t' ' I." EO. W. CARPENTEIl.nENSZETA.CO'S M faolc-Male Mme and hoinWnt WurcliotwM". No. 737 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. fpilK subscribers keep constantly on hand a largo L stock of Vrvf, Medicines, Chemicals. Pharnio aciitical Prepiiriii ions and every other articlo which r pncrlairis to the bnsino-es. embracing tho most ex ic'usiv variety ; aleo, FAINTS, 01 LS ami Ul.ASd of every dosci tjitlon. All miickt purchased from fan be relied fin as tx iiiar of the most superior finality and at as low .riceas they can be hnd. We run offer such in luceim i 'sa. will make it the interest of iLc pur chiKcti .. 'i v mi their supplies from us. and pjve us their tu nic pa'tuonge nnd invite nil, who visit the city. In pill al oar ttnblishnicnt. All orders nd dnV.il :i. it? by mail nr othcrwiso will meet with pren.p i .tniioii. (. IJJ. VV. CA K PENTKR. IIENSZEY CO. 7J57 Mntkct direct, Philadelphia. !' Irttary MS04. ."in T.RUSSESS, SHOULDER BRACES, FLA.-TIC STOCKINUS FOR ENLAF.liED VEIN'S OF THE LEU, C., Instruments for all deformities. Ml. ULOYERS Vfw akever 'I'riiji has tnken the plnce of other Trusses fir the retention and eurcof Hernia or Rupture. Aiding npou tho principle of a lever, it never ItascA its strength. It is coated to prevent rust. Jt has no pnd on the back, which in so liable to injure Ihe spine nrd nnnoy and chafe tho wearer. Jl is siiro ta retain tho Kupture, giving ense and comfort, rind elleetir.g rmiicnl cures, it is wnrrentcd t give sati-ftie'ioii. 'Ihe improved Shouldcr-Rriiei expands the chest ami prevents tho wearer from becoming round shouldered. Ladies' Helta and Ahlominal Supporters. Band ages, ancl Bells of nil kinds, and instruments tor ull J'i I'onoities of the liinlv. l'K. UR'tYEKS Office is No. 4 Ann Street, twu doors from Broadway. New York. Strangers should 'miicularly nolo Uio nnino and No. April H. IStVl JEREMIAH SNYDER, Attorney V ( nnniellor nt I.iixv. Oiiicc on Soulh side of Market street, four doors west of l.l curhnrt's Confectionery stive, STJISTBtTRTT, 3? A.. Will attend promptly to nil professional business entrusted to his care, tho collection of claims in Nor thumberland and the adjoining counties. Consultations in Herman uud KnglUu. Suubury, March I'J, leCl. ly BUKBUKY HIOU SCHOOL. Timlin first quarter of twclvo woks will open in J. the Oruud Jury Room, on Monday the 4th of April, lcb4. Tkhms Teii QrAr.Tir. : For Heading, Writing, Arithmetic, Oeosraphy. English Orammnr. S I CO Algebra, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry and eulogy, or any of these. Sa 00 Higher, Mulhiiuitlics, (including nil or any of atiovoj $o 00 rrench, German. Latin and (I reek, or any ono of them in addition to above, $7 00 Tuition payable half (junrlerly in njvanco. No deduction for lost time. Daily records arc kept of tho merit and demerit of each student the former denoting tho excellencies i f etich in recitation und deportment, tho latter tlio ileliciciicie:; and dcliiniuencies copies of which will be scut to the parents or guaidiiu:s at the end of each term. For particulars apply to the principal. liEfEUEXL-ES : .1. J. ioimrn?ivydcr. Punbury. 1'roH Wm. Xeii'tlini;. Sclins-tlrovc, l'rof. U. K. Itlisi. l.cwi-l'iirif. K. 1". l.OllUACjr, rilncipal. hunbury, Feb. 6, 1681. ELTgEUILDIXG'sTONE ttUARRRY TO LET ! rpilE suliseribcrs will Lease their Fin? and Iiuild X iug tSionc yiitirry, about threo miles lrom Sun loiry, on the North Hraneh of theiSusqnehanna river. Xhe stone arc of the best quality, suitable for pave ments and building purposes. For further particulars apply to KslIKTt MAll 1'IX Minmokin. l'a., or ri. 1:. 1" Y EK. Murcli il), ISiit. Smibiiry. l'n. VARWISfiEsT PA IS TS & GLASS ! " TlTl! ofTer to Pealers. ('.lehn iihi r" nod IIjuso f V Pointers, at the very biwe: icit cn-ti prici.-e tho best Coach and Cabinet Yin !i - : IVin: Whito Lenl; French and Amcr;ean inc.-: t'hiMi!U-!rei'iis. and Yellows, lrop and Ivoij illai k. . :n: I a t i l n soitment of all tho ftuer I'.l.'rs - sivli a- Y-.rn i!!i"ii". Lakes. Tube Colors Ac. :.b". l;dnt nt;d ari.i.-h X!ru.-hos, of tho best muke. tiluzter lMar.i,nls and l'oiuts; ltiiit Mills; single nud Uuulite tliivk (!ass. of all descriptions and all JMaterlaU usd by lloue and Conch ruintcri which we utin sell ns el. cap. if nut vhenper, than any other house, from tho taut that we keep down our expensed by conducting our Lu-'inoss personally. Mr. It ait, one of the firm for many years manu factured the YainLhes, suld bv the late C. .Schiack. Wc4fccl confident that our Varnishes, arc equal, if not superior, to any manufactured in this Country. We warrant them tu give entirw sltisfaetion, nud if Dot a repri scnted. the money w ill be refunded, ti iva ns u lieloro purchasing lsowhelc. A liberal discount uiudu to the trade FKI.TVX A KAl Ns. LIS A 13S North Fourth Street, comer Cherry, riiilaJvlphia. Oct. 10, lOS fim on rlli fc Arrli St., IliIaloliliIa. ARE OPENINtl FOR SPRINU, 1SC1. 1U0 pes. ?1 . Fancy SILKS. 10 lcs. India Silas, f l'.HI Oood lilaek " 200 " Ordered Pluin, MLKS 4-4 LYONS T.lack riilk VELVET. Rrown SILKS, $, S, 4, 3, 2, 1 per yard. Black ?6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, per yard Moiro Anliquen, all colors. Mairnificeul tircnadines, Ma'giiiliccnt Organdie. Richest Utilities and Percales. Ppring S1JAWLS. New Household STAPLE liOOKS. N. 11. tieuornl luwortmeul of Men' Wear. , March 5, ! I uiw mm I vi-Kal,lii i', l!ou lit-x. Am, Itt'il ttun, MuiIin iu I'iii-o, X'uoIcum. lii l uu l'laiilk, I'oI, AuiiHuls, Put i.pinlV. ino. and 5fl 00 1'oxea. liottlei and 1 i.c. K.s t i ui 1 ; siici lor Hotels, Public luslliu i.on.- Ac. " 'Only inf..Hil lo rcnif lie known " ' k rt o tioiii P--i. ons " ' Not d.iu irvtu to iho lfutnaii Family," "ilutj' i'iuc out of llo-ir holes tu die," S.bl l.,iv.'.ali) in all l.ire oiiie. N.I I I'v all di u-'i ! Mi I I. ' I i it, r, evci vw iivio ' ! ' 1i. u mi: ! ! ! .,1 a! I i i 1:1, iiuiii,ii,as ; c 1im1 -i.ir n i.ito i co i ,.cU 1m(.. UuU uu I I l.i. k. U I.. If v.u 1st Aia.. tlt.MJt It. 4 ' IC. Ph.. i...i i', ,. i i i ,.. ,u IV J 1 t.cl.llt I'iUUi tu ul i-.n v I i t I. '." I - I - "Ul. Ittl. tliiiiilrlilil.i ,V :-!' Unili al. 'l 111' -i. at l.i.v II ..l o - li. V i.li .i, .i t N.. l, w c-l . -unt n ol 1't.iil,. j U li .. lo It.' ' I..,l.c I n.' Il l..j L I n- d I'V i'i- I Ini'. ll' s .ii i l.i. II a'l .1 i:.i. I. h ii. I, I I i I ; I . I I r. ..I 1 I, ... .1 . i-.' i I Iu t il f I II I i. I ' 1 -i. in tin I ' I .11, I i ll H e lllh i . i ... : 41 . I'i II , i , 'I . I . i i .... M II III P 41 M.I I . I , . i ii , I ! ! Il.u anuiiili ... li , I , I l... . . I, . IIO J 'I 1 ' 4. .. , .1 ..4 li. -.Il . ,11 ,ul ,!.l. I I..I . ..('.. J I I . k I '. . I 4 A, .... a 11,1.. I. I ., in I" ti t, set M ol ik. 4 I i , . V.I... I i l t ' I Inc. . .a. Mt, I. ,1. -4 V i 1 1 1 1.. 1. 1. 1 i Lii..j . 4.. . I-1. ,u 1 1.. 4 i ii , M.1 5ikc , I I . I.I 1 t.l toll 41 M I I . . .ill li tl I . 4 . , . I . I . . l. ill H II 11 llllllMwiS 4 it' I U .-U I ..,!.. . I I i ill i Ii 4 I l I I'S i.il..i w 50 STOVES. F THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT ARE FOR PALE AT .1. Itolirltnrri A: Vo.'n P O U ND R strjMBXjinr, penn'a. Cot Iheliist tiet the fhenpeta (let tho most Eco nomical, which ran lie hnd at the Kohrbach Foundry. Max if f a largo assortment of the most approved PT"V1. such as Cooking, 1'arlor, Olliee and Shop Stoves, which will bo sold at the lowest rntoa. Also, Keltic. s ot all sues, l'ans. Skillets. Ac. 'lLcy nro also iniimit o.turing iMaehincry, l'lotigiie, Castings, Ac, at short notice. Uenairinit all kinds of Agricultural Implements douo'in a Kood workmanlike manner and at tho shortest notice. All articles shipped as ordered. Vrrtcri respect fully solicited nud promptly attended to. JACOll K01JK1IAC1I A CO. if Old Tron. and all kinds of Produce tukjn In Kichangc lor work. Siinbury, Vid. Jl, IS61. If eh fmylft a.- i. i i :.vrio.Voi; h a it k ji i:m i' BUUWN S NEW It-taN'I'op Iiinp Cliiimiry. dTlio Cliimney for which tho Kcroseno-Oil using public have so long been in need, because 1. It '-STANDS FIRE!" Turn up tho blaxo til it issues from the top of the chimney, and keep i up ns long as you please tub ulass.' w on t uukak Try it. 5. It does not hecomn blin k or disfigured should the l.nnp accidentally smoke. Is shorter than the common chimney less liable to arcidpnt and more convenient f r carrying about lb-.- Inuisc. ;;. It it not easily afleeleil by sudden ebnntres ol eiaperatore : go out of doors, or into tho eeller. sum mer or winter, with tho lamp burning don't fear! the chimney will not disappear in frncmrtita! 4. Thetopean be instantly removed, and theglnss wiped perfectly clean in a moment. wv'MfiMftivfiifjTi and without danger of brenklng the glass. 5. One outings tm cowhuu e?ryt. Try it nud yon will use no other. For sale in Town and County Agencies granted by the N. L. C. Manulicturing Co", 4.' Fulton Street, New York, danuury . IStVt. Hm riUUTirVDEMYr NORTHUMBERLAND. milE REV. JAMES DICKSON, will re-open his l Academy on Monday, tho 17th day of August, I Mi i. The following branches will be taught : Latin, tlrrek. Mathematics. Philosophy. Rhetoric, Logic, Hook Keeping, Vocal Musia in theory and practice. Also, iieograpny, uruiuiuur, History Composition Writing. TERMS : Tor Quarter of 1 1 weeks, to S In the above branches without the languages ft) I'll Latin and nbove branches, $7 ItO CI reek nnd nlMivc brunches, $S 00 iseo Circular. I'or further particulars apply to REV. JAMES DICKSON. Teacher Northumberland, Autriist 1st. lsii:i. ly yst k it ! o v srr K ilS! i,S OYSTERS, wholo or hnTf Cans, fresh frmn J tlie City markets, can be had at all times at tho Collect ioncrv Store of M. C. L1EA1UIAKT. Stinburv, January 9, 1S04 WAY CIsOIIIIAti V I-IKAISII- BAij sroiii:. riHE subscriber respectfully inl'ormg tho penplo JL Stinburv and vicinity, that he has opened an en. tire new stock of clothing and Furnishing goods, nt his nrw store in the building of Charles Pleasants Esq., in Maikct square. His clock consists iu part LCEITS CLCTZI1TG WHYS' CLOU 1 1X01. Ruch ns Coats, Over Coats, pants, vests, shirts, undershirts, drawers, stockings, neckties, handker- etuets, cloves, .Vc. Al.-o, lltiia uua taps ol alt kinds. nrs A.i sikh.s, of all kinds. TIU'NKS. and Valises, umbrella', and notions of all kinds, besides numerous other ar ticles. The public are requested to gi,c him call and examine his stock. LEVI I1ECIIT. Fuubury, Oct., 10, 1803. Wjoiiiiiis; Iiisiii-an o Coniauy, WILKSSBAHRE. PA. Capital ami bui-pluM, ijtllH,000. DIRECTORS: 0. M. Hollctiback, L. 1. Shoemaker, John Reichard, 1). O. Uriesbuch, It. C. Smith. Cluu. Dorranco, in. S. P.os, li . M. Harding. Samuel Wudhnms, H. 1. ttcoo. t'hurles A. Miner, W. Y. Kutchnui. ti. M. HOLLE.NUAC'K. President. L. 1). SHOEMAKER, Yico l'rooideut. C. Smith, Seerotary. W. O. Steumnh, Treasurer. This Coiiiiiany Insures tlirec fonrlh of tho Cn-h valuuiioii. takes no Premium Notes, make no Assess ments. Policy acknowledges all moneys paid during the term of your Insurance. A. CRAWFORD, Agent. May 30, 1M33. ly K-aliji; lCnili'oud. WIKTER ARRANGEMENT. GREAT TRUNK LINE from the North ana Nortu-West for Philadelphia, New York. Keud ing, Pottsville, Lebanon. Alleutown, Easton, A. Trains leayc Harrisburg for Philadelphia, New York, Reading. PotUvillu, and ull Intermediate Stations, at h A. M., and 2 00 P. M. New York Kxprosslcayes llarrisburg at O SO A. M., arriving nt New York at 1 4j the same day. A special Accommodation Passenger train leaves Heading at 7 li A M., and returns from HarrUburg at & P. M. Furea from llarrisburg: To New Y'ork f j 1 5 ; to Philadelphia $J oi and S2 bO. Raggago cheeked through Reiurning. leave New Y'ork at 0 A. M.. 12 Noon, and 7 P M (Pittsburgh Kxprcaa). Leave Philadel phia at 8 lb A M. and 3 30 P M. Sleeping cars in the New York Express Trains through to and from Pittsburgh w ithout change. Puwcngera by the Rattan issa Ruil KoadlouvcTa maquaat S all A. M.. and 2 li P. M., for Phiiadel- bin. New-York, aud ull Way Points. Trains leaPi,tisille at V I.) A. M , and 2 "0 1. JI., t'.ir l'liiflul,l.iia. Iliirrisburg and New Yoik. AnaceotottiiHlaiion Pibvcitger train leaves Rending at li So A. M., and returns lrom Philadelphia at 4 M P. M. t-' All tho ubovo trains run daily, Sundays ex cepted. A Sunday truiu leaves PolUvillo ut 7.uU A.M., and Philadelphia at 3 I j P. M. l'tiiiniiiiaii.u, .Mileage, Season, and Excursion Tickets, at reduced ruu-s to and from all oints. 60 Pounds L'.iggago allowed each Paweuger. ti. A. NKOl.LS, UeiieiaJ Supei uileiiuent' Vnll riir-IOOO lio-, OF WALL PAPER OK KV1.UY MIUAU-E MVIIX AND PATTERNS. J th. T nciiied itirwt (loin tho Manufacturer, t the MA.M.uiJiH irlOlll. of tlULlXU A UKANT. Fiiubury, March 1 j l.vij iiT4iti.its iti;t in. 1 1:. Iicul, -i and C.,ii-uu;i i id tho aU.va t'ilbr.il. .oh :tio hi! 1 1, ..at t..ke ii AKu, lhal the LuU! urv llcli.d 4o Ivid ULUE, 111 IP AT Alii.-.! llik'i-i-r, l ii i ti a t v u t; , N.. iii .V.nhSKiMXD Strict, I'll 1 1. ADEI. I'll I A. 1 iiO U..I : v t il.u l.luu mil kv the hu, iu ii y l i t .t 1 1 and I ,i r, I .....In , cl In I, y iu. r . U I : l! i I, in - .u.-l ,. Hi, 'or mora wl, r limn li, c Ihu ; and I , g mu. , U1,. ( j l.luo iu t,u n.-ikcl. l ill, ' l Ma u u,, ' 'Ui u.i4iii t'bu Itos dl '" ' -il I'"" ' I lir, Will KKkU K, g l,l,,ii I l.-i.j ik .,jr 4hs4 m lM..uu, 4 i,uu 4i.ud tl.a i .' i, i i i.ixl a4 ll.a slue piluaas Ihe lutiiuliuM I i. ' l.l . , i .ii, I. u . V . . p... .l UiA 14 l..u Ii I., il , i u i .1.1. ..J Iu -k W I1m4 U4 4u 4 V. it., I I, i s id li"s ul u, l.-f Ihud.U Willi Ulki.ua t .11, ut. W t.1. UII.M.'U, lbs 1. ,i.v J.. im sjutlS S feUiufl. 1 I i f S-.V I- J I . ksv.c (cLJMt . I tb. I I, I v I - uM. 4. b lucim, tiuici iuat I s.lk-ULKU sV II A LICK. A 'I 'l l 111 M II V4 M. 1 M. 11 9i uslmi , xrikissMssr Un4 I w., I'm. li'l lb. I lk.IU S.KI.I I i Ilia pyLllg 4 u I I a-J "ll C.l.. 4cU M t.Msi 4144 IMS4 4 Ibtfl4..i w. . I Iu.i4 all.tolMi il . Ii :iiiv li.i. .tl Lm lft4bJ. skM 4. a.-', I S . la k I al laM a, sa , a lk li.l.uk I. nWav Mkal ' -(Wa ka 4um ev I I . 18C3. GRANT FRILING AT THE MAMMOTH STORE, "IOl'LD respectfully announce that they have just received and opened a very largo and well selec ted Stock of GOODS- OF ALL KINDS, which they are willing to dispose of nt a VERY' SMALL ADVANCE ON rii-Kt Cost. 0 OUR STOCK IS COMTisETE ANi) KMr.it.vtr.tj i:vi:iiYTiiiNa OIVB TJS yV CALL. Thankful for past favors wo h"po to meet a con tinuanco of the same by still selling (loods as cheap if not 4'lli; AIMIIS than can bo purchased else where. FUILIXU A CiRANT. Puiiluiry, May 2.1, W,?f. li . it. isi:k, lit Law. S' XI'.l RY, A tloriM-y PA Y Colleci lions attended to in the counties of Nor thumberland. Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia und Lycoming. nr.rr.itKNrrs. Hon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. (1. nattoll A Co., lion. AVm. A. Poller. " 'Morton MeMiclinel, Esq.. " 1). Keteliain A Co., 2.'.'.l Pearl Street, New York. John W. Ashinend. Attorney at Hiuv, " Matthens A C.x. Aiiornoys ut Law, " Sunbury, March 20, 1SI.2." iii:icics Ktvri'.is, THE mnnngenientof thi" well-known Hotel hnv ing been resumed by Messrs. CHYLE A llElili. tlie present pro)irietors. beg leave tn inform the public that the house is now being thoroughly renin ated. relitTi'd. and improved, w ith a view to the proper and comfortable iicoiiiuiuodaiioti of those w ho may favor tho esiiibli.-hment with their custom, tiitesta will receive due attention and courtesy , and no expetis will be spared that may conduce to maintain hotel in a tirst-clnss style. Families mid others desiring to 'juirn in Harris burg during tho summer months, will find pleasant boarding and large and well-ventilated rooms at our C3lubli.-hu.ent, upon moderate terms. SCOTT CHYLE March 29, 1SC2. J. ti 1 1.PKIIT HERlt. J". IE. IIEXrX,Ei,, Oflicc, on south side of MarkctSiiuarc.neur the Court House, E3T7TMJ3TJ1-1 V, 1M ' A . AVill ntlend prom tly to all professional business entrusted to his care, the collection of claims in Noitbuuiberlaud and the adjoining counties. Suubury, .May 2d. lNill. ly .MAfssicii'S i.vii:vr i-ivi: in: i Ki.r.ziictt ! As Improved for l!t59 and 1 SCO. By E. KF.TCHAM A CO., 2S'.l Pearl st.. New York. rpHK only Freeier constructed on scientific prin J eiples. w ith a revoking can and spring libido scraper. The one hn.-tens the freexinguf the creiini- -the other removes it as fn.-t as Itnen. Tho most rapid in freezing, with the least nuantiiy of ice. The most economical incest, as il is the most siuipie and durnble in structure. For sale in ull the principal cities and towns in tho Union. Each Freeier accoaipanied with a book of recipe aud full directions. PRICES. 3 quarts, 4 ((iiarts, tt quarts, 8 quarts, 14 ii iiarts, f3 00 4 no & Oil 0 Otl H 00 12 00 20 quarts, Apply to II. B. MASSER, Sunbury, Pa. March 2'.', I02. BOOTS AND SHOES, JUST received from New York and Philadelphia, a fresh supply of the latest styles und ol I lie lu st quality, which lie has had made up to order, and warranted to givo goal satisfaction, lie has mado arrangements iu the city lo have his best wmk liuulo to order, which can be had at all times, if not on hand they will bo procured at reasonable notice. Manufacturing of BOUTS and SHOES of all kludu as usual. 1 will also wholesale Boots and Shoes by tho box. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere and satisfy yourselves. Thankful for patronage heretofore bestowed, ho respect fully solicits a continuance of the same. Shop and Store room, three doors went of tho Rail Roud iu Market Suunre. WM. II. MILLER. Suubury, Sept. It), lSli.l. VITANTED immediately, a Jour Shoemaker, on Aleua' Work. Oood wages paid. How I .ot. l, llotv IC-.orel. Jiul l'ublijiui, lit a Praril Eiiveloju. J'rire Sl Crnls. A LECTURE on the Nature. Treatment and Ra dical Cure of Speriiiatorrhu a or Seminal Weak ness, Sexual Debility. Nertousiiess. and Intoliuilaiy Emissions, inducing lin ouncy, Consuuiptiou, Uid Mental and Physical I'el.iliiy. Hy iioil f J. CI L r.l. 1.1.1. M. 1 The important fact that Hie iikiiiI ei useuenees nf ..... i ... it , i .. I ..1.1 Sclf-.bu.-e may be etlcciuidly removed wiilmut oq ternul medicine or the dangerous application in eausties. instrument, nndicutcd Ugie, and other euipirie.il deuces, i.-, line elcaily deiinuisiraled. and the entirely new ami highly inicccselul tieutuuiit as Hili.i t. d by the eclcbriilcd auilior. fully exiduined. by means of which evirv one is enabled tueurebiuu elf pertcetly. and at the hurt n-iMo ciwl, I her. by aoidiugaH tiie ad.crii-ed inx-tiuuis ut' li e. lay. 'lias lecture will prove a boon 4o tliousuuda und thou- Miniid.'. S nl iinili r seal, iua plain euvelepe. to any address, post-paid on receipt ut iwu putao ctauip, by ad-dlct.-il.g the pub!ihers. I'll AS. J (V JiLINE A CO., 127 Bowery, New Yoik. 1V-I Olliee Box, 4aed Auj 15, l-ii'l l ib. 2-, ly ii .11. '. ai;aiciia: i's Confectionery, Toy and PBTJIT WXOnE, .lliirltt't Hlrvi'l, Kiiulsurj, l'n. 0M"1X TlO.NKin ill' AI.J. MXIK, 'juYstu' i: vj:i:v i'i:su:u"ii;N, nuir, v.4., Ac-., (V'N-TA LY on l.ui I aid for mlo at lbs kUits I li:illl-hu..ll a4Hboll..le SI.1 IcUll, ut IvomiU k! le pi l c H is u.ui ul-.eiuiing all kin I of Ciii.Mtii.iiiits k keep up k lull UMxiliutul wlii. b ai x ld al low I4i. l,,l,..,. Scaurs, Sulb nti t. Xutsof all kinds and a raii.lv o( oili. i hiikKj, all ,. m..vh aja uiiaiul LoKal an I iciall I ' ItttucU bvl II. l.alus al. I plaed . M I l.l. 4IUUKI' ' Mwk'il alliKl, 3 dooU wwlol fc . 1 1 i.l.l A f'uliS 4ubiwy,i.pi u, le 3 -If Iwll'l MMIIumuI lul I, loj fmJ a U'tir-., l a., I it!tH fiif -i rnilH i4 ,M nM )tMt M a.iiLe kbl li..fcl II 4. It, It ,l.f -.lc.. kl4Mf hM 4a,ai I- Ifc-atl wil lkt J, i a ).4 4 4, M (i..l. III. .'lai la) la li.alu, , k. 4 a lia b' ku IIS Pi 1 U aa.kaalawi k Ilk i I I ck S !. (kilt lclL.iM.aa.la i.a 1m LaJ kit Ss-aUI. as li4 4k lu.il kin 'I t 4.a4 0. 41 k-. J.i. la. I I.a -.wa kl aii.alaM) ut 14,4 k. m4. -l-4a. aa. ad 14.4 kw4ak aai i aa....a ssimI .l Is IV 1 1863. WM.KHOCI1E, 93 MARKET PTRKET, rfARRISBinU, TA., Dealer in PIANOS. NEW Rosewood Pianos, from the best maker! from j."in upwards. MELODKONS. 'Ihe belt manufactured Instru mcnts, from Wi to $100. Uuitara. Violins, Accordeons. Flutea, Fifea, Drums, Rnnjos, Tiiinbourines, Violin and lluitar strings and musical mcr cbandite in general. SHEET MVSIC. Tlio latest publications always on hand. Musia sent hy mail lo any part ol tlie eiiuniry. OVAL, SylAKE, UILT ASD ROSEWO0 FBAMESi Suitable for looking glasses, and all kinds of picturei nlwnya on hand. f A fine assnrtincnt of best plated LOOKINU 11 LASSES from smallest to largest fie. Any stylo nf frame made to order at the shortest notice. WM. KNOCIIK. April 11, 1S03. 93 Market St., llarrisburg. Northern Central linilwny ! mi Mlir.it ri m: n Aiiisi:. TWO TRAINS PALY to and from the North and West Branch Snstiticuiinmi, Elrnlra,and all of North ern New York. ON and after MONDAY, APRIL 20th. 1R03. the Pnsenger Trains of tho Northern Central Railway will arrive nt and depart from Sunbury, llarrisburg and Baltimore as follows, vn : SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Sunbury daily (except Sunday). 10 10 A. M. " leaves Hnrrisbuig. 1 li P. M. t " arrives at Baltimore, 6 35 " Express Train leaves Sunbnry daily (except Sunday.) 1" leaves Hnrrifburg (except Monday.) " arrives at Baltimore daily (excent Monday). 11 07 P.M. 2 00 A. M. 6 15 A.M. llarrisburg Accommodation lcavcj Harris burg, 6 30 A. M. NORTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Baltimore daily (ex cept Sunday) 9 ISA. M leaves Harrislinrg 1 ! P. M " arrives at Sunbury. 4 (15 " Express Train leaves Baltimore daily 15 P. M i' arrives at Iliirrisburg. 1 35 A M, " leaves llarrisburg (except Monday). 3 00 A. M " arrivra'at Sunbury. 6 .'W " For further inloriuu'.'oii apply at tho Office. I. N. DrHARKY. Supt. l.acKavtaiiiiu A. ISJooms-lnirfr Itall. ronl. (J kN ind after Noveinber 17, 1 8C2, Piisjenger Trains will run ns lollows : , MOVING SOUTH. Freight Ac Piisxriiifir. 10.15 A'. M 11.40 P.M. 7i vsetiprr, Leavo Pcrnnton, S.nO A. M. " Kingston, 0-20 Rupert, 11 "0 " Danville. 12.05 Arrive al Northumberland, !2.4.r P. M. i MOV I Nil NORTH. - Leavo NnrthiimbeiiiiTld. 6.2U P. M , Danville, 000 j " Rupert. f-."'5 I " Kingston, 8.45 Leave, 1.45 P. M. Arrive at Scrmilmi. 10.00 P. M. :i,40 ; A Passenger Train also leaves Kiirgstou at R.00 A. M.. for Si raiiton. to ei.nneet with a train tor ; New York. Heturnii.g. leaves Scranton vu arrival ol train from New Y'ork. at 4.15 P. M. ! The l.iiel.awiiimii A lilnomshtirg Rniliond connects Willi the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Rail ' nmd at Seravton, for New York aud intermediate ' points east. ! Al Rupert it connects with tho" Caltawissn Rail road, for points both east and west arriving ut Phil udelphia at 0.15 P, M. At Northumberland it connects with the Philadel phia A Erie Railroad and Northern Central Rail road, for points, west and smith Passengers arriving at llarrisburg 4.50 P. M; Philadelphia 10 P.M.; , t.nd lhiltimiirii 10.20 P. M. j The Freight and Passengers Train ma-th. leaves Northumberland nt e. '.j A M , and arrives at U,20 P M., miming Danville at .20 1'. M. JOHN P. ILSLEY, Sup't. : J. C. Wki.i s. lleneral Ticket Agent. i Nov. 2J, ltttiJ " TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. j JOHN BMICK, j Fawn Slrreet. oi )s..?itc Weaver's Hotel. ! SUKBUHY, Northunibcrlnnd Co., I'n.. INFORMS his friends and tho publiu generally, Hint he has taken tho Shopsd Jacob S. Hake, ilee'd.. and is prepared lodoall kinds of TAILOR- lNtl iu a good workiuii.iliko manner. The patrou i age of the public is respectfully ttulicited. Punouiy, .nay 10, lio... ly X l-ai'Re AsiMorciiit'iit t" EVANS 1 WATSON 3 8AL-A.lVi:anLlSIX333Fl SAFES, lilt EAT FIRi: AT READINtJ, PA. February 12, 1802. (iKNTi.r.VKX It gives me much nitl-f.iction to inform you that in the sever" fire which, on tho nioriiiug of the 4th iust.. entirely destroyed all lay som k Hud inateritils. 1 had out of your Salamander Firu Proof Safes. After enduring Hit intense red heat for seven heurs. (lie Safe was ii)ieni-d. and the Book aud Papers were preserved in au uuiblciuiidicd eondition. 1 shall need another Safe as Soou a 1 get ill order. Yours, most respectfully, W. 1. DICKINSON, Reading, Pa. FIRE AT GREEN CASTLE. CiiAMUEiisnt na, Franklin county, Pa., ) August ::i st. I Mil. j Messrs. Evans A Watson, Philadelphia Gentle men : On the morning of tho 22d of August. IStil, our Storehouse at tireeiicastle was destroyed by firo. Tho Salamander Safe we purchased from you aomo few yean siueo was in tho aliove 'mentihued store house, and eoiiti.ined nil our Issiks. pcrs. eash. Ac. which were preserved in a perfect condition, after being cxMed ton most intense bent for several hours. PIciim' inform us upon what terms you will sell us auother larger Safe. Yours truly. OAKS A AUSTIN. Salamander Safes, for Banks. Stores. Private Families, ic, Ac. Also, Evans A Watson 'a Patent Alphalietieal Bank laieks and Hank Vault 1oois, equal to any loado in the country, and sold on as good terms. E A W. would rcsjicclfully refer to Ilia folluw ing Ranks ai d other parlies, having their Safes and Locks now in use. to their entire satisfac tion, and mniiy oilu-is gien at their Store. U.mti:ii SiATi.s Mint, Branch Bank, Sbclhyville I lillailelpnia . J cliliessee. , VmtkhStatk AltsKSAL.Cily Bank ot' Philadelphia. 1 . '.. i:.-. !.. i . i: i...! .. in. . r in :i. California. Ciu.Nilidiilioii Il k of Pliila Potlstown Bank, Pa. tV'itcsville Bank. Pa. Slroudsburg Bank. l a. Jersey Shore Bank, Pa. 'mil th Bank of Pliila. t'halaiiiMiga Bank. Teiin. I re in Loan Ass'on, 4th st. Bank of Northuiubeiluiid. Bunk of Norlh'u Liberties, Pliiladelphia. .nek Haven Hank. Pa. 1 Union Bank. Baliiiiiore. ' Southwestern l.,i kol 'a. Fulton Bank. Alluntn, Gtt. Paul and Swill, Bankers, Alabama. W . U . Sterling. Wilkc.b'e. , Newark Bank, Del I Bank of N. I'.. Riileigh, l.ewi.-l.urg Bank. Pa. Other retereiices given iqion calling at our Store, I No. 10 r Fourth Street. Phiiadel nhia. Sepi. 4, ImI.I ly Miisbiugtou IIoiiki', NOUTHU.MI.i:ULAND, 1'EXNSYVVASIA, (.V,ar the lhi,lst ) ,73 subscriber having leased this well known an in .-l.n.d. I.itcly t.ft by Mis. C. S. Browu. ltiill il . rins t:ic put lie that he i n titling and n pun inf tlie i rcii an I will be nr. ired lo n- el,iiii, Hi k e ii.l.rtuble uiaiin.r. bU numerous Irutnla Itiri-olii i.l tlie county aud all hu way pniioiiife ni- , -l.lill,l.mclit April 12, I'll! JOSEPH VAX KIRK. 13 It A 1ST 1' tSc DIETZl I.OWIH V.'HAltr'. HUN UU K Y, 1'A. Vlioi.l -Ml. AND It l.l AIL DEALfcltS IN WlUTi: A S II COAL, iu every vainly. Orders n li.lli J skj tilled klik prukiplkiaa sud dc..o h Su4.bury, M.y Id, l(" l -ly j n;at it iihi:M'm klk l..tl.K S Kl.fll4. ci.( ck i:sr. unsiiM i:.vr, I t forks lkktt'l ki.d UaaamlM . ftilladtlfliui I lit. 4'V I f tl I' tlt.Ni kst AL1.IMJ 1IIIU. i I V l t I "i U', k diallabls kill-Is k I kialchta, II 4cl l44.k, lukkUkJ UuMsts, I'kltans, 4a Am. klaaclaalclcl of I I ML tioLls i i ka l fil'4 44 k44l44a4, I I'. 4 il.a.u,ik.a4 all 4.4.11141. )'Liltlki4, 4aaua.il 14 ,!l 4llkM WMal I H4llUr Ml 4H 4.SW4 ak avkik i Is if U.ikal 14144. (mi 4-44 a aai It. Ul .4.4 S lul, HUH HlfHY, V 44. . Mill siiM.4 vac ,l,i 4 S4 p4i li 4a kU imlikaS DR SWEET'S INFALLIBLE L I N I M E NT, THE GREAT REMFEY Fur Minimal hm, Govt, Xi iralj'ut, Lumhtg JSttfXrrt ami Joint, Siniiii, Pirii'mfn, Cuttanil H'wini.a, Vilet, llimlnrhe, and all Mitumiitlf anil Xercotu Disorder). For all of which is a speedy and eertnln remedy, and never fails. This Liniment is prepared from the rocipo of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous Lone setter, and has been used in the practice Tor inoro than twenty ycnri with tho most astouishmg As an Alleviator of Pain, It Is unrivaled 1iy any preparation bclbro the public, of which tho most skeptical may be convinced by a single trial. This Liniment will euro rapidly and radically. Rheumatic Disorders of erery kind, nnd in thousands of cases where il lias been used it has never been known to fail. For Neuralgia. It will alTonl immediate rclicr in every case, however distressing. , , . ., It will relieve tho worst cases of Headache in three minutes, and is warranted to do it. Toothacho also will it cure instantly. For Nervous Debility and lleneral Lassitude, ari sing from imprudence or excess, this Liniment is a most happy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens und revivi fies the system, and restores il lo elasticity and igor. For Piles, ns an external remedy, we claim that it is the best known, and we challenge the world to produce an equal. Every victim of Ibis distressing complaint should give it a trial, for it will not tail lo afford immediate relief, and iu a majority of wuca will etlcct a radical roil -o ynincy and Soro Throat nre sometimes extremely malignant nnd dangerous, but a timely application ol this Liniment will never fail lo cure. Sprains ure sometimes very obstinate, and enlarge ment of the joints is liable to occur if neglected. The worst caso inny be conquered by this Liuiiuent iu two or three days. Bruises. Cuts. Wounds. Sores. 1 leers. Burrs nnd Scalds, yield readily to tho wonderful healing pro. rlies,,l llr. Sweets inlnllHilu l.lliiiucui. n in used according lo directions. Also. Chilblains ed Feet, aud Insect Biles and Sling. Frost- DR ETEr-EHEN SWEET the Great Natural Boue setter. f ConDPcticut ETIIEN tWEET. is known ull over the United Stales. Conncoticnt PH. BTEniFIJ BWEET, of Crnnccticut, is the author of -Dr Sweet s Infidliblu Li"'-uent.' Dr. Bwoct'a Infnlliblf Linimont Cures Klicuniatiiin, nud uevcr fails. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is a certaiu remedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Bweet's Infallible Linimont Cures Burns nnd Scalds immediately. Dr. Bweet's Infallible Linimont Is Ihe best known remedy for Spraius aud Dr. Sweet's InfnlliblclLiniment Affords immediate relief for Piles, and seldom fails to euro. Dr. SweetVInfnlliblo Liniment Cures Toothache in one luiuute.- Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts aud Wounds immediately and lsvc no scar. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is the best remedy for Sojes in the known world. Dr Sweet's Infallinl Liniment Haslieen in use by mors than a million people, nnd all praise it. Dr Sweet'a Infallible Liniment Taken lutirinlly cures Colle and Cholera Morbus. Dr Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is truly a ' friend in need,'' and every family should Lave il band. Dr Bweot'a Infallible Liniment Is for salu by all Druggists. Price 25 and 50 cents. A FRIEND IN NEED. TRY IT. Ml. SWEET'S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT, as an external remedy, is without a rival, and will alleviate Puin More speedily than any other prepa ration, lor all Rheuiniitiu nud Nervous Disorders it is truly infallible, aud as a curative for Sores, Wounds, Sprains. Bruises. Ac. its soothing, hculing and iHiwerful strengthening properties, excite the just wonder and asiouislimeiit of nllwholniio cer given ita triul. Over one thousand certificates of remarkable cures, performed by il within the last two yours, attc.t the fuel. TO HORSE OWNERS ! DR. SWEET S Ik FALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR HOUSES is unrivaled by any, aud iu ull cases of Lameuoss. ari.ing lrom Sprains, Bruiresor U lunch ing, iis coVct is inagieal and certain. Harness or Saddle Gulls, Scratches. Mungu, Ao., il will alro cure speedily. Spat in and Riiiglxiiie may be easily pre- enled and cured iu their incipient stages, but eou tiruied cases are beyond tho Hwibiliiy of a radical cure. Nu ease ol the kiud, howeier, is su desperate or hopeless but it may be alienated by ibis Lini ment, and its fuilhtul applicittiou will always remote the Lameness, and enable Ihe holies to tiavel with vompajalne eae. i: i:uv t n m ft i: uhwfk should ha e this remedy at hand, fur lis timely u-e al lliu mm api'iaianee ol i.Miuriicaa win i neclunlly "' ""' ". '"V"1' w aiun, umumi lalu-ablv hulsek ucuily ul lldcas. DR SWEET'S Inallible Liniment. 14 THIS SOLDIER'S FRIEND., Aud lauaiaakJs fcat (caiid II Ualy ('WMlt4, lSlc4 lHlali.. IvaaM UaS l(aklkr k4v l.l II 4444 4 Ut (4 IH. 4.4k la.l la 41411 l4bal k4j klaw M'jdl'B 4 4. a. 4 llilkili' le I.IUIU.C4.I llukk Ik ) '44 tkaU4U, kll4v4j4 llk SX4 SI atfcklac. Kit. U ttil.rvsiM t t o , S..14 Pi. iilaK, fc.La, ' ll"ll'iS 41 I IS 4M,. 4..CC. I 4 1.1 Mad . w4k l kl l 1. al. ! si all ski U-4.k l l-4 I, rnm all sufficient three. THB GREAT AMERICAN REMEDIES Known at "IIJmlM'i" GENUINE; PREPARATIONS, VIZ- HELMB0I.D S EXTRACT ''BUCnU,-' " SAltSATAniLLA IMf ROVED ROSE WASH. HELMDOID'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS "HIGHLY CONCENTRATED'1 COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positive and Specifie Remedy For Diseases of the BLADDER KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DR0rI CAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine Increases the powor of Digestion, and excites the Absorbents Into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcerous depositions, and ail Unnatural Enlargements are reduced, as well as in and inflniuation, und is good for men, women, or Children. lli:i..tIIIl.l'M l-.XTIt.MT in i'n i; FOR AVEAKXKSSK8 Arising from Excesses, Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion, or Abuse, Attended with the following syintoliu : Ind isisifi lion to Exertion, Loss of iiower. Loss of Memory. Weak Nerves, Horror of Disease, Dimness of ision, Universal Lassitude of the Muccular System, Hot Hands. Dryness of tho Skin. DiHieulty of Breathing Trembling Wakefulness, Pain in the back. Flushing of Ihe Body Eruptions on the Face, Pallid Cuuuteuance, 'j heso svmtoms. if allowed to go on. w hich this mcdiciue invariably removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which tho patient may expire. Who con say that they ure not frequently followed by those direful diseases," INSANITY AND CCNSUMPTION, Many arc aware of Ihe cnuseof their suffering, but none will confess. Tho records of the insane Asy- I luius ami Ihe melancholy deaths by Consumption. bear ample witness to the trutli ol the assertion. Tho Constitution, once Allotted wilh Org.mio Weakness. Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and in vigorate the system, which ''lleluilsild's Extract Biichu" invariably docs. A trial will convince the most skeptical. FEMALES. FEMALES. FEMALES, Old or young, tiiigle,mniried, or contemplating marriage. In luaiiy nffceliuiis peculiar to Females Ihe Extract Biichu is unequalled by any ntlicrlcnic.lv. us in t'hlorosis or Retention. Irregularity. Puinfiiliiess. or Suppression of the Customary Evacuations. I Iceraled or Scbiitous ttate of the Uterus, Beacon hen. or Whites Sierilily. nnd for nil complaints incident to the sex. u hether arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the DECLINE Oil CHANGE OF LIl'K. See sympt-oiis shve.1 NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Balsam. Mercurr. or Vnpleaant Medicino for I npleasant and I'ungcious Diseases II V.l.M ItOl i:.Vl'ICAC"l' ISI 411 Cures SECRET DISEASES In all their singes ; at lilllu expense ; little or no elinugo iu diet ; no inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSI RE. Il causes frequent desire, and gives strength to I'limitc. thereby removing olistructions. pri'Vcnting and curing Strictures ul tlio I rubra, alluying pain and inlliiiuintition. so freipient in this eluss of diseases nnd e.Kdling Poi.-vuuus, 1'iscased, aud AVuiu-out Multer. Thousands apon Tliousnnds WHO 11 A YE BEEN THE YICTIMS OF ll'A'la!i, And who have paid Heavy Fees tis beefed in a short lime, have found they vrere iloceived. tttid that Ihe "Poi.-ou" bus. by the use of "Powerful As tringents," been diied up in tjie system, to btenk in. and l'u haps alter Murriago. 1 SE iii:i.iiioi.i-M iivraciiT in m For all Affeclions and Diseases of THE I RIXARY ORtlAXS, M'huthcr existing iu Male or Female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter OF HOW l.OXtl STAXDIXU. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of a Dll UKTIt'. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT Is the tireal Diuretic, And it is certain to hare the desired- elfsst' Sri all Diseases, for which it is recommended.- BLOOD! BLOOD I BLOOD I Ileluibuld's Highly Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract barsaporilla Byphllia. This Is an aflecllon of the Wood, and attacks tho Sexual Organs. Liuingsof the Nose, Hurt. Throat, Windpipe, and other Mucus Surfaces, making its appearance in the hirm of Vlcers. Hcliuboid's Ex tract Sarsaparilla jiurities the BIihmJ. and removes all Scaly Eruiitions of the Skin, iriviu- lo tho Couiidex- ion a Clear and Healthy Color. It being prepared cvpressly fur this class of complaints, its Blood-Puri- J fving Proprietors are preseried to a greater exteut : tiiau any other preparation ol Saifuparillu. Kerrnbold's Itose Wash. An excellent Lotion for Diseases of a Syphilitie Xa- , ture. and as an iujcctiun iu Diseases ot the I'rinary , tlrgaiis, arisii g f.om habits of ilissipatien. usid in : eoiiuii'tiou wilh the Extraetslluehu aud Sarsu'curiUtt iu such diseases as rveoinmeuded. Evideiiceof llieiuoat rvsiioiisible and reliable char- ' acter will accouipauy Ihe uiesMciues. CERTIFICATl OF I I'UES, From right to twenty years standing, wilh nuuirs kiioMU to Science ana riime, For Medical Properties of Buchu, see Di-peiuatory j the l liited States. I See Professor Dewecs' valuable works on the I Pructiee of Physic. I See reioaiks made by Ihe late celebrated Dr. I Physi-k. Philadelphia. ' si c rcuinrka made by Dr. FpTiraiin Mdajwrll, a : cdel, luted Pbvaii inn. and Member of Ihe Royal : Collil(e of Surgeons. Ireland, and published iu the Tiaicra. lioiis ol lbs King and Vuren s Journal. c-o Medico-l iruruical Review, published by , Ibnjauiiii Tia4cis, Fellow of the Itulal College of, Sin i;eoiis. I fi' e u.uat of the lal Standard Works en Medi . eine. txtHAi t Hi i iir, f I iKi jier botile, or six, i uO 1 Suai .41111 1.A I l'U " " I Ni'iioxrti ItuaK M 4ii. W " "ISO I'r half sdoscuof u. h tin II HI. which will b , autlicli lit Ui cure Ihu Ui.at obaliliale cases. Il'dilcttiuu are adherinl lo. Deliiered lo any sddri's, securely packej rural oUi-risiiou. Dvacl ib 4 14 lollli ill all COIUUIUUic'UUuOt Cuita guai aiilvad Adie giaiut. AFHl'AVIT Per, s.lly si peart d brbf mesa Aldcraianof lbs l ily ul l'l.ila ll bia, 11 T JluluiUdd, who, buu( duly saoiu, dubaay, bis ) ic aiiiuul cuiiUlu nu Uat'olki, ku n.aicul; ul ulbal 4ujm lc4U d4Uk'l, but kl 4-uiall ia'4v4Uk r ' Jl T m.'I.Mltoi.D iara sad tltaaiibcd Urbie a.s, Ibu I.'d slay Xoitiui-vi ls.ii V) M p. IHIillAhl', Al4albi44l, i4Uilh-sl4l, aU lilK. i 4.Ua. AicllkO Uliala lol 44.loluu44.ia ! uatdtlsf. 11. T UttMUoLD, lk.ia.u4. Ib. pvt Ul bVuth Tiulk stikil, Wow CUUfcl I'tlls Lt W AUK 0 (Ul fcTs.Hi UW Au4 t liiaslpM Dl.i M k kal4kf k 4lf.4 "U Ikail " asul "W kllKlt Uk 14. 4Ua44. kll4al44 by il.li4.kU4 s l ! Pil"'' m i. 441 4-4 llk.k). M 44 4 kkiaatsatf 111. llt-piwlaal laua l a. kv44 y kll lk4 is i4)kk.w Ask,..slialMa4"H"k TtsilikooiHKsl I 4,1 cl U-e k4iaiU. .14.44.1. 444 4aa4 A 41, 4k4 Al .4 ik.Satoa-' Ss-4 4..,..i l44lk 4 It s lo as 44.4 tkaakkki UklaisMSM, all 4,,4k4 kt m !; a j, C-llio A.1ninH ICxprr 4'otnpnnv. 1IU NOTICE that they have concluded" ar 1 rangemcnls wilh the Northern Central lt,lr,,d Company to rnn trains from Baltimore for York, ....... ru,K. inupnui. iiniiiax. jrtrnrton. Miuinirv, Northumberland. Lvwisburg, Millon. Muney. Wil lianisport. and all intermediate stations, eoi'ineelirnr ?, '"i "i,h GREAT WESTERN EX w li ittsburg, Cincinnati, St. Louis und the Also with lbrward A Co. sExpres st Millon or Danville. IHnoinsbiirg, Wilkesbnrro. Pitlston. Scran Ion, and intermediate stations on the Cattawissa, l.acKawaiina A Bliaonsbnrg Railroads. At HI lianisjrt, by Howard A Co. 'a Express to Jcrwv Shore and Lock Haven. Also, by Howard A Co!, and their connections, for Canton. Tiny. Elmira', Roehestcr. Buflalo. Ningara., and lo all aecessibla wants In Western New York and Canada, by which they will forward Merchandise. Specie. Ilnu'k Notes, tl n"'1' B,", alu"t'10 Packages of every descrip- Also. Notes. Drafts and Bills for Collection. Experience sad efScrrnt aiessengers eaiplored, aud ecry erlorl will be made to render sat i.-lactiuii JOHN BINGHAM, Superintendent Penn'a Division. Pliilalclnliia. 11. A. FISCHER, Agent for Sunbury. April 5, IW2. ihcaii a iioirsri:7 Cmier vf Flute ami Third Strttf.f, IlAnuisHi nit, Pa. THIS HOUSE, in consequence of Its eonvenieneo and nenr location to the Canitol. has imole it desinible stoppiag place, not only fur those Inning business at tho seat of Government, but for otheis visiting llarrisburg. March 2V, 1'.Z. ftiEn n idle "Disc i.os i - h ks-skc ntts iw'i X THE MILLION ! A most valauble and wonderful publication. A work of 4U0 pages, and ,10 colured engravings. lilt ifl'NTEK'S VADE M EC I'M, an original aud popu lar treatise on Man and Woman, their Physiology. Functions, and Sexual disorders of every kind. with. Never-Failing Remedies lor their speedy euro. The practice of DK. HUNTER has long been, ami still is. uulmundcd. but at the earnest solicitation of numerous persons, he has been induced lo extend his niedieel usefulness through the medium of his; "VADE MECUM.-' It is a volume that should bo in tlie hands of every family in the land, as n preventive of secret ires. or as a guide for tin. alleviation of one of the most nwful and dostriietivo scourges ever isited mankind, tine copy, sccurwly enveloped, will bo forwarded free of ,-i.ie lo any purl of the United States for 50 cents in P. sImuioi, or iconics for SI. Address, post paid, HlWi.i'i, No. 3 Division Street, New Yoik. June , lSO.'l. ly. tfe0l Arriiiui-ut lsi:t. l" rw York l.ilK-x. THE CAMDEN AND AMIioy AND I'll I LABEL TIIIA AND TRENT' .V R. Ii. CO. S LINES. From Viittfr.'ihm tu .Yre York ami Way Virr'.f, frvm Wulintt filrrrt M'tirrJ' ami Kriisiigrii Vrpot, vitl trare as Jllturs, viz : I'AIik Al tl A. M.. via Cainib u and Auibny. (C. and A. AceoutmiHlalion.) fj 2?. At 0 A. M . ia Cniudeuiiiid Jciaey Cily, N. J ., Accommmlalion, 2 25 At K A. M.. via Camden nnd Jersey City. (Morning Mail.) At S A.M.. tin Camdcu and Jersey city 2d n-:..i. ... rf 3 UU Class Ticket 2 2'i At 11 A. M. via Keusington and Jersey city, Express " S 50' At 12 M. via Camden and Amboy. C and A. (Accommodation.) ' 2 2i At 2 P. M.. via Caaiden and Amboy. (0. nnd A. Express.) 3 (i(i At .'I P.M.. via Ki'iisingtuu and Jersey City. Wa-li. and N. Y. Express ' 3 Oil' Al 61 P. M.. via Keusiugton and Jersey Cily, (E ening Mail.) ' ' J uu At Hi P. M. via Keusiuglou and Jersey cily, Southern Mail. 'j c'O At li (uiglit) via Kensington and Jersey city Souini'in Expriss 3 ot) At 5 P. M.. in Camden tind Amboy. (Accom modation. Freight aud Passenger, First Class Ticket. 2 25 Sewud Class Ticket. 1 My For Water liap. Siroud-burg. Scranton. ,.Vir,:ei- barre, Montrose, I treat lleud, Ac ut 0 A. M , ftoiu Kensington, via 1'cluwuie, Luvsnwauua aud Western .Hai'riiad'. For Miinch Chunk, AMintown. Bethluhem. Belvi- dere. Kastuii. LniuberUille, Flciningloii. 4c. at II A.M.. from Kensington Depot, aud ut 21 P. M , from Wnlniil street ) hai l'. (The tl A. M. Line connect wiCi Trains loa ving Esstoii for Maueli Chunk, at o-'Ju P M .) For Mount Holly, nt 0 A. M.. 2 and 4 P. M. For Frcchuld, ui 0 A. M. and 2 P. M. ViAY LINES. For Bristol. Trenton. Ac. alii A. M. and 2J and S P. M. from Kensington. For Palmyra. Ricrtou. Dclancn. B'-veily. Bur linglon. Flurcuce, lludeuiowu, Ac, at 12,1. 2, 41 and 6 P. M. 1 1- For New York, and Way Lines leaving Ki 11 siuglon Dt sit, take lb- Cars on Filth sired. nU.vo Walnut, half an Lour luiore drparlure. 'J he Curs run into Ihe Depots, and 011 the M'vhal oi'cuch Truiu. run fruiii tho Depot.. 1 illy Pounds of Il!ii;ngo only, nllo'vcd each passenger. Passengers arc pix.liib'itrd l'n.111 t.ikini; iiiiylhing as baggage but their wearing apparel. baggage over lilty mtinils to be paid lot 1 xira. Tho Coiiipany limit their responsibilily lor b;i:i e to One Dollar per pound, and will lu.F i- liable fur any amount beyond $lno. except In special coiuraei. WM. II. ti ATZMER, Acut. January 17, Lio.'l. JOH I K. H'I'"a. CO., MlXl'I'ACTI'KKRS or Q -A. L E B A. T TJ" S Sl'PEU-CARB. OF SODA, .c. And Sol Agents in the City vf New York fur CREAM OF TAHT4YK SUBSTITUTE, Invented by Prof. Eben N. llor-1i,rd. of Harvard Vniversity. Oflice. II Old Slip, Hanover Sijuare, (up stairs,) NEW YORK. riMIL high price which Cream of Tartar commanded J .H PSSI, together with Ihe alurming extent to which its dangerous adulteration bud been caiiicd. with other considerations, induced ihe distinguish : I Chemist, whose name is given above, to con mcn-'r what proyed lo ba a long ami lulmnou scieiitilic re search, todiseovera desirable Milnliiute llierclor His efforls were eronned with iihandaiil succs. and liundrrds of ihnmind.t of pounds of tlm ul.stiiiiii have been sold and used during the lust five yenra throughout the I nited States and the Canada. The following true comparison of its ualiire and the results of its use, w ilh those of Cre.nu of Tartar w ill convince ihe must incredulous of its Value. Cream of Tartar is a hi-tsrlraio ul Potash. This Sulislilute is a simple Phos;,iale. and contain. nothiug but what is found in beel-steak. and in corn wheat and oilier cereals, and is therefore higlih nutritious. It also has a health-git iug influence and supplies that for which llicie is a constant do. maud 111 the system. t tr' It is sold for a much les-s price thau Cream o Tartar. March 21. 1Sf,;i. ly llruuilifk, l iui'H, 4.iii, Ae. riilE sulaM'rihor, hsving opened in I'lioinpsoii' l Brick liuibling. Miil allcct, Dauiille, a luig aud eoiupletc stock of FOREHiX AND DOMESTIC LI0.1ORS. eonirising the best brands of Brandies, liin. n, Rye, Scotch an 1 lii-li l liiskey. Port. Micitv. Ma Ueira. Chrttnpiine and other inc.-, ol nil funics, m ol which will be sold Wholesale, at the I. .-, ,1 prices. Taveru-keapers, by buy ingot' u-, c.in aai St Icsxt the tn iglil. Ptrsous Ueaiiuus of pui'chu-ing liijiiuts f.r F A M I 1. Y I S E . nay rely ii.n being furnished wi.u a pure un anadiilleriited arlicle. ( tr" Being drteituined torslnl a r, iiit itn n f selling cheap, he leaped fully s-iliils llic pa 101,.., oi Iba public. All older, pioinptlv u:iu. led to JLl'.LMl.VUS. HALL. Danvills. Jiitic 1(1. lsotl. l.iiuilii-r ! I. ii in Iki- : I'll I.I 1 ."HAY' , Minn , v. Lycoiiiiiij? county, Pa , IN Kill.MS his It icn I. nnd il.u i ii.ln iu cuu i i that b c u.tii.nl! v k. c .. .,n 1, u,, i, . ir.l-. M.mi. kill. J. ista. 41. I all kind. ..I I . i.iobi i il I nil, l.i. I.nleni.l,, kin, , bci kill at II al the 1, Heal pile: biMsrch ti, I v,. i:i'iii iain:o i.uit. P r TEH LOU 1 LL A 11 D, tiuuU'aV 'I'll lull I O llllUllllll luier It) A li CIHMI I hSM , (Kormn'y 42 Cbaliiuiu Street, New iwk Wuuld esll lbs alUuiii a vl Dealers tu the all id, 41 B4a 4UUu4alurc. 1 14 . BROWX SNl IE Mssatay. lltml.'l.H. i 44. IUpie. Puis Vli:i,ia. leant ttspp. ,S..U.l, ! . Al4lle4k liVktUtUall, ku.ba. tiLLoW rM . Haadrk. llu4e4tll4wS14tl.il. Hub Te4l H..4.L, Jl.J. li Oe Bvl. lubli.b l.eal, iletl N.-UI4 kt 4.U4iJkal. I S Allti.ll. lt 14. ailed lo lb larsa ri 1.1.1 l. k I tU.4e4 I 14.4 I k4 I be44. kkd Ske.l.l , l.. kluek kll U I. 4.d 1 4 Ic.c4 uL.j 1'. Ai C" lllkeikllif TI4.4 Cut t be kll g ttw.kll., l"4, ' k L 4k Jau, I, I 4,44.414 uf SkW.I. S 44.k, Kk . Ititl S. . 4.1. 4 i.. . l4t.,titr l-k I 4 I k.14.4 I ia I tl 4 atit.4k, teuktai 4la4.al4.4 X II A let. 44 vf 1 III W 444,4 kk S I ,4.4 I.e. 1.4 w I.. ...a 14. a aa.la-.la-'k h. U I v. I PI w I4.4..L.4 1 .4,4 4-. 4 li 4 t I ii" 1 i -1 44a 44 i-4 4k ta 4as,iaaa ' r-k'S .o im.'.i li.j a I 1,14 4)e,l U.J - hi 4NSj lai km a4 fa, 4 i.a. 4- as I i'44. 44 1444. Miak.- A..aaiava4, as