalowu, N. J.. a dislauce of j
nine miles which took me two days to get there On (
uiy uri ivnl I was put to bed, and there laid for many I
weeks. This was my native place, whero all my !
family litvd aud had died of Consumption. Dr.
Thnrnt-in. who alteuded my lalher iu hi. lait illiic-s. i
was called, and gave uie one week to h up my af- !
fnti.. lie had seen all uiy fuuiily go that way, and I
IIIOUKOI s wit. Hi K'l, "o t ittTti t iit-iirit oi iiiricuit- ,
dies I now offer to the i.ublic. which eared me. ll to ma tbal I eauld feel Iheu. .MMietr.tii.a- me
whole nysteni.
They stain ripened the matter on iut lungs, and I
would i-pit oil more ihau a pint of oDi-usive yellow
mailer uvery morning. A soon as that began lo
subtitle, my cough, fever, pain, night sweats ull
bt gnu lo leave uie. and my appetite became so great
that it - with difficulty I could keep from eating
too much. I wain ga ued my trciig:a and I have
been growing in flesh ever sine. For many years
I have enjoyed uuunerrupiea gi"l neiillu, ketpu
th liver and atomacb healthy wilh the feaweod T - I
uie aud ilandrake Pill', as 1 am of a billioua leiupei. ,
auieul. .My weight U two bumlred aud tweii'y
pounds (id my recovery people would semi for mu
lar aud Dear, to at. If their w ere like unue.
For tin. l)ui c 1 p i) proft.ioiiul vuii. iu Ihe large
cllie. Theeoitellliiptllos wii-ll lo see Ihe one I
make thite Utetlieiiios. and who wtis cured i f eon-j
Miuiplion by theiu. '1'u uiake uew lungs is iuipoai- 1
ble ; but eat itiea ill the lunga aud chronic ulcere-i
lion, ol Ihe bronchia! tula-s cau be bt alt-d ucb !
care, are liting hourly auder lb or-liuuy Irealuit iil '
of physicians, and just .ub arc cured by the pr-tper
u.s ul eWbenk's I'uluionio fyrup, tcaauid ionic,
aud ilalali uku Pills.
f .,. mi . ItuMlib'v ntitt, wlilt a 1 1 -tra cavilv in
the ailtidla lobeol lha rilil lung, th lower I--be very
biucb bIMStladaud eoml.lele adhualuu ul the pleura.
'Ihe lift luags ia aouud. aud lha upper ble uf ibe
ngbl lung u in a nderably bealtby enuditiua. the
gral reaauu why pby.ieiau. do uul cur eou.uuip-
liuu u they Uy lu do luo atucd i they go aiedicum
lu slup Ibe e.'Ugb, lu slop ubiil, luaiup nigbl sauU,
brclie faer, and, by eu doing, ibt-y d.-raitge lha
whole 0arls. baking Uli lb. aeeielnais
aud eienluallv Ibe nalieul aluk. and die AUcr I
luak a aaialtd aAauiibaiUiu ul lh lb j
hnptrvmauer, anil bud l.itgeiuuKh I. II lo aura, 1
JUKI Ik Italieut bow lu UM Ibe li re, rtuudlae I
hewoie Ibe eauMt and they will all '"P ol Iheir
owe aoourd- .'.a be eured ul euitauuipii4M,
lues eutuplaiul, di'lKpua eauurli, vaukar. uleeialad
Ikiuat, uit'.aa ibe lis t4 atoutab ale atada k.a.
Iby iu N.a Euglaad Una etutkol ehrutiie ealaiik, Uuual, eiuugaiioa ul eiula, u Haul piaia.
I.nt ibaa iu will ulb. l etjl!a of lb euuuiry Ibw
Is Ireuueuila aauead by a Ktul asuAuwb sua In ay
beta U uul ailb vauetw liu. aad agaiu, aud all Ib.y
aad l!. m. mu i.f a.M b.- au lbe-l.-s
isuud aamiiuu i lb uut.-dy ll "s aa
lliwaae lu us part ul lb kvly . II will leutaiu ibai J
Ae 4taly auul au swute .itui )uw ... "' iu au.- ,
' laa.k lu lb utniiittii W tu. 4 a.k l I
i kluud lu Uk Ike l-laue ui 4taad M iLuls
lb -ul a W ka.1 aH. i. a. I ulo.
aied UuAwbul lubu 1-tlu.i I. Maak aul lo.l
4 a. ill do Ii 4 M-ti. p. k
a. b-l ih mi.i. avalKiiw a 4uiiit. uf I
IA. Uum4 tt k k4 uuue tm( H oaiut '
be pl 1 44 , II la ij in -nr- -I lu. miu. a Ik 4..4
Bta'vi ia Mta , bal 4 lb pi-vaAu I. us- i
4u ib. .4 MUU .-4 All 14 I lastly .
Bwiuj.tA4 4uu4 u aid a-.k aa li -l, abk aul1
Uka lb U ik.l ebttk le j
wltae Kim !- a ul 'fca b4 1
la ui Mt i aw. Sal pu.ailul .4 awl, !
1 i (a lis e-a-iial fa.- evv- k, 1
of tbe
rlrruo as snaile Into
siiooa. snts u we omy way to cure cotisuinpuon.
If I cannet get a goed appetite, and food doi lint
digeet, I cannot our lite patient Merer mlud tbe
cough ; remove tbe eaase and will etop of itself.
This ia the aioet tmobl I bare with my patient at
my room. Theyay, ' Dimlor, t feel lrongr; I
oan eat ; my night sweat are bettor, aud I feel bet
ter every way j but my congb i an bad yet ;" Mid
they are aatouWie.1 to hear me ay llmt doe not
matter: romore the oauso and the uougb will sop
ef itaulf. Kobenk Seaweeil ornate a good appetite
iu about nine days, when thnre is no lung dincniMi,
unlves the liver Is so rnngested that the Mandrake
Pills caimnt unlock the duct of the gall bludiinr in
thai short space of timo, in order lo allow the stale
bile to puss off. Keep the liver and stomach healthy
mid there h less danger of onrmaniption or any othur
uii-citfo. It is hard lo take cold when those organs
are healthy, shone that are bilious, low.vpii itcd,
dreary, feeling ! lipid, cunttd tongue, noor nuoelilo.
I ncrviius, stomach full of wind, every thing that is
ean-n lies nonvy. infs ol inoioory, try ouo uotlle 01
TIIENCK'S SEAWEED TO.V1C. and one box of
BCHKNk'S -MAN I'HAKK PILLS. It is only a
Colt of one dollar ami twenty-Use uents, with lull Ui
reotinns. This is surfioieul, in many case, to anti.t
fy what tho nicilieines are. Frniiieutly one buttle
makes a great clinngo in the sy-tetn. Any porsitn
that onlrtvs oldinarv beallli. It u.iinr llta KitHwee.l
Tonic ami Mandrake Pills vocationally, must gut the
digestive organs in such a healthy vondition that
they become Uealiy . I can produce a cumber uf my
old consumptives patients now enjoying good bf-alth
weighing nearly 2U0 pounds. 1 will conclude by
relating three cures 1 have made in New York, and
which are all different, and wish any one who feels
uu interest in tbe luuttcrto ti-ittheiu. First is Mrs.
Fnrlow. residing then t No. lu Houston street Her
hu-band called upon meat my rooms. "2 Bond street
and wished nio to call and see her. He said 1 could
do no good ; thai he had had all tbe boat medical
attendance, and all said the waa too far gone with
Consumption to be cured ; but she bud beard of some
great curea i had in ail e. and he desired lo gratify
Iter wishes. I called, and found her lying oonfinod
to her bed in the last stage of bronchial consumption
and without doubt must nave died soon. 1 examin
ed her lungs found both brouohinl tube very muoh
allected. but no cavities bad formed, bar cough
was very severe, the spit-box was half full of think
pus. Pulse Ull, leg swollen very much ; and nr
than all. she had chronic diiu ilio-a. Her bowels had
been moved eleven times thai day. told her thai she
had lungs anough lo be cared, but thai this diarrhu-a
had laieuof long siaiiding. and her stomach wan in
such a ulcerated cuudiliou that I was afraid uothit-g
could lie done. ,Sbe insisted I aboulrl try and do
nluit I coul. I lor her. observing that sho could nol
last long in the condition shewn in, and I could not
make her any worse. I gave her first a doso of ttiy
Mandrake Pills, and the tonic and Syrup freely.
That was on Tuesday, and by tho neit Sunday tho
iliiirrhaa was carried olf. her appetite hn( returned
and sho could sit up iu bed and eat her dinner. She
is now woll, and gave a long cerlihcale, certitied to
by the Rev. Dr Downing.
.Mrs. Riirlhiilomew, 63 West Forty-fifth street,
came to my rooms wilh a tuiuor on her liver. ,Sbe
wii! low-spirited, skiu ullow, tongue coated, boweb
costive, no appetite, and last sinking into the grave.
The said tumor had bceu running user fourteen
years. I gave her Syrup. Tonic and Pill, ami told
her Intake them juntas the directions were priutcl. .
She came b.ick to my rooms. 22 BoiiJ street in two
weeks, s-miew bat better ; her toiiguu had begun to
clean a littlu around the edges, her skin whitur aud
her eyes blighter and the tumor dhn.-hnri:ing very
offensive inaltcr. uiuch'fastcr than it had ever done !
be lore. She kept gradually improving, uml in abiut I
two months she came to my rooms very much fright- i
eucd. saying that the tuuiur had ueaily stopped ,
running, and was healing up. mi l that every doctor
bal told her that if it ever healed it would cntisc her
death. 1 told her that tho discasu had alt left her
system, and nature would heal the uleor up. They
arc now healed, mid have beeu for about a year, ami !
she is a hearty aud rohut a woman as you will hnu j
in a davs walk, c-he is glad for any ope to cull on
ncr, iuki laitca tcreai imiiis 10 vigil unv uue lliui Mie
hears has anything like her cas. uml tries to get !
iliem to come and s.e mo. Tub next ciuo is lis
'coficld. froin Stauiford, Conu., Mrs. Bartholomew i her down to sec me, and she has been eer since ,
at her house. W hen she first came to my rooms, sho j
wi much emiicialed with a distressing cough, spit- ,
uiig large uuuuuiic oi uioai. j caaiuiuco uer luugi
with the rc-pimuivler, and in nil my lK-vcr j
ouni one wilh one lunff o lar goue and the other
' luug so S'tumL 1 Q?ji not givo much encourau
; lunK. 1 ihcnlit h would dio ; but to my nuir I
I ishiui'iit the rulutonic byrup, Seuwecd Tunic, and j
Mriiidrnk l'ill? nil (ttjemvd to go riht to work, tho
y luun r all hcnled wur, Kaviu n cavity aa lare ha
: a K'kwo e&; ginA npf.vtitc, fiuc fpiril", and h:ia ;
I g lined nun u thirty-Bvu ikjuikU in wuiht. She hns j
i-uiuti couli jt't. w lii'.h I do not think will U:tvo hr '
j bi-fore Juiif." 1 should think it would he d j-rw.-it 1
inti're.t to title unpri judical phv.ticiu t' Uiomi (
1 cusin. purtifulurly Mi--a totii Id. orui.y ortU'ni j
j huvc bm a curcl hy my uicdicitiea. 'Ihry urn nuiti- ,
; erfiu in .New Vork ; but the ubove threo nil dinV-r I
! liom vnelt j ther ; and it uiy iiipilieii.e.4 nru dtiinir !
what I ri-priscut tlity are. they should have the'
credit and Ibe al!lic;ci know where and bow lh.-y I
mav be cured '
may be cured.
J. II. fCIIENK, M. D. '
Dr. J. II. Sehi-nk tin he found at tho principal j
olT.ce, No. i'.'J North 6ih Street, Philadelphia, eeryj
Satur l ly. from V A. M. until 5 P. M., to give advice j
free of charge ; but for a through exitniinaltuu lie '
charge three dollars. Priced' the Puluiunic Syrup !
and c-eawecd Tonic each el per bottle, or $j tbe !
hall dozen. Mamiruke Pills 2j ccnla per box, and !
i for Mile bv all Druggist uud Dealer. I
May 14. ltW ly
N 0 T 1 CE . j
To Ibe o-Uliolloi w wf lliollanU
oi' r IIiiiiiiIm i-IiixiI. !
IJaxk or NottiniiiiB'.Ri,.nii. Pa., I
May iih. letil. j
At a regular meeting of Ibe Hoard of Diretors of
The Hank of Northumberland, held ul the liiu.kiug
House. May oih. InOI. ii was
Kesoi vko. Tlnit tho Pf -anl of Diret-tnr appoint
mid do hereby cull u meeting of the ctockhoUlera of
The Hank of Northumberland, to be held at tho
Dankimr limine ot s.-tid Institution, in the Borough
of Norlltiimberland. ujion Till ItDAY. the ltilh
DAY tK Jl"NEnext.(A. D. tvtl.! between the hours
of eleven o'clock forenoon, and two o'clock in Ihe
allernoon. liir tho purpose of deciding upon Ihe re.
luovul or change of location uf Ihe said Bunk of
Northumberland, to the Borough of Sunbury. in ac
cordance with and iu pursuance of the term aud
provisional.!' tbe Act uf Aueuibly of this Common
uiuuweulth. entitled '-An Act t provide for the
change of the location of the Bank of NorihuiuUir
laud lo the li-irougti of aunburv, in Ihe County of
Northumberland. ' approved tlie aiiteenlh day .of
pril. A D., iNtl. and thuta oopyof ibis lieeoluiion.
certitied by the Cashier, be pubiirhed iu Ihe fun
bury A mciiran. Sunbury Gaello and Northuuiher
land County Democr.u at leal thirty davs belore
the day so hied, ua ol Ibe (aid stockholders
I, aitiuil J. Packer, Cashier of the Bank of
v,.-tl ...1.1.1 1 t .-r ., . .,
rlJ'U1".1, ,'".uJ: ''" Ln lb certify hat the ubove
I mm eorrec. cpy o a ue.tiunon
id by I be UiMird of Direutursof Ibe said Hank of;
Aorinuiureriauu. ul a regular mealing hel.-. at the
lluuklln; Uuuse and du v entclt-d uihiii Iba uiiiiutes
ofsaid Uoard, upou the bfih day of May, A.D.,Jbol,
id which ail interested will ulease take notice.
V itlitMi my hand and Ihe seal of aaid llalik this
tilth dayol May, A. D., Eigbioen hundred
j r-'KAL. aii,d sixty-four.
S.J. PACKEU, Cibier.
Muy L-xil. ii.
IN purniiHticeofan order of the Orphans' Ci urt of
Norihuuiberliiiiil county, will be to pub.
lie sale on S.ll'IO)A Y. the 4ih day of JINK. A D.
lrl. at Ibe house ul I'homas Fnulds. in Ihe tonn ot
Trev.', said eouuly. Pcnu-ylvaiiia. all that cer
tain Lol or piece ul giouud. ailuule ia thu town abtre
aid marked iu ilia general plau of aaid towa as lot
No ' in III-- k number 4 . li'iy.ourl. whrre-m are
erected a two Frame Dwelling ll:ll Ml.
A!o. Tao tfoutigiuus It.ia or piece, of grouud, siiu
al uImi in the lowu of rrevotluii, afuruMid, u arked
1 1 the general pluu uf said lowu, nuuiberi-d IJ and
1 1 iu hbaik uuiulier BH, wbereou are erected a Iwo
story Irtoue deelling lloui. Irame Ktable. Cuiuel.
Mmu ami other ouibuibliu(.
' MH-bael kual-li. deeeaar.1
1 ale tbe properly ul
rial lo eomiuenee al III o'clock A M . if saiddav
wheu lb Uiuis and coudiliuua of aul will be
kuuaa by
. WM V. SlI.VEHVOi'D, Adu.'r
, liy ur,er of lh Court. J A. J 1 1 a.iaol, I lk O C.
bunbury, May I, labi 41
bl.Umenl of Northumberland Couuty Ijank. I
ft'.leaieut of lb Nurtbuniberland Couuly llajtk as !
retiuired by lh 4ib seeibtu of lh Aot uf lleueral
A'uuiitiv. id lku Vowuiusiweallb, tpploved A; nil
ITlti, lit
Ar-EfS !
ll -I I lu Mate astJ (iil.ti ia I aull,
I a l.agal THu4tf Null,
l.iaiu. aud DtM-uunla,
I t Mlluit l.,
Due froui liaitk. ia I'biladalpbia,
f'i4M III
! Ml lai
I I Ii 7
Ju uai 14
Ni ;
t4M a
, : "'"J
ru-" 'ais,
.-vita hi t. it rr nauaa,
I t.i at I
ia aai
Vi4 ii ua
I'.l ll.l el . b,
I llvul.ll.4l,
Du D-.ioi,
I T b
1 .' It rfO
o H i e
. le ! It
I lif lb Mal.e..! W k uti u, it '
U4 ul svy kbu.luda' m4 Uii. f I
Oi aloinaoii. itnd ft h) curried off hf tba 14
Mandrake Pill, the Pulmonic Hvrun a snai
M . ' d tin! r, r..
Ai4 atJ ulM.iibu4 b. iM ,,
iu i.
kkeukia, Is). 4. Iu4
Ike ! k W.4a4v4 4lU4 4 a
u IL. I m at bmi. ml anew au s4
Vk i .I.S !
Ornca raorost UiKhiiAn,
tint DifTBio PaaaarLTAaiA,
IlAamsmiRO, May lu, 1H14.
f110 the end that all person Interested may Intra
1 notion, and the objeot In rlew, a complete and
accurate revised enrollment, be prometed, th fol
lowing, In aonorilanee wilh oiraalar ardor No. 4A,
A. A. Proruat Marahul General ' Oaiae, it heroby
I. ThediOcrenl Roard or Enrollment, Waaler Di
vision, Pa., are requcaied lo immediately jtroceed
to execute Uie sixth aention of the et uf CongreM,
entitled "An act lo amend an aot tor carolling aud
calling out Uie national forcna, at d for. other pur
poses." approved February S.i, IsOt
II. liiey will at once apint Uie necessary en
rolling orhoera lor their rwpoeliv dialriot, with iu-aiructioi-s.
1st. To enroll all persons who mime havn bean
omitted by the proper enrolling ouioer, provious
2nd. All pernna who shall have turived at tl
age ot 20 years ix-forc the draft.
M. All aliens who shall have declared iLuir iu
tenlions lo buoome ciiisens.
4th. All persons diticbu-ge. I fmm tho military or
naval service of Uie Vnited Slate who have n-'t
been in such service for two years during tbe prtatul
Oth. And all persons exempted umlor tho rrovl.
aloes ol the seoond seel iou of the euroliiug act, ap
proved March Sd, IsH.t, but not exempted undnr .L
provisions of Ihe act ajiprovcd February ill, ll- l
III. The Board of Enrollroeut will also at once
proceed In strike from the enrollment. upou satisfac
tory proof : j
1st. The names of nil persons who have arrived at :
tbe age of forty-uve years. I
2d. Tbe names of all person manifestly, pbyiical- '
ly or mcutally unfit tor the service. -
8d. Tho name of such persons a aro at this time!
actually and legally iu the military or naval sanies j
of the I nitc l States. '
4lh. The names of such person a bate served in j
the military or navul service two yt-.-irs or more, tu- i
ring the present war, and have been honorably U.s-
vnargea lucrelrom,
Cup't. and Pro. Mar., 14Ui Dist., 1'enn'a.
The term for the assignment and correction of -re.
dits by enrolling Boards under the provi-ic,r;s ol Cir
cular No. 45 current scries, from this ofi'ce. is ex
tended to May 16. IS61. All claims relative to ere
dits which mav bo presented lo Disiricl Prove'
Marshals on ami after that dale, will be refcrrud to
this oflice for decision.
(Signed) J. V ROMFORD,
Lt. Col. K.tb i;. S. Iuf'y., A. A. Prov. Mar. Gen'l.
J. Kay Clbmkxt,
Captain and Prov. M'ir. 14:h Dist. Ta.,
Harrisbnrg, May. 11, IS'll.
Spring & Summer Goods,
In Zctlcmoycr's Building, opposite Ocarhnrt s Con
fectlonery Store, Murkot street. SI NISI BY. Pu.,
HAS just opened a well selected as.-oi tiiient of
Goods, which he o&'ers for sale at very low prices.
FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC, such as Cloths., Cassi
meres. Muslins, Sheetings, Ticking, Calicoes, De
Laiuos, Siiks, Ginghams Ac , Ac.
-a.i .. ...a . ,
" 1 anA of every description,
VATIhYvJ f, "I" T) I PH" f T'Q
xJ 1 l"Jt. KJ Ou f Al ILi 1 1 ljJ.
Consisting of Ho-icrv, Gloves, Thread, Buttons
Suspenders. Neckties, Collars, Haudkorchicfi-, Hair
Jtrusbes. Tooth Brushes, Fancy Head Dresses, Jial-
morul Skirt. Hoop-kirtK, Carpe!-bajs. Trunks, Ya.
lis-crt, I uibrcilfti, Lotinn-Yarn. Niaps, aud liuineroui
other nrticltn too tedious to menti m.
such as nail", hinges and screws, door latches and
knobs, and CLTLERY' of every description.
Dits, Drugs, Paints, Vuniiflits, Oils, Gaa,
1. ..j !.... t V V.
l'utty, etc., Ac. I
(turruswnre mill Ulnaanuro ofj
ci cry ti-ci-iiti2j.
Au extensive Stock of ' !
r, , rc -
f""P";J"r r-Cv.- T- Uwc , Conj-slarcb,
tuudlea, Meut, 1 lib, Chceic. bait, lobacco,
und bogars.
A I jo,
30CTS & GH0E3
lor men, wouieo aud chtldrnn.
for Go.., uc weu
A II I.1...1 . . f t, i, ....
unbury, April 23, ltJCl.
1804, ji-ht n'.i:i 181)4.
At the Liirjjo Milliuery fr'i-re ol"
liKa, 31. I., 4uhlrr,
Fwn treot, toil jis wm ih of ,-hi, kin Valley A
Potthviile P.iiilroa.i, NBl KY, 1'a.,
Contiting of tho very lateit tryloa of
n u iwr i
Ala... 1 riuimliigs such as Kilibniin. Laces, French ai.u
Americau Flowers. Feathers, Ac.
to which sue directs Ihe atlentmn of ber friend, end
ii.viiea all to call aud ico belore purchaMi.; eise
iv hero
Thankful for pait patronage, the hopes by keep,
iug tne best asirliucut at ruaoonuble pricc'to con
tinue the same.
bunbury, April 0, 1&61. 3ui
.tii .kVV. IMHTDK,
Two Joors Went of tin- I'ost Oflice,
exjxsrBXJn-y, penwa.,
T I AS just receded and opened a large aseortnient
H ol fancy Urea Good, such a. Gloves. J.mvian
i. ;.i ...t. ...... ii. ,1 .,, . . ll, Children's lb.-e. Silk Mil's. li,.i..ik'e'r. !
ehii-N. I 't'letils. l.uibroideri'.l Mii.'icrs lt l.l,,.. V V
I CV DKEvS Bt TTONtf. Uugle Gimb... Ti-iuimiiigs.
lluKoii. Lell Kilion, Veltnl hii.,n. Hiuid. Cell
I'ln-'t-s. Ne-k-ile. Fancy lluitons. CltM'L
ltiHUON and HUMMING; liiubrttblering llr.ii.l..
Jauom-t and riwis. E Igiugs and iinertiuin; Mulicf o
! Lace Odium. Grenadine Vt lis. Fancy li.-i-ssCou.b-.
j ll"d Dres.n ctn, and a variety cf .. b.-r ait;, us
1 Unoks. Hymn Uia.k.. Llank Ii,,. k M. inoran lum
Liaixa, Diaries, Poekei H -.L.. In. r- ji.-i, pen.
PiuciU. Ac. Ac.
, TOYS AND (i.VMl'.S KOI', fllll.DltKN.
mioi tci, nav. iteeu seli-cted with care aul w:!I
I be sold al renstiliable price.
r , . ANNA rAIXTKfi.
.-uncury, April .1. l-oil. (
.( iaiai-.A- i::imt.
T rtctive.1 a i,. -t f ri,,u,
hniti.g wiltw. ci-i.ti,, ,.i il.1. it. 1,.... 1
L" i i 1 l,M,u- ',,ur- ArllUclal liait.
higgcd l--,nc. (jut. Giaas and lluok.. lo wnuh ll.c
a li-iio-.n ,1, .u, i, juirticularly rUi-aic I
''rdtr. W bolc.ule and Ituluil, uitclua'.ly flUJ
.ltd Aii.i-ii.tu wuriauid.
:.! and Welnul slracis. Phtladulpbia.
Ftbruaiy Mil Oul
.ti.t . iii. i: i iAbt uii,
f pilK aultaeilltur It a.1. low. k.i.i tlu it '
1 Ii. i. oi imbur l.aud, la LkapuaB at. I C '
Co. k i .it.l.iw. iu rui.ioii ei.ui.iy aul a v.iutbi
Iraul u I ....I Laud iu J iuiilCiuir l. un.l.ii..
.iikuutbil.ud coui.ty. Ala. a iojui. aw..l.;,
au4 'Iiutbvr Lai-d iu l.iuteaitai luwitop. I uinu
o ubiy ,ll.i, . datli-ug kouM a.d la. b.'s iu lb
liuioiifk ul NuiibuuiiMilau I Aii-ivautalo
lAuti'C uf Hunk tKilu, 4iaa4
I a.o.b,
M . 4-1 lat-4
Uli I UK SAM).
IK - leia. I i -t ' al I' lta'tW I. IUHklf
l.ojw ,,atellu ' I'tt.t. .11 l o-it. n. iba
lu.., .1. I .!. il IU lula a. .until--. I I : .
itili". M U"'i,.
. -uu.., M-y f
l4( - ll
!)lt. ISAIAH FOl lsK,
I'll UN AMI M ItoKo.N.
Urirt Tfl'LLV il.i.isswu ke'
11.4 iuu. osvuikai' 1 14 b
u, t U....I1. aal I I A t.ku.(
l v,A 4a.w. A, 1.', ,"' 1 t,V-.' 1
U. S. 10-40BON13Sb
These Crmd ar kasnud under the Act of OongruH
tT March eih, I8ili, which prov idea that all Con
ism.vl vndor tbi Arl rfmll be EXEMPT FROajf
TAXATION by or amies aayte('4r nuriie'pal uu
tLorliy. ctilswiptloB t llieae Ilond are nr-civs.1
in Knited ,Suiea cuts er mile of Natleaat llawlt
Thcyaro T' liR .REDEEMED I!T iba
pleasure of tit Govcrcnient, at mi poriod ool fc.
ihfi isa nor noit than forty far$ f.orn tLorr
data, aud until tbeir redumption FIVE PL P. CENT
of Lotover ou bundre-l dollars annually all uu kit
other Bonis semi-annually. The iu: :l(Ht it p iyahlav
oo lb flrst day of iliircti and Bptouiber la uvi
Subfirlbors e ill receive eiihor Ecgijtured of Cf u
pon lnti., aa tuoy maj prefer. Reistred ri-iri
are recoi lei on th bAi of th L. A. Tra-uurer,
mi l can be trniijl'crre I only ou tbe owner order.
Csupon llunils atu payable to bearer, uj are uui
CMt-vetitut fvr c.-ih.Uturcial use.
Subonberi io tLis loan will bar th option of
having tbeir KotiJj draw inter eat f:on March Itt.J.y
pan lis; the ao-itued InU-rest in coin 'or in United
S '., u'o'e, or the note ui National Harks, ai.iir.g
fifty p-jr eetA ft.r pietniutn,) or ro";i Vhem draw,
inic iuter-Mi ftom lb dalool AuijScr '.iui. a.. dopoaU.
As tiu-ee llvicis ar
liAvtiiit .u .1v-U laJi.I ur Ssrito
'J am tion,
there valiio li locreaied f'oimm to throe per oti.i.
pr ani.uiu. cot4ini; t" Uio !'. of lux lotisi in ta
linus pin of th- e.iuinry.
At the pre,iii rate of premium on cold they pr.y
in currency, aud are of equal cor.vcuiecue Km a W
maneiit or temporal y iuve?tnient.
It is beliutcd thai no sccuiiti'-s offer ao gtnal ii .
dticcuients to lenders as the various desciiptiucs of
L". S. Uoiids. In all ether forms of indebtedness, tt-,
faith or ability nf private parties or stock couipani')
only U- pledged for payment, while fur the dtbt of
the Vnited States tl whole property of the couu
try is hoblen to sccuie the payment of both piioclpbi
and interest io coin.
TLce may be subscribed f-r In utriS fr-rj
f 00 up to any mugitii'l.?, on the si-,uio tel nm, and are
thus made equally available to the rmillest lender
and the lurcst capilnlist. They can Vj couv tct
into mcney atitny amount, and the holder will
the benefit of the Intorost.
lt may bo useful to state in this conneoticn th i
the total Funded I'ebt of the I'nitcd States cn which
ititrreit is pavable In gold, ou the 3d day of Mi,rc!'.,
1S04, was j7iis.Vij.00U. The Interest in this dU
for tbe coiuir.g fiscal year will tc $15.07.1-0, v bii
tlie cu"tom revenue in gold f-.r the ourren'. fiscal
year, ending June 3uih, 15-il. has been to far at lb
rat of over Jl00.000.0u0 per annum
Ii will be icon that even tbe present gold revono'a
of the Government are largely in excess of the wan;
of thu Treasury for the payment of gold inloroet,
while the recent Incretiie of the tn'ifl "ill doubtlos
rai?c the ai.nuiil receipt from customs on tho same
amount ol importations, to SlfpO.oa'j.OCO per anuum.
Instructions lo the National Lai.ks octing as b.oa
agents were not issued from the I'nitod Slate V'rc;t
Miry until March 21, but in llio first three w o, lin cf
April tho subscriptions iivurugc-l utore thau TL.N
Subscriptions w ill berceeiveil by th
First National Bank of Philadelphia, Ta.
Second Nutionul Bauk of Philadelphia, Pa.
Third Natinnnl Bank of Philadelphia, IV
Anil lv nil ai:oitaI llnuks
which are depoit:irica of Public money, and all
r.r.M-L'-TlHf.t UAMla A: D BAM.LK1
tV..-.'..g'.-ji.L country, acliuj; a'-nti ..f thn Na
tional Depository Bunk.) will furnish further iuiut
mation on r.ppli.'atiou aii-1
M ay 7, le64
A Join" us, Uui u ji,pca:i.b tt..; In
I A .-ii'lraen s to thfl (. onsti'"'- .
I Po it rvtvlvtd by Ou- Senate unl IInc if
lit ffavhUdiciHt'iJ t.'io Coiitiii'jn'feti'.th or' J'eiiv-
i y.'r.i. in Gwd Amhlj
lliat Xl.a
toii-iw um amt'naiiit-iin i.-c inij'.. a mo
Cut'.dtituliuii nf the t.'oiiimoiiwiiil'.ii, in ul--i
i'i i,"' I an W'illi tlio visiuUa ui' tliu tul.lil
i arlii'iu lln-ivnf:
j Tlu-ic i-liuil lie an geninc tr. tli.
; tliiril anitlc m' liic l.'oiistitulioii, to L-u Gc.iit--j
iiuti-il ub sciilioii four, us follows :
j "mixtion 1. Wln iioii-r any of the q'aa'i.
, fictl tlLL'tuia of lliia Comuiome:iltli shall bi)
I ill actual military rcrvicc, ttti'lt-r a rcquisi
i tion froia the President of the I uitcl Mnt.;j,
j or by tlie uttttiority 'it' t'.iis CoiiiuiouvM-alih,
j sucli c't-ctois may cxuvite tin- ritf lit of uli
I rue in all i-kcltous ly the riticris, timlcr
sticli rt-ttlatioii- us are, or s!m!l bo pTcscriu-
i'il Ijy law, us fully uaif tlicy ttcrs ..o.u ul
j their u-ii.-il pliici; of ejection."
KclloN There shall he two !iihli;ii.;i.
til seciions' to theelcvt'tith nrtii.'.e of the CV.ii
i slitutioii, to I o tleiigtiatei.1 us eigul, and
! nine, as follows :
! "ttciiuN i. N" hill shall Le jhcci lir
; the l. oi,l;ituro, containing lui-ru iluiu one,
subject, which bha'l i: clearly expusitii iu
l lie title, CAccot ttiorooiialiou bitia."
j 'KCTloN 0. o hill nllaii l,e a:-c,l I'V
the J.ct-i.iturc, orant a-.t xmi-K ' r
j p:ivilii;i-., ill Hiiy ca.-e, wht-ie the n'i;ln-nt;.
j in jjrnitt siicii l-i'iw ci., .r i. ii ih-i-s, has la-i t ,
( or may iu-reaiur In i-oi.i'"i-il upon luu
i courts uf ibis C'oiai.ionwi nlifi."
Speaker of i'-ie Uoliie of I'.ilii ivc-S.
1 v""v XJh . I
hnak r of tlie Senate.
Ol'KICU OK lllli Sat Itl-V l: V OK HIE
LliylMO.NWKALTll, li HHlHBCHo,
April 2-jili, ltfU4.
1 id) herii'V certify that th
; .LS. fort-yoini; is a full, Hue sm-1 : ----.
net copy of ihe J 'in'.
Ki-solniioti of the lM-iierul Arml.y, entit'e I
-V Joint lleeokutioii iroj..;iif, tert.i u
Alili-lIi'.llii-liN to Uie i olf.i. l.'.iott," aS tLd
: illl.u I -1 . 1 .t 1 1 1 a Oil li'c ,i. tilt I'.IUK.
In ' whiieol', lu..e hireun' i
t iii Lo' i ioi't e ..i--. I tfv -ciii "I i ue ..
t.u i.l'iei: to alt; .i i. '.ii.'i..-V tot
.u.l H.i.t..;,. 1:1.1 M.iri i:.
See.vl.ifV of lliel'.'til'n.i'OViultl..
' '
to liy
tl 'llt I
itl"ie IJoii.ii ii n . i-ii. i t . tt sr-1-ti
ii. .joii'.y i f ti"- in' oi .a.--,
a', l ao uiv-iie " .'.oi.a ol tl.
;.l A,., ll.l.l. of lit., t .Ml.Liol. -vi-:il' '
till- I ...i r,tl l.iili-ll.l.t.llUs iii le .111 Il.llti . 1
lo thejir. pie, l.. t!i. ir ti.lop'i-til or It je, -tin.
i, on tin- lit-.r Tl baliW uFAlolaT iii
the i.rof vi.ii- I.irl one ll.oi-.;4i;.l ei :!.'
htilitiinl tin-'. aixi lour, iu uiionliiiiiv wiiii
the .rol loii of lie li mil uitii leol tloi
t'on. t itb'.i 'ii, an-l the n t, n.tiile-l "An m l
jiri -..liliii.y tl.c ttii.t" siil n u"i..i of .nl-iiiit-l"H'J
la'opli, I. r llti-ll . -r.iwai an I
r.ilii.i ..Ii ti "i .-n.-li.'ii tin .r.t.'-i il aii.kii'l
liuiitato ihu t nii.t itii : in,' lb.
Iwriitl il -V I A
ll, itUC
ll, jil.a i I
el 'It huiiJtJ uud aitH l-'iir.
Seen l try o thu L'i'iuU4tuj wvu.iu,
Aj'i,; MJ, i ) - la
ill! !;i:ifuo "lIOTKL
,1 . . Vi. 1. . a 1
MAU1C1T mlulL.; f'uMlL"IY, PA.
lb. 1...IIU v ... ,
lu l.o'i ' I
10- I lb 1.1 4
11-. It,, ia a .1
Xl ..1 uti i
lu. ttwWli
it 1
t. . iu-
k luv
4. 4 eiUuutat
k uu ,