60 S! 1 Ti:S LATRET IM1 ROVKMr.NT ARK TOR. PALE AT jr. fitohrbai. h Co.'b r o xj N d k "sr., SUNBORY, PENN'A. Gat the Rest (lot the Cheaper Oct the rnost Eco-json-ieu, which crn hp had ai ike Rohrbach Foundry. Having a large fis-ortmcut of the moat approved F10V1.M, mob ! Crokiug. I'r.rli r, Otlioe and Shop Stoves, which will be Kd.l nl the lowtit lulos. Aho, liftllix nf nil riter, Pun, Ski!:.. l. P. Thevurn uiso n ai.'.-.fiie'.uiit il.icl.ii u-.y, liotig'.., C.-..tii.w!', .. tt (V.I tu-.i:-. JUiwmiDR nil kin of '). I' .rl I r. "i ! djrii'ii a k.-..tI wurinj'l'ike r.i-.fiior aid i.t the. tliortctl rotice. All .'.ru'les rhippfd r. tr-lrr'l. C-'.r, fui Sui. oiled. :.cd rr;'Jiv,'v rite..''" i f . J.'.Cl'il U'Uli.u.U'!! 17, Old TrpTi. n-1 uli kiwis r.i I reduce t.'-r.e;i T.Ai niTirn f..r ! it. Klrl.Cl.l'V. ' '.'f , d- Sm( crvat I ni.tl t'i end o7 lirvtii: :?.. Cr fPI'IS fivflelr' 5J.,i:?(w-t;., i ir i V.: .I.Uii Ft t. 1 .UHli! L i irl i . Hvii i it, is fni'i-ii.-r i Iiidurfiuvi'tis to iU.-' v '-..: Nov. V I r pleasure. P is cci.tr. 1 in is !o ' '. the lit i.'iii'.:A 1'i.ax. in cvi n .'iit.ii l.e'-inn ' rvd h-p1 ' ii J'a i, hi: s , tAl.i". N. w hvi' ri'iri'shfoi'.'.!! c:'r. i.c I.ihI hli liiuirs. cr sorvoil in tl.iii- ovu rui.r.it. 'i 'uvr-ri f" ii' rliTnto, t!a. ro.';: r::.l a: n I ll.i- I vt mii.-r baths, mill nil tht modern wivtuiiucw u.tAvt.i:l. tfit- m.ivt'3. NEW"" FANCY STO-iE." " rililE fuhsciil.' t rcr'ctfi '.lv im'.-rm? her fttonils X nml tlio piii.l:.'. tlint -'. o l.ns upeiipil. two Awn west or the J'c.jt tiiTu'e. a HV.W !?'1'K'K IV FANCY GIKUM. fvr h.ili.'i l b 1 p liiUnu'ii, i.n'i'ul hui oriiatnentul.coni-Uutiiii pur. i.t tvJim' Ti ia;aiint;i. Pta;li--Hr. Zchvs, l '.:'iik l.p, Cui-on rr i otU-r Thread. I'i.iri-1-, iiiirli'i ' , J:Ti'iirniiilaii'if V.ik8 KlUliitf. I'''1'-'- Toys. Tvnvfiir.j; l.-.-i, lnV. S'!e, :ki.'l lnv'.i, Ci'inn fi-r t'hil lren, and r variety of other ni ik'Jc?. all rf v hli'hlmve tcenscieetcd with core uiii vi'.l he K! 1 at reaania. bio prices. a:;.na j'ai::ti-:r. Fanhcry.OeV 1". V-f. 1y a?sT1: vilS" :tu : a l ia r Iil'.OWX-S XL',V tf The Ci.hiinry f.r v hie'i tie KLro'fnp-'.'ll utiii.j pu'jlic have i-olnng hetc iu nei"l, because 1. It "STAXI S Fli.E!" T;rr. t.p li.3 V.:r.t CI I: 'wnfi froLi thtt t.'p the i.:imtiey. inul !.": I tip us long r,i oi! picit-w i in: t. !.. tm'TiitKis Ti'v i. 5. It do.s r."t hcr-nio Muck cr ui.-.")-'itre.l s'.ir.ul.l the lump BC'jideiitaily iii.ikc 1' ri' Mtbin U.e con:ri:ou c-Uiiuiie it"? liablo to mvhlcnt and mure cocvcricnt f.r cvrrvini nhmit the hoife. M. It it tint eiiiiiV ntVcct.'d l.y suJ li'ii chr.nrrc? of eiiipcratnre : go cut of u.ior:. or inio tho collrr. unr luer ir winter. " with tl.ci lump bnniiii. rtcn't f.-iir ! tho cl iinncy wili r.ct iiiia).li:.r in I.tl-iiich" ! 4. 'J'hciup ean bo ir.tinii!y reunve'i. nnJ thcji'r'? wipcil pjtt'ei'tly e'.cn in a uiuiuctit. v.ti.uut n:-l:,Kg, aijd wiilioul (!i'u:;'jr of brenUinc: lite i;hi.-'. 6. Oae ouliiis'.'' f. roniii chi."in(y-. Tryitnul you will v.p I'd other. '.;r E:iie iu " Town and Cuunlv Az-tii-iesprMited hv the N C. Mnnufaetuiir;, i'-i'., Ai Vultm. Street, .i. l uik. January 1'. "l'.!t4. 'M'.i IHV1T & CHif AHENTAL TSEES. . mii:cs, vi."s:s ni n.tvi:ns. TilK m:1 frib-rU cfT.ri:-,! at the loitc-t Cfjiirii-es. tii" prmluci'.u.,! nf the reliuhle Xur-CtJ u:.eri.t.fliliUAU)J J. K VAX if A CO.. nt'"" YORK. l'a.. co.iji.-niiirofa'il kimUur I 'Rl'I'l '1 Ul l.S Ft:.inlarJ and llwarf, anu of the mott improved va rieties Oriiamcnt'ii Vrei tnd Shrub. Tiic nio;l fa.-l.ion ubio :t vl" if i'h'V.xrit. U!l.lrES tueh lis r-i!nwha. Ciiiiton. Pclnnro. Coneoi I. lJians. ll:ui:.rd l'roliiie. I.-nbeilr.. A;e. The Sirawbcrries h-i v ill deliver. ir ot te ni-.-l ; improved vnriulua ; ui-o all other kiudr of cultiva- j led herricii. lie warrants to deliver the aVi.jva htt.cle; in gaoj ! cor.ciiiii.il. I :Vddrej, n'JNJAMIN' ROHXV.R. I'lixiii'i. tN'or'.h'd. Co., iM. , Bcccmoer 5. 1'.J.T.- tin . j PRIVATE ACADEMY, mirE MTX. JAMKS WCKV. will re-open his 1 Aeadcmv on M"ndv, tiie 17th day of August. Js-ta. Tho fidlriT.ir. ljrr.:.v;iie will be taul.t : I.alin, I'ireili. Mnllieinatie". Philimipby. Rhetoric. Loie. iJok Keepiuj;. Vne'il iiiie iu tilery iu.1 j.raeiiee. AI-". (icn.rnphv tiriiumiar, liistoty. Cyinj oaition Vi'ri'.inp. I'er Quarter n : II v ' t' ; ? en i :7 '!') ! i to ' In tlie i.liove l-i Latin and a .-.i Urei k Mid .;!." r.ehe.. -ilhotit the Lingncgn iir.u; 'in -, hr.'U.tije, S-.'O t'ir' u:..-. I'r 1'uniicr part It vV N..r'huii In r'.r i..: ul.V's i ,1AM' Au.-ic ri .'.' Is'. H cher t:. s..:.,.;;;i.iscr'4 Confsctionsry, Toy and .1Ini-ki-( Wrt'et, Si.iisiry, Sii. confix "i-ioN::i:y or m.l kinds, TOVi; Ol-' KVIIilY ricnirTioN. ruvrr. ;c. Ac, (tON'STAN'i'l.Y on ;.i.i f,,r sale nl t!.e nb ive . r-'.a'.a-iilitenL u uholc-aie tit: .1 r.Ui!, Ut ri lisotj. l.lle pli.. s. ' He is itiniiiit'H.-iitr'ir ail hinds ,r C..n:eelionttriis t-i keep up u lull it..-uriu.i i,t wuieh aio old at ior rr.'.-. T..;.:icco. S.' -rars. Si, ti .t.ery. Nut: or all kinds, ami a v .ii i-i of oilu r "rti'des, all of v. Iiiji. are ollercd vleutra..' and r.jlai!. i l RcL.eiuber the rh.mc ami place. ..""J M. C. ta .'.lillAl'.T. Ma'ket stm !. 2 Jcrs we.-Loi'K. V. lV.ytit A Sjn'i n. re 'niil.urv I. 1'.'. P ; j i ii i una i CtAX ('.fl.l:S. wl.! ) the Cilv iiir.rkt ts. c.i rt I ..if f UnAx from IL. i 111 ti 111 h'l tillH'f nt ihu ( oues..'i..iierv 'tire tit liUl.l V i! M. C. UKAiUiAUT. .-in. I. at v. Ji .i:e l.O'I lilMJ I I kl.lSSs. r.u rs'iocis:. Ilii siibsi'iiber re.-i ivifiillv ii.f.n ir: 'Hie i.e.ii.le e unliorc a, a! ieioily, tiiui he bus openeil an en. tile l: w .-I. eu ot eli.ihil. nr.d 1 I roi.-hiitg Is. ul his liew si .r ill liie l.l.ifli I limrl... i'le.l- nils J s .... ii. Mm . t i-.Uii'c. 11.. -...;k v.:.; '.s n, j ai: of !HtixTiZ CI I. w j? j Z O" HOIV ll.UlItJ. fi.eh ft Coals. tler Coals, j ii. Is. v,-i. shin. I.ndel dill is. liia.Mls. rlockil l.eekliiv l.nli I k vr- ihi '-. tines, ".r. Also, lluis and I ni of tll k i.d, S.tlMI'IM t Ms SIIOCS, of ell l,i".i. 'i!:l .M.S. ami .ili. iiiiii.ti ln, Itl.-i l.ul..:,f ell kllid.. besid. Imilierous oilier ai t. -i.'. 'I I plib.le Hie ic.4ue.-lni in wi,e h,,!j a call a. d I ., iu ok tils jt-j.k- I.EVI IIECIIT. r .n.i.ill v. "el . 1.1, l'i.l. Styniiiiu ln.iiriiu'' 4 i in !;' y , WILKESUAKKF. I'A. C'ujillal mill ui jUjis., f I l,Ov)(. l ltU.i 'J'1'.: . I, M ib.llelll.il. I;, J .ini V..-. I ,i.. e.llil.i i , J.ll.uU: ', I l I. r. I i.i..'.. M:i..r, I' -I. . lO D l: I !.4.-ti, l. t.. .- 1 I. M 11. I"l.l l .v I' t b II' I 4 AKI II tt Retain, ill i. M l l.'-l II I I . l'l,.. I I.t I 1' ti li.l I .. . . L I. J. I. . r.. I. . l! I'.l.. V . AS l " k,4 .ki.. 'i.i' i ot A , IV.1 1 0. .-.-. W. MAUPT, (Murur) usttl I ouut, IUr ul I ii .-, ii... b.., 4.. ..I ;, ' hXJUiiilitv. y a I I SH...4 e.up... u ..I ..tsit l,.i.iai -- . II .ci',1.1.. ,J DsulssH, 4. .t ts . 1 J A O i I 1 H K , OH CONCENTRATED LYE FAMILY OAP KAKLR. w v r t T I , L makes high prices ; Saponjflers helps to reduce them. It make Hon.p f ir Four cents a 'ound by using your kitchen grease. tri?" CAUTION ! An srmrions Lyes urn eSTered also, he careful and only buy thn Patented article ul up in Iron cum, all others being Counterfeits. PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. riiilaiU'lnhia No 127 Walnnt Ftreot, Pittsburg I'iit Street and Duqueine Way. Xovon.l er 21, 1813 Sin -I o'O lo()(, 18C3. & (WAIST FR1LING AT TRK Xil AHHOTH STORE, 7 "'D respectfully announce thut they have y t just rcec ivt d and opened a very large and wellselcc- te J Mock if GOODS OF ALL KINDS, vbieh they are willing to di'pofo of at a VERY SMALL Al'VANCKON l'lrt i'ost. 0 OUR STOCK IS COKP.LPETE AND EMIUIACE9 rVLT.YTIIINO GIVE TJ3 -A. CALL. Thankful for ptt faurs wo hope to meet a con tii:uaneo of the mine by Btill telling Goods as cheap if rot CI I IM 11-: R than can bo purchased elec- FRILIXG It GRANT. Frt bnry. Mny IS.'i.l. II. It. M.lSNI.at, A Ifirnoy ill l.iiYV. SL'XRVR Y. TA " Collection attended to iu the countie of Nor tiiiimberlnnd. I nion, Snyder, Moutour, Columbia uud Lycoming. nrr':nrxcrt. ITon. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. (1. (laltell A Co.. Hon. Win. A. Porter. " Mortrn Me.Mii heel. ln.. " R. Ketehnm A Co., I.-i Pearl Street, Xw York. John V. Athmcud. Attorney at Law, " MatiliC ,vs A C.,x. Atlornevs'tit Law, ' Suiiburj, March 2'.', ISH2." iii::ec-s iion:z., H.-rrtslitrg, Pa. T'lil' irarfi-reiiieri! of this well-known lintel hav ing been resinned by Messrs. (VLK A Hl.ItT!. the pr'-seiit p-ropri. 'tins, bei- leave tn inform the public t!mt tiie house is now hcjng thorontrhly renovated, refitted, and improved, with a view to the proper and coinfortril'le tieeioiinnodntion of thoe who lmty favor liio cs'nhlishtneiit vi'h their eu-tom. t!ue..is will reei ix e doe ftjieulion end courlesy. and no evpeus v ill he M.r.re-l tiiitt may e -n-luco to mtuntuia j h"lel iii a tir-i-elass stvle I IVniilics and others' desiring f i sojourn in Harris ' hi r-4 during t!ie Miiitu.er iiioiiihs. will tind pleasant ' boarding n:. 1 large and w.-il-vudilaud roouis at our cstablLMiincnt, U1.H11 moderate terms. SCOTT fOVl.K. Marol. CO. lt'2. J. tiJI.RERf HERR. V nil S'ajK'l atMM S,, OF WALL PATi:il or FY FRY M Sli'LRS AND PATTI.KXS. IltARLE JI'ST ree: 'ved direct from Iho Manuliioliirer, at thu MAMMOTH STORK of FRILTXO A GRANT. Sjnhury. March 15 1$'"2 .s.issi:j?! I'.vrnvr five in: 'i:i:i:xi:ic : As Imprc.v.vd forl-.'9 and Istirt, By Y.. KETCHAM JL CO.. Pearl ,-t.. Xew York. 111K onlv Freorer eonslrucled on scientific prin- cijiU. -.will h reolv:rt; can end siiriiii? blade s.-raper. J ,ie ore ha-tens tiie freeyu trof the cream- -the other remov- il as fa.-l he froen. The most rapid ill freezing, with the least quantity ol ice. 'i he most eeo,ion:ierd in cost, a? it i.- the most simple u.et luiraoie in iruetore. i er a.t; in ail the prioci. al cities nnd towns in the i V, , 1 ,eli 1 n.id n. il u' e.er a"e i i".'tions. 'llipatlied w 1'RICES. i n hook t-f recipes 7 ornrl, H (jiinrtf', 1'U ( HUl'tH. Apply t., March in, 1S2. f ? fin I tn) f. f'd 6 on H (II) 12 UU Sunbury, Pa. 11 11. MAS.SER BOOTS AND SHOES, I VT revive., from XowY-'ik nn-l Pl.tlnildphfa. fj h fn-h "UT'flv t the Uttt styU'H Iiinl "I I lie hot lU.ility, utii -iiliu lni liuil niHttu uji to onltT, imd w.triM'itii tn "ive mh! tnl i-tnc ti-h. Jie Iihs iuh1c in tHiyt'inrt.t it) Ihf t'i(V to littvo liitt het-t wuik uiudc ti) uiilt-r. Tili'h-h fin be liifl i hi I ttim-s. il wl vu iutA llicv ke iir'-fiirftl nt rt'tiiiihlo ntiticc. iMmiurlicluriiij; ul' UoUl.S uud fcfllMii.S tt' ull kinda lti u-nr.l . 1 will hih) wht.i'hlc i)t"n"it and Siion by thf box. 1'ttil mill exiuiiiii Wturu j'i;fthaiiig t'locVs here Rii'l Hi My ymuselvi-e. Thfliiktul l-.r (HtrMim;a l,f-r.tjftro bestowetl. he ri J'CHttllil V Hilit It? 8 CnlililiUHlK'C dfllM' sitine. ni;t Sr.T-' kiii, tl.rco U-iurt west ul' tl Ruil V.'md ui Murl.L-t Sitiuii'. .V.M. U. MTLLKH. Kunbury, ?cj.t. 10. lEv'". XT ANTI.I) itntnc-diiitfly. ft Juur Shuomaktr, on H AVINti ju-t reiuriiid from Philadelphia, have now open a unti fctij j ly ot ' 'a i-iiiiiiiiitpx, iiimI I limy .Arlicli'.. at l.r lo w Store in ll.e ris.iu adjoining rtie residence of M r. I' n In r. in .Market Nptuic, Sunbury, Pa. ' Her Muck consists iu part of ' Lau'u-' 'i i ituii.invf- lor lrcsos, Lnees. ' i'..:ieni-t-r I'risM-s, Embroideries, J!..l:.h'-lcliti Is. Gloves. i nk and C lion Thread. Ladies'Glotes Z. phyrs. Vooion and . phjr Siicoun and Hoists, j lulai.s li i wis. Pultons. Linditig- llililsuis. Collars i imd ."limn, iienls Neckties. Corsets, Hair Itrii.lins. Hair il. Hair Nets, li.li ut l'n .n. ewillg Silks, ' Aiid n urn . thus other ariielea, all of which will be sold i a: tilt lowv.it raicn. I I have a l inl to my 'lock linlumral Skins. Il.s.p ."kins. Woolen t'n i..r l.adusaiid Chiltlrun, lului.t .-. ks. vi . in. Hl o k Silk N.vkiies. Ali, a irih Mipply ol L.irscis, lllaek kmt Glov. it uulen tarn, i.i,. I i.i.i . u ready Iu do all kiudi . f Stampiug l .r Ln.ilii.g or tiutiii.i.li ry . AIxj, a vanity ol iliele suititble for f'hrUtuia Pivsi-i.ls u.i..- I'i . it h I, Albums. 1'.. rteuiuiuii.it, 1 Pi... eli is Lrra.i. 1'iiK, An. Alsua hniidaowe SMort i mint of loys aud tlue CotifiM'touiery, Ai I M.VHV I LA ZAP. IS. j Suiiburv . i 17. '-.',.''.-ly I MANHOOD, Hum I .of I, llut ltrlorl. it 7'' '-.'i .. , . a i Vnulv. "-s'tw v. s t ' 1 . 'A I ... . I I!' H :K on list lin ... Treatment .1,1 Ha. du al 1 u.e ol t . t I...I..I I li.i ul h. lnll.al Mk . vuhI 0 I. iiiiv .Sei vuuijirwi. and liituluiitai v i a.'-. I Ifcs. il diu ll 4 llli)Mteliey, 1'ou.olliplluii, aiid yi.l.lsl kill I I.V.I..I Iklc.lll). I ) l."f i J I t I.. I i.tt ti l. M (I. 1 be in l-'l'i.lll Iu. t II ul II i aialul c l. ,'U' Hers of U A.--. Ii . V .ti. ijally el...,ve. aillioul I.. I. 1 1 . I I..' O ! if II.. dallilous a plllll.ll iu . Ji.li. Ii 111.....- U b.. '.i i 1.,'ln, 1,1.4 oilier ' . i..( . . .1 . v . i.l.i. 1 1 ..i 1 ,: , loci.;!., J, und ! II, v- I .. I i I'i H.4 l.lrdlv i,.vvt.lul I, v4.ll.. n fcS . .. i : l' 1 . .M'i,.i. ss. I, lu.ljf V4;.lalued, I ' l I .l t l I. -I. ne t ,.i ..'.U4 luiai.liilli. . .1 . i r s.-'l at il.. i.swl ...H.i. el . Ikncby kl " ' : '" ' "" ' ''u liw -(;';;V u""u' u " 1 . "' JssJ.i. .1 liijUu,,,!,. Iu tMldiwe. I . . . . . i . . i tti .'. If Hi-:..., i. lilt J C WIIMfifo, i,, I, -. ! f. .i I; i A lAkrftm Aawrtmrnt """JftillTKl R'Hjj KVAN3 A WATSOS'8 BALAMANDER SAFES. OKEAT I'IKK AT REAMXO, PA. February 12, 1802. OrTtrit It fives roe mrch ralinfactioo to Inform you that iu tho terere firn which, on the mominp of th 4th Inst., entirely dcatrnyed all my mock and materials, I had cne of your fiiliimander Fire Proof Safei. After enduring an intente red beat for seven hours, the Fafe wm opened, and the Hooks and Taper were preaerved Inauumbleuiihcd condition. 1 shall need another Safe ai soon b I got in order. 1 ours, n'ost reieet fully. W. T. DICKIXSOX, Reading, Ta. FIRE AT URLES CASTLE. CuABEnBtno. Franklin comity, Fa., ) August iflst. 1M1. ) ?Iepr. FvAis A Watson. Philtidclrhin Ocntlc- men: On the morning nf the L"-'d of August, ISOI, our storehouse at tireenci'stle was rlestroywl by lire. The Snlninnruler Fufe we purelinsed fniin you some few yopi": since was in the alsivo nieniihiied store houe. and contained all our btioks. papers, cm-h. Ac. which nrrc preserved in a perfect condition, after being eipo-od to a most irtcn-ehent for several hours. l'cn.-e ii'torin us upon what terms you will tell ui another larger Sife. Yours truly, OAKS A AUSTIN. Fal.niiander .Safes, fir Hunks. Plores. Private Fnirilies. Ac.. Ac. Also. Kvnns A Watson's Patent Alphabetical Hank Locks and Rank Vault iHiors. etjiinl to ar.v made in the country, and sold on as pood terms.' K A V. would res fieet fully refer to the following Hanks and other parlies, having their Safes and Lockn now in use, to their eiil ire satisfac tion, and many others iven at their Stnte. I nitkh Statks JIist, Hrnneli Hank, Shelhyville Philadelphia. . Tennesi-ec. V.MTK.nSiATES AnsB!At..Cily llauk of Philadelphia. Cnliliiruia. Consolidntion H'k of Phila. Pottstown Jinnk. Pa. Coiu'th Hank of l'hila. Coatesvillc Hank. Pa. Chnlanisi-a Hank. Tcnn. Stroudfbnrg Hank. Pa. Pre'm Loan Ast on. 4th st. Jersey Shore Hank, Pa. Lock Haven Hank. Pa. Vnion Hunk. Haltiiuore. Hank of Northumberland. Lank of Xorth'n Liberties, Pliilndeli.hii:. Southwestern Hnr.k of Vs. Kill Ion Hank. Atlanta, Ga. Paul and Swift, Rankers, Alnlmuia. Newnik Hunk. Del W.G. Slerline.Wilkesb'e. Hank of X . C Haleiph, Lcwiabiire; Rank. Pa. Other references given ujHin callirz at our Store, No. l'l S. Fourth Street, Philadelphia. Sept. i, ImIX. 1 IVltMliiiiKloii BI !', NORTHL'MHI'RLAXD, PEXXSYLVAXIA, (JYVr the Itriityt.) flHR suberiber having leased this well l.nown 1 Tavern Stand, lately kept bv Mrs. C. S. Hrown, I respectfully inform the public that he is refilling and repairing the premises, and w ill be prepared to en tertain, in a ciinliirtable manner, his. numerous i friends throughout the county, and all who may patronize his establishment. April 12, 1S02. JOSEPH VAXKIRK. A Firt Class Farmer' Magazine for Pcunsylvauia. 1MII. lnny IvdmIji, IMIt. FAltMKK AMI OAHDKNKU, Devoted to Agricultural, Horticulture, and Rural Affairs. Edited and Published by "wivr- S. YOUNO Ac CO, i2 Xorth Sixth Street. Philadelphia. TERMS : ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. The Sixth Volumo commences with January No. Having obtained the services of eminent end Tac tical Agriculturists. Ilorticulturis's. Stock Hreeders and Dec-kccpcrs. we confidently oiler the Current Volume as and of the best ever sssued. for originalsly, practical thought and reliable informal ion. SKXD FOR A SPECIMEN. January 23 1-f.t. For tho Fiuitt Flower and Kitchen Garden. 1-0 1 Till. ItOI GARDENER'S MONTHLY, W. G. 1. IIHIXCKLOK. Publhher, Ouico: 2.1Xorih Sixlh Street. Philadelphia. TKiyis-ii :o A Vi.AR. Edited byl'lloMAS MfcKUAN. The Monthly Content Are : Hints Flower Garden and ri.in.-iire-firoiiiid ; Fruit Garden ; Vegetable Gurdcu ; Window Gnrdcu ing. Communications Kiuhracin! the views of tiie best writers on Horticulture. Arlsiriculture, A llurul Afiiiirs. l.ditorial (iiviuz the Editor's vies on the im portant Horticultural improvements. Scraps, und Queries .New Fruits X.-w plants Domestic and l-oiei-n lo'cllionc Foaeign Cor respond enee llorlicultiiral Xoiices. With each lep!irlnient haiulsouiely illii'trated. These general fealureswill be retained, and the publisher pledges hiiusell that no lalmr or expei.se sliall be spurdd to render the i eeilini; issues of the Magazine everv way worthy of the favor with which has previous etliiiie have been apply rewarded, SEND Fop. A.rl'LClMI'N. January IS IstVI. TO CONSUMPTIVES, Consumptive sufferers w ill receive presiTiitioii for i the cure of Coiisump:ion. A-tl.uui. Hroi.chiiis. ai.d ail ' nroui aim i.ung aucxiions. iineoi cmiige.j i.; scuu- i tpg t:;, .: e idre.-'s to t i.iv. !:. a. v 1 1. .-i .. ' il'iiiuisliuri;!'. ; Jaiiuire Si!. l.Vil 4t Kii its Co.. New York. ii'iry '5 mi: vol it '4i km i nt i:s 'ihc REST and CHEAPEST llou-chuld RliMEDY in the W.ii I.I. Mn.hiiiM' ZAD04' lMr5t'I'i:ii GREAT COn.H REMEDY Mii.A)ir Z.Mior I'OK. ThUS t;rni)Uc Jtstl inn - H.irriil''i il" men il cortliiiir t thf i'.ir't.lii.S, t "itie in h t:nv r.-UL'!:!), f..!. If, Vhi.iiiirf I'.ai-h. Asihiiui. '1 i ll ii' t tiii:ii ol the Thiu:.t ui. d I. ai ."' Madame Ilalsam i .id...- Porter's s prel-urcd wilh all the reouisile eare and skill. I'm m a combination of the best ret;loili"S tho Vegetable kit. gib. Ill r.tfords its .ctncdial qualities uru based on iisHiwerlo es.-i.-l : the bealthy auii viiroriotlH eirculalioli of the bio..'!, blood, thro I lie Luugs. Il is uot a violent reuiedy, ' but eiuulieiii warming, ' earching nnd elleclive; can be takeu by the oldest per-sin or youngesf child. ' Madalllo ' M.ji iiaisaiu t.as S3 il... . ..i.i; . .. . and has awiuired sent salo simply by being reeommended br those who have used it to their afflicted friends and titer .losr Im-oKTAXr Madame .tuba- Porter s Cura. live Ilalsam is sold at a ..rice which bring- it in tho reach ol every one to keep it com t-nicnt f..r inc. Tim finely u.e ola single boitle will i rovo i.,U worth I 'ill tunes its cost. NoTll'E. Save your Moiiev '. D..n,t be tirsun I d to ,urchase articles at Is ti. f I which do liol e .u tain Iho virtues ol u LI cent Pottle ot Madame 1'or lets I illative llal-aiu. I lie Cost of uiui.ulaellirir.g w hich is as great u- that of aut M,v other luedl euie; and tl.o very low price at which it is mid. uiakei-the profit -t., the .eller apreully small, and unprincipled dealer, will sometime reeoiumeiid other medicine. on which their j-utiu are larger, un less the rustomem iiuist i,s,n hav ing .Madame Pur-U-r ami none other. Ask for Madams Porter'. Cu. rative Halsum, mice LI eviits, and iu Urge bottle. t 2j cent., and lake nu other. It you eatiuot gs-l il at one store you eau at another. S .ld by all Drugg.-ta and Stej'ekeepcrt at 1J els., and IU larger bottle. at 25 eta . HALL Rl CK EL, Proprietors. Juuuary 51, iMtl.-ly ,w vrk. Ol-TTT Sz DIETZ1 I.OWEH WHAHV, KUNDURY, VA. WllOLFjiAI.E AND RETAIL DFAl.tKS l. WHITE AS II COAL , iu ii sanely, Orders Sul iciled ami kllnl ailh i..iiplue and despatch. ' ' hubbury, Uajr l'l, I -rid ly nl.ANK iParchturut Pap.r 1 IWe.U end bl.nk M'lfln.ita., Iliu.tr. rt vutkou. huibluulis, As !. sale at lb. ottie. ot Ike tsauliiiy Aiurncau " Jiii:h llMlli lt'M auot-i.tta kit iil CLOCK Lsa'AUl.lSUMENT, .' Cuibii S.ii.4 uh! t htsuul fit , I'k!la4al.kiv luhl i h4 ib I Vlt-MLi.t ALII.Si 1IIIH. , 1 l'A I l." k a si J...I.I U aitul. s I t, ale klS, il.'l-U Dssuks, t'oilU'llis lluM, puluse, AI W.i.fwiiu.HM. G il U I IM I I.- i l.p.iikl .1.4 siai.'.vl ri . s Tnunsnuss i4 e.ois -Sn-i, lrti" I'HiSI ,Uis J...n 14 l s IS WM. KNOCHE. 93 MARKET STREET, ILARRIb'Bt'HO, P A , tealer in PIANOS. NEW Rosewood Pianos, from the beet makers from $20(1 upwards. ilLl.OLKONg The beet ttacsfactarwl Instru ments, from 45 tollCO. Uuitars. Violins, A coord eons, FlnteS, i itis. Drums, lianjos, Tambourines, Violin and Oui'ar strings and m osteal mer ehasdiM in general. BURET Ml'EIC. The latest publications always on hand. Music sent bv tnsil to nor nart of tha eonntre. OVAL. BCiLAKE. OILT AND ROSEWOOD FHAMES. Fuili.l.le for looking glosses, and nil kinds of pictures always ou iianu. A fine assortment of best plated LOOKIVO GLASSES, from smallest to larfferl sisot Any stylo of frame mado to order at the shortest notice. )i M. i.wi hi.. April 11, 1P03. 93 Market St., HarrUburg. Northern Central liailway ! IIF.ItTIMr. TA1IIU. TWO TRAINS DALY to and from the North nd West Rraneh Susquehanna, tlniira, and all of ortb' eru New York. .f-vN- and after MOXPAY. APRIL 20th. lStl.1, . the Passenger Trains of tho Northern Central Hallway will arrive at and depart from Suuliury Jltirri.-iiurg an'i linltimoro as follows, vis : SOUTHWARD. Mail Train leaves Fnnbury daily (oxcept Mimlay). " leaves llarrisburg. 10 in A. M. 1 I A P. M. 6 Si " 11 07 P.M. 2 C0A..M. 11 arrives at Raltiinore, Express Train leaves puubury daily (except Sunday.) leaves HarrUburg (except Monday.) " arrives at Haltimore daily (except viomiay 15 A.M. SO A. M. Harrisburg Accommodation leaves Uarris turg, 0 ..TltTIlWARD. Mail Train loaves Haltimore daily (ex ! ccpt Sunday) I " leaves Harrisburg I nrrives at Suiiburv, 9 15 A. M 1 15 P. M 4 05 " 15 P. M 1 Si A M Expresi Train leaves Haltimore daily " arrives at Harrisburg. " leaves Harrisburg (except Monday), 11 arrives at Funbury. 3 Oft A M. 6 For further information applv at the (.(ftice ' i"...i t rt V A. j. . Ai iinnu i Supt. j Irtiekniinniin A: lllooinburfj Itnll. road. j and after November 17, 1S02, Paa-enger i II Trains will run as follows : M0VIX0 SOUTH. I Freisr'it A rai'tngrr. Pattgtr. I Soranton, S 110 A. M. 10.15 A. M ' Kingston. 20 11.40 P.M. : Leave j " Rupert, 11. SO " Danville. 12.US Arrive at Northumberland, 12.45 P. M. MOVING NORTH. Leave Northumberland, 6.20 P. M j " I'anvillv, 6 00 ! " Ruperl, 8.35 i " Kingston, 8.45 Leave, 145 P. M. Arrive at Summon. 10.00 P. M. 3.40 A PiLss-enger Train alssv leaves Kingston at 8.00 , A. M., for Seraiiloii. to connect with a train lor New York. Returning, leaves Scranton on arrival ' I of train from New York, at 4 15 P. M. '1 he Lackawanna A Hloomsburg Railroad connects : ' wilh the Delaware. Lackawanna and Western Rail-; ' road at Scranton, for New York and intermediate i points ciist. I At Rupert it connects wilh the Ca!tuwisa Rail road, for )oints, both east and wch arrivit.g at Phil- ' adelphia at 0.15 P. M. , .Vt Northumberland it connects with the Philndel- . phia A Krio Railroad aud N'or.liern Central Hail- road, for points west and south Passengers arriving ' at Harrisburg 4.50 P. M ; FhilaJelphia 10 F. i. ; uii.l Jiultunore III. 20 I'. -VI. 1 he Freight and Passengers Train Iwrth. leaves' Noithuinberlandat 6.4. A M . and arritei at V.20 P Ji.. passing liauville ut H.20 p. M. 1 JOHN P. 1LSLEY, Sup t. J. C. Wei.i.s. General Ticket Agent. ; Nov. 1st. Is02 I . . - ! I .criuMM NullVri-rsi orisolli S''st. ; A REVERENT. GENTLEMAN having been re stored to health in a few dttys. alter undergoing . 1 tiie usual routine and irregular cxpcrViw modi ol Ireutiueiit. wtttiout sueeesa. eousidi'is tt tils s.icrea ; ciuty to voiiimuuicate to his airiictcd tellow creaiures the uka.ns or M Kt. Hence, on tho roeeipt of nu 1 ad'liessed envelope, he will send (free a copy of the priscrpliou Used. Direct to ' j Dn. JOHN M. DAGNAI.L. lift Fulton Street, Rrooklyu, N Y. January 21. lv;i. TAIL0RIIli3sTALISHMEKT. ' J(5HN e. bmick, I Fawn Slrreet. opjsieite Weaver's Hotel, SUNBURY. Northumberland Co., Pa.. i INFORMS his friends and the public generully, 1 that he h.is teken the Shop ot Jacob S. Hake,. Ice '.I., and is prepared todu all kiLils of TAILOR. 1 Nil iu a good workmunliko marner. The puiron e'eoi:he public is respectfully solicited. ' Sunbury. May 1(1, l.-.tic. ly JUST STYLES HEADY'. OF JEWELRY. ETE7 N opp, riiinity liot to be lost sight of. l'.are cittiiiee for Aircnt. Ladies aswelliis Gent--can act n A in, is. Apply early and secure the agency lor Jour locality. ico.oro w.itci'es, vi:xt ciuixs. i.ocnrr, 7i.Vi,. t.ul.D Vl'.XS AX!) PKXCILS, HliAt'KJ.ETX, Sri'lKS. IL TTi.., XLCJ; CJJAIXfi.SET VI-JEW. ELIIY, J r. To be sold f r l each, and not to be paid for i.i.nl you know what you are to get. Send 25 cents or Ceititic.i'e. ti lling you wliat you can have. Willi a circular, giving toll particulurs to Agents. Perfect S'lUsfaeiion guurunteed in all eases. Address, S. M. WARD A CO.. COS Droadway. Hux 4.c7i). March 21, lrVW.ly FAMILY DYE COLOr.sl Hlack. Dark Hluc, l.ij;lit Line, Freucli Hlue. Claret Hrowu, Dark Itmwu, Light Hrowu, Stiutt Hrowu, Crimson, Dark Drab, Light Drub, Dark Green, Light Grew), Mairenta, MriH-o, range, .'in' , Purple. Rov.il Purtde. S.lmon, Scarlet, Stale, Solfcrino, Violet, Yellow. For Dying Silk, Woolen and Mixed Goods. Shawls, Seal is. Dresst-s. Riboous, Gloves, Jtonnets. Hut., Feathers. Kid Gloves. Children's Clo'hin0-, ud all kiud. of Wearing Apparel. A f-iioiii-f ol'sso Per I'i nl. F ir 25 cents you can color as manv good, as would otherwise Cost ijve Line, luat sum. " arious shades can be produced from the same I've with poifcel sue i cesa Directions in English, French and German, inside ' l ,,,7. i . t. . ,, rur lurtlier iiifor.kt.n li.-l.,. ..) ..t. !... , pvrttct kuow Icigo what eolora are bel adapte.1 lu """" ouiem. i iiu many valuable recipes.) pur chase Howe Stephen.' Treatise uu Dveingai.d Co loniig. iviit by mail uo nveipl ( price In cents. .Mauutactured by JmWK t Si EVENS, 2'IU Hruadwav. Iks-ton. 1 or sal. he Druggists aud Dealer, generally. . Sept. So, Isna -ilui I U6Q BEST PIANOtJ. S3t50 ' .M. i i i ui.il. ; Having removed to bis nev Wart-Rooms, i Itt W isr Hot stosj Staasr, Nu Yuan. Tks great pleasure in ealiiug the all.nliou of Ike ', puuuo to nis ,-vew ana full Boale 1 uciave ROSEWOOD PIANO I'OlirtS, Conlaiulng all the Uioderu lu .fovemi els : Over stiui: U.M, French Gland Acliuii, Hup 1'iiial, and lull In Frame, Iruiu , Hsiao i . I T l-l ROSEWOOD I'lANf'd, Exsf liil.ii, flow I nUllelU. Tke (teat sueetw au.4.i.g 51 Duekw i N.w i Seal. I'l.ao lusl.s ts, uf llwll, swISei.iil guaraa. ' I, h Ik.ir uiiu(iiy ikry utls aw la k. ka4 U b-.u. Haivrval fks.siiifM. I T I I IiKAMi l ll.SO nKT.4, tCif wklsk lb. fuse Mlkl im.ii.4 .1 lb. last Aim. lb an luslilula feu I ke ksj wan ( Il lot) ' .Mr lukn s staik ld aiol sokMful lllliiLO I ' t i si, ts husk iiw.i v h4 Iks ii im, ik I u. aud su k4 lik.wiM al ikeUM f air. k. vg.n lb. n4lukiug k itsn, asu.g hum ku i, a.i;j 1ks-M sussiius !m4s tiki tn mim is,itu.u.l. lu Ua4 a i4i.aviii 4 lMM(.tuwiik kk t kw.k A.I lkw lMs.iftiii.u ve miM.t w k mmUt u II tskskk4 ksoiesikis. ka4 I.Jw-Uiisi m ik l i i k r - rivfssvMS kkd aajujUkja oj iksiaifulli t U ili lu .ika Ikssik iklkiHiki Iksxi.isi.k'e I ' I k , ? I Ms Ii. I DR SWEET'S INFALLIBLE L I N I M E NT, TIIE GREAT REM FEY For Itltvnatltm. Govt, Xeurolgia. I.vmhig . Utijf' 2'ccl: anil Jviutt, t?rrih, Uruiict, Cvtm'iiti Y.'vuinlt. ri!t". HjuihicU, and all Jlhcvmutie ahd 2'irtiu LKsorden. For all of which Is K rpeedy and rertain remedy, end never fails. This Liuimeut is prepared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet, of Connecticut, the famous bone setter, and has been used in tho practice for more than twenty ycais wilh tho most astonishing success. As an Alleviator of Pain, il is unrivaled byj any preparation beloro the public, of which the most skeplical mav be convinced by a finglc trial. Ibis Liniment will cure rapidly nnd radically, Rheumatic Disorders of every kind, and in thousands of cases where it has been used it hns never been known to tail. For Neuralgia, it will afford linmediute relief in every ease, however distressing. It will relieve the worst cases of Headache in three minutes, and is warrtuited to do it. Toothache also will it cure instantly. For Nervous Debility and General Lassitude, nri sinir from imnrudenec or elects, this Liniment is a most bnppy and unfailing remedy. Acting directly upon the nervous tissues, it strengthens and revivi fies the system, and restores it to elasticity and vigor. For Pi'le. es an external remedy, wo claim that it is the best known, and weehalleugo the world to produce an et(ualr Every victim of this distressing complaint should give it a trial, for it will nut fail to allord immediate relief, aud iu a majority of cases will eflect a radical rcu a Quincy and Sore Throat are sometimes extremely malignant and dangerous, but a timely appticatiuu ot this Liniment will never tail to cure. Sprains are souietiinesvery obstinate, aud enlarge ment of tin, mints liiilili. In occur if neif lected . 'i iio worst cane may be conquered by this Liniment in two or tliree nays. Rruiscs. Cuts, Wounds, Sores, Ulcers, Rums nnd Scalds, yield readily to the wonderful healing pio pcrtics of Dr. Sweet's lulalliblo Liniment, when used according to directions. Also, Chilblains Frost cdFcct, and iuscct Rites and .-;ius. Dn 8TEPEIIEI7 SWTOET the Great Natural Ruue Setter. f Con:voticut 11EIN SWEET, is knewu all over the United St.it es. Connecticut DR. STEPHEN SWEET, of Connecticut, is the author of "L'r Sweet s Infallible Li' 'uelit.' Dr. Swect'a IiifallibltJ Liuimer.t Cum Rbeuuatitm, and never fails. Dr. Sweot'a Infallible Iiiuiuicnt Is a certaiu rcuiedy for Neuralgia. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Cures Hums and Scalds immediutely. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Il tho Lest knowu reintdy for Spruits ui.d Dr. Sweet's Infnlliblc.Liniment Affords immediate relief for Piles, ULd seld-.m fuls to cure. Sr. Sweet' Infallible Liniment Cures Toothache iu one minute. Dr. Kweet'a Infallible Liniment Cures Cuts and Wom.ds iu. mediately and 1tci no tear. Dr. Sweet's Infallible Liniment Is the best remedy for Sojes iu the known wcild. ai.d Dr Sweet's Infallinl Liniment Has been in use l y more then a million people, ail praise it. Dr Swect'a Infallible Liniment Teken interniilly cures Colic ar.d Cholera Morbus. Dr Swect'a Infulliblo Liniment Is truly a fiiei.d iu need," and every family should l.av e it hand. Dr Swecl's I:iinllibK L'tiimert Is for t i.v ly uli I'rttggis;.. Price 25 and .'0 ti-ttr. A FRIEND IX UEED. TRY IT.! I' I. SWEET'S 1X1' A l.l.llIl.K LINIMENT, as an evterual remedy, ii without a rival, and will allev iaie puiu more speedily than any oilier prepu ! raiiou. lor all Rheumatic und Nervous Disorders j it is truly infallible, and as a curuiivelor Sores, j ounds, Sprains. Rruiscs. Ac. i's s-s. thing, heuliiig aud iovvcitul streiigtheiiiiig properties, excite the just wonder and astum-l-incut uf nil vviio have ever i given ila tiiid Over one thousand certificate, of ' leuiarknble curiv. perfumed by it within tho la-l ! two years, attest the fact. TO E0RSE 0WKERS : I'll. S LET S INFALLIBLE LINIMENT FOR Holt.-I.S is unrivaled by any. and in all eas-es of Laiueuess. arising from .-oiains. Hrui.-. s r W rei.cl. iug. its elteot is magical and eertaiu. Harness or Saddle Galls. Scrutcbi s. Mungc. tc. it w ill also euro .peeelily. Spavin and Ringlsiue may be easily pie. vented ai.d cured in tin ir incipient siuges. but cuii hiuied eases are bevoud tiie isissibility of a radical cure. No case of tlie kind, however, is so dc-pcrate ,.r I., .pel, s but it may be alleviated by this Liui uieiii. and its luiihtul applicaliou will ulwavs remove tho Luiuciicss, uud euublu the. lioises lu tiu.ul with couiparuliv e ease. EVE III' UailsE OWXEH I should have this remedy at hand, Tor Its timely u-e . at the liist appearance of Lameness will cticcluallv prevent Ibmc luiu.idabte diseases, to which all hor ses are liable, and which render so many other ice valuable horse, utterly worthless. DR SWEET'S Inallible Liniment. 14 TIIK SOLDIER'S TOXEND, Aud thousands kave round It truly Ji. FRIEND IN NEED I UMllstSS, TukVuli luifcuMlli-a. kl-Kfl. ilia kl -aaau.. ..I l ikfao.. l'l kl,.s.M ik s.r) Ub.1. k4 ' klw Mkk t UlkUiUe Liuiihi4 kluak ! U Iks (lMvf kk koiila, kiikuul kkuk k'e gskklkk kit ii imix a en , j r..l. P.. , sii.usi. Si k l'l M ttuA A Al I I s GkkM.1 A4.. e 44 I 1,4 a,. S,, f k -14 ? til sImIsk eiei ikkese kiki.k :i IM) l THE ALL SUFFICIENT TUItEIS. TXLEUREAT All E EI CAN HISIEDIE3 Knoun at "IltimloWt" GENUINE FBEFABATIONS, VIZ. IinLMDOLD S RXTRACT '.'Dt'cnC,-' " ' FARSAPAR1LLA " IMPROVED ROSE WASH. HELMBOLD'S GENUINE PREPARATIONS "HIonLY CONCENTRATED" COMPOUND FLUID EXT Ii ACT BUC1IU, A Positive nnd SpeciEc Remedy Fir Diseares of tl.o F.LADDER KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DiiOFfil CAL SWELLING.5. j This Medieine increases the power of Digestion, and excites the Absorbents into healthy action, by . which the Waterv or Cnlcerous denositiurja. and ail j Unuaturnl Enlargements are reduced, as well as pain and innamation, and is good for men, women, or Children. HKLilIIMII-IS i:Tli.ll'T iti tin; FOR WEAKNESSE3 Arising from Excesses. Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiseretion. or Abu'c, Attended with the following synilomi : TndisKisition to Exertion, Less of rower. l.os ol .vicmory. Weak Nerves. Horror ot Dica"e, DiinncsH of v isiou. Universal Lassitude of tho Muccular System, Hot llao lis. Drvness of tho Skin. Difficulty of Hreuthing Treniiilin,' Wakefuln.'. Pain iu the lack. Flushing of the Hody Frujitions on the Face. Puliid Couiileniitce, These sytnioms. if allowed to go on. which this medicine 'invariably removes, soon follow IMP0TENCY, FATUITY, EPILEPTIC FITS, In one of which the patient may expire. WLo can say that they ere not frequently fello ved by those "direful diseases,'' INSANITY AND CONSUMPTION', Many are aware of the cause of their f'.inering. but none will confesn. The records of the insane Asy lums ami the melaucholy denths by Consumption, bear ample witness to the trutli of the assertion. The Constitution, once AKccled wiih Organic W elikness. Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and in vigorate the system, which Heliubold's Extract Fucliu" Invariably does. A trial will cji. ii.ee the most .-kepticul. FEMALES. FEMALES. FEMALES. Old or young, fcinglcinarried, or contemplating murriaire. 1 In many affections peculiar to Females the Extract I I'.iK-l.it is iiii,.oiiiill.tt bv lllir other retlledv. lis in Chlorosis or lletcntk.n. Irregulurity. PiiiiiIiiJiiomi. or Suppression of the Customary Evacuations.. L Iceruted i r Schirrous state of the Uterus. Lcucorrhea. or Whites Sterility, and for nil complaints incident to the sex. u he! her arising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, ot iu tl.o 1 IXLIXE OR CIIANOF. OF I.irF.. Eec syn-.ptoms al.pvc. NO FAMILY SHOULD RE WITHOUT IT. I Take no Ilalsam, Mercurr. cr Unpleasant Medicine fur I upleasnnt aud Dungerons Diseases. iE:f.Ei:oi.Es E'.vris.tc'i' C; FECRET res Di-:E..-rs Iu ell their stage: ut liltle exper.s-' ; li'.ilo or no I change in diet ; no inconvenience. ! AND NO EXPOSURE. j It causes ficqucut desire, and givrs strength to Ur'Late. thereby removing obstructions, pies, entiut; I and curing Strictures of Ine Urethra, ulluying puin ! aud iullanitiiatioii. so frequent it: tins cl"- of dis'-rues and exj.eiling Poisoir.'ti-, Di.-ieased, and 'eri.-uiil Mji'.Ltr. ! Thou.vil.ds UJk.U Tliolls' 11 lis ; V Ho HAVE l:l.i:. ill!: VlC'lliiS OF And who have )nid Ile:i y Fees to be cured iu a siioit time. I.nve t'.uiti.i liny vmti' dciicived. and that the "Poison" has. by toe use of ' Powerful Astringent.-,," been dried up in ihc syttein. to Lrie.k out in an ggruvu'eil form, and i'crhajs ul'ier Marring. I I . i. i:i:i.tui't.sr-s a.vrE:.t.t"r tI i lie For nil Affections lu.d Disrisss of j TAY. URINARY "RGANH, W hether existing in Male or l'eieale, from whatavvr ; cat'se originating, and no niat'.vr ! OF HOW LONG STANDING, i Di-iii.-es of tLff) Cretins nqu're the aid of a I'll iu:th IIELK30LD'3 I'XTIIACT BUCIIU Is ;he Great Ditre, And i; is cerudi. to Lave the ue red ACect in l!I ll'u eases, fi r hi.-!l it is reeour.urud, d ri.oori blood i dlooim Ilelliilo'ld's- l!ij.lily Cotiecl, Hated Conn-. end Fluid iixtenrt iiarsnparilia Kypliiiij. T i'-i- t.n a.'.'ccti'.n of the P.loi.il, and i. Hacks, the S.-xiihI I'rgai.s. l.ii.ingsot tiie Nose. Eai s. '1 iiroiit, ' Win,lpi(.e. t.nd other Mtieus Surf.ict. makiiiir its , u; peuriiucc in the form of I leers. Hclmboid . J'.x- i it.iet :'i.-aptirilbi p unties tiie Rloo.l. and ren. oves u Scaly Erut.lioiis of the Skin, giving to the Complex ion a Cler'r and Healthy Color. Il being prepared ' cvpressly for this ela-s ot' e implaitus. its idood-Ptiri- ! f vin;r Proptietors are 1 1 (served to a preaier extent ! titan ui'.y other preparation of S.irsaparilia. j j Uelmbold's iiots 'Vusli, i An excelleiit Lotion t ir Li-casi- of a Sj l.ilitie Ne ture. ttnd as an iujictiou in Diseases of ike I'riiiiiry t iran.. arising tiom l::tl.it.s , f di-sipntier.. used iu . .'o.iueclioii with the Extract lliichu and fttirsni'tirilla iu such disca-csu r:'eoiiimeuded . j l.v idetieeot the ulna! re-)s.iisil.lit nJ reliable char ' actcr w ill acconipuny ihe tuedieiues. j ! CERTIFICATES OF CURES, From eight to twenty years standing, with names ; known to Science ami Fume. j l or Medical Properties of Rilchu, see Dispensatory the I uited States. See Profess., r Pcwccs Practice of i'M s'.c. I See remarks made by Valuable works on tha the late celebrated Dr. 1'livsick. riiilutlcipiim. I I See remarks mane by Dr. Fphraiin McDowell, a ' ! celebrated Physician, aud Member of tlie Royal ' College of Surgeons. Ireland, and published in tlie ! Transactions ul the King and Quccu's Journal. ' j See Medico. I irurg.cal Review, published by ! Reujamiu Travcrs. Fellow of the Royal College ot Slilgeol.s. ' I See iiuist of Ihu laic Stuudard Works on Midi j ' cine. j 1 ExiK.u r Hi i n i', $1 U0 per bottle, or six, f 5 00 ! I .-vi: ve vuin a 1 no J '0 Isil'H.ixrii llosi. ash. ill .. o j ;,u j 1 Or ball a doseu r each for 112 00. which will be , suflieieiit to cure Ihe most oUlmalc cu.es, if diteciiun i ; are adhered lu. j , Deliver.d lu any address, securely packed row i b-elv .rioii. j i Die-ribe syniploiiH in all foiumuuicaiior.s. I HI eat I'lliir-alit.e-.l l.li ion iiralis AFFIDAVIT, i i..rb.Hns...Ms....i t...i.. ....... ui ... . , ., ... .... v ... a r iu, riuan oi in. ' eily ol I'lii .ol. l l.ia, ii I' ILIiub-dd. wbu, be it, I duly .wutu, J. lb say, his pr.-aikiiuns eoulaiu no , Laieuiic, i.i, meieury, o; oihec injurious diugs, bull we partly ve,. ul U. , II T. HI LMlloLD. 1 '"'" iia iltibe4 bib r. me, this 22.1 day of Nuvtu-Ur lie! i P. luljij.vltD, i At4.ru.au, Ninth .Uvei, aUiv. Uc., pkA-sj. Addieai Ultt-is (. u,k-jti..k la eoetd. u. 11. T HU.i!li0LD, CUu.ua. l's.l ISIFimlU T.ulh i4ie., b.b w I'keetdul Plilt. LI. w APE of CoU.NTI H Ft I IS A ad l'kxiuui 14 Dtklire H ho sadekriif to disuiM "uf lb.li ii.s" kaJ "uiku' , w ii.ii. eu ibe tiiaioa kll.u i by u.iwuuivi s UVS.1M risl.ll.,b. 1 M klllksH Husk u I " " s.ipsuilU, ... - lW"'l ! w kkk a'i ty ail Div;, .u ii.i)kii. Ak ii'k llkl UImiLIi kv.TakC kOl'Tlim lui oki u. kJ. ua.w.i. 4 ,4 iu.Akj A-l4 iasiu. ..I I s --Mil e ll.i.ku.. . I...,. kk4 ti.i.J Ws,,k.t,k, ef p ..4k. S.e u.) r.lit.as 1.4s, Is Cowit ts r llarrise. , Tan Noruium -d namsport, itii St ltarrisbir w 'Ilk rrvEcS fur K tnl -S. Also with Hews I i"'l ?' Dnnrllle, BloomskN. , WHV ton, atd intermedikMi atatk Lackawanna RloomebuTCv lian'sport. by Howard A Co pnore ana i.oaX Haven. Also, nnd tlitir connections, for Cantnil, Rooheeter, RnfTalo. Nlas-ara. and k points iu Western New York anil Cuiiular they will forward Merchandise, Specie, Rank . Jewelry, and Valuable Packages of every deeea, tion. Alan, Notes. Drafts and Rills for Collection. Experienced and cffiUent messengers employed, iu.J every eiiuit will be made to render satisfactiun. JOHN ltlNtillAM, Sc.pcrinten.lent Fenn'a Division, I'htla.ielphia. P.. A. HSCKER, Agent for Sunbury. April 5, lsi',2. 1 BiiAiiv "iioi'siC C'srnrr Ftntr and Third Ftrtttt, llAitiumii no. Pa. THIS HOUSE, iu consequence of lis fonvcnUnee and near location to the Capitol, has made it s desirable stopping plaee. not only tor those haviug business at tho teat cf Government, but lor others visiting Harrisburg. March li. rtEKRIRLE" DISCLOSURES SECRETS 'FOR X THE MILLION! A most Yalaui'le and wondorfol publication. A work of 4nt) pages, and ?,o e dored er.ravinirs. DR, HUNTER'S VADE M EC I'M. an ori-rinal and popo In! treatise on Man and Woman, their Physiology, Funclions. and Sexual disorders of every kind, with Never-Failing Remedies f.-r their speedv cure 'J he practice (if Dit. HUN1EK hits long l.i'"n. and still is. unbounded, but lit tho earnest solicitation of iiuniToits persons. Le has been induced to extend hi i meuicat u-ti'iiee-s utroi'.gii me uieMiutn el nut VAliE MECI. M. ills a r.ilun.e that should bin in the hands ef every family in the laud, as a. preventive of tecret vires, or ns a guide for th alleviatiou cf one ol the no-t nwful and dos'.ruotiv.is scourires ever visited mankind tine c..". ifcnreiy envelor.ed. will be t'Twarded fes of .-i-ie to any 1 art of thy I'ni'ed States f 'r cents in P. o. I'limes, cr 3eot,i. :' for Andres i. p.,st paid. D". HU.Mti'., No. ii i'i'vi '.ui Street, New York. June e, !s .:t. ly. ..rrais'oiiisiilsi TIIE CAMDEN AND AVRoY AND PiliLAI.EL PHIA AND TRENTON R. R. CO.'S LINKS. (.! riiftitti tjtJtiir to JVt Yuri- aud Way i7ii--r, from Wtilmtt strtet Wharf and Kntfinxtin JJfjiot. vii! Inix t ai follow, vis : take At 0 A. M.. vH Camden and Ambov, iC. imd A. .ee'..miii(Mialion.) $2 2i 2 25 At Ii A.M.. via C .'tin leu und Jersey Cily, N . J., Accomiii.jilalion, At S A. M.. via Ctimdcu anj Jersey City, (Morning Mail.) At A. M., via CiiuiJcu and Jrsey eily 2i C!n--s '1 icket At 11 A. .'.1. via Kensington and Jersey city, Express At 1- M. via Cumdeu and Au'ooy, C and A. ( Accommodation.) At 2 1'. M.. via Camdeu and Amloy, (C. and 3 CO 2 25 3 00 2 2 00 00 00 A. Express.) At 3 P.M., via Kensington and Jersey City, Wa-h. and N. Y. Exjiress At 0t 1'. M.. via Kensington and Jersey City, (Ever.ii. g Muil.t At lit P. M via Kensington and Jersey city, Southern Mail. At 1: (night; via Kcuiingtcn and Jersey city Soutm'rn Express At 5 P. M.,via Camden pnd Ambov. (Accom- 3 3 3 $ OS 3 09 n-oda'ton. Freight and Passenger, Fiist Class l iket. Kccond Class, Ticket. 25 50 For Wi:rr Gap. Sirniid-burg. SeruBlon. Wilkes- brre. Mcr'rt-e. Great llend. Ac. at 0 A. M . fi ui Kensington, via Delawure, Lackawanna aud ti'esttrti Rnilioad. F'or Mniicli Chet.U. Allentown, Rirthhihem, Relvi s'.ere. Easton. I.anib.-rtville. l'lemiugtou, Ac, at 4 A. M.. from Kri.sing"n I'epot, and ul 2 P. M., f.om Wufr.ct street Wharf. flke 6 A. M l ine connects wilh Trains Is-vviog F.,s-.oii f.-r .Munch Chunk, at u-l'u P. M l l or Mount Jiollr, nt 6 A. M.. 2 und 4 P. M. tor Freehold, ai ! A. M. and 2 1'. M. WAY LINES. i .r Pristol, Trenton ,te.. ai 1 1 A. M. and II and 5 P. .".om iieesiugtoii. For Palniyra. RiTerton. Dclanei. Deverly, Rur lloElon, Fioiencc, llordcutown. Ac. at 12, 1. 2, it and ii I'. M. j' 1- r New York, and Way Lines leaving Keu- i'i.S'" Depot. teVe tl.u I'ars on Fifth street, abo.e V. ainut. half an hour Lefre departure. The Cars run into :hn 1 'i t . it, ami o;, the arriv al of each Train, run from tiie i'cj..... Fifty l'. ufls of Eitgga-'e only, allowed encli oxsenger. Pasaecgrr a:e prohib'iied fioin takini; ntivihing as ba-gage but their weariin: append. Alt baggage over fifty iouiidi to be paid for extra. Tho ( I'oiniioiiv limit their rr-jniisibilitj, tor baggage to ! "i.e Dollar per j-uiud. and will nui be liable for any auioui.1 i.evoii'i it'U. elccpi tiy .(.cciui eotitract. V. :i. II. GAI7..MFR, AgeuL January 17, lfCI. cn. im K.ii i' & ( ., MAMi-ACTt ni.ns or 3A.TI3 1H-A.TTJS, SLTER-'.'AUIl. OF SODA. Ac, And Sole A-ci.tj in the City of New York for CHEA TV C? TAHTAR SUBSTITUTE. Invented by 'M.f. I. . ,,r,f,.rd. of ll.irvard Uiiiver.i'.y. n;7e. 11 Old Slip, Hanover Square. ;i:p stairs,) NEW YORK. ' 'f"" ,,,! ;!' if"- .'-renin . J l::l-.il. tog-.-tlier Willi til. 'tin of Tartar coii.inanded io alariulu.r extent to wi:l!h t's uttrgernus tolulteratiol. had iieeli carried, w ith o'l.er eonsiderntioi.s. induced ihe di ,:inpui.-hed Ciieiri-t. whose name is given above, to cou reen.'a vhM proved to b. a loir.; and lain, nous depiibc re . ar. h. I . d .-cover a de-irable s.ili-lilule Iherelor. !iis eiforts vvere crowned wi.h abundant sueess. and Imndre.lsof thons-inds , f pounds of the Sul'stilule 1 live h en sold ai.d u-,d during the last live vears, tiiroiigbnut the Unite i State, and tlie Caimdas ihe following true e .mpnr',s.ui of iis r.ilnre and the resul's of lis u-e. w ith those of Cream id" Tartaj-, v. .11 convince Ihe ni.-.-t iiiereduluus of its value Cr.-am of Tartar i a l.i-tarti alc of Potash. "! Ids Siil.stiiule Is a dinple Phosphate, and eontains nothing but what is found iii beet steak, nnd in corn, v. lic it and i.tlier cereals, ai d is therefore highly i..t:ri,i..iis It also tins n l.eaith-i!iv ing inrlueiici . and siip.lies that for which there 1. a con.i.uit di n.and in the system. I if It i s.ul f r a much !-s price :han Cream of Tartar. .March 21. Isiu? . -1 r i:riinli-k. Iliui's, (.ins. 6.: , rpilE subscriber, having opened in Thou,on'a I -I Rrick Huiidii.g. .Viii meet, Danville, a large , and complete stock of ! foreign and domestic liquors, I PoinpiUing the best l-'.vls of Hrandi.s. Gin Old . Rye. Sctch oi I lii-!i W' iskev. Port, f hen r .Ms j deira. Cliauinanc and other Vi me., ol all grfcles all id which w.ll i.csold li..,,,.. Mt it,. (1WCM j,,v . prices. 'Kverii-keepvts, by buvuigof u. caiisave. II Ic.u-t tiie freight. I Pei -uii desirous of purchasing liquors f. r ' 1" A M I I. Y I S K , nay rely op,-,,, being furtii-hed with a pure sol ; unadulterated article. j C f Jleing determined to e.tal.li.li a reputation f..r felling cheap, he respecllullv ..licit, lit. pairoiiare ol Ihe public All order. .iou,pilv .ti.. lcd to. r. i, , .... JRlM'FVIIS. HALL. Danville, June Id, Im',0. l.uiulx r ! .iiiilsi r I PHILIP SHAY, Muiicy. Lycoming county, I , INFORMS hi. friends and t',a public in' gen. ial lliat he constantly ke.q,,i, ll.ard-. Slunglr. alb. Joist., ami ail kinds ..I Lumber and kuildiug Laterials. which he will nil al In L orn prices U.March Jo, l-.il. 1 i:l.t iii.s.in:ir iTi. F r. T 1 11 !. I L L A R D , KuuU'As 'l'tliii-s Tlttuul'ui'lurrr It A Is l II A. Mil Ml., ?T , (i'utuier! 12 Cbklham SUerl.Nck York Would el Ihe altri.ti, u tf D,a!.r. lu the aiiiclnt of his luauuhi.tturv, vis ! Mtuw.v i n: Mafsboy, Jiemlirr.ss. I 11.. P. I a, I ute iriai Co.i.u i. .. N 4eLi.uel.ee. Amen, kii Genii, ui.ir, CupsiiLagsa. VFLLiiW st IV eol'k, IL nev o Kot, h llll. TiA.1 k.S,l,,, i ,e.L . l. luwlt'k Illt II ,ll I.SMt, IW4 ftoul.'h r Luk.l)krul. (i7 Ail.kln k Is .alin-l Ui Ibe laigo red ueliok la pit. ...4 iu. I'm ki. ids; klel .u.i,IH4 1 ibkusse, I kbuk mil U uuk4.4 a evjiui ,'u.iii. I T"UAiio fsaukikg like Cut t kkuf eskkkuig L-. I A L kSklkik Jk. Nu I, t kSkkdi k, us k..l, k,i.iik. N. I, eM a..ku4 iiukssi. t eukeiae k- I 4 I k.iel, ! tti te.essdiak, Ikikiet 4kklktk4. K k A . jaIu . . I . . . a ul La al at. ....!.-&- ' . , Ik I t l4J .