i.iht op j r Ron ft. Forth March Term of th Xorthumhtrland County Court, 1804. ' ORAKD JCROR8. . 1 John Dcppcn, Jackson, . a John 8. Shade, Lowi, . 8 Daniel Bckman, Delaware, 4 Thomni Barf, i . 5 Daniel Cam, 6 Jamea Kenlnger, NortVd, '"" 1 David Shire, Upper Augusta, 8 EHius Byerly, Lower Mahanoy, John ltunkle, 8hamokin, 10 Vnlrntine Deiut, Sunbury, "' . y 11 Daniil Snyder, Jordan, 12 Martin Ohm, Upper Adnata, 13 Martin Bachmao, Lower Mahanoy, 11 t....l. If- v.. I - IS Dmiiul L. Ireland, Turbnt, 18 John Clark. Sunl'Urr. 17 Hubert Walker, Point, 19 Dariul Dunkelberytr, Cameron,' 19 Frederick Treon, Washington, SO Jacob Kvert, Upper Augusta, 31 Jacob Kckuien, 23 Jn?ob Garette, Sunbury, 21i J nines Smith, Coal, 21 Uulcn Smith, Jackson, ' ' TRAVKRSK ilROKB. i Saroael Malick. Washington. IM.'linrlca. Howetcr, Tppcr Mahsinor, If Henry Hurtrunfj, JIcEwensvill, 4 George llnrdncr, Ixiwer Mahanoy, ' Jl Frederick Dipner, Coal, fl George L. Kittle, Milton, 7 Seymore Ammon, Delaware, (' '.'. H John A. Snyder, Lower Nulmnoy, 9 Charles Art man, Turbut, 10 Charles Culp, Mt. Carmel, 1 1 John Vandi-vender, Point, 13 John Shuck, Lewis, 19- Peter Wampolc, Upper A gusts, 14 George Krick, Shnmokin, 1! Jacob Kcnn, Lower Agusta, 16 Sebastian Haupt, Sunbury' . 17 David It, Malick, Upper Augusta, 18 John Pennsyl, Uush, 19 Smnuel T. Brown, Milton, 20 George Fetterolf, Upper Mahanoy, 21 Knmnucl Ziinmcrman, Conl, 22 Samuel Trego, Lower Mahanoy, 28 Wm. M. Auten, Cliilisquiiqitc, 24. John Daniel, Jonlnnj 2.i Durnih, Delaware, 20 Wm. Wilson, Northumberland, 17 Samuel Cox, " 23 John Albert, Jackson, ;8S Wm. II. Rase, ltush, HO James Aurthur, Lewis, M Michael Graham, Mt. Ca-mcl, "3'J A. B. Artman, Delaware, " 'M Jifierson Bear, Coal, . !K Bi-nj. Dockey, Lower Mahanoy, ::ir"SUiiiuel Blnir, Milton, f0-Jtllin Schuyler, Lewis, T17 AitiUn Deal, Upper Augusta, :I8 t'hurles Fullmer, Turbut, S'.l Jacob Wiest, Jordcn, 40 Kntis Ililliurd, Delaware, 41 I leury Ijint.. Turbut, 'l FreiKirRt Wagner. Lnwia' 43 John K. Pollock, Turlmtville, 41 l-enilsert Kckman, Knsli, 45 ltobert Montgomery, Lewis, 40 Jnrnb llunsicker, " 47 William Hol!"imin, Washington, 43 Charles Mettler, ltush, . PETIT Jl'IIOltS. 1 llenrv Strine, lilton, 2 Henry G. Ilntr., Turbut, !l Stiiiiut-I G. Foy, Zerlie, 4 Sa nurl Derr, Delaware, J:icob Witmer. Lower Mahanoy, ( Willinm WaMrtffr, Turbut. 7 John J. Parker, Delaware, , H Henry lSurmnn, Milton. 0 John Harmon, Jr., Lewi?, 10 Alexander Cuiiiplnjll, Utiali, 1 1 Miram Price, SWihliry,' ' 13 John B. LiVnbaclv,, Delaware, 13 John E. Krnmor, TAirbut, 14 Thomas Mnrdock, " 15 Arthur T, Wlwig-, jMawnre, Hi Henry H. Hulvbins. Upper Augusta, 17 J. H. McChirmic- Milton, IS Joseph Arnold, Upper Augusta, 19 George SUine, Milton, '0 Michael Lamm, Milton, 21 Jacob Long Cameron. 23 Jacob 1. Hill, McEwcnsville, 23 Daniel Zimmerman, Lower Augusta, 21 Samuel Shaffer, Jordan, .25 William Follmer. Turbut, 2ll George Pennsyl, Shamokin, 27 Farnsworth Heel, " 23 David Dieflenbncher Delaware, ' 20 Daniel Miller, Coal, " J!0 William B.illiet, Turbutsville, ill John Hang, Jr., Turbut, :l'J Klins Kishel, Lewie, 'M Samuel Engul, Jordan, 31 William Cuner, Delaware, 35 Andrew Armstrong, " 30 James U. Low, Zerlxs KradlssK Kullrnl. WIKTER AEEANGEMENT. GREAT TRl'XK LINK from the North ana North-West for Philadelphia. New York. Read ing. Potlsville, Lebanon. Allentowa. Easton, Ac. Trains litarc ilarriaburg for Philadelphia, New York. ReaJing. Poturilie, and all Intermediate Hations. at 8 A. M.. snd 2 00 P. M. New York Exprraslcaves Ilarriaburg at S 00 A. M., arririug at New York at 10 I & the same morning. Parrs from Ilarriaburg: To New York .' 14 ; to Philadelphia $3 Si and f2 80. Baggage checked through Keiurning. leave New York al A. M.. 13 Noon, and 7 PM, (I'ituburgh Exprens). Leave Philadel phia at a. 15 A M. and S 30 P M. Sleeping can in the New York Eiprrss Trains, lhngh tond fruia Pittsburgh without change. PaMeogers by the CatUwiaw Rail Road Irave Ta maqua at 8 M) A. M., and 3 15 P. M., for Philadel phi a. Saw. York, and all Way Points. Trains leave Potlsville at V 15 A. M . and J.M P. M., fur Philadelphia. Harnaburg and New York. An accommodation Passenger train leaves Heading at 8 90 A. M., aud returns from Philadelphia at 4 30 P.M. I V All the above trains run daily, Sundays ex- eeiited. A Sunday train leares Pnttsrtlla at 7.30 A. M., ad Philadelphia at S 15 P. M. ConimaUtHia, Mileage, 6aaoo, and F.xeursion Tivketa, at reduced ratee to and mm ail potnia. 80 Pounds Baggage allowed each Passenger. Q. A. NICOLLB. Dee. 11, 18&3. Ocacral Superintendent' NEW FANCY STORE. 111 R subscriber reapcctfully informs and the public, that she has tost doors weal of tha Porf Office, a NEW r informs her friends opened, twe d.rs west of the Post Omea, a NEW bTOC'K 1 f FASCV UOOlXf, 6ir ladies aad gealleaiaa, useful ad oruauienlal, cuuaisluig la part of Ladiea' Trimmings, Stationery, Xrohyi, Blank Books, Colina snd other Thread, bisries. UnxliKgs, MeaaorsaduaM beaks BiMatns. IMils. Tors, Irav Hue bass. Inks. Slates. Pocket Books, Oaases fut Cbildrea, aad a vsiirty of other articles, all ef which have teea ssleoted with ear aad will be sold at reu bis prices. ANNA PAIN Tt.il. Suubary.Ovl. 10, 18(1 ly THE r.Vltl MANTILLA, CLOAK AND I'm K.nroKii'9i. - No Mi I'Maasis Ktssst. iruraaetl Na. TM ) rtllLAliKLI'llU. J W. I'ltm-Tott CO , tattle Ike sllealUa I ken iiUatls to Uteir Urge aad kupetb Hiusk W PiMCLOAKKaeatrilla, aralUle4 hi any turasc mss is I ke UwlMurd as snniamd alius) alutded la estf new bxaiuau, eaakise as to detut las Iwltesl atcMMtoa SU a kkh illkeiiH.ed wll fiuaieked with at art da. SMpibu4 M4 t laaeiri hk, akieb will be f m4 se wmmUi, as taa asiaMf au4 wlQ U t.al'Kliaaw laall tl U caieeally ate4e4 to. bd J.li.w.J, KsHeat sbaigas (aud, aad dwiaasa tiuida vt two a.llvs. J w pncTiii ro. ( bssoaa kaieei, pBitcdelihta, bepl 5 Ia4.- iy itl 4als I'm aaal laff I lto aad Weak i 4e ai k ksVve 4 ik ' '! Aaaci ' SHERIFF'S SALES. . BY vlrto of certain writ of Ven. Ex. Issued out of the Court ol Common Pleas of Northumber land county, and to ma directed will b exposed to public sale. the Court House, in the borough of Sunbmy. on Monday, the 14lh day of Maroh. 1HB4, ai o'clock, r. M., Uie following described reel estate, to wit: A certain trsot or piece of land, situate In Upper nor townsmp, nortnomoenaaa county, re., bounded end described as follows to wit : oa the Berth by land of Michael Paul and Peter Bevel, on (be east' by land of the heir of Joha Sniinkey, deo'd. sad Daniel Kiefer, on the soath by land of David Malick and Charles Ksblersnd on the went by lands of Samuel Heisrl sod John UeM, oootainlng ninety ail sores arore or leas, M aorea wheraef are elewed and the bslanoe timber lend, wberew are erected a log weatherboarded dwelling hnuao, frame back barn Wsgnn shed snd othor outbuildings. Heised. tekm in eseoution aad ta be Sold as the property of John 8. Bminkry. ALSO :-At the seme time snd plaoe, all thatoor tain traot or plveo of land, surveyed on a warrant to Matbiar Zimmerman, bound by traot ef lnnd, surrey rd in theaatne of John Boyd aad by land anrrered in the name of Willinm V ilann. Peter Mowory, Mi chael Knoll and Frederick Kramer, lyiug in Coal and 'Zrrbo townships, county and State aforesaid, oontaitilrg i47 aaree, more or less. Hoiied, taken in execution, and tab sold as the property Of Vm. Ayers, Adm'r of Wm. Ayers, dec d., with notice to Backer Ayers snd othor terre tenants. .' i At the' lm tim arid plsre. a eertnin tract or piece of land. situate In Little Mahnoy town ship, county and State aforesaid, bounded and de scribed ss hillows : on the Houlh by lnnds of (ho Trc. rorton Coal Company, on the east ty the same, oa the north by lands of John llernyl and oo the west by lands of Joseph uiikelberf,pr, containing 42 seres and 43 hundredths, about 40 ceres whereof are cleared and the balance timber luhdi etc., whereon are erected a log dwelling house frame bank barn snd other outbuildings, two apple orchards and a spring of water near the door. Also, upon two certain lots of ground) Jfns. 8 and 9 in block No. 1 17, situate in the town of Trerortcn, ZerbeUiwnsliip! county and Stat aforesaid, bounded on the north by Hbamokia street, oo the south and east by Switch Back and on the west by lot No. 7, containing In width each 3d feet and in drpth feet each, whereon are erected a large double frame dwelling house, two stories high, with basement, frame stable, well of water near the door, etc Kciied, titkep in execution and to be sold as the property of Ira 8aycrs with notice to M. Levy and Andrew FornythBi terre tenants. WM. M. WEAVER, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Bunbury, Feb. 27, 18(jl. MtlKTHnE.A'tl'UGPOT. Jt8T received a new stock of Flailing Tackle for Spring sales, consisting of Kods, Reels, Lines, lakels. Snoods, floats. Nets. Flies, Artificial Bait, Ringed Lines. Out, U rmm and Hooks, to which the atteution ot dealers is particularly requested. Orders. Wholesale and Retail, punctually fitted and satisfaction warranted. JOHX KttlDF.R, 2nd and Walnut streets, Philadelphia. February 27, 1S84. m 14. lHI, IMilladHplila Ac I'rlfc Itntlrontl. niHIS creat line traversrs the ITorlhern and North L west counties of Pennsylvania to the city of Eric on base f.rie. It has been leased by the Pennsylranla Railroad Company, and under tbeir suspiccs is being rapidly oDened throughout its entire lenirtbi It is now in use for Passenger and freight business from Harrifburg to Emporium (105 miles) on tho Knstern Division, and from HbtffiolJ tU Erie, (78 -i , it' .i Yi:..: ! Uliirs.i uo me 11 ritrru io isiou. timk op rsssKsoaa Tnaixs at si'mscrv. A rriit EtitUtwrtt. lave Westmirti-. Mail Train. 9 .16 A M. Expren Train, 11.10 P.M Mail Train. &.:io P. M Express Train. 7.05 A. M Cars run through without change, both wavs, on thrae trains between Philadelphia aud Lock Haven, and between Baltimore and Lock Haven. Elrgant Sloeping Cars on Express Trains both ways between Willinninport and Baltimore, and Wiilisuisnort and l'bilmlf Ipliin. For information rcxpecling Pnssen:rr business apply at me r. t.. l or. 1 1 Mi anil iiiurket Ms. Ana lor rreignt Dusinrssoi tnet,onip&nr s Agents, S. II. hiiiL-slon, Jr.. Cor. Uth and .Market St.. Philadelphia. J. N. Krvnolils. I-.rie. J. M. lrill, Agent N. C. R. R., Baltimore. II. H. Hoi HTOX. tirn'l Freight Agt. Philada. Lewis L. Hoi rr. tlen'l Ticket Ag t., Philada. JoSKI-n 11. POTTM, tiou'l Manager, Willinmiport. Feb. 1WI4. I'or IIiilM,3ll's-, Kourhes, Asstsi, lied IIss(m, IoiIih Iss I'nrn, TtVooletsM.ckr. Inxcs'ltt on l'lustlM, I'ov1m, Auiiualsi, Ac. Pat up lh 2. .Mlc. and St 00 Boxes. Bottles and MaK. .i aud sues for Hotels, ruulio lustitu lions, Ac. "Only infnllible remedies known. ' ' 'Free from Poisons." "Not dangerous to the Human family," "Rats come out of their holes to die'' f'Sold Wholesale in all large cities. bold by all druggists ami notation everywhere : : : vtsias : : : oi an worthless imitations. See that "CosturV nsuie is on each Box, Bolus and Flask, before you buy. Addrms IIf.;.ltT It, 4 llaTAII. Principal Deiiot 4&2 Broadwar. New York. t7Sold by all W holcaala and Retail DrugjjUts in ounoury, i s. Feb. 20, 1884. 8m ORPHANS' COURT SALE. "I N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of X Aortnumneriand county, will be exposed to pun lie sale, on the premises ou SATl'HUAY. MAKCF1 13th. 1864, the full equal undivided ONE E1FT1I PART of those certain lots or pieces of ground, situ ate in the town of Sbauiokin. Coal township, in said county, numbered in the general plan of said town as lots number 55, 58, 57 and 58, fronting Commerce street. Each of said lots being twenty-eight and one-half foot in width in front. On which arc ereeted on lots 57 and 58, a targe frame dwelling bouse and other outbuildings, and oo number 55 arc creeled a stable and other out-buildings. Late tha properly of Joseph r. Bird, deceased. Sale to commeaea at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, when the terms aud conditions of sale will ba mads known by JOSIAII F. BIRD, Adm'r By order of Ihc Court. J. A. J CI M.M1.NU8, Clk. O. C. Sunbury, February 30, 1884. GKRAJtTT Se 3DIETZ1 LOWIB WHAHF, bUNBUBY, PA. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IS WHITE ASH COAL, ia every variety, Orders solicited and filled with promptness despatch. Sunbury, May 18, 188.V ly JAMEN IIAHIICK'M wbolssalb as aarsii. CLOCK ESTABLISHMENT, 8. E. Corner Second aad Ckeaaut St . Philadelphia I OKNCT fcr the PATENT EUrAI.I7.ING TIIIR A TY PAY CLOCKS, a very desirable article for Churches, Hotels, Banks, Couallng Houses, Parlors, Aba. Manufacturer of FINE 00LD PENS. Clocks repaired and warranted Clouk Triuiniiagsof every d' scrl plioa. I'biladlphia, Jaaaary l,H41.y Tensions; bounties" AND BACK FAY COLLECTED. CI 1. BOYKB'Aitoraev ai Uts, is dalr suiW Ised aad Utfeaeed to culleat lraiaeasa, I4sssaillraaiet4 Hats' It ley M Walows, Ut. pkaas aad suld irs. tdisa ta Market sUsast, vat sua ) eaves s H-ael, Vaafcttry, l a. Jaaaaty is, tno4 -ly TUS MI88ES JOHNSTOri BOAUPINQ ANUPAY SCHOOL aV'or 'sam ltetlvat, Ka. Ilutt ttrraeeMiiMl fbtUdelai. ktltUMUl On Its. liuaa, l.id Wekatcs , H.t If badJalde, at lie waid Ifcejrtoa. 1- fcev. lr t wpes. tseasge M V kartua, , lluuy M u,e, Kea. T U Mi-IUawb. 5m . H It M iaua.ei. tea itoa Ale.4-e M.ers Mesas 1'iu.Uy. f , Pklledelfkta l.o. 1 t, tans OYSiEILS! OVSi'EltS! ClAh Olslt Ha abUa as ball ( hmk U-m tbetwr avku ka be k4 at sil ! as Iks iaee.lk., M4 . 54 i iifcafcUaM Adllla Helfenstcln, William II. Marshall and No20,MarckT.,186l. William M. Wearer. CnROMER'M MI.K. ' BY virtue of an order or sale ta Partitions de Fa aienda, issued out of the Court of Commnu Pleas of Northumberland eonnty, Ponnsylrania, to me di rected will be exposed to rnimie ssio m ine wmi Honse la the borough of feunlmry. oa Monday the 144h da of March. 1804, at 1 o'elook P. M.t the fol- lowiag desoribed real estate to wit: . All certain messuage or eight adjoining Lot nf Ground, situate ia the town of .Shamokin, Coal town ship, Northumberland county. Pennsylvania, and desoribed In the General Plan of said town as Lots v - i a t a v u. in hiw iMn.l.M. fin. A.U. . v, .' seren (57), bound od oa the north by Arch street, east iKjraoant ground, snntn ny lot io. V, ana west ey Kighth street, en which ere erected a large Brick Building CBllod aOollegeor Academv. VIlAAljM r. ISAIlllll, VDrODIT. Coroner's office, Banbury, Feb. 13. 1884. Jt r'fitiea for March X., IWA i. 1 Jacob J. Tleed 3 John 0 Hoffman, vs Lemuel Chamberlin, vi same i vs Cleaver, Fsgely A Co., vs Pessholtc, Fsgely A Co., vs Wm. L l)cwsrt ct al, vs same vs Daniel P Csul. 8 John lrahor( 4 same 5 Klsse A Buohner, ' C Frsncis Klsse, 7 Hugh Canl, 8 Tho Big M'tn. Imp Co, vs T Butimgsrdnor at al 9 Katv tttamtn. for use- vs tshn F W olflnenr. 10 Com. of l'enn's for Pnrsel vs Jas Vandvke A hall 1 Isaao Marls ct nl vs S 11 Bvyor and Wm West 2 J. M Bostianand wifo vs Polomon Brosions, .IKY Bright ft Son i vs K Ormnn A A Osmun, 4 John Bu vers. vs Wm L DewarL 15 Andrew M Esstwlck, vs D. C Cleaver et si, 0 Catharine I'ritter vs Jonathan Munklebcrgcr 7 J. II. Raker assignee vs Patrick Mschen. IS J A J Camming vs tleorge Blsin, ! 19 Willinm Antrim vs West Branch A 8utq. Coal Co 20 Robert Campbell vs Upper Augusta township, 21 A P Lark, ' vs John F fusion-, et al 22 Com. of Perm's forS. Finney rs P W Hilgert etal 23 Michnel Hnhn vs Wm Rosliing adm'r. 24 C O Bnchman et at vs Thos Pnreel et al 25 Elisabeth llause, ts J. 8. Uiltner. adm'r 2A Mary II Ureeland's 1 27 Maria C Vincent, heirs vs N. C. R R. Co, vs John L Watson, rs Josiah Henry, vs B. A, Alexander, vs Valentine klase, Vs Jodlnh Keiscr. ;w llenj Myers a John itatcr, lor nsa JO Wm. Klsse Kl George W Dixon, S.'l Richard McUrann atal vs Phil A 8. R. R. Co Ac 'At David Waldron vs Jane V) aldron, 35 Moses Chamberlin et al vs John Voris, Ac. .'!(! Wm L Dewsrt vs Tina Baumgardner, 87 Arnold ft Weiscr, vs Nancy Carr ft Francis, SB Jas Beard for use to vs Wm A Reuben Fagely, 39 Ellen Bsrnbart ri Solomon Minges, 40 Decatur Herb. vs John A Snyder, adm'r 41 Ueorge L Watts vs Wm B Bryson 42 (ieorgo Snyder, vs Arbogast'A Bobb, fto. 43 Jeremiah Iavidge vs Jacob iindore, 44 John Dunklcberger vs Bonhara Martin, 45 Peter K . Fisher vs Joseph Wcittel. 4tl Ira T Clement, et al vs J. J. Dull ft J V Ctiswclt 47 Sarah J ane Coup, Vs Elisabeth Jenkins, 48 Com. of Penu'a for D Long vs D. Waldron, et al, 4V Michael tiraham vs James Pollock et si 50 Thomas Conity Vs John Jloyer with notioo, Ac. ui I'nuici nrnniur lor ua vs Jaeoo iiiourv, 52 Hiram 11. Mm.ro et al vs U. S. Wolcott. ' o:l McFsrland, Evans ft Co vs Frick and Stout, 64 lsaao Brown vs Iiorehto Munscll, 55 Peter E Fetter Vs lleorgo B'Fetsor 50 Joseph Hogcndobter, fto. vs W F Nagle, ' 5 Wm L Dewsrt ' v H. B. Masser. Twetitv-five esses for trial the first week, and the balance tor second week. J. J. REIMENSNYDEtt. Proth'y. iaki.ows nuiuo ui.i i:. Dealers and Consumers ol the above Celebrated Wash Blur, will please tuks notice, that tho Lubcle are altered to read IKDIGO BLUE, PUT L P AT AllVt'd Wlltberlser's DRUU STORE, No. 233 North SECOND Stroot, PHILADELPHIA. The quulily of this Bluo will be the same in every respect ! It is warranted to color more water than twice the samo quantity of Indigo, and to go much further tkan any other ali Blue in the market. It dis solves perfectly clear and does not settlo on the clothes as must of tho other makes do. One Box dis solved in half pint of water, will luiike ss good a i.Uuid itluo as any that is uiauo, at one third tho cot. As Ills retailed al tho snmo price as tho Imitations and Inferior articles, housekeepers will find it very mucn to their auvantago to auk tor that put up at ii ii. i ur.iMt r.n hi IV All Blue put upaftor this date ilh 13 a it low's name on it is an mutation. The Now liblc does not require a Stamp, For Sale bv Storekeepers generally. Feb. 13. t4 timw Ktuteoi'llic Hank ol .'orlliusulsci- laud, I'Vbrisury J, 1h61. ASSETS. Losns ond Bills discounted. - - SI 03.7.14 04 Judgments, . i . . . l.'t.4K4 t6 Uerl.iticnle t nile.l States Mint - . 2iO.OUO 00 United Stutus 6-20 an, ... 100,000 00 " " interest bearing Legal Ten ders, 21.000 00 Pennsylvania. " ... 2X.4IMI IM1 Northumberland Bank Stock. 6.070 00 Northumberland Bridge Stock, 1,M0 00 Telegraph Stock, ..... Jt.ifl 00 Real Estate, P.679 S? Duo by other Banks, - 170. 108 63 Notes of other Banks, and Legid Tenders ts H41 (H) Cash Items, . - - . 1,100 42 Specie in Vault including Commonwealth Specie Certificates, ... 30.954 60 $77,2Ufl 21 y ' LIABILITIES. Notes in circulation, ... Due other Hanks, .... " Commonwealth, Currency for Specie Certificate, . . , Depositors, .... .122.7R 00 3'l,3o0 21 In. 000 00 14,660 SI SJo707 05 t certify the shore slntemrnt to be just and true to lite oesi ol my Knowledge and beiler. S. J. PACKER, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed before me. 1 M. B. PaiKSTLsr, Notary Public I Feb. , 1801. Statement of Northumberland County Bank, Statement of tha Northumberland County Bank as required by tho 4lh section uf the Aot of (ieuersl Aasembly, of ibis Commonwealth, approved April 1 I IU, 1DU1 i ASSETS. levins and Discounts, $115.606 90 Uold to Mala, Silver and V. S. demand Notes, 29.R88 03 V. S. 6-20 Bonds, Wo.OtiO IK) Dae from Banks in Philadelphia, 65.1 77 Notes of oilier Banks. 4.6SO Oil Due from Brokers, 5d Bsuk Property, 8,598 50 State Treasurer, 628 00 31 2,46 78 LIABILITIES. Capital Slock, S 66.475 QA 157,072 00 70,910 86 circulation. Due Depositors, S294.467 HA I certify the above statement to he correct to the neat ol my know ledge aad belter. TUOK. 1. llRANT.Cashtor Affirmed and subscribed be fe ate, F S. Haas, N. P. Shamokin, Feb. 1, lb4. Otoauk Hill, Bines p. Wolvbbtox HILL ts WOLVEBTON. Allor-eseya assd Csscuiaielerai Ml I Jaw Office, Market street, aor. Centre Alley, BTJINTBTJII-X-. PA. ILL allrad prosspttey to tbeeollectina af claims aud all othur urottWoaal iauiovas iaUuated to laaireere la Auritiamberlaad aad adjuuiuig euauliaa. punoury, jauaary u, iaoj. FLAG & IIUILDINO STONE rpHK MiUerlUrt respectfully lu'urss Ike sllisvas 1 ef Huiiburr. ibal lkr are prepared to furaUk PAVI.Nii AS. U HI ILDiNUbUiNk, abuftao4ic aad al icasuswKle rales. 'Ilia sttata wilt be dell t seed sa the river Weak ai (uubary. Parana desiring (aad stone will lad II to laalf kstoraal to eaii aid eaaasiae beswe Htrkasiag else- berc. Address EhliCHi MARTIN, iee. II, a6S. liuubary, Pa- huti:h, I -tit l. T.ll-I.OU' eV riNIK kie-et asaikct asae aill U paid ia fs-h to X iHrt.af, Laid. laJio, e4 Vleui. b a. nt.bs.it. Ueswsal Ceeaasimias Wwkal, i CaMuebtU tsevt, jblUdelUiia Jaaaary M lt -t " I ! Pt U MIIVI II, riviH um it uuir aiai macnub I iHatfAh l BkU aa ilwl Mi ewuils, la auttatt wdsse ae Ibws a f .ib gasa, 4iMt m4 sie b.MUUs St a HI ki li WktaSMlair ak4 siaa vs $' ..aiii.,l u I .siMUsa, swasc As hmUm a cd l4.v. f r..a .1,4. if. sbls t-iei bee) I Aa4 iss i4i kial OHO. W. OATtPENTER, HENSZE Y & CO'8 llholfanlA BrsK hiscI Chrmloul WarthsnM'. . No. T37 Mnrict Street, PHILADELriHA. THE subscribers k nop constantly on bnadalsrga atirk nf lritrj. Mptlioiura. Clicmicsls. Pharua- centical Proparat ions snd very olhi article which spperlsins lo tne Dusini'jM. eronrsoMig me mom ex tensive vs.rlr.tr ! slso, PAINTS, OILS and OLASS of erory description. 1 . -r All arttolre puretiased rrom as esn re reuca on as being of tho most superior quality and at as low S rices ss they esn be had. We can offer such in iicrments si will make It the Interest of the pur' chasers to lay la their snpplios from us. snd give ns their future palrnnago and invite all, who virit the oily, to call at onr establishment. - All orders ad di cased to us by msll or otherwise will moot with prompt attention. UivU. VY. UAtirr.N ir.it, JtniiBr,r. t at n. 737 Alarket Street, Philadelphia. February B,,1Kfl4. m TRUSSES 3, SHOULDER BRACES, ELASTIC 6T0CKINQS FOR ENLARGED VEINS OF THE LEG, AC; . Instruments for all deformities. DR. GLOVER'S hss taken the plsoe of other Trusses for the retention and euro of Hernia or Rupture. Acting iiion the iciple ura lever, tl never losos Its strength. It Is coated to prevent rust. It has no pad on the hack, which Is so liable to injure the spine and annoy snd chafe the wearer. It is sure to retain, the Rupture, iving esse and comfort, and effecting radical cures, t is warrented to give satisfaction. The improved Shonlder-llrace expands the chest snd prevents the Wearer from becoming round shouldered, j i Ladies' Belts and Abdominal Supporters, Bnnd- ages, and Belts cf nil kinds, and instruments for all Deformities or the Body. DR. GROVER 8 Office Is No. 4 Ann Street two doors from Broadway, New York. Strannors should nartioularlv note tho name and No.. , .. . April 11.1B63. ' - ISA AC K. BTAUFFER, 1Vntih Maker and Jrwclrr, '. MANUFACTURE". OF SILVER TVARE A Importer of WATCHES No. 1 North Second St., Corner Quarry, PHILA DELPHIA. HE has constantly on hsnd an sssortmenl of Hold and Silver Patent Lever, Lopine and Plain Watches Kino Gold Chains, Seals and Keys, Breast Pins'Ear Rings, Finger Rings. Bracelets, 'Miniature Cases, Medallions. Loekots, Pencils. Thimbles, Spec tacles. Silver Tiiblo, Desert, Tea. Salt and Mnstard Spoons Sdgor Spoons. Cups. Napkin Rings, Fruit and Butter Knives, Shields, Combs, Diamond Point, ed Pens. etc.. all of which will be sold low for Cash ! M. I. TOBIAS A CO S host quality full lowcled Pntcnt l.oVcr Movements constantly on hand ! also other Mukcrsof superior quality. in . jj. fviu woiu sjju ouvvr uuugai ior oasn. Sept 5, 1803. ly w , . PRIVATE ACADEMY, NORTHUMBERLAND. rpilE REV. JAMES DICKSON, will re-open his JL Academy ou Alonday, tho 17tb day of August, 18til The following hrnnches will be taught : Iintlh, Oreek, Mathematics, Philosophy. Khetoria, Logic Book Keeping, t ocal Music in theory and practice. Al'o. tleography, Grammar, History, uoinpoemon n ruing. ir.ii.ua : e Per Quarter of 1 1 weeks. f to 8 In the above branches without the languages W 00 Latin and above branches, fT 00 Greek snd above branches, S3 DO See Circular. Por further particulnrs apply to REV. JAMES ItfCKSON. Tcaohcr. Northnmbcrlam), August 1st, liilj.i. ly FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL TREEV Sllltl IIS, HMIMuud l'I.4.Vi:itS Tin.- ...k i . . l. - i . pricus. the productions of the reliable Nur-S3J " series of EDWARD .1. EVANS A Clf. at-4- YORK. Pa., consistingofall kinds of FRL'ITTREES Standard and Dwarf, and ol the most improved va rietica. Ornamental Trees and Shrubs. Tho most fushion- able stvlosof Ilowers. tijl A IT.r suen ss (.uinnnn. Clinton, lieiaware, Conoord, Diana. Hurt lord l'roliiio. Isabella. Ac. The Strawhcmcs he will deliver, ore of Ijje most linproveil varisues niao an oiucr xinus ol cuuiva tud Jterries. He vrnrrants to deliver tho above articles in good condition. Address, BENJAMIN BOHXER, Paxiuos. North'd. Co., l'a Dooembcr 5, ISC.1 4iu n. 4'. 4i:AItlIAItT4 Confectionery, Toy and FRTJIT STORE, lurket Ml reel, iSuubury , Iu. COKFECTlOX EUY OV ALL KINDS, TOYS OF EVERY DESC1UPTIOX, FRUIT, Ac, &c, CONSTANTLY on hs.hd and for sale at the above J establishment atviholcsale and retail, at reason able prices. Hs is manufacturing all kinds of Confeetionsries to keep up a lull assortment which are sold at low rules. Tobacco, Segnrs, Stationery, Nuts of all kinds, and a vsrioiy of jlber articles, all of whbh are offered wholesale ami retail. Le Reucrubcr the nnine and plaoe.) M. C. (iEARHART, Market street, 3 doors west of E. Y. Bright A Son's store. 6unbury . Sept. 19,1 9M. tf SKW l.O'l'lllX. A I'l It.MSU IX. NTOHE. f IMIE suliscriber respectfully Informs the people o A. cuunurjr nuu t leiuiiy, lime ne UBR openea 'm en- lira new stuck of clothing and Furnishing goods, at um bp. piore in uie uuuiiing oi tnaries I'leasanis Mil., in .Market sxiuare. Hit slock consuls in part 11T3 CLOTEI1TG-. HOYS' f;iOTIIl!VO. Such as Coats, Over Coats, pants, rests, shirts. unuersmris, arawers, sinckings, neckties, haudker chiels, gloves, Ac. Also, Hals and Cajai.uf all aiuua. UOOTM AAI MII4U.M, of all kinds. Till NKS. and Yalisos, umbrellas, and nolions of all kinds, beoiilu numerous other ar In-Iss, The aiblic arc reiiuostod to giro him a call ana czsmiuc bis stock. LEVI HECUT. Sunbury, Oct., 10, 1S6.1. 50 STOVES. OF THE LATEST IMPROVEMENT ARE FOR SALE AT Jf. nolirbiirli sic 4'o.a FOUNDB -2", BUNBURY, PENN'A.. Get the Best Gel the rbeapets (let the most Eco nomical, which can be had al Ihc Hobrhaeh foundry Having a large aaaurluutut uf ihe uua4 approved STOVES, sueb as Coukilnr. l'arlur. Otlice aud Sbon Stoves, which will be sold al the loweal rates. AUu, kettles of ail sites. Pans. Skillets, is 1 bey are alau aianulaoluriug kUckiasry, Ploughs, Castings, Ac, at uoiioe. Kepairiug all kiuds of Agricultural Implemenl dnsM ia a good workmanlike aumuvr aad at the sb-tst aolios. All artiales shlpie4 as ardred. Orders respect fully soliniUaJ and proaipily aileaded to. JACUll JkjUUBAI II A CO, IJ Old Irwa, aad all kiuds a Piaduee taken U Ksekaags nur k. Haubary, M. , laej.-tfrb fiayll VABHI8UE8. 7AIHTI ft OLA88 1 w f K uVvf la Dralere, Coackmakefe aad lloase PaibUn, ai Ike er luwaai aelt eal ma the best l'ua4 abd falaaat VsruUbes ; Pure M hue Lad; frsswa aad AMu-taiea Kims; t hrums Urevaa, aad VslUias, Drop aad lay lilatfks, aud a lull a. suriaseat uf all lbs i l'uoi auk as Yerssilliuus, Ijtkaa, Tubs Ciduss As , aU. "Paiut and Yerblea llnwbes, ut the beat asaka. Ulstlar's liwuu.a.bi aad Putuu; Palat Mills; siusle aad double Ul.k Ulaaa, ef all swHiUiua aad all Males la b) tsd b llwe aad t'xavk PaiatM -aki. k ae aa .ll as skJap, If kui saaM(, Ibaa aay ulkir smhs, fl. ia Iks tatt Ibal ae bea aV.ee esw eebsiaMe by esuleeiif ear bb'tari pxauaalty Mr B. av a lee aW esaay .sr asaaa fuluied Uc Vsiuwkks a4 bp Iks tale f a.k.k Me, lead euaadtsa Ibat war Vasatekas, eeMuai. If a4 wMsbT, W aay Baalaa4ie4 ta Ibis ivuMUr a aaisasd Iksio W ue tuius u.f 4wei, a-4 W aw as iMseut4. 11m buassji a ill Uiluu4d tine J ii Irakue Iu.Uh4 isakt A l.boel dbSOMMi kualc bj lbs b)4s It A kAI kb j A lt ttas'fc wtfc t'lM.MMtitNi;. l'bU4ii-k'e US e, Isol.ea) GKAND OPENING of , ; . FRESH WINTEB GOODS. E Y. BRIGHT & SON, SUNBURY TENN'A. OFFER FOR BALE AT VERY LOW PRICES, a full line of . DOMESTIC AND STAPLE DRY DRESS GOODS OF EVERY VAIUETT CHEAP AXD IIAXDSOMK. A CHOICE ASS011TMENT HOSIERY AXD GLOVES. HEADY MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES HATS AND CArS, Trunks, Valisca and Carpet Uogs. HARDWARE AXD GROCERIES. QUEENS AND GLASSWARE. Stone and Earthenware. Wood tiud Willow Ware. Bar Iron nnd Steel, Nails nnd Spikes, Drugs, Pnitits and Oils, Window Siusli ond Grind.Htonca, Picks nnd Mason Hummers, Conrnc nnd Fine Salt, Fish, Meat, Cheese, &c., Ac., At., All Kinds of Goods, cheap lor cash or Country Produce, run tie found nt tho ONE PRICE STORE BRIGHT SON, N. 11. All Goods warranted As re-presented. NO DEVIATION IN TRICES. SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK SALES Sunbury, Oct., 10th, 1803. MOURNING GOODS!! Black Glossy Silks, 4 4 lllack Cushuicres; Super Black Mohnirs, Fine Hlack Alpnrcas, Black nnd Purple Delains, White and Black Figured Delaines, Black Crepe Maretz, Lupins Black nil wool Delaines, Black Silk Ruregcs, Good Black Dchcgc, Plain Black Gingrnms, Plain Black Calicoes, Kent Figured Black Calicoes, Fine Black SHck Flannels, Black Love Veils, Jotivins Black Kid Gloves, Black Silk Gaunt lot U, Black Gloves in Variety, Fine Mourning Handkerchiefs, Black cotton and wool Hosiery, - Black Thibet and Wool Shawls, Ac, Ac, Ac. A nice line of the nbavc goods now open nnd for sale at low juices. E. Y. BRIGHT & SON. Sunbury, October Blst, 16U3. A. I. Vi:.'I'l OV It KH .mi:ki T BROWN'S NEW ItlrlnK'l'op Iirnp t'liiiunoy. I"2S'The Chimney for which the Keruaene-Oil slug public bare so long been in need, because 1. It "STANDS FIRE!" Turn up the blase till it issues from the tup of the chiiiiuey. and keep it up as long as you pUaso Til olasi nul l aaA" ! Trv it. 1. It does not become black or disfiinirit should the lamp aeeidentally smoke. Is shorter thsn Ihe common chimney less liable U accident and more convenient for earrriuc about ihe house. i. It it not easily affected by auddea rhangea of euiperaiure : gu oui oi uoors, or into uhi ccnor. sum mer or winter, with the lamp burning doo I four! the chnnnsT will But diaaiuiear lu traumcula : 4. Tbelop eaa be instantly reuurol. and the glass wiped periuetiy Clean in a uioiueni. runout and wilbtHit dancer of break in a Ihe alaas. One outlasla la waN rAiasarys. Try it aad you win use uo waer. r or Mia in Town aud County Af'tieles granted bribe N. L. C Manutaotaiiug Co., ii Fultuu Slrevl, New York. January 9, 1K(H. -lui 'mwAJaV rm?MJ2 Btavea, Hhinalea, Poplar, Loouat, Ao. fllllK aadoraigaed Is alawt eslsadiag hie lumlr J baaiuuM l UJ I a Herded gap in iiieirane ol run. advlpbia, by a.aking a spo'lalily uf lbs t!uper-Sluck Irada. aud auej ueoires io aiaac arransawvuis w se sure su.4is. Tke I lly t'unws. Shippers, de. wiai Ut lbs iwuuasibiliis ol ubtainiiia Ihria la Phil adelpkia-sata depsnd larguiy ins asuar uiaxkwa lur llivir suns, Ac. H ilk proMsr eaeMiragutul ay Ibe laauufaelarrrs. Iks auduulgittd bos lu (lop Ikudmaratuaof uadrl, keeping ua baud a large auwk. la eer tsru vl uaallif and sua. Uy git Iba Ibis Uaovk ut Isada laulWulaf allblb, be ks la saaka asure early latarue W saiiaiuuu aad eataUbik fuf lbs aiaaulaeUiisrs a ssuse oaluuible ewasaablaallua ailk puivbaawrs thaa Is puaaible by laxae wsatisarda awusiiy ut asure awaty mwvtw Maaalaclaienaadwlbsia, wbacaa larauk ilaU ealarly lustisiuis aappliss.) all lire by eubiiavl, l.uiakua ef aa t ueaaaiertwa), Ptasaa, tlo.iug, llutiu Vbies.Ae. Aidreaa W. A LKVk'KIMil. CslUakai street V) bad. I kilaUkiiU lit e.pl',eJeaja ejaalsd af LuouM TiuaLer, lbk kbM aad liiabbl Us l)k Vlaiik, O.k aad I ellua I'lae I iaa. Aa AU Sua pbM.g a Ule ' au . i ...jLJsi...,!.. I'Lul.. 'ui4m aad A Ui, Ac Kassasai as AUe U I'sll-M A t ' , KlUlel bene . lbs kwkMsaia A C , I'bu.'j!.. le, ss.i -las i mni tiMA s Vltssretrr sst I. ut k.-4 t-k Will a.iblls al Um to iib.tMi4 aa-1 ail kts usuasasd W bS ssa ss l leal iwv eaiil-itl i nam, in ia ii . iaan n uiaeii i'srs NOT A UUItX DRINXC. . r it -1 . t A HIGHLY CONCENTRATED . VKUETAnLB EXTKACT. A PUPJu TC1TIC. THAT WILL RELIEVE THE AFFLICTED, AND Not moko Iknanknrtlsi. , DR. IIOOFLAND'S German Bitters PREPARED BY DB. C. M. JACKSON, PHILADELPHIA . PA. WILL EFFECTUALLY ASD MOST CERTAIN LY ti KE Ai.is ihsi:.si;! arising from a Disordered Liver, Stomach, or Kidneys. Thousands of our citisens sro snlToring from I'ys nepsiaand Liver Diseases, and to whom tho follow ing questions apply wo guarantee IWOFLAXD'S G Ell. VAX LITTERS will cure them. Drsrr.rsu asd Livtn Dikeasb. Po ynn rise with a coated tongue mornings, with bsd taste in the mouth and poor appetite for break fust ? Do you fool when you first (rot up so weak and languid you can scarcely get about ? lo you hnre a dirtiness in the head nt times, and often a dulness, with hendsohe occasionally f Aro your bowols costive and irregular, end appetite chnngen hlc f Do you throw up wind ftoin tne stomnuh, and do you swell up often? Do you feel fulness oft'T eating, and a sinking when the sloniach is empty? Do yon hare heartburn occasionally ? Do yon f l low spirited, and look on tho dark sido of things ' Are yon not nnnsually nervous nt times? Do you not bocoir.e restless, and often lay until midnight before vou enn en to sleep and then nt times, don t yna foil dull and sleepy most of the time ? Is your skin dry nnd scaly? also sallow ? In short, is not your life a burthen, full of forebodings ? HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. Will cure every case of Chronic or Nervous Debility, .Disease or tne Kidneys, and Diseases arising irom a disordered Stomach. OBSERVE THE F0LL0YYINO SYMPTOMS Resulting from Disorders of the Digestive Organs : Constl pstton, luwsrd Piles, Fulness or Blood to tho Hond, Aoiility of the Sto mach, Nausea. Heartburn. Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight In the ritomnch, Sour Eructations. Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of tho Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried nnd Diffi cult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or bunocating Sensations when in a lying posture, J imi ncss of Vision, Dots or Webs beforo the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head. Deficiency of Perspira tion, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes. Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limlis, Ac. Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imnginings of Evil, and great Depression ofSpirits. PARTICULAR NOTICE Thero aro many preparations sold undor the name of Bitters, put up in quart Bottles, compounded of ine etieapcst wnwKcy 0' common rum, co.ung iroin 20 to 40 cents per gallon, tho taste disguisod by Anise or Corisnder Seed. This class of Bitters has csused and will continue to cause, as long as they cuu be sold, hnndreds to die tho death of the drunkard. By their use the system is kent continunllv under tho influence of Alcoholic Stimulanlsof the worst kind, tho diwre lor Liquor Is created and kcpl up, and the result is all tuo.nl tcmluut upon a drunkard's lil'c snd dcntli. for those who desire nnd will have a Liquor lilt tcrs. wo publixh the following receipt, lict One Bottle Hoofland's Herman BitU'rs and mix with Three Quart of Uood Brandy or Whiskey, and the result will be a preparation that will fur excel in medicinal virtues anil true cxcelloiu-c any ot inn numerous Liquor Bitters in the market, and will cost much less. You will have nil the virtues of Jloothuid's Bitters in connection with a good article of Liquor, at a much less price than these inferior preparations will cost yon. IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Will Give Yon A 0001) APPETITE, Will give you STRONG HEALTHY NERVES, Will give you BRISK AND ENERGETIC FEEL INGS, Will cnablo you to SLEEP WELL, and will positive ly prevent VelloM' I'evcr, llillouH I'cvit, Those suffering from Broken down and Constitutions, from whatever cause, cither Delicate iu Mule or Female, will find in IIOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, A REMEDY That will restore them to their usual health. Such has been the case in thousands of iustuuees, aud a fuir trial is but required to prove tho assertion KEMEMBBH , , THAT THESE I31TTEIIS AIJE . HOT MEmBa And NOT intended as a BEVERAGE. The Proprietors have thousands of Letters from the most eminent Clergymen, Lawyers, Physicians and Ciliieos, Testifying of their own personal kuowlcilgc, to the beneficial effects and medical virtues uf these Bitters. From Rev. J. Newton Brown, D. D., Editor of tho Eucyclopedia of Religious Knowledge Although not disposed to favor or recomuicnd Pa tent Medicines iu genvrsl, through distrust of their ingredients and effects, I yut know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not Unify to the bcucfiis he bclioves himself to huve received from any simple preparation, in the hope that ho may thus contribute lo ine nenent oi otners. I do Uiis Ihc more readily in regard to Hoofland's German Bitters, prepared by Dr. C. M. Juckwin, of this city, because I was prejudiced aguinat tht-ui lor mauy years, under Ihe impression that Ibey were ehieHy an alooholio mixture. I am indebted to uiy friend Robert Sheoiuaker, Esq., for the removal ot Ibis prejudioe by proper tests, and for encourugc meut to try them, when sutlering from great ami loug continued debility. The use of tlireo bottle of these Biltors, at the beginning of the present year, was followed by evideut relief and restoration to a degree of bodily aad mental vigor which I bad uol fell for six mouths before, and had almost despaired of regaining. I therefore thank God and my frieud for directing to the use of them. J. NEWTON BROWN. Philadelphia.Juue S3, 1S01. riieasef of Kidneyi and Bladder, In Young or AyeJ, Male or lmuh, Aresieedily rewovod, and the patient restored hoalih to DELECATE CHILDREN, Those suffering from Msasssts, wasting away, with scarcely any asah on ibeir boues, are cured iu a very short lime ; one bottle iusuoh casus, will have a most surprising eBect. PARENTS having suffering children as above, and wishing to raise them, will ucver regrvl tha day they eommeuced with these Kilters. LITERARY MEN, STUDENTS, and those work ing bard with Iheir brains, should alwsys ke p a bullle ul HuuHsud's Hitlers uar litem, aa Ibey will Bud much bciitftl from lis use, lu Una auiud and body, iaviguraliug and out depreaaiug. IT 14 NOT A LlytOR STIMULANT. And loaves nu urustraliwa. Allt-Mllwat, I4lllrrwt AND THK Fit I ENDS OP cMiLDlEKri We call Ihe alUutU of all having ralationser Msbds iu Ihe army U lbs fa. I Ibat ll'a'H.AMi a Uarmaa llillers" aill cure aiua laaihs ul Ibe diara.vs luduaed by sautawrasaad untalbjaaiaMiidraiiusautp Ilia, la Ibe Itrts. pablitbd aluowl dally iu ibe kwMirs, ua lbs arrual uf Ibe sik, It will be ho llred Ibal a very large pr..l.oa aro sul iiug fl-m dbtalliy. kvesrsaM ul that kind eaa kv itadily eared if lluudaad s liarwaa Bilioia U'e baa a krMlallua la siallug Ibal. II Ibasa llillrrs fi.t ly d auHf oui aul lieta kuu.lieds uf litis aulbkl Is caved Ibal iMkviislsa aoaid be ba4. The btuprlature ere dally loibf thefekftal I' I lira ttubs suaVters la Ike aiaay eud bu.biab. auw bale be laMUHed to ksabk b Ue asabl lluas Btl' lets, esut le Ibasa If tbeii liws l bkWAKh OF lot MHin IT' Hoe last lbs maasiareuf"t'. M jAl'kMiN "Is sat Ibe Hia bM 4 e k tMlla. l ike p Ika-lle Ik fas ia half 4 .e te II W fckuaU rjai aaasrat JrassU Sul kais Ik silulo, d a4 br peivf ky aay t lb toluiwaiia xiia In, a. tbal b.a ko uflMrd la Us H-a kal arbd l as, abj aill Kisl p.k4. k rsia.et 4lUWIil llh. .k. M.Lala.t .'l - a .ii. nt ' l." I s A I t A4, (, s l I' M JiA j 'W-.II. I las al by bs4 al lll Ut ( ts ib t al. I 1'O.Mi M l ) l OU C0NCKNTRATED LYE FAMILY SOAP MAKER. WAR makes high prices ; Ssponldcrs helps to reduce tiiciu. ll niakbs Soap fur Four ecu a pound by using your kitchen grease. rjtf" CAUTION ! As simrioiis l.yes are c.Brcd alto, be csTcfid and only buy tha Patented 'article put Bp In Iron cans, all others' being Counterfeits. PENNSYLVANIA SALT MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Philadelphia No 127 Walnnt Street, Plllsbarg Pitt Street and Duquesue Way. November 21, lSfl:i. ;'.ia 1863. . 18C3. FRILING & GRANT AT THE MAMMOTH STORE, "yy'OUI.D rospcctfullyjiiinounce that tlicy have just received and opened a very large nnd well selec ted Stock or GOODS OF ALL KINDS, which they are willing to dlpose of at a VERY SMALL ADVANCE ON rii-M (W o our stock is comp;lete AND EMBRACES EYEMYTHING GIVE TJS A. CALL, Thankful for past favors we hope to meet a con tinuancc of the same by still sailing Goods as cheap if not t'lllLll'KK than enn be purchased eUc. where FRILING A GRANT. Sunbury, May 23, 13C3. . II. It. ItlAMWKIt, Attorney nt Ijiw, SUNBURY, PA Collections attended to in the counties of Nor thumberland, Union, Snyder, Montour, Columbia and Lycoming. KEFEItE?tCES. Iton. John M. Reed, Philadelphia, A. O. Ontlcll A Co., Hon. Wm. A. Porter, " Morton MvMicliiicl, Esq., " Ketidiam A Co., J!f'.l I'carl Street, New York. John W. Ashuiead, Attorney lit Law, ' Mutthoivs A Cox, Attorneys at Law, " Sunbury, Murch 21), 1S62. IIi:K'!S tlOTl.I Ilarrishur?, Pa. riTIIF. mnnat;cmcntof this well-known Hotel hnr X ing been resumed by Messrs. COY1.E HERK, Ihe present proprietors, beg leave to inform the public that the houso is now being thoroughly renovated, refitted, and improved, with n view to the proper and eomfortiiblc acoommwliition of those who may favor the estuhliihmcnl with their custom. Guests will receive due attention and courtesy, hud no expens will be spared that may couduuo to mnintuiu hotel in a first-clsss stylo. Families ond others desiring to sojourn in Harris burg during tho similiter mouths, will find pleasant boarding and lnri;eand well-vontilutcd rooms at our oalablUhuicut, upon nioUcrutc terms. SCOTT COYI.K, March 29, 18B2. J. GILBERT HEUR. "Vsill I'iipor 10t Ii'-s., OF V'ALL PAPER OP EVERY DESIRABLE STYLES AND PATTERNS. JUST received direct from iho Manufacturer, at Ihe MAMMOTH STORK of 1 RILING A GRANT. Sunbury, March li lSCJ .IIASMCK'N I'A'I'KT I'lVIi .tliA- i;ti: i jti;.:zi;it ! As Improvad for 1859 and 1SC0, By E. KETCH AM A CO., 28'J Pearl st., New York. rilliE only Freescr constructed on scientific prin L ciples. with a revolving can mid spring blado scraper. The one hastens the freezing of the ereaui- -the other removes it as fust as frozen. The most rapid in frccsing, with tho least quantity of iec. The moat economical in cost, as it is the inuft simple and durnblo in structure For sulu in all the principal cities and towns in the Union. Each Freetcr accompanied with a book of recipes and full directions. TRICES. 3 quarts, f.1 (in 4 quarts, 4 Oil 6 quarts, & till 8 quarts, 6 CO 14 quarts, 8 (It) 20 quarts. 13 IK) Apply to II. B. MASSER, Sunbury, Pa. Murch 2t, lbU2. JACOB oTbEC 3Z. , MERCHANT TAILOR, .tlurkct Hlrs'rt, noni-ly opposite tho ICuil Itoin! I-pot, S TJT 1ST 33 XT R -5T , 3? A. . , TN FORMS the citizen of Sunbury and vicinity, that be has just returned from Philadelphia with a full assortment of , I'Al.I. AI AVII'i:C UW(MN. OF EVERY INSCRIPTION AND QUALITY. II if stock consists of Cloths, French Cloths, Black Doc Skin und Fancy Cassiiuercs, Blnrk r-atin. Figureil Silks. Plain Biid Fancy Cassimrro VESTINGS. which be will make up to order iu styles to suit tho taste of customers, uu short notice, and tho nuut reusoualile terms. Any Goods not on hand, will he furnished from Philadelphia, by giving two days' notice. Good turiiished by cwtuuicr. ill bo made up to order aa herelolore. As he m ill employ none but experienced workmen, persons may rely ou getting their work well done al Lis shop. Tbsukful for Ibe patronace heretofore bestowed, be rusptwll'ully aolieiis a eoutiuuaiiuuol' the suuie. Suiihuiy, Sept. IV, I boX BOOTS ANDS1I0ES, "I UST received fnmi New York and Philadelphia. tJ a freah supply uf Ibe latcat stvltv and ot the la st quality, which lie has hud uia.fe up to order, uud warrauted to give gtaal stilislaelioli. He has lua.lo arrangeinenls in Ihe city to have hu best aurk made to rdr, which eau be had al nil tiuxs, it' not on hand Ihey will be procurtul al reasonable notice. Manufacturing ul' UtXila aud rlli'l-S of all kinds as usual. 1 w ill also wholesale Roots ami Shoes by the box I'all and examine before puruhaiiig elsvabeiu antl satil'y youiaeltos. Thanktiil for patronage heretofore bestowed, he respectfully solicits a runlinuaure ul ihvaauie. rhop and Store rauu. three dours wel ul the Rail ltoal iu Maikel Square. WM II. MILLER Subbury, Sept. Ill, 1SC.1. UT ANTED luiniedlately Jour Shoemaker. y Meus' Mvik. liuud aagei void. NEW FANCY STORE. HAVING Just rrieii.rd IWi PbilsJelpbla, bai boa oje a livb sapply u( 'I rssnwlstub, Hsstl I'Hisry Arllrlca. ai krr b' Sloic lb tLe al aliumg ib iiJ- a ul Mis. Peikvr, lu klslk.l stuur, Sui bui;, I'a 11.1 alia, k a.4i.l Ut 11 1 of Lediee' Tliuib.iu lle', I "1'". PallsiM l Dlw, tbibfuldesirt, tUbukelekl-l'. OWtes, uk ai.J i'.4iua Ibiwd, l.eJu Hlotrs ...L U'.i .U x.. i b ll .'! ure aad U.l. Iblau lb MM. llull.a-. ll.l""l.SS Ull.U.b., I ..II.IS I a...l Mar tea Urals N.klln IwmI., Hall BruU.-. I Ull 'l Hall N. 1'das.t t fcaeiarf -lk . I ii, I t(UlN,i uikw biK.ls. all wl sLUk Bill i I4 al Ika luvaal laUa I kair a.Urd le b. K"S Mala..l SklHs Hub 1 skiiia l.u I al U l.4i.J I kiW", li.'soi auks. kl'i Uk 'k .sk.i. Ai. a li-a ui J kl Luvl. Illalk kbit l.lwir. 1 ooJ.-e I alb. S i aw Slav llt it d C'l kU.J. .1 H K I t bttjta m sasbt mIs4 S Ai i.it.i) .1 .iul ..lil.l l I kii-lute, ' Pl.i.l. ... b 'bul.iii k 4 f-sWiu. I t,-.i.l. 1..... I oa ... u.i a.it b.bl 4 V .) Stl a ' a 1 I 1. 1 1 t ' I . I I 1 1.1 " ' I 'J